{-# LANGUAGE DuplicateRecordFields #-}
{-# LANGUAGE FlexibleContexts #-}
{-# LANGUAGE LambdaCase #-}
{-# LANGUAGE NamedFieldPuns #-}
{-# LANGUAGE TupleSections #-}
{-# LANGUAGE TypeApplications #-}

-- |
-- Module      : Network.Reddit.Types.Subreddit
-- Copyright   : (c) 2021 Rory Tyler Hayford
-- License     : BSD-3-Clause
-- Maintainer  : rory.hayford@protonmail.com
-- Stability   : experimental
-- Portability : GHC
module Network.Reddit.Subreddit
    (  -- * Actions
    , getSubredditRules
    , getPostRequirements
    , getHotSubmissions
    , getNewSubmissions
    , getRandomRisingSubmissions
    , getControversialSubmissions
    , getRisingSubmissions
    , getTopSubmissions
    , getRandomSubmission
    , getStickiedSubmission
    , subscribe
    , unsubscribe
    , quarantineOptIn
    , quarantineOptOut
      -- * Subreddit @Listing@s
      -- | These actions return @Listing@s of subreddits site-wide
      -- corresponding to various filters
    , getDefaultSubreddits
    , getNewSubreddits
    , getPopularSubreddits
    , getPremiumSubreddits
    , getGoldSubreddits
    , searchSubreddits
    , searchSubredditsByName
    , getRecommendedSubreddits
    , followCollection
    , unfollowCollection
      -- * Collections
    , getCollections
    , getCollectionsWithName
    , getCollection
    , getCollectionByPermalink
      -- * Flair
    , getUserFlairTemplates
    , getSubmissionFlairTemplates
    , getNewSubmissionFlairChoices
    , getUserFlairChoices
    , getSubmissionFlairChoices
      -- * Wiki
    , getWikiPage
    , getWikiPages
    , getWikiPageRevision
    , getWikiPageRevisions
    , editWikiPage
    , createWikiPage
      -- * Widgets
    , getSubredditWidgets
    , getAllSubredditWidgets
      -- * Emojis
    , getSubredditEmojis
      -- * Types
    , module M
    ) where

import           Control.Monad.Catch             ( MonadCatch(catch)
                                                 , MonadThrow(throwM)

import           Data.Aeson                      ( FromJSON )
import           Data.ByteString                 ( ByteString )
import           Data.Generics.Wrapped           ( wrappedTo )
import           Data.Maybe                      ( fromMaybe )
import           Data.Sequence                   ( Seq((:<|)) )
import           Data.Text                       ( Text )
import qualified Data.Text.Encoding              as T

import           Lens.Micro                      ( (&), (<&>) )

import qualified Network.HTTP.Client.Conduit     as H
import           Network.Reddit.Internal
import           Network.Reddit.Types
import           Network.Reddit.Types.Emoji
import           Network.Reddit.Types.Emoji      as M
                 ( Emoji(Emoji)
                 , EmojiName
                 , mkEmoji
                 , mkEmojiName
import           Network.Reddit.Types.Flair
import           Network.Reddit.Types.Flair      as M
                 ( AssignedFlair(AssignedFlair)
                 , CSSClass
                 , CurrentUserFlair
                 , FlairChoice(FlairChoice)
                 , FlairChoiceList
                 , FlairContent(..)
                 , FlairID
                 , FlairList(FlairList)
                 , FlairResult(FlairResult)
                 , FlairSelection(FlairSelection)
                 , FlairTemplate(FlairTemplate)
                 , FlairText
                 , FlairType(..)
                 , ForegroundColor(..)
                 , PostedFlairTemplate
                 , UserFlair(UserFlair)
                 , defaultFlairTemplate
                 , flairlistToListing
                 , mkFlairText
import           Network.Reddit.Types.Item
import           Network.Reddit.Types.Submission
import           Network.Reddit.Types.Subreddit
import           Network.Reddit.Types.Subreddit  as M
                 ( BodyRestriction(..)
                 , NewSubredditRule(NewSubredditRule)
                 , PostRequirements(PostRequirements)
                 , PostedSubredditRule
                 , RuleType(..)
                 , Subreddit(Subreddit)
                 , SubredditID(SubredditID)
                 , SubredditName
                 , SubredditRule(SubredditRule)
                 , mkSubredditName
import           Network.Reddit.Types.Widget
import           Network.Reddit.Types.Widget     as M
                 ( Button(..)
                 , ButtonHover(..)
                 , ButtonImage(ButtonImage)
                 , ButtonText(ButtonText)
                 , ButtonWidget(ButtonWidget)
                 , CalendarConfig(CalendarConfig)
                 , CalendarWidget(CalendarWidget)
                 , CommunityInfo(CommunityInfo)
                 , CommunityListWidget(CommunityListWidget)
                 , CustomWidget(CustomWidget)
                 , IDCardWidget(IDCardWidget)
                 , Image(Image)
                 , ImageData(ImageData)
                 , ImageHover(ImageHover)
                 , ImageWidget(ImageWidget)
                 , MenuChild(..)
                 , MenuLink(MenuLink)
                 , MenuWidget(MenuWidget)
                 , ModInfo(ModInfo)
                 , ModeratorsWidget(ModeratorsWidget)
                 , PostFlairInfo(PostFlairInfo)
                 , PostFlairWidget(PostFlairWidget)
                 , PostFlairWidgetDisplay(..)
                 , RulesDisplay(..)
                 , RulesWidget(RulesWidget)
                 , ShortName
                 , Submenu(Submenu)
                 , SubredditWidgets(SubredditWidgets)
                 , TextAreaWidget(TextAreaWidget)
                 , TextHover(TextHover)
                 , Widget(..)
                 , WidgetID(WidgetID)
                 , WidgetSection(..)
                 , WidgetStyles(WidgetStyles)
                 , defaultCalendarConfig
                 , mkCommunityInfo
                 , mkPostFlairWidget
                 , mkShortName
                 , mkTextAreaWidget
import           Network.Reddit.Types.Wiki       as M
                 ( WikiPage(WikiPage)
                 , WikiPageListing
                 , WikiPageName
                 , WikiPageSettings(WikiPageSettings)
                 , WikiPermLevel(..)
                 , WikiRevision(WikiRevision)
                 , WikiRevisionID
                 , mkWikiPageName
import           Network.Reddit.Utils

import           Web.FormUrlEncoded              ( Form )
import           Web.HttpApiData                 ( ToHttpApiData(..) )
import           Web.Internal.FormUrlEncoded     ( ToForm(toForm) )

-- | Get information about a 'Subreddit'. An 'ErrorWithStatus' will be thrown if
-- attempting to query information on banned or private 'Subreddit's
getSubreddit :: MonadReddit m => SubredditName -> m Subreddit
getSubreddit :: SubredditName -> m Subreddit
getSubreddit SubredditName
sname = m Subreddit -> m Subreddit
forall (m :: * -> *) a. MonadReddit m => m a -> m a
    (m Subreddit -> m Subreddit) -> m Subreddit -> m Subreddit
forall a b. (a -> b) -> a -> b
$ APIAction Subreddit -> m Subreddit
forall a (m :: * -> *).
(MonadReddit m, FromJSON a) =>
APIAction a -> m a
runAction APIAction Any
forall a. APIAction a
                { $sel:pathSegments:APIAction :: [PathSegment]
pathSegments = [ PathSegment
"r", SubredditName -> PathSegment
forall a. ToHttpApiData a => a -> PathSegment
toUrlPiece SubredditName
sname, PathSegment
"about" ] }

