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hevm-0.42.0: Ethereum virtual machine evaluator

Safe HaskellNone




Data types

data VMResult Source #

The possible result states of a VM


VMFailure Error

An operation failed

VMSuccess Buffer

Reached STOP, RETURN, or end-of-code

Show VMResult Source # 
Instance details

Defined in EVM

SDisplay VMResult Source # 
Instance details

Defined in EVM.Emacs

data VM Source #

The state of a stepwise EVM execution

SDisplay VM Source # 
Instance details

Defined in EVM.Emacs


sexp :: VM -> SExpr Text Source #

data Trace Source #



data Query where Source #

Queries halt execution until resolved through RPC calls or SMT queries


PleaseFetchContract :: Addr -> (Contract -> EVM ()) -> Query 
PleaseFetchSlot :: Addr -> Word -> (Word -> EVM ()) -> Query 
PleaseAskSMT :: SBool -> [SBool] -> (BranchCondition -> EVM ()) -> Query 
Show Query Source # 
Instance details

Defined in EVM


showsPrec :: Int -> Query -> ShowS #

show :: Query -> String #

showList :: [Query] -> ShowS #

data Choose where Source #


PleaseChoosePath :: (Bool -> EVM ()) -> Choose 
Show Choose Source # 
Instance details

Defined in EVM

type EVM a = State VM a Source #

Alias for the type of e.g. exec1.

data BranchCondition Source #

The possible return values of a SMT query


Case Bool 
Show BranchCondition Source # 
Instance details

Defined in EVM

data Cache Source #

The cache is data that can be persisted for efficiency: any expensive query that is constant at least within a block.


Show Cache Source # 
Instance details

Defined in EVM


showsPrec :: Int -> Cache -> ShowS #

show :: Cache -> String #

showList :: [Cache] -> ShowS #

Semigroup Cache Source # 
Instance details

Defined in EVM


(<>) :: Cache -> Cache -> Cache #

sconcat :: NonEmpty Cache -> Cache #

stimes :: Integral b => b -> Cache -> Cache #

Monoid Cache Source # 
Instance details

Defined in EVM


mempty :: Cache #

mappend :: Cache -> Cache -> Cache #

mconcat :: [Cache] -> Cache #

data Log Source #

A log entry


Log Addr Buffer [SymWord] 

data Frame Source #

An entry in the VM's "call/create stack"

SDisplay Frame Source # 
Instance details

Defined in EVM.Emacs


sexp :: Frame -> SExpr Text Source #

data FrameState Source #

The "registers" of the VM along with memory and data stack

SDisplay FrameState Source # 
Instance details

Defined in EVM.Emacs

data TxState Source #

The state that spans a whole transaction

data SubState Source #

The "accrued substate" across a transaction



data ContractCode Source #

A contract is either in creation (running its "constructor") or post-creation, and code in these two modes is treated differently by instructions like EXTCODEHASH, so we distinguish these two code types.


InitCode ByteString

Constructor code, during contract creation

RuntimeCode ByteString

Instance code, after contract creation

Eq ContractCode Source # 
Instance details

Defined in EVM

Show ContractCode Source # 
Instance details

Defined in EVM

data Storage Source #

A contract can either have concrete or symbolic storage depending on what type of execution we are doing


Concrete (Map Word SymWord) 
Symbolic (SArray (WordN 256) (WordN 256)) 
Eq Storage Source # 
Instance details

Defined in EVM


(==) :: Storage -> Storage -> Bool #

(/=) :: Storage -> Storage -> Bool #

Show Storage Source # 
Instance details

Defined in EVM

SDisplay Storage Source # 
Instance details

Defined in EVM.Emacs


sexp :: Storage -> SExpr Text Source #

data Contract Source #

The state of a contract

Eq Contract Source # 
Instance details

Defined in EVM

Show Contract Source # 
Instance details

Defined in EVM

FromJSON Contract Source # 
Instance details

Defined in EVM.VMTest

SDisplay Contract Source # 
Instance details

Defined in EVM.Emacs

data StorageModel Source #

When doing symbolic execution, we have three different ways to model the storage of contracts. This determines not only the initial contract storage model but also how RPC or state fetched contracts will be modeled.



Uses Concrete Storage. Reading / Writing from abstract locations causes a runtime failure. Can be nicely combined with RPC.


Uses Storage Storage. Reading / Writing never reaches RPC, but always done using an SMT array with no default value.


Uses Storage Storage. Reading / Writing never reaches RPC, but always done using an SMT array with 0 as the default value.

data Env Source #

Various environmental data

data Block Source #

Data about the block

Show Block Source # 
Instance details

Defined in EVM


showsPrec :: Int -> Block -> ShowS #

show :: Block -> String #

showList :: [Block] -> ShowS #

bytecode :: Getter Contract ByteString Source #

An "external" view of a contract's bytecode, appropriate for e.g. EXTCODEHASH.

