{-# LANGUAGE CPP, DataKinds, DeriveDataTypeable, DeriveGeneric, FlexibleContexts, FlexibleInstances, GeneralizedNewtypeDeriving, MultiParamTypeClasses, RecordWildCards, ScopedTypeVariables, StandaloneDeriving, TemplateHaskell, TypeOperators, TypeFamilies, TypeSynonymInstances, UndecidableInstances, OverloadedStrings #-}

A user is uniquely identified by their 'UserId'. A user can have one
or more authentication methods associated with their account. However,
each authentication method can only be associated with a single
'UserId'. This means, for example, that a user can not use the same
openid account to log in as multiple different users.

Additionally, it is assume that all authentication methods associated
with the 'UserId' are controlled by a single individual. They are not
intended to provide a way for several different users to share the
same account.

An email address is also collected to make account recovery easier.

Authentication Method

When creating an account there are some common aspects -- such as the
username and email address. But we also want to allow the user to
select a method for authentication.

Creating the account could be multiple steps. What if we store the
partial data in a token. That way we avoid creating half-a-user.

From an API point of view -- we want the client to simple POST to
/users and create an account.

For different authentication backends, we need the user to be able to
fetch the partials for the extra information.


module Happstack.Authenticate.Core
    ( AuthenticateConfig(..)
    , isAuthAdmin
    , usernameAcceptable
    , requireEmail
    , HappstackAuthenticateI18N(..)
    , UserId(..)
    , unUserId
    , rUserId
    , succUserId
    , jsonOptions
    , toJSONResponse
    , toJSONSuccess
    , toJSONError
    , Username(..)
    , unUsername
    , rUsername
    , usernamePolicy
    , Email(..)
    , unEmail
    , User(..)
    , userId
    , username
    , email
    , UserIxs
    , IxUser
    , SharedSecret(..)
    , unSharedSecret
    , SimpleAddress(..)
    , genSharedSecret
    , genSharedSecretDevURandom
    , genSharedSecretSysRandom
    , SharedSecrets
    , initialSharedSecrets
    , CoreError(..)
    , NewAccountMode(..)
    , AuthenticateState(..)
    , sharedSecrets
    , users
    , nextUserId
    , defaultSessionTimeout
    , newAccountMode
    , initialAuthenticateState
    , SetSharedSecret(..)
    , GetSharedSecret(..)
    , SetDefaultSessionTimeout(..)
    , GetDefaultSessionTimeout(..)
    , SetNewAccountMode(..)
    , GetNewAccountMode(..)
    , CreateUser(..)
    , CreateAnonymousUser(..)
    , UpdateUser(..)
    , DeleteUser(..)
    , GetUserByUsername(..)
    , GetUserByUserId(..)
    , GetUserByEmail(..)
    , GetUsersByEmail(..)
    , GetAuthenticateState(..)
    , getOrGenSharedSecret
    , Token(..)
    , tokenUser
    , tokenIsAuthAdmin
    , TokenText
    , issueToken
    , decodeAndVerifyToken
    , authCookieName
    , addTokenCookie
    , deleteTokenCookie
    , getTokenCookie
    , getTokenHeader
    , getToken
    , getUserId
    , AuthenticationMethod(..)
    , unAuthenticationMethod
    , rAuthenticationMethod
    , AuthenticationHandler
    , AuthenticationHandlers
    , AuthenticateURL(..)
    , rAuthenticationMethods
    , rControllers
    , systemFromAddress
    , systemReplyToAddress
    , systemSendmailPath
    , authenticateURL
    , nestAuthenticationMethod
    ) where