-- | Get a 'Subreddit'\'s 'SubredditRule's
getSubredditRules :: MonadReddit m => SubredditName -> m (Seq SubredditRule)
getSubredditRules :: SubredditName -> m (Seq SubredditRule)
getSubredditRules SubredditName
sname = APIAction RuleList -> m RuleList
forall a (m :: * -> *).
(MonadReddit m, FromJSON a) =>
APIAction a -> m a
runAction @RuleList APIAction RuleList
forall a. APIAction a
r m RuleList
-> (RuleList -> Seq SubredditRule) -> m (Seq SubredditRule)
forall (f :: * -> *) a b. Functor f => f a -> (a -> b) -> f b
<&> RuleList -> Seq SubredditRule
forall s t a b. Wrapped s t a b => s -> a
    r :: APIAction a
r = APIAction Any
forall a. APIAction a
        { $sel:pathSegments:APIAction :: [PathSegment]
pathSegments = [ PathSegment
"r", SubredditName -> PathSegment
forall a. ToHttpApiData a => a -> PathSegment
toUrlPiece SubredditName
sname, PathSegment
"about", PathSegment
"rules" ] }

-- | Get the requirements that moderators have configured for all submissions on
-- the given subreddit
getPostRequirements :: MonadReddit m => SubredditName -> m PostRequirements
getPostRequirements :: SubredditName -> m PostRequirements
getPostRequirements SubredditName
sname =
    APIAction PostRequirements -> m PostRequirements
forall a (m :: * -> *).
(MonadReddit m, FromJSON a) =>
APIAction a -> m a
runAction APIAction Any
forall a. APIAction a
              { $sel:pathSegments:APIAction :: [PathSegment]
pathSegments =
                    [ PathSegment
"api", PathSegment
"v1", SubredditName -> PathSegment
forall a. ToHttpApiData a => a -> PathSegment
toUrlPiece SubredditName
sname, PathSegment
"post_requirements" ]

getHotSubmissions, getNewSubmissions, getRandomRisingSubmissions
    :: MonadReddit m
    => SubredditName
    -> Paginator SubmissionID Submission
    -> m (Listing SubmissionID Submission)

-- | Get \"hot\" 'Submission's for a given 'Subreddit'
getHotSubmissions :: SubredditName
-> Paginator SubmissionID Submission
-> m (Listing SubmissionID Submission)
getHotSubmissions = PathSegment
-> SubredditName
-> Paginator SubmissionID Submission
-> m (Listing SubmissionID Submission)
forall (m :: * -> *) a.
(MonadReddit m, Thing a, FromJSON a) =>
-> SubredditName
-> Paginator a Submission
-> m (Listing a Submission)
submissions PathSegment

-- | Get \"new\" 'Submission's for a given 'Subreddit'
getNewSubmissions :: SubredditName
-> Paginator SubmissionID Submission
-> m (Listing SubmissionID Submission)
getNewSubmissions = PathSegment
-> SubredditName
-> Paginator SubmissionID Submission
-> m (Listing SubmissionID Submission)
forall (m :: * -> *) a.
(MonadReddit m, Thing a, FromJSON a) =>
-> SubredditName
-> Paginator a Submission
-> m (Listing a Submission)
submissions PathSegment

getControversialSubmissions, getRisingSubmissions, getTopSubmissions
    :: MonadReddit m
    => SubredditName
    -> Paginator SubmissionID Submission
    -> m (Listing SubmissionID Submission)

-- | Get \"controversial\" 'Submission's for a given 'Subreddit'
getControversialSubmissions :: SubredditName
-> Paginator SubmissionID Submission
-> m (Listing SubmissionID Submission)
getControversialSubmissions = PathSegment
-> SubredditName
-> Paginator SubmissionID Submission
-> m (Listing SubmissionID Submission)
forall (m :: * -> *) a.
(MonadReddit m, Thing a, FromJSON a) =>
-> SubredditName
-> Paginator a Submission
-> m (Listing a Submission)
submissions PathSegment

-- | Get \"rising\" 'Submission's for a given 'Subreddit'
getRisingSubmissions :: SubredditName
-> Paginator SubmissionID Submission
-> m (Listing SubmissionID Submission)
getRisingSubmissions = PathSegment
-> SubredditName
-> Paginator SubmissionID Submission
-> m (Listing SubmissionID Submission)
forall (m :: * -> *) a.
(MonadReddit m, Thing a, FromJSON a) =>
-> SubredditName
-> Paginator a Submission
-> m (Listing a Submission)
submissions PathSegment

-- | Get \"top\" 'Submission's for a given 'Subreddit'
getTopSubmissions :: SubredditName
-> Paginator SubmissionID Submission
-> m (Listing SubmissionID Submission)
getTopSubmissions = PathSegment
-> SubredditName
-> Paginator SubmissionID Submission
-> m (Listing SubmissionID Submission)
forall (m :: * -> *) a.
(MonadReddit m, Thing a, FromJSON a) =>
-> SubredditName
-> Paginator a Submission
-> m (Listing a Submission)
submissions PathSegment

-- | Get \"rising\" 'Submission's for a given 'Subreddit'
getRandomRisingSubmissions :: SubredditName
-> Paginator SubmissionID Submission
-> m (Listing SubmissionID Submission)
getRandomRisingSubmissions = PathSegment
-> SubredditName
-> Paginator SubmissionID Submission
-> m (Listing SubmissionID Submission)
forall (m :: * -> *) a.
(MonadReddit m, Thing a, FromJSON a) =>
-> SubredditName
-> Paginator a Submission
-> m (Listing a Submission)
submissions PathSegment

submissions :: (MonadReddit m, Thing a, FromJSON a)
            => Text
            -> SubredditName
            -> Paginator a Submission
            -> m (Listing a Submission)
submissions :: PathSegment
-> SubredditName
-> Paginator a Submission
-> m (Listing a Submission)
submissions PathSegment
txt SubredditName
sname Paginator a Submission
paginator =
    APIAction (Listing a Submission) -> m (Listing a Submission)
forall a (m :: * -> *).
(MonadReddit m, FromJSON a) =>
APIAction a -> m a
runAction APIAction Any
forall a. APIAction a
              { $sel:pathSegments:APIAction :: [PathSegment]
pathSegments = [ PathSegment
"r", SubredditName -> PathSegment
forall a. ToHttpApiData a => a -> PathSegment
toUrlPiece SubredditName
sname, PathSegment
txt ]
              , $sel:requestData:APIAction :: WithData
requestData  = Paginator a Submission -> WithData
forall t a. (Thing t, Paginable a) => Paginator t a -> WithData
paginatorToFormData Paginator a Submission

