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haskus-binary-1.5: Haskus binary format manipulation

Safe HaskellNone



Bit fields (as in C)

This module allows you to define bit fields over words. For instance, you can have a Word16 split into 3 fields X, Y and Z composed of 5, 9 and 2 bits respectively.

X Y Z w :: Word16 |0 0 0 0 0|0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0|0 0|

You define it as follows:


w :: BitFields Word16 '[ BitField 5 X Word8 
                       , BitField 9 Y Word16
                       , BitField 2 Z Word8
w = BitFields 0x0102

Note that each field has its own associated type (e.g. Word8 for X and Z) that must be large enough to hold the number of bits for the field.

Operations on BitFields expect that the cumulated size of the fields is equal to the whole word size: use a padding field if necessary. Otherwise you can use unsafe versions of the functions: extractField', updateField', withField'.

You can extract and update the value of a field by its name:

x = extractField X w
z = extractField Z w
w' = updateField @Y 0x16 w

Fields can also be BitSet or EnumField:


data A = A0 | A1 | A2 | A3 deriving (Enum,CEnum)

data B = B0 | B1 deriving (Enum,BitOffset)

w :: BitFields Word16 '[ BitField 5 X (EnumField Word8 A)
                       , BitField 9 Y Word16
                       , BitField 2 Z (BitSet Word8 B)
w = BitFields 0x0102


newtype BitFields b (f :: [*]) Source #

Bit fields on a base type b


BitFields b 
(bs ~ BitFields w lt, HFoldr' Extract (bs, HList ([] :: [Type])) lt (bs, HList lt2), Eq (HList lt2), lt2 ~ BitFieldTypes lt) => Eq (BitFields w lt) Source # 
Instance details

Defined in Haskus.Binary.BitField


(==) :: BitFields w lt -> BitFields w lt -> Bool #

(/=) :: BitFields w lt -> BitFields w lt -> Bool #

(bs ~ BitFields w lt, ln ~ Replicate (Length lt) String, HFoldr' Extract (bs, HList ([] :: [Type])) lt (bs, HList (BitFieldTypes lt)), HFoldr' Name (HList ([] :: [Type])) lt (HList ln), HZipList ln (BitFieldTypes lt) lnv, Show (HList lnv)) => Show (BitFields w lt) Source #

Get field names and values in a tuple

Instance details

Defined in Haskus.Binary.BitField


showsPrec :: Int -> BitFields w lt -> ShowS #

show :: BitFields w lt -> String #

showList :: [BitFields w lt] -> ShowS #

Storable b => Storable (BitFields b f) Source # 
Instance details

Defined in Haskus.Binary.BitField


peekIO :: Ptr (BitFields b f) -> IO (BitFields b f) Source #

pokeIO :: Ptr (BitFields b f) -> BitFields b f -> IO () Source #

alignment :: BitFields b f -> Word Source #

sizeOf :: BitFields b f -> Word Source #

bitFieldsBits :: BitFields b f -> b Source #

Get backing word

newtype BitField (n :: Nat) (name :: Symbol) s Source #

A field of n bits


BitField s 
Storable s => Storable (BitField n name s) Source # 
Instance details

Defined in Haskus.Binary.BitField


peekIO :: Ptr (BitField n name s) -> IO (BitField n name s) Source #

pokeIO :: Ptr (BitField n name s) -> BitField n name s -> IO () Source #

alignment :: BitField n name s -> Word Source #

sizeOf :: BitField n name s -> Word Source #

extractField :: forall (name :: Symbol) fields b. (KnownNat (Offset name fields), KnownNat (Size name fields), WholeSize fields ~ BitSize b, Bits b, Integral b, Field (Output name fields)) => BitFields b fields -> Output name fields Source #

Get the value of a field

extractField' :: forall (name :: Symbol) fields b. (KnownNat (Offset name fields), KnownNat (Size name fields), Bits b, Integral b, Field (Output name fields)) => BitFields b fields -> Output name fields Source #