import Control.Applicative             (Applicative(pure), Alternative, (<$>), optional)
import Control.Category                ((.), id)
import Control.Exception               (SomeException)
import qualified Control.Exception     as E
import Control.Lens                    ((?=), (.=), (^.), (.~), makeLenses, view, set)
import Control.Lens.At                 (IxValue(..), Ixed(..), Index(..), At(at))
import Control.Monad.Trans             (MonadIO(liftIO))
import Control.Monad.Reader            (ask)
import Control.Monad.State             (get, put, modify)
import Data.Aeson                      (FromJSON(..), ToJSON(..), Result(..), fromJSON)
import qualified Data.Aeson            as A
import Data.Aeson.Types                (Options(fieldLabelModifier), defaultOptions, genericToJSON, genericParseJSON)
import Data.Acid                       (AcidState, Update, Query, makeAcidic)
import Data.Acid.Advanced              (update', query')
import Data.ByteString.Base64          (encode)
import qualified Data.ByteString.Char8 as B
import Data.Data                       (Data, Typeable)
import Data.Default                    (def)
import Data.Map                        (Map)
import qualified Data.Map              as Map
import Data.Maybe                      (fromMaybe, maybeToList)
import Data.Monoid                     ((<>), mconcat, mempty)
import Data.SafeCopy                   (SafeCopy, Migrate(..), base, deriveSafeCopy, extension)
import Data.IxSet.Typed
import qualified Data.IxSet.Typed      as IxSet
import           Data.Set              (Set)
import qualified Data.Set              as Set
import Data.Text                       (Text)
import qualified Data.Text             as Text
import qualified Data.Text.Encoding    as Text
import Data.Time                       (UTCTime, addUTCTime, diffUTCTime, getCurrentTime)
import Data.Time.Clock.POSIX           (utcTimeToPOSIXSeconds, posixSecondsToUTCTime)
import Data.UserId                     (UserId(..), rUserId, succUserId, unUserId)
import GHC.Generics                    (Generic)
import Happstack.Server                (Cookie(secure), CookieLife(Session, MaxAge), Happstack, ServerPartT, Request(rqSecure), Response, addCookie, askRq, expireCookie, getHeaderM, lookCookie, lookCookieValue, mkCookie, notFound, toResponseBS)
-- import Happstack.Server.Internal.Clock (getApproximateUTCTime)
import Language.Javascript.JMacro
import Prelude                         hiding ((.), id, exp)
import System.IO                       (IOMode(ReadMode), withFile)
import System.Random                   (randomRIO)
import Text.Boomerang.TH               (makeBoomerangs)
import Text.Shakespeare.I18N           (RenderMessage(renderMessage), mkMessageFor)
import Web.JWT                         (Algorithm(HS256), JWT, VerifiedJWT, JWTClaimsSet(..), encodeSigned, claims, decode, decodeAndVerifySignature, secondsSinceEpoch, intDate, verify)
#if MIN_VERSION_jwt(0,8,0)
import Web.JWT                         (ClaimsMap(..), hmacSecret)
import Web.JWT                         (secret)

import Web.Routes                      (RouteT, PathInfo(..), nestURL)
import Web.Routes.Boomerang
import Web.Routes.Happstack            ()
import Web.Routes.TH                   (derivePathInfo)

#if MIN_VERSION_jwt(0,8,0)
unClaimsMap = id

-- | when creating JSON field names, drop the first character. Since
-- we are using lens, the leading character should always be _.
jsonOptions :: Options
jsonOptions = defaultOptions { fieldLabelModifier = drop 1 }

data HappstackAuthenticateI18N = HappstackAuthenticateI18N

-- CoreError

-- | the `CoreError` type is used to represent errors in a language
-- agnostic manner. The errors are translated into human readable form
-- via the I18N translations.
data CoreError
  = HandlerNotFound -- AuthenticationMethod
  | URLDecodeFailed
  | UsernameAlreadyExists
  | AuthorizationRequired
  | Forbidden
  | JSONDecodeFailed
  | InvalidUserId
  | UsernameNotAcceptable
  | InvalidEmail
  | TextError Text
    deriving (Eq, Ord, Read, Show, Data, Typeable, Generic)
instance ToJSON   CoreError where toJSON    = genericToJSON    jsonOptions
instance FromJSON CoreError where parseJSON = genericParseJSON jsonOptions

instance ToJExpr CoreError where
    toJExpr = toJExpr . toJSON

deriveSafeCopy 0 'base ''CoreError

mkMessageFor "HappstackAuthenticateI18N" "CoreError" "messages/core" ("en")

