{-# LANGUAGE Haskell2010 #-}
{-# LANGUAGE ViewPatterns #-}
{-# LANGUAGE NamedFieldPuns #-}
{-# LANGUAGE MultiWayIf #-}
{-# LANGUAGE DeriveFunctor #-}
{-# LANGUAGE DeriveFoldable #-}
{-# LANGUAGE DeriveTraversable #-}

#if !defined(MIN_VERSION_Cabal)
-- As a heuristic, if the macro isn't defined, be pessimistic and
-- assume an "old" Cabal version
# define MIN_VERSION_Cabal(x,y,z) 0

-- | New-style @.travis.yml@ script generator using cabal 1.24's nix-style
-- tech-preview facilities.
-- See also <https://github.com/haskell-CI/haskell-ci>
-- NB: This code deliberately avoids relying on non-standard packages and
--     is expected to compile/work with at least GHC 7.0 through GHC 8.0
module MakeTravisYml (
    -- * for tests
    Result (..),
    Diagnostic (..),
    formatDiagnostic, formatDiagnostics,
    travisFromConfigFile, MakeTravisOutput, Options (..), defOptions, options,
    ) where

import Control.Applicative as App ((<$>),(<|>), pure)
import Control.DeepSeq (force)
import Control.Exception (evaluate)
import Control.Monad (void, when, unless, filterM, liftM, liftM2, forM_, mzero, foldM, join)
import Data.Char (isSpace, isUpper, toLower)
import qualified Data.Foldable as F
import qualified Data.Traversable as T
import Data.Function
import Data.List
import Data.Maybe
import Data.Monoid as Mon (Monoid (..), Endo (..))
import Data.Either (partitionEithers)
import Data.Set (Set)
import qualified Data.Set as S
import qualified Data.Map as M
import System.Console.GetOpt
import System.Directory (doesDirectoryExist, getDirectoryContents, doesFileExist)
import System.Environment
import System.Exit
import System.FilePath.Posix ((</>), takeDirectory, takeFileName, takeExtension)
import System.IO
import Control.Monad.IO.Class
import Control.Monad.Trans.Class (lift)
import Control.Monad.Trans.Maybe
import Control.Monad.Trans.Writer
import Text.Read (readMaybe)

import Distribution.Compiler (CompilerFlavor(..))
import Distribution.Package hiding (Package, pkgName)
import qualified Distribution.Package as Pkg
import Distribution.PackageDescription (GenericPackageDescription,packageDescription, testedWith, package, condLibrary, condTestSuites)
import Distribution.PackageDescription.Configuration (flattenPackageDescription)
import qualified Distribution.PackageDescription as PD
import qualified Distribution.ParseUtils as PU
import Distribution.Text
import Distribution.Version
#if MIN_VERSION_Cabal(2,2,0)
import Distribution.PackageDescription.Parsec (readGenericPackageDescription)
#elif MIN_VERSION_Cabal(2,0,0)
import Distribution.PackageDescription.Parse (readGenericPackageDescription)
import Distribution.PackageDescription.Parse (readPackageDescription)
import Distribution.Verbosity (Verbosity)
import Distribution.Compat.ReadP
    ( ReadP, (<++), (+++), between, char, many1, munch1
    , pfail, readP_to_S, readS_to_P, look
    , satisfy, sepBy, sepBy1, gather, munch, skipSpaces)

#ifdef MIN_VERSION_ShellCheck
import ShellCheck.Checker (checkScript)
import qualified ShellCheck.Interface as SC
import qualified ShellCheck.Formatter.Format as SC
import qualified ShellCheck.Formatter.TTY as SC.TTY
import System.IO.Unsafe (unsafePerformIO)

#if MIN_VERSION_base(4,9,0)
import Data.Semigroup (Semigroup (..))
import Data.Monoid ((<>))

#if !(MIN_VERSION_Cabal(2,0,0))
-- compat helpers for pre-2.0

readGenericPackageDescription :: Verbosity -> FilePath -> IO GenericPackageDescription
readGenericPackageDescription = readPackageDescription

mkVersion :: [Int] -> Version
mkVersion vn = Version vn []

versionNumbers :: Version -> [Int]
versionNumbers (Version vn _) = vn


-- Hardcoded values

knownGhcVersions :: [Version]
knownGhcVersions = fmap mkVersion
    [ [7,0,1],  [7,0,2], [7,0,3], [7,0,4]
    , [7,2,1],  [7,2,2]
    , [7,4,1],  [7,4,2]
    , [7,6,1],  [7,6,2], [7,6,3]
    , [7,8,1],  [7,8,2], [7,8,3], [7,8,4]
    , [7,10,1], [7,10,2], [7,10,3]
    , [8,0,1],  [8,0,2]
    , [8,2,1],  [8,2,2]
    , [8,4,1],  [8,4,2], [8,4,3]
    , [8,6,1]

ghcAlpha :: Maybe Version
-- ghcAlpha = Nothing
ghcAlpha = Just (mkVersion [8,6,1])

cabalVerMap :: [((Int, Int), Maybe Version)]
cabalVerMap = fmap (fmap (fmap mkVersion))
    [ ((7, 0), Just [2,2]) -- Use 2.2 for everything.
    , ((7, 2), Just [2,2])
    , ((7, 4), Just [2,2])
    , ((7, 6), Just [2,2])
    , ((7, 8), Just [2,2])
    , ((7,10), Just [2,2])
    , ((8, 0), Just [2,2])
    , ((8, 2), Just [2,2])
    , ((8, 4), Just [2,2])

defaultHLintVersion :: VersionRange
defaultHLintVersion = withinVersion (mkVersion [2,1])

defaultDoctestVersion :: VersionRange
defaultDoctestVersion = withinVersion (mkVersion [0,16])

-- Script

-- |  Encode shell command to be YAML safe and (optionally) ShellCheck it.
sh :: String -> String
sh = sh'
    [ 2034 -- VAR appears unused. Verify it or export it.
    , 2086 -- SC2086: Double quote to prevent globbing and word splitting.

-- | Like 'sh' but with explicit SC exclude codes.
sh' :: [Integer] -> String -> String
#ifndef MIN_VERSION_ShellCheck
sh' _ = shImpl
sh' excl cmd = unsafePerformIO $ do
  res <- checkScript iface spec
  case res of
    (SC.CheckResult _ []) -> return (shImpl cmd)
    _                     -> SC.onResult scFormatter res iface >> fail "ShellCheck!"
    iface = SC.SystemInterface $ \n -> return $ Left $ "cannot read file: " ++ n
    spec  = SC.emptyCheckSpec { SC.csFilename = "stdin"
                              , SC.csScript = cmd
                              , SC.csExcludedWarnings = excl
                              , SC.csShellTypeOverride = Just SC.Sh

scFormatter :: SC.Formatter
scFormatter = unsafePerformIO (SC.TTY.format (SC.FormatterOptions SC.ColorAlways))

-- Non-ShellCheck version of sh'
shImpl :: String -> String
shImpl cmd
    | ':' `elem` cmd = "  - " ++ show cmd
    | otherwise      = "  - " ++ cmd

comment :: String -> String
comment = ("  # " ++)

type MakeTravisOutput = Result Diagnostic [String]

data Diagnostic
    = Info String
    | Warn String
    | Error String
  deriving (Eq, Show)

formatDiagnostics :: [Diagnostic] -> String
formatDiagnostics = unlines . map formatDiagnostic

formatDiagnostic :: Diagnostic -> String
formatDiagnostic (Error s) = "*ERROR* " ++ s
formatDiagnostic (Warn  s) = "*WARNING* " ++ s
formatDiagnostic (Info  s) = "*INFO* " ++ s

-- MaybeT is used to preserve the short-circuiting semantics of 'putStrLnErr'.
type YamlWriter m a = MaybeT (WriterT MakeTravisOutput m) a

putStrLnErr :: Monad m => String -> YamlWriter m a
putStrLnErr m = do
    lift . tell $ Failure [Error m]

putStrLnErrs :: Monad m => [String] -> YamlWriter m ()
putStrLnErrs [] = return ()
putStrLnErrs ms = do
    lift (tell (Failure (map Error ms)))

putStrLnWarn, putStrLnInfo :: Monad m => String -> YamlWriter m ()
putStrLnWarn m = lift . tell $ Success [Warn m] []
putStrLnInfo m = lift . tell $ Success [Info m] []

tellStrLn :: Monad m => String -> YamlWriter m ()
tellStrLn str = lift . tell $ success [str]

tellStrLns :: Monad m => [String] -> YamlWriter m ()
tellStrLns = lift . tell . success

    :: Monad m
    => Fold
    -> String
    -> Set Fold
    -> YamlWriter m ()
    -> YamlWriter m ()
foldedTellStrLns label = foldedTellStrLns' label ""

    :: Monad m
    => Fold
    -> String
    -> String
    -> Set Fold
    -> YamlWriter m ()
    -> YamlWriter m ()
foldedTellStrLns' label pfx prettyLabel labels output
    | label `S.notMember` labels = output
    | otherwise = tellStrLns [prologue] >> output >> tellStrLns epilogue
    prologue = mconcat
        [ "  - echo ", prettyLabel
        , " && echo -en 'travis_fold:start:", showFold' label, "\\\\r'" ]
    epilogue = ["  - echo -en 'travis_fold:end:" ++ showFold' label ++ "\\\\r'" ]

    showFold' l = showFold l ++ if null pfx then "" else "-" ++ pfx

-- | Return the part after the first argument
-- >>> afterInfix "BAR" "FOOBAR XYZZY"
-- Just " XYZZY"
afterInfix :: Eq a => [a] -> [a] -> Maybe [a]
afterInfix needle haystack = findMaybe (afterPrefix needle) (tails haystack)