-- | Get a random submission from the subreddit. The sub must support this feature,
-- or an 'ErrorWithStatus' exception will be thrown
getRandomSubmission :: MonadReddit m => SubredditName -> m Submission
getRandomSubmission :: SubredditName -> m Submission
getRandomSubmission SubredditName
sname =
-> m Submission
-> ([ByteString] -> m [Listing ItemID Item])
-> m Submission
forall (m :: * -> *) t.
MonadCatch m =>
-> m Submission
-> ([ByteString] -> m [Listing t Item])
-> m Submission
catchRedirected PathSegment
"getRandomSubmission" m Submission
action [ByteString] -> m [Listing ItemID Item]
forall (m :: * -> *).
(MonadUnliftIO m, MonadCatch m, MonadReader Client m) =>
[ByteString] -> m [Listing ItemID Item]
    action :: m Submission
action     =
        APIAction Submission -> m Submission
forall a (m :: * -> *).
(MonadReddit m, FromJSON a) =>
APIAction a -> m a
runAction APIAction Any
forall a. APIAction a
                  { $sel:pathSegments:APIAction :: [PathSegment]
pathSegments    = [ PathSegment
"r", SubredditName -> PathSegment
forall a. ToHttpApiData a => a -> PathSegment
toUrlPiece SubredditName
sname, PathSegment
"random" ]
                  , $sel:followRedirects:APIAction :: Bool
followRedirects = Bool

    handler :: [ByteString] -> m [Listing ItemID Item]
handler [ByteString]
ps =
        APIAction [Listing ItemID Item] -> m [Listing ItemID Item]
forall a (m :: * -> *).
(MonadReddit m, FromJSON a) =>
APIAction a -> m a
runAction @[Listing ItemID Item]
                  APIAction Any
forall a. APIAction a
                  { $sel:pathSegments:APIAction :: [PathSegment]
pathSegments = ByteString -> PathSegment
T.decodeUtf8 (ByteString -> PathSegment) -> [ByteString] -> [PathSegment]
forall (f :: * -> *) a b. Functor f => (a -> b) -> f a -> f b
<$> [ByteString]
ps, $sel:needsAuth:APIAction :: Bool
needsAuth = Bool
False }

-- | Get one of the stickied submission, optionally specifying its position in the
-- sticky list, returning the top one otherwise. Note that this will throw an
-- 'ErrorWithStatus' if the sub does not have any stickied submissions
    :: MonadReddit m
    => Maybe Word
    -- ^ Which sticky to fetch. 1 is at the top of the sticky list, and is
    -- the default if this param is @Nothing@
    -> SubredditName
    -> m Submission
getStickiedSubmission :: Maybe Word -> SubredditName -> m Submission
getStickiedSubmission Maybe Word
num SubredditName
sname =
-> m Submission
-> ([ByteString] -> m [Listing ItemID Item])
-> m Submission
forall (m :: * -> *) t.
MonadCatch m =>
-> m Submission
-> ([ByteString] -> m [Listing t Item])
-> m Submission
catchRedirected PathSegment
"getStickiedSubmission" m Submission
action [ByteString] -> m [Listing ItemID Item]
forall (m :: * -> *).
(MonadUnliftIO m, MonadCatch m, MonadReader Client m) =>
[ByteString] -> m [Listing ItemID Item]
    action :: m Submission
action     =
        APIAction Submission -> m Submission
forall a (m :: * -> *).
(MonadReddit m, FromJSON a) =>
APIAction a -> m a
runAction APIAction Any
forall a. APIAction a
                  { $sel:pathSegments:APIAction :: [PathSegment]
pathSegments    = SubredditName -> PathSegment -> [PathSegment]
subAboutPath SubredditName
sname PathSegment
                  , $sel:followRedirects:APIAction :: Bool
followRedirects = Bool
                  , $sel:requestData:APIAction :: WithData
requestData     =
                        [(PathSegment, PathSegment)] -> WithData
mkTextFormData [ ( PathSegment
                                         , Word -> PathSegment
forall a. ToHttpApiData a => a -> PathSegment
toQueryParam (Word -> PathSegment) -> Word -> PathSegment
forall a b. (a -> b) -> a -> b
$ Word -> Maybe Word -> Word
forall a. a -> Maybe a -> a
fromMaybe Word
1 Maybe Word

    handler :: [ByteString] -> m [Listing ItemID Item]
handler [ByteString]
ps =
        APIAction [Listing ItemID Item] -> m [Listing ItemID Item]
forall a (m :: * -> *).
(MonadReddit m, FromJSON a) =>
APIAction a -> m a
runAction @[Listing ItemID Item]
                  APIAction Any
forall a. APIAction a
                  { $sel:pathSegments:APIAction :: [PathSegment]
pathSegments = ByteString -> PathSegment
T.decodeUtf8 (ByteString -> PathSegment) -> [ByteString] -> [PathSegment]
forall (f :: * -> *) a b. Functor f => (a -> b) -> f a -> f b
<$> [ByteString]
ps, $sel:needsAuth:APIAction :: Bool
needsAuth = Bool
False }

-- This is a mega-hack to deal with how Reddit deals with the absence or
-- presence of certain subreddit features, like random and stickied
-- submissions
catchRedirected :: MonadCatch m
                => Text
                -> m Submission
                -> ([ByteString] -> m [Listing t Item])
                -> m Submission
catchRedirected :: PathSegment
-> m Submission
-> ([ByteString] -> m [Listing t Item])
-> m Submission
catchRedirected PathSegment
func m Submission
action [ByteString] -> m [Listing t Item]
handler = m Submission -> (APIException -> m Submission) -> m Submission
forall (m :: * -> *) e a.
(MonadCatch m, Exception e) =>
m a -> (e -> m a) -> m a
catch @_ @APIException m Submission
action ((APIException -> m Submission) -> m Submission)
-> (APIException -> m Submission) -> m Submission
forall a b. (a -> b) -> a -> b
$ \case
    Redirected (Just Request
req) -> case Request
req Request -> (Request -> ByteString) -> ByteString
forall a b. a -> (a -> b) -> b
& Request -> ByteString
H.path ByteString -> (ByteString -> [ByteString]) -> [ByteString]
forall a b. a -> (a -> b) -> b
& ByteString -> [ByteString]
splitPath of
        [ r :: ByteString
"r", ByteString
sub, c :: ByteString
"comments", ByteString
path, ByteString
t, j :: ByteString
".json" ] ->
            [ByteString] -> m [Listing t Item]
handler [ ByteString
r, ByteString
sub, ByteString
c, ByteString
path, ByteString
t, ByteString
j ] m [Listing t Item]
-> ([Listing t Item] -> m Submission) -> m Submission
forall (m :: * -> *) a b. Monad m => m a -> (a -> m b) -> m b
>>= \case
                Listing { Seq Item
$sel:children:Listing :: forall t a. Listing t a -> Seq a
children :: Seq Item
children } : [Listing t Item]
_ -> Seq Item -> m Submission
handleChildren Seq Item
                [Listing t Item]
_ -> m Submission
forall a. m a
_ -> ClientException -> m Submission
forall (m :: * -> *) e a. (MonadThrow m, Exception e) => e -> m a
throwM (ClientException -> m Submission)
-> (PathSegment -> ClientException) -> PathSegment -> m Submission
forall b c a. (b -> c) -> (a -> b) -> a -> c
. PathSegment -> ClientException
            (PathSegment -> m Submission) -> PathSegment -> m Submission
forall a b. (a -> b) -> a -> b
$ PathSegment
func PathSegment -> PathSegment -> PathSegment
forall a. Semigroup a => a -> a -> a
<> PathSegment
": Could not parse redirect URL"
e -> APIException -> m Submission
forall (m :: * -> *) e a. (MonadThrow m, Exception e) => e -> m a
throwM APIException
    noResults :: m a
noResults      = ClientException -> m a
forall (m :: * -> *) e a. (MonadThrow m, Exception e) => e -> m a
throwM (ClientException -> m a)
-> (PathSegment -> ClientException) -> PathSegment -> m a
forall b c a. (b -> c) -> (a -> b) -> a -> c
. PathSegment -> ClientException
InvalidResponse (PathSegment -> m a) -> PathSegment -> m a
forall a b. (a -> b) -> a -> b
$ PathSegment
func PathSegment -> PathSegment -> PathSegment
forall a. Semigroup a => a -> a -> a
<> PathSegment
": No results"

    handleChildren :: Seq Item -> m Submission
handleChildren = \case
        SubmissionItem Submission
s :<| Seq Item
_ -> Submission -> m Submission
forall (f :: * -> *) a. Applicative f => a -> f a
pure Submission
        Seq Item
_ -> m Submission
forall a. m a

