-- Base.hs: OpenPGP (RFC4880) data types
-- Copyright © 2012-2016  Clint Adams
-- This software is released under the terms of the Expat license.
-- (See the LICENSE file).

{-# LANGUAGE DataKinds #-}
{-# LANGUAGE DeriveDataTypeable #-}
{-# LANGUAGE DeriveGeneric #-}
{-# LANGUAGE ExistentialQuantification #-}
{-# LANGUAGE GeneralizedNewtypeDeriving #-}
{-# LANGUAGE MultiParamTypeClasses #-}
{-# LANGUAGE TemplateHaskell #-}

module Codec.Encryption.OpenPGP.Types.Internal.Base where

import GHC.Generics (Generic)

#if !MIN_VERSION_base(4,8,0)
import Control.Applicative ((<$>))
import Control.Applicative ((<|>))
import Control.Arrow ((***))
import Control.Lens (makeLenses)
import Control.Monad (mzero)
import Control.Newtype (Newtype(..))
import Data.Aeson ((.=), object)
import qualified Data.Aeson as A
import qualified Data.Aeson.TH as ATH
import Data.Byteable (Byteable)
import Data.ByteArray (ByteArrayAccess)
import Data.ByteString.Lazy (ByteString)
import qualified Data.ByteString as B
import qualified Data.ByteString.Base16.Lazy as B16L
import qualified Data.ByteString.Lazy as BL
import qualified Data.ByteString.Lazy.Char8 as BLC8
import Data.Char (toLower, toUpper)
import Data.Data (Data)
import Data.Hashable (Hashable(..))
import Data.List (unfoldr)
import Data.List.NonEmpty (NonEmpty)
import qualified Data.List.NonEmpty as NE
import Data.List.Split (chunksOf)
import Data.Maybe (fromMaybe)
#if !MIN_VERSION_base(4,8,0)
import Data.Monoid (Monoid, mempty)
import Data.Monoid ((<>))
import Data.Ord (comparing)
import Data.Set (Set)
import qualified Data.Set as Set
import Data.Text (Text)
import qualified Data.Text as T
import Data.Time.Clock.POSIX (posixSecondsToUTCTime)
import Data.Time.Format (formatTime)
import Data.Typeable (Typeable)
import Data.Word (Word8, Word16, Word32)
import Network.URI (URI(..), uriToString, nullURI, parseURI)
import Numeric (readHex)
import Data.Time.Locale.Compat (defaultTimeLocale)
import Text.PrettyPrint.Free (Pretty(..), (<+>), char, hsep, punctuate, space, text)

type Exportability = Bool
type TrustLevel = Word8
type TrustAmount = Word8
type AlmostPublicDomainRegex = ByteString
type Revocability = Bool
type RevocationReason = Text
type KeyServer = ByteString
type SignatureHash = ByteString
type PacketVersion = Word8
type V3Expiration = Word16
type CompressedDataPayload = ByteString
type FileName = ByteString
type ImageData = ByteString
type NestedFlag = Bool

class (Eq a, Ord a) => FutureFlag a where
    fromFFlag :: a -> Int
    toFFlag :: Int -> a

class (Eq a, Ord a) => FutureVal a where
   fromFVal :: a -> Word8
   toFVal :: Word8 -> a

data SymmetricAlgorithm = Plaintext
                        | IDEA
                        | TripleDES
                        | CAST5
                        | Blowfish
                        | ReservedSAFER
                        | ReservedDES
                        | AES128
                        | AES192
                        | AES256
                        | Twofish
                        | Camellia128
                        | Camellia192
                        | Camellia256
                        | OtherSA Word8
     deriving (Data, Generic, Show, Typeable)

instance Eq SymmetricAlgorithm where
    (==) a b = fromFVal a == fromFVal b

instance Ord SymmetricAlgorithm where
    compare = comparing fromFVal

instance FutureVal SymmetricAlgorithm where
    fromFVal Plaintext = 0
    fromFVal IDEA = 1
    fromFVal TripleDES = 2
    fromFVal CAST5 = 3
    fromFVal Blowfish = 4
    fromFVal ReservedSAFER = 5
    fromFVal ReservedDES = 6
    fromFVal AES128 = 7
    fromFVal AES192 = 8
    fromFVal AES256 = 9
    fromFVal Twofish = 10
    fromFVal Camellia128 = 11
    fromFVal Camellia192 = 12
    fromFVal Camellia256 = 13
    fromFVal (OtherSA o) = o
    toFVal 0 = Plaintext
    toFVal 1 = IDEA
    toFVal 2 = TripleDES
    toFVal 3 = CAST5
    toFVal 4 = Blowfish
    toFVal 5 = ReservedSAFER
    toFVal 6 = ReservedDES
    toFVal 7 = AES128
    toFVal 8 = AES192
    toFVal 9 = AES256
    toFVal 10 = Twofish
    toFVal 11 = Camellia128
    toFVal 12 = Camellia192
    toFVal 13 = Camellia256
    toFVal o = OtherSA o

instance Hashable SymmetricAlgorithm

instance Pretty SymmetricAlgorithm where
    pretty Plaintext = text "plaintext"
    pretty IDEA = text "IDEA"
    pretty TripleDES = text "3DES"
    pretty CAST5 = text "CAST-128"
    pretty Blowfish = text "Blowfish"
    pretty ReservedSAFER = text "(reserved) SAFER"
    pretty ReservedDES = text "(reserved) DES"
    pretty AES128 = text "AES-128"
    pretty AES192 = text "AES-192"
    pretty AES256 = text "AES-256"
    pretty Twofish = text "Twofish"
    pretty Camellia128 = text "Camellia-128"
    pretty Camellia192 = text "Camellia-192"
    pretty Camellia256 = text "Camellia-256"
    pretty (OtherSA sa) = text "unknown symmetric algorithm" <+> pretty sa

