{-# LANGUAGE ViewPatterns #-}

module EVM.UnitTest where

import Prelude hiding (Word)

import EVM
import EVM.ABI
import EVM.Dapp
import EVM.Debug (srcMapCodePos)
import EVM.Exec
import EVM.Format
import EVM.Keccak
import EVM.Solidity
import EVM.Types
import EVM.Concrete (w256, wordAt)

import qualified EVM.FeeSchedule as FeeSchedule

import EVM.Stepper (Stepper)
import qualified EVM.Stepper as Stepper
import qualified Control.Monad.Operational as Operational

import Control.Lens hiding (Indexed)
import Control.Monad.State.Strict hiding (state)
import qualified Control.Monad.State.Strict as State

import Control.Monad.Par.Class (spawn_)
import Control.Monad.Par.IO (runParIO)

import Data.ByteString    (ByteString)
import Data.Foldable      (toList)
import Data.Map           (Map)
import Data.Maybe         (fromMaybe, catMaybes, fromJust, fromMaybe, mapMaybe)
import Data.Monoid        ((<>))
import Data.Text          (Text, pack, unpack)
import Data.Text          (isPrefixOf, stripSuffix, intercalate)
import Data.Text.Encoding (encodeUtf8)
import Data.Word          (Word32)
import System.Environment (lookupEnv)
import System.IO          (hFlush, stdout)

import qualified Control.Monad.Par.Class as Par
import qualified Data.ByteString as BS
import qualified Data.Map as Map
import qualified Data.Sequence as Seq
import qualified Data.Text as Text
import qualified Data.Text.IO as Text

import Data.MultiSet (MultiSet)
import qualified Data.MultiSet as MultiSet

import Data.Set (Set)
import qualified Data.Set as Set

import Data.Vector (Vector)
import qualified Data.Vector as Vector

data UnitTestOptions = UnitTestOptions
    oracle     :: Query -> IO (EVM ())
  , verbose    :: Bool
  , match      :: Text
  , vmModifier :: VM -> VM
  , testParams :: TestVMParams

data TestVMParams = TestVMParams
  { testAddress       :: Addr
  , testCaller        :: Addr
  , testOrigin        :: Addr
  , testGasCreate     :: W256
  , testGasCall       :: W256
  , testBalanceCreate :: W256
  , testBalanceCall   :: W256
  , testCoinbase      :: Addr
  , testNumber        :: W256
  , testTimestamp     :: W256
  , testGaslimit      :: W256
  , testGasprice      :: W256
  , testDifficulty    :: W256

defaultGasForCreating :: W256
defaultGasForCreating = 0xffffffffffff

defaultGasForInvoking :: W256
defaultGasForInvoking = 0xffffffffffff

defaultBalanceForCreator :: W256
defaultBalanceForCreator = 0xffffffffffffffffffffffff

defaultBalanceForCreated :: W256
defaultBalanceForCreated = 0xffffffffffffffffffffffff

type ABIMethod = Text

-- | Assuming a constructor is loaded, this stepper will run the constructor
-- to create the test contract, give it an initial balance, and run `setUp()'.
initializeUnitTest :: UnitTestOptions -> Stepper ()
initializeUnitTest UnitTestOptions { .. } = do

  -- Maybe modify the initial VM, e.g. to load library code
  Stepper.evm (modify vmModifier)

  -- Make a trace entry for running the constructor
  Stepper.evm (pushTrace (EntryTrace "constructor"))

  -- Constructor is loaded; run until it returns code
  bytes <- Stepper.execFullyOrFail
  addr <- Stepper.evm (use (state . contract))

  -- Mutate the current contract to use the new code
  Stepper.evm $ replaceCodeOfSelf bytes

  -- Increase the nonce, in case the constructor created contracts
  Just n <- Stepper.evm (preuse (env . contracts . ix ethrunAddress . nonce))
  Stepper.evm $ assign (env . contracts . ix addr . nonce) n

