{-# LANGUAGE LambdaCase #-}
{-# LANGUAGE RecordWildCards #-}
module HBF.Compiler
( module HBF.Compiler
, BFP.ParseError
) where
import Control.Monad (when)
import Control.Monad.Trans.State (State, execState, get, modify, put)
import qualified Data.Binary as B
import Data.ByteString.Lazy (ByteString)
import Data.Coerce (coerce)
import Data.Foldable (traverse_)
import Data.Functor.Identity (Identity)
import Data.Maybe (fromMaybe)
import Data.Semigroup (Semigroup (..), (<>))
import Data.Text.Lazy (Text)
import qualified Data.Text.Lazy.IO as TIO
import Data.Tuple (swap)
import Options.Applicative (Parser, ParserInfo, ParserResult,
argument, defaultPrefs,
execParserPure, fullDesc,
handleParseResult, header, help,
helper, info, long, metavar, option,
optional, progDesc, short, str,
switch, (<**>))
import System.Environment (getArgs)
import System.FilePath ((-<.>))
import qualified Text.Parsec as Parsec
import Text.Parsec.Pos (initialPos)
import qualified HBF.Parser as BFP
import HBF.Types
saveCompilerOutput :: Program Optimized -> FilePath -> IO ()
saveCompilerOutput = flip B.encodeFile . instructions
inMemoryCompile ::
-> Text
-> Either BFP.ParseError (Program Optimized, CompilationSummary)
inMemoryCompile opts code =
(\p -> (p, summarizeCompilation p)) . optimize opts <$> BFP.parseProgram code
newtype CompilationSummary = CompilationSummary
{ compNumInstructions :: Int
} deriving (Show)
summarizeCompilation :: Program Optimized -> CompilationSummary
summarizeCompilation = CompilationSummary . length . instructions
compile :: CompilerOptions -> IO (Either BFP.ParseError CompilationSummary)
compile opts@CompilerOptions {..} = do
when cOptsVerbose $ do
putStrLn "Compiler options:"
print opts
compileResult <- inMemoryCompile opts <$> TIO.readFile cOptsSource
(return . Left)
(\p -> save p >> (return . Right . snd) p)
outPath = fromMaybe (cOptsSource -<.> "bfc") cOptsOut
save (program, _) = saveCompilerOutput program outPath
optimize :: CompilerOptions -> Program Unoptimized -> Program Optimized
optimize CompilerOptions {..} p = foldl (flip ($)) base optimizations
base = toIR p
opt condition f =
if condition
then f
else id
optimizations =
[ opt cOptsClearLoopOptimization clearOpt
, opt cOptsMulOptimization mulOpt
, opt cOptsScanOptimization scanOpt
, opt cOptsOffsetInstructionsOptimization offsetInstructionOpt
, opt cOptsFusionOptimization fusionOpt
toIR :: Program Unoptimized -> Program Optimized
toIR = coerce
newtype FusedProgram = Fused
{ unfused :: Program Optimized
} deriving (Show)
instance Semigroup FusedProgram where
Fused (Program p1) <> Fused (Program p2) = Fused $ Program $ fuse p1 p2
fuse :: [Op] -> [Op] -> [Op]
fuse [] ops = ops
fuse ops [] = ops
fuse [op1] (op2:more) = join op1 op2 ++ more
fuse (op1:more) ops2 = op1 : fuse more ops2
join :: Op -> Op -> [Op]
join (Inc a n) (Inc b m)
| n == m = ifNotZero (flip Inc n) $ a + b
join (Move a) (Move b) = ifNotZero Move $ a + b
join (In a n) (In b m)
| n == m = ifNotZero (flip In n) $ a + b
join (Out a n) (Out b m)
| n == m = ifNotZero (flip Out n) $ a + b
join (Clear n) (Clear m)
| n == m = [Clear n]
join (Scan Up o1) (Scan _ o2)
| o1 == o2 = [Scan Up o1]
join (Scan Down o1) (Scan _ o2)
| o1 == o2 = [Scan Down o1]
join a b = [a, b]
ifNotZero f n = [f n | n /= 0]
instance Monoid FusedProgram where
mempty = Fused mempty
mappend = (<>)
fusionOpt :: Program Optimized -> Program Optimized
