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hgeometry- Geometric Algorithms, Data structures, and Data types.

Copyright(C) Frank Staals
Licensesee the LICENSE file
MaintainerFrank Staals
Safe HaskellNone



d-dimensional points.



newtype Point d r Source #

A d-dimensional point.




Arity d => Functor (Point d) Source # 
Instance details

Defined in Data.Geometry.Point


fmap :: (a -> b) -> Point d a -> Point d b #

(<$) :: a -> Point d b -> Point d a #

Arity d => Foldable (Point d) Source # 
Instance details

Defined in Data.Geometry.Point


fold :: Monoid m => Point d m -> m #

foldMap :: Monoid m => (a -> m) -> Point d a -> m #

foldr :: (a -> b -> b) -> b -> Point d a -> b #

foldr' :: (a -> b -> b) -> b -> Point d a -> b #

foldl :: (b -> a -> b) -> b -> Point d a -> b #

foldl' :: (b -> a -> b) -> b -> Point d a -> b #

foldr1 :: (a -> a -> a) -> Point d a -> a #

foldl1 :: (a -> a -> a) -> Point d a -> a #

toList :: Point d a -> [a] #

null :: Point d a -> Bool #

length :: Point d a -> Int #

elem :: Eq a => a -> Point d a -> Bool #

maximum :: Ord a => Point d a -> a #

minimum :: Ord a => Point d a -> a #

sum :: Num a => Point d a -> a #

product :: Num a => Point d a -> a #

Arity d => Traversable (Point d) Source # 
Instance details

Defined in Data.Geometry.Point


traverse :: Applicative f => (a -> f b) -> Point d a -> f (Point d b) #

sequenceA :: Applicative f => Point d (f a) -> f (Point d a) #

mapM :: Monad m => (a -> m b) -> Point d a -> m (Point d b) #

sequence :: Monad m => Point d (m a) -> m (Point d a) #

(Arity d, Ord r) => Semigroup (CWMin (Point d r)) Source # 
Instance details

Defined in Data.Geometry.Box.Internal


(<>) :: CWMin (Point d r) -> CWMin (Point d r) -> CWMin (Point d r) #

sconcat :: NonEmpty (CWMin (Point d r)) -> CWMin (Point d r) #

stimes :: Integral b => b -> CWMin (Point d r) -> CWMin (Point d r) #

(Arity d, Ord r) => Semigroup (CWMax (Point d r)) Source # 
Instance details

Defined in Data.Geometry.Box.Internal


(<>) :: CWMax (Point d r) -> CWMax (Point d r) -> CWMax (Point d r) #

sconcat :: NonEmpty (CWMax (Point d r)) -> CWMax (Point d r) #

stimes :: Integral b => b -> CWMax (Point d r) -> CWMax (Point d r) #

Arity d => Affine (Point d) Source # 
Instance details

Defined in Data.Geometry.Point

Associated Types

type Diff (Point d) :: Type -> Type #


(.-.) :: Num a => Point d a -> Point d a -> Diff (Point d) a #

(.+^) :: Num a => Point d a -> Diff (Point d) a -> Point d a #

(.-^) :: Num a => Point d a -> Diff (Point d) a -> Point d a #

PointFunctor (Point d) Source # 
Instance details

Defined in Data.Geometry.Point


pmap :: (Point (Dimension (Point d r)) r -> Point (Dimension (Point d s)) s) -> Point d r -> Point d s Source #

