{-# LANGUAGE DeriveDataTypeable, ScopedTypeVariables #-}
{-# LANGUAGE TypeFamilies, DataKinds #-}

-- | To catch GError exceptions use the
-- catchGError* or handleGError* functions. They work in a similar
-- way to the standard 'Control.Exception.catch' and
-- 'Control.Exception.handle' functions.
-- To catch just a single specific error use 'catchGErrorJust' \/
-- 'handleGErrorJust'. To catch any error in a particular error domain
-- use 'catchGErrorJustDomain' \/ 'handleGErrorJustDomain'
-- For convenience, generated code also includes specialized variants
-- of 'catchGErrorJust' \/ 'handleGErrorJust' for each error type. For
-- example, for errors of type <https://hackage.haskell.org/package/gi-gdkpixbuf/docs/GI-GdkPixbuf-Enums.html#t:PixbufError PixbufError> one could
-- invoke <https://hackage.haskell.org/package/gi-gdkpixbuf/docs/GI-GdkPixbuf-Enums.html#v:catchPixbufError catchPixbufError> \/
-- <https://hackage.haskell.org/package/gi-gdkpixbuf-2.0.14/docs/GI-GdkPixbuf-Enums.html#v:handlePixbufError handlePixbufError>. The definition is simply
-- > catchPixbufError :: IO a -> (PixbufError -> GErrorMessage -> IO a) -> IO a
-- > catchPixbufError = catchGErrorJustDomain
-- Notice that the type is suitably specialized, so only
-- errors of type <https://hackage.haskell.org/package/gi-gdkpixbuf/docs/GI-GdkPixbuf-Enums.html#t:PixbufError PixbufError> will be caught.
module Data.GI.Base.GError
    -- * Unpacking GError
    , gerrorDomain
    , gerrorCode
    , gerrorMessage

    , GErrorDomain
    , GErrorCode
    , GErrorMessage

    -- * Catching GError exceptions
    , catchGErrorJust
    , catchGErrorJustDomain

    , handleGErrorJust
    , handleGErrorJustDomain

    -- * Creating new 'GError's
    , gerrorNew

    -- * Implementation specific details
    -- | The following are used in the implementation
    -- of the bindings, and are in general not necessary for using the
    -- API.
    , GErrorClass(..)

    , propagateGError
    , checkGError
    , maybePokeGError
    ) where

#if __GLASGOW_HASKELL__ < 710
import Control.Applicative ((<$>))

import Foreign (poke, peek)
import Foreign.Ptr (Ptr, plusPtr, nullPtr)
import Foreign.C
import Control.Exception
import Data.Text (Text)
import qualified Data.Text as T
import Data.Typeable (Typeable)

import System.IO.Unsafe (unsafePerformIO)

import Data.GI.Base.BasicTypes (GType(..), ManagedPtr, TypedObject(..),
import Data.GI.Base.BasicConversions (withTextCString, cstringToText)
import Data.GI.Base.ManagedPtr (withManagedPtr, wrapBoxed, copyBoxed)
import Data.GI.Base.Overloading (ParentTypes, HasParentTypes)
import Data.GI.Base.Utils (allocMem, freeMem)

import Data.GI.Base.Internal.CTypes (GQuark, C_gint, gerror_domain_offset,
                                     gerror_code_offset, gerror_message_offset)

-- | A GError, consisting of a domain, code and a human readable
-- message. These can be accessed by 'gerrorDomain', 'gerrorCode' and
-- 'gerrorMessage' below.
newtype GError = GError (ManagedPtr GError)
    deriving (Typeable)

instance Show GError where
    show gerror = unsafePerformIO $ do
                       code <- gerrorCode gerror
                       message <- gerrorMessage gerror
                       return $ T.unpack message ++ " (" ++ show code ++ ")"

instance Exception GError

-- | There are no types in the bindings that a `GError` can be safely
-- cast to.
type instance ParentTypes GError = '[]
instance HasParentTypes GError

foreign import ccall "g_error_get_type" g_error_get_type :: IO GType

instance TypedObject GError where
  glibType = g_error_get_type

-- | `GError`s are registered as boxed in the GLib type system.
instance GBoxed GError

-- | A code used to identify the "namespace" of the error. Within each error
--   domain all the error codes are defined in an enumeration. Each gtk\/gnome
--   module that uses GErrors has its own error domain. The rationale behind
--   using error domains is so that each module can organise its own error codes
--   without having to coordinate on a global error code list.
type GErrorDomain  = GQuark

-- | A code to identify a specific error within a given 'GErrorDomain'. Most of
--   time you will not need to deal with this raw code since there is an
--   enumeration type for each error domain. Of course which enumeration to use
--   depends on the error domain, but if you use 'catchGErrorJustDomain' or
--   'handleGErrorJustDomain', this is worked out for you automatically.
type GErrorCode = C_gint

-- | A human readable error message.
type GErrorMessage = Text

foreign import ccall "g_error_new_literal" g_error_new_literal ::
    GQuark -> GErrorCode -> CString -> IO (Ptr GError)

-- | Create a new 'GError'.
gerrorNew :: GErrorDomain -> GErrorCode -> GErrorMessage -> IO GError
gerrorNew domain code message =
    withTextCString message $ \cstring ->
        g_error_new_literal domain code cstring >>= wrapBoxed GError

