{-# LANGUAGE DataKinds #-}
{-# LANGUAGE KindSignatures #-}
{-# LANGUAGE TypeFamilies #-}
{-# LANGUAGE TypeOperators #-}
{-# LANGUAGE TypeApplications #-}
{-# LANGUAGE UndecidableInstances #-}
{-# LANGUAGE ScopedTypeVariables #-}
{-# LANGUAGE FlexibleContexts #-}
{-# LANGUAGE FlexibleInstances #-}
{-# LANGUAGE ConstraintKinds #-}
{-# LANGUAGE MultiParamTypeClasses #-}
{-# LANGUAGE AllowAmbiguousTypes #-}
{-# LANGUAGE NoStarIsType #-}

module Haskus.Format.Binary.Unum
   ( Unum
   , UnumNum (..)
   , I
   , U (..)
   , Neg
   , Rcp
   , Infinite
   , Log2
   , UnumNumbers
   , UnumSize
   , BackingWord
   , UBit (..)
   , unumSize
   , unumZero
   , unumInfinite
   , unumEncode
   , unumBits
   , unumNegate
   , unumReciprocate
   , unumLabels
   , Sign (..)
   , unumSign
   -- * SORN (bit-sets)
   , SORN
   , SORNBackingWord
   , sornBits
   , sornSize
   , sornEmpty
   , sornFull
   , sornNonInfinite
   , sornNonZero
   , sornSingle
   , sornInsert
   , sornMember
   , sornRemove
   , sornUnion
   , sornIntersect
   , sornComplement
   , sornNegate
   , sornElems
   , sornFromElems
   , sornFromTo
   , SornAdd (..)
   -- * Contiguous SORN
   , CSORN (..)
   , csornSize
   , csornBits
   , csornToSorn
   , csornEmpty
   , csornIsEmpty
   , csornFromTo
   , csornFull
   , csornSingle

import Haskus.Format.Binary.Word
import Haskus.Format.Binary.Bits
import Haskus.Format.Binary.BitField
import Haskus.Utils.Types hiding (Log2)
import Haskus.Utils.HList
import Haskus.Utils.Flow

import Data.Kind (Type)

-- | An Unum
-- 0 (and its reciprocal) is always included.
-- Numbers have to be >= 1 and sorted.
-- e.g., Unum '[] => /0 .. 0 .. /0
--       Unum '[I 1] => /0 .. -1 .. 0 .. 1 .. /0
--       Unum '[I 1, I 2] => /0 .. -2 .. -1 .. -/2 .. 0 .. /2 .. 1 .. 2 .. /0
--       Unum '[I 1, PI]  => /0 .. -PI .. -1 .. -/PI .. 0 .. /PI .. 1 .. PI .. /0
data Unum (xs :: [Type])

class UnumNum a where
   unumLabel :: a -> String

data I (n :: Nat)
data Neg a
data Rcp a
data Uncertain a

instance KnownNat n => UnumNum (I n) where
   unumLabel _ = show (natValue' @n)

instance UnumNum x => UnumNum (Rcp x) where
   unumLabel _ = "/" ++ unumLabel (undefined :: x)

instance UnumNum x => UnumNum (Neg x) where
   unumLabel _ = "-" ++ unumLabel (undefined :: x)

instance UnumNum x => UnumNum (Uncertain x) where
   unumLabel _ = unumLabel (undefined :: x) ++ ".."

type Infinite = Rcp (I 0)

type family Simplify a where
   Simplify a = Simplify' 'True a

type family Simplify' loop a where
   Simplify' l (Rcp (Rcp x))  = Simplify x
   Simplify' l (Neg (Neg x))  = Simplify x
   Simplify' l (Neg (I 0))    = I 0
   Simplify' l (Rcp (I 1))    = I 1
   Simplify' l (Neg Infinite) = Infinite -- infinite is special
   Simplify' l (Rcp (Neg x))  = Simplify (Neg (Rcp x)) -- Neg are outer
   Simplify' 'True (Rcp x)    = Simplify' 'False (Rcp (Simplify x))
   Simplify' 'True (Neg x)    = Simplify' 'False (Neg (Simplify x))
   Simplify' 'False (Rcp x)   = Rcp (Simplify x)
   Simplify' 'False (Neg x)   = Neg (Simplify x)
   Simplify' l x              = x

