Copyright | (c) 2015-2016 Brendan Hay |
License | Mozilla Public License, v. 2.0. |
Maintainer | Brendan Hay <> |
Stability | auto-generated |
Portability | non-portable (GHC extensions) |
Safe Haskell | None |
Language | Haskell2010 |
Lists analytics data for a user's associated company. Should only be called within the context of an authorized logged in user.
See: Google Partners API Reference for
- type AnalyticsListResource = "v2" :> ("analytics" :> (QueryParam "$.xgafv" Xgafv :> (QueryParam "upload_protocol" Text :> (QueryParam "access_token" Text :> (QueryParam "uploadType" Text :> (QueryParam "requestMetadata.partnersSessionId" Text :> (QueryParam "requestMetadata.locale" Text :> (QueryParams "requestMetadata.experimentIds" Text :> (QueryParam "requestMetadata.userOverrides.ipAddress" Text :> (QueryParam "pageToken" Text :> (QueryParam "requestMetadata.trafficSource.trafficSubId" Text :> (QueryParam "pageSize" (Textual Int32) :> (QueryParam "requestMetadata.userOverrides.userId" Text :> (QueryParam "requestMetadata.trafficSource.trafficSourceId" Text :> (QueryParam "callback" Text :> (QueryParam "alt" AltJSON :> Get '[JSON] ListAnalyticsResponse))))))))))))))))
- analyticsList :: AnalyticsList
- data AnalyticsList
- alXgafv :: Lens' AnalyticsList (Maybe Xgafv)
- alUploadProtocol :: Lens' AnalyticsList (Maybe Text)
- alAccessToken :: Lens' AnalyticsList (Maybe Text)
- alUploadType :: Lens' AnalyticsList (Maybe Text)
- alRequestMetadataPartnersSessionId :: Lens' AnalyticsList (Maybe Text)
- alRequestMetadataLocale :: Lens' AnalyticsList (Maybe Text)
- alRequestMetadataExperimentIds :: Lens' AnalyticsList [Text]
- alRequestMetadataUserOverridesIPAddress :: Lens' AnalyticsList (Maybe Text)
- alPageToken :: Lens' AnalyticsList (Maybe Text)
- alRequestMetadataTrafficSourceTrafficSubId :: Lens' AnalyticsList (Maybe Text)
- alPageSize :: Lens' AnalyticsList (Maybe Int32)
- alRequestMetadataUserOverridesUserId :: Lens' AnalyticsList (Maybe Text)
- alRequestMetadataTrafficSourceTrafficSourceId :: Lens' AnalyticsList (Maybe Text)
- alCallback :: Lens' AnalyticsList (Maybe Text)
REST Resource
type AnalyticsListResource = "v2" :> ("analytics" :> (QueryParam "$.xgafv" Xgafv :> (QueryParam "upload_protocol" Text :> (QueryParam "access_token" Text :> (QueryParam "uploadType" Text :> (QueryParam "requestMetadata.partnersSessionId" Text :> (QueryParam "requestMetadata.locale" Text :> (QueryParams "requestMetadata.experimentIds" Text :> (QueryParam "requestMetadata.userOverrides.ipAddress" Text :> (QueryParam "pageToken" Text :> (QueryParam "requestMetadata.trafficSource.trafficSubId" Text :> (QueryParam "pageSize" (Textual Int32) :> (QueryParam "requestMetadata.userOverrides.userId" Text :> (QueryParam "requestMetadata.trafficSource.trafficSourceId" Text :> (QueryParam "callback" Text :> (QueryParam "alt" AltJSON :> Get '[JSON] ListAnalyticsResponse)))))))))))))))) Source #
A resource alias for
method which the
request conforms to.
Creating a Request
analyticsList :: AnalyticsList Source #
Creates a value of AnalyticsList
with the minimum fields required to make a request.
Use one of the following lenses to modify other fields as desired:
data AnalyticsList Source #
Lists analytics data for a user's associated company. Should only be called within the context of an authorized logged in user.
See: analyticsList
smart constructor.
Request Lenses
alUploadProtocol :: Lens' AnalyticsList (Maybe Text) Source #
Upload protocol for media (e.g. "raw", "multipart").
alAccessToken :: Lens' AnalyticsList (Maybe Text) Source #
OAuth access token.
alUploadType :: Lens' AnalyticsList (Maybe Text) Source #
Legacy upload protocol for media (e.g. "media", "multipart").
alRequestMetadataPartnersSessionId :: Lens' AnalyticsList (Maybe Text) Source #
Google Partners session ID.
alRequestMetadataLocale :: Lens' AnalyticsList (Maybe Text) Source #
Locale to use for the current request.
alRequestMetadataExperimentIds :: Lens' AnalyticsList [Text] Source #
Experiment IDs the current request belongs to.
alRequestMetadataUserOverridesIPAddress :: Lens' AnalyticsList (Maybe Text) Source #
IP address to use instead of the user's geo-located IP address.
alPageToken :: Lens' AnalyticsList (Maybe Text) Source #
A token identifying a page of results that the server returns. Typically, this is the value of `ListAnalyticsResponse.next_page_token` returned from the previous call to ListAnalytics. Will be a date string in `YYYY-MM-DD` format representing the end date of the date range of results to return. If unspecified or set to "", default value is the current date.
alRequestMetadataTrafficSourceTrafficSubId :: Lens' AnalyticsList (Maybe Text) Source #
Second level identifier to indicate where the traffic comes from. An identifier has multiple letters created by a team which redirected the traffic to us.
alPageSize :: Lens' AnalyticsList (Maybe Int32) Source #
Requested page size. Server may return fewer analytics than requested. If unspecified or set to 0, default value is 30. Specifies the number of days in the date range when querying analytics. The `page_token` represents the end date of the date range and the start date is calculated using the `page_size` as the number of days BEFORE the end date. Must be a non-negative integer.
alRequestMetadataUserOverridesUserId :: Lens' AnalyticsList (Maybe Text) Source #
Logged-in user ID to impersonate instead of the user's ID.
alRequestMetadataTrafficSourceTrafficSourceId :: Lens' AnalyticsList (Maybe Text) Source #
Identifier to indicate where the traffic comes from. An identifier has multiple letters created by a team which redirected the traffic to us.
alCallback :: Lens' AnalyticsList (Maybe Text) Source #