{-# LANGUAGE FlexibleContexts    #-}
{-# LANGUAGE RecordWildCards     #-}
{-# LANGUAGE ScopedTypeVariables #-}
{-# OPTIONS_GHC -fno-full-laziness #-}

Description : Brainfuck Virtual Machine
Copyright   : (c) Sebastian Galkin, 2018
License     : GPL-3

Functions to evaluate a compiled Brainfuck program.
module HBF.Eval
  ( MachineType
  , eval
  , evalWith
  , evalWithIO
  , evalWithMachine
  , emptyMachine
  , mkMachine
  , VMOptions(..)
  , defaultVMOptions
  , unsafeParse
  , parse
  , parsePure
  ) where

import           Control.Monad                     (replicateM_, when)
import           Control.Monad.Primitive           (PrimMonad, PrimState)
import           Data.Coerce                       (coerce)
import           Data.Int                          (Int8)
import           Data.Maybe                        (fromMaybe)
import           Data.Monoid                       ((<>))
import qualified Data.Vector.Fusion.Stream.Monadic as VStream
import qualified Data.Vector.Generic               as GV
import qualified Data.Vector.Generic.Mutable       as MV
import qualified Data.Vector.Unboxed
import           Options.Applicative               (Parser, ParserInfo,
                                                    ParserResult, argument,
                                                    auto, defaultPrefs,
                                                    execParserPure, fullDesc,
                                                    handleParseResult, header,
                                                    help, helper, info, long,
                                                    metavar, option, progDesc,
                                                    short, str, switch, value,
import           System.Environment                (getArgs)

import           HBF.Types

-- | An alias for a 'Machine' in which memory is an unboxed vector of bytes.
type MachineType = Machine (Data.Vector.Unboxed.Vector Int8)

{-# INLINABLE eval #-}
-- | Evaluate the given program returning the end state of the 'Machine'. The evaluation can
-- happen in any 'PrimMonad' for which we can do I/O. The reason to use 'PrimState' is that
-- we will use mutable vectors for the evaluation.
eval :: (PrimMonad m, MachineIO m) => Program Optimized -> m MachineType
eval = evalWithMachine defaultVMOptions emptyMachine

{-# INLINABLE evalWith #-}
-- | Evaluate the given program returning the end state of the 'Machine'. The evaluation can
-- happen in any 'PrimMonad' for which we can do I/O. The reason to use 'PrimState' is that
-- we will use mutable vectors for the evaluation. 'VMOptions' are used to tune the details
-- of the VM, like available memory, verbosity, etc.
evalWith ::
     (PrimMonad m, MachineIO m)
  => VMOptions
  -> Program Optimized
  -> m MachineType
evalWith opts program =
  evalWithMachine opts (mkMachine (vmOptsMemoryBytes opts)) program

{-# INLINABLE evalWithIO #-}
-- | Evaluate the given program returning the end state of the 'Machine'. The evaluation
-- happens in IO, so Input/Output is done to the console.
evalWithIO :: VMOptions -> Program Optimized -> IO MachineType
evalWithIO opts program = do
  machine <- evalWith opts program
  when (vmOptsDumpMemory opts) $ print machine
  return machine

{-# SPECIALISE evalWithMachine ::
                 VMOptions -> MachineType -> Program Optimized -> IO MachineType #-}

