{-# LANGUAGE DeriveGeneric #-}
{-# OPTIONS_GHC -fno-warn-unused-imports #-}

{-# LANGUAGE DeriveGeneric #-}
{-# OPTIONS_GHC -fno-warn-unused-imports #-}

{-# OPTIONS_GHC -fno-warn-unused-binds #-}
{-# LANGUAGE LambdaCase #-}
-- UUAGC (src/GLuaFixer/AG/ASTLint.ag)
module GLuaFixer.AG.ASTLint where

{-# LINE 9 "src/GLuaFixer/AG/../../GLua/AG/Token.ag" #-}

import Text.ParserCombinators.UU.BasicInstances hiding (pos)
import GHC.Generics
{-# LINE 19 "src/GLuaFixer/AG/ASTLint.hs" #-}

{-# LINE 10 "src/GLuaFixer/AG/../../GLua/AG/AST.ag" #-}

import GLua.AG.Token
import GLua.TokenTypes ()
import GHC.Generics
import Data.Aeson
{-# LINE 27 "src/GLuaFixer/AG/ASTLint.hs" #-}

{-# LINE 10 "src/GLuaFixer/AG/ASTLint.ag" #-}

import GLua.AG.AST
import qualified GLua.AG.PrettyPrint as PP
import qualified GLua.AG.Token as T
import GLua.TokenTypes
import qualified Data.Set as S
import qualified Data.Map.Strict as M
import Data.Char (isLower, isUpper)
import Data.Maybe
import GLuaFixer.LintMessage
import GLuaFixer.LintSettings
{-# LINE 41 "src/GLuaFixer/AG/ASTLint.hs" #-}
{-# LINE 28 "src/GLuaFixer/AG/ASTLint.ag" #-}

warn :: Region -> Issue -> FilePath -> LintMessage
warn pos issue = LintMessage LintWarning pos issue

-- Used in detecting "not (a == b)" kind of things
oppositeBinOp :: BinOp -> Maybe String
oppositeBinOp ALT = Just ">="
oppositeBinOp AGT = Just "<="
oppositeBinOp ALEQ = Just ">"
oppositeBinOp AGEQ = Just "<"
oppositeBinOp ANEq = Just "=="
oppositeBinOp AEq = Just "~="
oppositeBinOp _ = Nothing

-- Checks whether a variable shadows existing variables
checkShadows :: [M.Map String (Bool, Region)] -> MToken -> Maybe (FilePath -> LintMessage)
checkShadows [] _ = Nothing
checkShadows _ (MToken _ (Identifier "_")) = Nothing -- Exception for vars named '_'
checkShadows (scope : scs) mtok' =
    if M.member lbl scope then
      Just $ warn (mpos mtok') $ VariableShadows lbl location
      checkShadows scs mtok'
        lbl = tokenLabel mtok'
        location = snd $ fromMaybe (error "checkShadows fromMaybe") $ M.lookup lbl scope

-- Determines whether a variable is local
-- It is local if it does not exist in any but the topmost (global) scope
-- it may or may not exist in the topmost scope.
isVariableLocal :: [M.Map String (Bool, Region)] -> String -> Bool
isVariableLocal [] _ = False
isVariableLocal [_] _ = False
isVariableLocal (scope : scs) var =
    case M.lookup var scope of
        Just _ -> True
        Nothing -> isVariableLocal scs var

-- Registers a variable as global variable when it hasn't been
-- introduced in any of the visible scopes
registerVariable :: [M.Map String (Bool, Region)] -> Region -> String -> Bool -> [M.Map String (Bool, Region)]
registerVariable [] _ _ _ = error "cannot register top level variable"
registerVariable (scope : []) pos var used =
    [ case M.lookup var scope of
        Just (used', pos') -> M.insert var (used || used', pos') scope
        Nothing -> M.insert var (used, pos) scope
    ] -- global scope
registerVariable (scope : scs) pos var used = case M.lookup var scope of
                                                Just (True, _) -> scope : scs
                                                Just (False, pos') -> M.insert var (used, pos') scope : scs
                                                Nothing -> scope : registerVariable scs pos var used

findSelf :: [MToken] -> Bool
findSelf ((MToken _ (Identifier "self")) : _) = True
findSelf _ = False

data VariableStyle
   = StartsLowerCase
   | StartsUpperCase
   | VariableStyleNeither
   deriving (Eq)

data DeterminedVariableStyle
   = VarStyleNotDetermined
   | VarStyleDetermined !VariableStyle

combineDeterminedVarStyle :: DeterminedVariableStyle -> VariableStyle -> DeterminedVariableStyle
combineDeterminedVarStyle old new = case old of
    VarStyleNotDetermined -> VarStyleDetermined new
    VarStyleDetermined VariableStyleNeither -> VarStyleDetermined new
    _ -> old

determineVariableStyle :: String -> VariableStyle
determineVariableStyle = \case
    [] -> VariableStyleNeither
    (c : _)
        | isLower c -> StartsLowerCase
        | isUpper c -> StartsUpperCase
        | otherwise -> VariableStyleNeither

variableStyleInconsistent :: DeterminedVariableStyle -> VariableStyle -> Bool
variableStyleInconsistent determinedStyle varStyle = case determinedStyle of
    VarStyleNotDetermined -> False
    VarStyleDetermined VariableStyleNeither -> False
    VarStyleDetermined existing -> case varStyle of
        VariableStyleNeither -> False
        _ -> existing /= varStyle

unknownIdentifier :: String
unknownIdentifier = "Unknown identifier"

{-# LINE 135 "src/GLuaFixer/AG/ASTLint.hs" #-}

{-# LINE 647 "src/GLuaFixer/AG/ASTLint.ag" #-}

inh_AST :: LintSettings -> Inh_AST
inh_AST conf = Inh_AST {
                config_Inh_AST                  = conf,
                isMeta_Inh_AST                  = False,
                loopLevel_Inh_AST               = 0,
                globalDefinitions_Inh_AST       = M.empty,
                mtokenPos_Inh_AST               = emptyRg,
                scopeLevel_Inh_AST              = 0,
                scopes_Inh_AST                  = [M.empty],
                funcName_Inh_AST                = "",
                isInModule_Inh_AST              = False,
                variableStyle_Inh_AST           = VarStyleNotDetermined

allAttributes :: LintSettings -> AST -> Syn_AST
allAttributes conf p = wrap_AST (sem_AST p) (inh_AST conf)

astWarnings :: LintSettings -> AST -> [String -> LintMessage]
astWarnings conf p = warnings_Syn_AST $ allAttributes conf p