  -- Give a balance to the test target
  Stepper.evm $
    env . contracts . ix addr . balance += w256 (testBalanceCreate testParams)

  -- Initialize the test contract
  Stepper.evm (popTrace >> pushTrace (EntryTrace "initialize test"))
  Stepper.evm $
    setupCall addr "setUp()" (testBalanceCall testParams)

  Stepper.note "Running `setUp()'"

  -- Let `setUp()' run to completion
  void Stepper.execFullyOrFail
  Stepper.evm popTrace

-- | Assuming a test contract is loaded and initialized, this stepper
-- will run the specified test method and return whether it succeeded.
runUnitTest :: UnitTestOptions -> ABIMethod -> Stepper Bool
runUnitTest UnitTestOptions { .. } method = do
  -- Fail immediately if there was a failure in the setUp() phase
  Stepper.evm (use result) >>=
      Just (VMFailure e) -> do
        Stepper.evm (pushTrace (ErrorTrace e))
        pure False

      _ -> do
        -- Decide whether the test is supposed to fail or succeed
        let shouldFail = "testFail" `isPrefixOf` method

        -- The test subject should be loaded and initialized already
        addr <- Stepper.evm $ use (state . contract)

        -- Set up the call to the test method
        Stepper.evm $
          setupCall addr method (testGasCall testParams)
        Stepper.evm (pushTrace (EntryTrace method))
        Stepper.note "Running unit test"

        -- Try running the test method
        bailed <-
          Stepper.execFully >>=
            either (const (pure True)) (const (pure False))

        -- If we failed, put the error in the trace.
        -- It's not clear to me right now why this doesn't happen somewhere else.
        Just problem <- Stepper.evm $ use result
        case problem of
          VMFailure e ->
            Stepper.evm (pushTrace (ErrorTrace e))
          _ ->
            pure ()

        -- Ask whether any assertions failed
        Stepper.evm $ popTrace
        Stepper.evm $ setupCall addr "failed()" 10000
        Stepper.note "Checking whether assertions failed"
        AbiBool failed <- Stepper.execFullyOrFail >>= Stepper.decode AbiBoolType

        -- Return true if the test was successful
        pure (shouldFail == (bailed || failed))

tick :: Text -> IO ()
tick x = Text.putStr x >> hFlush stdout

  :: UnitTestOptions
  -> Stepper a
  -> StateT VM IO (Either Stepper.Failure a)
interpret opts =
  eval . Operational.view

      :: Operational.ProgramView Stepper.Action a
      -> StateT VM IO (Either Stepper.Failure a)

    eval (Operational.Return x) =
      pure (Right x)

    eval (action Operational.:>>= k) =
      case action of
        Stepper.Exec ->
          exec >>= interpret opts . k
        Stepper.Wait q ->
          do m <- liftIO (oracle opts q)
             State.state (runState m) >> interpret opts (k ())
        Stepper.Note _ ->
          interpret opts (k ())
        Stepper.Fail e ->
          pure (Left e)
        Stepper.EVM m ->
          State.state (runState m) >>= interpret opts . k

-- | This is like an unresolved source mapping.
data OpLocation = OpLocation
  { srcCodehash :: !W256
  , srcOpIx     :: !Int
  } deriving (Eq, Ord, Show)

srcMapForOpLocation :: DappInfo -> OpLocation -> Maybe SrcMap
srcMapForOpLocation dapp (OpLocation hash opIx) =
  case preview (dappSolcByHash . ix hash) dapp of
    Nothing -> Nothing
    Just (codeType, solc) ->
        vec =
          case codeType of
            Runtime  -> view runtimeSrcmap solc
            Creation -> view creationSrcmap solc
        preview (ix opIx) vec

type CoverageState = (VM, MultiSet OpLocation)