Get the value of a field (without checking sizes)

updateField :: forall name fields b. (KnownNat (Offset name fields), KnownNat (Size name fields), WholeSize fields ~ BitSize b, Bits b, Integral b, Field (Output name fields)) => Output name fields -> BitFields b fields -> BitFields b fields Source #

Set the value of a field

updateField' :: forall name fields b. (KnownNat (Offset name fields), KnownNat (Size name fields), Bits b, Integral b, Field (Output name fields)) => Output name fields -> BitFields b fields -> BitFields b fields Source #

Set the value of a field (without checking sizes)

withField :: forall name fields b f. (KnownNat (Offset name fields), KnownNat (Size name fields), WholeSize fields ~ BitSize b, Bits b, Integral b, f ~ Output name fields, Field f) => (f -> f) -> BitFields b fields -> BitFields b fields Source #

Modify the value of a field

withField' :: forall (name :: Symbol) fields b f. (KnownNat (Offset name fields), KnownNat (Size name fields), Bits b, Integral b, f ~ Output name fields, Field f) => (f -> f) -> BitFields b fields -> BitFields b fields Source #

Modify the value of a field (without checking sizes)

matchFields :: forall l l2 w bs t. (bs ~ BitFields w l, HFoldr' Extract (bs, HList '[]) l (bs, HList l2), HTuple l2, t ~ Tuple l2) => bs -> t Source #

Get values in a tuple

matchNamedFields :: forall lt lv ln lnv w bs t. (bs ~ BitFields w lt, HFoldr' Extract (bs, HList '[]) lt (bs, HList lv), HFoldr' Name (HList '[]) lt (HList ln), HZipList ln lv lnv, HTuple lnv, t ~ Tuple lnv) => bs -> t Source #

Get field names and values in a tuple

class Field f Source #

Minimal complete definition

fromField, toField

Field Bool Source # 
Instance details

Defined in Haskus.Binary.BitField


fromField :: Integral b => Bool -> b

toField :: Integral b => b -> Bool

Field Int Source # 
Instance details

Defined in Haskus.Binary.BitField


fromField :: Integral b => Int -> b

toField :: Integral b => b -> Int

Field Int8 Source # 
Instance details

Defined in Haskus.Binary.BitField


fromField :: Integral b => Int8 -> b

toField :: Integral b => b -> Int8

Field Int16 Source # 
Instance details

Defined in Haskus.Binary.BitField


fromField :: Integral b => Int16 -> b

toField :: Integral b => b -> Int16

Field Int32 Source # 
Instance details

Defined in Haskus.Binary.BitField


fromField :: Integral b => Int32 -> b

toField :: Integral b => b -> Int32

Field Int64 Source # 
Instance details

Defined in Haskus.Binary.BitField


fromField :: Integral b => Int64 -> b

toField :: Integral b => b -> Int64

Field Word Source # 
Instance details

Defined in Haskus.Binary.BitField


fromField :: Integral b => Word -> b

toField :: Integral b => b -> Word

Field Word8 Source # 
Instance details

Defined in Haskus.Binary.BitField


fromField :: Integral b => Word8 -> b

toField :: Integral b => b -> Word8

Field Word16 Source # 
Instance details

Defined in Haskus.Binary.BitField


fromField :: Integral b => Word16 -> b

toField :: Integral b => b -> Word16

Field Word32 Source # 
Instance details

Defined in Haskus.Binary.BitField


fromField :: Integral b => Word32 -> b

toField :: Integral b => b -> Word32

Field Word64 Source # 
Instance details

Defined in Haskus.Binary.BitField


fromField :: Integral b => Word64 -> b

toField :: Integral b => b -> Word64

(Integral b, CEnum a) => Field (EnumField b a) Source # 
Instance details

Defined in Haskus.Binary.BitField


fromField :: Integral b0 => EnumField b a -> b0

toField :: Integral b0 => b0 -> EnumField b a

(FiniteBits b, Integral b, BitOffset a) => Field (BitSet b a) Source # 
Instance details

Defined in Haskus.Binary.BitField


fromField :: Integral b0 => BitSet b a -> b0

toField :: Integral b0 => b0 -> BitSet b a