$(ATH.deriveJSON ATH.defaultOptions ''SymmetricAlgorithm)

data NotationFlag = HumanReadable
                  | OtherNF Word8 -- FIXME: this should be constrained to 4 bits?
     deriving (Data, Generic, Show, Typeable)

instance Eq NotationFlag where
    (==) a b = fromFFlag a == fromFFlag b

instance Ord NotationFlag where
    compare = comparing fromFFlag

instance FutureFlag NotationFlag where
    fromFFlag HumanReadable = 0
    fromFFlag (OtherNF o) = fromIntegral o

    toFFlag 0 = HumanReadable
    toFFlag o = OtherNF (fromIntegral o)

instance Hashable NotationFlag

instance Pretty NotationFlag where
    pretty HumanReadable = text "human-readable"
    pretty (OtherNF o) = text "unknown notation flag type" <+> pretty o

$(ATH.deriveJSON ATH.defaultOptions ''NotationFlag)

newtype ThirtyTwoBitTimeStamp = ThirtyTwoBitTimeStamp {unThirtyTwoBitTimeStamp :: Word32}
    deriving (Bounded, Data, Enum, Eq, Generic, Hashable, Integral, Num, Ord, Real, Show, Typeable)

instance Newtype ThirtyTwoBitTimeStamp Word32 where
    pack = ThirtyTwoBitTimeStamp
    unpack (ThirtyTwoBitTimeStamp o) = o

instance Pretty ThirtyTwoBitTimeStamp where
    pretty = text . formatTime defaultTimeLocale "%Y%m%d-%H%M%S" . posixSecondsToUTCTime . realToFrac

$(ATH.deriveJSON ATH.defaultOptions ''ThirtyTwoBitTimeStamp)

durU :: (Integral a, Show a) => a -> Maybe (String, a)
durU x
  | x >= 31557600 = Just ((++"y") . show $ x `div` 31557600, x `mod` 31557600)
  | x >= 2629800 = Just ((++"m") . show $ x `div` 2629800, x `mod` 2629800)
  | x >= 86400 = Just ((++"d") . show $ x `div` 86400, x `mod` 86400)
  | x > 0 = Just ((++"s") . show $ x, 0)
  | otherwise = Nothing

newtype ThirtyTwoBitDuration = ThirtyTwoBitDuration {unThirtyTwoBitDuration :: Word32}
    deriving (Bounded, Data, Enum, Eq, Generic, Hashable, Integral, Num, Ord, Real, Show, Typeable)

instance Newtype ThirtyTwoBitDuration Word32 where
    pack = ThirtyTwoBitDuration
    unpack (ThirtyTwoBitDuration o) = o

instance Pretty ThirtyTwoBitDuration where
    pretty = text . concat . unfoldr durU . unpack

$(ATH.deriveJSON ATH.defaultOptions ''ThirtyTwoBitDuration)

data RevocationClass = SensitiveRK
                     | RClOther Word8 -- FIXME: this should be constrained to 3 bits
    deriving (Data, Generic, Show, Typeable)

instance Eq RevocationClass where
    (==) a b = fromFFlag a == fromFFlag b

instance Ord RevocationClass where
    compare = comparing fromFFlag

instance FutureFlag RevocationClass where
    fromFFlag SensitiveRK = 1
    fromFFlag (RClOther i) = fromIntegral i

    toFFlag 1 = SensitiveRK
    toFFlag i = RClOther (fromIntegral i)

instance Hashable RevocationClass

instance Pretty RevocationClass where
    pretty SensitiveRK = text "sensitive"
    pretty (RClOther o) = text "unknown revocation class" <+> pretty o

$(ATH.deriveJSON ATH.defaultOptions ''RevocationClass)

data PubKeyAlgorithm = RSA
                     | DeprecatedRSAEncryptOnly
                     | DeprecatedRSASignOnly
                     | ElgamalEncryptOnly
                     | DSA
                     | ECDH
                     | ECDSA
                     | ForbiddenElgamal
                     | DH
                     | OtherPKA Word8
    deriving (Show, Data, Generic, Typeable)

instance Eq PubKeyAlgorithm where
    (==) a b = fromFVal a == fromFVal b

instance Ord PubKeyAlgorithm where
    compare = comparing fromFVal

instance FutureVal PubKeyAlgorithm where
    fromFVal RSA = 1
    fromFVal DeprecatedRSAEncryptOnly = 2
    fromFVal DeprecatedRSASignOnly = 3
    fromFVal ElgamalEncryptOnly = 16
    fromFVal DSA = 17
    fromFVal ECDH = 18
    fromFVal ECDSA = 19
    fromFVal ForbiddenElgamal = 20
    fromFVal DH = 21
    fromFVal (OtherPKA o) = o
    toFVal 1 = RSA
    toFVal 2 = DeprecatedRSAEncryptOnly
    toFVal 3 = DeprecatedRSASignOnly
    toFVal 16 = ElgamalEncryptOnly
    toFVal 17 = DSA
    toFVal 18 = ECDH
    toFVal 19 = ECDSA
    toFVal 20 = ForbiddenElgamal
    toFVal 21 = DH
    toFVal o = OtherPKA o

instance Hashable PubKeyAlgorithm

instance Pretty PubKeyAlgorithm where
    pretty RSA = text "RSA"
    pretty DeprecatedRSAEncryptOnly = text "(deprecated) RSA encrypt-only"
    pretty DeprecatedRSASignOnly = text "(deprecated) RSA sign-only"
    pretty ElgamalEncryptOnly = text "Elgamal encrypt-only"
    pretty DSA = text "DSA"
    pretty ECDH = text "ECDH"
    pretty ECDSA = text "ECDSA"
    pretty ForbiddenElgamal = text "(forbidden) Elgamal"
    pretty DH = text "DH"
    pretty (OtherPKA pka) = text "unknown pubkey algorithm type" <+> pretty pka

