Copyright | Copyright (c) 2016 the Hakaru team |
License | BSD3 |
Maintainer | |
Stability | experimental |
Portability | GHC-only |
Safe Haskell | None |
Language | Haskell2010 |
A unified EvaluationMonad
for pure evaluation, expect, and
- data ListContext abt p = ListContext {
- nextFreshNat :: !Nat
- statements :: [Statement abt p]
- type PAns p abt m a = ListContext abt p -> m (P p abt '[] a)
- newtype PEval abt p m x = PEval {}
- runPureEval :: (ABT Term abt, Applicative m, Foldable f) => PEval abt Pure m (abt '[] a) -> f (Some2 abt) -> m (abt '[] a)
- runImpureEval :: (ABT Term abt, Applicative m, Foldable f) => PEval abt Impure m (abt '[] a) -> f (Some2 abt) -> m (abt '[] (HMeasure a))
- runExpectEval :: (ABT Term abt, Applicative m, Foldable f) => PEval abt ExpectP m (abt '[] a) -> abt '[a] HProb -> f (Some2 abt) -> m (abt '[] HProb)
- bot :: (ABT Term abt, Alternative m) => PEval abt p m a
- emit :: (ABT Term abt, Functor m) => Text -> Sing a -> (forall r. P p abt '[a] r -> P p abt '[] r) -> PEval abt p m (Variable a)
- emitMBind :: (ABT Term abt, Functor m) => abt '[] (HMeasure a) -> PEval abt Impure m (Variable a)
- emitLet :: (ABT Term abt, Functor m) => abt '[] a -> PEval abt p m (Variable a)
- emitLet' :: (ABT Term abt, Functor m) => abt '[] a -> PEval abt p m (abt '[] a)
- emitUnpair :: (ABT Term abt, Applicative m) => Whnf abt (HPair a b) -> PEval abt p m (abt '[] a, abt '[] b)
- emit_ :: (ABT Term abt, Functor m) => (forall r. P p abt '[] r -> P p abt '[] r) -> PEval abt p m ()
- emitMBind_ :: (ABT Term abt, Functor m) => abt '[] (HMeasure HUnit) -> PEval abt Impure m ()
- emitGuard :: (ABT Term abt, Functor m) => abt '[] HBool -> PEval abt Impure m ()
- emitWeight :: (ABT Term abt, Functor m) => abt '[] HProb -> PEval abt Impure m ()
- emitFork_ :: (ABT Term abt, Applicative m, Traversable t) => (forall r. t (P p abt '[] r) -> P p abt '[] r) -> t (PEval abt p m a) -> PEval abt p m a
- emitSuperpose :: (ABT Term abt, Functor m) => [abt '[] (HMeasure a)] -> PEval abt Impure m (Variable a)
- choose :: (ABT Term abt, Applicative m) => [PEval abt Impure m a] -> PEval abt Impure m a
The unified PEval
List-based version
data ListContext abt p Source #
An ordered collection of statements representing the context surrounding the current focus of our program transformation. That is, since some transformations work from the bottom up, we need to keep track of the statements we passed along the way when reaching for the bottom.
The tail of the list takes scope over the head of the list. Thus, the back/end of the list is towards the top of the program, whereas the front of the list is towards the bottom.
This type was formerly called Heap
(presumably due to the
type being called Binding
) but that seems like a
misnomer to me since this really has nothing to do with allocation.
However, it is still like a heap inasmuch as it's a dependency
graph and we may wish to change the topological sorting or remove
"garbage" (subject to correctness criteria).
TODO: Figure out what to do with SWeight
, SGuard
, SStuff
etc, so that we can use an IntMap (Statement abt)
in order to
speed up the lookup times in select
. (Assuming callers don't
use unsafePush
unsafely: we can recover the order things were
inserted from their varID
since we've freshened them all and
therefore their IDs are monotonic in the insertion order.)
