Safe Haskell | None |
Language | Haskell2010 |
- data Trace
- data InitializeParams = InitializeParams {}
- data InitializeError = InitializeError {}
- data TextDocumentSyncKind
- data CompletionOptions = CompletionOptions {}
- data SignatureHelpOptions = SignatureHelpOptions {}
- data CodeLensOptions = CodeLensOptions {}
- data CodeActionOptions
- data DocumentOnTypeFormattingOptions = DocumentOnTypeFormattingOptions {}
- data DocumentLinkOptions = DocumentLinkOptions {}
- data RenameOptions
- data ExecuteCommandOptions = ExecuteCommandOptions {}
- data SaveOptions = SaveOptions {}
- data TextDocumentSyncOptions = TextDocumentSyncOptions {}
- data TDS
- data GotoOptions
- data ColorOptions
- data FoldingRangeOptions
- data WorkspaceFolderChangeNotifications
- data WorkspaceFolderOptions = WorkspaceFolderOptions {}
- data WorkspaceOptions = WorkspaceOptions {}
- data InitializeResponseCapabilitiesInner = InitializeResponseCapabilitiesInner {
- _textDocumentSync :: Maybe TDS
- _hoverProvider :: Maybe Bool
- _completionProvider :: Maybe CompletionOptions
- _signatureHelpProvider :: Maybe SignatureHelpOptions
- _definitionProvider :: Maybe Bool
- _typeDefinitionProvider :: Maybe GotoOptions
- _implementationProvider :: Maybe GotoOptions
- _referencesProvider :: Maybe Bool
- _documentHighlightProvider :: Maybe Bool
- _documentSymbolProvider :: Maybe Bool
- _workspaceSymbolProvider :: Maybe Bool
- _codeActionProvider :: Maybe CodeActionOptions
- _codeLensProvider :: Maybe CodeLensOptions
- _documentFormattingProvider :: Maybe Bool
- _documentRangeFormattingProvider :: Maybe Bool
- _documentOnTypeFormattingProvider :: Maybe DocumentOnTypeFormattingOptions
- _renameProvider :: Maybe RenameOptions
- _documentLinkProvider :: Maybe DocumentLinkOptions
- _colorProvider :: Maybe ColorOptions
- _foldingRangeProvider :: Maybe FoldingRangeOptions
- _executeCommandProvider :: Maybe ExecuteCommandOptions
- _workspace :: Maybe WorkspaceOptions
- _experimental :: Maybe Value
- data InitializeResponseCapabilities = InitializeResponseCapabilities {}
- type InitializeResponse = ResponseMessage InitializeResponseCapabilities
- type InitializeRequest = RequestMessage ClientMethod InitializeParams InitializeResponseCapabilities
- data InitializedParams = InitializedParams {
- type InitializedNotification = NotificationMessage ClientMethod (Maybe InitializedParams)
- type ShutdownRequest = RequestMessage ClientMethod (Maybe Value) (Maybe ())
- type ShutdownResponse = ResponseMessage (Maybe ())
- data ExitParams = ExitParams {
- type ExitNotification = NotificationMessage ClientMethod (Maybe ExitParams)
- type TelemetryNotification = NotificationMessage ServerMethod Value
- type CustomClientNotification = NotificationMessage ClientMethod Value
- type CustomServerNotification = NotificationMessage ServerMethod Value
- type CustomClientRequest = RequestMessage ClientMethod Value Value
- type CustomServerRequest = RequestMessage ServerMethod Value Value
- type CustomResponse = ResponseMessage Value
- data Registration = Registration {
- _id :: Text
- _method :: ClientMethod
- _registerOptions :: Maybe Value
- data RegistrationParams = RegistrationParams {}
- type RegisterCapabilityRequest = RequestMessage ServerMethod RegistrationParams ()
- type RegisterCapabilityResponse = ResponseMessage ()
- data TextDocumentRegistrationOptions = TextDocumentRegistrationOptions {}
- data Unregistration = Unregistration {}
- data UnregistrationParams = UnregistrationParams {}
- type UnregisterCapabilityRequest = RequestMessage ServerMethod UnregistrationParams ()
- type UnregisterCapabilityResponse = ResponseMessage ()
- data DidChangeConfigurationParams = DidChangeConfigurationParams {}
- type DidChangeConfigurationNotification = NotificationMessage ClientMethod DidChangeConfigurationParams
- data ConfigurationItem = ConfigurationItem {}
- data ConfigurationParams = ConfigurationParams {}
- type ConfigurationRequest = RequestMessage ServerMethod ConfigurationParams (List Value)
- type ConfigurationResponse = ResponseMessage (List Value)
- data DidOpenTextDocumentParams = DidOpenTextDocumentParams {}
- type DidOpenTextDocumentNotification = NotificationMessage ClientMethod DidOpenTextDocumentParams
- data TextDocumentContentChangeEvent = TextDocumentContentChangeEvent {}
- data DidChangeTextDocumentParams = DidChangeTextDocumentParams {}
- type DidChangeTextDocumentNotification = NotificationMessage ClientMethod DidChangeTextDocumentParams
- data TextDocumentChangeRegistrationOptions = TextDocumentChangeRegistrationOptions {}
- data TextDocumentSaveReason
- data WillSaveTextDocumentParams = WillSaveTextDocumentParams {}
- type WillSaveTextDocumentNotification = NotificationMessage ClientMethod WillSaveTextDocumentParams
- type WillSaveWaitUntilTextDocumentRequest = RequestMessage ClientMethod WillSaveTextDocumentParams (List TextEdit)
- type WillSaveWaitUntilTextDocumentResponse = ResponseMessage (List TextEdit)
- data DidSaveTextDocumentParams = DidSaveTextDocumentParams {}
- type DidSaveTextDocumentNotification = NotificationMessage ClientMethod DidSaveTextDocumentParams
- data DidCloseTextDocumentParams = DidCloseTextDocumentParams {}
- type DidCloseTextDocumentNotification = NotificationMessage ClientMethod DidCloseTextDocumentParams
- data FileChangeType
- data FileEvent = FileEvent {
- _uri :: Uri
- _xtype :: FileChangeType
- data DidChangeWatchedFilesParams = DidChangeWatchedFilesParams {}
- type DidChangeWatchedFilesNotification = NotificationMessage ClientMethod DidChangeWatchedFilesParams
