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haskus-binary-1.5: Haskus binary format manipulation

Safe HaskellNone




A buffer in memory



data Buffer (mut :: Mutability) (pin :: Pinning) (fin :: Finalization) (heap :: Heap) where Source #

A memory buffer

IsList BufferI Source #

Support for OverloadedLists

>>> :set -XOverloadedLists
>>> let b = [25,26,27,28] :: BufferI
Instance details

Defined in Haskus.Memory.Buffer

Associated Types

type Item BufferI :: Type #

BufferToList BufferPF Source # 
Instance details

Defined in Haskus.Memory.Buffer

BufferToList BufferF Source # 
Instance details

Defined in Haskus.Memory.Buffer

BufferToList BufferP Source # 
Instance details

Defined in Haskus.Memory.Buffer

BufferToList BufferI Source # 
Instance details

Defined in Haskus.Memory.Buffer

BufferSize BufferEF Source # 
Instance details

Defined in Haskus.Memory.Buffer

BufferSize BufferMEF Source # 
Instance details

Defined in Haskus.Memory.Buffer

BufferSize BufferPF Source # 
Instance details

Defined in Haskus.Memory.Buffer

BufferSize BufferF Source # 
Instance details

Defined in Haskus.Memory.Buffer

BufferSize BufferE Source # 
Instance details

Defined in Haskus.Memory.Buffer

BufferSize BufferME Source # 
Instance details

Defined in Haskus.Memory.Buffer

BufferSize BufferP Source # 
Instance details

Defined in Haskus.Memory.Buffer

BufferSize BufferI Source # 
Instance details

Defined in Haskus.Memory.Buffer

MonadIO m => PutMonad (BufferPutT (Buffer Mutable pin gc heap) m) Source # 
Instance details

Defined in Haskus.Binary.Serialize.Buffer


putWord8 :: Word8 -> BufferPutT (Buffer Mutable pin gc heap) m () Source #

putWord16 :: Word16 -> BufferPutT (Buffer Mutable pin gc heap) m () Source #

putWord32 :: Word32 -> BufferPutT (Buffer Mutable pin gc heap) m () Source #

putWord64 :: Word64 -> BufferPutT (Buffer Mutable pin gc heap) m () Source #

putWord8s :: [Word8] -> BufferPutT (Buffer Mutable pin gc heap) m () Source #

putWord16s :: [Word16] -> BufferPutT (Buffer Mutable pin gc heap) m () Source #

putWord32s :: [Word32] -> BufferPutT (Buffer Mutable pin gc heap) m () Source #

putWord64s :: [Word64] -> BufferPutT (Buffer Mutable pin gc heap) m () Source #

putBuffer :: BufferSize (Buffer Immutable pin0 gc0 heap0) => Buffer Immutable pin0 gc0 heap0 -> BufferPutT (Buffer Mutable pin gc heap) m () Source #

preAllocateAtLeast :: Word -> BufferPutT (Buffer Mutable pin gc heap) m () Source #

MonadIO m => GetMonad (BufferGetT (Buffer mut pin gc heap) m) Source # 
Instance details

Defined in Haskus.Binary.Serialize.Buffer


getWord8 :: BufferGetT (Buffer mut pin gc heap) m Word8 Source #

getWord16 :: BufferGetT (Buffer mut pin gc heap) m Word16 Source #

getWord32 :: BufferGetT (Buffer mut pin gc heap) m Word32 Source #

getWord64 :: BufferGetT (Buffer mut pin gc heap) m Word64 Source #

getWord8s :: Word -> BufferGetT (Buffer mut pin gc heap) m [Word8] Source #

getWord16s :: Word -> BufferGetT (Buffer mut pin gc heap) m [Word16] Source #

getWord32s :: Word -> BufferGetT (Buffer mut pin gc heap) m [Word32] Source #

getWord64s :: Word -> BufferGetT (Buffer mut pin gc heap) m [Word64] Source #

getBuffer :: Word -> BufferGetT (Buffer mut pin gc heap) m BufferI Source #

getBufferInto :: Word -> Buffer Mutable pin0 gc0 heap0 -> Maybe Word -> BufferGetT (Buffer mut pin gc heap) m () Source #

getSkipBytes :: Word -> BufferGetT (Buffer mut pin gc heap) m () Source #

Thawable (Buffer Immutable pin NotFinalized heap) (Buffer Mutable pin NotFinalized heap) Source # 
Instance details

