{-# LANGUAGE DataKinds #-}

module Hercules.API.Health where

import Hercules.API.Prelude
import Servant.API

data HealthAPI auth f = HealthAPI
  { forall auth f.
HealthAPI auth f
-> f
   :- (Summary "Health check for the database"
       :> ("health" :> ("db" :> Get '[JSON] NoContent)))
db ::
        :- Summary "Health check for the database"
          :> "health"
          :> "db"
          :> Get '[JSON] NoContent,
    forall auth f.
HealthAPI auth f
-> f
   :- (Summary "Health check for the queue"
       :> ("health" :> ("queue" :> Get '[JSON] NoContent)))
queue ::
        :- Summary "Health check for the queue"
          :> "health"
          :> "queue"
          :> Get '[JSON] NoContent,
    forall auth f.
HealthAPI auth f
-> f
   :- (Summary "Health check for the github"
       :> ("health" :> ("github" :> Get '[JSON] NoContent)))
github ::
        :- Summary "Health check for the github"
          :> "health"
          :> "github"
          :> Get '[JSON] NoContent
  deriving (forall a.
(forall x. a -> Rep a x) -> (forall x. Rep a x -> a) -> Generic a
forall auth f x. Rep (HealthAPI auth f) x -> HealthAPI auth f
forall auth f x. HealthAPI auth f -> Rep (HealthAPI auth f) x
$cto :: forall auth f x. Rep (HealthAPI auth f) x -> HealthAPI auth f
$cfrom :: forall auth f x. HealthAPI auth f -> Rep (HealthAPI auth f) x