- data PublishDiagnosticsParams = PublishDiagnosticsParams {
- _uri :: Uri
- _diagnostics :: List Diagnostic
- type PublishDiagnosticsNotification = NotificationMessage ServerMethod PublishDiagnosticsParams
- data LanguageString = LanguageString {}
- data MarkedString
- data HoverContents
- toMarkupContent :: MarkedString -> MarkupContent
- data Hover = Hover {}
- type HoverRequest = RequestMessage ClientMethod TextDocumentPositionParams (Maybe Hover)
- type HoverResponse = ResponseMessage (Maybe Hover)
- data ParameterInformation = ParameterInformation {
- _label :: Text
- _documentation :: Maybe Text
- data SignatureInformation = SignatureInformation {}
- data SignatureHelp = SignatureHelp {}
- type SignatureHelpRequest = RequestMessage ClientMethod TextDocumentPositionParams SignatureHelp
- type SignatureHelpResponse = ResponseMessage SignatureHelp
- data SignatureHelpRegistrationOptions = SignatureHelpRegistrationOptions {}
- data LocationResponseParams
- type DefinitionRequest = RequestMessage ClientMethod TextDocumentPositionParams LocationResponseParams
- type DefinitionResponse = ResponseMessage LocationResponseParams
- type TypeDefinitionRequest = RequestMessage ClientMethod TextDocumentPositionParams LocationResponseParams
- type TypeDefinitionResponse = ResponseMessage LocationResponseParams
- type ImplementationRequest = RequestMessage ClientMethod TextDocumentPositionParams LocationResponseParams
- type ImplementationResponse = ResponseMessage LocationResponseParams
- data ReferenceContext = ReferenceContext {}
- data ReferenceParams = ReferenceParams {}
- type ReferencesRequest = RequestMessage ClientMethod ReferenceParams (List Location)
- type ReferencesResponse = ResponseMessage (List Location)
- data DocumentHighlightKind
- data DocumentHighlight = DocumentHighlight {}
- type DocumentHighlightRequest = RequestMessage ClientMethod TextDocumentPositionParams (List DocumentHighlight)
- type DocumentHighlightsResponse = ResponseMessage (List DocumentHighlight)
- data WorkspaceSymbolParams = WorkspaceSymbolParams {}
- type WorkspaceSymbolRequest = RequestMessage ClientMethod WorkspaceSymbolParams (List SymbolInformation)
- type WorkspaceSymbolsResponse = ResponseMessage (List SymbolInformation)
- data CodeLensParams = CodeLensParams {}
- data CodeLens = CodeLens {}
- type CodeLensRequest = RequestMessage ClientMethod CodeLensParams (List CodeLens)
- type CodeLensResponse = ResponseMessage (List CodeLens)
- data CodeLensRegistrationOptions = CodeLensRegistrationOptions {}
- type CodeLensResolveRequest = RequestMessage ClientMethod CodeLens CodeLens
- type CodeLensResolveResponse = ResponseMessage CodeLens
- data DocumentLinkParams = DocumentLinkParams {}
- data DocumentLink = DocumentLink {}
- type DocumentLinkRequest = RequestMessage ClientMethod DocumentLinkParams (List DocumentLink)
- type DocumentLinkResponse = ResponseMessage (List DocumentLink)
- type DocumentLinkResolveRequest = RequestMessage ClientMethod DocumentLink DocumentLink
- type DocumentLinkResolveResponse = ResponseMessage DocumentLink
- data FormattingOptions = FormattingOptions {
- _tabSize :: Int
- _insertSpaces :: Bool
- data DocumentFormattingParams = DocumentFormattingParams {}
- type DocumentFormattingRequest = RequestMessage ClientMethod DocumentFormattingParams (List TextEdit)
- type DocumentFormattingResponse = ResponseMessage (List TextEdit)
- data DocumentRangeFormattingParams = DocumentRangeFormattingParams {}
- type DocumentRangeFormattingRequest = RequestMessage ClientMethod DocumentRangeFormattingParams (List TextEdit)
- type DocumentRangeFormattingResponse = ResponseMessage (List TextEdit)
- data DocumentOnTypeFormattingParams = DocumentOnTypeFormattingParams {}
- type DocumentOnTypeFormattingRequest = RequestMessage ClientMethod DocumentOnTypeFormattingParams (List TextEdit)
- type DocumentOnTypeFormattingResponse = ResponseMessage (List TextEdit)
- data DocumentOnTypeFormattingRegistrationOptions = DocumentOnTypeFormattingRegistrationOptions {}
- data RenameParams = RenameParams {}
- type RenameRequest = RequestMessage ClientMethod RenameParams WorkspaceEdit
- type RenameResponse = ResponseMessage WorkspaceEdit
- data RangeWithPlaceholder = RangeWithPlaceholder {
- _range :: Range
- _placeholder :: Text
- data RangeOrRangeWithPlaceholder
- type PrepareRenameRequest = RequestMessage ClientMethod TextDocumentPositionParams Range
- type PrepareRenameResponse = ResponseMessage (Maybe RangeOrRangeWithPlaceholder)
- data ExecuteCommandParams = ExecuteCommandParams {
- _command :: Text
- _arguments :: Maybe (List Value)
- _workDoneToken :: Maybe ProgressToken
- type ExecuteCommandRequest = RequestMessage ClientMethod ExecuteCommandParams Value
- type ExecuteCommandResponse = ResponseMessage Value
- data ExecuteCommandRegistrationOptions = ExecuteCommandRegistrationOptions {}
- data ApplyWorkspaceEditParams = ApplyWorkspaceEditParams {}
- data ApplyWorkspaceEditResponseBody = ApplyWorkspaceEditResponseBody {}
- type ApplyWorkspaceEditRequest = RequestMessage ServerMethod ApplyWorkspaceEditParams ApplyWorkspaceEditResponseBody
- type ApplyWorkspaceEditResponse = ResponseMessage ApplyWorkspaceEditResponseBody
- data TraceParams = TraceParams {}
- data TraceNotification = TraceNotification {}
- data CodeActionKind
- data CodeActionContext = CodeActionContext {}
- data CodeActionParams = CodeActionParams {}
- data CodeAction = CodeAction {
- _title :: Text
- _kind :: Maybe CodeActionKind
- _diagnostics :: Maybe (List Diagnostic)