{-# INLINABLE evalWithMachine #-}
-- | Evaluate the given program returning the end state of the 'Machine'. The evaluation can
-- happen in any 'PrimMonad' for which we can do I/O. The reason to use 'PrimState' is that
-- we will use mutable vectors for the evaluation. 'VMOptions' are used to tune the details
-- of the VM, like memory available, verbosity, etc. The evaluation starts with the specified
-- 'MachineType', so the memory and initial pointer can be configured before running.
evalWithMachine ::
     forall m. (PrimMonad m, MachineIO m)
  => VMOptions
  -> MachineType
  -> Program Optimized
  -> m MachineType
evalWithMachine _ Machine {..} program = do
  mem <- GV.thaw memory
  finalPointer <- mutableEval (instructions program) mem 0
  finalMemory <- GV.unsafeFreeze mem
  return Machine {memory = finalMemory, pointer = finalPointer}
  -- For some reason making this function a top level binding brings down performance by compiling
  -- without native arithmetic. Even if we add SPECIALIZE pragma
  -- Maybe this is the reason why we also need -fno-full-laziness
    mutableEval ::
         forall v. (MV.MVector v Int8)
      => [Op]
      -> v (PrimState m) Int8
      -> MemOffset
      -> m MemOffset
    mutableEval [] _ pos = return pos
    mutableEval (op:ops) mem pos =
      case op of
        Inc n memOffset ->
          MV.unsafeModify mem (+ fromIntegral n) (o2i $ pos + memOffset) *>
          mutableEval ops mem pos
        Move n -> mutableEval ops mem (pos + coerce n)
        Out times memOffset -> do
          val <- MV.unsafeRead mem (o2i $ pos + memOffset)
          replicateM_ times (putByte val)
          mutableEval ops mem pos
        In times memOffset ->
          if times == 0
            then mutableEval ops mem pos
            else let input :: m (Maybe Int8)
                     input =
                       foldr (flip (*>)) (return Nothing) $
                       replicate times getByte
                  in do input >>=
                          MV.write mem (o2i $ pos + memOffset) . fromMaybe 0
                        mutableEval ops mem pos
        Loop l -> do
          let go pos' = do
                condition <- MV.unsafeRead mem (o2i pos')
                if condition == 0
                  then mutableEval ops mem pos'
                  else (do pos'' <- mutableEval l mem pos'
                           go pos'')
          go pos
        Clear offset ->
          MV.unsafeWrite mem (o2i $ pos + offset) 0 *> mutableEval ops mem pos
        Mul factor from to -> do
          x <- MV.unsafeRead mem (o2i $ pos + from)
            (\old -> old + x * factor2i factor)
            (o2i $ pos + from + to)
          mutableEval ops mem pos
        Scan Up offset ->
          let start = o2i $ pos + offset
              slice :: v (PrimState m) Int8
              slice = MV.slice start (MV.length mem - start) mem
           in do Just idx <- VStream.findIndex (== 0) (MV.mstream slice) -- todo error handling
                 mutableEval ops mem (MemOffset $ start + idx)
        Scan Down offset ->
          let end = o2i $ pos + offset
              slice :: v (PrimState m) Int8
              slice = MV.slice 0 (end + 1) mem
           in do Just idx <- VStream.findIndex (== 0) (MV.mstreamR slice) -- todo error handling
                 mutableEval ops mem (MemOffset $ end - idx)

o2i :: MemOffset -> Int
o2i = coerce

{-# INLINE o2i #-}
factor2i :: MulFactor -> Int8
factor2i = fromIntegral . (coerce :: MulFactor -> Int)

{-# INLINE factor2i #-}
-- | Size of the default VM memory, in bytes.
machineSize :: Word
machineSize = 30000

-- | A VM 'Machine' with the default memory available.
emptyMachine :: MachineType
emptyMachine = mkMachine machineSize

-- | Create a new machine with the given memory
mkMachine :: Word -> MachineType
mkMachine n = Machine {memory = GV.replicate (fromIntegral n) 0, pointer = 0}

-- | Command line arguments for the VM evaluator.
data VMOptions = VMOptions
  { vmOptsMemoryBytes :: Word -- ^ Available memory in bytes.
  , vmOptsDumpMemory  :: Bool -- ^ Dump the contents of the memory after executing a program
  , vmOptsProgramPath :: FilePath -- ^ Path to the compiled program
  } deriving (Show)

-- | Default configuration for the VM.
defaultVMOptions :: VMOptions
defaultVMOptions =
    { vmOptsMemoryBytes = 30000
    , vmOptsDumpMemory = False
    , vmOptsProgramPath = ""

optionsP :: Parser VMOptions
optionsP =
  (\mem dump input ->
       { vmOptsMemoryBytes = mem
       , vmOptsDumpMemory = dump
       , vmOptsProgramPath = input
       }) <$>
    (long "memory" <> short 'm' <> metavar "BYTES" <>
     value (vmOptsMemoryBytes defaultVMOptions) <>
     help "Size of the memory [in bytes] used to run the program") <*>
    (long "dump-memory" <> short 'd' <>
     help "Dump the contents of the memory when the program is finished") <*>
  argument str (metavar "PROGRAM" <> help "Path to the compiled program")

parserInfo :: ParserInfo VMOptions
parserInfo =
    (optionsP <**> helper)
    (fullDesc <> progDesc "Run the compiled Brainfuck program in PROGRAM file" <>
     header "An optimizing Brainfuck compiler and evaluator")

-- | Parse a list of command line arguments
parsePure :: [String] -> ParserResult VMOptions
parsePure = execParserPure defaultPrefs parserInfo

-- | Parse a list of command line arguments printing errors to the stderr
unsafeParse :: [String] -> IO VMOptions
unsafeParse = handleParseResult . parsePure

-- | Parse command line arguments printing errors to the stderr
parse :: IO VMOptions
parse = getArgs >>= unsafeParse