{-# LANGUAGE QuantifiedConstraints #-}
{-# LANGUAGE TypeOperators #-}
{-# LANGUAGE PolyKinds #-}
{-# LANGUAGE DataKinds #-}
{-# LANGUAGE ScopedTypeVariables #-}
module Data.HDiff.Change.TreeEditDistance where
import qualified Data.Map as M
import Data.STRef
import Data.Proxy
import Data.Type.Equality
import Control.Arrow (second)
import Control.Monad.ST
import Control.Monad.Except
import Control.Monad.Reader
import Generics.MRSOP.Holes
import Generics.MRSOP.Base
import qualified Generics.MRSOP.GDiff as GD
import Data.Exists
import Data.HDiff.MetaVar
import Data.HDiff.Change
import Data.HDiff.Change.Apply
data ListES a
= LC Int a (ListES a)
| LD Int a (ListES a)
| LI Int a (ListES a)
| LLP_Nil
deriving (Eq , Show)
cost :: ListES a -> Int
cost LLP_Nil = 0
cost (LC c _ _) = c
cost (LI c _ _) = c
cost (LD c _ _) = c
pushCopiesIns :: (Eq a) => ListES a -> ListES a
pushCopiesIns LLP_Nil = LLP_Nil
pushCopiesIns (LC _ c (LI _ c' es))
| c == c' = LI 0 c' (pushCopiesIns (LC 0 c es))
| otherwise = LC 0 c (pushCopiesIns (LI 0 c' es))
pushCopiesIns (LC _ c es) = LC 0 c (pushCopiesIns es)
pushCopiesIns (LI _ c es) = LI 0 c (pushCopiesIns es)
pushCopiesIns (LD _ c es) = LD 0 c (pushCopiesIns es)
meet :: ListES a -> ListES a -> ListES a
meet a b
| cost a <= cost b = a
| otherwise = b
type Table a = M.Map (Int , Int) (ListES a)
lcsW :: forall a . (Eq a) => (a -> Int) -> [a] -> [a] -> ListES a
lcsW weight xs0 ys0 = runST $ do
tbl <- newSTRef M.empty
lcs' tbl xs0 ys0
lcs' :: STRef s (Table a) -> [a] -> [a] -> ST s (ListES a)
lcs' tbl xs ys = do
let ix = (length xs , length ys)
m <- readSTRef tbl
case M.lookup ix m of
Just res -> return res
Nothing -> do res <- lcs'' tbl xs ys
modifySTRef tbl (M.insert ix res)
return $ res
lcs'' :: STRef s (Table a) -> [a] -> [a] -> ST s (ListES a)
lcs'' _ [] [] = return LLP_Nil
lcs'' tbl (x:xs) [] = lcs' tbl xs [] >>= \d -> return (LD (weight x + cost d) x d)
lcs'' tbl [] (y:ys) = lcs' tbl [] ys >>= \i -> return (LI (weight y + cost i) y i)
lcs'' tbl (x:xs) (y:ys) =
do i <- lcs' tbl (x:xs) ys
c <- lcs' tbl xs ys
d <- lcs' tbl xs (y:ys)
let di = meet (LD (weight x + cost d) x d) (LI (weight y + cost i) y i)
return $ if x == y then meet (LC (cost c) x c) di else di
fromNA :: NA ki (Fix ki codes) at -> Holes ki codes (MetaVarIK ki) at
fromNA = na2holes
toES :: (EqHO ki , ShowHO ki , TestEquality ki)
=> CChange ki codes at -> NA ki (Fix ki codes) at
-> Either String (GD.ES ki codes '[ at ] '[ at ])
toES (CMatch _ del ins) elm =
let vd = reverse $ holesGetHolesAnnWith' metavarGet del
vi = reverse $ holesGetHolesAnnWith' metavarGet ins
in case runExcept (pmatch del (fromNA elm)) of
Left err -> Left ("Element not in domain. " ++ show err)
Right s ->
let sizes_s = M.map (exElim holesSize) s
ves = pushCopiesIns $ lcsW (\v -> sizes_s M.! v) vd vi
in runExcept (runReaderT (compress <$> delPhase (del :* Nil) (ins :* Nil)) (s , ves))
type ToES ki codes = ReaderT (Subst ki codes (MetaVarIK ki) , ListES Int)
(Except String)
askSubst :: ToES ki codes (Subst ki codes (MetaVarIK ki))
askSubst = asks fst
askListES :: ToES ki codes (ListES Int)
askListES = asks snd
gcpy :: GD.Cof ki codes at l
-> GD.ES ki codes (l :++: ds) (l :++: is)
-> GD.ES ki codes (at : ds) (at : is)
gcpy c e = GD.Cpy (GD.cost e) c e
gins :: GD.Cof ki codes at l
