Copyright | (c) 2015-2016 Brendan Hay |
License | Mozilla Public License, v. 2.0. |
Maintainer | Brendan Hay <> |
Stability | auto-generated |
Portability | non-portable (GHC extensions) |
Safe Haskell | None |
Language | Haskell2010 |
- appsResellerService :: ServiceConfig
- appsOrderReadOnlyScope :: Proxy '[""]
- appsOrderScope :: Proxy '[""]
- data SubscriptionTrialSettings
- subscriptionTrialSettings :: SubscriptionTrialSettings
- stsIsInTrial :: Lens' SubscriptionTrialSettings (Maybe Bool)
- stsTrialEndTime :: Lens' SubscriptionTrialSettings (Maybe Int64)
- data ResellernotifyResource
- resellernotifyResource :: ResellernotifyResource
- rrTopicName :: Lens' ResellernotifyResource (Maybe Text)
- data ResellernotifyGetwatchdetailsResponse
- resellernotifyGetwatchdetailsResponse :: ResellernotifyGetwatchdetailsResponse
- rgrTopicName :: Lens' ResellernotifyGetwatchdetailsResponse (Maybe Text)
- rgrServiceAccountEmailAddresses :: Lens' ResellernotifyGetwatchdetailsResponse [Text]
- data Address
- address :: Address
- aOrganizationName :: Lens' Address (Maybe Text)
- aKind :: Lens' Address Text
- aPostalCode :: Lens' Address (Maybe Text)
- aAddressLine1 :: Lens' Address (Maybe Text)
- aLocality :: Lens' Address (Maybe Text)
- aContactName :: Lens' Address (Maybe Text)
- aAddressLine2 :: Lens' Address (Maybe Text)
- aCountryCode :: Lens' Address (Maybe Text)
- aRegion :: Lens' Address (Maybe Text)
- aAddressLine3 :: Lens' Address (Maybe Text)
- data Customer
- customer :: Customer
- cCustomerDomainVerified :: Lens' Customer (Maybe Bool)
- cResourceUiURL :: Lens' Customer (Maybe Text)
- cKind :: Lens' Customer Text
- cCustomerId :: Lens' Customer (Maybe Text)
- cAlternateEmail :: Lens' Customer (Maybe Text)
- cCustomerDomain :: Lens' Customer (Maybe Text)
- cPhoneNumber :: Lens' Customer (Maybe Text)
- cPostalAddress :: Lens' Customer (Maybe Address)
- data ChangePlanRequest
- changePlanRequest :: ChangePlanRequest
- cprKind :: Lens' ChangePlanRequest Text
- cprDealCode :: Lens' ChangePlanRequest (Maybe Text)
- cprPlanName :: Lens' ChangePlanRequest (Maybe Text)
- cprPurchaseOrderId :: Lens' ChangePlanRequest (Maybe Text)
- cprSeats :: Lens' ChangePlanRequest (Maybe Seats)
- data SubscriptionPlanCommitmentInterval
- subscriptionPlanCommitmentInterval :: SubscriptionPlanCommitmentInterval
- spciStartTime :: Lens' SubscriptionPlanCommitmentInterval (Maybe Int64)
- spciEndTime :: Lens' SubscriptionPlanCommitmentInterval (Maybe Int64)
- data SubscriptionsDeleteDeletionType
- data SubscriptionPlan
- subscriptionPlan :: SubscriptionPlan
- spCommitmentInterval :: Lens' SubscriptionPlan (Maybe SubscriptionPlanCommitmentInterval)
- spIsCommitmentPlan :: Lens' SubscriptionPlan (Maybe Bool)
- spPlanName :: Lens' SubscriptionPlan (Maybe Text)
- data Subscriptions
- subscriptions :: Subscriptions
- sNextPageToken :: Lens' Subscriptions (Maybe Text)
- sKind :: Lens' Subscriptions Text
- sSubscriptions :: Lens' Subscriptions [Subscription]
- data Seats
- seats :: Seats
- seaNumberOfSeats :: Lens' Seats (Maybe Int32)
- seaMaximumNumberOfSeats :: Lens' Seats (Maybe Int32)
- seaLicensedNumberOfSeats :: Lens' Seats (Maybe Int32)
- seaKind :: Lens' Seats Text
- data RenewalSettings
- renewalSettings :: RenewalSettings
- rsKind :: Lens' RenewalSettings Text
- rsRenewalType :: Lens' RenewalSettings (Maybe Text)
- data Subscription
- subscription :: Subscription
- subCreationTime :: Lens' Subscription (Maybe Int64)
- subBillingMethod :: Lens' Subscription (Maybe Text)
- subStatus :: Lens' Subscription (Maybe Text)
