Safe Haskell | None |
Language | Haskell2010 |
- data ResolverError
- class HasResolver m a where
- type Handler m a
- data a :<> b = a :<> b
- class Defaultable a where
- data Result a = Result [ResolverError] a
- unionValue :: forall object union m name interfaces fields. (Monad m, Object name interfaces fields ~ object, KnownSymbol name) => TypeIndex m object union -> m (DynamicUnionValue union m)
data ResolverError Source #
SchemaError NameError | There was a problem in the schema. Server-side problem. |
FieldNotFoundError Name | Couldn't find the requested field in the object. A client-side problem. |
ValueMissing Name | No value provided for name, and no default specified. Client-side problem. |
InvalidValue Name Text | Could not translate value into Haskell. Probably a client-side problem. |
ValidationError ValidationErrors | Found validation errors when we tried to merge fields. |
SubSelectionOnLeaf (SelectionSetByType Value) | Tried to get subselection of leaf field. |
MissingSelectionSet | Tried to treat an object as a leaf. |
class HasResolver m a where Source #
Minimal complete definition
Applicative m => HasResolver * m Bool Source # | |
Applicative m => HasResolver * m Text Source # | |
Applicative m => HasResolver * m Double Source # | |
Applicative m => HasResolver * m Int32 Source # | |
(HasResolver * m hg, Monad m) => HasResolver * m (Maybe hg) Source # | |
(Monad m, Applicative m, HasResolver Type m hg) => HasResolver * m (List hg) Source # | |
(Monad m, KnownSymbol unionName, RunUnion [Type] m (Union unionName objects) objects) => HasResolver * m (Union unionName objects) Source # | |
(Applicative m, GraphQLEnum enum) => HasResolver * m (Enum ksN enum) Source # | |
(RunFields m (RunFieldsType m fields), HasObjectDefinition * (Object typeName interfaces fields), Monad m) => HasResolver * m (Object typeName interfaces fields) Source # | |
data a :<> b infixr 8 Source #
Object field separation operator.
Use this to provide handlers for fields of an object.
Say you had the following GraphQL type with "foo" and "bar" fields, e.g.
type MyObject { foo: Int! bar: String! }
You could provide handlers for it like this:
:m +System.Environment
let fooHandler = pure 42
let barHandler = System.Environment.getProgName
let myObjectHandler = pure $ fooHandler :<> barHandler :<> ()
a :<> b infixr 8 |
class Defaultable a where Source #
Specify a default value for a type in a GraphQL schema.
GraphQL schema can have default values in certain places. For example, arguments to fields can have default values. Because we cannot lift arbitrary values to the type level, we need some way of getting at those values. This typeclass provides the means.
To specify a default, implement this typeclass.
The default implementation is to say that there *is* no default for this type.
defaultFor :: Name -> Maybe a Source #
defaultFor returns the value to be used when no value has been given.
Result [ResolverError] a |
unionValue :: forall object union m name interfaces fields. (Monad m, Object name interfaces fields ~ object, KnownSymbol name) => TypeIndex m object union -> m (DynamicUnionValue union m) Source #
Translate a Handler
into a DynamicUnionValue type required by
handlers. This is dynamic, but nevertheless type-safe
because we can only tag with types that are part of the union.
Use e.g. like "unionValue @Cat" if you have an object like this:
type Cat = API.Object "Cat" '[] '[API.Field "name" Text]
and then use `unionValue @Cat (pure (pure Felix))`. See `examples/UnionExample.hs` for more code.