module Data.GI.GIR.Method
( Method(..)
, MethodType(..)
, parseMethod
) where
import Data.Text (Text)
import Data.GI.GIR.Arg (Arg, parseArg)
import Data.GI.GIR.Callable (Callable(..), parseCallable)
import Data.GI.GIR.Parser
data MethodType = Constructor
| MemberFunction
| OrdinaryMethod
deriving (Eq, Show)
data Method = Method {
methodName :: Name,
methodSymbol :: Text,
methodType :: MethodType,
methodMovedTo :: Maybe Text,
methodCallable :: Callable
} deriving (Eq, Show)
parseInstanceArg :: Parser Arg
parseInstanceArg = do
instanceInfo <- parseChildrenWithLocalName "parameters" parseInstPars
case instanceInfo of
[[inst]] -> return inst
[] -> parseError $ "No instance-parameter found."
_ -> parseError $ "Too many instance parameters."
where parseInstPars :: Parser [Arg]
parseInstPars = parseChildrenWithLocalName "instance-parameter" parseArg
parseMethod :: MethodType -> Parser Method
parseMethod mType = do
name <- parseName
shadows <- queryAttr "shadows"
let exposedName = case shadows of
Just n -> name {name = n}
Nothing -> name
callable <- if mType /= OrdinaryMethod
then parseCallable
else do
c <- parseCallable
instanceArg <- parseInstanceArg
return $ c {args = instanceArg : args c}
symbol <- getAttrWithNamespace CGIRNS "identifier"
movedTo <- queryAttr "moved-to"
return $ Method {
methodName = exposedName
, methodSymbol = symbol
, methodType = mType
, methodMovedTo = movedTo
, methodCallable = callable