globalDefinitions :: LintSettings -> AST -> M.Map String [Region]
globalDefinitions conf p = globalDefinitions_Syn_AST $ allAttributes conf p
{-# LINE 161 "src/GLuaFixer/AG/ASTLint.hs" #-}
-- AReturn -----------------------------------------------------
-- cata
sem_AReturn :: AReturn ->
sem_AReturn :: AReturn -> T_AReturn
sem_AReturn (AReturn Region
_pos MExprList
_values) =
    (T_Region -> T_MExprList -> T_AReturn
sem_AReturn_AReturn (Region -> T_Region
sem_Region Region
_pos) (MExprList -> T_MExprList
sem_MExprList MExprList
sem_AReturn (AReturn
NoReturn) =
-- semantic domain
type T_AReturn = ( AReturn,T_AReturn_1)
type T_AReturn_1 = LintSettings ->
                   String ->
                   (M.Map String [Region]) ->
                   Bool ->
                   Bool ->
                   Int ->
                   Region ->
                   Int ->
                   ([M.Map String (Bool, Region)]) ->
                   DeterminedVariableStyle ->
                   ( (M.Map String [Region]),String,Bool,Region,([M.Map String (Bool, Region)]),Int,DeterminedVariableStyle,([String -> LintMessage]))
data Inh_AReturn = Inh_AReturn {Inh_AReturn -> LintSettings
config_Inh_AReturn :: LintSettings,Inh_AReturn -> String
funcName_Inh_AReturn :: String,Inh_AReturn -> Map String [Region]
globalDefinitions_Inh_AReturn :: (M.Map String [Region]),Inh_AReturn -> Bool
isInModule_Inh_AReturn :: Bool,Inh_AReturn -> Bool
isMeta_Inh_AReturn :: Bool,Inh_AReturn -> Int
loopLevel_Inh_AReturn :: Int,Inh_AReturn -> Region
mtokenPos_Inh_AReturn :: Region,Inh_AReturn -> Int
scopeLevel_Inh_AReturn :: Int,Inh_AReturn -> [Map String (Bool, Region)]
scopes_Inh_AReturn :: ([M.Map String (Bool, Region)]),Inh_AReturn -> DeterminedVariableStyle
variableStyle_Inh_AReturn :: DeterminedVariableStyle}
data Syn_AReturn = Syn_AReturn {Syn_AReturn -> AReturn
copy_Syn_AReturn :: AReturn,Syn_AReturn -> Map String [Region]
globalDefinitions_Syn_AReturn :: (M.Map String [Region]),Syn_AReturn -> String
identifier_Syn_AReturn :: String,Syn_AReturn -> Bool
isInModule_Syn_AReturn :: Bool,Syn_AReturn -> Region
mtokenPos_Syn_AReturn :: Region,Syn_AReturn -> [Map String (Bool, Region)]
scopes_Syn_AReturn :: ([M.Map String (Bool, Region)]),Syn_AReturn -> Int
statementCount_Syn_AReturn :: Int,Syn_AReturn -> DeterminedVariableStyle
variableStyle_Syn_AReturn :: DeterminedVariableStyle,Syn_AReturn -> [String -> LintMessage]
warnings_Syn_AReturn :: ([String -> LintMessage])}
wrap_AReturn :: T_AReturn ->
                Inh_AReturn ->
wrap_AReturn :: T_AReturn -> Inh_AReturn -> Syn_AReturn
wrap_AReturn T_AReturn
sem (Inh_AReturn LintSettings
_lhsIconfig String
_lhsIfuncName Map String [Region]
_lhsIglobalDefinitions Bool
_lhsIisInModule Bool
_lhsIisMeta Int
_lhsIloopLevel Region
_lhsImtokenPos Int
_lhsIscopeLevel [Map String (Bool, Region)]
_lhsIscopes DeterminedVariableStyle
_lhsIvariableStyle) =
    (let ( AReturn
sem_1) = T_AReturn
         ( Map String [Region]
_lhsOmtokenPos,[Map String (Bool, Region)]
_lhsOvariableStyle,[String -> LintMessage]
_lhsOwarnings) = T_AReturn_1
sem_1 LintSettings
_lhsIconfig String
_lhsIfuncName Map String [Region]
_lhsIglobalDefinitions Bool
_lhsIisInModule Bool
_lhsIisMeta Int
_lhsIloopLevel Region
_lhsImtokenPos Int
_lhsIscopeLevel [Map String (Bool, Region)]
_lhsIscopes DeterminedVariableStyle
     in  (AReturn
-> Map String [Region]
-> String
-> Bool
-> Region
-> [Map String (Bool, Region)]
-> Int
-> DeterminedVariableStyle
-> [String -> LintMessage]
-> Syn_AReturn
Syn_AReturn AReturn
_lhsOcopy Map String [Region]
_lhsOglobalDefinitions String
_lhsOidentifier Bool
_lhsOisInModule Region
_lhsOmtokenPos [Map String (Bool, Region)]
_lhsOscopes Int
_lhsOstatementCount DeterminedVariableStyle
_lhsOvariableStyle [String -> LintMessage]
sem_AReturn_AReturn :: T_Region ->
                       T_MExprList ->
sem_AReturn_AReturn :: T_Region -> T_MExprList -> T_AReturn
sem_AReturn_AReturn T_Region
pos_ T_MExprList
values_ =
    (case (T_MExprList
values_) of
     { ( MExprList
values_1) ->
         (case (T_Region
pos_) of
          { ( Region
_posIidentifier,[String -> LintMessage]
_posIwarnings) ->
              (case (({-# LINE 153 "src/GLuaFixer/AG/ASTLint.ag" #-}
                      AReturn _posIcopy _valuesIcopy
                      {-# LINE 202 "src/GLuaFixer/AG/ASTLint.hs" #-}
                      )) of
               { _copy ->
               (case (({-# LINE 153 "src/GLuaFixer/AG/ASTLint.ag" #-}
                       {-# LINE 207 "src/GLuaFixer/AG/ASTLint.hs" #-}
                       )) of
                { _lhsOcopy ->
                (case ((let sem_AReturn_AReturn_1 :: T_AReturn_1
                            sem_AReturn_AReturn_1 =
                                (\ _lhsIconfig
                                   _lhsIvariableStyle ->
                                     (case (({-# LINE 144 "src/GLuaFixer/AG/ASTLint.ag" #-}
                                             {-# LINE 224 "src/GLuaFixer/AG/ASTLint.hs" #-}
                                             )) of
                                      { _valuesOscopes ->
                                      (case (({-# LINE 145 "src/GLuaFixer/AG/ASTLint.ag" #-}
                                              {-# LINE 229 "src/GLuaFixer/AG/ASTLint.hs" #-}
                                              )) of
                                       { _valuesOisMeta ->
                                       (case (({-# LINE 143 "src/GLuaFixer/AG/ASTLint.ag" #-}
                                               {-# LINE 234 "src/GLuaFixer/AG/ASTLint.hs" #-}
                                               )) of
                                        { _valuesOisInModule ->
                                        (case (({-# LINE 138 "src/GLuaFixer/AG/ASTLint.ag" #-}
                                                {-# LINE 239 "src/GLuaFixer/AG/ASTLint.hs" #-}
                                                )) of
                                         { _valuesOglobalDefinitions ->
                                         (case (({-# LINE 134 "src/GLuaFixer/AG/ASTLint.ag" #-}
                                                 {-# LINE 244 "src/GLuaFixer/AG/ASTLint.hs" #-}
                                                 )) of
                                          { _valuesOconfig ->
                                          (case (({-# LINE 131 "src/GLuaFixer/AG/ASTLint.ag" #-}
                                                  {-# LINE 249 "src/GLuaFixer/AG/ASTLint.hs" #-}
                                                  )) of
                                           { _valuesOvariableStyle ->
                                           (case (({-# LINE 127 "src/GLuaFixer/AG/ASTLint.ag" #-}
                                                   {-# LINE 254 "src/GLuaFixer/AG/ASTLint.hs" #-}
                                                   )) of
                                            { _valuesOscopeLevel ->
                                            (case (({-# LINE 135 "src/GLuaFixer/AG/ASTLint.ag" #-}
                                                    {-# LINE 259 "src/GLuaFixer/AG/ASTLint.hs" #-}
                                                    )) of
                                             { _valuesOmtokenPos ->
                                             (case (({-# LINE 128 "src/GLuaFixer/AG/ASTLint.ag" #-}
                                                     {-# LINE 264 "src/GLuaFixer/AG/ASTLint.hs" #-}
                                                     )) of
                                              { _valuesOloopLevel ->
                                              (case (({-# LINE 146 "src/GLuaFixer/AG/ASTLint.ag" #-}
                                                      {-# LINE 269 "src/GLuaFixer/AG/ASTLint.hs" #-}
                                                      )) of
                                               { _valuesOfuncName ->
                                               (case (({-# LINE 492 "src/GLuaFixer/AG/ASTLint.ag" #-}
                                                       {-# LINE 274 "src/GLuaFixer/AG/ASTLint.hs" #-}
                                                       )) of
                                                { _valuesOtopLevel ->
                                                (case (({-# LINE 491 "src/GLuaFixer/AG/ASTLint.ag" #-}
                                                        {-# LINE 279 "src/GLuaFixer/AG/ASTLint.hs" #-}
                                                        )) of
                                                 { _valuesOinParentheses ->
                                                 (case (values_1 _valuesOconfig _valuesOfuncName _valuesOglobalDefinitions _valuesOinParentheses _valuesOisInModule _valuesOisMeta _valuesOloopLevel _valuesOmtokenPos _valuesOscopeLevel _valuesOscopes _valuesOtopLevel _valuesOvariableStyle) of
                                                  { ( _valuesIglobalDefinitions,_valuesIidentifier,_valuesIisInModule,_valuesImtokenPos,_valuesIscopes,_valuesIvariableStyle,_valuesIwarnings) ->
                                                      (case (({-# LINE 138 "src/GLuaFixer/AG/ASTLint.ag" #-}
                                                              {-# LINE 286 "src/GLuaFixer/AG/ASTLint.hs" #-}
                                                              )) of
                                                       { _lhsOglobalDefinitions ->
                                                       (case (({-# LINE 154 "src/GLuaFixer/AG/ASTLint.ag" #-}
                                                               (const _posIidentifier _valuesIidentifier)
                                                               {-# LINE 291 "src/GLuaFixer/AG/ASTLint.hs" #-}
                                                               )) of
                                                        { _lhsOidentifier ->
                                                        (case (({-# LINE 143 "src/GLuaFixer/AG/ASTLint.ag" #-}
                                                                {-# LINE 296 "src/GLuaFixer/AG/ASTLint.hs" #-}
                                                                )) of
                                                         { _lhsOisInModule ->
                                                         (case (({-# LINE 493 "src/GLuaFixer/AG/ASTLint.ag" #-}
                                                                 {-# LINE 301 "src/GLuaFixer/AG/ASTLint.hs" #-}
                                                                 )) of
                                                          { _lhsOmtokenPos ->
                                                          (case (({-# LINE 144 "src/GLuaFixer/AG/ASTLint.ag" #-}
                                                                  {-# LINE 306 "src/GLuaFixer/AG/ASTLint.hs" #-}
                                                                  )) of
                                                           { _lhsOscopes ->
                                                           (case (({-# LINE 157 "src/GLuaFixer/AG/ASTLint.ag" #-}
                                                                   {-# LINE 311 "src/GLuaFixer/AG/ASTLint.hs" #-}
                                                                   )) of
                                                            { _lhsOstatementCount ->
                                                            (case (({-# LINE 131 "src/GLuaFixer/AG/ASTLint.ag" #-}
                                                                    {-# LINE 316 "src/GLuaFixer/AG/ASTLint.hs" #-}
                                                                    )) of
                                                             { _lhsOvariableStyle ->
                                                             (case (({-# LINE 152 "src/GLuaFixer/AG/ASTLint.ag" #-}
                                                                     _posIwarnings ++ _valuesIwarnings
                                                                     {-# LINE 321 "src/GLuaFixer/AG/ASTLint.hs" #-}
                                                                     )) of
                                                              { _lhsOwarnings ->
                                                              ( _lhsOglobalDefinitions,_lhsOidentifier,_lhsOisInModule,_lhsOmtokenPos,_lhsOscopes,_lhsOstatementCount,_lhsOvariableStyle,_lhsOwarnings) }) }) }) }) }) }) }) }) }) }) }) }) }) }) }) }) }) }) }) }) }))
                        in  sem_AReturn_AReturn_1)) of
                 { ( sem_AReturn_1) ->
                 ( _lhsOcopy,sem_AReturn_1) }) }) }) }) })
sem_AReturn_NoReturn :: T_AReturn
sem_AReturn_NoReturn :: T_AReturn
sem_AReturn_NoReturn =
    (case (({-# LINE 153 "src/GLuaFixer/AG/ASTLint.ag" #-}
            {-# LINE 332 "src/GLuaFixer/AG/ASTLint.hs" #-}
            )) of
     { _copy ->
     (case (({-# LINE 153 "src/GLuaFixer/AG/ASTLint.ag" #-}
             {-# LINE 337 "src/GLuaFixer/AG/ASTLint.hs" #-}
             )) of
      { _lhsOcopy ->
      (case ((let sem_AReturn_NoReturn_1 :: T_AReturn_1
                  sem_AReturn_NoReturn_1 =
                      (\ _lhsIconfig
                         _lhsIvariableStyle ->
                           (case (({-# LINE 138 "src/GLuaFixer/AG/ASTLint.ag" #-}
                                   {-# LINE 354 "src/GLuaFixer/AG/ASTLint.hs" #-}
                                   )) of
                            { _lhsOglobalDefinitions ->
                            (case (({-# LINE 154 "src/GLuaFixer/AG/ASTLint.ag" #-}
                                    {-# LINE 359 "src/GLuaFixer/AG/ASTLint.hs" #-}
                                    )) of
                             { _lhsOidentifier ->
                             (case (({-# LINE 143 "src/GLuaFixer/AG/ASTLint.ag" #-}
                                     {-# LINE 364 "src/GLuaFixer/AG/ASTLint.hs" #-}
                                     )) of
                              { _lhsOisInModule ->
                              (case (({-# LINE 135 "src/GLuaFixer/AG/ASTLint.ag" #-}
                                      {-# LINE 369 "src/GLuaFixer/AG/ASTLint.hs" #-}
                                      )) of
                               { _lhsOmtokenPos ->
                               (case (({-# LINE 144 "src/GLuaFixer/AG/ASTLint.ag" #-}
                                       {-# LINE 374 "src/GLuaFixer/AG/ASTLint.hs" #-}
                                       )) of
                                { _lhsOscopes ->
                                (case (({-# LINE 495 "src/GLuaFixer/AG/ASTLint.ag" #-}
                                        {-# LINE 379 "src/GLuaFixer/AG/ASTLint.hs" #-}
                                        )) of
                                 { _lhsOstatementCount ->
                                 (case (({-# LINE 131 "src/GLuaFixer/AG/ASTLint.ag" #-}
                                         {-# LINE 384 "src/GLuaFixer/AG/ASTLint.hs" #-}
                                         )) of
                                  { _lhsOvariableStyle ->
                                  (case (({-# LINE 152 "src/GLuaFixer/AG/ASTLint.ag" #-}
                                          {-# LINE 389 "src/GLuaFixer/AG/ASTLint.hs" #-}
                                          )) of
                                   { _lhsOwarnings ->
                                   ( _lhsOglobalDefinitions,_lhsOidentifier,_lhsOisInModule,_lhsOmtokenPos,_lhsOscopes,_lhsOstatementCount,_lhsOvariableStyle,_lhsOwarnings) }) }) }) }) }) }) }) }))
              in  sem_AReturn_NoReturn_1)) of
       { ( sem_AReturn_1) ->
       ( _lhsOcopy,sem_AReturn_1) }) }) })
-- AST ---------------------------------------------------------
-- cata
sem_AST :: AST ->
sem_AST :: AST -> T_AST
sem_AST (AST [MToken]
_comments Block
_chunk) =
    ([MToken] -> T_Block -> T_AST
sem_AST_AST [MToken]
_comments (Block -> T_Block
sem_Block Block
-- semantic domain
type T_AST = LintSettings ->
             String ->
             (M.Map String [Region]) ->
             Bool ->
             Bool ->
             Int ->
             Region ->
             Int ->
             ([M.Map String (Bool, Region)]) ->
             DeterminedVariableStyle ->
             ( AST,(M.Map String [Region]),String,Bool,Region,([M.Map String (Bool, Region)]),DeterminedVariableStyle,([String -> LintMessage]))
data Inh_AST = Inh_AST {Inh_AST -> LintSettings
config_Inh_AST :: LintSettings,Inh_AST -> String
funcName_Inh_AST :: String,Inh_AST -> Map String [Region]
globalDefinitions_Inh_AST :: (M.Map String [Region]),Inh_AST -> Bool
isInModule_Inh_AST :: Bool,Inh_AST -> Bool
isMeta_Inh_AST :: Bool,Inh_AST -> Int
loopLevel_Inh_AST :: Int,Inh_AST -> Region
mtokenPos_Inh_AST :: Region,Inh_AST -> Int
scopeLevel_Inh_AST :: Int,Inh_AST -> [Map String (Bool, Region)]
scopes_Inh_AST :: ([M.Map String (Bool, Region)]),Inh_AST -> DeterminedVariableStyle
variableStyle_Inh_AST :: DeterminedVariableStyle}
data Syn_AST = Syn_AST {Syn_AST -> AST
copy_Syn_AST :: AST,Syn_AST -> Map String [Region]
globalDefinitions_Syn_AST :: (M.Map String [Region]),Syn_AST -> String
identifier_Syn_AST :: String,Syn_AST -> Bool
isInModule_Syn_AST :: Bool,Syn_AST -> Region
mtokenPos_Syn_AST :: Region,Syn_AST -> [Map String (Bool, Region)]
scopes_Syn_AST :: ([M.Map String (Bool, Region)]),Syn_AST -> DeterminedVariableStyle
variableStyle_Syn_AST :: DeterminedVariableStyle,Syn_AST -> [String -> LintMessage]
warnings_Syn_AST :: ([String -> LintMessage])}
wrap_AST :: T_AST ->
            Inh_AST ->
wrap_AST :: T_AST -> Inh_AST -> Syn_AST
wrap_AST T_AST
sem (Inh_AST LintSettings
_lhsIconfig String
_lhsIfuncName Map String [Region]
_lhsIglobalDefinitions Bool
_lhsIisInModule Bool
_lhsIisMeta Int
_lhsIloopLevel Region
_lhsImtokenPos Int
_lhsIscopeLevel [Map String (Bool, Region)]
_lhsIscopes DeterminedVariableStyle
_lhsIvariableStyle) =
    (let ( AST
_lhsOcopy,Map String [Region]
_lhsOmtokenPos,[Map String (Bool, Region)]
_lhsOvariableStyle,[String -> LintMessage]
_lhsOwarnings) = T_AST
sem LintSettings
_lhsIconfig String
_lhsIfuncName Map String [Region]
_lhsIglobalDefinitions Bool
_lhsIisInModule Bool
_lhsIisMeta Int
_lhsIloopLevel Region
_lhsImtokenPos Int
_lhsIscopeLevel [Map String (Bool, Region)]
_lhsIscopes DeterminedVariableStyle
     in  (AST
-> Map String [Region]
-> String
-> Bool
-> Region
-> [Map String (Bool, Region)]
-> DeterminedVariableStyle
-> [String -> LintMessage]
-> Syn_AST
_lhsOcopy Map String [Region]
_lhsOglobalDefinitions String
_lhsOidentifier Bool
_lhsOisInModule Region
_lhsOmtokenPos [Map String (Bool, Region)]
_lhsOscopes DeterminedVariableStyle
_lhsOvariableStyle [String -> LintMessage]
sem_AST_AST :: ([MToken]) ->
               T_Block ->
sem_AST_AST :: [MToken] -> T_Block -> T_AST
sem_AST_AST [MToken]
comments_ T_Block
chunk_ =
    (\ LintSettings
       Map String [Region]
       [Map String (Bool, Region)]
_lhsIvariableStyle ->
         (case (T_Block
chunk_) of
          { ( Block
chunk_1) ->
              (case (({-# LINE 153 "src/GLuaFixer/AG/ASTLint.ag" #-}
                      AST comments_ _chunkIcopy
                      {-# LINE 440 "src/GLuaFixer/AG/ASTLint.hs" #-}
                      )) of
               { _copy ->
               (case (({-# LINE 153 "src/GLuaFixer/AG/ASTLint.ag" #-}
                       {-# LINE 445 "src/GLuaFixer/AG/ASTLint.hs" #-}
                       )) of
                { _lhsOcopy ->
                (case (({-# LINE 145 "src/GLuaFixer/AG/ASTLint.ag" #-}
                        {-# LINE 450 "src/GLuaFixer/AG/ASTLint.hs" #-}
                        )) of
                 { _chunkOisMeta ->
                 (case (({-# LINE 143 "src/GLuaFixer/AG/ASTLint.ag" #-}
                         {-# LINE 455 "src/GLuaFixer/AG/ASTLint.hs" #-}
                         )) of
                  { _chunkOisInModule ->
                  (case (({-# LINE 138 "src/GLuaFixer/AG/ASTLint.ag" #-}
                          {-# LINE 460 "src/GLuaFixer/AG/ASTLint.hs" #-}
                          )) of
                   { _chunkOglobalDefinitions ->
                   (case (({-# LINE 134 "src/GLuaFixer/AG/ASTLint.ag" #-}
                           {-# LINE 465 "src/GLuaFixer/AG/ASTLint.hs" #-}
                           )) of
                    { _chunkOconfig ->
                    (case (({-# LINE 292 "src/GLuaFixer/AG/ASTLint.ag" #-}
                            M.empty : _lhsIscopes
                            {-# LINE 470 "src/GLuaFixer/AG/ASTLint.hs" #-}
                            )) of
                     { _chunkOscopes ->
                     (case (({-# LINE 131 "src/GLuaFixer/AG/ASTLint.ag" #-}
                             {-# LINE 475 "src/GLuaFixer/AG/ASTLint.hs" #-}
                             )) of
                      { _chunkOvariableStyle ->
                      (case (({-# LINE 127 "src/GLuaFixer/AG/ASTLint.ag" #-}
                              {-# LINE 480 "src/GLuaFixer/AG/ASTLint.hs" #-}
                              )) of
                       { _chunkOscopeLevel ->
                       (case (({-# LINE 135 "src/GLuaFixer/AG/ASTLint.ag" #-}
                               {-# LINE 485 "src/GLuaFixer/AG/ASTLint.hs" #-}
                               )) of
                        { _chunkOmtokenPos ->
                        (case (({-# LINE 128 "src/GLuaFixer/AG/ASTLint.ag" #-}
                                {-# LINE 490 "src/GLuaFixer/AG/ASTLint.hs" #-}
                                )) of
                         { _chunkOloopLevel ->
                         (case (({-# LINE 146 "src/GLuaFixer/AG/ASTLint.ag" #-}
                                 {-# LINE 495 "src/GLuaFixer/AG/ASTLint.hs" #-}
                                 )) of
                          { _chunkOfuncName ->
                          (case (({-# LINE 293 "src/GLuaFixer/AG/ASTLint.ag" #-}
                                  {-# LINE 500 "src/GLuaFixer/AG/ASTLint.hs" #-}
                                  )) of
                           { _chunkOisRepeat ->
                           (case (chunk_1 _chunkOconfig _chunkOfuncName _chunkOglobalDefinitions _chunkOisInModule _chunkOisMeta _chunkOisRepeat _chunkOloopLevel _chunkOmtokenPos _chunkOscopeLevel _chunkOscopes _chunkOvariableStyle) of
                            { ( _chunkIglobalDefinitions,_chunkIidentifier,_chunkIisIfStatement,_chunkIisInModule,_chunkImtokenPos,_chunkIscopes,_chunkIstatementCount,_chunkIvariableStyle,_chunkIwarnings) ->
                                (case (({-# LINE 138 "src/GLuaFixer/AG/ASTLint.ag" #-}
                                        {-# LINE 507 "src/GLuaFixer/AG/ASTLint.hs" #-}
                                        )) of
                                 { _lhsOglobalDefinitions ->
                                 (case (({-# LINE 154 "src/GLuaFixer/AG/ASTLint.ag" #-}
                                         {-# LINE 512 "src/GLuaFixer/AG/ASTLint.hs" #-}
                                         )) of
                                  { _lhsOidentifier ->
                                  (case (({-# LINE 143 "src/GLuaFixer/AG/ASTLint.ag" #-}
                                          {-# LINE 517 "src/GLuaFixer/AG/ASTLint.hs" #-}
                                          )) of
                                   { _lhsOisInModule ->
                                   (case (({-# LINE 135 "src/GLuaFixer/AG/ASTLint.ag" #-}
                                           {-# LINE 522 "src/GLuaFixer/AG/ASTLint.hs" #-}
                                           )) of
                                    { _lhsOmtokenPos ->
                                    (case (({-# LINE 144 "src/GLuaFixer/AG/ASTLint.ag" #-}
                                            {-# LINE 527 "src/GLuaFixer/AG/ASTLint.hs" #-}
                                            )) of
                                     { _lhsOscopes ->
                                     (case (({-# LINE 131 "src/GLuaFixer/AG/ASTLint.ag" #-}
                                             {-# LINE 532 "src/GLuaFixer/AG/ASTLint.hs" #-}
                                             )) of
                                      { _lhsOvariableStyle ->
                                      (case (({-# LINE 152 "src/GLuaFixer/AG/ASTLint.ag" #-}
                                              {-# LINE 537 "src/GLuaFixer/AG/ASTLint.hs" #-}
                                              )) of
                                       { _lhsOwarnings ->
                                       ( _lhsOcopy,_lhsOglobalDefinitions,_lhsOidentifier,_lhsOisInModule,_lhsOmtokenPos,_lhsOscopes,_lhsOvariableStyle,_lhsOwarnings) }) }) }) }) }) }) }) }) }) }) }) }) }) }) }) }) }) }) }) }) }) }))
-- Args --------------------------------------------------------
-- cata
sem_Args :: Args ->
sem_Args :: Args -> T_Args
sem_Args (ListArgs MExprList
_args) =
    (T_MExprList -> T_Args
sem_Args_ListArgs (MExprList -> T_MExprList
sem_MExprList MExprList
sem_Args (TableArg FieldList
_arg) =
    (T_FieldList -> T_Args
sem_Args_TableArg (FieldList -> T_FieldList
sem_FieldList FieldList
sem_Args (StringArg MToken
_arg) =
    (T_MToken -> T_Args
sem_Args_StringArg (MToken -> T_MToken
sem_MToken MToken
-- semantic domain
type T_Args = ( Args,T_Args_1)
type T_Args_1 = LintSettings ->
                String ->
                (M.Map String [Region]) ->
                Bool ->
                Bool ->
                Int ->
                Region ->
                Int ->
                ([M.Map String (Bool, Region)]) ->
                DeterminedVariableStyle ->
                ( (M.Map String [Region]),String,Bool,Region,([M.Map String (Bool, Region)]),DeterminedVariableStyle,([String -> LintMessage]))
data Inh_Args = Inh_Args {Inh_Args -> LintSettings
config_Inh_Args :: LintSettings,Inh_Args -> String
funcName_Inh_Args :: String,Inh_Args -> Map String [Region]
globalDefinitions_Inh_Args :: (M.Map String [Region]),Inh_Args -> Bool
isInModule_Inh_Args :: Bool,Inh_Args -> Bool
isMeta_Inh_Args :: Bool,Inh_Args -> Int
loopLevel_Inh_Args :: Int,Inh_Args -> Region
mtokenPos_Inh_Args :: Region,Inh_Args -> Int
scopeLevel_Inh_Args :: Int,Inh_Args -> [Map String (Bool, Region)]
scopes_Inh_Args :: ([M.Map String (Bool, Region)]),Inh_Args -> DeterminedVariableStyle
variableStyle_Inh_Args :: DeterminedVariableStyle}
data Syn_Args = Syn_Args {Syn_Args -> Args
copy_Syn_Args :: Args,Syn_Args -> Map String [Region]
globalDefinitions_Syn_Args :: (M.Map String [Region]),Syn_Args -> String
identifier_Syn_Args :: String,Syn_Args -> Bool
isInModule_Syn_Args :: Bool,Syn_Args -> Region
mtokenPos_Syn_Args :: Region,Syn_Args -> [Map String (Bool, Region)]
scopes_Syn_Args :: ([M.Map String (Bool, Region)]),Syn_Args -> DeterminedVariableStyle
variableStyle_Syn_Args :: DeterminedVariableStyle,Syn_Args -> [String -> LintMessage]
warnings_Syn_Args :: ([String -> LintMessage])}
wrap_Args :: T_Args ->
             Inh_Args ->
wrap_Args :: T_Args -> Inh_Args -> Syn_Args
wrap_Args T_Args
sem (Inh_Args LintSettings
_lhsIconfig String
_lhsIfuncName Map String [Region]
_lhsIglobalDefinitions Bool
_lhsIisInModule Bool
_lhsIisMeta Int
_lhsIloopLevel Region
_lhsImtokenPos Int
_lhsIscopeLevel [Map String (Bool, Region)]
_lhsIscopes DeterminedVariableStyle
_lhsIvariableStyle) =
    (let ( Args
sem_1) = T_Args
         ( Map String [Region]
_lhsOmtokenPos,[Map String (Bool, Region)]
_lhsOvariableStyle,[String -> LintMessage]
_lhsOwarnings) = T_Args_1
sem_1 LintSettings
_lhsIconfig String
_lhsIfuncName Map String [Region]
_lhsIglobalDefinitions Bool
_lhsIisInModule Bool
_lhsIisMeta Int
_lhsIloopLevel Region
_lhsImtokenPos Int
_lhsIscopeLevel [Map String (Bool, Region)]
_lhsIscopes DeterminedVariableStyle
     in  (Args
-> Map String [Region]
-> String
-> Bool
-> Region
-> [Map String (Bool, Region)]
-> DeterminedVariableStyle
-> [String -> LintMessage]
-> Syn_Args
Syn_Args Args
_lhsOcopy Map String [Region]
_lhsOglobalDefinitions String
_lhsOidentifier Bool
_lhsOisInModule Region
_lhsOmtokenPos [Map String (Bool, Region)]
_lhsOscopes DeterminedVariableStyle
_lhsOvariableStyle [String -> LintMessage]
sem_Args_ListArgs :: T_MExprList ->
sem_Args_ListArgs :: T_MExprList -> T_Args
sem_Args_ListArgs T_MExprList
args_ =
    (case (T_MExprList
args_) of
     { ( MExprList
args_1) ->
         (case (({-# LINE 153 "src/GLuaFixer/AG/ASTLint.ag" #-}
                 ListArgs _argsIcopy
                 {-# LINE 580 "src/GLuaFixer/AG/ASTLint.hs" #-}
                 )) of
          { _copy ->
          (case (({-# LINE 153 "src/GLuaFixer/AG/ASTLint.ag" #-}
                  {-# LINE 585 "src/GLuaFixer/AG/ASTLint.hs" #-}
                  )) of
           { _lhsOcopy ->
           (case ((let sem_Args_ListArgs_1 :: T_Args_1
                       sem_Args_ListArgs_1 =
                           (\ _lhsIconfig
                              _lhsIvariableStyle ->
                                (case (({-# LINE 144 "src/GLuaFixer/AG/ASTLint.ag" #-}
                                        {-# LINE 602 "src/GLuaFixer/AG/ASTLint.hs" #-}
                                        )) of
                                 { _argsOscopes ->
                                 (case (({-# LINE 145 "src/GLuaFixer/AG/ASTLint.ag" #-}
                                         {-# LINE 607 "src/GLuaFixer/AG/ASTLint.hs" #-}
                                         )) of
                                  { _argsOisMeta ->
                                  (case (({-# LINE 143 "src/GLuaFixer/AG/ASTLint.ag" #-}
                                          {-# LINE 612 "src/GLuaFixer/AG/ASTLint.hs" #-}
                                          )) of
                                   { _argsOisInModule ->
                                   (case (({-# LINE 138 "src/GLuaFixer/AG/ASTLint.ag" #-}
                                           {-# LINE 617 "src/GLuaFixer/AG/ASTLint.hs" #-}
                                           )) of
                                    { _argsOglobalDefinitions ->
                                    (case (({-# LINE 134 "src/GLuaFixer/AG/ASTLint.ag" #-}
                                            {-# LINE 622 "src/GLuaFixer/AG/ASTLint.hs" #-}
                                            )) of
                                     { _argsOconfig ->
                                     (case (({-# LINE 131 "src/GLuaFixer/AG/ASTLint.ag" #-}
                                             {-# LINE 627 "src/GLuaFixer/AG/ASTLint.hs" #-}
                                             )) of
                                      { _argsOvariableStyle ->
                                      (case (({-# LINE 127 "src/GLuaFixer/AG/ASTLint.ag" #-}
                                              {-# LINE 632 "src/GLuaFixer/AG/ASTLint.hs" #-}
                                              )) of
                                       { _argsOscopeLevel ->
                                       (case (({-# LINE 135 "src/GLuaFixer/AG/ASTLint.ag" #-}
                                               {-# LINE 637 "src/GLuaFixer/AG/ASTLint.hs" #-}
                                               )) of
                                        { _argsOmtokenPos ->
                                        (case (({-# LINE 128 "src/GLuaFixer/AG/ASTLint.ag" #-}
                                                {-# LINE 642 "src/GLuaFixer/AG/ASTLint.hs" #-}
                                                )) of
                                         { _argsOloopLevel ->
                                         (case (({-# LINE 146 "src/GLuaFixer/AG/ASTLint.ag" #-}
                                                 {-# LINE 647 "src/GLuaFixer/AG/ASTLint.hs" #-}
                                                 )) of
                                          { _argsOfuncName ->
                                          (case (({-# LINE 606 "src/GLuaFixer/AG/ASTLint.ag" #-}
                                                  {-# LINE 652 "src/GLuaFixer/AG/ASTLint.hs" #-}
                                                  )) of
                                           { _argsOtopLevel ->
                                           (case (({-# LINE 605 "src/GLuaFixer/AG/ASTLint.ag" #-}
                                                   {-# LINE 657 "src/GLuaFixer/AG/ASTLint.hs" #-}
                                                   )) of
                                            { _argsOinParentheses ->
                                            (case (args_1 _argsOconfig _argsOfuncName _argsOglobalDefinitions _argsOinParentheses _argsOisInModule _argsOisMeta _argsOloopLevel _argsOmtokenPos _argsOscopeLevel _argsOscopes _argsOtopLevel _argsOvariableStyle) of
                                             { ( _argsIglobalDefinitions,_argsIidentifier,_argsIisInModule,_argsImtokenPos,_argsIscopes,_argsIvariableStyle,_argsIwarnings) ->
                                                 (case (({-# LINE 138 "src/GLuaFixer/AG/ASTLint.ag" #-}
                                                         {-# LINE 664 "src/GLuaFixer/AG/ASTLint.hs" #-}
                                                         )) of
                                                  { _lhsOglobalDefinitions ->
                                                  (case (({-# LINE 154 "src/GLuaFixer/AG/ASTLint.ag" #-}
                                                          {-# LINE 669 "src/GLuaFixer/AG/ASTLint.hs" #-}
                                                          )) of
                                                   { _lhsOidentifier ->
                                                   (case (({-# LINE 143 "src/GLuaFixer/AG/ASTLint.ag" #-}
                                                           {-# LINE 674 "src/GLuaFixer/AG/ASTLint.hs" #-}
                                                           )) of
                                                    { _lhsOisInModule ->
                                                    (case (({-# LINE 135 "src/GLuaFixer/AG/ASTLint.ag" #-}
                                                            {-# LINE 679 "src/GLuaFixer/AG/ASTLint.hs" #-}
                                                            )) of
                                                     { _lhsOmtokenPos ->
                                                     (case (({-# LINE 144 "src/GLuaFixer/AG/ASTLint.ag" #-}
                                                             {-# LINE 684 "src/GLuaFixer/AG/ASTLint.hs" #-}
                                                             )) of
                                                      { _lhsOscopes ->
                                                      (case (({-# LINE 131 "src/GLuaFixer/AG/ASTLint.ag" #-}
                                                              {-# LINE 689 "src/GLuaFixer/AG/ASTLint.hs" #-}
                                                              )) of
                                                       { _lhsOvariableStyle ->
                                                       (case (({-# LINE 152 "src/GLuaFixer/AG/ASTLint.ag" #-}
                                                               {-# LINE 694 "src/GLuaFixer/AG/ASTLint.hs" #-}
                                                               )) of
                                                        { _lhsOwarnings ->
                                                        ( _lhsOglobalDefinitions,_lhsOidentifier,_lhsOisInModule,_lhsOmtokenPos,_lhsOscopes,_lhsOvariableStyle,_lhsOwarnings) }) }) }) }) }) }) }) }) }) }) }) }) }) }) }) }) }) }) }) }))
                   in  sem_Args_ListArgs_1)) of
            { ( sem_Args_1) ->
            ( _lhsOcopy,sem_Args_1) }) }) }) })
sem_Args_TableArg :: T_FieldList ->
sem_Args_TableArg :: T_FieldList -> T_Args
sem_Args_TableArg T_FieldList
arg_ =
    (case (T_FieldList
arg_) of
     { ( FieldList
arg_1) ->
         (case (({-# LINE 153 "src/GLuaFixer/AG/ASTLint.ag" #-}
                 TableArg _argIcopy
                 {-# LINE 708 "src/GLuaFixer/AG/ASTLint.hs" #-}
                 )) of
          { _copy ->
          (case (({-# LINE 153 "src/GLuaFixer/AG/ASTLint.ag" #-}
                  {-# LINE 713 "src/GLuaFixer/AG/ASTLint.hs" #-}
                  )) of
           { _lhsOcopy ->
           (case ((let sem_Args_TableArg_1 :: T_Args_1
                       sem_Args_TableArg_1 =
                           (\ _lhsIconfig
                              _lhsIvariableStyle ->
                                (case (({-# LINE 144 "src/GLuaFixer/AG/ASTLint.ag" #-}
                                        {-# LINE 730 "src/GLuaFixer/AG/ASTLint.hs" #-}
                                        )) of
                                 { _argOscopes ->
                                 (case (({-# LINE 145 "src/GLuaFixer/AG/ASTLint.ag" #-}
                                         {-# LINE 735 "src/GLuaFixer/AG/ASTLint.hs" #-}
                                         )) of
                                  { _argOisMeta ->
                                  (case (({-# LINE 143 "src/GLuaFixer/AG/ASTLint.ag" #-}
                                          {-# LINE 740 "src/GLuaFixer/AG/ASTLint.hs" #-}
                                          )) of
                                   { _argOisInModule ->
                                   (case (({-# LINE 138 "src/GLuaFixer/AG/ASTLint.ag" #-}
                                           {-# LINE 745 "src/GLuaFixer/AG/ASTLint.hs" #-}
                                           )) of
                                    { _argOglobalDefinitions ->
                                    (case (({-# LINE 134 "src/GLuaFixer/AG/ASTLint.ag" #-}
                                            {-# LINE 750 "src/GLuaFixer/AG/ASTLint.hs" #-}
                                            )) of
                                     { _argOconfig ->
                                     (case (({-# LINE 131 "src/GLuaFixer/AG/ASTLint.ag" #-}
                                             {-# LINE 755 "src/GLuaFixer/AG/ASTLint.hs" #-}
                                             )) of
                                      { _argOvariableStyle ->
                                      (case (({-# LINE 127 "src/GLuaFixer/AG/ASTLint.ag" #-}
                                              {-# LINE 760 "src/GLuaFixer/AG/ASTLint.hs" #-}
                                              )) of
                                       { _argOscopeLevel ->
                                       (case (({-# LINE 135 "src/GLuaFixer/AG/ASTLint.ag" #-}
                                               {-# LINE 765 "src/GLuaFixer/AG/ASTLint.hs" #-}
                                               )) of
                                        { _argOmtokenPos ->
                                        (case (({-# LINE 128 "src/GLuaFixer/AG/ASTLint.ag" #-}
                                                {-# LINE 770 "src/GLuaFixer/AG/ASTLint.hs" #-}
                                                )) of
                                         { _argOloopLevel ->
                                         (case (({-# LINE 146 "src/GLuaFixer/AG/ASTLint.ag" #-}
                                                 {-# LINE 775 "src/GLuaFixer/AG/ASTLint.hs" #-}
                                                 )) of
                                          { _argOfuncName ->
                                          (case (({-# LINE 608 "src/GLuaFixer/AG/ASTLint.ag" #-}
                                                  {-# LINE 780 "src/GLuaFixer/AG/ASTLint.hs" #-}
                                                  )) of
                                           { _argOfieldNames ->
                                           (case (arg_1 _argOconfig _argOfieldNames _argOfuncName _argOglobalDefinitions _argOisInModule _argOisMeta _argOloopLevel _argOmtokenPos _argOscopeLevel _argOscopes _argOvariableStyle) of
                                            { ( _argIfieldNames,_argIglobalDefinitions,_argIidentifier,_argIisInModule,_argImtokenPos,_argIscopes,_argIvariableStyle,_argIwarnings) ->
                                                (case (({-# LINE 138 "src/GLuaFixer/AG/ASTLint.ag" #-}
                                                        {-# LINE 787 "src/GLuaFixer/AG/ASTLint.hs" #-}
                                                        )) of
                                                 { _lhsOglobalDefinitions ->
                                                 (case (({-# LINE 154 "src/GLuaFixer/AG/ASTLint.ag" #-}
                                                         {-# LINE 792 "src/GLuaFixer/AG/ASTLint.hs" #-}
                                                         )) of
                                                  { _lhsOidentifier ->
                                                  (case (({-# LINE 143 "src/GLuaFixer/AG/ASTLint.ag" #-}
                                                          {-# LINE 797 "src/GLuaFixer/AG/ASTLint.hs" #-}
                                                          )) of
                                                   { _lhsOisInModule ->
                                                   (case (({-# LINE 135 "src/GLuaFixer/AG/ASTLint.ag" #-}
                                                           {-# LINE 802 "src/GLuaFixer/AG/ASTLint.hs" #-}
                                                           )) of
                                                    { _lhsOmtokenPos ->
                                                    (case (({-# LINE 144 "src/GLuaFixer/AG/ASTLint.ag" #-}
                                                            {-# LINE 807 "src/GLuaFixer/AG/ASTLint.hs" #-}
                                                            )) of
                                                     { _lhsOscopes ->
                                                     (case (({-# LINE 131 "src/GLuaFixer/AG/ASTLint.ag" #-}
                                                             {-# LINE 812 "src/GLuaFixer/AG/ASTLint.hs" #-}
                                                             )) of
                                                      { _lhsOvariableStyle ->
                                                      (case (({-# LINE 152 "src/GLuaFixer/AG/ASTLint.ag" #-}
                                                              {-# LINE 817 "src/GLuaFixer/AG/ASTLint.hs" #-}
                                                              )) of
                                                       { _lhsOwarnings ->
                                                       ( _lhsOglobalDefinitions,_lhsOidentifier,_lhsOisInModule,_lhsOmtokenPos,_lhsOscopes,_lhsOvariableStyle,_lhsOwarnings) }) }) }) }) }) }) }) }) }) }) }) }) }) }) }) }) }) }) }))
                   in  sem_Args_TableArg_1)) of
            { ( sem_Args_1) ->
            ( _lhsOcopy,sem_Args_1) }) }) }) })
sem_Args_StringArg :: T_MToken ->
sem_Args_StringArg :: T_MToken -> T_Args
sem_Args_StringArg T_MToken
arg_ =
    (case (T_MToken
arg_) of
     { ( MToken
arg_1) ->
         (case (({-# LINE 153 "src/GLuaFixer/AG/ASTLint.ag" #-}
                 StringArg _argIcopy
                 {-# LINE 831 "src/GLuaFixer/AG/ASTLint.hs" #-}
                 )) of
          { _copy ->
          (case (({-# LINE 153 "src/GLuaFixer/AG/ASTLint.ag" #-}
                  {-# LINE 836 "src/GLuaFixer/AG/ASTLint.hs" #-}
                  )) of
           { _lhsOcopy ->
           (case ((let sem_Args_StringArg_1 :: T_Args_1
                       sem_Args_StringArg_1 =
                           (\ _lhsIconfig
                              _lhsIvariableStyle ->
                                (case (({-# LINE 138 "src/GLuaFixer/AG/ASTLint.ag" #-}
                                        {-# LINE 853 "src/GLuaFixer/AG/ASTLint.hs" #-}
                                        )) of
                                 { _argOglobalDefinitions ->
                                 (case (({-# LINE 144 "src/GLuaFixer/AG/ASTLint.ag" #-}
                                         {-# LINE 858 "src/GLuaFixer/AG/ASTLint.hs" #-}
                                         )) of
                                  { _argOscopes ->
                                  (case (({-# LINE 135 "src/GLuaFixer/AG/ASTLint.ag" #-}
                                          {-# LINE 863 "src/GLuaFixer/AG/ASTLint.hs" #-}
                                          )) of
                                   { _argOmtokenPos ->
                                   (case (({-# LINE 145 "src/GLuaFixer/AG/ASTLint.ag" #-}
                                           {-# LINE 868 "src/GLuaFixer/AG/ASTLint.hs" #-}
                                           )) of
                                    { _argOisMeta ->
                                    (case (({-# LINE 143 "src/GLuaFixer/AG/ASTLint.ag" #-}
                                            {-# LINE 873 "src/GLuaFixer/AG/ASTLint.hs" #-}
                                            )) of
                                     { _argOisInModule ->
                                     (case (({-# LINE 146 "src/GLuaFixer/AG/ASTLint.ag" #-}
                                             {-# LINE 878 "src/GLuaFixer/AG/ASTLint.hs" #-}
                                             )) of
                                      { _argOfuncName ->
                                      (case (({-# LINE 134 "src/GLuaFixer/AG/ASTLint.ag" #-}
                                              {-# LINE 883 "src/GLuaFixer/AG/ASTLint.hs" #-}
                                              )) of
                                       { _argOconfig ->
                                       (case (arg_1 _argOconfig _argOfuncName _argOglobalDefinitions _argOisInModule _argOisMeta _argOmtokenPos _argOscopes) of
                                        { ( _argIglobalDefinitions,_argIidentifier,_argIisInModule,_argIscopes,_argIwarnings) ->
                                            (case (({-# LINE 138 "src/GLuaFixer/AG/ASTLint.ag" #-}
                                                    {-# LINE 890 "src/GLuaFixer/AG/ASTLint.hs" #-}
                                                    )) of
                                             { _lhsOglobalDefinitions ->
                                             (case (({-# LINE 154 "src/GLuaFixer/AG/ASTLint.ag" #-}
                                                     {-# LINE 895 "src/GLuaFixer/AG/ASTLint.hs" #-}
                                                     )) of
                                              { _lhsOidentifier ->
                                              (case (({-# LINE 143 "src/GLuaFixer/AG/ASTLint.ag" #-}
                                                      {-# LINE 900 "src/GLuaFixer/AG/ASTLint.hs" #-}
                                                      )) of
                                               { _lhsOisInModule ->
                                               (case (({-# LINE 135 "src/GLuaFixer/AG/ASTLint.ag" #-}
                                                       {-# LINE 905 "src/GLuaFixer/AG/ASTLint.hs" #-}
                                                       )) of
                                                { _lhsOmtokenPos ->
                                                (case (({-# LINE 144 "src/GLuaFixer/AG/ASTLint.ag" #-}
                                                        {-# LINE 910 "src/GLuaFixer/AG/ASTLint.hs" #-}
                                                        )) of
                                                 { _lhsOscopes ->
                                                 (case (({-# LINE 131 "src/GLuaFixer/AG/ASTLint.ag" #-}
                                                         {-# LINE 915 "src/GLuaFixer/AG/ASTLint.hs" #-}
                                                         )) of
                                                  { _lhsOvariableStyle ->
                                                  (case (({-# LINE 152 "src/GLuaFixer/AG/ASTLint.ag" #-}
                                                          {-# LINE 920 "src/GLuaFixer/AG/ASTLint.hs" #-}
                                                          )) of
                                                   { _lhsOwarnings ->
                                                   ( _lhsOglobalDefinitions,_lhsOidentifier,_lhsOisInModule,_lhsOmtokenPos,_lhsOscopes,_lhsOvariableStyle,_lhsOwarnings) }) }) }) }) }) }) }) }) }) }) }) }) }) }) }))
                   in  sem_Args_StringArg_1)) of
            { ( sem_Args_1) ->
            ( _lhsOcopy,sem_Args_1) }) }) }) })
-- BinOp -------------------------------------------------------
-- cata
sem_BinOp :: BinOp ->
sem_BinOp :: BinOp -> T_BinOp
sem_BinOp (BinOp
AOr) =
sem_BinOp (BinOp
AAnd) =
sem_BinOp (BinOp
ALT) =
sem_BinOp (BinOp
AGT) =
sem_BinOp (BinOp
sem_BinOp (BinOp
sem_BinOp (BinOp
ANEq) =
sem_BinOp (BinOp
AEq) =
sem_BinOp (BinOp
AConcatenate) =
sem_BinOp (BinOp
APlus) =
sem_BinOp (BinOp
BinMinus) =
sem_BinOp (BinOp
AMultiply) =
sem_BinOp (BinOp
ADivide) =
sem_BinOp (BinOp
AModulus) =
sem_BinOp (BinOp
APower) =
-- semantic domain
type T_BinOp = ( BinOp,T_BinOp_1)
type T_BinOp_1 = LintSettings ->
                 String ->
                 (M.Map String [Region]) ->
                 Bool ->
                 Bool ->
                 Int ->
                 Region ->
                 Int ->
                 ([M.Map String (Bool, Region)]) ->
                 DeterminedVariableStyle ->
                 ( (M.Map String [Region]),String,Bool,Region,([M.Map String (Bool, Region)]),DeterminedVariableStyle,([String -> LintMessage]))
data Inh_BinOp = Inh_BinOp {Inh_BinOp -> LintSettings
config_Inh_BinOp :: LintSettings,Inh_BinOp -> String
funcName_Inh_BinOp :: String,Inh_BinOp -> Map String [Region]
globalDefinitions_Inh_BinOp :: (M.Map String [Region]),Inh_BinOp -> Bool
isInModule_Inh_BinOp :: Bool,Inh_BinOp -> Bool
isMeta_Inh_BinOp :: Bool,Inh_BinOp -> Int
loopLevel_Inh_BinOp :: Int,Inh_BinOp -> Region
mtokenPos_Inh_BinOp :: Region,Inh_BinOp -> Int
scopeLevel_Inh_BinOp :: Int,Inh_BinOp -> [Map String (Bool, Region)]
scopes_Inh_BinOp :: ([M.Map String (Bool, Region)]),Inh_BinOp -> DeterminedVariableStyle
variableStyle_Inh_BinOp :: DeterminedVariableStyle}
data Syn_BinOp = Syn_BinOp {Syn_BinOp -> BinOp
copy_Syn_BinOp :: BinOp,Syn_BinOp -> Map String [Region]
globalDefinitions_Syn_BinOp :: (M.Map String [Region]),Syn_BinOp -> String
identifier_Syn_BinOp :: String,Syn_BinOp -> Bool
isInModule_Syn_BinOp :: Bool,Syn_BinOp -> Region
mtokenPos_Syn_BinOp :: Region,Syn_BinOp -> [Map String (Bool, Region)]
scopes_Syn_BinOp :: ([M.Map String (Bool, Region)]),Syn_BinOp -> DeterminedVariableStyle
variableStyle_Syn_BinOp :: DeterminedVariableStyle,Syn_BinOp -> [String -> LintMessage]
warnings_Syn_BinOp :: ([String -> LintMessage])}
wrap_BinOp :: T_BinOp ->
              Inh_BinOp ->
wrap_BinOp :: T_BinOp -> Inh_BinOp -> Syn_BinOp
wrap_BinOp T_BinOp
sem (Inh_BinOp LintSettings
_lhsIconfig String
_lhsIfuncName Map String [Region]
_lhsIglobalDefinitions Bool
_lhsIisInModule Bool
_lhsIisMeta Int
_lhsIloopLevel Region
_lhsImtokenPos Int
_lhsIscopeLevel [Map String (Bool, Region)]
_lhsIscopes DeterminedVariableStyle
_lhsIvariableStyle) =
    (let ( BinOp
sem_1) = T_BinOp
         ( Map String [Region]
_lhsOmtokenPos,[Map String (Bool, Region)]
_lhsOvariableStyle,[String -> LintMessage]
_lhsOwarnings) = T_Args_1
sem_1 LintSettings
_lhsIconfig String
_lhsIfuncName Map String [Region]
_lhsIglobalDefinitions Bool
_lhsIisInModule Bool
_lhsIisMeta Int
_lhsIloopLevel Region
_lhsImtokenPos Int
_lhsIscopeLevel [Map String (Bool, Region)]
_lhsIscopes DeterminedVariableStyle
     in  (BinOp
-> Map String [Region]
-> String
-> Bool
-> Region
-> [Map String (Bool, Region)]
-> DeterminedVariableStyle
-> [String -> LintMessage]
-> Syn_BinOp
Syn_BinOp BinOp
_lhsOcopy Map String [Region]
_lhsOglobalDefinitions String
_lhsOidentifier Bool
_lhsOisInModule Region
_lhsOmtokenPos [Map String (Bool, Region)]
_lhsOscopes DeterminedVariableStyle
_lhsOvariableStyle [String -> LintMessage]
sem_BinOp_AOr :: T_BinOp
sem_BinOp_AOr :: T_BinOp
sem_BinOp_AOr =
    (case (({-# LINE 153 "src/GLuaFixer/AG/ASTLint.ag" #-}
            {-# LINE 987 "src/GLuaFixer/AG/ASTLint.hs" #-}
            )) of
     { _copy ->
     (case (({-# LINE 153 "src/GLuaFixer/AG/ASTLint.ag" #-}
             {-# LINE 992 "src/GLuaFixer/AG/ASTLint.hs" #-}
             )) of
      { _lhsOcopy ->
      (case ((let sem_BinOp_AOr_1 :: T_BinOp_1
                  sem_BinOp_AOr_1 =
                      (\ _lhsIconfig
                         _lhsIvariableStyle ->
                           (case (({-# LINE 138 "src/GLuaFixer/AG/ASTLint.ag" #-}
                                   {-# LINE 1009 "src/GLuaFixer/AG/ASTLint.hs" #-}
                                   )) of
                            { _lhsOglobalDefinitions ->
                            (case (({-# LINE 154 "src/GLuaFixer/AG/ASTLint.ag" #-}
                                    {-# LINE 1014 "src/GLuaFixer/AG/ASTLint.hs" #-}
                                    )) of
                             { _lhsOidentifier ->
                             (case (({-# LINE 143 "src/GLuaFixer/AG/ASTLint.ag" #-}
                                     {-# LINE 1019 "src/GLuaFixer/AG/ASTLint.hs" #-}
                                     )) of
                              { _lhsOisInModule ->
                              (case (({-# LINE 135 "src/GLuaFixer/AG/ASTLint.ag" #-}
                                      {-# LINE 1024 "src/GLuaFixer/AG/ASTLint.hs" #-}
                                      )) of
                               { _lhsOmtokenPos ->
                               (case (({-# LINE 144 "src/GLuaFixer/AG/ASTLint.ag" #-}
                                       {-# LINE 1029 "src/GLuaFixer/AG/ASTLint.hs" #-}
                                       )) of
                                { _lhsOscopes ->
                                (case (({-# LINE 131 "src/GLuaFixer/AG/ASTLint.ag" #-}
                                        {-# LINE 1034 "src/GLuaFixer/AG/ASTLint.hs" #-}
                                        )) of
                                 { _lhsOvariableStyle ->
                                 (case (({-# LINE 152 "src/GLuaFixer/AG/ASTLint.ag" #-}
                                         {-# LINE 1039 "src/GLuaFixer/AG/ASTLint.hs" #-}
                                         )) of
                                  { _lhsOwarnings ->
                                  ( _lhsOglobalDefinitions,_lhsOidentifier,_lhsOisInModule,_lhsOmtokenPos,_lhsOscopes,_lhsOvariableStyle,_lhsOwarnings) }) }) }) }) }) }) }))
              in  sem_BinOp_AOr_1)) of
       { ( sem_BinOp_1) ->
       ( _lhsOcopy,sem_BinOp_1) }) }) })
sem_BinOp_AAnd :: T_BinOp
sem_BinOp_AAnd :: T_BinOp
sem_BinOp_AAnd =
    (case (({-# LINE 153 "src/GLuaFixer/AG/ASTLint.ag" #-}
            {-# LINE 1050 "src/GLuaFixer/AG/ASTLint.hs" #-}
            )) of
     { _copy ->
     (case (({-# LINE 153 "src/GLuaFixer/AG/ASTLint.ag" #-}
             {-# LINE 1055 "src/GLuaFixer/AG/ASTLint.hs" #-}
             )) of
      { _lhsOcopy ->
      (case ((let sem_BinOp_AAnd_1 :: T_BinOp_1
                  sem_BinOp_AAnd_1 =
                      (\ _lhsIconfig
                         _lhsIvariableStyle ->
                           (case (({-# LINE 138 "src/GLuaFixer/AG/ASTLint.ag" #-}
                                   {-# LINE 1072 "src/GLuaFixer/AG/ASTLint.hs" #-}
                                   )) of
                            { _lhsOglobalDefinitions ->
                            (case (({-# LINE 154 "src/GLuaFixer/AG/ASTLint.ag" #-}
                                    {-# LINE 1077 "src/GLuaFixer/AG/ASTLint.hs" #-}
                                    )) of
                             { _lhsOidentifier ->
                             (case (({-# LINE 143 "src/GLuaFixer/AG/ASTLint.ag" #-}
                                     {-# LINE 1082 "src/GLuaFixer/AG/ASTLint.hs" #-}
                                     )) of
                              { _lhsOisInModule ->
                              (case (({-# LINE 135 "src/GLuaFixer/AG/ASTLint.ag" #-}
                                      {-# LINE 1087 "src/GLuaFixer/AG/ASTLint.hs" #-}
                                      )) of
                               { _lhsOmtokenPos ->
                               (case (({-# LINE 144 "src/GLuaFixer/AG/ASTLint.ag" #-}
                                       {-# LINE 1092 "src/GLuaFixer/AG/ASTLint.hs" #-}
                                       )) of
                                { _lhsOscopes ->
                                (case (({-# LINE 131 "src/GLuaFixer/AG/ASTLint.ag" #-}
                                        {-# LINE 1097 "src/GLuaFixer/AG/ASTLint.hs" #-}
                                        )) of
                                 { _lhsOvariableStyle ->
                                 (case (({-# LINE 152 "src/GLuaFixer/AG/ASTLint.ag" #-}
                                         {-# LINE 1102 "src/GLuaFixer/AG/ASTLint.hs" #-}
                                         )) of
                                  { _lhsOwarnings ->
                                  ( _lhsOglobalDefinitions,_lhsOidentifier,_lhsOisInModule,_lhsOmtokenPos,_lhsOscopes,_lhsOvariableStyle,_lhsOwarnings) }) }) }) }) }) }) }))
              in  sem_BinOp_AAnd_1)) of
       { ( sem_BinOp_1) ->
       ( _lhsOcopy,sem_BinOp_1) }) }) })
sem_BinOp_ALT :: T_BinOp
sem_BinOp_ALT :: T_BinOp
sem_BinOp_ALT =
    (case (({-# LINE 153 "src/GLuaFixer/AG/ASTLint.ag" #-}
            {-# LINE 1113 "src/GLuaFixer/AG/ASTLint.hs" #-}
            )) of
     { _copy ->
     (case (({-# LINE 153 "src/GLuaFixer/AG/ASTLint.ag" #-}
             {-# LINE 1118 "src/GLuaFixer/AG/ASTLint.hs" #-}
             )) of
      { _lhsOcopy ->
      (case ((let sem_BinOp_ALT_1 :: T_BinOp_1
                  sem_BinOp_ALT_1 =
                      (\ _lhsIconfig
                         _lhsIvariableStyle ->
                           (case (({-# LINE 138 "src/GLuaFixer/AG/ASTLint.ag" #-}
                                   {-# LINE 1135 "src/GLuaFixer/AG/ASTLint.hs" #-}
                                   )) of
                            { _lhsOglobalDefinitions ->
                            (case (({-# LINE 154 "src/GLuaFixer/AG/ASTLint.ag" #-}
                                    {-# LINE 1140 "src/GLuaFixer/AG/ASTLint.hs" #-}
                                    )) of
                             { _lhsOidentifier ->
                             (case (({-# LINE 143 "src/GLuaFixer/AG/ASTLint.ag" #-}
                                     {-# LINE 1145 "src/GLuaFixer/AG/ASTLint.hs" #-}
                                     )) of
                              { _lhsOisInModule ->
                              (case (({-# LINE 135 "src/GLuaFixer/AG/ASTLint.ag" #-}
                                      {-# LINE 1150 "src/GLuaFixer/AG/ASTLint.hs" #-}
                                      )) of
                               { _lhsOmtokenPos ->
                               (case (({-# LINE 144 "src/GLuaFixer/AG/ASTLint.ag" #-}
                                       {-# LINE 1155 "src/GLuaFixer/AG/ASTLint.hs" #-}
                                       )) of
                                { _lhsOscopes ->
                                (case (({-# LINE 131 "src/GLuaFixer/AG/ASTLint.ag" #-}
                                        {-# LINE 1160 "src/GLuaFixer/AG/ASTLint.hs" #-}
                                        )) of
                                 { _lhsOvariableStyle ->
                                 (case (({-# LINE 152 "src/GLuaFixer/AG/ASTLint.ag" #-}
                                         {-# LINE 1165 "src/GLuaFixer/AG/ASTLint.hs" #-}
                                         )) of
                                  { _lhsOwarnings ->
                                  ( _lhsOglobalDefinitions,_lhsOidentifier,_lhsOisInModule,_lhsOmtokenPos,_lhsOscopes,_lhsOvariableStyle,_lhsOwarnings) }) }) }) }) }) }) }))
              in  sem_BinOp_ALT_1)) of
       { ( sem_BinOp_1) ->
       ( _lhsOcopy,sem_BinOp_1) }) }) })
sem_BinOp_AGT :: T_BinOp
sem_BinOp_AGT :: T_BinOp
sem_BinOp_AGT =
    (case (({-# LINE 153 "src/GLuaFixer/AG/ASTLint.ag" #-}
            {-# LINE 1176 "src/GLuaFixer/AG/ASTLint.hs" #-}
            )) of
     { _copy ->
     (case (({-# LINE 153 "src/GLuaFixer/AG/ASTLint.ag" #-}
             {-# LINE 1181 "src/GLuaFixer/AG/ASTLint.hs" #-}
             )) of
      { _lhsOcopy ->
      (case ((let sem_BinOp_AGT_1 :: T_BinOp_1
                  sem_BinOp_AGT_1 =
                      (\ _lhsIconfig
                         _lhsIvariableStyle ->
                           (case (({-# LINE 138 "src/GLuaFixer/AG/ASTLint.ag" #-}
                                   {-# LINE 1198 "src/GLuaFixer/AG/ASTLint.hs" #-}
                                   )) of
                            { _lhsOglobalDefinitions ->
                            (case (({-# LINE 154 "src/GLuaFixer/AG/ASTLint.ag" #-}
                                    {-# LINE 1203 "src/GLuaFixer/AG/ASTLint.hs" #-}
                                    )) of
                             { _lhsOidentifier ->
                             (case (({-# LINE 143 "src/GLuaFixer/AG/ASTLint.ag" #-}
                                     {-# LINE 1208 "src/GLuaFixer/AG/ASTLint.hs" #-}
                                     )) of
                              { _lhsOisInModule ->
                              (case (({-# LINE 135 "src/GLuaFixer/AG/ASTLint.ag" #-}
                                      {-# LINE 1213 "src/GLuaFixer/AG/ASTLint.hs" #-}
                                      )) of
                               { _lhsOmtokenPos ->
                               (case (({-# LINE 144 "src/GLuaFixer/AG/ASTLint.ag" #-}
                                       {-# LINE 1218 "src/GLuaFixer/AG/ASTLint.hs" #-}
                                       )) of
                                { _lhsOscopes ->
                                (case (({-# LINE 131 "src/GLuaFixer/AG/ASTLint.ag" #-}
                                        {-# LINE 1223 "src/GLuaFixer/AG/ASTLint.hs" #-}
                                        )) of
                                 { _lhsOvariableStyle ->
                                 (case (({-# LINE 152 "src/GLuaFixer/AG/ASTLint.ag" #-}
                                         {-# LINE 1228 "src/GLuaFixer/AG/ASTLint.hs" #-}
                                         )) of
                                  { _lhsOwarnings ->
                                  ( _lhsOglobalDefinitions,_lhsOidentifier,_lhsOisInModule,_lhsOmtokenPos,_lhsOscopes,_lhsOvariableStyle,_lhsOwarnings) }) }) }) }) }) }) }))
              in  sem_BinOp_AGT_1)) of
       { ( sem_BinOp_1) ->
       ( _lhsOcopy,sem_BinOp_1) }) }) })
sem_BinOp_ALEQ :: T_BinOp
sem_BinOp_ALEQ :: T_BinOp
sem_BinOp_ALEQ =
    (case (({-# LINE 153 "src/GLuaFixer/AG/ASTLint.ag" #-}
            {-# LINE 1239 "src/GLuaFixer/AG/ASTLint.hs" #-}
            )) of
     { _copy ->
     (case (({-# LINE 153 "src/GLuaFixer/AG/ASTLint.ag" #-}
             {-# LINE 1244 "src/GLuaFixer/AG/ASTLint.hs" #-}
             )) of
      { _lhsOcopy ->
      (case ((let sem_BinOp_ALEQ_1 :: T_BinOp_1
                  sem_BinOp_ALEQ_1 =
                      (\ _lhsIconfig
                         _lhsIvariableStyle ->
                           (case (({-# LINE 138 "src/GLuaFixer/AG/ASTLint.ag" #-}
                                   {-# LINE 1261 "src/GLuaFixer/AG/ASTLint.hs" #-}
                                   )) of
                            { _lhsOglobalDefinitions ->
                            (case (({-# LINE 154 "src/GLuaFixer/AG/ASTLint.ag" #-}
                                    {-# LINE 1266 "src/GLuaFixer/AG/ASTLint.hs" #-}
                                    )) of
                             { _lhsOidentifier ->
                             (case (({-# LINE 143 "src/GLuaFixer/AG/ASTLint.ag" #-}
                                     {-# LINE 1271 "src/GLuaFixer/AG/ASTLint.hs" #-}
                                     )) of
                              { _lhsOisInModule ->
                              (case (({-# LINE 135 "src/GLuaFixer/AG/ASTLint.ag" #-}
                                      {-# LINE 1276 "src/GLuaFixer/AG/ASTLint.hs" #-}
                                      )) of
                               { _lhsOmtokenPos ->
                               (case (({-# LINE 144 "src/GLuaFixer/AG/ASTLint.ag" #-}
                                       {-# LINE 1281 "src/GLuaFixer/AG/ASTLint.hs" #-}
                                       )) of
                                { _lhsOscopes ->
                                (case (({-# LINE 131 "src/GLuaFixer/AG/ASTLint.ag" #-}
                                        {-# LINE 1286 "src/GLuaFixer/AG/ASTLint.hs" #-}
                                        )) of
                                 { _lhsOvariableStyle ->
                                 (case (({-# LINE 152 "src/GLuaFixer/AG/ASTLint.ag" #-}
                                         {-# LINE 1291 "src/GLuaFixer/AG/ASTLint.hs" #-}
                                         )) of
                                  { _lhsOwarnings ->
                                  ( _lhsOglobalDefinitions,_lhsOidentifier,_lhsOisInModule,_lhsOmtokenPos,_lhsOscopes,_lhsOvariableStyle,_lhsOwarnings) }) }) }) }) }) }) }))
              in  sem_BinOp_ALEQ_1)) of
       { ( sem_BinOp_1) ->
       ( _lhsOcopy,sem_BinOp_1) }) }) })
sem_BinOp_AGEQ :: T_BinOp
sem_BinOp_AGEQ :: T_BinOp
sem_BinOp_AGEQ =
    (case (({-# LINE 153 "src/GLuaFixer/AG/ASTLint.ag" #-}
            {-# LINE 1302 "src/GLuaFixer/AG/ASTLint.hs" #-}
            )) of
     { _copy ->
     (case (({-# LINE 153 "src/GLuaFixer/AG/ASTLint.ag" #-}
             {-# LINE 1307 "src/GLuaFixer/AG/ASTLint.hs" #-}
             )) of
      { _lhsOcopy ->
      (case ((let sem_BinOp_AGEQ_1 :: T_BinOp_1
                  sem_BinOp_AGEQ_1 =
                      (\ _lhsIconfig
                         _lhsIvariableStyle ->
                           (case (({-# LINE 138 "src/GLuaFixer/AG/ASTLint.ag" #-}
                                   {-# LINE 1324 "src/GLuaFixer/AG/ASTLint.hs" #-}
                                   )) of
                            { _lhsOglobalDefinitions ->
                            (case (({-# LINE 154 "src/GLuaFixer/AG/ASTLint.ag" #-}
                                    {-# LINE 1329 "src/GLuaFixer/AG/ASTLint.hs" #-}
                                    )) of
                             { _lhsOidentifier ->
                             (case (({-# LINE 143 "src/GLuaFixer/AG/ASTLint.ag" #-}
                                     {-# LINE 1334 "src/GLuaFixer/AG/ASTLint.hs" #-}
                                     )) of
                              { _lhsOisInModule ->
                              (case (({-# LINE 135 "src/GLuaFixer/AG/ASTLint.ag" #-}
                                      {-# LINE 1339 "src/GLuaFixer/AG/ASTLint.hs" #-}
                                      )) of
                               { _lhsOmtokenPos ->
                               (case (({-# LINE 144 "src/GLuaFixer/AG/ASTLint.ag" #-}
                                       {-# LINE 1344 "src/GLuaFixer/AG/ASTLint.hs" #-}
                                       )) of
                                { _lhsOscopes ->
                                (case (({-# LINE 131 "src/GLuaFixer/AG/ASTLint.ag" #-}
                                        {-# LINE 1349 "src/GLuaFixer/AG/ASTLint.hs" #-}
                                        )) of
                                 { _lhsOvariableStyle ->
                                 (case (({-# LINE 152 "src/GLuaFixer/AG/ASTLint.ag" #-}
                                         {-# LINE 1354 "src/GLuaFixer/AG/ASTLint.hs" #-}
                                         )) of
                                  { _lhsOwarnings ->
                                  ( _lhsOglobalDefinitions,_lhsOidentifier,_lhsOisInModule,_lhsOmtokenPos,_lhsOscopes,_lhsOvariableStyle,_lhsOwarnings) }) }) }) }) }) }) }))
              in  sem_BinOp_AGEQ_1)) of
       { ( sem_BinOp_1) ->
       ( _lhsOcopy,sem_BinOp_1) }) }) })
sem_BinOp_ANEq :: T_BinOp
sem_BinOp_ANEq :: T_BinOp
sem_BinOp_ANEq =
    (case (({-# LINE 153 "src/GLuaFixer/AG/ASTLint.ag" #-}
            {-# LINE 1365 "src/GLuaFixer/AG/ASTLint.hs" #-}
            )) of
     { _copy ->
     (case (({-# LINE 153 "src/GLuaFixer/AG/ASTLint.ag" #-}
             {-# LINE 1370 "src/GLuaFixer/AG/ASTLint.hs" #-}
             )) of
      { _lhsOcopy ->
      (case ((let sem_BinOp_ANEq_1 :: T_BinOp_1
                  sem_BinOp_ANEq_1 =
                      (\ _lhsIconfig
                         _lhsIvariableStyle ->
                           (case (({-# LINE 138 "src/GLuaFixer/AG/ASTLint.ag" #-}
                                   {-# LINE 1387 "src/GLuaFixer/AG/ASTLint.hs" #-}
                                   )) of
                            { _lhsOglobalDefinitions ->
                            (case (({-# LINE 154 "src/GLuaFixer/AG/ASTLint.ag" #-}
                                    {-# LINE 1392 "src/GLuaFixer/AG/ASTLint.hs" #-}
                                    )) of
                             { _lhsOidentifier ->
                             (case (({-# LINE 143 "src/GLuaFixer/AG/ASTLint.ag" #-}
                                     {-# LINE 1397 "src/GLuaFixer/AG/ASTLint.hs" #-}
                                     )) of
                              { _lhsOisInModule ->
                              (case (({-# LINE 135 "src/GLuaFixer/AG/ASTLint.ag" #-}
                                      {-# LINE 1402 "src/GLuaFixer/AG/ASTLint.hs" #-}
                                      )) of
                               { _lhsOmtokenPos ->
                               (case (({-# LINE 144 "src/GLuaFixer/AG/ASTLint.ag" #-}
                                       {-# LINE 1407 "src/GLuaFixer/AG/ASTLint.hs" #-}
                                       )) of
                                { _lhsOscopes ->
                                (case (({-# LINE 131 "src/GLuaFixer/AG/ASTLint.ag" #-}
                                        {-# LINE 1412 "src/GLuaFixer/AG/ASTLint.hs" #-}
                                        )) of
                                 { _lhsOvariableStyle ->
                                 (case (({-# LINE 152 "src/GLuaFixer/AG/ASTLint.ag" #-}
                                         {-# LINE 1417 "src/GLuaFixer/AG/ASTLint.hs" #-}
                                         )) of
                                  { _lhsOwarnings ->
                                  ( _lhsOglobalDefinitions,_lhsOidentifier,_lhsOisInModule,_lhsOmtokenPos,_lhsOscopes,_lhsOvariableStyle,_lhsOwarnings) }) }) }) }) }) }) }))
              in  sem_BinOp_ANEq_1)) of
       { ( sem_BinOp_1) ->
       ( _lhsOcopy,sem_BinOp_1) }) }) })
sem_BinOp_AEq :: T_BinOp
sem_BinOp_AEq :: T_BinOp
sem_BinOp_AEq =
    (case (({-# LINE 153 "src/GLuaFixer/AG/ASTLint.ag" #-}
            {-# LINE 1428 "src/GLuaFixer/AG/ASTLint.hs" #-}
            )) of
     { _copy ->
     (case (({-# LINE 153 "src/GLuaFixer/AG/ASTLint.ag" #-}
             {-# LINE 1433 "src/GLuaFixer/AG/ASTLint.hs" #-}
             )) of
      { _lhsOcopy ->
      (case ((let sem_BinOp_AEq_1 :: T_BinOp_1
                  sem_BinOp_AEq_1 =
                      (\ _lhsIconfig
                         _lhsIvariableStyle ->
                           (case (({-# LINE 138 "src/GLuaFixer/AG/ASTLint.ag" #-}
                                   {-# LINE 1450 "src/GLuaFixer/AG/ASTLint.hs" #-}
                                   )) of
                            { _lhsOglobalDefinitions ->
                            (case (({-# LINE 154 "src/GLuaFixer/AG/ASTLint.ag" #-}
                                    {-# LINE 1455 "src/GLuaFixer/AG/ASTLint.hs" #-}
                                    )) of
                             { _lhsOidentifier ->
                             (case (({-# LINE 143 "src/GLuaFixer/AG/ASTLint.ag" #-}
                                     {-# LINE 1460 "src/GLuaFixer/AG/ASTLint.hs" #-}
                                     )) of
                              { _lhsOisInModule ->
                              (case (({-# LINE 135 "src/GLuaFixer/AG/ASTLint.ag" #-}
                                      {-# LINE 1465 "src/GLuaFixer/AG/ASTLint.hs" #-}
                                      )) of
                               { _lhsOmtokenPos ->
                               (case (({-# LINE 144 "src/GLuaFixer/AG/ASTLint.ag" #-}
                                       {-# LINE 1470 "src/GLuaFixer/AG/ASTLint.hs" #-}
                                       )) of
                                { _lhsOscopes ->
                                (case (({-# LINE 131 "src/GLuaFixer/AG/ASTLint.ag" #-}
                                        {-# LINE 1475 "src/GLuaFixer/AG/ASTLint.hs" #-}
                                        )) of
                                 { _lhsOvariableStyle ->
                                 (case (({-# LINE 152 "src/GLuaFixer/AG/ASTLint.ag" #-}
                                         {-# LINE 1480 "src/GLuaFixer/AG/ASTLint.hs" #-}
                                         )) of
                                  { _lhsOwarnings ->
                                  ( _lhsOglobalDefinitions,_lhsOidentifier,_lhsOisInModule,_lhsOmtokenPos,_lhsOscopes,_lhsOvariableStyle,_lhsOwarnings) }) }) }) }) }) }) }))
              in  sem_BinOp_AEq_1)) of
       { ( sem_BinOp_1) ->
       ( _lhsOcopy,sem_BinOp_1) }) }) })
sem_BinOp_AConcatenate :: T_BinOp
sem_BinOp_AConcatenate :: T_BinOp
sem_BinOp_AConcatenate =
    (case (({-# LINE 153 "src/GLuaFixer/AG/ASTLint.ag" #-}
            {-# LINE 1491 "src/GLuaFixer/AG/ASTLint.hs" #-}
            )) of
     { _copy ->
     (case (({-# LINE 153 "src/GLuaFixer/AG/ASTLint.ag" #-}
             {-# LINE 1496 "src/GLuaFixer/AG/ASTLint.hs" #-}
             )) of
      { _lhsOcopy ->
      (case ((let sem_BinOp_AConcatenate_1 :: T_BinOp_1
                  sem_BinOp_AConcatenate_1 =
                      (\ _lhsIconfig
                         _lhsIvariableStyle ->
                           (case (({-# LINE 138 "src/GLuaFixer/AG/ASTLint.ag" #-}
                                   {-# LINE 1513 "src/GLuaFixer/AG/ASTLint.hs" #-}
                                   )) of
                            { _lhsOglobalDefinitions ->
                            (case (({-# LINE 154 "src/GLuaFixer/AG/ASTLint.ag" #-}
                                    {-# LINE 1518 "src/GLuaFixer/AG/ASTLint.hs" #-}
                                    )) of
                             { _lhsOidentifier ->
                             (case (({-# LINE 143 "src/GLuaFixer/AG/ASTLint.ag" #-}
                                     {-# LINE 1523 "src/GLuaFixer/AG/ASTLint.hs" #-}
                                     )) of
                              { _lhsOisInModule ->
                              (case (({-# LINE 135 "src/GLuaFixer/AG/ASTLint.ag" #-}
                                      {-# LINE 1528 "src/GLuaFixer/AG/ASTLint.hs" #-}
                                      )) of
                               { _lhsOmtokenPos ->
                               (case (({-# LINE 144 "src/GLuaFixer/AG/ASTLint.ag" #-}
                                       {-# LINE 1533 "src/GLuaFixer/AG/ASTLint.hs" #-}
                                       )) of
                                { _lhsOscopes ->
                                (case (({-# LINE 131 "src/GLuaFixer/AG/ASTLint.ag" #-}
                                        {-# LINE 1538 "src/GLuaFixer/AG/ASTLint.hs" #-}
                                        )) of
                                 { _lhsOvariableStyle ->
                                 (case (({-# LINE 152 "src/GLuaFixer/AG/ASTLint.ag" #-}
                                         {-# LINE 1543 "src/GLuaFixer/AG/ASTLint.hs" #-}
                                         )) of
                                  { _lhsOwarnings ->
                                  ( _lhsOglobalDefinitions,_lhsOidentifier,_lhsOisInModule,_lhsOmtokenPos,_lhsOscopes,_lhsOvariableStyle,_lhsOwarnings) }) }) }) }) }) }) }))
              in  sem_BinOp_AConcatenate_1)) of
       { ( sem_BinOp_1) ->
       ( _lhsOcopy,sem_BinOp_1) }) }) })
sem_BinOp_APlus :: T_BinOp
sem_BinOp_APlus :: T_BinOp
sem_BinOp_APlus =
    (case (({-# LINE 153 "src/GLuaFixer/AG/ASTLint.ag" #-}
            {-# LINE 1554 "src/GLuaFixer/AG/ASTLint.hs" #-}
            )) of
     { _copy ->
     (case (({-# LINE 153 "src/GLuaFixer/AG/ASTLint.ag" #-}
             {-# LINE 1559 "src/GLuaFixer/AG/ASTLint.hs" #-}
             )) of
      { _lhsOcopy ->
      (case ((let sem_BinOp_APlus_1 :: T_BinOp_1
                  sem_BinOp_APlus_1 =
                      (\ _lhsIconfig
                         _lhsIvariableStyle ->
                           (case (({-# LINE 138 "src/GLuaFixer/AG/ASTLint.ag" #-}
                                   {-# LINE 1576 "src/GLuaFixer/AG/ASTLint.hs" #-}
                                   )) of
                            { _lhsOglobalDefinitions ->
                            (case (({-# LINE 154 "src/GLuaFixer/AG/ASTLint.ag" #-}
                                    {-# LINE 1581 "src/GLuaFixer/AG/ASTLint.hs" #-}
                                    )) of
                             { _lhsOidentifier ->
                             (case (({-# LINE 143 "src/GLuaFixer/AG/ASTLint.ag" #-}
                                     {-# LINE 1586 "src/GLuaFixer/AG/ASTLint.hs" #-}
                                     )) of
                              { _lhsOisInModule ->
                              (case (({-# LINE 135 "src/GLuaFixer/AG/ASTLint.ag" #-}
                                      {-# LINE 1591 "src/GLuaFixer/AG/ASTLint.hs" #-}
                                      )) of
                               { _lhsOmtokenPos ->
                               (case (({-# LINE 144 "src/GLuaFixer/AG/ASTLint.ag" #-}
                                       {-# LINE 1596 "src/GLuaFixer/AG/ASTLint.hs" #-}
                                       )) of
                                { _lhsOscopes ->
                                (case (({-# LINE 131 "src/GLuaFixer/AG/ASTLint.ag" #-}
                                        {-# LINE 1601 "src/GLuaFixer/AG/ASTLint.hs" #-}
                                        )) of
                                 { _lhsOvariableStyle ->
                                 (case (({-# LINE 152 "src/GLuaFixer/AG/ASTLint.ag" #-}
                                         {-# LINE 1606 "src/GLuaFixer/AG/ASTLint.hs" #-}
                                         )) of
                                  { _lhsOwarnings ->
                                  ( _lhsOglobalDefinitions,_lhsOidentifier,_lhsOisInModule,_lhsOmtokenPos,_lhsOscopes,_lhsOvariableStyle,_lhsOwarnings) }) }) }) }) }) }) }))
              in  sem_BinOp_APlus_1)) of
       { ( sem_BinOp_1) ->
       ( _lhsOcopy,sem_BinOp_1) }) }) })
sem_BinOp_BinMinus :: T_BinOp
sem_BinOp_BinMinus :: T_BinOp
sem_BinOp_BinMinus =
    (case (({-# LINE 153 "src/GLuaFixer/AG/ASTLint.ag" #-}
            {-# LINE 1617 "src/GLuaFixer/AG/ASTLint.hs" #-}
            )) of
     { _copy ->
     (case (({-# LINE 153 "src/GLuaFixer/AG/ASTLint.ag" #-}
             {-# LINE 1622 "src/GLuaFixer/AG/ASTLint.hs" #-}
             )) of
      { _lhsOcopy ->
      (case ((let sem_BinOp_BinMinus_1 :: T_BinOp_1
                  sem_BinOp_BinMinus_1 =
                      (\ _lhsIconfig
                         _lhsIvariableStyle ->
                           (case (({-# LINE 138 "src/GLuaFixer/AG/ASTLint.ag" #-}
                                   {-# LINE 1639 "src/GLuaFixer/AG/ASTLint.hs" #-}
                                   )) of
                            { _lhsOglobalDefinitions ->
                            (case (({-# LINE 154 "src/GLuaFixer/AG/ASTLint.ag" #-}
                                    {-# LINE 1644 "src/GLuaFixer/AG/ASTLint.hs" #-}
                                    )) of
                             { _lhsOidentifier ->
                             (case (({-# LINE 143 "src/GLuaFixer/AG/ASTLint.ag" #-}
                                     {-# LINE 1649 "src/GLuaFixer/AG/ASTLint.hs" #-}
                                     )) of
                              { _lhsOisInModule ->
                              (case (({-# LINE 135 "src/GLuaFixer/AG/ASTLint.ag" #-}
                                      {-# LINE 1654 "src/GLuaFixer/AG/ASTLint.hs" #-}
                                      )) of
                               { _lhsOmtokenPos ->
                               (case (({-# LINE 144 "src/GLuaFixer/AG/ASTLint.ag" #-}
                                       {-# LINE 1659 "src/GLuaFixer/AG/ASTLint.hs" #-}
                                       )) of
                                { _lhsOscopes ->
                                (case (({-# LINE 131 "src/GLuaFixer/AG/ASTLint.ag" #-}
                                        {-# LINE 1664 "src/GLuaFixer/AG/ASTLint.hs" #-}
                                        )) of
                                 { _lhsOvariableStyle ->
                                 (case (({-# LINE 152 "src/GLuaFixer/AG/ASTLint.ag" #-}
                                         {-# LINE 1669 "src/GLuaFixer/AG/ASTLint.hs" #-}
                                         )) of
                                  { _lhsOwarnings ->
                                  ( _lhsOglobalDefinitions,_lhsOidentifier,_lhsOisInModule,_lhsOmtokenPos,_lhsOscopes,_lhsOvariableStyle,_lhsOwarnings) }) }) }) }) }) }) }))
              in  sem_BinOp_BinMinus_1)) of
       { ( sem_BinOp_1) ->
       ( _lhsOcopy,sem_BinOp_1) }) }) })
sem_BinOp_AMultiply :: T_BinOp
sem_BinOp_AMultiply :: T_BinOp
sem_BinOp_AMultiply =
    (case (({-# LINE 153 "src/GLuaFixer/AG/ASTLint.ag" #-}
            {-# LINE 1680 "src/GLuaFixer/AG/ASTLint.hs" #-}
            )) of
     { _copy ->
     (case (({-# LINE 153 "src/GLuaFixer/AG/ASTLint.ag" #-}
             {-# LINE 1685 "src/GLuaFixer/AG/ASTLint.hs" #-}
             )) of
      { _lhsOcopy ->
      (case ((let sem_BinOp_AMultiply_1 :: T_BinOp_1
                  sem_BinOp_AMultiply_1 =
                      (\ _lhsIconfig
                         _lhsIvariableStyle ->
                           (case (({-# LINE 138 "src/GLuaFixer/AG/ASTLint.ag" #-}
                                   {-# LINE 1702 "src/GLuaFixer/AG/ASTLint.hs" #-}
                                   )) of
                            { _lhsOglobalDefinitions ->
                            (case (({-# LINE 154 "src/GLuaFixer/AG/ASTLint.ag" #-}
                                    {-# LINE 1707 "src/GLuaFixer/AG/ASTLint.hs" #-}
                                    )) of
                             { _lhsOidentifier ->
                             (case (({-# LINE 143 "src/GLuaFixer/AG/ASTLint.ag" #-}
                                     {-# LINE 1712 "src/GLuaFixer/AG/ASTLint.hs" #-}
                                     )) of
                              { _lhsOisInModule ->
                              (case (({-# LINE 135 "src/GLuaFixer/AG/ASTLint.ag" #-}
                                      {-# LINE 1717 "src/GLuaFixer/AG/ASTLint.hs" #-}
                                      )) of
                               { _lhsOmtokenPos ->
                               (case (({-# LINE 144 "src/GLuaFixer/AG/ASTLint.ag" #-}
                                       {-# LINE 1722 "src/GLuaFixer/AG/ASTLint.hs" #-}
                                       )) of
                                { _lhsOscopes ->
                                (case (({-# LINE 131 "src/GLuaFixer/AG/ASTLint.ag" #-}
                                        {-# LINE 1727 "src/GLuaFixer/AG/ASTLint.hs" #-}
                                        )) of
                                 { _lhsOvariableStyle ->
                                 (case (({-# LINE 152 "src/GLuaFixer/AG/ASTLint.ag" #-}
                                         {-# LINE 1732 "src/GLuaFixer/AG/ASTLint.hs" #-}
                                         )) of
                                  { _lhsOwarnings ->
                                  ( _lhsOglobalDefinitions,_lhsOidentifier,_lhsOisInModule,_lhsOmtokenPos,_lhsOscopes,_lhsOvariableStyle,_lhsOwarnings) }) }) }) }) }) }) }))
              in  sem_BinOp_AMultiply_1)) of
       { ( sem_BinOp_1) ->
       ( _lhsOcopy,sem_BinOp_1) }) }) })
sem_BinOp_ADivide :: T_BinOp
sem_BinOp_ADivide :: T_BinOp
sem_BinOp_ADivide =
    (case (({-# LINE 153 "src/GLuaFixer/AG/ASTLint.ag" #-}
            {-# LINE 1743 "src/GLuaFixer/AG/ASTLint.hs" #-}
            )) of
     { _copy ->
     (case (({-# LINE 153 "src/GLuaFixer/AG/ASTLint.ag" #-}
             {-# LINE 1748 "src/GLuaFixer/AG/ASTLint.hs" #-}
             )) of
      { _lhsOcopy ->
      (case ((let sem_BinOp_ADivide_1 :: T_BinOp_1
                  sem_BinOp_ADivide_1 =
                      (\ _lhsIconfig
                         _lhsIvariableStyle ->
                           (case (({-# LINE 138 "src/GLuaFixer/AG/ASTLint.ag" #-}
                                   {-# LINE 1765 "src/GLuaFixer/AG/ASTLint.hs" #-}
                                   )) of
                            { _lhsOglobalDefinitions ->
                            (case (({-# LINE 154 "src/GLuaFixer/AG/ASTLint.ag" #-}
                                    {-# LINE 1770 "src/GLuaFixer/AG/ASTLint.hs" #-}
                                    )) of
                             { _lhsOidentifier ->
                             (case (({-# LINE 143 "src/GLuaFixer/AG/ASTLint.ag" #-}
                                     {-# LINE 1775 "src/GLuaFixer/AG/ASTLint.hs" #-}
                                     )) of
                              { _lhsOisInModule ->
                              (case (({-# LINE 135 "src/GLuaFixer/AG/ASTLint.ag" #-}
                                      {-# LINE 1780 "src/GLuaFixer/AG/ASTLint.hs" #-}
                                      )) of
                               { _lhsOmtokenPos ->
                               (case (({-# LINE 144 "src/GLuaFixer/AG/ASTLint.ag" #-}
                                       {-# LINE 1785 "src/GLuaFixer/AG/ASTLint.hs" #-}
                                       )) of
                                { _lhsOscopes ->
                                (case (({-# LINE 131 "src/GLuaFixer/AG/ASTLint.ag" #-}
                                        {-# LINE 1790 "src/GLuaFixer/AG/ASTLint.hs" #-}
                                        )) of
                                 { _lhsOvariableStyle ->
                                 (case (({-# LINE 152 "src/GLuaFixer/AG/ASTLint.ag" #-}
                                         {-# LINE 1795 "src/GLuaFixer/AG/ASTLint.hs" #-}
                                         )) of
                                  { _lhsOwarnings ->
                                  ( _lhsOglobalDefinitions,_lhsOidentifier,_lhsOisInModule,_lhsOmtokenPos,_lhsOscopes,_lhsOvariableStyle,_lhsOwarnings) }) }) }) }) }) }) }))
              in  sem_BinOp_ADivide_1)) of
       { ( sem_BinOp_1) ->
       ( _lhsOcopy,sem_BinOp_1) }) }) })
sem_BinOp_AModulus :: T_BinOp
sem_BinOp_AModulus :: T_BinOp
sem_BinOp_AModulus =
    (case (({-# LINE 153 "src/GLuaFixer/AG/ASTLint.ag" #-}
            {-# LINE 1806 "src/GLuaFixer/AG/ASTLint.hs" #-}
            )) of
     { _copy ->
     (case (({-# LINE 153 "src/GLuaFixer/AG/ASTLint.ag" #-}
             {-# LINE 1811 "src/GLuaFixer/AG/ASTLint.hs" #-}
             )) of
      { _lhsOcopy ->
      (case ((let sem_BinOp_AModulus_1 :: T_BinOp_1
                  sem_BinOp_AModulus_1 =
                      (\ _lhsIconfig
                         _lhsIvariableStyle ->
                           (case (({-# LINE 138 "src/GLuaFixer/AG/ASTLint.ag" #-}
                                   {-# LINE 1828 "src/GLuaFixer/AG/ASTLint.hs" #-}
                                   )) of
                            { _lhsOglobalDefinitions ->
                            (case (({-# LINE 154 "src/GLuaFixer/AG/ASTLint.ag" #-}
                                    {-# LINE 1833 "src/GLuaFixer/AG/ASTLint.hs" #-}
                                    )) of
                             { _lhsOidentifier ->
                             (case (({-# LINE 143 "src/GLuaFixer/AG/ASTLint.ag" #-}
                                     {-# LINE 1838 "src/GLuaFixer/AG/ASTLint.hs" #-}
                                     )) of
                              { _lhsOisInModule ->
                              (case (({-# LINE 135 "src/GLuaFixer/AG/ASTLint.ag" #-}
                                      {-# LINE 1843 "src/GLuaFixer/AG/ASTLint.hs" #-}
                                      )) of
                               { _lhsOmtokenPos ->
                               (case (({-# LINE 144 "src/GLuaFixer/AG/ASTLint.ag" #-}
                                       {-# LINE 1848 "src/GLuaFixer/AG/ASTLint.hs" #-}
                                       )) of
                                { _lhsOscopes ->
                                (case (({-# LINE 131 "src/GLuaFixer/AG/ASTLint.ag" #-}
                                        {-# LINE 1853 "src/GLuaFixer/AG/ASTLint.hs" #-}
                                        )) of
                                 { _lhsOvariableStyle ->
                                 (case (({-# LINE 152 "src/GLuaFixer/AG/ASTLint.ag" #-}
                                         {-# LINE 1858 "src/GLuaFixer/AG/ASTLint.hs" #-}
                                         )) of
                                  { _lhsOwarnings ->
                                  ( _lhsOglobalDefinitions,_lhsOidentifier,_lhsOisInModule,_lhsOmtokenPos,_lhsOscopes,_lhsOvariableStyle,_lhsOwarnings) }) }) }) }) }) }) }))
              in  sem_BinOp_AModulus_1)) of
       { ( sem_BinOp_1) ->
       ( _lhsOcopy,sem_BinOp_1) }) }) })
sem_BinOp_APower :: T_BinOp
sem_BinOp_APower :: T_BinOp
sem_BinOp_APower =
    (case (({-# LINE 153 "src/GLuaFixer/AG/ASTLint.ag" #-}
            {-# LINE 1869 "src/GLuaFixer/AG/ASTLint.hs" #-}
            )) of
     { _copy ->
     (case (({-# LINE 153 "src/GLuaFixer/AG/ASTLint.ag" #-}
             {-# LINE 1874 "src/GLuaFixer/AG/ASTLint.hs" #-}
             )) of
      { _lhsOcopy ->
      (case ((let sem_BinOp_APower_1 :: T_BinOp_1
                  sem_BinOp_APower_1 =
                      (\ _lhsIconfig
                         _lhsIvariableStyle ->
                           (case (({-# LINE 138 "src/GLuaFixer/AG/ASTLint.ag" #-}
                                   {-# LINE 1891 "src/GLuaFixer/AG/ASTLint.hs" #-}
                                   )) of
                            { _lhsOglobalDefinitions ->
                            (case (({-# LINE 154 "src/GLuaFixer/AG/ASTLint.ag" #-}
                                    {-# LINE 1896 "src/GLuaFixer/AG/ASTLint.hs" #-}
                                    )) of
                             { _lhsOidentifier ->
                             (case (({-# LINE 143 "src/GLuaFixer/AG/ASTLint.ag" #-}
                                     {-# LINE 1901 "src/GLuaFixer/AG/ASTLint.hs" #-}
                                     )) of
                              { _lhsOisInModule ->
                              (case (({-# LINE 135 "src/GLuaFixer/AG/ASTLint.ag" #-}
                                      {-# LINE 1906 "src/GLuaFixer/AG/ASTLint.hs" #-}
                                      )) of
                               { _lhsOmtokenPos ->
                               (case (({-# LINE 144 "src/GLuaFixer/AG/ASTLint.ag" #-}
                                       {-# LINE 1911 "src/GLuaFixer/AG/ASTLint.hs" #-}
                                       )) of
                                { _lhsOscopes ->
                                (case (({-# LINE 131 "src/GLuaFixer/AG/ASTLint.ag" #-}
                                        {-# LINE 1916 "src/GLuaFixer/AG/ASTLint.hs" #-}
                                        )) of
                                 { _lhsOvariableStyle ->
                                 (case (({-# LINE 152 "src/GLuaFixer/AG/ASTLint.ag" #-}
                                         {-# LINE 1921 "src/GLuaFixer/AG/ASTLint.hs" #-}
                                         )) of
                                  { _lhsOwarnings ->
                                  ( _lhsOglobalDefinitions,_lhsOidentifier,_lhsOisInModule,_lhsOmtokenPos,_lhsOscopes,_lhsOvariableStyle,_lhsOwarnings) }) }) }) }) }) }) }))
              in  sem_BinOp_APower_1)) of
       { ( sem_BinOp_1) ->
       ( _lhsOcopy,sem_BinOp_1) }) }) })
-- Block -------------------------------------------------------
-- cata
sem_Block :: Block ->
sem_Block :: Block -> T_Block
sem_Block (Block MStatList
_stats AReturn
_ret) =
    (T_MStatList -> T_AReturn -> T_Block
sem_Block_Block (MStatList -> T_MStatList
sem_MStatList MStatList
_stats) (AReturn -> T_AReturn
sem_AReturn AReturn
-- semantic domain
type T_Block = ( Block,T_Block_1)
type T_Block_1 = LintSettings ->
                 String ->
                 (M.Map String [Region]) ->
                 Bool ->
                 Bool ->
                 Bool ->
                 Int ->
                 Region ->
                 Int ->
                 ([M.Map String (Bool, Region)]) ->
                 DeterminedVariableStyle ->
                 ( (M.Map String [Region]),String,Bool,Bool,Region,([M.Map String (Bool, Region)]),Int,DeterminedVariableStyle,([String -> LintMessage]))
data Inh_Block = Inh_Block {Inh_Block -> LintSettings
config_Inh_Block :: LintSettings,Inh_Block -> String
funcName_Inh_Block :: String,Inh_Block -> Map String [Region]
globalDefinitions_Inh_Block :: (M.Map String [Region]),Inh_Block -> Bool
isInModule_Inh_Block :: Bool,Inh_Block -> Bool
isMeta_Inh_Block :: Bool,Inh_Block -> Bool
isRepeat_Inh_Block :: Bool,Inh_Block -> Int
loopLevel_Inh_Block :: Int,Inh_Block -> Region
mtokenPos_Inh_Block :: Region,Inh_Block -> Int
scopeLevel_Inh_Block :: Int,Inh_Block -> [Map String (Bool, Region)]
scopes_Inh_Block :: ([M.Map String (Bool, Region)]),Inh_Block -> DeterminedVariableStyle
variableStyle_Inh_Block :: DeterminedVariableStyle}
data Syn_Block = Syn_Block {Syn_Block -> Block
copy_Syn_Block :: Block,Syn_Block -> Map String [Region]
globalDefinitions_Syn_Block :: (M.Map String [Region]),Syn_Block -> String
identifier_Syn_Block :: String,Syn_Block -> Bool
isIfStatement_Syn_Block :: Bool,Syn_Block -> Bool
isInModule_Syn_Block :: Bool,Syn_Block -> Region
mtokenPos_Syn_Block :: Region,Syn_Block -> [Map String (Bool, Region)]
scopes_Syn_Block :: ([M.Map String (Bool, Region)]),Syn_Block -> Int
statementCount_Syn_Block :: Int,Syn_Block -> DeterminedVariableStyle
variableStyle_Syn_Block :: DeterminedVariableStyle,Syn_Block -> [String -> LintMessage]
warnings_Syn_Block :: ([String -> LintMessage])}
wrap_Block :: T_Block ->
              Inh_Block ->
wrap_Block :: T_Block -> Inh_Block -> Syn_Block
wrap_Block T_Block
sem (Inh_Block LintSettings
_lhsIconfig String
_lhsIfuncName Map String [Region]
_lhsIglobalDefinitions Bool
_lhsIisInModule Bool
_lhsIisMeta Bool
_lhsIisRepeat Int
_lhsIloopLevel Region
_lhsImtokenPos Int
_lhsIscopeLevel [Map String (Bool, Region)]
_lhsIscopes DeterminedVariableStyle
_lhsIvariableStyle) =
    (let ( Block
sem_1) = T_Block
         ( Map String [Region]
_lhsOmtokenPos,[Map String (Bool, Region)]
_lhsOvariableStyle,[String -> LintMessage]
_lhsOwarnings) = T_Block_1
sem_1 LintSettings
_lhsIconfig String
_lhsIfuncName Map String [Region]
_lhsIglobalDefinitions Bool
_lhsIisInModule Bool
_lhsIisMeta Bool
_lhsIisRepeat Int
_lhsIloopLevel Region
_lhsImtokenPos Int
_lhsIscopeLevel [Map String (Bool, Region)]
_lhsIscopes DeterminedVariableStyle
     in  (Block
-> Map String [Region]
-> String
-> Bool
-> Bool
-> Region
-> [Map String (Bool, Region)]
-> Int
-> DeterminedVariableStyle
-> [String -> LintMessage]
-> Syn_Block
Syn_Block Block
_lhsOcopy Map String [Region]
_lhsOglobalDefinitions String
_lhsOidentifier Bool
_lhsOisIfStatement Bool
_lhsOisInModule Region
_lhsOmtokenPos [Map String (Bool, Region)]
_lhsOscopes Int
_lhsOstatementCount DeterminedVariableStyle
_lhsOvariableStyle [String -> LintMessage]
sem_Block_Block :: T_MStatList ->
                   T_AReturn ->
sem_Block_Block :: T_MStatList -> T_AReturn -> T_Block
sem_Block_Block T_MStatList
stats_ T_AReturn
ret_ =
    (case (T_AReturn
ret_) of
     { ( AReturn
ret_1) ->
         (case (T_MStatList
stats_) of
          { ( MStatList
stats_1) ->
              (case (({-# LINE 153 "src/GLuaFixer/AG/ASTLint.ag" #-}
                      Block _statsIcopy _retIcopy
                      {-# LINE 1967 "src/GLuaFixer/AG/ASTLint.hs" #-}
                      )) of
               { _copy ->
               (case (({-# LINE 153 "src/GLuaFixer/AG/ASTLint.ag" #-}
                       {-# LINE 1972 "src/GLuaFixer/AG/ASTLint.hs" #-}
                       )) of
                { _lhsOcopy ->
                (case ((let sem_Block_Block_1 :: T_Block_1
                            sem_Block_Block_1 =
                                (\ _lhsIconfig
                                   _lhsIvariableStyle ->
                                     (case (({-# LINE 144 "src/GLuaFixer/AG/ASTLint.ag" #-}
                                             {-# LINE 1990 "src/GLuaFixer/AG/ASTLint.hs" #-}
                                             )) of
                                      { _statsOscopes ->
                                      (case (({-# LINE 145 "src/GLuaFixer/AG/ASTLint.ag" #-}
                                              {-# LINE 1995 "src/GLuaFixer/AG/ASTLint.hs" #-}
                                              )) of
                                       { _statsOisMeta ->
                                       (case (({-# LINE 134 "src/GLuaFixer/AG/ASTLint.ag" #-}
                                               {-# LINE 2000 "src/GLuaFixer/AG/ASTLint.hs" #-}
                                               )) of
                                        { _statsOconfig ->
                                        (case (({-# LINE 131 "src/GLuaFixer/AG/ASTLint.ag" #-}
                                                {-# LINE 2005 "src/GLuaFixer/AG/ASTLint.hs" #-}
                                                )) of
                                         { _statsOvariableStyle ->
                                         (case (({-# LINE 135 "src/GLuaFixer/AG/ASTLint.ag" #-}
                                                 {-# LINE 2010 "src/GLuaFixer/AG/ASTLint.hs" #-}
                                                 )) of
                                          { _statsOmtokenPos ->
                                          (case (({-# LINE 128 "src/GLuaFixer/AG/ASTLint.ag" #-}
                                                  {-# LINE 2015 "src/GLuaFixer/AG/ASTLint.hs" #-}
                                                  )) of
                                           { _statsOloopLevel ->
                                           (case (({-# LINE 143 "src/GLuaFixer/AG/ASTLint.ag" #-}
                                                   {-# LINE 2020 "src/GLuaFixer/AG/ASTLint.hs" #-}
                                                   )) of
                                            { _statsOisInModule ->
                                            (case (({-# LINE 138 "src/GLuaFixer/AG/ASTLint.ag" #-}
                                                    {-# LINE 2025 "src/GLuaFixer/AG/ASTLint.hs" #-}
                                                    )) of
                                             { _statsOglobalDefinitions ->
                                             (case (({-# LINE 146 "src/GLuaFixer/AG/ASTLint.ag" #-}
                                                     {-# LINE 2030 "src/GLuaFixer/AG/ASTLint.hs" #-}
                                                     )) of
                                              { _statsOfuncName ->
                                              (case (({-# LINE 297 "src/GLuaFixer/AG/ASTLint.ag" #-}
                                                      _lhsIscopeLevel + 1
                                                      {-# LINE 2035 "src/GLuaFixer/AG/ASTLint.hs" #-}
                                                      )) of
                                               { _statsOscopeLevel ->
                                               (case (stats_1 _statsOconfig _statsOfuncName _statsOglobalDefinitions _statsOisInModule _statsOisMeta _statsOloopLevel _statsOmtokenPos _statsOscopeLevel _statsOscopes _statsOvariableStyle) of
                                                { ( _statsIglobalDefinitions,_statsIidentifier,_statsIisIfStatement,_statsIisInModule,_statsImtokenPos,_statsIscopes,_statsIstatementCount,_statsIvariableStyle,_statsIwarnings) ->
                                                    (case (({-# LINE 144 "src/GLuaFixer/AG/ASTLint.ag" #-}
                                                            {-# LINE 2042 "src/GLuaFixer/AG/ASTLint.hs" #-}
                                                            )) of
                                                     { _retOscopes ->
                                                     (case (({-# LINE 145 "src/GLuaFixer/AG/ASTLint.ag" #-}
                                                             {-# LINE 2047 "src/GLuaFixer/AG/ASTLint.hs" #-}
                                                             )) of
                                                      { _retOisMeta ->
                                                      (case (({-# LINE 143 "src/GLuaFixer/AG/ASTLint.ag" #-}
                                                              {-# LINE 2052 "src/GLuaFixer/AG/ASTLint.hs" #-}
                                                              )) of
                                                       { _retOisInModule ->
                                                       (case (({-# LINE 138 "src/GLuaFixer/AG/ASTLint.ag" #-}
                                                               {-# LINE 2057 "src/GLuaFixer/AG/ASTLint.hs" #-}
                                                               )) of
                                                        { _retOglobalDefinitions ->
                                                        (case (({-# LINE 134 "src/GLuaFixer/AG/ASTLint.ag" #-}
                                                                {-# LINE 2062 "src/GLuaFixer/AG/ASTLint.hs" #-}
                                                                )) of
                                                         { _retOconfig ->
                                                         (case (({-# LINE 131 "src/GLuaFixer/AG/ASTLint.ag" #-}
                                                                 {-# LINE 2067 "src/GLuaFixer/AG/ASTLint.hs" #-}
                                                                 )) of
                                                          { _retOvariableStyle ->
                                                          (case (({-# LINE 127 "src/GLuaFixer/AG/ASTLint.ag" #-}
                                                                  {-# LINE 2072 "src/GLuaFixer/AG/ASTLint.hs" #-}
                                                                  )) of
                                                           { _retOscopeLevel ->
                                                           (case (({-# LINE 135 "src/GLuaFixer/AG/ASTLint.ag" #-}
                                                                   {-# LINE 2077 "src/GLuaFixer/AG/ASTLint.hs" #-}
                                                                   )) of
                                                            { _retOmtokenPos ->
                                                            (case (({-# LINE 128 "src/GLuaFixer/AG/ASTLint.ag" #-}
                                                                    {-# LINE 2082 "src/GLuaFixer/AG/ASTLint.hs" #-}
                                                                    )) of
                                                             { _retOloopLevel ->
                                                             (case (({-# LINE 146 "src/GLuaFixer/AG/ASTLint.ag" #-}
                                                                     {-# LINE 2087 "src/GLuaFixer/AG/ASTLint.hs" #-}
                                                                     )) of
                                                              { _retOfuncName ->
                                                              (case (ret_1 _retOconfig _retOfuncName _retOglobalDefinitions _retOisInModule _retOisMeta _retOloopLevel _retOmtokenPos _retOscopeLevel _retOscopes _retOvariableStyle) of
                                                               { ( _retIglobalDefinitions,_retIidentifier,_retIisInModule,_retImtokenPos,_retIscopes,_retIstatementCount,_retIvariableStyle,_retIwarnings) ->
                                                                   (case (({-# LINE 138 "src/GLuaFixer/AG/ASTLint.ag" #-}
                                                                           {-# LINE 2094 "src/GLuaFixer/AG/ASTLint.hs" #-}
                                                                           )) of
                                                                    { _lhsOglobalDefinitions ->
                                                                    (case (({-# LINE 154 "src/GLuaFixer/AG/ASTLint.ag" #-}
                                                                            (const _statsIidentifier _retIidentifier)
                                                                            {-# LINE 2099 "src/GLuaFixer/AG/ASTLint.hs" #-}
                                                                            )) of
                                                                     { _lhsOidentifier ->
                                                                     (case (({-# LINE 208 "src/GLuaFixer/AG/ASTLint.ag" #-}
                                                                             {-# LINE 2104 "src/GLuaFixer/AG/ASTLint.hs" #-}
                                                                             )) of
                                                                      { _lhsOisIfStatement ->
                                                                      (case (({-# LINE 143 "src/GLuaFixer/AG/ASTLint.ag" #-}
                                                                              {-# LINE 2109 "src/GLuaFixer/AG/ASTLint.hs" #-}
                                                                              )) of
                                                                       { _lhsOisInModule ->
                                                                       (case (({-# LINE 135 "src/GLuaFixer/AG/ASTLint.ag" #-}
                                                                               {-# LINE 2114 "src/GLuaFixer/AG/ASTLint.hs" #-}
                                                                               )) of
                                                                        { _lhsOmtokenPos ->
                                                                        (case (({-# LINE 304 "src/GLuaFixer/AG/ASTLint.ag" #-}
                                                                                if _lhsIisRepeat then _retIscopes else tail _retIscopes
                                                                                {-# LINE 2119 "src/GLuaFixer/AG/ASTLint.hs" #-}
                                                                                )) of
                                                                         { _lhsOscopes ->
                                                                         (case (({-# LINE 157 "src/GLuaFixer/AG/ASTLint.ag" #-}
                                                                                 _statsIstatementCount + _retIstatementCount
                                                                                 {-# LINE 2124 "src/GLuaFixer/AG/ASTLint.hs" #-}
                                                                                 )) of
                                                                          { _lhsOstatementCount ->
                                                                          (case (({-# LINE 131 "src/GLuaFixer/AG/ASTLint.ag" #-}
                                                                                  {-# LINE 2129 "src/GLuaFixer/AG/ASTLint.hs" #-}
                                                                                  )) of
                                                                           { _lhsOvariableStyle ->
                                                                           (case (({-# LINE 302 "src/GLuaFixer/AG/ASTLint.ag" #-}
                                                                                   _statsIwarnings ++ _retIwarnings
                                                                                   {-# LINE 2134 "src/GLuaFixer/AG/ASTLint.hs" #-}
                                                                                   )) of
                                                                            { _warnings_augmented_syn ->
                                                                            (case (({-# LINE 301 "src/GLuaFixer/AG/ASTLint.ag" #-}
                                                                                    M.filterWithKey (\k (b, _) -> not (null k) && head k /= '_' && not b) (head _retIscopes)
                                                                                    {-# LINE 2139 "src/GLuaFixer/AG/ASTLint.hs" #-}
                                                                                    )) of
                                                                             { _deadVars ->
                                                                             (case (({-# LINE 298 "src/GLuaFixer/AG/ASTLint.ag" #-}
                                                                                     lint_maxScopeDepth _lhsIconfig
                                                                                     {-# LINE 2144 "src/GLuaFixer/AG/ASTLint.hs" #-}
                                                                                     )) of
                                                                              { _maxScopeDepth ->
                                                                              (case (({-# LINE 302 "src/GLuaFixer/AG/ASTLint.ag" #-}
                                                                                      if _maxScopeDepth     == 0 || _lhsIscopeLevel /= _maxScopeDepth     then id else
                                                                                        (:) $ warn _statsImtokenPos ScopePyramids
                                                                                      {-# LINE 2150 "src/GLuaFixer/AG/ASTLint.hs" #-}
                                                                                      )) of
                                                                               { _warnings_augmented_f2 ->
                                                                               (case (({-# LINE 302 "src/GLuaFixer/AG/ASTLint.ag" #-}
                                                                                       if not (lint_unusedVars _lhsIconfig) || _lhsIisRepeat then id else
                                                                                         (++) $ M.foldrWithKey (\k (_, pos) ls -> warn pos (UnusedVariable k) : ls) [] _deadVars
                                                                                       {-# LINE 2156 "src/GLuaFixer/AG/ASTLint.hs" #-}
                                                                                       )) of
                                                                                { _warnings_augmented_f1 ->
                                                                                (case (({-# LINE 302 "src/GLuaFixer/AG/ASTLint.ag" #-}
                                                                                        foldr ($) _warnings_augmented_syn [_warnings_augmented_f1, _warnings_augmented_f2]
                                                                                        {-# LINE 2161 "src/GLuaFixer/AG/ASTLint.hs" #-}
                                                                                        )) of
                                                                                 { _lhsOwarnings ->
                                                                                 ( _lhsOglobalDefinitions,_lhsOidentifier,_lhsOisIfStatement,_lhsOisInModule,_lhsOmtokenPos,_lhsOscopes,_lhsOstatementCount,_lhsOvariableStyle,_lhsOwarnings) }) }) }) }) }) }) }) }) }) }) }) }) }) }) }) }) }) }) }) }) }) }) }) }) }) }) }) }) }) }) }) }) }) }) }) }))
                        in  sem_Block_Block_1)) of
                 { ( sem_Block_1) ->
                 ( _lhsOcopy,sem_Block_1) }) }) }) }) })
-- Declaration -------------------------------------------------
-- cata
sem_Declaration :: Declaration ->
sem_Declaration :: Declaration -> T_Declaration
sem_Declaration ( PrefixExp
x2) =
    (T_PrefixExp -> T_MaybeMExpr -> T_Declaration
sem_Declaration_Tuple (PrefixExp -> T_PrefixExp
sem_PrefixExp PrefixExp
x1) (MaybeMExpr -> T_MaybeMExpr
sem_MaybeMExpr MaybeMExpr
-- semantic domain
type T_Declaration = ( Declaration,T_Declaration_1)
type T_Declaration_1 = LintSettings ->
                       String ->
                       (M.Map String [Region]) ->
                       Bool ->
                       Bool ->
                       Bool ->
                       Int ->
                       Region ->
                       Int ->
                       ([M.Map String (Bool, Region)]) ->
                       DeterminedVariableStyle ->
                       ( (M.Map String [Region]),String,Bool,Region,([M.Map String (Bool, Region)]),DeterminedVariableStyle,([String -> LintMessage]))
data Inh_Declaration = Inh_Declaration {Inh_Declaration -> LintSettings
config_Inh_Declaration :: LintSettings,Inh_Declaration -> String
funcName_Inh_Declaration :: String,Inh_Declaration -> Map String [Region]
globalDefinitions_Inh_Declaration :: (M.Map String [Region]),Inh_Declaration -> Bool
isInModule_Inh_Declaration :: Bool,Inh_Declaration -> Bool
isMeta_Inh_Declaration :: Bool,Inh_Declaration -> Bool
localDefinition_Inh_Declaration :: Bool,Inh_Declaration -> Int
loopLevel_Inh_Declaration :: Int,Inh_Declaration -> Region
mtokenPos_Inh_Declaration :: Region,Inh_Declaration -> Int
scopeLevel_Inh_Declaration :: Int,Inh_Declaration -> [Map String (Bool, Region)]
scopes_Inh_Declaration :: ([M.Map String (Bool, Region)]),Inh_Declaration -> DeterminedVariableStyle
variableStyle_Inh_Declaration :: DeterminedVariableStyle}
data Syn_Declaration = Syn_Declaration {Syn_Declaration -> Declaration
copy_Syn_Declaration :: Declaration,Syn_Declaration -> Map String [Region]
globalDefinitions_Syn_Declaration :: (M.Map String [Region]),Syn_Declaration -> String
identifier_Syn_Declaration :: String,Syn_Declaration -> Bool
isInModule_Syn_Declaration :: Bool,Syn_Declaration -> Region
mtokenPos_Syn_Declaration :: Region,Syn_Declaration -> [Map String (Bool, Region)]
scopes_Syn_Declaration :: ([M.Map String (Bool, Region)]),Syn_Declaration -> DeterminedVariableStyle
variableStyle_Syn_Declaration :: DeterminedVariableStyle,Syn_Declaration -> [String -> LintMessage]
warnings_Syn_Declaration :: ([String -> LintMessage])}
wrap_Declaration :: T_Declaration ->
                    Inh_Declaration ->
wrap_Declaration :: T_Declaration -> Inh_Declaration -> Syn_Declaration
wrap_Declaration T_Declaration
sem (Inh_Declaration LintSettings
_lhsIconfig String
_lhsIfuncName Map String [Region]
_lhsIglobalDefinitions Bool
_lhsIisInModule Bool
_lhsIisMeta Bool
_lhsIlocalDefinition Int
_lhsIloopLevel Region
_lhsImtokenPos Int
_lhsIscopeLevel [Map String (Bool, Region)]
_lhsIscopes DeterminedVariableStyle
_lhsIvariableStyle) =
    (let ( Declaration
sem_1) = T_Declaration
         ( Map String [Region]
_lhsOmtokenPos,[Map String (Bool, Region)]
_lhsOvariableStyle,[String -> LintMessage]
_lhsOwarnings) = T_Declaration_1
sem_1 LintSettings
_lhsIconfig String
_lhsIfuncName Map String [Region]
_lhsIglobalDefinitions Bool
_lhsIisInModule Bool
_lhsIisMeta Bool
_lhsIlocalDefinition Int
_lhsIloopLevel Region
_lhsImtokenPos Int
_lhsIscopeLevel [Map String (Bool, Region)]
_lhsIscopes DeterminedVariableStyle
     in  (Declaration
-> Map String [Region]
-> String
-> Bool
-> Region
-> [Map String (Bool, Region)]
-> DeterminedVariableStyle
-> [String -> LintMessage]
-> Syn_Declaration
Syn_Declaration Declaration
_lhsOcopy Map String [Region]
_lhsOglobalDefinitions String
_lhsOidentifier Bool
_lhsOisInModule Region
_lhsOmtokenPos [Map String (Bool, Region)]
_lhsOscopes DeterminedVariableStyle
_lhsOvariableStyle [String -> LintMessage]
sem_Declaration_Tuple :: T_PrefixExp ->
                         T_MaybeMExpr ->
sem_Declaration_Tuple :: T_PrefixExp -> T_MaybeMExpr -> T_Declaration
sem_Declaration_Tuple T_PrefixExp
x1_ T_MaybeMExpr
x2_ =
    (case (T_MaybeMExpr
x2_) of
     { ( MaybeMExpr
x2_1) ->
         (case (T_PrefixExp
x1_) of
          { ( PrefixExp
_x1ImtokenPos,Maybe MToken
x1_1) ->
              (case (({-# LINE 153 "src/GLuaFixer/AG/ASTLint.ag" #-}
                      {-# LINE 2207 "src/GLuaFixer/AG/ASTLint.hs" #-}
                      )) of
               { _copy ->
               (case (({-# LINE 153 "src/GLuaFixer/AG/ASTLint.ag" #-}
                       {-# LINE 2212 "src/GLuaFixer/AG/ASTLint.hs" #-}
                       )) of
                { _lhsOcopy ->
                (case ((let sem_Declaration_Tuple_1 :: T_Declaration_1
                            sem_Declaration_Tuple_1 =
                                (\ _lhsIconfig
                                   _lhsIvariableStyle ->
                                     (case (({-# LINE 145 "src/GLuaFixer/AG/ASTLint.ag" #-}
                                             {-# LINE 2230 "src/GLuaFixer/AG/ASTLint.hs" #-}
                                             )) of
                                      { _x1OisMeta ->
                                      (case (({-# LINE 134 "src/GLuaFixer/AG/ASTLint.ag" #-}
                                              {-# LINE 2235 "src/GLuaFixer/AG/ASTLint.hs" #-}
                                              )) of
                                       { _x1Oconfig ->
                                       (case (({-# LINE 267 "src/GLuaFixer/AG/ASTLint.ag" #-}
                                               tokenLabel . fromMaybe (error "fromMaybe sem Declaration loc.var") $ _x1IvarName
                                               {-# LINE 2240 "src/GLuaFixer/AG/ASTLint.hs" #-}
                                               )) of
                                        { _var ->
                                        (case (({-# LINE 275 "src/GLuaFixer/AG/ASTLint.ag" #-}
                                                if _lhsIlocalDefinition then
                                                  M.insert _var     (False, _x1ImtokenPos) (head _lhsIscopes) : tail _lhsIscopes
                                                 else if isJust _x1IvarName then
                                                          registerVariable _lhsIscopes _x1ImtokenPos _var     _x1IhasSuffixes
                                                {-# LINE 2250 "src/GLuaFixer/AG/ASTLint.hs" #-}
                                                )) of
                                         { _x1Oscopes ->
                                         (case (({-# LINE 263 "src/GLuaFixer/AG/ASTLint.ag" #-}
                                                 {-# LINE 2255 "src/GLuaFixer/AG/ASTLint.hs" #-}
                                                 )) of
                                          { _x1OvarBeingDefined ->
                                          (case (({-# LINE 259 "src/GLuaFixer/AG/ASTLint.ag" #-}
                                                  {-# LINE 2260 "src/GLuaFixer/AG/ASTLint.hs" #-}
                                                  )) of
                                           { _x1OregisterVarUse ->
                                           (case (({-# LINE 131 "src/GLuaFixer/AG/ASTLint.ag" #-}
                                                   {-# LINE 2265 "src/GLuaFixer/AG/ASTLint.hs" #-}
                                                   )) of
                                            { _x1OvariableStyle ->
                                            (case (({-# LINE 127 "src/GLuaFixer/AG/ASTLint.ag" #-}
                                                    {-# LINE 2270 "src/GLuaFixer/AG/ASTLint.hs" #-}
                                                    )) of
                                             { _x1OscopeLevel ->
                                             (case (({-# LINE 135 "src/GLuaFixer/AG/ASTLint.ag" #-}
                                                     {-# LINE 2275 "src/GLuaFixer/AG/ASTLint.hs" #-}
                                                     )) of
                                              { _x1OmtokenPos ->
                                              (case (({-# LINE 128 "src/GLuaFixer/AG/ASTLint.ag" #-}
                                                      {-# LINE 2280 "src/GLuaFixer/AG/ASTLint.hs" #-}
                                                      )) of
                                               { _x1OloopLevel ->
                                               (case (({-# LINE 143 "src/GLuaFixer/AG/ASTLint.ag" #-}
                                                       {-# LINE 2285 "src/GLuaFixer/AG/ASTLint.hs" #-}
                                                       )) of
                                                { _x1OisInModule ->
                                                (case (({-# LINE 138 "src/GLuaFixer/AG/ASTLint.ag" #-}
                                                        {-# LINE 2290 "src/GLuaFixer/AG/ASTLint.hs" #-}
                                                        )) of
                                                 { _x1OglobalDefinitions ->
                                                 (case (({-# LINE 146 "src/GLuaFixer/AG/ASTLint.ag" #-}
                                                         {-# LINE 2295 "src/GLuaFixer/AG/ASTLint.hs" #-}
                                                         )) of
                                                  { _x1OfuncName ->
                                                  (case (({-# LINE 261 "src/GLuaFixer/AG/ASTLint.ag" #-}
                                                          {-# LINE 2300 "src/GLuaFixer/AG/ASTLint.hs" #-}
                                                          )) of
                                                   { _x1OtopLevel ->
                                                   (case (({-# LINE 260 "src/GLuaFixer/AG/ASTLint.ag" #-}
                                                           {-# LINE 2305 "src/GLuaFixer/AG/ASTLint.hs" #-}
                                                           )) of
                                                    { _x1OinParentheses ->
                                                    (case (({-# LINE 258 "src/GLuaFixer/AG/ASTLint.ag" #-}
                                                            {-# LINE 2310 "src/GLuaFixer/AG/ASTLint.hs" #-}
                                                            )) of
                                                     { _x1OisNegation ->
                                                     (case (x1_1 _x1Oconfig _x1OfuncName _x1OglobalDefinitions _x1OinParentheses _x1OisInModule _x1OisMeta _x1OisNegation _x1OloopLevel _x1OmtokenPos _x1OregisterVarUse _x1OscopeLevel _x1Oscopes _x1OtopLevel _x1OvarBeingDefined _x1OvariableStyle) of
                                                      { ( _x1IglobalDefinitions,_x1Iidentifier,_x1IisInModule,_x1IisSimpleExpression,_x1IisSingleVar,_x1Iscopes,_x1IvariableStyle,_x1Iwarnings) ->
                                                          (case (({-# LINE 144 "src/GLuaFixer/AG/ASTLint.ag" #-}
                                                                  {-# LINE 2317 "src/GLuaFixer/AG/ASTLint.hs" #-}
                                                                  )) of
                                                           { _x2Oscopes ->
                                                           (case (({-# LINE 145 "src/GLuaFixer/AG/ASTLint.ag" #-}
                                                                   {-# LINE 2322 "src/GLuaFixer/AG/ASTLint.hs" #-}
                                                                   )) of
                                                            { _x2OisMeta ->
                                                            (case (({-# LINE 143 "src/GLuaFixer/AG/ASTLint.ag" #-}
                                                                    {-# LINE 2327 "src/GLuaFixer/AG/ASTLint.hs" #-}
                                                                    )) of
                                                             { _x2OisInModule ->
                                                             (case (({-# LINE 138 "src/GLuaFixer/AG/ASTLint.ag" #-}
                                                                     {-# LINE 2332 "src/GLuaFixer/AG/ASTLint.hs" #-}
                                                                     )) of
                                                              { _x2OglobalDefinitions ->
                                                              (case (({-# LINE 134 "src/GLuaFixer/AG/ASTLint.ag" #-}
                                                                      {-# LINE 2337 "src/GLuaFixer/AG/ASTLint.hs" #-}
                                                                      )) of
                                                               { _x2Oconfig ->
                                                               (case (({-# LINE 265 "src/GLuaFixer/AG/ASTLint.ag" #-}
                                                                       if _x1IhasSuffixes || not _lhsIlocalDefinition then Nothing else _x1IvarName
                                                                       {-# LINE 2342 "src/GLuaFixer/AG/ASTLint.hs" #-}
                                                                       )) of
                                                                { _x2OvarBeingDefined ->
                                                                (case (({-# LINE 131 "src/GLuaFixer/AG/ASTLint.ag" #-}
                                                                        {-# LINE 2347 "src/GLuaFixer/AG/ASTLint.hs" #-}
                                                                        )) of
                                                                 { _x2OvariableStyle ->
                                                                 (case (({-# LINE 127 "src/GLuaFixer/AG/ASTLint.ag" #-}
                                                                         {-# LINE 2352 "src/GLuaFixer/AG/ASTLint.hs" #-}
                                                                         )) of
                                                                  { _x2OscopeLevel ->
                                                                  (case (({-# LINE 135 "src/GLuaFixer/AG/ASTLint.ag" #-}
                                                                          {-# LINE 2357 "src/GLuaFixer/AG/ASTLint.hs" #-}