-> GD.ES ki codes ds (l :++: is)
-> GD.ES ki codes ds (at : is)
gins c e = GD.Ins (1 + GD.cost e) c e
gdel :: GD.Cof ki codes at l
-> GD.ES ki codes (l :++: ds) is
-> GD.ES ki codes (at : ds) is
gdel c e = GD.Del (1 + GD.cost e) c e
compress :: (EqHO ki , TestEquality ki) => GD.ES ki codes is ds -> GD.ES ki codes is ds
compress GD.ES0 = GD.ES0
compress (GD.Del _ v (GD.Ins c' v' e)) =
case GD.cofHeq v v' of
Just (Refl , Refl) -> gcpy v (compress e)
Nothing -> gdel v (compress $ GD.Ins c' v' e)
compress (GD.Del _ v e)
= gdel v $ compress e
compress (GD.Ins _ v (GD.Del c' v' e)) =
case GD.cofHeq v v' of
Just (Refl , Refl) -> gcpy v (compress e)
Nothing -> gins v (compress $ GD.Del c' v' e)
compress (GD.Ins _ v e)
= gins v $ compress e
compress (GD.Cpy _ v e)
= gcpy v (compress e)
cpyOnly :: (EqHO ki , ShowHO ki , TestEquality ki)
=> NP (Holes ki codes (MetaVarIK ki)) xs
-> ToES ki codes (GD.ES ki codes xs xs)
cpyOnly Nil = return GD.ES0
cpyOnly (Hole _ var :* xs) = fetch var >>= cpyOnly . (:* xs)
cpyOnly (HOpq _ k :* xs) = gcpy (GD.ConstrK k) <$> cpyOnly xs
cpyOnly (HPeel _ c d :* xs) = gcpy (GD.ConstrI c (listPrfNP d)) <$> cpyOnly (appendNP d xs)
delOnly :: (EqHO ki , ShowHO ki , TestEquality ki)
=> NP (Holes ki codes (MetaVarIK ki)) ds
-> ToES ki codes (GD.ES ki codes ds '[])
delOnly Nil = return GD.ES0
delOnly (Hole _ var :* xs) = fetch var >>= delOnly . (:* xs)
delOnly (HOpq _ k :* xs) = gdel (GD.ConstrK k) <$> delOnly xs
delOnly (HPeel _ c d :* xs) = gdel (GD.ConstrI c (listPrfNP d)) <$> delOnly (appendNP d xs)
insOnly :: (EqHO ki , ShowHO ki , TestEquality ki)
=> NP (Holes ki codes (MetaVarIK ki)) is
-> ToES ki codes (GD.ES ki codes '[] is)
insOnly Nil = return GD.ES0
insOnly (Hole _ var :* xs) = fetch var >>= insOnly . (:* xs)
insOnly (HOpq _ k :* xs) = gins (GD.ConstrK k) <$> insOnly xs
insOnly (HPeel _ c d :* xs) = gins (GD.ConstrI c (listPrfNP d)) <$> insOnly (appendNP d xs)
listAssoc :: ListPrf a -> Proxy b -> Proxy c
-> ListPrf ((a :++: b) :++: c) :~: ListPrf (a :++: (b :++: c))
listAssoc LP_Nil _ _ = Refl
listAssoc (LP_Cons pa) pb pc = case listAssoc pa pb pc of
Refl -> Refl
listDrop :: ListPrf i -> ListPrf (i :++: t) -> ListPrf t
listDrop LP_Nil a = a
listDrop (LP_Cons x) (LP_Cons a) = listDrop x a
esDelListPrf :: GD.ES ki codes ds is -> ListPrf ds
esDelListPrf GD.ES0 = LP_Nil
esDelListPrf (GD.Cpy _ v e) = LP_Cons $ listDrop (cofListPrf v) (esDelListPrf e)
esDelListPrf (GD.Del _ v e) = LP_Cons $ listDrop (cofListPrf v) (esDelListPrf e)
esDelListPrf (GD.Ins _ _ e) = esDelListPrf e
esInsListPrf :: GD.ES ki codes ds is -> ListPrf is
esInsListPrf GD.ES0 = LP_Nil
esInsListPrf (GD.Cpy _ v e) = LP_Cons $ listDrop (cofListPrf v) (esInsListPrf e)
esInsListPrf (GD.Ins _ v e) = LP_Cons $ listDrop (cofListPrf v) (esInsListPrf e)
esInsListPrf (GD.Del _ _ e) = esInsListPrf e
cofListPrf :: GD.Cof ki codes at l -> ListPrf l
cofListPrf (GD.ConstrK _) = LP_Nil
cofListPrf (GD.ConstrI _ p) = p
esDelListProxy :: GD.ES ki codes ds is -> Proxy ds
esDelListProxy _ = Proxy
esDelListProxy' :: GD.ES ki codes (d : ds) is -> Proxy ds
esDelListProxy' _ = Proxy
esInsListProxy :: GD.ES ki codes ds is -> Proxy is
esInsListProxy _ = Proxy
esInsListProxy' :: GD.ES ki codes ds (i : is) -> Proxy is
esInsListProxy' _ = Proxy