- subTrialSettings :: Lens' Subscription (Maybe SubscriptionTrialSettings)
- subSKUName :: Lens' Subscription (Maybe Text)
- subResourceUiURL :: Lens' Subscription (Maybe Text)
- subKind :: Lens' Subscription Text
- subSKUId :: Lens' Subscription (Maybe Text)
- subPlan :: Lens' Subscription (Maybe SubscriptionPlan)
- subDealCode :: Lens' Subscription (Maybe Text)
- subCustomerId :: Lens' Subscription (Maybe Text)
- subCustomerDomain :: Lens' Subscription (Maybe Text)
- subSuspensionReasons :: Lens' Subscription [Text]
- subTransferInfo :: Lens' Subscription (Maybe SubscriptionTransferInfo)
- subPurchaseOrderId :: Lens' Subscription (Maybe Text)
- subSeats :: Lens' Subscription (Maybe Seats)
- subRenewalSettings :: Lens' Subscription (Maybe RenewalSettings)
- subSubscriptionId :: Lens' Subscription (Maybe Text)
- data SubscriptionTransferInfo
- subscriptionTransferInfo :: SubscriptionTransferInfo
- stiTransferabilityExpirationTime :: Lens' SubscriptionTransferInfo (Maybe Int64)
- stiMinimumTransferableSeats :: Lens' SubscriptionTransferInfo (Maybe Int32)
Service Configuration
appsResellerService :: ServiceConfig Source #
Default request referring to version v1
of the Enterprise Apps Reseller API. This contains the host and root path used as a starting point for constructing service requests.
OAuth Scopes
appsOrderReadOnlyScope :: Proxy '[""] Source #
Manage users on your domain
appsOrderScope :: Proxy '[""] Source #
Manage users on your domain
data SubscriptionTrialSettings Source #
The G Suite annual commitment and flexible payment plans can be in a 30-day free trial. For more information, see the API concepts.
See: subscriptionTrialSettings
smart constructor.
subscriptionTrialSettings :: SubscriptionTrialSettings Source #
Creates a value of SubscriptionTrialSettings
with the minimum fields required to make a request.
Use one of the following lenses to modify other fields as desired:
stsIsInTrial :: Lens' SubscriptionTrialSettings (Maybe Bool) Source #
Determines if a subscription's plan is in a 30-day free trial or not: - true — The plan is in trial. - false — The plan is not in trial.
stsTrialEndTime :: Lens' SubscriptionTrialSettings (Maybe Int64) Source #
Date when the trial ends. The value is in milliseconds using the UNIX Epoch format. See an example Epoch converter.
data ResellernotifyResource Source #
JSON template for resellernotify response.
See: resellernotifyResource
smart constructor.
resellernotifyResource :: ResellernotifyResource Source #
Creates a value of ResellernotifyResource
with the minimum fields required to make a request.
Use one of the following lenses to modify other fields as desired:
rrTopicName :: Lens' ResellernotifyResource (Maybe Text) Source #
Topic name of the PubSub
data ResellernotifyGetwatchdetailsResponse Source #
JSON template for resellernotify getwatchdetails response.
See: resellernotifyGetwatchdetailsResponse
smart constructor.
resellernotifyGetwatchdetailsResponse :: ResellernotifyGetwatchdetailsResponse Source #
Creates a value of ResellernotifyGetwatchdetailsResponse
with the minimum fields required to make a request.
Use one of the following lenses to modify other fields as desired:
rgrTopicName :: Lens' ResellernotifyGetwatchdetailsResponse (Maybe Text) Source #
Topic name of the PubSub
rgrServiceAccountEmailAddresses :: Lens' ResellernotifyGetwatchdetailsResponse [Text] Source #
List of registered service accounts.
JSON template for address of a customer.
See: address
smart constructor.
Creates a value of Address
with the minimum fields required to make a request.