                                                                          )) of
                                                                   { _x2OmtokenPos ->
                                                                   (case (({-# LINE 128 "src/GLuaFixer/AG/ASTLint.ag" #-}
                                                                           {-# LINE 2362 "src/GLuaFixer/AG/ASTLint.hs" #-}
                                                                           )) of
                                                                    { _x2OloopLevel ->
                                                                    (case (({-# LINE 146 "src/GLuaFixer/AG/ASTLint.ag" #-}
                                                                            {-# LINE 2367 "src/GLuaFixer/AG/ASTLint.hs" #-}
                                                                            )) of
                                                                     { _x2OfuncName ->
                                                                     (case (({-# LINE 262 "src/GLuaFixer/AG/ASTLint.ag" #-}
                                                                             {-# LINE 2372 "src/GLuaFixer/AG/ASTLint.hs" #-}
                                                                             )) of
                                                                      { _x2OisNegation ->
                                                                      (case (x2_1 _x2Oconfig _x2OfuncName _x2OglobalDefinitions _x2OisInModule _x2OisMeta _x2OisNegation _x2OloopLevel _x2OmtokenPos _x2OscopeLevel _x2Oscopes _x2OvarBeingDefined _x2OvariableStyle) of
                                                                       { ( _x2IglobalDefinitions,_x2Iidentifier,_x2IisInModule,_x2IisSingleVar,_x2ImtokenPos,_x2Iscopes,_x2IvariableStyle,_x2Iwarnings) ->
                                                                           (case (({-# LINE 282 "src/GLuaFixer/AG/ASTLint.ag" #-}
                                                                                   {-# LINE 2379 "src/GLuaFixer/AG/ASTLint.hs" #-}
                                                                                   )) of
                                                                            { _globalDefinitions_augmented_syn ->
                                                                            (case (({-# LINE 282 "src/GLuaFixer/AG/ASTLint.ag" #-}
                                                                                    if _lhsIisInModule || _lhsIlocalDefinition || isVariableLocal _lhsIscopes _var     || _x1IhasSuffixes then id else
                                                                                      M.insertWith (++) _var     [_x1ImtokenPos]
                                                                                    {-# LINE 2385 "src/GLuaFixer/AG/ASTLint.hs" #-}
                                                                                    )) of
                                                                             { _globalDefinitions_augmented_f1 ->
                                                                             (case (({-# LINE 282 "src/GLuaFixer/AG/ASTLint.ag" #-}
                                                                                     foldr ($) _globalDefinitions_augmented_syn [_globalDefinitions_augmented_f1]
                                                                                     {-# LINE 2390 "src/GLuaFixer/AG/ASTLint.hs" #-}
                                                                                     )) of
                                                                              { _lhsOglobalDefinitions ->
                                                                              (case (({-# LINE 154 "src/GLuaFixer/AG/ASTLint.ag" #-}
                                                                                      (const _x1Iidentifier _x2Iidentifier)
                                                                                      {-# LINE 2395 "src/GLuaFixer/AG/ASTLint.hs" #-}
                                                                                      )) of
                                                                               { _lhsOidentifier ->
                                                                               (case (({-# LINE 143 "src/GLuaFixer/AG/ASTLint.ag" #-}
                                                                                       {-# LINE 2400 "src/GLuaFixer/AG/ASTLint.hs" #-}
                                                                                       )) of
                                                                                { _lhsOisInModule ->
                                                                                (case (({-# LINE 256 "src/GLuaFixer/AG/ASTLint.ag" #-}
                                                                                        {-# LINE 2405 "src/GLuaFixer/AG/ASTLint.hs" #-}
                                                                                        )) of
                                                                                 { _lhsOmtokenPos ->
                                                                                 (case (({-# LINE 144 "src/GLuaFixer/AG/ASTLint.ag" #-}
                                                                                         {-# LINE 2410 "src/GLuaFixer/AG/ASTLint.hs" #-}
                                                                                         )) of
                                                                                  { _lhsOscopes ->
                                                                                  (case (({-# LINE 268 "src/GLuaFixer/AG/ASTLint.ag" #-}
                                                                                          determineVariableStyle _var
                                                                                          {-# LINE 2415 "src/GLuaFixer/AG/ASTLint.hs" #-}
                                                                                          )) of
                                                                                   { _varStyle ->
                                                                                   (case (({-# LINE 257 "src/GLuaFixer/AG/ASTLint.ag" #-}
                                                                                           if _lhsIlocalDefinition then combineDeterminedVarStyle _lhsIvariableStyle _varStyle     else _lhsIvariableStyle
                                                                                           {-# LINE 2420 "src/GLuaFixer/AG/ASTLint.hs" #-}
                                                                                           )) of
                                                                                    { _lhsOvariableStyle ->
                                                                                    (case (({-# LINE 287 "src/GLuaFixer/AG/ASTLint.ag" #-}
                                                                                            _x1Iwarnings ++ _x2Iwarnings
                                                                                            {-# LINE 2425 "src/GLuaFixer/AG/ASTLint.hs" #-}
                                                                                            )) of
                                                                                     { _warnings_augmented_syn ->
                                                                                     (case (({-# LINE 269 "src/GLuaFixer/AG/ASTLint.ag" #-}
                                                                                               var <- _x1IvarName
                                                                                               if (Just var /= _x2IisSingleVar) then
                                                                                                   checkShadows _lhsIscopes var
                                                                                               else Nothing
                                                                                             {-# LINE 2434 "src/GLuaFixer/AG/ASTLint.hs" #-}
                                                                                             )) of
                                                                                      { _shadowWarning ->
                                                                                      (case (({-# LINE 287 "src/GLuaFixer/AG/ASTLint.ag" #-}
                                                                                              if not (lint_shadowing _lhsIconfig) || not _lhsIlocalDefinition || isNothing _shadowWarning     then id else
                                                                                                (:) . fromMaybe (error "fromMaybe sem Declaration +warnings") $ _shadowWarning
                                                                                              {-# LINE 2440 "src/GLuaFixer/AG/ASTLint.hs" #-}
                                                                                              )) of
                                                                                       { _warnings_augmented_f2 ->
                                                                                       (case (({-# LINE 287 "src/GLuaFixer/AG/ASTLint.ag" #-}
                                                                                               if not (lint_inconsistentVariableStyle _lhsIconfig) || not _lhsIlocalDefinition || not (variableStyleInconsistent _lhsIvariableStyle _varStyle    ) then id else
                                                                                                 (:) $ warn _x1ImtokenPos InconsistentVariableNaming
                                                                                               {-# LINE 2446 "src/GLuaFixer/AG/ASTLint.hs" #-}
                                                                                               )) of
                                                                                        { _warnings_augmented_f1 ->
                                                                                        (case (({-# LINE 287 "src/GLuaFixer/AG/ASTLint.ag" #-}
                                                                                                foldr ($) _warnings_augmented_syn [_warnings_augmented_f1, _warnings_augmented_f2]
                                                                                                {-# LINE 2451 "src/GLuaFixer/AG/ASTLint.hs" #-}
                                                                                                )) of
                                                                                         { _lhsOwarnings ->
                                                                                         ( _lhsOglobalDefinitions,_lhsOidentifier,_lhsOisInModule,_lhsOmtokenPos,_lhsOscopes,_lhsOvariableStyle,_lhsOwarnings) }) }) }) }) }) }) }) }) }) }) }) }) }) }) }) }) }) }) }) }) }) }) }) }) }) }) }) }) }) }) }) }) }) }) }) }) }) }) }) }) }) }) }) }))
                        in  sem_Declaration_Tuple_1)) of
                 { ( sem_Declaration_1) ->
                 ( _lhsOcopy,sem_Declaration_1) }) }) }) }) })
-- Else --------------------------------------------------------
-- cata
sem_Else :: Else ->
sem_Else :: Else -> T_Else
sem_Else (Prelude.Just MElse
x) =
    (T_MElse -> T_Else
sem_Else_Just (MElse -> T_MElse
sem_MElse MElse
sem_Else Else
Prelude.Nothing =
-- semantic domain
type T_Else = ( Else,T_Else_1)
type T_Else_1 = LintSettings ->
                String ->
                (M.Map String [Region]) ->
                Bool ->
                Bool ->
                Int ->
                Region ->
                Int ->
                ([M.Map String (Bool, Region)]) ->
                DeterminedVariableStyle ->
                ( Bool,(M.Map String [Region]),String,Bool,Region,([M.Map String (Bool, Region)]),DeterminedVariableStyle,([String -> LintMessage]))
data Inh_Else = Inh_Else {Inh_Else -> LintSettings
config_Inh_Else :: LintSettings,Inh_Else -> String
funcName_Inh_Else :: String,Inh_Else -> Map String [Region]
globalDefinitions_Inh_Else :: (M.Map String [Region]),Inh_Else -> Bool
isInModule_Inh_Else :: Bool,Inh_Else -> Bool
isMeta_Inh_Else :: Bool,Inh_Else -> Int
loopLevel_Inh_Else :: Int,Inh_Else -> Region
mtokenPos_Inh_Else :: Region,Inh_Else -> Int
scopeLevel_Inh_Else :: Int,Inh_Else -> [Map String (Bool, Region)]
scopes_Inh_Else :: ([M.Map String (Bool, Region)]),Inh_Else -> DeterminedVariableStyle
variableStyle_Inh_Else :: DeterminedVariableStyle}
data Syn_Else = Syn_Else {Syn_Else -> Else
copy_Syn_Else :: Else,Syn_Else -> Bool
elseExists_Syn_Else :: Bool,Syn_Else -> Map String [Region]
globalDefinitions_Syn_Else :: (M.Map String [Region]),Syn_Else -> String
identifier_Syn_Else :: String,Syn_Else -> Bool
isInModule_Syn_Else :: Bool,Syn_Else -> Region
mtokenPos_Syn_Else :: Region,Syn_Else -> [Map String (Bool, Region)]
scopes_Syn_Else :: ([M.Map String (Bool, Region)]),Syn_Else -> DeterminedVariableStyle
variableStyle_Syn_Else :: DeterminedVariableStyle,Syn_Else -> [String -> LintMessage]
warnings_Syn_Else :: ([String -> LintMessage])}
wrap_Else :: T_Else ->
             Inh_Else ->
wrap_Else :: T_Else -> Inh_Else -> Syn_Else
wrap_Else T_Else
sem (Inh_Else LintSettings
_lhsIconfig String
_lhsIfuncName Map String [Region]
_lhsIglobalDefinitions Bool
_lhsIisInModule Bool
_lhsIisMeta Int
_lhsIloopLevel Region
_lhsImtokenPos Int
_lhsIscopeLevel [Map String (Bool, Region)]
_lhsIscopes DeterminedVariableStyle
_lhsIvariableStyle) =
    (let ( Else
sem_1) = T_Else
         ( Bool
_lhsOelseExists,Map String [Region]
_lhsOmtokenPos,[Map String (Bool, Region)]
_lhsOvariableStyle,[String -> LintMessage]
_lhsOwarnings) = T_Else_1
sem_1 LintSettings
_lhsIconfig String
_lhsIfuncName Map String [Region]
_lhsIglobalDefinitions Bool
_lhsIisInModule Bool
_lhsIisMeta Int
_lhsIloopLevel Region
_lhsImtokenPos Int
_lhsIscopeLevel [Map String (Bool, Region)]
_lhsIscopes DeterminedVariableStyle
     in  (Else
-> Bool
-> Map String [Region]
-> String
-> Bool
-> Region
-> [Map String (Bool, Region)]
-> DeterminedVariableStyle
-> [String -> LintMessage]
-> Syn_Else
Syn_Else Else
_lhsOcopy Bool
_lhsOelseExists Map String [Region]
_lhsOglobalDefinitions String
_lhsOidentifier Bool
_lhsOisInModule Region
_lhsOmtokenPos [Map String (Bool, Region)]
_lhsOscopes DeterminedVariableStyle
_lhsOvariableStyle [String -> LintMessage]
sem_Else_Just :: T_MElse ->
sem_Else_Just :: T_MElse -> T_Else
sem_Else_Just T_MElse
just_ =
    (case (T_MElse
just_) of
     { ( MElse
just_1) ->
         (case (({-# LINE 153 "src/GLuaFixer/AG/ASTLint.ag" #-}
                 Just _justIcopy
                 {-# LINE 2495 "src/GLuaFixer/AG/ASTLint.hs" #-}
                 )) of
          { _copy ->
          (case (({-# LINE 153 "src/GLuaFixer/AG/ASTLint.ag" #-}
                  {-# LINE 2500 "src/GLuaFixer/AG/ASTLint.hs" #-}
                  )) of
           { _lhsOcopy ->
           (case ((let sem_Else_Just_1 :: T_Else_1
                       sem_Else_Just_1 =
                           (\ _lhsIconfig
                              _lhsIvariableStyle ->
                                (case (({-# LINE 485 "src/GLuaFixer/AG/ASTLint.ag" #-}
                                        {-# LINE 2517 "src/GLuaFixer/AG/ASTLint.hs" #-}
                                        )) of
                                 { _lhsOelseExists ->
                                 (case (({-# LINE 145 "src/GLuaFixer/AG/ASTLint.ag" #-}
                                         {-# LINE 2522 "src/GLuaFixer/AG/ASTLint.hs" #-}
                                         )) of
                                  { _justOisMeta ->
                                  (case (({-# LINE 143 "src/GLuaFixer/AG/ASTLint.ag" #-}
                                          {-# LINE 2527 "src/GLuaFixer/AG/ASTLint.hs" #-}
                                          )) of
                                   { _justOisInModule ->
                                   (case (({-# LINE 138 "src/GLuaFixer/AG/ASTLint.ag" #-}
                                           {-# LINE 2532 "src/GLuaFixer/AG/ASTLint.hs" #-}
                                           )) of
                                    { _justOglobalDefinitions ->
                                    (case (({-# LINE 134 "src/GLuaFixer/AG/ASTLint.ag" #-}
                                            {-# LINE 2537 "src/GLuaFixer/AG/ASTLint.hs" #-}
                                            )) of
                                     { _justOconfig ->
                                     (case (({-# LINE 484 "src/GLuaFixer/AG/ASTLint.ag" #-}
                                             M.empty : _lhsIscopes
                                             {-# LINE 2542 "src/GLuaFixer/AG/ASTLint.hs" #-}
                                             )) of
                                      { _justOscopes ->
                                      (case (({-# LINE 131 "src/GLuaFixer/AG/ASTLint.ag" #-}
                                              {-# LINE 2547 "src/GLuaFixer/AG/ASTLint.hs" #-}
                                              )) of
                                       { _justOvariableStyle ->
                                       (case (({-# LINE 127 "src/GLuaFixer/AG/ASTLint.ag" #-}
                                               {-# LINE 2552 "src/GLuaFixer/AG/ASTLint.hs" #-}
                                               )) of
                                        { _justOscopeLevel ->
                                        (case (({-# LINE 135 "src/GLuaFixer/AG/ASTLint.ag" #-}
                                                {-# LINE 2557 "src/GLuaFixer/AG/ASTLint.hs" #-}
                                                )) of
                                         { _justOmtokenPos ->
                                         (case (({-# LINE 128 "src/GLuaFixer/AG/ASTLint.ag" #-}
                                                 {-# LINE 2562 "src/GLuaFixer/AG/ASTLint.hs" #-}
                                                 )) of
                                          { _justOloopLevel ->
                                          (case (({-# LINE 146 "src/GLuaFixer/AG/ASTLint.ag" #-}
                                                  {-# LINE 2567 "src/GLuaFixer/AG/ASTLint.hs" #-}
                                                  )) of
                                           { _justOfuncName ->
                                           (case (just_1 _justOconfig _justOfuncName _justOglobalDefinitions _justOisInModule _justOisMeta _justOloopLevel _justOmtokenPos _justOscopeLevel _justOscopes _justOvariableStyle) of
                                            { ( _justIelseExists,_justIglobalDefinitions,_justIidentifier,_justIisInModule,_justImtokenPos,_justIscopes,_justIstatementCount,_justIvariableStyle,_justIwarnings) ->
                                                (case (({-# LINE 138 "src/GLuaFixer/AG/ASTLint.ag" #-}
                                                        {-# LINE 2574 "src/GLuaFixer/AG/ASTLint.hs" #-}
                                                        )) of
                                                 { _lhsOglobalDefinitions ->
                                                 (case (({-# LINE 154 "src/GLuaFixer/AG/ASTLint.ag" #-}
                                                         {-# LINE 2579 "src/GLuaFixer/AG/ASTLint.hs" #-}
                                                         )) of
                                                  { _lhsOidentifier ->
                                                  (case (({-# LINE 143 "src/GLuaFixer/AG/ASTLint.ag" #-}
                                                          {-# LINE 2584 "src/GLuaFixer/AG/ASTLint.hs" #-}
                                                          )) of
                                                   { _lhsOisInModule ->
                                                   (case (({-# LINE 135 "src/GLuaFixer/AG/ASTLint.ag" #-}
                                                           {-# LINE 2589 "src/GLuaFixer/AG/ASTLint.hs" #-}
                                                           )) of
                                                    { _lhsOmtokenPos ->
                                                    (case (({-# LINE 144 "src/GLuaFixer/AG/ASTLint.ag" #-}
                                                            {-# LINE 2594 "src/GLuaFixer/AG/ASTLint.hs" #-}
                                                            )) of
                                                     { _lhsOscopes ->
                                                     (case (({-# LINE 131 "src/GLuaFixer/AG/ASTLint.ag" #-}
                                                             {-# LINE 2599 "src/GLuaFixer/AG/ASTLint.hs" #-}
                                                             )) of
                                                      { _lhsOvariableStyle ->
                                                      (case (({-# LINE 487 "src/GLuaFixer/AG/ASTLint.ag" #-}
                                                              {-# LINE 2604 "src/GLuaFixer/AG/ASTLint.hs" #-}
                                                              )) of
                                                       { _warnings_augmented_syn ->
                                                       (case (({-# LINE 486 "src/GLuaFixer/AG/ASTLint.ag" #-}
                                                               Region (rgStart _justImtokenPos) (customAdvanceToken (rgStart _justImtokenPos) T.Else)
                                                               {-# LINE 2609 "src/GLuaFixer/AG/ASTLint.hs" #-}
                                                               )) of
                                                        { _keywordPos ->
                                                        (case (({-# LINE 487 "src/GLuaFixer/AG/ASTLint.ag" #-}
                                                                if not (lint_emptyBlocks _lhsIconfig) || _justIstatementCount > 0 then id else
                                                                  (:) $ warn _keywordPos     EmptyElse
                                                                {-# LINE 2615 "src/GLuaFixer/AG/ASTLint.hs" #-}
                                                                )) of
                                                         { _warnings_augmented_f1 ->
                                                         (case (({-# LINE 487 "src/GLuaFixer/AG/ASTLint.ag" #-}
                                                                 foldr ($) _warnings_augmented_syn [_warnings_augmented_f1]
                                                                 {-# LINE 2620 "src/GLuaFixer/AG/ASTLint.hs" #-}
                                                                 )) of
                                                          { _lhsOwarnings ->
                                                          ( _lhsOelseExists,_lhsOglobalDefinitions,_lhsOidentifier,_lhsOisInModule,_lhsOmtokenPos,_lhsOscopes,_lhsOvariableStyle,_lhsOwarnings) }) }) }) }) }) }) }) }) }) }) }) }) }) }) }) }) }) }) }) }) }) }))
                   in  sem_Else_Just_1)) of
            { ( sem_Else_1) ->
            ( _lhsOcopy,sem_Else_1) }) }) }) })
sem_Else_Nothing :: T_Else
sem_Else_Nothing :: T_Else
sem_Else_Nothing =
    (case (({-# LINE 153 "src/GLuaFixer/AG/ASTLint.ag" #-}
            {-# LINE 2631 "src/GLuaFixer/AG/ASTLint.hs" #-}
            )) of
     { _copy ->
     (case (({-# LINE 153 "src/GLuaFixer/AG/ASTLint.ag" #-}
             {-# LINE 2636 "src/GLuaFixer/AG/ASTLint.hs" #-}
             )) of
      { _lhsOcopy ->
      (case ((let sem_Else_Nothing_1 :: T_Else_1
                  sem_Else_Nothing_1 =
                      (\ _lhsIconfig
                         _lhsIvariableStyle ->
                           (case (({-# LINE 202 "src/GLuaFixer/AG/ASTLint.ag" #-}
                                   {-# LINE 2653 "src/GLuaFixer/AG/ASTLint.hs" #-}
                                   )) of
                            { _lhsOelseExists ->
                            (case (({-# LINE 138 "src/GLuaFixer/AG/ASTLint.ag" #-}
                                    {-# LINE 2658 "src/GLuaFixer/AG/ASTLint.hs" #-}
                                    )) of
                             { _lhsOglobalDefinitions ->
                             (case (({-# LINE 154 "src/GLuaFixer/AG/ASTLint.ag" #-}
                                     {-# LINE 2663 "src/GLuaFixer/AG/ASTLint.hs" #-}
                                     )) of
                              { _lhsOidentifier ->
                              (case (({-# LINE 143 "src/GLuaFixer/AG/ASTLint.ag" #-}
                                      {-# LINE 2668 "src/GLuaFixer/AG/ASTLint.hs" #-}
                                      )) of
                               { _lhsOisInModule ->
                               (case (({-# LINE 135 "src/GLuaFixer/AG/ASTLint.ag" #-}
                                       {-# LINE 2673 "src/GLuaFixer/AG/ASTLint.hs" #-}
                                       )) of
                                { _lhsOmtokenPos ->
                                (case (({-# LINE 144 "src/GLuaFixer/AG/ASTLint.ag" #-}
                                        {-# LINE 2678 "src/GLuaFixer/AG/ASTLint.hs" #-}
                                        )) of
                                 { _lhsOscopes ->
                                 (case (({-# LINE 131 "src/GLuaFixer/AG/ASTLint.ag" #-}
                                         {-# LINE 2683 "src/GLuaFixer/AG/ASTLint.hs" #-}
                                         )) of
                                  { _lhsOvariableStyle ->
                                  (case (({-# LINE 152 "src/GLuaFixer/AG/ASTLint.ag" #-}
                                          {-# LINE 2688 "src/GLuaFixer/AG/ASTLint.hs" #-}
                                          )) of
                                   { _lhsOwarnings ->
                                   ( _lhsOelseExists,_lhsOglobalDefinitions,_lhsOidentifier,_lhsOisInModule,_lhsOmtokenPos,_lhsOscopes,_lhsOvariableStyle,_lhsOwarnings) }) }) }) }) }) }) }) }))
              in  sem_Else_Nothing_1)) of
       { ( sem_Else_1) ->
       ( _lhsOcopy,sem_Else_1) }) }) })
-- ElseIf ------------------------------------------------------
-- cata
sem_ElseIf :: ElseIf ->
sem_ElseIf :: ElseIf -> T_ElseIf
sem_ElseIf ( MExpr
x2) =
    (T_MExpr -> T_Block -> T_ElseIf
sem_ElseIf_Tuple (MExpr -> T_MExpr
sem_MExpr MExpr
x1) (Block -> T_Block
sem_Block Block
-- semantic domain
type T_ElseIf = ( ElseIf,T_ElseIf_1)
type T_ElseIf_1 = LintSettings ->
                  String ->
                  (M.Map String [Region]) ->
                  Bool ->
                  Bool ->
                  Int ->
                  Region ->
                  Int ->
                  ([M.Map String (Bool, Region)]) ->
                  DeterminedVariableStyle ->
                  ( (M.Map String [Region]),String,Bool,Region,([M.Map String (Bool, Region)]),DeterminedVariableStyle,([String -> LintMessage]))
data Inh_ElseIf = Inh_ElseIf {Inh_ElseIf -> LintSettings
config_Inh_ElseIf :: LintSettings,Inh_ElseIf -> String
funcName_Inh_ElseIf :: String,Inh_ElseIf -> Map String [Region]
globalDefinitions_Inh_ElseIf :: (M.Map String [Region]),Inh_ElseIf -> Bool
isInModule_Inh_ElseIf :: Bool,Inh_ElseIf -> Bool
isMeta_Inh_ElseIf :: Bool,Inh_ElseIf -> Int
loopLevel_Inh_ElseIf :: Int,Inh_ElseIf -> Region
mtokenPos_Inh_ElseIf :: Region,Inh_ElseIf -> Int
scopeLevel_Inh_ElseIf :: Int,Inh_ElseIf -> [Map String (Bool, Region)]
scopes_Inh_ElseIf :: ([M.Map String (Bool, Region)]),Inh_ElseIf -> DeterminedVariableStyle
variableStyle_Inh_ElseIf :: DeterminedVariableStyle}
data Syn_ElseIf = Syn_ElseIf {Syn_ElseIf -> ElseIf
copy_Syn_ElseIf :: ElseIf,Syn_ElseIf -> Map String [Region]
globalDefinitions_Syn_ElseIf :: (M.Map String [Region]),Syn_ElseIf -> String
identifier_Syn_ElseIf :: String,Syn_ElseIf -> Bool
isInModule_Syn_ElseIf :: Bool,Syn_ElseIf -> Region
mtokenPos_Syn_ElseIf :: Region,Syn_ElseIf -> [Map String (Bool, Region)]
scopes_Syn_ElseIf :: ([M.Map String (Bool, Region)]),Syn_ElseIf -> DeterminedVariableStyle
variableStyle_Syn_ElseIf :: DeterminedVariableStyle,Syn_ElseIf -> [String -> LintMessage]
warnings_Syn_ElseIf :: ([String -> LintMessage])}
wrap_ElseIf :: T_ElseIf ->
               Inh_ElseIf ->
wrap_ElseIf :: T_ElseIf -> Inh_ElseIf -> Syn_ElseIf
wrap_ElseIf T_ElseIf
sem (Inh_ElseIf LintSettings
_lhsIconfig String
_lhsIfuncName Map String [Region]
_lhsIglobalDefinitions Bool
_lhsIisInModule Bool
_lhsIisMeta Int
_lhsIloopLevel Region
_lhsImtokenPos Int
_lhsIscopeLevel [Map String (Bool, Region)]
_lhsIscopes DeterminedVariableStyle
_lhsIvariableStyle) =
    (let ( ElseIf
sem_1) = T_ElseIf
         ( Map String [Region]
_lhsOmtokenPos,[Map String (Bool, Region)]
_lhsOvariableStyle,[String -> LintMessage]
_lhsOwarnings) = T_Args_1
sem_1 LintSettings
_lhsIconfig String
_lhsIfuncName Map String [Region]
_lhsIglobalDefinitions Bool
_lhsIisInModule Bool
_lhsIisMeta Int
_lhsIloopLevel Region
_lhsImtokenPos Int
_lhsIscopeLevel [Map String (Bool, Region)]
_lhsIscopes DeterminedVariableStyle
     in  (ElseIf
-> Map String [Region]
-> String
-> Bool
-> Region
-> [Map String (Bool, Region)]
-> DeterminedVariableStyle
-> [String -> LintMessage]
-> Syn_ElseIf
Syn_ElseIf ElseIf
_lhsOcopy Map String [Region]
_lhsOglobalDefinitions String
_lhsOidentifier Bool
_lhsOisInModule Region
_lhsOmtokenPos [Map String (Bool, Region)]
_lhsOscopes DeterminedVariableStyle
_lhsOvariableStyle [String -> LintMessage]
sem_ElseIf_Tuple :: T_MExpr ->
                    T_Block ->
sem_ElseIf_Tuple :: T_MExpr -> T_Block -> T_ElseIf
sem_ElseIf_Tuple T_MExpr
x1_ T_Block
x2_ =
    (case (T_Block
x2_) of
     { ( Block
x2_1) ->
         (case (T_MExpr
x1_) of
          { ( MExpr
x1_1) ->
              (case (({-# LINE 153 "src/GLuaFixer/AG/ASTLint.ag" #-}
                      {-# LINE 2733 "src/GLuaFixer/AG/ASTLint.hs" #-}
                      )) of
               { _copy ->
               (case (({-# LINE 153 "src/GLuaFixer/AG/ASTLint.ag" #-}
                       {-# LINE 2738 "src/GLuaFixer/AG/ASTLint.hs" #-}
                       )) of
                { _lhsOcopy ->
                (case ((let sem_ElseIf_Tuple_1 :: T_ElseIf_1
                            sem_ElseIf_Tuple_1 =
                                (\ _lhsIconfig
                                   _lhsIvariableStyle ->
                                     (case (({-# LINE 145 "src/GLuaFixer/AG/ASTLint.ag" #-}
                                             {-# LINE 2755 "src/GLuaFixer/AG/ASTLint.hs" #-}
                                             )) of
                                      { _x2OisMeta ->
                                      (case (({-# LINE 143 "src/GLuaFixer/AG/ASTLint.ag" #-}
                                              {-# LINE 2760 "src/GLuaFixer/AG/ASTLint.hs" #-}
                                              )) of
                                       { _x1OisInModule ->
                                       (case (({-# LINE 131 "src/GLuaFixer/AG/ASTLint.ag" #-}
                                               {-# LINE 2765 "src/GLuaFixer/AG/ASTLint.hs" #-}
                                               )) of
                                        { _x1OvariableStyle ->
                                        (case (({-# LINE 144 "src/GLuaFixer/AG/ASTLint.ag" #-}
                                                {-# LINE 2770 "src/GLuaFixer/AG/ASTLint.hs" #-}
                                                )) of
                                         { _x1Oscopes ->
                                         (case (({-# LINE 127 "src/GLuaFixer/AG/ASTLint.ag" #-}
                                                 {-# LINE 2775 "src/GLuaFixer/AG/ASTLint.hs" #-}
                                                 )) of
                                          { _x1OscopeLevel ->
                                          (case (({-# LINE 135 "src/GLuaFixer/AG/ASTLint.ag" #-}
                                                  {-# LINE 2780 "src/GLuaFixer/AG/ASTLint.hs" #-}
                                                  )) of
                                           { _x1OmtokenPos ->
                                           (case (({-# LINE 128 "src/GLuaFixer/AG/ASTLint.ag" #-}
                                                   {-# LINE 2785 "src/GLuaFixer/AG/ASTLint.hs" #-}
                                                   )) of
                                            { _x1OloopLevel ->
                                            (case (({-# LINE 145 "src/GLuaFixer/AG/ASTLint.ag" #-}
                                                    {-# LINE 2790 "src/GLuaFixer/AG/ASTLint.hs" #-}
                                                    )) of
                                             { _x1OisMeta ->
                                             (case (({-# LINE 138 "src/GLuaFixer/AG/ASTLint.ag" #-}
                                                     {-# LINE 2795 "src/GLuaFixer/AG/ASTLint.hs" #-}
                                                     )) of
                                              { _x1OglobalDefinitions ->
                                              (case (({-# LINE 146 "src/GLuaFixer/AG/ASTLint.ag" #-}
                                                      {-# LINE 2800 "src/GLuaFixer/AG/ASTLint.hs" #-}
                                                      )) of
                                               { _x1OfuncName ->
                                               (case (({-# LINE 134 "src/GLuaFixer/AG/ASTLint.ag" #-}
                                                       {-# LINE 2805 "src/GLuaFixer/AG/ASTLint.hs" #-}
                                                       )) of
                                                { _x1Oconfig ->
                                                (case (({-# LINE 470 "src/GLuaFixer/AG/ASTLint.ag" #-}
                                                        {-# LINE 2810 "src/GLuaFixer/AG/ASTLint.hs" #-}
                                                        )) of
                                                 { _x1OvarBeingDefined ->
                                                 (case (({-# LINE 469 "src/GLuaFixer/AG/ASTLint.ag" #-}
                                                         {-# LINE 2815 "src/GLuaFixer/AG/ASTLint.hs" #-}
                                                         )) of
                                                  { _x1OtopLevel ->
                                                  (case (({-# LINE 468 "src/GLuaFixer/AG/ASTLint.ag" #-}
                                                          {-# LINE 2820 "src/GLuaFixer/AG/ASTLint.hs" #-}
                                                          )) of
                                                   { _x1OinParentheses ->
                                                   (case (({-# LINE 467 "src/GLuaFixer/AG/ASTLint.ag" #-}
                                                           {-# LINE 2825 "src/GLuaFixer/AG/ASTLint.hs" #-}
                                                           )) of
                                                    { _x1OisNegation ->
                                                    (case (x1_1 _x1Oconfig _x1OfuncName _x1OglobalDefinitions _x1OinParentheses _x1OisInModule _x1OisMeta _x1OisNegation _x1OloopLevel _x1OmtokenPos _x1OscopeLevel _x1Oscopes _x1OtopLevel _x1OvarBeingDefined _x1OvariableStyle) of
                                                     { ( _x1IglobalDefinitions,_x1Iidentifier,_x1IisInModule,_x1IisSimpleExpression,_x1IisSingleVar,_x1Iscopes,_x1IvariableStyle,_x1Iwarnings) ->
                                                         (case (({-# LINE 143 "src/GLuaFixer/AG/ASTLint.ag" #-}
                                                                 {-# LINE 2832 "src/GLuaFixer/AG/ASTLint.hs" #-}
                                                                 )) of
                                                          { _x2OisInModule ->
                                                          (case (({-# LINE 138 "src/GLuaFixer/AG/ASTLint.ag" #-}
                                                                  {-# LINE 2837 "src/GLuaFixer/AG/ASTLint.hs" #-}
                                                                  )) of
                                                           { _x2OglobalDefinitions ->
                                                           (case (({-# LINE 134 "src/GLuaFixer/AG/ASTLint.ag" #-}
                                                                   {-# LINE 2842 "src/GLuaFixer/AG/ASTLint.hs" #-}
                                                                   )) of
                                                            { _x2Oconfig ->
                                                            (case (({-# LINE 471 "src/GLuaFixer/AG/ASTLint.ag" #-}
                                                                    M.empty : _x1Iscopes
                                                                    {-# LINE 2847 "src/GLuaFixer/AG/ASTLint.hs" #-}
                                                                    )) of
                                                             { _x2Oscopes ->
                                                             (case (({-# LINE 131 "src/GLuaFixer/AG/ASTLint.ag" #-}
                                                                     {-# LINE 2852 "src/GLuaFixer/AG/ASTLint.hs" #-}
                                                                     )) of
                                                              { _x2OvariableStyle ->
                                                              (case (({-# LINE 127 "src/GLuaFixer/AG/ASTLint.ag" #-}
                                                                      {-# LINE 2857 "src/GLuaFixer/AG/ASTLint.hs" #-}
                                                                      )) of
                                                               { _x2OscopeLevel ->
                                                               (case (({-# LINE 135 "src/GLuaFixer/AG/ASTLint.ag" #-}
                                                                       {-# LINE 2862 "src/GLuaFixer/AG/ASTLint.hs" #-}
                                                                       )) of
                                                                { _x2OmtokenPos ->
                                                                (case (({-# LINE 128 "src/GLuaFixer/AG/ASTLint.ag" #-}
                                                                        {-# LINE 2867 "src/GLuaFixer/AG/ASTLint.hs" #-}
                                                                        )) of
                                                                 { _x2OloopLevel ->
                                                                 (case (({-# LINE 146 "src/GLuaFixer/AG/ASTLint.ag" #-}
                                                                         {-# LINE 2872 "src/GLuaFixer/AG/ASTLint.hs" #-}
                                                                         )) of
                                                                  { _x2OfuncName ->
                                                                  (case (({-# LINE 472 "src/GLuaFixer/AG/ASTLint.ag" #-}
                                                                          {-# LINE 2877 "src/GLuaFixer/AG/ASTLint.hs" #-}
                                                                          )) of
                                                                   { _x2OisRepeat ->
                                                                   (case (x2_1 _x2Oconfig _x2OfuncName _x2OglobalDefinitions _x2OisInModule _x2OisMeta _x2OisRepeat _x2OloopLevel _x2OmtokenPos _x2OscopeLevel _x2Oscopes _x2OvariableStyle) of
                                                                    { ( _x2IglobalDefinitions,_x2Iidentifier,_x2IisIfStatement,_x2IisInModule,_x2ImtokenPos,_x2Iscopes,_x2IstatementCount,_x2IvariableStyle,_x2Iwarnings) ->
                                                                        (case (({-# LINE 138 "src/GLuaFixer/AG/ASTLint.ag" #-}
                                                                                {-# LINE 2884 "src/GLuaFixer/AG/ASTLint.hs" #-}
                                                                                )) of
                                                                         { _lhsOglobalDefinitions ->
                                                                         (case (({-# LINE 154 "src/GLuaFixer/AG/ASTLint.ag" #-}
                                                                                 (const _x1Iidentifier _x2Iidentifier)
                                                                                 {-# LINE 2889 "src/GLuaFixer/AG/ASTLint.hs" #-}
                                                                                 )) of
                                                                          { _lhsOidentifier ->
                                                                          (case (({-# LINE 143 "src/GLuaFixer/AG/ASTLint.ag" #-}
                                                                                  {-# LINE 2894 "src/GLuaFixer/AG/ASTLint.hs" #-}
                                                                                  )) of
                                                                           { _lhsOisInModule ->
                                                                           (case (({-# LINE 135 "src/GLuaFixer/AG/ASTLint.ag" #-}
                                                                                   {-# LINE 2899 "src/GLuaFixer/AG/ASTLint.hs" #-}
                                                                                   )) of
                                                                            { _lhsOmtokenPos ->
                                                                            (case (({-# LINE 144 "src/GLuaFixer/AG/ASTLint.ag" #-}
                                                                                    {-# LINE 2904 "src/GLuaFixer/AG/ASTLint.hs" #-}
                                                                                    )) of
                                                                             { _lhsOscopes ->
                                                                             (case (({-# LINE 131 "src/GLuaFixer/AG/ASTLint.ag" #-}
                                                                                     {-# LINE 2909 "src/GLuaFixer/AG/ASTLint.hs" #-}
                                                                                     )) of
                                                                              { _lhsOvariableStyle ->
                                                                              (case (({-# LINE 474 "src/GLuaFixer/AG/ASTLint.ag" #-}
                                                                                      _x1Iwarnings ++ _x2Iwarnings
                                                                                      {-# LINE 2914 "src/GLuaFixer/AG/ASTLint.hs" #-}
                                                                                      )) of
                                                                               { _warnings_augmented_syn ->
                                                                               (case (({-# LINE 473 "src/GLuaFixer/AG/ASTLint.ag" #-}
                                                                                       Region (rgStart _lhsImtokenPos) (customAdvanceToken (rgStart _lhsImtokenPos) T.Elseif)
                                                                                       {-# LINE 2919 "src/GLuaFixer/AG/ASTLint.hs" #-}
                                                                                       )) of
                                                                                { _keywordPos ->
                                                                                (case (({-# LINE 474 "src/GLuaFixer/AG/ASTLint.ag" #-}
                                                                                        if not (lint_emptyBlocks _lhsIconfig) || _x2IstatementCount > 0 then id else
                                                                                          (:) $ warn _keywordPos     EmptyElseIf
                                                                                        {-# LINE 2925 "src/GLuaFixer/AG/ASTLint.hs" #-}
                                                                                        )) of
                                                                                 { _warnings_augmented_f1 ->
                                                                                 (case (({-# LINE 474 "src/GLuaFixer/AG/ASTLint.ag" #-}
                                                                                         foldr ($) _warnings_augmented_syn [_warnings_augmented_f1]
                                                                                         {-# LINE 2930 "src/GLuaFixer/AG/ASTLint.hs" #-}
                                                                                         )) of
                                                                                  { _lhsOwarnings ->
                                                                                  ( _lhsOglobalDefinitions,_lhsOidentifier,_lhsOisInModule,_lhsOmtokenPos,_lhsOscopes,_lhsOvariableStyle,_lhsOwarnings) }) }) }) }) }) }) }) }) }) }) }) }) }) }) }) }) }) }) }) }) }) }) }) }) }) }) }) }) }) }) }) }) }) }) }) }) }))
                        in  sem_ElseIf_Tuple_1)) of
                 { ( sem_ElseIf_1) ->
                 ( _lhsOcopy,sem_ElseIf_1) }) }) }) }) })
-- ElseIfList --------------------------------------------------
-- cata
sem_ElseIfList :: ElseIfList ->
sem_ElseIfList :: ElseIfList -> T_ElseIfList
sem_ElseIfList ElseIfList
list =
    (forall (t :: * -> *) a b.
Foldable t =>
(a -> b -> b) -> b -> t a -> b
Prelude.foldr T_MElseIf -> T_ElseIfList -> T_ElseIfList
sem_ElseIfList_Cons T_ElseIfList
sem_ElseIfList_Nil (forall a b. (a -> b) -> [a] -> [b]
Prelude.map MElseIf -> T_MElseIf
sem_MElseIf ElseIfList
-- semantic domain
type T_ElseIfList = ( ElseIfList,T_ElseIfList_1)
type T_ElseIfList_1 = LintSettings ->
                      String ->
                      (M.Map String [Region]) ->
                      Bool ->
                      Bool ->
                      Int ->
                      Region ->
                      Int ->
                      ([M.Map String (Bool, Region)]) ->
                      DeterminedVariableStyle ->
                      ( Bool,(M.Map String [Region]),String,Bool,Region,([M.Map String (Bool, Region)]),DeterminedVariableStyle,([String -> LintMessage]))
data Inh_ElseIfList = Inh_ElseIfList {Inh_ElseIfList -> LintSettings
config_Inh_ElseIfList :: LintSettings,Inh_ElseIfList -> String
funcName_Inh_ElseIfList :: String,Inh_ElseIfList -> Map String [Region]
globalDefinitions_Inh_ElseIfList :: (M.Map String [Region]),Inh_ElseIfList -> Bool
isInModule_Inh_ElseIfList :: Bool,Inh_ElseIfList -> Bool
isMeta_Inh_ElseIfList :: Bool,Inh_ElseIfList -> Int
loopLevel_Inh_ElseIfList :: Int,Inh_ElseIfList -> Region
mtokenPos_Inh_ElseIfList :: Region,Inh_ElseIfList -> Int
scopeLevel_Inh_ElseIfList :: Int,Inh_ElseIfList -> [Map String (Bool, Region)]
scopes_Inh_ElseIfList :: ([M.Map String (Bool, Region)]),Inh_ElseIfList -> DeterminedVariableStyle
variableStyle_Inh_ElseIfList :: DeterminedVariableStyle}
data Syn_ElseIfList = Syn_ElseIfList {Syn_ElseIfList -> ElseIfList
copy_Syn_ElseIfList :: ElseIfList,Syn_ElseIfList -> Bool
elseExists_Syn_ElseIfList :: Bool,Syn_ElseIfList -> Map String [Region]
globalDefinitions_Syn_ElseIfList :: (M.Map String [Region]),Syn_ElseIfList -> String
identifier_Syn_ElseIfList :: String,Syn_ElseIfList -> Bool
isInModule_Syn_ElseIfList :: Bool,Syn_ElseIfList -> Region
mtokenPos_Syn_ElseIfList :: Region,Syn_ElseIfList -> [Map String (Bool, Region)]
scopes_Syn_ElseIfList :: ([M.Map String (Bool, Region)]),Syn_ElseIfList -> DeterminedVariableStyle
variableStyle_Syn_ElseIfList :: DeterminedVariableStyle,Syn_ElseIfList -> [String -> LintMessage]
warnings_Syn_ElseIfList :: ([String -> LintMessage])}
wrap_ElseIfList :: T_ElseIfList ->
                   Inh_ElseIfList ->
wrap_ElseIfList :: T_ElseIfList -> Inh_ElseIfList -> Syn_ElseIfList
wrap_ElseIfList T_ElseIfList
sem (Inh_ElseIfList LintSettings
_lhsIconfig String
_lhsIfuncName Map String [Region]
_lhsIglobalDefinitions Bool
_lhsIisInModule Bool
_lhsIisMeta Int
_lhsIloopLevel Region
_lhsImtokenPos Int
_lhsIscopeLevel [Map String (Bool, Region)]
_lhsIscopes DeterminedVariableStyle
_lhsIvariableStyle) =
    (let ( ElseIfList
sem_1) = T_ElseIfList
         ( Bool
_lhsOelseExists,Map String [Region]
_lhsOmtokenPos,[Map String (Bool, Region)]
_lhsOvariableStyle,[String -> LintMessage]
_lhsOwarnings) = T_Else_1
sem_1 LintSettings
_lhsIconfig String
_lhsIfuncName Map String [Region]
_lhsIglobalDefinitions Bool
_lhsIisInModule Bool
_lhsIisMeta Int
_lhsIloopLevel Region
_lhsImtokenPos Int
_lhsIscopeLevel [Map String (Bool, Region)]
_lhsIscopes DeterminedVariableStyle
     in  (ElseIfList
-> Bool
-> Map String [Region]
-> String
-> Bool
-> Region
-> [Map String (Bool, Region)]
-> DeterminedVariableStyle
-> [String -> LintMessage]
-> Syn_ElseIfList
Syn_ElseIfList ElseIfList
_lhsOcopy Bool
_lhsOelseExists Map String [Region]
_lhsOglobalDefinitions String
_lhsOidentifier Bool
_lhsOisInModule Region
_lhsOmtokenPos [Map String (Bool, Region)]
_lhsOscopes DeterminedVariableStyle
_lhsOvariableStyle [String -> LintMessage]
sem_ElseIfList_Cons :: T_MElseIf ->
                       T_ElseIfList ->
sem_ElseIfList_Cons :: T_MElseIf -> T_ElseIfList -> T_ElseIfList
sem_ElseIfList_Cons T_MElseIf
hd_ T_ElseIfList
tl_ =
    (case (T_ElseIfList
tl_) of
     { ( ElseIfList
tl_1) ->
         (case (T_MElseIf
hd_) of
          { ( MElseIf
hd_1) ->
              (case (({-# LINE 153 "src/GLuaFixer/AG/ASTLint.ag" #-}
                      (:) _hdIcopy _tlIcopy
                      {-# LINE 2975 "src/GLuaFixer/AG/ASTLint.hs" #-}
                      )) of
               { _copy ->
               (case (({-# LINE 153 "src/GLuaFixer/AG/ASTLint.ag" #-}
                       {-# LINE 2980 "src/GLuaFixer/AG/ASTLint.hs" #-}
                       )) of
                { _lhsOcopy ->
                (case ((let sem_ElseIfList_Cons_1 :: T_ElseIfList_1
                            sem_ElseIfList_Cons_1 =
                                (\ _lhsIconfig
                                   _lhsIvariableStyle ->
                                     (case (({-# LINE 459 "src/GLuaFixer/AG/ASTLint.ag" #-}
                                             {-# LINE 2997 "src/GLuaFixer/AG/ASTLint.hs" #-}
                                             )) of
                                      { _lhsOelseExists ->
                                      (case (({-# LINE 144 "src/GLuaFixer/AG/ASTLint.ag" #-}
                                              {-# LINE 3002 "src/GLuaFixer/AG/ASTLint.hs" #-}
                                              )) of
                                       { _hdOscopes ->
                                       (case (({-# LINE 145 "src/GLuaFixer/AG/ASTLint.ag" #-}
                                               {-# LINE 3007 "src/GLuaFixer/AG/ASTLint.hs" #-}
                                               )) of
                                        { _hdOisMeta ->
                                        (case (({-# LINE 134 "src/GLuaFixer/AG/ASTLint.ag" #-}
                                                {-# LINE 3012 "src/GLuaFixer/AG/ASTLint.hs" #-}
                                                )) of
                                         { _hdOconfig ->
                                         (case (({-# LINE 131 "src/GLuaFixer/AG/ASTLint.ag" #-}
                                                 {-# LINE 3017 "src/GLuaFixer/AG/ASTLint.hs" #-}
                                                 )) of
                                          { _hdOvariableStyle ->
                                          (case (({-# LINE 127 "src/GLuaFixer/AG/ASTLint.ag" #-}
                                                  {-# LINE 3022 "src/GLuaFixer/AG/ASTLint.hs" #-}
                                                  )) of
                                           { _hdOscopeLevel ->
                                           (case (({-# LINE 135 "src/GLuaFixer/AG/ASTLint.ag" #-}
                                                   {-# LINE 3027 "src/GLuaFixer/AG/ASTLint.hs" #-}
                                                   )) of
                                            { _hdOmtokenPos ->
                                            (case (({-# LINE 128 "src/GLuaFixer/AG/ASTLint.ag" #-}
                                                    {-# LINE 3032 "src/GLuaFixer/AG/ASTLint.hs" #-}
                                                    )) of
                                             { _hdOloopLevel ->
                                             (case (({-# LINE 143 "src/GLuaFixer/AG/ASTLint.ag" #-}
                                                     {-# LINE 3037 "src/GLuaFixer/AG/ASTLint.hs" #-}
                                                     )) of
                                              { _hdOisInModule ->
                                              (case (({-# LINE 138 "src/GLuaFixer/AG/ASTLint.ag" #-}
                                                      {-# LINE 3042 "src/GLuaFixer/AG/ASTLint.hs" #-}
                                                      )) of
                                               { _hdOglobalDefinitions ->
                                               (case (({-# LINE 146 "src/GLuaFixer/AG/ASTLint.ag" #-}
                                                       {-# LINE 3047 "src/GLuaFixer/AG/ASTLint.hs" #-}
                                                       )) of
                                                { _hdOfuncName ->
                                                (case (hd_1 _hdOconfig _hdOfuncName _hdOglobalDefinitions _hdOisInModule _hdOisMeta _hdOloopLevel _hdOmtokenPos _hdOscopeLevel _hdOscopes _hdOvariableStyle) of
                                                 { ( _hdIglobalDefinitions,_hdIidentifier,_hdIisInModule,_hdImtokenPos,_hdIscopes,_hdIvariableStyle,_hdIwarnings) ->
                                                     (case (({-# LINE 144 "src/GLuaFixer/AG/ASTLint.ag" #-}
                                                             {-# LINE 3054 "src/GLuaFixer/AG/ASTLint.hs" #-}
                                                             )) of
                                                      { _tlOscopes ->
                                                      (case (({-# LINE 145 "src/GLuaFixer/AG/ASTLint.ag" #-}
                                                              {-# LINE 3059 "src/GLuaFixer/AG/ASTLint.hs" #-}
                                                              )) of
                                                       { _tlOisMeta ->
                                                       (case (({-# LINE 143 "src/GLuaFixer/AG/ASTLint.ag" #-}
                                                               {-# LINE 3064 "src/GLuaFixer/AG/ASTLint.hs" #-}
                                                               )) of
                                                        { _tlOisInModule ->
                                                        (case (({-# LINE 138 "src/GLuaFixer/AG/ASTLint.ag" #-}
                                                                {-# LINE 3069 "src/GLuaFixer/AG/ASTLint.hs" #-}
                                                                )) of
                                                         { _tlOglobalDefinitions ->
                                                         (case (({-# LINE 134 "src/GLuaFixer/AG/ASTLint.ag" #-}
                                                                 {-# LINE 3074 "src/GLuaFixer/AG/ASTLint.hs" #-}
                                                                 )) of
                                                          { _tlOconfig ->
                                                          (case (({-# LINE 131 "src/GLuaFixer/AG/ASTLint.ag" #-}
                                                                  {-# LINE 3079 "src/GLuaFixer/AG/ASTLint.hs" #-}
                                                                  )) of
                                                           { _tlOvariableStyle ->
                                                           (case (({-# LINE 127 "src/GLuaFixer/AG/ASTLint.ag" #-}
                                                                   {-# LINE 3084 "src/GLuaFixer/AG/ASTLint.hs" #-}
                                                                   )) of
                                                            { _tlOscopeLevel ->
                                                            (case (({-# LINE 135 "src/GLuaFixer/AG/ASTLint.ag" #-}
                                                                    {-# LINE 3089 "src/GLuaFixer/AG/ASTLint.hs" #-}
                                                                    )) of
                                                             { _tlOmtokenPos ->
                                                             (case (({-# LINE 128 "src/GLuaFixer/AG/ASTLint.ag" #-}
                                                                     {-# LINE 3094 "src/GLuaFixer/AG/ASTLint.hs" #-}
                                                                     )) of
                                                              { _tlOloopLevel ->
                                                              (case (({-# LINE 146 "src/GLuaFixer/AG/ASTLint.ag" #-}
                                                                      {-# LINE 3099 "src/GLuaFixer/AG/ASTLint.hs" #-}
                                                                      )) of
                                                               { _tlOfuncName ->
                                                               (case (tl_1 _tlOconfig _tlOfuncName _tlOglobalDefinitions _tlOisInModule _tlOisMeta _tlOloopLevel _tlOmtokenPos _tlOscopeLevel _tlOscopes _tlOvariableStyle) of
                                                                { ( _tlIelseExists,_tlIglobalDefinitions,_tlIidentifier,_tlIisInModule,_tlImtokenPos,_tlIscopes,_tlIvariableStyle,_tlIwarnings) ->
                                                                    (case (({-# LINE 138 "src/GLuaFixer/AG/ASTLint.ag" #-}
                                                                            {-# LINE 3106 "src/GLuaFixer/AG/ASTLint.hs" #-}
                                                                            )) of
                                                                     { _lhsOglobalDefinitions ->
                                                                     (case (({-# LINE 154 "src/GLuaFixer/AG/ASTLint.ag" #-}
                                                                             (const _hdIidentifier _tlIidentifier)
                                                                             {-# LINE 3111 "src/GLuaFixer/AG/ASTLint.hs" #-}
                                                                             )) of
                                                                      { _lhsOidentifier ->
                                                                      (case (({-# LINE 143 "src/GLuaFixer/AG/ASTLint.ag" #-}
                                                                              {-# LINE 3116 "src/GLuaFixer/AG/ASTLint.hs" #-}
                                                                              )) of
                                                                       { _lhsOisInModule ->
                                                                       (case (({-# LINE 135 "src/GLuaFixer/AG/ASTLint.ag" #-}
                                                                               {-# LINE 3121 "src/GLuaFixer/AG/ASTLint.hs" #-}
                                                                               )) of
                                                                        { _lhsOmtokenPos ->
                                                                        (case (({-# LINE 144 "src/GLuaFixer/AG/ASTLint.ag" #-}
                                                                                {-# LINE 3126 "src/GLuaFixer/AG/ASTLint.hs" #-}
                                                                                )) of
                                                                         { _lhsOscopes ->
                                                                         (case (({-# LINE 131 "src/GLuaFixer/AG/ASTLint.ag" #-}
                                                                                 {-# LINE 3131 "src/GLuaFixer/AG/ASTLint.hs" #-}
                                                                                 )) of
                                                                          { _lhsOvariableStyle ->
                                                                          (case (({-# LINE 152 "src/GLuaFixer/AG/ASTLint.ag" #-}
                                                                                  _hdIwarnings ++ _tlIwarnings
                                                                                  {-# LINE 3136 "src/GLuaFixer/AG/ASTLint.hs" #-}
                                                                                  )) of
                                                                           { _lhsOwarnings ->
                                                                           ( _lhsOelseExists,_lhsOglobalDefinitions,_lhsOidentifier,_lhsOisInModule,_lhsOmtokenPos,_lhsOscopes,_lhsOvariableStyle,_lhsOwarnings) }) }) }) }) }) }) }) }) }) }) }) }) }) }) }) }) }) }) }) }) }) }) }) }) }) }) }) }) }) }))
                        in  sem_ElseIfList_Cons_1)) of
                 { ( sem_ElseIfList_1) ->
                 ( _lhsOcopy,sem_ElseIfList_1) }) }) }) }) })
sem_ElseIfList_Nil :: T_ElseIfList
sem_ElseIfList_Nil :: T_ElseIfList
sem_ElseIfList_Nil =
    (case (({-# LINE 153 "src/GLuaFixer/AG/ASTLint.ag" #-}
            {-# LINE 3147 "src/GLuaFixer/AG/ASTLint.hs" #-}
            )) of
     { _copy ->
     (case (({-# LINE 153 "src/GLuaFixer/AG/ASTLint.ag" #-}
             {-# LINE 3152 "src/GLuaFixer/AG/ASTLint.hs" #-}
             )) of
      { _lhsOcopy ->
      (case ((let sem_ElseIfList_Nil_1 :: T_ElseIfList_1
                  sem_ElseIfList_Nil_1 =
                      (\ _lhsIconfig
                         _lhsIvariableStyle ->
                           (case (({-# LINE 202 "src/GLuaFixer/AG/ASTLint.ag" #-}
                                   {-# LINE 3169 "src/GLuaFixer/AG/ASTLint.hs" #-}
                                   )) of
                            { _lhsOelseExists ->
                            (case (({-# LINE 138 "src/GLuaFixer/AG/ASTLint.ag" #-}
                                    {-# LINE 3174 "src/GLuaFixer/AG/ASTLint.hs" #-}
                                    )) of
                             { _lhsOglobalDefinitions ->
                             (case (({-# LINE 154 "src/GLuaFixer/AG/ASTLint.ag" #-}
                                     {-# LINE 3179 "src/GLuaFixer/AG/ASTLint.hs" #-}
                                     )) of
                              { _lhsOidentifier ->
                              (case (({-# LINE 143 "src/GLuaFixer/AG/ASTLint.ag" #-}
                                      {-# LINE 3184 "src/GLuaFixer/AG/ASTLint.hs" #-}
                                      )) of
                               { _lhsOisInModule ->
                               (case (({-# LINE 135 "src/GLuaFixer/AG/ASTLint.ag" #-}
                                       {-# LINE 3189 "src/GLuaFixer/AG/ASTLint.hs" #-}
                                       )) of
                                { _lhsOmtokenPos ->
                                (case (({-# LINE 144 "src/GLuaFixer/AG/ASTLint.ag" #-}
                                        {-# LINE 3194 "src/GLuaFixer/AG/ASTLint.hs" #-}
                                        )) of
                                 { _lhsOscopes ->
                                 (case (({-# LINE 131 "src/GLuaFixer/AG/ASTLint.ag" #-}
                                         {-# LINE 3199 "src/GLuaFixer/AG/ASTLint.hs" #-}
                                         )) of
                                  { _lhsOvariableStyle ->
                                  (case (({-# LINE 152 "src/GLuaFixer/AG/ASTLint.ag" #-}
                                          {-# LINE 3204 "src/GLuaFixer/AG/ASTLint.hs" #-}
                                          )) of
                                   { _lhsOwarnings ->
                                   ( _lhsOelseExists,_lhsOglobalDefinitions,_lhsOidentifier,_lhsOisInModule,_lhsOmtokenPos,_lhsOscopes,_lhsOvariableStyle,_lhsOwarnings) }) }) }) }) }) }) }) }))
              in  sem_ElseIfList_Nil_1)) of
       { ( sem_ElseIfList_1) ->
       ( _lhsOcopy,sem_ElseIfList_1) }) }) })
-- Expr --------------------------------------------------------
-- cata
sem_Expr :: Expr ->
sem_Expr :: Expr -> T_Expr
sem_Expr (Expr
ANil) =
sem_Expr (Expr
AFalse) =
sem_Expr (Expr
ATrue) =
sem_Expr (ANumber String
_num) =
    (String -> T_Expr
sem_Expr_ANumber String
sem_Expr (AString MToken
_str) =
    (T_MToken -> T_Expr
sem_Expr_AString (MToken -> T_MToken
sem_MToken MToken
sem_Expr (Expr
AVarArg) =
sem_Expr (AnonymousFunc [MToken]
_pars Block
_body) =
    ([MToken] -> T_Block -> T_Expr
sem_Expr_AnonymousFunc [MToken]
_pars (Block -> T_Block
sem_Block Block
sem_Expr (APrefixExpr PrefixExp
_pexpr) =
    (T_PrefixExp -> T_Expr
sem_Expr_APrefixExpr (PrefixExp -> T_PrefixExp
sem_PrefixExp PrefixExp
sem_Expr (ATableConstructor FieldList
_fields) =
    (T_FieldList -> T_Expr
sem_Expr_ATableConstructor (FieldList -> T_FieldList
sem_FieldList FieldList
sem_Expr (BinOpExpr BinOp
_op MExpr
_left MExpr
_right) =
    (T_BinOp -> T_MExpr -> T_MExpr -> T_Expr
sem_Expr_BinOpExpr (BinOp -> T_BinOp
sem_BinOp BinOp
_op) (MExpr -> T_MExpr
sem_MExpr MExpr
_left) (MExpr -> T_MExpr
sem_MExpr MExpr
sem_Expr (UnOpExpr UnOp
_op MExpr
_right) =
    (T_UnOp -> T_MExpr -> T_Expr
sem_Expr_UnOpExpr (UnOp -> T_UnOp
sem_UnOp UnOp
_op) (MExpr -> T_MExpr
sem_MExpr MExpr
-- semantic domain
type T_Expr = ( Expr,T_Expr_1)
type T_Expr_1 = LintSettings ->
                String ->
                (M.Map String [Region]) ->
                Bool ->
                Bool ->
                Bool ->
                Bool ->
                Int ->
                Region ->
                Int ->
                ([M.Map String (Bool, Region)]) ->
                Bool ->
                (Maybe MToken) ->
                DeterminedVariableStyle ->
                ( (M.Map String [Region]),String,Bool,Bool,(Maybe MToken),Region,([M.Map String (Bool, Region)]),DeterminedVariableStyle,([String -> LintMessage]))
data Inh_Expr = Inh_Expr {Inh_Expr -> LintSettings
config_Inh_Expr :: LintSettings,Inh_Expr -> String
funcName_Inh_Expr :: String,Inh_Expr -> Map String [Region]
globalDefinitions_Inh_Expr :: (M.Map String [Region]),Inh_Expr -> Bool
inParentheses_Inh_Expr :: Bool,Inh_Expr -> Bool
isInModule_Inh_Expr :: Bool,Inh_Expr -> Bool
isMeta_Inh_Expr :: Bool,Inh_Expr -> Bool
isNegation_Inh_Expr :: Bool,Inh_Expr -> Int
loopLevel_Inh_Expr :: Int,Inh_Expr -> Region
mtokenPos_Inh_Expr :: Region,Inh_Expr -> Int
scopeLevel_Inh_Expr :: Int,Inh_Expr -> [Map String (Bool, Region)]
scopes_Inh_Expr :: ([M.Map String (Bool, Region)]),Inh_Expr -> Bool
topLevel_Inh_Expr :: Bool,Inh_Expr -> Maybe MToken
varBeingDefined_Inh_Expr :: (Maybe MToken),Inh_Expr -> DeterminedVariableStyle
variableStyle_Inh_Expr :: DeterminedVariableStyle}
data Syn_Expr = Syn_Expr {Syn_Expr -> Expr
copy_Syn_Expr :: Expr,Syn_Expr -> Map String [Region]
globalDefinitions_Syn_Expr :: (M.Map String [Region]),Syn_Expr -> String
identifier_Syn_Expr :: String,Syn_Expr -> Bool
isInModule_Syn_Expr :: Bool,Syn_Expr -> Bool
isSimpleExpression_Syn_Expr :: Bool,Syn_Expr -> Maybe MToken
isSingleVar_Syn_Expr :: (Maybe MToken),Syn_Expr -> Region
mtokenPos_Syn_Expr :: Region,Syn_Expr -> [Map String (Bool, Region)]
scopes_Syn_Expr :: ([M.Map String (Bool, Region)]),Syn_Expr -> DeterminedVariableStyle
variableStyle_Syn_Expr :: DeterminedVariableStyle,Syn_Expr -> [String -> LintMessage]
warnings_Syn_Expr :: ([String -> LintMessage])}
wrap_Expr :: T_Expr ->
             Inh_Expr ->
wrap_Expr :: T_Expr -> Inh_Expr -> Syn_Expr
wrap_Expr T_Expr
sem (Inh_Expr LintSettings
_lhsIconfig String
_lhsIfuncName Map String [Region]
_lhsIglobalDefinitions Bool
_lhsIinParentheses Bool
_lhsIisInModule Bool
_lhsIisMeta Bool
_lhsIisNegation Int
_lhsIloopLevel Region
_lhsImtokenPos Int
_lhsIscopeLevel [Map String (Bool, Region)]
_lhsIscopes Bool
_lhsItopLevel Maybe MToken
_lhsIvarBeingDefined DeterminedVariableStyle
_lhsIvariableStyle) =
    (let ( Expr
sem_1) = T_Expr
         ( Map String [Region]
_lhsOisSimpleExpression,Maybe MToken
_lhsOmtokenPos,[Map String (Bool, Region)]
_lhsOvariableStyle,[String -> LintMessage]
_lhsOwarnings) = T_Expr_1
sem_1 LintSettings
_lhsIconfig String
_lhsIfuncName Map String [Region]
_lhsIglobalDefinitions Bool
_lhsIinParentheses Bool
_lhsIisInModule Bool
_lhsIisMeta Bool
_lhsIisNegation Int
_lhsIloopLevel Region
_lhsImtokenPos Int
_lhsIscopeLevel [Map String (Bool, Region)]
_lhsIscopes Bool
_lhsItopLevel Maybe MToken
_lhsIvarBeingDefined DeterminedVariableStyle
     in  (Expr
-> Map String [Region]
-> String
-> Bool
-> Bool
-> Maybe MToken
-> Region
-> [Map String (Bool, Region)]
-> DeterminedVariableStyle
-> [String -> LintMessage]
-> Syn_Expr
Syn_Expr Expr
_lhsOcopy Map String [Region]
_lhsOglobalDefinitions String
_lhsOidentifier Bool
_lhsOisInModule Bool
_lhsOisSimpleExpression Maybe MToken
_lhsOisSingleVar Region
_lhsOmtokenPos [Map String (Bool, Region)]
_lhsOscopes DeterminedVariableStyle
_lhsOvariableStyle [String -> LintMessage]
sem_Expr_ANil :: T_Expr
sem_Expr_ANil :: T_Expr
sem_Expr_ANil =
    (case (({-# LINE 153 "src/GLuaFixer/AG/ASTLint.ag" #-}
            {-# LINE 3267 "src/GLuaFixer/AG/ASTLint.hs" #-}
            )) of
     { _copy ->
     (case (({-# LINE 153 "src/GLuaFixer/AG/ASTLint.ag" #-}
             {-# LINE 3272 "src/GLuaFixer/AG/ASTLint.hs" #-}
             )) of
      { _lhsOcopy ->
      (case ((let sem_Expr_ANil_1 :: T_Expr_1
                  sem_Expr_ANil_1 =
                      (\ _lhsIconfig
                         _lhsIvariableStyle ->
                           (case (({-# LINE 138 "src/GLuaFixer/AG/ASTLint.ag" #-}
                                   {-# LINE 3293 "src/GLuaFixer/AG/ASTLint.hs" #-}
                                   )) of
                            { _lhsOglobalDefinitions ->
                            (case (({-# LINE 154 "src/GLuaFixer/AG/ASTLint.ag" #-}
                                    {-# LINE 3298 "src/GLuaFixer/AG/ASTLint.hs" #-}
                                    )) of
                             { _lhsOidentifier ->
                             (case (({-# LINE 143 "src/GLuaFixer/AG/ASTLint.ag" #-}
                                     {-# LINE 3303 "src/GLuaFixer/AG/ASTLint.hs" #-}
                                     )) of
                              { _lhsOisInModule ->
                              (case (({-# LINE 186 "src/GLuaFixer/AG/ASTLint.ag" #-}
                                      {-# LINE 3308 "src/GLuaFixer/AG/ASTLint.hs" #-}
                                      )) of
                               { _lhsOisSimpleExpression ->
                               (case (({-# LINE 213 "src/GLuaFixer/AG/ASTLint.ag" #-}
                                       {-# LINE 3313 "src/GLuaFixer/AG/ASTLint.hs" #-}
                                       )) of
                                { _lhsOisSingleVar ->
                                (case (({-# LINE 135 "src/GLuaFixer/AG/ASTLint.ag" #-}
                                        {-# LINE 3318 "src/GLuaFixer/AG/ASTLint.hs" #-}
                                        )) of
                                 { _lhsOmtokenPos ->
                                 (case (({-# LINE 144 "src/GLuaFixer/AG/ASTLint.ag" #-}
                                         {-# LINE 3323 "src/GLuaFixer/AG/ASTLint.hs" #-}
                                         )) of
                                  { _lhsOscopes ->
                                  (case (({-# LINE 131 "src/GLuaFixer/AG/ASTLint.ag" #-}
                                          {-# LINE 3328 "src/GLuaFixer/AG/ASTLint.hs" #-}
                                          )) of
                                   { _lhsOvariableStyle ->
                                   (case (({-# LINE 152 "src/GLuaFixer/AG/ASTLint.ag" #-}
                                           {-# LINE 3333 "src/GLuaFixer/AG/ASTLint.hs" #-}
                                           )) of
                                    { _lhsOwarnings ->
                                    ( _lhsOglobalDefinitions,_lhsOidentifier,_lhsOisInModule,_lhsOisSimpleExpression,_lhsOisSingleVar,_lhsOmtokenPos,_lhsOscopes,_lhsOvariableStyle,_lhsOwarnings) }) }) }) }) }) }) }) }) }))
              in  sem_Expr_ANil_1)) of
       { ( sem_Expr_1) ->
       ( _lhsOcopy,sem_Expr_1) }) }) })
sem_Expr_AFalse :: T_Expr
sem_Expr_AFalse :: T_Expr
sem_Expr_AFalse =
    (case (({-# LINE 153 "src/GLuaFixer/AG/ASTLint.ag" #-}
            {-# LINE 3344 "src/GLuaFixer/AG/ASTLint.hs" #-}
            )) of
     { _copy ->
     (case (({-# LINE 153 "src/GLuaFixer/AG/ASTLint.ag" #-}
             {-# LINE 3349 "src/GLuaFixer/AG/ASTLint.hs" #-}
             )) of
      { _lhsOcopy ->
      (case ((let sem_Expr_AFalse_1 :: T_Expr_1
                  sem_Expr_AFalse_1 =
                      (\ _lhsIconfig
                         _lhsIvariableStyle ->
                           (case (({-# LINE 138 "src/GLuaFixer/AG/ASTLint.ag" #-}
                                   {-# LINE 3370 "src/GLuaFixer/AG/ASTLint.hs" #-}
                                   )) of
                            { _lhsOglobalDefinitions ->
                            (case (({-# LINE 154 "src/GLuaFixer/AG/ASTLint.ag" #-}
                                    {-# LINE 3375 "src/GLuaFixer/AG/ASTLint.hs" #-}
                                    )) of
                             { _lhsOidentifier ->
                             (case (({-# LINE 143 "src/GLuaFixer/AG/ASTLint.ag" #-}
                                     {-# LINE 3380 "src/GLuaFixer/AG/ASTLint.hs" #-}
                                     )) of
                              { _lhsOisInModule ->
                              (case (({-# LINE 186 "src/GLuaFixer/AG/ASTLint.ag" #-}
                                      {-# LINE 3385 "src/GLuaFixer/AG/ASTLint.hs" #-}
                                      )) of
                               { _lhsOisSimpleExpression ->
                               (case (({-# LINE 213 "src/GLuaFixer/AG/ASTLint.ag" #-}
                                       {-# LINE 3390 "src/GLuaFixer/AG/ASTLint.hs" #-}
                                       )) of
                                { _lhsOisSingleVar ->
                                (case (({-# LINE 135 "src/GLuaFixer/AG/ASTLint.ag" #-}
                                        {-# LINE 3395 "src/GLuaFixer/AG/ASTLint.hs" #-}
                                        )) of
                                 { _lhsOmtokenPos ->
                                 (case (({-# LINE 144 "src/GLuaFixer/AG/ASTLint.ag" #-}
                                         {-# LINE 3400 "src/GLuaFixer/AG/ASTLint.hs" #-}
                                         )) of
                                  { _lhsOscopes ->
                                  (case (({-# LINE 131 "src/GLuaFixer/AG/ASTLint.ag" #-}
                                          {-# LINE 3405 "src/GLuaFixer/AG/ASTLint.hs" #-}
                                          )) of
                                   { _lhsOvariableStyle ->
                                   (case (({-# LINE 152 "src/GLuaFixer/AG/ASTLint.ag" #-}
                                           {-# LINE 3410 "src/GLuaFixer/AG/ASTLint.hs" #-}
                                           )) of
                                    { _lhsOwarnings ->
                                    ( _lhsOglobalDefinitions,_lhsOidentifier,_lhsOisInModule,_lhsOisSimpleExpression,_lhsOisSingleVar,_lhsOmtokenPos,_lhsOscopes,_lhsOvariableStyle,_lhsOwarnings) }) }) }) }) }) }) }) }) }))
              in  sem_Expr_AFalse_1)) of
       { ( sem_Expr_1) ->
       ( _lhsOcopy,sem_Expr_1) }) }) })
sem_Expr_ATrue :: T_Expr
sem_Expr_ATrue :: T_Expr
sem_Expr_ATrue =
    (case (({-# LINE 153 "src/GLuaFixer/AG/ASTLint.ag" #-}
            {-# LINE 3421 "src/GLuaFixer/AG/ASTLint.hs" #-}
            )) of
     { _copy ->
     (case (({-# LINE 153 "src/GLuaFixer/AG/ASTLint.ag" #-}
             {-# LINE 3426 "src/GLuaFixer/AG/ASTLint.hs" #-}
             )) of
      { _lhsOcopy ->
      (case ((let sem_Expr_ATrue_1 :: T_Expr_1
                  sem_Expr_ATrue_1 =
                      (\ _lhsIconfig
                         _lhsIvariableStyle ->
                           (case (({-# LINE 138 "src/GLuaFixer/AG/ASTLint.ag" #-}
                                   {-# LINE 3447 "src/GLuaFixer/AG/ASTLint.hs" #-}
                                   )) of
                            { _lhsOglobalDefinitions ->
                            (case (({-# LINE 154 "src/GLuaFixer/AG/ASTLint.ag" #-}
                                    {-# LINE 3452 "src/GLuaFixer/AG/ASTLint.hs" #-}
                                    )) of
                             { _lhsOidentifier ->
                             (case (({-# LINE 143 "src/GLuaFixer/AG/ASTLint.ag" #-}
                                     {-# LINE 3457 "src/GLuaFixer/AG/ASTLint.hs" #-}
                                     )) of
                              { _lhsOisInModule ->
                              (case (({-# LINE 186 "src/GLuaFixer/AG/ASTLint.ag" #-}
                                      {-# LINE 3462 "src/GLuaFixer/AG/ASTLint.hs" #-}
                                      )) of
                               { _lhsOisSimpleExpression ->
                               (case (({-# LINE 213 "src/GLuaFixer/AG/ASTLint.ag" #-}
                                       {-# LINE 3467 "src/GLuaFixer/AG/ASTLint.hs" #-}
                                       )) of
                                { _lhsOisSingleVar ->
                                (case (({-# LINE 135 "src/GLuaFixer/AG/ASTLint.ag" #-}
                                        {-# LINE 3472 "src/GLuaFixer/AG/ASTLint.hs" #-}
                                        )) of
                                 { _lhsOmtokenPos ->
                                 (case (({-# LINE 144 "src/GLuaFixer/AG/ASTLint.ag" #-}
                                         {-# LINE 3477 "src/GLuaFixer/AG/ASTLint.hs" #-}
                                         )) of
                                  { _lhsOscopes ->
                                  (case (({-# LINE 131 "src/GLuaFixer/AG/ASTLint.ag" #-}
                                          {-# LINE 3482 "src/GLuaFixer/AG/ASTLint.hs" #-}
                                          )) of
                                   { _lhsOvariableStyle ->
                                   (case (({-# LINE 152 "src/GLuaFixer/AG/ASTLint.ag" #-}
                                           {-# LINE 3487 "src/GLuaFixer/AG/ASTLint.hs" #-}
                                           )) of
                                    { _lhsOwarnings ->
                                    ( _lhsOglobalDefinitions,_lhsOidentifier,_lhsOisInModule,_lhsOisSimpleExpression,_lhsOisSingleVar,_lhsOmtokenPos,_lhsOscopes,_lhsOvariableStyle,_lhsOwarnings) }) }) }) }) }) }) }) }) }))
              in  sem_Expr_ATrue_1)) of
       { ( sem_Expr_1) ->
       ( _lhsOcopy,sem_Expr_1) }) }) })
sem_Expr_ANumber :: String ->
sem_Expr_ANumber :: String -> T_Expr
sem_Expr_ANumber String
num_ =
    (case (({-# LINE 153 "src/GLuaFixer/AG/ASTLint.ag" #-}
            ANumber num_
            {-# LINE 3499 "src/GLuaFixer/AG/ASTLint.hs" #-}
            )) of
     { _copy ->
     (case (({-# LINE 153 "src/GLuaFixer/AG/ASTLint.ag" #-}
             {-# LINE 3504 "src/GLuaFixer/AG/ASTLint.hs" #-}
             )) of
      { _lhsOcopy ->
      (case ((let sem_Expr_ANumber_1 :: T_Expr_1
                  sem_Expr_ANumber_1 =
                      (\ _lhsIconfig
                         _lhsIvariableStyle ->
                           (case (({-# LINE 138 "src/GLuaFixer/AG/ASTLint.ag" #-}
                                   {-# LINE 3525 "src/GLuaFixer/AG/ASTLint.hs" #-}
                                   )) of
                            { _lhsOglobalDefinitions ->
                            (case (({-# LINE 154 "src/GLuaFixer/AG/ASTLint.ag" #-}
                                    {-# LINE 3530 "src/GLuaFixer/AG/ASTLint.hs" #-}
                                    )) of
                             { _lhsOidentifier ->
                             (case (({-# LINE 143 "src/GLuaFixer/AG/ASTLint.ag" #-}
                                     {-# LINE 3535 "src/GLuaFixer/AG/ASTLint.hs" #-}
                                     )) of
                              { _lhsOisInModule ->
                              (case (({-# LINE 186 "src/GLuaFixer/AG/ASTLint.ag" #-}
                                      {-# LINE 3540 "src/GLuaFixer/AG/ASTLint.hs" #-}
                                      )) of
                               { _lhsOisSimpleExpression ->
                               (case (({-# LINE 213 "src/GLuaFixer/AG/ASTLint.ag" #-}
                                       {-# LINE 3545 "src/GLuaFixer/AG/ASTLint.hs" #-}
                                       )) of
                                { _lhsOisSingleVar ->
                                (case (({-# LINE 135 "src/GLuaFixer/AG/ASTLint.ag" #-}
                                        {-# LINE 3550 "src/GLuaFixer/AG/ASTLint.hs" #-}
                                        )) of
                                 { _lhsOmtokenPos ->
                                 (case (({-# LINE 144 "src/GLuaFixer/AG/ASTLint.ag" #-}
                                         {-# LINE 3555 "src/GLuaFixer/AG/ASTLint.hs" #-}
                                         )) of
                                  { _lhsOscopes ->
                                  (case (({-# LINE 131 "src/GLuaFixer/AG/ASTLint.ag" #-}
                                          {-# LINE 3560 "src/GLuaFixer/AG/ASTLint.hs" #-}
                                          )) of
                                   { _lhsOvariableStyle ->
                                   (case (({-# LINE 152 "src/GLuaFixer/AG/ASTLint.ag" #-}
                                           {-# LINE 3565 "src/GLuaFixer/AG/ASTLint.hs" #-}
                                           )) of
                                    { _lhsOwarnings ->
                                    ( _lhsOglobalDefinitions,_lhsOidentifier,_lhsOisInModule,_lhsOisSimpleExpression,_lhsOisSingleVar,_lhsOmtokenPos,_lhsOscopes,_lhsOvariableStyle,_lhsOwarnings) }) }) }) }) }) }) }) }) }))
              in  sem_Expr_ANumber_1)) of
       { ( sem_Expr_1) ->
       ( _lhsOcopy,sem_Expr_1) }) }) })
sem_Expr_AString :: T_MToken ->
sem_Expr_AString :: T_MToken -> T_Expr
sem_Expr_AString T_MToken
str_ =
    (case (T_MToken
str_) of
     { ( MToken
str_1) ->
         (case (({-# LINE 153 "src/GLuaFixer/AG/ASTLint.ag" #-}
                 AString _strIcopy
                 {-# LINE 3579 "src/GLuaFixer/AG/ASTLint.hs" #-}
                 )) of
          { _copy ->
          (case (({-# LINE 153 "src/GLuaFixer/AG/ASTLint.ag" #-}
                  {-# LINE 3584 "src/GLuaFixer/AG/ASTLint.hs" #-}
                  )) of
           { _lhsOcopy ->
           (case ((let sem_Expr_AString_1 :: T_Expr_1
                       sem_Expr_AString_1 =
                           (\ _lhsIconfig
                              _lhsIvariableStyle ->
                                (case (({-# LINE 138 "src/GLuaFixer/AG/ASTLint.ag" #-}
                                        {-# LINE 3605 "src/GLuaFixer/AG/ASTLint.hs" #-}
                                        )) of
                                 { _strOglobalDefinitions ->
                                 (case (({-# LINE 144 "src/GLuaFixer/AG/ASTLint.ag" #-}
                                         {-# LINE 3610 "src/GLuaFixer/AG/ASTLint.hs" #-}
                                         )) of
                                  { _strOscopes ->
                                  (case (({-# LINE 135 "src/GLuaFixer/AG/ASTLint.ag" #-}
                                          {-# LINE 3615 "src/GLuaFixer/AG/ASTLint.hs" #-}
                                          )) of
                                   { _strOmtokenPos ->
                                   (case (({-# LINE 145 "src/GLuaFixer/AG/ASTLint.ag" #-}
                                           {-# LINE 3620 "src/GLuaFixer/AG/ASTLint.hs" #-}
                                           )) of
                                    { _strOisMeta ->
                                    (case (({-# LINE 143 "src/GLuaFixer/AG/ASTLint.ag" #-}
                                            {-# LINE 3625 "src/GLuaFixer/AG/ASTLint.hs" #-}
                                            )) of
                                     { _strOisInModule ->
                                     (case (({-# LINE 146 "src/GLuaFixer/AG/ASTLint.ag" #-}
                                             {-# LINE 3630 "src/GLuaFixer/AG/ASTLint.hs" #-}
                                             )) of
                                      { _strOfuncName ->
                                      (case (({-# LINE 134 "src/GLuaFixer/AG/ASTLint.ag" #-}
                                              {-# LINE 3635 "src/GLuaFixer/AG/ASTLint.hs" #-}
                                              )) of
                                       { _strOconfig ->
                                       (case (str_1 _strOconfig _strOfuncName _strOglobalDefinitions _strOisInModule _strOisMeta _strOmtokenPos _strOscopes) of
                                        { ( _strIglobalDefinitions,_strIidentifier,_strIisInModule,_strIscopes,_strIwarnings) ->
                                            (case (({-# LINE 138 "src/GLuaFixer/AG/ASTLint.ag" #-}
                                                    {-# LINE 3642 "src/GLuaFixer/AG/ASTLint.hs" #-}
                                                    )) of
                                             { _lhsOglobalDefinitions ->
                                             (case (({-# LINE 154 "src/GLuaFixer/AG/ASTLint.ag" #-}
                                                     {-# LINE 3647 "src/GLuaFixer/AG/ASTLint.hs" #-}
                                                     )) of
                                              { _lhsOidentifier ->
                                              (case (({-# LINE 143 "src/GLuaFixer/AG/ASTLint.ag" #-}
                                                      {-# LINE 3652 "src/GLuaFixer/AG/ASTLint.hs" #-}
                                                      )) of
                                               { _lhsOisInModule ->
                                               (case (({-# LINE 186 "src/GLuaFixer/AG/ASTLint.ag" #-}
                                                       {-# LINE 3657 "src/GLuaFixer/AG/ASTLint.hs" #-}
                                                       )) of
                                                { _lhsOisSimpleExpression ->
                                                (case (({-# LINE 213 "src/GLuaFixer/AG/ASTLint.ag" #-}
                                                        {-# LINE 3662 "src/GLuaFixer/AG/ASTLint.hs" #-}
                                                        )) of
                                                 { _lhsOisSingleVar ->
                                                 (case (({-# LINE 135 "src/GLuaFixer/AG/ASTLint.ag" #-}
                                                         {-# LINE 3667 "src/GLuaFixer/AG/ASTLint.hs" #-}
                                                         )) of
                                                  { _lhsOmtokenPos ->
                                                  (case (({-# LINE 144 "src/GLuaFixer/AG/ASTLint.ag" #-}
                                                          {-# LINE 3672 "src/GLuaFixer/AG/ASTLint.hs" #-}
                                                          )) of
                                                   { _lhsOscopes ->
                                                   (case (({-# LINE 131 "src/GLuaFixer/AG/ASTLint.ag" #-}
                                                           {-# LINE 3677 "src/GLuaFixer/AG/ASTLint.hs" #-}
                                                           )) of
                                                    { _lhsOvariableStyle ->
                                                    (case (({-# LINE 152 "src/GLuaFixer/AG/ASTLint.ag" #-}
                                                            {-# LINE 3682 "src/GLuaFixer/AG/ASTLint.hs" #-}
                                                            )) of
                                                     { _lhsOwarnings ->
                                                     ( _lhsOglobalDefinitions,_lhsOidentifier,_lhsOisInModule,_lhsOisSimpleExpression,_lhsOisSingleVar,_lhsOmtokenPos,_lhsOscopes,_lhsOvariableStyle,_lhsOwarnings) }) }) }) }) }) }) }) }) }) }) }) }) }) }) }) }) }))
                   in  sem_Expr_AString_1)) of
            { ( sem_Expr_1) ->
            ( _lhsOcopy,sem_Expr_1) }) }) }) })
sem_Expr_AVarArg :: T_Expr
sem_Expr_AVarArg :: T_Expr
sem_Expr_AVarArg =
    (case (({-# LINE 153 "src/GLuaFixer/AG/ASTLint.ag" #-}
            {-# LINE 3693 "src/GLuaFixer/AG/ASTLint.hs" #-}
            )) of
     { _copy ->
     (case (({-# LINE 153 "src/GLuaFixer/AG/ASTLint.ag" #-}
             {-# LINE 3698 "src/GLuaFixer/AG/ASTLint.hs" #-}
             )) of
      { _lhsOcopy ->
      (case ((let sem_Expr_AVarArg_1 :: T_Expr_1
                  sem_Expr_AVarArg_1 =
                      (\ _lhsIconfig
                         _lhsIvariableStyle ->
                           (case (({-# LINE 138 "src/GLuaFixer/AG/ASTLint.ag" #-}
                                   {-# LINE 3719 "src/GLuaFixer/AG/ASTLint.hs" #-}
                                   )) of
                            { _lhsOglobalDefinitions ->
                            (case (({-# LINE 154 "src/GLuaFixer/AG/ASTLint.ag" #-}
                                    {-# LINE 3724 "src/GLuaFixer/AG/ASTLint.hs" #-}
                                    )) of
                             { _lhsOidentifier ->
                             (case (({-# LINE 143 "src/GLuaFixer/AG/ASTLint.ag" #-}
                                     {-# LINE 3729 "src/GLuaFixer/AG/ASTLint.hs" #-}
                                     )) of
                              { _lhsOisInModule ->
                              (case (({-# LINE 567 "src/GLuaFixer/AG/ASTLint.ag" #-}
                                      {-# LINE 3734 "src/GLuaFixer/AG/ASTLint.hs" #-}
                                      )) of
                               { _lhsOisSimpleExpression ->
                               (case (({-# LINE 213 "src/GLuaFixer/AG/ASTLint.ag" #-}
                                       {-# LINE 3739 "src/GLuaFixer/AG/ASTLint.hs" #-}
                                       )) of
                                { _lhsOisSingleVar ->
                                (case (({-# LINE 135 "src/GLuaFixer/AG/ASTLint.ag" #-}
                                        {-# LINE 3744 "src/GLuaFixer/AG/ASTLint.hs" #-}
                                        )) of
                                 { _lhsOmtokenPos ->
                                 (case (({-# LINE 144 "src/GLuaFixer/AG/ASTLint.ag" #-}
                                         {-# LINE 3749 "src/GLuaFixer/AG/ASTLint.hs" #-}
                                         )) of
                                  { _lhsOscopes ->
                                  (case (({-# LINE 131 "src/GLuaFixer/AG/ASTLint.ag" #-}
                                          {-# LINE 3754 "src/GLuaFixer/AG/ASTLint.hs" #-}
                                          )) of
                                   { _lhsOvariableStyle ->
                                   (case (({-# LINE 152 "src/GLuaFixer/AG/ASTLint.ag" #-}
                                           {-# LINE 3759 "src/GLuaFixer/AG/ASTLint.hs" #-}
                                           )) of
                                    { _lhsOwarnings ->
                                    ( _lhsOglobalDefinitions,_lhsOidentifier,_lhsOisInModule,_lhsOisSimpleExpression,_lhsOisSingleVar,_lhsOmtokenPos,_lhsOscopes,_lhsOvariableStyle,_lhsOwarnings) }) }) }) }) }) }) }) }) }))
              in  sem_Expr_AVarArg_1)) of
       { ( sem_Expr_1) ->
       ( _lhsOcopy,sem_Expr_1) }) }) })
sem_Expr_AnonymousFunc :: ([MToken]) ->
                          T_Block ->
sem_Expr_AnonymousFunc :: [MToken] -> T_Block -> T_Expr
sem_Expr_AnonymousFunc [MToken]
pars_ T_Block
body_ =
    (case (T_Block
body_) of
     { ( Block
body_1) ->
         (case (({-# LINE 153 "src/GLuaFixer/AG/ASTLint.ag" #-}
                 AnonymousFunc pars_ _bodyIcopy
                 {-# LINE 3774 "src/GLuaFixer/AG/ASTLint.hs" #-}
                 )) of
          { _copy ->
          (case (({-# LINE 153 "src/GLuaFixer/AG/ASTLint.ag" #-}
                  {-# LINE 3779 "src/GLuaFixer/AG/ASTLint.hs" #-}
                  )) of
           { _lhsOcopy ->
           (case ((let sem_Expr_AnonymousFunc_1 :: T_Expr_1
                       sem_Expr_AnonymousFunc_1 =
                           (\ _lhsIconfig
                              _lhsIvariableStyle ->
                                (case (({-# LINE 143 "src/GLuaFixer/AG/ASTLint.ag" #-}
                                        {-# LINE 3800 "src/GLuaFixer/AG/ASTLint.hs" #-}
                                        )) of
                                 { _bodyOisInModule ->
                                 (case (({-# LINE 138 "src/GLuaFixer/AG/ASTLint.ag" #-}
                                         {-# LINE 3805 "src/GLuaFixer/AG/ASTLint.hs" #-}
                                         )) of
                                  { _bodyOglobalDefinitions ->
                                  (case (({-# LINE 134 "src/GLuaFixer/AG/ASTLint.ag" #-}
                                          {-# LINE 3810 "src/GLuaFixer/AG/ASTLint.hs" #-}
                                          )) of
                                   { _bodyOconfig ->
                                   (case (({-# LINE 572 "src/GLuaFixer/AG/ASTLint.ag" #-}
                                           _lhsIisMeta || findSelf pars_
                                           {-# LINE 3815 "src/GLuaFixer/AG/ASTLint.hs" #-}
                                           )) of
                                    { _bodyOisMeta ->
                                    (case (({-# LINE 569 "src/GLuaFixer/AG/ASTLint.ag" #-}
                                            M.fromList $ map (\mt -> (tokenLabel mt, (not . lint_unusedParameters $ _lhsIconfig, mpos mt))) pars_
                                            {-# LINE 3820 "src/GLuaFixer/AG/ASTLint.hs" #-}
                                            )) of
                                     { _introduces ->
                                     (case (({-# LINE 570 "src/GLuaFixer/AG/ASTLint.ag" #-}
                                             _introduces     : _lhsIscopes
                                             {-# LINE 3825 "src/GLuaFixer/AG/ASTLint.hs" #-}
                                             )) of
                                      { _bodyOscopes ->
                                      (case (({-# LINE 131 "src/GLuaFixer/AG/ASTLint.ag" #-}
                                              {-# LINE 3830 "src/GLuaFixer/AG/ASTLint.hs" #-}
                                              )) of
                                       { _bodyOvariableStyle ->
                                       (case (({-# LINE 127 "src/GLuaFixer/AG/ASTLint.ag" #-}
                                               {-# LINE 3835 "src/GLuaFixer/AG/ASTLint.hs" #-}
                                               )) of
                                        { _bodyOscopeLevel ->
                                        (case (({-# LINE 135 "src/GLuaFixer/AG/ASTLint.ag" #-}
                                                {-# LINE 3840 "src/GLuaFixer/AG/ASTLint.hs" #-}
                                                )) of
                                         { _bodyOmtokenPos ->
                                         (case (({-# LINE 128 "src/GLuaFixer/AG/ASTLint.ag" #-}
                                                 {-# LINE 3845 "src/GLuaFixer/AG/ASTLint.hs" #-}
                                                 )) of
                                          { _bodyOloopLevel ->
                                          (case (({-# LINE 146 "src/GLuaFixer/AG/ASTLint.ag" #-}
                                                  {-# LINE 3850 "src/GLuaFixer/AG/ASTLint.hs" #-}
                                                  )) of
                                           { _bodyOfuncName ->
                                           (case (({-# LINE 571 "src/GLuaFixer/AG/ASTLint.ag" #-}
                                                   {-# LINE 3855 "src/GLuaFixer/AG/ASTLint.hs" #-}
                                                   )) of
                                            { _bodyOisRepeat ->
                                            (case (body_1 _bodyOconfig _bodyOfuncName _bodyOglobalDefinitions _bodyOisInModule _bodyOisMeta _bodyOisRepeat _bodyOloopLevel _bodyOmtokenPos _bodyOscopeLevel _bodyOscopes _bodyOvariableStyle) of
                                             { ( _bodyIglobalDefinitions,_bodyIidentifier,_bodyIisIfStatement,_bodyIisInModule,_bodyImtokenPos,_bodyIscopes,_bodyIstatementCount,_bodyIvariableStyle,_bodyIwarnings) ->
                                                 (case (({-# LINE 138 "src/GLuaFixer/AG/ASTLint.ag" #-}
                                                         {-# LINE 3862 "src/GLuaFixer/AG/ASTLint.hs" #-}
                                                         )) of
                                                  { _lhsOglobalDefinitions ->
                                                  (case (({-# LINE 154 "src/GLuaFixer/AG/ASTLint.ag" #-}
                                                          {-# LINE 3867 "src/GLuaFixer/AG/ASTLint.hs" #-}
                                                          )) of
                                                   { _lhsOidentifier ->
                                                   (case (({-# LINE 143 "src/GLuaFixer/AG/ASTLint.ag" #-}
                                                           {-# LINE 3872 "src/GLuaFixer/AG/ASTLint.hs" #-}
                                                           )) of
                                                    { _lhsOisInModule ->
                                                    (case (({-# LINE 186 "src/GLuaFixer/AG/ASTLint.ag" #-}
                                                            {-# LINE 3877 "src/GLuaFixer/AG/ASTLint.hs" #-}
                                                            )) of
                                                     { _lhsOisSimpleExpression ->
                                                     (case (({-# LINE 213 "src/GLuaFixer/AG/ASTLint.ag" #-}
                                                             {-# LINE 3882 "src/GLuaFixer/AG/ASTLint.hs" #-}
                                                             )) of
                                                      { _lhsOisSingleVar ->
                                                      (case (({-# LINE 135 "src/GLuaFixer/AG/ASTLint.ag" #-}
                                                              {-# LINE 3887 "src/GLuaFixer/AG/ASTLint.hs" #-}
                                                              )) of
                                                       { _lhsOmtokenPos ->
                                                       (case (({-# LINE 144 "src/GLuaFixer/AG/ASTLint.ag" #-}
                                                               {-# LINE 3892 "src/GLuaFixer/AG/ASTLint.hs" #-}
                                                               )) of
                                                        { _lhsOscopes ->
                                                        (case (({-# LINE 131 "src/GLuaFixer/AG/ASTLint.ag" #-}
                                                                {-# LINE 3897 "src/GLuaFixer/AG/ASTLint.hs" #-}
                                                                )) of
                                                         { _lhsOvariableStyle ->
                                                         (case (({-# LINE 575 "src/GLuaFixer/AG/ASTLint.ag" #-}
                                                                 {-# LINE 3902 "src/GLuaFixer/AG/ASTLint.hs" #-}
                                                                 )) of
                                                          { _warnings_augmented_syn ->
                                                          (case (({-# LINE 573 "src/GLuaFixer/AG/ASTLint.ag" #-}
                                                                  filter (/= MToken emptyRg VarArg) $ pars_
                                                                  {-# LINE 3907 "src/GLuaFixer/AG/ASTLint.hs" #-}
                                                                  )) of
                                                           { _argIdentifiers ->
                                                           (case (({-# LINE 575 "src/GLuaFixer/AG/ASTLint.ag" #-}
                                                                   if not (lint_shadowing _lhsIconfig) then id else
                                                                     (++) . catMaybes . map (checkShadows _lhsIscopes) $ _argIdentifiers
                                                                   {-# LINE 3913 "src/GLuaFixer/AG/ASTLint.hs" #-}
                                                                   )) of
                                                            { _warnings_augmented_f1 ->
                                                            (case (({-# LINE 575 "src/GLuaFixer/AG/ASTLint.ag" #-}
                                                                    foldr ($) _warnings_augmented_syn [_warnings_augmented_f1]
                                                                    {-# LINE 3918 "src/GLuaFixer/AG/ASTLint.hs" #-}
                                                                    )) of
                                                             { _lhsOwarnings ->
                                                             ( _lhsOglobalDefinitions,_lhsOidentifier,_lhsOisInModule,_lhsOisSimpleExpression,_lhsOisSingleVar,_lhsOmtokenPos,_lhsOscopes,_lhsOvariableStyle,_lhsOwarnings) }) }) }) }) }) }) }) }) }) }) }) }) }) }) }) }) }) }) }) }) }) }) }) }) }))
                   in  sem_Expr_AnonymousFunc_1)) of
            { ( sem_Expr_1) ->
            ( _lhsOcopy,sem_Expr_1) }) }) }) })
sem_Expr_APrefixExpr :: T_PrefixExp ->
sem_Expr_APrefixExpr :: T_PrefixExp -> T_Expr
sem_Expr_APrefixExpr T_PrefixExp
pexpr_ =
    (case (T_PrefixExp
pexpr_) of
     { ( PrefixExp
_pexprImtokenPos,Maybe MToken
pexpr_1) ->
         (case (({-# LINE 153 "src/GLuaFixer/AG/ASTLint.ag" #-}
                 APrefixExpr _pexprIcopy
                 {-# LINE 3932 "src/GLuaFixer/AG/ASTLint.hs" #-}
                 )) of
          { _copy ->
          (case (({-# LINE 153 "src/GLuaFixer/AG/ASTLint.ag" #-}
                  {-# LINE 3937 "src/GLuaFixer/AG/ASTLint.hs" #-}
                  )) of
           { _lhsOcopy ->
           (case ((let sem_Expr_APrefixExpr_1 :: T_Expr_1
                       sem_Expr_APrefixExpr_1 =
                           (\ _lhsIconfig
                              _lhsIvariableStyle ->
                                (case (({-# LINE 178 "src/GLuaFixer/AG/ASTLint.ag" #-}
                                        {-# LINE 3958 "src/GLuaFixer/AG/ASTLint.hs" #-}
                                        )) of
                                 { _pexprOvarBeingDefined ->
                                 (case (({-# LINE 144 "src/GLuaFixer/AG/ASTLint.ag" #-}
                                         {-# LINE 3963 "src/GLuaFixer/AG/ASTLint.hs" #-}
                                         )) of
                                  { _pexprOscopes ->
                                  (case (({-# LINE 145 "src/GLuaFixer/AG/ASTLint.ag" #-}
                                          {-# LINE 3968 "src/GLuaFixer/AG/ASTLint.hs" #-}
                                          )) of
                                   { _pexprOisMeta ->
                                   (case (({-# LINE 143 "src/GLuaFixer/AG/ASTLint.ag" #-}
                                           {-# LINE 3973 "src/GLuaFixer/AG/ASTLint.hs" #-}
                                           )) of
                                    { _pexprOisInModule ->
                                    (case (({-# LINE 138 "src/GLuaFixer/AG/ASTLint.ag" #-}
                                            {-# LINE 3978 "src/GLuaFixer/AG/ASTLint.hs" #-}
                                            )) of
                                     { _pexprOglobalDefinitions ->
                                     (case (({-# LINE 134 "src/GLuaFixer/AG/ASTLint.ag" #-}
                                             {-# LINE 3983 "src/GLuaFixer/AG/ASTLint.hs" #-}
                                             )) of
                                      { _pexprOconfig ->
                                      (case (({-# LINE 578 "src/GLuaFixer/AG/ASTLint.ag" #-}
                                              {-# LINE 3988 "src/GLuaFixer/AG/ASTLint.hs" #-}
                                              )) of
                                       { _pexprOregisterVarUse ->
                                       (case (({-# LINE 131 "src/GLuaFixer/AG/ASTLint.ag" #-}
                                               {-# LINE 3993 "src/GLuaFixer/AG/ASTLint.hs" #-}
                                               )) of
                                        { _pexprOvariableStyle ->
                                        (case (({-# LINE 182 "src/GLuaFixer/AG/ASTLint.ag" #-}
                                                {-# LINE 3998 "src/GLuaFixer/AG/ASTLint.hs" #-}
                                                )) of
                                         { _pexprOtopLevel ->
                                         (case (({-# LINE 127 "src/GLuaFixer/AG/ASTLint.ag" #-}
                                                 {-# LINE 4003 "src/GLuaFixer/AG/ASTLint.hs" #-}
                                                 )) of
                                          { _pexprOscopeLevel ->
                                          (case (({-# LINE 135 "src/GLuaFixer/AG/ASTLint.ag" #-}
                                                  {-# LINE 4008 "src/GLuaFixer/AG/ASTLint.hs" #-}
                                                  )) of
                                           { _pexprOmtokenPos ->
                                           (case (({-# LINE 128 "src/GLuaFixer/AG/ASTLint.ag" #-}
                                                   {-# LINE 4013 "src/GLuaFixer/AG/ASTLint.hs" #-}
                                                   )) of
                                            { _pexprOloopLevel ->
                                            (case (({-# LINE 169 "src/GLuaFixer/AG/ASTLint.ag" #-}
                                                    {-# LINE 4018 "src/GLuaFixer/AG/ASTLint.hs" #-}
                                                    )) of
                                             { _pexprOisNegation ->
                                             (case (({-# LINE 181 "src/GLuaFixer/AG/ASTLint.ag" #-}
                                                     {-# LINE 4023 "src/GLuaFixer/AG/ASTLint.hs" #-}
                                                     )) of
                                              { _pexprOinParentheses ->
                                              (case (({-# LINE 146 "src/GLuaFixer/AG/ASTLint.ag" #-}
                                                      {-# LINE 4028 "src/GLuaFixer/AG/ASTLint.hs" #-}
                                                      )) of
                                               { _pexprOfuncName ->
                                               (case (pexpr_1 _pexprOconfig _pexprOfuncName _pexprOglobalDefinitions _pexprOinParentheses _pexprOisInModule _pexprOisMeta _pexprOisNegation _pexprOloopLevel _pexprOmtokenPos _pexprOregisterVarUse _pexprOscopeLevel _pexprOscopes _pexprOtopLevel _pexprOvarBeingDefined _pexprOvariableStyle) of
                                                { ( _pexprIglobalDefinitions,_pexprIidentifier,_pexprIisInModule,_pexprIisSimpleExpression,_pexprIisSingleVar,_pexprIscopes,_pexprIvariableStyle,_pexprIwarnings) ->
                                                    (case (({-# LINE 138 "src/GLuaFixer/AG/ASTLint.ag" #-}
                                                            {-# LINE 4035 "src/GLuaFixer/AG/ASTLint.hs" #-}
                                                            )) of
                                                     { _lhsOglobalDefinitions ->
                                                     (case (({-# LINE 154 "src/GLuaFixer/AG/ASTLint.ag" #-}
                                                             {-# LINE 4040 "src/GLuaFixer/AG/ASTLint.hs" #-}
                                                             )) of
                                                      { _lhsOidentifier ->
                                                      (case (({-# LINE 143 "src/GLuaFixer/AG/ASTLint.ag" #-}
                                                              {-# LINE 4045 "src/GLuaFixer/AG/ASTLint.hs" #-}
                                                              )) of
                                                       { _lhsOisInModule ->
                                                       (case (({-# LINE 186 "src/GLuaFixer/AG/ASTLint.ag" #-}
                                                               {-# LINE 4050 "src/GLuaFixer/AG/ASTLint.hs" #-}
                                                               )) of
                                                        { _lhsOisSimpleExpression ->
                                                        (case (({-# LINE 213 "src/GLuaFixer/AG/ASTLint.ag" #-}
                                                                {-# LINE 4055 "src/GLuaFixer/AG/ASTLint.hs" #-}
                                                                )) of
                                                         { _lhsOisSingleVar ->
                                                         (case (({-# LINE 135 "src/GLuaFixer/AG/ASTLint.ag" #-}
                                                                 {-# LINE 4060 "src/GLuaFixer/AG/ASTLint.hs" #-}
                                                                 )) of
                                                          { _lhsOmtokenPos ->
                                                          (case (({-# LINE 144 "src/GLuaFixer/AG/ASTLint.ag" #-}
                                                                  {-# LINE 4065 "src/GLuaFixer/AG/ASTLint.hs" #-}
                                                                  )) of
                                                           { _lhsOscopes ->
                                                           (case (({-# LINE 131 "src/GLuaFixer/AG/ASTLint.ag" #-}
                                                                   {-# LINE 4070 "src/GLuaFixer/AG/ASTLint.hs" #-}
                                                                   )) of
                                                            { _lhsOvariableStyle ->
                                                            (case (({-# LINE 152 "src/GLuaFixer/AG/ASTLint.ag" #-}
                                                                    {-# LINE 4075 "src/GLuaFixer/AG/ASTLint.hs" #-}
                                                                    )) of
                                                             { _lhsOwarnings ->
                                                             ( _lhsOglobalDefinitions,_lhsOidentifier,_lhsOisInModule,_lhsOisSimpleExpression,_lhsOisSingleVar,_lhsOmtokenPos,_lhsOscopes,_lhsOvariableStyle,_lhsOwarnings) }) }) }) }) }) }) }) }) }) }) }) }) }) }) }) }) }) }) }) }) }) }) }) }) }))
                   in  sem_Expr_APrefixExpr_1)) of
            { ( sem_Expr_1) ->
            ( _lhsOcopy,sem_Expr_1) }) }) }) })
sem_Expr_ATableConstructor :: T_FieldList ->
sem_Expr_ATableConstructor :: T_FieldList -> T_Expr
sem_Expr_ATableConstructor T_FieldList
fields_ =
    (case (T_FieldList
fields_) of
     { ( FieldList
fields_1) ->
         (case (({-# LINE 153 "src/GLuaFixer/AG/ASTLint.ag" #-}
                 ATableConstructor _fieldsIcopy
                 {-# LINE 4089 "src/GLuaFixer/AG/ASTLint.hs" #-}
                 )) of
          { _copy ->
          (case (({-# LINE 153 "src/GLuaFixer/AG/ASTLint.ag" #-}
                  {-# LINE 4094 "src/GLuaFixer/AG/ASTLint.hs" #-}
                  )) of
           { _lhsOcopy ->
           (case ((let sem_Expr_ATableConstructor_1 :: T_Expr_1
                       sem_Expr_ATableConstructor_1 =
                           (\ _lhsIconfig
                              _lhsIvariableStyle ->
                                (case (({-# LINE 144 "src/GLuaFixer/AG/ASTLint.ag" #-}
                                        {-# LINE 4115 "src/GLuaFixer/AG/ASTLint.hs" #-}
                                        )) of
                                 { _fieldsOscopes ->
                                 (case (({-# LINE 145 "src/GLuaFixer/AG/ASTLint.ag" #-}
                                         {-# LINE 4120 "src/GLuaFixer/AG/ASTLint.hs" #-}
                                         )) of
                                  { _fieldsOisMeta ->
                                  (case (({-# LINE 143 "src/GLuaFixer/AG/ASTLint.ag" #-}
                                          {-# LINE 4125 "src/GLuaFixer/AG/ASTLint.hs" #-}
                                          )) of
                                   { _fieldsOisInModule ->
                                   (case (({-# LINE 138 "src/GLuaFixer/AG/ASTLint.ag" #-}
                                           {-# LINE 4130 "src/GLuaFixer/AG/ASTLint.hs" #-}
                                           )) of
                                    { _fieldsOglobalDefinitions ->
                                    (case (({-# LINE 134 "src/GLuaFixer/AG/ASTLint.ag" #-}
                                            {-# LINE 4135 "src/GLuaFixer/AG/ASTLint.hs" #-}
                                            )) of
                                     { _fieldsOconfig ->
                                     (case (({-# LINE 131 "src/GLuaFixer/AG/ASTLint.ag" #-}
                                             {-# LINE 4140 "src/GLuaFixer/AG/ASTLint.hs" #-}
                                             )) of
                                      { _fieldsOvariableStyle ->
                                      (case (({-# LINE 127 "src/GLuaFixer/AG/ASTLint.ag" #-}
                                              {-# LINE 4145 "src/GLuaFixer/AG/ASTLint.hs" #-}
                                              )) of
                                       { _fieldsOscopeLevel ->
                                       (case (({-# LINE 135 "src/GLuaFixer/AG/ASTLint.ag" #-}
                                               {-# LINE 4150 "src/GLuaFixer/AG/ASTLint.hs" #-}
                                               )) of
                                        { _fieldsOmtokenPos ->
                                        (case (({-# LINE 128 "src/GLuaFixer/AG/ASTLint.ag" #-}
                                                {-# LINE 4155 "src/GLuaFixer/AG/ASTLint.hs" #-}
                                                )) of
                                         { _fieldsOloopLevel ->
                                         (case (({-# LINE 146 "src/GLuaFixer/AG/ASTLint.ag" #-}
                                                 {-# LINE 4160 "src/GLuaFixer/AG/ASTLint.hs" #-}
                                                 )) of
                                          { _fieldsOfuncName ->
                                          (case (({-# LINE 580 "src/GLuaFixer/AG/ASTLint.ag" #-}
                                                  {-# LINE 4165 "src/GLuaFixer/AG/ASTLint.hs" #-}
                                                  )) of
                                           { _fieldsOfieldNames ->
                                           (case (fields_1 _fieldsOconfig _fieldsOfieldNames _fieldsOfuncName _fieldsOglobalDefinitions _fieldsOisInModule _fieldsOisMeta _fieldsOloopLevel _fieldsOmtokenPos _fieldsOscopeLevel _fieldsOscopes _fieldsOvariableStyle) of
                                            { ( _fieldsIfieldNames,_fieldsIglobalDefinitions,_fieldsIidentifier,_fieldsIisInModule,_fieldsImtokenPos,_fieldsIscopes,_fieldsIvariableStyle,_fieldsIwarnings) ->
                                                (case (({-# LINE 138 "src/GLuaFixer/AG/ASTLint.ag" #-}
                                                        {-# LINE 4172 "src/GLuaFixer/AG/ASTLint.hs" #-}
                                                        )) of
                                                 { _lhsOglobalDefinitions ->
                                                 (case (({-# LINE 154 "src/GLuaFixer/AG/ASTLint.ag" #-}
                                                         {-# LINE 4177 "src/GLuaFixer/AG/ASTLint.hs" #-}
                                                         )) of
                                                  { _lhsOidentifier ->
                                                  (case (({-# LINE 143 "src/GLuaFixer/AG/ASTLint.ag" #-}
                                                          {-# LINE 4182 "src/GLuaFixer/AG/ASTLint.hs" #-}
                                                          )) of
                                                   { _lhsOisInModule ->
                                                   (case (({-# LINE 186 "src/GLuaFixer/AG/ASTLint.ag" #-}
                                                           {-# LINE 4187 "src/GLuaFixer/AG/ASTLint.hs" #-}
                                                           )) of
                                                    { _lhsOisSimpleExpression ->
                                                    (case (({-# LINE 213 "src/GLuaFixer/AG/ASTLint.ag" #-}
                                                            {-# LINE 4192 "src/GLuaFixer/AG/ASTLint.hs" #-}
                                                            )) of
                                                     { _lhsOisSingleVar ->
                                                     (case (({-# LINE 135 "src/GLuaFixer/AG/ASTLint.ag" #-}
                                                             {-# LINE 4197 "src/GLuaFixer/AG/ASTLint.hs" #-}
                                                             )) of
                                                      { _lhsOmtokenPos ->
                                                      (case (({-# LINE 144 "src/GLuaFixer/AG/ASTLint.ag" #-}
                                                              {-# LINE 4202 "src/GLuaFixer/AG/ASTLint.hs" #-}
                                                              )) of
                                                       { _lhsOscopes ->
                                                       (case (({-# LINE 131 "src/GLuaFixer/AG/ASTLint.ag" #-}
                                                               {-# LINE 4207 "src/GLuaFixer/AG/ASTLint.hs" #-}
                                                               )) of
                                                        { _lhsOvariableStyle ->
                                                        (case (({-# LINE 152 "src/GLuaFixer/AG/ASTLint.ag" #-}
                                                                {-# LINE 4212 "src/GLuaFixer/AG/ASTLint.hs" #-}
                                                                )) of
                                                         { _lhsOwarnings ->
                                                         ( _lhsOglobalDefinitions,_lhsOidentifier,_lhsOisInModule,_lhsOisSimpleExpression,_lhsOisSingleVar,_lhsOmtokenPos,_lhsOscopes,_lhsOvariableStyle,_lhsOwarnings) }) }) }) }) }) }) }) }) }) }) }) }) }) }) }) }) }) }) }) }) }))
                   in  sem_Expr_ATableConstructor_1)) of
            { ( sem_Expr_1) ->
            ( _lhsOcopy,sem_Expr_1) }) }) }) })
sem_Expr_BinOpExpr :: T_BinOp ->
                      T_MExpr ->
                      T_MExpr ->
sem_Expr_BinOpExpr :: T_BinOp -> T_MExpr -> T_MExpr -> T_Expr
sem_Expr_BinOpExpr T_BinOp
op_ T_MExpr
left_ T_MExpr
right_ =
    (case (T_MExpr
right_) of
     { ( MExpr
right_1) ->
         (case (T_MExpr
left_) of
          { ( MExpr
left_1) ->
              (case (T_BinOp
op_) of
               { ( BinOp
op_1) ->
                   (case (({-# LINE 153 "src/GLuaFixer/AG/ASTLint.ag" #-}
                           BinOpExpr _opIcopy _leftIcopy _rightIcopy
                           {-# LINE 4232 "src/GLuaFixer/AG/ASTLint.hs" #-}
                           )) of
                    { _copy ->
                    (case (({-# LINE 153 "src/GLuaFixer/AG/ASTLint.ag" #-}
                            {-# LINE 4237 "src/GLuaFixer/AG/ASTLint.hs" #-}
                            )) of
                     { _lhsOcopy ->
                     (case ((let sem_Expr_BinOpExpr_1 :: T_Expr_1
                                 sem_Expr_BinOpExpr_1 =
                                     (\ _lhsIconfig
                                        _lhsIvariableStyle ->
                                          (case (({-# LINE 144 "src/GLuaFixer/AG/ASTLint.ag" #-}
                                                  {-# LINE 4258 "src/GLuaFixer/AG/ASTLint.hs" #-}
                                                  )) of
                                           { _opOscopes ->
                                           (case (({-# LINE 131 "src/GLuaFixer/AG/ASTLint.ag" #-}
                                                   {-# LINE 4263 "src/GLuaFixer/AG/ASTLint.hs" #-}
                                                   )) of
                                            { _opOvariableStyle ->
                                            (case (({-# LINE 127 "src/GLuaFixer/AG/ASTLint.ag" #-}
                                                    {-# LINE 4268 "src/GLuaFixer/AG/ASTLint.hs" #-}
                                                    )) of
                                             { _opOscopeLevel ->
                                             (case (({-# LINE 135 "src/GLuaFixer/AG/ASTLint.ag" #-}
                                                     {-# LINE 4273 "src/GLuaFixer/AG/ASTLint.hs" #-}
                                                     )) of
                                              { _opOmtokenPos ->
                                              (case (({-# LINE 128 "src/GLuaFixer/AG/ASTLint.ag" #-}
                                                      {-# LINE 4278 "src/GLuaFixer/AG/ASTLint.hs" #-}
                                                      )) of
                                               { _opOloopLevel ->
                                               (case (({-# LINE 145 "src/GLuaFixer/AG/ASTLint.ag" #-}
                                                       {-# LINE 4283 "src/GLuaFixer/AG/ASTLint.hs" #-}
                                                       )) of
                                                { _opOisMeta ->
                                                (case (({-# LINE 143 "src/GLuaFixer/AG/ASTLint.ag" #-}
                                                        {-# LINE 4288 "src/GLuaFixer/AG/ASTLint.hs" #-}
                                                        )) of
                                                 { _opOisInModule ->
                                                 (case (({-# LINE 138 "src/GLuaFixer/AG/ASTLint.ag" #-}
                                                         {-# LINE 4293 "src/GLuaFixer/AG/ASTLint.hs" #-}
                                                         )) of
                                                  { _opOglobalDefinitions ->
                                                  (case (({-# LINE 146 "src/GLuaFixer/AG/ASTLint.ag" #-}
                                                          {-# LINE 4298 "src/GLuaFixer/AG/ASTLint.hs" #-}
                                                          )) of
                                                   { _opOfuncName ->
                                                   (case (({-# LINE 134 "src/GLuaFixer/AG/ASTLint.ag" #-}
                                                           {-# LINE 4303 "src/GLuaFixer/AG/ASTLint.hs" #-}
                                                           )) of
                                                    { _opOconfig ->
                                                    (case (op_1 _opOconfig _opOfuncName _opOglobalDefinitions _opOisInModule _opOisMeta _opOloopLevel _opOmtokenPos _opOscopeLevel _opOscopes _opOvariableStyle) of
                                                     { ( _opIglobalDefinitions,_opIidentifier,_opIisInModule,_opImtokenPos,_opIscopes,_opIvariableStyle,_opIwarnings) ->
                                                         (case (({-# LINE 144 "src/GLuaFixer/AG/ASTLint.ag" #-}
                                                                 {-# LINE 4310 "src/GLuaFixer/AG/ASTLint.hs" #-}
                                                                 )) of
                                                          { _leftOscopes ->
                                                          (case (({-# LINE 145 "src/GLuaFixer/AG/ASTLint.ag" #-}
                                                                  {-# LINE 4315 "src/GLuaFixer/AG/ASTLint.hs" #-}
                                                                  )) of
