{-# LANGUAGE FlexibleInstances #-}
{-# LANGUAGE OverloadedStrings #-}
{-# LANGUAGE QuasiQuotes       #-}
{-# LANGUAGE RecordWildCards   #-}
{-# OPTIONS_GHC -fno-warn-orphans -Wno-deprecations #-}

module Database.Bolt.Extras.Graph.Internal.Put
    PutNode (..)
  , PutRelationship (..)
  , GraphPutRequest
  , GraphPutResponse
  , requestPut
  ) where

import           Data.List                                         (foldl')
import           Data.Map.Strict                                   (toList, (!))
import           Data.Monoid                                       ((<>))
import           Data.Text                                         (Text,
import           Database.Bolt                                     (Node (..), URelationship (..),
                                                                    Value (..))
import           Database.Bolt.Extras                              (BoltId, ToCypher (..),
import           Database.Bolt.Extras.Graph.Internal.AbstractGraph (Graph (..),
import           Database.Bolt.Extras.Graph.Internal.Class         (Extractable (..),
                                                                    Requestable (..),
                                                                    Returnable (..))
import           Database.Bolt.Extras.Utils                        (exact)
import           NeatInterpolation                                 (text)


-- | 'PutNode' is the wrapper for 'Node' where we can specify if we want to merge or create it.
data PutNode
  = BoltId BoltId -- ^ Describe existing node by its 'Database.Bolt.Extras.BoltId'. No new data will be inserted for this node.
  | MergeN Node   -- ^ Merge the 'Node' with existing node in the DB. Corresponds to @MERGE@ Cypher operator.
  | CreateN Node  -- ^ Create an entirely new node. Corresponds to @CREATE@ Cypher operator.
  deriving (Show)

-- | 'PutRelationship' is the wrapper for 'URelationship' where we can specify
-- if we want to merge or create it.
-- Meaning of constructors is the same as for 'PutNode'.
data PutRelationship = MergeR URelationship | CreateR URelationship
  deriving (Show)

instance Requestable (NodeName, PutNode) where
  request (name, BoltId boltId) = let showBoltId = pack . show $ boltId
                                  in [text|MATCH ($name) WHERE ID($name) = $showBoltId|]
  request (name, MergeN node)   = requestNode "MERGE"  name node
  request (name, CreateN node)  = requestNode "CREATE" name node

requestNode :: Text -> NodeName -> Node -> Text
requestNode q name Node{..} = [text|$q ($name $labelsQ {$propsQ})|]
    labelsQ = toCypher labels
    propsQ  = toCypher . filter ((/= N ()) . snd) . toList $ nodeProps

instance Requestable ((NodeName, NodeName), PutRelationship) where
  request (names, MergeR urel)  = requestURelationship "MERGE" names urel
  request (names, CreateR urel) = requestURelationship "CREATE" names urel

requestURelationship :: Text -> (NodeName, NodeName) -> URelationship -> Text
requestURelationship q (stName, enName) URelationship{..} =
    [text|$q ($stName)-[$name $labelQ {$propsQ}]->($enName)|]
    name   = relationName (stName, enName)
    labelQ = toCypher urelType
    propsQ = toCypher . toList $ urelProps

-- | Takes all 'PutNode's and 'PutRelationship's
-- and write them to single query to request.
-- Here "WITH" is used, because you cannot perform
-- "match", "merge" or "create" at the same query.
requestPut :: [(NodeName, PutNode)]
           -> [((NodeName, NodeName), PutRelationship)]
           -> (Text, [Text])
requestPut pns prs = (fst fullRequest, [])
    foldStepN :: (Text, [NodeName]) -> (NodeName, PutNode) -> (Text, [NodeName])
    foldStepN accum pn@(name, _) = foldStep accum name pn

    foldStepR :: (Text, [NodeName]) -> ((NodeName, NodeName), PutRelationship) -> (Text, [NodeName])
    foldStepR accum pr@(names, _) = foldStep accum (relationName names) pr

    foldStep :: Requestable a => (Text, [NodeName]) -> NodeName -> a -> (Text, [NodeName])
    foldStep (currentQuery, names) name put =
        (currentQuery <> request put <> " WITH " <> intercalate ", " updNames <> " ", updNames)
        updNames = name : names

    requestNodes = foldl' foldStepN ("", []) pns
    fullRequest  = foldl' foldStepR requestNodes prs

instance Returnable (NodeName, PutNode) where
  -- always return all nodes
  isReturned' _     = True
  return' (name, _) = [text|ID($name) AS $name|]

instance Returnable ((NodeName, NodeName), PutRelationship) where
  -- always return all relations
  isReturned' _      = True
  return' (names, _) = let name = relationName names
                       in [text|ID($name) AS $name|]


-- RESULT --

instance Extractable BoltId where
  extract name = mapM (fmap fromInt . exact . (! name))


-- | The graph of 'Node's with specified uploading type and 'URelationship's.
type GraphPutRequest = Graph NodeName PutNode PutRelationship

-- | The graph of 'Database.Bolt.Extras.BoltId's corresponding to the nodes and relationships
-- which we get after putting 'GraphPutRequest'.
type GraphPutResponse = Graph NodeName BoltId BoltId