Copyright | (c) 2015-2016 Brendan Hay |
License | Mozilla Public License, v. 2.0. |
Maintainer | Brendan Hay <> |
Stability | auto-generated |
Portability | non-portable (GHC extensions) |
Safe Haskell | None |
Language | Haskell2010 |
- Service Configuration
- OAuth Scopes
- TestDetails
- IntentFilter
- IosTestSetup
- TestExecution
- IosVersion
- IosDeviceList
- RoboDirective
- AndroidRuntimeConfiguration
- XcodeVersion
- Distribution
- TestMatrixState
- IosModel
- NetworkConfigurationCatalog
- TestMatrixInvalidMatrixDetails
- IosDevice
- GetAPKDetailsResponse
- AndroidRoboTest
- FileReference
- Environment
- ToolResultsHistory
- TestEnvironmentCatalog
- Locale
- AndroidDeviceCatalog
- AndroidInstrumentationTestOrchestratorOption
- TestExecutionState
- TestSpecification
- ProvidedSoftwareCatalog
- TrafficRule
- IosDeviceCatalog
- GoogleAuto
- CancelTestMatrixResponseTestState
- Account
- RoboDirectiveActionType
- StartActivityIntent
- IosModelFormFactor
- RoboStartingIntent
- Date
- RegularFile
- AndroidModel
- ClientInfo
- AndroidModelFormFactor
- AndroidModelForm
- Xgafv
- APKManifest
- AppBundle
- AndroidInstrumentationTest
- TestMatrix
- CancelTestMatrixResponse
- ToolResultsExecution
- IosXcTest
- ResultStorage
- AndroidMatrix
- ToolResultsStep
- LauncherActivityIntent
- APKDetail
- AndroidDevice
- EnvironmentVariable
- Orientation
- EnvironmentMatrix
- DeviceFile
- ClientInfoDetail
- NetworkConfiguration
- IosRuntimeConfiguration
- GoogleCloudStorage
- AndroidVersion
- ObbFile
- AndroidTestLoop
- AndroidDeviceList
- TestSetup
- testingService :: ServiceConfig
- cloudPlatformReadOnlyScope :: Proxy '[""]
- cloudPlatformScope :: Proxy '[""]
- data TestDetails
- testDetails :: TestDetails
- tdProgressMessages :: Lens' TestDetails [Text]
- tdErrorMessage :: Lens' TestDetails (Maybe Text)
- data IntentFilter
- intentFilter :: IntentFilter
- ifActionNames :: Lens' IntentFilter [Text]
- ifMimeType :: Lens' IntentFilter (Maybe Text)
- ifCategoryNames :: Lens' IntentFilter [Text]
- data IosTestSetup
- iosTestSetup :: IosTestSetup
- itsNetworkProFile :: Lens' IosTestSetup (Maybe Text)
- data TestExecution
- testExecution :: TestExecution
- teTestDetails :: Lens' TestExecution (Maybe TestDetails)
- teState :: Lens' TestExecution (Maybe TestExecutionState)
- teEnvironment :: Lens' TestExecution (Maybe Environment)
- teTestSpecification :: Lens' TestExecution (Maybe TestSpecification)
- teMatrixId :: Lens' TestExecution (Maybe Text)
- teId :: Lens' TestExecution (Maybe Text)
- teProjectId :: Lens' TestExecution (Maybe Text)
- teToolResultsStep :: Lens' TestExecution (Maybe ToolResultsStep)
- teTimestamp :: Lens' TestExecution (Maybe UTCTime)
- data IosVersion
- iosVersion :: IosVersion
- ivMinorVersion :: Lens' IosVersion (Maybe Int32)
- ivMajorVersion :: Lens' IosVersion (Maybe Int32)
- ivSupportedXcodeVersionIds :: Lens' IosVersion [Text]
- ivId :: Lens' IosVersion (Maybe Text)
- ivTags :: Lens' IosVersion [Text]
- data IosDeviceList
- iosDeviceList :: IosDeviceList
- idlIosDevices :: Lens' IosDeviceList [IosDevice]
- data RoboDirective
- roboDirective :: RoboDirective
- rdResourceName :: Lens' RoboDirective (Maybe Text)
- rdInputText :: Lens' RoboDirective (Maybe Text)
- rdActionType :: Lens' RoboDirective (Maybe RoboDirectiveActionType)
- data AndroidRuntimeConfiguration
- androidRuntimeConfiguration :: AndroidRuntimeConfiguration
- arcOrientations :: Lens' AndroidRuntimeConfiguration [Orientation]
- arcLocales :: Lens' AndroidRuntimeConfiguration [Locale]
- data XcodeVersion
- xcodeVersion :: XcodeVersion
- xvVersion :: Lens' XcodeVersion (Maybe Text)
- xvTags :: Lens' XcodeVersion [Text]
- data Distribution
- distribution :: Distribution
- dMeasurementTime :: Lens' Distribution (Maybe UTCTime)
- dMarketShare :: Lens' Distribution (Maybe Double)
- data TestMatrixState
- data IosModel
- iosModel :: IosModel
- imFormFactor :: Lens' IosModel (Maybe IosModelFormFactor)
- imName :: Lens' IosModel (Maybe Text)
- imSupportedVersionIds :: Lens' IosModel [Text]
- imId :: Lens' IosModel (Maybe Text)
- imDeviceCapabilities :: Lens' IosModel [Text]
- imTags :: Lens' IosModel [Text]
- data APK
- aPK :: APK
- aPackageName :: Lens' APK (Maybe Text)
- aLocation :: Lens' APK (Maybe FileReference)
- data NetworkConfigurationCatalog
- networkConfigurationCatalog :: NetworkConfigurationCatalog
- nccConfigurations :: Lens' NetworkConfigurationCatalog [NetworkConfiguration]
- data TestMatrixInvalidMatrixDetails
- = InvalidMatrixDetailsUnspecified
- | DetailsUnavailable
- | MalformedAPK
- | MalformedTestAPK
- | NoManifest
- | NoPackageName
- | TestSameAsApp
- | NoInstrumentation
- | NoSignature
- | InstrumentationOrchestratorIncompatible
- | NoTestRunnerClass
- | NoLauncherActivity
- | ForBiddenPermissions
- | InvalidRoboDirectives
- | TestLoopIntentFilterNotFound
- | ScenarioLabelNotDeclared
- | ScenarioLabelMalformed
- | ScenarioNotDeclared
- | DeviceAdminReceiver
- | MalformedXcTestZip
- | BuiltForIosSimulator
- | NoTestsInXcTestZip
- | UseDestinationArtifacts
- | TestNotAppHosted
- | PListCannotBeParsed
- | TestOnlyAPK
- | MalformedIPa
- | NoCodeAPK
- | InvalidInputAPK
- | InvalidAPKPreviewSdk
- data IosDevice
- iosDevice :: IosDevice
- idLocale :: Lens' IosDevice (Maybe Text)
- idIosModelId :: Lens' IosDevice (Maybe Text)
- idIosVersionId :: Lens' IosDevice (Maybe Text)
- idOrientation :: Lens' IosDevice (Maybe Text)
- data GetAPKDetailsResponse
- getAPKDetailsResponse :: GetAPKDetailsResponse
- gapkdrAPKDetail :: Lens' GetAPKDetailsResponse (Maybe APKDetail)
- data AndroidRoboTest
- androidRoboTest :: AndroidRoboTest
- artRoboDirectives :: Lens' AndroidRoboTest [RoboDirective]
- artRoboScript :: Lens' AndroidRoboTest (Maybe FileReference)
- artStartingIntents :: Lens' AndroidRoboTest [RoboStartingIntent]
- artAppInitialActivity :: Lens' AndroidRoboTest (Maybe Text)
- artMaxSteps :: Lens' AndroidRoboTest (Maybe Int32)
- artAppPackageId :: Lens' AndroidRoboTest (Maybe Text)
- artAppBundle :: Lens' AndroidRoboTest (Maybe AppBundle)
- artAppAPK :: Lens' AndroidRoboTest (Maybe FileReference)
- artMaxDepth :: Lens' AndroidRoboTest (Maybe Int32)
- data FileReference
- fileReference :: FileReference
- frGcsPath :: Lens' FileReference (Maybe Text)
- data Environment
- environment :: Environment
- eIosDevice :: Lens' Environment (Maybe IosDevice)
- eAndroidDevice :: Lens' Environment (Maybe AndroidDevice)
- data ToolResultsHistory
- toolResultsHistory :: ToolResultsHistory
- trhHistoryId :: Lens' ToolResultsHistory (Maybe Text)
- trhProjectId :: Lens' ToolResultsHistory (Maybe Text)
- data TestEnvironmentCatalog
- testEnvironmentCatalog :: TestEnvironmentCatalog
- tecSoftwareCatalog :: Lens' TestEnvironmentCatalog (Maybe ProvidedSoftwareCatalog)
- tecNetworkConfigurationCatalog :: Lens' TestEnvironmentCatalog (Maybe NetworkConfigurationCatalog)
- tecAndroidDeviceCatalog :: Lens' TestEnvironmentCatalog (Maybe AndroidDeviceCatalog)
- tecIosDeviceCatalog :: Lens' TestEnvironmentCatalog (Maybe IosDeviceCatalog)
- data Locale
- locale :: Locale
- lName :: Lens' Locale (Maybe Text)
- lId :: Lens' Locale (Maybe Text)
- lRegion :: Lens' Locale (Maybe Text)
- lTags :: Lens' Locale [Text]
- data AndroidDeviceCatalog
- androidDeviceCatalog :: AndroidDeviceCatalog
- adcVersions :: Lens' AndroidDeviceCatalog [AndroidVersion]
- adcModels :: Lens' AndroidDeviceCatalog [AndroidModel]
- adcRuntimeConfiguration :: Lens' AndroidDeviceCatalog (Maybe AndroidRuntimeConfiguration)
- data AndroidInstrumentationTestOrchestratorOption
- data TestExecutionState
- data TestSpecification
- testSpecification :: TestSpecification
- tsIosTestSetup :: Lens' TestSpecification (Maybe IosTestSetup)
- tsTestTimeout :: Lens' TestSpecification (Maybe Scientific)
- tsAndroidRoboTest :: Lens' TestSpecification (Maybe AndroidRoboTest)
- tsAutoGoogleLogin :: Lens' TestSpecification (Maybe Bool)
- tsDisableVideoRecording :: Lens' TestSpecification (Maybe Bool)
- tsAndroidInstrumentationTest :: Lens' TestSpecification (Maybe AndroidInstrumentationTest)
- tsIosXcTest :: Lens' TestSpecification (Maybe IosXcTest)
- tsDisablePerformanceMetrics :: Lens' TestSpecification (Maybe Bool)
- tsTestSetup :: Lens' TestSpecification (Maybe TestSetup)
- tsAndroidTestLoop :: Lens' TestSpecification (Maybe AndroidTestLoop)
- data ProvidedSoftwareCatalog
- providedSoftwareCatalog :: ProvidedSoftwareCatalog
- pscOrchestratorVersion :: Lens' ProvidedSoftwareCatalog (Maybe Text)
- data TrafficRule
- trafficRule :: TrafficRule
- trPacketLossRatio :: Lens' TrafficRule (Maybe Double)
- trPacketDuplicationRatio :: Lens' TrafficRule (Maybe Double)
- trBandwidth :: Lens' TrafficRule (Maybe Double)
- trBurst :: Lens' TrafficRule (Maybe Double)
- trDelay :: Lens' TrafficRule (Maybe Scientific)
- data IosDeviceCatalog
- iosDeviceCatalog :: IosDeviceCatalog
- idcXcodeVersions :: Lens' IosDeviceCatalog [XcodeVersion]
