{-# LANGUAGE ScopedTypeVariables #-}
module Hedgehog.Classes.Eq (eqLaws) where
import Hedgehog
import Hedgehog.Classes.Common
eqLaws :: (Eq a, Show a) => Gen a -> Laws
eqLaws gen = Laws "Eq"
[ ("Transitive", eqTransitive gen)
, ("Symmetric", eqSymmetric gen)
, ("Reflexive", eqReflexive gen)
, ("Negation", eqNegation gen)
eqTransitive :: forall a. (Eq a, Show a) => Gen a -> Property
eqTransitive gen = property $ do
a <- forAll gen
b <- forAll gen
c <- forAll gen
let lhs = a == b && b == c; rhs = a == c
let ctx = contextualise $ LawContext
{ lawContextLawName = "Transitivity", lawContextLawBody = "a == b ∧ b == c" `congruency` "a == c"
, lawContextTcName = "Eq", lawContextTcProp =
let showA = show a; showB = show b; showC = show c;
in lawWhere
[ "a == b ∧ b == c" `congruency` "a == c, where"
, "a = " ++ showA
, "b = " ++ showB
, "c = " ++ showC
, lawContextReduced = reduced lhs rhs
case a == b of
True -> case b == c of { True -> heqCtx a c ctx; False -> hneqCtx a c ctx }
False -> case b == c of { True -> hneqCtx a c ctx; False -> success }
eqSymmetric :: forall a. (Eq a, Show a) => Gen a -> Property
eqSymmetric gen = property $ do
a <- forAll gen
b <- forAll gen
let lhs = a == b; rhs = b == a
let ctx = contextualise $ LawContext
{ lawContextLawName = "Symmetry", lawContextLawBody = "a == b" `congruency` "b == a"
, lawContextTcName = "Eq", lawContextTcProp =
let showA = show a; showB = show b;
in lawWhere
[ "a == b" `congruency` "b == a, where"
, "a = " ++ showA
, "b = " ++ showB
, lawContextReduced = reduced lhs rhs
heqCtx lhs rhs ctx
eqReflexive :: forall a. (Eq a, Show a) => Gen a -> Property
eqReflexive gen = property $ do
a <- forAll gen
let lhs = a
let rhs = a
let ctx = contextualise $ LawContext
{ lawContextLawName = "Reflexivity", lawContextLawBody = "a" `congruency` "a"
, lawContextTcName = "Eq"
, lawContextTcProp = let showA = show a in lawWhere [ "a" `congruency` "a, where", "a = " ++ showA ]
, lawContextReduced = reduced a a
heqCtx lhs rhs ctx
eqNegation :: forall a. (Eq a, Show a) => Gen a -> Property
eqNegation gen = property $ do
x <- forAll gen
y <- forAll gen
let lhs = x /= y
let rhs = not (x == y)
let ctx = contextualise $ LawContext
{ lawContextLawName = "Negation", lawContextLawBody = "x /= y" `congruency` "not (x == y)"
, lawContextTcName = "Eq"
, lawContextReduced = reduced lhs rhs
, lawContextTcProp =
let showX = show x; showY = show y;
in lawWhere
[ "x /= y" `congruency` "not (x == y), where"
, "x = " ++ showX
, "y = " ++ showY
heqCtx lhs rhs ctx