hakyll- A static website compiler library
Safe HaskellSafe-Inferred



This module provides a declarative Domain Specific Language (DSL) to generate a static site by specifying transformation Rules (although the use case is not limited to static sites). Each rule normally consists of three parts:

  1. Source files (like Markdown files) to process (collected with e.g. match or create).
  2. Compilation steps (like Markdown to HTML) to transform files' content to some output content (steps are collected within Compiler and executed with compile).
  3. Routing to determine if and where an output content will be written out. For a static site this determines under which URL the output content will be available (configured with route and Routes).

A typical usage example looks as follows:

-- write 'match "posts/**.md"' instead of 'match $ fromGlob "posts/**.md"'
{-# LANGUAGE OverloadedStrings #-}    

main = hakyll $ do

    -- Rule 1
    -- Source files: all Markdown files like 'hakyll.md' in the 'posts' directory
    match "posts/**.md" $ do          
        -- Routing: Only replace extension, so '<destination-directory>/posts/hakyll.html'.
        route $ setExtension "html"   
        -- Compilation step(s): Transform Markdown file content into HTML output.
        compile pandocCompiler        

    -- Rule 2
    match "css/*" $ do
        route idRoute
        compile compressCssCompiler

The order of rules doesn't matter.

See official Hakyll Rules tutorial for other examples.



data Rules a Source #

The monad used to compose rules


Instances details
MonadFail Rules Source # 
Instance details

Defined in Hakyll.Core.Rules.Internal


fail :: String -> Rules a #

Applicative Rules Source # 
Instance details

Defined in Hakyll.Core.Rules.Internal


pure :: a -> Rules a #

(<*>) :: Rules (a -> b) -> Rules a -> Rules b #

liftA2 :: (a -> b -> c) -> Rules a -> Rules b -> Rules c #

(*>) :: Rules a -> Rules b -> Rules b #

(<*) :: Rules a -> Rules b -> Rules a #

Functor Rules Source # 
Instance details

Defined in Hakyll.Core.Rules.Internal


fmap :: (a -> b) -> Rules a -> Rules b #

(<$) :: a -> Rules b -> Rules a #

Monad Rules Source # 
Instance details

Defined in Hakyll.Core.Rules.Internal


(>>=) :: Rules a -> (a -> Rules b) -> Rules b #

(>>) :: Rules a -> Rules b -> Rules b #

return :: a -> Rules a #

MonadMetadata Rules Source # 
Instance details

Defined in Hakyll.Core.Rules.Internal

match Source #


:: Pattern

Glob pattern

-> Rules ()

Remaining processing parts

-> Rules ()


Add a selection of which source files to process (using the given glob pattern) to the given remaining Rules value.

The expanded, relative path of the matched source file on disk (relative to the project directory configured with providerDirectory) becomes the identifier under which the compilation result is saved to the Store (in case you want to load it within another rule). See Identifier for details.



Select all markdown files within a directory (but without subdirectories)

-- Match all Markdown files in the immediate 'posts' directory
-- e.g. '<project-directory>/posts/hakyll.md'
-- but NOT  '<project-directory>/posts/haskell/monad.md'
match "posts/*.md" $ do
    route $ setExtension "html"
    compile pandocCompiler

Select all markdown files within a directory (including subdirectories recursively)

-- Match all Markdown files in the 'posts' directory and any subdirectory
-- e.g. '<project-directory>/posts/hakyll.md'
-- and  '<project-directory>/posts/haskell/monad.md'
match "posts/**.md" $ do
    route $ setExtension "html"
    compile pandocCompiler

See Pattern or search "glob patterns" online for more details. To control where the compilation result will be written out, use routing functions like setExtension.

matchMetadata Source #


:: Pattern

Glob pattern

-> (Metadata -> Bool)

Metadata predicate

-> Rules ()

Remaining processing parts

-> Rules ()


Add a selection of which source files to process (using the given glob pattern and metadata predicate) to the given remaining Rules values. Same as match but allows to filter files further based on their (metadata) content (a file is added only when the metadata predicate returns True).

The expanded, relative path of the matched source file on disk (relative to the project directory configured with providerDirectory) becomes the identifier under which the compilation result is saved to the Store (in case you want to load it within another rule). See Identifier for details.



Select all markdown files with enabled draft flag within a directory

matchMetadata "posts/*.md" (\meta -> maybe False (=="true") $ lookupString "draft" meta) $ do
    route $ setExtension "html"
    compile pandocCompiler

For example, the following 'posts/hakyll.md' file with draft: true metadata would match:

draft: true
title: Hakyll Post
In this blog post we learn about Hakyll ...

Note that files that have draft: false or no such draft field at all, would not match. You can use helper functions like lookupString to access a specific metadata field, and maybe to work with Maybe. To control where the compilation result will be written out, use routing functions like setExtension.

create Source #


:: [Identifier]

Identifiers to assign to created content in next argument

-> Rules ()

Remaining processing parts that must create content

-> Rules ()

Resulting rule

Assign (and thereby create) the given identifier(s) to content that has no underlying source file on disk. That content must be created within the compile part of the given remaining Rules value. The given identifier is the id under which the compilation is saved to the Store (in case you want to load it within another rule). See Identifier for details.

Use this function for example to create an overview page that doesn't have or need its content prepared in a file (unlike blog posts which normally have a corresponding Markdown source file on disk).



