{-# LANGUAGE AllowAmbiguousTypes #-}
{-# LANGUAGE LambdaCase #-}

-- | Operations for changing the AST

module Language.Haskell.Tools.Refactor.Utils.AST (removeChild, removeSeparator) where

import Control.Monad.State (Monad(..), mapM_)
import Control.Monad.Writer
import Control.Reference
import Data.List
import Data.Maybe (Maybe(..), mapMaybe, catMaybes)
import Language.Haskell.Tools.AST (SrcTemplateStage, SourceInfoTrf(..), SourceInfoTraversal(..))
import Language.Haskell.Tools.PrettyPrint.Prepare
import Language.Haskell.Tools.Refactor.Monad (LocalRefactor)
import SrcLoc (SrcSpan)

import Data.Either (Either(..))

-- | Remove a separator from the AST while keeping the textual parts of it that should not be removed (like preprocessor pragmas).

removeSeparator :: ([SourceTemplateTextElem], SrcSpan) -> LocalRefactor ()
removeSeparator (txts, range) = tell [Right (range, intercalate lineEnd staying, lineEnd)]
  where staying = catMaybes $ map (\case StayingText str _ -> Just str; _ -> Nothing) txts
        lineEnd = head $ (catMaybes $ map (\case StayingText _ lnEnd -> Just lnEnd; _ -> Nothing) txts) ++ [""]

-- | Remove an element from the AST while keeping the textual parts of it that should not be removed (like preprocessor pragmas).

removeChild :: (SourceInfoTraversal e) => e dom SrcTemplateStage -> LocalRefactor ()
removeChild e = tell $ map Right $ keptText e

-- | Extracts all text elements that should be kept

keptText :: SourceInfoTraversal e => e dom SrcTemplateStage -> [(SrcSpan,String,String)]
keptText = execWriter . sourceInfoTraverse (SourceInfoTrf
  (\ni -> mapM_ writeStaying (mapMaybe (\case (TextElem elems range) -> Just (elems,range)
                                              _ -> Nothing)
                                       (ni ^? sourceTemplateNodeElems & traversal)) >> return ni)
  (\ni -> mapM_ writeStaying (ni ^. srcTmpSeparators) >> return ni)

-- | Writes the elements to be kept into a writer monad with ranges and default line ending.

writeStaying :: ([SourceTemplateTextElem], SrcSpan) -> Writer [(SrcSpan,String,String)] ()
writeStaying (txts, range) = tell staying
  where staying = mapMaybe (\case StayingText str lnEnd -> Just (range, str, lnEnd)
                                  _ -> Nothing) txts