hTensor-0.9.1: Multidimensional arrays and simple tensor computations.

Copyright(c) Alberto Ruiz 2009
MaintainerAlberto Ruiz
Safe HaskellNone



Additional tools for manipulation of multidimensional arrays.



class (Num (Vector t), Normed (Vector t), Show t, Numeric t, Indexable (Vector t) t) => Coord t Source #

Types that can be elements of the multidimensional arrays.

class (Eq a, Show (Idx a)) => Compat a where Source #

Class of compatible indices for contractions.

Minimal complete definition

compat, opos


compat :: Idx a -> Idx a -> Bool Source #

opos :: Idx a -> Idx a Source #

data NArray i t Source #

A multidimensional array with index type i and elements t.


Coord t => Show (Array t) # 


showsPrec :: Int -> Array t -> ShowS #

show :: Array t -> String #

showList :: [Array t] -> ShowS #

Coord t => Show (Tensor t) # 


showsPrec :: Int -> Tensor t -> ShowS #

show :: Tensor t -> String #

showList :: [Tensor t] -> ShowS #

data Idx i Source #

Dimension descriptor.





Eq i => Eq (Idx i) Source # 


(==) :: Idx i -> Idx i -> Bool #

(/=) :: Idx i -> Idx i -> Bool #

Eq i => Ord (Idx i) Source # 


compare :: Idx i -> Idx i -> Ordering #

(<) :: Idx i -> Idx i -> Bool #

(<=) :: Idx i -> Idx i -> Bool #

(>) :: Idx i -> Idx i -> Bool #

(>=) :: Idx i -> Idx i -> Bool #

max :: Idx i -> Idx i -> Idx i #

min :: Idx i -> Idx i -> Idx i #

Show (Idx None) # 


showsPrec :: Int -> Idx None -> ShowS #

show :: Idx None -> String #

showList :: [Idx None] -> ShowS #

Show (Idx Variant) # 

type Name = String Source #

indices are denoted by strings, (frequently single-letter)

scalar :: Coord t => t -> NArray i t Source #

Create a 0-dimensional structure.

order :: NArray i t -> Int Source #

The number of dimensions of a multidimensional array.

names :: NArray i t -> [Name] Source #

Index names (in alphabetical order).

size :: Name -> NArray i t -> Int Source #

Dimension of given index.

sizes :: NArray i t -> [Int] Source #

Dimensions of indices (in alphabetical order of indices).

typeOf :: Compat i => Name -> NArray i t -> i Source #

Type of given index.

dims :: NArray i t -> [Idx i] Source #

Get detailed dimension information about the array.

coords :: NArray i t -> Vector t Source #

Get the coordinates of an array as a flattened structure (in the order specified by dims).

renameExplicit :: (Compat i, Coord t) => [(Name, Name)] -> NArray i t -> NArray i t Source #

Rename indices using an association list.

(!>) :: (Compat i, Coord t) => NArray i t -> [Char] -> NArray i t infixl 9 Source #

Explicit renaming of single letter index names.

For instance, t >@> "pi qj" changes index "p" to "i" and "q" to "j".

renameO :: (Coord t, Compat i) => NArray i t -> [Name] -> NArray i t Source #

Rename indices in alphabetical order. Equal indices of compatible type are contracted out.

(!) :: (Compat i, Coord t) => NArray i t -> [Char] -> NArray i t infixl 9 Source #

Rename indices in alphabetical order (renameO) using single letter names.

parts Source #


:: Coord t 
=> NArray i t 
-> Name

index to expand

-> [NArray i t] 

Create a list of the substructures at the given level.

newIndex Source #


:: (Coord t, Compat i) 
=> i

index type

-> Name 
-> [NArray i t] 
-> NArray i t 

Create an array from a list of subarrays. (The inverse of parts.)

mapArray :: Coord b => (Vector a -> Vector b) -> NArray i a -> NArray i b Source #

Apply a function (defined on hmatrix Vectors) to all elements of a structure. Use mapArray (mapVector f) for general functions.

zipArray Source #


:: (Coord a, Coord b, Compat i) 
=> (Vector a -> Vector b -> Vector c)


-> NArray i a 
-> NArray i b 
-> NArray i c 

Apply an element-by-element binary function to the coordinates of two arrays. The arguments are automatically made conformant.

(|*|) :: (Coord t, Compat i) => NArray i t -> NArray i t -> NArray i t infixl 5 Source #

Tensor product with automatic contraction of repeated indices, following Einstein summation convention.

smartProduct :: (Coord t, Compat i, Num (NArray i t)) => [NArray i t] -> NArray i t Source #

This is equivalent to the regular product, but in the order that minimizes the size of the intermediate factors.

outers :: (Coord a, Compat i) => [NArray i a] -> NArray i a Source #

Outer product of a list of arrays along the common indices.

extract :: (Compat i, Coord t) => (Int -> NArray i t -> Bool) -> Name -> NArray i t -> NArray i t Source #

Select some parts of an array, taking into account position and value.

onIndex :: (Coord a, Coord b, Compat i) => ([NArray i a] -> [NArray i b]) -> Name -> NArray i a -> NArray i b Source #

Apply a list function to the parts of an array at a given index.

mapTat :: (Coord a, Coord b, Compat i) => (NArray i a -> NArray i b) -> [Name] -> NArray i a -> NArray i b Source #

Map a function at the internal level selected by a set of indices

reorder :: Coord t => [Name] -> NArray i t -> NArray i t Source #

Change the internal layout of coordinates. The array, considered as an abstract object, does not change.