Defined in Haskus.Memory.Buffer

Thawable (Buffer Immutable pin Collected heap) (Buffer Mutable pin Collected heap) Source # 
Instance details

Defined in Haskus.Memory.Buffer

Freezable (Buffer Mutable pin fin External) (Buffer Immutable pin fin External) Source # 
Instance details

Defined in Haskus.Memory.Buffer

Freezable (Buffer Mutable pin Collected heap) (Buffer Immutable pin Collected heap) Source # 
Instance details

Defined in Haskus.Memory.Buffer

type Item BufferI Source # 
Instance details

Defined in Haskus.Memory.Buffer

newtype AnyBuffer Source #

Wrapper containing any kind of buffer


AnyBuffer (forall mut pin fin heap. Buffer mut pin fin heap) 

Buffer taxonomy

data Pinning Source #

Is the buffer pinned into memory?



The buffer has a fixed associated memory address


The buffer contents can be freely moved to another address

Eq Pinning Source # 
Instance details

Defined in Haskus.Memory.Property


(==) :: Pinning -> Pinning -> Bool #

(/=) :: Pinning -> Pinning -> Bool #

Show Pinning Source # 
Instance details

Defined in Haskus.Memory.Property

data Finalization Source #

Is the memory automatically garbage collected?



Automatically collected by the garbage-collector


Finalizers are run just before the garbage collector collects the referencing entity (buffer, pointer...). The memory used by the entity may be collected too (Internal heap), explicitly freed by a finalizer or not freed at all.


The memory is not automatically freed and we can't attach finalizers to the buffer.

data Mutability Source #

Is the memory mutable or not?



Memory cells are mutable


Memory cells are immutable

Eq Mutability Source # 
Instance details

Defined in Haskus.Memory.Property

Show Mutability Source # 
Instance details

Defined in Haskus.Memory.Property

data Heap Source #

Allocation heap



GHC heap


External heap

GHC allocator

newBuffer :: MonadIO m => Word -> m BufferM Source #

Allocate a buffer (mutable, unpinned)

>>> b <- newBuffer 1024

newPinnedBuffer :: MonadIO m => Word -> m BufferMP Source #

Allocate a buffer (mutable, pinned)

newAlignedPinnedBuffer :: MonadIO m => Word -> Word -> m BufferMP Source #

Allocate an aligned buffer (mutable, pinned)

Buffer size

bufferSizeIO :: MonadIO m => Buffer mut pin fin heap -> m Word Source #

Get buffer size

class BufferSize a where Source #


bufferSize :: a -> Word Source #

Get buffer size

BufferSize BufferEF Source # 
Instance details

Defined in Haskus.Memory.Buffer

BufferSize BufferMEF Source # 
Instance details

Defined in Haskus.Memory.Buffer

BufferSize BufferPF Source # 
Instance details

Defined in Haskus.Memory.Buffer

BufferSize BufferF Source # 
Instance details

Defined in Haskus.Memory.Buffer

BufferSize BufferE Source # 
Instance details

Defined in Haskus.Memory.Buffer

BufferSize BufferME Source # 
Instance details

Defined in Haskus.Memory.Buffer

BufferSize BufferP Source # 
Instance details

Defined in Haskus.Memory.Buffer

BufferSize BufferI Source # 
Instance details

Defined in Haskus.Memory.Buffer

Buffer freeze/thaw

class Freezable a b | a -> b where Source #

Buffer that can be frozen (converted from mutable to immutable)


unsafeBufferFreeze :: MonadIO m => a -> m b Source #

Convert a mutable buffer to an immutable one without copying. The buffer should not be modified after the conversion.

