module Hasql.DynamicStatements.Statement where

import Hasql.DynamicStatements.Prelude
import Hasql.Statement
import qualified Hasql.DynamicStatements.Snippet.Defs as SnippetDefs
import qualified Hasql.Decoders as Decoders
import qualified Hasql.Encoders as Encoders
import qualified Ptr.Poking as Poking
import qualified Ptr.ByteString as ByteString

Construct a statement dynamically, specifying the parameters in-place
in the declaration of snippet and providing a result decoder.

The injection of the parameters is handled automatically,
generating parametric statements with binary encoders under the hood.

This is useful when the SQL of your statement depends on the parameters.
Here's an example:

selectSubstring :: Text -> Maybe Int32 -> Maybe Int32 -> 'Statement' () Text
selectSubstring string from to = let
  snippet =
    "select substring(" <> Snippet.'SnippetDefs.param' string <>
    foldMap (mappend " from " . Snippet.'SnippetDefs.param') from <>
    foldMap (mappend " for " . Snippet.'SnippetDefs.param') to <>
  decoder = Decoders.'Decoders.singleRow' (Decoders.'Decoders.column' (Decoders.'Decoders.nonNullable' Decoders.'Decoders.text'))
  in 'dynamicallyParameterized' snippet decoder

Without the Snippet API you would have had to implement the same functionality thus:

selectSubstring' :: Text -> Maybe Int32 -> Maybe Int32 -> 'Statement' () Text
selectSubstring' string from to = let
  sql = case (from, to) of
    (Just _, Just _) -> "select substring($1 from $2 to $3)"
    (Just _, Nothing) -> "select substring($1 from $2)"
    (Nothing, Just _) -> "select substring($1 to $2)"
    (Nothing, Nothing) -> "select substring($1)"
  encoder = 
    Encoders.'Encoders.param' (string '>$' Encoders.'Encoders.text') <>
    foldMap (\\ x -> Encoders.'Encoders.param' (x '>$' Encoders.'Encoders.int8')) from <>
    foldMap (\\ x -> Encoders.'Encoders.param' (x '>$' Encoders.'Encoders.int8')) to
  decoder = Decoders.'Decoders.singleRow' (Decoders.'Decoders.column' Decoders.'Decoders.text')
  in Statement sql encoder decoder False

As you can see, the Snippet API abstracts over placeholders and
matching encoder generation, thus also protecting you from all sorts of related bugs.
dynamicallyParameterized :: SnippetDefs.Snippet -> Decoders.Result result -> Statement () result
dynamicallyParameterized (SnippetDefs.Snippet chunks) decoder = let
  step (!paramId, !poking, !encoder) = \ case
    SnippetDefs.StringSnippetChunk sql -> (paramId, poking <> Poking.bytes sql, encoder)
    SnippetDefs.ParamSnippetChunk paramEncoder -> let
      newParamId = paramId + 1
      newPoking = poking <> Poking.word8 36 <> Poking.asciiIntegral paramId
      newEncoder = encoder <> paramEncoder
      in (newParamId, newPoking, newEncoder)
  in case foldl' step (1, mempty, mempty) chunks of
    (_, poking, encoder) -> Statement (ByteString.poking poking) encoder decoder False