- idcVersions :: Lens' IosDeviceCatalog [IosVersion]
- idcModels :: Lens' IosDeviceCatalog [IosModel]
- idcRuntimeConfiguration :: Lens' IosDeviceCatalog (Maybe IosRuntimeConfiguration)
- data GoogleAuto
- googleAuto :: GoogleAuto
- data CancelTestMatrixResponseTestState
- data Account
- account :: Account
- aGoogleAuto :: Lens' Account (Maybe GoogleAuto)
- data RoboDirectiveActionType
- data StartActivityIntent
- startActivityIntent :: StartActivityIntent
- saiURI :: Lens' StartActivityIntent (Maybe Text)
- saiCategories :: Lens' StartActivityIntent [Text]
- saiAction :: Lens' StartActivityIntent (Maybe Text)
- data IosModelFormFactor
- data RoboStartingIntent
- roboStartingIntent :: RoboStartingIntent
- rsiLauncherActivity :: Lens' RoboStartingIntent (Maybe LauncherActivityIntent)
- rsiStartActivity :: Lens' RoboStartingIntent (Maybe StartActivityIntent)
- data Date
- date :: Date
- dDay :: Lens' Date (Maybe Int32)
- dYear :: Lens' Date (Maybe Int32)
- dMonth :: Lens' Date (Maybe Int32)
- data RegularFile
- regularFile :: RegularFile
- rfDevicePath :: Lens' RegularFile (Maybe Text)
- rfContent :: Lens' RegularFile (Maybe FileReference)
- data AndroidModel
- androidModel :: AndroidModel
- amSupportedAbis :: Lens' AndroidModel [Text]
- amManufacturer :: Lens' AndroidModel (Maybe Text)
- amCodename :: Lens' AndroidModel (Maybe Text)
- amLowFpsVideoRecording :: Lens' AndroidModel (Maybe Bool)
- amFormFactor :: Lens' AndroidModel (Maybe AndroidModelFormFactor)
- amBrand :: Lens' AndroidModel (Maybe Text)
- amScreenX :: Lens' AndroidModel (Maybe Int32)
- amScreenDensity :: Lens' AndroidModel (Maybe Int32)
- amName :: Lens' AndroidModel (Maybe Text)
- amSupportedVersionIds :: Lens' AndroidModel [Text]
- amScreenY :: Lens' AndroidModel (Maybe Int32)
- amId :: Lens' AndroidModel (Maybe Text)
- amForm :: Lens' AndroidModel (Maybe AndroidModelForm)
- amTags :: Lens' AndroidModel [Text]
- data ClientInfo
- clientInfo :: ClientInfo
- ciName :: Lens' ClientInfo (Maybe Text)
- ciClientInfoDetails :: Lens' ClientInfo [ClientInfoDetail]
- data AndroidModelFormFactor
- data AndroidModelForm
- data Xgafv
- data APKManifest
- aPKManifest :: APKManifest
- apkmApplicationLabel :: Lens' APKManifest (Maybe Text)
- apkmMinSdkVersion :: Lens' APKManifest (Maybe Int32)
- apkmPackageName :: Lens' APKManifest (Maybe Text)
- apkmIntentFilters :: Lens' APKManifest [IntentFilter]
- apkmMaxSdkVersion :: Lens' APKManifest (Maybe Int32)
- data AppBundle
- appBundle :: AppBundle
- abBundleLocation :: Lens' AppBundle (Maybe FileReference)
- data AndroidInstrumentationTest
- androidInstrumentationTest :: AndroidInstrumentationTest
- aitTestTargets :: Lens' AndroidInstrumentationTest [Text]
- aitTestRunnerClass :: Lens' AndroidInstrumentationTest (Maybe Text)
- aitAppPackageId :: Lens' AndroidInstrumentationTest (Maybe Text)
- aitTestAPK :: Lens' AndroidInstrumentationTest (Maybe FileReference)
- aitOrchestratorOption :: Lens' AndroidInstrumentationTest (Maybe AndroidInstrumentationTestOrchestratorOption)
- aitAppBundle :: Lens' AndroidInstrumentationTest (Maybe AppBundle)
- aitAppAPK :: Lens' AndroidInstrumentationTest (Maybe FileReference)
- aitTestPackageId :: Lens' AndroidInstrumentationTest (Maybe Text)
- data TestMatrix
- testMatrix :: TestMatrix
- tmState :: Lens' TestMatrix (Maybe TestMatrixState)
- tmTestMatrixId :: Lens' TestMatrix (Maybe Text)
- tmTestSpecification :: Lens' TestMatrix (Maybe TestSpecification)
- tmFlakyTestAttempts :: Lens' TestMatrix (Maybe Int32)
- tmClientInfo :: Lens' TestMatrix (Maybe ClientInfo)
- tmTestExecutions :: Lens' TestMatrix [TestExecution]
- tmResultStorage :: Lens' TestMatrix (Maybe ResultStorage)
- tmInvalidMatrixDetails :: Lens' TestMatrix (Maybe TestMatrixInvalidMatrixDetails)
- tmProjectId :: Lens' TestMatrix (Maybe Text)
- tmEnvironmentMatrix :: Lens' TestMatrix (Maybe EnvironmentMatrix)
- tmTimestamp :: Lens' TestMatrix (Maybe UTCTime)
- data CancelTestMatrixResponse
- cancelTestMatrixResponse :: CancelTestMatrixResponse
- ctmrTestState :: Lens' CancelTestMatrixResponse (Maybe CancelTestMatrixResponseTestState)
- data ToolResultsExecution
- toolResultsExecution :: ToolResultsExecution
- treExecutionId :: Lens' ToolResultsExecution (Maybe Text)
- treHistoryId :: Lens' ToolResultsExecution (Maybe Text)
- treProjectId :: Lens' ToolResultsExecution (Maybe Text)
- data IosXcTest
- iosXcTest :: IosXcTest
- ixtXctestrun :: Lens' IosXcTest (Maybe FileReference)
- ixtXcodeVersion :: Lens' IosXcTest (Maybe Text)
- ixtAppBundleId :: Lens' IosXcTest (Maybe Text)
- ixtTestsZip :: Lens' IosXcTest (Maybe FileReference)
- data ResultStorage
- resultStorage :: ResultStorage
- rsToolResultsHistory :: Lens' ResultStorage (Maybe ToolResultsHistory)
- rsToolResultsExecution :: Lens' ResultStorage (Maybe ToolResultsExecution)
- rsGoogleCloudStorage :: Lens' ResultStorage (Maybe GoogleCloudStorage)
- data AndroidMatrix
- androidMatrix :: AndroidMatrix
- amAndroidModelIds :: Lens' AndroidMatrix [Text]
- amAndroidVersionIds :: Lens' AndroidMatrix [Text]
- amOrientations :: Lens' AndroidMatrix [Text]
- amLocales :: Lens' AndroidMatrix [Text]
- data ToolResultsStep
- toolResultsStep :: ToolResultsStep
- trsExecutionId :: Lens' ToolResultsStep (Maybe Text)
- trsStepId :: Lens' ToolResultsStep (Maybe Text)
- trsHistoryId :: Lens' ToolResultsStep (Maybe Text)
- trsProjectId :: Lens' ToolResultsStep (Maybe Text)
- data LauncherActivityIntent
- launcherActivityIntent :: LauncherActivityIntent
- data APKDetail
- aPKDetail :: APKDetail
- apkdAPKManifest :: Lens' APKDetail (Maybe APKManifest)
- data AndroidDevice
- androidDevice :: AndroidDevice
- adAndroidVersionId :: Lens' AndroidDevice (Maybe Text)
- adLocale :: Lens' AndroidDevice (Maybe Text)
- adAndroidModelId :: Lens' AndroidDevice (Maybe Text)
- adOrientation :: Lens' AndroidDevice (Maybe Text)
- data EnvironmentVariable
- environmentVariable :: EnvironmentVariable
- evValue :: Lens' EnvironmentVariable (Maybe Text)
- evKey :: Lens' EnvironmentVariable (Maybe Text)
- data Orientation
- orientation :: Orientation
- oName :: Lens' Orientation (Maybe Text)
- oId :: Lens' Orientation (Maybe Text)
- oTags :: Lens' Orientation [Text]
- data EnvironmentMatrix
- environmentMatrix :: EnvironmentMatrix
- emIosDeviceList :: Lens' EnvironmentMatrix (Maybe IosDeviceList)
- emAndroidMatrix :: Lens' EnvironmentMatrix (Maybe AndroidMatrix)
- emAndroidDeviceList :: Lens' EnvironmentMatrix (Maybe AndroidDeviceList)
- data DeviceFile
- deviceFile :: DeviceFile
- dfRegularFile :: Lens' DeviceFile (Maybe RegularFile)
- dfObbFile :: Lens' DeviceFile (Maybe ObbFile)
- data ClientInfoDetail
- clientInfoDetail :: ClientInfoDetail
- cidValue :: Lens' ClientInfoDetail (Maybe Text)
- cidKey :: Lens' ClientInfoDetail (Maybe Text)
- data NetworkConfiguration
- networkConfiguration :: NetworkConfiguration
- ncDownRule :: Lens' NetworkConfiguration (Maybe TrafficRule)
- ncId :: Lens' NetworkConfiguration (Maybe Text)
- ncUpRule :: Lens' NetworkConfiguration (Maybe TrafficRule)
- data IosRuntimeConfiguration
- iosRuntimeConfiguration :: IosRuntimeConfiguration
- ircOrientations :: Lens' IosRuntimeConfiguration [Orientation]
- ircLocales :: Lens' IosRuntimeConfiguration [Locale]
- data GoogleCloudStorage
- googleCloudStorage :: GoogleCloudStorage
- gcsGcsPath :: Lens' GoogleCloudStorage (Maybe Text)
- data AndroidVersion
- androidVersion :: AndroidVersion
- avCodeName :: Lens' AndroidVersion (Maybe Text)
- avDistribution :: Lens' AndroidVersion (Maybe Distribution)
- avAPILevel :: Lens' AndroidVersion (Maybe Int32)
- avVersionString :: Lens' AndroidVersion (Maybe Text)
- avId :: Lens' AndroidVersion (Maybe Text)
- avReleaseDate :: Lens' AndroidVersion (Maybe Date)
- avTags :: Lens' AndroidVersion [Text]
- data ObbFile
- obbFile :: ObbFile
- ofObb :: Lens' ObbFile (Maybe FileReference)
- ofObbFileName :: Lens' ObbFile (Maybe Text)
- data AndroidTestLoop
- androidTestLoop :: AndroidTestLoop
- atlScenarios :: Lens' AndroidTestLoop [Int32]
- atlScenarioLabels :: Lens' AndroidTestLoop [Text]
- atlAppPackageId :: Lens' AndroidTestLoop (Maybe Text)
- atlAppBundle :: Lens' AndroidTestLoop (Maybe AppBundle)
- atlAppAPK :: Lens' AndroidTestLoop (Maybe FileReference)
- data AndroidDeviceList
- androidDeviceList :: AndroidDeviceList
- adlAndroidDevices :: Lens' AndroidDeviceList [AndroidDevice]
- data TestSetup
- testSetup :: TestSetup
- tsAccount :: Lens' TestSetup (Maybe Account)
- tsNetworkProFile :: Lens' TestSetup (Maybe Text)
- tsEnvironmentVariables :: Lens' TestSetup [EnvironmentVariable]
- tsAdditionalAPKs :: Lens' TestSetup [APK]
- tsFilesToPush :: Lens' TestSetup [DeviceFile]
- tsDirectoriesToPull :: Lens' TestSetup [Text]
Service Configuration
testingService :: ServiceConfig Source #
Default request referring to version v1
of the Cloud Testing API. This contains the host and root path used as a starting point for constructing service requests.
