module EVM.Dev where

import System.Directory

import EVM.Dapp
import EVM.Solidity
import EVM.UnitTest

import qualified EVM.Fetch
import qualified EVM.TTY
import qualified EVM.Emacs
import qualified EVM.Facts     as Facts
import qualified EVM.Facts.Git as Git

import Data.Text (isPrefixOf)

import qualified Data.Map as Map

loadDappInfo :: String -> String -> IO DappInfo
loadDappInfo path file =
  withCurrentDirectory path $
    readSolc file >>=
        Just (contractMap, cache) -> do
          pure (dappInfo "." contractMap cache)
        _ ->
          error "nope, sorry"

ghciTest :: String -> String -> Maybe String -> IO [Bool]
ghciTest root path state =
  withCurrentDirectory root $ do
    loadFacts <-
      case state of
        Nothing ->
          pure id
        Just repoPath -> do
          facts <- Git.loadFacts (Git.RepoAt repoPath)
          pure (flip Facts.apply facts)
    params <- getParametersFromEnvironmentVariables
      opts = UnitTestOptions
        { oracle =
        , verbose = False
        , match = ""
        , vmModifier = loadFacts
        , testParams = params
    readSolc path >>=
        Just (contractMap, cache) -> do
          let unitTests = findUnitTests ("test" `isPrefixOf`) (Map.elems contractMap)
          mapM (runUnitTestContract opts contractMap cache) unitTests
        Nothing ->
          error ("Failed to read Solidity JSON for `" ++ path ++ "'")

ghciTty :: String -> String -> Maybe String -> IO ()
ghciTty root path state =
  withCurrentDirectory root $ do
    loadFacts <-
      case state of
        Nothing ->
          pure id
        Just repoPath -> do
          facts <- Git.loadFacts (Git.RepoAt repoPath)
          pure (flip Facts.apply facts)
    params <- getParametersFromEnvironmentVariables
      testOpts = UnitTestOptions
        { oracle =
        , verbose = False
        , match = ""
        , vmModifier = loadFacts
        , testParams = params
    EVM.TTY.main testOpts root path

ghciEmacs :: IO ()
ghciEmacs =

foo :: IO ()
foo = ghciEmacs