(Eq r, Arity d) => Eq (Point d r) Source # 
Instance details

Defined in Data.Geometry.Point


(==) :: Point d r -> Point d r -> Bool #

(/=) :: Point d r -> Point d r -> Bool #

(Ord r, Arity d) => Ord (Point d r) Source # 
Instance details

Defined in Data.Geometry.Point


compare :: Point d r -> Point d r -> Ordering #

(<) :: Point d r -> Point d r -> Bool #

(<=) :: Point d r -> Point d r -> Bool #

(>) :: Point d r -> Point d r -> Bool #

(>=) :: Point d r -> Point d r -> Bool #

max :: Point d r -> Point d r -> Point d r #

min :: Point d r -> Point d r -> Point d r #

(Read r, Arity d) => Read (Point d r) Source # 
Instance details

Defined in Data.Geometry.Point

(Show r, Arity d) => Show (Point d r) Source # 
Instance details

Defined in Data.Geometry.Point


showsPrec :: Int -> Point d r -> ShowS #

show :: Point d r -> String #

showList :: [Point d r] -> ShowS #

Generic (Point d r) Source # 
Instance details

Defined in Data.Geometry.Point

Associated Types

type Rep (Point d r) :: Type -> Type #


from :: Point d r -> Rep (Point d r) x #

to :: Rep (Point d r) x -> Point d r #

(Arity d, Arbitrary r) => Arbitrary (Point d r) Source # 
Instance details

Defined in Data.Geometry.Point


arbitrary :: Gen (Point d r) #

shrink :: Point d r -> [Point d r] #

(ToJSON r, Arity d) => ToJSON (Point d r) Source # 
Instance details

Defined in Data.Geometry.Point


toJSON :: Point d r -> Value #

toEncoding :: Point d r -> Encoding #

toJSONList :: [Point d r] -> Value #

toEncodingList :: [Point d r] -> Encoding #

(FromJSON r, Arity d, KnownNat d) => FromJSON (Point d r) Source # 
Instance details

Defined in Data.Geometry.Point


parseJSON :: Value -> Parser (Point d r) #

parseJSONList :: Value -> Parser [Point d r] #

(Arity d, NFData r) => NFData (Point d r) Source # 
Instance details

Defined in Data.Geometry.Point


rnf :: Point d r -> () #

(Fractional r, Arity d, Arity (d + 1)) => IsTransformable (Point d r) Source # 
Instance details

Defined in Data.Geometry.Transformation


transformBy :: Transformation (Dimension (Point d r)) (NumType (Point d r)) -> Point d r -> Point d r Source #

IsBoxable (Point d r) Source # 
Instance details

Defined in Data.Geometry.Box.Internal


boundingBox :: Point d r -> Box (Dimension (Point d r)) () (NumType (Point d r)) Source #

(Eq r, Fractional r, Arity d) => IsIntersectableWith (Point d r) (Line d r) Source # 
Instance details

Defined in Data.Geometry.Line


intersect :: Point d r -> Line d r -> Intersection (Point d r) (Line d r) #

intersects :: Point d r -> Line d r -> Bool #

nonEmptyIntersection :: proxy (Point d r) -> proxy (Line d r) -> Intersection (Point d r) (Line d r) -> Bool #

(Num r, Eq r, Arity d) => IsIntersectableWith (Point d r) (HyperPlane d r) Source # 
Instance details

Defined in Data.Geometry.HyperPlane


intersect :: Point d r -> HyperPlane d r -> Intersection (Point d r) (HyperPlane d r) #

intersects :: Point d r -> HyperPlane d r -> Bool #

nonEmptyIntersection :: proxy (Point d r) -> proxy (HyperPlane d r) -> Intersection (Point d r) (HyperPlane d r) -> Bool #

(Num r, Ord r, Arity d) => IsIntersectableWith (Point d r) (HalfSpace d r) Source # 
Instance details

Defined in Data.Geometry.HalfSpace


intersect :: Point d r -> HalfSpace d r -> Intersection (Point d r) (HalfSpace d r) #

intersects :: Point d r -> HalfSpace d r -> Bool #

nonEmptyIntersection :: proxy (Point d r) -> proxy (HalfSpace d r) -> Intersection (Point d r) (HalfSpace d r) -> Bool #

(Ord r, Num r) => IsIntersectableWith (Point 2 r) (Line 2 r) Source # 
Instance details

Defined in Data.Geometry.Line


intersect :: Point 2 r -> Line 2 r -> Intersection (Point 2 r) (Line 2 r) #

intersects :: Point 2 r -> Line 2 r -> Bool #

nonEmptyIntersection :: proxy (Point 2 r) -> proxy (Line 2 r) -> Intersection (Point 2 r) (Line 2 r) -> Bool #