-- | Return the domain for the given `GError`. This is a GQuark, a
-- textual representation can be obtained with
-- `GI.GLib.quarkToString`.
gerrorDomain :: GError -> IO GQuark
gerrorDomain gerror =
    withManagedPtr gerror $ \ptr ->
      peek $ ptr `plusPtr` gerror_domain_offset

-- | The numeric code for the given `GError`.
gerrorCode :: GError -> IO GErrorCode
gerrorCode gerror =
    withManagedPtr gerror $ \ptr ->
        peek $ ptr `plusPtr` gerror_code_offset

-- | A text message describing the `GError`.
gerrorMessage :: GError -> IO GErrorMessage
gerrorMessage gerror =
    withManagedPtr gerror $ \ptr ->
      (peek $ ptr `plusPtr` gerror_message_offset) >>= cstringToText

-- | Each error domain's error enumeration type should be an instance of this
--   class. This class helps to hide the raw error and domain codes from the
--   user.
-- Example for <https://hackage.haskell.org/package/gi-gdkpixbuf/docs/GI-GdkPixbuf-Enums.html#t:PixbufError PixbufError>:
-- > instance GErrorClass PixbufError where
-- >   gerrorClassDomain _ = "gdk-pixbuf-error-quark"
class Enum err => GErrorClass err where
  gerrorClassDomain :: err -> Text   -- ^ This must not use the value of its
                                     -- parameter so that it is safe to pass
                                     -- 'undefined'.

foreign import ccall unsafe "g_quark_try_string" g_quark_try_string ::
    CString -> IO GQuark

-- | Given the string representation of an error domain returns the
--   corresponding error quark.
gErrorQuarkFromDomain :: Text -> IO GQuark
gErrorQuarkFromDomain domain = withTextCString domain g_quark_try_string

-- | This will catch just a specific GError exception. If you need to catch a
--   range of related errors, 'catchGErrorJustDomain' is probably more
--   appropriate. Example:
-- > do image <- catchGErrorJust PixbufErrorCorruptImage
-- >               loadImage
-- >               (\errorMessage -> do log errorMessage
-- >                                    return mssingImagePlaceholder)
catchGErrorJust :: GErrorClass err => err  -- ^ The error to catch
                -> IO a                    -- ^ The computation to run
                -> (GErrorMessage -> IO a) -- ^ Handler to invoke if
                                           -- an exception is raised
                -> IO a
catchGErrorJust code action handler = catch action handler'
  where handler' gerror = do
          quark <- gErrorQuarkFromDomain (gerrorClassDomain code)
          domain <- gerrorDomain gerror
          code' <- gerrorCode gerror
          if domain == quark && code' == (fromIntegral . fromEnum) code
          then gerrorMessage gerror >>= handler
          else throw gerror -- Pass it on

-- | Catch all GErrors from a particular error domain. The handler function
--   should just deal with one error enumeration type. If you need to catch
--   errors from more than one error domain, use this function twice with an
--   appropriate handler functions for each.
-- > catchGErrorJustDomain
-- >   loadImage
-- >   (\err message -> case err of
-- >       PixbufErrorCorruptImage -> ...
-- >       PixbufErrorInsufficientMemory -> ...
-- >       PixbufErrorUnknownType -> ...
-- >       _ -> ...)
catchGErrorJustDomain :: forall err a. GErrorClass err =>
                         IO a        -- ^ The computation to run
                      -> (err -> GErrorMessage -> IO a) -- ^ Handler to invoke if an exception is raised
                      -> IO a
catchGErrorJustDomain action handler = catch action handler'
  where handler' gerror = do
          quark <- gErrorQuarkFromDomain (gerrorClassDomain (undefined :: err))
          domain <- gerrorDomain gerror
          if domain == quark
          then do
            code <- (toEnum . fromIntegral) <$> gerrorCode gerror
            msg <- gerrorMessage gerror
            handler code msg
          else throw gerror

-- | A verson of 'handleGErrorJust' with the arguments swapped around.
handleGErrorJust :: GErrorClass err => err -> (GErrorMessage -> IO a) -> IO a -> IO a
handleGErrorJust code = flip (catchGErrorJust code)

-- | A verson of 'catchGErrorJustDomain' with the arguments swapped around.
handleGErrorJustDomain :: GErrorClass err => (err -> GErrorMessage -> IO a) -> IO a -> IO a
handleGErrorJustDomain = flip catchGErrorJustDomain

-- | Run the given function catching possible 'GError's in its
-- execution. If a 'GError' is emitted this throws the corresponding
-- exception.
propagateGError :: (Ptr (Ptr GError) -> IO a) -> IO a
propagateGError f = checkGError f throw

-- | Like 'propagateGError', but allows to specify a custom handler
-- instead of just throwing the exception.
checkGError :: (Ptr (Ptr GError) -> IO a) -> (GError -> IO a) -> IO a
checkGError f handler = do
  gerrorPtr <- allocMem
  poke gerrorPtr nullPtr
  result <- f gerrorPtr
  gerror <- peek gerrorPtr
  freeMem gerrorPtr
  if gerror /= nullPtr
  then wrapBoxed GError gerror >>= handler
  else return result

-- | If the passed in @`Maybe` `GError`@ is not `Nothing`, store a
-- copy in the passed in pointer, unless the pointer is `nullPtr`.
maybePokeGError :: Ptr (Ptr GError) -> Maybe GError -> IO ()
maybePokeGError _ Nothing = return ()
maybePokeGError ptrPtr (Just gerror)
  | ptrPtr == nullPtr = return ()
  | otherwise = copyBoxed gerror >>= poke ptrPtr