OAuth Scopes
cloudPlatformReadOnlyScope :: Proxy '[""] Source #
View your data across Google Cloud Platform services
cloudPlatformScope :: Proxy '[""] Source #
View and manage your data across Google Cloud Platform services
data TestDetails Source #
Additional details about the progress of the running test.
See: testDetails
smart constructor.
testDetails :: TestDetails Source #
Creates a value of TestDetails
with the minimum fields required to make a request.
Use one of the following lenses to modify other fields as desired:
tdProgressMessages :: Lens' TestDetails [Text] Source #
Output only. Human-readable, detailed descriptions of the test's progress. For example: "Provisioning a device", "Starting Test". During the course of execution new data may be appended to the end of progress_messages.
tdErrorMessage :: Lens' TestDetails (Maybe Text) Source #
Output only. If the TestState is ERROR, then this string will contain human-readable details about the error.
data IntentFilter Source #
The section of an tag.
See: intentFilter
smart constructor.
intentFilter :: IntentFilter Source #
Creates a value of IntentFilter
with the minimum fields required to make a request.
Use one of the following lenses to modify other fields as desired:
ifActionNames :: Lens' IntentFilter [Text] Source #
The android:name value of the tag.
ifMimeType :: Lens' IntentFilter (Maybe Text) Source #
The android:mimeType value of the tag.
ifCategoryNames :: Lens' IntentFilter [Text] Source #
The android:name value of the tag.
data IosTestSetup Source #
A description of how to set up an iOS device prior to a test.
See: iosTestSetup
smart constructor.
iosTestSetup :: IosTestSetup Source #
Creates a value of IosTestSetup
with the minimum fields required to make a request.
Use one of the following lenses to modify other fields as desired:
itsNetworkProFile :: Lens' IosTestSetup (Maybe Text) Source #
The network traffic profile used for running the test. Available network profiles can be queried by using the NETWORK_CONFIGURATION environment type when calling TestEnvironmentDiscoveryService.GetTestEnvironmentCatalog.
data TestExecution Source #
Specifies a single test to be executed in a single environment.
See: testExecution
smart constructor.
testExecution :: TestExecution Source #
Creates a value of TestExecution
with the minimum fields required to make a request.
Use one of the following lenses to modify other fields as desired:
teTestDetails :: Lens' TestExecution (Maybe TestDetails) Source #
Output only. Additional details about the running test.
teState :: Lens' TestExecution (Maybe TestExecutionState) Source #
Output only. Indicates the current progress of the test execution (e.g., FINISHED).
teEnvironment :: Lens' TestExecution (Maybe Environment) Source #
Output only. How the host machine(s) are configured.
teTestSpecification :: Lens' TestExecution (Maybe TestSpecification) Source #
Output only. How to run the test.
teMatrixId :: Lens' TestExecution (Maybe Text) Source #
Output only. Id of the containing TestMatrix.
teProjectId :: Lens' TestExecution (Maybe Text) Source #
Output only. The cloud project that owns the test execution.
teToolResultsStep :: Lens' TestExecution (Maybe ToolResultsStep) Source #
Output only. Where the results for this execution are written.
teTimestamp :: Lens' TestExecution (Maybe UTCTime) Source #
Output only. The time this test execution was initially created.
data IosVersion Source #
An iOS version.
See: iosVersion
smart constructor.
iosVersion :: IosVersion Source #
Creates a value of IosVersion
with the minimum fields required to make a request.
Use one of the following lenses to modify other fields as desired:
ivMinorVersion :: Lens' IosVersion (Maybe Int32) Source #
An integer representing the minor iOS version. Examples: "1", "2".
ivMajorVersion :: Lens' IosVersion (Maybe Int32) Source #
An integer representing the major iOS version. Examples: "8", "9".
ivSupportedXcodeVersionIds :: Lens' IosVersion [Text] Source #
The available Xcode versions for this version.
ivId :: Lens' IosVersion (Maybe Text) Source #
An opaque id for this iOS version. Use this id to invoke the TestExecutionService.
ivTags :: Lens' IosVersion [Text] Source #
Tags for this dimension. Examples: "default", "preview", "deprecated".
data IosDeviceList Source #
A list of iOS device configurations in which the test is to be executed.
See: iosDeviceList
smart constructor.
iosDeviceList :: IosDeviceList Source #
Creates a value of IosDeviceList
with the minimum fields required to make a request.
Use one of the following lenses to modify other fields as desired:
idlIosDevices :: Lens' IosDeviceList [IosDevice] Source #
Required. A list of iOS devices.
data RoboDirective Source #
Directs Robo to interact with a specific UI element if it is encountered during the crawl. Currently, Robo can perform text entry or element click.
See: roboDirective
smart constructor.
roboDirective :: RoboDirective Source #
Creates a value of RoboDirective
with the minimum fields required to make a request.
Use one of the following lenses to modify other fields as desired:
rdResourceName :: Lens' RoboDirective (Maybe Text) Source #
Required. The android resource name of the target UI element. For example, in Java: in xml: 'string/foo Only the "foo" part is needed. Reference doc:
rdInputText :: Lens' RoboDirective (Maybe Text) Source #
The text that Robo is directed to set. If left empty, the directive will be treated as a CLICK on the element matching the resource_name.
rdActionType :: Lens' RoboDirective (Maybe RoboDirectiveActionType) Source #
Required. The type of action that Robo should perform on the specified element.
data AndroidRuntimeConfiguration Source #
Android configuration that can be selected at the time a test is run.
See: androidRuntimeConfiguration
smart constructor.
androidRuntimeConfiguration :: AndroidRuntimeConfiguration Source #
Creates a value of AndroidRuntimeConfiguration
with the minimum fields required to make a request.
Use one of the following lenses to modify other fields as desired:
arcOrientations :: Lens' AndroidRuntimeConfiguration [Orientation] Source #
The set of available orientations.
arcLocales :: Lens' AndroidRuntimeConfiguration [Locale] Source #
The set of available locales.
data XcodeVersion Source #
An Xcode version that an iOS version is compatible with.
See: xcodeVersion
smart constructor.
xcodeVersion :: XcodeVersion Source #
Creates a value of XcodeVersion
with the minimum fields required to make a request.
Use one of the following lenses to modify other fields as desired:
data Distribution Source #
Data about the relative number of devices running a given configuration of the Android platform.
See: distribution
smart constructor.
distribution :: Distribution Source #
Creates a value of Distribution
with the minimum fields required to make a request.
Use one of the following lenses to modify other fields as desired:
dMeasurementTime :: Lens' Distribution (Maybe UTCTime) Source #
Output only. The time this distribution was measured.
dMarketShare :: Lens' Distribution (Maybe Double) Source #
Output only. The estimated fraction (0-1) of the total market with this configuration.
data TestMatrixState Source #
Output only. Indicates the current progress of the test matrix (e.g., FINISHED).
TestStateUnspecified |
Validating |
Pending |
Running |
Finished |
Error' |
UnsupportedEnvironment |
IncompatibleEnvironment |
IncompatibleArchitecture |
Cancelled |
Invalid |
A description of an iOS device tests may be run on.
See: iosModel
smart constructor.
Creates a value of IosModel
with the minimum fields required to make a request.
Use one of the following lenses to modify other fields as desired:
imFormFactor :: Lens' IosModel (Maybe IosModelFormFactor) Source #
Whether this device is a phone, tablet, wearable, etc.
imName :: Lens' IosModel (Maybe Text) Source #
The human-readable name for this device model. Examples: "iPhone 4s", "iPad Mini 2".
imSupportedVersionIds :: Lens' IosModel [Text] Source #
The set of iOS major software versions this device supports.
imId :: Lens' IosModel (Maybe Text) Source #
The unique opaque id for this model. Use this for invoking the TestExecutionService.
imDeviceCapabilities :: Lens' IosModel [Text] Source #
Device capabilities. Copied from
imTags :: Lens' IosModel [Text] Source #
Tags for this dimension. Examples: "default", "preview", "deprecated".
An Android package file to install.
See: aPK
smart constructor.
Eq APK Source # | |
Data APK Source # | |
Defined in Network.Google.Testing.Types.Product Methods gfoldl :: (forall d b. Data d => c (d -> b) -> d -> c b) -> (forall g. g -> c g) -> APK -> c APK # gunfold :: (forall b r. Data b => c (b -> r) -> c r) -> (forall r. r -> c r) -> Constr -> c APK # dataTypeOf :: APK -> DataType # dataCast1 :: Typeable t => (forall d. Data d => c (t d)) -> Maybe (c APK) # dataCast2 :: Typeable t => (forall d e. (Data d, Data e) => c (t d e)) -> Maybe (c APK) # gmapT :: (forall b. Data b => b -> b) -> APK -> APK # gmapQl :: (r -> r' -> r) -> r -> (forall d. Data d => d -> r') -> APK -> r # gmapQr :: (r' -> r -> r) -> r -> (forall d. Data d => d -> r') -> APK -> r # gmapQ :: (forall d. Data d => d -> u) -> APK -> [u] # gmapQi :: Int -> (forall d. Data d => d -> u) -> APK -> u # gmapM :: Monad m => (forall d. Data d => d -> m d) -> APK -> m APK # gmapMp :: MonadPlus m => (forall d. Data d => d -> m d) -> APK -> m APK # gmapMo :: MonadPlus m => (forall d. Data d => d -> m d) -> APK -> m APK # | |
Show APK Source # | |
Generic APK Source # | |
ToJSON APK Source # | |
Defined in Network.Google.Testing.Types.Product | |
FromJSON APK Source # | |
type Rep APK Source # | |
Defined in Network.Google.Testing.Types.Product type Rep APK = D1 (MetaData "APK" "Network.Google.Testing.Types.Product" "gogol-testing-0.4.0-AnkN60oT8lcIoqgf0WbNcC" False) (C1 (MetaCons "APK'" PrefixI True) (S1 (MetaSel (Just "_aPackageName") NoSourceUnpackedness SourceStrict DecidedStrict) (Rec0 (Maybe Text)) :*: S1 (MetaSel (Just "_aLocation") NoSourceUnpackedness SourceStrict DecidedStrict) (Rec0 (Maybe FileReference)))) |
Creates a value of APK
with the minimum fields required to make a request.
Use one of the following lenses to modify other fields as desired:
aPackageName :: Lens' APK (Maybe Text) Source #
The java package for the APK to be installed. Value is determined by examining the application's manifest.
aLocation :: Lens' APK (Maybe FileReference) Source #
The path to an APK to be installed on the device before the test begins.
data NetworkConfigurationCatalog Source #
networkConfigurationCatalog :: NetworkConfigurationCatalog Source #
Creates a value of NetworkConfigurationCatalog
with the minimum fields required to make a request.