Use one of the following lenses to modify other fields as desired:
aOrganizationName :: Lens' Address (Maybe Text) Source #
The company or company division name. This is required.
aKind :: Lens' Address Text Source #
Identifies the resource as a customer address. Value: customers#address
aPostalCode :: Lens' Address (Maybe Text) Source #
A postalCode example is a postal zip code such as 94043. This property is required when creating a new customer.
aAddressLine1 :: Lens' Address (Maybe Text) Source #
A customer's physical address. An address can be composed of one to three lines. The addressline2 and addressLine3 are optional.
aLocality :: Lens' Address (Maybe Text) Source #
An example of a locality value is the city of San Francisco.
aCountryCode :: Lens' Address (Maybe Text) Source #
For countryCode information, see the ISO 3166 country code elements. Verify that country is approved for resale of Google products. This property is required when creating a new customer.
aRegion :: Lens' Address (Maybe Text) Source #
An example of a region value is CA for the state of California.
JSON template for a customer.
See: customer
smart constructor.
Creates a value of Customer
with the minimum fields required to make a request.
Use one of the following lenses to modify other fields as desired:
cCustomerDomainVerified :: Lens' Customer (Maybe Bool) Source #
Whether the customer's primary domain has been verified.
cResourceUiURL :: Lens' Customer (Maybe Text) Source #
URL to customer's Admin console dashboard. The read-only URL is generated by the API service. This is used if your client application requires the customer to complete a task in the Admin console.
cKind :: Lens' Customer Text Source #
Identifies the resource as a customer. Value: reseller#customer
cCustomerId :: Lens' Customer (Maybe Text) Source #
This property will always be returned in a response as the unique identifier generated by Google. In a request, this property can be either the primary domain or the unique identifier generated by Google.
cAlternateEmail :: Lens' Customer (Maybe Text) Source #
Like the "Customer email" in the reseller tools, this email is the secondary contact used if something happens to the customer's service such as service outage or a security issue. This property is required when creating a new customer and should not use the same domain as customerDomain.
cCustomerDomain :: Lens' Customer (Maybe Text) Source #
The customer's primary domain name string. customerDomain is required when creating a new customer. Do not include the www prefix in the domain when adding a customer.
cPhoneNumber :: Lens' Customer (Maybe Text) Source #
Customer contact phone number. This can be continuous numbers, with spaces, etc. But it must be a real phone number and not, for example, "123". See phone local format conventions.
cPostalAddress :: Lens' Customer (Maybe Address) Source #
A customer's address information. Each field has a limit of 255 charcters.
data ChangePlanRequest Source #
JSON template for the ChangePlan rpc request.
See: changePlanRequest
smart constructor.
changePlanRequest :: ChangePlanRequest Source #
Creates a value of ChangePlanRequest
with the minimum fields required to make a request.
Use one of the following lenses to modify other fields as desired:
cprKind :: Lens' ChangePlanRequest Text Source #
Identifies the resource as a subscription change plan request. Value: subscriptions#changePlanRequest
cprDealCode :: Lens' ChangePlanRequest (Maybe Text) Source #
Google-issued code (100 char max) for discounted pricing on subscription plans. Deal code must be included in changePlan request in order to receive discounted rate. This property is optional. If a deal code has already been added to a subscription, this property may be left empty and the existing discounted rate will still apply (if not empty, only provide the deal code that is already present on the subscription). If a deal code has never been added to a subscription and this property is left blank, regular pricing will apply.
cprPlanName :: Lens' ChangePlanRequest (Maybe Text) Source #
The planName property is required. This is the name of the subscription's payment plan. For more information about the Google payment plans, see API concepts. Possible values are: - ANNUAL_MONTHLY_PAY - The annual commitment plan with monthly payments - ANNUAL_YEARLY_PAY - The annual commitment plan with yearly payments - FLEXIBLE - The flexible plan - TRIAL - The 30-day free trial plan
cprPurchaseOrderId :: Lens' ChangePlanRequest (Maybe Text) Source #
This is an optional property. This purchase order (PO) information is for resellers to use for their company tracking usage. If a purchaseOrderId value is given it appears in the API responses and shows up in the invoice. The property accepts up to 80 plain text characters.
cprSeats :: Lens' ChangePlanRequest (Maybe Seats) Source #
This is a required property. The seats property is the number of user seat licenses.
data SubscriptionPlanCommitmentInterval Source #
In this version of the API, annual commitment plan's interval is one year.
See: subscriptionPlanCommitmentInterval
smart constructor.
subscriptionPlanCommitmentInterval :: SubscriptionPlanCommitmentInterval Source #
Creates a value of SubscriptionPlanCommitmentInterval
with the minimum fields required to make a request.