-- | Compute the precise numbers set
type family UnumNumbers x where
   -- add /0 (infinite), add reciprocals, add negations, nub
   UnumNumbers (Unum xs) = Nub (AddNeg (AddRcp (Snoc xs Infinite)))

-- | Positive numbers in the unums
type family UnumPositives x where
   UnumPositives (Unum xs) = Nub (AddRcp (Snoc xs Infinite))

-- | Indexable numbers
type family UnumIndexables x where
   UnumIndexables u =
      Nub (Concat (UnumPositives u) (Reverse (MapNeg (UnumPositives u))))

-- | All unum members
type family UnumMembers x where
   UnumMembers u = MakeMembers (UnumIndexables u)

type family MakeMembers xs where
   MakeMembers '[]       = '[]
   MakeMembers (x ': xs) = x ': Uncertain x ': MakeMembers xs

data GetLabel = GetLabel

instance  forall a r.
   ( UnumNum a
   , r ~ [String]
   ) => Apply GetLabel (a, [String]) r where
   apply _ (x,xs) = unumLabel x : xs

-- | Unum labels
unumLabels :: forall u v.
   ( HFoldr' GetLabel [String] v [String]
   , v ~ UnumMembers u
   ) => [String]
unumLabels = hFoldr' GetLabel ([] :: [String]) (undefined :: HList v)

-- | Compute the number of bits required
type family UnumSize x where
   UnumSize x = 1 + Log2 (Length (UnumNumbers x)) -- add 1 for ubit

-- | Size of an unum in bits
unumSize :: forall u.
   ( KnownNat (UnumSize u)
   ) => Word
unumSize = natValue @(UnumSize u)

-- | Zero
unumZero :: forall u.
   ( Num (BackingWord u)
   , Bits (BackingWord u)
   , Encodable (I 0) u
   ) => U u
unumZero = unumEncode @u @(I 0) ExactNumber

-- | Infinite
unumInfinite :: forall u.
   ( Num (BackingWord u)
   , Bits (BackingWord u)
   , Encodable Infinite u
   ) => U u
unumInfinite = unumEncode @u @Infinite ExactNumber

type family Div2 n where
  Div2 0 = 0
  Div2 1 = 0
  Div2 n = Div2 (n - 2) + 1

type family Log2 n where
  Log2 0 = 0
  Log2 1 = 0
  Log2 n = Log2 (Div2 n) + 1

-- | Backing word for the unum
type family BackingWord x where
   BackingWord x = WordAtLeast (UnumSize x)

type family MapRcp xs where
   MapRcp '[] = '[]
   MapRcp (x ': xs) = Simplify (Rcp x) ': MapRcp xs

type family MapNeg xs where
   MapNeg '[] = '[]
   MapNeg (x ': xs) = Simplify (Neg x) ': MapNeg xs

type family AddRcp xs where
   AddRcp xs = Concat (Reverse (MapRcp xs)) xs

type family AddNeg xs where
   AddNeg xs = Concat (Reverse (MapNeg xs)) xs

newtype U u = U (BackingWord u)

instance Eq (BackingWord u) => Eq (U u) where
   U x == U y = x == y

instance forall u v.
   ( HFoldr' GetLabel [String] v [String]
   , v ~ UnumMembers u
   , Integral (BackingWord u)
   ) => Show (U u) where
   show (U w) = unumLabels @u !! fromIntegral w

unumBits :: forall u.
   ( Bits (BackingWord u)
   , KnownNat (UnumSize u)
   ) => U u -> String
unumBits (U w) = drop (fromIntegral (bitSize w - unumSize @u)) (bitsToString w)

type Encodable x u =
   ( KnownNat (IndexOf (Simplify x) (UnumIndexables u)))