Use one of the following lenses to modify other fields as desired:
data TestMatrixInvalidMatrixDetails Source #
Output only. Describes why the matrix is considered invalid. Only useful for matrices in the INVALID state.
InvalidMatrixDetailsUnspecified |
DetailsUnavailable |
MalformedAPK |
MalformedTestAPK |
NoManifest |
NoPackageName |
TestSameAsApp |
NoInstrumentation |
NoSignature |
InstrumentationOrchestratorIncompatible |
NoTestRunnerClass |
NoLauncherActivity |
ForBiddenPermissions |
InvalidRoboDirectives |
TestLoopIntentFilterNotFound |
ScenarioLabelNotDeclared |
ScenarioLabelMalformed |
ScenarioNotDeclared |
DeviceAdminReceiver |
MalformedXcTestZip |
BuiltForIosSimulator |
NoTestsInXcTestZip |
UseDestinationArtifacts |
TestNotAppHosted |
PListCannotBeParsed |
TestOnlyAPK |
MalformedIPa |
NoCodeAPK |
InvalidInputAPK |
InvalidAPKPreviewSdk |
A single iOS device.
See: iosDevice
smart constructor.
Eq IosDevice Source # | |
Data IosDevice Source # | |
Defined in Network.Google.Testing.Types.Product Methods gfoldl :: (forall d b. Data d => c (d -> b) -> d -> c b) -> (forall g. g -> c g) -> IosDevice -> c IosDevice # gunfold :: (forall b r. Data b => c (b -> r) -> c r) -> (forall r. r -> c r) -> Constr -> c IosDevice # toConstr :: IosDevice -> Constr # dataTypeOf :: IosDevice -> DataType # dataCast1 :: Typeable t => (forall d. Data d => c (t d)) -> Maybe (c IosDevice) # dataCast2 :: Typeable t => (forall d e. (Data d, Data e) => c (t d e)) -> Maybe (c IosDevice) # gmapT :: (forall b. Data b => b -> b) -> IosDevice -> IosDevice # gmapQl :: (r -> r' -> r) -> r -> (forall d. Data d => d -> r') -> IosDevice -> r # gmapQr :: (r' -> r -> r) -> r -> (forall d. Data d => d -> r') -> IosDevice -> r # gmapQ :: (forall d. Data d => d -> u) -> IosDevice -> [u] # gmapQi :: Int -> (forall d. Data d => d -> u) -> IosDevice -> u # gmapM :: Monad m => (forall d. Data d => d -> m d) -> IosDevice -> m IosDevice # gmapMp :: MonadPlus m => (forall d. Data d => d -> m d) -> IosDevice -> m IosDevice # gmapMo :: MonadPlus m => (forall d. Data d => d -> m d) -> IosDevice -> m IosDevice # | |
Show IosDevice Source # | |
Generic IosDevice Source # | |
ToJSON IosDevice Source # | |
Defined in Network.Google.Testing.Types.Product | |
FromJSON IosDevice Source # | |
type Rep IosDevice Source # | |
Defined in Network.Google.Testing.Types.Product type Rep IosDevice = D1 (MetaData "IosDevice" "Network.Google.Testing.Types.Product" "gogol-testing-0.4.0-AnkN60oT8lcIoqgf0WbNcC" False) (C1 (MetaCons "IosDevice'" PrefixI True) ((S1 (MetaSel (Just "_idLocale") NoSourceUnpackedness SourceStrict DecidedStrict) (Rec0 (Maybe Text)) :*: S1 (MetaSel (Just "_idIosModelId") NoSourceUnpackedness SourceStrict DecidedStrict) (Rec0 (Maybe Text))) :*: (S1 (MetaSel (Just "_idIosVersionId") NoSourceUnpackedness SourceStrict DecidedStrict) (Rec0 (Maybe Text)) :*: S1 (MetaSel (Just "_idOrientation") NoSourceUnpackedness SourceStrict DecidedStrict) (Rec0 (Maybe Text))))) |
iosDevice :: IosDevice Source #
Creates a value of IosDevice
with the minimum fields required to make a request.
Use one of the following lenses to modify other fields as desired:
idLocale :: Lens' IosDevice (Maybe Text) Source #
Required. The locale the test device used for testing. Use the EnvironmentDiscoveryService to get supported options.
idIosModelId :: Lens' IosDevice (Maybe Text) Source #
Required. The id of the iOS device to be used. Use the EnvironmentDiscoveryService to get supported options.
idIosVersionId :: Lens' IosDevice (Maybe Text) Source #
Required. The id of the iOS major software version to be used. Use the EnvironmentDiscoveryService to get supported options.
idOrientation :: Lens' IosDevice (Maybe Text) Source #
Required. How the device is oriented during the test. Use the EnvironmentDiscoveryService to get supported options.
data GetAPKDetailsResponse Source #
Response containing the details of the specified Android application APK.
See: getAPKDetailsResponse
smart constructor.
getAPKDetailsResponse :: GetAPKDetailsResponse Source #
Creates a value of GetAPKDetailsResponse
with the minimum fields required to make a request.
Use one of the following lenses to modify other fields as desired:
gapkdrAPKDetail :: Lens' GetAPKDetailsResponse (Maybe APKDetail) Source #
Details of the Android APK.
data AndroidRoboTest Source #
A test of an android application that explores the application on a virtual or physical Android Device, finding culprits and crashes as it goes.
See: androidRoboTest
smart constructor.
androidRoboTest :: AndroidRoboTest Source #
Creates a value of AndroidRoboTest
with the minimum fields required to make a request.
Use one of the following lenses to modify other fields as desired:
artRoboDirectives :: Lens' AndroidRoboTest [RoboDirective] Source #
A set of directives Robo should apply during the crawl. This allows users to customize the crawl. For example, the username and password for a test account can be provided.
artRoboScript :: Lens' AndroidRoboTest (Maybe FileReference) Source #
A JSON file with a sequence of actions Robo should perform as a prologue for the crawl.
artStartingIntents :: Lens' AndroidRoboTest [RoboStartingIntent] Source #
The intents used to launch the app for the crawl. If none are provided, then the main launcher activity is launched. If some are provided, then only those provided are launched (the main launcher activity must be provided explicitly).
artAppInitialActivity :: Lens' AndroidRoboTest (Maybe Text) Source #
The initial activity that should be used to start the app.
artMaxSteps :: Lens' AndroidRoboTest (Maybe Int32) Source #
The max number of steps Robo can execute. Default is no limit.
artAppPackageId :: Lens' AndroidRoboTest (Maybe Text) Source #
The java package for the application under test. The default value is determined by examining the application's manifest.
artAppBundle :: Lens' AndroidRoboTest (Maybe AppBundle) Source #
A multi-apk app bundle for the application under test.
artAppAPK :: Lens' AndroidRoboTest (Maybe FileReference) Source #
The APK for the application under test.
artMaxDepth :: Lens' AndroidRoboTest (Maybe Int32) Source #
The max depth of the traversal stack Robo can explore. Needs to be at least 2 to make Robo explore the app beyond the first activity. Default is 50.
data FileReference Source #
A reference to a file, used for user inputs.
See: fileReference
smart constructor.
fileReference :: FileReference Source #
Creates a value of FileReference
with the minimum fields required to make a request.
Use one of the following lenses to modify other fields as desired:
frGcsPath :: Lens' FileReference (Maybe Text) Source #
A path to a file in Google Cloud Storage. Example: gs://build-app-1414623860166/app-debug-unaligned.apk
data Environment Source #
The environment in which the test is run.
See: environment
smart constructor.
environment :: Environment Source #
Creates a value of Environment
with the minimum fields required to make a request.
Use one of the following lenses to modify other fields as desired:
eIosDevice :: Lens' Environment (Maybe IosDevice) Source #
An iOS device which must be used with an iOS test.
eAndroidDevice :: Lens' Environment (Maybe AndroidDevice) Source #
An Android device which must be used with an Android test.
data ToolResultsHistory Source #
Represents a tool results history resource.
See: toolResultsHistory
smart constructor.
toolResultsHistory :: ToolResultsHistory Source #
Creates a value of ToolResultsHistory
with the minimum fields required to make a request.
Use one of the following lenses to modify other fields as desired:
trhHistoryId :: Lens' ToolResultsHistory (Maybe Text) Source #
Required. A tool results history ID.
trhProjectId :: Lens' ToolResultsHistory (Maybe Text) Source #
Required. The cloud project that owns the tool results history.
data TestEnvironmentCatalog Source #
A description of a test environment.
See: testEnvironmentCatalog
smart constructor.
testEnvironmentCatalog :: TestEnvironmentCatalog Source #
Creates a value of TestEnvironmentCatalog
with the minimum fields required to make a request.
Use one of the following lenses to modify other fields as desired:
tecSoftwareCatalog :: Lens' TestEnvironmentCatalog (Maybe ProvidedSoftwareCatalog) Source #
The software test environment provided by TestExecutionService.
tecNetworkConfigurationCatalog :: Lens' TestEnvironmentCatalog (Maybe NetworkConfigurationCatalog) Source #
Supported network configurations.
tecAndroidDeviceCatalog :: Lens' TestEnvironmentCatalog (Maybe AndroidDeviceCatalog) Source #
Supported Android devices.
tecIosDeviceCatalog :: Lens' TestEnvironmentCatalog (Maybe IosDeviceCatalog) Source #
Supported iOS devices.
A location/region designation for language.
See: locale
smart constructor.
Eq Locale Source # | |
Data Locale Source # | |
Defined in Network.Google.Testing.Types.Product Methods gfoldl :: (forall d b. Data d => c (d -> b) -> d -> c b) -> (forall g. g -> c g) -> Locale -> c Locale # gunfold :: (forall b r. Data b => c (b -> r) -> c r) -> (forall r. r -> c r) -> Constr -> c Locale # toConstr :: Locale -> Constr # dataTypeOf :: Locale -> DataType # dataCast1 :: Typeable t => (forall d. Data d => c (t d)) -> Maybe (c Locale) # dataCast2 :: Typeable t => (forall d e. (Data d, Data e) => c (t d e)) -> Maybe (c Locale) # gmapT :: (forall b. Data b => b -> b) -> Locale -> Locale # gmapQl :: (r -> r' -> r) -> r -> (forall d. Data d => d -> r') -> Locale -> r # gmapQr :: (r' -> r -> r) -> r -> (forall d. Data d => d -> r') -> Locale -> r # gmapQ :: (forall d. Data d => d -> u) -> Locale -> [u] # gmapQi :: Int -> (forall d. Data d => d -> u) -> Locale -> u # gmapM :: Monad m => (forall d. Data d => d -> m d) -> Locale -> m Locale # gmapMp :: MonadPlus m => (forall d. Data d => d -> m d) -> Locale -> m Locale # gmapMo :: MonadPlus m => (forall d. Data d => d -> m d) -> Locale -> m Locale # | |
Show Locale Source # | |
Generic Locale Source # | |
ToJSON Locale Source # | |
Defined in Network.Google.Testing.Types.Product | |
FromJSON Locale Source # | |
type Rep Locale Source # | |
Defined in Network.Google.Testing.Types.Product type Rep Locale = D1 (MetaData "Locale" "Network.Google.Testing.Types.Product" "gogol-testing-0.4.0-AnkN60oT8lcIoqgf0WbNcC" False) (C1 (MetaCons "Locale'" PrefixI True) ((S1 (MetaSel (Just "_lName") NoSourceUnpackedness SourceStrict DecidedStrict) (Rec0 (Maybe Text)) :*: S1 (MetaSel (Just "_lId") NoSourceUnpackedness SourceStrict DecidedStrict) (Rec0 (Maybe Text))) :*: (S1 (MetaSel (Just "_lRegion") NoSourceUnpackedness SourceStrict DecidedStrict) (Rec0 (Maybe Text)) :*: S1 (MetaSel (Just "_lTags") NoSourceUnpackedness SourceStrict DecidedStrict) (Rec0 (Maybe [Text]))))) |
lName :: Lens' Locale (Maybe Text) Source #
A human-friendly name for this language/locale. Example: "English".
lRegion :: Lens' Locale (Maybe Text) Source #
A human-friendly string representing the region for this locale. Example: "United States". Not present for every locale.
data AndroidDeviceCatalog Source #
The currently supported Android devices.
