goatee-0.1.1: A monadic take on a 2,500-year-old board game - library.

Safe HaskellNone




A monad for working with game trees.


The Go monad

data GoT m a Source

The regular monad transformer for MonadGo.


MonadTrans GoT 
MonadWriter w m => MonadWriter w (GoT m) 
Monad m => Monad (GoT m) 
Monad m => Functor (GoT m) 
Monad m => Applicative (GoT m) 
MonadIO m => MonadIO (GoT m) 

type GoM = GoT IdentitySource

The regular monad for MonadGo.

runGoT :: Monad m => GoT m a -> Cursor -> m (a, Cursor)Source

Executes a Go monad transformer on a cursor, returning in the underlying monad a tuple that contains the resulting value and the final cursor.

runGo :: GoM a -> Cursor -> (a, Cursor)Source

Runs a Go monad on a cursor. See runGoT.

evalGoT :: Monad m => GoT m a -> Cursor -> m aSource

Executes a Go monad transformer on a cursor, returning in the underlying monad the value in the transformer.

evalGo :: GoM a -> Cursor -> aSource

Runs a Go monad on a cursor and returns the value in the monad.

execGoT :: Monad m => GoT m a -> Cursor -> m CursorSource

Executes a Go monad transformer on a cursor, returning in the underlying monad the final cursor.

execGo :: GoM a -> Cursor -> CursorSource

Runs a Go monad on a cursor and returns the final cursor.

getCursor :: MonadGo go => go CursorSource

Returns the current cursor.

getCoordState :: MonadGo go => Coord -> go CoordStateSource

Returns the CoordState at the given point.


data Step Source

A single step along a game tree. Either up or down.


GoUp Int

Represents a step up from a child with the given index.

GoDown Int

Represents a step down to the child with the given index.


goUp :: MonadGo go => go ()Source

Navigates up the tree. It must be valid to do so, otherwise fail is called. Fires a navigationEvent after moving.

goDown :: MonadGo go => Int -> go ()Source

Navigates down the tree to the child with the given index. The child must exist. Fires a navigationEvent after moving.

goToRoot :: MonadGo go => go ()Source

Navigates up to the root of the tree. Fires navigationEvents for each step.



:: MonadGo go 
=> Bool

When no node with game info is found, then if false, return to the original node, otherwise finish at the root node.

-> go Bool 

Navigates up the tree to the node containing game info properties, if any. Returns true if a game info node was found.

Remembering positions

pushPosition :: MonadGo go => go ()Source

Pushes the current location in the game tree onto an internal position stack, such that popPosition is capable of navigating back to the same position, even if the game tree has been modified (though the old position must still exist in the tree to return to it).

popPosition :: MonadGo go => go ()Source

Returns to the last position pushed onto the internal position stack via pushPosition. This action must be balanced by a pushPosition.

dropPosition :: MonadGo go => go ()Source

Drops the last position pushed onto the internal stack by pushPosition off of the stack. This action must be balanced by a pushPosition.


getProperties :: MonadGo go => go [Property]Source

Returns the set of properties on the current node.

modifyProperties :: MonadGo go => ([Property] -> go [Property]) -> go ()Source

Modifies the set of properties on the current node.

The given function must end on the same node on which it started.

getProperty :: (MonadGo go, Descriptor d) => d -> go (Maybe Property)Source

Searches for a property on the current node, returning it if found.

getPropertyValue :: (MonadGo go, ValuedDescriptor d v) => d -> go (Maybe v)Source

Searches for a valued property on the current node, returning its value if found.

putProperty :: MonadGo go => Property -> go ()Source

Sets a property on the current node, replacing an existing property with the same name, if one exists.

deleteProperty :: (MonadGo go, Descriptor d) => d -> go ()Source

Deletes a property from the current node, if it's set.

Note that although a Property is a Descriptor, giving a valued Property here will not cause deletion to match on the value of the property. That is, the following code will result in Nothing, because the deletion only cares about the name of the property.

 do putProperty $ PL Black
    deleteProperty $ PL White
    getPropertyValue propertyPL

modifyProperty :: (MonadGo go, Descriptor d) => d -> (Maybe Property -> Maybe Property) -> go ()Source

Calls the given function to modify the state of the given property (descriptor) on the current node. Nothing represents the property not existing on the node, and a Just marks the property's presence. This function does not do any validation to check that the resulting tree state is valid.

modifyPropertyValue :: (MonadGo go, ValuedDescriptor d v) => d -> (Maybe v -> Maybe v) -> go ()Source

