hexpat-0.20.9: XML parser/formatter based on expat

Safe HaskellNone



Type classes to allow for XML handling functions to be generalized to work with different node types, including the ones defined in Tree and Annotated.



type Attributes tag text = [(tag, text)] Source

Type shortcut for attributes

type UAttributes text = Attributes text text Source

Type shortcut for attributes with unqualified names where tag and text are the same string type.

textContent :: (NodeClass n [], Monoid text) => n [] tag text -> text Source

Extract all text content from inside a tag into a single string, including any text contained in children. This excludes the contents of comments or processing instructions. To get the text for these node types, use getText.

type family ListOf n Source

A type function to give the type of a list of nodes, using the appropriate list type for the specified node type, e.g. ListOf (UNode Text)


type ListOf (NodeG c tag text) = c (NodeG c tag text) 
type ListOf (NodeG a c tag text) = c (NodeG a c tag text) 
type ListOf (NodeG a c tag text) = c (NodeG a c tag text) 

class (Functor c, List c) => NodeClass n c where Source


isElement :: n c tag text -> Bool Source

Is the given node an element?

isText :: n c tag text -> Bool Source

Is the given node text?

isCData :: n c tag text -> Bool Source

Is the given node CData?

isProcessingInstruction :: n c tag text -> Bool Source

Is the given node a processing instruction?

isComment :: n c tag text -> Bool Source

Is the given node a comment?

textContentM :: Monoid text => n c tag text -> ItemM c text Source

Extract all text content from inside a tag into a single string, including any text contained in children. This excludes the contents of comments or processing instructions. To get the text for these node types, use getText.

isNamed :: Eq tag => tag -> n c tag text -> Bool Source

Is the given node a tag with the given name?

getName :: Monoid tag => n c tag text -> tag Source

Get the name of this node if it's an element, return empty string otherwise.

hasTarget :: Eq text => text -> n c tag text -> Bool Source

Is the given node a Processing Instruction with the given target?

getTarget :: Monoid text => n c tag text -> text Source

Get the target of this node if it's a Processing Instruction, return empty string otherwise.

getAttributes :: n c tag text -> [(tag, text)] Source

Get the attributes of a node if it's an element, return empty list otherwise.

getChildren :: n c tag text -> c (n c tag text) Source

Get children of a node if it's an element, return empty list otherwise.

getText :: Monoid text => n c tag text -> text Source

Get this node's text if it's a text node, comment, or processing instruction, return empty text otherwise.

modifyName :: (tag -> tag) -> n c tag text -> n c tag text Source

Modify name if it's an element, no-op otherwise.

modifyAttributes :: ([(tag, text)] -> [(tag, text)]) -> n c tag text -> n c tag text Source

Modify attributes if it's an element, no-op otherwise.

modifyChildren :: (c (n c tag text) -> c (n c tag text)) -> n c tag text -> n c tag text Source

Modify children (non-recursively) if it's an element, no-op otherwise.

modifyElement :: ((tag, [(tag, text)], c (n c tag text)) -> (tag', [(tag', text)], c (n c tag' text))) -> n c tag text -> n c tag' text Source

Map an element non-recursively, allowing the tag type to be changed.

mapAllTags :: (tag -> tag') -> n c tag text -> n c tag' text Source

Map all tags (both tag names and attribute names) recursively.

mapNodeContainer :: List c' => (forall a. c a -> ItemM c (c' a)) -> n c tag text -> ItemM c (n c' tag text) Source

Change a node recursively from one container type to another, with a specified function to convert the container type.

mkText :: text -> n c tag text Source

Generic text node constructor.


(Functor c, List c) => NodeClass NodeG c 
(Functor c, List c) => NodeClass (NodeG a) c 
(Functor c, List c) => NodeClass (NodeG a) c 

mapNodeListContainer :: (NodeClass n c, List c') => (forall a. c a -> ItemM c (c' a)) -> c (n c tag text) -> ItemM c (c' (n c' tag text)) Source

Change a list of nodes recursively from one container type to another, with a specified function to convert the container type.

fromNodeContainer :: (NodeClass n c, List c') => n c tag text -> ItemM c (n c' tag text) Source

Change a node recursively from one container type to another. This extracts the entire tree contents to standard lists and re-constructs them with the new container type. For monadic list types used in hexpat-iteratee this operation forces evaluation.

fromNodeListContainer :: (NodeClass n c, List c') => c (n c tag text) -> ItemM c (c' (n c' tag text)) Source

Change a list of nodes recursively from one container type to another. This extracts the entire tree contents to standard lists and re-constructs them with the new container type. For monadic list types used in hexpat-iteratee this operation forces evaluation.

class NodeClass n c => MkElementClass n c where Source

A class of node types where an Element can be constructed given a tag, attributes and children.


mkElement :: tag -> Attributes tag text -> c (n c tag text) -> n c tag text Source

Generic element constructor.


(Functor c, List c) => MkElementClass NodeG c 
(Functor c, List c) => MkElementClass (NodeG ()) c 
(Functor c, List c) => MkElementClass (NodeG (Maybe a)) c 
(Functor c, List c) => MkElementClass (NodeG ()) c 
(Functor c, List c) => MkElementClass (NodeG (Maybe a)) c 

getAttribute :: (NodeClass n c, GenericXMLString tag) => n c tag text -> tag -> Maybe text Source

Get the value of the attribute having the specified name.

setAttribute :: (Eq tag, NodeClass n c, GenericXMLString tag) => tag -> text -> n c tag text -> n c tag text Source

Set the value of the attribute with the specified name to the value, overwriting the first existing attribute with that name if present.

deleteAttribute :: (Eq tag, NodeClass n c, GenericXMLString tag) => tag -> n c tag text -> n c tag text Source

Delete the first attribute matching the specified name.

alterAttribute :: (Eq tag, NodeClass n c, GenericXMLString tag) => tag -> Maybe text -> n c tag text -> n c tag text Source

setAttribute if Just, deleteAttribute if Nothing.

fromElement :: (NodeClass n c, MkElementClass n' c, Monoid tag, Monoid text) => n c tag text -> n' c tag text Source

Generically convert an element of one node type to another. Useful for adding or removing annotations.

fromElement_ Source


:: (NodeClass n c, NodeClass n' c, Monoid tag, Monoid text) 
=> (tag -> Attributes tag text -> c (n' c tag text) -> n' c tag text)

Element constructor

-> n c tag text 
-> n' c tag text 

Generically convert an element of one node type to another, using the specified element constructor. Useful for adding or removing annotations.

fromNodes :: (NodeClass n c, MkElementClass n' c, Monoid tag, Monoid text) => c (n c tag text) -> c (n' c tag text) Source

Generically convert a list of nodes from one node type to another. Useful for adding or removing annotations.

fromNodes_ Source


:: (NodeClass n c, NodeClass n' c, Monoid tag, Monoid text) 
=> (tag -> Attributes tag text -> c (n' c tag text) -> n' c tag text)

Element constructor

-> c (n c tag text) 
-> c (n' c tag text) 

Generically convert a list of nodes from one node type to another, using the specified element constructor. Useful for adding or removing annotations.