{-# LANGUAGE GeneralizedNewtypeDeriving #-}
{-# LANGUAGE ScopedTypeVariables        #-}
module Hakyll.Core.Compiler
    ( Compiler
    , getUnderlying
    , getUnderlyingExtension
    , makeItem
    , getRoute
    , getResourceBody
    , getResourceString
    , getResourceLBS
    , getResourceFilePath

    , Internal.Snapshot
    , saveSnapshot
    , Internal.load
    , Internal.loadSnapshot
    , Internal.loadBody
    , Internal.loadSnapshotBody
    , Internal.loadAll
    , Internal.loadAllSnapshots

    , cached
    , unsafeCompiler
    , debugCompiler
    , noResult
    , withErrorMessage
    ) where

import           Control.Monad                 (unless, when, (>=>))
import           Data.Binary                   (Binary)
import           Data.ByteString.Lazy          (ByteString)
import qualified Data.List.NonEmpty            as NonEmpty
import           Data.Typeable                 (Typeable)
import           System.Environment            (getProgName)
import           System.FilePath               (takeExtension)

import           Hakyll.Core.Compiler.Internal
import qualified Hakyll.Core.Compiler.Require  as Internal
import           Hakyll.Core.Dependencies
import           Hakyll.Core.Identifier
import           Hakyll.Core.Item
import           Hakyll.Core.Logger            as Logger
import           Hakyll.Core.Provider
import           Hakyll.Core.Routes
import qualified Hakyll.Core.Store             as Store

-- | Get the underlying identifier.
getUnderlying :: Compiler Identifier
getUnderlying = compilerUnderlying <$> compilerAsk

-- | Get the extension of the underlying identifier. Returns something like
-- @".html"@
getUnderlyingExtension :: Compiler String
getUnderlyingExtension = takeExtension . toFilePath <$> getUnderlying

-- | Create an item from the underlying identifier and a given value.
makeItem :: a -> Compiler (Item a)
makeItem x = do
    identifier <- getUnderlying
    return $ Item identifier x

-- | Get the route for a specified item
getRoute :: Identifier -> Compiler (Maybe FilePath)
getRoute identifier = do
    provider <- compilerProvider <$> compilerAsk
    routes   <- compilerRoutes <$> compilerAsk
    -- Note that this makes us dependend on that identifier: when the metadata
    -- of that item changes, the route may change, hence we have to recompile
    (mfp, um) <- compilerUnsafeIO $ runRoutes routes provider identifier
    when um $ compilerTellDependencies [IdentifierDependency identifier]
    return mfp

-- | Get the full contents of the matched source file as a string,
-- but without metadata preamble, if there was one.
getResourceBody :: Compiler (Item String)
getResourceBody = getResourceWith resourceBody

-- | Get the full contents of the matched source file as a string.
getResourceString :: Compiler (Item String)
getResourceString = getResourceWith resourceString

-- | Get the full contents of the matched source file as a lazy bytestring.
getResourceLBS :: Compiler (Item ByteString)
getResourceLBS = getResourceWith resourceLBS

-- | Get the file path of the resource we are compiling
getResourceFilePath :: Compiler FilePath
getResourceFilePath = do
    provider <- compilerProvider   <$> compilerAsk
    id'      <- compilerUnderlying <$> compilerAsk
    return $ resourceFilePath provider id'

-- | Overloadable function for 'getResourceString' and 'getResourceLBS'
getResourceWith :: (Provider -> Identifier -> IO a) -> Compiler (Item a)
getResourceWith reader = do
    provider <- compilerProvider   <$> compilerAsk
    id'      <- compilerUnderlying <$> compilerAsk
    let filePath = toFilePath id'
    if resourceExists provider id'
        then compilerUnsafeIO $ Item id' <$> reader provider id'
        else fail $ error' filePath
    error' fp = "Hakyll.Core.Compiler.getResourceWith: resource " ++
        show fp ++ " not found"

-- | Save a snapshot of the item. This function returns the same item, which
-- convenient for building '>>=' chains.
saveSnapshot :: (Binary a, Typeable a)
             => Internal.Snapshot -> Item a -> Compiler (Item a)
saveSnapshot snapshot item = do
    store  <- compilerStore <$> compilerAsk
    logger <- compilerLogger <$> compilerAsk
    compilerUnsafeIO $ do
        Logger.debug logger $ "Storing snapshot: " ++ snapshot
        Internal.saveSnapshot store snapshot item

    -- Signal that we saved the snapshot.
    Compiler $ \_ -> return $ CompilerSnapshot snapshot (return item)

-- | Turn on caching for a compilation value to avoid recomputing it
-- on subsequent Hakyll runs.
-- The storage key consists of the underlying identifier of the compiled
-- ressource and the given name.
cached :: (Binary a, Typeable a)
       => String
       -> Compiler a
       -> Compiler a
cached name compiler = do
    id'      <- compilerUnderlying <$> compilerAsk
    store    <- compilerStore      <$> compilerAsk
    provider <- compilerProvider   <$> compilerAsk

    -- Give a better error message when the resource is not there at all.
    unless (resourceExists provider id') $ fail $ itDoesntEvenExist id'

    let modified = resourceModified provider id'
    if modified
        then do
            x <- compiler
            compilerUnsafeIO $ Store.set store [name, show id'] x
            return x
        else do
            compilerTellCacheHits 1
            x        <- compilerUnsafeIO $ Store.get store [name, show id']
            progName <- compilerUnsafeIO getProgName
            case x of Store.Found x' -> return x'
                      _              -> fail $ error' progName
    error' progName =
        "Hakyll.Core.Compiler.cached: Cache corrupt! " ++
         "Try running: " ++ progName ++ " clean"

    itDoesntEvenExist id' =
        "Hakyll.Core.Compiler.cached: You are trying to (perhaps "    ++
        "indirectly) use `cached` on a non-existing resource: there " ++
        "is no file backing " ++ show id'

-- | Run an IO computation without dependencies in a Compiler
unsafeCompiler :: IO a -> Compiler a
unsafeCompiler = compilerUnsafeIO

-- | Fail so that it is treated as non-defined in an @\$if()\$@ branching
-- "Hakyll.Web.Template" macro, and alternative
-- 'Hakyll.Web.Template.Context.Context's are tried
-- @since 4.13.0
noResult :: String -> Compiler a
noResult = compilerNoResult . return

-- | Prepend an error line to the error, if there is one.  This allows you to
-- add helpful context to error messages.
-- @since 4.13.0
withErrorMessage :: String -> Compiler a -> Compiler a
withErrorMessage x = do
    compilerTry >=> either (compilerResult . CompilerError . prepend) return
    prepend (CompilationFailure  es) = CompilationFailure  (x `NonEmpty.cons` es)
    prepend (CompilationNoResult es) = CompilationNoResult (x : es)

-- | Compiler for debugging purposes.
-- Passes a message to the debug logger that is printed in verbose mode.
debugCompiler :: String -> Compiler ()
debugCompiler msg = do
    logger <- compilerLogger <$> compilerAsk
    compilerUnsafeIO $ Logger.debug logger msg