-- |
-- >>> afterPrefix "FOO" "FOOBAR"
-- Just "BAR"
afterPrefix :: Eq a => [a] -> [a] -> Maybe [a]
afterPrefix needle haystack
    | needle `isPrefixOf` haystack = Just (drop (length needle) haystack)
    | otherwise                    = Nothing

-- |
-- >>> findMaybe readMaybe ["foo", "1", "bar"] :: Maybe Int
-- Just 1
findMaybe :: (a -> Maybe b) -> [a] -> Maybe b
findMaybe f = foldr (\a b -> f a App.<|> b) Nothing

-- | >>> maybeReadP PU.parseTokenQ' "foo"
-- Just "foo"
maybeReadP :: ReadP a a -> String -> Maybe a
maybeReadP p s = listToMaybe $
    [ x
    | (x, rest) <- readP_to_S p s
    , all isSpace rest

main :: IO ()
main = do
    argv <- getArgs
    (opts,argv',configFile,xpkgs) <- parseOpts argv
    genTravisFromConfigFile (argv',opts) configFile xpkgs

parseOpts :: [String] -> IO (Options, [String], FilePath, [String])
parseOpts argv = case argv of
    (cmd : argv') | cmd `isPrefixOf` "regenerate" -> do
        let fp = fromMaybe  ".travis.yml" $ listToMaybe argv'
        ls <- fmap lines (readFile fp >>= evaluate . force) -- strict IO
        case findArgv ls of
            Nothing     -> dieCli [Error $ "expected REGENDATA line in " ++ fp ++ "\n"]
            Just argv'' -> parseOpts argv''
    [cmd] | cmd `isPrefixOf` "list-ghc" -> do
        putStrLn $ "Supported GHC versions:"
        forM_ groupedVersions $ \(v, vs) -> do
            putStr $ prettyMajVersion v ++ ": "
            putStrLn $ intercalate ", " (map display vs)
    _ -> parseOptsNoCommands argv
    groupedVersions :: [(Version, [Version])]
    groupedVersions = map ((\vs -> (head vs, vs)) . sortBy (flip compare))
                    . groupBy ((==) `on` ghcMajVer)
                    $ sort knownGhcVersions

    prettyMajVersion :: Version -> String
    prettyMajVersion v
        | Just v == ghcAlpha = "alpha"
        | otherwise = case ghcMajVer v of (x,y) -> show x ++ "." ++ show y

    findArgv :: [String] -> Maybe [String]
    findArgv ls = do
        l <- findMaybe (afterInfix "REGENDATA") ls
        readMaybe l

-- Returns options, used argv, cabal file, xpkgs
parseOptsNoCommands :: [String] -> IO (Options, [String], FilePath, [String])
parseOptsNoCommands argv = case getOpt Permute options argv of
    (opts',configFile:xpkgs,[]) -> do
        opts <- foldOptions defOptions opts'
        return (opts,argv,configFile,xpkgs)
    (_,_,[]) -> dieCli [Error "expected .cabal or cabal.project file as first non-option argument\n"]
    (_,_,errs) -> dieCli (map Error errs)
    foldOptions :: Options -> [Result Diagnostic (Options -> Options)] -> IO Options
    foldOptions def opts = case foldOptions' def opts of
        Success ws x -> do
            hPutStr stderr (formatDiagnostics ws)
            return x
        Failure errs -> dieCli errs

    foldOptions' :: Options -> [Result e (Options -> Options)] -> Result e Options
    foldOptions' opts = fmap (`appEndo` opts) . F.foldMap (fmap Endo)

dieCli ::  [Diagnostic] -> IO a
dieCli errs = hPutStrLn stderr (usageMsg errs) >> exitFailure
    usageMsg errs' = formatDiagnostics errs' ++ usageInfo h options ++ ex

    h = intercalate "\n"
        [ "Usage: runghc make_travis_yml_2.hs [OPTIONS] <cabal-file | cabal.project> <extra-apt-packages...>"
        , ""
        , "Available commands:"
        , "    regenerate [TRAVIS.YAML]  Regenerate the file using the magic command in it. Default .travis.yml"
        , "    list-ghc                  List GHC versions supported by this version of make-travis-yml"
        , ""
        , "Available options:"

    ex = unlines
        [ ""
        , "Example:"
        , "    runghc make_travis_yml_2.hs -o .travis.yml someProject.cabal liblzma-dev"

runYamlWriter :: Maybe FilePath -> YamlWriter IO () -> IO ()
runYamlWriter mfp m = do
    result <- execWriterT (runMaybeT m)
    case result of
        Failure (formatDiagnostics -> errors) -> hPutStr stderr errors >> exitFailure
        Success (formatDiagnostics -> warnings) (unlines -> contents) -> do
            contents' <- evaluate (force contents)
            hPutStr stderr warnings
            case mfp of
                Nothing -> putStr contents'
                Just fp -> writeFile fp contents'

ghcMajVer :: Version -> (Int,Int)
ghcMajVer v
    | x:y:_ <- versionNumbers v = (x,y)
    | otherwise = error $ "panic: ghcMajVer called with " ++ show v

-- | Alphas, RCs and HEAD.
previewGHC :: Maybe Version -> Bool
previewGHC = maybe True $ \v -> Just v == ghcAlpha || odd (snd (ghcMajVer v))

dispGhcVersion :: Maybe Version -> String
dispGhcVersion = maybe "head" display

data Package = Pkg
    { pkgName :: String
    , pkgDir :: FilePath
    , pkgGpd :: GenericPackageDescription
    } deriving (Eq, Show)

genTravisFromConfigFile :: ([String],Options) -> FilePath -> [String] -> IO ()
genTravisFromConfigFile args@(_, opts) path xpkgs =
    runYamlWriter (optOutput opts) $ travisFromConfigFile args path xpkgs

    :: MonadIO m
    => ([String],Options)
    -> FilePath
    -> [String]
    -> YamlWriter m ()
travisFromConfigFile args@(_, opts) path xpkgs = do
    cabalFiles <- getCabalFiles
    config' <- maybe (return emptyConfig) readConfigFile (optConfig opts)
    let config = optConfigMorphism opts config'
    pkgs <- T.mapM (configFromCabalFile config opts) cabalFiles
    (ghcs, prj) <- checkVersions pkgs
    genTravisFromConfigs args xpkgs isCabalProject config prj ghcs
        :: MonadIO m
        => Project (Package, Set Version)
        -> YamlWriter m (Set Version, Project Package)
    checkVersions prj | null (prjPackages prj) = putStrLnErr "Error reading cabal file(s)!"
    checkVersions prj = do
        let (errors, names) = F.foldl' collectConfig mempty prj
        putStrLnErrs errors
        return (allVersions, prj { prjPackages = names })
        allVersions = F.foldMap snd prj

            :: ([String], [Package])
            -> (Package, Set Version)
            -> ([String], [Package])
        collectConfig aggregate (pkg, testWith) =
            aggregate <> (errors, [pkg])
            symDiff a b = S.union a b `S.difference` S.intersection a b
            diff = symDiff testWith allVersions
            missingVersions = map display $ S.toList diff
            errors | S.null diff = []
                   | otherwise = App.pure $ mconcat
                        [ pkgName pkg
                        , " is missing tested-with annotations for: "
                        ] ++ intercalate "," missingVersions

    isCabalProject :: Maybe FilePath
        | "cabal.project" `isPrefixOf` takeFileName path = Just path
        | otherwise = Nothing

    getCabalFiles :: MonadIO m => YamlWriter m (Project FilePath)
        | isNothing isCabalProject = return (Project [path] Nothing Nothing)
        | otherwise = do
            contents <- liftIO $ readFile path
            pkgs <- either putStrLnErr return $ parseProjectFile path contents
            overPrjPackages concat `liftM` T.mapM findProjectPackage pkgs

    rootdir = takeDirectory path

    -- See findProjectPackages in cabal-install codebase
    -- this is simple variant.
    findProjectPackage :: MonadIO m => String -> YamlWriter m [FilePath]
    findProjectPackage pkglocstr = do
        mfp <- checkisFileGlobPackage pkglocstr `mplusMaybeT`
               checkIsSingleFilePackage pkglocstr
        maybe (putStrLnErr $ "bad package location: " ++ pkglocstr) return mfp

    checkIsSingleFilePackage pkglocstr = do
        let abspath = rootdir </> pkglocstr
        isFile <- liftIO $ doesFileExist abspath
        isDir  <- liftIO $ doesDirectoryExist abspath
        if | isFile && takeExtension pkglocstr == ".cabal" -> return (Just [abspath])
           | isDir -> checkisFileGlobPackage (pkglocstr </> "*.cabal")
           | otherwise -> return Nothing

    -- if it looks like glob, glob
    checkisFileGlobPackage pkglocstr =
        case filter (null . snd) $ readP_to_S parseFilePathGlobRel pkglocstr of
            [(g, "")] -> do
                files <- liftIO $ expandRelGlob rootdir g
                let files' = filter ((== ".cabal") . takeExtension) files
                -- if nothing is matched, skip.
                if null files' then return Nothing else return (Just files')
            _         -> return Nothing

    mplusMaybeT :: Monad m => m (Maybe a) -> m (Maybe a) -> m (Maybe a)
    mplusMaybeT ma mb = do
        mx <- ma
        case mx of
            Nothing -> mb
            Just x  -> return (Just x)