$(ATH.deriveJSON ATH.defaultOptions ''PubKeyAlgorithm)

newtype TwentyOctetFingerprint = TwentyOctetFingerprint {unTOF :: ByteString}
    deriving (Data, Eq, Generic, Ord, Show, Typeable)

instance Newtype TwentyOctetFingerprint ByteString where
    pack = TwentyOctetFingerprint
    unpack (TwentyOctetFingerprint o) = o

-- FIXME: read-show
instance Read TwentyOctetFingerprint where
    readsPrec _ = map ((TwentyOctetFingerprint . BL.pack *** concat) . unzip) . chunksOf 20 . hexToW8s . filter (/= ' ')

instance Hashable TwentyOctetFingerprint

instance Pretty TwentyOctetFingerprint where
    pretty = pretty . take 40 . bsToHexUpper . unTOF

instance A.ToJSON TwentyOctetFingerprint where
    toJSON e = object [T.pack "fpr" .= (A.toJSON . show . pretty) e]
instance A.FromJSON TwentyOctetFingerprint where
    parseJSON (A.Object v) = TwentyOctetFingerprint . read <$>
                                      v A..: T.pack "fpr"
    parseJSON _            = mzero

newtype SpacedFingerprint = SpacedFingerprint { unSpacedFingerprint :: TwentyOctetFingerprint }

instance Newtype SpacedFingerprint TwentyOctetFingerprint where
    pack = SpacedFingerprint
    unpack (SpacedFingerprint o) = o

instance Pretty SpacedFingerprint where
    pretty = hsep . punctuate space . map hsep . chunksOf 5 . map text . chunksOf 4 . take 40 . bsToHexUpper . unTOF . unpack

bsToHexUpper :: ByteString -> String
bsToHexUpper = map toUpper . BLC8.unpack . B16L.encode

hexToW8s :: ReadS Word8
hexToW8s = concatMap readHex . chunksOf 2 . map toLower

newtype EightOctetKeyId = EightOctetKeyId {unEOKI :: ByteString}
    deriving (Data, Eq, Generic, Ord, Show, Typeable)

instance Newtype EightOctetKeyId ByteString where
    pack = EightOctetKeyId
    unpack (EightOctetKeyId o) = o

instance Pretty EightOctetKeyId where
    pretty = pretty . bsToHexUpper . unpack

-- FIXME: read-show
instance Read EightOctetKeyId where
    readsPrec _ = map ((EightOctetKeyId . BL.pack *** concat) . unzip) . chunksOf 8 . hexToW8s

instance Hashable EightOctetKeyId

instance A.ToJSON EightOctetKeyId where
    toJSON e = object [T.pack "eoki" .= (bsToHexUpper . unpack) e]

instance A.FromJSON EightOctetKeyId where
    parseJSON (A.Object v) = EightOctetKeyId . read <$>
                                      v A..: T.pack "eoki"
    parseJSON _            = mzero

newtype NotationName = NotationName {unNotationName :: ByteString}
    deriving (Data, Eq, Generic, Hashable, Ord, Pretty, Show, Typeable)

instance Newtype NotationName ByteString where
    pack = NotationName
    unpack (NotationName nn) = nn

instance A.ToJSON NotationName where
    toJSON nn = object [T.pack "notationname" .= show (unpack nn)]
instance A.FromJSON NotationName where
    parseJSON (A.Object v) = NotationName . read <$>
                                      v A..: T.pack "notationname"
    parseJSON _            = mzero

newtype NotationValue = NotationValue {unNotationValue :: ByteString}
    deriving (Data, Eq, Generic, Hashable, Ord, Pretty, Show, Typeable)

instance Newtype NotationValue ByteString where
    pack = NotationValue
    unpack (NotationValue nv) = nv

instance A.ToJSON NotationValue where
    toJSON nv = object [T.pack "notationvalue" .= show (unpack nv)]
instance A.FromJSON NotationValue where
    parseJSON (A.Object v) = NotationValue . read <$>
                                      v A..: T.pack "notationvalue"
    parseJSON _            = mzero

data HashAlgorithm = DeprecatedMD5
                   | SHA1
                   | RIPEMD160
                   | SHA256
                   | SHA384
                   | SHA512
                   | SHA224
                   | OtherHA Word8
    deriving (Data, Generic, Show, Typeable)

instance Eq HashAlgorithm where
    (==) a b = fromFVal a == fromFVal b

instance Ord HashAlgorithm where
    compare = comparing fromFVal

instance FutureVal HashAlgorithm where
    fromFVal DeprecatedMD5 = 1
    fromFVal SHA1 = 2
    fromFVal RIPEMD160 = 3
    fromFVal SHA256 = 8
    fromFVal SHA384 = 9
    fromFVal SHA512 = 10
    fromFVal SHA224 = 11
    fromFVal (OtherHA o) = o
    toFVal 1 = DeprecatedMD5
    toFVal 2 = SHA1
    toFVal 3 = RIPEMD160
    toFVal 8 = SHA256
    toFVal 9 = SHA384
    toFVal 10 = SHA512
    toFVal 11 = SHA224
    toFVal o = OtherHA o

instance Hashable HashAlgorithm

instance Pretty HashAlgorithm where
    pretty DeprecatedMD5 = text "(deprecated) MD5"
    pretty SHA1 = text "SHA-1"
    pretty RIPEMD160 = text "RIPEMD-160"
    pretty SHA256 = text "SHA-256"
    pretty SHA384 = text "SHA-384"
    pretty SHA512 = text "SHA-512"
    pretty SHA224 = text "SHA-224"
    pretty (OtherHA ha) = text "unknown hash algorithm type" <+> pretty ha