fusionOpt = unfused . foldMap (Fused . Program . optimizeIn) . instructions
optimizeIn (Loop as) = [Loop inner | not (null inner)]
inner = instructions $ fusionOpt $ Program as
optimizeIn other = [other]
liftLoop :: ([Op] -> Maybe [Op]) -> Program o -> Program o
liftLoop f = Program . (>>= g) . instructions
g :: Op -> [Op]
g (Loop ops) =
fromMaybe ((: []) . Loop . instructions . liftLoop f $ Program ops) $
f ops
g other = [other]
clearOpt :: Program Optimized -> Program Optimized
clearOpt = liftLoop onLoops
onLoops :: [Op] -> Maybe [Op]
onLoops [Inc (-1) 0] = Just [Clear 0]
onLoops _ = Nothing
mulOpt :: Program Optimized -> Program Optimized
mulOpt = liftLoop onLoops
onLoops :: [Op] -> Maybe [Op]
onLoops ops = makeOp <$> eitherToMaybe (Parsec.parse mulP "" ops)
makeOp :: [(MulFactor, MemOffset)] -> [Op]
makeOp = (++ [Clear 0]) . snd . foldl it (0, [])
it (totalOff, res) (fact, off) =
(totalOff + off, res ++ [Mul fact 0 (off + totalOff)])
scanOpt :: Program Optimized -> Program Optimized
scanOpt = liftLoop onLoops
onLoops :: [Op] -> Maybe [Op]
onLoops [Move 1] = Just [Scan Up 0]
onLoops [Move (-1)] = Just [Scan Down 0]
onLoops _ = Nothing
data OffsetState = OffSt
{ stOptimized :: [Op]
, stBatch :: [Op]
, stOffset :: MemOffset
} deriving (Show)
emptyState :: OffsetState
emptyState = OffSt [] [] 0
offsetInstructionOpt :: Program Optimized -> Program Optimized
Program .
stOptimized .
(`execState` emptyState) .
(*> finishLastBatch) . traverse_ processOp . instructions
processOp :: Op -> State OffsetState ()
processOp (Loop l) = do
let newLoop = Loop (instructions $ offsetInstructionOpt (Program l))
modify $ \s@OffSt {..} -> s {stOptimized = newLoop : stOptimized}
processOp (Move n) = get >>= \s -> put s {stOffset = stOffset s + n}
processOp (Inc n off) = add off (Inc n)
processOp (In n off) = add off (In n)
processOp (Out n off) = add off (Out n)
processOp (Clear off) = add off Clear
processOp (Mul factor from to) = add from (\o -> Mul factor o to)
processOp (Scan d off) = do
OffSt {..} <- get
{ stOffset = 0
, stOptimized = stOptimized
, stBatch = Scan d (off + stOffset) : stBatch
add :: MemOffset -> (MemOffset -> Op) -> State OffsetState ()
add off op =
get >>= \s@OffSt {..} -> put s {stBatch = op (off + stOffset) : stBatch}
finishBatch :: State OffsetState ()
finishBatch = do
s@OffSt {..} <- get
let batch =
if stOffset /= 0
then Move stOffset : stBatch
else stBatch
put s {stBatch = [], stOffset = 0, stOptimized = batch ++ stOptimized}
finishLastBatch :: State OffsetState ()
finishLastBatch = do
modify $ \s@OffSt {..} -> s {stOptimized = reverse stOptimized}
load :: ByteString -> Program Optimized
load = B.decode
loadFile :: FilePath -> IO (Program Optimized)
loadFile = B.decodeFile
data CompilerOptions = CompilerOptions
{ cOptsOut :: Maybe FilePath
, cOptsFusionOptimization :: Bool
, cOptsClearLoopOptimization :: Bool
, cOptsMulOptimization :: Bool
, cOptsScanOptimization :: Bool
, cOptsOffsetInstructionsOptimization :: Bool
, cOptsVerbose :: Bool
, cOptsSource :: FilePath
} deriving (Show)
optionsP :: Parser CompilerOptions
optionsP =
(\output disableAll fusion clear mul scan offset verbose source ->
{ cOptsOut = output
, cOptsFusionOptimization = not disableAll || fusion
, cOptsClearLoopOptimization = not disableAll || clear
, cOptsMulOptimization = not disableAll || mul
, cOptsScanOptimization = not disableAll || scan
, cOptsOffsetInstructionsOptimization = not disableAll || offset