Freezable (Buffer Mutable pin fin External) (Buffer Immutable pin fin External) Source # 
Instance details

Defined in Haskus.Memory.Buffer

Freezable (Buffer Mutable pin Collected heap) (Buffer Immutable pin Collected heap) Source # 
Instance details

Defined in Haskus.Memory.Buffer

class Thawable a b | a -> b where Source #

Buffer that can be thawed (converted from immutable to mutable)


unsafeBufferThaw :: MonadIO m => a -> m b Source #

Convert an immutable buffer to a mutable one without copying. The original buffer should not be used after the conversion.

Thawable (Buffer Immutable pin NotFinalized heap) (Buffer Mutable pin NotFinalized heap) Source # 
Instance details

Defined in Haskus.Memory.Buffer

Thawable (Buffer Immutable pin Collected heap) (Buffer Mutable pin Collected heap) Source # 
Instance details

Defined in Haskus.Memory.Buffer

Buffer address

bufferIsDynamicallyPinned :: Buffer mut pin fin heap -> Bool Source #

Some buffers managed by GHC can be pinned as an optimization. This function reports this.

bufferDynamicallyPinned :: Buffer mut pin fin heap -> Either (Buffer mut NotPinned fin heap) (Buffer mut Pinned fin heap) Source #

Transform type-level NotPinned buffers into type-level Pinned if the buffer is dynamically pinned (see bufferIsDynamicallyPinned).

withBufferAddr# :: MonadIO m => Buffer Mutable Pinned fin heap -> (Addr# -> m a) -> m a Source #

Do something with a buffer address

withBufferPtr :: MonadIO m => Buffer Mutable Pinned fin heap -> (Ptr b -> m a) -> m a Source #

Do something with a buffer pointer

unsafeWithBufferAddr# :: MonadIO m => Buffer mut Pinned fin heap -> (Addr# -> m a) -> m a Source #

Do something with a buffer address

Note: don't write into immutable buffer as it would break referential consistency

unsafeWithBufferPtr :: MonadIO m => Buffer mut Pinned fin heap -> (Ptr b -> m a) -> m a Source #

Do something with a buffer pointer

Note: don't write into immutable buffer as it would break referential consistency

Buffer read

bufferReadWord8IO :: MonadIO m => Buffer mut pin fin heap -> Word -> m Word8 Source #

Read a Word8, offset in bytes

We don't check that the offset is valid

>>> let b = [25,26,27,28] :: BufferI
>>> bufferReadWord8IO b 2

bufferReadWord8 :: Buffer Immutable pin fin heap -> Word -> Word8 Source #

Read a Word8 in an immutable buffer, offset in bytes

We don't check that the offset is valid

>>> let b = [25,26,27,28] :: BufferI
>>> putStrLn $ "Word8 at offset 2 is " ++ show (bufferReadWord8 b 2)
Word8 at offset 2 is 27

bufferReadWord16IO :: MonadIO m => Buffer mut pin fin heap -> Word -> m Word16 Source #

Read a Word16, offset in bytes

We don't check that the offset is valid

>>> let b = [0x12,0x34,0x56,0x78] :: BufferI
>>> x <- bufferReadWord16IO b 0
>>> (x == 0x1234) || (x == 0x3412)

bufferReadWord16 :: Buffer Immutable pin fin heap -> Word -> Word16 Source #

Read a Word16 in an immutable buffer, offset in bytes

We don't check that the offset is valid

bufferReadWord32IO :: MonadIO m => Buffer mut pin fin heap -> Word -> m Word32 Source #

Read a Word32, offset in bytes

We don't check that the offset is valid

>>> let b = [0x12,0x34,0x56,0x78] :: BufferI
>>> x <- bufferReadWord32IO b 0
>>> (x == 0x12345678) || (x == 0x78563412)

bufferReadWord32 :: Buffer Immutable pin fin heap -> Word -> Word32 Source #

Read a Word32 in an immutable buffer, offset in bytes

We don't check that the offset is valid

bufferReadWord64IO :: MonadIO m => Buffer mut pin fin heap -> Word -> m Word64 Source #

