module Components.ObjectHandlers.ObjectsHandler where

import Model.ServerExceptions (
import Model.ServerObjectTypes (
import Data.Maybe (fromJust,Maybe(Nothing))
import Control.Exception (throw)

parsing frontend query to server query
- A valid argument is any string that is provided to reference database objects
readServerObject :: String -> [(String,[String])] -> [(String,[String],[String])] -> ServerObject
readServerObject str [] [] = throw InvalidObjectException
readServerObject str ((a,b):t) c = if (elem str b)==True then (a :: ServerObject) else readServerObject str t c
readServerObject str [] ((a,b,_):t) = if (elem str b)==True then (a :: ServerObject) else readServerObject str [] t

checking server type attributes
-- EFFECT: returns exclusive list of valid fields that are found in the database table for each Server object 
-- this is used to check queries against valid subfields
isValidServerObjectScalarField :: ServerObject -> String -> [(String,[(String,String)])] -> [(String,[String],[String])] -> Bool
isValidServerObjectScalarField _ _ [] _ = False  -- throw InvalidObjectException
isValidServerObjectScalarField sobj name pvs ((pnt,_,cdn):t) = if sobj==pnt then (foldr (\x y->(isValidServerObjectScalarField x name pvs [])&&y) True cdn)||(isValidServerObjectScalarField sobj name pvs t) else isValidServerObjectScalarField sobj name pvs t
isValidServerObjectScalarField sobj name ((ptv,fds):t) _
    | sobj==ptv&&(elem name $ getScalarNames fds)==True = True
    | otherwise = isValidServerObjectScalarField sobj name t []
getScalarNames :: [(String,String)] -> [String]
getScalarNames lst = [a | (a,b) <- lst]

-- you can create as many relationships as you want with your server...
isValidServerObjectNestedObjectField :: ServerObject -> String -> [(String,[String])] -> [(String,[String],[String])] -> Bool
isValidServerObjectNestedObjectField sobj name pvo ((so,_,cdn):t) = if sobj==so then (elem name $ getParentObjects cdn pvo)||(isValidServerObjectNestedObjectField sobj name pvo t) else isValidServerObjectNestedObjectField sobj name pvo t
isValidServerObjectNestedObjectField _ _ [] _ = False -- throw InvalidObjectException
isValidServerObjectNestedObjectField sobj name ((a,b):t) _
    | sobj==a&&(elem name b)==True = True
    | otherwise = isValidServerObjectNestedObjectField sobj name t []

-- split server object to sql query
-- EFFECTS: returns the database table references for the server object.
translateServerObjectToDBName :: ServerObject -> [(String,String)] -> [(String,[String],[String])] -> [String]
translateServerObjectToDBName sobj pdn ((so,_,cdn):t) = if sobj==so then (foldr (\x y -> (translateServerObjectToDBName x pdn [])++y) [] cdn)++(translateServerObjectToDBName sobj pdn t) else translateServerObjectToDBName sobj pdn t
translateServerObjectToDBName _ [] _ = []  -- throw InvalidObjectException
translateServerObjectToDBName sobj ((a,b):t) _
    | sobj==a = [b]
    | otherwise = translateServerObjectToDBName sobj t []
-- TODO: list all server objects and their associated entities
-- EFFECT: with serverobject and serverobject attribute, we want the identity table, identity field, reference table, reference field, and triple elements if present of identity-to-reference-tables-order intermediate table, to-intermediate field, and from-itermediate field
-- You can define direct relationships (around only one link) or indirect (but you'll code the database query by yourself...)
getDBObjectRelationships :: String -> String -> [(String,String,[String])] -> [String]
getDBObjectRelationships _ _ [] = throw RelationshipConfigurationException
getDBObjectRelationships from to ((a,b,c):t)
    | from==a&&to==b = c
    | otherwise = getDBObjectRelationships from to t

getScalarName :: ScalarType -> String
getScalarName (ScalarType alias name trans arg) = name
getScalarArgument :: ScalarType -> String
getScalarArgument (ScalarType alias name trans arg) = if arg==Nothing then (throw NullArgumentException) else (fromJust arg)
getTransformation :: ScalarType -> (Transformation,Argument)
getTransformation (ScalarType alias name trans arg) = (trans,arg)
getScalarFieldLabel :: ScalarType -> String
getScalarFieldLabel (ScalarType alias name trans arg) = if (alias/=Nothing) then (fromJust alias) else name