-- | Subscribe to a single subreddit
subscribe :: MonadReddit m => SubredditName -> m ()
subscribe :: SubredditName -> m ()
subscribe SubredditName
sname =
    APIAction () -> m ()
forall (m :: * -> *). MonadReddit m => APIAction () -> m ()
runAction_ APIAction Any
forall a. APIAction a
               { $sel:pathSegments:APIAction :: [PathSegment]
pathSegments = [ PathSegment
"api", PathSegment
"subscribe" ]
               , $sel:method:APIAction :: Method
method       = Method
               , $sel:requestData:APIAction :: WithData
requestData  =
                     [(PathSegment, PathSegment)] -> WithData
mkTextFormData [ (PathSegment
"sr_name", SubredditName -> PathSegment
forall a. ToHttpApiData a => a -> PathSegment
toQueryParam SubredditName
                                    , (PathSegment
"action", PathSegment
                                    , ( PathSegment
                                      , Bool -> PathSegment
forall a. ToHttpApiData a => a -> PathSegment
toQueryParam Bool

-- | Unsubscribe from a single subreddit
unsubscribe :: MonadReddit m => SubredditName -> m ()
unsubscribe :: SubredditName -> m ()
unsubscribe SubredditName
sname =
    APIAction () -> m ()
forall (m :: * -> *). MonadReddit m => APIAction () -> m ()
runAction_ APIAction Any
forall a. APIAction a
               { $sel:pathSegments:APIAction :: [PathSegment]
pathSegments = [ PathSegment
"api", PathSegment
"subscribe" ]
               , $sel:method:APIAction :: Method
method       = Method
               , $sel:requestData:APIAction :: WithData
requestData  =
                     [(PathSegment, PathSegment)] -> WithData
mkTextFormData [ (PathSegment
"sr_name", SubredditName -> PathSegment
forall a. ToHttpApiData a => a -> PathSegment
toQueryParam SubredditName
                                    , (PathSegment
"action", PathSegment

-- | Allow the authenticated user to access the quarantined subreddit
quarantineOptIn :: MonadReddit m => SubredditName -> m ()
quarantineOptIn :: SubredditName -> m ()
quarantineOptIn = PathSegment -> SubredditName -> m ()
forall (m :: * -> *).
MonadReddit m =>
PathSegment -> SubredditName -> m ()
quarantineOpt PathSegment

-- | Disallow the authenticated user from accessing the quarantined subreddit
quarantineOptOut :: MonadReddit m => SubredditName -> m ()
quarantineOptOut :: SubredditName -> m ()
quarantineOptOut = PathSegment -> SubredditName -> m ()
forall (m :: * -> *).
MonadReddit m =>
PathSegment -> SubredditName -> m ()
quarantineOpt PathSegment

quarantineOpt :: MonadReddit m => PathSegment -> SubredditName -> m ()
quarantineOpt :: PathSegment -> SubredditName -> m ()
quarantineOpt PathSegment
path SubredditName
sname =
    APIAction () -> m ()
forall (m :: * -> *). MonadReddit m => APIAction () -> m ()
runAction_ APIAction Any
forall a. APIAction a
               { $sel:pathSegments:APIAction :: [PathSegment]
pathSegments = [ PathSegment
"api", PathSegment
path ]
               , $sel:method:APIAction :: Method
method       = Method
               , $sel:requestData:APIAction :: WithData
requestData  =
                     [(PathSegment, PathSegment)] -> WithData
mkTextFormData [ (PathSegment
"sr_name", SubredditName -> PathSegment
forall a. ToHttpApiData a => a -> PathSegment
toQueryParam SubredditName
sname) ]

getDefaultSubreddits, getNewSubreddits, getPopularSubreddits
    :: MonadReddit m
    => Paginator SubredditID Subreddit
    -> m (Listing SubredditID Subreddit)

-- | Get a @Listing@ of the default 'Subreddit's
getDefaultSubreddits :: Paginator SubredditID Subreddit
-> m (Listing SubredditID Subreddit)
getDefaultSubreddits = PathSegment
-> Paginator SubredditID Subreddit
-> m (Listing SubredditID Subreddit)
forall (m :: * -> *).
MonadReddit m =>
-> Paginator SubredditID Subreddit
-> m (Listing SubredditID Subreddit)
subredditListing PathSegment

-- | Get a @Listing@ of new 'Subreddit's site-wide
getNewSubreddits :: Paginator SubredditID Subreddit
-> m (Listing SubredditID Subreddit)
getNewSubreddits = PathSegment
-> Paginator SubredditID Subreddit
-> m (Listing SubredditID Subreddit)
forall (m :: * -> *).
MonadReddit m =>
-> Paginator SubredditID Subreddit
-> m (Listing SubredditID Subreddit)
subredditListing PathSegment

-- | Get a @Listing@ of popular 'Subreddit's site-wide
getPopularSubreddits :: Paginator SubredditID Subreddit
-> m (Listing SubredditID Subreddit)
getPopularSubreddits = PathSegment
-> Paginator SubredditID Subreddit
-> m (Listing SubredditID Subreddit)
forall (m :: * -> *).
MonadReddit m =>
-> Paginator SubredditID Subreddit
-> m (Listing SubredditID Subreddit)
subredditListing PathSegment

getPremiumSubreddits, getGoldSubreddits
    :: MonadReddit m
    => Paginator SubredditID Subreddit
    -> m (Listing SubredditID Subreddit)

-- | Get a @Listing@ of premium-only 'Subreddit's
getPremiumSubreddits :: Paginator SubredditID Subreddit
-> m (Listing SubredditID Subreddit)
getPremiumSubreddits = PathSegment
-> Paginator SubredditID Subreddit
-> m (Listing SubredditID Subreddit)
forall (m :: * -> *).
MonadReddit m =>
-> Paginator SubredditID Subreddit
-> m (Listing SubredditID Subreddit)
subredditListing PathSegment

-- | Same as 'getPremiumSubreddits', provided for compatibility purposes
getGoldSubreddits :: Paginator SubredditID Subreddit
-> m (Listing SubredditID Subreddit)
getGoldSubreddits = Paginator SubredditID Subreddit
-> m (Listing SubredditID Subreddit)
forall (m :: * -> *).
MonadReddit m =>
Paginator SubredditID Subreddit
-> m (Listing SubredditID Subreddit)

-- | Search through subreddits based on both their names and descriptions
searchSubreddits :: MonadReddit m
                 => Text
                 -> Paginator SubredditID Subreddit
                 -> m (Listing SubredditID Subreddit)
searchSubreddits :: PathSegment
-> Paginator SubredditID Subreddit
-> m (Listing SubredditID Subreddit)
searchSubreddits PathSegment
query Paginator SubredditID Subreddit
paginator =
    APIAction (Listing SubredditID Subreddit)
-> m (Listing SubredditID Subreddit)
forall a (m :: * -> *).
(MonadReddit m, FromJSON a) =>
APIAction a -> m a
runAction APIAction Any
forall a. APIAction a
              { $sel:pathSegments:APIAction :: [PathSegment]
pathSegments = [ PathSegment
"subreddits", PathSegment
"search" ]
              , $sel:requestData:APIAction :: WithData
requestData  =
                    Form -> WithData
WithForm (Form -> WithData) -> Form -> WithData
forall a b. (a -> b) -> a -> b
$ Paginator SubredditID Subreddit -> Form
forall a. ToForm a => a -> Form
toForm Paginator SubredditID Subreddit
paginator Form -> Form -> Form
forall a. Semigroup a => a -> a -> a
<> [(PathSegment, PathSegment)] -> Form
mkTextForm [ (PathSegment
"q", PathSegment
query) ]