- _edit :: Maybe WorkspaceEdit
- _command :: Maybe Command
- data CAResult
- type CodeActionRequest = RequestMessage ClientMethod CodeActionParams (List CAResult)
- type CodeActionResponse = ResponseMessage (List CAResult)
- data Color = Color {}
- data ColorInformation = ColorInformation {}
- data DocumentColorParams = DocumentColorParams {}
- type DocumentColorRequest = RequestMessage ClientMethod DocumentColorParams (List ColorInformation)
- type DocumentColorResponse = ResponseMessage (List ColorInformation)
- data ColorPresentationParams = ColorPresentationParams {}
- data ColorPresentation = ColorPresentation {}
- type ColorPresentationRequest = RequestMessage ClientMethod ColorPresentationParams (List ColorPresentation)
- type ColorPresentationResponse = ResponseMessage (List ColorPresentation)
- data Command = Command {}
- data CompletionItemKind
- data InsertTextFormat
- data CompletionDoc
- data CompletionItem = CompletionItem {
- _label :: Text
- _kind :: Maybe CompletionItemKind
- _detail :: Maybe Text
- _documentation :: Maybe CompletionDoc
- _deprecated :: Maybe Bool
- _preselect :: Maybe Bool
- _sortText :: Maybe Text
- _filterText :: Maybe Text
- _insertText :: Maybe Text
- _insertTextFormat :: Maybe InsertTextFormat
- _textEdit :: Maybe TextEdit
- _additionalTextEdits :: Maybe (List TextEdit)
- _commitCharacters :: Maybe (List Text)
- _command :: Maybe Command
- _xdata :: Maybe Value
- data CompletionListType = CompletionListType {}
- data CompletionResponseResult
- data CompletionTriggerKind
- data CompletionContext = CompletionContext {}
- data CompletionParams = CompletionParams {}
- type CompletionResponse = ResponseMessage CompletionResponseResult
- type CompletionRequest = RequestMessage ClientMethod CompletionParams CompletionResponseResult
- data CompletionRegistrationOptions = CompletionRegistrationOptions {}
- type CompletionItemResolveRequest = RequestMessage ClientMethod CompletionItem CompletionItem
- type CompletionItemResolveResponse = ResponseMessage CompletionItem
- data DiagnosticSeverity
- data DiagnosticRelatedInformation = DiagnosticRelatedInformation {}
- data NumberOrString
- type DiagnosticSource = Text
- data Diagnostic = Diagnostic {}
- data DocumentFilter = DocumentFilter {}
- type DocumentSelector = List DocumentFilter
- data FoldingRangeParams = FoldingRangeParams {}
- data FoldingRangeKind
- data FoldingRange = FoldingRange {}
- type FoldingRangeRequest = RequestMessage ClientMethod FoldingRangeParams (List FoldingRange)
- type FoldingRangeResponse = ResponseMessage (List FoldingRange)
- newtype List a = List [a]
- data Position = Position {
- _line :: Int
- _character :: Int
- data Range = Range {}
- data Location = Location {}
- data MarkupKind
- data MarkupContent = MarkupContent {
- _kind :: MarkupKind
- _value :: Text
- markedUpContent :: Text -> Text -> MarkupContent
- unmarkedUpContent :: Text -> MarkupContent
- sectionSeparator :: Text
- data LspId
- data LspIdRsp
- responseId :: LspId -> LspIdRsp
- requestId :: LspIdRsp -> LspId
- data ClientMethod
- = Initialize
- | Initialized
- | Shutdown
- | Exit
- | CancelRequest
- | WorkspaceDidChangeWorkspaceFolders
- | WorkspaceDidChangeConfiguration
- | WorkspaceDidChangeWatchedFiles
- | WorkspaceSymbol
- | WorkspaceExecuteCommand
- | WorkDoneProgressCancel
- | TextDocumentDidOpen
- | TextDocumentDidChange
- | TextDocumentWillSave
- | TextDocumentWillSaveWaitUntil
- | TextDocumentDidSave
- | TextDocumentDidClose
- | TextDocumentCompletion
- | CompletionItemResolve
- | TextDocumentHover
- | TextDocumentSignatureHelp
- | TextDocumentDefinition
- | TextDocumentTypeDefinition
- | TextDocumentImplementation
- | TextDocumentReferences
- | TextDocumentDocumentHighlight
- | TextDocumentDocumentSymbol
- | TextDocumentCodeAction
- | TextDocumentCodeLens
- | CodeLensResolve
- | TextDocumentDocumentLink
- | DocumentLinkResolve
- | TextDocumentDocumentColor
- | TextDocumentColorPresentation
- | TextDocumentFormatting
- | TextDocumentRangeFormatting
- | TextDocumentOnTypeFormatting
- | TextDocumentRename
- | TextDocumentPrepareRename
- | TextDocumentFoldingRange
- | CustomClientMethod Text
- data ServerMethod
- = WindowShowMessage
- | WindowShowMessageRequest
- | WindowLogMessage
- | WindowWorkDoneProgressCreate
- | Progress
- | TelemetryEvent
- | ClientRegisterCapability
- | ClientUnregisterCapability
- | WorkspaceWorkspaceFolders
- | WorkspaceConfiguration
- | WorkspaceApplyEdit
- | TextDocumentPublishDiagnostics
- | CancelRequestServer
- | CustomServerMethod Text
- data RequestMessage m req resp = RequestMessage {}
- data ErrorCode
- data ResponseError = ResponseError {}
- data ResponseMessage a = ResponseMessage {}
- type ErrorResponse = ResponseMessage ()
- type BareResponseMessage = ResponseMessage Value
- data NotificationMessage m a = NotificationMessage {}
- data CancelParams = CancelParams {}
- type CancelNotification = NotificationMessage ClientMethod CancelParams
- type CancelNotificationServer = NotificationMessage ServerMethod CancelParams
- data ProgressToken
- data DocumentSymbolParams = DocumentSymbolParams {}
- data SymbolKind
- = SkFile
- | SkModule
- | SkNamespace
- | SkPackage
- | SkClass
- | SkMethod
- | SkProperty
- | SkField
- | SkConstructor
- | SkEnum
- | SkInterface
- | SkFunction
- | SkVariable
- | SkConstant
- | SkString
- | SkNumber
- | SkBoolean
- | SkArray
- | SkObject
- | SkKey
- | SkNull
- | SkEnumMember
- | SkStruct
- | SkEvent
- | SkOperator
- | SkTypeParameter
- | SkUnknown Scientific
- data DocumentSymbol = DocumentSymbol {
- _name :: Text