Use one of the following lenses to modify other fields as desired:
spciStartTime :: Lens' SubscriptionPlanCommitmentInterval (Maybe Int64) Source #
An annual commitment plan's interval's startTime in milliseconds using UNIX Epoch format. See an example Epoch converter.
spciEndTime :: Lens' SubscriptionPlanCommitmentInterval (Maybe Int64) Source #
An annual commitment plan's interval's endTime in milliseconds using the UNIX Epoch format. See an example Epoch converter.
data SubscriptionsDeleteDeletionType Source #
The deletionType query string enables the cancellation, downgrade, or suspension of a subscription.
Cancel |
Downgrade |
Suspend |
TransferToDirect |
data SubscriptionPlan Source #
The plan property is required. In this version of the API, the G Suite plans are the flexible plan, annual commitment plan, and the 30-day free trial plan. For more information about the API"s payment plans, see the API concepts.
See: subscriptionPlan
smart constructor.
subscriptionPlan :: SubscriptionPlan Source #
Creates a value of SubscriptionPlan
with the minimum fields required to make a request.
Use one of the following lenses to modify other fields as desired:
spCommitmentInterval :: Lens' SubscriptionPlan (Maybe SubscriptionPlanCommitmentInterval) Source #
In this version of the API, annual commitment plan's interval is one year.
spIsCommitmentPlan :: Lens' SubscriptionPlan (Maybe Bool) Source #
The isCommitmentPlan property's boolean value identifies the plan as an annual commitment plan: - true — The subscription's plan is an annual commitment plan. - false — The plan is not an annual commitment plan.
spPlanName :: Lens' SubscriptionPlan (Maybe Text) Source #
The planName property is required. This is the name of the subscription's plan. For more information about the Google payment plans, see the API concepts. Possible values are: - ANNUAL_MONTHLY_PAY — The annual commitment plan with monthly payments - ANNUAL_YEARLY_PAY — The annual commitment plan with yearly payments - FLEXIBLE — The flexible plan - TRIAL — The 30-day free trial plan. A subscription in trial will be suspended after the 30th free day if no payment plan is assigned. Calling changePlan will assign a payment plan to a trial but will not activate the plan. A trial will automatically begin its assigned payment plan after its 30th free day or immediately after calling startPaidService.
data Subscriptions Source #
JSON template for a subscription list.
See: subscriptions
smart constructor.
subscriptions :: Subscriptions Source #
Creates a value of Subscriptions
with the minimum fields required to make a request.
Use one of the following lenses to modify other fields as desired:
sNextPageToken :: Lens' Subscriptions (Maybe Text) Source #
The continuation token, used to page through large result sets. Provide this value in a subsequent request to return the next page of results.
sKind :: Lens' Subscriptions Text Source #
Identifies the resource as a collection of subscriptions. Value: reseller#subscriptions
sSubscriptions :: Lens' Subscriptions [Subscription] Source #
The subscriptions in this page of results.
JSON template for subscription seats.
See: seats
smart constructor.
Eq Seats Source # | |
Data Seats Source # | |
Defined in Network.Google.AppsReseller.Types.Product Methods gfoldl :: (forall d b. Data d => c (d -> b) -> d -> c b) -> (forall g. g -> c g) -> Seats -> c Seats # gunfold :: (forall b r. Data b => c (b -> r) -> c r) -> (forall r. r -> c r) -> Constr -> c Seats # dataTypeOf :: Seats -> DataType # dataCast1 :: Typeable t => (forall d. Data d => c (t d)) -> Maybe (c Seats) # dataCast2 :: Typeable t => (forall d e. (Data d, Data e) => c (t d e)) -> Maybe (c Seats) # gmapT :: (forall b. Data b => b -> b) -> Seats -> Seats # gmapQl :: (r -> r' -> r) -> r -> (forall d. Data d => d -> r') -> Seats -> r # gmapQr :: (r' -> r -> r) -> r -> (forall d. Data d => d -> r') -> Seats -> r # gmapQ :: (forall d. Data d => d -> u) -> Seats -> [u] # gmapQi :: Int -> (forall d. Data d => d -> u) -> Seats -> u # gmapM :: Monad m => (forall d. Data d => d -> m d) -> Seats -> m Seats # gmapMp :: MonadPlus m => (forall d. Data d => d -> m d) -> Seats -> m Seats # gmapMo :: MonadPlus m => (forall d. Data d => d -> m d) -> Seats -> m Seats # | |
Show Seats Source # | |
Generic Seats Source # | |
ToJSON Seats Source # | |
Defined in Network.Google.AppsReseller.Types.Product | |
FromJSON Seats Source # | |
type Rep Seats Source # | |
Defined in Network.Google.AppsReseller.Types.Product type Rep Seats = D1 (MetaData "Seats" "Network.Google.AppsReseller.Types.Product" "gogol-apps-reseller-0.4.0-KDuipGWXeWG9naMHX80l3C" False) (C1 (MetaCons "Seats'" PrefixI True) ((S1 (MetaSel (Just "_seaNumberOfSeats") NoSourceUnpackedness SourceStrict DecidedStrict) (Rec0 (Maybe (Textual Int32))) :*: S1 (MetaSel (Just "_seaMaximumNumberOfSeats") NoSourceUnpackedness SourceStrict DecidedStrict) (Rec0 (Maybe (Textual Int32)))) :*: (S1 (MetaSel (Just "_seaLicensedNumberOfSeats") NoSourceUnpackedness SourceStrict DecidedStrict) (Rec0 (Maybe (Textual Int32))) :*: S1 (MetaSel (Just "_seaKind") NoSourceUnpackedness SourceStrict DecidedStrict) (Rec0 Text)))) |
Creates a value of Seats
with the minimum fields required to make a request.