-- | Uncertainty bit
data UBit
   = ExactNumber   -- ^ Exact number
   | OpenInterval  -- ^ OpenInterval above the exact number
   deriving (Show,Eq)

-- | Encode a number
unumEncode :: forall u x i.
   ( i ~ IndexOf (Simplify x) (UnumIndexables u)
   , KnownNat i
   , Num (BackingWord u)
   , Bits (BackingWord u)
   ) => UBit -> U u
{-# INLINABLE unumEncode #-}
unumEncode b = case b of
      ExactNumber  -> U w
      OpenInterval -> U (setBit w 0)
      w = natValue @i `shiftL` 1

-- | Negate a number
unumNegate :: forall u.
   ( Bits (BackingWord u)
   , Num (BackingWord u)
   , KnownNat (UnumSize u)
   ) => U u -> U u
{-# INLINABLE unumNegate #-}
unumNegate (U w) = U (maskDyn s (complement w + 1))
      s = unumSize @u

-- | Reciprocate a number
unumReciprocate :: forall u.
   ( Bits (BackingWord u)
   , Num (BackingWord u)
   , KnownNat (UnumSize u)
   ) => U u -> U u
{-# INLINABLE unumReciprocate #-}
unumReciprocate (U w) = U (w `xor` m + 1)
      s = unumSize @u
      m = makeMaskDyn (s-1)

data Sign
   = Positive
   | Negative
   | NoSign
   deriving (Show,Eq)

-- | Get unum sign
unumSign :: forall u.
   ( Bits (BackingWord u)
   , KnownNat (UnumSize u)
   ) => U u -> Sign
unumSign (U w) =
      if clearBit w n == zeroBits -- infinity or zero
         then NoSign
         else if testBit w n
            then Negative
            else Positive
      n = fromIntegral (unumSize @u - 1)

-- SORN implementation as bit-sets
-- -------------------------------
-- We use one bit per unum in the set.
-- E.g., 2-bit  unum means 4-bit          SORN
--       8-bit  unum means 256-bit        SORN (32 B)
--       16-bit unum means 65536-bit      SORN (8 kB)
--       24-bit unum means 16777216-bit   SORN (2 MB)
--       32-bit unum means 4294967296-bit SORN (512 MB)

type family SORNSize u where
   SORNSize u = Length (UnumMembers u)

type family SORNBackingWord u where
   SORNBackingWord u = WordAtLeast (SORNSize u)

newtype SORN u = SORN (SORNBackingWord u)

instance forall u v.
   ( KnownNat (SORNSize u)
   , Bits (SORNBackingWord u)
   , Num (BackingWord u)
   , Integral (BackingWord u)
   , HFoldr' GetLabel [String] v [String]
   , v ~ UnumMembers u
   ) => Show (SORN u) where
   show = show . sornElems

-- | Show SORN bits
sornBits :: forall u s.
   ( Bits (SORNBackingWord u)
   , KnownNat (UnumSize u)
   , s ~ SORNSize u
   , KnownNat s
   ) => SORN u -> String
sornBits (SORN w) = drop (bitSize w - natValue @s) (bitsToString w)

-- | Size of a SORN in bits
sornSize :: forall u s.
   ( s ~ SORNSize u
   , KnownNat s
   ) => Word
sornSize = natValue @s

-- | Empty SORN
sornEmpty :: (Bits (SORNBackingWord u)) => SORN u
sornEmpty = SORN zeroBits

-- | Full SORN
sornFull :: forall u.
   ( Bits (SORNBackingWord u)
   , KnownNat (SORNSize u)
   ) => SORN u
sornFull = SORN (maskDyn s (complement zeroBits))
      s = sornSize @u

