hetero-zip- Zip lists with Traversables
Safe HaskellSafe-Inferred



This module allows you to zip lists with any Traversable data structure.

It's intended that you import it qualified:

import qualified Data.Traversable.HeteroZip as Hetero
x = Hetero.zipWith ...


A Traversable's elements can be visited one at a time, and updated in-place. That means we can visit them at the same time as we walk along a list, and use the values in the list to update the values in the Traversable. These functions do just that.

zip* functions simply pair elements off, while zipWith* functions use an explicit combining function, like regular zip and zipWith. They each have five variants to deal with the possibility that the input list is shorter than the Traversable:

All these functions are lazy in both the list and Traversable arguments, and in the function application, to the extent that the Traversable instance allows. For example:

>>> take 3 $ zip ([1, 2, 3] ++ undefined) ([1, 2, 3] ++ undefined)
[(Just 1,1),(Just 2,2),(Just 3,3)]
>>> fst <$> zip [1, 2, 3] [1, 2, undefined]
[Just 1,Just 2,Just 3]
>>> isJust . fst <$> zip [1, 2, undefined] [1, 2, undefined]
>>> snd <$> zip [1, 2, undefined] [1, 2, 3]

zip :: Traversable t => [a] -> t b -> t (Maybe a, b) Source #

Zip a list with any Traversable, maintaining the shape of the latter.

If the list is too short, pair with Just values until it runs out, and then Nothings.

>>> zip [1, 2] (Just ())
Just (Just 1,())
>>> zip [] (Just ())
Just (Nothing,())
>>> zip [] Nothing

zipErr :: (HasCallStack, Traversable t) => [a] -> t b -> t (a, b) Source #

Zip a list with any Traversable, maintaining the shape of the latter.

If the list is too short, throw an error.

>>> zipErr [1, 2] (Just ())
Just (1,())
>>> zipErr [] (Just ())
Just (*** Exception: zipErr: list too short
CallStack (from HasCallStack):
  zipErr, called at ...
>>> zipErr [] Nothing

zipInf :: Traversable t => Infinite a -> t b -> t (a, b) Source #

Zip an Infinite list with any Traversable, maintaining the shape of the latter.

>>> :set -XPostfixOperators
>>> import Data.List.Infinite ((...))
>>> zipInf (1...) (Just ())
Just (1,())
>>> zipInf (1...) Nothing

zipMay :: Traversable t => [a] -> t b -> t (Maybe (a, b)) Source #

Zip a list with any Traversable, maintaining the shape of the latter.

If the list is too short, start producing Nothings. You can use sequence to get a Maybe (t (a, b)); but note that this must walk the whole Traversable before it can produce a Just.

>>> zipMay [1, 2] (Just ())
Just (Just (1,()))
>>> zipMay [] (Just ())
Just Nothing
>>> zipMay [] Nothing

zipNote :: (HasCallStack, Traversable t) => String -> [a] -> t b -> t (a, b) Source #

Zip a list with any Traversable, maintaining the shape of the latter.

If the list is too short, throw an error with a custom error string.

>>> zipNote "oops" [1, 2] (Just ())
Just (1,())
>>> zipNote "oops" [] (Just ())
Just (*** Exception: oops
CallStack (from HasCallStack):
  zipNote, called at ...
>>> zipNote "oops" [] Nothing

zipWith :: Traversable t => (Maybe a -> b -> c) -> [a] -> t b -> t c Source #

Use a given function to zip a list with any Traversable, maintaining the shape of the latter.

If the list is too short, pass Just values until it runs out, and then Nothings.

>>> zipWith (maybe id (+)) [1, 2] (Just 10)
Just 11
>>> zipWith (maybe id (+)) [] (Just 10)
Just 10
>>> zipWith (maybe id (+)) [] Nothing

zipWithErr :: (HasCallStack, Traversable t) => (a -> b -> c) -> [a] -> t b -> t c Source #

Use a given function to zip a list with any Traversable, maintaining the shape of the latter.

If the list is too short, throw an error.

>>> zipWithErr (+) [1, 2] (Just 10)
Just 11
>>> zipWithErr (+) [] (Just 10)
Just *** Exception: zipWithErr: list too short
CallStack (from HasCallStack):
  zipWithErr, called at ...
>>> zipWithErr (+) [] Nothing

zipWithInf :: Traversable t => (a -> b -> c) -> Infinite a -> t b -> t c Source #

Use a given function to zip an Infinite list with any Traversable, maintaining the shape of the latter.

>>> :set -XPostfixOperators
>>> import Data.List.Infinite ((...))
>>> zipWithInf (+) (1...) (Just 10)
Just 11
>>> zipWithInf (+) (1...) Nothing

zipWithMay :: Traversable t => (a -> b -> c) -> [a] -> t b -> t (Maybe c) Source #

Use a given function to zip a list with any Traversable, maintaining the shape of the latter.