-- | Search through subreddits based on both their names
    :: MonadReddit m
    => Maybe Bool
    -- ^ If NSWF subreddits should be included, defaulting to @True@ if @Nothing@
    -> Maybe Bool
    -- ^ Only exactly match the query, defaulting to @False@ if @Nothing@
    -> Text
    -> m (Seq SubredditName)
searchSubredditsByName :: Maybe Bool -> Maybe Bool -> PathSegment -> m (Seq SubredditName)
searchSubredditsByName Maybe Bool
withNSFW Maybe Bool
exact PathSegment
query =
    APIAction NameSearchResults -> m NameSearchResults
forall a (m :: * -> *).
(MonadReddit m, FromJSON a) =>
APIAction a -> m a
runAction @NameSearchResults APIAction NameSearchResults
forall a. APIAction a
r m NameSearchResults
-> (NameSearchResults -> Seq SubredditName)
-> m (Seq SubredditName)
forall (f :: * -> *) a b. Functor f => f a -> (a -> b) -> f b
<&> NameSearchResults -> Seq SubredditName
forall s t a b. Wrapped s t a b => s -> a
    r :: APIAction a
r = APIAction Any
forall a. APIAction a
        { $sel:pathSegments:APIAction :: [PathSegment]
pathSegments = [ PathSegment
"api", PathSegment
"search_reddit_names" ]
        , $sel:method:APIAction :: Method
method       = Method
        , $sel:requestData:APIAction :: WithData
requestData  =
              [(PathSegment, PathSegment)] -> WithData
mkTextFormData [ (PathSegment
"query", PathSegment
                             , (PathSegment
"exact", Bool -> PathSegment
forall a. ToHttpApiData a => a -> PathSegment
toQueryParam (Bool -> PathSegment) -> Bool -> PathSegment
forall a b. (a -> b) -> a -> b
$ Bool -> Maybe Bool -> Bool
forall a. a -> Maybe a -> a
fromMaybe Bool
False Maybe Bool
                             , ( PathSegment
                               , Bool -> PathSegment
forall a. ToHttpApiData a => a -> PathSegment
toQueryParam (Bool -> PathSegment) -> Bool -> PathSegment
forall a b. (a -> b) -> a -> b
$ Bool -> Maybe Bool -> Bool
forall a. a -> Maybe a -> a
fromMaybe Bool
True Maybe Bool

-- | Get a list of recommended subreddits based on the provided subs. Subreddits
-- to exclude from the recommendation may optionally be provided.
-- __Note__: Unfortunately, as of this writing, this action appears to only
-- return an empty array for all inputs
    :: (MonadReddit m, Foldable t)
    => Maybe (t SubredditName) -- ^ Subreddits to omit from the result
    -> t SubredditName -- ^ Subreddits to base the recommendations on
    -> m (Seq SubredditName)
getRecommendedSubreddits :: Maybe (t SubredditName) -> t SubredditName -> m (Seq SubredditName)
getRecommendedSubreddits Maybe (t SubredditName)
omit t SubredditName
snames = APIAction RecsList -> m RecsList
forall a (m :: * -> *).
(MonadReddit m, FromJSON a) =>
APIAction a -> m a
runAction @RecsList APIAction RecsList
forall a. APIAction a
r m RecsList
-> (RecsList -> Seq SubredditName) -> m (Seq SubredditName)
forall (f :: * -> *) a b. Functor f => f a -> (a -> b) -> f b
<&> RecsList -> Seq SubredditName
forall s t a b. Wrapped s t a b => s -> a
    r :: APIAction a
r = APIAction Any
forall a. APIAction a
        { $sel:pathSegments:APIAction :: [PathSegment]
pathSegments = [ PathSegment
"api", PathSegment
"recommend", PathSegment
"sr", t SubredditName -> PathSegment
forall (t :: * -> *) a.
(Foldable t, ToHttpApiData a) =>
t a -> PathSegment
joinParams t SubredditName
snames ]
        , $sel:requestData:APIAction :: WithData
requestData  =
              [(PathSegment, PathSegment)] -> WithData
mkTextFormData [ (PathSegment
"omit", PathSegment
-> (t SubredditName -> PathSegment)
-> Maybe (t SubredditName)
-> PathSegment
forall b a. b -> (a -> b) -> Maybe a -> b
maybe PathSegment
forall a. Monoid a => a
mempty t SubredditName -> PathSegment
forall (t :: * -> *) a.
(Foldable t, ToHttpApiData a) =>
t a -> PathSegment
joinParams Maybe (t SubredditName)
omit) ]

subredditListing :: MonadReddit m
                 => PathSegment
                 -> Paginator SubredditID Subreddit
                 -> m (Listing SubredditID Subreddit)
subredditListing :: PathSegment
-> Paginator SubredditID Subreddit
-> m (Listing SubredditID Subreddit)
subredditListing PathSegment
path Paginator SubredditID Subreddit
paginator =
    APIAction (Listing SubredditID Subreddit)
-> m (Listing SubredditID Subreddit)
forall a (m :: * -> *).
(MonadReddit m, FromJSON a) =>
APIAction a -> m a
runAction APIAction Any
forall a. APIAction a
              { $sel:pathSegments:APIAction :: [PathSegment]
pathSegments = [ PathSegment
"subreddits", PathSegment
path ]
              , $sel:requestData:APIAction :: WithData
requestData  = Paginator SubredditID Subreddit -> WithData
forall t a. (Thing t, Paginable a) => Paginator t a -> WithData
paginatorToFormData Paginator SubredditID Subreddit

-- | Get the 'Collection's of a subreddit, given the sub ID. Collections obtained
-- through this action will not have the @sortedLinks@ field
-- __Note__: if you don't know the ID of the subreddit, you can use
-- 'getNamedCollections', although this incurs an additional
-- network request to get the ID from the name
getCollections :: MonadReddit m => SubredditID -> m (Seq Collection)
getCollections :: SubredditID -> m (Seq Collection)
getCollections SubredditID
sid =
    APIAction (Seq Collection) -> m (Seq Collection)
forall a (m :: * -> *).
(MonadReddit m, FromJSON a) =>
APIAction a -> m a
runAction APIAction Any
forall a. APIAction a
              { $sel:pathSegments:APIAction :: [PathSegment]
pathSegments = PathSegment -> [PathSegment]
collectionsPath PathSegment
              , $sel:requestData:APIAction :: WithData
requestData  =
                    [(PathSegment, PathSegment)] -> WithData
mkTextFormData [ (PathSegment
"sr_fullname", SubredditID -> PathSegment
forall a. Thing a => a -> PathSegment
fullname SubredditID
sid) ]

-- | Get the 'Collection's of a subreddit, given the name of the sub. Collections
-- obtained through this action will not have the @sortedLinks@ field
-- __Note__: this incurs a greater overhead than 'getCollections',
-- which you may want to use if you already know the @subredditID@
getCollectionsWithName :: MonadReddit m => SubredditName -> m (Seq Collection)
getCollectionsWithName :: SubredditName -> m (Seq Collection)
getCollectionsWithName SubredditName
sname = do
    Subreddit { SubredditID
$sel:subredditID:Subreddit :: Subreddit -> SubredditID
subredditID :: SubredditID
subredditID } <- SubredditName -> m Subreddit
forall (m :: * -> *). MonadReddit m => SubredditName -> m Subreddit
getSubreddit SubredditName
    SubredditID -> m (Seq Collection)
forall (m :: * -> *).
MonadReddit m =>
SubredditID -> m (Seq Collection)
getCollections SubredditID