See: androidDeviceCatalog
smart constructor.
androidDeviceCatalog :: AndroidDeviceCatalog Source #
Creates a value of AndroidDeviceCatalog
with the minimum fields required to make a request.
Use one of the following lenses to modify other fields as desired:
adcVersions :: Lens' AndroidDeviceCatalog [AndroidVersion] Source #
The set of supported Android OS versions.
adcModels :: Lens' AndroidDeviceCatalog [AndroidModel] Source #
The set of supported Android device models.
adcRuntimeConfiguration :: Lens' AndroidDeviceCatalog (Maybe AndroidRuntimeConfiguration) Source #
The set of supported runtime configurations.
data AndroidInstrumentationTestOrchestratorOption Source #
The option of whether running each test within its own invocation of instrumentation with Android Test Orchestrator or not. ** Orchestrator is only compatible with AndroidJUnitRunner version 1.0 or higher! ** Orchestrator offers the following benefits: - No shared state - Crashes are isolated - Logs are scoped per test See for more information about Android Test Orchestrator. If not set, the test will be run without the orchestrator.
OrchestratorOptionUnspecified |
UseOrchestrator |
DoNotUseOrchestrator |
data TestExecutionState Source #
Output only. Indicates the current progress of the test execution (e.g., FINISHED).
TESTestStateUnspecified |
TESValidating |
TESPending |
TESRunning |
TESFinished |
TESError' |
TESUnsupportedEnvironment |
TESIncompatibleEnvironment |
TESIncompatibleArchitecture |
TESCancelled |
TESInvalid |
data TestSpecification Source #
A description of how to run the test.
See: testSpecification
smart constructor.
testSpecification :: TestSpecification Source #
Creates a value of TestSpecification
with the minimum fields required to make a request.
Use one of the following lenses to modify other fields as desired:
tsIosTestSetup :: Lens' TestSpecification (Maybe IosTestSetup) Source #
Test setup requirements for iOS.
tsTestTimeout :: Lens' TestSpecification (Maybe Scientific) Source #
Max time a test execution is allowed to run before it is automatically cancelled. The default value is 5 min.
tsAndroidRoboTest :: Lens' TestSpecification (Maybe AndroidRoboTest) Source #
An Android robo test.
tsAutoGoogleLogin :: Lens' TestSpecification (Maybe Bool) Source #
Enables automatic Google account login. If set, the service will automatically generate a Google test account and add it to the device, before executing the test. Note that test accounts might be reused. Many applications show their full set of functionalities when an account is present on the device. Logging into the device with these generated accounts allows testing more functionalities. Default is false.
tsDisableVideoRecording :: Lens' TestSpecification (Maybe Bool) Source #
Disables video recording; may reduce test latency.
tsAndroidInstrumentationTest :: Lens' TestSpecification (Maybe AndroidInstrumentationTest) Source #
An Android instrumentation test.
tsIosXcTest :: Lens' TestSpecification (Maybe IosXcTest) Source #
An iOS XCTest, via an .xctestrun file.
tsDisablePerformanceMetrics :: Lens' TestSpecification (Maybe Bool) Source #
Disables performance metrics recording; may reduce test latency.
tsTestSetup :: Lens' TestSpecification (Maybe TestSetup) Source #
Test setup requirements for Android e.g. files to install, bootstrap scripts.
tsAndroidTestLoop :: Lens' TestSpecification (Maybe AndroidTestLoop) Source #
An Android Application with a Test Loop.
data ProvidedSoftwareCatalog Source #
The currently provided software environment on the devices under test.
See: providedSoftwareCatalog
smart constructor.
providedSoftwareCatalog :: ProvidedSoftwareCatalog Source #
Creates a value of ProvidedSoftwareCatalog
with the minimum fields required to make a request.
Use one of the following lenses to modify other fields as desired:
pscOrchestratorVersion :: Lens' ProvidedSoftwareCatalog (Maybe Text) Source #
A string representing the current version of Android Test Orchestrator that is provided by TestExecutionService. Example: "1.0.2 beta".
data TrafficRule Source #
Network emulation parameters.
See: trafficRule
smart constructor.
trafficRule :: TrafficRule Source #
Creates a value of TrafficRule
with the minimum fields required to make a request.
Use one of the following lenses to modify other fields as desired:
trPacketLossRatio :: Lens' TrafficRule (Maybe Double) Source #
Packet loss ratio (0.0 - 1.0).
trPacketDuplicationRatio :: Lens' TrafficRule (Maybe Double) Source #
Packet duplication ratio (0.0 - 1.0).
trBandwidth :: Lens' TrafficRule (Maybe Double) Source #
Bandwidth in kbits/second.
trDelay :: Lens' TrafficRule (Maybe Scientific) Source #
Packet delay, must be >= 0.
data IosDeviceCatalog Source #
The currently supported iOS devices.
See: iosDeviceCatalog
smart constructor.
iosDeviceCatalog :: IosDeviceCatalog Source #
Creates a value of IosDeviceCatalog
with the minimum fields required to make a request.
Use one of the following lenses to modify other fields as desired:
idcXcodeVersions :: Lens' IosDeviceCatalog [XcodeVersion] Source #
The set of supported Xcode versions.
idcVersions :: Lens' IosDeviceCatalog [IosVersion] Source #
The set of supported iOS software versions.
idcRuntimeConfiguration :: Lens' IosDeviceCatalog (Maybe IosRuntimeConfiguration) Source #
The set of supported runtime configurations.
data GoogleAuto Source #
Enables automatic Google account login. If set, the service will automatically generate a Google test account and add it to the device, before executing the test. Note that test accounts might be reused. Many applications show their full set of functionalities when an account is present on the device. Logging into the device with these generated accounts allows testing more functionalities.
See: googleAuto
smart constructor.
googleAuto :: GoogleAuto Source #
Creates a value of GoogleAuto
with the minimum fields required to make a request.
data CancelTestMatrixResponseTestState Source #
The current rolled-up state of the test matrix. If this state is already final, then the cancelation request will have no effect.
CTMRTSTestStateUnspecified |
CTMRTSValidating |
CTMRTSPending |
CTMRTSRunning |
CTMRTSFinished |
CTMRTSError' |
CTMRTSUnsupportedEnvironment |
CTMRTSIncompatibleEnvironment |
CTMRTSIncompatibleArchitecture |
CTMRTSCancelled |
CTMRTSInvalid |
Identifies an account and how to log into it.
See: account
smart constructor.
Eq Account Source # | |
Data Account Source # | |
Defined in Network.Google.Testing.Types.Product Methods gfoldl :: (forall d b. Data d => c (d -> b) -> d -> c b) -> (forall g. g -> c g) -> Account -> c Account # gunfold :: (forall b r. Data b => c (b -> r) -> c r) -> (forall r. r -> c r) -> Constr -> c Account # toConstr :: Account -> Constr # dataTypeOf :: Account -> DataType # dataCast1 :: Typeable t => (forall d. Data d => c (t d)) -> Maybe (c Account) # dataCast2 :: Typeable t => (forall d e. (Data d, Data e) => c (t d e)) -> Maybe (c Account) # gmapT :: (forall b. Data b => b -> b) -> Account -> Account # gmapQl :: (r -> r' -> r) -> r -> (forall d. Data d => d -> r') -> Account -> r # gmapQr :: (r' -> r -> r) -> r -> (forall d. Data d => d -> r') -> Account -> r # gmapQ :: (forall d. Data d => d -> u) -> Account -> [u] # gmapQi :: Int -> (forall d. Data d => d -> u) -> Account -> u # gmapM :: Monad m => (forall d. Data d => d -> m d) -> Account -> m Account # gmapMp :: MonadPlus m => (forall d. Data d => d -> m d) -> Account -> m Account # gmapMo :: MonadPlus m => (forall d. Data d => d -> m d) -> Account -> m Account # | |
Show Account Source # | |
Generic Account Source # | |
ToJSON Account Source # | |
Defined in Network.Google.Testing.Types.Product | |
FromJSON Account Source # | |
type Rep Account Source # | |
Defined in Network.Google.Testing.Types.Product type Rep Account = D1 (MetaData "Account" "Network.Google.Testing.Types.Product" "gogol-testing-0.4.0-AnkN60oT8lcIoqgf0WbNcC" True) (C1 (MetaCons "Account'" PrefixI True) (S1 (MetaSel (Just "_aGoogleAuto") NoSourceUnpackedness NoSourceStrictness DecidedLazy) (Rec0 (Maybe GoogleAuto)))) |
Creates a value of Account
with the minimum fields required to make a request.
Use one of the following lenses to modify other fields as desired:
aGoogleAuto :: Lens' Account (Maybe GoogleAuto) Source #
An automatic google login account.
data RoboDirectiveActionType Source #
Required. The type of action that Robo should perform on the specified element.
ActionTypeUnspecified |
SingleClick |
EnterText |
data StartActivityIntent Source #
A starting intent specified by an action, uri, and categories.
See: startActivityIntent
smart constructor.
startActivityIntent :: StartActivityIntent Source #
Creates a value of StartActivityIntent
with the minimum fields required to make a request.
Use one of the following lenses to modify other fields as desired:
saiCategories :: Lens' StartActivityIntent [Text] Source #
Intent categories to set on the intent.
saiAction :: Lens' StartActivityIntent (Maybe Text) Source #
Action name. Required for START_ACTIVITY.
data IosModelFormFactor Source #
Whether this device is a phone, tablet, wearable, etc.
DeviceFormFactorUnspecified |
Phone |
Tablet |
Wearable |
data RoboStartingIntent Source #
Message for specifying the start activities to crawl.
See: roboStartingIntent
smart constructor.
roboStartingIntent :: RoboStartingIntent Source #
Creates a value of RoboStartingIntent
with the minimum fields required to make a request.
Use one of the following lenses to modify other fields as desired:
Represents a whole or partial calendar date, e.g. a birthday. The time of day and time zone are either specified elsewhere or are not significant. The date is relative to the Proleptic Gregorian Calendar. This can represent: * A full date, with non-zero year, month and day values * A month and day value, with a zero year, e.g. an anniversary * A year on its own, with zero month and day values * A year and month value, with a zero day, e.g. a credit card expiration date Related types are google.type.TimeOfDay and `google.protobuf.Timestamp`.
See: date
smart constructor.