Create a webpage without an underlying source file

-- saved with implicit identifier 'index.html' to Store
create ["index.html"] $ do

    -- compilation result is written to '<destination-directory>/index.html'
    route idRoute

    -- create content without a source file from disk
    compile $ makeItem ("<h1>Hello World</h1>" :: String)

Note how you can use makeItem to create content inline (to be processed as a Compiler value) as if that content was loaded from a file (as it's the case when using match). To control where the compilation result will be written out, use routing functions like idRoute.

version Source #


:: String

Version name to add

-> Rules ()

Remaining processing parts

-> Rules ()


Add the given version name to the implicit identifier(s) under which the compilation result of the given remaining Rules value is saved to the Store. See Identifier for details.

Use this wrapper function for example when you need to compile the same source file into two or more different results, each with a different version name. The version is needed to distinguish between these different compilation results in the store, otherwise they would get the same conflicting identifier in the store.

Warning: If you add a version name with this function, you need to supply the same name when you load the content from the store from within another rule.



Compile source file into differently versioned outputs and load both

-- e.g. file on disk: 'posts/hakyll.md'

-- saved with implicit identifier ('posts/hakyll.md', no-version)
match "posts/*" $ do
    route $ setExtension "html"
    compile pandocCompiler

-- saved with implicit identifier ('posts/hakyll.md', version 'raw')
match "posts/*" $ version "raw" $ do
    route idRoute
    compile getResourceBody

-- use compilation results from rules above
create ["index.html"] $ do
    route idRoute
    compile $ do
        -- load no-version version
        compiledPost <- load (fromFilePath "posts/hakyll.md")
        -- load version 'raw'
        rawPost <- load . setVersion (Just "raw") $ fromFilePath "posts/hakyll.md"

Note how a version name is needed to distinguish the unversioned and the "raw" version when loading the Hakyll post for the index.html page. To control where the compilation result will be written out, use routing functions like idRoute and setExtension.

compile Source #


:: (Binary a, Typeable a, Writable a) 
=> Compiler (Item a)

How to transform content

-> Rules ()


Add (or replace) the given compilation steps within the given Compiler value to the current Rules value. This functions controls HOW the content within a rule is processed (use one of the match functions to control WHAT content is processed).

The compilation result is saved to the Store under an implicit identifier. See Identifier for details.

If there's routing attached to the rule where this function is used, the compilation result is also written out to a file according to that route. See route and Routes for details.



Compile Markdown to HTML

-- Select all Markdown files in 'posts' directory
match "posts/**.md" $ do

    route $ setExtension "html"

    -- use pandoc to transform Markdown to HTML in a single step
    compile pandocCompiler

Note how we set the content to be processed with pandocCompiler. The content comes implicitly from the matched Markdown files on disk. We don't have to pass that content around manually. Every file is processed the same way within this one rule.

To control where the compilation result will be written out, use routing functions like setExtension. Here the compilation result of a file like posts/hakyll.md is written out to posts/hakyll.html.

Compile Markdown to HTML and embed it in a template

-- Select all Markdown files in 'posts' directory
match "posts/**.md" $ do
    route $ setExtension "html"
    compile $
        pandocCompiler >>=
          loadAndApplyTemplate "templates/post.html" defaultContext

-- To Hakyll templates are just plain files that have to be processed
-- and placed into the store like any other file (but without routing).
-- e.g. file on disk: 'templates/post.html'
match "templates/*" $ compile templateBodyCompiler

Note how a Markdown post that is compiled to HTML using pandocCompiler in a first step and then embedded into a HTMl Template in a second step by using loadAndApplyTemplate. We can use templates to control the design and layout of a webpage. A template may look as follows:


See Hakyll.Web.Template to see examples of the templating syntax.

route Source #


:: Routes

Where to output compilation results

-> Rules ()


Add (or replace) routing in the current Rules value. This functions controls IF and WHERE the compiled results are written out (use one of the match functions to control WHAT content is processed and compile to control HOW). See Routes and Identifier for details on how output filepaths are computed.

Hint: If there's no route attached to a rule, the compilation result is not written out. However, the compilation result is saved to the Store and can be loaded and used within another rule. This behavior is needed, for example, for templates.



Rules with and without routing

-- e.g. file on disk: 'templates/post.html'

-- Rule 1 (without routing)
match "templates/*" $ do
    -- compilation result saved to store with implicit identifier, e.g. 'templates/post.html'
    compile templateCompiler

-- Rule 2 (with routing)
match "posts/**.md" $ do
    route $ setExtension "html"
    compile $ do
       -- load compiled result of other rule with explicit identifier.
       postTemplate <- loadBody "templates/post.html"
       pandocCompiler >>= applyTemplate postTemplate defaultContext

Note that we don't set a route in the first rule to avoid writing out our compiled templates. However, we can still load (or loadBody) the compiled templates to apply them in a second rule. The content for templateCompiler comes implicitly from the matched template files on disk. We don't have to pass that content around manually. See match and compile for details.

To control where a compilation result will be written out (as done in the second rule), use routing functions like setExtension.

See Hakyll.Web.Template for examples of templates and the templating syntax.

Advanced usage

preprocess :: IO a -> Rules a Source #

Execute an IO action immediately while the rules are being evaluated. This should be avoided if possible, but occasionally comes in useful.

rulesExtraDependencies :: [Dependency] -> Rules a -> Rules a Source #

Advanced usage: add extra dependencies to compilers. Basically this is needed when you're doing unsafe tricky stuff in the rules monad, but you still want correct builds.

A useful utility for this purpose is makePatternDependency.