currentOpLocation :: VM -> OpLocation
currentOpLocation vm =
  case currentContract vm of
    Nothing ->
      error "internal error: why no contract?"
    Just c ->
        (view codehash c)
        (fromMaybe (error "internal error: op ix") (vmOpIx vm))

execWithCoverage :: StateT CoverageState IO VMResult
execWithCoverage = do
  -- This is just like `exec` except for every instruction evaluated,
  -- we also increment a counter indexed by the current code location.
  vm0 <- use _1
  case view result vm0 of
    Nothing -> do
      vm1 <- zoom _1 (State.state (runState exec1) >> get)
      zoom _2 (modify (MultiSet.insert (currentOpLocation vm1)))
    Just r ->
      pure r

  :: UnitTestOptions
  -> Stepper a
  -> StateT CoverageState IO (Either Stepper.Failure a)
interpretWithCoverage opts =
  eval . Operational.view

      :: Operational.ProgramView Stepper.Action a
      -> StateT CoverageState IO (Either Stepper.Failure a)

    eval (Operational.Return x) =
      pure (Right x)

    eval (action Operational.:>>= k) =
      case action of
        Stepper.Exec ->
          execWithCoverage >>= interpretWithCoverage opts . k
        Stepper.Wait q ->
          do m <- liftIO (oracle opts q)
             zoom _1 (State.state (runState m)) >> interpretWithCoverage opts (k ())
        Stepper.Note _ ->
          interpretWithCoverage opts (k ())
        Stepper.Fail e ->
          pure (Left e)
        Stepper.EVM m ->
          zoom _1 (State.state (runState m)) >>= interpretWithCoverage opts . k

  :: DappInfo
  -> MultiSet SrcMap
  -> Map Text (Vector (Int, ByteString))
coverageReport dapp cov =
    sources :: SourceCache
    sources = view dappSources dapp

    allPositions :: Set (Text, Int)
    allPositions =
      ( Set.fromList
      . mapMaybe (srcMapCodePos sources)
      . toList
      $ mconcat
        ( view dappSolcByName dapp
        & Map.elems
        & map (\x -> view runtimeSrcmap x <> view creationSrcmap x)

    srcMapCov :: MultiSet (Text, Int)
    srcMapCov = MultiSet.mapMaybe (srcMapCodePos sources) cov

    -- linesByName :: Map Text (Vector ByteString)
    linesByName =
      ( Map.fromList
      . map
          (\(k, v) ->
             (fst (fromJust (Map.lookup k (view sourceFiles sources))), v))
      . Map.toList
      $ view sourceLines sources

    f :: Text -> Vector ByteString -> Vector (Int, ByteString)
    f name xs =
        (\i bs ->
             n =
               if Set.member (name, i + 1) allPositions
               then MultiSet.occur (name, i + 1) srcMapCov
               else -1
           in (n, bs))
    Map.mapWithKey f linesByName

  :: UnitTestOptions
  -> Map Text SolcContract
  -> SourceCache
  -> (Text, [Text])
  -> IO (MultiSet SrcMap)
  opts@(UnitTestOptions {..}) contractMap sources (name, testNames) = do

  -- Look for the wanted contract by name from the Solidity info
  case preview (ix name) contractMap of
    Nothing ->
      -- Fail if there's no such contract
      error $ "Contract " ++ unpack name ++ " not found"

    Just theContract -> do
      -- Construct the initial VM and begin the contract's constructor
      let vm0 = initialUnitTestVm opts theContract (Map.elems contractMap)
      (vm1, cov1) <-
          (interpretWithCoverage opts
            (Stepper.enter name >> initializeUnitTest opts))
          (vm0, mempty)

      -- Define the thread spawner for test cases
        runOne testName = spawn_ . liftIO $ do
          (x, (_, cov)) <-
              (interpretWithCoverage opts (runUnitTest opts testName))
              (vm1, mempty)
          case x of
            Right True -> pure cov
            _ -> error "test failure during coverage analysis; fix it!"

