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hgeometry- Geometric Algorithms, Data structures, and Data types.
Copyright(C) Frank Staals
Licensesee the LICENSE file
MaintainerFrank Staals
Safe HaskellNone





data PointLocationDS s v e f r Source #

Planar Point Location Data structure


Instances details
(Eq r, Eq v, Eq e, Eq f) => Eq (PointLocationDS s v e f r) Source # 
Instance details

Defined in Data.Geometry.PointLocation.PersistentSweep


(==) :: PointLocationDS s v e f r -> PointLocationDS s v e f r -> Bool #

(/=) :: PointLocationDS s v e f r -> PointLocationDS s v e f r -> Bool #

(Show r, Show v, Show e, Show f) => Show (PointLocationDS s v e f r) Source # 
Instance details

Defined in Data.Geometry.PointLocation.PersistentSweep


showsPrec :: Int -> PointLocationDS s v e f r -> ShowS #

show :: PointLocationDS s v e f r -> String #

showList :: [PointLocationDS s v e f r] -> ShowS #

verticalRayShootingStructure :: forall k (s :: k) v e f r. Getter (PointLocationDS (s :: k) v e f r) (VerticalRayShootingStructure v (Dart s) r) Source #

subdivision :: forall k (s :: k) v e f r. Getter (PointLocationDS (s :: k) v e f r) (PlanarSubdivision s v e f r) Source #

outerFace :: forall k (s :: k) v e f r. Getter (PointLocationDS (s :: k) v e f r) (FaceId' s) Source #

Building the Data Structure

pointLocationDS :: (Ord r, Fractional r) => PlanarSubdivision s v e f r -> PointLocationDS s v e f r Source #

Builds a pointlocation data structure on the planar subdivision with n vertices.

running time: O(nlogn). space: O(nlogn).

Querying the Data Structure

dartAbove :: (Ord r, Fractional r) => Point 2 r -> PointLocationDS s v e f r -> Maybe (Dart s) Source #

Locates the first edge (dart) strictly above the query point. returns Nothing if the query point lies in the outer face and there is no dart above it.

running time: O(logn)

dartAboveOrOn :: (Ord r, Fractional r) => Point 2 r -> PointLocationDS s v e f r -> Maybe (Dart s) Source #

faceContaining :: (Ord r, Fractional r) => Point 2 r -> PointLocationDS s v e f r -> f Source #

Locates the face containing the query point.

running time: O(logn)

faceIdContaining :: (Ord r, Fractional r) => Point 2 r -> PointLocationDS s v e f r -> FaceId' s Source #

Locates the faceId of the face containing the query point.

If the query point lies *on* an edge, an arbitrary face incident to the edge is returned.

running time: O(logn)

type InPolygonDS v r = PointLocationDS Dummy (SP Int v) () InOut r Source #

data InOut Source #

Data structure for fast InPolygon Queries newtype InPolygonDS v r = InPolygonDS (VRS.VerticalRayShootingStructure (Vertex v r) () r) deriving (Show,Eq)




Instances details
Eq InOut Source # 
Instance details

Defined in Data.Geometry.PointLocation.PersistentSweep


(==) :: InOut -> InOut -> Bool #

(/=) :: InOut -> InOut -> Bool #

Show InOut Source # 
Instance details

Defined in Data.Geometry.PointLocation.PersistentSweep


showsPrec :: Int -> InOut -> ShowS #

show :: InOut -> String #

showList :: [InOut] -> ShowS #

pointInPolygon :: (Ord r, Fractional r) => Point 2 r -> InPolygonDS v r -> InOut Source #

Returns if a query point lies in (or on the boundary of) the polygon.


edgeOnOrAbove :: (Ord r, Fractional r) => Point 2 r -> InPolygonDS v r -> Maybe (LineSegment 2 (SP Int v) r) Source #

Finds the edge on or above the query point, if it exists