$(ATH.deriveJSON ATH.defaultOptions ''HashAlgorithm)

data CompressionAlgorithm = Uncompressed
                          | ZIP
                          | ZLIB
                          | BZip2
                          | OtherCA Word8
    deriving (Show, Data, Generic, Typeable)

instance Eq CompressionAlgorithm where
    (==) a b = fromFVal a == fromFVal b

instance Ord CompressionAlgorithm where
    compare = comparing fromFVal

instance FutureVal CompressionAlgorithm where
    fromFVal Uncompressed = 0
    fromFVal ZIP = 1
    fromFVal ZLIB = 2
    fromFVal BZip2 = 3
    fromFVal (OtherCA o) = o
    toFVal 0 = Uncompressed
    toFVal 1 = ZIP
    toFVal 2 = ZLIB
    toFVal 3 = BZip2
    toFVal o = OtherCA o

instance Hashable CompressionAlgorithm

instance Pretty CompressionAlgorithm where
    pretty Uncompressed = text "uncompressed"
    pretty ZIP = text "ZIP"
    pretty ZLIB = text "zlib"
    pretty BZip2 = text "bzip2"
    pretty (OtherCA ca) = text "unknown compression algorithm type" <+> pretty ca

$(ATH.deriveJSON ATH.defaultOptions ''CompressionAlgorithm)

data KSPFlag = NoModify
             | KSPOther Int
    deriving (Data, Generic, Show, Typeable)

instance Eq KSPFlag where
    (==) a b = fromFFlag a == fromFFlag b

instance Ord KSPFlag where
    compare = comparing fromFFlag

instance FutureFlag KSPFlag where
    fromFFlag NoModify = 0
    fromFFlag (KSPOther i) = fromIntegral i

    toFFlag 0 = NoModify
    toFFlag i = KSPOther (fromIntegral i)

instance Hashable KSPFlag

instance Pretty KSPFlag where
    pretty NoModify = text "no-modify"
    pretty (KSPOther o) = text "unknown keyserver preference flag type" <+> pretty o

$(ATH.deriveJSON ATH.defaultOptions ''KSPFlag)

data KeyFlag = GroupKey
             | AuthKey
             | SplitKey
             | EncryptStorageKey
             | EncryptCommunicationsKey
             | SignDataKey
             | CertifyKeysKey
             | KFOther Int
    deriving (Data, Generic, Show, Typeable)

instance Eq KeyFlag where
    (==) a b = fromFFlag a == fromFFlag b

instance Ord KeyFlag where
    compare = comparing fromFFlag

instance FutureFlag KeyFlag where
    fromFFlag GroupKey = 0
    fromFFlag AuthKey = 2
    fromFFlag SplitKey = 3
    fromFFlag EncryptStorageKey = 4
    fromFFlag EncryptCommunicationsKey = 5
    fromFFlag SignDataKey = 6
    fromFFlag CertifyKeysKey = 7
    fromFFlag (KFOther i) = fromIntegral i

    toFFlag 0 = GroupKey
    toFFlag 2 = AuthKey
    toFFlag 3 = SplitKey
    toFFlag 4 = EncryptStorageKey
    toFFlag 5 = EncryptCommunicationsKey
    toFFlag 6 = SignDataKey
    toFFlag 7 = CertifyKeysKey
    toFFlag i = KFOther (fromIntegral i)

instance Hashable KeyFlag

instance Pretty KeyFlag where
    pretty GroupKey = text "group"
    pretty AuthKey = text "auth"
    pretty SplitKey = text "split"
    pretty EncryptStorageKey = text "encrypt-storage"
    pretty EncryptCommunicationsKey = text "encrypt-communications"
    pretty SignDataKey = text "sign-data"
    pretty CertifyKeysKey = text "certify-keys"
    pretty (KFOther o) = text "unknown key flag type" <+> pretty o

$(ATH.deriveJSON ATH.defaultOptions ''KeyFlag)

data RevocationCode = NoReason
                    | KeySuperseded
                    | KeyMaterialCompromised
                    | KeyRetiredAndNoLongerUsed
                    | UserIdInfoNoLongerValid
                    | RCoOther Word8
    deriving (Data, Generic, Show, Typeable)

instance Eq RevocationCode where
    (==) a b = fromFVal a == fromFVal b

instance Ord RevocationCode where
    compare = comparing fromFVal

instance FutureVal RevocationCode where
    fromFVal NoReason = 0
    fromFVal KeySuperseded = 1
    fromFVal KeyMaterialCompromised = 2
    fromFVal KeyRetiredAndNoLongerUsed = 3
    fromFVal UserIdInfoNoLongerValid = 32
    fromFVal (RCoOther o) = o
    toFVal 0 = NoReason
    toFVal 1 = KeySuperseded
    toFVal 2 = KeyMaterialCompromised
    toFVal 3 = KeyRetiredAndNoLongerUsed
    toFVal 32 = UserIdInfoNoLongerValid
    toFVal o = RCoOther o

instance Hashable RevocationCode

instance Pretty RevocationCode where
    pretty NoReason = text "no reason"
    pretty KeySuperseded = text "key superseded"
    pretty KeyMaterialCompromised = text "key material compromised"
    pretty KeyRetiredAndNoLongerUsed = text "key retired and no longer used"
    pretty UserIdInfoNoLongerValid = text "user-ID info no longer valid"
    pretty (RCoOther o) = text "unknown revocation code" <+> pretty o