esDelCong :: ListPrf ds :~: ListPrf ds' -> GD.ES ki codes ds is -> GD.ES ki codes ds' is
esDelCong Refl = id
esInsCong :: ListPrf is :~: ListPrf is' -> GD.ES ki codes ds is -> GD.ES ki codes ds is'
esInsCong Refl = id
appendES :: GD.ES ki codes ds is
-> GD.ES ki codes ds' is'
-> GD.ES ki codes (ds :++: ds') (is :++: is')
appendES GD.ES0 b = b
appendES x@(GD.Del _ v a) b =
case appendES a b of
res -> case listAssoc (cofListPrf v) (esDelListProxy' x) (esDelListProxy b) of
prf -> gdel v $ esDelCong prf res
appendES x@(GD.Ins _ v a) b =
case appendES a b of
res -> case listAssoc (cofListPrf v) (esInsListProxy' x) (esInsListProxy b) of
prf -> gins v $ esInsCong prf res
appendES x@(GD.Cpy _ v a) b =
case appendES a b of
res -> case listAssoc (cofListPrf v) (esInsListProxy' x) (esInsListProxy b) of
prf -> case listAssoc (cofListPrf v) (esDelListProxy' x) (esDelListProxy b) of
prf' -> gcpy v $ esDelCong prf' $ esInsCong prf res
fetch :: (EqHO ki , ShowHO ki , TestEquality ki)
=> MetaVarIK ki at
-> ToES ki codes (Holes ki codes (MetaVarIK ki) at)
fetch var = do
sigma <- askSubst
case runExcept (lookupVar var sigma) of
Left err -> throwError $ "fetch: " ++ show err
Right Nothing -> throwError $ "fetch: var not found"
Right (Just t) -> return t
delSync :: (EqHO ki , ShowHO ki , TestEquality ki)
=> MetaVarIK ki at
-> NP (Holes ki codes (MetaVarIK ki)) ds
-> NP (Holes ki codes (MetaVarIK ki)) is
-> ToES ki codes (GD.ES ki codes (at ': ds) is)
delSync var ds is = do
ls <- askListES
case ls of
LD _ var' es' -> if var' /= metavarGet var
then throwError "delSync: var mismatch"
else do
t <- fetch var
es0 <- delOnly (t :* Nil)
es1 <- local (second (const es'))
$ delPhase ds is
return (appendES es0 es1)
_ -> insPhase (Hole' var :* ds) is
insSync :: (EqHO ki , ShowHO ki , TestEquality ki)
=> MetaVarIK ki at
-> NP (Holes ki codes (MetaVarIK ki)) ds
-> NP (Holes ki codes (MetaVarIK ki)) is
-> ToES ki codes (GD.ES ki codes ds (at ': is))
insSync var ds is = do
ls <- askListES
case ls of
LI _ var' es' -> if var' /= metavarGet var
then throwError "insSync: var mismatch"
else do
t <- fetch var
es0 <- insOnly (t :* Nil)
es1 <- local (second (const es'))
$ insPhase ds is
return (appendES es0 es1)
LD _ _var' _es' -> delPhase ds (Hole' var :* is)
LC _ var' es' -> case ds of
(Hole' var'' :* ds') ->
if var' /= metavarGet var
then throwError "insSync: var mismatch"
else do
t <- fetch var
es0 <- cpyOnly (t :* Nil)
es1 <- local (second (const es'))
$ delPhase ds' is
case testEquality var var'' of
Just Refl -> return $ appendES es0 es1
Nothing -> throwError "insSync: types mismatch"
_ -> delPhase ds (Hole' var :* is)
LLP_Nil -> throwError "insSync: premature LLP_Nil"
delPhase , insPhase
:: (EqHO ki , ShowHO ki , TestEquality ki)
=> NP (Holes ki codes (MetaVarIK ki)) ds
-> NP (Holes ki codes (MetaVarIK ki)) is
-> ToES ki codes (GD.ES ki codes ds is)
delPhase Nil is = insOnly is
delPhase (d :* ds) is =
case d of
Hole _ var -> delSync var ds is
HOpq _ k -> gdel (GD.ConstrK k) <$> insPhase ds is
HPeel _ c p -> gdel (GD.ConstrI c (listPrfNP p)) <$> insPhase (appendNP p ds) is
insPhase ds Nil = delOnly ds
insPhase ds (i :* is) =
case i of
Hole _ var -> insSync var ds is
HOpq _ k -> gins (GD.ConstrK k) <$> delPhase ds is
HPeel _ c p -> gins (GD.ConstrI c (listPrfNP p)) <$> delPhase ds (appendNP p is)