Use one of the following lenses to modify other fields as desired:
seaNumberOfSeats :: Lens' Seats (Maybe Int32) Source #
The numberOfSeats property holds the customer's number of user licenses. How a user's licenses are managed depends on the subscription's plan: - annual commitment plan (with monthly or yearly pay) — For this plan, a reseller is invoiced on the number of user licenses in the numberOfSeats property. This is the maximum number of user licenses that a reseller's customer can create. The reseller can add more licenses, but once set, the numberOfSeats can not be reduced until renewal. The reseller is invoiced based on the numberOfSeats value regardless of how many of these user licenses are provisioned users. - flexible plan — For this plan, a reseller is invoiced on the actual number of users which is capped by the maximumNumberOfSeats. The numberOfSeats property is not used in the request or response for flexible plan customers. - 30-day free trial plan — The numberOfSeats property is not used in the request or response for an account in a 30-day trial.
seaMaximumNumberOfSeats :: Lens' Seats (Maybe Int32) Source #
The maximumNumberOfSeats property is the maximum number of licenses that the customer can purchase. This property applies to plans other than the annual commitment plan. How a user's licenses are managed depends on the subscription's payment plan: - annual commitment plan (with monthly or yearly payments) — For this plan, a reseller is invoiced on the number of user licenses in the numberOfSeats property. The maximumNumberOfSeats property is a read-only property in the API's response. - flexible plan — For this plan, a reseller is invoiced on the actual number of users which is capped by the maximumNumberOfSeats. This is the maximum number of user licenses a customer has for user license provisioning. This quantity can be increased up to the maximum limit defined in the reseller's contract. And the minimum quantity is the current number of users in the customer account. - 30-day free trial plan — A subscription in a 30-day free trial is restricted to maximum 10 seats.
seaLicensedNumberOfSeats :: Lens' Seats (Maybe Int32) Source #
Read-only field containing the current number of licensed seats for FLEXIBLE Google-Apps subscriptions and secondary subscriptions such as Google-Vault and Drive-storage.
seaKind :: Lens' Seats Text Source #
Identifies the resource as a subscription change plan request. Value: subscriptions#seats
data RenewalSettings Source #
JSON template for a subscription renewal settings.
See: renewalSettings
smart constructor.
renewalSettings :: RenewalSettings Source #
Creates a value of RenewalSettings
with the minimum fields required to make a request.
Use one of the following lenses to modify other fields as desired:
rsKind :: Lens' RenewalSettings Text Source #
Identifies the resource as a subscription renewal setting. Value: subscriptions#renewalSettings
rsRenewalType :: Lens' RenewalSettings (Maybe Text) Source #
Renewal settings for the annual commitment plan. For more detailed information, see renewal options in the administrator help center. When renewing a subscription, the renewalType is a required property.
data Subscription Source #
JSON template for a subscription.
See: subscription
smart constructor.
subscription :: Subscription Source #
Creates a value of Subscription
with the minimum fields required to make a request.