$(ATH.deriveJSON ATH.defaultOptions ''RevocationCode)

data FeatureFlag = ModificationDetection
                 | FeatureOther Int
    deriving (Data, Generic, Show, Typeable)

instance Eq FeatureFlag where
    (==) a b = fromFFlag a == fromFFlag b

instance Ord FeatureFlag where
    compare = comparing fromFFlag

instance FutureFlag FeatureFlag where
    fromFFlag ModificationDetection = 7
    fromFFlag (FeatureOther i) = fromIntegral i

    toFFlag 7 = ModificationDetection
    toFFlag i = FeatureOther (fromIntegral i)

instance Hashable FeatureFlag
instance Hashable a => Hashable (Set a) where
    hashWithSalt salt = hashWithSalt salt . Set.toList

instance Pretty FeatureFlag where
    pretty ModificationDetection = text "modification-detection"
    pretty (FeatureOther o) = text "unknown feature flag type" <+> pretty o

$(ATH.deriveJSON ATH.defaultOptions ''FeatureFlag)

newtype URL = URL {unURL :: URI}
    deriving (Data, Eq, Generic, Ord, Show, Typeable)

instance Newtype URL URI where
    pack = URL
    unpack (URL o) = o

instance Hashable URL where
    hashWithSalt salt (URL (URI s a p q f)) = salt `hashWithSalt` s `hashWithSalt` show a `hashWithSalt` p `hashWithSalt` q `hashWithSalt` f

instance Pretty URL where
    pretty = pretty . (\uri -> uriToString id uri "") . unpack

instance A.ToJSON URL where
    toJSON u = object [T.pack "uri" .= (\uri -> uriToString id uri "") (unpack u)]
instance A.FromJSON URL where
    parseJSON (A.Object v) = URL . fromMaybe nullURI . parseURI <$>
                                      v A..: T.pack "uri"
    parseJSON _            = mzero

data SigType = BinarySig
             | CanonicalTextSig
             | StandaloneSig
             | GenericCert
             | PersonaCert
             | CasualCert
             | PositiveCert
             | SubkeyBindingSig
             | PrimaryKeyBindingSig
             | SignatureDirectlyOnAKey
             | KeyRevocationSig
             | SubkeyRevocationSig
             | CertRevocationSig
             | TimestampSig
             | ThirdPartyConfirmationSig
             | OtherSig Word8
    deriving (Data, Generic, Show, Typeable)

instance Eq SigType where
    (==) a b = fromFVal a == fromFVal b

instance Ord SigType where
    compare = comparing fromFVal

instance FutureVal SigType where
    fromFVal BinarySig = 0x00
    fromFVal CanonicalTextSig = 0x01
    fromFVal StandaloneSig = 0x02
    fromFVal GenericCert = 0x10
    fromFVal PersonaCert = 0x11
    fromFVal CasualCert = 0x12
    fromFVal PositiveCert = 0x13
    fromFVal SubkeyBindingSig = 0x18
    fromFVal PrimaryKeyBindingSig = 0x19
    fromFVal SignatureDirectlyOnAKey = 0x1F
    fromFVal KeyRevocationSig = 0x20
    fromFVal SubkeyRevocationSig = 0x28
    fromFVal CertRevocationSig = 0x30
    fromFVal TimestampSig = 0x40
    fromFVal ThirdPartyConfirmationSig = 0x50
    fromFVal (OtherSig o) = o

    toFVal 0x00 = BinarySig
    toFVal 0x01 = CanonicalTextSig
    toFVal 0x02 = StandaloneSig
    toFVal 0x10 = GenericCert
    toFVal 0x11 = PersonaCert
    toFVal 0x12 = CasualCert
    toFVal 0x13 = PositiveCert
    toFVal 0x18 = SubkeyBindingSig
    toFVal 0x19 = PrimaryKeyBindingSig
    toFVal 0x1F = SignatureDirectlyOnAKey
    toFVal 0x20 = KeyRevocationSig
    toFVal 0x28 = SubkeyRevocationSig
    toFVal 0x30 = CertRevocationSig
    toFVal 0x40 = TimestampSig
    toFVal 0x50 = ThirdPartyConfirmationSig
    toFVal o = OtherSig o

instance Hashable SigType

instance Pretty SigType where
    pretty BinarySig = text "binary"
    pretty CanonicalTextSig = text "canonical-text"
    pretty StandaloneSig = text "standalone"
    pretty GenericCert = text "generic"
    pretty PersonaCert = text "persona"
    pretty CasualCert = text "casual"
    pretty PositiveCert = text "positive"
    pretty SubkeyBindingSig = text "subkey-binding"
    pretty PrimaryKeyBindingSig = text "primary-key-binding"
    pretty SignatureDirectlyOnAKey = text "signature directly on a key"
    pretty KeyRevocationSig = text "key-revocation"
    pretty SubkeyRevocationSig = text "subkey-revocation"
    pretty CertRevocationSig = text "cert-revocation"
    pretty TimestampSig = text "timestamp"
    pretty ThirdPartyConfirmationSig = text "third-party-confirmation"
    pretty (OtherSig o) = text "unknown signature type" <+> pretty o