      -- Run all the test cases in parallel and gather their coverages
      covs <-
        runParIO (mapM runOne testNames >>= mapM Par.get)

      -- Sum up all the coverage counts
      let cov2 = MultiSet.unions (cov1 : covs)

      -- Gather the dapp-related metadata
      let dapp = dappInfo "." contractMap sources

      pure (MultiSet.mapMaybe (srcMapForOpLocation dapp) cov2)

  :: UnitTestOptions
  -> Map Text SolcContract
  -> SourceCache
  -> (Text, [Text])
  -> IO Bool
  opts@(UnitTestOptions {..}) contractMap sources (name, testNames) = do

  -- Print a header
  putStrLn $ "Running " ++ show (length testNames) ++ " tests for "
    ++ unpack name

  -- Look for the wanted contract by name from the Solidity info
  case preview (ix name) contractMap of
    Nothing ->
      -- Fail if there's no such contract
      error $ "Contract " ++ unpack name ++ " not found"

    Just theContract -> do
      -- Construct the initial VM and begin the contract's constructor
      let vm0 = initialUnitTestVm opts theContract (Map.elems contractMap)
      vm1 <-
          (interpret opts
            (Stepper.enter name >> initializeUnitTest opts))

      -- Gather the dapp-related metadata
      let dapp = dappInfo "." contractMap sources

      -- Define the thread spawner for test cases
        runOne testName = do
          x <-
              (interpret opts (runUnitTest opts testName))
          case x of
             (Right True,  vm) ->
                 gasSpent =
                   view burned vm - view burned vm1
                 gasText =
                   pack . show $
                     (fromIntegral gasSpent :: Integer)
                   ( "PASS " <> testName <> " (gas: " <> gasText <> ")"
                   , Right (passOutput vm dapp opts testName)
             (Right False, vm) ->
               pure ("FAIL " <> testName, Left (failOutput vm dapp opts testName))
             (Left _, _)       ->
               pure ("OOPS " <> testName, Left ("VM error for " <> testName))

      let inform = \(x, y) -> Text.putStrLn x >> pure y

      -- Run all the test cases and print their status updates
      details <-
        mapM (\x -> runOne x >>= inform) testNames

      let mails = [x | Right x <- details]
      let fails = [x | Left x <- details]

      tick "\n"
      tick (Text.unlines (filter (not . Text.null) mails))
      tick (Text.unlines (filter (not . Text.null) fails))

      pure (null fails)

indentLines :: Int -> Text -> Text
indentLines n s =
  let p = Text.replicate n " "
  in Text.unlines (map (p <>) (Text.lines s))

passOutput :: VM -> DappInfo -> UnitTestOptions -> Text -> Text
passOutput vm dapp UnitTestOptions { .. } testName =
  case verbose of
    True ->
      mconcat $
        [ "Success: "
        , fromMaybe "" (stripSuffix "()" testName)
        , "\n"
        , indentLines 2 (formatTestLogs (view dappEventMap dapp) (view logs vm))
        , indentLines 2 (showTraceTree dapp vm)
        , "\n"
    False ->

failOutput :: VM -> DappInfo -> UnitTestOptions -> Text -> Text
failOutput vm dapp _ testName = mconcat $
  [ "Failure: "
  , fromMaybe "" (stripSuffix "()" testName)
  , "\n"
  , indentLines 2 (formatTestLogs (view dappEventMap dapp) (view logs vm))
  , indentLines 2 (showTraceTree dapp vm)
  , "\n"

formatTestLogs :: Map W256 Event -> Seq.Seq Log -> Text
formatTestLogs events xs =
  case catMaybes (toList (fmap (formatTestLog events) xs)) of
    [] -> "\n"
    ys -> "\n" <> intercalate "\n" ys <> "\n\n"

formatTestLog :: Map W256 Event -> Log -> Maybe Text
formatTestLog _ (Log _ _ []) = Nothing
formatTestLog events (Log _ args (t:_)) =
    name  = getEventName event
    event = getEvent t events

  in case name of

    "log_bytes32" ->
      Just $ formatBytes args

    "log_named_bytes32" ->
      let key = BS.take 32 args
          val = BS.drop 32 args
      in Just $ formatString key <> ": " <> formatBytes val