getObjectName :: NestedObject -> String
getObjectName (NestedObject alias name sobj ss sf) = name
getObjectAlias :: NestedObject -> Alias
getObjectAlias (NestedObject alias name sobj ss sf) = alias
getServerObject :: NestedObject -> ServerObject
getServerObject (NestedObject alias name sobj ss sf) = sobj
getObjectSubSelection :: NestedObject -> SubSelection
getObjectSubSelection (NestedObject alias name sobj ss sf) = ss
withSubSelection :: NestedObject -> Bool
withSubSelection (NestedObject alias name sobj ss sf) = (ss/=Nothing)
getSubSelectionField :: NestedObject -> String
getSubSelectionField (NestedObject alias name sobj ss sf) = getScalarName $ fromJust ss
getSubSelectionArgument :: NestedObject -> String
getSubSelectionArgument (NestedObject alias name sobj ss sf) = getScalarArgument $ fromJust ss
getSubFields :: NestedObject -> SubFields
getSubFields (NestedObject alias name sobj ss sf) = sf
isSameNObjectReference :: NestedObject -> NestedObject -> Bool
isSameNObjectReference (NestedObject alias1 name1 sobj1 ss1 sfs1) (NestedObject alias2 name2 sobj2 ss2 sfs2) = alias1==alias2&&name1==name2&&sobj1==sobj2
isSameObjectSubSelection :: NestedObject -> NestedObject -> Bool
isSameObjectSubSelection (NestedObject alias1 name1 sobj1 ss1 sfs1) (NestedObject alias2 name2 sobj2 ss2 sfs2) = ss1==ss2
getNestedObjectFieldLabel :: NestedObject -> String
getNestedObjectFieldLabel (NestedObject alias name sobj ss sfs) = if (alias/=Nothing) then (fromJust alias) else name

isSameIFObjectReference :: InlinefragmentObject -> InlinefragmentObject -> Bool
isSameIFObjectReference (InlinefragmentObject obj1 sf1) (InlinefragmentObject obj2 sf2) = obj1==obj2
getInlinefragmentObject :: InlinefragmentObject -> ServerObject
getInlinefragmentObject (InlinefragmentObject obj sf) = obj
getInlinefragmentFields :: InlinefragmentObject -> [Field]
getInlinefragmentFields (InlinefragmentObject obj sf) = sf

isValidServerObjectChild :: ServerObject -> ServerObject -> [(String,[String],[String])] -> Bool
isValidServerObjectChild _ _ [] = False
isValidServerObjectChild pnt cld ((so,_,cdn):t) = if pnt==so then (elem cld cdn)||(isValidServerObjectChild pnt cld t) else isValidServerObjectChild pnt cld t
getServerObjectScalars :: ServerObject -> [(String,[(String,String)])] -> [(String,[String],[String])] -> [(String,String)]
getServerObjectScalars _ [] _ = throw InvalidObjectException
getServerObjectScalars sobj sss ((pnt,_,cdn):t) = if (sobj==pnt) then getIntersection [getServerObjectScalars x sss [] | x<-cdn] else getServerObjectScalars sobj sss t
getServerObjectScalars sobj ((cld,fds):t) _ = if (sobj==cld) then fds else getServerObjectScalars sobj t []

getIntersection :: Eq a => [[a]] -> [a]
getIntersection [] = []
getIntersection ([]:t) = []
getIntersection ((h:t1):t2) = if (foldr (\x y -> (elem h x)&&y) True t2) then (h:(getIntersection (t1:t2))) else (getIntersection (t1:t2))

getParentObjects :: [String] -> [(String,[String])] -> [String]
getParentObjects cdn sos = getIntersection $ getChildrenObjects cdn sos
getChildrenObjects :: [String] -> [(String,[String])] -> [[String]]
getChildrenObjects [] _ = []
getChildrenObjects (h:t) sos = (getChildObjects h sos):(getChildrenObjects t sos)
getChildObjects :: String -> [(String,[String])] -> [String]
getChildObjects _ [] = []
getChildObjects cld ((so,obs):t) = if cld==so then obs++(getChildObjects cld t) else getChildObjects cld t
isServerObjectTable :: String -> ServerObject -> [(String,String)] -> [(String,[String],[String])] -> Bool
isServerObjectTable tbl soj sodn soa = elem tbl $ translateServerObjectToDBName soj sodn soa
translateTableToObject :: String -> [(String,String)] -> String
translateTableToObject _ [] = throw InvalidObjectException
translateTableToObject tbl ((pObj,pTbl):rst) = if tbl==pTbl then pObj else translateTableToObject tbl rst