(Arity d, Ord r) => IsIntersectableWith (Point d r) (Box d p r) Source # 
Instance details

Defined in Data.Geometry.Box.Internal


intersect :: Point d r -> Box d p r -> Intersection (Point d r) (Box d p r) #

intersects :: Point d r -> Box d p r -> Bool #

nonEmptyIntersection :: proxy (Point d r) -> proxy (Box d p r) -> Intersection (Point d r) (Box d p r) -> Bool #

(Fractional r, Ord r) => IsIntersectableWith (Point 2 r) (Polygon t p r) Source # 
Instance details

Defined in Data.Geometry.Polygon.Core


intersect :: Point 2 r -> Polygon t p r -> Intersection (Point 2 r) (Polygon t p r) #

intersects :: Point 2 r -> Polygon t p r -> Bool #

nonEmptyIntersection :: proxy (Point 2 r) -> proxy (Polygon t p r) -> Intersection (Point 2 r) (Polygon t p r) -> Bool #

type Diff (Point d) Source # 
Instance details

Defined in Data.Geometry.Point

type Diff (Point d) = Vector d
type Rep (Point d r) Source # 
Instance details

Defined in Data.Geometry.Point

type Rep (Point d r) = D1 (MetaData "Point" "Data.Geometry.Point" "hgeometry-" True) (C1 (MetaCons "Point" PrefixI True) (S1 (MetaSel (Just "toVec") NoSourceUnpackedness NoSourceStrictness DecidedLazy) (Rec0 (Vector d r))))
type NumType (Point d r) Source # 
Instance details

Defined in Data.Geometry.Point

type NumType (Point d r) = r
type Dimension (Point d r) Source # 
Instance details

Defined in Data.Geometry.Point

type Dimension (Point d r) = d
type IntersectionOf (Point d r) (Line d r) Source # 
Instance details

Defined in Data.Geometry.Line

type IntersectionOf (Point d r) (Line d r) = NoIntersection ': (Point d r ': ([] :: [Type]))
type IntersectionOf (Point d r) (HyperPlane d r) Source # 
Instance details

Defined in Data.Geometry.HyperPlane

type IntersectionOf (Point d r) (HyperPlane d r) = NoIntersection ': (Point d r ': ([] :: [Type]))
type IntersectionOf (Point d r) (HalfSpace d r) Source # 
Instance details

Defined in Data.Geometry.HalfSpace

type IntersectionOf (Point d r) (HalfSpace d r) = NoIntersection ': (Point d r ': ([] :: [Type]))
type IntersectionOf (Point d r) (Box d p r) Source # 
Instance details

Defined in Data.Geometry.Box.Internal

type IntersectionOf (Point d r) (Box d p r) = NoIntersection ': (Point d r ': ([] :: [Type]))
type IntersectionOf (Point 2 r) (Polygon t p r) Source # 
Instance details

Defined in Data.Geometry.Polygon.Core

type IntersectionOf (Point 2 r) (Polygon t p r) = NoIntersection ': (Point 2 r ': ([] :: [Type]))

origin :: (Arity d, Num r) => Point d r Source #

Point representing the origin in d dimensions

>>> origin :: Point 4 Int
Point4 [0,0,0,0]

vector :: Lens' (Point d r) (Vector d r) Source #

Lens to access the vector corresponding to this point.

>>> (Point3 1 2 3) ^. vector
Vector3 [1,2,3]
>>> origin & vector .~ Vector3 1 2 3
Point3 [1,2,3]

pointFromList :: Arity d => [r] -> Maybe (Point d r) Source #

Constructs a point from a list of coordinates

>>> pointFromList [1,2,3] :: Maybe (Point 3 Int)
Just Point3 [1,2,3]

coord :: forall proxy i d r. (1 <= i, i <= d, ((i - 1) + 1) ~ i, Arity (i - 1), Arity d) => proxy i -> Lens' (Point d r) r Source #

Get the coordinate in a given dimension

>>> Point3 1 2 3 ^. coord (C :: C 2)
>>> Point3 1 2 3 & coord (C :: C 1) .~ 10
Point3 [10,2,3]
>>> Point3 1 2 3 & coord (C :: C 3) %~ (+1)
Point3 [1,2,4]

unsafeCoord :: Arity d => Int -> Lens' (Point d r) r Source #

Get the coordinate in a given dimension. This operation is unsafe in the sense that no bounds are checked. Consider using coord instead.