Read a Word64, offset in bytes

We don't check that the offset is valid

>>> let b = [0x12,0x34,0x56,0x78,0x9A,0xBC,0xDE,0xF0] :: BufferI
>>> x <- bufferReadWord64IO b 0
>>> (x == 0x123456789ABCDEF0) || (x == 0xF0DEBC9A78563412)

bufferReadWord64 :: Buffer Immutable pin fin heap -> Word -> Word64 Source #

Read a Word64 in an immutable buffer, offset in bytes

We don't check that the offset is valid

Buffer write and copy

bufferWriteWord8IO :: MonadIO m => Buffer Mutable pin fin heap -> Word -> Word8 -> m () Source #

Write a Word8, offset in bytes

We don't check that the offset is valid

>>> b <- newBuffer 10
>>> bufferWriteWord8IO b 1 123
>>> bufferReadWord8IO b 1

bufferWriteWord16IO :: MonadIO m => Buffer Mutable pin fin heap -> Word -> Word16 -> m () Source #

Write a Word16, offset in bytes

We don't check that the offset is valid

>>> b <- newBuffer 10
>>> let v = 1234 :: Word16
>>> bufferWriteWord16IO b 1 v
>>> bufferReadWord16IO b 1
>>> (x :: Word16) <- fromIntegral <$> bufferReadWord8IO b 1
>>> (y :: Word16) <- fromIntegral <$> bufferReadWord8IO b 2
>>> (((x `shiftL` 8) .|. y) == v)   ||   (((y `shiftL` 8) .|. x) == v)

bufferWriteWord32IO :: MonadIO m => Buffer Mutable pin fin heap -> Word -> Word32 -> m () Source #

Write a Word32, offset in bytes

We don't check that the offset is valid

>>> b <- newBuffer 10
>>> let v = 1234 :: Word32
>>> bufferWriteWord32IO b 1 v
>>> bufferReadWord32IO b 1

bufferWriteWord64IO :: MonadIO m => Buffer Mutable pin fin heap -> Word -> Word64 -> m () Source #

Write a Word64, offset in bytes

We don't check that the offset is valid

>>> b <- newBuffer 10
>>> let v = 1234 :: Word64
>>> bufferWriteWord64IO b 1 v
>>> bufferReadWord64IO b 1

copyBuffer Source #


:: MonadIO m 
=> Buffer mut pin0 fin0 heap0

Source buffer

-> Word

Offset in source buffer

-> Buffer Mutable pin1 fin1 heap1

Target buffer

-> Word

Offset in target buffer

-> Word

Number of Word8 to copy

-> m () 

Copy a buffer into another from/to the given offsets

We don't check buffer limits.

>>> let b = [0,1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8] :: BufferI
>>> b2 <- newBuffer 8
>>> copyBuffer b 4 b2 0 4
>>> copyBuffer b 0 b2 4 4
>>> forM [0..7] (bufferReadWord8IO b2)


addFinalizer :: MonadIO m => Buffer mut pin Finalized heap -> IO () -> m () Source #

Add a finalizer.

The latest added finalizers are executed first. Finalizers are not guaranteed to run (e.g. if the program exits before the buffer is collected).

makeFinalizable :: MonadIO m => Buffer mut pin f heap -> m (Buffer mut pin Finalized heap) Source #

Make a buffer finalizable

The new buffer liveness is used to trigger finalizers.

touchBuffer :: MonadIO m => Buffer mut pin fin heap -> m () Source #

Touch a buffer

touch :: MonadIO m => a -> m () Source #

Touch a data


bufferToListIO :: MonadIO m => Buffer mut pin fin heap -> m [Word8] Source #

Get contents as a list of bytes

class BufferToList a where Source #


bufferToList :: a -> [Word8] Source #

Get contents as a list of bytes

BufferToList BufferPF Source # 
Instance details

Defined in Haskus.Memory.Buffer

BufferToList BufferF Source # 
Instance details

Defined in Haskus.Memory.Buffer

BufferToList BufferP Source # 
Instance details

Defined in Haskus.Memory.Buffer

BufferToList BufferI Source # 
Instance details

Defined in Haskus.Memory.Buffer