Use one of the following lenses to modify other fields as desired:
subCreationTime :: Lens' Subscription (Maybe Int64) Source #
The creationTime property is the date when subscription was created. It is in milliseconds using the Epoch format. See an example Epoch converter.
subBillingMethod :: Lens' Subscription (Maybe Text) Source #
Read-only field that returns the current billing method for a subscription.
subTrialSettings :: Lens' Subscription (Maybe SubscriptionTrialSettings) Source #
The G Suite annual commitment and flexible payment plans can be in a 30-day free trial. For more information, see the API concepts.
subSKUName :: Lens' Subscription (Maybe Text) Source #
Read-only external display name for a product's SKU assigned to a customer in the subscription. SKU names are subject to change at Google's discretion. For products and SKUs available in this version of the API, see Product and SKU IDs.
subResourceUiURL :: Lens' Subscription (Maybe Text) Source #
URL to customer's Subscriptions page in the Admin console. The read-only URL is generated by the API service. This is used if your client application requires the customer to complete a task using the Subscriptions page in the Admin console.
subKind :: Lens' Subscription Text Source #
Identifies the resource as a Subscription. Value: reseller#subscription
subSKUId :: Lens' Subscription (Maybe Text) Source #
A required property. The skuId is a unique system identifier for a product's SKU assigned to a customer in the subscription. For products and SKUs available in this version of the API, see Product and SKU IDs.
subPlan :: Lens' Subscription (Maybe SubscriptionPlan) Source #
The plan property is required. In this version of the API, the G Suite plans are the flexible plan, annual commitment plan, and the 30-day free trial plan. For more information about the API"s payment plans, see the API concepts.
subDealCode :: Lens' Subscription (Maybe Text) Source #
Google-issued code (100 char max) for discounted pricing on subscription plans. Deal code must be included in insert requests in order to receive discounted rate. This property is optional, regular pricing applies if left empty.
subCustomerId :: Lens' Subscription (Maybe Text) Source #
This property will always be returned in a response as the unique identifier generated by Google. In a request, this property can be either the primary domain or the unique identifier generated by Google.
subCustomerDomain :: Lens' Subscription (Maybe Text) Source #
Primary domain name of the customer
subSuspensionReasons :: Lens' Subscription [Text] Source #
Read-only field containing an enumerable of all the current suspension reasons for a subscription. It is possible for a subscription to have many concurrent, overlapping suspension reasons. A subscription's STATUS is SUSPENDED until all pending suspensions are removed. Possible options include: - PENDING_TOS_ACCEPTANCE - The customer has not logged in and accepted the G Suite Resold Terms of Services. - RENEWAL_WITH_TYPE_CANCEL - The customer's commitment ended and their service was cancelled at the end of their term. - RESELLER_INITIATED - A manual suspension invoked by a Reseller. - TRIAL_ENDED - The customer's trial expired without a plan selected. - OTHER - The customer is suspended for an internal Google reason (e.g. abuse or otherwise).
subTransferInfo :: Lens' Subscription (Maybe SubscriptionTransferInfo) Source #
Read-only transfer related information for the subscription. For more information, see retrieve transferable subscriptions for a customer.
subPurchaseOrderId :: Lens' Subscription (Maybe Text) Source #
This is an optional property. This purchase order (PO) information is for resellers to use for their company tracking usage. If a purchaseOrderId value is given it appears in the API responses and shows up in the invoice. The property accepts up to 80 plain text characters.
subSeats :: Lens' Subscription (Maybe Seats) Source #
This is a required property. The number and limit of user seat licenses in the plan.
subRenewalSettings :: Lens' Subscription (Maybe RenewalSettings) Source #
Renewal settings for the annual commitment plan. For more detailed information, see renewal options in the administrator help center.
subSubscriptionId :: Lens' Subscription (Maybe Text) Source #
The subscriptionId is the subscription identifier and is unique for each customer. This is a required property. Since a subscriptionId changes when a subscription is updated, we recommend not using this ID as a key for persistent data. Use the subscriptionId as described in retrieve all reseller subscriptions.
data SubscriptionTransferInfo Source #
Read-only transfer related information for the subscription. For more information, see retrieve transferable subscriptions for a customer.
See: subscriptionTransferInfo
smart constructor.
subscriptionTransferInfo :: SubscriptionTransferInfo Source #
Creates a value of SubscriptionTransferInfo
with the minimum fields required to make a request.
Use one of the following lenses to modify other fields as desired:
stiTransferabilityExpirationTime :: Lens' SubscriptionTransferInfo (Maybe Int64) Source #
The time when transfer token or intent to transfer will expire. The time is in milliseconds using UNIX Epoch format.
stiMinimumTransferableSeats :: Lens' SubscriptionTransferInfo (Maybe Int32) Source #
When inserting a subscription, this is the minimum number of seats listed in the transfer order for this product. For example, if the customer has 20 users, the reseller cannot place a transfer order of 15 seats. The minimum is 20 seats.