-- | Full SORN without infinite
sornNonInfinite :: forall u.
   ( Bits (SORNBackingWord u)
   , Integral (BackingWord u)
   , Bits (BackingWord u)
   , Encodable Infinite u
   ) => SORN u
sornNonInfinite = sornRemove (SORN (complement zeroBits)) inf
      inf = unumEncode @u @Infinite ExactNumber

-- | Full SORN without infinite
sornNonZero ::
   ( Bits (SORNBackingWord u)
   , Integral (BackingWord u)
   , Bits (BackingWord u)
   , Encodable (I 0) u
   ) => SORN u
sornNonZero = sornRemove (SORN (complement zeroBits)) unumZero

-- | SORN singleton
sornSingle ::
   ( Integral (BackingWord u)
   , Bits (SORNBackingWord u)
   ) => U u -> SORN u
sornSingle = sornInsert sornEmpty

-- | Insert in a SORN
sornInsert :: forall u.
   ( Bits (SORNBackingWord u)
   , Integral (BackingWord u)
   ) => SORN u -> U u -> SORN u
sornInsert (SORN w) (U v) = SORN (setBit w (fromIntegral v))

-- | Remove in a SORN
sornRemove :: forall u.
   ( Bits (SORNBackingWord u)
   , Integral (BackingWord u)
   ) => SORN u -> U u -> SORN u
sornRemove (SORN w) (U v) = SORN (clearBit w (fromIntegral v))

-- | Test membership in a SORN
sornMember :: forall u.
   ( Bits (SORNBackingWord u)
   , Integral (BackingWord u)
   ) => SORN u -> U u -> Bool
sornMember (SORN w) (U x) = testBit w (fromIntegral x)

-- | Union of two SORNs
sornUnion :: forall u.
   ( Bits (SORNBackingWord u)
   ) => SORN u -> SORN u -> SORN u
sornUnion (SORN w) (SORN v) = SORN (w .|. v)

-- | Intersection of two SORNs
sornIntersect :: forall u.
   ( Bits (SORNBackingWord u)
   ) => SORN u -> SORN u -> SORN u
sornIntersect (SORN w) (SORN v) = SORN (w .&. v)

-- | Complement the SORN
sornComplement ::
   ( Bits (SORNBackingWord u)
   ) => SORN u -> SORN u
sornComplement (SORN x) = SORN (complement x)

-- | Negate a SORN
sornNegate :: forall u.
   ( Bits (SORNBackingWord u)
   , Bits (BackingWord u)
   , Integral (BackingWord u)
   , KnownNat (SORNSize u)
   , KnownNat (UnumSize u)
   ) => SORN u -> SORN u
sornNegate = sornFromElems . fmap unumNegate . sornElems

-- | Elements in the SORN
sornElems :: forall u s.
   ( s ~ SORNSize u
   , KnownNat s
   , Bits (SORNBackingWord u)
   , Num (BackingWord u)
   ) => SORN u -> [U u]
sornElems (SORN x) = foldl b [] (reverse ([s `shiftR` 1 .. s-1]
                                  ++ [0 .. (s-1) `shiftR` 1]))
      s      = natValue @s
      b us i = if testBit x i
                  then U (fromIntegral i) : us
                  else us

-- | Create a SORN from its elements
sornFromElems ::
   ( Integral (BackingWord u)
   , Bits (SORNBackingWord u)
   ) => [U u] -> SORN u
sornFromElems = foldl sornInsert sornEmpty

-- | Create a contiguous SORN from two elements
sornFromTo :: forall u.
   ( Integral (BackingWord u)
   , Bits (SORNBackingWord u)
   , Bits (BackingWord u)
   , KnownNat (UnumSize u)
   ) => U u -> U u -> SORN u
sornFromTo (U a) (U b) = go sornEmpty a
      go w x
         | x == b    = sornInsert w (U x)
         | otherwise = go (sornInsert w (U x)) (maskDyn s (x+1))
      s = unumSize @u

class SornAdd u where
   -- | Add two Unums
   sornAddU :: U u -> U u -> SORN u

   -- | Add two SORNs
   sornAdd ::
      ( KnownNat (SORNSize u)
      , Bits (SORNBackingWord u)
      , Num (BackingWord u)
      ) => SORN u -> SORN u -> SORN u
   sornAdd a b =
      foldl sornUnion sornEmpty [ sornAddU x y
                                | x <- sornElems a
                                , y <- sornElems b