    :: MonadIO m => Config ->  Options -> FilePath -> YamlWriter m (Package, Set Version)
configFromCabalFile cfg opts cabalFile = do
    gpd <- liftIO $ readGenericPackageDescription maxBound cabalFile

    let compilers = testedWith $ packageDescription gpd
        pkgNameStr = display $ Pkg.pkgName $ package $ packageDescription gpd

    let unknownComps = nub [ c | (c,_) <- compilers, c /= GHC ]
        ghcVerConstrs = [ vc | (GHC,vc) <- compilers ]
        ghcVerConstrs' = simplifyVersionRange $ foldr unionVersionRanges noVersion ghcVerConstrs
        twoDigitGhcVerConstrs = mapMaybe isTwoDigitGhcVersion ghcVerConstrs :: [Version]
        specificGhcVers = nub $ mapMaybe isSpecificVersion ghcVerConstrs

    unless (null twoDigitGhcVerConstrs) $ do
        putStrLnWarn $ "'tested-with:' uses two digit GHC versions (which don't match any existing GHC version): " ++ intercalate ", " (map display twoDigitGhcVerConstrs)
        putStrLnInfo $ "Either use wild-card format, for example 'tested-with: GHC ==7.10.*' or a specific existing version 'tested-with: GHC ==7.10.3'"

    when (null compilers) $ do
        putStrLnErr (unlines $
                     [ "empty or missing top-level 'tested-with:' definition in " ++ cabalFile ++ " file; example definition:"
                     , ""
                     , "tested-with: " ++ intercalate ", " [ "GHC==" ++ display v | v <- lastStableGhcVers ]

    unless (null unknownComps) $ do
        putStrLnWarn $ "ignoring unsupported compilers mentioned in tested-with: " ++ show unknownComps

    when (null ghcVerConstrs) $ do
        putStrLnErr "'tested-with:' doesn't mention any 'GHC' version"

    when (isNoVersion ghcVerConstrs') $ do
        putStrLnErr "'tested-with:' describes an empty version range for 'GHC'"

    when (isAnyVersion ghcVerConstrs') $ do
        putStrLnErr "'tested-with:' allows /any/ 'GHC' version"

    let unknownGhcVers = sort $ specificGhcVers \\ knownGhcVersions

    unless (null unknownGhcVers) $ do
        putStrLnErr ("'tested-with:' specifically refers to unknown 'GHC' versions: "
                     ++ intercalate ", " (map display unknownGhcVers) ++ "\n"
                     ++ "Known GHC versions: " ++ intercalate ", " (map display knownGhcVersions))

    let knownGhcVersions'
            | cfgLastInSeries cfg = filterLastMajor knownGhcVersions
            | otherwise           = knownGhcVersions

    let testedGhcVersions = filter (`withinRange` ghcVerConstrs') knownGhcVersions'

    when (null testedGhcVersions) $ do
        putStrLnErr "no known GHC version is allowed by the 'tested-with' specification"

    forM_ (optCollections opts) $ \c -> do
        let v = collToGhcVer c
        unless (v `elem` testedGhcVersions) $
            putStrLnErr $ unlines
               [ "collection " ++ c ++ " requires GHC " ++ display v
               , "add 'tested-width: GHC == " ++ display v ++ "' to your .cabal file"

    let pkg = Pkg pkgNameStr (takeDirectory cabalFile) gpd

    return (pkg, S.fromList testedGhcVersions)
        = nubBy ((==) `on` ghcMajVer)
        $ sortBy (flip compare)
        $ filter (not . previewGHC . Just)
        $ knownGhcVersions

    isTwoDigitGhcVersion :: VersionRange -> Maybe Version
    isTwoDigitGhcVersion vr = isSpecificVersion vr >>= t
        t v | [_,_] <- versionNumbers v = Just v
        t _                             = Nothing

    filterLastMajor = map maximum . groupBy ((==) `on` ghcMajVer)

    :: Monad m
    => ([String], Options)
    -> [String]
    -> Maybe FilePath
    -> Config
    -> Project Package
    -> Set Version
    -> YamlWriter m ()
genTravisFromConfigs (argv,opts) xpkgs isCabalProject config prj@Project { prjPackages = pkgs } versions' = do
    let folds = cfgFolds config

    putStrLnInfo $
        "Generating Travis-CI config for testing for GHC versions: " ++ ghcVersions

    unless (null $ optOsx opts) $  do
        putStrLnInfo $ "Also OSX jobs for: " ++ ghcOsxVersions
        unless (S.null omittedOsxVersions) $
            putStrLnWarn $ "Not all GHC versions specified with --osx are generated: " ++ ghcOmittedOsxVersions

    -- travis.yml generation starts here

        [ "# This Travis job script has been generated by a script via"
        , "#"
        , "#   runghc make_travis_yml_2.hs " ++ unwords [ "'" ++ a ++ "'" | a <- argv ]
        , "#"
        , "# For more information, see https://github.com/haskell-CI/haskell-ci"
        , "#"
        , "language: c"
        , "sudo: false"
        , ""
        , "git:"
        , "  submodules: false  # whether to recursively clone submodules"
        , ""

    let projectName = fromMaybe (pkgName $ head pkgs) (cfgProjectName config)
    unless (null $ cfgIrcChannels config) $ tellStrLns $
        [ "notifications:"
        , "  irc:"
        , "    channels:"
        ] ++
        [ "      - \"" ++ chan ++ "\"" | chan <- cfgIrcChannels config ] ++
        [ "    skip_join: true"
        , "    template:"
        , "      - \"\\x0313" ++ projectName ++ "\\x03/\\x0306%{branch}\\x03 \\x0314%{commit}\\x03 %{build_url} %{message}\""
        , ""

    unless (null $ cfgOnlyBranches config) $ tellStrLns $
        [ "branches:"
        , "  only:"
        ] ++
        [ "    - " ++ branch
        | branch <- cfgOnlyBranches config
        ] ++
        [ ""

    when (cfgCache config) $ tellStrLns
        [ "cache:"
        , "  directories:"
        , "    - $HOME/.cabal/packages"
        , "    - $HOME/.cabal/store"

    -- on OSX ghc is installed in $HOME so we can cache it
    -- independently of linux
    when (cfgCache config && not (null (optOsx opts))) $ tellStrLns
        [ "    - $HOME/.ghc-install"

    when (cfgCache config) $ tellStrLns
        [ ""
        , "before_cache:"
        , "  - rm -fv $HOME/.cabal/packages/hackage.haskell.org/build-reports.log"
        , "  # remove files that are regenerated by 'cabal update'"
        , "  - rm -fv $HOME/.cabal/packages/hackage.haskell.org/00-index.*" -- legacy
        , "  - rm -fv $HOME/.cabal/packages/hackage.haskell.org/*.json" -- TUF meta-data
        , "  - rm -fv $HOME/.cabal/packages/hackage.haskell.org/01-index.cache"
        , "  - rm -fv $HOME/.cabal/packages/hackage.haskell.org/01-index.tar"
        , "  - rm -fv $HOME/.cabal/packages/hackage.haskell.org/01-index.tar.idx"
        , ""
        , "  - rm -rfv $HOME/.cabal/packages/head.hackage" -- if we cache, it will break builds.
        , ""

    tellStrLn "matrix:"
    tellStrLn "  include:"

    let colls = [ (collToGhcVer cid,cid) | cid <- reverse $ optCollections opts ]

    let tellJob :: Monad m => Bool -> Maybe Version -> YamlWriter m ()
        tellJob osx gv = do
            let cvs = dispGhcVersion $ cfgCabalInstallVersion config <|> (lookupCabVer =<< gv)
                gvs = dispGhcVersion gv

                xpkgs' = concatMap (',':) xpkgs

                colls' = [ cid | (v,cid) <- colls, Just v == gv ]

                [ "    - compiler: \"ghc-" <> gvs <> "\""
                , if | Just e <- gv >>= \v -> M.lookup v (cfgEnv config)
                                     -> "      env: " ++ e
                     | previewGHC gv -> "      env: GHCHEAD=true"
                     | null colls'   -> "    # env: TEST=--disable-tests BENCH=--disable-benchmarks"
                     | otherwise     -> "      env: 'COLLECTIONS=" ++ intercalate "," colls' ++ "'"
                , "      addons: {apt: {packages: [ghc-ppa-tools,cabal-install-" <> cvs <> ",ghc-" <> gvs <> xpkgs' <> "], sources: [hvr-ghc]}}"

            when osx $ tellStrLns
                [ "      os: osx"

    -- newer GHC first, -head last (which is great).
    -- Alpha release would go first though.
    F.forM_ (reverse $ S.toList versions) $ tellJob False
    F.forM_ (reverse $ S.toList osxVersions) $ tellJob True . Just

    let allowFailures = headGhcVers `S.union` S.map Just (cfgAllowFailures config)
    unless (S.null allowFailures) $ do
        tellStrLn ""
        tellStrLn "  allow_failures:"

        F.forM_ allowFailures $ \gv -> do
            let gvs = dispGhcVersion gv
            tellStrLn $ concat [ "    - compiler: \"ghc-", gvs, "\"" ]

        [ ""
        , "before_install:"
        , sh "HC=${CC}"
        , sh' [2034,2039] "HCPKG=${HC/ghc/ghc-pkg}" -- SC2039. In POSIX sh, string replacement is undefined.
        , sh "unset CC"
        -- rootdir is useful for manual script additions
        , sh "ROOTDIR=$(pwd)"
        , sh "mkdir -p $HOME/.local/bin"

    let haskellOnMacos = "https://haskell.futurice.com/haskell-on-macos.py"

    if null (optOsx opts)
    then tellStrLns
        [ sh "PATH=/opt/ghc/bin:/opt/ghc-ppa-tools/bin:$HOME/local/bin:$PATH"
    else tellStrLns
        [ sh $ "if [ \"$(uname)\" = \"Darwin\" ]; then brew update; brew upgrade python@3; curl " ++ haskellOnMacos ++ " | python3 - --make-dirs --install-dir=$HOME/.ghc-install --cabal-alias=head install cabal-install-head ${HC}; fi"
        , sh $ "if [ \"$(uname)\" = \"Darwin\" ]; then PATH=$HOME/.ghc-install/ghc/bin:$HOME/local/bin:$PATH; else PATH=/opt/ghc/bin:/opt/ghc-ppa-tools/bin:$HOME/local/bin:$PATH; fi"