data Status
    = Ok
    | NotOk
    deriving (Eq, Ord, Read, Show, Data, Typeable, Generic)
deriveSafeCopy 1 'base ''Status
-- makeLenses ''Status
makeBoomerangs ''Status

instance ToJSON   Status where toJSON    = genericToJSON    jsonOptions
instance FromJSON Status where parseJSON = genericParseJSON jsonOptions

data JSONResponse = JSONResponse
    { _jrStatus :: Status
    , _jrData   :: A.Value
    deriving (Eq, Read, Show, Data, Typeable, Generic)
-- deriveSafeCopy 1 'base ''JSONResponse
makeLenses ''JSONResponse
makeBoomerangs ''JSONResponse

instance ToJSON   JSONResponse where toJSON    = genericToJSON    jsonOptions
instance FromJSON JSONResponse where parseJSON = genericParseJSON jsonOptions

-- | convert a value to a JSON encoded 'Response'
toJSONResponse :: (RenderMessage HappstackAuthenticateI18N e, ToJSON a) => Either e a -> Response
toJSONResponse (Left e)  = toJSONError   e
toJSONResponse (Right a) = toJSONSuccess a

-- | convert a value to a JSON encoded 'Response'
toJSONSuccess :: (ToJSON a) => a -> Response
toJSONSuccess a = toResponseBS "application/json" (A.encode (JSONResponse Ok (A.toJSON a)))

-- | convert an error to a JSON encoded 'Response'
-- FIXME: I18N
toJSONError :: forall e. (RenderMessage HappstackAuthenticateI18N e) => e -> Response
toJSONError e = toResponseBS "application/json" (A.encode (JSONResponse NotOk (A.toJSON (renderMessage HappstackAuthenticateI18N ["en"] e))))
--                (A.encode (A.object ["error" A..= renderMessage HappstackAuthenticateI18N ["en"] e]))


-- UserId
-- | a 'UserId' uniquely identifies a user.
newtype UserId = UserId { _unUserId :: Integer }
    deriving (Eq, Ord, Enum, Read, Show, Data, Typeable, Generic)
deriveSafeCopy 1 'base ''UserId
makeLenses ''UserId
makeBoomerangs ''UserId

instance ToJSON   UserId where toJSON (UserId i) = toJSON i
instance FromJSON UserId where parseJSON v = UserId <$> parseJSON v

instance PathInfo UserId where
    toPathSegments (UserId i) = toPathSegments i
    fromPathSegments = UserId <$> fromPathSegments

-- | get the next `UserId`
succUserId :: UserId -> UserId
succUserId (UserId i) = UserId (succ i)
-- Username

-- | an arbitrary, but unique string that the user uses to identify themselves
newtype Username = Username { _unUsername :: Text }
      deriving (Eq, Ord, Read, Show, Data, Typeable, Generic)
deriveSafeCopy 1 'base ''Username
makeLenses ''Username
makeBoomerangs ''Username

instance ToJSON   Username where toJSON (Username i) = toJSON i
instance FromJSON Username where parseJSON v = Username <$> parseJSON v

instance PathInfo Username where
    toPathSegments (Username t) = toPathSegments t
    fromPathSegments = Username <$> fromPathSegments

-- Email

-- | an `Email` address. No validation in performed.
newtype Email = Email { _unEmail :: Text }
      deriving (Eq, Ord, Read, Show, Data, Typeable, Generic)
deriveSafeCopy 1 'base ''Email
makeLenses ''Email

instance ToJSON   Email where toJSON (Email i) = toJSON i
instance FromJSON Email where parseJSON v = Email <$> parseJSON v

instance PathInfo Email where
    toPathSegments (Email t) = toPathSegments t
    fromPathSegments = Email <$> fromPathSegments

