haskus-utils- Haskus utility modules

Safe HaskellNone



Tools to write parsers using Flows



data Choice a Source #




((~) * x (Flow m xs), (~) * y (Flow m ys), (~) * z (Flow m zs), Popable a xs, Liftable ys zs, Liftable (Filter a xs) zs, (~) [*] zs (Union (Filter a xs) ys), Monad m) => Apply (Choice a) (x, y) z Source # 


apply :: Choice a -> (x, y) -> z Source #

choice :: forall m fs zs. (Monad m, HFoldl (Choice ParseError) (Flow m '[ParseError]) fs (Flow m zs)) => HList fs -> Flow m zs Source #

Try to apply the actions in the list in order, until one of them succeeds. Returns the value of the succeeding action, or the value of the last one. Failures are detected with values of type ParseError.

choice' :: forall a m fs zs. (Monad m, HFoldl (Choice a) (Flow m '[a]) fs (Flow m zs)) => HList fs -> Flow m zs Source #

Try to apply the actions in the list in order, until one of them succeeds. Returns the value of the succeeding action, or the value of the last one. Failures are detected with values of type "a".

manyBounded :: forall zs xs m. (zs ~ Filter ParseError xs, Monad m, MaybePopable ParseError xs) => Maybe Word -> Maybe Word -> Flow m xs -> Flow m '[[Variant zs], ParseError] Source #

Apply the given action at least min times and at most max time

On failure, fails.

manyAtMost :: (zs ~ Filter ParseError xs, Monad m, Popable ParseError xs) => Word -> Flow m xs -> Flow m '[[Variant zs]] Source #

Apply the action zero or more times (up to max) until a ParseError result is returned

manyAtMost' :: (zs ~ Filter ParseError xs, Monad m, Popable ParseError xs) => Word -> Flow m xs -> m [Variant zs] Source #

Apply the action zero or more times (up to max) until a ParseError result is returned

manyAtMost'' :: ('[x] ~ Filter ParseError xs, Monad m, Popable ParseError xs) => Word -> Flow m xs -> m [x] Source #

Apply the action zero or more times (up to max) until a ParseError result is returned

many :: (zs ~ Filter ParseError xs, Monad m, Popable ParseError xs) => Flow m xs -> Flow m '[[Variant zs]] Source #

Apply the action zero or more times (until a ParseError result is returned)

manyAtLeast :: (zs ~ Filter ParseError xs, Monad m, Popable ParseError xs) => Word -> Flow m xs -> Flow m '[[Variant zs], ParseError] Source #

Apply the action at least n times or more times (until a ParseError result is returned)

manyTill :: (zs ~ Filter ParseError xs, zs' ~ Filter ParseError ys, Monad m, MaybePopable ParseError xs, Popable ParseError ys) => Flow m xs -> Flow m ys -> Flow m '[([Variant zs], Variant zs'), ParseError] Source #

Apply the first action zero or more times until the second succeeds. If the first action fails, the whole operation fails.

Return both the list of first values and the ending value

manyTill' :: (zs ~ Filter ParseError xs, Monad m, MaybePopable ParseError xs, Popable ParseError ys) => Flow m xs -> Flow m ys -> Flow m '[[Variant zs], ParseError] Source #

Apply the first action zero or more times until the second succeeds. If the first action fails, the whole operation fails.

Return only the list of first values