haskell-tools-refactor- Refactoring Tool for Haskell

Safe HaskellNone



Defines utility methods that prepare Haskell modules for refactoring



useFlags :: [String] -> Ghc [String] Source #

Set the given flags for the GHC session

initGhcFlags :: Ghc () Source #

Initialize GHC flags to default values that support refactoring

useDirs :: [FilePath] -> Ghc () Source #

Use the given source directories

toFileName :: String -> String -> FilePath Source #

Translates module name and working directory into the name of the file where the given module should be defined

toBootFileName :: String -> String -> FilePath Source #

Translates module name and working directory into the name of the file where the boot module should be defined

loadModule :: String -> String -> Ghc ModSummary Source #

Load the summary of a module given by the working directory and module name.

type TypedModule = Ann UModule IdDom SrcTemplateStage Source #

The final version of our AST, with type infromation added

parseTyped :: ModSummary -> Ghc TypedModule Source #

Get the typed representation from a type-correct program.