    -- HCNUMVER, numeric HC version, e.g. ghc 7.8.4 is 70804 and 7.10.3 is 71003
        [ sh $ "HCNUMVER=$(( $(${HC} --numeric-version|sed -E 's/([0-9]+)\\.([0-9]+)\\.([0-9]+).*/\\1 * 10000 + \\2 * 100 + \\3/') ))"
        , sh "echo $HCNUMVER"

    unless (null colls) $
       tellStrLn " - IFS=', ' read -a COLLS <<< \"$COLLECTIONS\""

        [ ""
        , "install:"
        , sh "cabal --version"
        , sh "echo \"$(${HC} --version) [$(${HC} --print-project-git-commit-id 2> /dev/null || echo '?')]\""
        , sh "BENCH=${BENCH---enable-benchmarks}"
        , sh "TEST=${TEST---enable-tests}"
        , sh "HADDOCK=${HADDOCK-true}"
        , sh "GHCHEAD=${GHCHEAD-false}"

    -- Update hackage index. Side-effect: ~/.cabal.config is created.
        [ sh "travis_retry cabal update -v"
        , sh "sed -i.bak 's/^jobs:/-- jobs:/' ${HOME}/.cabal/config"
        , sh "rm -fv cabal.project cabal.project.local"

    -- Cabal jobs
    case cfgJobs config of
        (Just n, _) -> tellStrLns
            [ sh $ "sed -i.bak 's/^-- jobs:.*/jobs: " ++ show n ++ "/' ${HOME}/.cabal/config"
        _ -> return ()

    -- GHC jobs
    case cfgJobs config of
        (_, Just m) -> tellStrLns
            [ sh $ "if [ $HCNUMVER -ge 70800 ]; then sed -i.bak 's/-- ghc-options:.*/ghc-options: -j" ++ show m ++ "/' ${HOME}/.cabal/config; fi"
        _ -> return ()

    -- Add head.hackage repository to ~/.cabal/config
    -- (locally you want to add it to cabal.project)
    unless (S.null headGhcVers) $ tellStrLns
        [ "  # Overlay Hackage Package Index for GHC HEAD: https://github.com/hvr/head.hackage"
        , "  - |"
        , "    if $GHCHEAD; then"
        , "      sed -i 's/-- allow-newer: .*/allow-newer: *:base/' ${HOME}/.cabal/config"
        , "      for pkg in $($HCPKG list --simple-output); do pkg=$(echo $pkg | sed 's/-[^-]*$//'); sed -i \"s/allow-newer: /allow-newer: *:$pkg, /\" ${HOME}/.cabal/config; done"
        , ""
        , "      echo 'repository head.hackage'                                                        >> ${HOME}/.cabal/config"
        , "      echo '   url: http://head.hackage.haskell.org/'                                       >> ${HOME}/.cabal/config"
        , "      echo '   secure: True'                                                                >> ${HOME}/.cabal/config"
        , "      echo '   root-keys: 07c59cb65787dedfaef5bd5f987ceb5f7e5ebf88b904bbd4c5cbdeb2ff71b740' >> ${HOME}/.cabal/config"
        , "      echo '              2e8555dde16ebd8df076f1a8ef13b8f14c66bad8eafefd7d9e37d0ed711821fb' >> ${HOME}/.cabal/config"
        , "      echo '              8f79fd2389ab2967354407ec852cbe73f2e8635793ac446d09461ffb99527f6e' >> ${HOME}/.cabal/config"
        , "      echo '   key-threshold: 3'                                                            >> ${HOME}/.cabal.config"
        , ""
        , "      grep -Ev -- '^\\s*--' ${HOME}/.cabal/config | grep -Ev '^\\s*$'"
        , ""
        , "      cabal new-update head.hackage -v"
        , "    fi"

    -- Output cabal.config
        [ sh "grep -Ev -- '^\\s*--' ${HOME}/.cabal/config | grep -Ev '^\\s*$'"

    -- Install doctest
    let doctestVersionConstraint
            | isAnyVersion (cfgDoctestVersion config) = ""
            | otherwise = " --constraint='doctest " ++ display (cfgDoctestVersion config) ++ "'"
    when (cfgDoctest config) $ tellStrLns
        [ sh $ "if [ $HCNUMVER -ge 80000 ]; then cabal new-install -w ${HC} -j2 --symlink-bindir=$HOME/.local/bin doctest" ++ doctestVersionConstraint ++ "; fi"

    -- Install hlint
    let hlintVersionConstraint
            | isAnyVersion (cfgHLintVersion config) = ""
            | otherwise = " --constraint='hlint " ++ display (cfgHLintVersion config) ++ "'"
    when (cfgHLint config) $ tellStrLns
        [ sh $ "if [ $HCNUMVER -eq 80403 ]; then cabal new-install -w ${HC} -j2 --symlink-bindir=$HOME/.local/bin hlint" ++ hlintVersionConstraint ++ "; fi"

    -- create cabal.project file
    generateCabalProject False

    let pkgFilter = intercalate " | " $ map (wrap.pkgName) pkgs
        wrap s = "grep -Fv \"" ++ s ++ " ==\""
    unless (null colls) $ tellStrLns
        [ "  - for COLL in \"${COLLS[@]}\"; do"
        , "      echo \"== collection $COLL ==\";"
        , "      ghc-travis collection ${COLL} > /dev/null || break;"
        , "      ghc-travis collection ${COLL} | " ++ pkgFilter ++ " > cabal.project.freeze;"
        , "      grep ' collection-id' cabal.project.freeze;"
        , "      rm -rf dist-newstyle/;"
        , "      cabal new-build -w ${HC} ${TEST} ${BENCH} --project-file=\"" ++ projectFile ++ "\" --dep -j2 all;"
        , "    done"
        , ""

    forM_ pkgs $ \Pkg{pkgDir} -> tellStrLns
        [ "  - if [ -f \"" ++ pkgDir ++ "/configure.ac\" ]; then"
        , "      (cd \"" ++ pkgDir ++ "\" && autoreconf -i);"
        , "    fi"

    let quotedRmPaths =
          ++ " " ++
          quotedPaths (\Pkg{pkgDir} -> pkgDir ++ "/dist")

        [ sh $ "rm -f cabal.project.freeze"

    -- Install dependencies
    when (cfgInstallDeps config) $ do
            [ sh $ "cabal new-build -w ${HC} ${TEST} ${BENCH} --project-file=\"" ++ projectFile ++"\" --dep -j2 all"
        when (cfgNoTestsNoBench config) $ tellStrLns
            [ sh $ "cabal new-build -w ${HC} --disable-tests --disable-benchmarks --project-file=\"" ++ projectFile ++ "\" --dep -j2 all"

        [ sh $ "rm -rf " ++ quotedRmPaths
        , sh $  "DISTDIR=$(mktemp -d /tmp/dist-test.XXXX)"

        [ ""
        , "# Here starts the actual work to be performed for the package under test;"
        , "# any command which exits with a non-zero exit code causes the build to fail."
        , "script:"
        , "  # test that source-distributions can be generated"

    foldedTellStrLns FoldSDist "Packaging..." folds $ do
        forM_ pkgs $ \Pkg{pkgDir} -> tellStrLns
            [ sh $ "(cd \"" ++ pkgDir ++ "\" && cabal sdist)"

    let tarFiles = quotedPaths $ \Pkg{pkgDir,pkgName} ->
                pkgDir </> "dist" </> pkgName ++ "-*.tar.gz"

    foldedTellStrLns FoldUnpack "Unpacking..." folds $ do
            [ sh $ "mv " ++ tarFiles ++ " ${DISTDIR}/"
            , sh $ "cd ${DISTDIR} || false" -- fail explicitly, makes SC happier
            , sh $ "find . -maxdepth 1 -name '*.tar.gz' -exec tar -xvf '{}' \\;"
        generateCabalProject True

    when (cfgNoTestsNoBench config) $ foldedTellStrLns FoldBuild "Building..." folds $ tellStrLns
        [ comment "this builds all libraries and executables (without tests/benchmarks)"
        , sh "cabal new-build -w ${HC} --disable-tests --disable-benchmarks all"

    tellStrLns [""]

    foldedTellStrLns FoldBuildEverything
        "Building with tests and benchmarks..." folds $ tellStrLns
        [ comment "build & run tests, build benchmarks"
        , sh "cabal new-build -w ${HC} ${TEST} ${BENCH} all"