$(ATH.deriveJSON ATH.defaultOptions ''SigType)

newtype MPI = MPI {unMPI :: Integer}
    deriving (Data, Eq, Generic, Show, Typeable)

instance Newtype MPI Integer where
    pack = MPI
    unpack (MPI o) = o

instance Hashable MPI

instance Pretty MPI where
    pretty = pretty . unpack

$(ATH.deriveJSON ATH.defaultOptions ''MPI)

data SignaturePayload = SigV3 SigType ThirtyTwoBitTimeStamp EightOctetKeyId PubKeyAlgorithm HashAlgorithm Word16 (NonEmpty MPI)
                      | SigV4 SigType PubKeyAlgorithm HashAlgorithm [SigSubPacket] [SigSubPacket] Word16 (NonEmpty MPI)
                      | SigVOther Word8 ByteString
    deriving (Data, Eq, Generic, Show, Typeable)

instance Hashable SignaturePayload

instance Pretty SignaturePayload where
    pretty (SigV3 st ts eoki pka ha w16 mpis) = text "signature v3" <> char ':' <+> pretty st <+> pretty ts <+> pretty eoki <+> pretty pka <+> pretty ha <+> pretty w16 <+> (pretty . NE.toList) mpis
    pretty (SigV4 st pka ha hsps usps w16 mpis) = text "signature v4" <> char ':' <+> pretty st <+> pretty pka <+> pretty ha <+> pretty hsps <+> pretty usps <+> pretty w16 <+> (pretty . NE.toList) mpis
    pretty (SigVOther t bs) = text "unknown signature v" <> pretty t <> char ':' <+> pretty (BL.unpack bs)

instance A.ToJSON SignaturePayload where
    toJSON (SigV3 st ts eoki pka ha w16 mpis) = A.toJSON (st, ts, eoki, pka, ha, w16, NE.toList mpis)
    toJSON (SigV4 st pka ha hsps usps w16 mpis) = A.toJSON (st, pka, ha, hsps, usps, w16, NE.toList mpis)
    toJSON (SigVOther t bs) = A.toJSON (t, BL.unpack bs)

data SigSubPacketPayload = SigCreationTime ThirtyTwoBitTimeStamp
                  | SigExpirationTime ThirtyTwoBitDuration
                  | ExportableCertification Exportability
                  | TrustSignature TrustLevel TrustAmount
                  | RegularExpression AlmostPublicDomainRegex
                  | Revocable Revocability
                  | KeyExpirationTime ThirtyTwoBitDuration
                  | PreferredSymmetricAlgorithms [SymmetricAlgorithm]
                  | RevocationKey (Set RevocationClass) PubKeyAlgorithm TwentyOctetFingerprint
                  | Issuer EightOctetKeyId
                  | NotationData (Set NotationFlag) NotationName NotationValue
                  | PreferredHashAlgorithms [HashAlgorithm]
                  | PreferredCompressionAlgorithms [CompressionAlgorithm]
                  | KeyServerPreferences (Set KSPFlag)
                  | PreferredKeyServer KeyServer
                  | PrimaryUserId Bool
                  | PolicyURL URL
                  | KeyFlags (Set KeyFlag)
                  | SignersUserId Text
                  | ReasonForRevocation RevocationCode RevocationReason
                  | Features (Set FeatureFlag)
                  | SignatureTarget PubKeyAlgorithm HashAlgorithm SignatureHash
                  | EmbeddedSignature SignaturePayload
                  | UserDefinedSigSub Word8 ByteString
                  | OtherSigSub Word8 ByteString
    deriving (Data, Eq, Generic, Show, Typeable) -- FIXME

instance Hashable SigSubPacketPayload

instance Pretty SigSubPacketPayload where
    pretty (SigCreationTime ts) = text "creation-time" <+> pretty ts
    pretty (SigExpirationTime d) = text "sig expiration time" <+> pretty d
    pretty (ExportableCertification e) = text "exportable certification" <+> pretty e
    pretty (TrustSignature tl ta) = text "trust signature" <+> pretty tl <+> pretty ta
    pretty (RegularExpression apdre) = text "regular expression" <+> pretty apdre
    pretty (Revocable r) = text "revocable" <+> pretty r
    pretty (KeyExpirationTime d) = text "key expiration time" <+> pretty d
    pretty (PreferredSymmetricAlgorithms sas) = text "preferred symmetric algorithms" <+> pretty sas
    pretty (RevocationKey rcs pka tof) = text "revocation key" <+> pretty (Set.toList rcs) <+> pretty pka <+> pretty tof
    pretty (Issuer eoki) = text "issuer" <+> pretty eoki
    pretty (NotationData nfs nn nv) = text "notation data" <+> pretty (Set.toList nfs) <+> pretty nn <+> pretty nv
    pretty (PreferredHashAlgorithms phas) = text "preferred hash algorithms" <+> pretty phas
    pretty (PreferredCompressionAlgorithms pcas) = text "preferred compression algorithms" <+> pretty pcas
    pretty (KeyServerPreferences kspfs) = text "keyserver preferences" <+> pretty (Set.toList kspfs)
    pretty (PreferredKeyServer ks) = text "preferred keyserver" <+> pretty ks
    pretty (PrimaryUserId p) = (if p then mempty else text "NOT ") <> text "primary user-ID"
    pretty (PolicyURL u) = text "policy URL" <+> pretty u
    pretty (KeyFlags kfs) = text "key flags" <+> pretty (Set.toList kfs)
    pretty (SignersUserId u) = text "signer's user-ID" <+> pretty u
    pretty (ReasonForRevocation rc rr) = text "reason for revocation" <+> pretty rc <+> pretty rr
    pretty (Features ffs) = text "features" <+> pretty (Set.toList ffs)
    pretty (SignatureTarget pka ha sh) = text "signature target" <+> pretty pka <+> pretty ha <+> pretty sh
    pretty (EmbeddedSignature sp) = text "embedded signature" <+> pretty sp
    pretty (UserDefinedSigSub t bs) = text "user-defined signature subpacket type" <+> pretty t <+> pretty (BL.unpack bs)
    pretty (OtherSigSub t bs) = text "unknown signature subpacket type" <+> pretty t <+> pretty bs