                                                           { _leftOisMeta ->
                                                           (case (({-# LINE 134 "src/GLuaFixer/AG/ASTLint.ag" #-}
                                                                   {-# LINE 4320 "src/GLuaFixer/AG/ASTLint.hs" #-}
                                                                   )) of
                                                            { _leftOconfig ->
                                                            (case (({-# LINE 586 "src/GLuaFixer/AG/ASTLint.ag" #-}
                                                                    {-# LINE 4325 "src/GLuaFixer/AG/ASTLint.hs" #-}
                                                                    )) of
                                                             { _leftOvarBeingDefined ->
                                                             (case (({-# LINE 131 "src/GLuaFixer/AG/ASTLint.ag" #-}
                                                                     {-# LINE 4330 "src/GLuaFixer/AG/ASTLint.hs" #-}
                                                                     )) of
                                                              { _leftOvariableStyle ->
                                                              (case (({-# LINE 127 "src/GLuaFixer/AG/ASTLint.ag" #-}
                                                                      {-# LINE 4335 "src/GLuaFixer/AG/ASTLint.hs" #-}
                                                                      )) of
                                                               { _leftOscopeLevel ->
                                                               (case (({-# LINE 135 "src/GLuaFixer/AG/ASTLint.ag" #-}
                                                                       {-# LINE 4340 "src/GLuaFixer/AG/ASTLint.hs" #-}
                                                                       )) of
                                                                { _leftOmtokenPos ->
                                                                (case (({-# LINE 128 "src/GLuaFixer/AG/ASTLint.ag" #-}
                                                                        {-# LINE 4345 "src/GLuaFixer/AG/ASTLint.hs" #-}
                                                                        )) of
                                                                 { _leftOloopLevel ->
                                                                 (case (({-# LINE 143 "src/GLuaFixer/AG/ASTLint.ag" #-}
                                                                         {-# LINE 4350 "src/GLuaFixer/AG/ASTLint.hs" #-}
                                                                         )) of
                                                                  { _leftOisInModule ->
                                                                  (case (({-# LINE 138 "src/GLuaFixer/AG/ASTLint.ag" #-}
                                                                          {-# LINE 4355 "src/GLuaFixer/AG/ASTLint.hs" #-}
                                                                          )) of
                                                                   { _leftOglobalDefinitions ->
                                                                   (case (({-# LINE 146 "src/GLuaFixer/AG/ASTLint.ag" #-}
                                                                           {-# LINE 4360 "src/GLuaFixer/AG/ASTLint.hs" #-}
                                                                           )) of
                                                                    { _leftOfuncName ->
                                                                    (case (({-# LINE 585 "src/GLuaFixer/AG/ASTLint.ag" #-}
                                                                            {-# LINE 4365 "src/GLuaFixer/AG/ASTLint.hs" #-}
                                                                            )) of
                                                                     { _leftOtopLevel ->
                                                                     (case (({-# LINE 584 "src/GLuaFixer/AG/ASTLint.ag" #-}
                                                                             {-# LINE 4370 "src/GLuaFixer/AG/ASTLint.hs" #-}
                                                                             )) of
                                                                      { _leftOinParentheses ->
                                                                      (case (({-# LINE 583 "src/GLuaFixer/AG/ASTLint.ag" #-}
                                                                              {-# LINE 4375 "src/GLuaFixer/AG/ASTLint.hs" #-}
                                                                              )) of
                                                                       { _leftOisNegation ->
                                                                       (case (left_1 _leftOconfig _leftOfuncName _leftOglobalDefinitions _leftOinParentheses _leftOisInModule _leftOisMeta _leftOisNegation _leftOloopLevel _leftOmtokenPos _leftOscopeLevel _leftOscopes _leftOtopLevel _leftOvarBeingDefined _leftOvariableStyle) of
                                                                        { ( _leftIglobalDefinitions,_leftIidentifier,_leftIisInModule,_leftIisSimpleExpression,_leftIisSingleVar,_leftIscopes,_leftIvariableStyle,_leftIwarnings) ->
                                                                            (case (({-# LINE 144 "src/GLuaFixer/AG/ASTLint.ag" #-}
                                                                                    {-# LINE 4382 "src/GLuaFixer/AG/ASTLint.hs" #-}
                                                                                    )) of
                                                                             { _rightOscopes ->
                                                                             (case (({-# LINE 145 "src/GLuaFixer/AG/ASTLint.ag" #-}
                                                                                     {-# LINE 4387 "src/GLuaFixer/AG/ASTLint.hs" #-}
                                                                                     )) of
                                                                              { _rightOisMeta ->
                                                                              (case (({-# LINE 143 "src/GLuaFixer/AG/ASTLint.ag" #-}
                                                                                      {-# LINE 4392 "src/GLuaFixer/AG/ASTLint.hs" #-}
                                                                                      )) of
                                                                               { _rightOisInModule ->
                                                                               (case (({-# LINE 138 "src/GLuaFixer/AG/ASTLint.ag" #-}
                                                                                       {-# LINE 4397 "src/GLuaFixer/AG/ASTLint.hs" #-}
                                                                                       )) of
                                                                                { _rightOglobalDefinitions ->
                                                                                (case (({-# LINE 134 "src/GLuaFixer/AG/ASTLint.ag" #-}
                                                                                        {-# LINE 4402 "src/GLuaFixer/AG/ASTLint.hs" #-}
                                                                                        )) of
                                                                                 { _rightOconfig ->
                                                                                 (case (({-# LINE 590 "src/GLuaFixer/AG/ASTLint.ag" #-}
                                                                                         {-# LINE 4407 "src/GLuaFixer/AG/ASTLint.hs" #-}
                                                                                         )) of
                                                                                  { _rightOvarBeingDefined ->
                                                                                  (case (({-# LINE 131 "src/GLuaFixer/AG/ASTLint.ag" #-}
                                                                                          {-# LINE 4412 "src/GLuaFixer/AG/ASTLint.hs" #-}
                                                                                          )) of
                                                                                   { _rightOvariableStyle ->
                                                                                   (case (({-# LINE 127 "src/GLuaFixer/AG/ASTLint.ag" #-}
                                                                                           {-# LINE 4417 "src/GLuaFixer/AG/ASTLint.hs" #-}
                                                                                           )) of
                                                                                    { _rightOscopeLevel ->
                                                                                    (case (({-# LINE 135 "src/GLuaFixer/AG/ASTLint.ag" #-}
                                                                                            {-# LINE 4422 "src/GLuaFixer/AG/ASTLint.hs" #-}
                                                                                            )) of
                                                                                     { _rightOmtokenPos ->
                                                                                     (case (({-# LINE 128 "src/GLuaFixer/AG/ASTLint.ag" #-}
                                                                                             {-# LINE 4427 "src/GLuaFixer/AG/ASTLint.hs" #-}
                                                                                             )) of
                                                                                      { _rightOloopLevel ->
                                                                                      (case (({-# LINE 146 "src/GLuaFixer/AG/ASTLint.ag" #-}
                                                                                              {-# LINE 4432 "src/GLuaFixer/AG/ASTLint.hs" #-}
                                                                                              )) of
                                                                                       { _rightOfuncName ->
                                                                                       (case (({-# LINE 589 "src/GLuaFixer/AG/ASTLint.ag" #-}
                                                                                               {-# LINE 4437 "src/GLuaFixer/AG/ASTLint.hs" #-}
                                                                                               )) of
                                                                                        { _rightOtopLevel ->
                                                                                        (case (({-# LINE 588 "src/GLuaFixer/AG/ASTLint.ag" #-}
                                                                                                {-# LINE 4442 "src/GLuaFixer/AG/ASTLint.hs" #-}
                                                                                                )) of
                                                                                         { _rightOinParentheses ->
                                                                                         (case (({-# LINE 587 "src/GLuaFixer/AG/ASTLint.ag" #-}
                                                                                                 {-# LINE 4447 "src/GLuaFixer/AG/ASTLint.hs" #-}
                                                                                                 )) of
                                                                                          { _rightOisNegation ->
                                                                                          (case (right_1 _rightOconfig _rightOfuncName _rightOglobalDefinitions _rightOinParentheses _rightOisInModule _rightOisMeta _rightOisNegation _rightOloopLevel _rightOmtokenPos _rightOscopeLevel _rightOscopes _rightOtopLevel _rightOvarBeingDefined _rightOvariableStyle) of
                                                                                           { ( _rightIglobalDefinitions,_rightIidentifier,_rightIisInModule,_rightIisSimpleExpression,_rightIisSingleVar,_rightIscopes,_rightIvariableStyle,_rightIwarnings) ->
                                                                                               (case (({-# LINE 138 "src/GLuaFixer/AG/ASTLint.ag" #-}
                                                                                                       {-# LINE 4454 "src/GLuaFixer/AG/ASTLint.hs" #-}
                                                                                                       )) of
                                                                                                { _lhsOglobalDefinitions ->
                                                                                                (case (({-# LINE 154 "src/GLuaFixer/AG/ASTLint.ag" #-}
                                                                                                        (const _opIidentifier (const _leftIidentifier _rightIidentifier))
                                                                                                        {-# LINE 4459 "src/GLuaFixer/AG/ASTLint.hs" #-}
                                                                                                        )) of
                                                                                                 { _lhsOidentifier ->
                                                                                                 (case (({-# LINE 143 "src/GLuaFixer/AG/ASTLint.ag" #-}
                                                                                                         {-# LINE 4464 "src/GLuaFixer/AG/ASTLint.hs" #-}
                                                                                                         )) of
                                                                                                  { _lhsOisInModule ->
                                                                                                  (case (({-# LINE 582 "src/GLuaFixer/AG/ASTLint.ag" #-}
                                                                                                          {-# LINE 4469 "src/GLuaFixer/AG/ASTLint.hs" #-}
                                                                                                          )) of
                                                                                                   { _lhsOisSimpleExpression ->
                                                                                                   (case (({-# LINE 213 "src/GLuaFixer/AG/ASTLint.ag" #-}
                                                                                                           (const (const Nothing) _leftIisSingleVar _rightIisSingleVar)
                                                                                                           {-# LINE 4474 "src/GLuaFixer/AG/ASTLint.hs" #-}
                                                                                                           )) of
                                                                                                    { _lhsOisSingleVar ->
                                                                                                    (case (({-# LINE 135 "src/GLuaFixer/AG/ASTLint.ag" #-}
                                                                                                            {-# LINE 4479 "src/GLuaFixer/AG/ASTLint.hs" #-}
                                                                                                            )) of
                                                                                                     { _lhsOmtokenPos ->
                                                                                                     (case (({-# LINE 144 "src/GLuaFixer/AG/ASTLint.ag" #-}
                                                                                                             {-# LINE 4484 "src/GLuaFixer/AG/ASTLint.hs" #-}
                                                                                                             )) of
                                                                                                      { _lhsOscopes ->
                                                                                                      (case (({-# LINE 131 "src/GLuaFixer/AG/ASTLint.ag" #-}
                                                                                                              {-# LINE 4489 "src/GLuaFixer/AG/ASTLint.hs" #-}
                                                                                                              )) of
                                                                                                       { _lhsOvariableStyle ->
                                                                                                       (case (({-# LINE 594 "src/GLuaFixer/AG/ASTLint.ag" #-}
                                                                                                               _opIwarnings ++ _leftIwarnings ++ _rightIwarnings
                                                                                                               {-# LINE 4494 "src/GLuaFixer/AG/ASTLint.hs" #-}
                                                                                                               )) of
                                                                                                        { _warnings_augmented_syn ->
                                                                                                        (case (({-# LINE 593 "src/GLuaFixer/AG/ASTLint.ag" #-}
                                                                                                                oppositeBinOp _opIcopy
                                                                                                                {-# LINE 4499 "src/GLuaFixer/AG/ASTLint.hs" #-}
                                                                                                                )) of
                                                                                                         { _stupidNegation ->
                                                                                                         (case (({-# LINE 594 "src/GLuaFixer/AG/ASTLint.ag" #-}
                                                                                                                 if not (lint_doubleNegations _lhsIconfig) || not _lhsIisNegation || isNothing _stupidNegation     then id else
                                                                                                                   (:) $ warn _lhsImtokenPos $ SillyNegation$ fromMaybe (error "fromMaybe sem Expr loc.stupidNegation") _stupidNegation
                                                                                                                 {-# LINE 4505 "src/GLuaFixer/AG/ASTLint.hs" #-}
                                                                                                                 )) of
                                                                                                          { _warnings_augmented_f1 ->
                                                                                                          (case (({-# LINE 594 "src/GLuaFixer/AG/ASTLint.ag" #-}
                                                                                                                  foldr ($) _warnings_augmented_syn [_warnings_augmented_f1]
                                                                                                                  {-# LINE 4510 "src/GLuaFixer/AG/ASTLint.hs" #-}
                                                                                                                  )) of
                                                                                                           { _lhsOwarnings ->
                                                                                                           ( _lhsOglobalDefinitions,_lhsOidentifier,_lhsOisInModule,_lhsOisSimpleExpression,_lhsOisSingleVar,_lhsOmtokenPos,_lhsOscopes,_lhsOvariableStyle,_lhsOwarnings) }) }) }) }) }) }) }) }) }) }) }) }) }) }) }) }) }) }) }) }) }) }) }) }) }) }) }) }) }) }) }) }) }) }) }) }) }) }) }) }) }) }) }) }) }) }) }) }) }) }) }) }) }))
                             in  sem_Expr_BinOpExpr_1)) of
                      { ( sem_Expr_1) ->
                      ( _lhsOcopy,sem_Expr_1) }) }) }) }) }) })
sem_Expr_UnOpExpr :: T_UnOp ->
                     T_MExpr ->
sem_Expr_UnOpExpr :: T_UnOp -> T_MExpr -> T_Expr
sem_Expr_UnOpExpr T_UnOp
op_ T_MExpr
right_ =
    (case (T_MExpr
right_) of
     { ( MExpr
right_1) ->
         (case (T_UnOp
op_) of
          { ( UnOp
op_1) ->
              (case (({-# LINE 153 "src/GLuaFixer/AG/ASTLint.ag" #-}
                      UnOpExpr _opIcopy _rightIcopy
                      {-# LINE 4527 "src/GLuaFixer/AG/ASTLint.hs" #-}
                      )) of
               { _copy ->
               (case (({-# LINE 153 "src/GLuaFixer/AG/ASTLint.ag" #-}
                       {-# LINE 4532 "src/GLuaFixer/AG/ASTLint.hs" #-}
                       )) of
                { _lhsOcopy ->
                (case ((let sem_Expr_UnOpExpr_1 :: T_Expr_1
                            sem_Expr_UnOpExpr_1 =
                                (\ _lhsIconfig
                                   _lhsIvariableStyle ->
                                     (case (({-# LINE 144 "src/GLuaFixer/AG/ASTLint.ag" #-}
                                             {-# LINE 4553 "src/GLuaFixer/AG/ASTLint.hs" #-}
                                             )) of
                                      { _opOscopes ->
                                      (case (({-# LINE 131 "src/GLuaFixer/AG/ASTLint.ag" #-}
                                              {-# LINE 4558 "src/GLuaFixer/AG/ASTLint.hs" #-}
                                              )) of
                                       { _opOvariableStyle ->
                                       (case (({-# LINE 127 "src/GLuaFixer/AG/ASTLint.ag" #-}
                                               {-# LINE 4563 "src/GLuaFixer/AG/ASTLint.hs" #-}
                                               )) of
                                        { _opOscopeLevel ->
                                        (case (({-# LINE 135 "src/GLuaFixer/AG/ASTLint.ag" #-}
                                                {-# LINE 4568 "src/GLuaFixer/AG/ASTLint.hs" #-}
                                                )) of
                                         { _opOmtokenPos ->
                                         (case (({-# LINE 128 "src/GLuaFixer/AG/ASTLint.ag" #-}
                                                 {-# LINE 4573 "src/GLuaFixer/AG/ASTLint.hs" #-}
                                                 )) of
                                          { _opOloopLevel ->
                                          (case (({-# LINE 145 "src/GLuaFixer/AG/ASTLint.ag" #-}
                                                  {-# LINE 4578 "src/GLuaFixer/AG/ASTLint.hs" #-}
                                                  )) of
                                           { _opOisMeta ->
                                           (case (({-# LINE 143 "src/GLuaFixer/AG/ASTLint.ag" #-}
                                                   {-# LINE 4583 "src/GLuaFixer/AG/ASTLint.hs" #-}
                                                   )) of
                                            { _opOisInModule ->
                                            (case (({-# LINE 138 "src/GLuaFixer/AG/ASTLint.ag" #-}
                                                    {-# LINE 4588 "src/GLuaFixer/AG/ASTLint.hs" #-}
                                                    )) of
                                             { _opOglobalDefinitions ->
                                             (case (({-# LINE 146 "src/GLuaFixer/AG/ASTLint.ag" #-}
                                                     {-# LINE 4593 "src/GLuaFixer/AG/ASTLint.hs" #-}
                                                     )) of
                                              { _opOfuncName ->
                                              (case (({-# LINE 134 "src/GLuaFixer/AG/ASTLint.ag" #-}
                                                      {-# LINE 4598 "src/GLuaFixer/AG/ASTLint.hs" #-}
                                                      )) of
                                               { _opOconfig ->
                                               (case (op_1 _opOconfig _opOfuncName _opOglobalDefinitions _opOisInModule _opOisMeta _opOloopLevel _opOmtokenPos _opOscopeLevel _opOscopes _opOvariableStyle) of
                                                { ( _opIglobalDefinitions,_opIidentifier,_opIisInModule,_opIisNegation,_opImtokenPos,_opIscopes,_opIvariableStyle,_opIwarnings) ->
                                                    (case (({-# LINE 144 "src/GLuaFixer/AG/ASTLint.ag" #-}
                                                            {-# LINE 4605 "src/GLuaFixer/AG/ASTLint.hs" #-}
                                                            )) of
                                                     { _rightOscopes ->
                                                     (case (({-# LINE 145 "src/GLuaFixer/AG/ASTLint.ag" #-}
                                                             {-# LINE 4610 "src/GLuaFixer/AG/ASTLint.hs" #-}
                                                             )) of
                                                      { _rightOisMeta ->
                                                      (case (({-# LINE 143 "src/GLuaFixer/AG/ASTLint.ag" #-}
                                                              {-# LINE 4615 "src/GLuaFixer/AG/ASTLint.hs" #-}
                                                              )) of
                                                       { _rightOisInModule ->
                                                       (case (({-# LINE 138 "src/GLuaFixer/AG/ASTLint.ag" #-}
                                                               {-# LINE 4620 "src/GLuaFixer/AG/ASTLint.hs" #-}
                                                               )) of
                                                        { _rightOglobalDefinitions ->
                                                        (case (({-# LINE 134 "src/GLuaFixer/AG/ASTLint.ag" #-}
                                                                {-# LINE 4625 "src/GLuaFixer/AG/ASTLint.hs" #-}
                                                                )) of
                                                         { _rightOconfig ->
                                                         (case (({-# LINE 601 "src/GLuaFixer/AG/ASTLint.ag" #-}
                                                                 {-# LINE 4630 "src/GLuaFixer/AG/ASTLint.hs" #-}
                                                                 )) of
                                                          { _rightOvarBeingDefined ->
                                                          (case (({-# LINE 131 "src/GLuaFixer/AG/ASTLint.ag" #-}
                                                                  {-# LINE 4635 "src/GLuaFixer/AG/ASTLint.hs" #-}
                                                                  )) of
                                                           { _rightOvariableStyle ->
                                                           (case (({-# LINE 127 "src/GLuaFixer/AG/ASTLint.ag" #-}
                                                                   {-# LINE 4640 "src/GLuaFixer/AG/ASTLint.hs" #-}
                                                                   )) of
                                                            { _rightOscopeLevel ->
                                                            (case (({-# LINE 135 "src/GLuaFixer/AG/ASTLint.ag" #-}
                                                                    {-# LINE 4645 "src/GLuaFixer/AG/ASTLint.hs" #-}
                                                                    )) of
                                                             { _rightOmtokenPos ->
                                                             (case (({-# LINE 128 "src/GLuaFixer/AG/ASTLint.ag" #-}
                                                                     {-# LINE 4650 "src/GLuaFixer/AG/ASTLint.hs" #-}
                                                                     )) of
                                                              { _rightOloopLevel ->
                                                              (case (({-# LINE 146 "src/GLuaFixer/AG/ASTLint.ag" #-}
                                                                      {-# LINE 4655 "src/GLuaFixer/AG/ASTLint.hs" #-}
                                                                      )) of
                                                               { _rightOfuncName ->
                                                               (case (({-# LINE 600 "src/GLuaFixer/AG/ASTLint.ag" #-}
                                                                       {-# LINE 4660 "src/GLuaFixer/AG/ASTLint.hs" #-}
                                                                       )) of
                                                                { _rightOtopLevel ->
                                                                (case (({-# LINE 599 "src/GLuaFixer/AG/ASTLint.ag" #-}
                                                                        {-# LINE 4665 "src/GLuaFixer/AG/ASTLint.hs" #-}
                                                                        )) of
                                                                 { _rightOinParentheses ->
                                                                 (case (({-# LINE 598 "src/GLuaFixer/AG/ASTLint.ag" #-}
                                                                         {-# LINE 4670 "src/GLuaFixer/AG/ASTLint.hs" #-}
                                                                         )) of
                                                                  { _rightOisNegation ->
                                                                  (case (right_1 _rightOconfig _rightOfuncName _rightOglobalDefinitions _rightOinParentheses _rightOisInModule _rightOisMeta _rightOisNegation _rightOloopLevel _rightOmtokenPos _rightOscopeLevel _rightOscopes _rightOtopLevel _rightOvarBeingDefined _rightOvariableStyle) of
                                                                   { ( _rightIglobalDefinitions,_rightIidentifier,_rightIisInModule,_rightIisSimpleExpression,_rightIisSingleVar,_rightIscopes,_rightIvariableStyle,_rightIwarnings) ->
                                                                       (case (({-# LINE 138 "src/GLuaFixer/AG/ASTLint.ag" #-}
                                                                               {-# LINE 4677 "src/GLuaFixer/AG/ASTLint.hs" #-}
                                                                               )) of
                                                                        { _lhsOglobalDefinitions ->
                                                                        (case (({-# LINE 154 "src/GLuaFixer/AG/ASTLint.ag" #-}
                                                                                (const _opIidentifier _rightIidentifier)
                                                                                {-# LINE 4682 "src/GLuaFixer/AG/ASTLint.hs" #-}
                                                                                )) of
                                                                         { _lhsOidentifier ->
                                                                         (case (({-# LINE 143 "src/GLuaFixer/AG/ASTLint.ag" #-}
                                                                                 {-# LINE 4687 "src/GLuaFixer/AG/ASTLint.hs" #-}
                                                                                 )) of
                                                                          { _lhsOisInModule ->
                                                                          (case (({-# LINE 597 "src/GLuaFixer/AG/ASTLint.ag" #-}
                                                                                  {-# LINE 4692 "src/GLuaFixer/AG/ASTLint.hs" #-}
                                                                                  )) of
                                                                           { _lhsOisSimpleExpression ->
                                                                           (case (({-# LINE 213 "src/GLuaFixer/AG/ASTLint.ag" #-}
                                                                                   {-# LINE 4697 "src/GLuaFixer/AG/ASTLint.hs" #-}
                                                                                   )) of
                                                                            { _lhsOisSingleVar ->
                                                                            (case (({-# LINE 135 "src/GLuaFixer/AG/ASTLint.ag" #-}
                                                                                    {-# LINE 4702 "src/GLuaFixer/AG/ASTLint.hs" #-}
                                                                                    )) of
                                                                             { _lhsOmtokenPos ->
                                                                             (case (({-# LINE 144 "src/GLuaFixer/AG/ASTLint.ag" #-}
                                                                                     {-# LINE 4707 "src/GLuaFixer/AG/ASTLint.hs" #-}
                                                                                     )) of
                                                                              { _lhsOscopes ->
                                                                              (case (({-# LINE 131 "src/GLuaFixer/AG/ASTLint.ag" #-}
                                                                                      {-# LINE 4712 "src/GLuaFixer/AG/ASTLint.hs" #-}
                                                                                      )) of
                                                                               { _lhsOvariableStyle ->
                                                                               (case (({-# LINE 152 "src/GLuaFixer/AG/ASTLint.ag" #-}
                                                                                       _opIwarnings ++ _rightIwarnings
                                                                                       {-# LINE 4717 "src/GLuaFixer/AG/ASTLint.hs" #-}
                                                                                       )) of
                                                                                { _lhsOwarnings ->
                                                                                ( _lhsOglobalDefinitions,_lhsOidentifier,_lhsOisInModule,_lhsOisSimpleExpression,_lhsOisSingleVar,_lhsOmtokenPos,_lhsOscopes,_lhsOvariableStyle,_lhsOwarnings) }) }) }) }) }) }) }) }) }) }) }) }) }) }) }) }) }) }) }) }) }) }) }) }) }) }) }) }) }) }) }) }) }) }) }))
                        in  sem_Expr_UnOpExpr_1)) of
                 { ( sem_Expr_1) ->
                 ( _lhsOcopy,sem_Expr_1) }) }) }) }) })
-- ExprSuffixList ----------------------------------------------
-- cata
sem_ExprSuffixList :: ExprSuffixList ->
sem_ExprSuffixList :: ExprSuffixList -> T_ExprSuffixList
sem_ExprSuffixList ExprSuffixList
list =
    (forall (t :: * -> *) a b.
Foldable t =>
(a -> b -> b) -> b -> t a -> b
Prelude.foldr T_PFExprSuffix -> T_ExprSuffixList -> T_ExprSuffixList
sem_ExprSuffixList_Cons T_ExprSuffixList
sem_ExprSuffixList_Nil (forall a b. (a -> b) -> [a] -> [b]
Prelude.map PFExprSuffix -> T_PFExprSuffix
sem_PFExprSuffix ExprSuffixList
-- semantic domain
type T_ExprSuffixList = ( ExprSuffixList,T_ExprSuffixList_1)
type T_ExprSuffixList_1 = LintSettings ->
                          String ->
                          (M.Map String [Region]) ->
                          Bool ->
                          Bool ->
                          Int ->
                          Region ->
                          Int ->
                          ([M.Map String (Bool, Region)]) ->
                          DeterminedVariableStyle ->
                          ( (M.Map String [Region]),String,Bool,Bool,Region,([M.Map String (Bool, Region)]),DeterminedVariableStyle,([String -> LintMessage]))
data Inh_ExprSuffixList = Inh_ExprSuffixList {Inh_ExprSuffixList -> LintSettings
config_Inh_ExprSuffixList :: LintSettings,Inh_ExprSuffixList -> String
funcName_Inh_ExprSuffixList :: String,Inh_ExprSuffixList -> Map String [Region]
globalDefinitions_Inh_ExprSuffixList :: (M.Map String [Region]),Inh_ExprSuffixList -> Bool
isInModule_Inh_ExprSuffixList :: Bool,Inh_ExprSuffixList -> Bool
isMeta_Inh_ExprSuffixList :: Bool,Inh_ExprSuffixList -> Int
loopLevel_Inh_ExprSuffixList :: Int,Inh_ExprSuffixList -> Region
mtokenPos_Inh_ExprSuffixList :: Region,Inh_ExprSuffixList -> Int
scopeLevel_Inh_ExprSuffixList :: Int,Inh_ExprSuffixList -> [Map String (Bool, Region)]
scopes_Inh_ExprSuffixList :: ([M.Map String (Bool, Region)]),Inh_ExprSuffixList -> DeterminedVariableStyle
variableStyle_Inh_ExprSuffixList :: DeterminedVariableStyle}
data Syn_ExprSuffixList = Syn_ExprSuffixList {Syn_ExprSuffixList -> ExprSuffixList
copy_Syn_ExprSuffixList :: ExprSuffixList,Syn_ExprSuffixList -> Map String [Region]
globalDefinitions_Syn_ExprSuffixList :: (M.Map String [Region]),Syn_ExprSuffixList -> String
identifier_Syn_ExprSuffixList :: String,Syn_ExprSuffixList -> Bool
isInModule_Syn_ExprSuffixList :: Bool,Syn_ExprSuffixList -> Bool
isSimpleExpression_Syn_ExprSuffixList :: Bool,Syn_ExprSuffixList -> Region
mtokenPos_Syn_ExprSuffixList :: Region,Syn_ExprSuffixList -> [Map String (Bool, Region)]
scopes_Syn_ExprSuffixList :: ([M.Map String (Bool, Region)]),Syn_ExprSuffixList -> DeterminedVariableStyle
variableStyle_Syn_ExprSuffixList :: DeterminedVariableStyle,Syn_ExprSuffixList -> [String -> LintMessage]
warnings_Syn_ExprSuffixList :: ([String -> LintMessage])}
wrap_ExprSuffixList :: T_ExprSuffixList ->
                       Inh_ExprSuffixList ->
wrap_ExprSuffixList :: T_ExprSuffixList -> Inh_ExprSuffixList -> Syn_ExprSuffixList
wrap_ExprSuffixList T_ExprSuffixList
sem (Inh_ExprSuffixList LintSettings
_lhsIconfig String
_lhsIfuncName Map String [Region]
_lhsIglobalDefinitions Bool
_lhsIisInModule Bool
_lhsIisMeta Int
_lhsIloopLevel Region
_lhsImtokenPos Int
_lhsIscopeLevel [Map String (Bool, Region)]
_lhsIscopes DeterminedVariableStyle
_lhsIvariableStyle) =
    (let ( ExprSuffixList
sem_1) = T_ExprSuffixList
         ( Map String [Region]
_lhsOmtokenPos,[Map String (Bool, Region)]
_lhsOvariableStyle,[String -> LintMessage]
_lhsOwarnings) = T_UnOp_1
sem_1 LintSettings
_lhsIconfig String
_lhsIfuncName Map String [Region]
_lhsIglobalDefinitions Bool
_lhsIisInModule Bool
_lhsIisMeta Int
_lhsIloopLevel Region
_lhsImtokenPos Int
_lhsIscopeLevel [Map String (Bool, Region)]
_lhsIscopes DeterminedVariableStyle
     in  (ExprSuffixList
-> Map String [Region]
-> String
-> Bool
-> Bool
-> Region
-> [Map String (Bool, Region)]
-> DeterminedVariableStyle
-> [String -> LintMessage]
-> Syn_ExprSuffixList
Syn_ExprSuffixList ExprSuffixList
_lhsOcopy Map String [Region]
_lhsOglobalDefinitions String
_lhsOidentifier Bool
_lhsOisInModule Bool
_lhsOisSimpleExpression Region
_lhsOmtokenPos [Map String (Bool, Region)]
_lhsOscopes DeterminedVariableStyle
_lhsOvariableStyle [String -> LintMessage]
sem_ExprSuffixList_Cons :: T_PFExprSuffix ->
                           T_ExprSuffixList ->
sem_ExprSuffixList_Cons :: T_PFExprSuffix -> T_ExprSuffixList -> T_ExprSuffixList
sem_ExprSuffixList_Cons T_PFExprSuffix
hd_ T_ExprSuffixList
tl_ =
    (case (T_ExprSuffixList
tl_) of
     { ( ExprSuffixList
tl_1) ->
         (case (T_PFExprSuffix
hd_) of
          { ( PFExprSuffix
hd_1) ->
              (case (({-# LINE 153 "src/GLuaFixer/AG/ASTLint.ag" #-}
                      (:) _hdIcopy _tlIcopy
                      {-# LINE 4762 "src/GLuaFixer/AG/ASTLint.hs" #-}
                      )) of
               { _copy ->
               (case (({-# LINE 153 "src/GLuaFixer/AG/ASTLint.ag" #-}
                       {-# LINE 4767 "src/GLuaFixer/AG/ASTLint.hs" #-}
                       )) of
                { _lhsOcopy ->
                (case ((let sem_ExprSuffixList_Cons_1 :: T_ExprSuffixList_1
                            sem_ExprSuffixList_Cons_1 =
                                (\ _lhsIconfig
                                   _lhsIvariableStyle ->
                                     (case (({-# LINE 144 "src/GLuaFixer/AG/ASTLint.ag" #-}
                                             {-# LINE 4784 "src/GLuaFixer/AG/ASTLint.hs" #-}
                                             )) of
                                      { _hdOscopes ->
                                      (case (({-# LINE 145 "src/GLuaFixer/AG/ASTLint.ag" #-}
                                              {-# LINE 4789 "src/GLuaFixer/AG/ASTLint.hs" #-}
                                              )) of
                                       { _hdOisMeta ->
                                       (case (({-# LINE 134 "src/GLuaFixer/AG/ASTLint.ag" #-}
                                               {-# LINE 4794 "src/GLuaFixer/AG/ASTLint.hs" #-}
                                               )) of
                                        { _hdOconfig ->
                                        (case (({-# LINE 131 "src/GLuaFixer/AG/ASTLint.ag" #-}
                                                {-# LINE 4799 "src/GLuaFixer/AG/ASTLint.hs" #-}
                                                )) of
                                         { _hdOvariableStyle ->
                                         (case (({-# LINE 127 "src/GLuaFixer/AG/ASTLint.ag" #-}
                                                 {-# LINE 4804 "src/GLuaFixer/AG/ASTLint.hs" #-}
                                                 )) of
                                          { _hdOscopeLevel ->
                                          (case (({-# LINE 135 "src/GLuaFixer/AG/ASTLint.ag" #-}
                                                  {-# LINE 4809 "src/GLuaFixer/AG/ASTLint.hs" #-}
                                                  )) of
                                           { _hdOmtokenPos ->
                                           (case (({-# LINE 128 "src/GLuaFixer/AG/ASTLint.ag" #-}
                                                   {-# LINE 4814 "src/GLuaFixer/AG/ASTLint.hs" #-}
                                                   )) of
                                            { _hdOloopLevel ->
                                            (case (({-# LINE 143 "src/GLuaFixer/AG/ASTLint.ag" #-}
                                                    {-# LINE 4819 "src/GLuaFixer/AG/ASTLint.hs" #-}
                                                    )) of
                                             { _hdOisInModule ->
                                             (case (({-# LINE 138 "src/GLuaFixer/AG/ASTLint.ag" #-}
                                                     {-# LINE 4824 "src/GLuaFixer/AG/ASTLint.hs" #-}
                                                     )) of
                                              { _hdOglobalDefinitions ->
                                              (case (({-# LINE 146 "src/GLuaFixer/AG/ASTLint.ag" #-}
                                                      {-# LINE 4829 "src/GLuaFixer/AG/ASTLint.hs" #-}
                                                      )) of
                                               { _hdOfuncName ->
                                               (case (hd_1 _hdOconfig _hdOfuncName _hdOglobalDefinitions _hdOisInModule _hdOisMeta _hdOloopLevel _hdOmtokenPos _hdOscopeLevel _hdOscopes _hdOvariableStyle) of
                                                { ( _hdIglobalDefinitions,_hdIidentifier,_hdIisInModule,_hdIisSimpleExpression,_hdImtokenPos,_hdIscopes,_hdIvariableStyle,_hdIwarnings) ->
                                                    (case (({-# LINE 144 "src/GLuaFixer/AG/ASTLint.ag" #-}
                                                            {-# LINE 4836 "src/GLuaFixer/AG/ASTLint.hs" #-}
                                                            )) of
                                                     { _tlOscopes ->
                                                     (case (({-# LINE 145 "src/GLuaFixer/AG/ASTLint.ag" #-}
                                                             {-# LINE 4841 "src/GLuaFixer/AG/ASTLint.hs" #-}
                                                             )) of
                                                      { _tlOisMeta ->
                                                      (case (({-# LINE 143 "src/GLuaFixer/AG/ASTLint.ag" #-}
                                                              {-# LINE 4846 "src/GLuaFixer/AG/ASTLint.hs" #-}
                                                              )) of
                                                       { _tlOisInModule ->
                                                       (case (({-# LINE 138 "src/GLuaFixer/AG/ASTLint.ag" #-}
                                                               {-# LINE 4851 "src/GLuaFixer/AG/ASTLint.hs" #-}
                                                               )) of
                                                        { _tlOglobalDefinitions ->
                                                        (case (({-# LINE 134 "src/GLuaFixer/AG/ASTLint.ag" #-}
                                                                {-# LINE 4856 "src/GLuaFixer/AG/ASTLint.hs" #-}
                                                                )) of
                                                         { _tlOconfig ->
                                                         (case (({-# LINE 131 "src/GLuaFixer/AG/ASTLint.ag" #-}
                                                                 {-# LINE 4861 "src/GLuaFixer/AG/ASTLint.hs" #-}
                                                                 )) of
                                                          { _tlOvariableStyle ->
                                                          (case (({-# LINE 127 "src/GLuaFixer/AG/ASTLint.ag" #-}
                                                                  {-# LINE 4866 "src/GLuaFixer/AG/ASTLint.hs" #-}
                                                                  )) of
                                                           { _tlOscopeLevel ->
                                                           (case (({-# LINE 135 "src/GLuaFixer/AG/ASTLint.ag" #-}
                                                                   {-# LINE 4871 "src/GLuaFixer/AG/ASTLint.hs" #-}
                                                                   )) of
                                                            { _tlOmtokenPos ->
                                                            (case (({-# LINE 128 "src/GLuaFixer/AG/ASTLint.ag" #-}
                                                                    {-# LINE 4876 "src/GLuaFixer/AG/ASTLint.hs" #-}
                                                                    )) of
                                                             { _tlOloopLevel ->
                                                             (case (({-# LINE 146 "src/GLuaFixer/AG/ASTLint.ag" #-}
                                                                     {-# LINE 4881 "src/GLuaFixer/AG/ASTLint.hs" #-}
                                                                     )) of
                                                              { _tlOfuncName ->
                                                              (case (tl_1 _tlOconfig _tlOfuncName _tlOglobalDefinitions _tlOisInModule _tlOisMeta _tlOloopLevel _tlOmtokenPos _tlOscopeLevel _tlOscopes _tlOvariableStyle) of
                                                               { ( _tlIglobalDefinitions,_tlIidentifier,_tlIisInModule,_tlIisSimpleExpression,_tlImtokenPos,_tlIscopes,_tlIvariableStyle,_tlIwarnings) ->
                                                                   (case (({-# LINE 138 "src/GLuaFixer/AG/ASTLint.ag" #-}
                                                                           {-# LINE 4888 "src/GLuaFixer/AG/ASTLint.hs" #-}
                                                                           )) of
                                                                    { _lhsOglobalDefinitions ->
                                                                    (case (({-# LINE 154 "src/GLuaFixer/AG/ASTLint.ag" #-}
                                                                            (const _hdIidentifier _tlIidentifier)
                                                                            {-# LINE 4893 "src/GLuaFixer/AG/ASTLint.hs" #-}
                                                                            )) of
                                                                     { _lhsOidentifier ->
                                                                     (case (({-# LINE 143 "src/GLuaFixer/AG/ASTLint.ag" #-}
                                                                             {-# LINE 4898 "src/GLuaFixer/AG/ASTLint.hs" #-}
                                                                             )) of
                                                                      { _lhsOisInModule ->
                                                                      (case (({-# LINE 186 "src/GLuaFixer/AG/ASTLint.ag" #-}
                                                                              _hdIisSimpleExpression && _tlIisSimpleExpression
                                                                              {-# LINE 4903 "src/GLuaFixer/AG/ASTLint.hs" #-}
                                                                              )) of
                                                                       { _lhsOisSimpleExpression ->
                                                                       (case (({-# LINE 135 "src/GLuaFixer/AG/ASTLint.ag" #-}
                                                                               {-# LINE 4908 "src/GLuaFixer/AG/ASTLint.hs" #-}
                                                                               )) of
                                                                        { _lhsOmtokenPos ->
                                                                        (case (({-# LINE 144 "src/GLuaFixer/AG/ASTLint.ag" #-}
                                                                                {-# LINE 4913 "src/GLuaFixer/AG/ASTLint.hs" #-}
                                                                                )) of
                                                                         { _lhsOscopes ->
                                                                         (case (({-# LINE 131 "src/GLuaFixer/AG/ASTLint.ag" #-}
                                                                                 {-# LINE 4918 "src/GLuaFixer/AG/ASTLint.hs" #-}
                                                                                 )) of
                                                                          { _lhsOvariableStyle ->
                                                                          (case (({-# LINE 152 "src/GLuaFixer/AG/ASTLint.ag" #-}
                                                                                  _hdIwarnings ++ _tlIwarnings
                                                                                  {-# LINE 4923 "src/GLuaFixer/AG/ASTLint.hs" #-}
                                                                                  )) of
                                                                           { _lhsOwarnings ->
                                                                           ( _lhsOglobalDefinitions,_lhsOidentifier,_lhsOisInModule,_lhsOisSimpleExpression,_lhsOmtokenPos,_lhsOscopes,_lhsOvariableStyle,_lhsOwarnings) }) }) }) }) }) }) }) }) }) }) }) }) }) }) }) }) }) }) }) }) }) }) }) }) }) }) }) }) }) }))
                        in  sem_ExprSuffixList_Cons_1)) of
                 { ( sem_ExprSuffixList_1) ->
                 ( _lhsOcopy,sem_ExprSuffixList_1) }) }) }) }) })
sem_ExprSuffixList_Nil :: T_ExprSuffixList
sem_ExprSuffixList_Nil :: T_ExprSuffixList
sem_ExprSuffixList_Nil =
    (case (({-# LINE 153 "src/GLuaFixer/AG/ASTLint.ag" #-}
            {-# LINE 4934 "src/GLuaFixer/AG/ASTLint.hs" #-}
            )) of
     { _copy ->
     (case (({-# LINE 153 "src/GLuaFixer/AG/ASTLint.ag" #-}
             {-# LINE 4939 "src/GLuaFixer/AG/ASTLint.hs" #-}
             )) of
      { _lhsOcopy ->
      (case ((let sem_ExprSuffixList_Nil_1 :: T_ExprSuffixList_1
                  sem_ExprSuffixList_Nil_1 =
                      (\ _lhsIconfig
                         _lhsIvariableStyle ->
                           (case (({-# LINE 138 "src/GLuaFixer/AG/ASTLint.ag" #-}
                                   {-# LINE 4956 "src/GLuaFixer/AG/ASTLint.hs" #-}
                                   )) of
                            { _lhsOglobalDefinitions ->
                            (case (({-# LINE 154 "src/GLuaFixer/AG/ASTLint.ag" #-}
                                    {-# LINE 4961 "src/GLuaFixer/AG/ASTLint.hs" #-}
                                    )) of
                             { _lhsOidentifier ->
                             (case (({-# LINE 143 "src/GLuaFixer/AG/ASTLint.ag" #-}
                                     {-# LINE 4966 "src/GLuaFixer/AG/ASTLint.hs" #-}
                                     )) of
                              { _lhsOisInModule ->
                              (case (({-# LINE 186 "src/GLuaFixer/AG/ASTLint.ag" #-}
                                      {-# LINE 4971 "src/GLuaFixer/AG/ASTLint.hs" #-}
                                      )) of
                               { _lhsOisSimpleExpression ->
                               (case (({-# LINE 135 "src/GLuaFixer/AG/ASTLint.ag" #-}
                                       {-# LINE 4976 "src/GLuaFixer/AG/ASTLint.hs" #-}
                                       )) of
                                { _lhsOmtokenPos ->
                                (case (({-# LINE 144 "src/GLuaFixer/AG/ASTLint.ag" #-}
                                        {-# LINE 4981 "src/GLuaFixer/AG/ASTLint.hs" #-}
                                        )) of
                                 { _lhsOscopes ->
                                 (case (({-# LINE 131 "src/GLuaFixer/AG/ASTLint.ag" #-}
                                         {-# LINE 4986 "src/GLuaFixer/AG/ASTLint.hs" #-}
                                         )) of
                                  { _lhsOvariableStyle ->
                                  (case (({-# LINE 152 "src/GLuaFixer/AG/ASTLint.ag" #-}
                                          {-# LINE 4991 "src/GLuaFixer/AG/ASTLint.hs" #-}
                                          )) of
                                   { _lhsOwarnings ->
                                   ( _lhsOglobalDefinitions,_lhsOidentifier,_lhsOisInModule,_lhsOisSimpleExpression,_lhsOmtokenPos,_lhsOscopes,_lhsOvariableStyle,_lhsOwarnings) }) }) }) }) }) }) }) }))
              in  sem_ExprSuffixList_Nil_1)) of
       { ( sem_ExprSuffixList_1) ->
       ( _lhsOcopy,sem_ExprSuffixList_1) }) }) })
-- Field -------------------------------------------------------
-- cata
sem_Field :: Field ->
sem_Field :: Field -> T_Field
sem_Field (ExprField MExpr
_key MExpr
_value FieldSep
_sep) =
    (T_MExpr -> T_MExpr -> T_FieldSep -> T_Field
sem_Field_ExprField (MExpr -> T_MExpr
sem_MExpr MExpr
_key) (MExpr -> T_MExpr
sem_MExpr MExpr
_value) (FieldSep -> T_FieldSep
sem_FieldSep FieldSep
sem_Field (NamedField MToken
_key MExpr
_value FieldSep
_sep) =
    (T_MToken -> T_MExpr -> T_FieldSep -> T_Field
sem_Field_NamedField (MToken -> T_MToken
sem_MToken MToken
_key) (MExpr -> T_MExpr
sem_MExpr MExpr
_value) (FieldSep -> T_FieldSep
sem_FieldSep FieldSep
sem_Field (UnnamedField MExpr
_value FieldSep
_sep) =
    (T_MExpr -> T_FieldSep -> T_Field
sem_Field_UnnamedField (MExpr -> T_MExpr
sem_MExpr MExpr
_value) (FieldSep -> T_FieldSep
sem_FieldSep FieldSep
-- semantic domain
type T_Field = ( Field,T_Field_1)
type T_Field_1 = LintSettings ->
                 (S.Set Token) ->
                 String ->
                 (M.Map String [Region]) ->
                 Bool ->
                 Bool ->
                 Int ->
                 Region ->
                 Int ->
                 ([M.Map String (Bool, Region)]) ->
                 DeterminedVariableStyle ->
                 ( (S.Set Token),(M.Map String [Region]),String,Bool,Region,([M.Map String (Bool, Region)]),DeterminedVariableStyle,([String -> LintMessage]))
data Inh_Field = Inh_Field {Inh_Field -> LintSettings
config_Inh_Field :: LintSettings,Inh_Field -> Set Token
fieldNames_Inh_Field :: (S.Set Token),Inh_Field -> String
funcName_Inh_Field :: String,Inh_Field -> Map String [Region]
globalDefinitions_Inh_Field :: (M.Map String [Region]),Inh_Field -> Bool
isInModule_Inh_Field :: Bool,Inh_Field -> Bool
isMeta_Inh_Field :: Bool,Inh_Field -> Int
loopLevel_Inh_Field :: Int,Inh_Field -> Region
mtokenPos_Inh_Field :: Region,Inh_Field -> Int
scopeLevel_Inh_Field :: Int,Inh_Field -> [Map String (Bool, Region)]
scopes_Inh_Field :: ([M.Map String (Bool, Region)]),Inh_Field -> DeterminedVariableStyle
variableStyle_Inh_Field :: DeterminedVariableStyle}
data Syn_Field = Syn_Field {Syn_Field -> Field
copy_Syn_Field :: Field,Syn_Field -> Set Token
fieldNames_Syn_Field :: (S.Set Token),Syn_Field -> Map String [Region]
globalDefinitions_Syn_Field :: (M.Map String [Region]),Syn_Field -> String
identifier_Syn_Field :: String,Syn_Field -> Bool
isInModule_Syn_Field :: Bool,Syn_Field -> Region
mtokenPos_Syn_Field :: Region,Syn_Field -> [Map String (Bool, Region)]
scopes_Syn_Field :: ([M.Map String (Bool, Region)]),Syn_Field -> DeterminedVariableStyle
variableStyle_Syn_Field :: DeterminedVariableStyle,Syn_Field -> [String -> LintMessage]
warnings_Syn_Field :: ([String -> LintMessage])}
wrap_Field :: T_Field ->
              Inh_Field ->
wrap_Field :: T_Field -> Inh_Field -> Syn_Field
wrap_Field T_Field
sem (Inh_Field LintSettings
_lhsIconfig Set Token
_lhsIfieldNames String
_lhsIfuncName Map String [Region]
_lhsIglobalDefinitions Bool
_lhsIisInModule Bool
_lhsIisMeta Int
_lhsIloopLevel Region
_lhsImtokenPos Int
_lhsIscopeLevel [Map String (Bool, Region)]
_lhsIscopes DeterminedVariableStyle
_lhsIvariableStyle) =
    (let ( Field
sem_1) = T_Field
         ( Set Token
_lhsOfieldNames,Map String [Region]
_lhsOmtokenPos,[Map String (Bool, Region)]
_lhsOvariableStyle,[String -> LintMessage]
_lhsOwarnings) = T_FieldList_1
sem_1 LintSettings
_lhsIconfig Set Token
_lhsIfieldNames String
_lhsIfuncName Map String [Region]
_lhsIglobalDefinitions Bool
_lhsIisInModule Bool
_lhsIisMeta Int
_lhsIloopLevel Region
_lhsImtokenPos Int
_lhsIscopeLevel [Map String (Bool, Region)]
_lhsIscopes DeterminedVariableStyle
     in  (Field
-> Set Token
-> Map String [Region]
-> String
-> Bool
-> Region
-> [Map String (Bool, Region)]
-> DeterminedVariableStyle
-> [String -> LintMessage]
-> Syn_Field
Syn_Field Field
_lhsOcopy Set Token
_lhsOfieldNames Map String [Region]
_lhsOglobalDefinitions String
_lhsOidentifier Bool
_lhsOisInModule Region
_lhsOmtokenPos [Map String (Bool, Region)]
_lhsOscopes DeterminedVariableStyle
_lhsOvariableStyle [String -> LintMessage]
sem_Field_ExprField :: T_MExpr ->
                       T_MExpr ->
                       T_FieldSep ->
sem_Field_ExprField :: T_MExpr -> T_MExpr -> T_FieldSep -> T_Field
sem_Field_ExprField T_MExpr
key_ T_MExpr
value_ T_FieldSep
sep_ =
    (case (T_FieldSep
sep_) of
     { ( FieldSep
sep_1) ->
         (case (T_MExpr
value_) of
          { ( MExpr
value_1) ->
              (case (T_MExpr
key_) of
               { ( MExpr
key_1) ->
                   (case (({-# LINE 153 "src/GLuaFixer/AG/ASTLint.ag" #-}
                           ExprField _keyIcopy _valueIcopy _sepIcopy
                           {-# LINE 5044 "src/GLuaFixer/AG/ASTLint.hs" #-}
                           )) of
                    { _copy ->
                    (case (({-# LINE 153 "src/GLuaFixer/AG/ASTLint.ag" #-}
                            {-# LINE 5049 "src/GLuaFixer/AG/ASTLint.hs" #-}
                            )) of
                     { _lhsOcopy ->
                     (case ((let sem_Field_ExprField_1 :: T_Field_1
                                 sem_Field_ExprField_1 =
                                     (\ _lhsIconfig
                                        _lhsIvariableStyle ->
                                          (case (({-# LINE 163 "src/GLuaFixer/AG/ASTLint.ag" #-}
                                                  {-# LINE 5067 "src/GLuaFixer/AG/ASTLint.hs" #-}
                                                  )) of
                                           { _lhsOfieldNames ->
                                           (case (({-# LINE 144 "src/GLuaFixer/AG/ASTLint.ag" #-}
                                                   {-# LINE 5072 "src/GLuaFixer/AG/ASTLint.hs" #-}
                                                   )) of
                                            { _keyOscopes ->
                                            (case (({-# LINE 145 "src/GLuaFixer/AG/ASTLint.ag" #-}
                                                    {-# LINE 5077 "src/GLuaFixer/AG/ASTLint.hs" #-}
                                                    )) of
                                             { _keyOisMeta ->
                                             (case (({-# LINE 134 "src/GLuaFixer/AG/ASTLint.ag" #-}
                                                     {-# LINE 5082 "src/GLuaFixer/AG/ASTLint.hs" #-}
                                                     )) of
                                              { _keyOconfig ->
                                              (case (({-# LINE 617 "src/GLuaFixer/AG/ASTLint.ag" #-}
                                                      {-# LINE 5087 "src/GLuaFixer/AG/ASTLint.hs" #-}
                                                      )) of
                                               { _keyOvarBeingDefined ->
                                               (case (({-# LINE 131 "src/GLuaFixer/AG/ASTLint.ag" #-}
                                                       {-# LINE 5092 "src/GLuaFixer/AG/ASTLint.hs" #-}
                                                       )) of
                                                { _keyOvariableStyle ->
                                                (case (({-# LINE 127 "src/GLuaFixer/AG/ASTLint.ag" #-}
                                                        {-# LINE 5097 "src/GLuaFixer/AG/ASTLint.hs" #-}
                                                        )) of
                                                 { _keyOscopeLevel ->
                                                 (case (({-# LINE 135 "src/GLuaFixer/AG/ASTLint.ag" #-}
                                                         {-# LINE 5102 "src/GLuaFixer/AG/ASTLint.hs" #-}
                                                         )) of
                                                  { _keyOmtokenPos ->
                                                  (case (({-# LINE 128 "src/GLuaFixer/AG/ASTLint.ag" #-}
                                                          {-# LINE 5107 "src/GLuaFixer/AG/ASTLint.hs" #-}
                                                          )) of
                                                   { _keyOloopLevel ->
                                                   (case (({-# LINE 143 "src/GLuaFixer/AG/ASTLint.ag" #-}
                                                           {-# LINE 5112 "src/GLuaFixer/AG/ASTLint.hs" #-}
                                                           )) of
                                                    { _keyOisInModule ->
                                                    (case (({-# LINE 138 "src/GLuaFixer/AG/ASTLint.ag" #-}
                                                            {-# LINE 5117 "src/GLuaFixer/AG/ASTLint.hs" #-}
                                                            )) of
                                                     { _keyOglobalDefinitions ->
                                                     (case (({-# LINE 146 "src/GLuaFixer/AG/ASTLint.ag" #-}
                                                             {-# LINE 5122 "src/GLuaFixer/AG/ASTLint.hs" #-}
                                                             )) of
                                                      { _keyOfuncName ->
                                                      (case (({-# LINE 616 "src/GLuaFixer/AG/ASTLint.ag" #-}
                                                              {-# LINE 5127 "src/GLuaFixer/AG/ASTLint.hs" #-}
                                                              )) of
                                                       { _keyOtopLevel ->
                                                       (case (({-# LINE 615 "src/GLuaFixer/AG/ASTLint.ag" #-}
                                                               {-# LINE 5132 "src/GLuaFixer/AG/ASTLint.hs" #-}
                                                               )) of
                                                        { _keyOinParentheses ->
                                                        (case (({-# LINE 614 "src/GLuaFixer/AG/ASTLint.ag" #-}
                                                                {-# LINE 5137 "src/GLuaFixer/AG/ASTLint.hs" #-}
                                                                )) of
                                                         { _keyOisNegation ->
                                                         (case (key_1 _keyOconfig _keyOfuncName _keyOglobalDefinitions _keyOinParentheses _keyOisInModule _keyOisMeta _keyOisNegation _keyOloopLevel _keyOmtokenPos _keyOscopeLevel _keyOscopes _keyOtopLevel _keyOvarBeingDefined _keyOvariableStyle) of
                                                          { ( _keyIglobalDefinitions,_keyIidentifier,_keyIisInModule,_keyIisSimpleExpression,_keyIisSingleVar,_keyIscopes,_keyIvariableStyle,_keyIwarnings) ->
                                                              (case (({-# LINE 144 "src/GLuaFixer/AG/ASTLint.ag" #-}
                                                                      {-# LINE 5144 "src/GLuaFixer/AG/ASTLint.hs" #-}
                                                                      )) of
                                                               { _valueOscopes ->
                                                               (case (({-# LINE 145 "src/GLuaFixer/AG/ASTLint.ag" #-}
                                                                       {-# LINE 5149 "src/GLuaFixer/AG/ASTLint.hs" #-}
                                                                       )) of
                                                                { _valueOisMeta ->
                                                                (case (({-# LINE 143 "src/GLuaFixer/AG/ASTLint.ag" #-}
                                                                        {-# LINE 5154 "src/GLuaFixer/AG/ASTLint.hs" #-}
                                                                        )) of
                                                                 { _valueOisInModule ->
                                                                 (case (({-# LINE 138 "src/GLuaFixer/AG/ASTLint.ag" #-}
                                                                         {-# LINE 5159 "src/GLuaFixer/AG/ASTLint.hs" #-}
                                                                         )) of
                                                                  { _valueOglobalDefinitions ->
                                                                  (case (({-# LINE 134 "src/GLuaFixer/AG/ASTLint.ag" #-}
                                                                          {-# LINE 5164 "src/GLuaFixer/AG/ASTLint.hs" #-}
                                                                          )) of
                                                                   { _valueOconfig ->
                                                                   (case (({-# LINE 621 "src/GLuaFixer/AG/ASTLint.ag" #-}
                                                                           {-# LINE 5169 "src/GLuaFixer/AG/ASTLint.hs" #-}
                                                                           )) of
                                                                    { _valueOvarBeingDefined ->
                                                                    (case (({-# LINE 131 "src/GLuaFixer/AG/ASTLint.ag" #-}
                                                                            {-# LINE 5174 "src/GLuaFixer/AG/ASTLint.hs" #-}
                                                                            )) of
                                                                     { _valueOvariableStyle ->
                                                                     (case (({-# LINE 127 "src/GLuaFixer/AG/ASTLint.ag" #-}
                                                                             {-# LINE 5179 "src/GLuaFixer/AG/ASTLint.hs" #-}
                                                                             )) of
                                                                      { _valueOscopeLevel ->
                                                                      (case (({-# LINE 135 "src/GLuaFixer/AG/ASTLint.ag" #-}
                                                                              {-# LINE 5184 "src/GLuaFixer/AG/ASTLint.hs" #-}
                                                                              )) of
                                                                       { _valueOmtokenPos ->
                                                                       (case (({-# LINE 128 "src/GLuaFixer/AG/ASTLint.ag" #-}
                                                                               {-# LINE 5189 "src/GLuaFixer/AG/ASTLint.hs" #-}
                                                                               )) of
                                                                        { _valueOloopLevel ->
                                                                        (case (({-# LINE 146 "src/GLuaFixer/AG/ASTLint.ag" #-}
                                                                                {-# LINE 5194 "src/GLuaFixer/AG/ASTLint.hs" #-}
                                                                                )) of
                                                                         { _valueOfuncName ->
                                                                         (case (({-# LINE 620 "src/GLuaFixer/AG/ASTLint.ag" #-}
                                                                                 {-# LINE 5199 "src/GLuaFixer/AG/ASTLint.hs" #-}
                                                                                 )) of
                                                                          { _valueOtopLevel ->
                                                                          (case (({-# LINE 619 "src/GLuaFixer/AG/ASTLint.ag" #-}
                                                                                  {-# LINE 5204 "src/GLuaFixer/AG/ASTLint.hs" #-}
                                                                                  )) of
                                                                           { _valueOinParentheses ->
                                                                           (case (({-# LINE 618 "src/GLuaFixer/AG/ASTLint.ag" #-}
                                                                                   {-# LINE 5209 "src/GLuaFixer/AG/ASTLint.hs" #-}
                                                                                   )) of
                                                                            { _valueOisNegation ->
                                                                            (case (value_1 _valueOconfig _valueOfuncName _valueOglobalDefinitions _valueOinParentheses _valueOisInModule _valueOisMeta _valueOisNegation _valueOloopLevel _valueOmtokenPos _valueOscopeLevel _valueOscopes _valueOtopLevel _valueOvarBeingDefined _valueOvariableStyle) of
                                                                             { ( _valueIglobalDefinitions,_valueIidentifier,_valueIisInModule,_valueIisSimpleExpression,_valueIisSingleVar,_valueIscopes,_valueIvariableStyle,_valueIwarnings) ->
                                                                                 (case (({-# LINE 138 "src/GLuaFixer/AG/ASTLint.ag" #-}
                                                                                         {-# LINE 5216 "src/GLuaFixer/AG/ASTLint.hs" #-}
                                                                                         )) of
                                                                                  { _sepOglobalDefinitions ->
                                                                                  (case (({-# LINE 131 "src/GLuaFixer/AG/ASTLint.ag" #-}
                                                                                          {-# LINE 5221 "src/GLuaFixer/AG/ASTLint.hs" #-}
                                                                                          )) of
                                                                                   { _sepOvariableStyle ->
                                                                                   (case (({-# LINE 144 "src/GLuaFixer/AG/ASTLint.ag" #-}
                                                                                           {-# LINE 5226 "src/GLuaFixer/AG/ASTLint.hs" #-}
                                                                                           )) of
                                                                                    { _sepOscopes ->
                                                                                    (case (({-# LINE 127 "src/GLuaFixer/AG/ASTLint.ag" #-}
                                                                                            {-# LINE 5231 "src/GLuaFixer/AG/ASTLint.hs" #-}
                                                                                            )) of
                                                                                     { _sepOscopeLevel ->
                                                                                     (case (({-# LINE 135 "src/GLuaFixer/AG/ASTLint.ag" #-}
                                                                                             {-# LINE 5236 "src/GLuaFixer/AG/ASTLint.hs" #-}
                                                                                             )) of
                                                                                      { _sepOmtokenPos ->
                                                                                      (case (({-# LINE 128 "src/GLuaFixer/AG/ASTLint.ag" #-}
                                                                                              {-# LINE 5241 "src/GLuaFixer/AG/ASTLint.hs" #-}
                                                                                              )) of
                                                                                       { _sepOloopLevel ->
                                                                                       (case (({-# LINE 145 "src/GLuaFixer/AG/ASTLint.ag" #-}
                                                                                               {-# LINE 5246 "src/GLuaFixer/AG/ASTLint.hs" #-}
                                                                                               )) of
                                                                                        { _sepOisMeta ->
                                                                                        (case (({-# LINE 143 "src/GLuaFixer/AG/ASTLint.ag" #-}
                                                                                                {-# LINE 5251 "src/GLuaFixer/AG/ASTLint.hs" #-}
                                                                                                )) of
                                                                                         { _sepOisInModule ->
                                                                                         (case (({-# LINE 146 "src/GLuaFixer/AG/ASTLint.ag" #-}
                                                                                                 {-# LINE 5256 "src/GLuaFixer/AG/ASTLint.hs" #-}
                                                                                                 )) of
                                                                                          { _sepOfuncName ->
                                                                                          (case (({-# LINE 134 "src/GLuaFixer/AG/ASTLint.ag" #-}
                                                                                                  {-# LINE 5261 "src/GLuaFixer/AG/ASTLint.hs" #-}
                                                                                                  )) of
                                                                                           { _sepOconfig ->
                                                                                           (case (sep_1 _sepOconfig _sepOfuncName _sepOglobalDefinitions _sepOisInModule _sepOisMeta _sepOloopLevel _sepOmtokenPos _sepOscopeLevel _sepOscopes _sepOvariableStyle) of
                                                                                            { ( _sepIglobalDefinitions,_sepIidentifier,_sepIisInModule,_sepImtokenPos,_sepIscopes,_sepIvariableStyle,_sepIwarnings) ->
                                                                                                (case (({-# LINE 138 "src/GLuaFixer/AG/ASTLint.ag" #-}
                                                                                                        {-# LINE 5268 "src/GLuaFixer/AG/ASTLint.hs" #-}
                                                                                                        )) of
                                                                                                 { _lhsOglobalDefinitions ->
                                                                                                 (case (({-# LINE 154 "src/GLuaFixer/AG/ASTLint.ag" #-}
                                                                                                         (const _keyIidentifier (const _valueIidentifier _sepIidentifier))
                                                                                                         {-# LINE 5273 "src/GLuaFixer/AG/ASTLint.hs" #-}
                                                                                                         )) of
                                                                                                  { _lhsOidentifier ->
                                                                                                  (case (({-# LINE 143 "src/GLuaFixer/AG/ASTLint.ag" #-}
                                                                                                          {-# LINE 5278 "src/GLuaFixer/AG/ASTLint.hs" #-}
                                                                                                          )) of
                                                                                                   { _lhsOisInModule ->
                                                                                                   (case (({-# LINE 613 "src/GLuaFixer/AG/ASTLint.ag" #-}
                                                                                                           {-# LINE 5283 "src/GLuaFixer/AG/ASTLint.hs" #-}
                                                                                                           )) of
                                                                                                    { _lhsOmtokenPos ->
                                                                                                    (case (({-# LINE 144 "src/GLuaFixer/AG/ASTLint.ag" #-}
                                                                                                            {-# LINE 5288 "src/GLuaFixer/AG/ASTLint.hs" #-}
                                                                                                            )) of
                                                                                                     { _lhsOscopes ->
                                                                                                     (case (({-# LINE 131 "src/GLuaFixer/AG/ASTLint.ag" #-}
                                                                                                             {-# LINE 5293 "src/GLuaFixer/AG/ASTLint.hs" #-}
                                                                                                             )) of
                                                                                                      { _lhsOvariableStyle ->
                                                                                                      (case (({-# LINE 152 "src/GLuaFixer/AG/ASTLint.ag" #-}
                                                                                                              _keyIwarnings ++ _valueIwarnings ++ _sepIwarnings
                                                                                                              {-# LINE 5298 "src/GLuaFixer/AG/ASTLint.hs" #-}
                                                                                                              )) of
                                                                                                       { _lhsOwarnings ->
                                                                                                       ( _lhsOfieldNames,_lhsOglobalDefinitions,_lhsOidentifier,_lhsOisInModule,_lhsOmtokenPos,_lhsOscopes,_lhsOvariableStyle,_lhsOwarnings) }) }) }) }) }) }) }) }) }) }) }) }) }) }) }) }) }) }) }) }) }) }) }) }) }) }) }) }) }) }) }) }) }) }) }) }) }) }) }) }) }) }) }) }) }) }) }) }) }))
                             in  sem_Field_ExprField_1)) of
                      { ( sem_Field_1) ->
                      ( _lhsOcopy,sem_Field_1) }) }) }) }) }) })
sem_Field_NamedField :: T_MToken ->
                        T_MExpr ->
                        T_FieldSep ->
sem_Field_NamedField :: T_MToken -> T_MExpr -> T_FieldSep -> T_Field
sem_Field_NamedField T_MToken
key_ T_MExpr
value_ T_FieldSep
sep_ =
    (case (T_FieldSep
sep_) of
     { ( FieldSep
sep_1) ->
         (case (T_MExpr
value_) of
          { ( MExpr
value_1) ->
              (case (T_MToken
key_) of
               { ( MToken
key_1) ->
                   (case (({-# LINE 153 "src/GLuaFixer/AG/ASTLint.ag" #-}
                           NamedField _keyIcopy _valueIcopy _sepIcopy
                           {-# LINE 5318 "src/GLuaFixer/AG/ASTLint.hs" #-}
                           )) of
                    { _copy ->
                    (case (({-# LINE 153 "src/GLuaFixer/AG/ASTLint.ag" #-}
                            {-# LINE 5323 "src/GLuaFixer/AG/ASTLint.hs" #-}
                            )) of
                     { _lhsOcopy ->
                     (case ((let sem_Field_NamedField_1 :: T_Field_1
                                 sem_Field_NamedField_1 =
                                     (\ _lhsIconfig
                                        _lhsIvariableStyle ->
                                          (case (({-# LINE 624 "src/GLuaFixer/AG/ASTLint.ag" #-}
                                                  S.insert _keyImtok _lhsIfieldNames
                                                  {-# LINE 5341 "src/GLuaFixer/AG/ASTLint.hs" #-}
                                                  )) of
                                           { _lhsOfieldNames ->
                                           (case (({-# LINE 144 "src/GLuaFixer/AG/ASTLint.ag" #-}
                                                   {-# LINE 5346 "src/GLuaFixer/AG/ASTLint.hs" #-}
                                                   )) of
                                            { _keyOscopes ->
                                            (case (({-# LINE 623 "src/GLuaFixer/AG/ASTLint.ag" #-}
                                                    {-# LINE 5351 "src/GLuaFixer/AG/ASTLint.hs" #-}
                                                    )) of
                                             { _mtokenPos ->
                                             (case (({-# LINE 135 "src/GLuaFixer/AG/ASTLint.ag" #-}
                                                     {-# LINE 5356 "src/GLuaFixer/AG/ASTLint.hs" #-}
                                                     )) of
                                              { _keyOmtokenPos ->
                                              (case (({-# LINE 145 "src/GLuaFixer/AG/ASTLint.ag" #-}
                                                      {-# LINE 5361 "src/GLuaFixer/AG/ASTLint.hs" #-}
                                                      )) of
                                               { _keyOisMeta ->
                                               (case (({-# LINE 143 "src/GLuaFixer/AG/ASTLint.ag" #-}
                                                       {-# LINE 5366 "src/GLuaFixer/AG/ASTLint.hs" #-}
                                                       )) of
                                                { _keyOisInModule ->
                                                (case (({-# LINE 138 "src/GLuaFixer/AG/ASTLint.ag" #-}
                                                        {-# LINE 5371 "src/GLuaFixer/AG/ASTLint.hs" #-}
                                                        )) of
                                                 { _keyOglobalDefinitions ->
                                                 (case (({-# LINE 146 "src/GLuaFixer/AG/ASTLint.ag" #-}
                                                         {-# LINE 5376 "src/GLuaFixer/AG/ASTLint.hs" #-}
                                                         )) of
                                                  { _keyOfuncName ->
                                                  (case (({-# LINE 134 "src/GLuaFixer/AG/ASTLint.ag" #-}
                                                          {-# LINE 5381 "src/GLuaFixer/AG/ASTLint.hs" #-}
                                                          )) of
                                                   { _keyOconfig ->
                                                   (case (key_1 _keyOconfig _keyOfuncName _keyOglobalDefinitions _keyOisInModule _keyOisMeta _keyOmtokenPos _keyOscopes) of
                                                    { ( _keyIglobalDefinitions,_keyIidentifier,_keyIisInModule,_keyIscopes,_keyIwarnings) ->
                                                        (case (({-# LINE 144 "src/GLuaFixer/AG/ASTLint.ag" #-}
                                                                {-# LINE 5388 "src/GLuaFixer/AG/ASTLint.hs" #-}
                                                                )) of
                                                         { _valueOscopes ->
                                                         (case (({-# LINE 145 "src/GLuaFixer/AG/ASTLint.ag" #-}
                                                                 {-# LINE 5393 "src/GLuaFixer/AG/ASTLint.hs" #-}
                                                                 )) of
                                                          { _valueOisMeta ->
                                                          (case (({-# LINE 143 "src/GLuaFixer/AG/ASTLint.ag" #-}
                                                                  {-# LINE 5398 "src/GLuaFixer/AG/ASTLint.hs" #-}
                                                                  )) of
                                                           { _valueOisInModule ->
                                                           (case (({-# LINE 138 "src/GLuaFixer/AG/ASTLint.ag" #-}
                                                                   {-# LINE 5403 "src/GLuaFixer/AG/ASTLint.hs" #-}
                                                                   )) of
                                                            { _valueOglobalDefinitions ->
                                                            (case (({-# LINE 134 "src/GLuaFixer/AG/ASTLint.ag" #-}
                                                                    {-# LINE 5408 "src/GLuaFixer/AG/ASTLint.hs" #-}
                                                                    )) of
                                                             { _valueOconfig ->
                                                             (case (({-# LINE 625 "src/GLuaFixer/AG/ASTLint.ag" #-}
                                                                     {-# LINE 5413 "src/GLuaFixer/AG/ASTLint.hs" #-}
                                                                     )) of
                                                              { _valueOvarBeingDefined ->
                                                              (case (({-# LINE 131 "src/GLuaFixer/AG/ASTLint.ag" #-}
                                                                      {-# LINE 5418 "src/GLuaFixer/AG/ASTLint.hs" #-}
                                                                      )) of
                                                               { _valueOvariableStyle ->
                                                               (case (({-# LINE 127 "src/GLuaFixer/AG/ASTLint.ag" #-}
                                                                       {-# LINE 5423 "src/GLuaFixer/AG/ASTLint.hs" #-}
                                                                       )) of
                                                                { _valueOscopeLevel ->
                                                                (case (({-# LINE 135 "src/GLuaFixer/AG/ASTLint.ag" #-}
                                                                        {-# LINE 5428 "src/GLuaFixer/AG/ASTLint.hs" #-}
                                                                        )) of
                                                                 { _valueOmtokenPos ->
                                                                 (case (({-# LINE 128 "src/GLuaFixer/AG/ASTLint.ag" #-}
                                                                         {-# LINE 5433 "src/GLuaFixer/AG/ASTLint.hs" #-}
                                                                         )) of
                                                                  { _valueOloopLevel ->
                                                                  (case (({-# LINE 146 "src/GLuaFixer/AG/ASTLint.ag" #-}
                                                                          {-# LINE 5438 "src/GLuaFixer/AG/ASTLint.hs" #-}
                                                                          )) of
                                                                   { _valueOfuncName ->
                                                                   (case (({-# LINE 628 "src/GLuaFixer/AG/ASTLint.ag" #-}
                                                                           {-# LINE 5443 "src/GLuaFixer/AG/ASTLint.hs" #-}
                                                                           )) of
                                                                    { _valueOtopLevel ->
                                                                    (case (({-# LINE 627 "src/GLuaFixer/AG/ASTLint.ag" #-}
                                                                            {-# LINE 5448 "src/GLuaFixer/AG/ASTLint.hs" #-}
                                                                            )) of
                                                                     { _valueOinParentheses ->
                                                                     (case (({-# LINE 626 "src/GLuaFixer/AG/ASTLint.ag" #-}
                                                                             {-# LINE 5453 "src/GLuaFixer/AG/ASTLint.hs" #-}
                                                                             )) of
                                                                      { _valueOisNegation ->
                                                                      (case (value_1 _valueOconfig _valueOfuncName _valueOglobalDefinitions _valueOinParentheses _valueOisInModule _valueOisMeta _valueOisNegation _valueOloopLevel _valueOmtokenPos _valueOscopeLevel _valueOscopes _valueOtopLevel _valueOvarBeingDefined _valueOvariableStyle) of
                                                                       { ( _valueIglobalDefinitions,_valueIidentifier,_valueIisInModule,_valueIisSimpleExpression,_valueIisSingleVar,_valueIscopes,_valueIvariableStyle,_valueIwarnings) ->
                                                                           (case (({-# LINE 138 "src/GLuaFixer/AG/ASTLint.ag" #-}
                                                                                   {-# LINE 5460 "src/GLuaFixer/AG/ASTLint.hs" #-}
                                                                                   )) of
                                                                            { _sepOglobalDefinitions ->
                                                                            (case (({-# LINE 131 "src/GLuaFixer/AG/ASTLint.ag" #-}
                                                                                    {-# LINE 5465 "src/GLuaFixer/AG/ASTLint.hs" #-}
                                                                                    )) of
                                                                             { _sepOvariableStyle ->
                                                                             (case (({-# LINE 144 "src/GLuaFixer/AG/ASTLint.ag" #-}
                                                                                     {-# LINE 5470 "src/GLuaFixer/AG/ASTLint.hs" #-}
                                                                                     )) of
                                                                              { _sepOscopes ->
                                                                              (case (({-# LINE 127 "src/GLuaFixer/AG/ASTLint.ag" #-}
                                                                                      {-# LINE 5475 "src/GLuaFixer/AG/ASTLint.hs" #-}
                                                                                      )) of
                                                                               { _sepOscopeLevel ->
                                                                               (case (({-# LINE 135 "src/GLuaFixer/AG/ASTLint.ag" #-}
                                                                                       {-# LINE 5480 "src/GLuaFixer/AG/ASTLint.hs" #-}
                                                                                       )) of
                                                                                { _sepOmtokenPos ->
                                                                                (case (({-# LINE 128 "src/GLuaFixer/AG/ASTLint.ag" #-}
                                                                                        {-# LINE 5485 "src/GLuaFixer/AG/ASTLint.hs" #-}
                                                                                        )) of
                                                                                 { _sepOloopLevel ->
                                                                                 (case (({-# LINE 145 "src/GLuaFixer/AG/ASTLint.ag" #-}
                                                                                         {-# LINE 5490 "src/GLuaFixer/AG/ASTLint.hs" #-}
                                                                                         )) of
                                                                                  { _sepOisMeta ->
                                                                                  (case (({-# LINE 143 "src/GLuaFixer/AG/ASTLint.ag" #-}
                                                                                          {-# LINE 5495 "src/GLuaFixer/AG/ASTLint.hs" #-}
                                                                                          )) of
                                                                                   { _sepOisInModule ->
                                                                                   (case (({-# LINE 146 "src/GLuaFixer/AG/ASTLint.ag" #-}
                                                                                           {-# LINE 5500 "src/GLuaFixer/AG/ASTLint.hs" #-}
                                                                                           )) of
                                                                                    { _sepOfuncName ->
                                                                                    (case (({-# LINE 134 "src/GLuaFixer/AG/ASTLint.ag" #-}
                                                                                            {-# LINE 5505 "src/GLuaFixer/AG/ASTLint.hs" #-}
                                                                                            )) of
                                                                                     { _sepOconfig ->
                                                                                     (case (sep_1 _sepOconfig _sepOfuncName _sepOglobalDefinitions _sepOisInModule _sepOisMeta _sepOloopLevel _sepOmtokenPos _sepOscopeLevel _sepOscopes _sepOvariableStyle) of
                                                                                      { ( _sepIglobalDefinitions,_sepIidentifier,_sepIisInModule,_sepImtokenPos,_sepIscopes,_sepIvariableStyle,_sepIwarnings) ->
                                                                                          (case (({-# LINE 138 "src/GLuaFixer/AG/ASTLint.ag" #-}
                                                                                                  {-# LINE 5512 "src/GLuaFixer/AG/ASTLint.hs" #-}
                                                                                                  )) of
                                                                                           { _lhsOglobalDefinitions ->
                                                                                           (case (({-# LINE 154 "src/GLuaFixer/AG/ASTLint.ag" #-}
                                                                                                   (const _keyIidentifier (const _valueIidentifier _sepIidentifier))
                                                                                                   {-# LINE 5517 "src/GLuaFixer/AG/ASTLint.hs" #-}
                                                                                                   )) of
                                                                                            { _lhsOidentifier ->
                                                                                            (case (({-# LINE 143 "src/GLuaFixer/AG/ASTLint.ag" #-}
                                                                                                    {-# LINE 5522 "src/GLuaFixer/AG/ASTLint.hs" #-}
                                                                                                    )) of
                                                                                             { _lhsOisInModule ->
                                                                                             (case (({-# LINE 135 "src/GLuaFixer/AG/ASTLint.ag" #-}
                                                                                                     {-# LINE 5527 "src/GLuaFixer/AG/ASTLint.hs" #-}
                                                                                                     )) of
                                                                                              { _lhsOmtokenPos ->
                                                                                              (case (({-# LINE 144 "src/GLuaFixer/AG/ASTLint.ag" #-}
                                                                                                      {-# LINE 5532 "src/GLuaFixer/AG/ASTLint.hs" #-}
                                                                                                      )) of
                                                                                               { _lhsOscopes ->
                                                                                               (case (({-# LINE 131 "src/GLuaFixer/AG/ASTLint.ag" #-}
                                                                                                       {-# LINE 5537 "src/GLuaFixer/AG/ASTLint.hs" #-}
                                                                                                       )) of
                                                                                                { _lhsOvariableStyle ->
                                                                                                (case (({-# LINE 629 "src/GLuaFixer/AG/ASTLint.ag" #-}
                                                                                                        _keyIwarnings ++ _valueIwarnings ++ _sepIwarnings
                                                                                                        {-# LINE 5542 "src/GLuaFixer/AG/ASTLint.hs" #-}
                                                                                                        )) of
                                                                                                 { _warnings_augmented_syn ->
                                                                                                 (case (({-# LINE 629 "src/GLuaFixer/AG/ASTLint.ag" #-}
                                                                                                         if not (lint_duplicateTableKeys _lhsIconfig) || not (S.member _keyImtok _lhsIfieldNames) then id else
                                                                                                           (:) $ warn _keyImtokenPos $ DuplicateKeyInTable _keyImtok
                                                                                                         {-# LINE 5548 "src/GLuaFixer/AG/ASTLint.hs" #-}
                                                                                                         )) of
                                                                                                  { _warnings_augmented_f1 ->
                                                                                                  (case (({-# LINE 629 "src/GLuaFixer/AG/ASTLint.ag" #-}
                                                                                                          foldr ($) _warnings_augmented_syn [_warnings_augmented_f1]
                                                                                                          {-# LINE 5553 "src/GLuaFixer/AG/ASTLint.hs" #-}
                                                                                                          )) of
                                                                                                   { _lhsOwarnings ->
                                                                                                   ( _lhsOfieldNames,_lhsOglobalDefinitions,_lhsOidentifier,_lhsOisInModule,_lhsOmtokenPos,_lhsOscopes,_lhsOvariableStyle,_lhsOwarnings) }) }) }) }) }) }) }) }) }) }) }) }) }) }) }) }) }) }) }) }) }) }) }) }) }) }) }) }) }) }) }) }) }) }) }) }) }) }) }) }) }) }) }) }) }))
                             in  sem_Field_NamedField_1)) of
                      { ( sem_Field_1) ->
                      ( _lhsOcopy,sem_Field_1) }) }) }) }) }) })
sem_Field_UnnamedField :: T_MExpr ->
                          T_FieldSep ->
sem_Field_UnnamedField :: T_MExpr -> T_FieldSep -> T_Field
sem_Field_UnnamedField T_MExpr
value_ T_FieldSep
sep_ =
    (case (T_FieldSep
sep_) of
     { ( FieldSep
sep_1) ->
         (case (T_MExpr
value_) of
          { ( MExpr
value_1) ->
              (case (({-# LINE 153 "src/GLuaFixer/AG/ASTLint.ag" #-}
                      UnnamedField _valueIcopy _sepIcopy
                      {-# LINE 5570 "src/GLuaFixer/AG/ASTLint.hs" #-}
                      )) of
               { _copy ->
               (case (({-# LINE 153 "src/GLuaFixer/AG/ASTLint.ag" #-}
                       {-# LINE 5575 "src/GLuaFixer/AG/ASTLint.hs" #-}
                       )) of
                { _lhsOcopy ->
                (case ((let sem_Field_UnnamedField_1 :: T_Field_1
                            sem_Field_UnnamedField_1 =
                                (\ _lhsIconfig
                                   _lhsIvariableStyle ->
                                     (case (({-# LINE 163 "src/GLuaFixer/AG/ASTLint.ag" #-}
                                             {-# LINE 5593 "src/GLuaFixer/AG/ASTLint.hs" #-}
                                             )) of
                                      { _lhsOfieldNames ->
                                      (case (({-# LINE 144 "src/GLuaFixer/AG/ASTLint.ag" #-}
                                              {-# LINE 5598 "src/GLuaFixer/AG/ASTLint.hs" #-}
                                              )) of
                                       { _valueOscopes ->
                                       (case (({-# LINE 145 "src/GLuaFixer/AG/ASTLint.ag" #-}
                                               {-# LINE 5603 "src/GLuaFixer/AG/ASTLint.hs" #-}
                                               )) of
                                        { _valueOisMeta ->
                                        (case (({-# LINE 143 "src/GLuaFixer/AG/ASTLint.ag" #-}
                                                {-# LINE 5608 "src/GLuaFixer/AG/ASTLint.hs" #-}
                                                )) of
                                         { _valueOisInModule ->
                                         (case (({-# LINE 138 "src/GLuaFixer/AG/ASTLint.ag" #-}
                                                 {-# LINE 5613 "src/GLuaFixer/AG/ASTLint.hs" #-}
                                                 )) of
                                          { _valueOglobalDefinitions ->
                                          (case (({-# LINE 134 "src/GLuaFixer/AG/ASTLint.ag" #-}
                                                  {-# LINE 5618 "src/GLuaFixer/AG/ASTLint.hs" #-}
                                                  )) of
                                           { _valueOconfig ->
                                           (case (({-# LINE 635 "src/GLuaFixer/AG/ASTLint.ag" #-}
                                                   {-# LINE 5623 "src/GLuaFixer/AG/ASTLint.hs" #-}
                                                   )) of
                                            { _valueOvarBeingDefined ->
                                            (case (({-# LINE 131 "src/GLuaFixer/AG/ASTLint.ag" #-}
                                                    {-# LINE 5628 "src/GLuaFixer/AG/ASTLint.hs" #-}
                                                    )) of
                                             { _valueOvariableStyle ->
                                             (case (({-# LINE 127 "src/GLuaFixer/AG/ASTLint.ag" #-}
                                                     {-# LINE 5633 "src/GLuaFixer/AG/ASTLint.hs" #-}
                                                     )) of
                                              { _valueOscopeLevel ->
                                              (case (({-# LINE 135 "src/GLuaFixer/AG/ASTLint.ag" #-}
                                                      {-# LINE 5638 "src/GLuaFixer/AG/ASTLint.hs" #-}
                                                      )) of
                                               { _valueOmtokenPos ->
                                               (case (({-# LINE 128 "src/GLuaFixer/AG/ASTLint.ag" #-}
                                                       {-# LINE 5643 "src/GLuaFixer/AG/ASTLint.hs" #-}
                                                       )) of
                                                { _valueOloopLevel ->
                                                (case (({-# LINE 146 "src/GLuaFixer/AG/ASTLint.ag" #-}
                                                        {-# LINE 5648 "src/GLuaFixer/AG/ASTLint.hs" #-}
                                                        )) of
                                                 { _valueOfuncName ->
                                                 (case (({-# LINE 634 "src/GLuaFixer/AG/ASTLint.ag" #-}
                                                         {-# LINE 5653 "src/GLuaFixer/AG/ASTLint.hs" #-}
                                                         )) of
                                                  { _valueOtopLevel ->
                                                  (case (({-# LINE 633 "src/GLuaFixer/AG/ASTLint.ag" #-}
                                                          {-# LINE 5658 "src/GLuaFixer/AG/ASTLint.hs" #-}
                                                          )) of
                                                   { _valueOinParentheses ->
                                                   (case (({-# LINE 632 "src/GLuaFixer/AG/ASTLint.ag" #-}
                                                           {-# LINE 5663 "src/GLuaFixer/AG/ASTLint.hs" #-}
                                                           )) of
                                                    { _valueOisNegation ->
                                                    (case (value_1 _valueOconfig _valueOfuncName _valueOglobalDefinitions _valueOinParentheses _valueOisInModule _valueOisMeta _valueOisNegation _valueOloopLevel _valueOmtokenPos _valueOscopeLevel _valueOscopes _valueOtopLevel _valueOvarBeingDefined _valueOvariableStyle) of
                                                     { ( _valueIglobalDefinitions,_valueIidentifier,_valueIisInModule,_valueIisSimpleExpression,_valueIisSingleVar,_valueIscopes,_valueIvariableStyle,_valueIwarnings) ->
                                                         (case (({-# LINE 138 "src/GLuaFixer/AG/ASTLint.ag" #-}
                                                                 {-# LINE 5670 "src/GLuaFixer/AG/ASTLint.hs" #-}
                                                                 )) of
                                                          { _sepOglobalDefinitions ->
                                                          (case (({-# LINE 131 "src/GLuaFixer/AG/ASTLint.ag" #-}
                                                                  {-# LINE 5675 "src/GLuaFixer/AG/ASTLint.hs" #-}
                                                                  )) of
                                                           { _sepOvariableStyle ->
                                                           (case (({-# LINE 144 "src/GLuaFixer/AG/ASTLint.ag" #-}
                                                                   {-# LINE 5680 "src/GLuaFixer/AG/ASTLint.hs" #-}
                                                                   )) of
                                                            { _sepOscopes ->
                                                            (case (({-# LINE 127 "src/GLuaFixer/AG/ASTLint.ag" #-}
                                                                    {-# LINE 5685 "src/GLuaFixer/AG/ASTLint.hs" #-}
                                                                    )) of
                                                             { _sepOscopeLevel ->
                                                             (case (({-# LINE 135 "src/GLuaFixer/AG/ASTLint.ag" #-}
                                                                     {-# LINE 5690 "src/GLuaFixer/AG/ASTLint.hs" #-}
                                                                     )) of
                                                              { _sepOmtokenPos ->
                                                              (case (({-# LINE 128 "src/GLuaFixer/AG/ASTLint.ag" #-}
                                                                      {-# LINE 5695 "src/GLuaFixer/AG/ASTLint.hs" #-}
                                                                      )) of
                                                               { _sepOloopLevel ->
                                                               (case (({-# LINE 145 "src/GLuaFixer/AG/ASTLint.ag" #-}
                                                                       {-# LINE 5700 "src/GLuaFixer/AG/ASTLint.hs" #-}
                                                                       )) of
                                                                { _sepOisMeta ->
                                                                (case (({-# LINE 143 "src/GLuaFixer/AG/ASTLint.ag" #-}
                                                                        {-# LINE 5705 "src/GLuaFixer/AG/ASTLint.hs" #-}
                                                                        )) of
                                                                 { _sepOisInModule ->
                                                                 (case (({-# LINE 146 "src/GLuaFixer/AG/ASTLint.ag" #-}
                                                                         {-# LINE 5710 "src/GLuaFixer/AG/ASTLint.hs" #-}
                                                                         )) of
                                                                  { _sepOfuncName ->
                                                                  (case (({-# LINE 134 "src/GLuaFixer/AG/ASTLint.ag" #-}
                                                                          {-# LINE 5715 "src/GLuaFixer/AG/ASTLint.hs" #-}
                                                                          )) of
                                                                   { _sepOconfig ->
                                                                   (case (sep_1 _sepOconfig _sepOfuncName _sepOglobalDefinitions _sepOisInModule _sepOisMeta _sepOloopLevel _sepOmtokenPos _sepOscopeLevel _sepOscopes _sepOvariableStyle) of
                                                                    { ( _sepIglobalDefinitions,_sepIidentifier,_sepIisInModule,_sepImtokenPos,_sepIscopes,_sepIvariableStyle,_sepIwarnings) ->
                                                                        (case (({-# LINE 138 "src/GLuaFixer/AG/ASTLint.ag" #-}
                                                                                {-# LINE 5722 "src/GLuaFixer/AG/ASTLint.hs" #-}
                                                                                )) of
                                                                         { _lhsOglobalDefinitions ->
                                                                         (case (({-# LINE 154 "src/GLuaFixer/AG/ASTLint.ag" #-}
                                                                                 (const _valueIidentifier _sepIidentifier)
                                                                                 {-# LINE 5727 "src/GLuaFixer/AG/ASTLint.hs" #-}
                                                                                 )) of
                                                                          { _lhsOidentifier ->
                                                                          (case (({-# LINE 143 "src/GLuaFixer/AG/ASTLint.ag" #-}
                                                                                  {-# LINE 5732 "src/GLuaFixer/AG/ASTLint.hs" #-}
                                                                                  )) of
                                                                           { _lhsOisInModule ->
                                                                           (case (({-# LINE 135 "src/GLuaFixer/AG/ASTLint.ag" #-}
                                                                                   {-# LINE 5737 "src/GLuaFixer/AG/ASTLint.hs" #-}
                                                                                   )) of
                                                                            { _lhsOmtokenPos ->
                                                                            (case (({-# LINE 144 "src/GLuaFixer/AG/ASTLint.ag" #-}
                                                                                    {-# LINE 5742 "src/GLuaFixer/AG/ASTLint.hs" #-}
                                                                                    )) of
                                                                             { _lhsOscopes ->
                                                                             (case (({-# LINE 131 "src/GLuaFixer/AG/ASTLint.ag" #-}
                                                                                     {-# LINE 5747 "src/GLuaFixer/AG/ASTLint.hs" #-}
                                                                                     )) of
                                                                              { _lhsOvariableStyle ->
                                                                              (case (({-# LINE 152 "src/GLuaFixer/AG/ASTLint.ag" #-}
                                                                                      _valueIwarnings ++ _sepIwarnings
                                                                                      {-# LINE 5752 "src/GLuaFixer/AG/ASTLint.hs" #-}
                                                                                      )) of
                                                                               { _lhsOwarnings ->
                                                                               ( _lhsOfieldNames,_lhsOglobalDefinitions,_lhsOidentifier,_lhsOisInModule,_lhsOmtokenPos,_lhsOscopes,_lhsOvariableStyle,_lhsOwarnings) }) }) }) }) }) }) }) }) }) }) }) }) }) }) }) }) }) }) }) }) }) }) }) }) }) }) }) }) }) }) }) }) }) }))
                        in  sem_Field_UnnamedField_1)) of
                 { ( sem_Field_1) ->
                 ( _lhsOcopy,sem_Field_1) }) }) }) }) })
-- FieldList ---------------------------------------------------
-- cata
sem_FieldList :: FieldList ->
sem_FieldList :: FieldList -> T_FieldList
sem_FieldList FieldList
list =
    (forall (t :: * -> *) a b.
Foldable t =>
(a -> b -> b) -> b -> t a -> b
Prelude.foldr T_Field -> T_FieldList -> T_FieldList
sem_FieldList_Cons T_FieldList
sem_FieldList_Nil (forall a b. (a -> b) -> [a] -> [b]
Prelude.map Field -> T_Field
sem_Field FieldList
-- semantic domain
type T_FieldList = ( FieldList,T_FieldList_1)
type T_FieldList_1 = LintSettings ->
                     (S.Set Token) ->
                     String ->
                     (M.Map String [Region]) ->
                     Bool ->
                     Bool ->
                     Int ->
                     Region ->
                     Int ->
                     ([M.Map String (Bool, Region)]) ->
                     DeterminedVariableStyle ->
                     ( (S.Set Token),(M.Map String [Region]),String,Bool,Region,([M.Map String (Bool, Region)]),DeterminedVariableStyle,([String -> LintMessage]))
data Inh_FieldList = Inh_FieldList {Inh_FieldList -> LintSettings
config_Inh_FieldList :: LintSettings,Inh_FieldList -> Set Token
fieldNames_Inh_FieldList :: (S.Set Token),Inh_FieldList -> String
funcName_Inh_FieldList :: String,Inh_FieldList -> Map String [Region]
globalDefinitions_Inh_FieldList :: (M.Map String [Region]),Inh_FieldList -> Bool
isInModule_Inh_FieldList :: Bool,Inh_FieldList -> Bool
isMeta_Inh_FieldList :: Bool,Inh_FieldList -> Int
loopLevel_Inh_FieldList :: Int,Inh_FieldList -> Region
mtokenPos_Inh_FieldList :: Region,Inh_FieldList -> Int
scopeLevel_Inh_FieldList :: Int,Inh_FieldList -> [Map String (Bool, Region)]
scopes_Inh_FieldList :: ([M.Map String (Bool, Region)]),Inh_FieldList -> DeterminedVariableStyle
variableStyle_Inh_FieldList :: DeterminedVariableStyle}
data Syn_FieldList = Syn_FieldList {Syn_FieldList -> FieldList
copy_Syn_FieldList :: FieldList,Syn_FieldList -> Set Token
fieldNames_Syn_FieldList :: (S.Set Token),Syn_FieldList -> Map String [Region]
globalDefinitions_Syn_FieldList :: (M.Map String [Region]),Syn_FieldList -> String
identifier_Syn_FieldList :: String,Syn_FieldList -> Bool
isInModule_Syn_FieldList :: Bool,Syn_FieldList -> Region
mtokenPos_Syn_FieldList :: Region,Syn_FieldList -> [Map String (Bool, Region)]
scopes_Syn_FieldList :: ([M.Map String (Bool, Region)]),Syn_FieldList -> DeterminedVariableStyle
variableStyle_Syn_FieldList :: DeterminedVariableStyle,Syn_FieldList -> [String -> LintMessage]
warnings_Syn_FieldList :: ([String -> LintMessage])}
wrap_FieldList :: T_FieldList ->
                  Inh_FieldList ->
wrap_FieldList :: T_FieldList -> Inh_FieldList -> Syn_FieldList
wrap_FieldList T_FieldList
sem (Inh_FieldList LintSettings
_lhsIconfig Set Token
_lhsIfieldNames String
_lhsIfuncName Map String [Region]
_lhsIglobalDefinitions Bool
_lhsIisInModule Bool
_lhsIisMeta Int
_lhsIloopLevel Region
_lhsImtokenPos Int
_lhsIscopeLevel [Map String (Bool, Region)]
_lhsIscopes DeterminedVariableStyle
_lhsIvariableStyle) =
    (let ( FieldList
sem_1) = T_FieldList
         ( Set Token
_lhsOfieldNames,Map String [Region]
_lhsOmtokenPos,[Map String (Bool, Region)]
_lhsOvariableStyle,[String -> LintMessage]
_lhsOwarnings) = T_FieldList_1
sem_1 LintSettings
_lhsIconfig Set Token
_lhsIfieldNames String
_lhsIfuncName Map String [Region]
_lhsIglobalDefinitions Bool
_lhsIisInModule Bool
_lhsIisMeta Int
_lhsIloopLevel Region
_lhsImtokenPos Int
_lhsIscopeLevel [Map String (Bool, Region)]
_lhsIscopes DeterminedVariableStyle
     in  (FieldList
-> Set Token
-> Map String [Region]
-> String
-> Bool
-> Region
-> [Map String (Bool, Region)]
-> DeterminedVariableStyle
-> [String -> LintMessage]
-> Syn_FieldList
Syn_FieldList FieldList
_lhsOcopy Set Token
_lhsOfieldNames Map String [Region]
_lhsOglobalDefinitions String
_lhsOidentifier Bool
_lhsOisInModule Region
_lhsOmtokenPos [Map String (Bool, Region)]
_lhsOscopes DeterminedVariableStyle
_lhsOvariableStyle [String -> LintMessage]
sem_FieldList_Cons :: T_Field ->
                      T_FieldList ->
sem_FieldList_Cons :: T_Field -> T_FieldList -> T_FieldList
sem_FieldList_Cons T_Field
hd_ T_FieldList
tl_ =
    (case (T_FieldList
tl_) of
     { ( FieldList
tl_1) ->
         (case (T_Field
hd_) of
          { ( Field
hd_1) ->
              (case (({-# LINE 153 "src/GLuaFixer/AG/ASTLint.ag" #-}
                      (:) _hdIcopy _tlIcopy
                      {-# LINE 5798 "src/GLuaFixer/AG/ASTLint.hs" #-}
                      )) of
               { _copy ->
               (case (({-# LINE 153 "src/GLuaFixer/AG/ASTLint.ag" #-}
                       {-# LINE 5803 "src/GLuaFixer/AG/ASTLint.hs" #-}
                       )) of
                { _lhsOcopy ->
                (case ((let sem_FieldList_Cons_1 :: T_FieldList_1
                            sem_FieldList_Cons_1 =
                                (\ _lhsIconfig
                                   _lhsIvariableStyle ->
                                     (case (({-# LINE 163 "src/GLuaFixer/AG/ASTLint.ag" #-}
                                             {-# LINE 5821 "src/GLuaFixer/AG/ASTLint.hs" #-}
                                             )) of
                                      { _hdOfieldNames ->
                                      (case (({-# LINE 131 "src/GLuaFixer/AG/ASTLint.ag" #-}
                                              {-# LINE 5826 "src/GLuaFixer/AG/ASTLint.hs" #-}
                                              )) of
                                       { _hdOvariableStyle ->
                                       (case (({-# LINE 144 "src/GLuaFixer/AG/ASTLint.ag" #-}
                                               {-# LINE 5831 "src/GLuaFixer/AG/ASTLint.hs" #-}
                                               )) of
                                        { _hdOscopes ->
                                        (case (({-# LINE 127 "src/GLuaFixer/AG/ASTLint.ag" #-}
                                                {-# LINE 5836 "src/GLuaFixer/AG/ASTLint.hs" #-}
                                                )) of
                                         { _hdOscopeLevel ->
                                         (case (({-# LINE 135 "src/GLuaFixer/AG/ASTLint.ag" #-}
                                                 {-# LINE 5841 "src/GLuaFixer/AG/ASTLint.hs" #-}
                                                 )) of
                                          { _hdOmtokenPos ->
                                          (case (({-# LINE 128 "src/GLuaFixer/AG/ASTLint.ag" #-}
                                                  {-# LINE 5846 "src/GLuaFixer/AG/ASTLint.hs" #-}
                                                  )) of
                                           { _hdOloopLevel ->
                                           (case (({-# LINE 145 "src/GLuaFixer/AG/ASTLint.ag" #-}
                                                   {-# LINE 5851 "src/GLuaFixer/AG/ASTLint.hs" #-}
                                                   )) of
                                            { _hdOisMeta ->
                                            (case (({-# LINE 143 "src/GLuaFixer/AG/ASTLint.ag" #-}
                                                    {-# LINE 5856 "src/GLuaFixer/AG/ASTLint.hs" #-}
                                                    )) of
                                             { _hdOisInModule ->
                                             (case (({-# LINE 138 "src/GLuaFixer/AG/ASTLint.ag" #-}