    "log_named_address" ->
      let key = BS.take 32 args
          val = BS.drop 44 args
      in Just $ formatString key <> ": " <> formatBinary val

  -- TODO: event logs (bytes);
  -- TODO: event log_named_decimal_int  (bytes32 key, int val, uint decimals);
  -- TODO: event log_named_decimal_uint (bytes32 key, uint val, uint decimals);

    "log_named_int" ->
      let key = BS.take 32 args
          val = wordAt 32 args
      in Just $ formatString key <> ": " <> showDec Signed val

    "log_named_uint" ->
      let key = BS.take 32 args
          val = wordAt 32 args
      in Just $ formatString key <> ": " <> showDec Unsigned val

    _ ->

word32Bytes :: Word32 -> ByteString
word32Bytes x = BS.pack [byteAt x (3 - i) | i <- [0..3]]

setupCall :: Addr -> Text -> W256 -> EVM ()
setupCall target abi allowance = do
  loadContract target
  assign (state . calldata) (word32Bytes (abiKeccak (encodeUtf8 abi)))
  assign (state . gas) (w256 allowance)

initialUnitTestVm :: UnitTestOptions -> SolcContract -> [SolcContract] -> VM
initialUnitTestVm (UnitTestOptions {..}) theContract _ =
    TestVMParams {..} = testParams
    vm = makeVm $ VMOpts
           { vmoptCode = view creationCode theContract
           , vmoptCalldata = ""
           , vmoptValue = 0
           , vmoptAddress = testAddress
           , vmoptCaller = testCaller
           , vmoptOrigin = testOrigin
           , vmoptGas = testGasCreate
           , vmoptCoinbase = testCoinbase
           , vmoptNumber = testNumber
           , vmoptTimestamp = testTimestamp
           , vmoptGaslimit = testGaslimit
           , vmoptGasprice = testGasprice
           , vmoptDifficulty = testDifficulty
           , vmoptSchedule = FeeSchedule.metropolis
    creator =
      initialContract mempty
        & set nonce 1
        & set balance (w256 testBalanceCreate)
  in vm
    & set (env . contracts . at ethrunAddress) (Just creator)

getParametersFromEnvironmentVariables :: IO TestVMParams
getParametersFromEnvironmentVariables = do
    getWord s def = maybe def read <$> lookupEnv s
    getAddr s def = maybe def read <$> lookupEnv s

    <$> getAddr "DAPP_TEST_ADDRESS" (newContractAddress ethrunAddress 1)
    <*> getAddr "DAPP_TEST_CALLER" ethrunAddress
    <*> getAddr "DAPP_TEST_ORIGIN" ethrunAddress
    <*> getWord "DAPP_TEST_GAS_CREATE" defaultGasForCreating
    <*> getWord "DAPP_TEST_GAS_CALL" defaultGasForInvoking
    <*> getWord "DAPP_TEST_BALANCE_CREATE" defaultBalanceForCreator
    <*> getWord "DAPP_TEST_BALANCE_CALL" defaultBalanceForCreated
    <*> getAddr "DAPP_TEST_COINBASE" 0
    <*> getWord "DAPP_TEST_NUMBER" 512
    <*> getWord "DAPP_TEST_TIMESTAMP" 1
    <*> getWord "DAPP_TEST_GAS_LIMIT" 0
    <*> getWord "DAPP_TEST_GAS_PRICE" 0
    <*> getWord "DAPP_TEST_DIFFICULTY" 1