instance A.ToJSON SigSubPacketPayload where
    toJSON (SigCreationTime ts) = object [T.pack "sigCreationTime" .= ts]
    toJSON (SigExpirationTime d) = object [T.pack "sigExpirationTime" .= d]
    toJSON (ExportableCertification e) = object [T.pack "exportableCertification" .= e]
    toJSON (TrustSignature tl ta) = object [T.pack "trustSignature" .= (tl, ta)]
    toJSON (RegularExpression apdre) = object [T.pack "regularExpression" .= BL.unpack apdre]
    toJSON (Revocable r) = object [T.pack "revocable" .= r]
    toJSON (KeyExpirationTime d) = object [T.pack "keyExpirationTime" .= d]
    toJSON (PreferredSymmetricAlgorithms sas) = object [T.pack "preferredSymmetricAlgorithms" .= sas]
    toJSON (RevocationKey rcs pka tof) = object [T.pack "revocationKey" .= (rcs, pka, tof)]
    toJSON (Issuer eoki) = object [T.pack "issuer" .= eoki]
    toJSON (NotationData nfs (NotationName nn) (NotationValue nv)) = object [T.pack "notationData" .= (nfs, BL.unpack nn, BL.unpack nv)]
    toJSON (PreferredHashAlgorithms phas) = object [T.pack "preferredHashAlgorithms" .= phas]
    toJSON (PreferredCompressionAlgorithms pcas) = object [T.pack "preferredCompressionAlgorithms" .=  pcas]
    toJSON (KeyServerPreferences kspfs) = object [T.pack "keyServerPreferences" .= kspfs]
    toJSON (PreferredKeyServer ks) = object [T.pack "preferredKeyServer" .= show ks]
    toJSON (PrimaryUserId p) = object [T.pack "primaryUserId" .= p]
    toJSON (PolicyURL u) = object [T.pack "policyURL" .= u]
    toJSON (KeyFlags kfs) = object [T.pack "keyFlags" .= kfs]
    toJSON (SignersUserId u) = object [T.pack "signersUserId" .= u]
    toJSON (ReasonForRevocation rc rr) = object [T.pack "reasonForRevocation" .= (rc, rr)]
    toJSON (Features ffs) = object [T.pack "features" .= ffs]
    toJSON (SignatureTarget pka ha sh) = object [T.pack "signatureTarget" .= (pka, ha, BL.unpack sh)]
    toJSON (EmbeddedSignature sp) = object [T.pack "embeddedSignature" .= sp]
    toJSON (UserDefinedSigSub t bs) = object [T.pack "userDefinedSigSub" .= (t, BL.unpack bs)]
    toJSON (OtherSigSub t bs) = object [T.pack "otherSigSub" .= (t, BL.unpack bs)]

uc3 :: (a -> b -> c -> d) -> (a, b, c) -> d
uc3 f ~(a,b,c) = f a b c

instance A.FromJSON SigSubPacketPayload where
    parseJSON (A.Object v) = (SigCreationTime <$> v A..: T.pack "sigCreationTime")
                         <|> (SigExpirationTime <$> v A..: T.pack "sigExpirationTime")
                         <|> (ExportableCertification <$> v A..: T.pack "exportableCertification")
                         <|> (uncurry TrustSignature <$> v A..: T.pack "trustSignature")
                         <|> (RegularExpression . BL.pack <$> v A..: T.pack "regularExpression")
                         <|> (Revocable <$> v A..: T.pack "revocable")
                         <|> (KeyExpirationTime <$> v A..: T.pack "keyExpirationTime")
                         <|> (PreferredSymmetricAlgorithms <$> v A..: T.pack "preferredSymmetricAlgorithms")
                         <|> (uc3 RevocationKey <$> v A..: T.pack "revocationKey")
                         <|> (Issuer <$> v A..: T.pack "issuer")
                         <|> (uc3 NotationData <$> v A..: T.pack "notationData")
    parseJSON _            = mzero

data SigSubPacket = SigSubPacket {
    _sspCriticality :: Bool
  , _sspPayload :: SigSubPacketPayload
  } deriving (Data, Eq, Generic, Show, Typeable)

instance Pretty SigSubPacket where
    pretty x = (if _sspCriticality x then char '*' else mempty) <> (pretty . _sspPayload) x

instance Hashable SigSubPacket

$(ATH.deriveJSON ATH.defaultOptions ''SigSubPacket)
$(makeLenses ''SigSubPacket)

data KeyVersion = DeprecatedV3 | V4
    deriving (Data, Eq, Generic, Ord, Show, Typeable)

instance Hashable KeyVersion

instance Pretty KeyVersion where
    pretty DeprecatedV3 = text "(deprecated) v3"
    pretty V4 = text "v4"