   -- | Add a SORN with itself
   sornAddDep ::
      ( KnownNat (SORNSize u)
      , Bits (SORNBackingWord u)
      , Num (BackingWord u)
      ) => SORN u -> SORN u
   sornAddDep a =
      foldl sornUnion sornEmpty [ sornAddU x x
                                | x <- sornElems a

   -- | Subtract two Unums
   sornSubU ::
      ( Bits (BackingWord u)
      , Num (BackingWord u)
      , KnownNat (UnumSize u)
      ) => U u -> U u -> SORN u
   sornSubU a b = sornAddU a (unumNegate b)

   -- | Subtract two SORNS
   sornSub ::
      ( KnownNat (SORNSize u)
      , Bits (SORNBackingWord u)
      , Bits (BackingWord u)
      , Num (BackingWord u)
      , KnownNat (UnumSize u)
      ) => SORN u -> SORN u -> SORN u
   sornSub a b =
      foldl sornUnion sornEmpty [ sornSubU x y
                                | x <- sornElems a
                                , y <- sornElems b

   -- | Subtract a SORN with itself
   sornSubDep ::
      ( KnownNat (SORNSize u)
      , Bits (SORNBackingWord u)
      , Bits (BackingWord u)
      , Num (BackingWord u)
      , KnownNat (UnumSize u)
      ) => SORN u -> SORN u
   sornSubDep a =
      foldl sornUnion sornEmpty [ sornSubU x x
                                | x <- sornElems a

-- Contiguous SORN implementation
-- -------------------------------
-- We encode contiguous SORN with two values:
--    * start: the starting unum
--    * count: the number of unums from start upwards
-- If count == 0
--    If start == 0
--       then empty SORN
--       else full SORN
-- Pros:
--    * size is much smaller (2 * unum size),  especially for look-up tables because
--    connected sets remain connected under addition, subtraction, multiplication
--    and division.
--    * trivial logic for negate and reciprocate (i.e., operate on bounds only)

type family CSORNSize u where
   CSORNSize u = 2 * UnumSize u

type family CSORNBackingWord u where
   CSORNBackingWord u = WordAtLeast (CSORNSize u)

newtype CSORN u
   = CSORN (BitFields (CSORNBackingWord u)
      '[ BitField (UnumSize u) "start" (BackingWord u)
       , BitField (UnumSize u) "count" (BackingWord u)

csornStart :: forall u.
   ( Integral (BackingWord u)
   , Integral (CSORNBackingWord u)
   , KnownNat (UnumSize u)
   , Bits (CSORNBackingWord u)
   , Field (BackingWord u)
   ) => CSORN u -> U u
csornStart c = U (csornStart' c)

csornStart' :: forall u.
   ( Integral (BackingWord u)
   , Integral (CSORNBackingWord u)
   , KnownNat (UnumSize u)
   , Bits (CSORNBackingWord u)
   , Field (BackingWord u)
   ) => CSORN u -> BackingWord u
csornStart' (CSORN c) = extractField' @"start" c

csornCount ::
   ( Integral (BackingWord u)
   , Integral (CSORNBackingWord u)
   , KnownNat (UnumSize u)
   , Bits (CSORNBackingWord u)
   , Field (BackingWord u)
   ) => CSORN u -> BackingWord u
csornCount (CSORN c) = extractField' @"count" c

instance forall u v.
   ( KnownNat (SORNSize u)
   , KnownNat (UnumSize u)
   , Bits (BackingWord u)
   , Bits (CSORNBackingWord u)
   , Integral (CSORNBackingWord u)
   , Num (BackingWord u)
   , Integral (BackingWord u)
   , HFoldr' GetLabel [String] v [String]
   , Field (BackingWord u)
   , Bits (SORNBackingWord u)
   , Bits (SORNBackingWord u)
   , v ~ UnumMembers u
   ) => Show (CSORN u) where
   show = show . csornToSorn