Calls the given function to modify the state of the given valued property (descriptor) on the current node. Nothing represents the property not existing on the node, and a Just with the property's value marks the property's presence. This function does not do any validation to check that the resulting tree state is valid.

modifyPropertyString :: (MonadGo go, Stringlike s, ValuedDescriptor d s) => d -> (String -> String) -> go ()Source

Mutates the string-valued property attached to the current node according to the given function. The input string will be empty if the current node either has the property with an empty value, or doesn't have the property. Returning an empty string removes the property from the node, if it was set.

modifyPropertyCoords :: (MonadGo go, ValuedDescriptor d CoordList) => d -> ([Coord] -> [Coord]) -> go ()Source

Mutates the CoordList-valued property attached to the current node according to the given function. Conversion between CoordList and [Coord] is performed automatically. The input list will be empty if the current node either has the property with an empty value, or doesn't have the property. Returning an empty list removes the property from the node, if it was set.

Importantly, this might not be specific enough for properties such as DD and VW where a present, empty list has different semantics from the property not being present. In that case, modifyPropertyValue is better.

modifyGameInfo :: MonadGo go => (GameInfo -> GameInfo) -> go GameInfoSource

Mutates the game info for the current path, returning the new info. If the current node or one of its ancestors has game info properties, then that node is modified. Otherwise, properties are inserted on the root node.

modifyVariationMode :: MonadGo go => (VariationMode -> VariationMode) -> go ()Source

Sets the game's VariationMode via the ST property on the root node, then fires a variationModeChangedEvent if the variation mode has changed.

getMark :: MonadGo go => Coord -> go (Maybe Mark)Source

Returns the Mark at a point on the current node.

modifyMark :: MonadGo go => (Maybe Mark -> Maybe Mark) -> Coord -> go ()Source

Calls the given function to modify the presence of a Mark on the current node.


addChild :: MonadGo go => Int -> Node -> go ()Source

Adds a child node to the current node at the given index, shifting all existing children at and after the index to the right. The index must in the range [0, numberOfChildren]. Fires a childAddedEvent after the child is added.

Event handling

data Event go h Source

A type of event in the Go monad transformer that can be handled by executing an action. go is the type of the type of the Go monad/transformer. h is the type of monad or monadic function which will be used by Go actions that can trigger the event. For example, a navigation event is characterized by a Step that cannot easily be recovered from the regular monad state, and comparing before-and-after states would be a pain. So h for navigation events is Step -> go (); a handler takes a Step and returns a Go action to run as a result.


Show (Event go h) 

on :: MonadGo go => Event go h -> h -> go ()Source

Registers a new event handler for a given event type.

fire :: Monad m => Event (GoT m) h -> (h -> GoT m ()) -> GoT m ()Source

Fires all of the handlers for the given event, using the given function to create a Go action from each of the handlers (normally themselves functions that create Go actions, if they're not just Go actions directly, depending on the event).


childAddedEvent :: Event go (ChildAddedHandler go)Source

An event corresponding to a child node being added to the current node.

type ChildAddedHandler go = Int -> Cursor -> go ()Source

A handler for childAddedEvents.

gameInfoChangedEvent :: Event go (GameInfoChangedHandler go)Source

An event that is fired when the current game info changes, either by navigating past a node with game info properties, or by modifying the current game info properties.

type GameInfoChangedHandler go = GameInfo -> GameInfo -> go ()Source

A handler for gameInfoChangedEvents. It is called with the old game info then the new game info.

navigationEvent :: Event go (NavigationHandler go)Source

An event that is fired when a single step up or down in a game tree is made.

type NavigationHandler go = Step -> go ()Source

A handler for navigationEvents.

A navigation handler may navigate further, but beware infinite recursion. A navigation handler must end on the same node on which it started.

propertiesModifiedEvent :: Event go (PropertiesModifiedHandler go)Source

An event corresponding to a modification to the properties list of the current node.

type PropertiesModifiedHandler go = [Property] -> [Property] -> go ()Source

A handler for propertiesModifiedEvents. It is called with the old property list then the new property list.

variationModeChangedEvent :: Event go (VariationModeChangedHandler go)Source

An event corresponding to a change in the active VariationMode. This can happen when modifying the ST property, and also when navigating between collections (as they have different root nodes).

type VariationModeChangedHandler go = VariationMode -> VariationMode -> go ()Source

A handler for variationModeChangedEvents. It is called with the old variation mode then the new variation mode.