- _detail :: Maybe Text
- _kind :: SymbolKind
- _deprecated :: Maybe Bool
- _range :: Range
- _selectionRange :: Range
- _children :: Maybe (List DocumentSymbol)
- data SymbolInformation = SymbolInformation {
- _name :: Text
- _kind :: SymbolKind
- _deprecated :: Maybe Bool
- _location :: Location
- _containerName :: Maybe Text
- data DSResult
- type DocumentSymbolRequest = RequestMessage ClientMethod DocumentSymbolParams DSResult
- type DocumentSymbolsResponse = ResponseMessage DSResult
- data TextDocumentIdentifier = TextDocumentIdentifier {}
- data TextDocumentItem = TextDocumentItem {}
- data TextDocumentPositionParams = TextDocumentPositionParams {}
- newtype Uri = Uri {}
- newtype NormalizedUri = NormalizedUri Text
- toNormalizedUri :: Uri -> NormalizedUri
- fromNormalizedUri :: NormalizedUri -> Uri
- fileScheme :: String
- windowsOS :: String
- type SystemOS = String
- uriToFilePath :: Uri -> Maybe FilePath
- platformAwareUriToFilePath :: String -> Uri -> Maybe FilePath
- platformAdjustFromUriPath :: SystemOS -> Maybe String -> String -> FilePath
- filePathToUri :: FilePath -> Uri
- platformAwareFilePathToUri :: SystemOS -> FilePath -> Uri
- platformAdjustToUriPath :: SystemOS -> FilePath -> String
- data MessageType
- data ShowMessageParams = ShowMessageParams {
- _xtype :: MessageType
- _message :: Text
- type ShowMessageNotification = NotificationMessage ServerMethod ShowMessageParams
- data MessageActionItem = MessageActionItem {}
- data ShowMessageRequestParams = ShowMessageRequestParams {
- _xtype :: MessageType
- _message :: Text
- _actions :: Maybe [MessageActionItem]
- type ShowMessageRequest = RequestMessage ServerMethod ShowMessageRequestParams Text
- type ShowMessageResponse = ResponseMessage Text
- data LogMessageParams = LogMessageParams {
- _xtype :: MessageType
- _message :: Text
- type LogMessageNotification = NotificationMessage ServerMethod LogMessageParams
- data ProgressParams t = ProgressParams {
- _token :: ProgressToken
- _value :: t
- data WorkDoneProgressBeginParams = WorkDoneProgressBeginParams {}
- type WorkDoneProgressBeginNotification = NotificationMessage ServerMethod (ProgressParams WorkDoneProgressBeginParams)
- data WorkDoneProgressReportParams = WorkDoneProgressReportParams {
- _cancellable :: Maybe Bool
- _message :: Maybe Text
- _percentage :: Maybe Double
- type WorkDoneProgressReportNotification = NotificationMessage ServerMethod (ProgressParams WorkDoneProgressReportParams)
- data WorkDoneProgressEndParams = WorkDoneProgressEndParams {}
- type WorkDoneProgressEndNotification = NotificationMessage ServerMethod (ProgressParams WorkDoneProgressEndParams)
- data WorkDoneProgressCancelParams = WorkDoneProgressCancelParams {}
- type WorkDoneProgressCancelNotification = NotificationMessage ClientMethod WorkDoneProgressCancelParams
- data WorkDoneProgressCreateParams = WorkDoneProgressCreateParams {}
- type WorkDoneProgressCreateRequest = RequestMessage ServerMethod WorkDoneProgressCreateParams ()
- data TextEdit = TextEdit {}
- type TextDocumentVersion = Maybe Int
- data VersionedTextDocumentIdentifier = VersionedTextDocumentIdentifier {}
- data TextDocumentEdit = TextDocumentEdit {}
- type WorkspaceEditMap = HashMap Uri (List TextEdit)
- data WorkspaceEdit = WorkspaceEdit {}
- applyTextEdit :: TextEdit -> Text -> Text
- editTextEdit :: TextEdit -> TextEdit -> TextEdit
- data WorkspaceFolder = WorkspaceFolder {}
- type WorkspaceFoldersRequest = RequestMessage ServerMethod () (Maybe (List WorkspaceFolder))
- type WorkspaceFoldersResponse = ResponseMessage (Maybe (List WorkspaceFolder))
- data WorkspaceFoldersChangeEvent = WorkspaceFoldersChangeEvent {}
- data DidChangeWorkspaceFoldersParams = DidChangeWorkspaceFoldersParams {}
- type DidChangeWorkspaceFoldersNotification = NotificationMessage ClientMethod DidChangeWorkspaceFoldersParams
data InitializeParams Source #
InitializeParams | |
data InitializeError Source #
data TextDocumentSyncKind Source #
data CompletionOptions Source #
CompletionOptions | |
data SignatureHelpOptions Source #
SignatureHelpOptions | |
data CodeLensOptions Source #
data CodeActionOptions Source #
Eq CodeActionOptions Source # | |
Defined in Language.Haskell.LSP.Types.DataTypesJSON (==) :: CodeActionOptions -> CodeActionOptions -> Bool # (/=) :: CodeActionOptions -> CodeActionOptions -> Bool # | |
Read CodeActionOptions Source # | |
Show CodeActionOptions Source # | |
Defined in Language.Haskell.LSP.Types.DataTypesJSON showsPrec :: Int -> CodeActionOptions -> ShowS # show :: CodeActionOptions -> String # showList :: [CodeActionOptions] -> ShowS # | |
ToJSON CodeActionOptions Source # | |
Defined in Language.Haskell.LSP.Types.DataTypesJSON toJSON :: CodeActionOptions -> Value # toEncoding :: CodeActionOptions -> Encoding # toJSONList :: [CodeActionOptions] -> Value # toEncodingList :: [CodeActionOptions] -> Encoding # | |
FromJSON CodeActionOptions Source # | |
Defined in Language.Haskell.LSP.Types.DataTypesJSON parseJSON :: Value -> Parser CodeActionOptions # parseJSONList :: Value -> Parser [CodeActionOptions] # | |
HasCodeActionProvider InitializeResponseCapabilitiesInner (Maybe CodeActionOptions) Source # | |
data DocumentOnTypeFormattingOptions Source #
data DocumentLinkOptions Source #
DocumentLinkOptions | |
data RenameOptions Source #
RenameOptionsStatic Bool | |
RenameOptions | |
data ExecuteCommandOptions Source #
data SaveOptions Source #
SaveOptions | |
data TextDocumentSyncOptions Source #
TextDocumentSyncOptions | |
Wrapper for TextDocumentSyncKind fallback.