    -- cabal new-test fails if there are no test-suites.
    when hasTests $
        foldedTellStrLns FoldTest "Testing..." folds $ tellStrLns
            [ sh $ mconcat
                [ "if [ \"x$TEST\" = \"x--enable-tests\" ]; then "
                , if cfgNoise config
                     then "cabal "
                     else "(set -o pipefail; cabal -vnormal+nowrap+markoutput "
                , "new-test -w ${HC} ${TEST} ${BENCH} all"
                , if cfgNoise config
                     then ""
                     else " 2>&1 | sed '/^-----BEGIN CABAL OUTPUT-----$/,/^-----END CABAL OUTPUT-----$/d' )"
                , "; fi"

    tellStrLns [""]

    when (cfgDoctest config) $ do
        let doctestOptions = unwords $ cfgDoctestOptions config
        tellStrLns [ comment "doctest" ]
        foldedTellStrLns FoldDoctest "Doctest..." folds $ do
            forM_ pkgs $ \Pkg{pkgName,pkgGpd} -> do
                let args = doctestArgs pkgGpd
                    args' = unwords args
                unless (null args) $ tellStrLns
                    [ sh $ "if [ $HCNUMVER -ge 80000 ]; then (cd " ++ pkgName ++ "-* && doctest " ++ doctestOptions ++ " " ++ args' ++ "); fi"
        tellStrLns [ "" ]

    when (cfgHLint config) $ do
        let "" <+> ys = ys
            xs <+> "" = xs
            xs <+> ys = xs ++ " " ++ ys

            prependSpace "" = ""
            prependSpace xs = " " ++ xs

        let hlintOptions = prependSpace $ maybe "" ("-h ${ROOTDIR}/" ++) (cfgHLintYaml config) <+> unwords (cfgHLintOptions config)

        tellStrLns [ comment "hlint" ]
        foldedTellStrLns FoldHLint "HLint.." folds $ do
            forM_ pkgs $ \Pkg{pkgName,pkgGpd} -> do
                -- note: same arguments work so far for doctest and hlint
                let args = doctestArgs pkgGpd
                    args' = unwords args
                unless (null args) $ tellStrLns
                    [ sh $ "if [ $HCNUMVER -eq 80403 ]; then (cd " ++ pkgName ++ "-* && hlint" ++ hlintOptions ++ " " ++ args' ++ "); fi"
        tellStrLns [ "" ]

    when (cfgCheck config) $
        foldedTellStrLns FoldCheck "cabal check..." folds $ do
            tellStrLns [ comment "cabal check" ]
            forM_ pkgs $ \Pkg{pkgName} -> tellStrLns
                [ sh $ "(cd " ++ pkgName ++ "-* && cabal check)"

            tellStrLns [ "" ]

    when hasLibrary $
        foldedTellStrLns FoldHaddock "Haddock..." folds $ tellStrLns
            [ comment "haddock"
            , sh "rm -rf ./dist-newstyle"
            , sh "if $HADDOCK; then cabal new-haddock -w ${HC} ${TEST} ${BENCH} all; else echo \"Skipping haddock generation\";fi"
            , ""

    unless (null colls) $
        foldedTellStrLns FoldStackage "Stackage builds..." folds $ tellStrLns
            [ "  # try building & testing for package collections"
            , "  - for COLL in \"${COLLS[@]}\"; do"
            , "      echo \"== collection $COLL ==\";"
            , "      ghc-travis collection ${COLL} > /dev/null || break;"
            , "      ghc-travis collection ${COLL} | " ++ pkgFilter ++ " > cabal.project.freeze;"
            , "      grep ' collection-id' cabal.project.freeze;"
            , "      rm -rf dist-newstyle/;"
            , "      cabal new-build -w ${HC} ${TEST} ${BENCH} all || break;"
            , "      if [ \"x$TEST\" = \"x--enable-tests\" ]; then cabal new-test -w ${HC} ${TEST} ${BENCH} all || break; fi;"
            , "    done"
            , ""

    -- Have to build last, as we remove cabal.project.local
    when (cfgUnconstrainted config) $ foldedTellStrLns FoldBuildInstalled
        "Building without installed constraints for packages in global-db..." folds $ tellStrLns
        [ comment "Build without installed constraints for packages in global-db"
        -- SC2046: Quote this to prevent word splitting.
        -- here we split on purpose!
        , sh' [2046, 2086] $ unwords
            [ "if $UNCONSTRAINED;"
            , "then rm -f cabal.project.local; echo cabal new-build -w ${HC} --disable-tests --disable-benchmarks all;"
            , "else echo \"Not building without installed constraints\"; fi"
        , ""

    -- and now, as we don't have cabal.project.local;
    -- we can test with other constraint sets
    let constraintSets = cfgConstraintSets config
    unless (null constraintSets) $ do
            [ comment "Constraint sets"
            , sh "rm -rf cabal.project.local"
            , ""
        forM_ constraintSets $ \cs -> do
            let name = csName cs
            let constraintFlags = concatMap (\x ->  " --constraint='" ++ x ++ "'") (csConstraints cs)
            tellStrLns [ comment  "Constraint set " ++ name ]
            foldedTellStrLns' FoldConstraintSets name ("Constraint set " ++ name) folds $ tellStrLns
                [ sh' [2086] $ "if " ++ ghcVersionPredicate (csGhcVersions cs) ++ "; then cabal new-build -w ${HC} --disable-tests --disable-benchmarks" ++ constraintFlags ++ " all; else echo skipping...; fi"
                , ""
        tellStrLns [""]

        [ "# REGENDATA " ++ show argv
        , "# EOF"

    return ()
    hasTests   = F.any (\Pkg{pkgGpd} -> not . null $ condTestSuites pkgGpd) pkgs
    hasLibrary = F.any (\Pkg{pkgGpd} -> isJust $ condLibrary pkgGpd) pkgs

    -- GHC versions which need head.hackage
    headGhcVers = S.filter previewGHC versions

    generateCabalProject dist = do
            [ sh $ "printf 'packages: " ++ cabalPaths ++ "\\n' > cabal.project"
        F.forM_ (prjConstraints prj) $ \xs -> do
            let s = concat (lines xs)
                [ sh $ "echo 'constraints: " ++ s ++ "' >> cabal.project"
        F.forM_ (prjAllowNewer prj) $ \xs -> do
            let s = concat (lines xs)
                [ sh $ "echo 'allow-newer: " ++ s ++ "' >> cabal.project"
        unless (null (cfgLocalGhcOptions config)) $ forM_ pkgs $ \Pkg{pkgName} -> do
            let s = unwords $ map (show . PU.showToken) $ cfgLocalGhcOptions config
                [ sh $ "echo 'package " ++ pkgName ++ "' >> cabal.project"
                , sh $ "echo '  ghc-options: " ++ s ++ "' >> cabal.project"

        -- also write cabal.project.local file with
        -- @
        -- constraints: base installed
        -- constraints: array installed
        -- ...
        -- omitting any local package names
            [ sh $ "touch cabal.project.local"
            , sh $ unwords
                [ "if ! $NOINSTALLEDCONSTRAINTS; then"
                , "for pkg in $($HCPKG list --simple-output); do"
                , "echo $pkg"
                , concatMap (\Pkg{pkgName} -> " | grep -vw -- " ++ pkgName) pkgs
                , "| sed 's/^/constraints: /'"
                , "| sed 's/-[^-]*$/ installed/'"
                , ">> cabal.project.local; done; fi"

            [ sh $ "cat cabal.project || true"
            , sh $ "cat cabal.project.local || true"
            | dist      = quotedPaths $ \Pkg{pkgName} -> pkgName ++ "-*/*.cabal"
            | otherwise = quotedPaths $ \Pkg{pkgDir}  -> pkgDir

    projectFile :: FilePath
    projectFile = fromMaybe "cabal.project" isCabalProject

    quotedPaths :: (Package -> FilePath) -> String
    quotedPaths f = unwords $ map (f . quote) pkgs
        quote pkg = pkg{ pkgDir = "\"" ++ pkgDir pkg ++ "\"" }

    showVersions :: Set (Maybe Version) -> String
    showVersions = unwords . map dispGhcVersion . S.toList

    -- specified ersions
    osxVersions' :: Set Version
    osxVersions' = S.fromList $ mapMaybe simpleParse $ optOsx opts

    versions :: Set (Maybe Version)
        | cfgGhcHead config = S.insert Nothing $ S.map Just versions'
        | otherwise         = S.map Just versions'

    ghcVersions :: String
    ghcVersions = showVersions versions

    osxVersions, omittedOsxVersions :: Set Version
    (osxVersions, omittedOsxVersions) = S.partition (`S.member` versions') osxVersions'

    ghcOsxVersions :: String
    ghcOsxVersions = showVersions $ S.map Just osxVersions

    ghcOmittedOsxVersions :: String
    ghcOmittedOsxVersions = showVersions $ S.map Just omittedOsxVersions

    lookupCabVer :: Version -> Maybe Version
    lookupCabVer v = join $ lookup (ghcMajVer v) cabalVerMap

-- | Modules arguments to the library
-- * We check the library component
-- * If there are hs-source-dirs, use them
-- * otherwise use exposed + other modules
-- * Also add default-extensions
-- /Note:/ same argument work for hlint too!
doctestArgs :: GenericPackageDescription -> [String]
doctestArgs gpd = case PD.library $ flattenPackageDescription gpd of
    Nothing -> []
    Just l  -> exts ++ dirsOrMods
        bi = PD.libBuildInfo l

            | null (PD.hsSourceDirs bi) = map display (PD.exposedModules l)
            | otherwise = PD.hsSourceDirs bi

        exts = map (("-X" ++) . display) (PD.defaultExtensions bi)

collToGhcVer :: String -> Version
collToGhcVer cid = case simpleParse cid of
  Nothing -> error ("invalid collection-id syntax " ++ show cid)
  Just (PackageIdentifier n (versionNumbers -> v))
    | display n /= "lts" -> error ("unknown collection " ++ show cid)
    | isPrefixOf [0] v -> mkVersion [7,8,3]
    | isPrefixOf [1] v -> mkVersion [7,8,4]
    | isPrefixOf [2] v -> mkVersion [7,8,4]
    | isPrefixOf [3] v -> mkVersion [7,10,2]
    | isPrefixOf [4] v -> mkVersion [7,10,3]
    | isPrefixOf [5] v -> mkVersion [7,10,3]
    | isPrefixOf [6] v -> mkVersion [7,10,3]
    | isPrefixOf [7] v -> mkVersion [8,0,1]
    | otherwise -> error ("unknown collection " ++ show cid)

