{-# LANGUAGE FlexibleContexts, KindSignatures, RankNTypes, ScopedTypeVariables #-}
module Text.Grampa (
showFailure, simply,
Grammar, GrammarBuilder, ParseResults, ParseFailure(..), Ambiguous(..),
GrammarParsing(..), MonoidParsing(..), AmbiguousParsing(..), Lexical(..),
module Text.Parser.Char,
module Text.Parser.Combinators,
module Text.Parser.LookAhead)
import Data.List (intercalate)
import Data.Monoid ((<>))
import Data.Monoid.Textual (TextualMonoid, toString)
import Text.Parser.Char (CharParsing(char, notChar, anyChar))
import Text.Parser.Combinators (Parsing((<?>), notFollowedBy, skipMany, skipSome, unexpected))
import Text.Parser.LookAhead (LookAheadParsing(lookAhead))
import qualified Rank2
import Text.Grampa.Class (Lexical(..), MultiParsing(..), GrammarParsing(..), MonoidParsing(..), AmbiguousParsing(..),
Ambiguous(..), ParseResults, ParseFailure(..))
type Grammar (g :: (* -> *) -> *) p s = g (p g s)
type GrammarBuilder (g :: (* -> *) -> *)
(g' :: (* -> *) -> *)
(p :: ((* -> *) -> *) -> * -> * -> *)
(s :: *)
= g (p g' s) -> g (p g' s)
simply :: (Rank2.Only r (p (Rank2.Only r) s) -> s -> Rank2.Only r f) -> p (Rank2.Only r) s r -> s -> f r
simply parseGrammar p input = Rank2.fromOnly (parseGrammar (Rank2.Only p) input)
showFailure :: TextualMonoid s => s -> ParseFailure -> Int -> String
showFailure input (ParseFailure pos expected) preceding =
unlines prevLines <> replicate column ' ' <> "^\n"
<> "at line " <> show (length allPrevLines) <> ", column " <> show column <> "\n"
<> "expected " <> oxfordComma expected
where oxfordComma [] = []
oxfordComma [x] = x
oxfordComma [x, y] = x <> " or " <> y
oxfordComma (x:y:rest) = intercalate ", " (x : y : onLast ("or " <>) rest)
onLast _ [] = []
onLast f [x] = [f x]
onLast f (x:xs) = x : onLast f xs
(allPrevLines, column) = context [] pos (lines $ toString (const mempty) input)
prevLines = reverse (take (succ preceding) allPrevLines)
context revLines restCount []
| restCount > 0 = (["Error: the failure position is beyond the input length"], -1)
| otherwise = (revLines, restCount)
context revLines restCount (next:rest)
| restCount < nextLength = (next:revLines, restCount)
| otherwise = context (next:revLines) (restCount - nextLength - 1) rest
where nextLength = length next