-- User

-- | A unique 'User'
data User = User
    { _userId   :: UserId
    , _username :: Username
    , _email    :: Maybe Email
      deriving (Eq, Ord, Read, Show, Data, Typeable, Generic)
deriveSafeCopy 1 'base ''User
makeLenses ''User

instance ToJSON   User where toJSON    = genericToJSON    jsonOptions
instance FromJSON User where parseJSON = genericParseJSON jsonOptions

type UserIxs = '[UserId, Username, Email]
type IxUser  = IxSet UserIxs User

instance Indexable UserIxs User where
    indices = ixList
             (ixFun $ (:[]) . view userId)
             (ixFun $ (:[]) . view username)
             (ixFun $ maybeToList . view email)

-- SimpleAddress

data SimpleAddress = SimpleAddress
 { _saName :: Maybe Text
 , _saEmail :: Email
 deriving (Eq, Ord, Read, Show, Data, Typeable, Generic)
deriveSafeCopy 0 'base ''SimpleAddress
makeLenses ''SimpleAddress

-- AuthenticateConfig

-- | Various configuration options that apply to all authentication methods
data AuthenticateConfig = AuthenticateConfig
    { _isAuthAdmin          :: UserId -> IO Bool           -- ^ can user administrate the authentication system?
    , _usernameAcceptable   :: Username -> Maybe CoreError -- ^ enforce username policies, valid email, etc. 'Nothing' == ok, 'Just Text' == error message
    , _requireEmail         :: Bool                        -- ^ require use to supply an email address when creating an account
    , _systemFromAddress    :: Maybe SimpleAddress         -- ^ From: line for emails sent by the server
    , _systemReplyToAddress :: Maybe SimpleAddress         -- ^ Reply-To: line for emails sent by the server
    , _systemSendmailPath   :: Maybe FilePath              -- ^ path to sendmail if it is not \/usr\/sbin\/sendmail
    deriving (Typeable, Generic)
makeLenses ''AuthenticateConfig

-- | a very basic policy for 'userAcceptable'
-- Enforces:
--  'Username' can not be empty
usernamePolicy :: Username
               -> Maybe CoreError
usernamePolicy username =
    if Text.null $ username ^. unUsername
    then Just UsernameNotAcceptable
    else Nothing

-- SharedSecret

-- | The shared secret is used to encrypt a users data on a per-user basis.
-- We can invalidate a JWT value by changing the shared secret.
newtype SharedSecret = SharedSecret { _unSharedSecret :: Text }
      deriving (Eq, Ord, Read, Show, Data, Typeable, Generic)
deriveSafeCopy 1 'base ''SharedSecret
makeLenses ''SharedSecret

-- | Generate a 'Salt' from 128 bits of data from @\/dev\/urandom@, with the
-- system RNG as a fallback. This is the function used to generate salts by
-- 'makePassword'.
genSharedSecret :: (MonadIO m) => m SharedSecret
genSharedSecret = liftIO $ E.catch genSharedSecretDevURandom (\(_::SomeException) -> genSharedSecretSysRandom)

-- | Generate a 'SharedSecret' from @\/dev\/urandom@.
-- see: `genSharedSecret`
genSharedSecretDevURandom :: IO SharedSecret
genSharedSecretDevURandom = withFile "/dev/urandom" ReadMode $ \h -> do
                      secret <- B.hGet h 32
                      return $ SharedSecret . Text.decodeUtf8 . encode $ secret

-- | Generate a 'SharedSecret' from 'System.Random'.
-- see: `genSharedSecret`
genSharedSecretSysRandom :: IO SharedSecret
genSharedSecretSysRandom = randomChars >>= return . SharedSecret . Text.decodeUtf8 . encode . B.pack
    where randomChars = sequence $ replicate 32 $ randomRIO ('\NUL', '\255')

-- SharedSecrets

-- | A map which stores the `SharedSecret` for each `UserId`
type SharedSecrets = Map UserId SharedSecret

-- | An empty `SharedSecrets`
initialSharedSecrets :: SharedSecrets
initialSharedSecrets = Map.empty