-- | Fetch the specifig 'Collection', given its ID. This includes its @sortedLinks@
getCollection :: MonadReddit m => CollectionID -> m Collection
getCollection :: PathSegment -> m Collection
getCollection PathSegment
cid = m Collection -> (APIException -> m Collection) -> m Collection
forall (m :: * -> *) e a.
(MonadCatch m, Exception e) =>
m a -> (e -> m a) -> m a
catch @_ @APIException m Collection
action ((APIException -> m Collection) -> m Collection)
-> (APIException -> m Collection) -> m Collection
forall a b. (a -> b) -> a -> b
$ \case
    -- An invalid UUID will cause Reddit to return an empty JSON array
    ErrorWithMessage ErrorMessage
EmptyError -> APIException -> m Collection
forall (m :: * -> *) e a. (MonadThrow m, Exception e) => e -> m a
throwM (APIException -> m Collection)
-> (StatusMessage -> APIException) -> StatusMessage -> m Collection
forall b c a. (b -> c) -> (a -> b) -> a -> c
. StatusMessage -> APIException
        (StatusMessage -> m Collection) -> StatusMessage -> m Collection
forall a b. (a -> b) -> a -> b
$ StatusCode -> PathSegment -> StatusMessage
StatusMessage StatusCode
404 PathSegment
"getCollection: Collection does not exist"
e -> APIException -> m Collection
forall (m :: * -> *) e a. (MonadThrow m, Exception e) => e -> m a
throwM APIException
    action :: m Collection
action =
        APIAction Collection -> m Collection
forall a (m :: * -> *).
(MonadReddit m, FromJSON a) =>
APIAction a -> m a
runAction APIAction Any
forall a. APIAction a
                  { $sel:pathSegments:APIAction :: [PathSegment]
pathSegments = PathSegment -> [PathSegment]
collectionsPath PathSegment
                  , $sel:requestData:APIAction :: WithData
requestData  = [(PathSegment, PathSegment)] -> WithData
mkTextFormData [ (PathSegment
"collection_id", PathSegment
                                                  , (PathSegment
"include_links", PathSegment

-- | Get a 'Collection' given its @permalink@. This includes its @sortedLinks@
-- Permalink URLs should be of the form
-- https:\/\/{www.}reddit.com\/r/\<SUBREDDIT\>\/collections\/\<ID\>
getCollectionByPermalink :: MonadReddit m => URL -> m Collection
getCollectionByPermalink :: PathSegment -> m Collection
getCollectionByPermalink PathSegment
pl = PathSegment -> m (ByteString, [PathSegment])
forall (m :: * -> *).
MonadThrow m =>
PathSegment -> m (ByteString, [PathSegment])
splitURL PathSegment
pl m (ByteString, [PathSegment])
-> ((ByteString, [PathSegment]) -> m Collection) -> m Collection
forall (m :: * -> *) a b. Monad m => m a -> (a -> m b) -> m b
>>= \case
_, [ PathSegment
"r", PathSegment
_, PathSegment
"collection", PathSegment
cid ]) -> PathSegment -> m Collection
forall (m :: * -> *). MonadReddit m => PathSegment -> m Collection
getCollection PathSegment
    (ByteString, [PathSegment])
_ -> ClientException -> m Collection
forall (m :: * -> *) e a. (MonadThrow m, Exception e) => e -> m a
        (ClientException -> m Collection)
-> ClientException -> m Collection
forall a b. (a -> b) -> a -> b
$ PathSegment -> ClientException
InvalidRequest PathSegment
"getCollectionByPermalink: invalid permalink provided"

-- | Follow the collection for the authenticated user
followCollection :: MonadReddit m => CollectionID -> m ()
followCollection :: PathSegment -> m ()
followCollection = Bool -> PathSegment -> m ()
forall (m :: * -> *). MonadReddit m => Bool -> PathSegment -> m ()
followUnfollow Bool

-- | Unfollow the collection for the authenticated user
unfollowCollection :: MonadReddit m => CollectionID -> m ()
unfollowCollection :: PathSegment -> m ()
unfollowCollection = Bool -> PathSegment -> m ()
forall (m :: * -> *). MonadReddit m => Bool -> PathSegment -> m ()
followUnfollow Bool

followUnfollow :: MonadReddit m => Bool -> CollectionID -> m ()
followUnfollow :: Bool -> PathSegment -> m ()
followUnfollow Bool
follow PathSegment
cid =
    APIAction () -> m ()
forall (m :: * -> *). MonadReddit m => APIAction () -> m ()
runAction_ APIAction Any
forall a. APIAction a
               { $sel:pathSegments:APIAction :: [PathSegment]
pathSegments = PathSegment -> [PathSegment]
collectionsPath PathSegment
               , $sel:method:APIAction :: Method
method       = Method
               , $sel:requestData:APIAction :: WithData
requestData  =
                     [(PathSegment, PathSegment)] -> WithData
mkTextFormData [ (PathSegment
"collection_id", PathSegment
                                    , (PathSegment
"follow", Bool -> PathSegment
forall a. ToHttpApiData a => a -> PathSegment
toQueryParam Bool

collectionsPath :: PathSegment -> [PathSegment]
collectionsPath :: PathSegment -> [PathSegment]
collectionsPath PathSegment
path = [ PathSegment
"api", PathSegment
"v1", PathSegment
"collections", PathSegment
path ]

-- | Get the user 'FlairTemplate's on the given subreddit. This will throw an
-- 'APIException' ('ErrorWithStatus') if the sub does not allow users to set
-- their own flair and the authenticated user does not have mod privileges on
-- the sub
    :: MonadReddit m => SubredditName -> m (Seq FlairTemplate)
getUserFlairTemplates :: SubredditName -> m (Seq FlairTemplate)
getUserFlairTemplates = PathSegment -> SubredditName -> m (Seq FlairTemplate)
forall (m :: * -> *).
MonadReddit m =>
PathSegment -> SubredditName -> m (Seq FlairTemplate)
v2Flair PathSegment

-- | Get the submission 'FlairTemplate's on the given subreddit
    :: MonadReddit m => SubredditName -> m (Seq FlairTemplate)
getSubmissionFlairTemplates :: SubredditName -> m (Seq FlairTemplate)
getSubmissionFlairTemplates = PathSegment -> SubredditName -> m (Seq FlairTemplate)
forall (m :: * -> *).
MonadReddit m =>
PathSegment -> SubredditName -> m (Seq FlairTemplate)
v2Flair PathSegment

v2Flair :: MonadReddit m => Text -> SubredditName -> m (Seq FlairTemplate)
v2Flair :: PathSegment -> SubredditName -> m (Seq FlairTemplate)
v2Flair PathSegment
path SubredditName
sname =
    APIAction (Seq FlairTemplate) -> m (Seq FlairTemplate)
forall a (m :: * -> *).
(MonadReddit m, FromJSON a) =>
APIAction a -> m a
runAction APIAction Any
forall a. APIAction a
              { $sel:pathSegments:APIAction :: [PathSegment]
pathSegments = SubredditName -> PathSegment -> [PathSegment]
subAPIPath SubredditName
sname (PathSegment -> [PathSegment]) -> PathSegment -> [PathSegment]
forall a b. (a -> b) -> a -> b
$ PathSegment
path PathSegment -> PathSegment -> PathSegment
forall a. Semigroup a => a -> a -> a
<> PathSegment
"_flair_v2" }