data GotoOptions Source #
GotoOptionsStatic Bool | |
GotoOptionsDynamic | |
data ColorOptions Source #
ColorOptionsStatic Bool | |
ColorOptionsDynamic | |
ColorOptionsDynamicDocument | |
data FoldingRangeOptions Source #
FoldingRangeOptionsStatic Bool | |
FoldingRangeOptionsDynamic | |
FoldingRangeOptionsDynamicDocument | |
data WorkspaceFolderChangeNotifications Source #
data WorkspaceFolderOptions Source #
WorkspaceFolderOptions | |
data WorkspaceOptions Source #
WorkspaceOptions | |
data InitializeResponseCapabilitiesInner Source #
InitializeResponseCapabilitiesInner | |
data InitializeResponseCapabilities Source #
Information about the capabilities of a language server
type InitializeRequest = RequestMessage ClientMethod InitializeParams InitializeResponseCapabilities Source #
data InitializedParams Source #
Eq InitializedParams Source # | |
Defined in Language.Haskell.LSP.Types.DataTypesJSON (==) :: InitializedParams -> InitializedParams -> Bool # (/=) :: InitializedParams -> InitializedParams -> Bool # | |
Read InitializedParams Source # | |
Show InitializedParams Source # | |
Defined in Language.Haskell.LSP.Types.DataTypesJSON showsPrec :: Int -> InitializedParams -> ShowS # show :: InitializedParams -> String # showList :: [InitializedParams] -> ShowS # | |
ToJSON InitializedParams Source # | |
Defined in Language.Haskell.LSP.Types.DataTypesJSON toJSON :: InitializedParams -> Value # toEncoding :: InitializedParams -> Encoding # toJSONList :: [InitializedParams] -> Value # toEncodingList :: [InitializedParams] -> Encoding # | |
FromJSON InitializedParams Source # | |
Defined in Language.Haskell.LSP.Types.DataTypesJSON parseJSON :: Value -> Parser InitializedParams # parseJSONList :: Value -> Parser [InitializedParams] # |
type ShutdownRequest = RequestMessage ClientMethod (Maybe Value) (Maybe ()) Source #
type ShutdownResponse = ResponseMessage (Maybe ()) Source #
data ExitParams Source #
Notification from the server to actually exit now, after shutdown acked
Eq ExitParams Source # | |
Defined in Language.Haskell.LSP.Types.DataTypesJSON (==) :: ExitParams -> ExitParams -> Bool # (/=) :: ExitParams -> ExitParams -> Bool # | |
Read ExitParams Source # | |
Defined in Language.Haskell.LSP.Types.DataTypesJSON readsPrec :: Int -> ReadS ExitParams # readList :: ReadS [ExitParams] # readPrec :: ReadPrec ExitParams # readListPrec :: ReadPrec [ExitParams] # | |
Show ExitParams Source # | |
Defined in Language.Haskell.LSP.Types.DataTypesJSON showsPrec :: Int -> ExitParams -> ShowS # show :: ExitParams -> String # showList :: [ExitParams] -> ShowS # | |
ToJSON ExitParams Source # | |
Defined in Language.Haskell.LSP.Types.DataTypesJSON toJSON :: ExitParams -> Value # toEncoding :: ExitParams -> Encoding # toJSONList :: [ExitParams] -> Value # toEncodingList :: [ExitParams] -> Encoding # | |
FromJSON ExitParams Source # | |
Defined in Language.Haskell.LSP.Types.DataTypesJSON parseJSON :: Value -> Parser ExitParams # parseJSONList :: Value -> Parser [ExitParams] # |
type CustomResponse = ResponseMessage Value Source #
data Registration Source #
Registration | |
data RegistrationParams Source #
type RegisterCapabilityRequest = RequestMessage ServerMethod RegistrationParams () Source #
Note: originates at the server
type RegisterCapabilityResponse = ResponseMessage () Source #
data TextDocumentRegistrationOptions Source #
data Unregistration Source #
data UnregistrationParams Source #
type UnregisterCapabilityResponse = ResponseMessage () Source #
data DidChangeConfigurationParams Source #
type DidChangeConfigurationNotification = NotificationMessage ClientMethod DidChangeConfigurationParams Source #
data ConfigurationItem Source #
data ConfigurationParams Source #
type ConfigurationResponse = ResponseMessage (List Value) Source #
data DidOpenTextDocumentParams Source #
type DidOpenTextDocumentNotification = NotificationMessage ClientMethod DidOpenTextDocumentParams Source #
data TextDocumentContentChangeEvent Source #
data DidChangeTextDocumentParams Source #
type DidChangeTextDocumentNotification = NotificationMessage ClientMethod DidChangeTextDocumentParams Source #
data TextDocumentChangeRegistrationOptions Source #
data TextDocumentSaveReason Source #
SaveManual | Manually triggered, e.g. by the user pressing save, by starting debugging, or by an API call. |
SaveAfterDelay | Automatic after a delay |
SaveFocusOut | When the editor lost focus |
data WillSaveTextDocumentParams Source #
type WillSaveTextDocumentNotification = NotificationMessage ClientMethod WillSaveTextDocumentParams Source #
type WillSaveWaitUntilTextDocumentRequest = RequestMessage ClientMethod WillSaveTextDocumentParams (List TextEdit) Source #
data DidSaveTextDocumentParams Source #
type DidSaveTextDocumentNotification = NotificationMessage ClientMethod DidSaveTextDocumentParams Source #
data DidCloseTextDocumentParams Source #
type DidCloseTextDocumentNotification = NotificationMessage ClientMethod DidCloseTextDocumentParams Source #
data FileChangeType Source #
FileEvent | |
data DidChangeWatchedFilesParams Source #
type DidChangeWatchedFilesNotification = NotificationMessage ClientMethod DidChangeWatchedFilesParams Source #
data PublishDiagnosticsParams Source #
type PublishDiagnosticsNotification = NotificationMessage ServerMethod PublishDiagnosticsParams Source #
data LanguageString Source #
data MarkedString Source #
Deprecated: Use MarkupContent instead, since 3.3.0 (11242017)
PlainString Text | Deprecated: Use MarkupContent instead, since 3.3.0 (11242017) |