                                                     {-# LINE 5861 "src/GLuaFixer/AG/ASTLint.hs" #-}
                                                     )) of
                                              { _hdOglobalDefinitions ->
                                              (case (({-# LINE 146 "src/GLuaFixer/AG/ASTLint.ag" #-}
                                                      {-# LINE 5866 "src/GLuaFixer/AG/ASTLint.hs" #-}
                                                      )) of
                                               { _hdOfuncName ->
                                               (case (({-# LINE 134 "src/GLuaFixer/AG/ASTLint.ag" #-}
                                                       {-# LINE 5871 "src/GLuaFixer/AG/ASTLint.hs" #-}
                                                       )) of
                                                { _hdOconfig ->
                                                (case (hd_1 _hdOconfig _hdOfieldNames _hdOfuncName _hdOglobalDefinitions _hdOisInModule _hdOisMeta _hdOloopLevel _hdOmtokenPos _hdOscopeLevel _hdOscopes _hdOvariableStyle) of
                                                 { ( _hdIfieldNames,_hdIglobalDefinitions,_hdIidentifier,_hdIisInModule,_hdImtokenPos,_hdIscopes,_hdIvariableStyle,_hdIwarnings) ->
                                                     (case (({-# LINE 163 "src/GLuaFixer/AG/ASTLint.ag" #-}
                                                             {-# LINE 5878 "src/GLuaFixer/AG/ASTLint.hs" #-}
                                                             )) of
                                                      { _tlOfieldNames ->
                                                      (case (({-# LINE 131 "src/GLuaFixer/AG/ASTLint.ag" #-}
                                                              {-# LINE 5883 "src/GLuaFixer/AG/ASTLint.hs" #-}
                                                              )) of
                                                       { _tlOvariableStyle ->
                                                       (case (({-# LINE 144 "src/GLuaFixer/AG/ASTLint.ag" #-}
                                                               {-# LINE 5888 "src/GLuaFixer/AG/ASTLint.hs" #-}
                                                               )) of
                                                        { _tlOscopes ->
                                                        (case (({-# LINE 127 "src/GLuaFixer/AG/ASTLint.ag" #-}
                                                                {-# LINE 5893 "src/GLuaFixer/AG/ASTLint.hs" #-}
                                                                )) of
                                                         { _tlOscopeLevel ->
                                                         (case (({-# LINE 135 "src/GLuaFixer/AG/ASTLint.ag" #-}
                                                                 {-# LINE 5898 "src/GLuaFixer/AG/ASTLint.hs" #-}
                                                                 )) of
                                                          { _tlOmtokenPos ->
                                                          (case (({-# LINE 128 "src/GLuaFixer/AG/ASTLint.ag" #-}
                                                                  {-# LINE 5903 "src/GLuaFixer/AG/ASTLint.hs" #-}
                                                                  )) of
                                                           { _tlOloopLevel ->
                                                           (case (({-# LINE 145 "src/GLuaFixer/AG/ASTLint.ag" #-}
                                                                   {-# LINE 5908 "src/GLuaFixer/AG/ASTLint.hs" #-}
                                                                   )) of
                                                            { _tlOisMeta ->
                                                            (case (({-# LINE 143 "src/GLuaFixer/AG/ASTLint.ag" #-}
                                                                    {-# LINE 5913 "src/GLuaFixer/AG/ASTLint.hs" #-}
                                                                    )) of
                                                             { _tlOisInModule ->
                                                             (case (({-# LINE 138 "src/GLuaFixer/AG/ASTLint.ag" #-}
                                                                     {-# LINE 5918 "src/GLuaFixer/AG/ASTLint.hs" #-}
                                                                     )) of
                                                              { _tlOglobalDefinitions ->
                                                              (case (({-# LINE 146 "src/GLuaFixer/AG/ASTLint.ag" #-}
                                                                      {-# LINE 5923 "src/GLuaFixer/AG/ASTLint.hs" #-}
                                                                      )) of
                                                               { _tlOfuncName ->
                                                               (case (({-# LINE 134 "src/GLuaFixer/AG/ASTLint.ag" #-}
                                                                       {-# LINE 5928 "src/GLuaFixer/AG/ASTLint.hs" #-}
                                                                       )) of
                                                                { _tlOconfig ->
                                                                (case (tl_1 _tlOconfig _tlOfieldNames _tlOfuncName _tlOglobalDefinitions _tlOisInModule _tlOisMeta _tlOloopLevel _tlOmtokenPos _tlOscopeLevel _tlOscopes _tlOvariableStyle) of
                                                                 { ( _tlIfieldNames,_tlIglobalDefinitions,_tlIidentifier,_tlIisInModule,_tlImtokenPos,_tlIscopes,_tlIvariableStyle,_tlIwarnings) ->
                                                                     (case (({-# LINE 163 "src/GLuaFixer/AG/ASTLint.ag" #-}
                                                                             {-# LINE 5935 "src/GLuaFixer/AG/ASTLint.hs" #-}
                                                                             )) of
                                                                      { _lhsOfieldNames ->
                                                                      (case (({-# LINE 138 "src/GLuaFixer/AG/ASTLint.ag" #-}
                                                                              {-# LINE 5940 "src/GLuaFixer/AG/ASTLint.hs" #-}
                                                                              )) of
                                                                       { _lhsOglobalDefinitions ->
                                                                       (case (({-# LINE 154 "src/GLuaFixer/AG/ASTLint.ag" #-}
                                                                               (const _hdIidentifier _tlIidentifier)
                                                                               {-# LINE 5945 "src/GLuaFixer/AG/ASTLint.hs" #-}
                                                                               )) of
                                                                        { _lhsOidentifier ->
                                                                        (case (({-# LINE 143 "src/GLuaFixer/AG/ASTLint.ag" #-}
                                                                                {-# LINE 5950 "src/GLuaFixer/AG/ASTLint.hs" #-}
                                                                                )) of
                                                                         { _lhsOisInModule ->
                                                                         (case (({-# LINE 234 "src/GLuaFixer/AG/ASTLint.ag" #-}
                                                                                 {-# LINE 5955 "src/GLuaFixer/AG/ASTLint.hs" #-}
                                                                                 )) of
                                                                          { _lhsOmtokenPos ->
                                                                          (case (({-# LINE 144 "src/GLuaFixer/AG/ASTLint.ag" #-}
                                                                                  {-# LINE 5960 "src/GLuaFixer/AG/ASTLint.hs" #-}
                                                                                  )) of
                                                                           { _lhsOscopes ->
                                                                           (case (({-# LINE 131 "src/GLuaFixer/AG/ASTLint.ag" #-}
                                                                                   {-# LINE 5965 "src/GLuaFixer/AG/ASTLint.hs" #-}
                                                                                   )) of
                                                                            { _lhsOvariableStyle ->
                                                                            (case (({-# LINE 152 "src/GLuaFixer/AG/ASTLint.ag" #-}
                                                                                    _hdIwarnings ++ _tlIwarnings
                                                                                    {-# LINE 5970 "src/GLuaFixer/AG/ASTLint.hs" #-}
                                                                                    )) of
                                                                             { _lhsOwarnings ->
                                                                             ( _lhsOfieldNames,_lhsOglobalDefinitions,_lhsOidentifier,_lhsOisInModule,_lhsOmtokenPos,_lhsOscopes,_lhsOvariableStyle,_lhsOwarnings) }) }) }) }) }) }) }) }) }) }) }) }) }) }) }) }) }) }) }) }) }) }) }) }) }) }) }) }) }) }) }) }))
                        in  sem_FieldList_Cons_1)) of
                 { ( sem_FieldList_1) ->
                 ( _lhsOcopy,sem_FieldList_1) }) }) }) }) })
sem_FieldList_Nil :: T_FieldList
sem_FieldList_Nil :: T_FieldList
sem_FieldList_Nil =
    (case (({-# LINE 153 "src/GLuaFixer/AG/ASTLint.ag" #-}
            {-# LINE 5981 "src/GLuaFixer/AG/ASTLint.hs" #-}
            )) of
     { _copy ->
     (case (({-# LINE 153 "src/GLuaFixer/AG/ASTLint.ag" #-}
             {-# LINE 5986 "src/GLuaFixer/AG/ASTLint.hs" #-}
             )) of
      { _lhsOcopy ->
      (case ((let sem_FieldList_Nil_1 :: T_FieldList_1
                  sem_FieldList_Nil_1 =
                      (\ _lhsIconfig
                         _lhsIvariableStyle ->
                           (case (({-# LINE 163 "src/GLuaFixer/AG/ASTLint.ag" #-}
                                   {-# LINE 6004 "src/GLuaFixer/AG/ASTLint.hs" #-}
                                   )) of
                            { _lhsOfieldNames ->
                            (case (({-# LINE 138 "src/GLuaFixer/AG/ASTLint.ag" #-}
                                    {-# LINE 6009 "src/GLuaFixer/AG/ASTLint.hs" #-}
                                    )) of
                             { _lhsOglobalDefinitions ->
                             (case (({-# LINE 154 "src/GLuaFixer/AG/ASTLint.ag" #-}
                                     {-# LINE 6014 "src/GLuaFixer/AG/ASTLint.hs" #-}
                                     )) of
                              { _lhsOidentifier ->
                              (case (({-# LINE 143 "src/GLuaFixer/AG/ASTLint.ag" #-}
                                      {-# LINE 6019 "src/GLuaFixer/AG/ASTLint.hs" #-}
                                      )) of
                               { _lhsOisInModule ->
                               (case (({-# LINE 135 "src/GLuaFixer/AG/ASTLint.ag" #-}
                                       {-# LINE 6024 "src/GLuaFixer/AG/ASTLint.hs" #-}
                                       )) of
                                { _lhsOmtokenPos ->
                                (case (({-# LINE 144 "src/GLuaFixer/AG/ASTLint.ag" #-}
                                        {-# LINE 6029 "src/GLuaFixer/AG/ASTLint.hs" #-}
                                        )) of
                                 { _lhsOscopes ->
                                 (case (({-# LINE 131 "src/GLuaFixer/AG/ASTLint.ag" #-}
                                         {-# LINE 6034 "src/GLuaFixer/AG/ASTLint.hs" #-}
                                         )) of
                                  { _lhsOvariableStyle ->
                                  (case (({-# LINE 152 "src/GLuaFixer/AG/ASTLint.ag" #-}
                                          {-# LINE 6039 "src/GLuaFixer/AG/ASTLint.hs" #-}
                                          )) of
                                   { _lhsOwarnings ->
                                   ( _lhsOfieldNames,_lhsOglobalDefinitions,_lhsOidentifier,_lhsOisInModule,_lhsOmtokenPos,_lhsOscopes,_lhsOvariableStyle,_lhsOwarnings) }) }) }) }) }) }) }) }))
              in  sem_FieldList_Nil_1)) of
       { ( sem_FieldList_1) ->
       ( _lhsOcopy,sem_FieldList_1) }) }) })
-- FieldSep ----------------------------------------------------
-- cata
sem_FieldSep :: FieldSep ->
sem_FieldSep :: FieldSep -> T_FieldSep
sem_FieldSep (FieldSep
CommaSep) =
sem_FieldSep (FieldSep
SemicolonSep) =
sem_FieldSep (FieldSep
NoSep) =
-- semantic domain
type T_FieldSep = ( FieldSep,T_FieldSep_1)
type T_FieldSep_1 = LintSettings ->
                    String ->
                    (M.Map String [Region]) ->
                    Bool ->
                    Bool ->
                    Int ->
                    Region ->
                    Int ->
                    ([M.Map String (Bool, Region)]) ->
                    DeterminedVariableStyle ->
                    ( (M.Map String [Region]),String,Bool,Region,([M.Map String (Bool, Region)]),DeterminedVariableStyle,([String -> LintMessage]))
data Inh_FieldSep = Inh_FieldSep {Inh_FieldSep -> LintSettings
config_Inh_FieldSep :: LintSettings,Inh_FieldSep -> String
funcName_Inh_FieldSep :: String,Inh_FieldSep -> Map String [Region]
globalDefinitions_Inh_FieldSep :: (M.Map String [Region]),Inh_FieldSep -> Bool
isInModule_Inh_FieldSep :: Bool,Inh_FieldSep -> Bool
isMeta_Inh_FieldSep :: Bool,Inh_FieldSep -> Int
loopLevel_Inh_FieldSep :: Int,Inh_FieldSep -> Region
mtokenPos_Inh_FieldSep :: Region,Inh_FieldSep -> Int
scopeLevel_Inh_FieldSep :: Int,Inh_FieldSep -> [Map String (Bool, Region)]
scopes_Inh_FieldSep :: ([M.Map String (Bool, Region)]),Inh_FieldSep -> DeterminedVariableStyle
variableStyle_Inh_FieldSep :: DeterminedVariableStyle}
data Syn_FieldSep = Syn_FieldSep {Syn_FieldSep -> FieldSep
copy_Syn_FieldSep :: FieldSep,Syn_FieldSep -> Map String [Region]
globalDefinitions_Syn_FieldSep :: (M.Map String [Region]),Syn_FieldSep -> String
identifier_Syn_FieldSep :: String,Syn_FieldSep -> Bool
isInModule_Syn_FieldSep :: Bool,Syn_FieldSep -> Region
mtokenPos_Syn_FieldSep :: Region,Syn_FieldSep -> [Map String (Bool, Region)]
scopes_Syn_FieldSep :: ([M.Map String (Bool, Region)]),Syn_FieldSep -> DeterminedVariableStyle
variableStyle_Syn_FieldSep :: DeterminedVariableStyle,Syn_FieldSep -> [String -> LintMessage]
warnings_Syn_FieldSep :: ([String -> LintMessage])}
wrap_FieldSep :: T_FieldSep ->
                 Inh_FieldSep ->
wrap_FieldSep :: T_FieldSep -> Inh_FieldSep -> Syn_FieldSep
wrap_FieldSep T_FieldSep
sem (Inh_FieldSep LintSettings
_lhsIconfig String
_lhsIfuncName Map String [Region]
_lhsIglobalDefinitions Bool
_lhsIisInModule Bool
_lhsIisMeta Int
_lhsIloopLevel Region
_lhsImtokenPos Int
_lhsIscopeLevel [Map String (Bool, Region)]
_lhsIscopes DeterminedVariableStyle
_lhsIvariableStyle) =
    (let ( FieldSep
sem_1) = T_FieldSep
         ( Map String [Region]
_lhsOmtokenPos,[Map String (Bool, Region)]
_lhsOvariableStyle,[String -> LintMessage]
_lhsOwarnings) = T_Args_1
sem_1 LintSettings
_lhsIconfig String
_lhsIfuncName Map String [Region]
_lhsIglobalDefinitions Bool
_lhsIisInModule Bool
_lhsIisMeta Int
_lhsIloopLevel Region
_lhsImtokenPos Int
_lhsIscopeLevel [Map String (Bool, Region)]
_lhsIscopes DeterminedVariableStyle
     in  (FieldSep
-> Map String [Region]
-> String
-> Bool
-> Region
-> [Map String (Bool, Region)]
-> DeterminedVariableStyle
-> [String -> LintMessage]
-> Syn_FieldSep
Syn_FieldSep FieldSep
_lhsOcopy Map String [Region]
_lhsOglobalDefinitions String
_lhsOidentifier Bool
_lhsOisInModule Region
_lhsOmtokenPos [Map String (Bool, Region)]
_lhsOscopes DeterminedVariableStyle
_lhsOvariableStyle [String -> LintMessage]
sem_FieldSep_CommaSep :: T_FieldSep
sem_FieldSep_CommaSep :: T_FieldSep
sem_FieldSep_CommaSep =
    (case (({-# LINE 153 "src/GLuaFixer/AG/ASTLint.ag" #-}
            {-# LINE 6082 "src/GLuaFixer/AG/ASTLint.hs" #-}
            )) of
     { _copy ->
     (case (({-# LINE 153 "src/GLuaFixer/AG/ASTLint.ag" #-}
             {-# LINE 6087 "src/GLuaFixer/AG/ASTLint.hs" #-}
             )) of
      { _lhsOcopy ->
      (case ((let sem_FieldSep_CommaSep_1 :: T_FieldSep_1
                  sem_FieldSep_CommaSep_1 =
                      (\ _lhsIconfig
                         _lhsIvariableStyle ->
                           (case (({-# LINE 138 "src/GLuaFixer/AG/ASTLint.ag" #-}
                                   {-# LINE 6104 "src/GLuaFixer/AG/ASTLint.hs" #-}
                                   )) of
                            { _lhsOglobalDefinitions ->
                            (case (({-# LINE 154 "src/GLuaFixer/AG/ASTLint.ag" #-}
                                    {-# LINE 6109 "src/GLuaFixer/AG/ASTLint.hs" #-}
                                    )) of
                             { _lhsOidentifier ->
                             (case (({-# LINE 143 "src/GLuaFixer/AG/ASTLint.ag" #-}
                                     {-# LINE 6114 "src/GLuaFixer/AG/ASTLint.hs" #-}
                                     )) of
                              { _lhsOisInModule ->
                              (case (({-# LINE 135 "src/GLuaFixer/AG/ASTLint.ag" #-}
                                      {-# LINE 6119 "src/GLuaFixer/AG/ASTLint.hs" #-}
                                      )) of
                               { _lhsOmtokenPos ->
                               (case (({-# LINE 144 "src/GLuaFixer/AG/ASTLint.ag" #-}
                                       {-# LINE 6124 "src/GLuaFixer/AG/ASTLint.hs" #-}
                                       )) of
                                { _lhsOscopes ->
                                (case (({-# LINE 131 "src/GLuaFixer/AG/ASTLint.ag" #-}
                                        {-# LINE 6129 "src/GLuaFixer/AG/ASTLint.hs" #-}
                                        )) of
                                 { _lhsOvariableStyle ->
                                 (case (({-# LINE 152 "src/GLuaFixer/AG/ASTLint.ag" #-}
                                         {-# LINE 6134 "src/GLuaFixer/AG/ASTLint.hs" #-}
                                         )) of
                                  { _lhsOwarnings ->
                                  ( _lhsOglobalDefinitions,_lhsOidentifier,_lhsOisInModule,_lhsOmtokenPos,_lhsOscopes,_lhsOvariableStyle,_lhsOwarnings) }) }) }) }) }) }) }))
              in  sem_FieldSep_CommaSep_1)) of
       { ( sem_FieldSep_1) ->
       ( _lhsOcopy,sem_FieldSep_1) }) }) })
sem_FieldSep_SemicolonSep :: T_FieldSep
sem_FieldSep_SemicolonSep :: T_FieldSep
sem_FieldSep_SemicolonSep =
    (case (({-# LINE 153 "src/GLuaFixer/AG/ASTLint.ag" #-}
            {-# LINE 6145 "src/GLuaFixer/AG/ASTLint.hs" #-}
            )) of
     { _copy ->
     (case (({-# LINE 153 "src/GLuaFixer/AG/ASTLint.ag" #-}
             {-# LINE 6150 "src/GLuaFixer/AG/ASTLint.hs" #-}
             )) of
      { _lhsOcopy ->
      (case ((let sem_FieldSep_SemicolonSep_1 :: T_FieldSep_1
                  sem_FieldSep_SemicolonSep_1 =
                      (\ _lhsIconfig
                         _lhsIvariableStyle ->
                           (case (({-# LINE 138 "src/GLuaFixer/AG/ASTLint.ag" #-}
                                   {-# LINE 6167 "src/GLuaFixer/AG/ASTLint.hs" #-}
                                   )) of
                            { _lhsOglobalDefinitions ->
                            (case (({-# LINE 154 "src/GLuaFixer/AG/ASTLint.ag" #-}
                                    {-# LINE 6172 "src/GLuaFixer/AG/ASTLint.hs" #-}
                                    )) of
                             { _lhsOidentifier ->
                             (case (({-# LINE 143 "src/GLuaFixer/AG/ASTLint.ag" #-}
                                     {-# LINE 6177 "src/GLuaFixer/AG/ASTLint.hs" #-}
                                     )) of
                              { _lhsOisInModule ->
                              (case (({-# LINE 135 "src/GLuaFixer/AG/ASTLint.ag" #-}
                                      {-# LINE 6182 "src/GLuaFixer/AG/ASTLint.hs" #-}
                                      )) of
                               { _lhsOmtokenPos ->
                               (case (({-# LINE 144 "src/GLuaFixer/AG/ASTLint.ag" #-}
                                       {-# LINE 6187 "src/GLuaFixer/AG/ASTLint.hs" #-}
                                       )) of
                                { _lhsOscopes ->
                                (case (({-# LINE 131 "src/GLuaFixer/AG/ASTLint.ag" #-}
                                        {-# LINE 6192 "src/GLuaFixer/AG/ASTLint.hs" #-}
                                        )) of
                                 { _lhsOvariableStyle ->
                                 (case (({-# LINE 152 "src/GLuaFixer/AG/ASTLint.ag" #-}
                                         {-# LINE 6197 "src/GLuaFixer/AG/ASTLint.hs" #-}
                                         )) of
                                  { _lhsOwarnings ->
                                  ( _lhsOglobalDefinitions,_lhsOidentifier,_lhsOisInModule,_lhsOmtokenPos,_lhsOscopes,_lhsOvariableStyle,_lhsOwarnings) }) }) }) }) }) }) }))
              in  sem_FieldSep_SemicolonSep_1)) of
       { ( sem_FieldSep_1) ->
       ( _lhsOcopy,sem_FieldSep_1) }) }) })
sem_FieldSep_NoSep :: T_FieldSep
sem_FieldSep_NoSep :: T_FieldSep
sem_FieldSep_NoSep =
    (case (({-# LINE 153 "src/GLuaFixer/AG/ASTLint.ag" #-}
            {-# LINE 6208 "src/GLuaFixer/AG/ASTLint.hs" #-}
            )) of
     { _copy ->
     (case (({-# LINE 153 "src/GLuaFixer/AG/ASTLint.ag" #-}
             {-# LINE 6213 "src/GLuaFixer/AG/ASTLint.hs" #-}
             )) of
      { _lhsOcopy ->
      (case ((let sem_FieldSep_NoSep_1 :: T_FieldSep_1
                  sem_FieldSep_NoSep_1 =
                      (\ _lhsIconfig
                         _lhsIvariableStyle ->
                           (case (({-# LINE 138 "src/GLuaFixer/AG/ASTLint.ag" #-}
                                   {-# LINE 6230 "src/GLuaFixer/AG/ASTLint.hs" #-}
                                   )) of
                            { _lhsOglobalDefinitions ->
                            (case (({-# LINE 154 "src/GLuaFixer/AG/ASTLint.ag" #-}
                                    {-# LINE 6235 "src/GLuaFixer/AG/ASTLint.hs" #-}
                                    )) of
                             { _lhsOidentifier ->
                             (case (({-# LINE 143 "src/GLuaFixer/AG/ASTLint.ag" #-}
                                     {-# LINE 6240 "src/GLuaFixer/AG/ASTLint.hs" #-}
                                     )) of
                              { _lhsOisInModule ->
                              (case (({-# LINE 135 "src/GLuaFixer/AG/ASTLint.ag" #-}
                                      {-# LINE 6245 "src/GLuaFixer/AG/ASTLint.hs" #-}
                                      )) of
                               { _lhsOmtokenPos ->
                               (case (({-# LINE 144 "src/GLuaFixer/AG/ASTLint.ag" #-}
                                       {-# LINE 6250 "src/GLuaFixer/AG/ASTLint.hs" #-}
                                       )) of
                                { _lhsOscopes ->
                                (case (({-# LINE 131 "src/GLuaFixer/AG/ASTLint.ag" #-}
                                        {-# LINE 6255 "src/GLuaFixer/AG/ASTLint.hs" #-}
                                        )) of
                                 { _lhsOvariableStyle ->
                                 (case (({-# LINE 152 "src/GLuaFixer/AG/ASTLint.ag" #-}
                                         {-# LINE 6260 "src/GLuaFixer/AG/ASTLint.hs" #-}
                                         )) of
                                  { _lhsOwarnings ->
                                  ( _lhsOglobalDefinitions,_lhsOidentifier,_lhsOisInModule,_lhsOmtokenPos,_lhsOscopes,_lhsOvariableStyle,_lhsOwarnings) }) }) }) }) }) }) }))
              in  sem_FieldSep_NoSep_1)) of
       { ( sem_FieldSep_1) ->
       ( _lhsOcopy,sem_FieldSep_1) }) }) })
-- FuncName ----------------------------------------------------
-- cata
sem_FuncName :: FuncName ->
sem_FuncName :: FuncName -> T_FuncName
sem_FuncName (FuncName [MToken]
_names Maybe MToken
_meta) =
    ([MToken] -> Maybe MToken -> T_FuncName
sem_FuncName_FuncName [MToken]
_names Maybe MToken
-- semantic domain
type T_FuncName = ( FuncName,Bool,T_FuncName_1)
type T_FuncName_1 = LintSettings ->
                    String ->
                    (M.Map String [Region]) ->
                    Bool ->
                    Bool ->
                    Int ->
                    Region ->
                    Int ->
                    ([M.Map String (Bool, Region)]) ->
                    DeterminedVariableStyle ->
                    ( (M.Map String [Region]),Bool,String,Bool,Region,([M.Map String (Bool, Region)]),DeterminedVariableStyle,([String -> LintMessage]))
data Inh_FuncName = Inh_FuncName {Inh_FuncName -> LintSettings
config_Inh_FuncName :: LintSettings,Inh_FuncName -> String
funcName_Inh_FuncName :: String,Inh_FuncName -> Map String [Region]
globalDefinitions_Inh_FuncName :: (M.Map String [Region]),Inh_FuncName -> Bool
isInModule_Inh_FuncName :: Bool,Inh_FuncName -> Bool
isMeta_Inh_FuncName :: Bool,Inh_FuncName -> Int
loopLevel_Inh_FuncName :: Int,Inh_FuncName -> Region
mtokenPos_Inh_FuncName :: Region,Inh_FuncName -> Int
scopeLevel_Inh_FuncName :: Int,Inh_FuncName -> [Map String (Bool, Region)]
scopes_Inh_FuncName :: ([M.Map String (Bool, Region)]),Inh_FuncName -> DeterminedVariableStyle
variableStyle_Inh_FuncName :: DeterminedVariableStyle}
data Syn_FuncName = Syn_FuncName {Syn_FuncName -> FuncName
copy_Syn_FuncName :: FuncName,Syn_FuncName -> Map String [Region]
globalDefinitions_Syn_FuncName :: (M.Map String [Region]),Syn_FuncName -> Bool
hasSuffixes_Syn_FuncName :: Bool,Syn_FuncName -> String
identifier_Syn_FuncName :: String,Syn_FuncName -> Bool
isInModule_Syn_FuncName :: Bool,Syn_FuncName -> Bool
isMeta_Syn_FuncName :: Bool,Syn_FuncName -> Region
mtokenPos_Syn_FuncName :: Region,Syn_FuncName -> [Map String (Bool, Region)]
scopes_Syn_FuncName :: ([M.Map String (Bool, Region)]),Syn_FuncName -> DeterminedVariableStyle
variableStyle_Syn_FuncName :: DeterminedVariableStyle,Syn_FuncName -> [String -> LintMessage]
warnings_Syn_FuncName :: ([String -> LintMessage])}
wrap_FuncName :: T_FuncName ->
                 Inh_FuncName ->
wrap_FuncName :: T_FuncName -> Inh_FuncName -> Syn_FuncName
wrap_FuncName T_FuncName
sem (Inh_FuncName LintSettings
_lhsIconfig String
_lhsIfuncName Map String [Region]
_lhsIglobalDefinitions Bool
_lhsIisInModule Bool
_lhsIisMeta Int
_lhsIloopLevel Region
_lhsImtokenPos Int
_lhsIscopeLevel [Map String (Bool, Region)]
_lhsIscopes DeterminedVariableStyle
_lhsIvariableStyle) =
    (let ( FuncName
sem_1) = T_FuncName
         ( Map String [Region]
_lhsOmtokenPos,[Map String (Bool, Region)]
_lhsOvariableStyle,[String -> LintMessage]
_lhsOwarnings) = T_FuncName_1
sem_1 LintSettings
_lhsIconfig String
_lhsIfuncName Map String [Region]
_lhsIglobalDefinitions Bool
_lhsIisInModule Bool
_lhsIisMeta Int
_lhsIloopLevel Region
_lhsImtokenPos Int
_lhsIscopeLevel [Map String (Bool, Region)]
_lhsIscopes DeterminedVariableStyle
     in  (FuncName
-> Map String [Region]
-> Bool
-> String
-> Bool
-> Bool
-> Region
-> [Map String (Bool, Region)]
-> DeterminedVariableStyle
-> [String -> LintMessage]
-> Syn_FuncName
Syn_FuncName FuncName
_lhsOcopy Map String [Region]
_lhsOglobalDefinitions Bool
_lhsOhasSuffixes String
_lhsOidentifier Bool
_lhsOisInModule Bool
_lhsOisMeta Region
_lhsOmtokenPos [Map String (Bool, Region)]
_lhsOscopes DeterminedVariableStyle
_lhsOvariableStyle [String -> LintMessage]
sem_FuncName_FuncName :: ([MToken]) ->
                         (Maybe MToken) ->
sem_FuncName_FuncName :: [MToken] -> Maybe MToken -> T_FuncName
sem_FuncName_FuncName [MToken]
names_ Maybe MToken
meta_ =
    (case (({-# LINE 153 "src/GLuaFixer/AG/ASTLint.ag" #-}
            FuncName names_ meta_
            {-# LINE 6301 "src/GLuaFixer/AG/ASTLint.hs" #-}
            )) of
     { _copy ->
     (case (({-# LINE 153 "src/GLuaFixer/AG/ASTLint.ag" #-}
             {-# LINE 6306 "src/GLuaFixer/AG/ASTLint.hs" #-}
             )) of
      { _lhsOcopy ->
      (case (({-# LINE 501 "src/GLuaFixer/AG/ASTLint.ag" #-}
              isJust meta_
              {-# LINE 6311 "src/GLuaFixer/AG/ASTLint.hs" #-}
              )) of
       { _lhsOisMeta ->
       (case ((let sem_FuncName_FuncName_1 :: T_FuncName_1
                   sem_FuncName_FuncName_1 =
                       (\ _lhsIconfig
                          _lhsIvariableStyle ->
                            (case (({-# LINE 138 "src/GLuaFixer/AG/ASTLint.ag" #-}
                                    {-# LINE 6328 "src/GLuaFixer/AG/ASTLint.hs" #-}
                                    )) of
                             { _lhsOglobalDefinitions ->
                             (case (({-# LINE 502 "src/GLuaFixer/AG/ASTLint.ag" #-}
                                     length names_ > 1
                                     {-# LINE 6333 "src/GLuaFixer/AG/ASTLint.hs" #-}
                                     )) of
                              { _lhsOhasSuffixes ->
                              (case (({-# LINE 500 "src/GLuaFixer/AG/ASTLint.ag" #-}
                                      tokenLabel . head $ names_
                                      {-# LINE 6338 "src/GLuaFixer/AG/ASTLint.hs" #-}
                                      )) of
                               { _lhsOidentifier ->
                               (case (({-# LINE 143 "src/GLuaFixer/AG/ASTLint.ag" #-}
                                       {-# LINE 6343 "src/GLuaFixer/AG/ASTLint.hs" #-}
                                       )) of
                                { _lhsOisInModule ->
                                (case (({-# LINE 499 "src/GLuaFixer/AG/ASTLint.ag" #-}
                                        mpos (head names_)
                                        {-# LINE 6348 "src/GLuaFixer/AG/ASTLint.hs" #-}
                                        )) of
                                 { _lhsOmtokenPos ->
                                 (case (({-# LINE 144 "src/GLuaFixer/AG/ASTLint.ag" #-}
                                         {-# LINE 6353 "src/GLuaFixer/AG/ASTLint.hs" #-}
                                         )) of
                                  { _lhsOscopes ->
                                  (case (({-# LINE 131 "src/GLuaFixer/AG/ASTLint.ag" #-}
                                          {-# LINE 6358 "src/GLuaFixer/AG/ASTLint.hs" #-}
                                          )) of
                                   { _lhsOvariableStyle ->
                                   (case (({-# LINE 152 "src/GLuaFixer/AG/ASTLint.ag" #-}
                                           {-# LINE 6363 "src/GLuaFixer/AG/ASTLint.hs" #-}
                                           )) of
                                    { _lhsOwarnings ->
                                    ( _lhsOglobalDefinitions,_lhsOhasSuffixes,_lhsOidentifier,_lhsOisInModule,_lhsOmtokenPos,_lhsOscopes,_lhsOvariableStyle,_lhsOwarnings) }) }) }) }) }) }) }) }))
               in  sem_FuncName_FuncName_1)) of
        { ( sem_FuncName_1) ->
        ( _lhsOcopy,_lhsOisMeta,sem_FuncName_1) }) }) }) })
-- MElse -------------------------------------------------------
-- cata
sem_MElse :: MElse ->
sem_MElse :: MElse -> T_MElse
sem_MElse (MElse Region
_pos Block
_body) =
    (T_Region -> T_Block -> T_MElse
sem_MElse_MElse (Region -> T_Region
sem_Region Region
_pos) (Block -> T_Block
sem_Block Block
-- semantic domain
type T_MElse = ( MElse,T_MElse_1)
type T_MElse_1 = LintSettings ->
                 String ->
                 (M.Map String [Region]) ->
                 Bool ->
                 Bool ->
                 Int ->
                 Region ->
                 Int ->
                 ([M.Map String (Bool, Region)]) ->
                 DeterminedVariableStyle ->
                 ( Bool,(M.Map String [Region]),String,Bool,Region,([M.Map String (Bool, Region)]),Int,DeterminedVariableStyle,([String -> LintMessage]))
data Inh_MElse = Inh_MElse {Inh_MElse -> LintSettings
config_Inh_MElse :: LintSettings,Inh_MElse -> String
funcName_Inh_MElse :: String,Inh_MElse -> Map String [Region]
globalDefinitions_Inh_MElse :: (M.Map String [Region]),Inh_MElse -> Bool
isInModule_Inh_MElse :: Bool,Inh_MElse -> Bool
isMeta_Inh_MElse :: Bool,Inh_MElse -> Int
loopLevel_Inh_MElse :: Int,Inh_MElse -> Region
mtokenPos_Inh_MElse :: Region,Inh_MElse -> Int
scopeLevel_Inh_MElse :: Int,Inh_MElse -> [Map String (Bool, Region)]
scopes_Inh_MElse :: ([M.Map String (Bool, Region)]),Inh_MElse -> DeterminedVariableStyle
variableStyle_Inh_MElse :: DeterminedVariableStyle}
data Syn_MElse = Syn_MElse {Syn_MElse -> MElse
copy_Syn_MElse :: MElse,Syn_MElse -> Bool
elseExists_Syn_MElse :: Bool,Syn_MElse -> Map String [Region]
globalDefinitions_Syn_MElse :: (M.Map String [Region]),Syn_MElse -> String
identifier_Syn_MElse :: String,Syn_MElse -> Bool
isInModule_Syn_MElse :: Bool,Syn_MElse -> Region
mtokenPos_Syn_MElse :: Region,Syn_MElse -> [Map String (Bool, Region)]
scopes_Syn_MElse :: ([M.Map String (Bool, Region)]),Syn_MElse -> Int
statementCount_Syn_MElse :: Int,Syn_MElse -> DeterminedVariableStyle
variableStyle_Syn_MElse :: DeterminedVariableStyle,Syn_MElse -> [String -> LintMessage]
warnings_Syn_MElse :: ([String -> LintMessage])}
wrap_MElse :: T_MElse ->
              Inh_MElse ->
wrap_MElse :: T_MElse -> Inh_MElse -> Syn_MElse
wrap_MElse T_MElse
sem (Inh_MElse LintSettings
_lhsIconfig String
_lhsIfuncName Map String [Region]
_lhsIglobalDefinitions Bool
_lhsIisInModule Bool
_lhsIisMeta Int
_lhsIloopLevel Region
_lhsImtokenPos Int
_lhsIscopeLevel [Map String (Bool, Region)]
_lhsIscopes DeterminedVariableStyle
_lhsIvariableStyle) =
    (let ( MElse
sem_1) = T_MElse
         ( Bool
_lhsOelseExists,Map String [Region]
_lhsOmtokenPos,[Map String (Bool, Region)]
_lhsOvariableStyle,[String -> LintMessage]
_lhsOwarnings) = T_MElse_1
sem_1 LintSettings
_lhsIconfig String
_lhsIfuncName Map String [Region]
_lhsIglobalDefinitions Bool
_lhsIisInModule Bool
_lhsIisMeta Int
_lhsIloopLevel Region
_lhsImtokenPos Int
_lhsIscopeLevel [Map String (Bool, Region)]
_lhsIscopes DeterminedVariableStyle
     in  (MElse
-> Bool
-> Map String [Region]
-> String
-> Bool
-> Region
-> [Map String (Bool, Region)]
-> Int
-> DeterminedVariableStyle
-> [String -> LintMessage]
-> Syn_MElse
Syn_MElse MElse
_lhsOcopy Bool
_lhsOelseExists Map String [Region]
_lhsOglobalDefinitions String
_lhsOidentifier Bool
_lhsOisInModule Region
_lhsOmtokenPos [Map String (Bool, Region)]
_lhsOscopes Int
_lhsOstatementCount DeterminedVariableStyle
_lhsOvariableStyle [String -> LintMessage]
sem_MElse_MElse :: T_Region ->
                   T_Block ->
sem_MElse_MElse :: T_Region -> T_Block -> T_MElse
sem_MElse_MElse T_Region
pos_ T_Block
body_ =
    (case (T_Block
body_) of
     { ( Block
body_1) ->
         (case (T_Region
pos_) of
          { ( Region
_posIidentifier,[String -> LintMessage]
_posIwarnings) ->
              (case (({-# LINE 153 "src/GLuaFixer/AG/ASTLint.ag" #-}
                      MElse _posIcopy _bodyIcopy
                      {-# LINE 6408 "src/GLuaFixer/AG/ASTLint.hs" #-}
                      )) of
               { _copy ->
               (case (({-# LINE 153 "src/GLuaFixer/AG/ASTLint.ag" #-}
                       {-# LINE 6413 "src/GLuaFixer/AG/ASTLint.hs" #-}
                       )) of
                { _lhsOcopy ->
                (case ((let sem_MElse_MElse_1 :: T_MElse_1
                            sem_MElse_MElse_1 =
                                (\ _lhsIconfig
                                   _lhsIvariableStyle ->
                                     (case (({-# LINE 202 "src/GLuaFixer/AG/ASTLint.ag" #-}
                                             {-# LINE 6430 "src/GLuaFixer/AG/ASTLint.hs" #-}
                                             )) of
                                      { _lhsOelseExists ->
                                      (case (({-# LINE 144 "src/GLuaFixer/AG/ASTLint.ag" #-}
                                              {-# LINE 6435 "src/GLuaFixer/AG/ASTLint.hs" #-}
                                              )) of
                                       { _bodyOscopes ->
                                       (case (({-# LINE 145 "src/GLuaFixer/AG/ASTLint.ag" #-}
                                               {-# LINE 6440 "src/GLuaFixer/AG/ASTLint.hs" #-}
                                               )) of
                                        { _bodyOisMeta ->
                                        (case (({-# LINE 143 "src/GLuaFixer/AG/ASTLint.ag" #-}
                                                {-# LINE 6445 "src/GLuaFixer/AG/ASTLint.hs" #-}
                                                )) of
                                         { _bodyOisInModule ->
                                         (case (({-# LINE 138 "src/GLuaFixer/AG/ASTLint.ag" #-}
                                                 {-# LINE 6450 "src/GLuaFixer/AG/ASTLint.hs" #-}
                                                 )) of
                                          { _bodyOglobalDefinitions ->
                                          (case (({-# LINE 134 "src/GLuaFixer/AG/ASTLint.ag" #-}
                                                  {-# LINE 6455 "src/GLuaFixer/AG/ASTLint.hs" #-}
                                                  )) of
                                           { _bodyOconfig ->
                                           (case (({-# LINE 131 "src/GLuaFixer/AG/ASTLint.ag" #-}
                                                   {-# LINE 6460 "src/GLuaFixer/AG/ASTLint.hs" #-}
                                                   )) of
                                            { _bodyOvariableStyle ->
                                            (case (({-# LINE 127 "src/GLuaFixer/AG/ASTLint.ag" #-}
                                                    {-# LINE 6465 "src/GLuaFixer/AG/ASTLint.hs" #-}
                                                    )) of
                                             { _bodyOscopeLevel ->
                                             (case (({-# LINE 135 "src/GLuaFixer/AG/ASTLint.ag" #-}
                                                     {-# LINE 6470 "src/GLuaFixer/AG/ASTLint.hs" #-}
                                                     )) of
                                              { _bodyOmtokenPos ->
                                              (case (({-# LINE 128 "src/GLuaFixer/AG/ASTLint.ag" #-}
                                                      {-# LINE 6475 "src/GLuaFixer/AG/ASTLint.hs" #-}
                                                      )) of
                                               { _bodyOloopLevel ->
                                               (case (({-# LINE 146 "src/GLuaFixer/AG/ASTLint.ag" #-}
                                                       {-# LINE 6480 "src/GLuaFixer/AG/ASTLint.hs" #-}
                                                       )) of
                                                { _bodyOfuncName ->
                                                (case (({-# LINE 479 "src/GLuaFixer/AG/ASTLint.ag" #-}
                                                        {-# LINE 6485 "src/GLuaFixer/AG/ASTLint.hs" #-}
                                                        )) of
                                                 { _bodyOisRepeat ->
                                                 (case (body_1 _bodyOconfig _bodyOfuncName _bodyOglobalDefinitions _bodyOisInModule _bodyOisMeta _bodyOisRepeat _bodyOloopLevel _bodyOmtokenPos _bodyOscopeLevel _bodyOscopes _bodyOvariableStyle) of
                                                  { ( _bodyIglobalDefinitions,_bodyIidentifier,_bodyIisIfStatement,_bodyIisInModule,_bodyImtokenPos,_bodyIscopes,_bodyIstatementCount,_bodyIvariableStyle,_bodyIwarnings) ->
                                                      (case (({-# LINE 138 "src/GLuaFixer/AG/ASTLint.ag" #-}
                                                              {-# LINE 6492 "src/GLuaFixer/AG/ASTLint.hs" #-}
                                                              )) of
                                                       { _lhsOglobalDefinitions ->
                                                       (case (({-# LINE 154 "src/GLuaFixer/AG/ASTLint.ag" #-}
                                                               (const _posIidentifier _bodyIidentifier)
                                                               {-# LINE 6497 "src/GLuaFixer/AG/ASTLint.hs" #-}
                                                               )) of
                                                        { _lhsOidentifier ->
                                                        (case (({-# LINE 143 "src/GLuaFixer/AG/ASTLint.ag" #-}
                                                                {-# LINE 6502 "src/GLuaFixer/AG/ASTLint.hs" #-}
                                                                )) of
                                                         { _lhsOisInModule ->
                                                         (case (({-# LINE 480 "src/GLuaFixer/AG/ASTLint.ag" #-}
                                                                 {-# LINE 6507 "src/GLuaFixer/AG/ASTLint.hs" #-}
                                                                 )) of
                                                          { _lhsOmtokenPos ->
                                                          (case (({-# LINE 144 "src/GLuaFixer/AG/ASTLint.ag" #-}
                                                                  {-# LINE 6512 "src/GLuaFixer/AG/ASTLint.hs" #-}
                                                                  )) of
                                                           { _lhsOscopes ->
                                                           (case (({-# LINE 157 "src/GLuaFixer/AG/ASTLint.ag" #-}
                                                                   {-# LINE 6517 "src/GLuaFixer/AG/ASTLint.hs" #-}
                                                                   )) of
                                                            { _lhsOstatementCount ->
                                                            (case (({-# LINE 131 "src/GLuaFixer/AG/ASTLint.ag" #-}
                                                                    {-# LINE 6522 "src/GLuaFixer/AG/ASTLint.hs" #-}
                                                                    )) of
                                                             { _lhsOvariableStyle ->
                                                             (case (({-# LINE 152 "src/GLuaFixer/AG/ASTLint.ag" #-}
                                                                     _posIwarnings ++ _bodyIwarnings
                                                                     {-# LINE 6527 "src/GLuaFixer/AG/ASTLint.hs" #-}
                                                                     )) of
                                                              { _lhsOwarnings ->
                                                              ( _lhsOelseExists,_lhsOglobalDefinitions,_lhsOidentifier,_lhsOisInModule,_lhsOmtokenPos,_lhsOscopes,_lhsOstatementCount,_lhsOvariableStyle,_lhsOwarnings) }) }) }) }) }) }) }) }) }) }) }) }) }) }) }) }) }) }) }) }) }))
                        in  sem_MElse_MElse_1)) of
                 { ( sem_MElse_1) ->
                 ( _lhsOcopy,sem_MElse_1) }) }) }) }) })
-- MElseIf -----------------------------------------------------
-- cata
sem_MElseIf :: MElseIf ->
sem_MElseIf :: MElseIf -> T_MElseIf
sem_MElseIf (MElseIf Region
_pos ElseIf
_elif) =
    (T_Region -> T_ElseIf -> T_MElseIf
sem_MElseIf_MElseIf (Region -> T_Region
sem_Region Region
_pos) (ElseIf -> T_ElseIf
sem_ElseIf ElseIf
-- semantic domain
type T_MElseIf = ( MElseIf,T_MElseIf_1)
type T_MElseIf_1 = LintSettings ->
                   String ->
                   (M.Map String [Region]) ->
                   Bool ->
                   Bool ->
                   Int ->
                   Region ->
                   Int ->
                   ([M.Map String (Bool, Region)]) ->
                   DeterminedVariableStyle ->
                   ( (M.Map String [Region]),String,Bool,Region,([M.Map String (Bool, Region)]),DeterminedVariableStyle,([String -> LintMessage]))
data Inh_MElseIf = Inh_MElseIf {Inh_MElseIf -> LintSettings
config_Inh_MElseIf :: LintSettings,Inh_MElseIf -> String
funcName_Inh_MElseIf :: String,Inh_MElseIf -> Map String [Region]
globalDefinitions_Inh_MElseIf :: (M.Map String [Region]),Inh_MElseIf -> Bool
isInModule_Inh_MElseIf :: Bool,Inh_MElseIf -> Bool
isMeta_Inh_MElseIf :: Bool,Inh_MElseIf -> Int
loopLevel_Inh_MElseIf :: Int,Inh_MElseIf -> Region
mtokenPos_Inh_MElseIf :: Region,Inh_MElseIf -> Int
scopeLevel_Inh_MElseIf :: Int,Inh_MElseIf -> [Map String (Bool, Region)]
scopes_Inh_MElseIf :: ([M.Map String (Bool, Region)]),Inh_MElseIf -> DeterminedVariableStyle
variableStyle_Inh_MElseIf :: DeterminedVariableStyle}
data Syn_MElseIf = Syn_MElseIf {Syn_MElseIf -> MElseIf
copy_Syn_MElseIf :: MElseIf,Syn_MElseIf -> Map String [Region]
globalDefinitions_Syn_MElseIf :: (M.Map String [Region]),Syn_MElseIf -> String
identifier_Syn_MElseIf :: String,Syn_MElseIf -> Bool
isInModule_Syn_MElseIf :: Bool,Syn_MElseIf -> Region
mtokenPos_Syn_MElseIf :: Region,Syn_MElseIf -> [Map String (Bool, Region)]
scopes_Syn_MElseIf :: ([M.Map String (Bool, Region)]),Syn_MElseIf -> DeterminedVariableStyle
variableStyle_Syn_MElseIf :: DeterminedVariableStyle,Syn_MElseIf -> [String -> LintMessage]
warnings_Syn_MElseIf :: ([String -> LintMessage])}
wrap_MElseIf :: T_MElseIf ->
                Inh_MElseIf ->
wrap_MElseIf :: T_MElseIf -> Inh_MElseIf -> Syn_MElseIf
wrap_MElseIf T_MElseIf
sem (Inh_MElseIf LintSettings
_lhsIconfig String
_lhsIfuncName Map String [Region]
_lhsIglobalDefinitions Bool
_lhsIisInModule Bool
_lhsIisMeta Int
_lhsIloopLevel Region
_lhsImtokenPos Int
_lhsIscopeLevel [Map String (Bool, Region)]
_lhsIscopes DeterminedVariableStyle
_lhsIvariableStyle) =
    (let ( MElseIf
sem_1) = T_MElseIf
         ( Map String [Region]
_lhsOmtokenPos,[Map String (Bool, Region)]
_lhsOvariableStyle,[String -> LintMessage]
_lhsOwarnings) = T_Args_1
sem_1 LintSettings
_lhsIconfig String
_lhsIfuncName Map String [Region]
_lhsIglobalDefinitions Bool
_lhsIisInModule Bool
_lhsIisMeta Int
_lhsIloopLevel Region
_lhsImtokenPos Int
_lhsIscopeLevel [Map String (Bool, Region)]
_lhsIscopes DeterminedVariableStyle
     in  (MElseIf
-> Map String [Region]
-> String
-> Bool
-> Region
-> [Map String (Bool, Region)]
-> DeterminedVariableStyle
-> [String -> LintMessage]
-> Syn_MElseIf
Syn_MElseIf MElseIf
_lhsOcopy Map String [Region]
_lhsOglobalDefinitions String
_lhsOidentifier Bool
_lhsOisInModule Region
_lhsOmtokenPos [Map String (Bool, Region)]
_lhsOscopes DeterminedVariableStyle
_lhsOvariableStyle [String -> LintMessage]
sem_MElseIf_MElseIf :: T_Region ->
                       T_ElseIf ->
sem_MElseIf_MElseIf :: T_Region -> T_ElseIf -> T_MElseIf
sem_MElseIf_MElseIf T_Region
pos_ T_ElseIf
elif_ =
    (case (T_ElseIf
elif_) of
     { ( ElseIf
elif_1) ->
         (case (T_Region
pos_) of
          { ( Region
_posIidentifier,[String -> LintMessage]
_posIwarnings) ->
              (case (({-# LINE 153 "src/GLuaFixer/AG/ASTLint.ag" #-}
                      MElseIf _posIcopy _elifIcopy
                      {-# LINE 6572 "src/GLuaFixer/AG/ASTLint.hs" #-}
                      )) of
               { _copy ->
               (case (({-# LINE 153 "src/GLuaFixer/AG/ASTLint.ag" #-}
                       {-# LINE 6577 "src/GLuaFixer/AG/ASTLint.hs" #-}
                       )) of
                { _lhsOcopy ->
                (case ((let sem_MElseIf_MElseIf_1 :: T_MElseIf_1
                            sem_MElseIf_MElseIf_1 =
                                (\ _lhsIconfig
                                   _lhsIvariableStyle ->
                                     (case (({-# LINE 144 "src/GLuaFixer/AG/ASTLint.ag" #-}
                                             {-# LINE 6594 "src/GLuaFixer/AG/ASTLint.hs" #-}
                                             )) of
                                      { _elifOscopes ->
                                      (case (({-# LINE 145 "src/GLuaFixer/AG/ASTLint.ag" #-}
                                              {-# LINE 6599 "src/GLuaFixer/AG/ASTLint.hs" #-}
                                              )) of
                                       { _elifOisMeta ->
                                       (case (({-# LINE 143 "src/GLuaFixer/AG/ASTLint.ag" #-}
                                               {-# LINE 6604 "src/GLuaFixer/AG/ASTLint.hs" #-}
                                               )) of
                                        { _elifOisInModule ->
                                        (case (({-# LINE 138 "src/GLuaFixer/AG/ASTLint.ag" #-}
                                                {-# LINE 6609 "src/GLuaFixer/AG/ASTLint.hs" #-}
                                                )) of
                                         { _elifOglobalDefinitions ->
                                         (case (({-# LINE 134 "src/GLuaFixer/AG/ASTLint.ag" #-}
                                                 {-# LINE 6614 "src/GLuaFixer/AG/ASTLint.hs" #-}
                                                 )) of
                                          { _elifOconfig ->
                                          (case (({-# LINE 131 "src/GLuaFixer/AG/ASTLint.ag" #-}
                                                  {-# LINE 6619 "src/GLuaFixer/AG/ASTLint.hs" #-}
                                                  )) of
                                           { _elifOvariableStyle ->
                                           (case (({-# LINE 127 "src/GLuaFixer/AG/ASTLint.ag" #-}
                                                   {-# LINE 6624 "src/GLuaFixer/AG/ASTLint.hs" #-}
                                                   )) of
                                            { _elifOscopeLevel ->
                                            (case (({-# LINE 128 "src/GLuaFixer/AG/ASTLint.ag" #-}
                                                    {-# LINE 6629 "src/GLuaFixer/AG/ASTLint.hs" #-}
                                                    )) of
                                             { _elifOloopLevel ->
                                             (case (({-# LINE 146 "src/GLuaFixer/AG/ASTLint.ag" #-}
                                                     {-# LINE 6634 "src/GLuaFixer/AG/ASTLint.hs" #-}
                                                     )) of
                                              { _elifOfuncName ->
                                              (case (({-# LINE 463 "src/GLuaFixer/AG/ASTLint.ag" #-}
                                                      {-# LINE 6639 "src/GLuaFixer/AG/ASTLint.hs" #-}
                                                      )) of
                                               { _elifOmtokenPos ->
                                               (case (elif_1 _elifOconfig _elifOfuncName _elifOglobalDefinitions _elifOisInModule _elifOisMeta _elifOloopLevel _elifOmtokenPos _elifOscopeLevel _elifOscopes _elifOvariableStyle) of
                                                { ( _elifIglobalDefinitions,_elifIidentifier,_elifIisInModule,_elifImtokenPos,_elifIscopes,_elifIvariableStyle,_elifIwarnings) ->
                                                    (case (({-# LINE 138 "src/GLuaFixer/AG/ASTLint.ag" #-}
                                                            {-# LINE 6646 "src/GLuaFixer/AG/ASTLint.hs" #-}
                                                            )) of
                                                     { _lhsOglobalDefinitions ->
                                                     (case (({-# LINE 154 "src/GLuaFixer/AG/ASTLint.ag" #-}
                                                             (const _posIidentifier _elifIidentifier)
                                                             {-# LINE 6651 "src/GLuaFixer/AG/ASTLint.hs" #-}
                                                             )) of
                                                      { _lhsOidentifier ->
                                                      (case (({-# LINE 143 "src/GLuaFixer/AG/ASTLint.ag" #-}
                                                              {-# LINE 6656 "src/GLuaFixer/AG/ASTLint.hs" #-}
                                                              )) of
                                                       { _lhsOisInModule ->
                                                       (case (({-# LINE 135 "src/GLuaFixer/AG/ASTLint.ag" #-}
                                                               {-# LINE 6661 "src/GLuaFixer/AG/ASTLint.hs" #-}
                                                               )) of
                                                        { _lhsOmtokenPos ->
                                                        (case (({-# LINE 144 "src/GLuaFixer/AG/ASTLint.ag" #-}
                                                                {-# LINE 6666 "src/GLuaFixer/AG/ASTLint.hs" #-}
                                                                )) of
                                                         { _lhsOscopes ->
                                                         (case (({-# LINE 131 "src/GLuaFixer/AG/ASTLint.ag" #-}
                                                                 {-# LINE 6671 "src/GLuaFixer/AG/ASTLint.hs" #-}
                                                                 )) of
                                                          { _lhsOvariableStyle ->
                                                          (case (({-# LINE 152 "src/GLuaFixer/AG/ASTLint.ag" #-}
                                                                  _posIwarnings ++ _elifIwarnings
                                                                  {-# LINE 6676 "src/GLuaFixer/AG/ASTLint.hs" #-}
                                                                  )) of
                                                           { _lhsOwarnings ->
                                                           ( _lhsOglobalDefinitions,_lhsOidentifier,_lhsOisInModule,_lhsOmtokenPos,_lhsOscopes,_lhsOvariableStyle,_lhsOwarnings) }) }) }) }) }) }) }) }) }) }) }) }) }) }) }) }) }) }))
                        in  sem_MElseIf_MElseIf_1)) of
                 { ( sem_MElseIf_1) ->
                 ( _lhsOcopy,sem_MElseIf_1) }) }) }) }) })
-- MExpr -------------------------------------------------------
-- cata
sem_MExpr :: MExpr ->
sem_MExpr :: MExpr -> T_MExpr
sem_MExpr (MExpr Region
_pos Expr
_expr) =
    (T_Region -> T_Expr -> T_MExpr
sem_MExpr_MExpr (Region -> T_Region
sem_Region Region
_pos) (Expr -> T_Expr
sem_Expr Expr
-- semantic domain
type T_MExpr = ( MExpr,Region,T_MExpr_1)
type T_MExpr_1 = LintSettings ->
                 String ->
                 (M.Map String [Region]) ->
                 Bool ->
                 Bool ->
                 Bool ->
                 Bool ->
                 Int ->
                 Region ->
                 Int ->
                 ([M.Map String (Bool, Region)]) ->
                 Bool ->
                 (Maybe MToken) ->
                 DeterminedVariableStyle ->
                 ( (M.Map String [Region]),String,Bool,Bool,(Maybe MToken),([M.Map String (Bool, Region)]),DeterminedVariableStyle,([String -> LintMessage]))
data Inh_MExpr = Inh_MExpr {Inh_MExpr -> LintSettings
config_Inh_MExpr :: LintSettings,Inh_MExpr -> String
funcName_Inh_MExpr :: String,Inh_MExpr -> Map String [Region]
globalDefinitions_Inh_MExpr :: (M.Map String [Region]),Inh_MExpr -> Bool
inParentheses_Inh_MExpr :: Bool,Inh_MExpr -> Bool
isInModule_Inh_MExpr :: Bool,Inh_MExpr -> Bool
isMeta_Inh_MExpr :: Bool,Inh_MExpr -> Bool
isNegation_Inh_MExpr :: Bool,Inh_MExpr -> Int
loopLevel_Inh_MExpr :: Int,Inh_MExpr -> Region
mtokenPos_Inh_MExpr :: Region,Inh_MExpr -> Int
scopeLevel_Inh_MExpr :: Int,Inh_MExpr -> [Map String (Bool, Region)]
scopes_Inh_MExpr :: ([M.Map String (Bool, Region)]),Inh_MExpr -> Bool
topLevel_Inh_MExpr :: Bool,Inh_MExpr -> Maybe MToken
varBeingDefined_Inh_MExpr :: (Maybe MToken),Inh_MExpr -> DeterminedVariableStyle
variableStyle_Inh_MExpr :: DeterminedVariableStyle}
data Syn_MExpr = Syn_MExpr {Syn_MExpr -> MExpr
copy_Syn_MExpr :: MExpr,Syn_MExpr -> Map String [Region]
globalDefinitions_Syn_MExpr :: (M.Map String [Region]),Syn_MExpr -> String
identifier_Syn_MExpr :: String,Syn_MExpr -> Bool
isInModule_Syn_MExpr :: Bool,Syn_MExpr -> Bool
isSimpleExpression_Syn_MExpr :: Bool,Syn_MExpr -> Maybe MToken
isSingleVar_Syn_MExpr :: (Maybe MToken),Syn_MExpr -> Region
mtokenPos_Syn_MExpr :: Region,Syn_MExpr -> [Map String (Bool, Region)]
scopes_Syn_MExpr :: ([M.Map String (Bool, Region)]),Syn_MExpr -> DeterminedVariableStyle
variableStyle_Syn_MExpr :: DeterminedVariableStyle,Syn_MExpr -> [String -> LintMessage]
warnings_Syn_MExpr :: ([String -> LintMessage])}
wrap_MExpr :: T_MExpr ->
              Inh_MExpr ->
wrap_MExpr :: T_MExpr -> Inh_MExpr -> Syn_MExpr
wrap_MExpr T_MExpr
sem (Inh_MExpr LintSettings
_lhsIconfig String
_lhsIfuncName Map String [Region]
_lhsIglobalDefinitions Bool
_lhsIinParentheses Bool
_lhsIisInModule Bool
_lhsIisMeta Bool
_lhsIisNegation Int
_lhsIloopLevel Region
_lhsImtokenPos Int
_lhsIscopeLevel [Map String (Bool, Region)]
_lhsIscopes Bool
_lhsItopLevel Maybe MToken
_lhsIvarBeingDefined DeterminedVariableStyle
_lhsIvariableStyle) =
    (let ( MExpr
sem_1) = T_MExpr
         ( Map String [Region]
_lhsOisSimpleExpression,Maybe MToken
_lhsOisSingleVar,[Map String (Bool, Region)]
_lhsOvariableStyle,[String -> LintMessage]
_lhsOwarnings) = T_MExpr_1
sem_1 LintSettings
_lhsIconfig String
_lhsIfuncName Map String [Region]
_lhsIglobalDefinitions Bool
_lhsIinParentheses Bool
_lhsIisInModule Bool
_lhsIisMeta Bool
_lhsIisNegation Int
_lhsIloopLevel Region
_lhsImtokenPos Int
_lhsIscopeLevel [Map String (Bool, Region)]
_lhsIscopes Bool
_lhsItopLevel Maybe MToken
_lhsIvarBeingDefined DeterminedVariableStyle
     in  (MExpr
-> Map String [Region]
-> String
-> Bool
-> Bool
-> Maybe MToken
-> Region
-> [Map String (Bool, Region)]
-> DeterminedVariableStyle
-> [String -> LintMessage]
-> Syn_MExpr
Syn_MExpr MExpr
_lhsOcopy Map String [Region]
_lhsOglobalDefinitions String
_lhsOidentifier Bool
_lhsOisInModule Bool
_lhsOisSimpleExpression Maybe MToken
_lhsOisSingleVar Region
_lhsOmtokenPos [Map String (Bool, Region)]
_lhsOscopes DeterminedVariableStyle
_lhsOvariableStyle [String -> LintMessage]
sem_MExpr_MExpr :: T_Region ->
                   T_Expr ->
sem_MExpr_MExpr :: T_Region -> T_Expr -> T_MExpr
sem_MExpr_MExpr T_Region
pos_ T_Expr
expr_ =
    (case (T_Expr
expr_) of
     { ( Expr
expr_1) ->
         (case (T_Region
pos_) of
          { ( Region
_posIidentifier,[String -> LintMessage]
_posIwarnings) ->
              (case (({-# LINE 153 "src/GLuaFixer/AG/ASTLint.ag" #-}
                      MExpr _posIcopy _exprIcopy
                      {-# LINE 6725 "src/GLuaFixer/AG/ASTLint.hs" #-}
                      )) of
               { _copy ->
               (case (({-# LINE 153 "src/GLuaFixer/AG/ASTLint.ag" #-}
                       {-# LINE 6730 "src/GLuaFixer/AG/ASTLint.hs" #-}
                       )) of
                { _lhsOcopy ->
                (case (({-# LINE 557 "src/GLuaFixer/AG/ASTLint.ag" #-}
                        {-# LINE 6735 "src/GLuaFixer/AG/ASTLint.hs" #-}
                        )) of
                 { _lhsOmtokenPos ->
                 (case ((let sem_MExpr_MExpr_1 :: T_MExpr_1
                             sem_MExpr_MExpr_1 =
                                 (\ _lhsIconfig
                                    _lhsIvariableStyle ->
                                      (case (({-# LINE 178 "src/GLuaFixer/AG/ASTLint.ag" #-}
                                              {-# LINE 6756 "src/GLuaFixer/AG/ASTLint.hs" #-}
                                              )) of
                                       { _exprOvarBeingDefined ->
                                       (case (({-# LINE 144 "src/GLuaFixer/AG/ASTLint.ag" #-}
                                               {-# LINE 6761 "src/GLuaFixer/AG/ASTLint.hs" #-}
                                               )) of
                                        { _exprOscopes ->
                                        (case (({-# LINE 145 "src/GLuaFixer/AG/ASTLint.ag" #-}
                                                {-# LINE 6766 "src/GLuaFixer/AG/ASTLint.hs" #-}
                                                )) of
                                         { _exprOisMeta ->
                                         (case (({-# LINE 143 "src/GLuaFixer/AG/ASTLint.ag" #-}
                                                 {-# LINE 6771 "src/GLuaFixer/AG/ASTLint.hs" #-}
                                                 )) of
                                          { _exprOisInModule ->
                                          (case (({-# LINE 138 "src/GLuaFixer/AG/ASTLint.ag" #-}
                                                  {-# LINE 6776 "src/GLuaFixer/AG/ASTLint.hs" #-}
                                                  )) of
                                           { _exprOglobalDefinitions ->
                                           (case (({-# LINE 134 "src/GLuaFixer/AG/ASTLint.ag" #-}
                                                   {-# LINE 6781 "src/GLuaFixer/AG/ASTLint.hs" #-}
                                                   )) of
                                            { _exprOconfig ->
                                            (case (({-# LINE 131 "src/GLuaFixer/AG/ASTLint.ag" #-}
                                                    {-# LINE 6786 "src/GLuaFixer/AG/ASTLint.hs" #-}
                                                    )) of
                                             { _exprOvariableStyle ->
                                             (case (({-# LINE 182 "src/GLuaFixer/AG/ASTLint.ag" #-}
                                                     {-# LINE 6791 "src/GLuaFixer/AG/ASTLint.hs" #-}
                                                     )) of
                                              { _exprOtopLevel ->
                                              (case (({-# LINE 127 "src/GLuaFixer/AG/ASTLint.ag" #-}
                                                      {-# LINE 6796 "src/GLuaFixer/AG/ASTLint.hs" #-}
                                                      )) of
                                               { _exprOscopeLevel ->
                                               (case (({-# LINE 128 "src/GLuaFixer/AG/ASTLint.ag" #-}
                                                       {-# LINE 6801 "src/GLuaFixer/AG/ASTLint.hs" #-}
                                                       )) of
                                                { _exprOloopLevel ->
                                                (case (({-# LINE 169 "src/GLuaFixer/AG/ASTLint.ag" #-}
                                                        {-# LINE 6806 "src/GLuaFixer/AG/ASTLint.hs" #-}
                                                        )) of
                                                 { _exprOisNegation ->
                                                 (case (({-# LINE 181 "src/GLuaFixer/AG/ASTLint.ag" #-}
                                                         {-# LINE 6811 "src/GLuaFixer/AG/ASTLint.hs" #-}
                                                         )) of
                                                  { _exprOinParentheses ->
                                                  (case (({-# LINE 146 "src/GLuaFixer/AG/ASTLint.ag" #-}
                                                          {-# LINE 6816 "src/GLuaFixer/AG/ASTLint.hs" #-}
                                                          )) of
                                                   { _exprOfuncName ->
                                                   (case (({-# LINE 558 "src/GLuaFixer/AG/ASTLint.ag" #-}
                                                           {-# LINE 6821 "src/GLuaFixer/AG/ASTLint.hs" #-}
                                                           )) of
                                                    { _exprOmtokenPos ->
                                                    (case (expr_1 _exprOconfig _exprOfuncName _exprOglobalDefinitions _exprOinParentheses _exprOisInModule _exprOisMeta _exprOisNegation _exprOloopLevel _exprOmtokenPos _exprOscopeLevel _exprOscopes _exprOtopLevel _exprOvarBeingDefined _exprOvariableStyle) of
                                                     { ( _exprIglobalDefinitions,_exprIidentifier,_exprIisInModule,_exprIisSimpleExpression,_exprIisSingleVar,_exprImtokenPos,_exprIscopes,_exprIvariableStyle,_exprIwarnings) ->
                                                         (case (({-# LINE 138 "src/GLuaFixer/AG/ASTLint.ag" #-}
                                                                 {-# LINE 6828 "src/GLuaFixer/AG/ASTLint.hs" #-}
                                                                 )) of
                                                          { _lhsOglobalDefinitions ->
                                                          (case (({-# LINE 154 "src/GLuaFixer/AG/ASTLint.ag" #-}
                                                                  (const _posIidentifier _exprIidentifier)
                                                                  {-# LINE 6833 "src/GLuaFixer/AG/ASTLint.hs" #-}
                                                                  )) of
                                                           { _lhsOidentifier ->
                                                           (case (({-# LINE 143 "src/GLuaFixer/AG/ASTLint.ag" #-}
                                                                   {-# LINE 6838 "src/GLuaFixer/AG/ASTLint.hs" #-}
                                                                   )) of
                                                            { _lhsOisInModule ->
                                                            (case (({-# LINE 186 "src/GLuaFixer/AG/ASTLint.ag" #-}
                                                                    {-# LINE 6843 "src/GLuaFixer/AG/ASTLint.hs" #-}
                                                                    )) of
                                                             { _lhsOisSimpleExpression ->
                                                             (case (({-# LINE 213 "src/GLuaFixer/AG/ASTLint.ag" #-}
                                                                     {-# LINE 6848 "src/GLuaFixer/AG/ASTLint.hs" #-}
                                                                     )) of
                                                              { _lhsOisSingleVar ->
                                                              (case (({-# LINE 144 "src/GLuaFixer/AG/ASTLint.ag" #-}
                                                                      {-# LINE 6853 "src/GLuaFixer/AG/ASTLint.hs" #-}
                                                                      )) of
                                                               { _lhsOscopes ->
                                                               (case (({-# LINE 131 "src/GLuaFixer/AG/ASTLint.ag" #-}
                                                                       {-# LINE 6858 "src/GLuaFixer/AG/ASTLint.hs" #-}
                                                                       )) of
                                                                { _lhsOvariableStyle ->
                                                                (case (({-# LINE 152 "src/GLuaFixer/AG/ASTLint.ag" #-}
                                                                        _posIwarnings ++ _exprIwarnings
                                                                        {-# LINE 6863 "src/GLuaFixer/AG/ASTLint.hs" #-}
                                                                        )) of
                                                                 { _lhsOwarnings ->
                                                                 ( _lhsOglobalDefinitions,_lhsOidentifier,_lhsOisInModule,_lhsOisSimpleExpression,_lhsOisSingleVar,_lhsOscopes,_lhsOvariableStyle,_lhsOwarnings) }) }) }) }) }) }) }) }) }) }) }) }) }) }) }) }) }) }) }) }) }) }) }))
                         in  sem_MExpr_MExpr_1)) of
                  { ( sem_MExpr_1) ->
                  ( _lhsOcopy,_lhsOmtokenPos,sem_MExpr_1) }) }) }) }) }) })
-- MExprList ---------------------------------------------------
-- cata
sem_MExprList :: MExprList ->
sem_MExprList :: MExprList -> T_MExprList
sem_MExprList MExprList
list =
    (forall (t :: * -> *) a b.
Foldable t =>
(a -> b -> b) -> b -> t a -> b
Prelude.foldr T_MExpr -> T_MExprList -> T_MExprList
sem_MExprList_Cons T_MExprList
sem_MExprList_Nil (forall a b. (a -> b) -> [a] -> [b]
Prelude.map MExpr -> T_MExpr
sem_MExpr MExprList
-- semantic domain
type T_MExprList = ( MExprList,T_MExprList_1)
type T_MExprList_1 = LintSettings ->
                     String ->
                     (M.Map String [Region]) ->
                     Bool ->
                     Bool ->
                     Bool ->
                     Int ->
                     Region ->
                     Int ->
                     ([M.Map String (Bool, Region)]) ->
                     Bool ->
                     DeterminedVariableStyle ->
                     ( (M.Map String [Region]),String,Bool,Region,([M.Map String (Bool, Region)]),DeterminedVariableStyle,([String -> LintMessage]))
data Inh_MExprList = Inh_MExprList {Inh_MExprList -> LintSettings
config_Inh_MExprList :: LintSettings,Inh_MExprList -> String
funcName_Inh_MExprList :: String,Inh_MExprList -> Map String [Region]
globalDefinitions_Inh_MExprList :: (M.Map String [Region]),Inh_MExprList -> Bool
inParentheses_Inh_MExprList :: Bool,Inh_MExprList -> Bool
isInModule_Inh_MExprList :: Bool,Inh_MExprList -> Bool
isMeta_Inh_MExprList :: Bool,Inh_MExprList -> Int
loopLevel_Inh_MExprList :: Int,Inh_MExprList -> Region
mtokenPos_Inh_MExprList :: Region,Inh_MExprList -> Int
scopeLevel_Inh_MExprList :: Int,Inh_MExprList -> [Map String (Bool, Region)]
scopes_Inh_MExprList :: ([M.Map String (Bool, Region)]),Inh_MExprList -> Bool
topLevel_Inh_MExprList :: Bool,Inh_MExprList -> DeterminedVariableStyle
variableStyle_Inh_MExprList :: DeterminedVariableStyle}
data Syn_MExprList = Syn_MExprList {Syn_MExprList -> MExprList
copy_Syn_MExprList :: MExprList,Syn_MExprList -> Map String [Region]
globalDefinitions_Syn_MExprList :: (M.Map String [Region]),Syn_MExprList -> String
identifier_Syn_MExprList :: String,Syn_MExprList -> Bool
isInModule_Syn_MExprList :: Bool,Syn_MExprList -> Region
mtokenPos_Syn_MExprList :: Region,Syn_MExprList -> [Map String (Bool, Region)]
scopes_Syn_MExprList :: ([M.Map String (Bool, Region)]),Syn_MExprList -> DeterminedVariableStyle
variableStyle_Syn_MExprList :: DeterminedVariableStyle,Syn_MExprList -> [String -> LintMessage]
warnings_Syn_MExprList :: ([String -> LintMessage])}
wrap_MExprList :: T_MExprList ->
                  Inh_MExprList ->
wrap_MExprList :: T_MExprList -> Inh_MExprList -> Syn_MExprList
wrap_MExprList T_MExprList
sem (Inh_MExprList LintSettings
_lhsIconfig String
_lhsIfuncName Map String [Region]
_lhsIglobalDefinitions Bool
_lhsIinParentheses Bool
_lhsIisInModule Bool
_lhsIisMeta Int
_lhsIloopLevel Region
_lhsImtokenPos Int
_lhsIscopeLevel [Map String (Bool, Region)]
_lhsIscopes Bool
_lhsItopLevel DeterminedVariableStyle
_lhsIvariableStyle) =
    (let ( MExprList
sem_1) = T_MExprList
         ( Map String [Region]
_lhsOmtokenPos,[Map String (Bool, Region)]
_lhsOvariableStyle,[String -> LintMessage]
_lhsOwarnings) = T_MExprList_1
sem_1 LintSettings
_lhsIconfig String
_lhsIfuncName Map String [Region]
_lhsIglobalDefinitions Bool
_lhsIinParentheses Bool
_lhsIisInModule Bool
_lhsIisMeta Int
_lhsIloopLevel Region
_lhsImtokenPos Int
_lhsIscopeLevel [Map String (Bool, Region)]
_lhsIscopes Bool
_lhsItopLevel DeterminedVariableStyle
     in  (MExprList
-> Map String [Region]
-> String
-> Bool
-> Region
-> [Map String (Bool, Region)]
-> DeterminedVariableStyle
-> [String -> LintMessage]
-> Syn_MExprList
Syn_MExprList MExprList
_lhsOcopy Map String [Region]
_lhsOglobalDefinitions String
_lhsOidentifier Bool
_lhsOisInModule Region
_lhsOmtokenPos [Map String (Bool, Region)]
_lhsOscopes DeterminedVariableStyle
_lhsOvariableStyle [String -> LintMessage]
sem_MExprList_Cons :: T_MExpr ->
                      T_MExprList ->
sem_MExprList_Cons :: T_MExpr -> T_MExprList -> T_MExprList
sem_MExprList_Cons T_MExpr
hd_ T_MExprList
tl_ =
    (case (T_MExprList
tl_) of
     { ( MExprList
tl_1) ->
         (case (T_MExpr
hd_) of
          { ( MExpr
hd_1) ->
              (case (({-# LINE 153 "src/GLuaFixer/AG/ASTLint.ag" #-}
                      (:) _hdIcopy _tlIcopy
                      {-# LINE 6910 "src/GLuaFixer/AG/ASTLint.hs" #-}
                      )) of
               { _copy ->
               (case (({-# LINE 153 "src/GLuaFixer/AG/ASTLint.ag" #-}
                       {-# LINE 6915 "src/GLuaFixer/AG/ASTLint.hs" #-}
                       )) of
                { _lhsOcopy ->
                (case ((let sem_MExprList_Cons_1 :: T_MExprList_1
                            sem_MExprList_Cons_1 =
                                (\ _lhsIconfig
                                   _lhsIvariableStyle ->
                                     (case (({-# LINE 144 "src/GLuaFixer/AG/ASTLint.ag" #-}
                                             {-# LINE 6934 "src/GLuaFixer/AG/ASTLint.hs" #-}
                                             )) of
                                      { _hdOscopes ->
                                      (case (({-# LINE 145 "src/GLuaFixer/AG/ASTLint.ag" #-}
                                              {-# LINE 6939 "src/GLuaFixer/AG/ASTLint.hs" #-}
                                              )) of
                                       { _hdOisMeta ->
                                       (case (({-# LINE 134 "src/GLuaFixer/AG/ASTLint.ag" #-}
                                               {-# LINE 6944 "src/GLuaFixer/AG/ASTLint.hs" #-}
                                               )) of
                                        { _hdOconfig ->
                                        (case (({-# LINE 245 "src/GLuaFixer/AG/ASTLint.ag" #-}
                                                {-# LINE 6949 "src/GLuaFixer/AG/ASTLint.hs" #-}
                                                )) of
                                         { _hdOvarBeingDefined ->
                                         (case (({-# LINE 131 "src/GLuaFixer/AG/ASTLint.ag" #-}
                                                 {-# LINE 6954 "src/GLuaFixer/AG/ASTLint.hs" #-}
                                                 )) of
                                          { _hdOvariableStyle ->
                                          (case (({-# LINE 182 "src/GLuaFixer/AG/ASTLint.ag" #-}
                                                  {-# LINE 6959 "src/GLuaFixer/AG/ASTLint.hs" #-}
                                                  )) of
                                           { _hdOtopLevel ->
                                           (case (({-# LINE 127 "src/GLuaFixer/AG/ASTLint.ag" #-}
                                                   {-# LINE 6964 "src/GLuaFixer/AG/ASTLint.hs" #-}
                                                   )) of
                                            { _hdOscopeLevel ->
                                            (case (({-# LINE 135 "src/GLuaFixer/AG/ASTLint.ag" #-}
                                                    {-# LINE 6969 "src/GLuaFixer/AG/ASTLint.hs" #-}
                                                    )) of
                                             { _hdOmtokenPos ->
                                             (case (({-# LINE 128 "src/GLuaFixer/AG/ASTLint.ag" #-}
                                                     {-# LINE 6974 "src/GLuaFixer/AG/ASTLint.hs" #-}
                                                     )) of
                                              { _hdOloopLevel ->
                                              (case (({-# LINE 143 "src/GLuaFixer/AG/ASTLint.ag" #-}
                                                      {-# LINE 6979 "src/GLuaFixer/AG/ASTLint.hs" #-}
                                                      )) of
                                               { _hdOisInModule ->
                                               (case (({-# LINE 181 "src/GLuaFixer/AG/ASTLint.ag" #-}
                                                       {-# LINE 6984 "src/GLuaFixer/AG/ASTLint.hs" #-}
                                                       )) of
                                                { _hdOinParentheses ->
                                                (case (({-# LINE 138 "src/GLuaFixer/AG/ASTLint.ag" #-}
                                                        {-# LINE 6989 "src/GLuaFixer/AG/ASTLint.hs" #-}
                                                        )) of
                                                 { _hdOglobalDefinitions ->
                                                 (case (({-# LINE 146 "src/GLuaFixer/AG/ASTLint.ag" #-}
                                                         {-# LINE 6994 "src/GLuaFixer/AG/ASTLint.hs" #-}
                                                         )) of
                                                  { _hdOfuncName ->
                                                  (case (({-# LINE 244 "src/GLuaFixer/AG/ASTLint.ag" #-}
                                                          {-# LINE 6999 "src/GLuaFixer/AG/ASTLint.hs" #-}
                                                          )) of
                                                   { _hdOisNegation ->
                                                   (case (hd_1 _hdOconfig _hdOfuncName _hdOglobalDefinitions _hdOinParentheses _hdOisInModule _hdOisMeta _hdOisNegation _hdOloopLevel _hdOmtokenPos _hdOscopeLevel _hdOscopes _hdOtopLevel _hdOvarBeingDefined _hdOvariableStyle) of
                                                    { ( _hdIglobalDefinitions,_hdIidentifier,_hdIisInModule,_hdIisSimpleExpression,_hdIisSingleVar,_hdIscopes,_hdIvariableStyle,_hdIwarnings) ->
                                                        (case (({-# LINE 144 "src/GLuaFixer/AG/ASTLint.ag" #-}
                                                                {-# LINE 7006 "src/GLuaFixer/AG/ASTLint.hs" #-}
                                                                )) of
                                                         { _tlOscopes ->
                                                         (case (({-# LINE 145 "src/GLuaFixer/AG/ASTLint.ag" #-}
                                                                 {-# LINE 7011 "src/GLuaFixer/AG/ASTLint.hs" #-}
                                                                 )) of
                                                          { _tlOisMeta ->
                                                          (case (({-# LINE 143 "src/GLuaFixer/AG/ASTLint.ag" #-}
                                                                  {-# LINE 7016 "src/GLuaFixer/AG/ASTLint.hs" #-}
                                                                  )) of
                                                           { _tlOisInModule ->
                                                           (case (({-# LINE 138 "src/GLuaFixer/AG/ASTLint.ag" #-}
                                                                   {-# LINE 7021 "src/GLuaFixer/AG/ASTLint.hs" #-}
                                                                   )) of
                                                            { _tlOglobalDefinitions ->
                                                            (case (({-# LINE 134 "src/GLuaFixer/AG/ASTLint.ag" #-}
                                                                    {-# LINE 7026 "src/GLuaFixer/AG/ASTLint.hs" #-}
                                                                    )) of
                                                             { _tlOconfig ->
                                                             (case (({-# LINE 131 "src/GLuaFixer/AG/ASTLint.ag" #-}
                                                                     {-# LINE 7031 "src/GLuaFixer/AG/ASTLint.hs" #-}
                                                                     )) of
                                                              { _tlOvariableStyle ->
                                                              (case (({-# LINE 182 "src/GLuaFixer/AG/ASTLint.ag" #-}
                                                                      {-# LINE 7036 "src/GLuaFixer/AG/ASTLint.hs" #-}
                                                                      )) of
                                                               { _tlOtopLevel ->
                                                               (case (({-# LINE 127 "src/GLuaFixer/AG/ASTLint.ag" #-}
                                                                       {-# LINE 7041 "src/GLuaFixer/AG/ASTLint.hs" #-}
                                                                       )) of
                                                                { _tlOscopeLevel ->
                                                                (case (({-# LINE 135 "src/GLuaFixer/AG/ASTLint.ag" #-}
                                                                        {-# LINE 7046 "src/GLuaFixer/AG/ASTLint.hs" #-}
                                                                        )) of
                                                                 { _tlOmtokenPos ->
                                                                 (case (({-# LINE 128 "src/GLuaFixer/AG/ASTLint.ag" #-}
                                                                         {-# LINE 7051 "src/GLuaFixer/AG/ASTLint.hs" #-}
                                                                         )) of
                                                                  { _tlOloopLevel ->
                                                                  (case (({-# LINE 181 "src/GLuaFixer/AG/ASTLint.ag" #-}
                                                                          {-# LINE 7056 "src/GLuaFixer/AG/ASTLint.hs" #-}
                                                                          )) of
                                                                   { _tlOinParentheses ->
                                                                   (case (({-# LINE 146 "src/GLuaFixer/AG/ASTLint.ag" #-}
                                                                           {-# LINE 7061 "src/GLuaFixer/AG/ASTLint.hs" #-}
                                                                           )) of
                                                                    { _tlOfuncName ->
                                                                    (case (tl_1 _tlOconfig _tlOfuncName _tlOglobalDefinitions _tlOinParentheses _tlOisInModule _tlOisMeta _tlOloopLevel _tlOmtokenPos _tlOscopeLevel _tlOscopes _tlOtopLevel _tlOvariableStyle) of
                                                                     { ( _tlIglobalDefinitions,_tlIidentifier,_tlIisInModule,_tlImtokenPos,_tlIscopes,_tlIvariableStyle,_tlIwarnings) ->
                                                                         (case (({-# LINE 138 "src/GLuaFixer/AG/ASTLint.ag" #-}
                                                                                 {-# LINE 7068 "src/GLuaFixer/AG/ASTLint.hs" #-}
                                                                                 )) of
                                                                          { _lhsOglobalDefinitions ->
                                                                          (case (({-# LINE 154 "src/GLuaFixer/AG/ASTLint.ag" #-}
                                                                                  (const _hdIidentifier _tlIidentifier)
                                                                                  {-# LINE 7073 "src/GLuaFixer/AG/ASTLint.hs" #-}
                                                                                  )) of
                                                                           { _lhsOidentifier ->
                                                                           (case (({-# LINE 143 "src/GLuaFixer/AG/ASTLint.ag" #-}
                                                                                   {-# LINE 7078 "src/GLuaFixer/AG/ASTLint.hs" #-}
                                                                                   )) of
                                                                            { _lhsOisInModule ->
                                                                            (case (({-# LINE 234 "src/GLuaFixer/AG/ASTLint.ag" #-}
                                                                                    {-# LINE 7083 "src/GLuaFixer/AG/ASTLint.hs" #-}
                                                                                    )) of
                                                                             { _lhsOmtokenPos ->
                                                                             (case (({-# LINE 144 "src/GLuaFixer/AG/ASTLint.ag" #-}
                                                                                     {-# LINE 7088 "src/GLuaFixer/AG/ASTLint.hs" #-}
                                                                                     )) of
                                                                              { _lhsOscopes ->
                                                                              (case (({-# LINE 131 "src/GLuaFixer/AG/ASTLint.ag" #-}
                                                                                      {-# LINE 7093 "src/GLuaFixer/AG/ASTLint.hs" #-}
                                                                                      )) of
                                                                               { _lhsOvariableStyle ->
                                                                               (case (({-# LINE 152 "src/GLuaFixer/AG/ASTLint.ag" #-}
                                                                                       _hdIwarnings ++ _tlIwarnings
                                                                                       {-# LINE 7098 "src/GLuaFixer/AG/ASTLint.hs" #-}
                                                                                       )) of
                                                                                { _lhsOwarnings ->
                                                                                ( _lhsOglobalDefinitions,_lhsOidentifier,_lhsOisInModule,_lhsOmtokenPos,_lhsOscopes,_lhsOvariableStyle,_lhsOwarnings) }) }) }) }) }) }) }) }) }) }) }) }) }) }) }) }) }) }) }) }) }) }) }) }) }) }) }) }) }) }) }) }) }) }) }))
                        in  sem_MExprList_Cons_1)) of
                 { ( sem_MExprList_1) ->
                 ( _lhsOcopy,sem_MExprList_1) }) }) }) }) })
sem_MExprList_Nil :: T_MExprList
sem_MExprList_Nil :: T_MExprList
sem_MExprList_Nil =
    (case (({-# LINE 153 "src/GLuaFixer/AG/ASTLint.ag" #-}
            {-# LINE 7109 "src/GLuaFixer/AG/ASTLint.hs" #-}
            )) of
     { _copy ->
     (case (({-# LINE 153 "src/GLuaFixer/AG/ASTLint.ag" #-}
             {-# LINE 7114 "src/GLuaFixer/AG/ASTLint.hs" #-}
             )) of
      { _lhsOcopy ->
      (case ((let sem_MExprList_Nil_1 :: T_MExprList_1
                  sem_MExprList_Nil_1 =
                      (\ _lhsIconfig
                         _lhsIvariableStyle ->
                           (case (({-# LINE 138 "src/GLuaFixer/AG/ASTLint.ag" #-}
                                   {-# LINE 7133 "src/GLuaFixer/AG/ASTLint.hs" #-}
                                   )) of
                            { _lhsOglobalDefinitions ->
                            (case (({-# LINE 154 "src/GLuaFixer/AG/ASTLint.ag" #-}
                                    {-# LINE 7138 "src/GLuaFixer/AG/ASTLint.hs" #-}
                                    )) of
                             { _lhsOidentifier ->
                             (case (({-# LINE 143 "src/GLuaFixer/AG/ASTLint.ag" #-}
                                     {-# LINE 7143 "src/GLuaFixer/AG/ASTLint.hs" #-}
                                     )) of
                              { _lhsOisInModule ->
                              (case (({-# LINE 135 "src/GLuaFixer/AG/ASTLint.ag" #-}
                                      {-# LINE 7148 "src/GLuaFixer/AG/ASTLint.hs" #-}
                                      )) of
                               { _lhsOmtokenPos ->
                               (case (({-# LINE 144 "src/GLuaFixer/AG/ASTLint.ag" #-}
                                       {-# LINE 7153 "src/GLuaFixer/AG/ASTLint.hs" #-}
                                       )) of
                                { _lhsOscopes ->
                                (case (({-# LINE 131 "src/GLuaFixer/AG/ASTLint.ag" #-}
                                        {-# LINE 7158 "src/GLuaFixer/AG/ASTLint.hs" #-}
                                        )) of
                                 { _lhsOvariableStyle ->
                                 (case (({-# LINE 152 "src/GLuaFixer/AG/ASTLint.ag" #-}
                                         {-# LINE 7163 "src/GLuaFixer/AG/ASTLint.hs" #-}
                                         )) of
                                  { _lhsOwarnings ->
                                  ( _lhsOglobalDefinitions,_lhsOidentifier,_lhsOisInModule,_lhsOmtokenPos,_lhsOscopes,_lhsOvariableStyle,_lhsOwarnings) }) }) }) }) }) }) }))
              in  sem_MExprList_Nil_1)) of
       { ( sem_MExprList_1) ->
       ( _lhsOcopy,sem_MExprList_1) }) }) })
-- MStat -------------------------------------------------------
-- cata
sem_MStat :: MStat ->
sem_MStat :: MStat -> T_MStat
sem_MStat (MStat Region
_pos Stat
_stat) =
    (T_Region -> T_Stat -> T_MStat
sem_MStat_MStat (Region -> T_Region
sem_Region Region
_pos) (Stat -> T_Stat
sem_Stat Stat
-- semantic domain
type T_MStat = ( MStat,T_MStat_1)
type T_MStat_1 = LintSettings ->
                 String ->
                 (M.Map String [Region]) ->
                 Bool ->
                 Bool ->
                 Int ->
                 Region ->
                 Int ->
                 ([M.Map String (Bool, Region)]) ->
                 DeterminedVariableStyle ->
                 ( (M.Map String [Region]),String,Bool,Bool,Region,([M.Map String (Bool, Region)]),Int,DeterminedVariableStyle,([String -> LintMessage]))
data Inh_MStat = Inh_MStat {Inh_MStat -> LintSettings
config_Inh_MStat :: LintSettings,Inh_MStat -> String
funcName_Inh_MStat :: String,Inh_MStat -> Map String [Region]
globalDefinitions_Inh_MStat :: (M.Map String [Region]),Inh_MStat -> Bool
isInModule_Inh_MStat :: Bool,Inh_MStat -> Bool
isMeta_Inh_MStat :: Bool,Inh_MStat -> Int
loopLevel_Inh_MStat :: Int,Inh_MStat -> Region
mtokenPos_Inh_MStat :: Region,Inh_MStat -> Int
scopeLevel_Inh_MStat :: Int,Inh_MStat -> [Map String (Bool, Region)]
scopes_Inh_MStat :: ([M.Map String (Bool, Region)]),Inh_MStat -> DeterminedVariableStyle
variableStyle_Inh_MStat :: DeterminedVariableStyle}
data Syn_MStat = Syn_MStat {Syn_MStat -> MStat
copy_Syn_MStat :: MStat,Syn_MStat -> Map String [Region]
globalDefinitions_Syn_MStat :: (M.Map String [Region]),Syn_MStat -> String
identifier_Syn_MStat :: String,Syn_MStat -> Bool
isIfStatement_Syn_MStat :: Bool,Syn_MStat -> Bool
isInModule_Syn_MStat :: Bool,Syn_MStat -> Region
mtokenPos_Syn_MStat :: Region,Syn_MStat -> [Map String (Bool, Region)]
scopes_Syn_MStat :: ([M.Map String (Bool, Region)]),Syn_MStat -> Int
statementCount_Syn_MStat :: Int,Syn_MStat -> DeterminedVariableStyle
variableStyle_Syn_MStat :: DeterminedVariableStyle,Syn_MStat -> [String -> LintMessage]
warnings_Syn_MStat :: ([String -> LintMessage])}
wrap_MStat :: T_MStat ->
              Inh_MStat ->
wrap_MStat :: T_MStat -> Inh_MStat -> Syn_MStat
wrap_MStat T_MStat
sem (Inh_MStat LintSettings
_lhsIconfig String
_lhsIfuncName Map String [Region]
_lhsIglobalDefinitions Bool
_lhsIisInModule Bool
_lhsIisMeta Int
_lhsIloopLevel Region
_lhsImtokenPos Int
_lhsIscopeLevel [Map String (Bool, Region)]
_lhsIscopes DeterminedVariableStyle
_lhsIvariableStyle) =
    (let ( MStat
sem_1) = T_MStat
         ( Map String [Region]
_lhsOmtokenPos,[Map String (Bool, Region)]
_lhsOvariableStyle,[String -> LintMessage]
_lhsOwarnings) = T_MStatList_1
sem_1 LintSettings
_lhsIconfig String
_lhsIfuncName Map String [Region]
_lhsIglobalDefinitions Bool
_lhsIisInModule Bool
_lhsIisMeta Int
_lhsIloopLevel Region
_lhsImtokenPos Int
_lhsIscopeLevel [Map String (Bool, Region)]
_lhsIscopes DeterminedVariableStyle
     in  (MStat
-> Map String [Region]
-> String
-> Bool
-> Bool
-> Region
-> [Map String (Bool, Region)]
-> Int
-> DeterminedVariableStyle
-> [String -> LintMessage]
-> Syn_MStat
Syn_MStat MStat
_lhsOcopy Map String [Region]
_lhsOglobalDefinitions String
_lhsOidentifier Bool
_lhsOisIfStatement Bool
_lhsOisInModule Region
_lhsOmtokenPos [Map String (Bool, Region)]
_lhsOscopes Int
_lhsOstatementCount DeterminedVariableStyle
_lhsOvariableStyle [String -> LintMessage]
sem_MStat_MStat :: T_Region ->
                   T_Stat ->
sem_MStat_MStat :: T_Region -> T_Stat -> T_MStat
sem_MStat_MStat T_Region
pos_ T_Stat
stat_ =
    (case (T_Stat
stat_) of
     { ( Stat
stat_1) ->
         (case (T_Region
pos_) of
          { ( Region
_posIidentifier,[String -> LintMessage]
_posIwarnings) ->
              (case (({-# LINE 153 "src/GLuaFixer/AG/ASTLint.ag" #-}
                      MStat _posIcopy _statIcopy
                      {-# LINE 7208 "src/GLuaFixer/AG/ASTLint.hs" #-}
                      )) of
               { _copy ->
               (case (({-# LINE 153 "src/GLuaFixer/AG/ASTLint.ag" #-}
                       {-# LINE 7213 "src/GLuaFixer/AG/ASTLint.hs" #-}
                       )) of
                { _lhsOcopy ->
                (case ((let sem_MStat_MStat_1 :: T_MStat_1
                            sem_MStat_MStat_1 =
                                (\ _lhsIconfig
                                   _lhsIvariableStyle ->
                                     (case (({-# LINE 144 "src/GLuaFixer/AG/ASTLint.ag" #-}
                                             {-# LINE 7230 "src/GLuaFixer/AG/ASTLint.hs" #-}
                                             )) of
                                      { _statOscopes ->
                                      (case (({-# LINE 145 "src/GLuaFixer/AG/ASTLint.ag" #-}
                                              {-# LINE 7235 "src/GLuaFixer/AG/ASTLint.hs" #-}
                                              )) of
                                       { _statOisMeta ->
                                       (case (({-# LINE 143 "src/GLuaFixer/AG/ASTLint.ag" #-}
                                               {-# LINE 7240 "src/GLuaFixer/AG/ASTLint.hs" #-}
                                               )) of
                                        { _statOisInModule ->
                                        (case (({-# LINE 138 "src/GLuaFixer/AG/ASTLint.ag" #-}
                                                {-# LINE 7245 "src/GLuaFixer/AG/ASTLint.hs" #-}
                                                )) of
                                         { _statOglobalDefinitions ->
                                         (case (({-# LINE 134 "src/GLuaFixer/AG/ASTLint.ag" #-}
                                                 {-# LINE 7250 "src/GLuaFixer/AG/ASTLint.hs" #-}
                                                 )) of
                                          { _statOconfig ->
                                          (case (({-# LINE 131 "src/GLuaFixer/AG/ASTLint.ag" #-}
                                                  {-# LINE 7255 "src/GLuaFixer/AG/ASTLint.hs" #-}
                                                  )) of
                                           { _statOvariableStyle ->
                                           (case (({-# LINE 127 "src/GLuaFixer/AG/ASTLint.ag" #-}
                                                   {-# LINE 7260 "src/GLuaFixer/AG/ASTLint.hs" #-}
                                                   )) of
                                            { _statOscopeLevel ->
                                            (case (({-# LINE 128 "src/GLuaFixer/AG/ASTLint.ag" #-}
                                                    {-# LINE 7265 "src/GLuaFixer/AG/ASTLint.hs" #-}
                                                    )) of
                                             { _statOloopLevel ->
                                             (case (({-# LINE 146 "src/GLuaFixer/AG/ASTLint.ag" #-}
                                                     {-# LINE 7270 "src/GLuaFixer/AG/ASTLint.hs" #-}
                                                     )) of
                                              { _statOfuncName ->
                                              (case (({-# LINE 309 "src/GLuaFixer/AG/ASTLint.ag" #-}
                                                      {-# LINE 7275 "src/GLuaFixer/AG/ASTLint.hs" #-}
                                                      )) of
                                               { _statOmtokenPos ->
                                               (case (stat_1 _statOconfig _statOfuncName _statOglobalDefinitions _statOisInModule _statOisMeta _statOloopLevel _statOmtokenPos _statOscopeLevel _statOscopes _statOvariableStyle) of
                                                { ( _statIglobalDefinitions,_statIidentifier,_statIisIfStatement,_statIisInModule,_statImtokenPos,_statIscopes,_statIvariableStyle,_statIwarnings) ->
                                                    (case (({-# LINE 138 "src/GLuaFixer/AG/ASTLint.ag" #-}
                                                            {-# LINE 7282 "src/GLuaFixer/AG/ASTLint.hs" #-}
                                                            )) of
                                                     { _lhsOglobalDefinitions ->
                                                     (case (({-# LINE 154 "src/GLuaFixer/AG/ASTLint.ag" #-}
                                                             (const _posIidentifier _statIidentifier)
                                                             {-# LINE 7287 "src/GLuaFixer/AG/ASTLint.hs" #-}
                                                             )) of
                                                      { _lhsOidentifier ->
                                                      (case (({-# LINE 208 "src/GLuaFixer/AG/ASTLint.ag" #-}
                                                              {-# LINE 7292 "src/GLuaFixer/AG/ASTLint.hs" #-}
                                                              )) of
                                                       { _lhsOisIfStatement ->
                                                       (case (({-# LINE 143 "src/GLuaFixer/AG/ASTLint.ag" #-}
                                                               {-# LINE 7297 "src/GLuaFixer/AG/ASTLint.hs" #-}
                                                               )) of
                                                        { _lhsOisInModule ->
                                                        (case (({-# LINE 308 "src/GLuaFixer/AG/ASTLint.ag" #-}
                                                                {-# LINE 7302 "src/GLuaFixer/AG/ASTLint.hs" #-}
                                                                )) of
                                                         { _lhsOmtokenPos ->
                                                         (case (({-# LINE 144 "src/GLuaFixer/AG/ASTLint.ag" #-}
                                                                 {-# LINE 7307 "src/GLuaFixer/AG/ASTLint.hs" #-}
                                                                 )) of
                                                          { _lhsOscopes ->
                                                          (case (({-# LINE 157 "src/GLuaFixer/AG/ASTLint.ag" #-}
                                                                  {-# LINE 7312 "src/GLuaFixer/AG/ASTLint.hs" #-}
                                                                  )) of
                                                           { _lhsOstatementCount ->
                                                           (case (({-# LINE 131 "src/GLuaFixer/AG/ASTLint.ag" #-}
                                                                   {-# LINE 7317 "src/GLuaFixer/AG/ASTLint.hs" #-}
                                                                   )) of
                                                            { _lhsOvariableStyle ->
                                                            (case (({-# LINE 152 "src/GLuaFixer/AG/ASTLint.ag" #-}
                                                                    _posIwarnings ++ _statIwarnings
                                                                    {-# LINE 7322 "src/GLuaFixer/AG/ASTLint.hs" #-}
                                                                    )) of
                                                             { _lhsOwarnings ->
                                                             ( _lhsOglobalDefinitions,_lhsOidentifier,_lhsOisIfStatement,_lhsOisInModule,_lhsOmtokenPos,_lhsOscopes,_lhsOstatementCount,_lhsOvariableStyle,_lhsOwarnings) }) }) }) }) }) }) }) }) }) }) }) }) }) }) }) }) }) }) }) }))
                        in  sem_MStat_MStat_1)) of
                 { ( sem_MStat_1) ->
                 ( _lhsOcopy,sem_MStat_1) }) }) }) }) })
-- MStatList ---------------------------------------------------
-- cata
sem_MStatList :: MStatList ->
sem_MStatList :: MStatList -> T_MStatList
sem_MStatList MStatList
list =
    (forall (t :: * -> *) a b.
Foldable t =>
(a -> b -> b) -> b -> t a -> b
Prelude.foldr T_MStat -> T_MStatList -> T_MStatList
sem_MStatList_Cons T_MStatList
sem_MStatList_Nil (forall a b. (a -> b) -> [a] -> [b]
Prelude.map MStat -> T_MStat
sem_MStat MStatList
-- semantic domain
type T_MStatList = ( MStatList,T_MStatList_1)
type T_MStatList_1 = LintSettings ->
                     String ->
                     (M.Map String [Region]) ->
                     Bool ->
                     Bool ->
                     Int ->
                     Region ->
                     Int ->
                     ([M.Map String (Bool, Region)]) ->
                     DeterminedVariableStyle ->
                     ( (M.Map String [Region]),String,Bool,Bool,Region,([M.Map String (Bool, Region)]),Int,DeterminedVariableStyle,([String -> LintMessage]))
data Inh_MStatList = Inh_MStatList {Inh_MStatList -> LintSettings
config_Inh_MStatList :: LintSettings,Inh_MStatList -> String
funcName_Inh_MStatList :: String,Inh_MStatList -> Map String [Region]
globalDefinitions_Inh_MStatList :: (M.Map String [Region]),Inh_MStatList -> Bool
isInModule_Inh_MStatList :: Bool,Inh_MStatList -> Bool
isMeta_Inh_MStatList :: Bool,Inh_MStatList -> Int
loopLevel_Inh_MStatList :: Int,Inh_MStatList -> Region
mtokenPos_Inh_MStatList :: Region,Inh_MStatList -> Int
scopeLevel_Inh_MStatList :: Int,Inh_MStatList -> [Map String (Bool, Region)]
scopes_Inh_MStatList :: ([M.Map String (Bool, Region)]),Inh_MStatList -> DeterminedVariableStyle
variableStyle_Inh_MStatList :: DeterminedVariableStyle}
data Syn_MStatList = Syn_MStatList {Syn_MStatList -> MStatList
copy_Syn_MStatList :: MStatList,Syn_MStatList -> Map String [Region]
globalDefinitions_Syn_MStatList :: (M.Map String [Region]),Syn_MStatList -> String
identifier_Syn_MStatList :: String,Syn_MStatList -> Bool
isIfStatement_Syn_MStatList :: Bool,Syn_MStatList -> Bool
isInModule_Syn_MStatList :: Bool,Syn_MStatList -> Region
mtokenPos_Syn_MStatList :: Region,Syn_MStatList -> [Map String (Bool, Region)]
scopes_Syn_MStatList :: ([M.Map String (Bool, Region)]),Syn_MStatList -> Int
statementCount_Syn_MStatList :: Int,Syn_MStatList -> DeterminedVariableStyle
variableStyle_Syn_MStatList :: DeterminedVariableStyle,Syn_MStatList -> [String -> LintMessage]
warnings_Syn_MStatList :: ([String -> LintMessage])}
wrap_MStatList :: T_MStatList ->
                  Inh_MStatList ->
wrap_MStatList :: T_MStatList -> Inh_MStatList -> Syn_MStatList
wrap_MStatList T_MStatList
sem (Inh_MStatList LintSettings
_lhsIconfig String
_lhsIfuncName Map String [Region]
_lhsIglobalDefinitions Bool
_lhsIisInModule Bool
_lhsIisMeta Int
_lhsIloopLevel Region
_lhsImtokenPos Int
_lhsIscopeLevel [Map String (Bool, Region)]
_lhsIscopes DeterminedVariableStyle
_lhsIvariableStyle) =
    (let ( MStatList
sem_1) = T_MStatList
         ( Map String [Region]
_lhsOmtokenPos,[Map String (Bool, Region)]
_lhsOvariableStyle,[String -> LintMessage]
_lhsOwarnings) = T_MStatList_1
sem_1 LintSettings
_lhsIconfig String
_lhsIfuncName Map String [Region]
_lhsIglobalDefinitions Bool
_lhsIisInModule Bool
_lhsIisMeta Int
_lhsIloopLevel Region
_lhsImtokenPos Int
_lhsIscopeLevel [Map String (Bool, Region)]
_lhsIscopes DeterminedVariableStyle
     in  (MStatList
-> Map String [Region]
-> String
-> Bool
-> Bool
-> Region
-> [Map String (Bool, Region)]
-> Int
-> DeterminedVariableStyle
-> [String -> LintMessage]
-> Syn_MStatList
Syn_MStatList MStatList
_lhsOcopy Map String [Region]
_lhsOglobalDefinitions String
_lhsOidentifier Bool
_lhsOisIfStatement Bool
_lhsOisInModule Region
_lhsOmtokenPos [Map String (Bool, Region)]
_lhsOscopes Int
_lhsOstatementCount DeterminedVariableStyle
_lhsOvariableStyle [String -> LintMessage]
sem_MStatList_Cons :: T_MStat ->
                      T_MStatList ->
sem_MStatList_Cons :: T_MStat -> T_MStatList -> T_MStatList
sem_MStatList_Cons T_MStat
hd_ T_MStatList
tl_ =
    (case (T_MStatList
tl_) of
     { ( MStatList
tl_1) ->
         (case (T_MStat
hd_) of
          { ( MStat
hd_1) ->
              (case (({-# LINE 153 "src/GLuaFixer/AG/ASTLint.ag" #-}
                      (:) _hdIcopy _tlIcopy
                      {-# LINE 7367 "src/GLuaFixer/AG/ASTLint.hs" #-}
                      )) of
               { _copy ->
               (case (({-# LINE 153 "src/GLuaFixer/AG/ASTLint.ag" #-}
                       {-# LINE 7372 "src/GLuaFixer/AG/ASTLint.hs" #-}
                       )) of
                { _lhsOcopy ->
                (case ((let sem_MStatList_Cons_1 :: T_MStatList_1
                            sem_MStatList_Cons_1 =
                                (\ _lhsIconfig
                                   _lhsIvariableStyle ->
                                     (case (({-# LINE 144 "src/GLuaFixer/AG/ASTLint.ag" #-}
                                             {-# LINE 7389 "src/GLuaFixer/AG/ASTLint.hs" #-}
                                             )) of
                                      { _hdOscopes ->
                                      (case (({-# LINE 145 "src/GLuaFixer/AG/ASTLint.ag" #-}
                                              {-# LINE 7394 "src/GLuaFixer/AG/ASTLint.hs" #-}
                                              )) of
                                       { _hdOisMeta ->
                                       (case (({-# LINE 134 "src/GLuaFixer/AG/ASTLint.ag" #-}
                                               {-# LINE 7399 "src/GLuaFixer/AG/ASTLint.hs" #-}
                                               )) of
                                        { _hdOconfig ->
                                        (case (({-# LINE 131 "src/GLuaFixer/AG/ASTLint.ag" #-}
                                                {-# LINE 7404 "src/GLuaFixer/AG/ASTLint.hs" #-}
                                                )) of
                                         { _hdOvariableStyle ->
                                         (case (({-# LINE 127 "src/GLuaFixer/AG/ASTLint.ag" #-}
                                                 {-# LINE 7409 "src/GLuaFixer/AG/ASTLint.hs" #-}
                                                 )) of
                                          { _hdOscopeLevel ->
                                          (case (({-# LINE 135 "src/GLuaFixer/AG/ASTLint.ag" #-}
                                                  {-# LINE 7414 "src/GLuaFixer/AG/ASTLint.hs" #-}
                                                  )) of
                                           { _hdOmtokenPos ->
                                           (case (({-# LINE 128 "src/GLuaFixer/AG/ASTLint.ag" #-}
                                                   {-# LINE 7419 "src/GLuaFixer/AG/ASTLint.hs" #-}
                                                   )) of
                                            { _hdOloopLevel ->
                                            (case (({-# LINE 143 "src/GLuaFixer/AG/ASTLint.ag" #-}
                                                    {-# LINE 7424 "src/GLuaFixer/AG/ASTLint.hs" #-}
                                                    )) of
                                             { _hdOisInModule ->
                                             (case (({-# LINE 138 "src/GLuaFixer/AG/ASTLint.ag" #-}
                                                     {-# LINE 7429 "src/GLuaFixer/AG/ASTLint.hs" #-}
                                                     )) of
                                              { _hdOglobalDefinitions ->
                                              (case (({-# LINE 146 "src/GLuaFixer/AG/ASTLint.ag" #-}
                                                      {-# LINE 7434 "src/GLuaFixer/AG/ASTLint.hs" #-}
                                                      )) of
                                               { _hdOfuncName ->
                                               (case (hd_1 _hdOconfig _hdOfuncName _hdOglobalDefinitions _hdOisInModule _hdOisMeta _hdOloopLevel _hdOmtokenPos _hdOscopeLevel _hdOscopes _hdOvariableStyle) of
                                                { ( _hdIglobalDefinitions,_hdIidentifier,_hdIisIfStatement,_hdIisInModule,_hdImtokenPos,_hdIscopes,_hdIstatementCount,_hdIvariableStyle,_hdIwarnings) ->
                                                    (case (({-# LINE 144 "src/GLuaFixer/AG/ASTLint.ag" #-}
                                                            {-# LINE 7441 "src/GLuaFixer/AG/ASTLint.hs" #-}
                                                            )) of
                                                     { _tlOscopes ->
                                                     (case (({-# LINE 145 "src/GLuaFixer/AG/ASTLint.ag" #-}
                                                             {-# LINE 7446 "src/GLuaFixer/AG/ASTLint.hs" #-}
                                                             )) of
                                                      { _tlOisMeta ->
                                                      (case (({-# LINE 143 "src/GLuaFixer/AG/ASTLint.ag" #-}
                                                              {-# LINE 7451 "src/GLuaFixer/AG/ASTLint.hs" #-}
                                                              )) of
                                                       { _tlOisInModule ->
                                                       (case (({-# LINE 138 "src/GLuaFixer/AG/ASTLint.ag" #-}
                                                               {-# LINE 7456 "src/GLuaFixer/AG/ASTLint.hs" #-}
                                                               )) of
                                                        { _tlOglobalDefinitions ->
                                                        (case (({-# LINE 134 "src/GLuaFixer/AG/ASTLint.ag" #-}
                                                                {-# LINE 7461 "src/GLuaFixer/AG/ASTLint.hs" #-}
                                                                )) of
                                                         { _tlOconfig ->
                                                         (case (({-# LINE 131 "src/GLuaFixer/AG/ASTLint.ag" #-}
                                                                 {-# LINE 7466 "src/GLuaFixer/AG/ASTLint.hs" #-}
                                                                 )) of
                                                          { _tlOvariableStyle ->
                                                          (case (({-# LINE 127 "src/GLuaFixer/AG/ASTLint.ag" #-}
                                                                  {-# LINE 7471 "src/GLuaFixer/AG/ASTLint.hs" #-}
                                                                  )) of
                                                           { _tlOscopeLevel ->
                                                           (case (({-# LINE 135 "src/GLuaFixer/AG/ASTLint.ag" #-}
                                                                   {-# LINE 7476 "src/GLuaFixer/AG/ASTLint.hs" #-}
                                                                   )) of
                                                            { _tlOmtokenPos ->
                                                            (case (({-# LINE 128 "src/GLuaFixer/AG/ASTLint.ag" #-}
                                                                    {-# LINE 7481 "src/GLuaFixer/AG/ASTLint.hs" #-}
                                                                    )) of
                                                             { _tlOloopLevel ->
                                                             (case (({-# LINE 146 "src/GLuaFixer/AG/ASTLint.ag" #-}
                                                                     {-# LINE 7486 "src/GLuaFixer/AG/ASTLint.hs" #-}
                                                                     )) of
                                                              { _tlOfuncName ->
                                                              (case (tl_1 _tlOconfig _tlOfuncName _tlOglobalDefinitions _tlOisInModule _tlOisMeta _tlOloopLevel _tlOmtokenPos _tlOscopeLevel _tlOscopes _tlOvariableStyle) of
                                                               { ( _tlIglobalDefinitions,_tlIidentifier,_tlIisIfStatement,_tlIisInModule,_tlImtokenPos,_tlIscopes,_tlIstatementCount,_tlIvariableStyle,_tlIwarnings) ->
                                                                   (case (({-# LINE 138 "src/GLuaFixer/AG/ASTLint.ag" #-}
                                                                           {-# LINE 7493 "src/GLuaFixer/AG/ASTLint.hs" #-}
                                                                           )) of
                                                                    { _lhsOglobalDefinitions ->
                                                                    (case (({-# LINE 154 "src/GLuaFixer/AG/ASTLint.ag" #-}
                                                                            (const _hdIidentifier _tlIidentifier)
                                                                            {-# LINE 7498 "src/GLuaFixer/AG/ASTLint.hs" #-}
                                                                            )) of
                                                                     { _lhsOidentifier ->
                                                                     (case (({-# LINE 208 "src/GLuaFixer/AG/ASTLint.ag" #-}
                                                                             _hdIisIfStatement || _tlIisIfStatement
                                                                             {-# LINE 7503 "src/GLuaFixer/AG/ASTLint.hs" #-}
                                                                             )) of
                                                                      { _lhsOisIfStatement ->
                                                                      (case (({-# LINE 143 "src/GLuaFixer/AG/ASTLint.ag" #-}
                                                                              {-# LINE 7508 "src/GLuaFixer/AG/ASTLint.hs" #-}
                                                                              )) of
                                                                       { _lhsOisInModule ->
                                                                       (case (({-# LINE 234 "src/GLuaFixer/AG/ASTLint.ag" #-}
                                                                               {-# LINE 7513 "src/GLuaFixer/AG/ASTLint.hs" #-}
                                                                               )) of
                                                                        { _lhsOmtokenPos ->
                                                                        (case (({-# LINE 144 "src/GLuaFixer/AG/ASTLint.ag" #-}
                                                                                {-# LINE 7518 "src/GLuaFixer/AG/ASTLint.hs" #-}
                                                                                )) of
                                                                         { _lhsOscopes ->
                                                                         (case (({-# LINE 157 "src/GLuaFixer/AG/ASTLint.ag" #-}
                                                                                 _hdIstatementCount + _tlIstatementCount
                                                                                 {-# LINE 7523 "src/GLuaFixer/AG/ASTLint.hs" #-}
                                                                                 )) of
                                                                          { _lhsOstatementCount ->
                                                                          (case (({-# LINE 131 "src/GLuaFixer/AG/ASTLint.ag" #-}
                                                                                  {-# LINE 7528 "src/GLuaFixer/AG/ASTLint.hs" #-}
                                                                                  )) of
                                                                           { _lhsOvariableStyle ->
                                                                           (case (({-# LINE 152 "src/GLuaFixer/AG/ASTLint.ag" #-}
                                                                                   _hdIwarnings ++ _tlIwarnings
                                                                                   {-# LINE 7533 "src/GLuaFixer/AG/ASTLint.hs" #-}
                                                                                   )) of
                                                                            { _lhsOwarnings ->
                                                                            ( _lhsOglobalDefinitions,_lhsOidentifier,_lhsOisIfStatement,_lhsOisInModule,_lhsOmtokenPos,_lhsOscopes,_lhsOstatementCount,_lhsOvariableStyle,_lhsOwarnings) }) }) }) }) }) }) }) }) }) }) }) }) }) }) }) }) }) }) }) }) }) }) }) }) }) }) }) }) }) }) }))
                        in  sem_MStatList_Cons_1)) of
                 { ( sem_MStatList_1) ->
                 ( _lhsOcopy,sem_MStatList_1) }) }) }) }) })
sem_MStatList_Nil :: T_MStatList
sem_MStatList_Nil :: T_MStatList
sem_MStatList_Nil =
    (case (({-# LINE 153 "src/GLuaFixer/AG/ASTLint.ag" #-}
            {-# LINE 7544 "src/GLuaFixer/AG/ASTLint.hs" #-}
            )) of
     { _copy ->
     (case (({-# LINE 153 "src/GLuaFixer/AG/ASTLint.ag" #-}
             {-# LINE 7549 "src/GLuaFixer/AG/ASTLint.hs" #-}
             )) of
      { _lhsOcopy ->
      (case ((let sem_MStatList_Nil_1 :: T_MStatList_1
                  sem_MStatList_Nil_1 =
                      (\ _lhsIconfig
                         _lhsIvariableStyle ->
                           (case (({-# LINE 138 "src/GLuaFixer/AG/ASTLint.ag" #-}
                                   {-# LINE 7566 "src/GLuaFixer/AG/ASTLint.hs" #-}
                                   )) of
                            { _lhsOglobalDefinitions ->
                            (case (({-# LINE 154 "src/GLuaFixer/AG/ASTLint.ag" #-}
                                    {-# LINE 7571 "src/GLuaFixer/AG/ASTLint.hs" #-}
                                    )) of
                             { _lhsOidentifier ->
                             (case (({-# LINE 208 "src/GLuaFixer/AG/ASTLint.ag" #-}
                                     {-# LINE 7576 "src/GLuaFixer/AG/ASTLint.hs" #-}
                                     )) of
                              { _lhsOisIfStatement ->
                              (case (({-# LINE 143 "src/GLuaFixer/AG/ASTLint.ag" #-}
                                      {-# LINE 7581 "src/GLuaFixer/AG/ASTLint.hs" #-}
                                      )) of
                               { _lhsOisInModule ->
                               (case (({-# LINE 135 "src/GLuaFixer/AG/ASTLint.ag" #-}
                                       {-# LINE 7586 "src/GLuaFixer/AG/ASTLint.hs" #-}
                                       )) of
                                { _lhsOmtokenPos ->
                                (case (({-# LINE 144 "src/GLuaFixer/AG/ASTLint.ag" #-}
                                        {-# LINE 7591 "src/GLuaFixer/AG/ASTLint.hs" #-}
                                        )) of
                                 { _lhsOscopes ->
                                 (case (({-# LINE 240 "src/GLuaFixer/AG/ASTLint.ag" #-}
                                         {-# LINE 7596 "src/GLuaFixer/AG/ASTLint.hs" #-}
                                         )) of
                                  { _lhsOstatementCount ->
                                  (case (({-# LINE 131 "src/GLuaFixer/AG/ASTLint.ag" #-}
                                          {-# LINE 7601 "src/GLuaFixer/AG/ASTLint.hs" #-}
                                          )) of
                                   { _lhsOvariableStyle ->
                                   (case (({-# LINE 152 "src/GLuaFixer/AG/ASTLint.ag" #-}
                                           {-# LINE 7606 "src/GLuaFixer/AG/ASTLint.hs" #-}
                                           )) of
                                    { _lhsOwarnings ->
                                    ( _lhsOglobalDefinitions,_lhsOidentifier,_lhsOisIfStatement,_lhsOisInModule,_lhsOmtokenPos,_lhsOscopes,_lhsOstatementCount,_lhsOvariableStyle,_lhsOwarnings) }) }) }) }) }) }) }) }) }))
              in  sem_MStatList_Nil_1)) of
       { ( sem_MStatList_1) ->
       ( _lhsOcopy,sem_MStatList_1) }) }) })
-- MToken ------------------------------------------------------
-- cata
sem_MToken :: MToken ->
sem_MToken :: MToken -> T_MToken
sem_MToken (MToken Region
_mpos Token
_mtok) =
    (T_Region -> T_Token -> T_MToken
sem_MToken_MToken (Region -> T_Region
sem_Region Region
_mpos) (Token -> T_Token
sem_Token Token
-- semantic domain
type T_MToken = ( MToken,Token,Region,T_MToken_1)
type T_MToken_1 = LintSettings ->
                  String ->
                  (M.Map String [Region]) ->
                  Bool ->
                  Bool ->
                  Region ->
                  ([M.Map String (Bool, Region)]) ->
                  ( (M.Map String [Region]),String,Bool,([M.Map String (Bool, Region)]),([String -> LintMessage]))
data Inh_MToken = Inh_MToken {Inh_MToken -> LintSettings
config_Inh_MToken :: LintSettings,Inh_MToken -> String
funcName_Inh_MToken :: String,Inh_MToken -> Map String [Region]
globalDefinitions_Inh_MToken :: (M.Map String [Region]),Inh_MToken -> Bool
isInModule_Inh_MToken :: Bool,Inh_MToken -> Bool
isMeta_Inh_MToken :: Bool,Inh_MToken -> Region
mtokenPos_Inh_MToken :: Region,Inh_MToken -> [Map String (Bool, Region)]
scopes_Inh_MToken :: ([M.Map String (Bool, Region)])}
data Syn_MToken = Syn_MToken {Syn_MToken -> MToken
copy_Syn_MToken :: MToken,Syn_MToken -> Map String [Region]
globalDefinitions_Syn_MToken :: (M.Map String [Region]),Syn_MToken -> String
identifier_Syn_MToken :: String,Syn_MToken -> Bool
isInModule_Syn_MToken :: Bool,Syn_MToken -> Token
mtok_Syn_MToken :: Token,Syn_MToken -> Region
mtokenPos_Syn_MToken :: Region,Syn_MToken -> [Map String (Bool, Region)]
scopes_Syn_MToken :: ([M.Map String (Bool, Region)]),Syn_MToken -> [String -> LintMessage]
warnings_Syn_MToken :: ([String -> LintMessage])}
wrap_MToken :: T_MToken ->
               Inh_MToken ->
wrap_MToken :: T_MToken -> Inh_MToken -> Syn_MToken
wrap_MToken T_MToken
sem (Inh_MToken LintSettings
_lhsIconfig String
_lhsIfuncName Map String [Region]
_lhsIglobalDefinitions Bool
_lhsIisInModule Bool
_lhsIisMeta Region
_lhsImtokenPos [Map String (Bool, Region)]
_lhsIscopes) =
    (let ( MToken
sem_1) = T_MToken
         ( Map String [Region]
_lhsOisInModule,[Map String (Bool, Region)]
_lhsOscopes,[String -> LintMessage]
_lhsOwarnings) = T_MToken_1
sem_1 LintSettings
_lhsIconfig String
_lhsIfuncName Map String [Region]
_lhsIglobalDefinitions Bool
_lhsIisInModule Bool
_lhsIisMeta Region
_lhsImtokenPos [Map String (Bool, Region)]
     in  (MToken
-> Map String [Region]
-> String
-> Bool
-> Token
-> Region
-> [Map String (Bool, Region)]
-> [String -> LintMessage]
-> Syn_MToken
Syn_MToken MToken
_lhsOcopy Map String [Region]
_lhsOglobalDefinitions String
_lhsOidentifier Bool
_lhsOisInModule Token
_lhsOmtok Region
_lhsOmtokenPos [Map String (Bool, Region)]
_lhsOscopes [String -> LintMessage]
sem_MToken_MToken :: T_Region ->
                     T_Token ->
sem_MToken_MToken :: T_Region -> T_Token -> T_MToken
sem_MToken_MToken T_Region
mpos_ T_Token
mtok_ =
    (case (T_Token
mtok_) of
     { ( Token
_mtokIidentifier,[String -> LintMessage]
_mtokIwarnings) ->
         (case (T_Region
mpos_) of
          { ( Region
_mposIidentifier,[String -> LintMessage]
_mposIwarnings) ->
              (case (({-# LINE 153 "src/GLuaFixer/AG/ASTLint.ag" #-}
                      MToken _mposIcopy _mtokIcopy
                      {-# LINE 7648 "src/GLuaFixer/AG/ASTLint.hs" #-}
                      )) of
               { _copy ->
               (case (({-# LINE 153 "src/GLuaFixer/AG/ASTLint.ag" #-}
                       {-# LINE 7653 "src/GLuaFixer/AG/ASTLint.hs" #-}
                       )) of
                { _lhsOcopy ->
                (case (({-# LINE 227 "src/GLuaFixer/AG/ASTLint.ag" #-}
                        {-# LINE 7658 "src/GLuaFixer/AG/ASTLint.hs" #-}
                        )) of
                 { _lhsOmtok ->
                 (case (({-# LINE 226 "src/GLuaFixer/AG/ASTLint.ag" #-}
                         {-# LINE 7663 "src/GLuaFixer/AG/ASTLint.hs" #-}
                         )) of
                  { _lhsOmtokenPos ->
                  (case ((let sem_MToken_MToken_1 :: T_MToken_1
                              sem_MToken_MToken_1 =