If the list is too short, start producing Nothings. You can use sequence to get a Maybe (t c); but note that this must walk the whole Traversable before it can produce a Just.

>>> zipWithMay (+) [1, 2] (Just 10)
Just (Just 11)
>>> zipWithMay (+) [] (Just 10)
Just Nothing
>>> zipWithMay (+) [] Nothing

zipWithNote :: (HasCallStack, Traversable t) => String -> (a -> b -> c) -> [a] -> t b -> t c Source #

Use a given function to zip a list with any Traversable, maintaining the shape of the latter.

If the list is too short, throw an error with a custom error string.

>>> zipWithNote "oops" (+) [1, 2] (Just 10)
Just 11
>>> zipWithNote "oops" (+) [] (Just 10)
Just *** Exception: oops
CallStack (from HasCallStack):
  zipWithNote, called at ...
>>> zipWithNote "oops" (+) [] Nothing


If all you want is to number off elements starting from 0, these functions are convenient.

enumerate :: Traversable t => t a -> t (Int, a) Source #

Pair any Traversable with the Ints starting from 0.

>>> enumerate (Just ())
Just (0,())
>>> enumerate "abc"

enumerateWith :: Traversable t => (Int -> a -> b) -> t a -> t b Source #

Use a given function to pair any Traversable with the Ints starting from 0.

>>> enumerateWith (+) (Just 3)
Just 3
>>> enumerateWith replicate "abc"


The "holes" in a Traversable structure are the positions that hold traversable elements. For example, if you call toList, the result contains all the values that were in holes; if you fmap, the values in holes get updated, while everything else stays fixed.

We can use Compose to combine the holes of two Traversables. If we have xs :: f (g a) where f and g are both Traversable, then the holes of xs are given by the Traversable f instance, and have type g a. The holes of Compose xs :: Compose f g a are the holes of the gs that are themselves in the holes of the f, and have type a.

For example, the holes in these data structures are bolded:

-- Compose [] with Maybe:
        [Just 1, Nothing, Just 2, Nothing] :: [Maybe Int]
Compose [Just 1, Nothing, Just 2, Nothing] :: Compose [] Maybe Int

-- Compose ((,) a) with []:
        (True, [1, 2, 3]) :: (Bool, [Int])
Compose (True, [1, 2, 3]) :: Compose ((,) Bool) [] Int

-- Compose (Either a) with []:
         Left  [1, 2]  :: Either [Int] [Int]
         Right [1, 2]  :: Either [Int] [Int]
Compose (Left  [1, 2]) :: Compose (Either [Int]) [] Int
Compose (Right [1, 2]) :: Compose (Either [Int]) [] Int

-- Nested Compose:
         Compose [Just (Just 1), Just Nothing, Nothing]  :: Compose [] Maybe (Maybe Int)
Compose (Compose [Just (Just 1), Just Nothing, Nothing]) :: Compose (Compose [] Maybe) Maybe Int

When zipping, holes are relevant because every hole gets paired with exactly one list element. You can use setHoles and unsetHoles to control the pairing-off.

With setHoles f x, f gets called once for every hole in x; and every hole returned by every call to f will be a hole. So if f returns...

  • ... Maybe a, then only the Just values will be holes.
  • ... Either a b, then only the Right values will be holes.
  • ... (a, b), then only the snd values will be holes.
  • ... [a], then every list element will be a hole.

And unsetHoles g x acts as an inverse; g gets called on parts of x that may have any number of holes, and whatever g returns will become a single hole in its own right.

>>> let xs = [Just 10, Nothing, Just 20, Nothing]
>>> enumerate xs
[(0,Just 10),(1,Nothing),(2,Just 20),(3,Nothing)]
>>> -- Only enumerate the `Just` values:
>>> unsetHoles id $ enumerate $ setHoles id xs
[Just (0,10),Nothing,Just (1,20),Nothing]
>>> let xs = [11,22..66]
>>> zipWithErr (+) [1..] xs
>>> -- Only add to the even numbers:
>>> :{
  unsetHoles (either id id)
    $ zipWithErr (+) [1..]
    $ setHoles (\x -> if even x then Right x else Left x)
    $ xs

setHoles :: Functor f => (a -> g b) -> f a -> Compose f g b Source #

Set the holes in a Traversable by wrapping in Compose.

setHoles f x = Compose (fmap f x)

unsetHoles :: Functor f => (g a -> b) -> Compose f g a -> f b Source #

Simplify the holes in a Traversable by unwrapping from Compose.

unsetHoles f x = fmap f (getCompose x)

A note on Traversable

A Traversable structure x :: t a can be decomposed into

It can then be reconstructed from these. Or, given another list [b] of the same length, we can use the original spine to create a t b with these new elements, of the same shape as the original.

zipWithErr const is the function that reconstructs it. That is,

zipWithErr const (elementList x) (spine x) === x

allows you to exactly recreate the original structure, or to replace its element list by providing a different one.