-- | Get the available 'FlairChoice's for new submissions on the given subreddit
    :: MonadReddit m => SubredditName -> m (Seq FlairChoice)
getNewSubmissionFlairChoices :: SubredditName -> m (Seq FlairChoice)
getNewSubmissionFlairChoices =
    Form -> SubredditName -> m (Seq FlairChoice)
forall (m :: * -> *).
MonadReddit m =>
Form -> SubredditName -> m (Seq FlairChoice)
flairChoices ([(PathSegment, PathSegment)] -> Form
mkTextForm [ (PathSegment
"is_newlink", Bool -> PathSegment
forall a. ToHttpApiData a => a -> PathSegment
toQueryParam Bool
True) ])

-- | Get the available 'FlairChoice's for a particular submission on the given
-- subreddit
    :: MonadReddit m => SubredditName -> SubmissionID -> m (Seq FlairChoice)
getSubmissionFlairChoices :: SubredditName -> SubmissionID -> m (Seq FlairChoice)
getSubmissionFlairChoices SubredditName
sname SubmissionID
sid = Form -> SubredditName -> m (Seq FlairChoice)
forall (m :: * -> *).
MonadReddit m =>
Form -> SubredditName -> m (Seq FlairChoice)
flairChoices Form
form SubredditName
    form :: Form
form = [(PathSegment, PathSegment)] -> Form
mkTextForm [ (PathSegment
"link", SubmissionID -> PathSegment
forall a. Thing a => a -> PathSegment
fullname SubmissionID
sid) ]

-- | Get the available 'FlairChoice's for new submissions on the current subreddit
getUserFlairChoices :: MonadReddit m => SubredditName -> m (Seq FlairChoice)
getUserFlairChoices :: SubredditName -> m (Seq FlairChoice)
getUserFlairChoices = Form -> SubredditName -> m (Seq FlairChoice)
forall (m :: * -> *).
MonadReddit m =>
Form -> SubredditName -> m (Seq FlairChoice)
flairChoices ([(PathSegment, PathSegment)] -> Form
mkTextForm [(PathSegment, PathSegment)]
forall a. Monoid a => a

flairChoices :: MonadReddit m => Form -> SubredditName -> m (Seq FlairChoice)
flairChoices :: Form -> SubredditName -> m (Seq FlairChoice)
flairChoices Form
form SubredditName
sname = APIAction FlairChoiceList -> m FlairChoiceList
forall a (m :: * -> *).
(MonadReddit m, FromJSON a) =>
APIAction a -> m a
runAction @FlairChoiceList APIAction FlairChoiceList
forall a. APIAction a
r m FlairChoiceList
-> (FlairChoiceList -> Seq FlairChoice) -> m (Seq FlairChoice)
forall (f :: * -> *) a b. Functor f => f a -> (a -> b) -> f b
<&> FlairChoiceList -> Seq FlairChoice
forall s t a b. Wrapped s t a b => s -> a
    r :: APIAction a
r = APIAction Any
forall a. APIAction a
        { $sel:pathSegments:APIAction :: [PathSegment]
pathSegments = SubredditName -> PathSegment -> [PathSegment]
subAPIPath SubredditName
sname PathSegment
        , $sel:method:APIAction :: Method
method       = Method
        , $sel:requestData:APIAction :: WithData
requestData  = Form -> WithData
WithForm Form

-- | Get the subreddit 'WikiPage' specified by name
getWikiPage :: MonadReddit m => SubredditName -> WikiPageName -> m WikiPage
getWikiPage :: SubredditName -> WikiPageName -> m WikiPage
getWikiPage SubredditName
sname WikiPageName
wpage =
    APIAction WikiPage -> m WikiPage
forall a (m :: * -> *).
(MonadReddit m, FromJSON a) =>
APIAction a -> m a
runAction APIAction Any
forall a. APIAction a
              { $sel:pathSegments:APIAction :: [PathSegment]
pathSegments =
                    [ PathSegment
"r", SubredditName -> PathSegment
forall a. ToHttpApiData a => a -> PathSegment
toUrlPiece SubredditName
sname, PathSegment
"wiki", WikiPageName -> PathSegment
forall a. ToHttpApiData a => a -> PathSegment
toUrlPiece WikiPageName
wpage ]

-- | Get all of the 'WikiPage's on the subreddit wiki
getWikiPages :: MonadReddit m => SubredditName -> m (Seq WikiPageName)
getWikiPages :: SubredditName -> m (Seq WikiPageName)
getWikiPages SubredditName
sname = APIAction WikiPageListing -> m WikiPageListing
forall a (m :: * -> *).
(MonadReddit m, FromJSON a) =>
APIAction a -> m a
runAction @WikiPageListing APIAction WikiPageListing
forall a. APIAction a
r m WikiPageListing
-> (WikiPageListing -> Seq WikiPageName) -> m (Seq WikiPageName)
forall (f :: * -> *) a b. Functor f => f a -> (a -> b) -> f b
<&> WikiPageListing -> Seq WikiPageName
forall s t a b. Wrapped s t a b => s -> a
    r :: APIAction a
r = APIAction Any
forall a. APIAction a
        { $sel:pathSegments:APIAction :: [PathSegment]
pathSegments = [ PathSegment
"r", SubredditName -> PathSegment
forall a. ToHttpApiData a => a -> PathSegment
toUrlPiece SubredditName
sname, PathSegment
"wiki", PathSegment
"pages" ] }

-- | Get a specific revision of a 'WikiPage', specified by name and 'WikiRevisionID'
getWikiPageRevision :: MonadReddit m
                    => SubredditName
                    -> WikiPageName
                    -> WikiRevisionID
                    -> m WikiPage
getWikiPageRevision :: SubredditName -> WikiPageName -> WikiRevisionID -> m WikiPage
getWikiPageRevision SubredditName
sname WikiPageName
wpage WikiRevisionID
wr =
    APIAction WikiPage -> m WikiPage
forall a (m :: * -> *).
(MonadReddit m, FromJSON a) =>
APIAction a -> m a
runAction APIAction Any
forall a. APIAction a
              { $sel:pathSegments:APIAction :: [PathSegment]
pathSegments =
                    [ PathSegment
"r", SubredditName -> PathSegment
forall a. ToHttpApiData a => a -> PathSegment
toUrlPiece SubredditName
sname, PathSegment
"wiki", WikiPageName -> PathSegment
forall a. ToHttpApiData a => a -> PathSegment
toUrlPiece WikiPageName
wpage ]
              , $sel:requestData:APIAction :: WithData
requestData  = [(PathSegment, PathSegment)] -> WithData
mkTextFormData [ (PathSegment
"v", WikiRevisionID -> PathSegment
forall a. ToHttpApiData a => a -> PathSegment
toQueryParam WikiRevisionID
wr) ]