(~>) :: Coord t => NArray i t -> String -> NArray i t infixl 8 Source #

reorder (transpose) dimensions of the array (with single letter names).

Operations are defined by named indices, so the transposed array is operationally equivalent to the original one.

formatArray Source #


:: (Coord t, Compat i) 
=> (t -> String)

format function (eg. printf "5.2f")

-> NArray i t 
-> String 

Show a multidimensional array as a nested 2D table.

formatFixed Source #


:: Compat i 
=> Int

number of of decimal places

-> NArray i Double 
-> String 

Show the array as a nested table with a "" format. If all entries are approximate integers the array is shown without the .00.. digits.

formatScaled Source #


:: Compat i 
=> Int

number of of decimal places

-> NArray i Double 
-> String 

Show the array as a nested table with autoscaled entries.

dummyAt :: Coord t => Int -> NArray i t -> NArray i t Source #

Insert a dummy index of dimension 1 at a given level (for formatting purposes).

noIdx :: Compat i => NArray i t -> NArray i t Source #

Rename indices so that they are not shown in formatted output.

conformable :: Compat i => [[Idx i]] -> Maybe [Idx i] Source #

Obtains most general structure of a list of dimension specifications

sameStructure :: Eq i => NArray i t1 -> NArray i t2 -> Bool Source #

Check if two arrays have the same structure.

makeConformant :: (Coord t, Compat i) => [NArray i t] -> [NArray i t] Source #

Converts a list of arrays to a common structure.

basisOf :: Coord t => NArray i t -> [NArray i t] Source #

Obtain a canonical base for the array.

atT :: (Compat i, Coord t) => NArray i t -> [Int] -> NArray i t Source #

takeDiagT :: (Compat i, Coord t) => NArray i t -> [t] Source #

diagT :: [Double] -> Int -> Array Double Source #

Multidimensional diagonal of given order.

mkFun :: [Int] -> ([Int] -> Double) -> Array Double Source #

Define an array using a function.

mkAssoc :: [Int] -> [([Int], Double)] -> Array Double Source #

Define an array using an association list.

setType :: (Compat i, Coord t) => Name -> i -> NArray i t -> NArray i t Source #

Change type of index.

renameParts Source #


:: (Compat i, Coord t) 
=> Name

index of the parts to extract

-> NArray i t

input array

-> Name

index to renameRaw

-> String

prefix for the new names

-> [NArray i t]

list or results

Extract the parts of an array, and renameRaw one of the remaining indices with succesive integers.

resetCoords :: Coord t => NArray i t -> Vector t -> NArray i t Source #

change the whole set of coordinates.

asScalar :: Coord t => NArray i t -> t Source #

Extract the scalar element corresponding to a 0-dimensional array.

asVector :: Coord t => NArray i t -> Vector t Source #

Extract the Vector corresponding to a one-dimensional array.

asMatrix :: Coord t => NArray i t -> Matrix t Source #

Extract the Matrix corresponding to a two-dimensional array, in the rows,cols order.

applyAsMatrix :: (Coord t, Compat i) => (Matrix t -> Matrix t) -> NArray i t -> NArray i t Source #

fibers :: Coord t => Name -> NArray i t -> Matrix t Source #

Obtain a matrix whose columns are the fibers of the array in the given dimension. The column order depends on the selected index (see matrixator).

matrixator Source #


:: Coord t 
=> NArray i t

input array

-> [Name]

row dimensions

-> [Name]

column dimensions

-> Matrix t


Reshapes an array as a matrix with the desired dimensions as flattened rows and flattened columns.

matrixatorFree Source #


:: Coord t 
=> NArray i t

input array

-> [Name]

row dimensions

-> (Matrix t, [Name])

(result, column dimensions)

Reshapes an array as a matrix with the desired dimensions as flattened rows and flattened columns. We do not force the order of the columns.

analyzeProduct :: (Coord t, Compat i) => NArray i t -> NArray i t -> Maybe (NArray i t, Int) Source #

fromVector :: (Coord t, Compat i) => i -> Vector t -> NArray i t Source #

Create a 1st order array from a Vector.

fromMatrix :: (Compat i, Coord t) => i -> i -> Matrix t -> NArray i t Source #

Create a 2nd order array from a Matrix.

reshapeVector :: (Compat i, Coord t) => [Idx i] -> Vector t -> NArray i t Source #

Create an NArray from a Vector by specifying the dims and coords.