$(ATH.deriveJSON ATH.defaultOptions ''KeyVersion)

newtype IV = IV {unIV :: B.ByteString}
    deriving (Byteable, ByteArrayAccess, Data, Eq, Generic, Hashable, Monoid, Show, Typeable)

instance Newtype IV B.ByteString where
    pack = IV
    unpack (IV o) = o

instance Pretty IV where
    pretty = pretty . ("iv:"++) . bsToHexUpper . BL.fromStrict . unpack

instance A.ToJSON IV where
    toJSON = A.toJSON . show . unpack

data DataType = BinaryData
              | TextData
              | UTF8Data
              | OtherData Word8
    deriving (Show, Data, Generic, Typeable)

instance Hashable DataType

instance Eq DataType where
    (==) a b = fromFVal a == fromFVal b

instance Ord DataType where
    compare = comparing fromFVal

instance FutureVal DataType where
    fromFVal BinaryData = fromIntegral . fromEnum $ 'b'
    fromFVal TextData = fromIntegral . fromEnum $ 't'
    fromFVal UTF8Data = fromIntegral . fromEnum $ 'u'
    fromFVal (OtherData o) = o

    toFVal 0x62 = BinaryData
    toFVal 0x74 = TextData
    toFVal 0x75 = UTF8Data
    toFVal o = OtherData o

instance Pretty DataType where
    pretty BinaryData = text "binary"
    pretty TextData = text "text"
    pretty UTF8Data = text "UTF-8"
    pretty (OtherData o) = text "other data type " <+> pretty o

$(ATH.deriveJSON ATH.defaultOptions ''DataType)

newtype Salt = Salt {unSalt :: B.ByteString}
    deriving (Byteable, Data, Eq, Generic, Hashable, Show, Typeable)

instance Newtype Salt B.ByteString where
    pack = Salt
    unpack (Salt o) = o

instance Pretty Salt where
    pretty = pretty . ("salt:"++) . bsToHexUpper . BL.fromStrict . unpack

instance A.ToJSON Salt where
    toJSON = A.toJSON . show . unpack

newtype IterationCount = IterationCount {unIterationCount :: Int}
    deriving (Bounded, Data, Enum, Eq, Generic, Hashable, Integral, Num, Ord, Real, Show, Typeable)

instance Newtype IterationCount Int where
    pack = IterationCount
    unpack (IterationCount o) = o

instance Pretty IterationCount where
    pretty = pretty . unpack

$(ATH.deriveJSON ATH.defaultOptions ''IterationCount)

data S2K = Simple HashAlgorithm
         | Salted HashAlgorithm Salt
         | IteratedSalted HashAlgorithm Salt IterationCount
         | OtherS2K Word8 ByteString
    deriving (Data, Eq, Generic, Show, Typeable)

instance Hashable S2K

instance Pretty S2K where
    pretty (Simple ha) = text "simple S2K," <+> pretty ha
    pretty (Salted ha salt) = text "salted S2K," <+> pretty ha <+> pretty salt
    pretty (IteratedSalted ha salt icount) = text "iterated-salted S2K," <+> pretty ha <+> pretty salt <+> pretty icount
    pretty (OtherS2K t bs) = text "unknown S2K type" <+> pretty t <+> pretty (bsToHexUpper bs)

instance A.ToJSON S2K where
    toJSON (Simple ha) = A.toJSON ha
    toJSON (Salted ha salt) = A.toJSON (ha, salt)
    toJSON (IteratedSalted ha salt icount) = A.toJSON (ha, salt, icount)
    toJSON (OtherS2K t bs) = A.toJSON (t, BL.unpack bs)

data ImageFormat = JPEG
                 | OtherImage Word8
    deriving (Data, Generic, Show, Typeable)

instance Eq ImageFormat where
    (==) a b = fromFVal a == fromFVal b

instance Ord ImageFormat where
    compare = comparing fromFVal

instance FutureVal ImageFormat where
    fromFVal JPEG = 1
    fromFVal (OtherImage o) = o

    toFVal 1 = JPEG
    toFVal o = OtherImage o

instance Hashable ImageFormat

instance Pretty ImageFormat where
    pretty JPEG = text "JPEG"
    pretty (OtherImage o) = text "unknown image format" <+> pretty o

$(ATH.deriveJSON ATH.defaultOptions ''ImageFormat)

data ImageHeader = ImageHV1 ImageFormat
    deriving (Data, Eq, Generic, Show, Typeable)

instance Ord ImageHeader where
    compare (ImageHV1 a) (ImageHV1 b) = compare a b

instance Hashable ImageHeader

instance Pretty ImageHeader where
    pretty (ImageHV1 f) = text "imghdr v1" <+> pretty f

$(ATH.deriveJSON ATH.defaultOptions ''ImageHeader)

data UserAttrSubPacket = ImageAttribute ImageHeader ImageData
                       | OtherUASub Word8 ByteString
    deriving (Data, Eq, Generic, Show, Typeable)

instance Hashable UserAttrSubPacket

instance Ord UserAttrSubPacket where
    compare (ImageAttribute h1 d1) (ImageAttribute h2 d2) = compare h1 h2 <> compare d1 d2
    compare (ImageAttribute _ _) (OtherUASub _ _) = LT
    compare (OtherUASub _ _) (ImageAttribute _ _) = GT
    compare (OtherUASub t1 b1) (OtherUASub t2 b2) = compare t1 t2 <> compare b1 b2

instance Pretty UserAttrSubPacket where
    pretty (ImageAttribute ih d) = text "image-attribute" <+> pretty ih <+> pretty (BL.unpack d)
    pretty (OtherUASub t bs) = text "unknown attribute type" <> pretty t <+> pretty (BL.unpack bs)

instance A.ToJSON UserAttrSubPacket where
    toJSON (ImageAttribute ih d) = A.toJSON (ih, BL.unpack d)
    toJSON (OtherUASub t bs) = A.toJSON (t, BL.unpack bs)

data ECCCurve = BrokenNISTP256
              | BrokenNISTP384
              | BrokenNISTP521
    deriving (Data, Eq, Generic, Ord, Show, Typeable)

instance Hashable ECCCurve

newtype Block a = Block {unBlock :: [a]} -- so we can override cereal instance
    deriving (Show, Eq)