-- | Get a 'Listing' of the 'WikiRevision's for a given wikipage
    :: MonadReddit m
    => SubredditName
    -> WikiPageName
    -> Paginator WikiRevisionID WikiRevision
    -> m (Listing WikiRevisionID WikiRevision)
getWikiPageRevisions :: SubredditName
-> WikiPageName
-> Paginator WikiRevisionID WikiRevision
-> m (Listing WikiRevisionID WikiRevision)
getWikiPageRevisions SubredditName
sname WikiPageName
wpage Paginator WikiRevisionID WikiRevision
paginator =
    APIAction (Listing WikiRevisionID WikiRevision)
-> m (Listing WikiRevisionID WikiRevision)
forall a (m :: * -> *).
(MonadReddit m, FromJSON a) =>
APIAction a -> m a
runAction APIAction Any
forall a. APIAction a
              { $sel:pathSegments:APIAction :: [PathSegment]
pathSegments = [ PathSegment
                               , SubredditName -> PathSegment
forall a. ToHttpApiData a => a -> PathSegment
toUrlPiece SubredditName
                               , PathSegment
                               , PathSegment
                               , WikiPageName -> PathSegment
forall a. ToHttpApiData a => a -> PathSegment
toUrlPiece WikiPageName
              , $sel:requestData:APIAction :: WithData
requestData  = Paginator WikiRevisionID WikiRevision -> WithData
forall t a. (Thing t, Paginable a) => Paginator t a -> WithData
paginatorToFormData Paginator WikiRevisionID WikiRevision

-- | Edit the given wikipage, replacing its contents with the new contents provided.
-- This requires moderator privileges or editing privileges for the page in question.
-- If the page corresponding to the given name does not exist, it will be created
editWikiPage :: MonadReddit m
             => SubredditName
             -> WikiPageName
             -> Maybe Text -- ^ The reason for the edit, if any
             -> Body -- ^ The new content for the page
             -> m ()
editWikiPage :: SubredditName
-> WikiPageName -> Maybe PathSegment -> PathSegment -> m ()
editWikiPage SubredditName
sname WikiPageName
wpage Maybe PathSegment
r PathSegment
txt =
    APIAction () -> m ()
forall (m :: * -> *). MonadReddit m => APIAction () -> m ()
runAction_ APIAction Any
forall a. APIAction a
               { $sel:pathSegments:APIAction :: [PathSegment]
pathSegments =
                     [ PathSegment
"r", SubredditName -> PathSegment
forall a. ToHttpApiData a => a -> PathSegment
toUrlPiece SubredditName
sname, PathSegment
"api", PathSegment
"wiki", PathSegment
"edit" ]
               , $sel:method:APIAction :: Method
method       = Method
               , $sel:requestData:APIAction :: WithData
requestData  = [(PathSegment, PathSegment)] -> WithData
                     ([(PathSegment, PathSegment)] -> WithData)
-> [(PathSegment, PathSegment)] -> WithData
forall a b. (a -> b) -> a -> b
$ [ (PathSegment
"page", WikiPageName -> PathSegment
forall a. ToHttpApiData a => a -> PathSegment
toQueryParam WikiPageName
wpage), (PathSegment
"content", PathSegment
txt) ]
                     [(PathSegment, PathSegment)]
-> [(PathSegment, PathSegment)] -> [(PathSegment, PathSegment)]
forall a. Semigroup a => a -> a -> a
<> ((PathSegment, PathSegment) -> [(PathSegment, PathSegment)])
-> Maybe (PathSegment, PathSegment) -> [(PathSegment, PathSegment)]
forall (t :: * -> *) m a.
(Foldable t, Monoid m) =>
(a -> m) -> t a -> m
foldMap (PathSegment, PathSegment) -> [(PathSegment, PathSegment)]
forall (f :: * -> *) a. Applicative f => a -> f a
pure ((PathSegment
"reason", ) (PathSegment -> (PathSegment, PathSegment))
-> Maybe PathSegment -> Maybe (PathSegment, PathSegment)
forall (f :: * -> *) a b. Functor f => (a -> b) -> f a -> f b
<$> Maybe PathSegment

-- | Create a new wikipage. If a page with the given name already exists, its
-- contents will be replaced
createWikiPage :: MonadReddit m
               => SubredditName
               -> WikiPageName
               -> Maybe Text -- ^ The reason for creating the page, if any
               -> Body -- ^ The new content for the page
               -> m ()
createWikiPage :: SubredditName
-> WikiPageName -> Maybe PathSegment -> PathSegment -> m ()
createWikiPage = SubredditName
-> WikiPageName -> Maybe PathSegment -> PathSegment -> m ()
forall (m :: * -> *).
MonadReddit m =>
-> WikiPageName -> Maybe PathSegment -> PathSegment -> m ()

-- | Get a given subreddit\'s widgets
getSubredditWidgets :: MonadReddit m => SubredditName -> m SubredditWidgets
getSubredditWidgets :: SubredditName -> m SubredditWidgets
getSubredditWidgets SubredditName
sname = m SubredditWidgets -> m SubredditWidgets
forall (m :: * -> *) a. MonadReddit m => m a -> m a
    (m SubredditWidgets -> m SubredditWidgets)
-> m SubredditWidgets -> m SubredditWidgets
forall a b. (a -> b) -> a -> b
$ APIAction SubredditWidgets -> m SubredditWidgets
forall a (m :: * -> *).
(MonadReddit m, FromJSON a) =>
APIAction a -> m a
runAction APIAction Any
forall a. APIAction a
defaultAPIAction { $sel:pathSegments:APIAction :: [PathSegment]
pathSegments = SubredditName -> PathSegment -> [PathSegment]
subAPIPath SubredditName
sname PathSegment
"widgets" }

-- | Get all of a subreddit\'s 'Widget's as a non-hierarchical list
getAllSubredditWidgets :: MonadReddit m => SubredditName -> m (Seq Widget)
getAllSubredditWidgets :: SubredditName -> m (Seq Widget)
getAllSubredditWidgets SubredditName
sname =
    m (Seq Widget) -> m (Seq Widget)
forall (m :: * -> *) a. MonadReddit m => m a -> m a
catchEmptyListing (m (Seq Widget) -> m (Seq Widget))
-> m (Seq Widget) -> m (Seq Widget)
forall a b. (a -> b) -> a -> b
$ APIAction WidgetList -> m WidgetList
forall a (m :: * -> *).
(MonadReddit m, FromJSON a) =>
APIAction a -> m a
runAction @WidgetList APIAction WidgetList
forall a. APIAction a
r m WidgetList -> (WidgetList -> Seq Widget) -> m (Seq Widget)
forall (f :: * -> *) a b. Functor f => f a -> (a -> b) -> f b
<&> WidgetList -> Seq Widget
forall s t a b. Wrapped s t a b => s -> a
    r :: APIAction a
r = APIAction Any
forall a. APIAction a
defaultAPIAction { $sel:pathSegments:APIAction :: [PathSegment]
pathSegments = SubredditName -> PathSegment -> [PathSegment]
subAPIPath SubredditName
sname PathSegment
"widgets" }

-- | Get all of the emojis for the given subreddit. Note that this does not include
-- the builtin \"snoomojis\"
getSubredditEmojis :: MonadReddit m => SubredditName -> m (Seq Emoji)
getSubredditEmojis :: SubredditName -> m (Seq Emoji)
getSubredditEmojis SubredditName
sname = APIAction EmojiList -> m EmojiList
forall a (m :: * -> *).
(MonadReddit m, FromJSON a) =>
APIAction a -> m a
runAction @EmojiList APIAction EmojiList
forall a. APIAction a
r m EmojiList -> (EmojiList -> Seq Emoji) -> m (Seq Emoji)
forall (f :: * -> *) a b. Functor f => f a -> (a -> b) -> f b
<&> EmojiList -> Seq Emoji
forall s t a b. Wrapped s t a b => s -> a
    r :: APIAction a
r = APIAction Any
forall a. APIAction a
        { $sel:pathSegments:APIAction :: [PathSegment]
pathSegments = [ PathSegment
"api", PathSegment
"v1", SubredditName -> PathSegment
forall a. ToHttpApiData a => a -> PathSegment
toUrlPiece SubredditName
sname, PathSegment
"emojis", PathSegment
"all" ] }