                                  (\ _lhsIconfig
                                     _lhsIscopes ->
                                       (case (({-# LINE 138 "src/GLuaFixer/AG/ASTLint.ag" #-}
                                               {-# LINE 7677 "src/GLuaFixer/AG/ASTLint.hs" #-}
                                               )) of
                                        { _lhsOglobalDefinitions ->
                                        (case (({-# LINE 228 "src/GLuaFixer/AG/ASTLint.ag" #-}
                                                {-# LINE 7682 "src/GLuaFixer/AG/ASTLint.hs" #-}
                                                )) of
                                         { _lhsOidentifier ->
                                         (case (({-# LINE 143 "src/GLuaFixer/AG/ASTLint.ag" #-}
                                                 {-# LINE 7687 "src/GLuaFixer/AG/ASTLint.hs" #-}
                                                 )) of
                                          { _lhsOisInModule ->
                                          (case (({-# LINE 144 "src/GLuaFixer/AG/ASTLint.ag" #-}
                                                  {-# LINE 7692 "src/GLuaFixer/AG/ASTLint.hs" #-}
                                                  )) of
                                           { _lhsOscopes ->
                                           (case (({-# LINE 229 "src/GLuaFixer/AG/ASTLint.ag" #-}
                                                   _mposIwarnings ++ _mtokIwarnings
                                                   {-# LINE 7697 "src/GLuaFixer/AG/ASTLint.hs" #-}
                                                   )) of
                                            { _warnings_augmented_syn ->
                                            (case (({-# LINE 229 "src/GLuaFixer/AG/ASTLint.ag" #-}
                                                    if not (lint_goto_identifier _lhsIconfig) || _mtokIidentifier /= "goto" then id else
                                                      (:) $ warn _mposIcopy GotoAsIdentifier
                                                    {-# LINE 7703 "src/GLuaFixer/AG/ASTLint.hs" #-}
                                                    )) of
                                             { _warnings_augmented_f1 ->
                                             (case (({-# LINE 229 "src/GLuaFixer/AG/ASTLint.ag" #-}
                                                     foldr ($) _warnings_augmented_syn [_warnings_augmented_f1]
                                                     {-# LINE 7708 "src/GLuaFixer/AG/ASTLint.hs" #-}
                                                     )) of
                                              { _lhsOwarnings ->
                                              ( _lhsOglobalDefinitions,_lhsOidentifier,_lhsOisInModule,_lhsOscopes,_lhsOwarnings) }) }) }) }) }) }) }))
                          in  sem_MToken_MToken_1)) of
                   { ( sem_MToken_1) ->
                   ( _lhsOcopy,_lhsOmtok,_lhsOmtokenPos,sem_MToken_1) }) }) }) }) }) }) })
-- MTokenList --------------------------------------------------
-- cata
sem_MTokenList :: MTokenList ->
sem_MTokenList :: [MToken] -> T_MTokenList
sem_MTokenList [MToken]
list =
    (forall (t :: * -> *) a b.
Foldable t =>
(a -> b -> b) -> b -> t a -> b
Prelude.foldr T_MToken -> T_MTokenList -> T_MTokenList
sem_MTokenList_Cons T_MTokenList
sem_MTokenList_Nil (forall a b. (a -> b) -> [a] -> [b]
Prelude.map MToken -> T_MToken
sem_MToken [MToken]
-- semantic domain
type T_MTokenList = LintSettings ->
                    String ->
                    (M.Map String [Region]) ->
                    Bool ->
                    Bool ->
                    Region ->
                    ([M.Map String (Bool, Region)]) ->
                    ( MTokenList,(M.Map String [Region]),String,Bool,Region,([M.Map String (Bool, Region)]),([String -> LintMessage]))
data Inh_MTokenList = Inh_MTokenList {Inh_MTokenList -> LintSettings
config_Inh_MTokenList :: LintSettings,Inh_MTokenList -> String
funcName_Inh_MTokenList :: String,Inh_MTokenList -> Map String [Region]
globalDefinitions_Inh_MTokenList :: (M.Map String [Region]),Inh_MTokenList -> Bool
isInModule_Inh_MTokenList :: Bool,Inh_MTokenList -> Bool
isMeta_Inh_MTokenList :: Bool,Inh_MTokenList -> Region
mtokenPos_Inh_MTokenList :: Region,Inh_MTokenList -> [Map String (Bool, Region)]
scopes_Inh_MTokenList :: ([M.Map String (Bool, Region)])}
data Syn_MTokenList = Syn_MTokenList {Syn_MTokenList -> [MToken]
copy_Syn_MTokenList :: MTokenList,Syn_MTokenList -> Map String [Region]
globalDefinitions_Syn_MTokenList :: (M.Map String [Region]),Syn_MTokenList -> String
identifier_Syn_MTokenList :: String,Syn_MTokenList -> Bool
isInModule_Syn_MTokenList :: Bool,Syn_MTokenList -> Region
mtokenPos_Syn_MTokenList :: Region,Syn_MTokenList -> [Map String (Bool, Region)]
scopes_Syn_MTokenList :: ([M.Map String (Bool, Region)]),Syn_MTokenList -> [String -> LintMessage]
warnings_Syn_MTokenList :: ([String -> LintMessage])}
wrap_MTokenList :: T_MTokenList ->
                   Inh_MTokenList ->
wrap_MTokenList :: T_MTokenList -> Inh_MTokenList -> Syn_MTokenList
wrap_MTokenList T_MTokenList
sem (Inh_MTokenList LintSettings
_lhsIconfig String
_lhsIfuncName Map String [Region]
_lhsIglobalDefinitions Bool
_lhsIisInModule Bool
_lhsIisMeta Region
_lhsImtokenPos [Map String (Bool, Region)]
_lhsIscopes) =
    (let ( [MToken]
_lhsOcopy,Map String [Region]
_lhsOmtokenPos,[Map String (Bool, Region)]
_lhsOscopes,[String -> LintMessage]
_lhsOwarnings) = T_MTokenList
sem LintSettings
_lhsIconfig String
_lhsIfuncName Map String [Region]
_lhsIglobalDefinitions Bool
_lhsIisInModule Bool
_lhsIisMeta Region
_lhsImtokenPos [Map String (Bool, Region)]
     in  ([MToken]
-> Map String [Region]
-> String
-> Bool
-> Region
-> [Map String (Bool, Region)]
-> [String -> LintMessage]
-> Syn_MTokenList
Syn_MTokenList [MToken]
_lhsOcopy Map String [Region]
_lhsOglobalDefinitions String
_lhsOidentifier Bool
_lhsOisInModule Region
_lhsOmtokenPos [Map String (Bool, Region)]
_lhsOscopes [String -> LintMessage]
sem_MTokenList_Cons :: T_MToken ->
                       T_MTokenList ->
sem_MTokenList_Cons :: T_MToken -> T_MTokenList -> T_MTokenList
sem_MTokenList_Cons T_MToken
hd_ T_MTokenList
tl_ =
    (\ LintSettings
       Map String [Region]
       [Map String (Bool, Region)]
_lhsIscopes ->
         (case (({-# LINE 144 "src/GLuaFixer/AG/ASTLint.ag" #-}
                 {-# LINE 7751 "src/GLuaFixer/AG/ASTLint.hs" #-}
                 )) of
          { _hdOscopes ->
          (case (hd_) of
           { ( _hdIcopy,_hdImtok,_hdImtokenPos,hd_1) ->
               (case (({-# LINE 135 "src/GLuaFixer/AG/ASTLint.ag" #-}
                       {-# LINE 7758 "src/GLuaFixer/AG/ASTLint.hs" #-}
                       )) of
                { _hdOmtokenPos ->
                (case (({-# LINE 145 "src/GLuaFixer/AG/ASTLint.ag" #-}
                        {-# LINE 7763 "src/GLuaFixer/AG/ASTLint.hs" #-}
                        )) of
                 { _hdOisMeta ->
                 (case (({-# LINE 143 "src/GLuaFixer/AG/ASTLint.ag" #-}
                         {-# LINE 7768 "src/GLuaFixer/AG/ASTLint.hs" #-}
                         )) of
                  { _hdOisInModule ->
                  (case (({-# LINE 138 "src/GLuaFixer/AG/ASTLint.ag" #-}
                          {-# LINE 7773 "src/GLuaFixer/AG/ASTLint.hs" #-}
                          )) of
                   { _hdOglobalDefinitions ->
                   (case (({-# LINE 146 "src/GLuaFixer/AG/ASTLint.ag" #-}
                           {-# LINE 7778 "src/GLuaFixer/AG/ASTLint.hs" #-}
                           )) of
                    { _hdOfuncName ->
                    (case (({-# LINE 134 "src/GLuaFixer/AG/ASTLint.ag" #-}
                            {-# LINE 7783 "src/GLuaFixer/AG/ASTLint.hs" #-}
                            )) of
                     { _hdOconfig ->
                     (case (hd_1 _hdOconfig _hdOfuncName _hdOglobalDefinitions _hdOisInModule _hdOisMeta _hdOmtokenPos _hdOscopes) of
                      { ( _hdIglobalDefinitions,_hdIidentifier,_hdIisInModule,_hdIscopes,_hdIwarnings) ->
                          (case (({-# LINE 144 "src/GLuaFixer/AG/ASTLint.ag" #-}
                                  {-# LINE 7790 "src/GLuaFixer/AG/ASTLint.hs" #-}
                                  )) of
                           { _tlOscopes ->
                           (case (({-# LINE 135 "src/GLuaFixer/AG/ASTLint.ag" #-}
                                   {-# LINE 7795 "src/GLuaFixer/AG/ASTLint.hs" #-}
                                   )) of
                            { _tlOmtokenPos ->
                            (case (({-# LINE 145 "src/GLuaFixer/AG/ASTLint.ag" #-}
                                    {-# LINE 7800 "src/GLuaFixer/AG/ASTLint.hs" #-}
                                    )) of
                             { _tlOisMeta ->
                             (case (({-# LINE 143 "src/GLuaFixer/AG/ASTLint.ag" #-}
                                     {-# LINE 7805 "src/GLuaFixer/AG/ASTLint.hs" #-}
                                     )) of
                              { _tlOisInModule ->
                              (case (({-# LINE 138 "src/GLuaFixer/AG/ASTLint.ag" #-}
                                      {-# LINE 7810 "src/GLuaFixer/AG/ASTLint.hs" #-}
                                      )) of
                               { _tlOglobalDefinitions ->
                               (case (({-# LINE 146 "src/GLuaFixer/AG/ASTLint.ag" #-}
                                       {-# LINE 7815 "src/GLuaFixer/AG/ASTLint.hs" #-}
                                       )) of
                                { _tlOfuncName ->
                                (case (({-# LINE 134 "src/GLuaFixer/AG/ASTLint.ag" #-}
                                        {-# LINE 7820 "src/GLuaFixer/AG/ASTLint.hs" #-}
                                        )) of
                                 { _tlOconfig ->
                                 (case (tl_ _tlOconfig _tlOfuncName _tlOglobalDefinitions _tlOisInModule _tlOisMeta _tlOmtokenPos _tlOscopes) of
                                  { ( _tlIcopy,_tlIglobalDefinitions,_tlIidentifier,_tlIisInModule,_tlImtokenPos,_tlIscopes,_tlIwarnings) ->
                                      (case (({-# LINE 153 "src/GLuaFixer/AG/ASTLint.ag" #-}
                                              (:) _hdIcopy _tlIcopy
                                              {-# LINE 7827 "src/GLuaFixer/AG/ASTLint.hs" #-}
                                              )) of
                                       { _copy ->
                                       (case (({-# LINE 153 "src/GLuaFixer/AG/ASTLint.ag" #-}
                                               {-# LINE 7832 "src/GLuaFixer/AG/ASTLint.hs" #-}
                                               )) of
                                        { _lhsOcopy ->
                                        (case (({-# LINE 138 "src/GLuaFixer/AG/ASTLint.ag" #-}
                                                {-# LINE 7837 "src/GLuaFixer/AG/ASTLint.hs" #-}
                                                )) of
                                         { _lhsOglobalDefinitions ->
                                         (case (({-# LINE 154 "src/GLuaFixer/AG/ASTLint.ag" #-}
                                                 (const _hdIidentifier _tlIidentifier)
                                                 {-# LINE 7842 "src/GLuaFixer/AG/ASTLint.hs" #-}
                                                 )) of
                                          { _lhsOidentifier ->
                                          (case (({-# LINE 143 "src/GLuaFixer/AG/ASTLint.ag" #-}
                                                  {-# LINE 7847 "src/GLuaFixer/AG/ASTLint.hs" #-}
                                                  )) of
                                           { _lhsOisInModule ->
                                           (case (({-# LINE 234 "src/GLuaFixer/AG/ASTLint.ag" #-}
                                                   {-# LINE 7852 "src/GLuaFixer/AG/ASTLint.hs" #-}
                                                   )) of
                                            { _lhsOmtokenPos ->
                                            (case (({-# LINE 144 "src/GLuaFixer/AG/ASTLint.ag" #-}
                                                    {-# LINE 7857 "src/GLuaFixer/AG/ASTLint.hs" #-}
                                                    )) of
                                             { _lhsOscopes ->
                                             (case (({-# LINE 152 "src/GLuaFixer/AG/ASTLint.ag" #-}
                                                     _hdIwarnings ++ _tlIwarnings
                                                     {-# LINE 7862 "src/GLuaFixer/AG/ASTLint.hs" #-}
                                                     )) of
                                              { _lhsOwarnings ->
                                              ( _lhsOcopy,_lhsOglobalDefinitions,_lhsOidentifier,_lhsOisInModule,_lhsOmtokenPos,_lhsOscopes,_lhsOwarnings) }) }) }) }) }) }) }) }) }) }) }) }) }) }) }) }) }) }) }) }) }) }) }) }) }))
sem_MTokenList_Nil :: T_MTokenList
sem_MTokenList_Nil :: T_MTokenList
sem_MTokenList_Nil =
    (\ LintSettings
       Map String [Region]
       [Map String (Bool, Region)]
_lhsIscopes ->
         (case (({-# LINE 153 "src/GLuaFixer/AG/ASTLint.ag" #-}
                 {-# LINE 7877 "src/GLuaFixer/AG/ASTLint.hs" #-}
                 )) of
          { _copy ->
          (case (({-# LINE 153 "src/GLuaFixer/AG/ASTLint.ag" #-}
                  {-# LINE 7882 "src/GLuaFixer/AG/ASTLint.hs" #-}
                  )) of
           { _lhsOcopy ->
           (case (({-# LINE 138 "src/GLuaFixer/AG/ASTLint.ag" #-}
                   {-# LINE 7887 "src/GLuaFixer/AG/ASTLint.hs" #-}
                   )) of
            { _lhsOglobalDefinitions ->
            (case (({-# LINE 154 "src/GLuaFixer/AG/ASTLint.ag" #-}
                    {-# LINE 7892 "src/GLuaFixer/AG/ASTLint.hs" #-}
                    )) of
             { _lhsOidentifier ->
             (case (({-# LINE 143 "src/GLuaFixer/AG/ASTLint.ag" #-}
                     {-# LINE 7897 "src/GLuaFixer/AG/ASTLint.hs" #-}
                     )) of
              { _lhsOisInModule ->
              (case (({-# LINE 135 "src/GLuaFixer/AG/ASTLint.ag" #-}
                      {-# LINE 7902 "src/GLuaFixer/AG/ASTLint.hs" #-}
                      )) of
               { _lhsOmtokenPos ->
               (case (({-# LINE 144 "src/GLuaFixer/AG/ASTLint.ag" #-}
                       {-# LINE 7907 "src/GLuaFixer/AG/ASTLint.hs" #-}
                       )) of
                { _lhsOscopes ->
                (case (({-# LINE 152 "src/GLuaFixer/AG/ASTLint.ag" #-}
                        {-# LINE 7912 "src/GLuaFixer/AG/ASTLint.hs" #-}
                        )) of
                 { _lhsOwarnings ->
                 ( _lhsOcopy,_lhsOglobalDefinitions,_lhsOidentifier,_lhsOisInModule,_lhsOmtokenPos,_lhsOscopes,_lhsOwarnings) }) }) }) }) }) }) }) }))
-- MaybeMExpr --------------------------------------------------
-- cata
sem_MaybeMExpr :: MaybeMExpr ->
sem_MaybeMExpr :: MaybeMExpr -> T_MaybeMExpr
sem_MaybeMExpr (Prelude.Just MExpr
x) =
    (T_MExpr -> T_MaybeMExpr
sem_MaybeMExpr_Just (MExpr -> T_MExpr
sem_MExpr MExpr
sem_MaybeMExpr MaybeMExpr
Prelude.Nothing =
-- semantic domain
type T_MaybeMExpr = ( MaybeMExpr,T_MaybeMExpr_1)
type T_MaybeMExpr_1 = LintSettings ->
                      String ->
                      (M.Map String [Region]) ->
                      Bool ->
                      Bool ->
                      Bool ->
                      Int ->
                      Region ->
                      Int ->
                      ([M.Map String (Bool, Region)]) ->
                      (Maybe MToken) ->
                      DeterminedVariableStyle ->
                      ( (M.Map String [Region]),String,Bool,(Maybe MToken),Region,([M.Map String (Bool, Region)]),DeterminedVariableStyle,([String -> LintMessage]))
data Inh_MaybeMExpr = Inh_MaybeMExpr {Inh_MaybeMExpr -> LintSettings
config_Inh_MaybeMExpr :: LintSettings,Inh_MaybeMExpr -> String
funcName_Inh_MaybeMExpr :: String,Inh_MaybeMExpr -> Map String [Region]
globalDefinitions_Inh_MaybeMExpr :: (M.Map String [Region]),Inh_MaybeMExpr -> Bool
isInModule_Inh_MaybeMExpr :: Bool,Inh_MaybeMExpr -> Bool
isMeta_Inh_MaybeMExpr :: Bool,Inh_MaybeMExpr -> Bool
isNegation_Inh_MaybeMExpr :: Bool,Inh_MaybeMExpr -> Int
loopLevel_Inh_MaybeMExpr :: Int,Inh_MaybeMExpr -> Region
mtokenPos_Inh_MaybeMExpr :: Region,Inh_MaybeMExpr -> Int
scopeLevel_Inh_MaybeMExpr :: Int,Inh_MaybeMExpr -> [Map String (Bool, Region)]
scopes_Inh_MaybeMExpr :: ([M.Map String (Bool, Region)]),Inh_MaybeMExpr -> Maybe MToken
varBeingDefined_Inh_MaybeMExpr :: (Maybe MToken),Inh_MaybeMExpr -> DeterminedVariableStyle
variableStyle_Inh_MaybeMExpr :: DeterminedVariableStyle}
data Syn_MaybeMExpr = Syn_MaybeMExpr {Syn_MaybeMExpr -> MaybeMExpr
copy_Syn_MaybeMExpr :: MaybeMExpr,Syn_MaybeMExpr -> Map String [Region]
globalDefinitions_Syn_MaybeMExpr :: (M.Map String [Region]),Syn_MaybeMExpr -> String
identifier_Syn_MaybeMExpr :: String,Syn_MaybeMExpr -> Bool
isInModule_Syn_MaybeMExpr :: Bool,Syn_MaybeMExpr -> Maybe MToken
isSingleVar_Syn_MaybeMExpr :: (Maybe MToken),Syn_MaybeMExpr -> Region
mtokenPos_Syn_MaybeMExpr :: Region,Syn_MaybeMExpr -> [Map String (Bool, Region)]
scopes_Syn_MaybeMExpr :: ([M.Map String (Bool, Region)]),Syn_MaybeMExpr -> DeterminedVariableStyle
variableStyle_Syn_MaybeMExpr :: DeterminedVariableStyle,Syn_MaybeMExpr -> [String -> LintMessage]
warnings_Syn_MaybeMExpr :: ([String -> LintMessage])}
wrap_MaybeMExpr :: T_MaybeMExpr ->
                   Inh_MaybeMExpr ->
wrap_MaybeMExpr :: T_MaybeMExpr -> Inh_MaybeMExpr -> Syn_MaybeMExpr
wrap_MaybeMExpr T_MaybeMExpr
sem (Inh_MaybeMExpr LintSettings
_lhsIconfig String
_lhsIfuncName Map String [Region]
_lhsIglobalDefinitions Bool
_lhsIisInModule Bool
_lhsIisMeta Bool
_lhsIisNegation Int
_lhsIloopLevel Region
_lhsImtokenPos Int
_lhsIscopeLevel [Map String (Bool, Region)]
_lhsIscopes Maybe MToken
_lhsIvarBeingDefined DeterminedVariableStyle
_lhsIvariableStyle) =
    (let ( MaybeMExpr
sem_1) = T_MaybeMExpr
         ( Map String [Region]
_lhsOisInModule,Maybe MToken
_lhsOmtokenPos,[Map String (Bool, Region)]
_lhsOvariableStyle,[String -> LintMessage]
_lhsOwarnings) = T_MaybeMExpr_1
sem_1 LintSettings
_lhsIconfig String
_lhsIfuncName Map String [Region]
_lhsIglobalDefinitions Bool
_lhsIisInModule Bool
_lhsIisMeta Bool
_lhsIisNegation Int
_lhsIloopLevel Region
_lhsImtokenPos Int
_lhsIscopeLevel [Map String (Bool, Region)]
_lhsIscopes Maybe MToken
_lhsIvarBeingDefined DeterminedVariableStyle
     in  (MaybeMExpr
-> Map String [Region]
-> String
-> Bool
-> Maybe MToken
-> Region
-> [Map String (Bool, Region)]
-> DeterminedVariableStyle
-> [String -> LintMessage]
-> Syn_MaybeMExpr
Syn_MaybeMExpr MaybeMExpr
_lhsOcopy Map String [Region]
_lhsOglobalDefinitions String
_lhsOidentifier Bool
_lhsOisInModule Maybe MToken
_lhsOisSingleVar Region
_lhsOmtokenPos [Map String (Bool, Region)]
_lhsOscopes DeterminedVariableStyle
_lhsOvariableStyle [String -> LintMessage]
sem_MaybeMExpr_Just :: T_MExpr ->
sem_MaybeMExpr_Just :: T_MExpr -> T_MaybeMExpr
sem_MaybeMExpr_Just T_MExpr
just_ =
    (case (T_MExpr
just_) of
     { ( MExpr
just_1) ->
         (case (({-# LINE 153 "src/GLuaFixer/AG/ASTLint.ag" #-}
                 Just _justIcopy
                 {-# LINE 7955 "src/GLuaFixer/AG/ASTLint.hs" #-}
                 )) of
          { _copy ->
          (case (({-# LINE 153 "src/GLuaFixer/AG/ASTLint.ag" #-}
                  {-# LINE 7960 "src/GLuaFixer/AG/ASTLint.hs" #-}
                  )) of
           { _lhsOcopy ->
           (case ((let sem_MaybeMExpr_Just_1 :: T_MaybeMExpr_1
                       sem_MaybeMExpr_Just_1 =
                           (\ _lhsIconfig
                              _lhsIvariableStyle ->
                                (case (({-# LINE 178 "src/GLuaFixer/AG/ASTLint.ag" #-}
                                        {-# LINE 7979 "src/GLuaFixer/AG/ASTLint.hs" #-}
                                        )) of
                                 { _justOvarBeingDefined ->
                                 (case (({-# LINE 144 "src/GLuaFixer/AG/ASTLint.ag" #-}
                                         {-# LINE 7984 "src/GLuaFixer/AG/ASTLint.hs" #-}
                                         )) of
                                  { _justOscopes ->
                                  (case (({-# LINE 145 "src/GLuaFixer/AG/ASTLint.ag" #-}
                                          {-# LINE 7989 "src/GLuaFixer/AG/ASTLint.hs" #-}
                                          )) of
                                   { _justOisMeta ->
                                   (case (({-# LINE 143 "src/GLuaFixer/AG/ASTLint.ag" #-}
                                           {-# LINE 7994 "src/GLuaFixer/AG/ASTLint.hs" #-}
                                           )) of
                                    { _justOisInModule ->
                                    (case (({-# LINE 138 "src/GLuaFixer/AG/ASTLint.ag" #-}
                                            {-# LINE 7999 "src/GLuaFixer/AG/ASTLint.hs" #-}
                                            )) of
                                     { _justOglobalDefinitions ->
                                     (case (({-# LINE 134 "src/GLuaFixer/AG/ASTLint.ag" #-}
                                             {-# LINE 8004 "src/GLuaFixer/AG/ASTLint.hs" #-}
                                             )) of
                                      { _justOconfig ->
                                      (case (({-# LINE 131 "src/GLuaFixer/AG/ASTLint.ag" #-}
                                              {-# LINE 8009 "src/GLuaFixer/AG/ASTLint.hs" #-}
                                              )) of
                                       { _justOvariableStyle ->
                                       (case (({-# LINE 127 "src/GLuaFixer/AG/ASTLint.ag" #-}
                                               {-# LINE 8014 "src/GLuaFixer/AG/ASTLint.hs" #-}
                                               )) of
                                        { _justOscopeLevel ->
                                        (case (({-# LINE 135 "src/GLuaFixer/AG/ASTLint.ag" #-}
                                                {-# LINE 8019 "src/GLuaFixer/AG/ASTLint.hs" #-}
                                                )) of
                                         { _justOmtokenPos ->
                                         (case (({-# LINE 128 "src/GLuaFixer/AG/ASTLint.ag" #-}
                                                 {-# LINE 8024 "src/GLuaFixer/AG/ASTLint.hs" #-}
                                                 )) of
                                          { _justOloopLevel ->
                                          (case (({-# LINE 169 "src/GLuaFixer/AG/ASTLint.ag" #-}
                                                  {-# LINE 8029 "src/GLuaFixer/AG/ASTLint.hs" #-}
                                                  )) of
                                           { _justOisNegation ->
                                           (case (({-# LINE 146 "src/GLuaFixer/AG/ASTLint.ag" #-}
                                                   {-# LINE 8034 "src/GLuaFixer/AG/ASTLint.hs" #-}
                                                   )) of
                                            { _justOfuncName ->
                                            (case (({-# LINE 251 "src/GLuaFixer/AG/ASTLint.ag" #-}
                                                    {-# LINE 8039 "src/GLuaFixer/AG/ASTLint.hs" #-}
                                                    )) of
                                             { _justOtopLevel ->
                                             (case (({-# LINE 250 "src/GLuaFixer/AG/ASTLint.ag" #-}
                                                     {-# LINE 8044 "src/GLuaFixer/AG/ASTLint.hs" #-}
                                                     )) of
                                              { _justOinParentheses ->
                                              (case (just_1 _justOconfig _justOfuncName _justOglobalDefinitions _justOinParentheses _justOisInModule _justOisMeta _justOisNegation _justOloopLevel _justOmtokenPos _justOscopeLevel _justOscopes _justOtopLevel _justOvarBeingDefined _justOvariableStyle) of
                                               { ( _justIglobalDefinitions,_justIidentifier,_justIisInModule,_justIisSimpleExpression,_justIisSingleVar,_justIscopes,_justIvariableStyle,_justIwarnings) ->
                                                   (case (({-# LINE 138 "src/GLuaFixer/AG/ASTLint.ag" #-}
                                                           {-# LINE 8051 "src/GLuaFixer/AG/ASTLint.hs" #-}
                                                           )) of
                                                    { _lhsOglobalDefinitions ->
                                                    (case (({-# LINE 154 "src/GLuaFixer/AG/ASTLint.ag" #-}
                                                            {-# LINE 8056 "src/GLuaFixer/AG/ASTLint.hs" #-}
                                                            )) of
                                                     { _lhsOidentifier ->
                                                     (case (({-# LINE 143 "src/GLuaFixer/AG/ASTLint.ag" #-}
                                                             {-# LINE 8061 "src/GLuaFixer/AG/ASTLint.hs" #-}
                                                             )) of
                                                      { _lhsOisInModule ->
                                                      (case (({-# LINE 213 "src/GLuaFixer/AG/ASTLint.ag" #-}
                                                              {-# LINE 8066 "src/GLuaFixer/AG/ASTLint.hs" #-}
                                                              )) of
                                                       { _lhsOisSingleVar ->
                                                       (case (({-# LINE 135 "src/GLuaFixer/AG/ASTLint.ag" #-}
                                                               {-# LINE 8071 "src/GLuaFixer/AG/ASTLint.hs" #-}
                                                               )) of
                                                        { _lhsOmtokenPos ->
                                                        (case (({-# LINE 144 "src/GLuaFixer/AG/ASTLint.ag" #-}
                                                                {-# LINE 8076 "src/GLuaFixer/AG/ASTLint.hs" #-}
                                                                )) of
                                                         { _lhsOscopes ->
                                                         (case (({-# LINE 131 "src/GLuaFixer/AG/ASTLint.ag" #-}
                                                                 {-# LINE 8081 "src/GLuaFixer/AG/ASTLint.hs" #-}
                                                                 )) of
                                                          { _lhsOvariableStyle ->
                                                          (case (({-# LINE 152 "src/GLuaFixer/AG/ASTLint.ag" #-}
                                                                  {-# LINE 8086 "src/GLuaFixer/AG/ASTLint.hs" #-}
                                                                  )) of
                                                           { _lhsOwarnings ->
                                                           ( _lhsOglobalDefinitions,_lhsOidentifier,_lhsOisInModule,_lhsOisSingleVar,_lhsOmtokenPos,_lhsOscopes,_lhsOvariableStyle,_lhsOwarnings) }) }) }) }) }) }) }) }) }) }) }) }) }) }) }) }) }) }) }) }) }) }) }))
                   in  sem_MaybeMExpr_Just_1)) of
            { ( sem_MaybeMExpr_1) ->
            ( _lhsOcopy,sem_MaybeMExpr_1) }) }) }) })
sem_MaybeMExpr_Nothing :: T_MaybeMExpr
sem_MaybeMExpr_Nothing :: T_MaybeMExpr
sem_MaybeMExpr_Nothing =
    (case (({-# LINE 153 "src/GLuaFixer/AG/ASTLint.ag" #-}
            {-# LINE 8097 "src/GLuaFixer/AG/ASTLint.hs" #-}
            )) of
     { _copy ->
     (case (({-# LINE 153 "src/GLuaFixer/AG/ASTLint.ag" #-}
             {-# LINE 8102 "src/GLuaFixer/AG/ASTLint.hs" #-}
             )) of
      { _lhsOcopy ->
      (case ((let sem_MaybeMExpr_Nothing_1 :: T_MaybeMExpr_1
                  sem_MaybeMExpr_Nothing_1 =
                      (\ _lhsIconfig
                         _lhsIvariableStyle ->
                           (case (({-# LINE 138 "src/GLuaFixer/AG/ASTLint.ag" #-}
                                   {-# LINE 8121 "src/GLuaFixer/AG/ASTLint.hs" #-}
                                   )) of
                            { _lhsOglobalDefinitions ->
                            (case (({-# LINE 154 "src/GLuaFixer/AG/ASTLint.ag" #-}
                                    {-# LINE 8126 "src/GLuaFixer/AG/ASTLint.hs" #-}
                                    )) of
                             { _lhsOidentifier ->
                             (case (({-# LINE 143 "src/GLuaFixer/AG/ASTLint.ag" #-}
                                     {-# LINE 8131 "src/GLuaFixer/AG/ASTLint.hs" #-}
                                     )) of
                              { _lhsOisInModule ->
                              (case (({-# LINE 213 "src/GLuaFixer/AG/ASTLint.ag" #-}
                                      {-# LINE 8136 "src/GLuaFixer/AG/ASTLint.hs" #-}
                                      )) of
                               { _lhsOisSingleVar ->
                               (case (({-# LINE 135 "src/GLuaFixer/AG/ASTLint.ag" #-}
                                       {-# LINE 8141 "src/GLuaFixer/AG/ASTLint.hs" #-}
                                       )) of
                                { _lhsOmtokenPos ->
                                (case (({-# LINE 144 "src/GLuaFixer/AG/ASTLint.ag" #-}
                                        {-# LINE 8146 "src/GLuaFixer/AG/ASTLint.hs" #-}
                                        )) of
                                 { _lhsOscopes ->
                                 (case (({-# LINE 131 "src/GLuaFixer/AG/ASTLint.ag" #-}
                                         {-# LINE 8151 "src/GLuaFixer/AG/ASTLint.hs" #-}
                                         )) of
                                  { _lhsOvariableStyle ->
                                  (case (({-# LINE 152 "src/GLuaFixer/AG/ASTLint.ag" #-}
                                          {-# LINE 8156 "src/GLuaFixer/AG/ASTLint.hs" #-}
                                          )) of
                                   { _lhsOwarnings ->
                                   ( _lhsOglobalDefinitions,_lhsOidentifier,_lhsOisInModule,_lhsOisSingleVar,_lhsOmtokenPos,_lhsOscopes,_lhsOvariableStyle,_lhsOwarnings) }) }) }) }) }) }) }) }))
              in  sem_MaybeMExpr_Nothing_1)) of
       { ( sem_MaybeMExpr_1) ->
       ( _lhsOcopy,sem_MaybeMExpr_1) }) }) })
-- PFExprSuffix ------------------------------------------------
-- cata
sem_PFExprSuffix :: PFExprSuffix ->
sem_PFExprSuffix :: PFExprSuffix -> T_PFExprSuffix
sem_PFExprSuffix (Call Args
_args) =
    (T_Args -> T_PFExprSuffix
sem_PFExprSuffix_Call (Args -> T_Args
sem_Args Args
sem_PFExprSuffix (MetaCall MToken
_fn Args
_args) =
    (T_MToken -> T_Args -> T_PFExprSuffix
sem_PFExprSuffix_MetaCall (MToken -> T_MToken
sem_MToken MToken
_fn) (Args -> T_Args
sem_Args Args
sem_PFExprSuffix (ExprIndex MExpr
_index) =
    (T_MExpr -> T_PFExprSuffix
sem_PFExprSuffix_ExprIndex (MExpr -> T_MExpr
sem_MExpr MExpr
sem_PFExprSuffix (DotIndex MToken
_index) =
    (T_MToken -> T_PFExprSuffix
sem_PFExprSuffix_DotIndex (MToken -> T_MToken
sem_MToken MToken
-- semantic domain
type T_PFExprSuffix = ( PFExprSuffix,T_PFExprSuffix_1)
type T_PFExprSuffix_1 = LintSettings ->
                        String ->
                        (M.Map String [Region]) ->
                        Bool ->
                        Bool ->
                        Int ->
                        Region ->
                        Int ->
                        ([M.Map String (Bool, Region)]) ->
                        DeterminedVariableStyle ->
                        ( (M.Map String [Region]),String,Bool,Bool,Region,([M.Map String (Bool, Region)]),DeterminedVariableStyle,([String -> LintMessage]))
data Inh_PFExprSuffix = Inh_PFExprSuffix {Inh_PFExprSuffix -> LintSettings
config_Inh_PFExprSuffix :: LintSettings,Inh_PFExprSuffix -> String
funcName_Inh_PFExprSuffix :: String,Inh_PFExprSuffix -> Map String [Region]
globalDefinitions_Inh_PFExprSuffix :: (M.Map String [Region]),Inh_PFExprSuffix -> Bool
isInModule_Inh_PFExprSuffix :: Bool,Inh_PFExprSuffix -> Bool
isMeta_Inh_PFExprSuffix :: Bool,Inh_PFExprSuffix -> Int
loopLevel_Inh_PFExprSuffix :: Int,Inh_PFExprSuffix -> Region
mtokenPos_Inh_PFExprSuffix :: Region,Inh_PFExprSuffix -> Int
scopeLevel_Inh_PFExprSuffix :: Int,Inh_PFExprSuffix -> [Map String (Bool, Region)]
scopes_Inh_PFExprSuffix :: ([M.Map String (Bool, Region)]),Inh_PFExprSuffix -> DeterminedVariableStyle
variableStyle_Inh_PFExprSuffix :: DeterminedVariableStyle}
data Syn_PFExprSuffix = Syn_PFExprSuffix {Syn_PFExprSuffix -> PFExprSuffix
copy_Syn_PFExprSuffix :: PFExprSuffix,Syn_PFExprSuffix -> Map String [Region]
globalDefinitions_Syn_PFExprSuffix :: (M.Map String [Region]),Syn_PFExprSuffix -> String
identifier_Syn_PFExprSuffix :: String,Syn_PFExprSuffix -> Bool
isInModule_Syn_PFExprSuffix :: Bool,Syn_PFExprSuffix -> Bool
isSimpleExpression_Syn_PFExprSuffix :: Bool,Syn_PFExprSuffix -> Region
mtokenPos_Syn_PFExprSuffix :: Region,Syn_PFExprSuffix -> [Map String (Bool, Region)]
scopes_Syn_PFExprSuffix :: ([M.Map String (Bool, Region)]),Syn_PFExprSuffix -> DeterminedVariableStyle
variableStyle_Syn_PFExprSuffix :: DeterminedVariableStyle,Syn_PFExprSuffix -> [String -> LintMessage]
warnings_Syn_PFExprSuffix :: ([String -> LintMessage])}
wrap_PFExprSuffix :: T_PFExprSuffix ->
                     Inh_PFExprSuffix ->
wrap_PFExprSuffix :: T_PFExprSuffix -> Inh_PFExprSuffix -> Syn_PFExprSuffix
wrap_PFExprSuffix T_PFExprSuffix
sem (Inh_PFExprSuffix LintSettings
_lhsIconfig String
_lhsIfuncName Map String [Region]
_lhsIglobalDefinitions Bool
_lhsIisInModule Bool
_lhsIisMeta Int
_lhsIloopLevel Region
_lhsImtokenPos Int
_lhsIscopeLevel [Map String (Bool, Region)]
_lhsIscopes DeterminedVariableStyle
_lhsIvariableStyle) =
    (let ( PFExprSuffix
sem_1) = T_PFExprSuffix
         ( Map String [Region]
_lhsOmtokenPos,[Map String (Bool, Region)]
_lhsOvariableStyle,[String -> LintMessage]
_lhsOwarnings) = T_UnOp_1
sem_1 LintSettings
_lhsIconfig String
_lhsIfuncName Map String [Region]
_lhsIglobalDefinitions Bool
_lhsIisInModule Bool
_lhsIisMeta Int
_lhsIloopLevel Region
_lhsImtokenPos Int
_lhsIscopeLevel [Map String (Bool, Region)]
_lhsIscopes DeterminedVariableStyle
     in  (PFExprSuffix
-> Map String [Region]
-> String
-> Bool
-> Bool
-> Region
-> [Map String (Bool, Region)]
-> DeterminedVariableStyle
-> [String -> LintMessage]
-> Syn_PFExprSuffix
Syn_PFExprSuffix PFExprSuffix
_lhsOcopy Map String [Region]
_lhsOglobalDefinitions String
_lhsOidentifier Bool
_lhsOisInModule Bool
_lhsOisSimpleExpression Region
_lhsOmtokenPos [Map String (Bool, Region)]
_lhsOscopes DeterminedVariableStyle
_lhsOvariableStyle [String -> LintMessage]
sem_PFExprSuffix_Call :: T_Args ->
sem_PFExprSuffix_Call :: T_Args -> T_PFExprSuffix
sem_PFExprSuffix_Call T_Args
args_ =
    (case (T_Args
args_) of
     { ( Args
args_1) ->
         (case (({-# LINE 153 "src/GLuaFixer/AG/ASTLint.ag" #-}
                 Call _argsIcopy
                 {-# LINE 8204 "src/GLuaFixer/AG/ASTLint.hs" #-}
                 )) of
          { _copy ->
          (case (({-# LINE 153 "src/GLuaFixer/AG/ASTLint.ag" #-}
                  {-# LINE 8209 "src/GLuaFixer/AG/ASTLint.hs" #-}
                  )) of
           { _lhsOcopy ->
           (case ((let sem_PFExprSuffix_Call_1 :: T_PFExprSuffix_1
                       sem_PFExprSuffix_Call_1 =
                           (\ _lhsIconfig
                              _lhsIvariableStyle ->
                                (case (({-# LINE 144 "src/GLuaFixer/AG/ASTLint.ag" #-}
                                        {-# LINE 8226 "src/GLuaFixer/AG/ASTLint.hs" #-}
                                        )) of
                                 { _argsOscopes ->
                                 (case (({-# LINE 145 "src/GLuaFixer/AG/ASTLint.ag" #-}
                                         {-# LINE 8231 "src/GLuaFixer/AG/ASTLint.hs" #-}
                                         )) of
                                  { _argsOisMeta ->
                                  (case (({-# LINE 143 "src/GLuaFixer/AG/ASTLint.ag" #-}
                                          {-# LINE 8236 "src/GLuaFixer/AG/ASTLint.hs" #-}
                                          )) of
                                   { _argsOisInModule ->
                                   (case (({-# LINE 138 "src/GLuaFixer/AG/ASTLint.ag" #-}
                                           {-# LINE 8241 "src/GLuaFixer/AG/ASTLint.hs" #-}
                                           )) of
                                    { _argsOglobalDefinitions ->
                                    (case (({-# LINE 134 "src/GLuaFixer/AG/ASTLint.ag" #-}
                                            {-# LINE 8246 "src/GLuaFixer/AG/ASTLint.hs" #-}
                                            )) of
                                     { _argsOconfig ->
                                     (case (({-# LINE 131 "src/GLuaFixer/AG/ASTLint.ag" #-}
                                             {-# LINE 8251 "src/GLuaFixer/AG/ASTLint.hs" #-}
                                             )) of
                                      { _argsOvariableStyle ->
                                      (case (({-# LINE 127 "src/GLuaFixer/AG/ASTLint.ag" #-}
                                              {-# LINE 8256 "src/GLuaFixer/AG/ASTLint.hs" #-}
                                              )) of
                                       { _argsOscopeLevel ->
                                       (case (({-# LINE 135 "src/GLuaFixer/AG/ASTLint.ag" #-}
                                               {-# LINE 8261 "src/GLuaFixer/AG/ASTLint.hs" #-}
                                               )) of
                                        { _argsOmtokenPos ->
                                        (case (({-# LINE 128 "src/GLuaFixer/AG/ASTLint.ag" #-}
                                                {-# LINE 8266 "src/GLuaFixer/AG/ASTLint.hs" #-}
                                                )) of
                                         { _argsOloopLevel ->
                                         (case (({-# LINE 146 "src/GLuaFixer/AG/ASTLint.ag" #-}
                                                 {-# LINE 8271 "src/GLuaFixer/AG/ASTLint.hs" #-}
                                                 )) of
                                          { _argsOfuncName ->
                                          (case (args_1 _argsOconfig _argsOfuncName _argsOglobalDefinitions _argsOisInModule _argsOisMeta _argsOloopLevel _argsOmtokenPos _argsOscopeLevel _argsOscopes _argsOvariableStyle) of
                                           { ( _argsIglobalDefinitions,_argsIidentifier,_argsIisInModule,_argsImtokenPos,_argsIscopes,_argsIvariableStyle,_argsIwarnings) ->
                                               (case (({-# LINE 138 "src/GLuaFixer/AG/ASTLint.ag" #-}
                                                       {-# LINE 8278 "src/GLuaFixer/AG/ASTLint.hs" #-}
                                                       )) of
                                                { _lhsOglobalDefinitions ->
                                                (case (({-# LINE 154 "src/GLuaFixer/AG/ASTLint.ag" #-}
                                                        {-# LINE 8283 "src/GLuaFixer/AG/ASTLint.hs" #-}
                                                        )) of
                                                 { _lhsOidentifier ->
                                                 (case (({-# LINE 143 "src/GLuaFixer/AG/ASTLint.ag" #-}
                                                         {-# LINE 8288 "src/GLuaFixer/AG/ASTLint.hs" #-}
                                                         )) of
                                                  { _lhsOisInModule ->
                                                  (case (({-# LINE 545 "src/GLuaFixer/AG/ASTLint.ag" #-}
                                                          {-# LINE 8293 "src/GLuaFixer/AG/ASTLint.hs" #-}
                                                          )) of
                                                   { _lhsOisSimpleExpression ->
                                                   (case (({-# LINE 135 "src/GLuaFixer/AG/ASTLint.ag" #-}
                                                           {-# LINE 8298 "src/GLuaFixer/AG/ASTLint.hs" #-}
                                                           )) of
                                                    { _lhsOmtokenPos ->
                                                    (case (({-# LINE 144 "src/GLuaFixer/AG/ASTLint.ag" #-}
                                                            {-# LINE 8303 "src/GLuaFixer/AG/ASTLint.hs" #-}
                                                            )) of
                                                     { _lhsOscopes ->
                                                     (case (({-# LINE 131 "src/GLuaFixer/AG/ASTLint.ag" #-}
                                                             {-# LINE 8308 "src/GLuaFixer/AG/ASTLint.hs" #-}
                                                             )) of
                                                      { _lhsOvariableStyle ->
                                                      (case (({-# LINE 152 "src/GLuaFixer/AG/ASTLint.ag" #-}
                                                              {-# LINE 8313 "src/GLuaFixer/AG/ASTLint.hs" #-}
                                                              )) of
                                                       { _lhsOwarnings ->
                                                       ( _lhsOglobalDefinitions,_lhsOidentifier,_lhsOisInModule,_lhsOisSimpleExpression,_lhsOmtokenPos,_lhsOscopes,_lhsOvariableStyle,_lhsOwarnings) }) }) }) }) }) }) }) }) }) }) }) }) }) }) }) }) }) }) }))
                   in  sem_PFExprSuffix_Call_1)) of
            { ( sem_PFExprSuffix_1) ->
            ( _lhsOcopy,sem_PFExprSuffix_1) }) }) }) })
sem_PFExprSuffix_MetaCall :: T_MToken ->
                             T_Args ->
sem_PFExprSuffix_MetaCall :: T_MToken -> T_Args -> T_PFExprSuffix
sem_PFExprSuffix_MetaCall T_MToken
fn_ T_Args
args_ =
    (case (T_Args
args_) of
     { ( Args
args_1) ->
         (case (T_MToken
fn_) of
          { ( MToken
fn_1) ->
              (case (({-# LINE 153 "src/GLuaFixer/AG/ASTLint.ag" #-}
                      MetaCall _fnIcopy _argsIcopy
                      {-# LINE 8330 "src/GLuaFixer/AG/ASTLint.hs" #-}
                      )) of
               { _copy ->
               (case (({-# LINE 153 "src/GLuaFixer/AG/ASTLint.ag" #-}
                       {-# LINE 8335 "src/GLuaFixer/AG/ASTLint.hs" #-}
                       )) of
                { _lhsOcopy ->
                (case ((let sem_PFExprSuffix_MetaCall_1 :: T_PFExprSuffix_1
                            sem_PFExprSuffix_MetaCall_1 =
                                (\ _lhsIconfig
                                   _lhsIvariableStyle ->
                                     (case (({-# LINE 144 "src/GLuaFixer/AG/ASTLint.ag" #-}
                                             {-# LINE 8352 "src/GLuaFixer/AG/ASTLint.hs" #-}
                                             )) of
                                      { _fnOscopes ->
                                      (case (({-# LINE 135 "src/GLuaFixer/AG/ASTLint.ag" #-}
                                              {-# LINE 8357 "src/GLuaFixer/AG/ASTLint.hs" #-}
                                              )) of
                                       { _fnOmtokenPos ->
                                       (case (({-# LINE 145 "src/GLuaFixer/AG/ASTLint.ag" #-}
                                               {-# LINE 8362 "src/GLuaFixer/AG/ASTLint.hs" #-}
                                               )) of
                                        { _fnOisMeta ->
                                        (case (({-# LINE 143 "src/GLuaFixer/AG/ASTLint.ag" #-}
                                                {-# LINE 8367 "src/GLuaFixer/AG/ASTLint.hs" #-}
                                                )) of
                                         { _fnOisInModule ->
                                         (case (({-# LINE 138 "src/GLuaFixer/AG/ASTLint.ag" #-}
                                                 {-# LINE 8372 "src/GLuaFixer/AG/ASTLint.hs" #-}
                                                 )) of
                                          { _fnOglobalDefinitions ->
                                          (case (({-# LINE 146 "src/GLuaFixer/AG/ASTLint.ag" #-}
                                                  {-# LINE 8377 "src/GLuaFixer/AG/ASTLint.hs" #-}
                                                  )) of
                                           { _fnOfuncName ->
                                           (case (({-# LINE 134 "src/GLuaFixer/AG/ASTLint.ag" #-}
                                                   {-# LINE 8382 "src/GLuaFixer/AG/ASTLint.hs" #-}
                                                   )) of
                                            { _fnOconfig ->
                                            (case (fn_1 _fnOconfig _fnOfuncName _fnOglobalDefinitions _fnOisInModule _fnOisMeta _fnOmtokenPos _fnOscopes) of
                                             { ( _fnIglobalDefinitions,_fnIidentifier,_fnIisInModule,_fnIscopes,_fnIwarnings) ->
                                                 (case (({-# LINE 144 "src/GLuaFixer/AG/ASTLint.ag" #-}
                                                         {-# LINE 8389 "src/GLuaFixer/AG/ASTLint.hs" #-}
                                                         )) of
                                                  { _argsOscopes ->
                                                  (case (({-# LINE 145 "src/GLuaFixer/AG/ASTLint.ag" #-}
                                                          {-# LINE 8394 "src/GLuaFixer/AG/ASTLint.hs" #-}
                                                          )) of
                                                   { _argsOisMeta ->
                                                   (case (({-# LINE 143 "src/GLuaFixer/AG/ASTLint.ag" #-}
                                                           {-# LINE 8399 "src/GLuaFixer/AG/ASTLint.hs" #-}
                                                           )) of
                                                    { _argsOisInModule ->
                                                    (case (({-# LINE 138 "src/GLuaFixer/AG/ASTLint.ag" #-}
                                                            {-# LINE 8404 "src/GLuaFixer/AG/ASTLint.hs" #-}
                                                            )) of
                                                     { _argsOglobalDefinitions ->
                                                     (case (({-# LINE 134 "src/GLuaFixer/AG/ASTLint.ag" #-}
                                                             {-# LINE 8409 "src/GLuaFixer/AG/ASTLint.hs" #-}
                                                             )) of
                                                      { _argsOconfig ->
                                                      (case (({-# LINE 131 "src/GLuaFixer/AG/ASTLint.ag" #-}
                                                              {-# LINE 8414 "src/GLuaFixer/AG/ASTLint.hs" #-}
                                                              )) of
                                                       { _argsOvariableStyle ->
                                                       (case (({-# LINE 127 "src/GLuaFixer/AG/ASTLint.ag" #-}
                                                               {-# LINE 8419 "src/GLuaFixer/AG/ASTLint.hs" #-}
                                                               )) of
                                                        { _argsOscopeLevel ->
                                                        (case (({-# LINE 135 "src/GLuaFixer/AG/ASTLint.ag" #-}
                                                                {-# LINE 8424 "src/GLuaFixer/AG/ASTLint.hs" #-}
                                                                )) of
                                                         { _argsOmtokenPos ->
                                                         (case (({-# LINE 128 "src/GLuaFixer/AG/ASTLint.ag" #-}
                                                                 {-# LINE 8429 "src/GLuaFixer/AG/ASTLint.hs" #-}
                                                                 )) of
                                                          { _argsOloopLevel ->
                                                          (case (({-# LINE 146 "src/GLuaFixer/AG/ASTLint.ag" #-}
                                                                  {-# LINE 8434 "src/GLuaFixer/AG/ASTLint.hs" #-}
                                                                  )) of
                                                           { _argsOfuncName ->
                                                           (case (args_1 _argsOconfig _argsOfuncName _argsOglobalDefinitions _argsOisInModule _argsOisMeta _argsOloopLevel _argsOmtokenPos _argsOscopeLevel _argsOscopes _argsOvariableStyle) of
                                                            { ( _argsIglobalDefinitions,_argsIidentifier,_argsIisInModule,_argsImtokenPos,_argsIscopes,_argsIvariableStyle,_argsIwarnings) ->
                                                                (case (({-# LINE 138 "src/GLuaFixer/AG/ASTLint.ag" #-}
                                                                        {-# LINE 8441 "src/GLuaFixer/AG/ASTLint.hs" #-}
                                                                        )) of
                                                                 { _lhsOglobalDefinitions ->
                                                                 (case (({-# LINE 154 "src/GLuaFixer/AG/ASTLint.ag" #-}
                                                                         (const _fnIidentifier _argsIidentifier)
                                                                         {-# LINE 8446 "src/GLuaFixer/AG/ASTLint.hs" #-}
                                                                         )) of
                                                                  { _lhsOidentifier ->
                                                                  (case (({-# LINE 143 "src/GLuaFixer/AG/ASTLint.ag" #-}
                                                                          {-# LINE 8451 "src/GLuaFixer/AG/ASTLint.hs" #-}
                                                                          )) of
                                                                   { _lhsOisInModule ->
                                                                   (case (({-# LINE 547 "src/GLuaFixer/AG/ASTLint.ag" #-}
                                                                           {-# LINE 8456 "src/GLuaFixer/AG/ASTLint.hs" #-}
                                                                           )) of
                                                                    { _lhsOisSimpleExpression ->
                                                                    (case (({-# LINE 135 "src/GLuaFixer/AG/ASTLint.ag" #-}
                                                                            {-# LINE 8461 "src/GLuaFixer/AG/ASTLint.hs" #-}
                                                                            )) of
                                                                     { _lhsOmtokenPos ->
                                                                     (case (({-# LINE 144 "src/GLuaFixer/AG/ASTLint.ag" #-}
                                                                             {-# LINE 8466 "src/GLuaFixer/AG/ASTLint.hs" #-}
                                                                             )) of
                                                                      { _lhsOscopes ->
                                                                      (case (({-# LINE 131 "src/GLuaFixer/AG/ASTLint.ag" #-}
                                                                              {-# LINE 8471 "src/GLuaFixer/AG/ASTLint.hs" #-}
                                                                              )) of
                                                                       { _lhsOvariableStyle ->
                                                                       (case (({-# LINE 152 "src/GLuaFixer/AG/ASTLint.ag" #-}
                                                                               _fnIwarnings ++ _argsIwarnings
                                                                               {-# LINE 8476 "src/GLuaFixer/AG/ASTLint.hs" #-}
                                                                               )) of
                                                                        { _lhsOwarnings ->
                                                                        ( _lhsOglobalDefinitions,_lhsOidentifier,_lhsOisInModule,_lhsOisSimpleExpression,_lhsOmtokenPos,_lhsOscopes,_lhsOvariableStyle,_lhsOwarnings) }) }) }) }) }) }) }) }) }) }) }) }) }) }) }) }) }) }) }) }) }) }) }) }) }) }) }))
                        in  sem_PFExprSuffix_MetaCall_1)) of
                 { ( sem_PFExprSuffix_1) ->
                 ( _lhsOcopy,sem_PFExprSuffix_1) }) }) }) }) })
sem_PFExprSuffix_ExprIndex :: T_MExpr ->
sem_PFExprSuffix_ExprIndex :: T_MExpr -> T_PFExprSuffix
sem_PFExprSuffix_ExprIndex T_MExpr
index_ =
    (case (T_MExpr
index_) of
     { ( MExpr
index_1) ->
         (case (({-# LINE 153 "src/GLuaFixer/AG/ASTLint.ag" #-}
                 ExprIndex _indexIcopy
                 {-# LINE 8490 "src/GLuaFixer/AG/ASTLint.hs" #-}
                 )) of
          { _copy ->
          (case (({-# LINE 153 "src/GLuaFixer/AG/ASTLint.ag" #-}
                  {-# LINE 8495 "src/GLuaFixer/AG/ASTLint.hs" #-}
                  )) of
           { _lhsOcopy ->
           (case ((let sem_PFExprSuffix_ExprIndex_1 :: T_PFExprSuffix_1
                       sem_PFExprSuffix_ExprIndex_1 =
                           (\ _lhsIconfig
                              _lhsIvariableStyle ->
                                (case (({-# LINE 144 "src/GLuaFixer/AG/ASTLint.ag" #-}
                                        {-# LINE 8512 "src/GLuaFixer/AG/ASTLint.hs" #-}
                                        )) of
                                 { _indexOscopes ->
                                 (case (({-# LINE 145 "src/GLuaFixer/AG/ASTLint.ag" #-}
                                         {-# LINE 8517 "src/GLuaFixer/AG/ASTLint.hs" #-}
                                         )) of
                                  { _indexOisMeta ->
                                  (case (({-# LINE 143 "src/GLuaFixer/AG/ASTLint.ag" #-}
                                          {-# LINE 8522 "src/GLuaFixer/AG/ASTLint.hs" #-}
                                          )) of
                                   { _indexOisInModule ->
                                   (case (({-# LINE 138 "src/GLuaFixer/AG/ASTLint.ag" #-}
                                           {-# LINE 8527 "src/GLuaFixer/AG/ASTLint.hs" #-}
                                           )) of
                                    { _indexOglobalDefinitions ->
                                    (case (({-# LINE 134 "src/GLuaFixer/AG/ASTLint.ag" #-}
                                            {-# LINE 8532 "src/GLuaFixer/AG/ASTLint.hs" #-}
                                            )) of
                                     { _indexOconfig ->
                                     (case (({-# LINE 552 "src/GLuaFixer/AG/ASTLint.ag" #-}
                                             {-# LINE 8537 "src/GLuaFixer/AG/ASTLint.hs" #-}
                                             )) of
                                      { _indexOvarBeingDefined ->
                                      (case (({-# LINE 131 "src/GLuaFixer/AG/ASTLint.ag" #-}
                                              {-# LINE 8542 "src/GLuaFixer/AG/ASTLint.hs" #-}
                                              )) of
                                       { _indexOvariableStyle ->
                                       (case (({-# LINE 127 "src/GLuaFixer/AG/ASTLint.ag" #-}
                                               {-# LINE 8547 "src/GLuaFixer/AG/ASTLint.hs" #-}
                                               )) of
                                        { _indexOscopeLevel ->
                                        (case (({-# LINE 135 "src/GLuaFixer/AG/ASTLint.ag" #-}
                                                {-# LINE 8552 "src/GLuaFixer/AG/ASTLint.hs" #-}
                                                )) of
                                         { _indexOmtokenPos ->
                                         (case (({-# LINE 128 "src/GLuaFixer/AG/ASTLint.ag" #-}
                                                 {-# LINE 8557 "src/GLuaFixer/AG/ASTLint.hs" #-}
                                                 )) of
                                          { _indexOloopLevel ->
                                          (case (({-# LINE 146 "src/GLuaFixer/AG/ASTLint.ag" #-}
                                                  {-# LINE 8562 "src/GLuaFixer/AG/ASTLint.hs" #-}
                                                  )) of
                                           { _indexOfuncName ->
                                           (case (({-# LINE 551 "src/GLuaFixer/AG/ASTLint.ag" #-}
                                                   {-# LINE 8567 "src/GLuaFixer/AG/ASTLint.hs" #-}
                                                   )) of
                                            { _indexOtopLevel ->
                                            (case (({-# LINE 550 "src/GLuaFixer/AG/ASTLint.ag" #-}
                                                    {-# LINE 8572 "src/GLuaFixer/AG/ASTLint.hs" #-}
                                                    )) of
                                             { _indexOinParentheses ->
                                             (case (({-# LINE 549 "src/GLuaFixer/AG/ASTLint.ag" #-}
                                                     {-# LINE 8577 "src/GLuaFixer/AG/ASTLint.hs" #-}
                                                     )) of
                                              { _indexOisNegation ->
                                              (case (index_1 _indexOconfig _indexOfuncName _indexOglobalDefinitions _indexOinParentheses _indexOisInModule _indexOisMeta _indexOisNegation _indexOloopLevel _indexOmtokenPos _indexOscopeLevel _indexOscopes _indexOtopLevel _indexOvarBeingDefined _indexOvariableStyle) of
                                               { ( _indexIglobalDefinitions,_indexIidentifier,_indexIisInModule,_indexIisSimpleExpression,_indexIisSingleVar,_indexIscopes,_indexIvariableStyle,_indexIwarnings) ->
                                                   (case (({-# LINE 138 "src/GLuaFixer/AG/ASTLint.ag" #-}
                                                           {-# LINE 8584 "src/GLuaFixer/AG/ASTLint.hs" #-}
                                                           )) of
                                                    { _lhsOglobalDefinitions ->
                                                    (case (({-# LINE 154 "src/GLuaFixer/AG/ASTLint.ag" #-}
                                                            {-# LINE 8589 "src/GLuaFixer/AG/ASTLint.hs" #-}
                                                            )) of
                                                     { _lhsOidentifier ->
                                                     (case (({-# LINE 143 "src/GLuaFixer/AG/ASTLint.ag" #-}
                                                             {-# LINE 8594 "src/GLuaFixer/AG/ASTLint.hs" #-}
                                                             )) of
                                                      { _lhsOisInModule ->
                                                      (case (({-# LINE 186 "src/GLuaFixer/AG/ASTLint.ag" #-}
                                                              {-# LINE 8599 "src/GLuaFixer/AG/ASTLint.hs" #-}
                                                              )) of
                                                       { _lhsOisSimpleExpression ->
                                                       (case (({-# LINE 135 "src/GLuaFixer/AG/ASTLint.ag" #-}
                                                               {-# LINE 8604 "src/GLuaFixer/AG/ASTLint.hs" #-}
                                                               )) of
                                                        { _lhsOmtokenPos ->
                                                        (case (({-# LINE 144 "src/GLuaFixer/AG/ASTLint.ag" #-}
                                                                {-# LINE 8609 "src/GLuaFixer/AG/ASTLint.hs" #-}
                                                                )) of
                                                         { _lhsOscopes ->
                                                         (case (({-# LINE 131 "src/GLuaFixer/AG/ASTLint.ag" #-}
                                                                 {-# LINE 8614 "src/GLuaFixer/AG/ASTLint.hs" #-}
                                                                 )) of
                                                          { _lhsOvariableStyle ->
                                                          (case (({-# LINE 152 "src/GLuaFixer/AG/ASTLint.ag" #-}
                                                                  {-# LINE 8619 "src/GLuaFixer/AG/ASTLint.hs" #-}
                                                                  )) of
                                                           { _lhsOwarnings ->
                                                           ( _lhsOglobalDefinitions,_lhsOidentifier,_lhsOisInModule,_lhsOisSimpleExpression,_lhsOmtokenPos,_lhsOscopes,_lhsOvariableStyle,_lhsOwarnings) }) }) }) }) }) }) }) }) }) }) }) }) }) }) }) }) }) }) }) }) }) }) }))
                   in  sem_PFExprSuffix_ExprIndex_1)) of
            { ( sem_PFExprSuffix_1) ->
            ( _lhsOcopy,sem_PFExprSuffix_1) }) }) }) })
sem_PFExprSuffix_DotIndex :: T_MToken ->
sem_PFExprSuffix_DotIndex :: T_MToken -> T_PFExprSuffix
sem_PFExprSuffix_DotIndex T_MToken
index_ =
    (case (T_MToken
index_) of
     { ( MToken
index_1) ->
         (case (({-# LINE 153 "src/GLuaFixer/AG/ASTLint.ag" #-}
                 DotIndex _indexIcopy
                 {-# LINE 8633 "src/GLuaFixer/AG/ASTLint.hs" #-}
                 )) of
          { _copy ->
          (case (({-# LINE 153 "src/GLuaFixer/AG/ASTLint.ag" #-}
                  {-# LINE 8638 "src/GLuaFixer/AG/ASTLint.hs" #-}
                  )) of
           { _lhsOcopy ->
           (case ((let sem_PFExprSuffix_DotIndex_1 :: T_PFExprSuffix_1
                       sem_PFExprSuffix_DotIndex_1 =
                           (\ _lhsIconfig
                              _lhsIvariableStyle ->
                                (case (({-# LINE 138 "src/GLuaFixer/AG/ASTLint.ag" #-}
                                        {-# LINE 8655 "src/GLuaFixer/AG/ASTLint.hs" #-}
                                        )) of
                                 { _indexOglobalDefinitions ->
                                 (case (({-# LINE 144 "src/GLuaFixer/AG/ASTLint.ag" #-}
                                         {-# LINE 8660 "src/GLuaFixer/AG/ASTLint.hs" #-}
                                         )) of
                                  { _indexOscopes ->
                                  (case (({-# LINE 135 "src/GLuaFixer/AG/ASTLint.ag" #-}
                                          {-# LINE 8665 "src/GLuaFixer/AG/ASTLint.hs" #-}
                                          )) of
                                   { _indexOmtokenPos ->
                                   (case (({-# LINE 145 "src/GLuaFixer/AG/ASTLint.ag" #-}
                                           {-# LINE 8670 "src/GLuaFixer/AG/ASTLint.hs" #-}
                                           )) of
                                    { _indexOisMeta ->
                                    (case (({-# LINE 143 "src/GLuaFixer/AG/ASTLint.ag" #-}
                                            {-# LINE 8675 "src/GLuaFixer/AG/ASTLint.hs" #-}
                                            )) of
                                     { _indexOisInModule ->
                                     (case (({-# LINE 146 "src/GLuaFixer/AG/ASTLint.ag" #-}
                                             {-# LINE 8680 "src/GLuaFixer/AG/ASTLint.hs" #-}
                                             )) of
                                      { _indexOfuncName ->
                                      (case (({-# LINE 134 "src/GLuaFixer/AG/ASTLint.ag" #-}
                                              {-# LINE 8685 "src/GLuaFixer/AG/ASTLint.hs" #-}
                                              )) of
                                       { _indexOconfig ->
                                       (case (index_1 _indexOconfig _indexOfuncName _indexOglobalDefinitions _indexOisInModule _indexOisMeta _indexOmtokenPos _indexOscopes) of
                                        { ( _indexIglobalDefinitions,_indexIidentifier,_indexIisInModule,_indexIscopes,_indexIwarnings) ->
                                            (case (({-# LINE 138 "src/GLuaFixer/AG/ASTLint.ag" #-}
                                                    {-# LINE 8692 "src/GLuaFixer/AG/ASTLint.hs" #-}
                                                    )) of
                                             { _lhsOglobalDefinitions ->
                                             (case (({-# LINE 154 "src/GLuaFixer/AG/ASTLint.ag" #-}
                                                     {-# LINE 8697 "src/GLuaFixer/AG/ASTLint.hs" #-}
                                                     )) of
                                              { _lhsOidentifier ->
                                              (case (({-# LINE 143 "src/GLuaFixer/AG/ASTLint.ag" #-}
                                                      {-# LINE 8702 "src/GLuaFixer/AG/ASTLint.hs" #-}
                                                      )) of
                                               { _lhsOisInModule ->
                                               (case (({-# LINE 186 "src/GLuaFixer/AG/ASTLint.ag" #-}
                                                       {-# LINE 8707 "src/GLuaFixer/AG/ASTLint.hs" #-}
                                                       )) of
                                                { _lhsOisSimpleExpression ->
                                                (case (({-# LINE 135 "src/GLuaFixer/AG/ASTLint.ag" #-}
                                                        {-# LINE 8712 "src/GLuaFixer/AG/ASTLint.hs" #-}
                                                        )) of
                                                 { _lhsOmtokenPos ->
                                                 (case (({-# LINE 144 "src/GLuaFixer/AG/ASTLint.ag" #-}
                                                         {-# LINE 8717 "src/GLuaFixer/AG/ASTLint.hs" #-}
                                                         )) of
                                                  { _lhsOscopes ->
                                                  (case (({-# LINE 131 "src/GLuaFixer/AG/ASTLint.ag" #-}
                                                          {-# LINE 8722 "src/GLuaFixer/AG/ASTLint.hs" #-}
                                                          )) of
                                                   { _lhsOvariableStyle ->
                                                   (case (({-# LINE 152 "src/GLuaFixer/AG/ASTLint.ag" #-}
                                                           {-# LINE 8727 "src/GLuaFixer/AG/ASTLint.hs" #-}
                                                           )) of
                                                    { _lhsOwarnings ->
                                                    ( _lhsOglobalDefinitions,_lhsOidentifier,_lhsOisInModule,_lhsOisSimpleExpression,_lhsOmtokenPos,_lhsOscopes,_lhsOvariableStyle,_lhsOwarnings) }) }) }) }) }) }) }) }) }) }) }) }) }) }) }) }))
                   in  sem_PFExprSuffix_DotIndex_1)) of
            { ( sem_PFExprSuffix_1) ->
            ( _lhsOcopy,sem_PFExprSuffix_1) }) }) }) })
-- PrefixExp ---------------------------------------------------
-- cata
sem_PrefixExp :: PrefixExp ->
sem_PrefixExp :: PrefixExp -> T_PrefixExp
sem_PrefixExp (PFVar MToken
_name ExprSuffixList
_suffixes) =
    (T_MToken -> T_ExprSuffixList -> T_PrefixExp
sem_PrefixExp_PFVar (MToken -> T_MToken
sem_MToken MToken
_name) (ExprSuffixList -> T_ExprSuffixList
sem_ExprSuffixList ExprSuffixList
sem_PrefixExp (ExprVar MExpr
_expr ExprSuffixList
_suffixes) =
    (T_MExpr -> T_ExprSuffixList -> T_PrefixExp
sem_PrefixExp_ExprVar (MExpr -> T_MExpr
sem_MExpr MExpr
_expr) (ExprSuffixList -> T_ExprSuffixList
sem_ExprSuffixList ExprSuffixList
-- semantic domain
type T_PrefixExp = ( PrefixExp,Bool,Region,(Maybe MToken),T_PrefixExp_1)
type T_PrefixExp_1 = LintSettings ->
                     String ->
                     (M.Map String [Region]) ->
                     Bool ->
                     Bool ->
                     Bool ->
                     Bool ->
                     Int ->
                     Region ->
                     Bool ->
                     Int ->
                     ([M.Map String (Bool, Region)]) ->
                     Bool ->
                     (Maybe MToken) ->
                     DeterminedVariableStyle ->
                     ( (M.Map String [Region]),String,Bool,Bool,(Maybe MToken),([M.Map String (Bool, Region)]),DeterminedVariableStyle,([String -> LintMessage]))
data Inh_PrefixExp = Inh_PrefixExp {Inh_PrefixExp -> LintSettings
config_Inh_PrefixExp :: LintSettings,Inh_PrefixExp -> String
funcName_Inh_PrefixExp :: String,Inh_PrefixExp -> Map String [Region]
globalDefinitions_Inh_PrefixExp :: (M.Map String [Region]),Inh_PrefixExp -> Bool
inParentheses_Inh_PrefixExp :: Bool,Inh_PrefixExp -> Bool
isInModule_Inh_PrefixExp :: Bool,Inh_PrefixExp -> Bool
isMeta_Inh_PrefixExp :: Bool,Inh_PrefixExp -> Bool
isNegation_Inh_PrefixExp :: Bool,Inh_PrefixExp -> Int
loopLevel_Inh_PrefixExp :: Int,Inh_PrefixExp -> Region
mtokenPos_Inh_PrefixExp :: Region,Inh_PrefixExp -> Bool
registerVarUse_Inh_PrefixExp :: Bool,Inh_PrefixExp -> Int
scopeLevel_Inh_PrefixExp :: Int,Inh_PrefixExp -> [Map String (Bool, Region)]
scopes_Inh_PrefixExp :: ([M.Map String (Bool, Region)]),Inh_PrefixExp -> Bool
topLevel_Inh_PrefixExp :: Bool,Inh_PrefixExp -> Maybe MToken
varBeingDefined_Inh_PrefixExp :: (Maybe MToken),Inh_PrefixExp -> DeterminedVariableStyle
variableStyle_Inh_PrefixExp :: DeterminedVariableStyle}
data Syn_PrefixExp = Syn_PrefixExp {Syn_PrefixExp -> PrefixExp
copy_Syn_PrefixExp :: PrefixExp,Syn_PrefixExp -> Map String [Region]
globalDefinitions_Syn_PrefixExp :: (M.Map String [Region]),Syn_PrefixExp -> Bool
hasSuffixes_Syn_PrefixExp :: Bool,Syn_PrefixExp -> String
identifier_Syn_PrefixExp :: String,Syn_PrefixExp -> Bool
isInModule_Syn_PrefixExp :: Bool,Syn_PrefixExp -> Bool
isSimpleExpression_Syn_PrefixExp :: Bool,Syn_PrefixExp -> Maybe MToken
isSingleVar_Syn_PrefixExp :: (Maybe MToken),Syn_PrefixExp -> Region
mtokenPos_Syn_PrefixExp :: Region,Syn_PrefixExp -> [Map String (Bool, Region)]
scopes_Syn_PrefixExp :: ([M.Map String (Bool, Region)]),Syn_PrefixExp -> Maybe MToken
varName_Syn_PrefixExp :: (Maybe MToken),Syn_PrefixExp -> DeterminedVariableStyle
variableStyle_Syn_PrefixExp :: DeterminedVariableStyle,Syn_PrefixExp -> [String -> LintMessage]
warnings_Syn_PrefixExp :: ([String -> LintMessage])}
wrap_PrefixExp :: T_PrefixExp ->
                  Inh_PrefixExp ->
wrap_PrefixExp :: T_PrefixExp -> Inh_PrefixExp -> Syn_PrefixExp
wrap_PrefixExp T_PrefixExp
sem (Inh_PrefixExp LintSettings
_lhsIconfig String
_lhsIfuncName Map String [Region]
_lhsIglobalDefinitions Bool
_lhsIinParentheses Bool
_lhsIisInModule Bool
_lhsIisMeta Bool
_lhsIisNegation Int
_lhsIloopLevel Region
_lhsImtokenPos Bool
_lhsIregisterVarUse Int
_lhsIscopeLevel [Map String (Bool, Region)]
_lhsIscopes Bool
_lhsItopLevel Maybe MToken
_lhsIvarBeingDefined DeterminedVariableStyle
_lhsIvariableStyle) =
    (let ( PrefixExp
_lhsOmtokenPos,Maybe MToken
sem_1) = T_PrefixExp
         ( Map String [Region]
_lhsOisSimpleExpression,Maybe MToken
_lhsOisSingleVar,[Map String (Bool, Region)]
_lhsOvariableStyle,[String -> LintMessage]
_lhsOwarnings) = T_PrefixExp_1
sem_1 LintSettings
_lhsIconfig String
_lhsIfuncName Map String [Region]
_lhsIglobalDefinitions Bool
_lhsIinParentheses Bool
_lhsIisInModule Bool
_lhsIisMeta Bool
_lhsIisNegation Int
_lhsIloopLevel Region
_lhsImtokenPos Bool
_lhsIregisterVarUse Int
_lhsIscopeLevel [Map String (Bool, Region)]
_lhsIscopes Bool
_lhsItopLevel Maybe MToken
_lhsIvarBeingDefined DeterminedVariableStyle
     in  (PrefixExp
-> Map String [Region]
-> Bool
-> String
-> Bool
-> Bool
-> Maybe MToken
-> Region
-> [Map String (Bool, Region)]
-> Maybe MToken
-> DeterminedVariableStyle
-> [String -> LintMessage]
-> Syn_PrefixExp
Syn_PrefixExp PrefixExp
_lhsOcopy Map String [Region]
_lhsOglobalDefinitions Bool
_lhsOhasSuffixes String
_lhsOidentifier Bool
_lhsOisInModule Bool
_lhsOisSimpleExpression Maybe MToken
_lhsOisSingleVar Region
_lhsOmtokenPos [Map String (Bool, Region)]
_lhsOscopes Maybe MToken
_lhsOvarName DeterminedVariableStyle
_lhsOvariableStyle [String -> LintMessage]
sem_PrefixExp_PFVar :: T_MToken ->
                       T_ExprSuffixList ->
sem_PrefixExp_PFVar :: T_MToken -> T_ExprSuffixList -> T_PrefixExp
sem_PrefixExp_PFVar T_MToken
name_ T_ExprSuffixList
suffixes_ =
    (case (T_ExprSuffixList
suffixes_) of
     { ( ExprSuffixList
suffixes_1) ->
         (case (T_MToken
name_) of
          { ( MToken
name_1) ->
              (case (({-# LINE 153 "src/GLuaFixer/AG/ASTLint.ag" #-}
                      PFVar _nameIcopy _suffixesIcopy
                      {-# LINE 8779 "src/GLuaFixer/AG/ASTLint.hs" #-}
                      )) of
               { _copy ->
               (case (({-# LINE 153 "src/GLuaFixer/AG/ASTLint.ag" #-}
                       {-# LINE 8784 "src/GLuaFixer/AG/ASTLint.hs" #-}
                       )) of
                { _lhsOcopy ->
                (case (({-# LINE 507 "src/GLuaFixer/AG/ASTLint.ag" #-}
                        not . null $ _suffixesIcopy
                        {-# LINE 8789 "src/GLuaFixer/AG/ASTLint.hs" #-}
                        )) of
                 { _lhsOhasSuffixes ->
                 (case (({-# LINE 506 "src/GLuaFixer/AG/ASTLint.ag" #-}
                         {-# LINE 8794 "src/GLuaFixer/AG/ASTLint.hs" #-}
                         )) of
                  { _lhsOmtokenPos ->
                  (case (({-# LINE 509 "src/GLuaFixer/AG/ASTLint.ag" #-}
                          Just _nameIcopy
                          {-# LINE 8799 "src/GLuaFixer/AG/ASTLint.hs" #-}
                          )) of
                   { _varName ->
                   (case (({-# LINE 192 "src/GLuaFixer/AG/ASTLint.ag" #-}
                           {-# LINE 8804 "src/GLuaFixer/AG/ASTLint.hs" #-}
                           )) of
                    { _lhsOvarName ->
                    (case ((let sem_PrefixExp_PFVar_1 :: T_PrefixExp_1
                                sem_PrefixExp_PFVar_1 =
                                    (\ _lhsIconfig
                                       _lhsIvariableStyle ->
                                         (case (({-# LINE 513 "src/GLuaFixer/AG/ASTLint.ag" #-}
                                                 if isJust _lhsIvarBeingDefined && _lhsIvarBeingDefined == _varName     then
                                                   case _lhsIscopes of
                                                     deepestScope : otherScopes -> deepestScope : registerVariable otherScopes _nameImtokenPos (show _nameImtok) _lhsIregisterVarUse
                                                     noScopes -> noScopes
                                                   registerVariable _lhsIscopes _nameImtokenPos (show _nameImtok) _lhsIregisterVarUse
                                                 {-# LINE 8831 "src/GLuaFixer/AG/ASTLint.hs" #-}
                                                 )) of
                                          { _foundVars ->
                                          (case (({-# LINE 523 "src/GLuaFixer/AG/ASTLint.ag" #-}
                                                  {-# LINE 8836 "src/GLuaFixer/AG/ASTLint.hs" #-}
                                                  )) of
                                           { _nameOscopes ->
                                           (case (({-# LINE 135 "src/GLuaFixer/AG/ASTLint.ag" #-}
                                                   {-# LINE 8841 "src/GLuaFixer/AG/ASTLint.hs" #-}
                                                   )) of
                                            { _nameOmtokenPos ->
                                            (case (({-# LINE 145 "src/GLuaFixer/AG/ASTLint.ag" #-}
                                                    {-# LINE 8846 "src/GLuaFixer/AG/ASTLint.hs" #-}
                                                    )) of
                                             { _nameOisMeta ->
                                             (case (({-# LINE 143 "src/GLuaFixer/AG/ASTLint.ag" #-}
                                                     {-# LINE 8851 "src/GLuaFixer/AG/ASTLint.hs" #-}
                                                     )) of
                                              { _nameOisInModule ->
                                              (case (({-# LINE 138 "src/GLuaFixer/AG/ASTLint.ag" #-}
                                                      {-# LINE 8856 "src/GLuaFixer/AG/ASTLint.hs" #-}
                                                      )) of
                                               { _nameOglobalDefinitions ->
                                               (case (({-# LINE 146 "src/GLuaFixer/AG/ASTLint.ag" #-}
                                                       {-# LINE 8861 "src/GLuaFixer/AG/ASTLint.hs" #-}
                                                       )) of
                                                { _nameOfuncName ->
                                                (case (({-# LINE 134 "src/GLuaFixer/AG/ASTLint.ag" #-}
                                                        {-# LINE 8866 "src/GLuaFixer/AG/ASTLint.hs" #-}
                                                        )) of
                                                 { _nameOconfig ->
                                                 (case (name_1 _nameOconfig _nameOfuncName _nameOglobalDefinitions _nameOisInModule _nameOisMeta _nameOmtokenPos _nameOscopes) of
                                                  { ( _nameIglobalDefinitions,_nameIidentifier,_nameIisInModule,_nameIscopes,_nameIwarnings) ->
                                                      (case (({-# LINE 144 "src/GLuaFixer/AG/ASTLint.ag" #-}
                                                              {-# LINE 8873 "src/GLuaFixer/AG/ASTLint.hs" #-}
                                                              )) of
                                                       { _suffixesOscopes ->
                                                       (case (({-# LINE 145 "src/GLuaFixer/AG/ASTLint.ag" #-}
                                                               {-# LINE 8878 "src/GLuaFixer/AG/ASTLint.hs" #-}
                                                               )) of
                                                        { _suffixesOisMeta ->
                                                        (case (({-# LINE 143 "src/GLuaFixer/AG/ASTLint.ag" #-}
                                                                {-# LINE 8883 "src/GLuaFixer/AG/ASTLint.hs" #-}
                                                                )) of
                                                         { _suffixesOisInModule ->
                                                         (case (({-# LINE 138 "src/GLuaFixer/AG/ASTLint.ag" #-}
                                                                 {-# LINE 8888 "src/GLuaFixer/AG/ASTLint.hs" #-}
                                                                 )) of
                                                          { _suffixesOglobalDefinitions ->
                                                          (case (({-# LINE 134 "src/GLuaFixer/AG/ASTLint.ag" #-}
                                                                  {-# LINE 8893 "src/GLuaFixer/AG/ASTLint.hs" #-}
                                                                  )) of
                                                           { _suffixesOconfig ->
                                                           (case (({-# LINE 131 "src/GLuaFixer/AG/ASTLint.ag" #-}
                                                                   {-# LINE 8898 "src/GLuaFixer/AG/ASTLint.hs" #-}
                                                                   )) of
                                                            { _suffixesOvariableStyle ->
                                                            (case (({-# LINE 127 "src/GLuaFixer/AG/ASTLint.ag" #-}
                                                                    {-# LINE 8903 "src/GLuaFixer/AG/ASTLint.hs" #-}
                                                                    )) of
                                                             { _suffixesOscopeLevel ->
                                                             (case (({-# LINE 135 "src/GLuaFixer/AG/ASTLint.ag" #-}
                                                                     {-# LINE 8908 "src/GLuaFixer/AG/ASTLint.hs" #-}
                                                                     )) of
                                                              { _suffixesOmtokenPos ->
                                                              (case (({-# LINE 128 "src/GLuaFixer/AG/ASTLint.ag" #-}
                                                                      {-# LINE 8913 "src/GLuaFixer/AG/ASTLint.hs" #-}
                                                                      )) of
                                                               { _suffixesOloopLevel ->
                                                               (case (({-# LINE 146 "src/GLuaFixer/AG/ASTLint.ag" #-}
                                                                       {-# LINE 8918 "src/GLuaFixer/AG/ASTLint.hs" #-}
                                                                       )) of
                                                                { _suffixesOfuncName ->
                                                                (case (suffixes_1 _suffixesOconfig _suffixesOfuncName _suffixesOglobalDefinitions _suffixesOisInModule _suffixesOisMeta _suffixesOloopLevel _suffixesOmtokenPos _suffixesOscopeLevel _suffixesOscopes _suffixesOvariableStyle) of
                                                                 { ( _suffixesIglobalDefinitions,_suffixesIidentifier,_suffixesIisInModule,_suffixesIisSimpleExpression,_suffixesImtokenPos,_suffixesIscopes,_suffixesIvariableStyle,_suffixesIwarnings) ->
                                                                     (case (({-# LINE 138 "src/GLuaFixer/AG/ASTLint.ag" #-}
                                                                             {-# LINE 8925 "src/GLuaFixer/AG/ASTLint.hs" #-}
                                                                             )) of
                                                                      { _lhsOglobalDefinitions ->
                                                                      (case (({-# LINE 154 "src/GLuaFixer/AG/ASTLint.ag" #-}
                                                                              (const _nameIidentifier _suffixesIidentifier)
                                                                              {-# LINE 8930 "src/GLuaFixer/AG/ASTLint.hs" #-}
                                                                              )) of
                                                                       { _lhsOidentifier ->
                                                                       (case (({-# LINE 143 "src/GLuaFixer/AG/ASTLint.ag" #-}
                                                                               {-# LINE 8935 "src/GLuaFixer/AG/ASTLint.hs" #-}
                                                                               )) of
                                                                        { _lhsOisInModule ->
                                                                        (case (({-# LINE 186 "src/GLuaFixer/AG/ASTLint.ag" #-}
                                                                                {-# LINE 8940 "src/GLuaFixer/AG/ASTLint.hs" #-}
                                                                                )) of
                                                                         { _lhsOisSimpleExpression ->
                                                                         (case (({-# LINE 508 "src/GLuaFixer/AG/ASTLint.ag" #-}
                                                                                 if null _suffixesIcopy then _varName     else Nothing
                                                                                 {-# LINE 8945 "src/GLuaFixer/AG/ASTLint.hs" #-}
                                                                                 )) of
                                                                          { _lhsOisSingleVar ->
                                                                          (case (({-# LINE 144 "src/GLuaFixer/AG/ASTLint.ag" #-}
                                                                                  {-# LINE 8950 "src/GLuaFixer/AG/ASTLint.hs" #-}
                                                                                  )) of
                                                                           { _lhsOscopes ->
                                                                           (case (({-# LINE 131 "src/GLuaFixer/AG/ASTLint.ag" #-}
                                                                                   {-# LINE 8955 "src/GLuaFixer/AG/ASTLint.hs" #-}
                                                                                   )) of
                                                                            { _lhsOvariableStyle ->
                                                                            (case (({-# LINE 529 "src/GLuaFixer/AG/ASTLint.ag" #-}
                                                                                    _nameIwarnings ++ _suffixesIwarnings
                                                                                    {-# LINE 8960 "src/GLuaFixer/AG/ASTLint.hs" #-}
                                                                                    )) of
                                                                             { _warnings_augmented_syn ->
                                                                             (case (({-# LINE 522 "src/GLuaFixer/AG/ASTLint.ag" #-}
                                                                                     tokenLabel _nameIcopy
                                                                                     {-# LINE 8965 "src/GLuaFixer/AG/ASTLint.hs" #-}
                                                                                     )) of
                                                                              { _name ->
                                                                              (case (({-# LINE 529 "src/GLuaFixer/AG/ASTLint.ag" #-}
                                                                                      if not (lint_beginnerMistakes _lhsIconfig) || _lhsIisMeta || _name     /= "self" then id else
                                                                                        (:) $ warn _nameImtokenPos SelfInNonMeta
                                                                                      {-# LINE 8971 "src/GLuaFixer/AG/ASTLint.hs" #-}
                                                                                      )) of
                                                                               { _warnings_augmented_f3 ->
                                                                               (case (({-# LINE 529 "src/GLuaFixer/AG/ASTLint.ag" #-}
                                                                                       if not (lint_beginnerMistakes _lhsIconfig) || not _lhsIisMeta || _name     /= "self" ||
                                                                                       _lhsIfuncName /= "ENT" || _suffixesIidentifier /= "Entity" then id else
                                                                                         (:) $ warn _nameImtokenPos SelfEntity
                                                                                       {-# LINE 8978 "src/GLuaFixer/AG/ASTLint.hs" #-}
                                                                                       )) of
                                                                                { _warnings_augmented_f2 ->
                                                                                (case (({-# LINE 529 "src/GLuaFixer/AG/ASTLint.ag" #-}
                                                                                        if not (lint_beginnerMistakes _lhsIconfig) || not _lhsIisMeta || _name     /= "self" ||
                                                                                        _lhsIfuncName /= "SWEP" || _suffixesIidentifier /= "Weapon" then id else
                                                                                          (:) $ warn _nameImtokenPos SelfWeapon
                                                                                        {-# LINE 8985 "src/GLuaFixer/AG/ASTLint.hs" #-}
                                                                                        )) of
                                                                                 { _warnings_augmented_f1 ->
                                                                                 (case (({-# LINE 529 "src/GLuaFixer/AG/ASTLint.ag" #-}
                                                                                         foldr ($) _warnings_augmented_syn [_warnings_augmented_f1, _warnings_augmented_f2, _warnings_augmented_f3]
                                                                                         {-# LINE 8990 "src/GLuaFixer/AG/ASTLint.hs" #-}
                                                                                         )) of
                                                                                  { _lhsOwarnings ->
                                                                                  ( _lhsOglobalDefinitions,_lhsOidentifier,_lhsOisInModule,_lhsOisSimpleExpression,_lhsOisSingleVar,_lhsOscopes,_lhsOvariableStyle,_lhsOwarnings) }) }) }) }) }) }) }) }) }) }) }) }) }) }) }) }) }) }) }) }) }) }) }) }) }) }) }) }) }) }) }) }) }))
                            in  sem_PrefixExp_PFVar_1)) of
                     { ( sem_PrefixExp_1) ->
                     ( _lhsOcopy,_lhsOhasSuffixes,_lhsOmtokenPos,_lhsOvarName,sem_PrefixExp_1) }) }) }) }) }) }) }) }) })
sem_PrefixExp_ExprVar :: T_MExpr ->
                         T_ExprSuffixList ->
sem_PrefixExp_ExprVar :: T_MExpr -> T_ExprSuffixList -> T_PrefixExp
sem_PrefixExp_ExprVar T_MExpr
expr_ T_ExprSuffixList
suffixes_ =
    (case (T_ExprSuffixList
suffixes_) of
     { ( ExprSuffixList
suffixes_1) ->
         (case (T_MExpr
expr_) of
          { ( MExpr
expr_1) ->
              (case (({-# LINE 153 "src/GLuaFixer/AG/ASTLint.ag" #-}
                      ExprVar _exprIcopy _suffixesIcopy
                      {-# LINE 9007 "src/GLuaFixer/AG/ASTLint.hs" #-}
                      )) of
               { _copy ->
               (case (({-# LINE 153 "src/GLuaFixer/AG/ASTLint.ag" #-}
                       {-# LINE 9012 "src/GLuaFixer/AG/ASTLint.hs" #-}
                       )) of
                { _lhsOcopy ->
                (case (({-# LINE 536 "src/GLuaFixer/AG/ASTLint.ag" #-}
                        {-# LINE 9017 "src/GLuaFixer/AG/ASTLint.hs" #-}
                        )) of
                 { _lhsOhasSuffixes ->
                 (case (({-# LINE 533 "src/GLuaFixer/AG/ASTLint.ag" #-}
                         {-# LINE 9022 "src/GLuaFixer/AG/ASTLint.hs" #-}
                         )) of
                  { _lhsOmtokenPos ->
                  (case (({-# LINE 535 "src/GLuaFixer/AG/ASTLint.ag" #-}
                          {-# LINE 9027 "src/GLuaFixer/AG/ASTLint.hs" #-}
                          )) of
                   { _lhsOvarName ->
                   (case ((let sem_PrefixExp_ExprVar_1 :: T_PrefixExp_1
                               sem_PrefixExp_ExprVar_1 =
                                   (\ _lhsIconfig
                                      _lhsIvariableStyle ->
                                        (case (({-# LINE 178 "src/GLuaFixer/AG/ASTLint.ag" #-}
                                                {-# LINE 9049 "src/GLuaFixer/AG/ASTLint.hs" #-}
                                                )) of
                                         { _exprOvarBeingDefined ->
                                         (case (({-# LINE 144 "src/GLuaFixer/AG/ASTLint.ag" #-}
                                                 {-# LINE 9054 "src/GLuaFixer/AG/ASTLint.hs" #-}
                                                 )) of
                                          { _exprOscopes ->
                                          (case (({-# LINE 145 "src/GLuaFixer/AG/ASTLint.ag" #-}
                                                  {-# LINE 9059 "src/GLuaFixer/AG/ASTLint.hs" #-}
                                                  )) of
                                           { _exprOisMeta ->
                                           (case (({-# LINE 134 "src/GLuaFixer/AG/ASTLint.ag" #-}
                                                   {-# LINE 9064 "src/GLuaFixer/AG/ASTLint.hs" #-}
                                                   )) of
                                            { _exprOconfig ->
                                            (case (({-# LINE 131 "src/GLuaFixer/AG/ASTLint.ag" #-}
                                                    {-# LINE 9069 "src/GLuaFixer/AG/ASTLint.hs" #-}
                                                    )) of
                                             { _exprOvariableStyle ->
                                             (case (({-# LINE 127 "src/GLuaFixer/AG/ASTLint.ag" #-}
                                                     {-# LINE 9074 "src/GLuaFixer/AG/ASTLint.hs" #-}
                                                     )) of
                                              { _exprOscopeLevel ->
                                              (case (({-# LINE 135 "src/GLuaFixer/AG/ASTLint.ag" #-}
                                                      {-# LINE 9079 "src/GLuaFixer/AG/ASTLint.hs" #-}
                                                      )) of
                                               { _exprOmtokenPos ->
                                               (case (({-# LINE 128 "src/GLuaFixer/AG/ASTLint.ag" #-}
                                                       {-# LINE 9084 "src/GLuaFixer/AG/ASTLint.hs" #-}
                                                       )) of
                                                { _exprOloopLevel ->
                                                (case (({-# LINE 169 "src/GLuaFixer/AG/ASTLint.ag" #-}
                                                        {-# LINE 9089 "src/GLuaFixer/AG/ASTLint.hs" #-}
                                                        )) of
                                                 { _exprOisNegation ->
                                                 (case (({-# LINE 143 "src/GLuaFixer/AG/ASTLint.ag" #-}
                                                         {-# LINE 9094 "src/GLuaFixer/AG/ASTLint.hs" #-}
                                                         )) of
                                                  { _exprOisInModule ->
                                                  (case (({-# LINE 138 "src/GLuaFixer/AG/ASTLint.ag" #-}
                                                          {-# LINE 9099 "src/GLuaFixer/AG/ASTLint.hs" #-}
                                                          )) of
                                                   { _exprOglobalDefinitions ->
                                                   (case (({-# LINE 146 "src/GLuaFixer/AG/ASTLint.ag" #-}
                                                           {-# LINE 9104 "src/GLuaFixer/AG/ASTLint.hs" #-}
                                                           )) of
                                                    { _exprOfuncName ->
                                                    (case (({-# LINE 538 "src/GLuaFixer/AG/ASTLint.ag" #-}
                                                            {-# LINE 9109 "src/GLuaFixer/AG/ASTLint.hs" #-}
                                                            )) of
                                                     { _exprOtopLevel ->
                                                     (case (({-# LINE 537 "src/GLuaFixer/AG/ASTLint.ag" #-}
                                                             {-# LINE 9114 "src/GLuaFixer/AG/ASTLint.hs" #-}
                                                             )) of
                                                      { _exprOinParentheses ->
                                                      (case (expr_1 _exprOconfig _exprOfuncName _exprOglobalDefinitions _exprOinParentheses _exprOisInModule _exprOisMeta _exprOisNegation _exprOloopLevel _exprOmtokenPos _exprOscopeLevel _exprOscopes _exprOtopLevel _exprOvarBeingDefined _exprOvariableStyle) of
                                                       { ( _exprIglobalDefinitions,_exprIidentifier,_exprIisInModule,_exprIisSimpleExpression,_exprIisSingleVar,_exprIscopes,_exprIvariableStyle,_exprIwarnings) ->
                                                           (case (({-# LINE 144 "src/GLuaFixer/AG/ASTLint.ag" #-}
                                                                   {-# LINE 9121 "src/GLuaFixer/AG/ASTLint.hs" #-}
                                                                   )) of
                                                            { _suffixesOscopes ->
                                                            (case (({-# LINE 145 "src/GLuaFixer/AG/ASTLint.ag" #-}
                                                                    {-# LINE 9126 "src/GLuaFixer/AG/ASTLint.hs" #-}
                                                                    )) of
                                                             { _suffixesOisMeta ->
                                                             (case (({-# LINE 143 "src/GLuaFixer/AG/ASTLint.ag" #-}
                                                                     {-# LINE 9131 "src/GLuaFixer/AG/ASTLint.hs" #-}
                                                                     )) of
                                                              { _suffixesOisInModule ->
                                                              (case (({-# LINE 138 "src/GLuaFixer/AG/ASTLint.ag" #-}
                                                                      {-# LINE 9136 "src/GLuaFixer/AG/ASTLint.hs" #-}
                                                                      )) of
                                                               { _suffixesOglobalDefinitions ->
                                                               (case (({-# LINE 134 "src/GLuaFixer/AG/ASTLint.ag" #-}
                                                                       {-# LINE 9141 "src/GLuaFixer/AG/ASTLint.hs" #-}
                                                                       )) of
                                                                { _suffixesOconfig ->
                                                                (case (({-# LINE 131 "src/GLuaFixer/AG/ASTLint.ag" #-}
                                                                        {-# LINE 9146 "src/GLuaFixer/AG/ASTLint.hs" #-}
                                                                        )) of
                                                                 { _suffixesOvariableStyle ->
                                                                 (case (({-# LINE 127 "src/GLuaFixer/AG/ASTLint.ag" #-}
                                                                         {-# LINE 9151 "src/GLuaFixer/AG/ASTLint.hs" #-}
                                                                         )) of
                                                                  { _suffixesOscopeLevel ->
                                                                  (case (({-# LINE 135 "src/GLuaFixer/AG/ASTLint.ag" #-}
                                                                          {-# LINE 9156 "src/GLuaFixer/AG/ASTLint.hs" #-}
                                                                          )) of
                                                                   { _suffixesOmtokenPos ->
                                                                   (case (({-# LINE 128 "src/GLuaFixer/AG/ASTLint.ag" #-}
                                                                           {-# LINE 9161 "src/GLuaFixer/AG/ASTLint.hs" #-}
                                                                           )) of
                                                                    { _suffixesOloopLevel ->
                                                                    (case (({-# LINE 146 "src/GLuaFixer/AG/ASTLint.ag" #-}
                                                                            {-# LINE 9166 "src/GLuaFixer/AG/ASTLint.hs" #-}
                                                                            )) of
                                                                     { _suffixesOfuncName ->
                                                                     (case (suffixes_1 _suffixesOconfig _suffixesOfuncName _suffixesOglobalDefinitions _suffixesOisInModule _suffixesOisMeta _suffixesOloopLevel _suffixesOmtokenPos _suffixesOscopeLevel _suffixesOscopes _suffixesOvariableStyle) of
                                                                      { ( _suffixesIglobalDefinitions,_suffixesIidentifier,_suffixesIisInModule,_suffixesIisSimpleExpression,_suffixesImtokenPos,_suffixesIscopes,_suffixesIvariableStyle,_suffixesIwarnings) ->
                                                                          (case (({-# LINE 138 "src/GLuaFixer/AG/ASTLint.ag" #-}
                                                                                  {-# LINE 9173 "src/GLuaFixer/AG/ASTLint.hs" #-}
                                                                                  )) of
                                                                           { _lhsOglobalDefinitions ->
                                                                           (case (({-# LINE 154 "src/GLuaFixer/AG/ASTLint.ag" #-}
                                                                                   (const _exprIidentifier _suffixesIidentifier)
                                                                                   {-# LINE 9178 "src/GLuaFixer/AG/ASTLint.hs" #-}
                                                                                   )) of
                                                                            { _lhsOidentifier ->
                                                                            (case (({-# LINE 143 "src/GLuaFixer/AG/ASTLint.ag" #-}
                                                                                    {-# LINE 9183 "src/GLuaFixer/AG/ASTLint.hs" #-}
                                                                                    )) of
                                                                             { _lhsOisInModule ->
                                                                             (case (({-# LINE 186 "src/GLuaFixer/AG/ASTLint.ag" #-}
                                                                                     _exprIisSimpleExpression && _suffixesIisSimpleExpression
                                                                                     {-# LINE 9188 "src/GLuaFixer/AG/ASTLint.hs" #-}
                                                                                     )) of
                                                                              { _lhsOisSimpleExpression ->
                                                                              (case (({-# LINE 534 "src/GLuaFixer/AG/ASTLint.ag" #-}
                                                                                      {-# LINE 9193 "src/GLuaFixer/AG/ASTLint.hs" #-}
                                                                                      )) of
                                                                               { _lhsOisSingleVar ->
                                                                               (case (({-# LINE 144 "src/GLuaFixer/AG/ASTLint.ag" #-}
                                                                                       {-# LINE 9198 "src/GLuaFixer/AG/ASTLint.hs" #-}
                                                                                       )) of
                                                                                { _lhsOscopes ->
                                                                                (case (({-# LINE 131 "src/GLuaFixer/AG/ASTLint.ag" #-}
                                                                                        {-# LINE 9203 "src/GLuaFixer/AG/ASTLint.hs" #-}
                                                                                        )) of
                                                                                 { _lhsOvariableStyle ->
                                                                                 (case (({-# LINE 539 "src/GLuaFixer/AG/ASTLint.ag" #-}
                                                                                         _exprIwarnings ++ _suffixesIwarnings
                                                                                         {-# LINE 9208 "src/GLuaFixer/AG/ASTLint.hs" #-}
                                                                                         )) of
                                                                                  { _warnings_augmented_syn ->
                                                                                  (case (({-# LINE 539 "src/GLuaFixer/AG/ASTLint.ag" #-}
                                                                                          if lint_redundantParentheses _lhsIconfig && null _suffixesIcopy && (_lhsIinParentheses || (not _lhsItopLevel && _exprIisSimpleExpression))
                                                                                          then (:) $ warn _lhsImtokenPos UnnecessaryParentheses
                                                                                          else id
                                                                                          {-# LINE 9215 "src/GLuaFixer/AG/ASTLint.hs" #-}
                                                                                          )) of
                                                                                   { _warnings_augmented_f1 ->
                                                                                   (case (({-# LINE 539 "src/GLuaFixer/AG/ASTLint.ag" #-}
                                                                                           foldr ($) _warnings_augmented_syn [_warnings_augmented_f1]
                                                                                           {-# LINE 9220 "src/GLuaFixer/AG/ASTLint.hs" #-}
                                                                                           )) of
                                                                                    { _lhsOwarnings ->
                                                                                    ( _lhsOglobalDefinitions,_lhsOidentifier,_lhsOisInModule,_lhsOisSimpleExpression,_lhsOisSingleVar,_lhsOscopes,_lhsOvariableStyle,_lhsOwarnings) }) }) }) }) }) }) }) }) }) }) }) }) }) }) }) }) }) }) }) }) }) }) }) }) }) }) }) }) }) }) }) }) }) }) }) }))
                           in  sem_PrefixExp_ExprVar_1)) of
                    { ( sem_PrefixExp_1) ->
                    ( _lhsOcopy,_lhsOhasSuffixes,_lhsOmtokenPos,_lhsOvarName,sem_PrefixExp_1) }) }) }) }) }) }) }) })
-- Region ------------------------------------------------------
-- cata
sem_Region :: Region ->
sem_Region :: Region -> T_Region
sem_Region (Region LineColPos
_start LineColPos
_end) =
    (LineColPos -> LineColPos -> T_Region
sem_Region_Region LineColPos
_start LineColPos
-- semantic domain
type T_Region = ( Region,String,([String -> LintMessage]))
data Inh_Region = Inh_Region {}
data Syn_Region = Syn_Region {Syn_Region -> Region
copy_Syn_Region :: Region,Syn_Region -> String
identifier_Syn_Region :: String,Syn_Region -> [String -> LintMessage]
warnings_Syn_Region :: ([String -> LintMessage])}
wrap_Region :: T_Region ->
               Inh_Region ->
wrap_Region :: T_Region -> Inh_Region -> Syn_Region
wrap_Region T_Region
sem (Inh_Region
Inh_Region) =
    (let ( Region
_lhsOidentifier,[String -> LintMessage]
_lhsOwarnings) = T_Region
     in  (Region -> String -> [String -> LintMessage] -> Syn_Region
Syn_Region Region
_lhsOcopy String
_lhsOidentifier [String -> LintMessage]
sem_Region_Region :: LineColPos ->
                     LineColPos ->
sem_Region_Region :: LineColPos -> LineColPos -> T_Region
sem_Region_Region LineColPos
start_ LineColPos
end_ =
    (case (({-# LINE 153 "src/GLuaFixer/AG/ASTLint.ag" #-}
            Region start_ end_
            {-# LINE 9249 "src/GLuaFixer/AG/ASTLint.hs" #-}
            )) of
     { _copy ->
     (case (({-# LINE 153 "src/GLuaFixer/AG/ASTLint.ag" #-}
             {-# LINE 9254 "src/GLuaFixer/AG/ASTLint.hs" #-}
             )) of
      { _lhsOcopy ->
      (case (({-# LINE 154 "src/GLuaFixer/AG/ASTLint.ag" #-}
              {-# LINE 9259 "src/GLuaFixer/AG/ASTLint.hs" #-}
              )) of
       { _lhsOidentifier ->
       (case (({-# LINE 152 "src/GLuaFixer/AG/ASTLint.ag" #-}
               {-# LINE 9264 "src/GLuaFixer/AG/ASTLint.hs" #-}
               )) of
        { _lhsOwarnings ->
        ( _lhsOcopy,_lhsOidentifier,_lhsOwarnings) }) }) }) })
-- Stat --------------------------------------------------------
-- cata
sem_Stat :: Stat ->
sem_Stat :: Stat -> T_Stat
sem_Stat (Def VarsList
_vars) =
    (T_VarsList -> T_Stat
sem_Stat_Def (VarsList -> T_VarsList
sem_VarsList VarsList
sem_Stat (LocDef VarsList
_vars) =
    (T_VarsList -> T_Stat
sem_Stat_LocDef (VarsList -> T_VarsList
sem_VarsList VarsList
sem_Stat (AFuncCall PrefixExp
_fn) =
    (T_PrefixExp -> T_Stat
sem_Stat_AFuncCall (PrefixExp -> T_PrefixExp
sem_PrefixExp PrefixExp
sem_Stat (ALabel MToken
_lbl) =
    (T_MToken -> T_Stat
sem_Stat_ALabel (MToken -> T_MToken
sem_MToken MToken
sem_Stat (Stat
ABreak) =
sem_Stat (Stat
AContinue) =
sem_Stat (AGoto MToken
_lbl) =
    (T_MToken -> T_Stat
sem_Stat_AGoto (MToken -> T_MToken
sem_MToken MToken
sem_Stat (ADo Block
_body) =
    (T_Block -> T_Stat
sem_Stat_ADo (Block -> T_Block
sem_Block Block
sem_Stat (AWhile MExpr
_cond Block
_body) =
    (T_MExpr -> T_Block -> T_Stat
sem_Stat_AWhile (MExpr -> T_MExpr
sem_MExpr MExpr
_cond) (Block -> T_Block
sem_Block Block
sem_Stat (ARepeat Block
_body MExpr
_cond) =
    (T_Block -> T_MExpr -> T_Stat
sem_Stat_ARepeat (Block -> T_Block
sem_Block Block
_body) (MExpr -> T_MExpr
sem_MExpr MExpr
sem_Stat (AIf MExpr
_cond Block
_body ElseIfList
_elifs Else
_els) =
    (T_MExpr -> T_Block -> T_ElseIfList -> T_Else -> T_Stat
sem_Stat_AIf (MExpr -> T_MExpr
sem_MExpr MExpr
_cond) (Block -> T_Block
sem_Block Block
_body) (ElseIfList -> T_ElseIfList
sem_ElseIfList ElseIfList
_elifs) (Else -> T_Else
sem_Else Else
sem_Stat (ANFor MToken
_var MExpr
_val MExpr
_to MExpr
_step Block
_body) =
    (T_MToken -> T_MExpr -> T_MExpr -> T_MExpr -> T_Block -> T_Stat
sem_Stat_ANFor (MToken -> T_MToken
sem_MToken MToken
_var) (MExpr -> T_MExpr
sem_MExpr MExpr
_val) (MExpr -> T_MExpr
sem_MExpr MExpr
_to) (MExpr -> T_MExpr
sem_MExpr MExpr
_step) (Block -> T_Block
sem_Block Block
sem_Stat (AGFor [MToken]
_vars MExprList
_vals Block
_body) =
    ([MToken] -> T_MExprList -> T_Block -> T_Stat
sem_Stat_AGFor [MToken]
_vars (MExprList -> T_MExprList
sem_MExprList MExprList
_vals) (Block -> T_Block
sem_Block Block
sem_Stat (AFunc FuncName
_name [MToken]
_args Block
_body) =
    (T_FuncName -> [MToken] -> T_Block -> T_Stat
sem_Stat_AFunc (FuncName -> T_FuncName
sem_FuncName FuncName
_name) [MToken]
_args (Block -> T_Block
sem_Block Block
sem_Stat (ALocFunc FuncName
_name [MToken]
_args Block
_body) =
    (T_FuncName -> [MToken] -> T_Block -> T_Stat
sem_Stat_ALocFunc (FuncName -> T_FuncName
sem_FuncName FuncName
_name) [MToken]
_args (Block -> T_Block
sem_Block Block
-- semantic domain
type T_Stat = ( Stat,T_Stat_1)
type T_Stat_1 = LintSettings ->
                String ->
                (M.Map String [Region]) ->
                Bool ->
                Bool ->
                Int ->
                Region ->
                Int ->
                ([M.Map String (Bool, Region)]) ->
                DeterminedVariableStyle ->
                ( (M.Map String [Region]),String,Bool,Bool,Region,([M.Map String (Bool, Region)]),DeterminedVariableStyle,([String -> LintMessage]))
data Inh_Stat = Inh_Stat {Inh_Stat -> LintSettings
config_Inh_Stat :: LintSettings,Inh_Stat -> String
funcName_Inh_Stat :: String,Inh_Stat -> Map String [Region]
globalDefinitions_Inh_Stat :: (M.Map String [Region]),Inh_Stat -> Bool
isInModule_Inh_Stat :: Bool,Inh_Stat -> Bool
isMeta_Inh_Stat :: Bool,Inh_Stat -> Int
loopLevel_Inh_Stat :: Int,Inh_Stat -> Region
mtokenPos_Inh_Stat :: Region,Inh_Stat -> Int
scopeLevel_Inh_Stat :: Int,Inh_Stat -> [Map String (Bool, Region)]
scopes_Inh_Stat :: ([M.Map String (Bool, Region)]),Inh_Stat -> DeterminedVariableStyle
variableStyle_Inh_Stat :: DeterminedVariableStyle}
data Syn_Stat = Syn_Stat {Syn_Stat -> Stat
copy_Syn_Stat :: Stat,Syn_Stat -> Map String [Region]
globalDefinitions_Syn_Stat :: (M.Map String [Region]),Syn_Stat -> String
identifier_Syn_Stat :: String,Syn_Stat -> Bool
isIfStatement_Syn_Stat :: Bool,Syn_Stat -> Bool
isInModule_Syn_Stat :: Bool,Syn_Stat -> Region
mtokenPos_Syn_Stat :: Region,Syn_Stat -> [Map String (Bool, Region)]
scopes_Syn_Stat :: ([M.Map String (Bool, Region)]),Syn_Stat -> DeterminedVariableStyle
variableStyle_Syn_Stat :: DeterminedVariableStyle,Syn_Stat -> [String -> LintMessage]
warnings_Syn_Stat :: ([String -> LintMessage])}
wrap_Stat :: T_Stat ->
             Inh_Stat ->
wrap_Stat :: T_Stat -> Inh_Stat -> Syn_Stat
wrap_Stat T_Stat
sem (Inh_Stat LintSettings
_lhsIconfig String
_lhsIfuncName Map String [Region]
_lhsIglobalDefinitions Bool
_lhsIisInModule Bool
_lhsIisMeta Int
_lhsIloopLevel Region
_lhsImtokenPos Int
_lhsIscopeLevel [Map String (Bool, Region)]
_lhsIscopes DeterminedVariableStyle
_lhsIvariableStyle) =
    (let ( Stat
sem_1) = T_Stat
         ( Map String [Region]
_lhsOmtokenPos,[Map String (Bool, Region)]
_lhsOvariableStyle,[String -> LintMessage]
_lhsOwarnings) = T_UnOp_1
sem_1 LintSettings
_lhsIconfig String
_lhsIfuncName Map String [Region]
_lhsIglobalDefinitions Bool
_lhsIisInModule Bool
_lhsIisMeta Int
_lhsIloopLevel Region
_lhsImtokenPos Int
_lhsIscopeLevel [Map String (Bool, Region)]
_lhsIscopes DeterminedVariableStyle
     in  (Stat
-> Map String [Region]
-> String
-> Bool
-> Bool
-> Region
-> [Map String (Bool, Region)]
-> DeterminedVariableStyle
-> [String -> LintMessage]
-> Syn_Stat
Syn_Stat Stat
_lhsOcopy Map String [Region]
_lhsOglobalDefinitions String
_lhsOidentifier Bool
_lhsOisIfStatement Bool
_lhsOisInModule Region
_lhsOmtokenPos [Map String (Bool, Region)]
_lhsOscopes DeterminedVariableStyle
_lhsOvariableStyle [String -> LintMessage]
sem_Stat_Def :: T_VarsList ->
sem_Stat_Def :: T_VarsList -> T_Stat
sem_Stat_Def T_VarsList
vars_ =
    (case (T_VarsList
vars_) of
     { ( VarsList
vars_1) ->
         (case (({-# LINE 153 "src/GLuaFixer/AG/ASTLint.ag" #-}
                 Def _varsIcopy
                 {-# LINE 9331 "src/GLuaFixer/AG/ASTLint.hs" #-}
                 )) of
          { _copy ->
          (case (({-# LINE 153 "src/GLuaFixer/AG/ASTLint.ag" #-}
                  {-# LINE 9336 "src/GLuaFixer/AG/ASTLint.hs" #-}
                  )) of
           { _lhsOcopy ->
           (case ((let sem_Stat_Def_1 :: T_Stat_1
                       sem_Stat_Def_1 =
                           (\ _lhsIconfig
                              _lhsIvariableStyle ->
                                (case (({-# LINE 144 "src/GLuaFixer/AG/ASTLint.ag" #-}
                                        {-# LINE 9353 "src/GLuaFixer/AG/ASTLint.hs" #-}
                                        )) of
                                 { _varsOscopes ->
                                 (case (({-# LINE 145 "src/GLuaFixer/AG/ASTLint.ag" #-}
                                         {-# LINE 9358 "src/GLuaFixer/AG/ASTLint.hs" #-}
                                         )) of
                                  { _varsOisMeta ->
                                  (case (({-# LINE 143 "src/GLuaFixer/AG/ASTLint.ag" #-}
                                          {-# LINE 9363 "src/GLuaFixer/AG/ASTLint.hs" #-}
                                          )) of
                                   { _varsOisInModule ->
                                   (case (({-# LINE 138 "src/GLuaFixer/AG/ASTLint.ag" #-}
                                           {-# LINE 9368 "src/GLuaFixer/AG/ASTLint.hs" #-}
                                           )) of
                                    { _varsOglobalDefinitions ->
                                    (case (({-# LINE 134 "src/GLuaFixer/AG/ASTLint.ag" #-}
                                            {-# LINE 9373 "src/GLuaFixer/AG/ASTLint.hs" #-}
                                            )) of
                                     { _varsOconfig ->
                                     (case (({-# LINE 314 "src/GLuaFixer/AG/ASTLint.ag" #-}
                                             {-# LINE 9378 "src/GLuaFixer/AG/ASTLint.hs" #-}
                                             )) of
                                      { _varsOlocalDefinition ->
                                      (case (({-# LINE 131 "src/GLuaFixer/AG/ASTLint.ag" #-}
                                              {-# LINE 9383 "src/GLuaFixer/AG/ASTLint.hs" #-}
                                              )) of
                                       { _varsOvariableStyle ->
                                       (case (({-# LINE 127 "src/GLuaFixer/AG/ASTLint.ag" #-}
                                               {-# LINE 9388 "src/GLuaFixer/AG/ASTLint.hs" #-}
                                               )) of
                                        { _varsOscopeLevel ->
                                        (case (({-# LINE 135 "src/GLuaFixer/AG/ASTLint.ag" #-}
                                                {-# LINE 9393 "src/GLuaFixer/AG/ASTLint.hs" #-}
                                                )) of
                                         { _varsOmtokenPos ->
                                         (case (({-# LINE 128 "src/GLuaFixer/AG/ASTLint.ag" #-}
                                                 {-# LINE 9398 "src/GLuaFixer/AG/ASTLint.hs" #-}
                                                 )) of
                                          { _varsOloopLevel ->
                                          (case (({-# LINE 146 "src/GLuaFixer/AG/ASTLint.ag" #-}
                                                  {-# LINE 9403 "src/GLuaFixer/AG/ASTLint.hs" #-}
                                                  )) of
                                           { _varsOfuncName ->
                                           (case (vars_1 _varsOconfig _varsOfuncName _varsOglobalDefinitions _varsOisInModule _varsOisMeta _varsOlocalDefinition _varsOloopLevel _varsOmtokenPos _varsOscopeLevel _varsOscopes _varsOvariableStyle) of
                                            { ( _varsIglobalDefinitions,_varsIidentifier,_varsIisInModule,_varsImtokenPos,_varsIscopes,_varsIvariableStyle,_varsIwarnings) ->
                                                (case (({-# LINE 138 "src/GLuaFixer/AG/ASTLint.ag" #-}
                                                        {-# LINE 9410 "src/GLuaFixer/AG/ASTLint.hs" #-}
                                                        )) of
                                                 { _lhsOglobalDefinitions ->
                                                 (case (({-# LINE 154 "src/GLuaFixer/AG/ASTLint.ag" #-}
                                                         {-# LINE 9415 "src/GLuaFixer/AG/ASTLint.hs" #-}
                                                         )) of
                                                  { _lhsOidentifier ->
                                                  (case (({-# LINE 208 "src/GLuaFixer/AG/ASTLint.ag" #-}
                                                          {-# LINE 9420 "src/GLuaFixer/AG/ASTLint.hs" #-}
                                                          )) of
                                                   { _lhsOisIfStatement ->
                                                   (case (({-# LINE 143 "src/GLuaFixer/AG/ASTLint.ag" #-}
                                                           {-# LINE 9425 "src/GLuaFixer/AG/ASTLint.hs" #-}
                                                           )) of
                                                    { _lhsOisInModule ->
                                                    (case (({-# LINE 135 "src/GLuaFixer/AG/ASTLint.ag" #-}
                                                            {-# LINE 9430 "src/GLuaFixer/AG/ASTLint.hs" #-}
                                                            )) of
                                                     { _lhsOmtokenPos ->
                                                     (case (({-# LINE 144 "src/GLuaFixer/AG/ASTLint.ag" #-}
                                                             {-# LINE 9435 "src/GLuaFixer/AG/ASTLint.hs" #-}
                                                             )) of
                                                      { _lhsOscopes ->
                                                      (case (({-# LINE 131 "src/GLuaFixer/AG/ASTLint.ag" #-}
                                                              {-# LINE 9440 "src/GLuaFixer/AG/ASTLint.hs" #-}
                                                              )) of
                                                       { _lhsOvariableStyle ->
                                                       (case (({-# LINE 152 "src/GLuaFixer/AG/ASTLint.ag" #-}
                                                               {-# LINE 9445 "src/GLuaFixer/AG/ASTLint.hs" #-}
                                                               )) of
                                                        { _lhsOwarnings ->
                                                        ( _lhsOglobalDefinitions,_lhsOidentifier,_lhsOisIfStatement,_lhsOisInModule,_lhsOmtokenPos,_lhsOscopes,_lhsOvariableStyle,_lhsOwarnings) }) }) }) }) }) }) }) }) }) }) }) }) }) }) }) }) }) }) }) }))
                   in  sem_Stat_Def_1)) of
            { ( sem_Stat_1) ->
            ( _lhsOcopy,sem_Stat_1) }) }) }) })
sem_Stat_LocDef :: T_VarsList ->
sem_Stat_LocDef :: T_VarsList -> T_Stat
sem_Stat_LocDef T_VarsList
vars_ =
    (case (T_VarsList
vars_) of
     { ( VarsList
vars_1) ->
         (case (({-# LINE 153 "src/GLuaFixer/AG/ASTLint.ag" #-}
                 LocDef _varsIcopy
                 {-# LINE 9459 "src/GLuaFixer/AG/ASTLint.hs" #-}
                 )) of
          { _copy ->
          (case (({-# LINE 153 "src/GLuaFixer/AG/ASTLint.ag" #-}
                  {-# LINE 9464 "src/GLuaFixer/AG/ASTLint.hs" #-}
                  )) of
           { _lhsOcopy ->
           (case ((let sem_Stat_LocDef_1 :: T_Stat_1
                       sem_Stat_LocDef_1 =
                           (\ _lhsIconfig
                              _lhsIvariableStyle ->
                                (case (({-# LINE 144 "src/GLuaFixer/AG/ASTLint.ag" #-}
                                        {-# LINE 9481 "src/GLuaFixer/AG/ASTLint.hs" #-}
                                        )) of
                                 { _varsOscopes ->
                                 (case (({-# LINE 145 "src/GLuaFixer/AG/ASTLint.ag" #-}
                                         {-# LINE 9486 "src/GLuaFixer/AG/ASTLint.hs" #-}
                                         )) of
                                  { _varsOisMeta ->
                                  (case (({-# LINE 143 "src/GLuaFixer/AG/ASTLint.ag" #-}
                                          {-# LINE 9491 "src/GLuaFixer/AG/ASTLint.hs" #-}
                                          )) of
                                   { _varsOisInModule ->
                                   (case (({-# LINE 138 "src/GLuaFixer/AG/ASTLint.ag" #-}
                                           {-# LINE 9496 "src/GLuaFixer/AG/ASTLint.hs" #-}
                                           )) of
                                    { _varsOglobalDefinitions ->
                                    (case (({-# LINE 134 "src/GLuaFixer/AG/ASTLint.ag" #-}
                                            {-# LINE 9501 "src/GLuaFixer/AG/ASTLint.hs" #-}
                                            )) of
                                     { _varsOconfig ->
                                     (case (({-# LINE 317 "src/GLuaFixer/AG/ASTLint.ag" #-}
                                             {-# LINE 9506 "src/GLuaFixer/AG/ASTLint.hs" #-}
                                             )) of
                                      { _varsOlocalDefinition ->
                                      (case (({-# LINE 131 "src/GLuaFixer/AG/ASTLint.ag" #-}
                                              {-# LINE 9511 "src/GLuaFixer/AG/ASTLint.hs" #-}