Eq Date Source # | |
Data Date Source # | |
Defined in Network.Google.Testing.Types.Product Methods gfoldl :: (forall d b. Data d => c (d -> b) -> d -> c b) -> (forall g. g -> c g) -> Date -> c Date # gunfold :: (forall b r. Data b => c (b -> r) -> c r) -> (forall r. r -> c r) -> Constr -> c Date # dataTypeOf :: Date -> DataType # dataCast1 :: Typeable t => (forall d. Data d => c (t d)) -> Maybe (c Date) # dataCast2 :: Typeable t => (forall d e. (Data d, Data e) => c (t d e)) -> Maybe (c Date) # gmapT :: (forall b. Data b => b -> b) -> Date -> Date # gmapQl :: (r -> r' -> r) -> r -> (forall d. Data d => d -> r') -> Date -> r # gmapQr :: (r' -> r -> r) -> r -> (forall d. Data d => d -> r') -> Date -> r # gmapQ :: (forall d. Data d => d -> u) -> Date -> [u] # gmapQi :: Int -> (forall d. Data d => d -> u) -> Date -> u # gmapM :: Monad m => (forall d. Data d => d -> m d) -> Date -> m Date # gmapMp :: MonadPlus m => (forall d. Data d => d -> m d) -> Date -> m Date # gmapMo :: MonadPlus m => (forall d. Data d => d -> m d) -> Date -> m Date # | |
Show Date Source # | |
Generic Date Source # | |
ToJSON Date Source # | |
Defined in Network.Google.Testing.Types.Product | |
FromJSON Date Source # | |
type Rep Date Source # | |
Defined in Network.Google.Testing.Types.Product type Rep Date = D1 (MetaData "Date" "Network.Google.Testing.Types.Product" "gogol-testing-0.4.0-AnkN60oT8lcIoqgf0WbNcC" False) (C1 (MetaCons "Date'" PrefixI True) (S1 (MetaSel (Just "_dDay") NoSourceUnpackedness SourceStrict DecidedStrict) (Rec0 (Maybe (Textual Int32))) :*: (S1 (MetaSel (Just "_dYear") NoSourceUnpackedness SourceStrict DecidedStrict) (Rec0 (Maybe (Textual Int32))) :*: S1 (MetaSel (Just "_dMonth") NoSourceUnpackedness SourceStrict DecidedStrict) (Rec0 (Maybe (Textual Int32)))))) |
dDay :: Lens' Date (Maybe Int32) Source #
Day of month. Must be from 1 to 31 and valid for the year and month, or 0 if specifying a year by itself or a year and month where the day is not significant.
dYear :: Lens' Date (Maybe Int32) Source #
Year of date. Must be from 1 to 9999, or 0 if specifying a date without a year.
dMonth :: Lens' Date (Maybe Int32) Source #
Month of year. Must be from 1 to 12, or 0 if specifying a year without a month and day.
data RegularFile Source #
A file or directory to install on the device before the test starts.
See: regularFile
smart constructor.
regularFile :: RegularFile Source #
Creates a value of RegularFile
with the minimum fields required to make a request.
Use one of the following lenses to modify other fields as desired:
rfDevicePath :: Lens' RegularFile (Maybe Text) Source #
rfContent :: Lens' RegularFile (Maybe FileReference) Source #
Required. The source file.
data AndroidModel Source #
A description of an Android device tests may be run on.
See: androidModel
smart constructor.
androidModel :: AndroidModel Source #
Creates a value of AndroidModel
with the minimum fields required to make a request.
Use one of the following lenses to modify other fields as desired:
amSupportedAbis :: Lens' AndroidModel [Text] Source #
The list of supported ABIs for this device. This corresponds to either android.os.Build.SUPPORTED_ABIS (for API level 21 and above) or android.os.Build.CPU_ABI/CPU_ABI2. The most preferred ABI is the first element in the list. Elements are optionally prefixed by "version_id:" (where version_id is the id of an AndroidVersion), denoting an ABI that is supported only on a particular version.
amManufacturer :: Lens' AndroidModel (Maybe Text) Source #
The manufacturer of this device.
amCodename :: Lens' AndroidModel (Maybe Text) Source #
The name of the industrial design. This corresponds to android.os.Build.DEVICE.
amLowFpsVideoRecording :: Lens' AndroidModel (Maybe Bool) Source #
True if and only if tests with this model are recorded by stitching together screenshots. See use_low_spec_video_recording in device config.
amFormFactor :: Lens' AndroidModel (Maybe AndroidModelFormFactor) Source #
Whether this device is a phone, tablet, wearable, etc.
amBrand :: Lens' AndroidModel (Maybe Text) Source #
The company that this device is branded with. Example: "Google", "Samsung".
amScreenX :: Lens' AndroidModel (Maybe Int32) Source #
Screen size in the horizontal (X) dimension measured in pixels.
amScreenDensity :: Lens' AndroidModel (Maybe Int32) Source #
Screen density in DPI. This corresponds to ro.sf.lcd_density
amName :: Lens' AndroidModel (Maybe Text) Source #
The human-readable marketing name for this device model. Examples: "Nexus 5", "Galaxy S5".
amSupportedVersionIds :: Lens' AndroidModel [Text] Source #
The set of Android versions this device supports.
amScreenY :: Lens' AndroidModel (Maybe Int32) Source #
Screen size in the vertical (Y) dimension measured in pixels.
amId :: Lens' AndroidModel (Maybe Text) Source #
The unique opaque id for this model. Use this for invoking the TestExecutionService.
amForm :: Lens' AndroidModel (Maybe AndroidModelForm) Source #
Whether this device is virtual or physical.
amTags :: Lens' AndroidModel [Text] Source #
Tags for this dimension. Examples: "default", "preview", "deprecated".
data ClientInfo Source #
Information about the client which invoked the test.
See: clientInfo
smart constructor.
clientInfo :: ClientInfo Source #
Creates a value of ClientInfo
with the minimum fields required to make a request.
Use one of the following lenses to modify other fields as desired:
ciClientInfoDetails :: Lens' ClientInfo [ClientInfoDetail] Source #
The list of detailed information about client.
data AndroidModelFormFactor Source #
Whether this device is a phone, tablet, wearable, etc.
AMFFDeviceFormFactorUnspecified |
AMFFPhone |
AMFFTablet |
AMFFWearable |
data AndroidModelForm Source #
Whether this device is virtual or physical.
DeviceFormUnspecified |
Virtual |
Physical |
V1 error format.
data APKManifest Source #
An Android app manifest. See
See: aPKManifest
smart constructor.
aPKManifest :: APKManifest Source #
Creates a value of APKManifest
with the minimum fields required to make a request.
Use one of the following lenses to modify other fields as desired:
apkmApplicationLabel :: Lens' APKManifest (Maybe Text) Source #
User-readable name for the application.
apkmMinSdkVersion :: Lens' APKManifest (Maybe Int32) Source #
Minimum API level required for the application to run.
apkmPackageName :: Lens' APKManifest (Maybe Text) Source #
Full Java-style package name for this application, e.g. "".
apkmMaxSdkVersion :: Lens' APKManifest (Maybe Int32) Source #
Maximum API level on which the application is designed to run.
An Android App Bundle file format, containing a BundleConfig.pb file, a base module directory, zero or more dynamic feature module directories.
See for guidance on building App Bundles.
See: appBundle
smart constructor.
Eq AppBundle Source # | |
Data AppBundle Source # | |
Defined in Network.Google.Testing.Types.Product Methods gfoldl :: (forall d b. Data d => c (d -> b) -> d -> c b) -> (forall g. g -> c g) -> AppBundle -> c AppBundle # gunfold :: (forall b r. Data b => c (b -> r) -> c r) -> (forall r. r -> c r) -> Constr -> c AppBundle # toConstr :: AppBundle -> Constr # dataTypeOf :: AppBundle -> DataType # dataCast1 :: Typeable t => (forall d. Data d => c (t d)) -> Maybe (c AppBundle) # dataCast2 :: Typeable t => (forall d e. (Data d, Data e) => c (t d e)) -> Maybe (c AppBundle) # gmapT :: (forall b. Data b => b -> b) -> AppBundle -> AppBundle # gmapQl :: (r -> r' -> r) -> r -> (forall d. Data d => d -> r') -> AppBundle -> r # gmapQr :: (r' -> r -> r) -> r -> (forall d. Data d => d -> r') -> AppBundle -> r # gmapQ :: (forall d. Data d => d -> u) -> AppBundle -> [u] # gmapQi :: Int -> (forall d. Data d => d -> u) -> AppBundle -> u # gmapM :: Monad m => (forall d. Data d => d -> m d) -> AppBundle -> m AppBundle # gmapMp :: MonadPlus m => (forall d. Data d => d -> m d) -> AppBundle -> m AppBundle # gmapMo :: MonadPlus m => (forall d. Data d => d -> m d) -> AppBundle -> m AppBundle # | |
Show AppBundle Source # | |
Generic AppBundle Source # | |
ToJSON AppBundle Source # | |
Defined in Network.Google.Testing.Types.Product | |
FromJSON AppBundle Source # | |
type Rep AppBundle Source # | |
Defined in Network.Google.Testing.Types.Product type Rep AppBundle = D1 (MetaData "AppBundle" "Network.Google.Testing.Types.Product" "gogol-testing-0.4.0-AnkN60oT8lcIoqgf0WbNcC" True) (C1 (MetaCons "AppBundle'" PrefixI True) (S1 (MetaSel (Just "_abBundleLocation") NoSourceUnpackedness NoSourceStrictness DecidedLazy) (Rec0 (Maybe FileReference)))) |
appBundle :: AppBundle Source #
Creates a value of AppBundle
with the minimum fields required to make a request.
Use one of the following lenses to modify other fields as desired:
abBundleLocation :: Lens' AppBundle (Maybe FileReference) Source #
.aab file representing the app bundle under test.
data AndroidInstrumentationTest Source #
A test of an Android application that can control an Android component independently of its normal lifecycle. Android instrumentation tests run an application APK and test APK inside the same process on a virtual or physical AndroidDevice. They also specify a test runner class, such as, which can vary on the specific instrumentation framework chosen. See for more information on types of Android tests.
See: androidInstrumentationTest
smart constructor.
androidInstrumentationTest :: AndroidInstrumentationTest Source #
Creates a value of AndroidInstrumentationTest
with the minimum fields required to make a request.
Use one of the following lenses to modify other fields as desired:
aitTestTargets :: Lens' AndroidInstrumentationTest [Text] Source #
Each target must be fully qualified with the package name or class name, in one of these formats: - "package package_name" - "class package_name.class_name" - "class package_name.class_name#method_name" If empty, all targets in the module will be run.
aitTestRunnerClass :: Lens' AndroidInstrumentationTest (Maybe Text) Source #
The InstrumentationTestRunner class. The default value is determined by examining the application's manifest.
aitAppPackageId :: Lens' AndroidInstrumentationTest (Maybe Text) Source #
The java package for the application under test. The default value is determined by examining the application's manifest.
aitTestAPK :: Lens' AndroidInstrumentationTest (Maybe FileReference) Source #
Required. The APK containing the test code to be executed.
aitOrchestratorOption :: Lens' AndroidInstrumentationTest (Maybe AndroidInstrumentationTestOrchestratorOption) Source #
The option of whether running each test within its own invocation of instrumentation with Android Test Orchestrator or not. ** Orchestrator is only compatible with AndroidJUnitRunner version 1.0 or higher! ** Orchestrator offers the following benefits: - No shared state - Crashes are isolated - Logs are scoped per test See for more information about Android Test Orchestrator. If not set, the test will be run without the orchestrator.
aitAppBundle :: Lens' AndroidInstrumentationTest (Maybe AppBundle) Source #
A multi-apk app bundle for the application under test.
aitAppAPK :: Lens' AndroidInstrumentationTest (Maybe FileReference) Source #
The APK for the application under test.
aitTestPackageId :: Lens' AndroidInstrumentationTest (Maybe Text) Source #
The java package for the test to be executed. The default value is determined by examining the application's manifest.
data TestMatrix Source #
A group of one or more TestExecutions, built by taking a product of values over a pre-defined set of axes.