CodeString LanguageString | Deprecated: Use MarkupContent instead, since 3.3.0 (11242017) |
Eq MarkedString Source # | |
Defined in Language.Haskell.LSP.Types.DataTypesJSON (==) :: MarkedString -> MarkedString -> Bool # (/=) :: MarkedString -> MarkedString -> Bool # | |
Read MarkedString Source # | |
Defined in Language.Haskell.LSP.Types.DataTypesJSON readsPrec :: Int -> ReadS MarkedString # readList :: ReadS [MarkedString] # | |
Show MarkedString Source # | |
Defined in Language.Haskell.LSP.Types.DataTypesJSON showsPrec :: Int -> MarkedString -> ShowS # show :: MarkedString -> String # showList :: [MarkedString] -> ShowS # | |
ToJSON MarkedString Source # | |
Defined in Language.Haskell.LSP.Types.DataTypesJSON toJSON :: MarkedString -> Value # toEncoding :: MarkedString -> Encoding # toJSONList :: [MarkedString] -> Value # toEncodingList :: [MarkedString] -> Encoding # | |
FromJSON MarkedString Source # | |
Defined in Language.Haskell.LSP.Types.DataTypesJSON parseJSON :: Value -> Parser MarkedString # parseJSONList :: Value -> Parser [MarkedString] # |
data HoverContents Source #
type HoverResponse = ResponseMessage (Maybe Hover) Source #
data ParameterInformation Source #
data SignatureInformation Source #
SignatureInformation | |
data SignatureHelp Source #
SignatureHelp | |
type SignatureHelpRequest = RequestMessage ClientMethod TextDocumentPositionParams SignatureHelp Source #
data SignatureHelpRegistrationOptions Source #
data LocationResponseParams Source #
type DefinitionRequest = RequestMessage ClientMethod TextDocumentPositionParams LocationResponseParams Source #
type TypeDefinitionRequest = RequestMessage ClientMethod TextDocumentPositionParams LocationResponseParams Source #
type ImplementationRequest = RequestMessage ClientMethod TextDocumentPositionParams LocationResponseParams Source #
data ReferenceContext Source #
data ReferenceParams Source #
ReferenceParams | |
type ReferencesResponse = ResponseMessage (List Location) Source #
data DocumentHighlightKind Source #
data DocumentHighlight Source #
type DocumentHighlightRequest = RequestMessage ClientMethod TextDocumentPositionParams (List DocumentHighlight) Source #
data WorkspaceSymbolParams Source #
WorkspaceSymbolParams | |
type WorkspaceSymbolRequest = RequestMessage ClientMethod WorkspaceSymbolParams (List SymbolInformation) Source #
data CodeLensParams Source #
CodeLensParams | |
type CodeLensResponse = ResponseMessage (List CodeLens) Source #
data CodeLensRegistrationOptions Source #
data DocumentLinkParams Source #
DocumentLinkParams | |
data DocumentLink Source #
type DocumentLinkRequest = RequestMessage ClientMethod DocumentLinkParams (List DocumentLink) Source #
data FormattingOptions Source #
FormattingOptions | |
data DocumentFormattingParams Source #
DocumentFormattingParams | |
type DocumentFormattingRequest = RequestMessage ClientMethod DocumentFormattingParams (List TextEdit) Source #
data DocumentRangeFormattingParams Source #
DocumentRangeFormattingParams | |
type DocumentRangeFormattingRequest = RequestMessage ClientMethod DocumentRangeFormattingParams (List TextEdit) Source #
data DocumentOnTypeFormattingParams Source #
type DocumentOnTypeFormattingRequest = RequestMessage ClientMethod DocumentOnTypeFormattingParams (List TextEdit) Source #
data DocumentOnTypeFormattingRegistrationOptions Source #
data RenameParams Source #
RenameParams | |
data RangeWithPlaceholder Source #
data ExecuteCommandParams Source #
ExecuteCommandParams | |
data ExecuteCommandRegistrationOptions Source #
data ApplyWorkspaceEditParams Source #
data ApplyWorkspaceEditResponseBody Source #
type ApplyWorkspaceEditRequest = RequestMessage ServerMethod ApplyWorkspaceEditParams ApplyWorkspaceEditResponseBody Source #
Sent from the server to the client
data TraceParams Source #
data TraceNotification Source #
Eq TraceNotification Source # | |
Defined in Language.Haskell.LSP.Types.DataTypesJSON (==) :: TraceNotification -> TraceNotification -> Bool # (/=) :: TraceNotification -> TraceNotification -> Bool # | |
Read TraceNotification Source # | |
Show TraceNotification Source # | |
Defined in Language.Haskell.LSP.Types.DataTypesJSON showsPrec :: Int -> TraceNotification -> ShowS # show :: TraceNotification -> String # showList :: [TraceNotification] -> ShowS # | |
ToJSON TraceNotification Source # | |
Defined in Language.Haskell.LSP.Types.DataTypesJSON toJSON :: TraceNotification -> Value # toEncoding :: TraceNotification -> Encoding # toJSONList :: [TraceNotification] -> Value # toEncodingList :: [TraceNotification] -> Encoding # | |
FromJSON TraceNotification Source # | |
Defined in Language.Haskell.LSP.Types.DataTypesJSON parseJSON :: Value -> Parser TraceNotification # parseJSONList :: Value -> Parser [TraceNotification] # | |
HasParams TraceNotification TraceParams Source # | |
Defined in Language.Haskell.LSP.Types.Lens |
data CodeActionKind Source #
CodeActionQuickFix | |
CodeActionRefactor | |
CodeActionRefactorExtract | |
CodeActionRefactorInline | |
CodeActionRefactorRewrite | |
CodeActionSource | |
CodeActionSourceOrganizeImports | |
CodeActionUnknown Text |
data CodeActionContext Source #
data CodeActionParams Source #
CodeActionParams | |
data CodeAction Source #
CodeAction | A code action represents a change that can be performed in code, e.g. to fix a problem or to refactor code. A CodeAction must set either |
type CodeActionResponse = ResponseMessage (List CAResult) Source #
Represents a color in RGBA space.