-- Jobs

-- | parse jobs defintion
-- * N:M - N ghcs (cabal -j), M threads (ghc -j)
-- >>> let parseJobs = maybeReadP parseJobsQ
-- >>> parseJobs "2:2"
-- Just (Just 2,Just 2)
-- >>> parseJobs ":2"
-- Just (Nothing,Just 2)
-- >>> parseJobs "2"
-- Just (Just 2,Nothing)
-- >>> parseJobs "garbage"
-- Nothing
parseJobsQ :: ReadP r (Maybe Int, Maybe Int)
parseJobsQ = nm <++ m <++ n <++ return (Nothing, Nothing)
    nm = do
      x <- parseInt
      _ <- char ':'
      y <- parseInt
      return (Just x, Just y)

    m = do
      _ <- char ':'
      y <- parseInt
      return (Nothing, Just y)

    n = do
      x <- parseInt
      return (Just x, Nothing)

-- Project file

data Project a = Project
    { prjPackages    :: [a]
    , prjConstraints :: Maybe String
    , prjAllowNewer  :: Maybe String
  deriving (Show, Functor, F.Foldable, T.Traversable)

overPrjPackages :: ([a] -> [b]) -> Project a -> Project b
overPrjPackages f prj = prj { prjPackages = f (prjPackages prj) }

emptyProject :: Project [a]
emptyProject = Project [] Nothing Nothing

-- | Parse project file. Extracts only @packages@ field.
-- >>> fmap prjPackages $ parseProjectFile "cabal.project" "packages: foo bar/*.cabal"
-- Right ["foo","bar/*.cabal"]
parseProjectFile :: FilePath -> String -> Either String (Project String)
parseProjectFile path contents =
    case PU.parseFields legacyProjectConfigFieldDescrs emptyProject contents of
        PU.ParseOk _ x -> Right x
        PU.ParseFailed err -> Left $ case PU.locatedErrorMsg err of
            (l, msg) -> "ERROR " ++ path ++ ":" ++ show l ++ ": " ++ msg

legacyProjectConfigFieldDescrs :: [PU.FieldDescr (Project String)]
legacyProjectConfigFieldDescrs =
    [ PU.listField "packages"
        (error "we don't pretty print") -- pretty
        parsePackageLocationTokenQ -- parse
        (\x prj -> prj { prjPackages = x })
    , PU.simpleField "constraints"
        (error "we don't pretty print") -- pretty
        (fmap Just PU.parseFreeText)
        (\x prj -> prj { prjConstraints = maybeAlt2 commaConcat (prjConstraints prj) x })
    , PU.simpleField "allow-newer"
        (error "we don't pretty print") -- pretty
        (fmap Just PU.parseFreeText)
        (\x prj -> prj { prjAllowNewer = maybeAlt2 commaConcat (prjAllowNewer prj) x })
    maybeAlt2 _ Nothing  x        = x
    maybeAlt2 _ x        Nothing  = x
    maybeAlt2 f (Just x) (Just y) = Just (f x y)

    commaConcat x y
        | all isSpace x = y
        | all isSpace y = x
        | otherwise     = x ++ ", " ++ y

-- Options

data Options = Options
    { optCollections :: [String]
    , optOutput :: Maybe FilePath
    , optOsx :: [String]
    , optConfig :: Maybe FilePath
    , optConfigMorphism :: Config -> Config

defOptions :: Options
defOptions = Options
    { optCollections = []
    , optOutput = Nothing
    , optOsx = []
    , optConfig = Nothing
    , optConfigMorphism = id

options :: [OptDescr (Result Diagnostic (Options -> Options))]
options =
    [ Option [] ["no-cache"]
      (NoArg $ successCM $ \cfg -> cfg { cfgCache = False })
      "disable Travis caching"
    , Option [] ["no-cabal-noise"]
      (NoArg $ successCM $ \cfg -> cfg { cfgNoise = False })
      "remove cabal noise from test output"
    , Option [] ["no-cabal-check"]
      (NoArg $ successCM $ \cfg -> cfg { cfgCheck = False })
      "Disable cabal check"
    , Option [] ["no-install-dependencies"]
      (NoArg $ successCM $ \cfg -> cfg { cfgInstallDeps = False })
      "Disable installing dependencies in a seperate step"
    , Option [] ["no-no-tests-no-bench"]
      (NoArg $ successCM $ \cfg -> cfg { cfgNoTestsNoBench = False })
      "Don't build with --no-tests --no-benchmarks"
    , Option [] ["no-unconstrained"]
      (NoArg $ successCM $ \cfg -> cfg { cfgUnconstrainted = False })
      "Build also without 'installed' constraints"
    , Option [] ["ghc-head"]
      (NoArg $ successCM $ \cfg -> cfg { cfgGhcHead = True })
      "Build also with ghc-head"
    , Option ['c'] ["collection"]
      (ReqArg (success' $ \arg opts -> opts { optCollections = arg : optCollections opts }) "CID")
      "enable package collection(s) (e.g. 'lts-7'), use multiple times for multiple collections"
    , Option ['f'] ["fold"]
      (flip OptArg "FOLDS" $ \arg -> case arg of
        Nothing   -> successCM $ \cfg -> cfg { cfgFolds = S.fromList possibleFolds }
        Just arg' -> case maybeReadP parseFoldQ arg' of
            Nothing -> Failure [Error $ "cannot parse --fold argument: " ++ arg' ++ "\n"]
            Just f  -> successCM $ \cfg -> cfg { cfgFolds = f (cfgFolds cfg) })
      ("build output(s) to fold, use multiple times for multiple folds. No argument defaults to 'all'. Possible values: all, all-but-test, " ++ intercalate ", " (map showFold possibleFolds))
    , Option [] ["irc-channel"]
      (ReqArg (successCM' $ \arg cfg -> cfg { cfgIrcChannels = arg : cfgIrcChannels cfg }) "HOST#CHANNEL")
      "enable IRC notifcations to given channel (e.g. 'irc.freenode.org#haskell-lens'), use multiple times for multiple channels"
    , Option ['n'] ["name"]
      (ReqArg (successCM' $ \arg cfg -> cfg { cfgProjectName = Just arg }) "NAME")
      "project name (used for IRC notifications), defaults to package name or name of first package listed in cabal.project file"
    , Option ['b'] ["branch"]
      (ReqArg (successCM' $ \arg cfg -> cfg { cfgOnlyBranches = arg : cfgOnlyBranches cfg }) "BRANCH")
      "enable builds only for specific brances, use multiple times for multiple branches"
    , Option ['o'] ["output"]
      (ReqArg (success' $ \arg opts -> opts { optOutput = Just arg }) "OUTPUT")
      "output file (stdout if omitted)"
    , Option [] ["config"]
      (OptArg (success' $ \arg opts -> opts { optConfig = Just $ fromMaybe "cabal.make-travis-yml" arg }) "CONFIG")
      "config file, currently used only to specify constraint sets"
    , Option [] ["osx"]
      (ReqArg (success' $ \arg opts -> opts { optOsx = arg : optOsx opts }) "GHC")
      "generate osx build job with ghc version"
    , Option ['j'] ["jobs"]
      (reqArgReadP parseJobsQ (\jobs cfg -> cfg { cfgJobs = jobs }) "JOBS")
      "jobs (N:M - cabal:ghc)"
    , Option [] ["local-ghc-options"]
      (reqArgReadP parseOptsQ (\xs cfg -> cfg { cfgLocalGhcOptions = xs }) "OPTIONS")
      "--ghc-options for local packages"
    , Option ['d'] ["doctest"]
      (NoArg $ successCM $ \cfg -> cfg { cfgDoctest = True })
      "Run doctest using .ghc.environment files."
    , Option [] ["doctest-options"]
      (reqArgReadP parseOptsQ (\xs cfg -> cfg { cfgDoctestOptions = xs }) "OPTIONS")
      "Additional doctest options."
    , Option [] ["doctest-version"]
      (reqArgReadP parse (\arg cfg -> cfg { cfgDoctestVersion = arg }) "VERSION")
      "Doctest version range"
    , Option ['l'] ["hlint"]
      (NoArg $ successCM $ \cfg -> cfg { cfgHLint = True })
      "Run hlint (only on GHC-8.4.3 target)"
    , Option [] ["hlint-yaml"]
      (ReqArg (successCM' $ \arg cfg -> cfg { cfgHLintYaml = Just arg }) "HLINT.YAML")
      "Relative path to .hlint.yaml."
    , Option [] ["hlint-options"]
      (reqArgReadP parseOptsQ (\xs cfg -> cfg { cfgHLintOptions = xs }) "OPTIONS")
      "Additional hlint options."
    , Option [] ["hlint-version"]
      (reqArgReadP parse (\arg cfg -> cfg { cfgHLintVersion = arg }) "VERSION")
      "HLint version range"
    , Option [] ["cabal-install-version"]
      (reqArgReadP parse (\arg cfg -> cfg { cfgCabalInstallVersion = Just arg }) "VERSION")
      "cabal-install version for all jobs, overrides default"
    , Option [] ["cabal-install-head"]
      (NoArg $ successCM $ \cfg -> cfg { cfgCabalInstallVersion = Nothing })
      "Use cabal-install-head for all jobs, overrides default"
    , Option [] ["env"]
      (reqArgReadP envP (\(k, v) cfg -> cfg { cfgEnv = M.insert k v (cfgEnv cfg) }) "ENVDECL")
      "Environment (e.g. `8.0.2:HADDOCK=false`)"
    , Option [] ["allow-failure"]
      (reqArgReadP parse (\arg cfg -> cfg { cfgAllowFailures = S.insert arg (cfgAllowFailures cfg) }) "GHCVERSION")
      "Allow failures of particular GHC version"
    , Option [] ["last-in-series"]
      (NoArg $ successCM $ \cfg -> cfg { cfgLastInSeries = True })
      "[Discouraged] Assume there are only GHCs last in major series: 8.0.* will match only 8.2.2"
    overCM f opts = opts
        { optConfigMorphism = f . optConfigMorphism opts

    success' f arg = success (f arg)

    successCM = success . overCM
    successCM' f arg = successCM (f arg)

    reqArgReadP :: ReadP a a -> (a -> Config -> Config) -> String -> ArgDescr (Result Diagnostic (Options -> Options))
    reqArgReadP p f n = flip ReqArg n $ \arg -> case maybeReadP  p arg of
        Nothing -> Failure [Error $  "cannot parse: " ++ arg ]
        Just x  -> successCM' f x

    envP :: ReadP r (Version, String)
    envP = do
        ghc <- parse
        _ <- char ':'
        v <- munch (const True)
        return (ghc, v)