-- NewAccountMode

-- | This value is used to configure the type of new user registrations
-- permitted for this system.
data NewAccountMode
  = OpenRegistration      -- ^ new users can create their own accounts
  | ModeratedRegistration -- ^ new users can apply to create their own accounts, but a moderator must approve them before they are active
  | ClosedRegistration    -- ^ only the admin can create a new account
    deriving (Eq, Show, Typeable, Generic)
deriveSafeCopy 1 'base ''NewAccountMode

-- AuthenticateState

-- | this acid-state value contains the state common to all
-- authentication methods
data AuthenticateState = AuthenticateState
    { _sharedSecrets             :: SharedSecrets
    , _users                     :: IxUser
    , _nextUserId                :: UserId
    , _defaultSessionTimeout     :: Int     -- ^ default session time out in seconds
    , _newAccountMode            :: NewAccountMode
    deriving (Eq, Show, Typeable, Generic)
deriveSafeCopy 1 'base ''AuthenticateState
makeLenses ''AuthenticateState

-- | a reasonable initial 'AuthenticateState'
initialAuthenticateState :: AuthenticateState
initialAuthenticateState = AuthenticateState
    { _sharedSecrets             = initialSharedSecrets
    , _users                     = IxSet.empty
    , _nextUserId                = UserId 1
    , _defaultSessionTimeout     = 60*60
    , _newAccountMode            = OpenRegistration

-- SharedSecrets AcidState Methods

-- | set the 'SharedSecret' for 'UserId' overwritten any previous secret.
setSharedSecret :: UserId
                -> SharedSecret
                -> Update AuthenticateState ()
setSharedSecret userId sharedSecret =
  sharedSecrets . at userId ?= sharedSecret

-- | get the 'SharedSecret' for 'UserId'
getSharedSecret :: UserId
                -> Query AuthenticateState (Maybe SharedSecret)
getSharedSecret userId =
  view (sharedSecrets . at userId)

-- SessionTimeout AcidState Methods

-- | set the default inactivity timeout for new sessions
setDefaultSessionTimeout :: Int -- ^ default timout in seconds (should be >= 180)
               -> Update AuthenticateState ()
setDefaultSessionTimeout newTimeout =
    modify $ \as@AuthenticateState{..} -> as { _defaultSessionTimeout = newTimeout }

-- | set the default inactivity timeout for new sessions
getDefaultSessionTimeout :: Query AuthenticateState Int
getDefaultSessionTimeout =
    view defaultSessionTimeout <$> ask

-- NewAccountMode AcidState Methods

-- | set the 'NewAccountMode'
setNewAccountMode :: NewAccountMode
                  -> Update AuthenticateState ()
setNewAccountMode mode =
  newAccountMode .= mode

-- | get the 'NewAccountMode'
getNewAccountMode :: Query AuthenticateState NewAccountMode
getNewAccountMode =
  view newAccountMode

-- User related AcidState Methods

-- | Create a new 'User'. This will allocate a new 'UserId'. The
-- returned 'User' value will have the updated 'UserId'.
createUser :: User
           -> Update AuthenticateState (Either CoreError User)
createUser u =
    do as@AuthenticateState{..} <- get
       if IxSet.null $ (as ^. users) @= (u ^. username)
         then do let user' = set userId _nextUserId u
                     as' = as { _users      = IxSet.insert user' _users
                              , _nextUserId = succ _nextUserId
                 put as'
                 return (Right user')
             return (Left UsernameAlreadyExists)

-- | Create a new 'User'. This will allocate a new 'UserId'. The
-- returned 'User' value will have the updated 'UserId'.
createAnonymousUser :: Update AuthenticateState User
createAnonymousUser =
  do as@AuthenticateState{..} <- get
     let user = User { _userId   = _nextUserId
                     , _username = Username ("Anonymous " <> Text.pack (show _nextUserId))
                     , _email    = Nothing
         as' = as { _users      = IxSet.insert user _users
                  , _nextUserId = succ _nextUserId
     put as'
     return user