                                              )) of
                                       { _varsOvariableStyle ->
                                       (case (({-# LINE 127 "src/GLuaFixer/AG/ASTLint.ag" #-}
                                               {-# LINE 9516 "src/GLuaFixer/AG/ASTLint.hs" #-}
                                               )) of
                                        { _varsOscopeLevel ->
                                        (case (({-# LINE 135 "src/GLuaFixer/AG/ASTLint.ag" #-}
                                                {-# LINE 9521 "src/GLuaFixer/AG/ASTLint.hs" #-}
                                                )) of
                                         { _varsOmtokenPos ->
                                         (case (({-# LINE 128 "src/GLuaFixer/AG/ASTLint.ag" #-}
                                                 {-# LINE 9526 "src/GLuaFixer/AG/ASTLint.hs" #-}
                                                 )) of
                                          { _varsOloopLevel ->
                                          (case (({-# LINE 146 "src/GLuaFixer/AG/ASTLint.ag" #-}
                                                  {-# LINE 9531 "src/GLuaFixer/AG/ASTLint.hs" #-}
                                                  )) of
                                           { _varsOfuncName ->
                                           (case (vars_1 _varsOconfig _varsOfuncName _varsOglobalDefinitions _varsOisInModule _varsOisMeta _varsOlocalDefinition _varsOloopLevel _varsOmtokenPos _varsOscopeLevel _varsOscopes _varsOvariableStyle) of
                                            { ( _varsIglobalDefinitions,_varsIidentifier,_varsIisInModule,_varsImtokenPos,_varsIscopes,_varsIvariableStyle,_varsIwarnings) ->
                                                (case (({-# LINE 138 "src/GLuaFixer/AG/ASTLint.ag" #-}
                                                        {-# LINE 9538 "src/GLuaFixer/AG/ASTLint.hs" #-}
                                                        )) of
                                                 { _lhsOglobalDefinitions ->
                                                 (case (({-# LINE 154 "src/GLuaFixer/AG/ASTLint.ag" #-}
                                                         {-# LINE 9543 "src/GLuaFixer/AG/ASTLint.hs" #-}
                                                         )) of
                                                  { _lhsOidentifier ->
                                                  (case (({-# LINE 208 "src/GLuaFixer/AG/ASTLint.ag" #-}
                                                          {-# LINE 9548 "src/GLuaFixer/AG/ASTLint.hs" #-}
                                                          )) of
                                                   { _lhsOisIfStatement ->
                                                   (case (({-# LINE 143 "src/GLuaFixer/AG/ASTLint.ag" #-}
                                                           {-# LINE 9553 "src/GLuaFixer/AG/ASTLint.hs" #-}
                                                           )) of
                                                    { _lhsOisInModule ->
                                                    (case (({-# LINE 135 "src/GLuaFixer/AG/ASTLint.ag" #-}
                                                            {-# LINE 9558 "src/GLuaFixer/AG/ASTLint.hs" #-}
                                                            )) of
                                                     { _lhsOmtokenPos ->
                                                     (case (({-# LINE 144 "src/GLuaFixer/AG/ASTLint.ag" #-}
                                                             {-# LINE 9563 "src/GLuaFixer/AG/ASTLint.hs" #-}
                                                             )) of
                                                      { _lhsOscopes ->
                                                      (case (({-# LINE 131 "src/GLuaFixer/AG/ASTLint.ag" #-}
                                                              {-# LINE 9568 "src/GLuaFixer/AG/ASTLint.hs" #-}
                                                              )) of
                                                       { _lhsOvariableStyle ->
                                                       (case (({-# LINE 152 "src/GLuaFixer/AG/ASTLint.ag" #-}
                                                               {-# LINE 9573 "src/GLuaFixer/AG/ASTLint.hs" #-}
                                                               )) of
                                                        { _lhsOwarnings ->
                                                        ( _lhsOglobalDefinitions,_lhsOidentifier,_lhsOisIfStatement,_lhsOisInModule,_lhsOmtokenPos,_lhsOscopes,_lhsOvariableStyle,_lhsOwarnings) }) }) }) }) }) }) }) }) }) }) }) }) }) }) }) }) }) }) }) }))
                   in  sem_Stat_LocDef_1)) of
            { ( sem_Stat_1) ->
            ( _lhsOcopy,sem_Stat_1) }) }) }) })
sem_Stat_AFuncCall :: T_PrefixExp ->
sem_Stat_AFuncCall :: T_PrefixExp -> T_Stat
sem_Stat_AFuncCall T_PrefixExp
fn_ =
    (case (T_PrefixExp
fn_) of
     { ( PrefixExp
_fnImtokenPos,Maybe MToken
fn_1) ->
         (case (({-# LINE 153 "src/GLuaFixer/AG/ASTLint.ag" #-}
                 AFuncCall _fnIcopy
                 {-# LINE 9587 "src/GLuaFixer/AG/ASTLint.hs" #-}
                 )) of
          { _copy ->
          (case (({-# LINE 153 "src/GLuaFixer/AG/ASTLint.ag" #-}
                  {-# LINE 9592 "src/GLuaFixer/AG/ASTLint.hs" #-}
                  )) of
           { _lhsOcopy ->
           (case ((let sem_Stat_AFuncCall_1 :: T_Stat_1
                       sem_Stat_AFuncCall_1 =
                           (\ _lhsIconfig
                              _lhsIvariableStyle ->
                                (case (({-# LINE 144 "src/GLuaFixer/AG/ASTLint.ag" #-}
                                        {-# LINE 9609 "src/GLuaFixer/AG/ASTLint.hs" #-}
                                        )) of
                                 { _fnOscopes ->
                                 (case (({-# LINE 145 "src/GLuaFixer/AG/ASTLint.ag" #-}
                                         {-# LINE 9614 "src/GLuaFixer/AG/ASTLint.hs" #-}
                                         )) of
                                  { _fnOisMeta ->
                                  (case (({-# LINE 143 "src/GLuaFixer/AG/ASTLint.ag" #-}
                                          {-# LINE 9619 "src/GLuaFixer/AG/ASTLint.hs" #-}
                                          )) of
                                   { _fnOisInModule ->
                                   (case (({-# LINE 138 "src/GLuaFixer/AG/ASTLint.ag" #-}
                                           {-# LINE 9624 "src/GLuaFixer/AG/ASTLint.hs" #-}
                                           )) of
                                    { _fnOglobalDefinitions ->
                                    (case (({-# LINE 134 "src/GLuaFixer/AG/ASTLint.ag" #-}
                                            {-# LINE 9629 "src/GLuaFixer/AG/ASTLint.hs" #-}
                                            )) of
                                     { _fnOconfig ->
                                     (case (({-# LINE 323 "src/GLuaFixer/AG/ASTLint.ag" #-}
                                             {-# LINE 9634 "src/GLuaFixer/AG/ASTLint.hs" #-}
                                             )) of
                                      { _fnOvarBeingDefined ->
                                      (case (({-# LINE 320 "src/GLuaFixer/AG/ASTLint.ag" #-}
                                              {-# LINE 9639 "src/GLuaFixer/AG/ASTLint.hs" #-}
                                              )) of
                                       { _fnOregisterVarUse ->
                                       (case (({-# LINE 131 "src/GLuaFixer/AG/ASTLint.ag" #-}
                                               {-# LINE 9644 "src/GLuaFixer/AG/ASTLint.hs" #-}
                                               )) of
                                        { _fnOvariableStyle ->
                                        (case (({-# LINE 127 "src/GLuaFixer/AG/ASTLint.ag" #-}
                                                {-# LINE 9649 "src/GLuaFixer/AG/ASTLint.hs" #-}
                                                )) of
                                         { _fnOscopeLevel ->
                                         (case (({-# LINE 135 "src/GLuaFixer/AG/ASTLint.ag" #-}
                                                 {-# LINE 9654 "src/GLuaFixer/AG/ASTLint.hs" #-}
                                                 )) of
                                          { _fnOmtokenPos ->
                                          (case (({-# LINE 128 "src/GLuaFixer/AG/ASTLint.ag" #-}
                                                  {-# LINE 9659 "src/GLuaFixer/AG/ASTLint.hs" #-}
                                                  )) of
                                           { _fnOloopLevel ->
                                           (case (({-# LINE 146 "src/GLuaFixer/AG/ASTLint.ag" #-}
                                                   {-# LINE 9664 "src/GLuaFixer/AG/ASTLint.hs" #-}
                                                   )) of
                                            { _fnOfuncName ->
                                            (case (({-# LINE 322 "src/GLuaFixer/AG/ASTLint.ag" #-}
                                                    {-# LINE 9669 "src/GLuaFixer/AG/ASTLint.hs" #-}
                                                    )) of
                                             { _fnOtopLevel ->
                                             (case (({-# LINE 321 "src/GLuaFixer/AG/ASTLint.ag" #-}
                                                     {-# LINE 9674 "src/GLuaFixer/AG/ASTLint.hs" #-}
                                                     )) of
                                              { _fnOinParentheses ->
                                              (case (({-# LINE 319 "src/GLuaFixer/AG/ASTLint.ag" #-}
                                                      {-# LINE 9679 "src/GLuaFixer/AG/ASTLint.hs" #-}
                                                      )) of
                                               { _fnOisNegation ->
                                               (case (fn_1 _fnOconfig _fnOfuncName _fnOglobalDefinitions _fnOinParentheses _fnOisInModule _fnOisMeta _fnOisNegation _fnOloopLevel _fnOmtokenPos _fnOregisterVarUse _fnOscopeLevel _fnOscopes _fnOtopLevel _fnOvarBeingDefined _fnOvariableStyle) of
                                                { ( _fnIglobalDefinitions,_fnIidentifier,_fnIisInModule,_fnIisSimpleExpression,_fnIisSingleVar,_fnIscopes,_fnIvariableStyle,_fnIwarnings) ->
                                                    (case (({-# LINE 138 "src/GLuaFixer/AG/ASTLint.ag" #-}
                                                            {-# LINE 9686 "src/GLuaFixer/AG/ASTLint.hs" #-}
                                                            )) of
                                                     { _lhsOglobalDefinitions ->
                                                     (case (({-# LINE 154 "src/GLuaFixer/AG/ASTLint.ag" #-}
                                                             {-# LINE 9691 "src/GLuaFixer/AG/ASTLint.hs" #-}
                                                             )) of
                                                      { _lhsOidentifier ->
                                                      (case (({-# LINE 208 "src/GLuaFixer/AG/ASTLint.ag" #-}
                                                              {-# LINE 9696 "src/GLuaFixer/AG/ASTLint.hs" #-}
                                                              )) of
                                                       { _lhsOisIfStatement ->
                                                       (case (({-# LINE 324 "src/GLuaFixer/AG/ASTLint.ag" #-}
                                                               (tokenLabel <$> _fnIvarName) == Just "module"
                                                               {-# LINE 9701 "src/GLuaFixer/AG/ASTLint.hs" #-}
                                                               )) of
                                                        { _isModuleCall ->
                                                        (case (({-# LINE 325 "src/GLuaFixer/AG/ASTLint.ag" #-}
                                                                _lhsIisInModule || _isModuleCall
                                                                {-# LINE 9706 "src/GLuaFixer/AG/ASTLint.hs" #-}
                                                                )) of
                                                         { _lhsOisInModule ->
                                                         (case (({-# LINE 135 "src/GLuaFixer/AG/ASTLint.ag" #-}
                                                                 {-# LINE 9711 "src/GLuaFixer/AG/ASTLint.hs" #-}
                                                                 )) of
                                                          { _lhsOmtokenPos ->
                                                          (case (({-# LINE 144 "src/GLuaFixer/AG/ASTLint.ag" #-}
                                                                  {-# LINE 9716 "src/GLuaFixer/AG/ASTLint.hs" #-}
                                                                  )) of
                                                           { _lhsOscopes ->
                                                           (case (({-# LINE 131 "src/GLuaFixer/AG/ASTLint.ag" #-}
                                                                   {-# LINE 9721 "src/GLuaFixer/AG/ASTLint.hs" #-}
                                                                   )) of
                                                            { _lhsOvariableStyle ->
                                                            (case (({-# LINE 152 "src/GLuaFixer/AG/ASTLint.ag" #-}
                                                                    {-# LINE 9726 "src/GLuaFixer/AG/ASTLint.hs" #-}
                                                                    )) of
                                                             { _lhsOwarnings ->
                                                             ( _lhsOglobalDefinitions,_lhsOidentifier,_lhsOisIfStatement,_lhsOisInModule,_lhsOmtokenPos,_lhsOscopes,_lhsOvariableStyle,_lhsOwarnings) }) }) }) }) }) }) }) }) }) }) }) }) }) }) }) }) }) }) }) }) }) }) }) }) }))
                   in  sem_Stat_AFuncCall_1)) of
            { ( sem_Stat_1) ->
            ( _lhsOcopy,sem_Stat_1) }) }) }) })
sem_Stat_ALabel :: T_MToken ->
sem_Stat_ALabel :: T_MToken -> T_Stat
sem_Stat_ALabel T_MToken
lbl_ =
    (case (T_MToken
lbl_) of
     { ( MToken
lbl_1) ->
         (case (({-# LINE 153 "src/GLuaFixer/AG/ASTLint.ag" #-}
                 ALabel _lblIcopy
                 {-# LINE 9740 "src/GLuaFixer/AG/ASTLint.hs" #-}
                 )) of
          { _copy ->
          (case (({-# LINE 153 "src/GLuaFixer/AG/ASTLint.ag" #-}
                  {-# LINE 9745 "src/GLuaFixer/AG/ASTLint.hs" #-}
                  )) of
           { _lhsOcopy ->
           (case ((let sem_Stat_ALabel_1 :: T_Stat_1
                       sem_Stat_ALabel_1 =
                           (\ _lhsIconfig
                              _lhsIvariableStyle ->
                                (case (({-# LINE 138 "src/GLuaFixer/AG/ASTLint.ag" #-}
                                        {-# LINE 9762 "src/GLuaFixer/AG/ASTLint.hs" #-}
                                        )) of
                                 { _lblOglobalDefinitions ->
                                 (case (({-# LINE 144 "src/GLuaFixer/AG/ASTLint.ag" #-}
                                         {-# LINE 9767 "src/GLuaFixer/AG/ASTLint.hs" #-}
                                         )) of
                                  { _lblOscopes ->
                                  (case (({-# LINE 135 "src/GLuaFixer/AG/ASTLint.ag" #-}
                                          {-# LINE 9772 "src/GLuaFixer/AG/ASTLint.hs" #-}
                                          )) of
                                   { _lblOmtokenPos ->
                                   (case (({-# LINE 145 "src/GLuaFixer/AG/ASTLint.ag" #-}
                                           {-# LINE 9777 "src/GLuaFixer/AG/ASTLint.hs" #-}
                                           )) of
                                    { _lblOisMeta ->
                                    (case (({-# LINE 143 "src/GLuaFixer/AG/ASTLint.ag" #-}
                                            {-# LINE 9782 "src/GLuaFixer/AG/ASTLint.hs" #-}
                                            )) of
                                     { _lblOisInModule ->
                                     (case (({-# LINE 146 "src/GLuaFixer/AG/ASTLint.ag" #-}
                                             {-# LINE 9787 "src/GLuaFixer/AG/ASTLint.hs" #-}
                                             )) of
                                      { _lblOfuncName ->
                                      (case (({-# LINE 134 "src/GLuaFixer/AG/ASTLint.ag" #-}
                                              {-# LINE 9792 "src/GLuaFixer/AG/ASTLint.hs" #-}
                                              )) of
                                       { _lblOconfig ->
                                       (case (lbl_1 _lblOconfig _lblOfuncName _lblOglobalDefinitions _lblOisInModule _lblOisMeta _lblOmtokenPos _lblOscopes) of
                                        { ( _lblIglobalDefinitions,_lblIidentifier,_lblIisInModule,_lblIscopes,_lblIwarnings) ->
                                            (case (({-# LINE 138 "src/GLuaFixer/AG/ASTLint.ag" #-}
                                                    {-# LINE 9799 "src/GLuaFixer/AG/ASTLint.hs" #-}
                                                    )) of
                                             { _lhsOglobalDefinitions ->
                                             (case (({-# LINE 154 "src/GLuaFixer/AG/ASTLint.ag" #-}
                                                     {-# LINE 9804 "src/GLuaFixer/AG/ASTLint.hs" #-}
                                                     )) of
                                              { _lhsOidentifier ->
                                              (case (({-# LINE 208 "src/GLuaFixer/AG/ASTLint.ag" #-}
                                                      {-# LINE 9809 "src/GLuaFixer/AG/ASTLint.hs" #-}
                                                      )) of
                                               { _lhsOisIfStatement ->
                                               (case (({-# LINE 143 "src/GLuaFixer/AG/ASTLint.ag" #-}
                                                       {-# LINE 9814 "src/GLuaFixer/AG/ASTLint.hs" #-}
                                                       )) of
                                                { _lhsOisInModule ->
                                                (case (({-# LINE 135 "src/GLuaFixer/AG/ASTLint.ag" #-}
                                                        {-# LINE 9819 "src/GLuaFixer/AG/ASTLint.hs" #-}
                                                        )) of
                                                 { _lhsOmtokenPos ->
                                                 (case (({-# LINE 144 "src/GLuaFixer/AG/ASTLint.ag" #-}
                                                         {-# LINE 9824 "src/GLuaFixer/AG/ASTLint.hs" #-}
                                                         )) of
                                                  { _lhsOscopes ->
                                                  (case (({-# LINE 131 "src/GLuaFixer/AG/ASTLint.ag" #-}
                                                          {-# LINE 9829 "src/GLuaFixer/AG/ASTLint.hs" #-}
                                                          )) of
                                                   { _lhsOvariableStyle ->
                                                   (case (({-# LINE 152 "src/GLuaFixer/AG/ASTLint.ag" #-}
                                                           {-# LINE 9834 "src/GLuaFixer/AG/ASTLint.hs" #-}
                                                           )) of
                                                    { _lhsOwarnings ->
                                                    ( _lhsOglobalDefinitions,_lhsOidentifier,_lhsOisIfStatement,_lhsOisInModule,_lhsOmtokenPos,_lhsOscopes,_lhsOvariableStyle,_lhsOwarnings) }) }) }) }) }) }) }) }) }) }) }) }) }) }) }) }))
                   in  sem_Stat_ALabel_1)) of
            { ( sem_Stat_1) ->
            ( _lhsOcopy,sem_Stat_1) }) }) }) })
sem_Stat_ABreak :: T_Stat
sem_Stat_ABreak :: T_Stat
sem_Stat_ABreak =
    (case (({-# LINE 153 "src/GLuaFixer/AG/ASTLint.ag" #-}
            {-# LINE 9845 "src/GLuaFixer/AG/ASTLint.hs" #-}
            )) of
     { _copy ->
     (case (({-# LINE 153 "src/GLuaFixer/AG/ASTLint.ag" #-}
             {-# LINE 9850 "src/GLuaFixer/AG/ASTLint.hs" #-}
             )) of
      { _lhsOcopy ->
      (case ((let sem_Stat_ABreak_1 :: T_Stat_1
                  sem_Stat_ABreak_1 =
                      (\ _lhsIconfig
                         _lhsIvariableStyle ->
                           (case (({-# LINE 138 "src/GLuaFixer/AG/ASTLint.ag" #-}
                                   {-# LINE 9867 "src/GLuaFixer/AG/ASTLint.hs" #-}
                                   )) of
                            { _lhsOglobalDefinitions ->
                            (case (({-# LINE 154 "src/GLuaFixer/AG/ASTLint.ag" #-}
                                    {-# LINE 9872 "src/GLuaFixer/AG/ASTLint.hs" #-}
                                    )) of
                             { _lhsOidentifier ->
                             (case (({-# LINE 208 "src/GLuaFixer/AG/ASTLint.ag" #-}
                                     {-# LINE 9877 "src/GLuaFixer/AG/ASTLint.hs" #-}
                                     )) of
                              { _lhsOisIfStatement ->
                              (case (({-# LINE 143 "src/GLuaFixer/AG/ASTLint.ag" #-}
                                      {-# LINE 9882 "src/GLuaFixer/AG/ASTLint.hs" #-}
                                      )) of
                               { _lhsOisInModule ->
                               (case (({-# LINE 135 "src/GLuaFixer/AG/ASTLint.ag" #-}
                                       {-# LINE 9887 "src/GLuaFixer/AG/ASTLint.hs" #-}
                                       )) of
                                { _lhsOmtokenPos ->
                                (case (({-# LINE 144 "src/GLuaFixer/AG/ASTLint.ag" #-}
                                        {-# LINE 9892 "src/GLuaFixer/AG/ASTLint.hs" #-}
                                        )) of
                                 { _lhsOscopes ->
                                 (case (({-# LINE 131 "src/GLuaFixer/AG/ASTLint.ag" #-}
                                         {-# LINE 9897 "src/GLuaFixer/AG/ASTLint.hs" #-}
                                         )) of
                                  { _lhsOvariableStyle ->
                                  (case (({-# LINE 152 "src/GLuaFixer/AG/ASTLint.ag" #-}
                                          {-# LINE 9902 "src/GLuaFixer/AG/ASTLint.hs" #-}
                                          )) of
                                   { _lhsOwarnings ->
                                   ( _lhsOglobalDefinitions,_lhsOidentifier,_lhsOisIfStatement,_lhsOisInModule,_lhsOmtokenPos,_lhsOscopes,_lhsOvariableStyle,_lhsOwarnings) }) }) }) }) }) }) }) }))
              in  sem_Stat_ABreak_1)) of
       { ( sem_Stat_1) ->
       ( _lhsOcopy,sem_Stat_1) }) }) })
sem_Stat_AContinue :: T_Stat
sem_Stat_AContinue :: T_Stat
sem_Stat_AContinue =
    (case (({-# LINE 153 "src/GLuaFixer/AG/ASTLint.ag" #-}
            {-# LINE 9913 "src/GLuaFixer/AG/ASTLint.hs" #-}
            )) of
     { _copy ->
     (case (({-# LINE 153 "src/GLuaFixer/AG/ASTLint.ag" #-}
             {-# LINE 9918 "src/GLuaFixer/AG/ASTLint.hs" #-}
             )) of
      { _lhsOcopy ->
      (case ((let sem_Stat_AContinue_1 :: T_Stat_1
                  sem_Stat_AContinue_1 =
                      (\ _lhsIconfig
                         _lhsIvariableStyle ->
                           (case (({-# LINE 138 "src/GLuaFixer/AG/ASTLint.ag" #-}
                                   {-# LINE 9935 "src/GLuaFixer/AG/ASTLint.hs" #-}
                                   )) of
                            { _lhsOglobalDefinitions ->
                            (case (({-# LINE 154 "src/GLuaFixer/AG/ASTLint.ag" #-}
                                    {-# LINE 9940 "src/GLuaFixer/AG/ASTLint.hs" #-}
                                    )) of
                             { _lhsOidentifier ->
                             (case (({-# LINE 208 "src/GLuaFixer/AG/ASTLint.ag" #-}
                                     {-# LINE 9945 "src/GLuaFixer/AG/ASTLint.hs" #-}
                                     )) of
                              { _lhsOisIfStatement ->
                              (case (({-# LINE 143 "src/GLuaFixer/AG/ASTLint.ag" #-}
                                      {-# LINE 9950 "src/GLuaFixer/AG/ASTLint.hs" #-}
                                      )) of
                               { _lhsOisInModule ->
                               (case (({-# LINE 135 "src/GLuaFixer/AG/ASTLint.ag" #-}
                                       {-# LINE 9955 "src/GLuaFixer/AG/ASTLint.hs" #-}
                                       )) of
                                { _lhsOmtokenPos ->
                                (case (({-# LINE 144 "src/GLuaFixer/AG/ASTLint.ag" #-}
                                        {-# LINE 9960 "src/GLuaFixer/AG/ASTLint.hs" #-}
                                        )) of
                                 { _lhsOscopes ->
                                 (case (({-# LINE 131 "src/GLuaFixer/AG/ASTLint.ag" #-}
                                         {-# LINE 9965 "src/GLuaFixer/AG/ASTLint.hs" #-}
                                         )) of
                                  { _lhsOvariableStyle ->
                                  (case (({-# LINE 152 "src/GLuaFixer/AG/ASTLint.ag" #-}
                                          {-# LINE 9970 "src/GLuaFixer/AG/ASTLint.hs" #-}
                                          )) of
                                   { _lhsOwarnings ->
                                   ( _lhsOglobalDefinitions,_lhsOidentifier,_lhsOisIfStatement,_lhsOisInModule,_lhsOmtokenPos,_lhsOscopes,_lhsOvariableStyle,_lhsOwarnings) }) }) }) }) }) }) }) }))
              in  sem_Stat_AContinue_1)) of
       { ( sem_Stat_1) ->
       ( _lhsOcopy,sem_Stat_1) }) }) })
sem_Stat_AGoto :: T_MToken ->
sem_Stat_AGoto :: T_MToken -> T_Stat
sem_Stat_AGoto T_MToken
lbl_ =
    (case (T_MToken
lbl_) of
     { ( MToken
lbl_1) ->
         (case (({-# LINE 153 "src/GLuaFixer/AG/ASTLint.ag" #-}
                 AGoto _lblIcopy
                 {-# LINE 9984 "src/GLuaFixer/AG/ASTLint.hs" #-}
                 )) of
          { _copy ->
          (case (({-# LINE 153 "src/GLuaFixer/AG/ASTLint.ag" #-}
                  {-# LINE 9989 "src/GLuaFixer/AG/ASTLint.hs" #-}
                  )) of
           { _lhsOcopy ->
           (case ((let sem_Stat_AGoto_1 :: T_Stat_1
                       sem_Stat_AGoto_1 =
                           (\ _lhsIconfig
                              _lhsIvariableStyle ->
                                (case (({-# LINE 138 "src/GLuaFixer/AG/ASTLint.ag" #-}
                                        {-# LINE 10006 "src/GLuaFixer/AG/ASTLint.hs" #-}
                                        )) of
                                 { _lblOglobalDefinitions ->
                                 (case (({-# LINE 144 "src/GLuaFixer/AG/ASTLint.ag" #-}
                                         {-# LINE 10011 "src/GLuaFixer/AG/ASTLint.hs" #-}
                                         )) of
                                  { _lblOscopes ->
                                  (case (({-# LINE 135 "src/GLuaFixer/AG/ASTLint.ag" #-}
                                          {-# LINE 10016 "src/GLuaFixer/AG/ASTLint.hs" #-}
                                          )) of
                                   { _lblOmtokenPos ->
                                   (case (({-# LINE 145 "src/GLuaFixer/AG/ASTLint.ag" #-}
                                           {-# LINE 10021 "src/GLuaFixer/AG/ASTLint.hs" #-}
                                           )) of
                                    { _lblOisMeta ->
                                    (case (({-# LINE 143 "src/GLuaFixer/AG/ASTLint.ag" #-}
                                            {-# LINE 10026 "src/GLuaFixer/AG/ASTLint.hs" #-}
                                            )) of
                                     { _lblOisInModule ->
                                     (case (({-# LINE 146 "src/GLuaFixer/AG/ASTLint.ag" #-}
                                             {-# LINE 10031 "src/GLuaFixer/AG/ASTLint.hs" #-}
                                             )) of
                                      { _lblOfuncName ->
                                      (case (({-# LINE 134 "src/GLuaFixer/AG/ASTLint.ag" #-}
                                              {-# LINE 10036 "src/GLuaFixer/AG/ASTLint.hs" #-}
                                              )) of
                                       { _lblOconfig ->
                                       (case (lbl_1 _lblOconfig _lblOfuncName _lblOglobalDefinitions _lblOisInModule _lblOisMeta _lblOmtokenPos _lblOscopes) of
                                        { ( _lblIglobalDefinitions,_lblIidentifier,_lblIisInModule,_lblIscopes,_lblIwarnings) ->
                                            (case (({-# LINE 138 "src/GLuaFixer/AG/ASTLint.ag" #-}
                                                    {-# LINE 10043 "src/GLuaFixer/AG/ASTLint.hs" #-}
                                                    )) of
                                             { _lhsOglobalDefinitions ->
                                             (case (({-# LINE 154 "src/GLuaFixer/AG/ASTLint.ag" #-}
                                                     {-# LINE 10048 "src/GLuaFixer/AG/ASTLint.hs" #-}
                                                     )) of
                                              { _lhsOidentifier ->
                                              (case (({-# LINE 208 "src/GLuaFixer/AG/ASTLint.ag" #-}
                                                      {-# LINE 10053 "src/GLuaFixer/AG/ASTLint.hs" #-}
                                                      )) of
                                               { _lhsOisIfStatement ->
                                               (case (({-# LINE 143 "src/GLuaFixer/AG/ASTLint.ag" #-}
                                                       {-# LINE 10058 "src/GLuaFixer/AG/ASTLint.hs" #-}
                                                       )) of
                                                { _lhsOisInModule ->
                                                (case (({-# LINE 135 "src/GLuaFixer/AG/ASTLint.ag" #-}
                                                        {-# LINE 10063 "src/GLuaFixer/AG/ASTLint.hs" #-}
                                                        )) of
                                                 { _lhsOmtokenPos ->
                                                 (case (({-# LINE 144 "src/GLuaFixer/AG/ASTLint.ag" #-}
                                                         {-# LINE 10068 "src/GLuaFixer/AG/ASTLint.hs" #-}
                                                         )) of
                                                  { _lhsOscopes ->
                                                  (case (({-# LINE 131 "src/GLuaFixer/AG/ASTLint.ag" #-}
                                                          {-# LINE 10073 "src/GLuaFixer/AG/ASTLint.hs" #-}
                                                          )) of
                                                   { _lhsOvariableStyle ->
                                                   (case (({-# LINE 330 "src/GLuaFixer/AG/ASTLint.ag" #-}
                                                           {-# LINE 10078 "src/GLuaFixer/AG/ASTLint.hs" #-}
                                                           )) of
                                                    { _warnings_augmented_syn ->
                                                    (case (({-# LINE 330 "src/GLuaFixer/AG/ASTLint.ag" #-}
                                                            if not (lint_gotos _lhsIconfig) || _lhsIloopLevel >= 2 then id else
                                                              (:) $ warn _lblImtokenPos AvoidGoto
                                                            {-# LINE 10084 "src/GLuaFixer/AG/ASTLint.hs" #-}
                                                            )) of
                                                     { _warnings_augmented_f1 ->
                                                     (case (({-# LINE 330 "src/GLuaFixer/AG/ASTLint.ag" #-}
                                                             foldr ($) _warnings_augmented_syn [_warnings_augmented_f1]
                                                             {-# LINE 10089 "src/GLuaFixer/AG/ASTLint.hs" #-}
                                                             )) of
                                                      { _lhsOwarnings ->
                                                      ( _lhsOglobalDefinitions,_lhsOidentifier,_lhsOisIfStatement,_lhsOisInModule,_lhsOmtokenPos,_lhsOscopes,_lhsOvariableStyle,_lhsOwarnings) }) }) }) }) }) }) }) }) }) }) }) }) }) }) }) }) }) }))
                   in  sem_Stat_AGoto_1)) of
            { ( sem_Stat_1) ->
            ( _lhsOcopy,sem_Stat_1) }) }) }) })
sem_Stat_ADo :: T_Block ->
sem_Stat_ADo :: T_Block -> T_Stat
sem_Stat_ADo T_Block
body_ =
    (case (T_Block
body_) of
     { ( Block
body_1) ->
         (case (({-# LINE 153 "src/GLuaFixer/AG/ASTLint.ag" #-}
                 ADo _bodyIcopy
                 {-# LINE 10103 "src/GLuaFixer/AG/ASTLint.hs" #-}
                 )) of
          { _copy ->
          (case (({-# LINE 153 "src/GLuaFixer/AG/ASTLint.ag" #-}
                  {-# LINE 10108 "src/GLuaFixer/AG/ASTLint.hs" #-}
                  )) of
           { _lhsOcopy ->
           (case ((let sem_Stat_ADo_1 :: T_Stat_1
                       sem_Stat_ADo_1 =
                           (\ _lhsIconfig
                              _lhsIvariableStyle ->
                                (case (({-# LINE 145 "src/GLuaFixer/AG/ASTLint.ag" #-}
                                        {-# LINE 10125 "src/GLuaFixer/AG/ASTLint.hs" #-}
                                        )) of
                                 { _bodyOisMeta ->
                                 (case (({-# LINE 143 "src/GLuaFixer/AG/ASTLint.ag" #-}
                                         {-# LINE 10130 "src/GLuaFixer/AG/ASTLint.hs" #-}
                                         )) of
                                  { _bodyOisInModule ->
                                  (case (({-# LINE 138 "src/GLuaFixer/AG/ASTLint.ag" #-}
                                          {-# LINE 10135 "src/GLuaFixer/AG/ASTLint.hs" #-}
                                          )) of
                                   { _bodyOglobalDefinitions ->
                                   (case (({-# LINE 134 "src/GLuaFixer/AG/ASTLint.ag" #-}
                                           {-# LINE 10140 "src/GLuaFixer/AG/ASTLint.hs" #-}
                                           )) of
                                    { _bodyOconfig ->
                                    (case (({-# LINE 334 "src/GLuaFixer/AG/ASTLint.ag" #-}
                                            M.empty : _lhsIscopes
                                            {-# LINE 10145 "src/GLuaFixer/AG/ASTLint.hs" #-}
                                            )) of
                                     { _bodyOscopes ->
                                     (case (({-# LINE 131 "src/GLuaFixer/AG/ASTLint.ag" #-}
                                             {-# LINE 10150 "src/GLuaFixer/AG/ASTLint.hs" #-}
                                             )) of
                                      { _bodyOvariableStyle ->
                                      (case (({-# LINE 127 "src/GLuaFixer/AG/ASTLint.ag" #-}
                                              {-# LINE 10155 "src/GLuaFixer/AG/ASTLint.hs" #-}
                                              )) of
                                       { _bodyOscopeLevel ->
                                       (case (({-# LINE 135 "src/GLuaFixer/AG/ASTLint.ag" #-}
                                               {-# LINE 10160 "src/GLuaFixer/AG/ASTLint.hs" #-}
                                               )) of
                                        { _bodyOmtokenPos ->
                                        (case (({-# LINE 128 "src/GLuaFixer/AG/ASTLint.ag" #-}
                                                {-# LINE 10165 "src/GLuaFixer/AG/ASTLint.hs" #-}
                                                )) of
                                         { _bodyOloopLevel ->
                                         (case (({-# LINE 146 "src/GLuaFixer/AG/ASTLint.ag" #-}
                                                 {-# LINE 10170 "src/GLuaFixer/AG/ASTLint.hs" #-}
                                                 )) of
                                          { _bodyOfuncName ->
                                          (case (({-# LINE 335 "src/GLuaFixer/AG/ASTLint.ag" #-}
                                                  {-# LINE 10175 "src/GLuaFixer/AG/ASTLint.hs" #-}
                                                  )) of
                                           { _bodyOisRepeat ->
                                           (case (body_1 _bodyOconfig _bodyOfuncName _bodyOglobalDefinitions _bodyOisInModule _bodyOisMeta _bodyOisRepeat _bodyOloopLevel _bodyOmtokenPos _bodyOscopeLevel _bodyOscopes _bodyOvariableStyle) of
                                            { ( _bodyIglobalDefinitions,_bodyIidentifier,_bodyIisIfStatement,_bodyIisInModule,_bodyImtokenPos,_bodyIscopes,_bodyIstatementCount,_bodyIvariableStyle,_bodyIwarnings) ->
                                                (case (({-# LINE 138 "src/GLuaFixer/AG/ASTLint.ag" #-}
                                                        {-# LINE 10182 "src/GLuaFixer/AG/ASTLint.hs" #-}
                                                        )) of
                                                 { _lhsOglobalDefinitions ->
                                                 (case (({-# LINE 154 "src/GLuaFixer/AG/ASTLint.ag" #-}
                                                         {-# LINE 10187 "src/GLuaFixer/AG/ASTLint.hs" #-}
                                                         )) of
                                                  { _lhsOidentifier ->
                                                  (case (({-# LINE 333 "src/GLuaFixer/AG/ASTLint.ag" #-}
                                                          {-# LINE 10192 "src/GLuaFixer/AG/ASTLint.hs" #-}
                                                          )) of
                                                   { _lhsOisIfStatement ->
                                                   (case (({-# LINE 143 "src/GLuaFixer/AG/ASTLint.ag" #-}
                                                           {-# LINE 10197 "src/GLuaFixer/AG/ASTLint.hs" #-}
                                                           )) of
                                                    { _lhsOisInModule ->
                                                    (case (({-# LINE 135 "src/GLuaFixer/AG/ASTLint.ag" #-}
                                                            {-# LINE 10202 "src/GLuaFixer/AG/ASTLint.hs" #-}
                                                            )) of
                                                     { _lhsOmtokenPos ->
                                                     (case (({-# LINE 144 "src/GLuaFixer/AG/ASTLint.ag" #-}
                                                             {-# LINE 10207 "src/GLuaFixer/AG/ASTLint.hs" #-}
                                                             )) of
                                                      { _lhsOscopes ->
                                                      (case (({-# LINE 131 "src/GLuaFixer/AG/ASTLint.ag" #-}
                                                              {-# LINE 10212 "src/GLuaFixer/AG/ASTLint.hs" #-}
                                                              )) of
                                                       { _lhsOvariableStyle ->
                                                       (case (({-# LINE 336 "src/GLuaFixer/AG/ASTLint.ag" #-}
                                                               {-# LINE 10217 "src/GLuaFixer/AG/ASTLint.hs" #-}
                                                               )) of
                                                        { _warnings_augmented_syn ->
                                                        (case (({-# LINE 336 "src/GLuaFixer/AG/ASTLint.ag" #-}
                                                                if not (lint_emptyBlocks _lhsIconfig) || _bodyIstatementCount > 0 then id else
                                                                  (:) $ warn _lhsImtokenPos EmptyDoBlock
                                                                {-# LINE 10223 "src/GLuaFixer/AG/ASTLint.hs" #-}
                                                                )) of
                                                         { _warnings_augmented_f1 ->
                                                         (case (({-# LINE 336 "src/GLuaFixer/AG/ASTLint.ag" #-}
                                                                 foldr ($) _warnings_augmented_syn [_warnings_augmented_f1]
                                                                 {-# LINE 10228 "src/GLuaFixer/AG/ASTLint.hs" #-}
                                                                 )) of
                                                          { _lhsOwarnings ->
                                                          ( _lhsOglobalDefinitions,_lhsOidentifier,_lhsOisIfStatement,_lhsOisInModule,_lhsOmtokenPos,_lhsOscopes,_lhsOvariableStyle,_lhsOwarnings) }) }) }) }) }) }) }) }) }) }) }) }) }) }) }) }) }) }) }) }) }) }))
                   in  sem_Stat_ADo_1)) of
            { ( sem_Stat_1) ->
            ( _lhsOcopy,sem_Stat_1) }) }) }) })
sem_Stat_AWhile :: T_MExpr ->
                   T_Block ->
sem_Stat_AWhile :: T_MExpr -> T_Block -> T_Stat
sem_Stat_AWhile T_MExpr
cond_ T_Block
body_ =
    (case (T_Block
body_) of
     { ( Block
body_1) ->
         (case (T_MExpr
cond_) of
          { ( MExpr
cond_1) ->
              (case (({-# LINE 153 "src/GLuaFixer/AG/ASTLint.ag" #-}
                      AWhile _condIcopy _bodyIcopy
                      {-# LINE 10245 "src/GLuaFixer/AG/ASTLint.hs" #-}
                      )) of
               { _copy ->
               (case (({-# LINE 153 "src/GLuaFixer/AG/ASTLint.ag" #-}
                       {-# LINE 10250 "src/GLuaFixer/AG/ASTLint.hs" #-}
                       )) of
                { _lhsOcopy ->
                (case ((let sem_Stat_AWhile_1 :: T_Stat_1
                            sem_Stat_AWhile_1 =
                                (\ _lhsIconfig
                                   _lhsIvariableStyle ->
                                     (case (({-# LINE 145 "src/GLuaFixer/AG/ASTLint.ag" #-}
                                             {-# LINE 10267 "src/GLuaFixer/AG/ASTLint.hs" #-}
                                             )) of
                                      { _bodyOisMeta ->
                                      (case (({-# LINE 143 "src/GLuaFixer/AG/ASTLint.ag" #-}
                                              {-# LINE 10272 "src/GLuaFixer/AG/ASTLint.hs" #-}
                                              )) of
                                       { _condOisInModule ->
                                       (case (({-# LINE 131 "src/GLuaFixer/AG/ASTLint.ag" #-}
                                               {-# LINE 10277 "src/GLuaFixer/AG/ASTLint.hs" #-}
                                               )) of
                                        { _condOvariableStyle ->
                                        (case (({-# LINE 144 "src/GLuaFixer/AG/ASTLint.ag" #-}
                                                {-# LINE 10282 "src/GLuaFixer/AG/ASTLint.hs" #-}
                                                )) of
                                         { _condOscopes ->
                                         (case (({-# LINE 127 "src/GLuaFixer/AG/ASTLint.ag" #-}
                                                 {-# LINE 10287 "src/GLuaFixer/AG/ASTLint.hs" #-}
                                                 )) of
                                          { _condOscopeLevel ->
                                          (case (({-# LINE 135 "src/GLuaFixer/AG/ASTLint.ag" #-}
                                                  {-# LINE 10292 "src/GLuaFixer/AG/ASTLint.hs" #-}
                                                  )) of
                                           { _condOmtokenPos ->
                                           (case (({-# LINE 128 "src/GLuaFixer/AG/ASTLint.ag" #-}
                                                   {-# LINE 10297 "src/GLuaFixer/AG/ASTLint.hs" #-}
                                                   )) of
                                            { _condOloopLevel ->
                                            (case (({-# LINE 145 "src/GLuaFixer/AG/ASTLint.ag" #-}
                                                    {-# LINE 10302 "src/GLuaFixer/AG/ASTLint.hs" #-}
                                                    )) of
                                             { _condOisMeta ->
                                             (case (({-# LINE 138 "src/GLuaFixer/AG/ASTLint.ag" #-}
                                                     {-# LINE 10307 "src/GLuaFixer/AG/ASTLint.hs" #-}
                                                     )) of
                                              { _condOglobalDefinitions ->
                                              (case (({-# LINE 146 "src/GLuaFixer/AG/ASTLint.ag" #-}
                                                      {-# LINE 10312 "src/GLuaFixer/AG/ASTLint.hs" #-}
                                                      )) of
                                               { _condOfuncName ->
                                               (case (({-# LINE 134 "src/GLuaFixer/AG/ASTLint.ag" #-}
                                                       {-# LINE 10317 "src/GLuaFixer/AG/ASTLint.hs" #-}
                                                       )) of
                                                { _condOconfig ->
                                                (case (({-# LINE 344 "src/GLuaFixer/AG/ASTLint.ag" #-}
                                                        {-# LINE 10322 "src/GLuaFixer/AG/ASTLint.hs" #-}
                                                        )) of
                                                 { _condOvarBeingDefined ->
                                                 (case (({-# LINE 343 "src/GLuaFixer/AG/ASTLint.ag" #-}
                                                         {-# LINE 10327 "src/GLuaFixer/AG/ASTLint.hs" #-}
                                                         )) of
                                                  { _condOtopLevel ->
                                                  (case (({-# LINE 342 "src/GLuaFixer/AG/ASTLint.ag" #-}
                                                          {-# LINE 10332 "src/GLuaFixer/AG/ASTLint.hs" #-}
                                                          )) of
                                                   { _condOinParentheses ->
                                                   (case (({-# LINE 341 "src/GLuaFixer/AG/ASTLint.ag" #-}
                                                           {-# LINE 10337 "src/GLuaFixer/AG/ASTLint.hs" #-}
                                                           )) of
                                                    { _condOisNegation ->
                                                    (case (cond_1 _condOconfig _condOfuncName _condOglobalDefinitions _condOinParentheses _condOisInModule _condOisMeta _condOisNegation _condOloopLevel _condOmtokenPos _condOscopeLevel _condOscopes _condOtopLevel _condOvarBeingDefined _condOvariableStyle) of
                                                     { ( _condIglobalDefinitions,_condIidentifier,_condIisInModule,_condIisSimpleExpression,_condIisSingleVar,_condIscopes,_condIvariableStyle,_condIwarnings) ->
                                                         (case (({-# LINE 143 "src/GLuaFixer/AG/ASTLint.ag" #-}
                                                                 {-# LINE 10344 "src/GLuaFixer/AG/ASTLint.hs" #-}
                                                                 )) of
                                                          { _bodyOisInModule ->
                                                          (case (({-# LINE 138 "src/GLuaFixer/AG/ASTLint.ag" #-}
                                                                  {-# LINE 10349 "src/GLuaFixer/AG/ASTLint.hs" #-}
                                                                  )) of
                                                           { _bodyOglobalDefinitions ->
                                                           (case (({-# LINE 134 "src/GLuaFixer/AG/ASTLint.ag" #-}
                                                                   {-# LINE 10354 "src/GLuaFixer/AG/ASTLint.hs" #-}
                                                                   )) of
                                                            { _bodyOconfig ->
                                                            (case (({-# LINE 346 "src/GLuaFixer/AG/ASTLint.ag" #-}
                                                                    M.empty : _condIscopes
                                                                    {-# LINE 10359 "src/GLuaFixer/AG/ASTLint.hs" #-}
                                                                    )) of
                                                             { _bodyOscopes ->
                                                             (case (({-# LINE 131 "src/GLuaFixer/AG/ASTLint.ag" #-}
                                                                     {-# LINE 10364 "src/GLuaFixer/AG/ASTLint.hs" #-}
                                                                     )) of
                                                              { _bodyOvariableStyle ->
                                                              (case (({-# LINE 127 "src/GLuaFixer/AG/ASTLint.ag" #-}
                                                                      {-# LINE 10369 "src/GLuaFixer/AG/ASTLint.hs" #-}
                                                                      )) of
                                                               { _bodyOscopeLevel ->
                                                               (case (({-# LINE 135 "src/GLuaFixer/AG/ASTLint.ag" #-}
                                                                       {-# LINE 10374 "src/GLuaFixer/AG/ASTLint.hs" #-}
                                                                       )) of
                                                                { _bodyOmtokenPos ->
                                                                (case (({-# LINE 146 "src/GLuaFixer/AG/ASTLint.ag" #-}
                                                                        {-# LINE 10379 "src/GLuaFixer/AG/ASTLint.hs" #-}
                                                                        )) of
                                                                 { _bodyOfuncName ->
                                                                 (case (({-# LINE 345 "src/GLuaFixer/AG/ASTLint.ag" #-}
                                                                         {-# LINE 10384 "src/GLuaFixer/AG/ASTLint.hs" #-}
                                                                         )) of
                                                                  { _bodyOisRepeat ->
                                                                  (case (({-# LINE 340 "src/GLuaFixer/AG/ASTLint.ag" #-}
                                                                          _lhsIloopLevel + 1
                                                                          {-# LINE 10389 "src/GLuaFixer/AG/ASTLint.hs" #-}
                                                                          )) of
                                                                   { _bodyOloopLevel ->
                                                                   (case (body_1 _bodyOconfig _bodyOfuncName _bodyOglobalDefinitions _bodyOisInModule _bodyOisMeta _bodyOisRepeat _bodyOloopLevel _bodyOmtokenPos _bodyOscopeLevel _bodyOscopes _bodyOvariableStyle) of
                                                                    { ( _bodyIglobalDefinitions,_bodyIidentifier,_bodyIisIfStatement,_bodyIisInModule,_bodyImtokenPos,_bodyIscopes,_bodyIstatementCount,_bodyIvariableStyle,_bodyIwarnings) ->
                                                                        (case (({-# LINE 138 "src/GLuaFixer/AG/ASTLint.ag" #-}
                                                                                {-# LINE 10396 "src/GLuaFixer/AG/ASTLint.hs" #-}
                                                                                )) of
                                                                         { _lhsOglobalDefinitions ->
                                                                         (case (({-# LINE 154 "src/GLuaFixer/AG/ASTLint.ag" #-}
                                                                                 (const _condIidentifier _bodyIidentifier)
                                                                                 {-# LINE 10401 "src/GLuaFixer/AG/ASTLint.hs" #-}
                                                                                 )) of
                                                                          { _lhsOidentifier ->
                                                                          (case (({-# LINE 339 "src/GLuaFixer/AG/ASTLint.ag" #-}
                                                                                  {-# LINE 10406 "src/GLuaFixer/AG/ASTLint.hs" #-}
                                                                                  )) of
                                                                           { _lhsOisIfStatement ->
                                                                           (case (({-# LINE 143 "src/GLuaFixer/AG/ASTLint.ag" #-}
                                                                                   {-# LINE 10411 "src/GLuaFixer/AG/ASTLint.hs" #-}
                                                                                   )) of
                                                                            { _lhsOisInModule ->
                                                                            (case (({-# LINE 135 "src/GLuaFixer/AG/ASTLint.ag" #-}
                                                                                    {-# LINE 10416 "src/GLuaFixer/AG/ASTLint.hs" #-}
                                                                                    )) of
                                                                             { _lhsOmtokenPos ->
                                                                             (case (({-# LINE 144 "src/GLuaFixer/AG/ASTLint.ag" #-}
                                                                                     {-# LINE 10421 "src/GLuaFixer/AG/ASTLint.hs" #-}
                                                                                     )) of
                                                                              { _lhsOscopes ->
                                                                              (case (({-# LINE 131 "src/GLuaFixer/AG/ASTLint.ag" #-}
                                                                                      {-# LINE 10426 "src/GLuaFixer/AG/ASTLint.hs" #-}
                                                                                      )) of
                                                                               { _lhsOvariableStyle ->
                                                                               (case (({-# LINE 347 "src/GLuaFixer/AG/ASTLint.ag" #-}
                                                                                       _condIwarnings ++ _bodyIwarnings
                                                                                       {-# LINE 10431 "src/GLuaFixer/AG/ASTLint.hs" #-}
                                                                                       )) of
                                                                                { _warnings_augmented_syn ->
                                                                                (case (({-# LINE 347 "src/GLuaFixer/AG/ASTLint.ag" #-}
                                                                                        if not (lint_emptyBlocks _lhsIconfig) || _bodyIstatementCount > 0 then id else
                                                                                          (:) $ warn _lhsImtokenPos EmptyWhileLoop
                                                                                        {-# LINE 10437 "src/GLuaFixer/AG/ASTLint.hs" #-}
                                                                                        )) of
                                                                                 { _warnings_augmented_f1 ->
                                                                                 (case (({-# LINE 347 "src/GLuaFixer/AG/ASTLint.ag" #-}
                                                                                         foldr ($) _warnings_augmented_syn [_warnings_augmented_f1]
                                                                                         {-# LINE 10442 "src/GLuaFixer/AG/ASTLint.hs" #-}
                                                                                         )) of
                                                                                  { _lhsOwarnings ->
                                                                                  ( _lhsOglobalDefinitions,_lhsOidentifier,_lhsOisIfStatement,_lhsOisInModule,_lhsOmtokenPos,_lhsOscopes,_lhsOvariableStyle,_lhsOwarnings) }) }) }) }) }) }) }) }) }) }) }) }) }) }) }) }) }) }) }) }) }) }) }) }) }) }) }) }) }) }) }) }) }) }) }) }) }))
                        in  sem_Stat_AWhile_1)) of
                 { ( sem_Stat_1) ->
                 ( _lhsOcopy,sem_Stat_1) }) }) }) }) })
sem_Stat_ARepeat :: T_Block ->
                    T_MExpr ->
sem_Stat_ARepeat :: T_Block -> T_MExpr -> T_Stat
sem_Stat_ARepeat T_Block
body_ T_MExpr
cond_ =
    (case (T_MExpr
cond_) of
     { ( MExpr
cond_1) ->
         (case (T_Block
body_) of
          { ( Block
body_1) ->
              (case (({-# LINE 153 "src/GLuaFixer/AG/ASTLint.ag" #-}
                      ARepeat _bodyIcopy _condIcopy
                      {-# LINE 10459 "src/GLuaFixer/AG/ASTLint.hs" #-}
                      )) of
               { _copy ->
               (case (({-# LINE 153 "src/GLuaFixer/AG/ASTLint.ag" #-}
                       {-# LINE 10464 "src/GLuaFixer/AG/ASTLint.hs" #-}
                       )) of
                { _lhsOcopy ->
                (case ((let sem_Stat_ARepeat_1 :: T_Stat_1
                            sem_Stat_ARepeat_1 =
                                (\ _lhsIconfig
                                   _lhsIvariableStyle ->
                                     (case (({-# LINE 145 "src/GLuaFixer/AG/ASTLint.ag" #-}
                                             {-# LINE 10481 "src/GLuaFixer/AG/ASTLint.hs" #-}
                                             )) of
                                      { _bodyOisMeta ->
                                      (case (({-# LINE 134 "src/GLuaFixer/AG/ASTLint.ag" #-}
                                              {-# LINE 10486 "src/GLuaFixer/AG/ASTLint.hs" #-}
                                              )) of
                                       { _bodyOconfig ->
                                       (case (({-# LINE 358 "src/GLuaFixer/AG/ASTLint.ag" #-}
                                               M.empty : _lhsIscopes
                                               {-# LINE 10491 "src/GLuaFixer/AG/ASTLint.hs" #-}
                                               )) of
                                        { _bodyOscopes ->
                                        (case (({-# LINE 357 "src/GLuaFixer/AG/ASTLint.ag" #-}
                                                {-# LINE 10496 "src/GLuaFixer/AG/ASTLint.hs" #-}
                                                )) of
                                         { _bodyOisRepeat ->
                                         (case (({-# LINE 131 "src/GLuaFixer/AG/ASTLint.ag" #-}
                                                 {-# LINE 10501 "src/GLuaFixer/AG/ASTLint.hs" #-}
                                                 )) of
                                          { _bodyOvariableStyle ->
                                          (case (({-# LINE 127 "src/GLuaFixer/AG/ASTLint.ag" #-}
                                                  {-# LINE 10506 "src/GLuaFixer/AG/ASTLint.hs" #-}
                                                  )) of
                                           { _bodyOscopeLevel ->
                                           (case (({-# LINE 135 "src/GLuaFixer/AG/ASTLint.ag" #-}
                                                   {-# LINE 10511 "src/GLuaFixer/AG/ASTLint.hs" #-}
                                                   )) of
                                            { _bodyOmtokenPos ->
                                            (case (({-# LINE 143 "src/GLuaFixer/AG/ASTLint.ag" #-}
                                                    {-# LINE 10516 "src/GLuaFixer/AG/ASTLint.hs" #-}
                                                    )) of
                                             { _bodyOisInModule ->
                                             (case (({-# LINE 138 "src/GLuaFixer/AG/ASTLint.ag" #-}
                                                     {-# LINE 10521 "src/GLuaFixer/AG/ASTLint.hs" #-}
                                                     )) of
                                              { _bodyOglobalDefinitions ->
                                              (case (({-# LINE 146 "src/GLuaFixer/AG/ASTLint.ag" #-}
                                                      {-# LINE 10526 "src/GLuaFixer/AG/ASTLint.hs" #-}
                                                      )) of
                                               { _bodyOfuncName ->
                                               (case (({-# LINE 352 "src/GLuaFixer/AG/ASTLint.ag" #-}
                                                       _lhsIloopLevel + 1
                                                       {-# LINE 10531 "src/GLuaFixer/AG/ASTLint.hs" #-}
                                                       )) of
                                                { _bodyOloopLevel ->
                                                (case (body_1 _bodyOconfig _bodyOfuncName _bodyOglobalDefinitions _bodyOisInModule _bodyOisMeta _bodyOisRepeat _bodyOloopLevel _bodyOmtokenPos _bodyOscopeLevel _bodyOscopes _bodyOvariableStyle) of
                                                 { ( _bodyIglobalDefinitions,_bodyIidentifier,_bodyIisIfStatement,_bodyIisInModule,_bodyImtokenPos,_bodyIscopes,_bodyIstatementCount,_bodyIvariableStyle,_bodyIwarnings) ->
                                                     (case (({-# LINE 144 "src/GLuaFixer/AG/ASTLint.ag" #-}
                                                             {-# LINE 10538 "src/GLuaFixer/AG/ASTLint.hs" #-}
                                                             )) of
                                                      { _condOscopes ->
                                                      (case (({-# LINE 145 "src/GLuaFixer/AG/ASTLint.ag" #-}
                                                              {-# LINE 10543 "src/GLuaFixer/AG/ASTLint.hs" #-}
                                                              )) of
                                                       { _condOisMeta ->
                                                       (case (({-# LINE 143 "src/GLuaFixer/AG/ASTLint.ag" #-}
                                                               {-# LINE 10548 "src/GLuaFixer/AG/ASTLint.hs" #-}
                                                               )) of
                                                        { _condOisInModule ->
                                                        (case (({-# LINE 138 "src/GLuaFixer/AG/ASTLint.ag" #-}
                                                                {-# LINE 10553 "src/GLuaFixer/AG/ASTLint.hs" #-}
                                                                )) of
                                                         { _condOglobalDefinitions ->
                                                         (case (({-# LINE 134 "src/GLuaFixer/AG/ASTLint.ag" #-}
                                                                 {-# LINE 10558 "src/GLuaFixer/AG/ASTLint.hs" #-}
                                                                 )) of
                                                          { _condOconfig ->
                                                          (case (({-# LINE 356 "src/GLuaFixer/AG/ASTLint.ag" #-}
                                                                  {-# LINE 10563 "src/GLuaFixer/AG/ASTLint.hs" #-}
                                                                  )) of
                                                           { _condOvarBeingDefined ->
                                                           (case (({-# LINE 131 "src/GLuaFixer/AG/ASTLint.ag" #-}
                                                                   {-# LINE 10568 "src/GLuaFixer/AG/ASTLint.hs" #-}
                                                                   )) of
                                                            { _condOvariableStyle ->
                                                            (case (({-# LINE 127 "src/GLuaFixer/AG/ASTLint.ag" #-}
                                                                    {-# LINE 10573 "src/GLuaFixer/AG/ASTLint.hs" #-}
                                                                    )) of
                                                             { _condOscopeLevel ->
                                                             (case (({-# LINE 135 "src/GLuaFixer/AG/ASTLint.ag" #-}
                                                                     {-# LINE 10578 "src/GLuaFixer/AG/ASTLint.hs" #-}
                                                                     )) of
                                                              { _condOmtokenPos ->
                                                              (case (({-# LINE 128 "src/GLuaFixer/AG/ASTLint.ag" #-}
                                                                      {-# LINE 10583 "src/GLuaFixer/AG/ASTLint.hs" #-}
                                                                      )) of
                                                               { _condOloopLevel ->
                                                               (case (({-# LINE 146 "src/GLuaFixer/AG/ASTLint.ag" #-}
                                                                       {-# LINE 10588 "src/GLuaFixer/AG/ASTLint.hs" #-}
                                                                       )) of
                                                                { _condOfuncName ->
                                                                (case (({-# LINE 355 "src/GLuaFixer/AG/ASTLint.ag" #-}
                                                                        {-# LINE 10593 "src/GLuaFixer/AG/ASTLint.hs" #-}
                                                                        )) of
                                                                 { _condOtopLevel ->
                                                                 (case (({-# LINE 354 "src/GLuaFixer/AG/ASTLint.ag" #-}
                                                                         {-# LINE 10598 "src/GLuaFixer/AG/ASTLint.hs" #-}
                                                                         )) of
                                                                  { _condOinParentheses ->
                                                                  (case (({-# LINE 353 "src/GLuaFixer/AG/ASTLint.ag" #-}
                                                                          {-# LINE 10603 "src/GLuaFixer/AG/ASTLint.hs" #-}
                                                                          )) of
                                                                   { _condOisNegation ->
                                                                   (case (cond_1 _condOconfig _condOfuncName _condOglobalDefinitions _condOinParentheses _condOisInModule _condOisMeta _condOisNegation _condOloopLevel _condOmtokenPos _condOscopeLevel _condOscopes _condOtopLevel _condOvarBeingDefined _condOvariableStyle) of
                                                                    { ( _condIglobalDefinitions,_condIidentifier,_condIisInModule,_condIisSimpleExpression,_condIisSingleVar,_condIscopes,_condIvariableStyle,_condIwarnings) ->
                                                                        (case (({-# LINE 138 "src/GLuaFixer/AG/ASTLint.ag" #-}
                                                                                {-# LINE 10610 "src/GLuaFixer/AG/ASTLint.hs" #-}
                                                                                )) of
                                                                         { _lhsOglobalDefinitions ->
                                                                         (case (({-# LINE 154 "src/GLuaFixer/AG/ASTLint.ag" #-}
                                                                                 (const _bodyIidentifier _condIidentifier)
                                                                                 {-# LINE 10615 "src/GLuaFixer/AG/ASTLint.hs" #-}
                                                                                 )) of
                                                                          { _lhsOidentifier ->
                                                                          (case (({-# LINE 351 "src/GLuaFixer/AG/ASTLint.ag" #-}
                                                                                  {-# LINE 10620 "src/GLuaFixer/AG/ASTLint.hs" #-}
                                                                                  )) of
                                                                           { _lhsOisIfStatement ->
                                                                           (case (({-# LINE 143 "src/GLuaFixer/AG/ASTLint.ag" #-}
                                                                                   {-# LINE 10625 "src/GLuaFixer/AG/ASTLint.hs" #-}
                                                                                   )) of
                                                                            { _lhsOisInModule ->
                                                                            (case (({-# LINE 135 "src/GLuaFixer/AG/ASTLint.ag" #-}
                                                                                    {-# LINE 10630 "src/GLuaFixer/AG/ASTLint.hs" #-}
                                                                                    )) of
                                                                             { _lhsOmtokenPos ->
                                                                             (case (({-# LINE 359 "src/GLuaFixer/AG/ASTLint.ag" #-}
                                                                                     tail _condIscopes
                                                                                     {-# LINE 10635 "src/GLuaFixer/AG/ASTLint.hs" #-}
                                                                                     )) of
                                                                              { _lhsOscopes ->
                                                                              (case (({-# LINE 131 "src/GLuaFixer/AG/ASTLint.ag" #-}
                                                                                      {-# LINE 10640 "src/GLuaFixer/AG/ASTLint.hs" #-}
                                                                                      )) of
                                                                               { _lhsOvariableStyle ->
                                                                               (case (({-# LINE 360 "src/GLuaFixer/AG/ASTLint.ag" #-}
                                                                                       _bodyIwarnings ++ _condIwarnings
                                                                                       {-# LINE 10645 "src/GLuaFixer/AG/ASTLint.hs" #-}
                                                                                       )) of
                                                                                { _warnings_augmented_syn ->
                                                                                (case (({-# LINE 360 "src/GLuaFixer/AG/ASTLint.ag" #-}
                                                                                        if not (lint_emptyBlocks _lhsIconfig) || _bodyIstatementCount > 0 then id else
                                                                                          (:) $ warn _lhsImtokenPos EmptyRepeat
                                                                                        {-# LINE 10651 "src/GLuaFixer/AG/ASTLint.hs" #-}
                                                                                        )) of
                                                                                 { _warnings_augmented_f1 ->
                                                                                 (case (({-# LINE 360 "src/GLuaFixer/AG/ASTLint.ag" #-}
                                                                                         foldr ($) _warnings_augmented_syn [_warnings_augmented_f1]
                                                                                         {-# LINE 10656 "src/GLuaFixer/AG/ASTLint.hs" #-}
                                                                                         )) of
                                                                                  { _lhsOwarnings ->
                                                                                  ( _lhsOglobalDefinitions,_lhsOidentifier,_lhsOisIfStatement,_lhsOisInModule,_lhsOmtokenPos,_lhsOscopes,_lhsOvariableStyle,_lhsOwarnings) }) }) }) }) }) }) }) }) }) }) }) }) }) }) }) }) }) }) }) }) }) }) }) }) }) }) }) }) }) }) }) }) }) }) }) }) }))
                        in  sem_Stat_ARepeat_1)) of
                 { ( sem_Stat_1) ->
                 ( _lhsOcopy,sem_Stat_1) }) }) }) }) })
sem_Stat_AIf :: T_MExpr ->
                T_Block ->
                T_ElseIfList ->
                T_Else ->
sem_Stat_AIf :: T_MExpr -> T_Block -> T_ElseIfList -> T_Else -> T_Stat
sem_Stat_AIf T_MExpr
cond_ T_Block
body_ T_ElseIfList
elifs_ T_Else
els_ =
    (case (T_Else
els_) of
     { ( Else
els_1) ->
         (case (T_ElseIfList
elifs_) of
          { ( ElseIfList
elifs_1) ->
              (case (T_Block
body_) of
               { ( Block
body_1) ->
                   (case (T_MExpr
cond_) of
                    { ( MExpr
cond_1) ->
                        (case (({-# LINE 153 "src/GLuaFixer/AG/ASTLint.ag" #-}
                                AIf _condIcopy _bodyIcopy _elifsIcopy _elsIcopy
                                {-# LINE 10679 "src/GLuaFixer/AG/ASTLint.hs" #-}
                                )) of
                         { _copy ->
                         (case (({-# LINE 153 "src/GLuaFixer/AG/ASTLint.ag" #-}
                                 {-# LINE 10684 "src/GLuaFixer/AG/ASTLint.hs" #-}
                                 )) of
                          { _lhsOcopy ->
                          (case ((let sem_Stat_AIf_1 :: T_Stat_1
                                      sem_Stat_AIf_1 =
                                          (\ _lhsIconfig
                                             _lhsIvariableStyle ->
                                               (case (({-# LINE 145 "src/GLuaFixer/AG/ASTLint.ag" #-}
                                                       {-# LINE 10701 "src/GLuaFixer/AG/ASTLint.hs" #-}
                                                       )) of
                                                { _bodyOisMeta ->
                                                (case (({-# LINE 134 "src/GLuaFixer/AG/ASTLint.ag" #-}
                                                        {-# LINE 10706 "src/GLuaFixer/AG/ASTLint.hs" #-}
                                                        )) of
                                                 { _bodyOconfig ->
                                                 (case (({-# LINE 144 "src/GLuaFixer/AG/ASTLint.ag" #-}
                                                         {-# LINE 10711 "src/GLuaFixer/AG/ASTLint.hs" #-}
                                                         )) of
                                                  { _condOscopes ->
                                                  (case (({-# LINE 145 "src/GLuaFixer/AG/ASTLint.ag" #-}
                                                          {-# LINE 10716 "src/GLuaFixer/AG/ASTLint.hs" #-}
                                                          )) of
                                                   { _condOisMeta ->
                                                   (case (({-# LINE 134 "src/GLuaFixer/AG/ASTLint.ag" #-}
                                                           {-# LINE 10721 "src/GLuaFixer/AG/ASTLint.hs" #-}
                                                           )) of
                                                    { _condOconfig ->
                                                    (case (({-# LINE 373 "src/GLuaFixer/AG/ASTLint.ag" #-}
                                                            {-# LINE 10726 "src/GLuaFixer/AG/ASTLint.hs" #-}
                                                            )) of
                                                     { _bodyOisRepeat ->
                                                     (case (({-# LINE 371 "src/GLuaFixer/AG/ASTLint.ag" #-}
                                                             {-# LINE 10731 "src/GLuaFixer/AG/ASTLint.hs" #-}
                                                             )) of
                                                      { _condOvarBeingDefined ->
                                                      (case (({-# LINE 131 "src/GLuaFixer/AG/ASTLint.ag" #-}
                                                              {-# LINE 10736 "src/GLuaFixer/AG/ASTLint.hs" #-}
                                                              )) of
                                                       { _condOvariableStyle ->
                                                       (case (({-# LINE 127 "src/GLuaFixer/AG/ASTLint.ag" #-}
                                                               {-# LINE 10741 "src/GLuaFixer/AG/ASTLint.hs" #-}
                                                               )) of
                                                        { _condOscopeLevel ->
                                                        (case (({-# LINE 135 "src/GLuaFixer/AG/ASTLint.ag" #-}
                                                                {-# LINE 10746 "src/GLuaFixer/AG/ASTLint.hs" #-}
                                                                )) of
                                                         { _condOmtokenPos ->
                                                         (case (({-# LINE 128 "src/GLuaFixer/AG/ASTLint.ag" #-}
                                                                 {-# LINE 10751 "src/GLuaFixer/AG/ASTLint.hs" #-}
                                                                 )) of
                                                          { _condOloopLevel ->
                                                          (case (({-# LINE 143 "src/GLuaFixer/AG/ASTLint.ag" #-}
                                                                  {-# LINE 10756 "src/GLuaFixer/AG/ASTLint.hs" #-}
                                                                  )) of
                                                           { _condOisInModule ->
                                                           (case (({-# LINE 138 "src/GLuaFixer/AG/ASTLint.ag" #-}
                                                                   {-# LINE 10761 "src/GLuaFixer/AG/ASTLint.hs" #-}
                                                                   )) of
                                                            { _condOglobalDefinitions ->
                                                            (case (({-# LINE 146 "src/GLuaFixer/AG/ASTLint.ag" #-}
                                                                    {-# LINE 10766 "src/GLuaFixer/AG/ASTLint.hs" #-}
                                                                    )) of
                                                             { _condOfuncName ->
                                                             (case (({-# LINE 370 "src/GLuaFixer/AG/ASTLint.ag" #-}
                                                                     {-# LINE 10771 "src/GLuaFixer/AG/ASTLint.hs" #-}
                                                                     )) of
                                                              { _condOtopLevel ->
                                                              (case (({-# LINE 369 "src/GLuaFixer/AG/ASTLint.ag" #-}
                                                                      {-# LINE 10776 "src/GLuaFixer/AG/ASTLint.hs" #-}
                                                                      )) of
                                                               { _condOinParentheses ->
                                                               (case (({-# LINE 368 "src/GLuaFixer/AG/ASTLint.ag" #-}
                                                                       {-# LINE 10781 "src/GLuaFixer/AG/ASTLint.hs" #-}
                                                                       )) of
                                                                { _condOisNegation ->
                                                                (case (cond_1 _condOconfig _condOfuncName _condOglobalDefinitions _condOinParentheses _condOisInModule _condOisMeta _condOisNegation _condOloopLevel _condOmtokenPos _condOscopeLevel _condOscopes _condOtopLevel _condOvarBeingDefined _condOvariableStyle) of
                                                                 { ( _condIglobalDefinitions,_condIidentifier,_condIisInModule,_condIisSimpleExpression,_condIisSingleVar,_condIscopes,_condIvariableStyle,_condIwarnings) ->
                                                                     (case (({-# LINE 372 "src/GLuaFixer/AG/ASTLint.ag" #-}
                                                                             M.empty : _condIscopes
                                                                             {-# LINE 10788 "src/GLuaFixer/AG/ASTLint.hs" #-}
                                                                             )) of
                                                                      { _bodyOscopes ->
                                                                      (case (({-# LINE 131 "src/GLuaFixer/AG/ASTLint.ag" #-}
                                                                              {-# LINE 10793 "src/GLuaFixer/AG/ASTLint.hs" #-}
                                                                              )) of
                                                                       { _bodyOvariableStyle ->
                                                                       (case (({-# LINE 127 "src/GLuaFixer/AG/ASTLint.ag" #-}
                                                                               {-# LINE 10798 "src/GLuaFixer/AG/ASTLint.hs" #-}
                                                                               )) of
                                                                        { _bodyOscopeLevel ->
                                                                        (case (({-# LINE 135 "src/GLuaFixer/AG/ASTLint.ag" #-}
                                                                                {-# LINE 10803 "src/GLuaFixer/AG/ASTLint.hs" #-}
                                                                                )) of
                                                                         { _bodyOmtokenPos ->
                                                                         (case (({-# LINE 128 "src/GLuaFixer/AG/ASTLint.ag" #-}
                                                                                 {-# LINE 10808 "src/GLuaFixer/AG/ASTLint.hs" #-}
                                                                                 )) of
                                                                          { _bodyOloopLevel ->
                                                                          (case (({-# LINE 143 "src/GLuaFixer/AG/ASTLint.ag" #-}
                                                                                  {-# LINE 10813 "src/GLuaFixer/AG/ASTLint.hs" #-}
                                                                                  )) of
                                                                           { _bodyOisInModule ->
                                                                           (case (({-# LINE 138 "src/GLuaFixer/AG/ASTLint.ag" #-}
                                                                                   {-# LINE 10818 "src/GLuaFixer/AG/ASTLint.hs" #-}
                                                                                   )) of
                                                                            { _bodyOglobalDefinitions ->
                                                                            (case (({-# LINE 146 "src/GLuaFixer/AG/ASTLint.ag" #-}
                                                                                    {-# LINE 10823 "src/GLuaFixer/AG/ASTLint.hs" #-}
                                                                                    )) of
                                                                             { _bodyOfuncName ->
                                                                             (case (body_1 _bodyOconfig _bodyOfuncName _bodyOglobalDefinitions _bodyOisInModule _bodyOisMeta _bodyOisRepeat _bodyOloopLevel _bodyOmtokenPos _bodyOscopeLevel _bodyOscopes _bodyOvariableStyle) of
                                                                              { ( _bodyIglobalDefinitions,_bodyIidentifier,_bodyIisIfStatement,_bodyIisInModule,_bodyImtokenPos,_bodyIscopes,_bodyIstatementCount,_bodyIvariableStyle,_bodyIwarnings) ->
                                                                                  (case (({-# LINE 144 "src/GLuaFixer/AG/ASTLint.ag" #-}
                                                                                          {-# LINE 10830 "src/GLuaFixer/AG/ASTLint.hs" #-}
                                                                                          )) of
                                                                                   { _elifsOscopes ->
                                                                                   (case (({-# LINE 145 "src/GLuaFixer/AG/ASTLint.ag" #-}
                                                                                           {-# LINE 10835 "src/GLuaFixer/AG/ASTLint.hs" #-}
                                                                                           )) of
                                                                                    { _elifsOisMeta ->
                                                                                    (case (({-# LINE 134 "src/GLuaFixer/AG/ASTLint.ag" #-}
                                                                                            {-# LINE 10840 "src/GLuaFixer/AG/ASTLint.hs" #-}
                                                                                            )) of
                                                                                     { _elifsOconfig ->
                                                                                     (case (({-# LINE 131 "src/GLuaFixer/AG/ASTLint.ag" #-}
                                                                                             {-# LINE 10845 "src/GLuaFixer/AG/ASTLint.hs" #-}
                                                                                             )) of
                                                                                      { _elifsOvariableStyle ->
                                                                                      (case (({-# LINE 127 "src/GLuaFixer/AG/ASTLint.ag" #-}
                                                                                              {-# LINE 10850 "src/GLuaFixer/AG/ASTLint.hs" #-}
                                                                                              )) of
                                                                                       { _elifsOscopeLevel ->
                                                                                       (case (({-# LINE 128 "src/GLuaFixer/AG/ASTLint.ag" #-}
                                                                                               {-# LINE 10855 "src/GLuaFixer/AG/ASTLint.hs" #-}
                                                                                               )) of
                                                                                        { _elifsOloopLevel ->
                                                                                        (case (({-# LINE 143 "src/GLuaFixer/AG/ASTLint.ag" #-}
                                                                                                {-# LINE 10860 "src/GLuaFixer/AG/ASTLint.hs" #-}
                                                                                                )) of
                                                                                         { _elifsOisInModule ->
                                                                                         (case (({-# LINE 138 "src/GLuaFixer/AG/ASTLint.ag" #-}
                                                                                                 {-# LINE 10865 "src/GLuaFixer/AG/ASTLint.hs" #-}
                                                                                                 )) of
                                                                                          { _elifsOglobalDefinitions ->
                                                                                          (case (({-# LINE 146 "src/GLuaFixer/AG/ASTLint.ag" #-}
                                                                                                  {-# LINE 10870 "src/GLuaFixer/AG/ASTLint.hs" #-}
                                                                                                  )) of
                                                                                           { _elifsOfuncName ->
                                                                                           (case (({-# LINE 374 "src/GLuaFixer/AG/ASTLint.ag" #-}
                                                                                                   {-# LINE 10875 "src/GLuaFixer/AG/ASTLint.hs" #-}
                                                                                                   )) of
                                                                                            { _elifsOmtokenPos ->
                                                                                            (case (elifs_1 _elifsOconfig _elifsOfuncName _elifsOglobalDefinitions _elifsOisInModule _elifsOisMeta _elifsOloopLevel _elifsOmtokenPos _elifsOscopeLevel _elifsOscopes _elifsOvariableStyle) of
                                                                                             { ( _elifsIelseExists,_elifsIglobalDefinitions,_elifsIidentifier,_elifsIisInModule,_elifsImtokenPos,_elifsIscopes,_elifsIvariableStyle,_elifsIwarnings) ->
                                                                                                 (case (({-# LINE 144 "src/GLuaFixer/AG/ASTLint.ag" #-}
                                                                                                         {-# LINE 10882 "src/GLuaFixer/AG/ASTLint.hs" #-}
                                                                                                         )) of
                                                                                                  { _elsOscopes ->
                                                                                                  (case (({-# LINE 145 "src/GLuaFixer/AG/ASTLint.ag" #-}
                                                                                                          {-# LINE 10887 "src/GLuaFixer/AG/ASTLint.hs" #-}
                                                                                                          )) of
                                                                                                   { _elsOisMeta ->
                                                                                                   (case (({-# LINE 143 "src/GLuaFixer/AG/ASTLint.ag" #-}
                                                                                                           {-# LINE 10892 "src/GLuaFixer/AG/ASTLint.hs" #-}
                                                                                                           )) of
                                                                                                    { _elsOisInModule ->
                                                                                                    (case (({-# LINE 138 "src/GLuaFixer/AG/ASTLint.ag" #-}
                                                                                                            {-# LINE 10897 "src/GLuaFixer/AG/ASTLint.hs" #-}
                                                                                                            )) of
                                                                                                     { _elsOglobalDefinitions ->
                                                                                                     (case (({-# LINE 134 "src/GLuaFixer/AG/ASTLint.ag" #-}
                                                                                                             {-# LINE 10902 "src/GLuaFixer/AG/ASTLint.hs" #-}
                                                                                                             )) of
                                                                                                      { _elsOconfig ->
                                                                                                      (case (({-# LINE 131 "src/GLuaFixer/AG/ASTLint.ag" #-}
                                                                                                              {-# LINE 10907 "src/GLuaFixer/AG/ASTLint.hs" #-}
                                                                                                              )) of
                                                                                                       { _elsOvariableStyle ->
                                                                                                       (case (({-# LINE 127 "src/GLuaFixer/AG/ASTLint.ag" #-}
                                                                                                               {-# LINE 10912 "src/GLuaFixer/AG/ASTLint.hs" #-}
                                                                                                               )) of
                                                                                                        { _elsOscopeLevel ->
                                                                                                        (case (({-# LINE 128 "src/GLuaFixer/AG/ASTLint.ag" #-}
                                                                                                                {-# LINE 10917 "src/GLuaFixer/AG/ASTLint.hs" #-}
                                                                                                                )) of
                                                                                                         { _elsOloopLevel ->
                                                                                                         (case (({-# LINE 146 "src/GLuaFixer/AG/ASTLint.ag" #-}
                                                                                                                 {-# LINE 10922 "src/GLuaFixer/AG/ASTLint.hs" #-}
                                                                                                                 )) of
                                                                                                          { _elsOfuncName ->
                                                                                                          (case (({-# LINE 375 "src/GLuaFixer/AG/ASTLint.ag" #-}
                                                                                                                  {-# LINE 10927 "src/GLuaFixer/AG/ASTLint.hs" #-}
                                                                                                                  )) of
                                                                                                           { _elsOmtokenPos ->
                                                                                                           (case (els_1 _elsOconfig _elsOfuncName _elsOglobalDefinitions _elsOisInModule _elsOisMeta _elsOloopLevel _elsOmtokenPos _elsOscopeLevel _elsOscopes _elsOvariableStyle) of
                                                                                                            { ( _elsIelseExists,_elsIglobalDefinitions,_elsIidentifier,_elsIisInModule,_elsImtokenPos,_elsIscopes,_elsIvariableStyle,_elsIwarnings) ->
                                                                                                                (case (({-# LINE 138 "src/GLuaFixer/AG/ASTLint.ag" #-}
                                                                                                                        {-# LINE 10934 "src/GLuaFixer/AG/ASTLint.hs" #-}
                                                                                                                        )) of
                                                                                                                 { _lhsOglobalDefinitions ->
                                                                                                                 (case (({-# LINE 154 "src/GLuaFixer/AG/ASTLint.ag" #-}
                                                                                                                         (const _condIidentifier (const _bodyIidentifier (const _elifsIidentifier _elsIidentifier)))
                                                                                                                         {-# LINE 10939 "src/GLuaFixer/AG/ASTLint.hs" #-}
                                                                                                                         )) of
                                                                                                                  { _lhsOidentifier ->
                                                                                                                  (case (({-# LINE 367 "src/GLuaFixer/AG/ASTLint.ag" #-}
                                                                                                                          not _elifsIelseExists && not _elsIelseExists
                                                                                                                          {-# LINE 10944 "src/GLuaFixer/AG/ASTLint.hs" #-}
                                                                                                                          )) of
                                                                                                                   { _lhsOisIfStatement ->
                                                                                                                   (case (({-# LINE 143 "src/GLuaFixer/AG/ASTLint.ag" #-}
                                                                                                                           {-# LINE 10949 "src/GLuaFixer/AG/ASTLint.hs" #-}
                                                                                                                           )) of
                                                                                                                    { _lhsOisInModule ->
                                                                                                                    (case (({-# LINE 135 "src/GLuaFixer/AG/ASTLint.ag" #-}
                                                                                                                            {-# LINE 10954 "src/GLuaFixer/AG/ASTLint.hs" #-}
                                                                                                                            )) of
                                                                                                                     { _lhsOmtokenPos ->
                                                                                                                     (case (({-# LINE 144 "src/GLuaFixer/AG/ASTLint.ag" #-}
                                                                                                                             {-# LINE 10959 "src/GLuaFixer/AG/ASTLint.hs" #-}
                                                                                                                             )) of
                                                                                                                      { _lhsOscopes ->
                                                                                                                      (case (({-# LINE 131 "src/GLuaFixer/AG/ASTLint.ag" #-}
                                                                                                                              {-# LINE 10964 "src/GLuaFixer/AG/ASTLint.hs" #-}
                                                                                                                              )) of
                                                                                                                       { _lhsOvariableStyle ->
                                                                                                                       (case (({-# LINE 383 "src/GLuaFixer/AG/ASTLint.ag" #-}
                                                                                                                               _condIwarnings ++ _bodyIwarnings ++ _elifsIwarnings ++ _elsIwarnings
                                                                                                                               {-# LINE 10969 "src/GLuaFixer/AG/ASTLint.hs" #-}
                                                                                                                               )) of
                                                                                                                        { _warnings_augmented_syn ->
                                                                                                                        (case (({-# LINE 376 "src/GLuaFixer/AG/ASTLint.ag" #-}
                                                                                                                                Region (rgStart _lhsImtokenPos) (customAdvanceToken (rgStart _lhsImtokenPos) If)
                                                                                                                                {-# LINE 10974 "src/GLuaFixer/AG/ASTLint.hs" #-}
                                                                                                                                )) of
                                                                                                                         { _keywordPos ->
                                                                                                                         (case (({-# LINE 383 "src/GLuaFixer/AG/ASTLint.ag" #-}
                                                                                                                                 if not (lint_emptyBlocks _lhsIconfig) || _bodyIstatementCount > 0 then id else
                                                                                                                                   (:) $ warn _keywordPos     EmptyIf
                                                                                                                                 {-# LINE 10980 "src/GLuaFixer/AG/ASTLint.hs" #-}
                                                                                                                                 )) of
                                                                                                                          { _warnings_augmented_f2 ->
                                                                                                                          (case (({-# LINE 383 "src/GLuaFixer/AG/ASTLint.ag" #-}
                                                                                                                                  if not (lint_redundantIfStatements _lhsIconfig) || _bodyIstatementCount /= 1 || not _bodyIisIfStatement || _elifsIelseExists || _elsIelseExists then id else
                                                                                                                                    (:) $ warn _bodyImtokenPos DoubleIf
                                                                                                                                  {-# LINE 10986 "src/GLuaFixer/AG/ASTLint.hs" #-}
                                                                                                                                  )) of
                                                                                                                           { _warnings_augmented_f1 ->
                                                                                                                           (case (({-# LINE 383 "src/GLuaFixer/AG/ASTLint.ag" #-}
                                                                                                                                   foldr ($) _warnings_augmented_syn [_warnings_augmented_f1, _warnings_augmented_f2]
                                                                                                                                   {-# LINE 10991 "src/GLuaFixer/AG/ASTLint.hs" #-}
                                                                                                                                   )) of
                                                                                                                            { _lhsOwarnings ->
                                                                                                                            ( _lhsOglobalDefinitions,_lhsOidentifier,_lhsOisIfStatement,_lhsOisInModule,_lhsOmtokenPos,_lhsOscopes,_lhsOvariableStyle,_lhsOwarnings) }) }) }) }) }) }) }) }) }) }) }) }) }) }) }) }) }) }) }) }) }) }) }) }) }) }) }) }) }) }) }) }) }) }) }) }) }) }) }) }) }) }) }) }) }) }) }) }) }) }) }) }) }) }) }) }) }) }) }) }) }))
                                  in  sem_Stat_AIf_1)) of
                           { ( sem_Stat_1) ->
                           ( _lhsOcopy,sem_Stat_1) }) }) }) }) }) }) })
sem_Stat_ANFor :: T_MToken ->
                  T_MExpr ->
                  T_MExpr ->
                  T_MExpr ->
                  T_Block ->
sem_Stat_ANFor :: T_MToken -> T_MExpr -> T_MExpr -> T_MExpr -> T_Block -> T_Stat
sem_Stat_ANFor T_MToken
var_ T_MExpr
val_ T_MExpr
to_ T_MExpr
step_ T_Block
body_ =
    (case (T_Block
body_) of
     { ( Block
body_1) ->
         (case (T_MExpr
step_) of
          { ( MExpr
step_1) ->
              (case (T_MExpr
to_) of
               { ( MExpr
to_1) ->
                   (case (T_MExpr
val_) of
                    { ( MExpr
val_1) ->
                        (case (T_MToken
var_) of
                         { ( MToken
var_1) ->
                             (case (({-# LINE 153 "src/GLuaFixer/AG/ASTLint.ag" #-}
                                     ANFor _varIcopy _valIcopy _toIcopy _stepIcopy _bodyIcopy
                                     {-# LINE 11017 "src/GLuaFixer/AG/ASTLint.hs" #-}
                                     )) of
                              { _copy ->
                              (case (({-# LINE 153 "src/GLuaFixer/AG/ASTLint.ag" #-}
                                      {-# LINE 11022 "src/GLuaFixer/AG/ASTLint.hs" #-}
                                      )) of
                               { _lhsOcopy ->
                               (case ((let sem_Stat_ANFor_1 :: T_Stat_1
                                           sem_Stat_ANFor_1 =
                                               (\ _lhsIconfig
                                                  _lhsIvariableStyle ->
                                                    (case (({-# LINE 145 "src/GLuaFixer/AG/ASTLint.ag" #-}
                                                            {-# LINE 11039 "src/GLuaFixer/AG/ASTLint.hs" #-}
                                                            )) of
                                                     { _bodyOisMeta ->
                                                     (case (({-# LINE 143 "src/GLuaFixer/AG/ASTLint.ag" #-}
                                                             {-# LINE 11044 "src/GLuaFixer/AG/ASTLint.hs" #-}
                                                             )) of
                                                      { _varOisInModule ->
                                                      (case (({-# LINE 144 "src/GLuaFixer/AG/ASTLint.ag" #-}
                                                              {-# LINE 11049 "src/GLuaFixer/AG/ASTLint.hs" #-}
                                                              )) of
                                                       { _varOscopes ->
                                                       (case (({-# LINE 135 "src/GLuaFixer/AG/ASTLint.ag" #-}
                                                               {-# LINE 11054 "src/GLuaFixer/AG/ASTLint.hs" #-}
                                                               )) of
                                                        { _varOmtokenPos ->
                                                        (case (({-# LINE 145 "src/GLuaFixer/AG/ASTLint.ag" #-}
                                                                {-# LINE 11059 "src/GLuaFixer/AG/ASTLint.hs" #-}
                                                                )) of
                                                         { _varOisMeta ->
                                                         (case (({-# LINE 138 "src/GLuaFixer/AG/ASTLint.ag" #-}
                                                                 {-# LINE 11064 "src/GLuaFixer/AG/ASTLint.hs" #-}
                                                                 )) of
                                                          { _varOglobalDefinitions ->
                                                          (case (({-# LINE 146 "src/GLuaFixer/AG/ASTLint.ag" #-}
                                                                  {-# LINE 11069 "src/GLuaFixer/AG/ASTLint.hs" #-}
                                                                  )) of
                                                           { _varOfuncName ->
                                                           (case (({-# LINE 134 "src/GLuaFixer/AG/ASTLint.ag" #-}
                                                                   {-# LINE 11074 "src/GLuaFixer/AG/ASTLint.hs" #-}
                                                                   )) of
                                                            { _varOconfig ->
                                                            (case (var_1 _varOconfig _varOfuncName _varOglobalDefinitions _varOisInModule _varOisMeta _varOmtokenPos _varOscopes) of
                                                             { ( _varIglobalDefinitions,_varIidentifier,_varIisInModule,_varIscopes,_varIwarnings) ->
                                                                 (case (({-# LINE 143 "src/GLuaFixer/AG/ASTLint.ag" #-}
                                                                         {-# LINE 11081 "src/GLuaFixer/AG/ASTLint.hs" #-}
                                                                         )) of
                                                                  { _valOisInModule ->
                                                                  (case (({-# LINE 131 "src/GLuaFixer/AG/ASTLint.ag" #-}
                                                                          {-# LINE 11086 "src/GLuaFixer/AG/ASTLint.hs" #-}
                                                                          )) of
                                                                   { _valOvariableStyle ->
                                                                   (case (({-# LINE 144 "src/GLuaFixer/AG/ASTLint.ag" #-}
                                                                           {-# LINE 11091 "src/GLuaFixer/AG/ASTLint.hs" #-}
                                                                           )) of
                                                                    { _valOscopes ->
                                                                    (case (({-# LINE 127 "src/GLuaFixer/AG/ASTLint.ag" #-}
                                                                            {-# LINE 11096 "src/GLuaFixer/AG/ASTLint.hs" #-}
                                                                            )) of
                                                                     { _valOscopeLevel ->
                                                                     (case (({-# LINE 135 "src/GLuaFixer/AG/ASTLint.ag" #-}
                                                                             {-# LINE 11101 "src/GLuaFixer/AG/ASTLint.hs" #-}
                                                                             )) of
                                                                      { _valOmtokenPos ->
                                                                      (case (({-# LINE 128 "src/GLuaFixer/AG/ASTLint.ag" #-}
                                                                              {-# LINE 11106 "src/GLuaFixer/AG/ASTLint.hs" #-}
                                                                              )) of
                                                                       { _valOloopLevel ->
                                                                       (case (({-# LINE 145 "src/GLuaFixer/AG/ASTLint.ag" #-}
                                                                               {-# LINE 11111 "src/GLuaFixer/AG/ASTLint.hs" #-}
                                                                               )) of
                                                                        { _valOisMeta ->
                                                                        (case (({-# LINE 138 "src/GLuaFixer/AG/ASTLint.ag" #-}
                                                                                {-# LINE 11116 "src/GLuaFixer/AG/ASTLint.hs" #-}
                                                                                )) of
                                                                         { _valOglobalDefinitions ->
                                                                         (case (({-# LINE 146 "src/GLuaFixer/AG/ASTLint.ag" #-}
                                                                                 {-# LINE 11121 "src/GLuaFixer/AG/ASTLint.hs" #-}
                                                                                 )) of
                                                                          { _valOfuncName ->
                                                                          (case (({-# LINE 134 "src/GLuaFixer/AG/ASTLint.ag" #-}
                                                                                  {-# LINE 11126 "src/GLuaFixer/AG/ASTLint.hs" #-}
                                                                                  )) of
                                                                           { _valOconfig ->
                                                                           (case (({-# LINE 391 "src/GLuaFixer/AG/ASTLint.ag" #-}
                                                                                   {-# LINE 11131 "src/GLuaFixer/AG/ASTLint.hs" #-}
                                                                                   )) of
                                                                            { _valOvarBeingDefined ->
                                                                            (case (({-# LINE 390 "src/GLuaFixer/AG/ASTLint.ag" #-}
                                                                                    {-# LINE 11136 "src/GLuaFixer/AG/ASTLint.hs" #-}
                                                                                    )) of
                                                                             { _valOtopLevel ->
                                                                             (case (({-# LINE 389 "src/GLuaFixer/AG/ASTLint.ag" #-}
                                                                                     {-# LINE 11141 "src/GLuaFixer/AG/ASTLint.hs" #-}
                                                                                     )) of
                                                                              { _valOinParentheses ->
                                                                              (case (({-# LINE 388 "src/GLuaFixer/AG/ASTLint.ag" #-}
                                                                                      {-# LINE 11146 "src/GLuaFixer/AG/ASTLint.hs" #-}
                                                                                      )) of
                                                                               { _valOisNegation ->
                                                                               (case (val_1 _valOconfig _valOfuncName _valOglobalDefinitions _valOinParentheses _valOisInModule _valOisMeta _valOisNegation _valOloopLevel _valOmtokenPos _valOscopeLevel _valOscopes _valOtopLevel _valOvarBeingDefined _valOvariableStyle) of
                                                                                { ( _valIglobalDefinitions,_valIidentifier,_valIisInModule,_valIisSimpleExpression,_valIisSingleVar,_valIscopes,_valIvariableStyle,_valIwarnings) ->
                                                                                    (case (({-# LINE 143 "src/GLuaFixer/AG/ASTLint.ag" #-}
                                                                                            {-# LINE 11153 "src/GLuaFixer/AG/ASTLint.hs" #-}
                                                                                            )) of
                                                                                     { _toOisInModule ->
                                                                                     (case (({-# LINE 131 "src/GLuaFixer/AG/ASTLint.ag" #-}
                                                                                             {-# LINE 11158 "src/GLuaFixer/AG/ASTLint.hs" #-}
                                                                                             )) of
                                                                                      { _toOvariableStyle ->
                                                                                      (case (({-# LINE 144 "src/GLuaFixer/AG/ASTLint.ag" #-}
                                                                                              {-# LINE 11163 "src/GLuaFixer/AG/ASTLint.hs" #-}
                                                                                              )) of
                                                                                       { _toOscopes ->
                                                                                       (case (({-# LINE 127 "src/GLuaFixer/AG/ASTLint.ag" #-}
                                                                                               {-# LINE 11168 "src/GLuaFixer/AG/ASTLint.hs" #-}
                                                                                               )) of
                                                                                        { _toOscopeLevel ->
                                                                                        (case (({-# LINE 135 "src/GLuaFixer/AG/ASTLint.ag" #-}
                                                                                                {-# LINE 11173 "src/GLuaFixer/AG/ASTLint.hs" #-}
                                                                                                )) of
                                                                                         { _toOmtokenPos ->
                                                                                         (case (({-# LINE 128 "src/GLuaFixer/AG/ASTLint.ag" #-}
                                                                                                 {-# LINE 11178 "src/GLuaFixer/AG/ASTLint.hs" #-}
                                                                                                 )) of
                                                                                          { _toOloopLevel ->
                                                                                          (case (({-# LINE 145 "src/GLuaFixer/AG/ASTLint.ag" #-}
                                                                                                  {-# LINE 11183 "src/GLuaFixer/AG/ASTLint.hs" #-}
                                                                                                  )) of
                                                                                           { _toOisMeta ->
                                                                                           (case (({-# LINE 138 "src/GLuaFixer/AG/ASTLint.ag" #-}
                                                                                                   {-# LINE 11188 "src/GLuaFixer/AG/ASTLint.hs" #-}
                                                                                                   )) of
                                                                                            { _toOglobalDefinitions ->
                                                                                            (case (({-# LINE 146 "src/GLuaFixer/AG/ASTLint.ag" #-}
                                                                                                    {-# LINE 11193 "src/GLuaFixer/AG/ASTLint.hs" #-}
                                                                                                    )) of
                                                                                             { _toOfuncName ->
                                                                                             (case (({-# LINE 134 "src/GLuaFixer/AG/ASTLint.ag" #-}
                                                                                                     {-# LINE 11198 "src/GLuaFixer/AG/ASTLint.hs" #-}
                                                                                                     )) of
                                                                                              { _toOconfig ->
                                                                                              (case (({-# LINE 395 "src/GLuaFixer/AG/ASTLint.ag" #-}
                                                                                                      {-# LINE 11203 "src/GLuaFixer/AG/ASTLint.hs" #-}
                                                                                                      )) of
                                                                                               { _toOvarBeingDefined ->
                                                                                               (case (({-# LINE 394 "src/GLuaFixer/AG/ASTLint.ag" #-}
                                                                                                       {-# LINE 11208 "src/GLuaFixer/AG/ASTLint.hs" #-}
                                                                                                       )) of
                                                                                                { _toOtopLevel ->
                                                                                                (case (({-# LINE 393 "src/GLuaFixer/AG/ASTLint.ag" #-}
                                                                                                        {-# LINE 11213 "src/GLuaFixer/AG/ASTLint.hs" #-}
                                                                                                        )) of
                                                                                                 { _toOinParentheses ->
                                                                                                 (case (({-# LINE 392 "src/GLuaFixer/AG/ASTLint.ag" #-}