>>> Point3 1 2 3 ^. unsafeCoord 2

projectPoint :: (Arity i, Arity d, i <= d) => Point d r -> Point i r Source #

Project a point down into a lower dimension.

pattern Point2 :: r -> r -> Point 2 r Source #

We provide pattern synonyms Point2 and Point3 for 2 and 3 dimensional points. i.e. we can write:

>>> :{
    f              :: Point 2 r -> r
    f (Point2 x y) = x
  in f (Point2 1 2)

if we want.

pattern Point3 :: r -> r -> r -> Point 3 r Source #

Similarly, we can write:

>>> :{
    g                :: Point 3 r -> r
    g (Point3 x y z) = z
  in g myPoint

xCoord :: (1 <= d, Arity d) => Lens' (Point d r) r Source #

Shorthand to access the first coordinate C 1

>>> Point3 1 2 3 ^. xCoord
>>> Point2 1 2 & xCoord .~ 10
Point2 [10,2]

yCoord :: (2 <= d, Arity d) => Lens' (Point d r) r Source #

Shorthand to access the second coordinate C 2

>>> Point2 1 2 ^. yCoord
>>> Point3 1 2 3 & yCoord %~ (+1)
Point3 [1,3,3]

zCoord :: (3 <= d, Arity d) => Lens' (Point d r) r Source #

Shorthand to access the third coordinate C 3

>>> Point3 1 2 3 ^. zCoord
>>> Point3 1 2 3 & zCoord %~ (+1)
Point3 [1,2,4]

class PointFunctor g where Source #

Types that we can transform by mapping a function on each point in the structure


pmap :: (Point (Dimension (g r)) r -> Point (Dimension (g s)) s) -> g r -> g s Source #

PointFunctor (Point d) Source # 
Instance details

Defined in Data.Geometry.Point


pmap :: (Point (Dimension (Point d r)) r -> Point (Dimension (Point d s)) s) -> Point d r -> Point d s Source #

PointFunctor (ConvexPolygon p) Source # 
Instance details

Defined in Data.Geometry.Polygon.Convex

PointFunctor (Box d p) Source # 
Instance details

Defined in Data.Geometry.Box.Internal


pmap :: (Point (Dimension (Box d p r)) r -> Point (Dimension (Box d p s)) s) -> Box d p r -> Box d p s Source #

PointFunctor (LineSegment d p) Source # 
Instance details

Defined in Data.Geometry.LineSegment


pmap :: (Point (Dimension (LineSegment d p r)) r -> Point (Dimension (LineSegment d p s)) s) -> LineSegment d p r -> LineSegment d p s Source #

PointFunctor (PolyLine d p) Source # 
Instance details

Defined in Data.Geometry.PolyLine


pmap :: (Point (Dimension (PolyLine d p r)) r -> Point (Dimension (PolyLine d p s)) s) -> PolyLine d p r -> PolyLine d p s Source #

PointFunctor (Triangle d p) Source # 
Instance details

Defined in Data.Geometry.Triangle


pmap :: (Point (Dimension (Triangle d p r)) r -> Point (Dimension (Triangle d p s)) s) -> Triangle d p r -> Triangle d p s Source #

PointFunctor (Polygon t p) Source # 
Instance details

Defined in Data.Geometry.Polygon.Core


pmap :: (Point (Dimension (Polygon t p r)) r -> Point (Dimension (Polygon t p s)) s) -> Polygon t p r -> Polygon t p s Source #

data CCW Source #


Eq CCW Source # 
Instance details

Defined in Data.Geometry.Point


(==) :: CCW -> CCW -> Bool #

(/=) :: CCW -> CCW -> Bool #

Show CCW Source # 
Instance details

Defined in Data.Geometry.Point


showsPrec :: Int -> CCW -> ShowS #

show :: CCW -> String #

showList :: [CCW] -> ShowS #

ccw :: (Ord r, Num r) => Point 2 r -> Point 2 r -> Point 2 r -> CCW Source #

Given three points p q and r determine the orientation when going from p to r via q.

