gogol-core-0.0.1: Core data types and functionality for Gogol libraries.

Copyright(c) 2015 Brendan Hay <brendan.g.hay@gmail.com>
LicenseMozilla Public License, v. 2.0.
MaintainerBrendan Hay <brendan.g.hay@gmail.com>
Portabilitynon-portable (GHC extensions)
Safe HaskellNone






newtype MediaDownload a Source


MediaDownload a 

_Coerce :: (Coercible a b, Coercible b a) => Iso' a b Source

_Default :: Monoid a => Iso' (Maybe a) a Source

Invalid Iso, exists for ease of composition with the current 'Lens . Iso' chaining to hide internal types from the user.

class AsError a where Source

Minimal complete definition



_Error :: Prism' a Error Source

A general Amazonka error.

_TransportError :: Prism' a HttpException Source

An error occured while communicating over HTTP with a remote service.

_SerializeError :: Prism' a SerializeError Source

A serialisation error occured when attempting to deserialise a response.

_ServiceError :: Prism' a ServiceError Source

A service specific error returned by the remote service.

data Part Source

A single part of a multipart message.

data Request Source

An intermediary request builder.


data Client a Source

A materialised 'http-client' request and associated response parser.

mime :: FromStream c a => Proxy c -> Method -> [Int] -> Request -> Service -> Client a Source

class GoogleRequest a where Source

Associated Types

type Rs a :: * Source


requestClient :: a -> Client (Rs a) Source

class GoogleClient fn where Source

Associated Types

type Fn fn :: * Source


buildClient :: Proxy fn -> Request -> Fn fn Source


(GoogleClient a, GoogleClient b) => GoogleClient ((:<|>) a b) Source 
GoogleClient (Get ((:) * c cs) ()) Source 
FromStream c a => GoogleClient (Get ((:) * c cs) a) Source 
GoogleClient (Post cs ()) Source 
(FromStream c a, (~) [*] cs' ((:) * c cs)) => GoogleClient (Post cs' a) Source 
GoogleClient (Delete ((:) * c cs) ()) Source 
FromStream c a => GoogleClient (Delete ((:) * c cs) a) Source 
GoogleClient (Put ((:) * c cs) ()) Source 
FromStream c a => GoogleClient (Put ((:) * c cs) a) Source 
GoogleClient (Patch ((:) * c cs) ()) Source 
FromStream c a => GoogleClient (Patch ((:) * c cs) a) Source 
(KnownSymbol s, ToText a, GoogleClient fn) => GoogleClient ((:>) * * (Capture * s a) fn) Source 
(KnownSymbol s, ToText a, GoogleClient fn) => GoogleClient ((:>) * * (Header s a) fn) Source 
(KnownSymbol s, ToText a, GoogleClient fn) => GoogleClient ((:>) * * (QueryParam * s a) fn) Source 
(KnownSymbol s, ToText a, GoogleClient fn) => GoogleClient ((:>) * * (QueryParams * s a) fn) Source 
(ToBody c a, GoogleClient fn) => GoogleClient ((:>) * * (ReqBody * ((:) * c cs) a) fn) Source 
(ToBody c m, ToBody OctetStream b, GoogleClient fn) => GoogleClient ((:>) * * (MultipartRelated ((:) * c cs) m b) fn) Source 
(KnownSymbol s, KnownSymbol m, ToText a, GoogleClient fn) => GoogleClient ((:>) * * (CaptureMode s m a) fn) Source 
(KnownSymbol s, ToText a, GoogleClient fn) => GoogleClient ((:>) * * (Captures s a) fn) Source 
(KnownSymbol s, GoogleClient fn) => GoogleClient ((:>) Symbol * s fn) Source 

data Captures s a Source

Multiple path captures, with [xs] forming x1x2x2....


(KnownSymbol s, ToText a, GoogleClient fn) => GoogleClient ((:>) * * (Captures s a) fn) Source 
type Fn ((:>) * * (Captures s a) fn) = [a] -> Fn fn Source 

data CaptureMode s m a Source

Form a Google style sub-resource, such as /capture:mode.


(KnownSymbol s, KnownSymbol m, ToText a, GoogleClient fn) => GoogleClient ((:>) * * (CaptureMode s m a) fn) Source 
type Fn ((:>) * * (CaptureMode s m a) fn) = a -> Fn fn Source 

data MultipartRelated cs m b Source


(ToBody c m, ToBody OctetStream b, GoogleClient fn) => GoogleClient ((:>) * * (MultipartRelated ((:) * c cs) m b) fn) Source 
type Fn ((:>) * * (MultipartRelated ((:) * c cs) m b) fn) = m -> b -> Fn fn Source 

buildSymbol :: forall n proxy. KnownSymbol n => proxy n -> Builder Source

byteSymbol :: forall n proxy. KnownSymbol n => proxy n -> ByteString Source