Data accessors

Data constructors

initialContract :: ContractCode -> Contract Source #

Initialize empty contract with given code

Opcode dispatch (exec1)

next :: (?op :: Word8) => EVM () Source #

Update program counter

exec1 :: EVM () Source #

Executes the EVM one step

transfer :: Addr -> Addr -> Word -> EVM () Source #

callChecks :: (?op :: Word8) => Contract -> Word -> Addr -> Word -> Word -> Word -> Word -> Word -> [SymWord] -> (Word -> EVM ()) -> EVM () Source #

Checks a *CALL for failure; OOG, too many callframes, memory access etc.

precompiledContract :: (?op :: Word8) => Contract -> Word -> Addr -> Addr -> Word -> Word -> Word -> Word -> Word -> [SymWord] -> EVM () Source #

executePrecompile :: (?op :: Word8) => Addr -> Word -> Word -> Word -> Word -> Word -> [SymWord] -> EVM () Source #

Opcode helper actions

noop :: Monad m => m () Source #

pushTo :: MonadState s m => ASetter s s [a] [a] -> a -> m () Source #

pushToSequence :: MonadState s m => ASetter s s (Seq a) (Seq a) -> a -> m () Source #

askSMT :: CodeLocation -> SBool -> (Bool -> EVM ()) -> EVM () Source #

Construct SMT Query and halt execution until resolved

fetchAccount :: Addr -> (Contract -> EVM ()) -> EVM () Source #

Construct RPC Query and halt execution until resolved

accessStorage Source #


:: Addr

Contract address

-> SymWord

Storage slot key

-> (SymWord -> EVM ())


-> EVM () 

How to finalize a transaction

loadContract :: Addr -> EVM () Source #

Loads the selected contract as the current contract to execute

limitStack :: Int -> EVM () -> EVM () Source #

notStatic :: EVM () -> EVM () Source #

burn :: Word -> EVM () -> EVM () Source #

Burn gas, failing if insufficient gas is available

forceConcreteAddr :: SAddr -> (Addr -> EVM ()) -> EVM () Source #

forceConcrete :: SymWord -> (Word -> EVM ()) -> EVM () Source #

forceConcrete2 :: (SymWord, SymWord) -> ((Word, Word) -> EVM ()) -> EVM () Source #

Substate manipulation

Cheat codes

cheat :: (?op :: Word8) => (Word, Word) -> (Word, Word) -> EVM () Source #

type CheatAction = ([AbiType], Word -> Word -> [AbiValue] -> EVM ()) Source #

General call implementation ("delegateCall")

delegateCall :: (?op :: Word8) => Contract -> Word -> Addr -> Addr -> Word -> Word -> Word -> Word -> Word -> [SymWord] -> EVM () -> EVM () Source #

create :: (?op :: Word8) => Addr -> Contract -> Word -> Word -> [SymWord] -> Addr -> ByteString -> EVM () Source #

replaceCode :: Addr -> ContractCode -> EVM () Source #

Replace a contract's code, like when CREATE returns from the constructor code.

VM error implementation

data FrameResult Source #

A stack frame can be popped in three ways.


FrameReturned Buffer

STOP, RETURN, or no more code

FrameReverted Buffer


FrameErrored Error

Any other error

Show FrameResult Source # 
Instance details

Defined in EVM

finishFrame :: FrameResult -> EVM () Source #

This function defines how to pop the current stack frame in either of the ways specified by FrameResult.

It also handles the case when the current stack frame is the only one; in this case, we set the final _result of the VM execution.

Memory helpers


traceLog :: MonadState VM m => Log -> m () Source #

Stack manipulation

push :: Word -> EVM () Source #

stackOp1 :: (?op :: Word8) => (SymWord -> Word) -> (SymWord -> SymWord) -> EVM () Source #

stackOp2 :: (?op :: Word8) => ((SymWord, SymWord) -> Word) -> ((SymWord, SymWord) -> SymWord) -> EVM () Source #

stackOp3 :: (?op :: Word8) => ((SymWord, SymWord, SymWord) -> Word) -> ((SymWord, SymWord, SymWord) -> SymWord) -> EVM () Source #

Bytecode data functions

checkJump :: Integral n => n -> [SymWord] -> EVM () Source #

Gas cost calculation helpers

Uninterpreted functions

symkeccak' :: [SWord 8] -> SWord 256 Source #

Although we'd like to define this directly as an uninterpreted function, we cannot because [a] is not a symbolic type. We must convert the list into a suitable symbolic type first. The only important property of this conversion is that it is injective. We embedd the bytestring as a pair of symbolic integers, this is a fairly easy solution.

symSHA256 :: [SWord 8] -> [SWord 8] Source #


ceilDiv :: (Num a, Integral a) => a -> a -> a Source #

allButOne64th :: (Num a, Integral a) => a -> a Source #

log2 :: FiniteBits b => b -> Int Source #

Emacs setup