-- | Update an existing 'User'. Must already have a valid 'UserId'.
updateUser :: User
           -> Update AuthenticateState ()
updateUser u =
  do as@AuthenticateState{..} <- get
     let as' = as { _users = IxSet.updateIx (u ^. userId) u _users
     put as'

-- | Delete 'User' with the specified 'UserId'
deleteUser :: UserId
           -> Update AuthenticateState ()
deleteUser uid =
  do as@AuthenticateState{..} <- get
     let as' = as { _users = IxSet.deleteIx uid _users
     put as'

-- | look up a 'User' by their 'Username'
getUserByUsername :: Username
                  -> Query AuthenticateState (Maybe User)
getUserByUsername username =
    do us <- view users
       return $ getOne $ us @= username

-- | look up a 'User' by their 'UserId'
getUserByUserId :: UserId
                  -> Query AuthenticateState (Maybe User)
getUserByUserId userId =
    do us <- view users
       return $ getOne $ us @= userId

-- | look up a 'User' by their 'Email'
-- NOTE: if the email is associated with more than one account this will return 'Nothing'
getUserByEmail :: Email
               -> Query AuthenticateState (Maybe User)
getUserByEmail email =
    do us <- view users
       return $ getOne $ us @= email

-- | find all 'Users' which match 'Email'
getUsersByEmail :: Email
               -> Query AuthenticateState (Set User)
getUsersByEmail email =
    do us <- view users
       return $ toSet $ us @= email

-- | get the entire AuthenticateState value
getAuthenticateState :: Query AuthenticateState AuthenticateState
getAuthenticateState = ask

makeAcidic ''AuthenticateState
    [ 'setDefaultSessionTimeout
    , 'getDefaultSessionTimeout
    , 'setSharedSecret
    , 'getSharedSecret
    , 'setNewAccountMode
    , 'getNewAccountMode
    , 'createUser
    , 'createAnonymousUser
    , 'updateUser
    , 'deleteUser
    , 'getUserByUsername
    , 'getUserByUserId
    , 'getUserByEmail
    , 'getUsersByEmail
    , 'getAuthenticateState

-- Shared Secret Functions

-- | get the 'SharedSecret' for 'UserId'. Generate one if they don't have one yet.
getOrGenSharedSecret :: (MonadIO m) =>
                        AcidState AuthenticateState
                     -> UserId
                     -> m (SharedSecret)
getOrGenSharedSecret authenticateState uid =
 do mSSecret <- query' authenticateState (GetSharedSecret uid)
    case mSSecret of
      (Just ssecret) -> return ssecret
      Nothing -> do
        ssecret <- genSharedSecret
        update' authenticateState (SetSharedSecret uid ssecret)
        return ssecret

-- Token Functions

-- | The `Token` type represents the encrypted data used to identify a
-- user.
data Token = Token
  { _tokenUser        :: User
  , _tokenIsAuthAdmin :: Bool
    deriving (Eq, Ord, Read, Show, Data, Typeable, Generic)
makeLenses ''Token
instance ToJSON   Token where toJSON    = genericToJSON    jsonOptions
instance FromJSON Token where parseJSON = genericParseJSON jsonOptions

-- | `TokenText` is the encrypted form of the `Token` which is passed
-- between the server and the client.
type TokenText = Text

-- | create a `Token` for `User`
-- The @isAuthAdmin@ paramater is a function which will be called to
-- determine if `UserId` is a user who should be given Administrator
-- privileges. This includes the ability to things such as set the
-- `OpenId` realm, change the registeration mode, etc.
issueToken :: (MonadIO m) =>
              AcidState AuthenticateState
           -> AuthenticateConfig
           -> User                         -- ^ the user
           -> m TokenText
issueToken authenticateState authenticateConfig user =
  do ssecret <- getOrGenSharedSecret authenticateState (user ^. userId)
     admin   <- liftIO $ (authenticateConfig ^. isAuthAdmin) (user ^. userId)
     now <- liftIO getCurrentTime
     let claims = JWTClaimsSet
                   { iss = Nothing
                   , sub = Nothing
                   , aud = Nothing
                   , exp = intDate $ utcTimeToPOSIXSeconds (addUTCTime (60*60*24*30) now)
                   , nbf = Nothing
                   , iat = Nothing
                   , jti = Nothing
                   , unregisteredClaims =
#if MIN_VERSION_jwt(0,8,0)
                         ClaimsMap $
                           Map.fromList [ ("user"     , toJSON user)
                                        , ("authAdmin", toJSON admin)
#if MIN_VERSION_jwt(0,10,0)
     return $ encodeSigned (hmacSecret $ _unSharedSecret ssecret) mempty claims
#elif MIN_VERSION_jwt(0,9,0)
     return $ encodeSigned (hmacSecret $ _unSharedSecret ssecret) claims
     return $ encodeSigned HS256 (secret $ _unSharedSecret ssecret) claims