-- Result

data Result e a
    = Success [e] a
    | Failure [e]
    deriving (Eq, Show, Functor)

success :: a -> Result e a
success = Success []

instance Monoid a => Mon.Monoid (Result e a) where
    mempty = success mempty
#if MIN_VERSION_base(4,9,0)
    mappend = (<>)

instance Monoid a => Semigroup (Result e a) where
    Failure err1   <> Failure err2   = Failure $ err1 <> err2
    Failure err1   <> Success err2 _ = Failure $ err1 <> err2
    Success err1 _ <> Failure err2   = Failure $ err1 <> err2
    Success l1 o1  <> Success l2 o2  = Success (mappend l1 l2) (mappend o1 o2)
    Failure err1   `mappend` Failure err2   = Failure $ err1 `mappend` err2
    Failure err1   `mappend` Success err2 _ = Failure $ err1 `mappend` err2
    Success err1 _ `mappend` Failure err2   = Failure $ err1 `mappend` err2
    Success l1 o1  `mappend` Success l2 o2  = Success (mappend l1 l2) (mappend o1 o2)

-- Fold

data Fold
    = FoldSDist
    | FoldUnpack
    | FoldBuild
    | FoldBuildInstalled
    | FoldBuildEverything
    | FoldTest
    | FoldHaddock
    | FoldStackage
    | FoldCheck
    | FoldDoctest
    | FoldHLint
    | FoldConstraintSets
  deriving (Eq, Ord, Show, Enum, Bounded)

showFold :: Fold -> String
showFold = dashise . drop 4 . show
    dashise = intercalate "-" . map (map toLower) . split

    split [] = []
    split xs0 =
        let (ys, xs1) = span isUpper xs0
            (zs, xs2) = break isUpper xs1
        in (ys ++ zs) : split xs2

possibleFolds :: [Fold]
possibleFolds = [minBound .. maxBound]

parseFoldQ :: ReadP r (Set Fold -> Set Fold)
parseFoldQ = do
    t <- PU.parseTokenQ
    case t of
        "all"          -> return $ const $ S.fromList possibleFolds
        "all-but-test" -> return $ const $ S.delete FoldTest $ S.fromList possibleFolds
        n -> case M.lookup n ps of
            Just n' -> return (S.insert n')
            Nothing -> fail $ "Illegal fold name: " ++ n
    ps = M.fromList $ map (\x -> (showFold x, x)) possibleFolds

-- Config file

data Config = Config
    { cfgCabalInstallVersion :: Maybe Version
    , cfgHLint           :: !Bool
    , cfgHLintYaml       :: !(Maybe FilePath)
    , cfgHLintVersion    :: !VersionRange
    , cfgHLintOptions    :: [String]
    , cfgJobs            :: (Maybe Int, Maybe Int)
    , cfgDoctest         :: !Bool
    , cfgDoctestOptions  :: [String]
    , cfgDoctestVersion  :: !VersionRange
    , cfgLocalGhcOptions :: [String]
    , cfgConstraintSets  :: [ConstraintSet]
    , cfgCache           :: !Bool
    , cfgCheck           :: !Bool
    , cfgNoise           :: !Bool
    , cfgNoTestsNoBench  :: !Bool
    , cfgUnconstrainted  :: !Bool
    , cfgInstallDeps     :: !Bool
    , cfgOnlyBranches    :: [String]
    , cfgIrcChannels     :: [String]
    , cfgProjectName     :: Maybe String
    , cfgFolds           :: Set Fold
    , cfgGhcHead         :: !Bool
    , cfgEnv             :: M.Map Version String
    , cfgAllowFailures   :: S.Set Version
    , cfgLastInSeries    :: !Bool
  deriving (Show)

emptyConfig :: Config
emptyConfig = Config
    { cfgCabalInstallVersion = Nothing
    , cfgHLint           = False
    , cfgHLintYaml       = Nothing
    , cfgHLintVersion    = defaultHLintVersion
    , cfgHLintOptions    = []
    , cfgJobs            = (Nothing, Nothing)
    , cfgDoctest         = False
    , cfgDoctestOptions  = []
    , cfgDoctestVersion  = defaultDoctestVersion
    , cfgLocalGhcOptions = []
    , cfgConstraintSets  = []
    , cfgCache           = True
    , cfgCheck           = True
    , cfgNoise           = True
    , cfgNoTestsNoBench  = True
    , cfgUnconstrainted  = True
    , cfgInstallDeps     = True
    , cfgOnlyBranches    = []
    , cfgIrcChannels     = []
    , cfgProjectName     = Nothing
    , cfgFolds           = S.empty
    , cfgGhcHead         = False
    , cfgEnv             = M.empty
    , cfgAllowFailures   = S.empty
    , cfgLastInSeries    = False

configFieldDescrs :: [PU.FieldDescr Config]
configFieldDescrs =
    [ PU.simpleField  "jobs"
        (error "we don't pretty print")
        (\x cfg -> cfg { cfgJobs = x })
    , PU.boolField  "hlint"
        (\b cfg -> cfg { cfgHLint = b })
    , PU.simpleField "hlint-yaml"
        (error "we don't pretty print")
        (fmap Just PU.parseFilePathQ)
        (\x cfg -> cfg { cfgHLintYaml = x })
    , PU.simpleField "hlint-version"
        (error "we don't pretty print")
        (\x cfg -> cfg { cfgHLintVersion = x })
    -- TODO: hlint-options
    , PU.boolField  "doctest"
        (\b cfg -> cfg { cfgDoctest = b })
    , PU.simpleField "doctest-options"
        (error "we don't pretty print")
        (\x cfg -> cfg { cfgDoctestOptions = cfgDoctestOptions cfg ++ x })
    , PU.simpleField "doctest-version"
        (error "we don't pretty print")
        (\x cfg -> cfg { cfgDoctestVersion = x })
    , PU.simpleField "cabal-install-version"
        (error "we don't pretty print")
        (fmap Just parse)
        (\x cfg -> cfg { cfgCabalInstallVersion = x })
    , PU.simpleField "local-ghc-options"
        (error "we don't pretty print")
        (\x cfg -> cfg { cfgLocalGhcOptions = cfgLocalGhcOptions cfg ++ x })
    , PU.boolField  "cache"
        (\b cfg -> cfg { cfgCache = b })
    , PU.boolField  "cabal-noise"
        (\b cfg -> cfg { cfgNoise = b })
    , PU.boolField  "cabal-check"
        (\b cfg -> cfg { cfgCheck = b })
    , PU.boolField  "install-dependencies-step"
        (\b cfg -> cfg { cfgInstallDeps = b })
    , PU.boolField  "no-tests-no-benchmarks"
        (\b cfg -> cfg { cfgNoTestsNoBench = b })
    , PU.boolField  "unconstrained-step"
        (\b cfg -> cfg { cfgUnconstrainted = b })
    , PU.listField  "irc-channels"
        (error "we don't pretty print")
        (\x cfg -> cfg { cfgIrcChannels = x })
    , PU.simpleField "name"
        (error "we don't pretty print")
        (fmap Just PU.parseTokenQ)
        (\x cfg -> cfg { cfgProjectName = x })
    , PU.listField  "branches"
        (error "we don't pretty print")
        (\x cfg -> cfg { cfgOnlyBranches = x })
    , PU.simpleField  "folds"
        (error "we don't pretty print")
        (sepBy parseFoldQ (munch1 isSpace))
        (\cfg -> [\_ -> cfgFolds cfg])
        (\x cfg -> cfg { cfgFolds = foldl' (flip id) (cfgFolds cfg) x })
    , PU.boolField "ghc-head"
        (\b cfg -> cfg { cfgGhcHead = b })
    -- , PU.simpleField "env" -- TODO

parseOptsQ :: ReadP r [String]
parseOptsQ = sepBy PU.parseTokenQ' (munch1 isSpace)

readConfigFile :: MonadIO m => FilePath -> YamlWriter m Config
readConfigFile path = do
    contents <- liftIO $ readFile path
    parseConfigFile path contents

parseConfigFile :: Monad m => FilePath -> String -> YamlWriter m Config
parseConfigFile path contents = toWriter $ do
    fields' <- PU.readFields contents
    let (fields, sections) = partitionEithers (map classify fields')
    config <- accumFields configFieldDescrs emptyConfig fields
    go config sections
    toWriter r = case r of
        PU.ParseOk ws x -> do
            forM_ ws $ \w -> putStrLnWarn (PU.showPWarning path w)
            return x
        PU.ParseFailed err -> case PU.locatedErrorMsg err of
            (l, msg) -> putStrLnErr $ path ++ ":" ++ show l ++ ": " ++ msg

    classify x@PU.IfBlock {} = Right x
    classify x@PU.Section {} = Right x
    classify x@PU.F {}       = Left x

    go :: Config -> [PU.Field] -> PU.ParseResult Config
    go  cfg [] = return cfg
    go _cfg (PU.IfBlock {} : _fields) = fail "if conditional found"
    go  cfg (PU.F {} : fields)        = go cfg fields
    go  cfg (PU.Section line name arg subfields : fields)
        | name == "constraint-set" = do
            cs <- accumFields constraintSetFieldDescrs (emptyConstraintSet arg) subfields
            let cfg' = cfg { cfgConstraintSets = cfgConstraintSets cfg ++ [cs] }
            go cfg' fields
        | otherwise = do
            PU.warning $ "Unknown section " ++ name ++ " on line " ++ show line
            go cfg fields