-- | Convert a contiguous SORN into a SORN
csornToSorn :: forall u.
   ( KnownNat (UnumSize u)
   , Num (BackingWord u)
   , Integral (BackingWord u)
   , Integral (CSORNBackingWord u)
   , Bits (CSORNBackingWord u)
   , Bits (BackingWord u)
   , Bits (SORNBackingWord u)
   , Field (BackingWord u)
   , KnownNat (SORNSize u)
   , Bits (SORNBackingWord u)
   ) => CSORN u -> SORN u
csornToSorn c =
   if csornCount c == 0
      then if start == 0
         then sornEmpty
         else sornFull
      else sornFromTo (csornStart c) (U x')
      start = csornStart' c
      x'    = maskDyn s (start + csornCount c - 1)
      s     = unumSize @u

-- | Size of a contiguous SORN in bits
csornSize :: forall u s.
   ( s ~ CSORNSize u
   , KnownNat s
   ) => Word
csornSize = natValue @s

-- | Show contiguous SORN bits
csornBits :: forall u s.
   ( Bits (CSORNBackingWord u)
   , KnownNat (UnumSize u)
   , s ~ CSORNSize u
   , KnownNat s
   ) => CSORN u -> String
csornBits (CSORN (BitFields w)) = drop (bitSize w - natValue @s) (bitsToString w)

-- | Empty contigiuous SORN
csornEmpty :: forall u.
   ( Bits (CSORNBackingWord u)
   ) => CSORN u
csornEmpty = CSORN (BitFields zeroBits)

-- | Test if a contigiuous SORN is empty
csornIsEmpty :: forall u.
   ( Bits (CSORNBackingWord u)
   ) => CSORN u -> Bool
{-# INLINABLE csornIsEmpty #-}
csornIsEmpty (CSORN (BitFields b)) = b == zeroBits

-- | Contiguous SORN build
csornFromTo :: forall u.
   ( Num (BackingWord u)
   , Bits (BackingWord u)
   , KnownNat (UnumSize u)
   , KnownNat (SORNSize u)
   , Bits (BackingWord u)
   , Integral (CSORNBackingWord u)
   , Bits (CSORNBackingWord u)
   , Field (BackingWord u)
   , Integral (BackingWord u)
   ) => U u -> U u -> CSORN u
csornFromTo start stop =
      if fromIntegral count == unumSize @u
         then csornFull
         else CSORN b
      U x   = start
      U y   = stop
      s     = unumSize @u
      count = maskDyn s (y-x+1)
      b     = BitFields 0
              |> updateField' @"start" x
              |> updateField' @"count" count

-- | Full contiguous SORN
csornFull :: forall u.
   ( Bits (CSORNBackingWord u)
   , Integral (CSORNBackingWord u)
   , Integral (BackingWord u)
   , KnownNat (UnumSize u)
   , Field (BackingWord u)
   ) => CSORN u
csornFull = CSORN (BitFields zeroBits
  |> updateField' @"start" 1 -- dummy /= 0
  |> updateField' @"count" 0)

-- | Contiguous SORN singleton
csornSingle :: forall u.
   ( Bits (CSORNBackingWord u)
   , Integral (CSORNBackingWord u)
   , Integral (BackingWord u)
   , KnownNat (UnumSize u)
   , Field (BackingWord u)
   ) => U u -> CSORN u
csornSingle (U u) = CSORN (BitFields zeroBits
  |> updateField' @"start" u
  |> updateField' @"count" 1)