See: testMatrix
smart constructor.
testMatrix :: TestMatrix Source #
Creates a value of TestMatrix
with the minimum fields required to make a request.
Use one of the following lenses to modify other fields as desired:
tmState :: Lens' TestMatrix (Maybe TestMatrixState) Source #
Output only. Indicates the current progress of the test matrix (e.g., FINISHED).
tmTestMatrixId :: Lens' TestMatrix (Maybe Text) Source #
Output only. Unique id set by the service.
tmTestSpecification :: Lens' TestMatrix (Maybe TestSpecification) Source #
Required. How to run the test.
tmFlakyTestAttempts :: Lens' TestMatrix (Maybe Int32) Source #
The number of times a TestExecution should be re-attempted if one or more of its test cases fail for any reason. The maximum number of reruns allowed is 10. Default is 0, which implies no reruns.
tmClientInfo :: Lens' TestMatrix (Maybe ClientInfo) Source #
Information about the client which invoked the test.
tmTestExecutions :: Lens' TestMatrix [TestExecution] Source #
Output only. The list of test executions that the service creates for this matrix.
tmResultStorage :: Lens' TestMatrix (Maybe ResultStorage) Source #
Required. Where the results for the matrix are written.
tmInvalidMatrixDetails :: Lens' TestMatrix (Maybe TestMatrixInvalidMatrixDetails) Source #
Output only. Describes why the matrix is considered invalid. Only useful for matrices in the INVALID state.
tmProjectId :: Lens' TestMatrix (Maybe Text) Source #
The cloud project that owns the test matrix.
tmEnvironmentMatrix :: Lens' TestMatrix (Maybe EnvironmentMatrix) Source #
Required. How the host machine(s) are configured.
tmTimestamp :: Lens' TestMatrix (Maybe UTCTime) Source #
Output only. The time this test matrix was initially created.
data CancelTestMatrixResponse Source #
Response containing the current state of the specified test matrix.
See: cancelTestMatrixResponse
smart constructor.
cancelTestMatrixResponse :: CancelTestMatrixResponse Source #
Creates a value of CancelTestMatrixResponse
with the minimum fields required to make a request.
Use one of the following lenses to modify other fields as desired:
ctmrTestState :: Lens' CancelTestMatrixResponse (Maybe CancelTestMatrixResponseTestState) Source #
The current rolled-up state of the test matrix. If this state is already final, then the cancelation request will have no effect.
data ToolResultsExecution Source #
Represents a tool results execution resource. This has the results of a TestMatrix.
See: toolResultsExecution
smart constructor.
toolResultsExecution :: ToolResultsExecution Source #
Creates a value of ToolResultsExecution
with the minimum fields required to make a request.
Use one of the following lenses to modify other fields as desired:
treExecutionId :: Lens' ToolResultsExecution (Maybe Text) Source #
Output only. A tool results execution ID.
treHistoryId :: Lens' ToolResultsExecution (Maybe Text) Source #
Output only. A tool results history ID.
treProjectId :: Lens' ToolResultsExecution (Maybe Text) Source #
Output only. The cloud project that owns the tool results execution.
A test of an iOS application that uses the XCTest framework. Xcode supports the option to "build for testing", which generates an .xctestrun file that contains a test specification (arguments, test methods, etc). This test type accepts a zip file containing the .xctestrun file and the corresponding contents of the Build/Products directory that contains all the binaries needed to run the tests.
See: iosXcTest
smart constructor.
iosXcTest :: IosXcTest Source #
Creates a value of IosXcTest
with the minimum fields required to make a request.
Use one of the following lenses to modify other fields as desired:
ixtXctestrun :: Lens' IosXcTest (Maybe FileReference) Source #
An .xctestrun file that will override the .xctestrun file in the tests zip. Because the .xctestrun file contains environment variables along with test methods to run and/or ignore, this can be useful for sharding tests. Default is taken from the tests zip.
ixtXcodeVersion :: Lens' IosXcTest (Maybe Text) Source #
The Xcode version that should be used for the test. Use the EnvironmentDiscoveryService to get supported options. Defaults to the latest Xcode version Firebase Test Lab supports.
ixtAppBundleId :: Lens' IosXcTest (Maybe Text) Source #
Output only. The bundle id for the application under test.
ixtTestsZip :: Lens' IosXcTest (Maybe FileReference) Source #
Required. The .zip containing the .xctestrun file and the contents of the DerivedData/Build/Products directory. The .xctestrun file in this zip is ignored if the xctestrun field is specified.
data ResultStorage Source #
Locations where the results of running the test are stored.
See: resultStorage
smart constructor.
resultStorage :: ResultStorage Source #
Creates a value of ResultStorage
with the minimum fields required to make a request.
Use one of the following lenses to modify other fields as desired:
rsToolResultsHistory :: Lens' ResultStorage (Maybe ToolResultsHistory) Source #
The tool results history that contains the tool results execution that results are written to. If not provided, the service will choose an appropriate value.
rsToolResultsExecution :: Lens' ResultStorage (Maybe ToolResultsExecution) Source #
Output only. The tool results execution that results are written to.
rsGoogleCloudStorage :: Lens' ResultStorage (Maybe GoogleCloudStorage) Source #
data AndroidMatrix Source #
A set of Android device configuration permutations is defined by the the cross-product of the given axes. Internally, the given AndroidMatrix will be expanded into a set of AndroidDevices. Only supported permutations will be instantiated. Invalid permutations (e.g., incompatible models/versions) are ignored.
See: androidMatrix
smart constructor.
androidMatrix :: AndroidMatrix Source #
Creates a value of AndroidMatrix
with the minimum fields required to make a request.
Use one of the following lenses to modify other fields as desired:
amAndroidModelIds :: Lens' AndroidMatrix [Text] Source #
Required. The ids of the set of Android device to be used. Use the EnvironmentDiscoveryService to get supported options.
amAndroidVersionIds :: Lens' AndroidMatrix [Text] Source #
Required. The ids of the set of Android OS version to be used. Use the EnvironmentDiscoveryService to get supported options.
amOrientations :: Lens' AndroidMatrix [Text] Source #
Required. The set of orientations to test with. Use the EnvironmentDiscoveryService to get supported options.
amLocales :: Lens' AndroidMatrix [Text] Source #
Required. The set of locales the test device will enable for testing. Use the EnvironmentDiscoveryService to get supported options.
data ToolResultsStep Source #
Represents a tool results step resource. This has the results of a TestExecution.
See: toolResultsStep
smart constructor.
toolResultsStep :: ToolResultsStep Source #
Creates a value of ToolResultsStep
with the minimum fields required to make a request.
Use one of the following lenses to modify other fields as desired:
trsExecutionId :: Lens' ToolResultsStep (Maybe Text) Source #
Output only. A tool results execution ID.
trsHistoryId :: Lens' ToolResultsStep (Maybe Text) Source #
Output only. A tool results history ID.
trsProjectId :: Lens' ToolResultsStep (Maybe Text) Source #
Output only. The cloud project that owns the tool results step.
data LauncherActivityIntent Source #
Specifies an intent that starts the main launcher activity.
See: launcherActivityIntent
smart constructor.
launcherActivityIntent :: LauncherActivityIntent Source #
Creates a value of LauncherActivityIntent
with the minimum fields required to make a request.
Android application details based on application manifest and apk archive contents.
See: aPKDetail
smart constructor.
Eq APKDetail Source # | |
Data APKDetail Source # | |
Defined in Network.Google.Testing.Types.Product Methods gfoldl :: (forall d b. Data d => c (d -> b) -> d -> c b) -> (forall g. g -> c g) -> APKDetail -> c APKDetail # gunfold :: (forall b r. Data b => c (b -> r) -> c r) -> (forall r. r -> c r) -> Constr -> c APKDetail # toConstr :: APKDetail -> Constr # dataTypeOf :: APKDetail -> DataType # dataCast1 :: Typeable t => (forall d. Data d => c (t d)) -> Maybe (c APKDetail) # dataCast2 :: Typeable t => (forall d e. (Data d, Data e) => c (t d e)) -> Maybe (c APKDetail) # gmapT :: (forall b. Data b => b -> b) -> APKDetail -> APKDetail # gmapQl :: (r -> r' -> r) -> r -> (forall d. Data d => d -> r') -> APKDetail -> r # gmapQr :: (r' -> r -> r) -> r -> (forall d. Data d => d -> r') -> APKDetail -> r # gmapQ :: (forall d. Data d => d -> u) -> APKDetail -> [u] # gmapQi :: Int -> (forall d. Data d => d -> u) -> APKDetail -> u # gmapM :: Monad m => (forall d. Data d => d -> m d) -> APKDetail -> m APKDetail # gmapMp :: MonadPlus m => (forall d. Data d => d -> m d) -> APKDetail -> m APKDetail # gmapMo :: MonadPlus m => (forall d. Data d => d -> m d) -> APKDetail -> m APKDetail # | |
Show APKDetail Source # | |
Generic APKDetail Source # | |
ToJSON APKDetail Source # | |
Defined in Network.Google.Testing.Types.Product | |
FromJSON APKDetail Source # | |
type Rep APKDetail Source # | |
Defined in Network.Google.Testing.Types.Product type Rep APKDetail = D1 (MetaData "APKDetail" "Network.Google.Testing.Types.Product" "gogol-testing-0.4.0-AnkN60oT8lcIoqgf0WbNcC" True) (C1 (MetaCons "APKDetail'" PrefixI True) (S1 (MetaSel (Just "_apkdAPKManifest") NoSourceUnpackedness NoSourceStrictness DecidedLazy) (Rec0 (Maybe APKManifest)))) |
aPKDetail :: APKDetail Source #
Creates a value of APKDetail
with the minimum fields required to make a request.
Use one of the following lenses to modify other fields as desired:
data AndroidDevice Source #
A single Android device.
See: androidDevice
smart constructor.
androidDevice :: AndroidDevice Source #
Creates a value of AndroidDevice
with the minimum fields required to make a request.
Use one of the following lenses to modify other fields as desired:
adAndroidVersionId :: Lens' AndroidDevice (Maybe Text) Source #
Required. The id of the Android OS version to be used. Use the EnvironmentDiscoveryService to get supported options.
adLocale :: Lens' AndroidDevice (Maybe Text) Source #
Required. The locale the test device used for testing. Use the EnvironmentDiscoveryService to get supported options.
adAndroidModelId :: Lens' AndroidDevice (Maybe Text) Source #
Required. The id of the Android device to be used. Use the EnvironmentDiscoveryService to get supported options.
adOrientation :: Lens' AndroidDevice (Maybe Text) Source #
Required. How the device is oriented during the test. Use the EnvironmentDiscoveryService to get supported options.
data EnvironmentVariable Source #
A key-value pair passed as an environment variable to the test.