-- | decode and verify the `TokenText`. If successful, return the
-- `Token` otherwise `Nothing`.
decodeAndVerifyToken :: (MonadIO m) =>
                        AcidState AuthenticateState
                     -> UTCTime
                     -> TokenText
                     -> m (Maybe (Token, JWT VerifiedJWT))
decodeAndVerifyToken authenticateState now token =
  do -- decode unverified token
     let mUnverified = decode token
     case mUnverified of
       Nothing -> return Nothing
       (Just unverified) ->
         -- check that token has user claim
         case Map.lookup "user" (unClaimsMap (unregisteredClaims (claims unverified))) of
           Nothing -> return Nothing
           (Just uv) ->
             -- decode user json value
             case fromJSON uv of
               (Error _) -> return Nothing
               (Success u) ->
                 do -- get the shared secret for userId
                    mssecret <- query' authenticateState (GetSharedSecret (u ^. userId))
                    case mssecret of
                      Nothing -> return Nothing
                      (Just ssecret) ->
                        -- finally we can verify all the claims
#if MIN_VERSION_jwt(0,8,0)
                        case verify (hmacSecret (_unSharedSecret ssecret)) unverified of
                        case verify (secret (_unSharedSecret ssecret)) unverified of
                          Nothing -> return Nothing
                          (Just verified) -> -- check expiration
                            case exp (claims verified) of
                            -- exp field missing, expire now
                              Nothing -> return Nothing
                              (Just exp') ->
                                if (utcTimeToPOSIXSeconds now) > (secondsSinceEpoch exp')
                                then return Nothing
                                else case Map.lookup "authAdmin" (unClaimsMap (unregisteredClaims (claims verified))) of
                                       Nothing -> return (Just (Token u False, verified))
                                       (Just a) ->
                                           case fromJSON a of
                                             (Error _) -> return (Just (Token u False, verified))
                                             (Success b) -> return (Just (Token u b, verified))

-- Token in a Cookie

-- | name of the `Cookie` used to hold the `TokenText`
authCookieName :: String
authCookieName = "atc"

-- | create a `Token` for `User` and add a `Cookie` to the `Response`
-- see also: `issueToken`
addTokenCookie :: (Happstack m) =>
                  AcidState AuthenticateState
               -> AuthenticateConfig
               -> User
               -> m TokenText
addTokenCookie authenticateState authenticateConfig user =
  do token <- issueToken authenticateState authenticateConfig user
     s <- rqSecure <$> askRq -- FIXME: this isn't that accurate in the face of proxies
     addCookie (MaxAge (60*60*24*30)) ((mkCookie authCookieName (Text.unpack token)) { secure = s })
--     addCookie (MaxAge 60) ((mkCookie authCookieName (Text.unpack token)) { secure = s })
     return token

-- | delete the `Token` `Cookie`
deleteTokenCookie  :: (Happstack m) =>
                      m ()
deleteTokenCookie =
  expireCookie authCookieName

-- | get, decode, and verify the `Token` from the `Cookie`.
getTokenCookie :: (Happstack m) =>
                   AcidState AuthenticateState
                -> m (Maybe (Token, JWT VerifiedJWT))
getTokenCookie authenticateState =
  do mToken <- optional $ lookCookieValue authCookieName
     case mToken of
       Nothing      -> return Nothing
       (Just token) ->
           do now <- liftIO getCurrentTime
              decodeAndVerifyToken authenticateState now (Text.pack token)