-- ConstraintSet

data ConstraintSet = ConstraintSet
    { csName        :: String
    , csGhcVersions :: VersionRange
    , csConstraints :: [String] -- we parse these simply as strings
  deriving (Show)

emptyConstraintSet :: String -> ConstraintSet
emptyConstraintSet n = ConstraintSet n anyVersion []

constraintSetFieldDescrs :: [PU.FieldDescr ConstraintSet]
constraintSetFieldDescrs =
    [ PU.listField "constraints"
        (error "we don't pretty print") -- pretty
        (parseHaskellString <++ munch1 (`notElem` [',', '"']))
        (\c cs -> cs { csConstraints = csConstraints cs ++ c })
    , PU.simpleField "ghc"
        (error "we don't pretty print") -- pretty
        (\c cs -> cs { csGhcVersions = c })

ghcVersionPredicate :: VersionRange -> String
ghcVersionPredicate = conj . asVersionIntervals
    conj = intercalate "  ||  " . map disj

    disj :: VersionInterval -> String
    disj (LowerBound v InclusiveBound, UpperBound u InclusiveBound)
        | v == u              = "[ $HCNUMVER -eq " ++ f v ++ " ]"
    disj (lb, NoUpperBound)   = lower lb
    disj (lb, UpperBound v b) = lower lb ++ " && " ++ upper v b

    lower (LowerBound v InclusiveBound) = "[ $HCNUMVER -ge " ++ f v ++ " ]"
    lower (LowerBound v ExclusiveBound) = "[ $HCNUMVER -gt " ++ f v ++ " ]"

    upper v InclusiveBound = "[ $HCNUMVER -le " ++ f v ++ " ]"
    upper v ExclusiveBound = "[ $HCNUMVER -lt " ++ f v ++ " ]"

    f v =  case versionNumbers v of
        []        -> "0"
        [x]       -> show (x * 10000)
        [x,y]     -> show (x * 10000 + y * 100)
        (x:y:z:_) -> show (x * 10000 + y * 100 + z)

-- From Cabal

accumFields :: [PU.FieldDescr a] -> a -> [PU.Field] -> PU.ParseResult a
accumFields fields = foldM setField
    fieldMap = M.fromList
        [ (name, f) | f@(PU.FieldDescr name _ _) <- fields ]
    setField accum (PU.F line name value) = case M.lookup name fieldMap of
      Just (PU.FieldDescr _ _ set) -> set line value accum
      Nothing -> do
          PU.warning $ "Unrecognized field " ++ name ++ " on line " ++ show line
          return accum
    setField accum f = do
        PU.warning ("Unrecognized stanza on line " ++ show (PU.lineNo f))
        return accum

-- From cabal-install

-- | This is a bit tricky since it has to cover globs which have embedded @,@
-- chars. But we don't just want to parse strictly as a glob since we want to
-- allow http urls which don't parse as globs, and possibly some
-- system-dependent file paths. So we parse fairly liberally as a token, but
-- we allow @,@ inside matched @{}@ braces.
parsePackageLocationTokenQ :: ReadP r String
parsePackageLocationTokenQ = parseHaskellString <++ parsePackageLocationToken
    parsePackageLocationToken :: ReadP r String
    parsePackageLocationToken = fmap fst (gather outerTerm)
        outerTerm   = alternateEither1 outerToken (braces innerTerm)
        innerTerm   = alternateEither  innerToken (braces innerTerm)
        outerToken  = void $ munch1 outerChar
        innerToken  = void $ munch1 innerChar
        outerChar c = not (isSpace c || c == '{' || c == '}' || c == ',')
        innerChar c = not (isSpace c || c == '{' || c == '}')
        braces      = between (char '{') (char '}')

    alternateEither, alternateEither1,
      alternatePQs, alternate1PQs, alternateQsP, alternate1QsP
      :: ReadP r () -> ReadP r () -> ReadP r ()

    alternateEither1 p q = alternate1PQs p q +++ alternate1QsP q p
    alternateEither  p q = alternateEither1 p q +++ return ()
    alternate1PQs    p q = p >> alternateQsP q p
    alternatePQs     p q = alternate1PQs p q +++ return ()
    alternate1QsP    q p = many1 q >> alternatePQs p q
    alternateQsP     q p = alternate1QsP q p +++ return ()

parseHaskellString :: ReadP r String
parseHaskellString = readS_to_P reads

parseInt :: ReadP r Int
parseInt = readS_to_P reads

-- Glob


Globbing code and grammar judiciously stolen from cabal-install:

FilePathGlob    ::= FilePathRoot FilePathGlobRel
FilePathRoot    ::= {- empty -}        # relative to cabal.project
                  | "/"                # Unix root
                  | [a-zA-Z] ":" [/\\] # Windows root
                  | "~"                # home directory

FilePathGlobRel ::= Glob "/"  FilePathGlobRel # Unix directory
                  | Glob "\\" FilePathGlobRel # Windows directory
                  | Glob         # file
                  | {- empty -}  # trailing slash

Glob      ::= GlobPiece *
GlobPiece ::= "*"            # wildcard
            | [^*{},/\\] *   # literal string
            | "\\" [*{},]    # escaped reserved character
            | "{" Glob "," ... "," Glob "}" # union (match any of these)

data FilePathGlob = FilePathGlob FilePathRoot FilePathGlobRel
  deriving (Eq, Show)

data FilePathGlobRel
   = GlobDir  Glob FilePathGlobRel
   | GlobFile Glob
   | GlobDirTrailing -- trailing dir, a glob ending in '/'
  deriving (Eq, Show)

-- | A single directory or file component of a globbed path
type Glob = [GlobPiece]

-- | A piece of a globbing pattern
data GlobPiece = WildCard
               | Literal String
               | Union [Glob]
  deriving (Eq, Show)

data FilePathRoot
   = FilePathRelative
   | FilePathRoot FilePath -- e.g. '/', 'c:\' or result of 'takeDrive'
   | FilePathHomeDir
  deriving (Eq, Show)

parseFilePathGlobRel :: ReadP r FilePathGlobRel
parseFilePathGlobRel =
      parseGlob >>= \globpieces ->
          asDir globpieces
      <++ asTDir globpieces
      <++ asFile globpieces
    asDir  glob = do dirSep
                     GlobDir glob <$> parseFilePathGlobRel
    asTDir glob = do dirSep
                     return (GlobDir glob GlobDirTrailing)
    asFile glob = return (GlobFile glob)

    dirSep = void (char '/')
         +++ (do _ <- char '\\'
                 -- check this isn't an escape code
                 following <- look
                 case following of
                   (c:_) | isGlobEscapedChar c -> pfail
                   _                           -> return ())

parseGlob :: ReadP r Glob
parseGlob = many1 parsePiece
    parsePiece = literal +++ wildcard +++ union'

    wildcard = char '*' >> return WildCard

    union' = between (char '{') (char '}') $
              fmap Union (sepBy1 parseGlob (char ','))

    literal = Literal `fmap` litchars1

    litchar = normal +++ escape

    normal  = satisfy (\c -> not (isGlobEscapedChar c)
                                && c /= '/' && c /= '\\')
    escape  = char '\\' >> satisfy isGlobEscapedChar

    litchars1 :: ReadP r [Char]
    litchars1 = liftM2 (:) litchar litchars

    litchars :: ReadP r [Char]
    litchars = litchars1 <++ return []

isGlobEscapedChar :: Char -> Bool
isGlobEscapedChar '*'  = True
isGlobEscapedChar '{'  = True
isGlobEscapedChar '}'  = True
isGlobEscapedChar ','  = True
isGlobEscapedChar _    = False

expandRelGlob :: MonadIO m => FilePath -> FilePathGlobRel -> m [FilePath]
expandRelGlob root glob0 = liftIO $ go glob0 ""
    go (GlobFile glob) dir = do
      entries <- getDirectoryContents (root </> dir)
      let files = filter (matchGlob glob) entries
      return (map (dir </>) files)

    go (GlobDir glob globPath) dir = do
      entries <- getDirectoryContents (root </> dir)
      subdirs <- filterM (\subdir -> doesDirectoryExist
                                       (root </> dir </> subdir))
               $ filter (matchGlob glob) entries
      concat App.<$> mapM (\subdir -> go globPath (dir </> subdir)) subdirs

    go GlobDirTrailing dir = return [dir]

matchGlob :: Glob -> FilePath -> Bool
matchGlob = goStart
    -- From the man page, glob(7):
    --   "If a filename starts with a '.', this character must be
    --    matched explicitly."

    go, goStart :: [GlobPiece] -> String -> Bool

    goStart (WildCard:_) ('.':_)  = False
    goStart (Union globs:rest) cs = any (\glob -> goStart (glob ++ rest) cs)
    goStart rest               cs = go rest cs

    go []                 ""    = True
    go (Literal lit:rest) cs
      | Just cs' <- stripPrefix lit cs
                                = go rest cs'
      | otherwise               = False
    go [WildCard]         ""    = True
    go (WildCard:rest)   (c:cs) = go rest (c:cs) || go (WildCard:rest) cs
    go (Union globs:rest)   cs  = any (\glob -> go (glob ++ rest) cs) globs
    go []                (_:_)  = False
    go (_:_)              ""    = False