data ColorInformation Source #
data DocumentColorParams Source #
DocumentColorParams | |
type DocumentColorRequest = RequestMessage ClientMethod DocumentColorParams (List ColorInformation) Source #
data ColorPresentationParams Source #
ColorPresentationParams | |
data ColorPresentation Source #
ColorPresentation | |
type ColorPresentationRequest = RequestMessage ClientMethod ColorPresentationParams (List ColorPresentation) Source #
data CompletionItemKind Source #
data InsertTextFormat Source #
PlainText | The primary text to be inserted is treated as a plain string. |
Snippet | The primary text to be inserted is treated as a snippet. A snippet can define tab stops and placeholders with `$1`, `$2` and `${3:foo}`. `$0` defines the final tab stop, it defaults to the end of the snippet. Placeholders with equal identifiers are linked, that is typing in one will update others too. See also: |
Eq InsertTextFormat Source # | |
Defined in Language.Haskell.LSP.Types.Completion (==) :: InsertTextFormat -> InsertTextFormat -> Bool # (/=) :: InsertTextFormat -> InsertTextFormat -> Bool # | |
Read InsertTextFormat Source # | |
Defined in Language.Haskell.LSP.Types.Completion | |
Show InsertTextFormat Source # | |
Defined in Language.Haskell.LSP.Types.Completion showsPrec :: Int -> InsertTextFormat -> ShowS # show :: InsertTextFormat -> String # showList :: [InsertTextFormat] -> ShowS # | |
ToJSON InsertTextFormat Source # | |
Defined in Language.Haskell.LSP.Types.Completion toJSON :: InsertTextFormat -> Value # toEncoding :: InsertTextFormat -> Encoding # toJSONList :: [InsertTextFormat] -> Value # toEncodingList :: [InsertTextFormat] -> Encoding # | |
FromJSON InsertTextFormat Source # | |
Defined in Language.Haskell.LSP.Types.Completion parseJSON :: Value -> Parser InsertTextFormat # parseJSONList :: Value -> Parser [InsertTextFormat] # | |
HasInsertTextFormat CompletionItem (Maybe InsertTextFormat) Source # | |
data CompletionDoc Source #
data CompletionItem Source #
CompletionItem | |
data CompletionListType Source #
data CompletionResponseResult Source #
data CompletionTriggerKind Source #
How a completion was triggered
CtInvoked | Completion was triggered by typing an identifier (24x7 code complete), manual invocation (e.g Ctrl+Space) or via API. |
CtTriggerCharacter | Completion was triggered by a trigger character specified by
the |
CtTriggerForIncompleteCompletions | Completion was re-triggered as the current completion list is incomplete. |
CtUnknown Scientific | An unknown |
data CompletionContext Source #
CompletionContext | |
data CompletionParams Source #
CompletionParams | |
type CompletionRequest = RequestMessage ClientMethod CompletionParams CompletionResponseResult Source #
data CompletionRegistrationOptions Source #
type CompletionItemResolveRequest = RequestMessage ClientMethod CompletionItem CompletionItem Source #
data DiagnosticSeverity Source #
data DiagnosticRelatedInformation Source #
data NumberOrString Source #
type DiagnosticSource = Text Source #
data Diagnostic Source #
data DocumentFilter Source #
type DocumentSelector = List DocumentFilter Source #
data FoldingRangeParams Source #
FoldingRangeParams | |
data FoldingRangeKind Source #
Enum of known range kinds
FoldingRangeComment | Folding range for a comment |
FoldingRangeImports | Folding range for a imports or includes |
FoldingRangeRegion | Folding range for a region (e.g. #region) |
FoldingRangeUnknown Text | Folding range that haskell-lsp-types does not yet support |
data FoldingRange Source #
Represents a folding range.
FoldingRange | |
type FoldingRangeRequest = RequestMessage ClientMethod FoldingRangeParams (List FoldingRange) Source #
This data type is used to host a FromJSON instance for the encoding used by elisp, where an empty list shows up as "null"
List [a] |
Position | |
Eq Location Source # | |
Ord Location Source # | |
Defined in Language.Haskell.LSP.Types.Location | |
Read Location Source # | |
Show Location Source # | |
Generic Location Source # | |
ToJSON Location Source # | |
Defined in Language.Haskell.LSP.Types.Location | |
FromJSON Location Source # | |
NFData Location Source # | |
Defined in Language.Haskell.LSP.Types.Location | |
HasRange Location Range Source # | |
HasUri Location Uri Source # | |
HasLocation SymbolInformation Location Source # | |
Defined in Language.Haskell.LSP.Types.Lens | |
HasLocation DiagnosticRelatedInformation Location Source # | |
type Rep Location Source # | |
Defined in Language.Haskell.LSP.Types.Location type Rep Location = D1 (MetaData "Location" "Language.Haskell.LSP.Types.Location" "haskell-lsp-types-" False) (C1 (MetaCons "Location" PrefixI True) (S1 (MetaSel (Just "_uri") NoSourceUnpackedness NoSourceStrictness DecidedLazy) (Rec0 Uri) :*: S1 (MetaSel (Just "_range") NoSourceUnpackedness NoSourceStrictness DecidedLazy) (Rec0 Range))) |
data MarkupKind Source #
Describes the content type that a client supports in various
result literals like Hover
, ParameterInfo
or CompletionItem
MkPlainText | Plain text is supported as a content format |
MkMarkdown | Markdown is supported as a content format |
data MarkupContent Source #
A MarkupContent
literal represents a string value which content is interpreted base on its
| kind flag. Currently the protocol supports plaintext
and markdown
as markup kinds.
| If the kind is markdown
then the value can contain fenced code blocks like in GitHub issues.
| See
| Here is an example how such a string can be constructed using JavaScript / TypeScript:
| ```ts
| let markdown: MarkdownContent = {
| kind: MarkupKind.Markdown,
| value: [
| '# Header',
| 'Some text',
| '``typescript
| 'someCode();',
| '```'
| ].join('\n')
| };
| ```
| *Please Note* that clients might sanitize the return markdown. A client could decide to
| remove HTML from the markdown to avoid script execution.
MarkupContent | |
markedUpContent :: Text -> Text -> MarkupContent Source #
Create a MarkupContent
containing a quoted language string only.
unmarkedUpContent :: Text -> MarkupContent Source #
Create a MarkupContent
containing unquoted text
sectionSeparator :: Text Source #
Markdown for a section separator in Markdown, being a horizontal line
Id used for a request, Can be either a String or an Int
Eq LspId Source # | |
Ord LspId Source # | |
Read LspId Source # | |
Show LspId Source # | |
Hashable LspId Source # | |
Defined in Language.Haskell.LSP.Types.Message | |
ToJSON LspId Source # | |
Defined in Language.Haskell.LSP.Types.Message | |
FromJSON LspId Source # | |
HasId CancelParams LspId Source # | |
Defined in Language.Haskell.LSP.Types.Lens | |
HasId (RequestMessage m req resp) LspId Source # | |
Defined in Language.Haskell.LSP.Types.Lens |
Id used for a response, Can be either a String or an Int, or Null. If a request doesn't provide a result value the receiver of a request still needs to return a response message to conform to the JSON RPC specification. The result property of the ResponseMessage should be set to null in this case to signal a successful request.