-- Token in a Header

-- | get, decode, and verify the `Token` from the @Authorization@ HTTP header
getTokenHeader :: (Happstack m) =>
                  AcidState AuthenticateState
               -> m (Maybe (Token, JWT VerifiedJWT))
getTokenHeader authenticateState =
  do mAuth <- getHeaderM "Authorization"
     case mAuth of
       Nothing -> return Nothing
       (Just auth') ->
         do let auth = B.drop 7 auth'
            now <- liftIO getCurrentTime
            decodeAndVerifyToken authenticateState now (Text.decodeUtf8 auth)

-- Token in a Header or Cookie

-- | get, decode, and verify the `Token` looking first in the
-- @Authorization@ header and then in `Cookie`.
-- see also: `getTokenHeader`, `getTokenCookie`
getToken :: (Happstack m) =>
            AcidState AuthenticateState
         -> m (Maybe (Token, JWT VerifiedJWT))
getToken authenticateState =
  do mToken <- getTokenHeader authenticateState
     case mToken of
       Nothing      -> getTokenCookie authenticateState
       (Just token) -> return (Just token)

-- helper function: calls `getToken` but only returns the `UserId`

-- | get the `UserId`
-- calls `getToken` but returns only the `UserId`
getUserId :: (Happstack m) =>
             AcidState AuthenticateState
          -> m (Maybe UserId)
getUserId authenticateState =
  do mToken <- getToken authenticateState
     case mToken of
       Nothing       -> return Nothing
       (Just (token, _)) -> return $ Just (token ^. tokenUser ^. userId)

-- AuthenticationMethod

-- | `AuthenticationMethod` is used by the routing system to select which
-- authentication backend should handle this request.
newtype AuthenticationMethod = AuthenticationMethod
  { _unAuthenticationMethod :: Text }
  deriving (Eq, Ord, Read, Show, Data, Typeable, Generic)
derivePathInfo ''AuthenticationMethod
deriveSafeCopy 1 'base ''AuthenticationMethod
makeLenses ''AuthenticationMethod
makeBoomerangs ''AuthenticationMethod

instance ToJSON AuthenticationMethod   where toJSON (AuthenticationMethod method) = toJSON method
instance FromJSON AuthenticationMethod where parseJSON v = AuthenticationMethod <$> parseJSON v

type AuthenticationHandler = [Text] -> RouteT AuthenticateURL (ServerPartT IO) Response

type AuthenticationHandlers = Map AuthenticationMethod AuthenticationHandler

-- AuthenticationURL

data AuthenticateURL
    = -- Users (Maybe UserId)
      AuthenticationMethods (Maybe (AuthenticationMethod, [Text]))
    | Controllers
    deriving (Eq, Ord, Read, Show, Data, Typeable, Generic)

makeBoomerangs ''AuthenticateURL

-- | a `Router` for `AuthenicateURL`
authenticateURL :: Router () (AuthenticateURL :- ())
authenticateURL =
  (  -- "users" </> (  rUsers . rMaybe userId )
    "authentication-methods" </> ( rAuthenticationMethods . rMaybe authenticationMethod)
  <> "controllers" . rControllers
    userId = rUserId . integer
    authenticationMethod = rPair . (rAuthenticationMethod . anyText) </> (rListSep anyText eos)

instance PathInfo AuthenticateURL where
  fromPathSegments = boomerangFromPathSegments authenticateURL
  toPathSegments   = boomerangToPathSegments   authenticateURL

-- | helper function which converts a URL for an authentication
-- backend into an `AuthenticateURL`.
nestAuthenticationMethod :: (PathInfo methodURL) =>
                         -> RouteT methodURL m a
                         -> RouteT AuthenticateURL m a
nestAuthenticationMethod authenticationMethod =
  nestURL $ \methodURL -> AuthenticationMethods $ Just (authenticationMethod, toPathSegments methodURL)