ListContext | |
type PAns p abt m a = ListContext abt p -> m (P p abt '[] a) Source #
runPureEval :: (ABT Term abt, Applicative m, Foldable f) => PEval abt Pure m (abt '[] a) -> f (Some2 abt) -> m (abt '[] a) Source #
runImpureEval :: (ABT Term abt, Applicative m, Foldable f) => PEval abt Impure m (abt '[] a) -> f (Some2 abt) -> m (abt '[] (HMeasure a)) Source #
Run an Impure
computation in the PEval
monad, residualizing
out all the statements in the final evaluation context. The
second argument should include all the terms altered by the
expression; this is necessary to ensure proper hygiene;
for example(s):
runPEval (perform e) [Some2 e] runPEval (constrainOutcome e v) [Some2 e, Some2 v]
We use Some2
on the inputs because it doesn't matter what their
type or locally-bound variables are, so we want to allow f
contain terms with different indices.
runExpectEval :: (ABT Term abt, Applicative m, Foldable f) => PEval abt ExpectP m (abt '[] a) -> abt '[a] HProb -> f (Some2 abt) -> m (abt '[] HProb) Source #
TODO: IntMap-based version
Operators on the disintegration monad
The "zero" and "one"
bot :: (ABT Term abt, Alternative m) => PEval abt p m a Source #
It is impossible to satisfy the constraints, or at least we
give up on trying to do so. This function is identical to empty
and mzero
for PEval
; we just give it its own name since this is
the name used in our papers.
TODO: add some sort of trace information so we can get a better idea what caused a disintegration to fail.
Emitting code
emit :: (ABT Term abt, Functor m) => Text -> Sing a -> (forall r. P p abt '[a] r -> P p abt '[] r) -> PEval abt p m (Variable a) Source #
Emit some code that binds a variable, and return the variable thus bound. The function says what to wrap the result of the continuation with; i.e., what we're actually emitting.
emitMBind :: (ABT Term abt, Functor m) => abt '[] (HMeasure a) -> PEval abt Impure m (Variable a) Source #
Emit an MBind
(i.e., "m >>= x ->
") and return the
variable thus bound (i.e., x
emitLet :: (ABT Term abt, Functor m) => abt '[] a -> PEval abt p m (Variable a) Source #
A smart constructor for emitting let-bindings. If the input
is already a variable then we just return it; otherwise we emit
the let-binding. N.B., this function provides the invariant that
the result is in fact a variable; whereas emitLet'
does not.
emitLet' :: (ABT Term abt, Functor m) => abt '[] a -> PEval abt p m (abt '[] a) Source #
A smart constructor for emitting let-bindings. If the input
is already a variable or a literal constant, then we just return
it; otherwise we emit the let-binding. N.B., this function
provides weaker guarantees on the type of the result; if you
require the result to always be a variable, then see emitLet
emitUnpair :: (ABT Term abt, Applicative m) => Whnf abt (HPair a b) -> PEval abt p m (abt '[] a, abt '[] b) Source #
A smart constructor for emitting "unpair". If the input argument is actually a constructor then we project out the two components; otherwise we emit the case-binding and return the two variables.
emit_ :: (ABT Term abt, Functor m) => (forall r. P p abt '[] r -> P p abt '[] r) -> PEval abt p m () Source #
Emit some code that doesn't bind any variables. This function
provides an optimisation over using emit
and then discarding
the generated variable.
emitMBind_ :: (ABT Term abt, Functor m) => abt '[] (HMeasure HUnit) -> PEval abt Impure m () Source #
emitGuard :: (ABT Term abt, Functor m) => abt '[] HBool -> PEval abt Impure m () Source #
Emit an assertion that the condition is true.
emitFork_ :: (ABT Term abt, Applicative m, Traversable t) => (forall r. t (P p abt '[] r) -> P p abt '[] r) -> t (PEval abt p m a) -> PEval abt p m a Source #
Run each of the elements of the traversable using the same heap and continuation for each one, then pass the results to a function for emitting code.