See: environmentVariable
smart constructor.
environmentVariable :: EnvironmentVariable Source #
Creates a value of EnvironmentVariable
with the minimum fields required to make a request.
Use one of the following lenses to modify other fields as desired:
data Orientation Source #
Screen orientation of the device.
See: orientation
smart constructor.
orientation :: Orientation Source #
Creates a value of Orientation
with the minimum fields required to make a request.
Use one of the following lenses to modify other fields as desired:
oName :: Lens' Orientation (Maybe Text) Source #
A human-friendly name for this orientation. Example: "portrait".
data EnvironmentMatrix Source #
The matrix of environments in which the test is to be executed.
See: environmentMatrix
smart constructor.
environmentMatrix :: EnvironmentMatrix Source #
Creates a value of EnvironmentMatrix
with the minimum fields required to make a request.
Use one of the following lenses to modify other fields as desired:
emIosDeviceList :: Lens' EnvironmentMatrix (Maybe IosDeviceList) Source #
A list of iOS devices.
emAndroidMatrix :: Lens' EnvironmentMatrix (Maybe AndroidMatrix) Source #
A matrix of Android devices.
emAndroidDeviceList :: Lens' EnvironmentMatrix (Maybe AndroidDeviceList) Source #
A list of Android devices; the test will be run only on the specified devices.
data DeviceFile Source #
A single device file description.
See: deviceFile
smart constructor.
deviceFile :: DeviceFile Source #
Creates a value of DeviceFile
with the minimum fields required to make a request.
Use one of the following lenses to modify other fields as desired:
dfRegularFile :: Lens' DeviceFile (Maybe RegularFile) Source #
A reference to a regular file
data ClientInfoDetail Source #
Key-value pair of detailed information about the client which invoked the test. Examples: {'Version', '1.0'}, {'Release Track', 'BETA'}.
See: clientInfoDetail
smart constructor.
clientInfoDetail :: ClientInfoDetail Source #
Creates a value of ClientInfoDetail
with the minimum fields required to make a request.
Use one of the following lenses to modify other fields as desired:
cidValue :: Lens' ClientInfoDetail (Maybe Text) Source #
Required. The value of detailed client information.
cidKey :: Lens' ClientInfoDetail (Maybe Text) Source #
Required. The key of detailed client information.
data NetworkConfiguration Source #
networkConfiguration :: NetworkConfiguration Source #
Creates a value of NetworkConfiguration
with the minimum fields required to make a request.
Use one of the following lenses to modify other fields as desired:
ncDownRule :: Lens' NetworkConfiguration (Maybe TrafficRule) Source #
The emulation rule applying to the download traffic.
ncId :: Lens' NetworkConfiguration (Maybe Text) Source #
The unique opaque id for this network traffic configuration.
ncUpRule :: Lens' NetworkConfiguration (Maybe TrafficRule) Source #
The emulation rule applying to the upload traffic.
data IosRuntimeConfiguration Source #
iOS configuration that can be selected at the time a test is run.
See: iosRuntimeConfiguration
smart constructor.
iosRuntimeConfiguration :: IosRuntimeConfiguration Source #
Creates a value of IosRuntimeConfiguration
with the minimum fields required to make a request.
Use one of the following lenses to modify other fields as desired:
ircOrientations :: Lens' IosRuntimeConfiguration [Orientation] Source #
The set of available orientations.
ircLocales :: Lens' IosRuntimeConfiguration [Locale] Source #
The set of available locales.
data GoogleCloudStorage Source #
A storage location within Google cloud storage (GCS).
See: googleCloudStorage
smart constructor.
googleCloudStorage :: GoogleCloudStorage Source #
Creates a value of GoogleCloudStorage
with the minimum fields required to make a request.
Use one of the following lenses to modify other fields as desired:
gcsGcsPath :: Lens' GoogleCloudStorage (Maybe Text) Source #
Required. The path to a directory in GCS that will eventually contain the results for this test. The requesting user must have write access on the bucket in the supplied path.
data AndroidVersion Source #
A version of the Android OS.
See: androidVersion
smart constructor.
androidVersion :: AndroidVersion Source #
Creates a value of AndroidVersion
with the minimum fields required to make a request.
Use one of the following lenses to modify other fields as desired:
avCodeName :: Lens' AndroidVersion (Maybe Text) Source #
The code name for this Android version. Examples: "JellyBean", "KitKat".
avDistribution :: Lens' AndroidVersion (Maybe Distribution) Source #
Market share for this version.
avAPILevel :: Lens' AndroidVersion (Maybe Int32) Source #
The API level for this Android version. Examples: 18, 19.
avVersionString :: Lens' AndroidVersion (Maybe Text) Source #
A string representing this version of the Android OS. Examples: "4.3", "4.4".
avId :: Lens' AndroidVersion (Maybe Text) Source #
An opaque id for this Android version. Use this id to invoke the TestExecutionService.
avReleaseDate :: Lens' AndroidVersion (Maybe Date) Source #
The date this Android version became available in the market.
avTags :: Lens' AndroidVersion [Text] Source #
Tags for this dimension. Examples: "default", "preview", "deprecated".
An opaque binary blob file to install on the device before the test starts.
See: obbFile
smart constructor.
Eq ObbFile Source # | |
Data ObbFile Source # | |
Defined in Network.Google.Testing.Types.Product Methods gfoldl :: (forall d b. Data d => c (d -> b) -> d -> c b) -> (forall g. g -> c g) -> ObbFile -> c ObbFile # gunfold :: (forall b r. Data b => c (b -> r) -> c r) -> (forall r. r -> c r) -> Constr -> c ObbFile # toConstr :: ObbFile -> Constr # dataTypeOf :: ObbFile -> DataType # dataCast1 :: Typeable t => (forall d. Data d => c (t d)) -> Maybe (c ObbFile) # dataCast2 :: Typeable t => (forall d e. (Data d, Data e) => c (t d e)) -> Maybe (c ObbFile) # gmapT :: (forall b. Data b => b -> b) -> ObbFile -> ObbFile # gmapQl :: (r -> r' -> r) -> r -> (forall d. Data d => d -> r') -> ObbFile -> r # gmapQr :: (r' -> r -> r) -> r -> (forall d. Data d => d -> r') -> ObbFile -> r # gmapQ :: (forall d. Data d => d -> u) -> ObbFile -> [u] # gmapQi :: Int -> (forall d. Data d => d -> u) -> ObbFile -> u # gmapM :: Monad m => (forall d. Data d => d -> m d) -> ObbFile -> m ObbFile # gmapMp :: MonadPlus m => (forall d. Data d => d -> m d) -> ObbFile -> m ObbFile # gmapMo :: MonadPlus m => (forall d. Data d => d -> m d) -> ObbFile -> m ObbFile # | |
Show ObbFile Source # | |
Generic ObbFile Source # | |
ToJSON ObbFile Source # | |
Defined in Network.Google.Testing.Types.Product | |
FromJSON ObbFile Source # | |
type Rep ObbFile Source # | |
Defined in Network.Google.Testing.Types.Product type Rep ObbFile = D1 (MetaData "ObbFile" "Network.Google.Testing.Types.Product" "gogol-testing-0.4.0-AnkN60oT8lcIoqgf0WbNcC" False) (C1 (MetaCons "ObbFile'" PrefixI True) (S1 (MetaSel (Just "_ofObb") NoSourceUnpackedness SourceStrict DecidedStrict) (Rec0 (Maybe FileReference)) :*: S1 (MetaSel (Just "_ofObbFileName") NoSourceUnpackedness SourceStrict DecidedStrict) (Rec0 (Maybe Text)))) |
Creates a value of ObbFile
with the minimum fields required to make a request.
Use one of the following lenses to modify other fields as desired:
ofObb :: Lens' ObbFile (Maybe FileReference) Source #
Required. Opaque Binary Blob (OBB) file(s) to install on the device.
ofObbFileName :: Lens' ObbFile (Maybe Text) Source #
Required. OBB file name which must conform to the format as specified by Android e.g. [main|patch] which will be installed into \/Android/obb/\/ on the device.
data AndroidTestLoop Source #
A test of an Android Application with a Test Loop. The intent \ will be implicitly added, since Games is the only user of this api, for the time being.
See: androidTestLoop
smart constructor.
androidTestLoop :: AndroidTestLoop Source #
Creates a value of AndroidTestLoop
with the minimum fields required to make a request.
Use one of the following lenses to modify other fields as desired:
atlScenarios :: Lens' AndroidTestLoop [Int32] Source #
The list of scenarios that should be run during the test. The default is all test loops, derived from the application's manifest.
atlScenarioLabels :: Lens' AndroidTestLoop [Text] Source #
The list of scenario labels that should be run during the test. The scenario labels should map to labels defined in the application's manifest. For example, player_experience and add all of the loops labeled in the manifest with the name to the execution. Scenarios can also be specified in the scenarios field.
atlAppPackageId :: Lens' AndroidTestLoop (Maybe Text) Source #
The java package for the application under test. The default is determined by examining the application's manifest.
atlAppBundle :: Lens' AndroidTestLoop (Maybe AppBundle) Source #
A multi-apk app bundle for the application under test.
atlAppAPK :: Lens' AndroidTestLoop (Maybe FileReference) Source #
The APK for the application under test.
data AndroidDeviceList Source #
A list of Android device configurations in which the test is to be executed.
See: androidDeviceList
smart constructor.
androidDeviceList :: AndroidDeviceList Source #
Creates a value of AndroidDeviceList
with the minimum fields required to make a request.
Use one of the following lenses to modify other fields as desired:
adlAndroidDevices :: Lens' AndroidDeviceList [AndroidDevice] Source #
Required. A list of Android devices.
A description of how to set up the Android device prior to running the test.
See: testSetup
smart constructor.
testSetup :: TestSetup Source #
Creates a value of TestSetup
with the minimum fields required to make a request.
Use one of the following lenses to modify other fields as desired:
tsAccount :: Lens' TestSetup (Maybe Account) Source #
The device will be logged in on this account for the duration of the test.
tsNetworkProFile :: Lens' TestSetup (Maybe Text) Source #
The network traffic profile used for running the test. Available network profiles can be queried by using the NETWORK_CONFIGURATION environment type when calling TestEnvironmentDiscoveryService.GetTestEnvironmentCatalog.
tsEnvironmentVariables :: Lens' TestSetup [EnvironmentVariable] Source #
Environment variables to set for the test (only applicable for instrumentation tests).
tsAdditionalAPKs :: Lens' TestSetup [APK] Source #
APKs to install in addition to those being directly tested. Currently capped at 100.
tsFilesToPush :: Lens' TestSetup [DeviceFile] Source #
List of files to push to the device before starting the test.
tsDirectoriesToPull :: Lens' TestSetup [Text] Source #
List of directories on the device to upload to GCS at the end of the test; they must be absolute paths under /sdcard or /data/local/tmp. Path names are restricted to characters a-z A-Z 0-9 _ - . + and / Note: The paths /sdcard and /data will be made available and treated as implicit path substitutions. E.g. if /sdcard on a particular device does not map to external storage, the system will replace it with the external storage path prefix for that device.