ccw' :: (Ord r, Num r) => (Point 2 r :+ a) -> (Point 2 r :+ b) -> (Point 2 r :+ c) -> CCW Source #

Given three points p q and r determine the orientation when going from p to r via q.

ccwCmpAround :: (Num r, Ord r) => (Point 2 r :+ qc) -> (Point 2 r :+ p) -> (Point 2 r :+ q) -> Ordering Source #

Counter clockwise ordering of the points around c. Points are ordered with respect to the positive x-axis.

cwCmpAround :: (Num r, Ord r) => (Point 2 r :+ qc) -> (Point 2 r :+ p) -> (Point 2 r :+ q) -> Ordering Source #

Clockwise ordering of the points around c. Points are ordered with respect to the positive x-axis.

ccwCmpAroundWith :: (Ord r, Num r) => Vector 2 r -> (Point 2 r :+ c) -> (Point 2 r :+ a) -> (Point 2 r :+ b) -> Ordering Source #

Given a zero vector z, a center c, and two points p and q, compute the ccw ordering of p and q around c with this vector as zero direction.

pre: the points p,q /= c

cwCmpAroundWith :: (Ord r, Num r) => Vector 2 r -> (Point 2 r :+ a) -> (Point 2 r :+ b) -> (Point 2 r :+ c) -> Ordering Source #

Given a zero vector z, a center c, and two points p and q, compute the cw ordering of p and q around c with this vector as zero direction.

pre: the points p,q /= c

sortAround :: (Ord r, Num r) => (Point 2 r :+ q) -> [Point 2 r :+ p] -> [Point 2 r :+ p] Source #

Sort the points arround the given point p in counter clockwise order with respect to the rightward horizontal ray starting from p. If two points q and r are colinear with p, the closest one to p is reported first. running time: O(n log n)

insertIntoCyclicOrder :: (Ord r, Num r) => (Point 2 r :+ q) -> (Point 2 r :+ p) -> CList (Point 2 r :+ p) -> CList (Point 2 r :+ p) Source #

Given a center c, a new point p, and a list of points ps, sorted in counter clockwise order around c. Insert p into the cyclic order. The focus of the returned cyclic list is the new point p.

running time: O(n)

data Quadrant Source #

Quadrants of two dimensional points. in CCW order

quadrantWith :: (Ord r, 1 <= d, 2 <= d, Arity d) => (Point d r :+ q) -> (Point d r :+ p) -> Quadrant Source #

Quadrants around point c; quadrants are closed on their "previous" boundary (i..e the boundary with the previous quadrant in the CCW order), open on next boundary. The origin itself is assigned the topRight quadrant

quadrant :: (Ord r, Num r, 1 <= d, 2 <= d, Arity d) => (Point d r :+ p) -> Quadrant Source #

Quadrants with respect to the origin

partitionIntoQuadrants :: (Ord r, 1 <= d, 2 <= d, Arity d) => (Point d r :+ q) -> [Point d r :+ p] -> ([Point d r :+ p], [Point d r :+ p], [Point d r :+ p], [Point d r :+ p]) Source #

Given a center point c, and a set of points, partition the points into quadrants around c (based on their x and y coordinates). The quadrants are reported in the order topLeft, topRight, bottomLeft, bottomRight. The points are in the same order as they were in the original input lists. Points with the same x-or y coordinate as p, are "rounded" to above.

cmpByDistanceTo :: (Ord r, Num r, Arity d) => (Point d r :+ c) -> (Point d r :+ p) -> (Point d r :+ q) -> Ordering Source #

Compare by distance to the first argument

squaredEuclideanDist :: (Num r, Arity d) => Point d r -> Point d r -> r Source #

Squared Euclidean distance between two points

euclideanDist :: (Floating r, Arity d) => Point d r -> Point d r -> r Source #

Euclidean distance between two points