Eq LspIdRsp Source # | |
Read LspIdRsp Source # | |
Show LspIdRsp Source # | |
Hashable LspIdRsp Source # | |
Defined in Language.Haskell.LSP.Types.Message | |
ToJSON LspIdRsp Source # | |
Defined in Language.Haskell.LSP.Types.Message | |
FromJSON LspIdRsp Source # | |
HasId (ResponseMessage a) LspIdRsp Source # | |
Defined in Language.Haskell.LSP.Types.Lens |
responseId :: LspId -> LspIdRsp Source #
Converts an LspId to its LspIdRsp counterpart.
data ClientMethod Source #
data ServerMethod Source #
data RequestMessage m req resp Source #
ParseError | |
InvalidRequest | |
MethodNotFound | |
InvalidParams | |
InternalError | |
ServerErrorStart | |
ServerErrorEnd | |
ServerNotInitialized | |
UnknownErrorCode | |
RequestCancelled | |
ContentModified | Note: server error codes are reserved from -32099 to -32000 |
data ResponseError Source #
data ResponseMessage a Source #
Either result or error must be Just.
type ErrorResponse = ResponseMessage () Source #
data NotificationMessage m a Source #
data CancelParams Source #
Eq CancelParams Source # | |
Defined in Language.Haskell.LSP.Types.Message (==) :: CancelParams -> CancelParams -> Bool # (/=) :: CancelParams -> CancelParams -> Bool # | |
Read CancelParams Source # | |
Defined in Language.Haskell.LSP.Types.Message readsPrec :: Int -> ReadS CancelParams # readList :: ReadS [CancelParams] # | |
Show CancelParams Source # | |
Defined in Language.Haskell.LSP.Types.Message showsPrec :: Int -> CancelParams -> ShowS # show :: CancelParams -> String # showList :: [CancelParams] -> ShowS # | |
ToJSON CancelParams Source # | |
Defined in Language.Haskell.LSP.Types.Message toJSON :: CancelParams -> Value # toEncoding :: CancelParams -> Encoding # toJSONList :: [CancelParams] -> Value # toEncodingList :: [CancelParams] -> Encoding # | |
FromJSON CancelParams Source # | |
Defined in Language.Haskell.LSP.Types.Message parseJSON :: Value -> Parser CancelParams # parseJSONList :: Value -> Parser [CancelParams] # | |
HasId CancelParams LspId Source # | |
Defined in Language.Haskell.LSP.Types.Lens |
data ProgressToken Source #
A token used to report progress back or return partial results for a specific request. @since
data DocumentSymbolParams Source #
DocumentSymbolParams | |
data SymbolKind Source #
data DocumentSymbol Source #
Represents programming constructs like variables, classes, interfaces etc. that appear in a document. Document symbols can be hierarchical and they have two ranges: one that encloses its definition and one that points to its most interesting range, e.g. the range of an identifier.
DocumentSymbol | |
data SymbolInformation Source #
Represents information about programming constructs like variables, classes, interfaces etc.
SymbolInformation | |
data TextDocumentIdentifier Source #
data TextDocumentItem Source #
data TextDocumentPositionParams Source #
TextDocumentPositionParams | |
newtype NormalizedUri Source #
When URIs are supposed to be used as keys, it is important to normalize the percent encoding in the URI since URIs that only differ when it comes to the percent-encoding should be treated as equivalent.
toNormalizedUri :: Uri -> NormalizedUri Source #
fromNormalizedUri :: NormalizedUri -> Uri Source #
fileScheme :: String Source #
platformAdjustFromUriPath Source #
We pull in the authority because in relative file paths the Uri likes to put everything before the slash into the authority field
filePathToUri :: FilePath -> Uri Source #
data MessageType Source #
data ShowMessageParams Source #
data MessageActionItem Source #
data ShowMessageRequestParams Source #
ShowMessageRequestParams | |
data LogMessageParams Source #
data ProgressParams t Source #
Parameters for a $/progress notification.
ProgressParams | |
data WorkDoneProgressBeginParams Source #
Parameters for WorkDoneProgressBeginNotification
WorkDoneProgressBeginParams | |
type WorkDoneProgressBeginNotification = NotificationMessage ServerMethod (ProgressParams WorkDoneProgressBeginParams) Source #
The $/progress begin notification is sent from the server to the client to ask the client to start progress.
data WorkDoneProgressReportParams Source #
Parameters for WorkDoneProgressReportNotification
WorkDoneProgressReportParams | |
type WorkDoneProgressReportNotification = NotificationMessage ServerMethod (ProgressParams WorkDoneProgressReportParams) Source #
The workdone $/progress report notification is sent from the server to the client to report progress for a previously started progress.
data WorkDoneProgressEndParams Source #
Parameters for WorkDoneProgressEndNotification
type WorkDoneProgressEndNotification = NotificationMessage ServerMethod (ProgressParams WorkDoneProgressEndParams) Source #
The $/progress end notification is sent from the server to the client to stop a previously started progress.
data WorkDoneProgressCancelParams Source #
Parameters for WorkDoneProgressCancelNotification
WorkDoneProgressCancelParams | |
type WorkDoneProgressCancelNotification = NotificationMessage ClientMethod WorkDoneProgressCancelParams Source #
The windowworkDoneProgresscancel notification is sent from the client to the server to inform the server that the user has pressed the cancel button on the progress UX. A server receiving a cancel request must still close a progress using the done notification.
data WorkDoneProgressCreateParams Source #
type WorkDoneProgressCreateRequest = RequestMessage ServerMethod WorkDoneProgressCreateParams () Source #
type TextDocumentVersion = Maybe Int Source #
data VersionedTextDocumentIdentifier Source #
data TextDocumentEdit Source #
data WorkspaceEdit Source #
editTextEdit :: TextEdit -> TextEdit -> TextEdit Source #
applies inner
to the text inside outer
data WorkspaceFolder Source #
type WorkspaceFoldersRequest = RequestMessage ServerMethod () (Maybe (List WorkspaceFolder)) Source #
data WorkspaceFoldersChangeEvent Source #
The workspace folder change event.
WorkspaceFoldersChangeEvent | |
data DidChangeWorkspaceFoldersParams Source #
DidChangeWorkspaceFoldersParams | |