, cOptsVerbose = verbose
, cOptsSource = source
}) <$>
(long "output" <> short 'o' <> metavar "OUT" <>
help "Compiled output path")) <*>
(long "disable-all-optimizations" <> short 'd' <>
help "Disable all optimizations") <*>
(long "fusion" <>
"Reenable fusion optimization (turn multiple + or > into a single operation)") <*>
(long "clear" <>
help "Reenable clear loop optimization (turn [-] into a single operation)") <*>
(long "mul" <>
"Reenable mul loop optimization (turn [->++>+++<<] into [Mul(1, 2) Mul(2,3)] Clear operations)") <*>
(long "scan" <>
help "Reenable scan loop optimization (turn [>] into ScanR operation)") <*>
(long "offset" <>
"Reenable offset instructions optimization (turn >>+>->> into Inc 1 2, Inc (-1) 1, Move 1, Move 1, Move 1, Move 1, Move 1, operation)") <*>
(long "verbose" <> short 'v' <> help "Output more debugging information") <*>
argument str (metavar "SRC" <> help "Input source code file")
options :: ParserInfo CompilerOptions
options =
(optionsP <**> helper)
(fullDesc <> progDesc "Compile Brainfuck code in SRC file" <>
header "An optimizing Brainfuck compiler and evaluator")
defaultCompilerOptions :: CompilerOptions
defaultCompilerOptions =
{ cOptsOut = Nothing
, cOptsFusionOptimization = True
, cOptsClearLoopOptimization = True
, cOptsMulOptimization = True
, cOptsScanOptimization = True
, cOptsOffsetInstructionsOptimization = True
, cOptsVerbose = False
, cOptsSource = ""
noOptimizationCompilerOptions :: CompilerOptions
noOptimizationCompilerOptions =
{ cOptsOut = Nothing
, cOptsFusionOptimization = False
, cOptsClearLoopOptimization = False
, cOptsMulOptimization = False
, cOptsScanOptimization = False
, cOptsOffsetInstructionsOptimization = False
, cOptsVerbose = False
, cOptsSource = ""
parsePure :: [String] -> ParserResult CompilerOptions
parsePure = execParserPure defaultPrefs options
unsafeParse :: [String] -> IO CompilerOptions
unsafeParse = handleParseResult . parsePure
parse :: IO CompilerOptions
parse = getArgs >>= unsafeParse
type ProgramParser a = Parsec.ParsecT [Op] () Identity a
satisfy' :: Show t => (t -> Bool) -> Parsec.ParsecT [t] () Identity t
satisfy' predicate = Parsec.token showTok posFromTok testTok
showTok t = show t
posFromTok _ = initialPos ""
testTok t =
if predicate t
then Just t
else Nothing
mrightP :: ProgramParser MemOffset
mrightP =
satisfy' isRight <&> \case
Move n -> n
_ -> undefined
mleftP :: ProgramParser MemOffset
mleftP =
satisfy' isLeft <&> \case
Move n -> (negate n)
_ -> undefined
plusP :: ProgramParser Int
plusP =
satisfy' isPlus <&> \case
Inc n 0 -> n
_ -> undefined
minusP :: ProgramParser Int
minusP =
satisfy' isMinus <&> \case
Inc n 0 -> (negate n)
_ -> undefined
summedP :: Num n => ProgramParser n -> ProgramParser n
summedP = fmap sum . Parsec.many1
mulP :: ProgramParser [(MulFactor, MemOffset)]
mulP = do
_ <- minusP
copies <- Parsec.many1 shiftFactorP
let totalShift = sum $ map fst copies
back <- summedP mleftP
if back == coerce totalShift
then return (fmap swap copies)
else Parsec.unexpected "number of left returns to close the loop"
shiftFactorP = (,) <$> summedP mrightP <*> fmap MulFactor (summedP plusP)
isRight :: Op -> Bool
isRight (Move n)
| n > 0 = True
isRight _ = False
isLeft :: Op -> Bool
isLeft (Move n)
| n < 0 = True
isLeft _ = False
isPlus :: Op -> Bool
isPlus (Inc n 0)
| n > 0 = True
isPlus _ = False
isMinus :: Op -> Bool
isMinus (Inc n 0)
| n < 0 = True
isMinus _ = False