happstack-server- Web related tools and services.

Copyright(c) Happstack.com 2010; (c) HAppS Inc 2007
MaintainerHappstack team <happs@googlegroups.com>
Portabilityrequires mtl
Safe HaskellNone




simpleHTTP is a self-contained HTTP server which can be used to run a ServerPart.

A very simple, "Hello World!" web app looks like:

import Happstack.Server
main = simpleHTTP nullConf $ ok "Hello World!"

By default the server will listen on port 8000. Run the app and point your browser at: http://localhost:8000/

For FastCGI support see: http://hackage.haskell.org/package/happstack-fastcgi



simpleHTTP :: ToMessage a => Conf -> ServerPartT IO a -> IO () Source #

start the server, and handle requests using the supplied ServerPart.

This function will not return, though it may throw an exception.

NOTE: The server will only listen on IPv4 due to portability issues in the Network module. For IPv6 support, use simpleHTTPWithSocket with custom socket.

simpleHTTP' :: (ToMessage b, Monad m, Functor m) => (UnWebT m a -> UnWebT IO b) -> Conf -> ServerPartT m a -> IO () Source #

A combination of simpleHTTP'' and mapServerPartT. See mapServerPartT for a discussion of the first argument of this function.

NOTE: This function always binds to IPv4 ports until Network module is fixed to support IPv6 in a portable way. Use simpleHTTPWithSocket with custom socket if you want different behaviour.

simpleHTTP'' :: (ToMessage b, Monad m, Functor m) => ServerPartT m b -> Request -> m Response Source #

Generate a result from a ServerPartT and a Request. This is mainly used by CGI (and fast-cgi) wrappers.

simpleHTTPWithSocket :: ToMessage a => Socket -> Conf -> ServerPartT IO a -> IO () Source #

Run simpleHTTP with a previously bound socket. Useful if you want to run happstack as user on port 80. Use something like this:

import System.Posix.User (setUserID, UserEntry(..), getUserEntryForName)

main = do
    let conf = nullConf { port = 80 }
    socket <- bindPort conf
    -- do other stuff as root here
    getUserEntryForName "www" >>= setUserID . userID
    -- finally start handling incoming requests
    tid <- forkIO $ simpleHTTPWithSocket socket Nothing conf impl

Note: It's important to use the same conf (or at least the same port) for bindPort and simpleHTTPWithSocket.

see also: bindPort, bindIPv4

simpleHTTPWithSocket' :: (ToMessage b, Monad m, Functor m) => (UnWebT m a -> UnWebT IO b) -> Socket -> Conf -> ServerPartT m a -> IO () Source #

Like simpleHTTP' with a socket.

bindPort :: Conf -> IO Socket Source #

Bind port and return the socket for use with simpleHTTPWithSocket. This function always binds to IPv4 ports until Network module is fixed to support IPv6 in a portable way.

bindIPv4 Source #


:: String

IP address to bind to (must be an IP address and not a host name)

-> Int

port number to bind to

-> IO Socket 

Bind to ip and port and return the socket for use with simpleHTTPWithSocket.

import Happstack.Server

main = do let conf = nullConf
              addr = ""
          s <- bindIPv4 addr (port conf)
          simpleHTTPWithSocket s conf $ ok $ toResponse $
            "now listening on ip addr " ++ addr ++
            " and port " ++ show (port conf)

parseConfig :: [String] -> Either [String] Conf Source #

Parse command line options into a Conf.

waitForTermination :: IO () Source #

Wait for a signal. On unix, a signal is sigINT or sigTERM (aka Control-C).

On windows, the signal is entering: e return

Re-exported modules

Basic ServerMonad functionality

HTTP Realm Authentication

Create and Set Cookies (see also Happstack.Server.RqData)

Error Handling

Creating Responses

Request Routing


Looking up values in Query String, Request Body, and Cookies

Output Validation