                                                                                                         {-# LINE 11218 "src/GLuaFixer/AG/ASTLint.hs" #-}
                                                                                                         )) of
                                                                                                  { _toOisNegation ->
                                                                                                  (case (to_1 _toOconfig _toOfuncName _toOglobalDefinitions _toOinParentheses _toOisInModule _toOisMeta _toOisNegation _toOloopLevel _toOmtokenPos _toOscopeLevel _toOscopes _toOtopLevel _toOvarBeingDefined _toOvariableStyle) of
                                                                                                   { ( _toIglobalDefinitions,_toIidentifier,_toIisInModule,_toIisSimpleExpression,_toIisSingleVar,_toIscopes,_toIvariableStyle,_toIwarnings) ->
                                                                                                       (case (({-# LINE 143 "src/GLuaFixer/AG/ASTLint.ag" #-}
                                                                                                               {-# LINE 11225 "src/GLuaFixer/AG/ASTLint.hs" #-}
                                                                                                               )) of
                                                                                                        { _stepOisInModule ->
                                                                                                        (case (({-# LINE 131 "src/GLuaFixer/AG/ASTLint.ag" #-}
                                                                                                                {-# LINE 11230 "src/GLuaFixer/AG/ASTLint.hs" #-}
                                                                                                                )) of
                                                                                                         { _stepOvariableStyle ->
                                                                                                         (case (({-# LINE 144 "src/GLuaFixer/AG/ASTLint.ag" #-}
                                                                                                                 {-# LINE 11235 "src/GLuaFixer/AG/ASTLint.hs" #-}
                                                                                                                 )) of
                                                                                                          { _stepOscopes ->
                                                                                                          (case (({-# LINE 127 "src/GLuaFixer/AG/ASTLint.ag" #-}
                                                                                                                  {-# LINE 11240 "src/GLuaFixer/AG/ASTLint.hs" #-}
                                                                                                                  )) of
                                                                                                           { _stepOscopeLevel ->
                                                                                                           (case (({-# LINE 135 "src/GLuaFixer/AG/ASTLint.ag" #-}
                                                                                                                   {-# LINE 11245 "src/GLuaFixer/AG/ASTLint.hs" #-}
                                                                                                                   )) of
                                                                                                            { _stepOmtokenPos ->
                                                                                                            (case (({-# LINE 128 "src/GLuaFixer/AG/ASTLint.ag" #-}
                                                                                                                    {-# LINE 11250 "src/GLuaFixer/AG/ASTLint.hs" #-}
                                                                                                                    )) of
                                                                                                             { _stepOloopLevel ->
                                                                                                             (case (({-# LINE 145 "src/GLuaFixer/AG/ASTLint.ag" #-}
                                                                                                                     {-# LINE 11255 "src/GLuaFixer/AG/ASTLint.hs" #-}
                                                                                                                     )) of
                                                                                                              { _stepOisMeta ->
                                                                                                              (case (({-# LINE 138 "src/GLuaFixer/AG/ASTLint.ag" #-}
                                                                                                                      {-# LINE 11260 "src/GLuaFixer/AG/ASTLint.hs" #-}
                                                                                                                      )) of
                                                                                                               { _stepOglobalDefinitions ->
                                                                                                               (case (({-# LINE 146 "src/GLuaFixer/AG/ASTLint.ag" #-}
                                                                                                                       {-# LINE 11265 "src/GLuaFixer/AG/ASTLint.hs" #-}
                                                                                                                       )) of
                                                                                                                { _stepOfuncName ->
                                                                                                                (case (({-# LINE 134 "src/GLuaFixer/AG/ASTLint.ag" #-}
                                                                                                                        {-# LINE 11270 "src/GLuaFixer/AG/ASTLint.hs" #-}
                                                                                                                        )) of
                                                                                                                 { _stepOconfig ->
                                                                                                                 (case (({-# LINE 400 "src/GLuaFixer/AG/ASTLint.ag" #-}
                                                                                                                         {-# LINE 11275 "src/GLuaFixer/AG/ASTLint.hs" #-}
                                                                                                                         )) of
                                                                                                                  { _stepOvarBeingDefined ->
                                                                                                                  (case (({-# LINE 399 "src/GLuaFixer/AG/ASTLint.ag" #-}
                                                                                                                          {-# LINE 11280 "src/GLuaFixer/AG/ASTLint.hs" #-}
                                                                                                                          )) of
                                                                                                                   { _stepOtopLevel ->
                                                                                                                   (case (({-# LINE 398 "src/GLuaFixer/AG/ASTLint.ag" #-}
                                                                                                                           {-# LINE 11285 "src/GLuaFixer/AG/ASTLint.hs" #-}
                                                                                                                           )) of
                                                                                                                    { _stepOinParentheses ->
                                                                                                                    (case (({-# LINE 397 "src/GLuaFixer/AG/ASTLint.ag" #-}
                                                                                                                            {-# LINE 11290 "src/GLuaFixer/AG/ASTLint.hs" #-}
                                                                                                                            )) of
                                                                                                                     { _stepOisNegation ->
                                                                                                                     (case (step_1 _stepOconfig _stepOfuncName _stepOglobalDefinitions _stepOinParentheses _stepOisInModule _stepOisMeta _stepOisNegation _stepOloopLevel _stepOmtokenPos _stepOscopeLevel _stepOscopes _stepOtopLevel _stepOvarBeingDefined _stepOvariableStyle) of
                                                                                                                      { ( _stepIglobalDefinitions,_stepIidentifier,_stepIisInModule,_stepIisSimpleExpression,_stepIisSingleVar,_stepIscopes,_stepIvariableStyle,_stepIwarnings) ->
                                                                                                                          (case (({-# LINE 143 "src/GLuaFixer/AG/ASTLint.ag" #-}
                                                                                                                                  {-# LINE 11297 "src/GLuaFixer/AG/ASTLint.hs" #-}
                                                                                                                                  )) of
                                                                                                                           { _bodyOisInModule ->
                                                                                                                           (case (({-# LINE 138 "src/GLuaFixer/AG/ASTLint.ag" #-}
                                                                                                                                   {-# LINE 11302 "src/GLuaFixer/AG/ASTLint.hs" #-}
                                                                                                                                   )) of
                                                                                                                            { _bodyOglobalDefinitions ->
                                                                                                                            (case (({-# LINE 134 "src/GLuaFixer/AG/ASTLint.ag" #-}
                                                                                                                                    {-# LINE 11307 "src/GLuaFixer/AG/ASTLint.hs" #-}
                                                                                                                                    )) of
                                                                                                                             { _bodyOconfig ->
                                                                                                                             (case (({-# LINE 401 "src/GLuaFixer/AG/ASTLint.ag" #-}
                                                                                                                                     M.singleton _varIidentifier (not (lint_unusedLoopVars _lhsIconfig), _varImtokenPos) : _stepIscopes
                                                                                                                                     {-# LINE 11312 "src/GLuaFixer/AG/ASTLint.hs" #-}
                                                                                                                                     )) of
                                                                                                                              { _bodyOscopes ->
                                                                                                                              (case (({-# LINE 131 "src/GLuaFixer/AG/ASTLint.ag" #-}
                                                                                                                                      {-# LINE 11317 "src/GLuaFixer/AG/ASTLint.hs" #-}
                                                                                                                                      )) of
                                                                                                                               { _bodyOvariableStyle ->
                                                                                                                               (case (({-# LINE 127 "src/GLuaFixer/AG/ASTLint.ag" #-}
                                                                                                                                       {-# LINE 11322 "src/GLuaFixer/AG/ASTLint.hs" #-}
                                                                                                                                       )) of
                                                                                                                                { _bodyOscopeLevel ->
                                                                                                                                (case (({-# LINE 135 "src/GLuaFixer/AG/ASTLint.ag" #-}
                                                                                                                                        {-# LINE 11327 "src/GLuaFixer/AG/ASTLint.hs" #-}
                                                                                                                                        )) of
                                                                                                                                 { _bodyOmtokenPos ->
                                                                                                                                 (case (({-# LINE 146 "src/GLuaFixer/AG/ASTLint.ag" #-}
                                                                                                                                         {-# LINE 11332 "src/GLuaFixer/AG/ASTLint.hs" #-}
                                                                                                                                         )) of
                                                                                                                                  { _bodyOfuncName ->
                                                                                                                                  (case (({-# LINE 396 "src/GLuaFixer/AG/ASTLint.ag" #-}
                                                                                                                                          {-# LINE 11337 "src/GLuaFixer/AG/ASTLint.hs" #-}
                                                                                                                                          )) of
                                                                                                                                   { _bodyOisRepeat ->
                                                                                                                                   (case (({-# LINE 387 "src/GLuaFixer/AG/ASTLint.ag" #-}
                                                                                                                                           _lhsIloopLevel + 1
                                                                                                                                           {-# LINE 11342 "src/GLuaFixer/AG/ASTLint.hs" #-}
                                                                                                                                           )) of
                                                                                                                                    { _bodyOloopLevel ->
                                                                                                                                    (case (body_1 _bodyOconfig _bodyOfuncName _bodyOglobalDefinitions _bodyOisInModule _bodyOisMeta _bodyOisRepeat _bodyOloopLevel _bodyOmtokenPos _bodyOscopeLevel _bodyOscopes _bodyOvariableStyle) of
                                                                                                                                     { ( _bodyIglobalDefinitions,_bodyIidentifier,_bodyIisIfStatement,_bodyIisInModule,_bodyImtokenPos,_bodyIscopes,_bodyIstatementCount,_bodyIvariableStyle,_bodyIwarnings) ->
                                                                                                                                         (case (({-# LINE 138 "src/GLuaFixer/AG/ASTLint.ag" #-}
                                                                                                                                                 {-# LINE 11349 "src/GLuaFixer/AG/ASTLint.hs" #-}
                                                                                                                                                 )) of
                                                                                                                                          { _lhsOglobalDefinitions ->
                                                                                                                                          (case (({-# LINE 154 "src/GLuaFixer/AG/ASTLint.ag" #-}
                                                                                                                                                  (const _varIidentifier (const _valIidentifier (const _toIidentifier (const _stepIidentifier _bodyIidentifier))))
                                                                                                                                                  {-# LINE 11354 "src/GLuaFixer/AG/ASTLint.hs" #-}
                                                                                                                                                  )) of
                                                                                                                                           { _lhsOidentifier ->
                                                                                                                                           (case (({-# LINE 386 "src/GLuaFixer/AG/ASTLint.ag" #-}
                                                                                                                                                   {-# LINE 11359 "src/GLuaFixer/AG/ASTLint.hs" #-}
                                                                                                                                                   )) of
                                                                                                                                            { _lhsOisIfStatement ->
                                                                                                                                            (case (({-# LINE 143 "src/GLuaFixer/AG/ASTLint.ag" #-}
                                                                                                                                                    {-# LINE 11364 "src/GLuaFixer/AG/ASTLint.hs" #-}
                                                                                                                                                    )) of
                                                                                                                                             { _lhsOisInModule ->
                                                                                                                                             (case (({-# LINE 135 "src/GLuaFixer/AG/ASTLint.ag" #-}
                                                                                                                                                     {-# LINE 11369 "src/GLuaFixer/AG/ASTLint.hs" #-}
                                                                                                                                                     )) of
                                                                                                                                              { _lhsOmtokenPos ->
                                                                                                                                              (case (({-# LINE 144 "src/GLuaFixer/AG/ASTLint.ag" #-}
                                                                                                                                                      {-# LINE 11374 "src/GLuaFixer/AG/ASTLint.hs" #-}
                                                                                                                                                      )) of
                                                                                                                                               { _lhsOscopes ->
                                                                                                                                               (case (({-# LINE 131 "src/GLuaFixer/AG/ASTLint.ag" #-}
                                                                                                                                                       {-# LINE 11379 "src/GLuaFixer/AG/ASTLint.hs" #-}
                                                                                                                                                       )) of
                                                                                                                                                { _lhsOvariableStyle ->
                                                                                                                                                (case (({-# LINE 405 "src/GLuaFixer/AG/ASTLint.ag" #-}
                                                                                                                                                        _varIwarnings ++ _valIwarnings ++ _toIwarnings ++ _stepIwarnings ++ _bodyIwarnings
                                                                                                                                                        {-# LINE 11384 "src/GLuaFixer/AG/ASTLint.hs" #-}
                                                                                                                                                        )) of
                                                                                                                                                 { _warnings_augmented_syn ->
                                                                                                                                                 (case (({-# LINE 402 "src/GLuaFixer/AG/ASTLint.ag" #-}
                                                                                                                                                         checkShadows _lhsIscopes _varIcopy
                                                                                                                                                         {-# LINE 11389 "src/GLuaFixer/AG/ASTLint.hs" #-}
                                                                                                                                                         )) of
                                                                                                                                                  { _shadowWarning ->
                                                                                                                                                  (case (({-# LINE 405 "src/GLuaFixer/AG/ASTLint.ag" #-}
                                                                                                                                                          if not (lint_shadowing _lhsIconfig) || isNothing _shadowWarning     then id else
                                                                                                                                                            (:) . fromMaybe (error "fromMaybe ANFor +warnings") $ _shadowWarning
                                                                                                                                                          {-# LINE 11395 "src/GLuaFixer/AG/ASTLint.hs" #-}
                                                                                                                                                          )) of
                                                                                                                                                   { _warnings_augmented_f2 ->
                                                                                                                                                   (case (({-# LINE 405 "src/GLuaFixer/AG/ASTLint.ag" #-}
                                                                                                                                                           if not (lint_emptyBlocks _lhsIconfig) || _bodyIstatementCount > 0 then id else
                                                                                                                                                             (:) $ warn _lhsImtokenPos EmptyFor
                                                                                                                                                           {-# LINE 11401 "src/GLuaFixer/AG/ASTLint.hs" #-}
                                                                                                                                                           )) of
                                                                                                                                                    { _warnings_augmented_f1 ->
                                                                                                                                                    (case (({-# LINE 405 "src/GLuaFixer/AG/ASTLint.ag" #-}
                                                                                                                                                            foldr ($) _warnings_augmented_syn [_warnings_augmented_f1, _warnings_augmented_f2]
                                                                                                                                                            {-# LINE 11406 "src/GLuaFixer/AG/ASTLint.hs" #-}
                                                                                                                                                            )) of
                                                                                                                                                     { _lhsOwarnings ->
                                                                                                                                                     ( _lhsOglobalDefinitions,_lhsOidentifier,_lhsOisIfStatement,_lhsOisInModule,_lhsOmtokenPos,_lhsOscopes,_lhsOvariableStyle,_lhsOwarnings) }) }) }) }) }) }) }) }) }) }) }) }) }) }) }) }) }) }) }) }) }) }) }) }) }) }) }) }) }) }) }) }) }) }) }) }) }) }) }) }) }) }) }) }) }) }) }) }) }) }) }) }) }) }) }) }) }) }) }) }) }) }) }) }) }) }) }) }) }) }) }) }) }) }) }) }) }))
                                       in  sem_Stat_ANFor_1)) of
                                { ( sem_Stat_1) ->
                                ( _lhsOcopy,sem_Stat_1) }) }) }) }) }) }) }) })
sem_Stat_AGFor :: ([MToken]) ->
                  T_MExprList ->
                  T_Block ->
sem_Stat_AGFor :: [MToken] -> T_MExprList -> T_Block -> T_Stat
sem_Stat_AGFor [MToken]
vars_ T_MExprList
vals_ T_Block
body_ =
    (case (T_Block
body_) of
     { ( Block
body_1) ->
         (case (T_MExprList
vals_) of
          { ( MExprList
vals_1) ->
              (case (({-# LINE 153 "src/GLuaFixer/AG/ASTLint.ag" #-}
                      AGFor vars_ _valsIcopy _bodyIcopy
                      {-# LINE 11424 "src/GLuaFixer/AG/ASTLint.hs" #-}
                      )) of
               { _copy ->
               (case (({-# LINE 153 "src/GLuaFixer/AG/ASTLint.ag" #-}
                       {-# LINE 11429 "src/GLuaFixer/AG/ASTLint.hs" #-}
                       )) of
                { _lhsOcopy ->
                (case ((let sem_Stat_AGFor_1 :: T_Stat_1
                            sem_Stat_AGFor_1 =
                                (\ _lhsIconfig
                                   _lhsIvariableStyle ->
                                     (case (({-# LINE 145 "src/GLuaFixer/AG/ASTLint.ag" #-}
                                             {-# LINE 11446 "src/GLuaFixer/AG/ASTLint.hs" #-}
                                             )) of
                                      { _bodyOisMeta ->
                                      (case (({-# LINE 143 "src/GLuaFixer/AG/ASTLint.ag" #-}
                                              {-# LINE 11451 "src/GLuaFixer/AG/ASTLint.hs" #-}
                                              )) of
                                       { _valsOisInModule ->
                                       (case (({-# LINE 131 "src/GLuaFixer/AG/ASTLint.ag" #-}
                                               {-# LINE 11456 "src/GLuaFixer/AG/ASTLint.hs" #-}
                                               )) of
                                        { _valsOvariableStyle ->
                                        (case (({-# LINE 144 "src/GLuaFixer/AG/ASTLint.ag" #-}
                                                {-# LINE 11461 "src/GLuaFixer/AG/ASTLint.hs" #-}
                                                )) of
                                         { _valsOscopes ->
                                         (case (({-# LINE 127 "src/GLuaFixer/AG/ASTLint.ag" #-}
                                                 {-# LINE 11466 "src/GLuaFixer/AG/ASTLint.hs" #-}
                                                 )) of
                                          { _valsOscopeLevel ->
                                          (case (({-# LINE 135 "src/GLuaFixer/AG/ASTLint.ag" #-}
                                                  {-# LINE 11471 "src/GLuaFixer/AG/ASTLint.hs" #-}
                                                  )) of
                                           { _valsOmtokenPos ->
                                           (case (({-# LINE 128 "src/GLuaFixer/AG/ASTLint.ag" #-}
                                                   {-# LINE 11476 "src/GLuaFixer/AG/ASTLint.hs" #-}
                                                   )) of
                                            { _valsOloopLevel ->
                                            (case (({-# LINE 145 "src/GLuaFixer/AG/ASTLint.ag" #-}
                                                    {-# LINE 11481 "src/GLuaFixer/AG/ASTLint.hs" #-}
                                                    )) of
                                             { _valsOisMeta ->
                                             (case (({-# LINE 138 "src/GLuaFixer/AG/ASTLint.ag" #-}
                                                     {-# LINE 11486 "src/GLuaFixer/AG/ASTLint.hs" #-}
                                                     )) of
                                              { _valsOglobalDefinitions ->
                                              (case (({-# LINE 146 "src/GLuaFixer/AG/ASTLint.ag" #-}
                                                      {-# LINE 11491 "src/GLuaFixer/AG/ASTLint.hs" #-}
                                                      )) of
                                               { _valsOfuncName ->
                                               (case (({-# LINE 134 "src/GLuaFixer/AG/ASTLint.ag" #-}
                                                       {-# LINE 11496 "src/GLuaFixer/AG/ASTLint.hs" #-}
                                                       )) of
                                                { _valsOconfig ->
                                                (case (({-# LINE 410 "src/GLuaFixer/AG/ASTLint.ag" #-}
                                                        {-# LINE 11501 "src/GLuaFixer/AG/ASTLint.hs" #-}
                                                        )) of
                                                 { _valsOtopLevel ->
                                                 (case (({-# LINE 409 "src/GLuaFixer/AG/ASTLint.ag" #-}
                                                         {-# LINE 11506 "src/GLuaFixer/AG/ASTLint.hs" #-}
                                                         )) of
                                                  { _valsOinParentheses ->
                                                  (case (vals_1 _valsOconfig _valsOfuncName _valsOglobalDefinitions _valsOinParentheses _valsOisInModule _valsOisMeta _valsOloopLevel _valsOmtokenPos _valsOscopeLevel _valsOscopes _valsOtopLevel _valsOvariableStyle) of
                                                   { ( _valsIglobalDefinitions,_valsIidentifier,_valsIisInModule,_valsImtokenPos,_valsIscopes,_valsIvariableStyle,_valsIwarnings) ->
                                                       (case (({-# LINE 143 "src/GLuaFixer/AG/ASTLint.ag" #-}
                                                               {-# LINE 11513 "src/GLuaFixer/AG/ASTLint.hs" #-}
                                                               )) of
                                                        { _bodyOisInModule ->
                                                        (case (({-# LINE 138 "src/GLuaFixer/AG/ASTLint.ag" #-}
                                                                {-# LINE 11518 "src/GLuaFixer/AG/ASTLint.hs" #-}
                                                                )) of
                                                         { _bodyOglobalDefinitions ->
                                                         (case (({-# LINE 134 "src/GLuaFixer/AG/ASTLint.ag" #-}
                                                                 {-# LINE 11523 "src/GLuaFixer/AG/ASTLint.hs" #-}
                                                                 )) of
                                                          { _bodyOconfig ->
                                                          (case (({-# LINE 414 "src/GLuaFixer/AG/ASTLint.ag" #-}
                                                                  M.fromList $ map (\mt -> (tokenLabel mt, (not (lint_unusedLoopVars _lhsIconfig), mpos mt))) vars_
                                                                  {-# LINE 11528 "src/GLuaFixer/AG/ASTLint.hs" #-}
                                                                  )) of
                                                           { _introduces ->
                                                           (case (({-# LINE 415 "src/GLuaFixer/AG/ASTLint.ag" #-}
                                                                   _introduces     : _valsIscopes
                                                                   {-# LINE 11533 "src/GLuaFixer/AG/ASTLint.hs" #-}
                                                                   )) of
                                                            { _bodyOscopes ->
                                                            (case (({-# LINE 131 "src/GLuaFixer/AG/ASTLint.ag" #-}
                                                                    {-# LINE 11538 "src/GLuaFixer/AG/ASTLint.hs" #-}
                                                                    )) of
                                                             { _bodyOvariableStyle ->
                                                             (case (({-# LINE 127 "src/GLuaFixer/AG/ASTLint.ag" #-}
                                                                     {-# LINE 11543 "src/GLuaFixer/AG/ASTLint.hs" #-}
                                                                     )) of
                                                              { _bodyOscopeLevel ->
                                                              (case (({-# LINE 135 "src/GLuaFixer/AG/ASTLint.ag" #-}
                                                                      {-# LINE 11548 "src/GLuaFixer/AG/ASTLint.hs" #-}
                                                                      )) of
                                                               { _bodyOmtokenPos ->
                                                               (case (({-# LINE 146 "src/GLuaFixer/AG/ASTLint.ag" #-}
                                                                       {-# LINE 11553 "src/GLuaFixer/AG/ASTLint.hs" #-}
                                                                       )) of
                                                                { _bodyOfuncName ->
                                                                (case (({-# LINE 412 "src/GLuaFixer/AG/ASTLint.ag" #-}
                                                                        {-# LINE 11558 "src/GLuaFixer/AG/ASTLint.hs" #-}
                                                                        )) of
                                                                 { _bodyOisRepeat ->
                                                                 (case (({-# LINE 411 "src/GLuaFixer/AG/ASTLint.ag" #-}
                                                                         _lhsIloopLevel + 1
                                                                         {-# LINE 11563 "src/GLuaFixer/AG/ASTLint.hs" #-}
                                                                         )) of
                                                                  { _bodyOloopLevel ->
                                                                  (case (body_1 _bodyOconfig _bodyOfuncName _bodyOglobalDefinitions _bodyOisInModule _bodyOisMeta _bodyOisRepeat _bodyOloopLevel _bodyOmtokenPos _bodyOscopeLevel _bodyOscopes _bodyOvariableStyle) of
                                                                   { ( _bodyIglobalDefinitions,_bodyIidentifier,_bodyIisIfStatement,_bodyIisInModule,_bodyImtokenPos,_bodyIscopes,_bodyIstatementCount,_bodyIvariableStyle,_bodyIwarnings) ->
                                                                       (case (({-# LINE 138 "src/GLuaFixer/AG/ASTLint.ag" #-}
                                                                               {-# LINE 11570 "src/GLuaFixer/AG/ASTLint.hs" #-}
                                                                               )) of
                                                                        { _lhsOglobalDefinitions ->
                                                                        (case (({-# LINE 154 "src/GLuaFixer/AG/ASTLint.ag" #-}
                                                                                (const _valsIidentifier _bodyIidentifier)
                                                                                {-# LINE 11575 "src/GLuaFixer/AG/ASTLint.hs" #-}
                                                                                )) of
                                                                         { _lhsOidentifier ->
                                                                         (case (({-# LINE 408 "src/GLuaFixer/AG/ASTLint.ag" #-}
                                                                                 {-# LINE 11580 "src/GLuaFixer/AG/ASTLint.hs" #-}
                                                                                 )) of
                                                                          { _lhsOisIfStatement ->
                                                                          (case (({-# LINE 143 "src/GLuaFixer/AG/ASTLint.ag" #-}
                                                                                  {-# LINE 11585 "src/GLuaFixer/AG/ASTLint.hs" #-}
                                                                                  )) of
                                                                           { _lhsOisInModule ->
                                                                           (case (({-# LINE 135 "src/GLuaFixer/AG/ASTLint.ag" #-}
                                                                                   {-# LINE 11590 "src/GLuaFixer/AG/ASTLint.hs" #-}
                                                                                   )) of
                                                                            { _lhsOmtokenPos ->
                                                                            (case (({-# LINE 144 "src/GLuaFixer/AG/ASTLint.ag" #-}
                                                                                    {-# LINE 11595 "src/GLuaFixer/AG/ASTLint.hs" #-}
                                                                                    )) of
                                                                             { _lhsOscopes ->
                                                                             (case (({-# LINE 131 "src/GLuaFixer/AG/ASTLint.ag" #-}
                                                                                     {-# LINE 11600 "src/GLuaFixer/AG/ASTLint.hs" #-}
                                                                                     )) of
                                                                              { _lhsOvariableStyle ->
                                                                              (case (({-# LINE 418 "src/GLuaFixer/AG/ASTLint.ag" #-}
                                                                                      _valsIwarnings ++ _bodyIwarnings
                                                                                      {-# LINE 11605 "src/GLuaFixer/AG/ASTLint.hs" #-}
                                                                                      )) of
                                                                               { _warnings_augmented_syn ->
                                                                               (case (({-# LINE 418 "src/GLuaFixer/AG/ASTLint.ag" #-}
                                                                                       if not (lint_shadowing _lhsIconfig) then id else
                                                                                         (++) . catMaybes . map (checkShadows _lhsIscopes) $ vars_
                                                                                       {-# LINE 11611 "src/GLuaFixer/AG/ASTLint.hs" #-}
                                                                                       )) of
                                                                                { _warnings_augmented_f2 ->
                                                                                (case (({-# LINE 418 "src/GLuaFixer/AG/ASTLint.ag" #-}
                                                                                        if not (lint_emptyBlocks _lhsIconfig) || _bodyIstatementCount > 0 then id else
                                                                                          (:) $ warn _lhsImtokenPos EmptyFor
                                                                                        {-# LINE 11617 "src/GLuaFixer/AG/ASTLint.hs" #-}
                                                                                        )) of
                                                                                 { _warnings_augmented_f1 ->
                                                                                 (case (({-# LINE 418 "src/GLuaFixer/AG/ASTLint.ag" #-}
                                                                                         foldr ($) _warnings_augmented_syn [_warnings_augmented_f1, _warnings_augmented_f2]
                                                                                         {-# LINE 11622 "src/GLuaFixer/AG/ASTLint.hs" #-}
                                                                                         )) of
                                                                                  { _lhsOwarnings ->
                                                                                  ( _lhsOglobalDefinitions,_lhsOidentifier,_lhsOisIfStatement,_lhsOisInModule,_lhsOmtokenPos,_lhsOscopes,_lhsOvariableStyle,_lhsOwarnings) }) }) }) }) }) }) }) }) }) }) }) }) }) }) }) }) }) }) }) }) }) }) }) }) }) }) }) }) }) }) }) }) }) }) }) }) }))
                        in  sem_Stat_AGFor_1)) of
                 { ( sem_Stat_1) ->
                 ( _lhsOcopy,sem_Stat_1) }) }) }) }) })
sem_Stat_AFunc :: T_FuncName ->
                  ([MToken]) ->
                  T_Block ->
sem_Stat_AFunc :: T_FuncName -> [MToken] -> T_Block -> T_Stat
sem_Stat_AFunc T_FuncName
name_ [MToken]
args_ T_Block
body_ =
    (case (T_Block
body_) of
     { ( Block
body_1) ->
         (case (T_FuncName
name_) of
          { ( FuncName
name_1) ->
              (case (({-# LINE 153 "src/GLuaFixer/AG/ASTLint.ag" #-}
                      AFunc _nameIcopy args_ _bodyIcopy
                      {-# LINE 11640 "src/GLuaFixer/AG/ASTLint.hs" #-}
                      )) of
               { _copy ->
               (case (({-# LINE 153 "src/GLuaFixer/AG/ASTLint.ag" #-}
                       {-# LINE 11645 "src/GLuaFixer/AG/ASTLint.hs" #-}
                       )) of
                { _lhsOcopy ->
                (case ((let sem_Stat_AFunc_1 :: T_Stat_1
                            sem_Stat_AFunc_1 =
                                (\ _lhsIconfig
                                   _lhsIvariableStyle ->
                                     (case (({-# LINE 143 "src/GLuaFixer/AG/ASTLint.ag" #-}
                                             {-# LINE 11662 "src/GLuaFixer/AG/ASTLint.hs" #-}
                                             )) of
                                      { _nameOisInModule ->
                                      (case (({-# LINE 131 "src/GLuaFixer/AG/ASTLint.ag" #-}
                                              {-# LINE 11667 "src/GLuaFixer/AG/ASTLint.hs" #-}
                                              )) of
                                       { _nameOvariableStyle ->
                                       (case (({-# LINE 144 "src/GLuaFixer/AG/ASTLint.ag" #-}
                                               {-# LINE 11672 "src/GLuaFixer/AG/ASTLint.hs" #-}
                                               )) of
                                        { _nameOscopes ->
                                        (case (({-# LINE 127 "src/GLuaFixer/AG/ASTLint.ag" #-}
                                                {-# LINE 11677 "src/GLuaFixer/AG/ASTLint.hs" #-}
                                                )) of
                                         { _nameOscopeLevel ->
                                         (case (({-# LINE 135 "src/GLuaFixer/AG/ASTLint.ag" #-}
                                                 {-# LINE 11682 "src/GLuaFixer/AG/ASTLint.hs" #-}
                                                 )) of
                                          { _nameOmtokenPos ->
                                          (case (({-# LINE 128 "src/GLuaFixer/AG/ASTLint.ag" #-}
                                                  {-# LINE 11687 "src/GLuaFixer/AG/ASTLint.hs" #-}
                                                  )) of
                                           { _nameOloopLevel ->
                                           (case (({-# LINE 433 "src/GLuaFixer/AG/ASTLint.ag" #-}
                                                   _nameIisMeta || findSelf args_ || _lhsIisMeta
                                                   {-# LINE 11692 "src/GLuaFixer/AG/ASTLint.hs" #-}
                                                   )) of
                                            { _isMeta ->
                                            (case (({-# LINE 145 "src/GLuaFixer/AG/ASTLint.ag" #-}
                                                    {-# LINE 11697 "src/GLuaFixer/AG/ASTLint.hs" #-}
                                                    )) of
                                             { _nameOisMeta ->
                                             (case (({-# LINE 138 "src/GLuaFixer/AG/ASTLint.ag" #-}
                                                     {-# LINE 11702 "src/GLuaFixer/AG/ASTLint.hs" #-}
                                                     )) of
                                              { _nameOglobalDefinitions ->
                                              (case (({-# LINE 146 "src/GLuaFixer/AG/ASTLint.ag" #-}
                                                      {-# LINE 11707 "src/GLuaFixer/AG/ASTLint.hs" #-}
                                                      )) of
                                               { _nameOfuncName ->
                                               (case (({-# LINE 134 "src/GLuaFixer/AG/ASTLint.ag" #-}
                                                       {-# LINE 11712 "src/GLuaFixer/AG/ASTLint.hs" #-}
                                                       )) of
                                                { _nameOconfig ->
                                                (case (name_1 _nameOconfig _nameOfuncName _nameOglobalDefinitions _nameOisInModule _nameOisMeta _nameOloopLevel _nameOmtokenPos _nameOscopeLevel _nameOscopes _nameOvariableStyle) of
                                                 { ( _nameIglobalDefinitions,_nameIhasSuffixes,_nameIidentifier,_nameIisInModule,_nameImtokenPos,_nameIscopes,_nameIvariableStyle,_nameIwarnings) ->
                                                     (case (({-# LINE 143 "src/GLuaFixer/AG/ASTLint.ag" #-}
                                                             {-# LINE 11719 "src/GLuaFixer/AG/ASTLint.hs" #-}
                                                             )) of
                                                      { _bodyOisInModule ->
                                                      (case (({-# LINE 138 "src/GLuaFixer/AG/ASTLint.ag" #-}
                                                              {-# LINE 11724 "src/GLuaFixer/AG/ASTLint.hs" #-}
                                                              )) of
                                                       { _bodyOglobalDefinitions ->
                                                       (case (({-# LINE 134 "src/GLuaFixer/AG/ASTLint.ag" #-}
                                                               {-# LINE 11729 "src/GLuaFixer/AG/ASTLint.hs" #-}
                                                               )) of
                                                        { _bodyOconfig ->
                                                        (case (({-# LINE 434 "src/GLuaFixer/AG/ASTLint.ag" #-}
                                                                {-# LINE 11734 "src/GLuaFixer/AG/ASTLint.hs" #-}
                                                                )) of
                                                         { _bodyOisMeta ->
                                                         (case (({-# LINE 422 "src/GLuaFixer/AG/ASTLint.ag" #-}
                                                                 filter (/= MToken emptyRg VarArg) $ args_
                                                                 {-# LINE 11739 "src/GLuaFixer/AG/ASTLint.hs" #-}
                                                                 )) of
                                                          { _argIdentifiers ->
                                                          (case (({-# LINE 424 "src/GLuaFixer/AG/ASTLint.ag" #-}
                                                                  (if _isMeta     then M.insert "self" (True, _nameImtokenPos) else id) $
                                                                    M.fromList . map (\mt -> (tokenLabel mt, (not . lint_unusedParameters $ _lhsIconfig, mpos mt))) $ _argIdentifiers
                                                                  {-# LINE 11745 "src/GLuaFixer/AG/ASTLint.hs" #-}
                                                                  )) of
                                                           { _introduces ->
                                                           (case (({-# LINE 426 "src/GLuaFixer/AG/ASTLint.ag" #-}
                                                                   _introduces     : (registerVariable _nameIscopes _nameImtokenPos _nameIidentifier True)
                                                                   {-# LINE 11750 "src/GLuaFixer/AG/ASTLint.hs" #-}
                                                                   )) of
                                                            { _bodyOscopes ->
                                                            (case (({-# LINE 131 "src/GLuaFixer/AG/ASTLint.ag" #-}
                                                                    {-# LINE 11755 "src/GLuaFixer/AG/ASTLint.hs" #-}
                                                                    )) of
                                                             { _bodyOvariableStyle ->
                                                             (case (({-# LINE 127 "src/GLuaFixer/AG/ASTLint.ag" #-}
                                                                     {-# LINE 11760 "src/GLuaFixer/AG/ASTLint.hs" #-}
                                                                     )) of
                                                              { _bodyOscopeLevel ->
                                                              (case (({-# LINE 135 "src/GLuaFixer/AG/ASTLint.ag" #-}
                                                                      {-# LINE 11765 "src/GLuaFixer/AG/ASTLint.hs" #-}
                                                                      )) of
                                                               { _bodyOmtokenPos ->
                                                               (case (({-# LINE 128 "src/GLuaFixer/AG/ASTLint.ag" #-}
                                                                       {-# LINE 11770 "src/GLuaFixer/AG/ASTLint.hs" #-}
                                                                       )) of
                                                                { _bodyOloopLevel ->
                                                                (case (({-# LINE 435 "src/GLuaFixer/AG/ASTLint.ag" #-}
                                                                        {-# LINE 11775 "src/GLuaFixer/AG/ASTLint.hs" #-}
                                                                        )) of
                                                                 { _bodyOfuncName ->
                                                                 (case (({-# LINE 423 "src/GLuaFixer/AG/ASTLint.ag" #-}
                                                                         {-# LINE 11780 "src/GLuaFixer/AG/ASTLint.hs" #-}
                                                                         )) of
                                                                  { _bodyOisRepeat ->
                                                                  (case (body_1 _bodyOconfig _bodyOfuncName _bodyOglobalDefinitions _bodyOisInModule _bodyOisMeta _bodyOisRepeat _bodyOloopLevel _bodyOmtokenPos _bodyOscopeLevel _bodyOscopes _bodyOvariableStyle) of
                                                                   { ( _bodyIglobalDefinitions,_bodyIidentifier,_bodyIisIfStatement,_bodyIisInModule,_bodyImtokenPos,_bodyIscopes,_bodyIstatementCount,_bodyIvariableStyle,_bodyIwarnings) ->
                                                                       (case (({-# LINE 428 "src/GLuaFixer/AG/ASTLint.ag" #-}
                                                                               {-# LINE 11787 "src/GLuaFixer/AG/ASTLint.hs" #-}
                                                                               )) of
                                                                        { _globalDefinitions_augmented_syn ->
                                                                        (case (({-# LINE 428 "src/GLuaFixer/AG/ASTLint.ag" #-}
                                                                                if _lhsIisInModule || isVariableLocal _lhsIscopes _nameIidentifier || _nameIisMeta || _nameIhasSuffixes then id else
                                                                                  M.insertWith (++) _nameIidentifier [_nameImtokenPos]
                                                                                {-# LINE 11793 "src/GLuaFixer/AG/ASTLint.hs" #-}
                                                                                )) of
                                                                         { _globalDefinitions_augmented_f1 ->
                                                                         (case (({-# LINE 428 "src/GLuaFixer/AG/ASTLint.ag" #-}
                                                                                 foldr ($) _globalDefinitions_augmented_syn [_globalDefinitions_augmented_f1]
                                                                                 {-# LINE 11798 "src/GLuaFixer/AG/ASTLint.hs" #-}
                                                                                 )) of
                                                                          { _lhsOglobalDefinitions ->
                                                                          (case (({-# LINE 154 "src/GLuaFixer/AG/ASTLint.ag" #-}
                                                                                  (const _nameIidentifier _bodyIidentifier)
                                                                                  {-# LINE 11803 "src/GLuaFixer/AG/ASTLint.hs" #-}
                                                                                  )) of
                                                                           { _lhsOidentifier ->
                                                                           (case (({-# LINE 421 "src/GLuaFixer/AG/ASTLint.ag" #-}
                                                                                   {-# LINE 11808 "src/GLuaFixer/AG/ASTLint.hs" #-}
                                                                                   )) of
                                                                            { _lhsOisIfStatement ->
                                                                            (case (({-# LINE 143 "src/GLuaFixer/AG/ASTLint.ag" #-}
                                                                                    {-# LINE 11813 "src/GLuaFixer/AG/ASTLint.hs" #-}
                                                                                    )) of
                                                                             { _lhsOisInModule ->
                                                                             (case (({-# LINE 135 "src/GLuaFixer/AG/ASTLint.ag" #-}
                                                                                     {-# LINE 11818 "src/GLuaFixer/AG/ASTLint.hs" #-}
                                                                                     )) of
                                                                              { _lhsOmtokenPos ->
                                                                              (case (({-# LINE 144 "src/GLuaFixer/AG/ASTLint.ag" #-}
                                                                                      {-# LINE 11823 "src/GLuaFixer/AG/ASTLint.hs" #-}
                                                                                      )) of
                                                                               { _lhsOscopes ->
                                                                               (case (({-# LINE 131 "src/GLuaFixer/AG/ASTLint.ag" #-}
                                                                                       {-# LINE 11828 "src/GLuaFixer/AG/ASTLint.hs" #-}
                                                                                       )) of
                                                                                { _lhsOvariableStyle ->
                                                                                (case (({-# LINE 431 "src/GLuaFixer/AG/ASTLint.ag" #-}
                                                                                        _nameIwarnings ++ _bodyIwarnings
                                                                                        {-# LINE 11833 "src/GLuaFixer/AG/ASTLint.hs" #-}
                                                                                        )) of
                                                                                 { _warnings_augmented_syn ->
                                                                                 (case (({-# LINE 431 "src/GLuaFixer/AG/ASTLint.ag" #-}
                                                                                         if not (lint_shadowing _lhsIconfig) then id else
                                                                                           (++) . catMaybes . map (checkShadows _lhsIscopes) $ _argIdentifiers
                                                                                         {-# LINE 11839 "src/GLuaFixer/AG/ASTLint.hs" #-}
                                                                                         )) of
                                                                                  { _warnings_augmented_f1 ->
                                                                                  (case (({-# LINE 431 "src/GLuaFixer/AG/ASTLint.ag" #-}
                                                                                          foldr ($) _warnings_augmented_syn [_warnings_augmented_f1]
                                                                                          {-# LINE 11844 "src/GLuaFixer/AG/ASTLint.hs" #-}
                                                                                          )) of
                                                                                   { _lhsOwarnings ->
                                                                                   ( _lhsOglobalDefinitions,_lhsOidentifier,_lhsOisIfStatement,_lhsOisInModule,_lhsOmtokenPos,_lhsOscopes,_lhsOvariableStyle,_lhsOwarnings) }) }) }) }) }) }) }) }) }) }) }) }) }) }) }) }) }) }) }) }) }) }) }) }) }) }) }) }) }) }) }) }) }) }) }) }) }) }))
                        in  sem_Stat_AFunc_1)) of
                 { ( sem_Stat_1) ->
                 ( _lhsOcopy,sem_Stat_1) }) }) }) }) })
sem_Stat_ALocFunc :: T_FuncName ->
                     ([MToken]) ->
                     T_Block ->
sem_Stat_ALocFunc :: T_FuncName -> [MToken] -> T_Block -> T_Stat
sem_Stat_ALocFunc T_FuncName
name_ [MToken]
args_ T_Block
body_ =
    (case (T_Block
body_) of
     { ( Block
body_1) ->
         (case (T_FuncName
name_) of
          { ( FuncName
name_1) ->
              (case (({-# LINE 153 "src/GLuaFixer/AG/ASTLint.ag" #-}
                      ALocFunc _nameIcopy args_ _bodyIcopy
                      {-# LINE 11862 "src/GLuaFixer/AG/ASTLint.hs" #-}
                      )) of
               { _copy ->
               (case (({-# LINE 153 "src/GLuaFixer/AG/ASTLint.ag" #-}
                       {-# LINE 11867 "src/GLuaFixer/AG/ASTLint.hs" #-}
                       )) of
                { _lhsOcopy ->
                (case ((let sem_Stat_ALocFunc_1 :: T_Stat_1
                            sem_Stat_ALocFunc_1 =
                                (\ _lhsIconfig
                                   _lhsIvariableStyle ->
                                     (case (({-# LINE 143 "src/GLuaFixer/AG/ASTLint.ag" #-}
                                             {-# LINE 11884 "src/GLuaFixer/AG/ASTLint.hs" #-}
                                             )) of
                                      { _nameOisInModule ->
                                      (case (({-# LINE 131 "src/GLuaFixer/AG/ASTLint.ag" #-}
                                              {-# LINE 11889 "src/GLuaFixer/AG/ASTLint.hs" #-}
                                              )) of
                                       { _nameOvariableStyle ->
                                       (case (({-# LINE 144 "src/GLuaFixer/AG/ASTLint.ag" #-}
                                               {-# LINE 11894 "src/GLuaFixer/AG/ASTLint.hs" #-}
                                               )) of
                                        { _nameOscopes ->
                                        (case (({-# LINE 127 "src/GLuaFixer/AG/ASTLint.ag" #-}
                                                {-# LINE 11899 "src/GLuaFixer/AG/ASTLint.hs" #-}
                                                )) of
                                         { _nameOscopeLevel ->
                                         (case (({-# LINE 135 "src/GLuaFixer/AG/ASTLint.ag" #-}
                                                 {-# LINE 11904 "src/GLuaFixer/AG/ASTLint.hs" #-}
                                                 )) of
                                          { _nameOmtokenPos ->
                                          (case (({-# LINE 128 "src/GLuaFixer/AG/ASTLint.ag" #-}
                                                  {-# LINE 11909 "src/GLuaFixer/AG/ASTLint.hs" #-}
                                                  )) of
                                           { _nameOloopLevel ->
                                           (case (({-# LINE 446 "src/GLuaFixer/AG/ASTLint.ag" #-}
                                                   findSelf args_ || _lhsIisMeta
                                                   {-# LINE 11914 "src/GLuaFixer/AG/ASTLint.hs" #-}
                                                   )) of
                                            { _isMeta ->
                                            (case (({-# LINE 145 "src/GLuaFixer/AG/ASTLint.ag" #-}
                                                    {-# LINE 11919 "src/GLuaFixer/AG/ASTLint.hs" #-}
                                                    )) of
                                             { _nameOisMeta ->
                                             (case (({-# LINE 138 "src/GLuaFixer/AG/ASTLint.ag" #-}
                                                     {-# LINE 11924 "src/GLuaFixer/AG/ASTLint.hs" #-}
                                                     )) of
                                              { _nameOglobalDefinitions ->
                                              (case (({-# LINE 146 "src/GLuaFixer/AG/ASTLint.ag" #-}
                                                      {-# LINE 11929 "src/GLuaFixer/AG/ASTLint.hs" #-}
                                                      )) of
                                               { _nameOfuncName ->
                                               (case (({-# LINE 134 "src/GLuaFixer/AG/ASTLint.ag" #-}
                                                       {-# LINE 11934 "src/GLuaFixer/AG/ASTLint.hs" #-}
                                                       )) of
                                                { _nameOconfig ->
                                                (case (name_1 _nameOconfig _nameOfuncName _nameOglobalDefinitions _nameOisInModule _nameOisMeta _nameOloopLevel _nameOmtokenPos _nameOscopeLevel _nameOscopes _nameOvariableStyle) of
                                                 { ( _nameIglobalDefinitions,_nameIhasSuffixes,_nameIidentifier,_nameIisInModule,_nameImtokenPos,_nameIscopes,_nameIvariableStyle,_nameIwarnings) ->
                                                     (case (({-# LINE 143 "src/GLuaFixer/AG/ASTLint.ag" #-}
                                                             {-# LINE 11941 "src/GLuaFixer/AG/ASTLint.hs" #-}
                                                             )) of
                                                      { _bodyOisInModule ->
                                                      (case (({-# LINE 138 "src/GLuaFixer/AG/ASTLint.ag" #-}
                                                              {-# LINE 11946 "src/GLuaFixer/AG/ASTLint.hs" #-}
                                                              )) of
                                                       { _bodyOglobalDefinitions ->
                                                       (case (({-# LINE 134 "src/GLuaFixer/AG/ASTLint.ag" #-}
                                                               {-# LINE 11951 "src/GLuaFixer/AG/ASTLint.hs" #-}
                                                               )) of
                                                        { _bodyOconfig ->
                                                        (case (({-# LINE 447 "src/GLuaFixer/AG/ASTLint.ag" #-}
                                                                {-# LINE 11956 "src/GLuaFixer/AG/ASTLint.hs" #-}
                                                                )) of
                                                         { _bodyOisMeta ->
                                                         (case (({-# LINE 444 "src/GLuaFixer/AG/ASTLint.ag" #-}
                                                                 M.insert _nameIidentifier (False, _nameImtokenPos) (head _nameIscopes) : tail _nameIscopes
                                                                 {-# LINE 11961 "src/GLuaFixer/AG/ASTLint.hs" #-}
                                                                 )) of
                                                          { _passedScopes ->
                                                          (case (({-# LINE 438 "src/GLuaFixer/AG/ASTLint.ag" #-}
                                                                  filter (/= MToken emptyRg VarArg) $ args_
                                                                  {-# LINE 11966 "src/GLuaFixer/AG/ASTLint.hs" #-}
                                                                  )) of
                                                           { _argIdentifiers ->
                                                           (case (({-# LINE 440 "src/GLuaFixer/AG/ASTLint.ag" #-}
                                                                   (if _isMeta     then M.insert "self" (True, _nameImtokenPos) else id) $
                                                                     M.fromList . map (\mt -> (tokenLabel mt, (not . lint_unusedParameters $ _lhsIconfig, mpos mt))) $ _argIdentifiers
                                                                   {-# LINE 11972 "src/GLuaFixer/AG/ASTLint.hs" #-}
                                                                   )) of
                                                            { _introduces ->
                                                            (case (({-# LINE 445 "src/GLuaFixer/AG/ASTLint.ag" #-}
                                                                    _introduces     : _passedScopes
                                                                    {-# LINE 11977 "src/GLuaFixer/AG/ASTLint.hs" #-}
                                                                    )) of
                                                             { _bodyOscopes ->
                                                             (case (({-# LINE 131 "src/GLuaFixer/AG/ASTLint.ag" #-}
                                                                     {-# LINE 11982 "src/GLuaFixer/AG/ASTLint.hs" #-}
                                                                     )) of
                                                              { _bodyOvariableStyle ->
                                                              (case (({-# LINE 127 "src/GLuaFixer/AG/ASTLint.ag" #-}
                                                                      {-# LINE 11987 "src/GLuaFixer/AG/ASTLint.hs" #-}
                                                                      )) of
                                                               { _bodyOscopeLevel ->
                                                               (case (({-# LINE 135 "src/GLuaFixer/AG/ASTLint.ag" #-}
                                                                       {-# LINE 11992 "src/GLuaFixer/AG/ASTLint.hs" #-}
                                                                       )) of
                                                                { _bodyOmtokenPos ->
                                                                (case (({-# LINE 128 "src/GLuaFixer/AG/ASTLint.ag" #-}
                                                                        {-# LINE 11997 "src/GLuaFixer/AG/ASTLint.hs" #-}
                                                                        )) of
                                                                 { _bodyOloopLevel ->
                                                                 (case (({-# LINE 448 "src/GLuaFixer/AG/ASTLint.ag" #-}
                                                                         {-# LINE 12002 "src/GLuaFixer/AG/ASTLint.hs" #-}
                                                                         )) of
                                                                  { _bodyOfuncName ->
                                                                  (case (({-# LINE 439 "src/GLuaFixer/AG/ASTLint.ag" #-}
                                                                          {-# LINE 12007 "src/GLuaFixer/AG/ASTLint.hs" #-}
                                                                          )) of
                                                                   { _bodyOisRepeat ->
                                                                   (case (body_1 _bodyOconfig _bodyOfuncName _bodyOglobalDefinitions _bodyOisInModule _bodyOisMeta _bodyOisRepeat _bodyOloopLevel _bodyOmtokenPos _bodyOscopeLevel _bodyOscopes _bodyOvariableStyle) of
                                                                    { ( _bodyIglobalDefinitions,_bodyIidentifier,_bodyIisIfStatement,_bodyIisInModule,_bodyImtokenPos,_bodyIscopes,_bodyIstatementCount,_bodyIvariableStyle,_bodyIwarnings) ->
                                                                        (case (({-# LINE 138 "src/GLuaFixer/AG/ASTLint.ag" #-}
                                                                                {-# LINE 12014 "src/GLuaFixer/AG/ASTLint.hs" #-}
                                                                                )) of
                                                                         { _lhsOglobalDefinitions ->
                                                                         (case (({-# LINE 154 "src/GLuaFixer/AG/ASTLint.ag" #-}
                                                                                 (const _nameIidentifier _bodyIidentifier)
                                                                                 {-# LINE 12019 "src/GLuaFixer/AG/ASTLint.hs" #-}
                                                                                 )) of
                                                                          { _lhsOidentifier ->
                                                                          (case (({-# LINE 437 "src/GLuaFixer/AG/ASTLint.ag" #-}
                                                                                  {-# LINE 12024 "src/GLuaFixer/AG/ASTLint.hs" #-}
                                                                                  )) of
                                                                           { _lhsOisIfStatement ->
                                                                           (case (({-# LINE 143 "src/GLuaFixer/AG/ASTLint.ag" #-}
                                                                                   {-# LINE 12029 "src/GLuaFixer/AG/ASTLint.hs" #-}
                                                                                   )) of
                                                                            { _lhsOisInModule ->
                                                                            (case (({-# LINE 135 "src/GLuaFixer/AG/ASTLint.ag" #-}
                                                                                    {-# LINE 12034 "src/GLuaFixer/AG/ASTLint.hs" #-}
                                                                                    )) of
                                                                             { _lhsOmtokenPos ->
                                                                             (case (({-# LINE 144 "src/GLuaFixer/AG/ASTLint.ag" #-}
                                                                                     {-# LINE 12039 "src/GLuaFixer/AG/ASTLint.hs" #-}
                                                                                     )) of
                                                                              { _lhsOscopes ->
                                                                              (case (({-# LINE 131 "src/GLuaFixer/AG/ASTLint.ag" #-}
                                                                                      {-# LINE 12044 "src/GLuaFixer/AG/ASTLint.hs" #-}
                                                                                      )) of
                                                                               { _lhsOvariableStyle ->
                                                                               (case (({-# LINE 454 "src/GLuaFixer/AG/ASTLint.ag" #-}
                                                                                       _nameIwarnings ++ _bodyIwarnings
                                                                                       {-# LINE 12049 "src/GLuaFixer/AG/ASTLint.hs" #-}
                                                                                       )) of
                                                                                { _warnings_augmented_syn ->
                                                                                (case (({-# LINE 443 "src/GLuaFixer/AG/ASTLint.ag" #-}
                                                                                        MToken _nameImtokenPos (Identifier _nameIidentifier)
                                                                                        {-# LINE 12054 "src/GLuaFixer/AG/ASTLint.hs" #-}
                                                                                        )) of
                                                                                 { _funcname ->
                                                                                 (case (({-# LINE 453 "src/GLuaFixer/AG/ASTLint.ag" #-}
                                                                                         checkShadows _lhsIscopes _funcname
                                                                                         {-# LINE 12059 "src/GLuaFixer/AG/ASTLint.hs" #-}
                                                                                         )) of
                                                                                  { _funcNameShadows ->
                                                                                  (case (({-# LINE 454 "src/GLuaFixer/AG/ASTLint.ag" #-}
                                                                                          if not (lint_shadowing _lhsIconfig) then id else
                                                                                            (++) . catMaybes . map (checkShadows _lhsIscopes) $ _argIdentifiers
                                                                                          {-# LINE 12065 "src/GLuaFixer/AG/ASTLint.hs" #-}
                                                                                          )) of
                                                                                   { _warnings_augmented_f2 ->
                                                                                   (case (({-# LINE 454 "src/GLuaFixer/AG/ASTLint.ag" #-}
                                                                                           if not (lint_shadowing _lhsIconfig) || isNothing _funcNameShadows     then id else
                                                                                             (:) . fromMaybe (error "fromMaybe ALocFunc +warnings") $ _funcNameShadows
                                                                                           {-# LINE 12071 "src/GLuaFixer/AG/ASTLint.hs" #-}
                                                                                           )) of
                                                                                    { _warnings_augmented_f1 ->
                                                                                    (case (({-# LINE 454 "src/GLuaFixer/AG/ASTLint.ag" #-}
                                                                                            foldr ($) _warnings_augmented_syn [_warnings_augmented_f1, _warnings_augmented_f2]
                                                                                            {-# LINE 12076 "src/GLuaFixer/AG/ASTLint.hs" #-}
                                                                                            )) of
                                                                                     { _lhsOwarnings ->
                                                                                     ( _lhsOglobalDefinitions,_lhsOidentifier,_lhsOisIfStatement,_lhsOisInModule,_lhsOmtokenPos,_lhsOscopes,_lhsOvariableStyle,_lhsOwarnings) }) }) }) }) }) }) }) }) }) }) }) }) }) }) }) }) }) }) }) }) }) }) }) }) }) }) }) }) }) }) }) }) }) }) }) }) }) }) }) }))
                        in  sem_Stat_ALocFunc_1)) of
                 { ( sem_Stat_1) ->
                 ( _lhsOcopy,sem_Stat_1) }) }) }) }) })
-- Token -------------------------------------------------------
-- cata
sem_Token :: Token ->
sem_Token :: Token -> T_Token
sem_Token (Whitespace String
_space) =
    (String -> T_Token
sem_Token_Whitespace String
sem_Token (DashComment String
_comment) =
    (String -> T_Token
sem_Token_DashComment String
sem_Token (DashBlockComment Int
_depth String
_comment) =
    (Int -> String -> T_Token
sem_Token_DashBlockComment Int
_depth String
sem_Token (SlashComment String
_comment) =
    (String -> T_Token
sem_Token_SlashComment String
sem_Token (SlashBlockComment String
_comment) =
    (String -> T_Token
sem_Token_SlashBlockComment String
sem_Token (Token
Semicolon) =
sem_Token (TNumber String
_num) =
    (String -> T_Token
sem_Token_TNumber String
sem_Token (DQString String
_str) =
    (String -> T_Token
sem_Token_DQString String
sem_Token (SQString String
_str) =
    (String -> T_Token
sem_Token_SQString String
sem_Token (MLString String
_str) =
    (String -> T_Token
sem_Token_MLString String
sem_Token (Token
TTrue) =
sem_Token (Token
TFalse) =
sem_Token (Token
Nil) =
sem_Token (Token
VarArg) =
sem_Token (Token
Plus) =
sem_Token (Token
Minus) =
sem_Token (Token
Multiply) =
sem_Token (Token
Divide) =
sem_Token (Token
Modulus) =
sem_Token (Token
Power) =
sem_Token (Token
TEq) =
sem_Token (Token
TNEq) =
sem_Token (Token
TCNEq) =
sem_Token (Token
sem_Token (Token
sem_Token (Token
TLT) =
sem_Token (Token
TGT) =
sem_Token (Token
Equals) =
sem_Token (Token
Concatenate) =
sem_Token (Token
Colon) =
sem_Token (Token
Dot) =
sem_Token (Token
Comma) =
sem_Token (Token
Hash) =
sem_Token (Token
Not) =
sem_Token (Token
CNot) =
sem_Token (Token
And) =
sem_Token (Token
CAnd) =
sem_Token (Token
Or) =
sem_Token (Token
COr) =
sem_Token (Token
Function) =
sem_Token (Token
Local) =
sem_Token (Token
If) =
sem_Token (Token
Then) =
sem_Token (Token
Elseif) =
sem_Token (Token
Else) =
sem_Token (Token
For) =
sem_Token (Token
In) =
sem_Token (Token
Do) =
sem_Token (Token
While) =
sem_Token (Token
Until) =
sem_Token (Token
Repeat) =
sem_Token (Token
Continue) =
sem_Token (Token
Break) =
sem_Token (Token
Return) =
sem_Token (Token
End) =
sem_Token (Token
LRound) =
sem_Token (Token
RRound) =
sem_Token (Token
LCurly) =
sem_Token (Token
RCurly) =
sem_Token (Token
LSquare) =
sem_Token (Token
RSquare) =
sem_Token (Label String
_whitespaceBefore String
_lbl String
_whitespaceAfter) =
    (String -> String -> String -> T_Token
sem_Token_Label String
_whitespaceBefore String
_lbl String
sem_Token (Identifier String
_ident) =
    (String -> T_Token
sem_Token_Identifier String
-- semantic domain
type T_Token = ( Token,String,([String -> LintMessage]))
data Inh_Token = Inh_Token {}
data Syn_Token = Syn_Token {Syn_Token -> Token
copy_Syn_Token :: Token,Syn_Token -> String
identifier_Syn_Token :: String,Syn_Token -> [String -> LintMessage]
warnings_Syn_Token :: ([String -> LintMessage])}
wrap_Token :: T_Token ->
              Inh_Token ->
wrap_Token :: T_Token -> Inh_Token -> Syn_Token
wrap_Token T_Token
sem (Inh_Token
Inh_Token) =
    (let ( Token
_lhsOidentifier,[String -> LintMessage]
_lhsOwarnings) = T_Token
     in  (Token -> String -> [String -> LintMessage] -> Syn_Token
Syn_Token Token
_lhsOcopy String
_lhsOidentifier [String -> LintMessage]
sem_Token_Whitespace :: String ->
sem_Token_Whitespace :: String -> T_Token
sem_Token_Whitespace String
space_ =
    (case (({-# LINE 153 "src/GLuaFixer/AG/ASTLint.ag" #-}
            Whitespace space_
            {-# LINE 12228 "src/GLuaFixer/AG/ASTLint.hs" #-}
            )) of
     { _copy ->
     (case (({-# LINE 153 "src/GLuaFixer/AG/ASTLint.ag" #-}
             {-# LINE 12233 "src/GLuaFixer/AG/ASTLint.hs" #-}
             )) of
      { _lhsOcopy ->
      (case (({-# LINE 154 "src/GLuaFixer/AG/ASTLint.ag" #-}
              {-# LINE 12238 "src/GLuaFixer/AG/ASTLint.hs" #-}
              )) of
       { _lhsOidentifier ->
       (case (({-# LINE 152 "src/GLuaFixer/AG/ASTLint.ag" #-}
               {-# LINE 12243 "src/GLuaFixer/AG/ASTLint.hs" #-}
               )) of
        { _lhsOwarnings ->
        ( _lhsOcopy,_lhsOidentifier,_lhsOwarnings) }) }) }) })
sem_Token_DashComment :: String ->
sem_Token_DashComment :: String -> T_Token
sem_Token_DashComment String
comment_ =
    (case (({-# LINE 153 "src/GLuaFixer/AG/ASTLint.ag" #-}
            DashComment comment_
            {-# LINE 12252 "src/GLuaFixer/AG/ASTLint.hs" #-}
            )) of
     { _copy ->
     (case (({-# LINE 153 "src/GLuaFixer/AG/ASTLint.ag" #-}
             {-# LINE 12257 "src/GLuaFixer/AG/ASTLint.hs" #-}
             )) of
      { _lhsOcopy ->
      (case (({-# LINE 154 "src/GLuaFixer/AG/ASTLint.ag" #-}
              {-# LINE 12262 "src/GLuaFixer/AG/ASTLint.hs" #-}
              )) of
       { _lhsOidentifier ->
       (case (({-# LINE 152 "src/GLuaFixer/AG/ASTLint.ag" #-}
               {-# LINE 12267 "src/GLuaFixer/AG/ASTLint.hs" #-}
               )) of
        { _lhsOwarnings ->
        ( _lhsOcopy,_lhsOidentifier,_lhsOwarnings) }) }) }) })
sem_Token_DashBlockComment :: Int ->
                              String ->
sem_Token_DashBlockComment :: Int -> String -> T_Token
sem_Token_DashBlockComment Int
depth_ String
comment_ =
    (case (({-# LINE 153 "src/GLuaFixer/AG/ASTLint.ag" #-}
            DashBlockComment depth_ comment_
            {-# LINE 12277 "src/GLuaFixer/AG/ASTLint.hs" #-}
            )) of
     { _copy ->
     (case (({-# LINE 153 "src/GLuaFixer/AG/ASTLint.ag" #-}
             {-# LINE 12282 "src/GLuaFixer/AG/ASTLint.hs" #-}
             )) of
      { _lhsOcopy ->
      (case (({-# LINE 154 "src/GLuaFixer/AG/ASTLint.ag" #-}
              {-# LINE 12287 "src/GLuaFixer/AG/ASTLint.hs" #-}
              )) of
       { _lhsOidentifier ->
       (case (({-# LINE 152 "src/GLuaFixer/AG/ASTLint.ag" #-}
               {-# LINE 12292 "src/GLuaFixer/AG/ASTLint.hs" #-}
               )) of
        { _lhsOwarnings ->
        ( _lhsOcopy,_lhsOidentifier,_lhsOwarnings) }) }) }) })
sem_Token_SlashComment :: String ->
sem_Token_SlashComment :: String -> T_Token
sem_Token_SlashComment String
comment_ =
    (case (({-# LINE 153 "src/GLuaFixer/AG/ASTLint.ag" #-}
            SlashComment comment_
            {-# LINE 12301 "src/GLuaFixer/AG/ASTLint.hs" #-}
            )) of
     { _copy ->
     (case (({-# LINE 153 "src/GLuaFixer/AG/ASTLint.ag" #-}
             {-# LINE 12306 "src/GLuaFixer/AG/ASTLint.hs" #-}
             )) of
      { _lhsOcopy ->
      (case (({-# LINE 154 "src/GLuaFixer/AG/ASTLint.ag" #-}
              {-# LINE 12311 "src/GLuaFixer/AG/ASTLint.hs" #-}
              )) of
       { _lhsOidentifier ->
       (case (({-# LINE 152 "src/GLuaFixer/AG/ASTLint.ag" #-}
               {-# LINE 12316 "src/GLuaFixer/AG/ASTLint.hs" #-}
               )) of
        { _lhsOwarnings ->
        ( _lhsOcopy,_lhsOidentifier,_lhsOwarnings) }) }) }) })
sem_Token_SlashBlockComment :: String ->
sem_Token_SlashBlockComment :: String -> T_Token
sem_Token_SlashBlockComment String
comment_ =
    (case (({-# LINE 153 "src/GLuaFixer/AG/ASTLint.ag" #-}
            SlashBlockComment comment_
            {-# LINE 12325 "src/GLuaFixer/AG/ASTLint.hs" #-}
            )) of
     { _copy ->
     (case (({-# LINE 153 "src/GLuaFixer/AG/ASTLint.ag" #-}
             {-# LINE 12330 "src/GLuaFixer/AG/ASTLint.hs" #-}
             )) of
      { _lhsOcopy ->
      (case (({-# LINE 154 "src/GLuaFixer/AG/ASTLint.ag" #-}
              {-# LINE 12335 "src/GLuaFixer/AG/ASTLint.hs" #-}
              )) of
       { _lhsOidentifier ->
       (case (({-# LINE 152 "src/GLuaFixer/AG/ASTLint.ag" #-}
               {-# LINE 12340 "src/GLuaFixer/AG/ASTLint.hs" #-}
               )) of
        { _lhsOwarnings ->
        ( _lhsOcopy,_lhsOidentifier,_lhsOwarnings) }) }) }) })
sem_Token_Semicolon :: T_Token
sem_Token_Semicolon :: T_Token
sem_Token_Semicolon =
    (case (({-# LINE 153 "src/GLuaFixer/AG/ASTLint.ag" #-}
            {-# LINE 12348 "src/GLuaFixer/AG/ASTLint.hs" #-}
            )) of
     { _copy ->
     (case (({-# LINE 153 "src/GLuaFixer/AG/ASTLint.ag" #-}
             {-# LINE 12353 "src/GLuaFixer/AG/ASTLint.hs" #-}
             )) of
      { _lhsOcopy ->
      (case (({-# LINE 154 "src/GLuaFixer/AG/ASTLint.ag" #-}
              {-# LINE 12358 "src/GLuaFixer/AG/ASTLint.hs" #-}
              )) of
       { _lhsOidentifier ->
       (case (({-# LINE 152 "src/GLuaFixer/AG/ASTLint.ag" #-}
               {-# LINE 12363 "src/GLuaFixer/AG/ASTLint.hs" #-}
               )) of
        { _lhsOwarnings ->
        ( _lhsOcopy,_lhsOidentifier,_lhsOwarnings) }) }) }) })
sem_Token_TNumber :: String ->
sem_Token_TNumber :: String -> T_Token
sem_Token_TNumber String
num_ =
    (case (({-# LINE 153 "src/GLuaFixer/AG/ASTLint.ag" #-}
            TNumber num_
            {-# LINE 12372 "src/GLuaFixer/AG/ASTLint.hs" #-}
            )) of
     { _copy ->
     (case (({-# LINE 153 "src/GLuaFixer/AG/ASTLint.ag" #-}
             {-# LINE 12377 "src/GLuaFixer/AG/ASTLint.hs" #-}
             )) of
      { _lhsOcopy ->
      (case (({-# LINE 154 "src/GLuaFixer/AG/ASTLint.ag" #-}
              {-# LINE 12382 "src/GLuaFixer/AG/ASTLint.hs" #-}
              )) of
       { _lhsOidentifier ->
       (case (({-# LINE 152 "src/GLuaFixer/AG/ASTLint.ag" #-}
               {-# LINE 12387 "src/GLuaFixer/AG/ASTLint.hs" #-}
               )) of
        { _lhsOwarnings ->
        ( _lhsOcopy,_lhsOidentifier,_lhsOwarnings) }) }) }) })
sem_Token_DQString :: String ->
sem_Token_DQString :: String -> T_Token
sem_Token_DQString String
str_ =
    (case (({-# LINE 153 "src/GLuaFixer/AG/ASTLint.ag" #-}
            DQString str_
            {-# LINE 12396 "src/GLuaFixer/AG/ASTLint.hs" #-}
            )) of
     { _copy ->
     (case (({-# LINE 153 "src/GLuaFixer/AG/ASTLint.ag" #-}
             {-# LINE 12401 "src/GLuaFixer/AG/ASTLint.hs" #-}
             )) of
      { _lhsOcopy ->
      (case (({-# LINE 154 "src/GLuaFixer/AG/ASTLint.ag" #-}
              {-# LINE 12406 "src/GLuaFixer/AG/ASTLint.hs" #-}
              )) of
       { _lhsOidentifier ->
       (case (({-# LINE 152 "src/GLuaFixer/AG/ASTLint.ag" #-}
               {-# LINE 12411 "src/GLuaFixer/AG/ASTLint.hs" #-}
               )) of
        { _lhsOwarnings ->
        ( _lhsOcopy,_lhsOidentifier,_lhsOwarnings) }) }) }) })
sem_Token_SQString :: String ->
sem_Token_SQString :: String -> T_Token
sem_Token_SQString String
str_ =
    (case (({-# LINE 153 "src/GLuaFixer/AG/ASTLint.ag" #-}
            SQString str_
            {-# LINE 12420 "src/GLuaFixer/AG/ASTLint.hs" #-}
            )) of
     { _copy ->
     (case (({-# LINE 153 "src/GLuaFixer/AG/ASTLint.ag" #-}
             {-# LINE 12425 "src/GLuaFixer/AG/ASTLint.hs" #-}
             )) of
      { _lhsOcopy ->
      (case (({-# LINE 154 "src/GLuaFixer/AG/ASTLint.ag" #-}
              {-# LINE 12430 "src/GLuaFixer/AG/ASTLint.hs" #-}
              )) of
       { _lhsOidentifier ->
       (case (({-# LINE 152 "src/GLuaFixer/AG/ASTLint.ag" #-}
               {-# LINE 12435 "src/GLuaFixer/AG/ASTLint.hs" #-}
               )) of
        { _lhsOwarnings ->
        ( _lhsOcopy,_lhsOidentifier,_lhsOwarnings) }) }) }) })
sem_Token_MLString :: String ->
sem_Token_MLString :: String -> T_Token
sem_Token_MLString String
str_ =
    (case (({-# LINE 153 "src/GLuaFixer/AG/ASTLint.ag" #-}
            MLString str_
            {-# LINE 12444 "src/GLuaFixer/AG/ASTLint.hs" #-}
            )) of
     { _copy ->
     (case (({-# LINE 153 "src/GLuaFixer/AG/ASTLint.ag" #-}
             {-# LINE 12449 "src/GLuaFixer/AG/ASTLint.hs" #-}
             )) of
      { _lhsOcopy ->
      (case (({-# LINE 154 "src/GLuaFixer/AG/ASTLint.ag" #-}
              {-# LINE 12454 "src/GLuaFixer/AG/ASTLint.hs" #-}
              )) of
       { _lhsOidentifier ->
       (case (({-# LINE 152 "src/GLuaFixer/AG/ASTLint.ag" #-}
               {-# LINE 12459 "src/GLuaFixer/AG/ASTLint.hs" #-}
               )) of
        { _lhsOwarnings ->
        ( _lhsOcopy,_lhsOidentifier,_lhsOwarnings) }) }) }) })
sem_Token_TTrue :: T_Token
sem_Token_TTrue :: T_Token
sem_Token_TTrue =
    (case (({-# LINE 153 "src/GLuaFixer/AG/ASTLint.ag" #-}
            {-# LINE 12467 "src/GLuaFixer/AG/ASTLint.hs" #-}
            )) of
     { _copy ->
     (case (({-# LINE 153 "src/GLuaFixer/AG/ASTLint.ag" #-}
             {-# LINE 12472 "src/GLuaFixer/AG/ASTLint.hs" #-}
             )) of
      { _lhsOcopy ->
      (case (({-# LINE 154 "src/GLuaFixer/AG/ASTLint.ag" #-}
              {-# LINE 12477 "src/GLuaFixer/AG/ASTLint.hs" #-}
              )) of
       { _lhsOidentifier ->
       (case (({-# LINE 152 "src/GLuaFixer/AG/ASTLint.ag" #-}
               {-# LINE 12482 "src/GLuaFixer/AG/ASTLint.hs" #-}
               )) of
        { _lhsOwarnings ->
        ( _lhsOcopy,_lhsOidentifier,_lhsOwarnings) }) }) }) })
sem_Token_TFalse :: T_Token
sem_Token_TFalse :: T_Token
sem_Token_TFalse =
    (case (({-# LINE 153 "src/GLuaFixer/AG/ASTLint.ag" #-}
            {-# LINE 12490 "src/GLuaFixer/AG/ASTLint.hs" #-}
            )) of
     { _copy ->
     (case (({-# LINE 153 "src/GLuaFixer/AG/ASTLint.ag" #-}
             {-# LINE 12495 "src/GLuaFixer/AG/ASTLint.hs" #-}
             )) of
      { _lhsOcopy ->
      (case (({-# LINE 154 "src/GLuaFixer/AG/ASTLint.ag" #-}
              {-# LINE 12500 "src/GLuaFixer/AG/ASTLint.hs" #-}
              )) of
       { _lhsOidentifier ->
       (case (({-# LINE 152 "src/GLuaFixer/AG/ASTLint.ag" #-}
               {-# LINE 12505 "src/GLuaFixer/AG/ASTLint.hs" #-}
               )) of
        { _lhsOwarnings ->
        ( _lhsOcopy,_lhsOidentifier,_lhsOwarnings) }) }) }) })
sem_Token_Nil :: T_Token
sem_Token_Nil :: T_Token
sem_Token_Nil =
    (case (({-# LINE 153 "src/GLuaFixer/AG/ASTLint.ag" #-}
            {-# LINE 12513 "src/GLuaFixer/AG/ASTLint.hs" #-}
            )) of
     { _copy ->
     (case (({-# LINE 153 "src/GLuaFixer/AG/ASTLint.ag" #-}
             {-# LINE 12518 "src/GLuaFixer/AG/ASTLint.hs" #-}
             )) of
      { _lhsOcopy ->
      (case (({-# LINE 154 "src/GLuaFixer/AG/ASTLint.ag" #-}
              {-# LINE 12523 "src/GLuaFixer/AG/ASTLint.hs" #-}
              )) of
       { _lhsOidentifier ->
       (case (({-# LINE 152 "src/GLuaFixer/AG/ASTLint.ag" #-}
               {-# LINE 12528 "src/GLuaFixer/AG/ASTLint.hs" #-}
               )) of
        { _lhsOwarnings ->
        ( _lhsOcopy,_lhsOidentifier,_lhsOwarnings) }) }) }) })
sem_Token_VarArg :: T_Token
sem_Token_VarArg :: T_Token
sem_Token_VarArg =
    (case (({-# LINE 153 "src/GLuaFixer/AG/ASTLint.ag" #-}
            {-# LINE 12536 "src/GLuaFixer/AG/ASTLint.hs" #-}
            )) of
     { _copy ->
     (case (({-# LINE 153 "src/GLuaFixer/AG/ASTLint.ag" #-}
             {-# LINE 12541 "src/GLuaFixer/AG/ASTLint.hs" #-}
             )) of
      { _lhsOcopy ->
      (case (({-# LINE 154 "src/GLuaFixer/AG/ASTLint.ag" #-}
              {-# LINE 12546 "src/GLuaFixer/AG/ASTLint.hs" #-}
              )) of
       { _lhsOidentifier ->
       (case (({-# LINE 152 "src/GLuaFixer/AG/ASTLint.ag" #-}
               {-# LINE 12551 "src/GLuaFixer/AG/ASTLint.hs" #-}
               )) of
        { _lhsOwarnings ->
        ( _lhsOcopy,_lhsOidentifier,_lhsOwarnings) }) }) }) })
sem_Token_Plus :: T_Token
sem_Token_Plus :: T_Token
sem_Token_Plus =
    (case (({-# LINE 153 "src/GLuaFixer/AG/ASTLint.ag" #-}
            {-# LINE 12559 "src/GLuaFixer/AG/ASTLint.hs" #-}
            )) of
     { _copy ->
     (case (({-# LINE 153 "src/GLuaFixer/AG/ASTLint.ag" #-}
             {-# LINE 12564 "src/GLuaFixer/AG/ASTLint.hs" #-}
             )) of
      { _lhsOcopy ->
      (case (({-# LINE 154 "src/GLuaFixer/AG/ASTLint.ag" #-}
              {-# LINE 12569 "src/GLuaFixer/AG/ASTLint.hs" #-}
              )) of
       { _lhsOidentifier ->
       (case (({-# LINE 152 "src/GLuaFixer/AG/ASTLint.ag" #-}
               {-# LINE 12574 "src/GLuaFixer/AG/ASTLint.hs" #-}
               )) of
        { _lhsOwarnings ->
        ( _lhsOcopy,_lhsOidentifier,_lhsOwarnings) }) }) }) })
sem_Token_Minus :: T_Token
sem_Token_Minus :: T_Token
sem_Token_Minus =
    (case (({-# LINE 153 "src/GLuaFixer/AG/ASTLint.ag" #-}
            {-# LINE 12582 "src/GLuaFixer/AG/ASTLint.hs" #-}
            )) of
     { _copy ->
     (case (({-# LINE 153 "src/GLuaFixer/AG/ASTLint.ag" #-}
             {-# LINE 12587 "src/GLuaFixer/AG/ASTLint.hs" #-}
             )) of
      { _lhsOcopy ->
      (case (({-# LINE 154 "src/GLuaFixer/AG/ASTLint.ag" #-}
              {-# LINE 12592 "src/GLuaFixer/AG/ASTLint.hs" #-}
              )) of
       { _lhsOidentifier ->
       (case (({-# LINE 152 "src/GLuaFixer/AG/ASTLint.ag" #-}
               {-# LINE 12597 "src/GLuaFixer/AG/ASTLint.hs" #-}
               )) of
        { _lhsOwarnings ->
        ( _lhsOcopy,_lhsOidentifier,_lhsOwarnings) }) }) }) })
sem_Token_Multiply :: T_Token
sem_Token_Multiply :: T_Token
sem_Token_Multiply =
    (case (({-# LINE 153 "src/GLuaFixer/AG/ASTLint.ag" #-}
            {-# LINE 12605 "src/GLuaFixer/AG/ASTLint.hs" #-}
            )) of
     { _copy ->
     (case (({-# LINE 153 "src/GLuaFixer/AG/ASTLint.ag" #-}
             {-# LINE 12610 "src/GLuaFixer/AG/ASTLint.hs" #-}
             )) of
      { _lhsOcopy ->
      (case (({-# LINE 154 "src/GLuaFixer/AG/ASTLint.ag" #-}
              {-# LINE 12615 "src/GLuaFixer/AG/ASTLint.hs" #-}
              )) of
       { _lhsOidentifier ->
       (case (({-# LINE 152 "src/GLuaFixer/AG/ASTLint.ag" #-}
               {-# LINE 12620 "src/GLuaFixer/AG/ASTLint.hs" #-}
               )) of
        { _lhsOwarnings ->
        ( _lhsOcopy,_lhsOidentifier,_lhsOwarnings) }) }) }) })
sem_Token_Divide :: T_Token
sem_Token_Divide :: T_Token
sem_Token_Divide =
    (case (({-# LINE 153 "src/GLuaFixer/AG/ASTLint.ag" #-}
            {-# LINE 12628 "src/GLuaFixer/AG/ASTLint.hs" #-}
            )) of
     { _copy ->
     (case (({-# LINE 153 "src/GLuaFixer/AG/ASTLint.ag" #-}
             {-# LINE 12633 "src/GLuaFixer/AG/ASTLint.hs" #-}
             )) of
      { _lhsOcopy ->
      (case (({-# LINE 154 "src/GLuaFixer/AG/ASTLint.ag" #-}
              {-# LINE 12638 "src/GLuaFixer/AG/ASTLint.hs" #-}
              )) of
       { _lhsOidentifier ->
       (case (({-# LINE 152 "src/GLuaFixer/AG/ASTLint.ag" #-}
               {-# LINE 12643 "src/GLuaFixer/AG/ASTLint.hs" #-}
               )) of
        { _lhsOwarnings ->
        ( _lhsOcopy,_lhsOidentifier,_lhsOwarnings) }) }) }) })
sem_Token_Modulus :: T_Token
sem_Token_Modulus :: T_Token
sem_Token_Modulus =
    (case (({-# LINE 153 "src/GLuaFixer/AG/ASTLint.ag" #-}
            {-# LINE 12651 "src/GLuaFixer/AG/ASTLint.hs" #-}
            )) of
     { _copy ->
     (case (({-# LINE 153 "src/GLuaFixer/AG/ASTLint.ag" #-}
             {-# LINE 12656 "src/GLuaFixer/AG/ASTLint.hs" #-}
             )) of
      { _lhsOcopy ->
      (case (({-# LINE 154 "src/GLuaFixer/AG/ASTLint.ag" #-}
              {-# LINE 12661 "src/GLuaFixer/AG/ASTLint.hs" #-}
              )) of
       { _lhsOidentifier ->
       (case (({-# LINE 152 "src/GLuaFixer/AG/ASTLint.ag" #-}
               {-# LINE 12666 "src/GLuaFixer/AG/ASTLint.hs" #-}
               )) of
        { _lhsOwarnings ->
        ( _lhsOcopy,_lhsOidentifier,_lhsOwarnings) }) }) }) })
sem_Token_Power :: T_Token
sem_Token_Power :: T_Token
sem_Token_Power =
    (case (({-# LINE 153 "src/GLuaFixer/AG/ASTLint.ag" #-}
            {-# LINE 12674 "src/GLuaFixer/AG/ASTLint.hs" #-}
            )) of
     { _copy ->
     (case (({-# LINE 153 "src/GLuaFixer/AG/ASTLint.ag" #-}
             {-# LINE 12679 "src/GLuaFixer/AG/ASTLint.hs" #-}
             )) of
      { _lhsOcopy ->
      (case (({-# LINE 154 "src/GLuaFixer/AG/ASTLint.ag" #-}
              {-# LINE 12684 "src/GLuaFixer/AG/ASTLint.hs" #-}
              )) of
       { _lhsOidentifier ->
       (case (({-# LINE 152 "src/GLuaFixer/AG/ASTLint.ag" #-}
               {-# LINE 12689 "src/GLuaFixer/AG/ASTLint.hs" #-}
               )) of
        { _lhsOwarnings ->
        ( _lhsOcopy,_lhsOidentifier,_lhsOwarnings) }) }) }) })
sem_Token_TEq :: T_Token
sem_Token_TEq :: T_Token
sem_Token_TEq =
    (case (({-# LINE 153 "src/GLuaFixer/AG/ASTLint.ag" #-}
            {-# LINE 12697 "src/GLuaFixer/AG/ASTLint.hs" #-}
            )) of
     { _copy ->
     (case (({-# LINE 153 "src/GLuaFixer/AG/ASTLint.ag" #-}
             {-# LINE 12702 "src/GLuaFixer/AG/ASTLint.hs" #-}
             )) of
      { _lhsOcopy ->
      (case (({-# LINE 154 "src/GLuaFixer/AG/ASTLint.ag" #-}
              {-# LINE 12707 "src/GLuaFixer/AG/ASTLint.hs" #-}
              )) of
       { _lhsOidentifier ->
       (case (({-# LINE 152 "src/GLuaFixer/AG/ASTLint.ag" #-}
               {-# LINE 12712 "src/GLuaFixer/AG/ASTLint.hs" #-}
               )) of
        { _lhsOwarnings ->
        ( _lhsOcopy,_lhsOidentifier,_lhsOwarnings) }) }) }) })
sem_Token_TNEq :: T_Token
sem_Token_TNEq :: T_Token
sem_Token_TNEq =
    (case (({-# LINE 153 "src/GLuaFixer/AG/ASTLint.ag" #-}
            {-# LINE 12720 "src/GLuaFixer/AG/ASTLint.hs" #-}
            )) of
     { _copy ->
     (case (({-# LINE 153 "src/GLuaFixer/AG/ASTLint.ag" #-}
             {-# LINE 12725 "src/GLuaFixer/AG/ASTLint.hs" #-}
             )) of
      { _lhsOcopy ->
      (case (({-# LINE 154 "src/GLuaFixer/AG/ASTLint.ag" #-}
              {-# LINE 12730 "src/GLuaFixer/AG/ASTLint.hs" #-}
              )) of
       { _lhsOidentifier ->
       (case (({-# LINE 152 "src/GLuaFixer/AG/ASTLint.ag" #-}
               {-# LINE 12735 "src/GLuaFixer/AG/ASTLint.hs" #-}
               )) of
        { _lhsOwarnings ->
        ( _lhsOcopy,_lhsOidentifier,_lhsOwarnings) }) }) }) })
sem_Token_TCNEq :: T_Token
sem_Token_TCNEq :: T_Token
sem_Token_TCNEq =
    (case (({-# LINE 153 "src/GLuaFixer/AG/ASTLint.ag" #-}
            {-# LINE 12743 "src/GLuaFixer/AG/ASTLint.hs" #-}
            )) of
     { _copy ->
     (case (({-# LINE 153 "src/GLuaFixer/AG/ASTLint.ag" #-}
             {-# LINE 12748 "src/GLuaFixer/AG/ASTLint.hs" #-}
             )) of
      { _lhsOcopy ->
      (case (({-# LINE 154 "src/GLuaFixer/AG/ASTLint.ag" #-}
              {-# LINE 12753 "src/GLuaFixer/AG/ASTLint.hs" #-}
              )) of
       { _lhsOidentifier ->
       (case (({-# LINE 152 "src/GLuaFixer/AG/ASTLint.ag" #-}
               {-# LINE 12758 "src/GLuaFixer/AG/ASTLint.hs" #-}
               )) of
        { _lhsOwarnings ->
        ( _lhsOcopy,_lhsOidentifier,_lhsOwarnings) }) }) }) })
sem_Token_TLEQ :: T_Token
sem_Token_TLEQ :: T_Token
sem_Token_TLEQ =
    (case (({-# LINE 153 "src/GLuaFixer/AG/ASTLint.ag" #-}
            {-# LINE 12766 "src/GLuaFixer/AG/ASTLint.hs" #-}
            )) of
     { _copy ->
     (case (({-# LINE 153 "src/GLuaFixer/AG/ASTLint.ag" #-}
             {-# LINE 12771 "src/GLuaFixer/AG/ASTLint.hs" #-}
             )) of
      { _lhsOcopy ->
      (case (({-# LINE 154 "src/GLuaFixer/AG/ASTLint.ag" #-}
              {-# LINE 12776 "src/GLuaFixer/AG/ASTLint.hs" #-}
              )) of
       { _lhsOidentifier ->
       (case (({-# LINE 152 "src/GLuaFixer/AG/ASTLint.ag" #-}
               {-# LINE 12781 "src/GLuaFixer/AG/ASTLint.hs" #-}
               )) of
        { _lhsOwarnings ->
        ( _lhsOcopy,_lhsOidentifier,_lhsOwarnings) }) }) }) })
sem_Token_TGEQ :: T_Token
sem_Token_TGEQ :: T_Token
sem_Token_TGEQ =
    (case (({-# LINE 153 "src/GLuaFixer/AG/ASTLint.ag" #-}
            {-# LINE 12789 "src/GLuaFixer/AG/ASTLint.hs" #-}
            )) of
     { _copy ->
     (case (({-# LINE 153 "src/GLuaFixer/AG/ASTLint.ag" #-}
             {-# LINE 12794 "src/GLuaFixer/AG/ASTLint.hs" #-}
             )) of
      { _lhsOcopy ->
      (case (({-# LINE 154 "src/GLuaFixer/AG/ASTLint.ag" #-}
              {-# LINE 12799 "src/GLuaFixer/AG/ASTLint.hs" #-}
              )) of
       { _lhsOidentifier ->
       (case (({-# LINE 152 "src/GLuaFixer/AG/ASTLint.ag" #-}
               {-# LINE 12804 "src/GLuaFixer/AG/ASTLint.hs" #-}
               )) of
        { _lhsOwarnings ->
        ( _lhsOcopy,_lhsOidentifier,_lhsOwarnings) }) }) }) })
sem_Token_TLT :: T_Token
sem_Token_TLT :: T_Token
sem_Token_TLT =
    (case (({-# LINE 153 "src/GLuaFixer/AG/ASTLint.ag" #-}
            {-# LINE 12812 "src/GLuaFixer/AG/ASTLint.hs" #-}
            )) of
     { _copy ->
     (case (({-# LINE 153 "src/GLuaFixer/AG/ASTLint.ag" #-}
             {-# LINE 12817 "src/GLuaFixer/AG/ASTLint.hs" #-}
             )) of
      { _lhsOcopy ->
      (case (({-# LINE 154 "src/GLuaFixer/AG/ASTLint.ag" #-}
              {-# LINE 12822 "src/GLuaFixer/AG/ASTLint.hs" #-}
              )) of
       { _lhsOidentifier ->
       (case (({-# LINE 152 "src/GLuaFixer/AG/ASTLint.ag" #-}
               {-# LINE 12827 "src/GLuaFixer/AG/ASTLint.hs" #-}
               )) of
        { _lhsOwarnings ->
        ( _lhsOcopy,_lhsOidentifier,_lhsOwarnings) }) }) }) })
sem_Token_TGT :: T_Token
sem_Token_TGT :: T_Token
sem_Token_TGT =
    (case (({-# LINE 153 "src/GLuaFixer/AG/ASTLint.ag" #-}
            {-# LINE 12835 "src/GLuaFixer/AG/ASTLint.hs" #-}
            )) of
     { _copy ->
     (case (({-# LINE 153 "src/GLuaFixer/AG/ASTLint.ag" #-}
             {-# LINE 12840 "src/GLuaFixer/AG/ASTLint.hs" #-}
             )) of
      { _lhsOcopy ->
      (case (({-# LINE 154 "src/GLuaFixer/AG/ASTLint.ag" #-}
              {-# LINE 12845 "src/GLuaFixer/AG/ASTLint.hs" #-}
              )) of
       { _lhsOidentifier ->
       (case (({-# LINE 152 "src/GLuaFixer/AG/ASTLint.ag" #-}
               {-# LINE 12850 "src/GLuaFixer/AG/ASTLint.hs" #-}
               )) of
        { _lhsOwarnings ->
        ( _lhsOcopy,_lhsOidentifier,_lhsOwarnings) }) }) }) })
sem_Token_Equals :: T_Token
sem_Token_Equals :: T_Token
sem_Token_Equals =
    (case (({-# LINE 153 "src/GLuaFixer/AG/ASTLint.ag" #-}
            {-# LINE 12858 "src/GLuaFixer/AG/ASTLint.hs" #-}
            )) of
     { _copy ->
     (case (({-# LINE 153 "src/GLuaFixer/AG/ASTLint.ag" #-}
             {-# LINE 12863 "src/GLuaFixer/AG/ASTLint.hs" #-}
             )) of
      { _lhsOcopy ->
      (case (({-# LINE 154 "src/GLuaFixer/AG/ASTLint.ag" #-}
              {-# LINE 12868 "src/GLuaFixer/AG/ASTLint.hs" #-}
              )) of
       { _lhsOidentifier ->
       (case (({-# LINE 152 "src/GLuaFixer/AG/ASTLint.ag" #-}
               {-# LINE 12873 "src/GLuaFixer/AG/ASTLint.hs" #-}
               )) of
        { _lhsOwarnings ->
        ( _lhsOcopy,_lhsOidentifier,_lhsOwarnings) }) }) }) })
sem_Token_Concatenate :: T_Token
sem_Token_Concatenate :: T_Token
sem_Token_Concatenate =
    (case (({-# LINE 153 "src/GLuaFixer/AG/ASTLint.ag" #-}
            {-# LINE 12881 "src/GLuaFixer/AG/ASTLint.hs" #-}
            )) of
     { _copy ->
     (case (({-# LINE 153 "src/GLuaFixer/AG/ASTLint.ag" #-}
             {-# LINE 12886 "src/GLuaFixer/AG/ASTLint.hs" #-}
             )) of
      { _lhsOcopy ->
      (case (({-# LINE 154 "src/GLuaFixer/AG/ASTLint.ag" #-}
              {-# LINE 12891 "src/GLuaFixer/AG/ASTLint.hs" #-}
              )) of
       { _lhsOidentifier ->
       (case (({-# LINE 152 "src/GLuaFixer/AG/ASTLint.ag" #-}
               {-# LINE 12896 "src/GLuaFixer/AG/ASTLint.hs" #-}
               )) of
        { _lhsOwarnings ->
        ( _lhsOcopy,_lhsOidentifier,_lhsOwarnings) }) }) }) })
sem_Token_Colon :: T_Token
sem_Token_Colon :: T_Token
sem_Token_Colon =
    (case (({-# LINE 153 "src/GLuaFixer/AG/ASTLint.ag" #-}
            {-# LINE 12904 "src/GLuaFixer/AG/ASTLint.hs" #-}
            )) of
     { _copy ->
     (case (({-# LINE 153 "src/GLuaFixer/AG/ASTLint.ag" #-}
             {-# LINE 12909 "src/GLuaFixer/AG/ASTLint.hs" #-}
             )) of
      { _lhsOcopy ->
      (case (({-# LINE 154 "src/GLuaFixer/AG/ASTLint.ag" #-}
              {-# LINE 12914 "src/GLuaFixer/AG/ASTLint.hs" #-}
              )) of
       { _lhsOidentifier ->
       (case (({-# LINE 152 "src/GLuaFixer/AG/ASTLint.ag" #-}
               {-# LINE 12919 "src/GLuaFixer/AG/ASTLint.hs" #-}
               )) of
        { _lhsOwarnings ->
        ( _lhsOcopy,_lhsOidentifier,_lhsOwarnings) }) }) }) })
sem_Token_Dot :: T_Token
sem_Token_Dot :: T_Token
sem_Token_Dot =
    (case (({-# LINE 153 "src/GLuaFixer/AG/ASTLint.ag" #-}
            {-# LINE 12927 "src/GLuaFixer/AG/ASTLint.hs" #-}
            )) of
     { _copy ->
     (case (({-# LINE 153 "src/GLuaFixer/AG/ASTLint.ag" #-}
             {-# LINE 12932 "src/GLuaFixer/AG/ASTLint.hs" #-}
             )) of
      { _lhsOcopy ->
      (case (({-# LINE 154 "src/GLuaFixer/AG/ASTLint.ag" #-}
              {-# LINE 12937 "src/GLuaFixer/AG/ASTLint.hs" #-}
              )) of
       { _lhsOidentifier ->
       (case (({-# LINE 152 "src/GLuaFixer/AG/ASTLint.ag" #-}
               {-# LINE 12942 "src/GLuaFixer/AG/ASTLint.hs" #-}
               )) of
        { _lhsOwarnings ->
        ( _lhsOcopy,_lhsOidentifier,_lhsOwarnings) }) }) }) })
sem_Token_Comma :: T_Token
sem_Token_Comma :: T_Token
sem_Token_Comma =
    (case (({-# LINE 153 "src/GLuaFixer/AG/ASTLint.ag" #-}
            {-# LINE 12950 "src/GLuaFixer/AG/ASTLint.hs" #-}
            )) of
     { _copy ->
     (case (({-# LINE 153 "src/GLuaFixer/AG/ASTLint.ag" #-}
             {-# LINE 12955 "src/GLuaFixer/AG/ASTLint.hs" #-}
             )) of
      { _lhsOcopy ->
      (case (({-# LINE 154 "src/GLuaFixer/AG/ASTLint.ag" #-}
              {-# LINE 12960 "src/GLuaFixer/AG/ASTLint.hs" #-}
              )) of
       { _lhsOidentifier ->
       (case (({-# LINE 152 "src/GLuaFixer/AG/ASTLint.ag" #-}
               {-# LINE 12965 "src/GLuaFixer/AG/ASTLint.hs" #-}
               )) of
        { _lhsOwarnings ->
        ( _lhsOcopy,_lhsOidentifier,_lhsOwarnings) }) }) }) })
sem_Token_Hash :: T_Token
sem_Token_Hash :: T_Token
sem_Token_Hash =
    (case (({-# LINE 153 "src/GLuaFixer/AG/ASTLint.ag" #-}
            {-# LINE 12973 "src/GLuaFixer/AG/ASTLint.hs" #-}
            )) of
     { _copy ->
     (case (({-# LINE 153 "src/GLuaFixer/AG/ASTLint.ag" #-}
             {-# LINE 12978 "src/GLuaFixer/AG/ASTLint.hs" #-}
             )) of
      { _lhsOcopy ->
      (case (({-# LINE 154 "src/GLuaFixer/AG/ASTLint.ag" #-}
              {-# LINE 12983 "src/GLuaFixer/AG/ASTLint.hs" #-}
              )) of
       { _lhsOidentifier ->
       (case (({-# LINE 152 "src/GLuaFixer/AG/ASTLint.ag" #-}
               {-# LINE 12988 "src/GLuaFixer/AG/ASTLint.hs" #-}
               )) of
        { _lhsOwarnings ->
        ( _lhsOcopy,_lhsOidentifier,_lhsOwarnings) }) }) }) })
sem_Token_Not :: T_Token
sem_Token_Not :: T_Token
sem_Token_Not =
    (case (({-# LINE 153 "src/GLuaFixer/AG/ASTLint.ag" #-}
            {-# LINE 12996 "src/GLuaFixer/AG/ASTLint.hs" #-}
            )) of
     { _copy ->
     (case (({-# LINE 153 "src/GLuaFixer/AG/ASTLint.ag" #-}
             {-# LINE 13001 "src/GLuaFixer/AG/ASTLint.hs" #-}
             )) of
      { _lhsOcopy ->
      (case (({-# LINE 154 "src/GLuaFixer/AG/ASTLint.ag" #-}
              {-# LINE 13006 "src/GLuaFixer/AG/ASTLint.hs" #-}
              )) of
       { _lhsOidentifier ->
       (case (({-# LINE 152 "src/GLuaFixer/AG/ASTLint.ag" #-}
               {-# LINE 13011 "src/GLuaFixer/AG/ASTLint.hs" #-}
               )) of
        { _lhsOwarnings ->
        ( _lhsOcopy,_lhsOidentifier,_lhsOwarnings) }) }) }) })
sem_Token_CNot :: T_Token
sem_Token_CNot :: T_Token
sem_Token_CNot =
    (case (({-# LINE 153 "src/GLuaFixer/AG/ASTLint.ag" #-}
            {-# LINE 13019 "src/GLuaFixer/AG/ASTLint.hs" #-}
            )) of
     { _copy ->
     (case (({-# LINE 153 "src/GLuaFixer/AG/ASTLint.ag" #-}
             {-# LINE 13024 "src/GLuaFixer/AG/ASTLint.hs" #-}
             )) of
      { _lhsOcopy ->
      (case (({-# LINE 154 "src/GLuaFixer/AG/ASTLint.ag" #-}
              {-# LINE 13029 "src/GLuaFixer/AG/ASTLint.hs" #-}
              )) of
       { _lhsOidentifier ->
       (case (({-# LINE 152 "src/GLuaFixer/AG/ASTLint.ag" #-}
               {-# LINE 13034 "src/GLuaFixer/AG/ASTLint.hs" #-}
               )) of
        { _lhsOwarnings ->
        ( _lhsOcopy,_lhsOidentifier,_lhsOwarnings) }) }) }) })
sem_Token_And :: T_Token
sem_Token_And :: T_Token
sem_Token_And =
    (case (({-# LINE 153 "src/GLuaFixer/AG/ASTLint.ag" #-}
            {-# LINE 13042 "src/GLuaFixer/AG/ASTLint.hs" #-}
            )) of
     { _copy ->
     (case (({-# LINE 153 "src/GLuaFixer/AG/ASTLint.ag" #-}
             {-# LINE 13047 "src/GLuaFixer/AG/ASTLint.hs" #-}
             )) of
      { _lhsOcopy ->
      (case (({-# LINE 154 "src/GLuaFixer/AG/ASTLint.ag" #-}
              {-# LINE 13052 "src/GLuaFixer/AG/ASTLint.hs" #-}
              )) of
       { _lhsOidentifier ->
       (case (({-# LINE 152 "src/GLuaFixer/AG/ASTLint.ag" #-}
               {-# LINE 13057 "src/GLuaFixer/AG/ASTLint.hs" #-}
               )) of
        { _lhsOwarnings ->
        ( _lhsOcopy,_lhsOidentifier,_lhsOwarnings) }) }) }) })
sem_Token_CAnd :: T_Token
sem_Token_CAnd :: T_Token
sem_Token_CAnd =
    (case (({-# LINE 153 "src/GLuaFixer/AG/ASTLint.ag" #-}
            {-# LINE 13065 "src/GLuaFixer/AG/ASTLint.hs" #-}
            )) of
     { _copy ->
     (case (({-# LINE 153 "src/GLuaFixer/AG/ASTLint.ag" #-}
             {-# LINE 13070 "src/GLuaFixer/AG/ASTLint.hs" #-}
             )) of
      { _lhsOcopy ->
      (case (({-# LINE 154 "src/GLuaFixer/AG/ASTLint.ag" #-}
              {-# LINE 13075 "src/GLuaFixer/AG/ASTLint.hs" #-}
              )) of
       { _lhsOidentifier ->
       (case (({-# LINE 152 "src/GLuaFixer/AG/ASTLint.ag" #-}
               {-# LINE 13080 "src/GLuaFixer/AG/ASTLint.hs" #-}
               )) of
        { _lhsOwarnings ->
        ( _lhsOcopy,_lhsOidentifier,_lhsOwarnings) }) }) }) })
sem_Token_Or :: T_Token
sem_Token_Or :: T_Token
sem_Token_Or =
    (case (({-# LINE 153 "src/GLuaFixer/AG/ASTLint.ag" #-}
            {-# LINE 13088 "src/GLuaFixer/AG/ASTLint.hs" #-}
            )) of
     { _copy ->
     (case (({-# LINE 153 "src/GLuaFixer/AG/ASTLint.ag" #-}
             {-# LINE 13093 "src/GLuaFixer/AG/ASTLint.hs" #-}
             )) of
      { _lhsOcopy ->
      (case (({-# LINE 154 "src/GLuaFixer/AG/ASTLint.ag" #-}
              {-# LINE 13098 "src/GLuaFixer/AG/ASTLint.hs" #-}
              )) of
       { _lhsOidentifier ->
       (case (({-# LINE 152 "src/GLuaFixer/AG/ASTLint.ag" #-}
               {-# LINE 13103 "src/GLuaFixer/AG/ASTLint.hs" #-}
               )) of
        { _lhsOwarnings ->
        ( _lhsOcopy,_lhsOidentifier,_lhsOwarnings) }) }) }) })
sem_Token_COr :: T_Token
sem_Token_COr :: T_Token
sem_Token_COr =
    (case (({-# LINE 153 "src/GLuaFixer/AG/ASTLint.ag" #-}
            {-# LINE 13111 "src/GLuaFixer/AG/ASTLint.hs" #-}
            )) of
     { _copy ->
     (case (({-# LINE 153 "src/GLuaFixer/AG/ASTLint.ag" #-}
             {-# LINE 13116 "src/GLuaFixer/AG/ASTLint.hs" #-}
             )) of
      { _lhsOcopy ->
      (case (({-# LINE 154 "src/GLuaFixer/AG/ASTLint.ag" #-}
              {-# LINE 13121 "src/GLuaFixer/AG/ASTLint.hs" #-}
              )) of
       { _lhsOidentifier ->
       (case (({-# LINE 152 "src/GLuaFixer/AG/ASTLint.ag" #-}
               {-# LINE 13126 "src/GLuaFixer/AG/ASTLint.hs" #-}
               )) of
        { _lhsOwarnings ->
        ( _lhsOcopy,_lhsOidentifier,_lhsOwarnings) }) }) }) })
sem_Token_Function :: T_Token
sem_Token_Function :: T_Token
sem_Token_Function =
    (case (({-# LINE 153 "src/GLuaFixer/AG/ASTLint.ag" #-}
            {-# LINE 13134 "src/GLuaFixer/AG/ASTLint.hs" #-}
            )) of
     { _copy ->
     (case (({-# LINE 153 "src/GLuaFixer/AG/ASTLint.ag" #-}
             {-# LINE 13139 "src/GLuaFixer/AG/ASTLint.hs" #-}
             )) of
      { _lhsOcopy ->
      (case (({-# LINE 154 "src/GLuaFixer/AG/ASTLint.ag" #-}
              {-# LINE 13144 "src/GLuaFixer/AG/ASTLint.hs" #-}
              )) of
       { _lhsOidentifier ->
       (case (({-# LINE 152 "src/GLuaFixer/AG/ASTLint.ag" #-}
               {-# LINE 13149 "src/GLuaFixer/AG/ASTLint.hs" #-}
               )) of
        { _lhsOwarnings ->
        ( _lhsOcopy,_lhsOidentifier,_lhsOwarnings) }) }) }) })
sem_Token_Local :: T_Token
sem_Token_Local :: T_Token
sem_Token_Local =
    (case (({-# LINE 153 "src/GLuaFixer/AG/ASTLint.ag" #-}
            {-# LINE 13157 "src/GLuaFixer/AG/ASTLint.hs" #-}
            )) of
     { _copy ->
     (case (({-# LINE 153 "src/GLuaFixer/AG/ASTLint.ag" #-}
             {-# LINE 13162 "src/GLuaFixer/AG/ASTLint.hs" #-}
             )) of
      { _lhsOcopy ->
      (case (({-# LINE 154 "src/GLuaFixer/AG/ASTLint.ag" #-}
              {-# LINE 13167 "src/GLuaFixer/AG/ASTLint.hs" #-}
              )) of
       { _lhsOidentifier ->
       (case (({-# LINE 152 "src/GLuaFixer/AG/ASTLint.ag" #-}
               {-# LINE 13172 "src/GLuaFixer/AG/ASTLint.hs" #-}
               )) of
        { _lhsOwarnings ->
        ( _lhsOcopy,_lhsOidentifier,_lhsOwarnings) }) }) }) })
sem_Token_If :: T_Token
sem_Token_If :: T_Token
sem_Token_If =
    (case (({-# LINE 153 "src/GLuaFixer/AG/ASTLint.ag" #-}
            {-# LINE 13180 "src/GLuaFixer/AG/ASTLint.hs" #-}
            )) of
     { _copy ->
     (case (({-# LINE 153 "src/GLuaFixer/AG/ASTLint.ag" #-}
             {-# LINE 13185 "src/GLuaFixer/AG/ASTLint.hs" #-}
             )) of
      { _lhsOcopy ->
      (case (({-# LINE 154 "src/GLuaFixer/AG/ASTLint.ag" #-}
              {-# LINE 13190 "src/GLuaFixer/AG/ASTLint.hs" #-}
              )) of
       { _lhsOidentifier ->
       (case (({-# LINE 152 "src/GLuaFixer/AG/ASTLint.ag" #-}
               {-# LINE 13195 "src/GLuaFixer/AG/ASTLint.hs" #-}
               )) of
        { _lhsOwarnings ->
        ( _lhsOcopy,_lhsOidentifier,_lhsOwarnings) }) }) }) })
sem_Token_Then :: T_Token
sem_Token_Then :: T_Token
sem_Token_Then =
    (case (({-# LINE 153 "src/GLuaFixer/AG/ASTLint.ag" #-}
            {-# LINE 13203 "src/GLuaFixer/AG/ASTLint.hs" #-}
            )) of
     { _copy ->
     (case (({-# LINE 153 "src/GLuaFixer/AG/ASTLint.ag" #-}
             {-# LINE 13208 "src/GLuaFixer/AG/ASTLint.hs" #-}
             )) of
      { _lhsOcopy ->
      (case (({-# LINE 154 "src/GLuaFixer/AG/ASTLint.ag" #-}
              {-# LINE 13213 "src/GLuaFixer/AG/ASTLint.hs" #-}
              )) of
       { _lhsOidentifier ->
       (case (({-# LINE 152 "src/GLuaFixer/AG/ASTLint.ag" #-}
               {-# LINE 13218 "src/GLuaFixer/AG/ASTLint.hs" #-}
               )) of
        { _lhsOwarnings ->
        ( _lhsOcopy,_lhsOidentifier,_lhsOwarnings) }) }) }) })
sem_Token_Elseif :: T_Token
sem_Token_Elseif :: T_Token
sem_Token_Elseif =
    (case (({-# LINE 153 "src/GLuaFixer/AG/ASTLint.ag" #-}
            {-# LINE 13226 "src/GLuaFixer/AG/ASTLint.hs" #-}
            )) of
     { _copy ->
     (case (({-# LINE 153 "src/GLuaFixer/AG/ASTLint.ag" #-}
             {-# LINE 13231 "src/GLuaFixer/AG/ASTLint.hs" #-}
             )) of
      { _lhsOcopy ->
      (case (({-# LINE 154 "src/GLuaFixer/AG/ASTLint.ag" #-}
              {-# LINE 13236 "src/GLuaFixer/AG/ASTLint.hs" #-}
              )) of
       { _lhsOidentifier ->
       (case (({-# LINE 152 "src/GLuaFixer/AG/ASTLint.ag" #-}
               {-# LINE 13241 "src/GLuaFixer/AG/ASTLint.hs" #-}
               )) of
        { _lhsOwarnings ->
        ( _lhsOcopy,_lhsOidentifier,_lhsOwarnings) }) }) }) })
sem_Token_Else :: T_Token
sem_Token_Else :: T_Token
sem_Token_Else =
    (case (({-# LINE 153 "src/GLuaFixer/AG/ASTLint.ag" #-}
            {-# LINE 13249 "src/GLuaFixer/AG/ASTLint.hs" #-}
            )) of
     { _copy ->
     (case (({-# LINE 153 "src/GLuaFixer/AG/ASTLint.ag" #-}
             {-# LINE 13254 "src/GLuaFixer/AG/ASTLint.hs" #-}
             )) of
      { _lhsOcopy ->
      (case (({-# LINE 154 "src/GLuaFixer/AG/ASTLint.ag" #-}
              {-# LINE 13259 "src/GLuaFixer/AG/ASTLint.hs" #-}
              )) of
       { _lhsOidentifier ->
       (case (({-# LINE 152 "src/GLuaFixer/AG/ASTLint.ag" #-}
               {-# LINE 13264 "src/GLuaFixer/AG/ASTLint.hs" #-}
               )) of
        { _lhsOwarnings ->
        ( _lhsOcopy,_lhsOidentifier,_lhsOwarnings) }) }) }) })
sem_Token_For :: T_Token
sem_Token_For :: T_Token
sem_Token_For =
    (case (({-# LINE 153 "src/GLuaFixer/AG/ASTLint.ag" #-}
            {-# LINE 13272 "src/GLuaFixer/AG/ASTLint.hs" #-}
            )) of
     { _copy ->
     (case (({-# LINE 153 "src/GLuaFixer/AG/ASTLint.ag" #-}
             {-# LINE 13277 "src/GLuaFixer/AG/ASTLint.hs" #-}
             )) of
      { _lhsOcopy ->
      (case (({-# LINE 154 "src/GLuaFixer/AG/ASTLint.ag" #-}
              {-# LINE 13282 "src/GLuaFixer/AG/ASTLint.hs" #-}
              )) of
       { _lhsOidentifier ->
       (case (({-# LINE 152 "src/GLuaFixer/AG/ASTLint.ag" #-}
               {-# LINE 13287 "src/GLuaFixer/AG/ASTLint.hs" #-}
               )) of
        { _lhsOwarnings ->
        ( _lhsOcopy,_lhsOidentifier,_lhsOwarnings) }) }) }) })
sem_Token_In :: T_Token
sem_Token_In :: T_Token
sem_Token_In =
    (case (({-# LINE 153 "src/GLuaFixer/AG/ASTLint.ag" #-}
            {-# LINE 13295 "src/GLuaFixer/AG/ASTLint.hs" #-}
            )) of
     { _copy ->
     (case (({-# LINE 153 "src/GLuaFixer/AG/ASTLint.ag" #-}
             {-# LINE 13300 "src/GLuaFixer/AG/ASTLint.hs" #-}
             )) of
      { _lhsOcopy ->
      (case (({-# LINE 154 "src/GLuaFixer/AG/ASTLint.ag" #-}
              {-# LINE 13305 "src/GLuaFixer/AG/ASTLint.hs" #-}
              )) of
       { _lhsOidentifier ->
       (case (({-# LINE 152 "src/GLuaFixer/AG/ASTLint.ag" #-}
               {-# LINE 13310 "src/GLuaFixer/AG/ASTLint.hs" #-}
               )) of
        { _lhsOwarnings ->
        ( _lhsOcopy,_lhsOidentifier,_lhsOwarnings) }) }) }) })
sem_Token_Do :: T_Token
sem_Token_Do :: T_Token
sem_Token_Do =
    (case (({-# LINE 153 "src/GLuaFixer/AG/ASTLint.ag" #-}
            {-# LINE 13318 "src/GLuaFixer/AG/ASTLint.hs" #-}
            )) of
     { _copy ->
     (case (({-# LINE 153 "src/GLuaFixer/AG/ASTLint.ag" #-}
             {-# LINE 13323 "src/GLuaFixer/AG/ASTLint.hs" #-}
             )) of
      { _lhsOcopy ->
      (case (({-# LINE 154 "src/GLuaFixer/AG/ASTLint.ag" #-}
              {-# LINE 13328 "src/GLuaFixer/AG/ASTLint.hs" #-}
              )) of
       { _lhsOidentifier ->
       (case (({-# LINE 152 "src/GLuaFixer/AG/ASTLint.ag" #-}
               {-# LINE 13333 "src/GLuaFixer/AG/ASTLint.hs" #-}
               )) of
        { _lhsOwarnings ->
        ( _lhsOcopy,_lhsOidentifier,_lhsOwarnings) }) }) }) })
sem_Token_While :: T_Token
sem_Token_While :: T_Token
sem_Token_While =
    (case (({-# LINE 153 "src/GLuaFixer/AG/ASTLint.ag" #-}
            {-# LINE 13341 "src/GLuaFixer/AG/ASTLint.hs" #-}
            )) of
     { _copy ->
     (case (({-# LINE 153 "src/GLuaFixer/AG/ASTLint.ag" #-}
             {-# LINE 13346 "src/GLuaFixer/AG/ASTLint.hs" #-}
             )) of
      { _lhsOcopy ->
      (case (({-# LINE 154 "src/GLuaFixer/AG/ASTLint.ag" #-}
              {-# LINE 13351 "src/GLuaFixer/AG/ASTLint.hs" #-}
              )) of
       { _lhsOidentifier ->
       (case (({-# LINE 152 "src/GLuaFixer/AG/ASTLint.ag" #-}
               {-# LINE 13356 "src/GLuaFixer/AG/ASTLint.hs" #-}
               )) of
        { _lhsOwarnings ->
        ( _lhsOcopy,_lhsOidentifier,_lhsOwarnings) }) }) }) })
sem_Token_Until :: T_Token
sem_Token_Until :: T_Token
sem_Token_Until =
    (case (({-# LINE 153 "src/GLuaFixer/AG/ASTLint.ag" #-}
            {-# LINE 13364 "src/GLuaFixer/AG/ASTLint.hs" #-}
            )) of
     { _copy ->
     (case (({-# LINE 153 "src/GLuaFixer/AG/ASTLint.ag" #-}
             {-# LINE 13369 "src/GLuaFixer/AG/ASTLint.hs" #-}
             )) of
      { _lhsOcopy ->
      (case (({-# LINE 154 "src/GLuaFixer/AG/ASTLint.ag" #-}
              {-# LINE 13374 "src/GLuaFixer/AG/ASTLint.hs" #-}
              )) of
       { _lhsOidentifier ->
       (case (({-# LINE 152 "src/GLuaFixer/AG/ASTLint.ag" #-}
               {-# LINE 13379 "src/GLuaFixer/AG/ASTLint.hs" #-}
               )) of
        { _lhsOwarnings ->
        ( _lhsOcopy,_lhsOidentifier,_lhsOwarnings) }) }) }) })
sem_Token_Repeat :: T_Token
sem_Token_Repeat :: T_Token
sem_Token_Repeat =
    (case (({-# LINE 153 "src/GLuaFixer/AG/ASTLint.ag" #-}
            {-# LINE 13387 "src/GLuaFixer/AG/ASTLint.hs" #-}
            )) of
     { _copy ->
     (case (({-# LINE 153 "src/GLuaFixer/AG/ASTLint.ag" #-}
             {-# LINE 13392 "src/GLuaFixer/AG/ASTLint.hs" #-}
             )) of
      { _lhsOcopy ->
      (case (({-# LINE 154 "src/GLuaFixer/AG/ASTLint.ag" #-}
              {-# LINE 13397 "src/GLuaFixer/AG/ASTLint.hs" #-}
              )) of
       { _lhsOidentifier ->
       (case (({-# LINE 152 "src/GLuaFixer/AG/ASTLint.ag" #-}
               {-# LINE 13402 "src/GLuaFixer/AG/ASTLint.hs" #-}
               )) of
        { _lhsOwarnings ->
        ( _lhsOcopy,_lhsOidentifier,_lhsOwarnings) }) }) }) })
sem_Token_Continue :: T_Token
sem_Token_Continue :: T_Token
sem_Token_Continue =
    (case (({-# LINE 153 "src/GLuaFixer/AG/ASTLint.ag" #-}
            {-# LINE 13410 "src/GLuaFixer/AG/ASTLint.hs" #-}
            )) of
     { _copy ->
     (case (({-# LINE 153 "src/GLuaFixer/AG/ASTLint.ag" #-}
             {-# LINE 13415 "src/GLuaFixer/AG/ASTLint.hs" #-}
             )) of
      { _lhsOcopy ->
      (case (({-# LINE 154 "src/GLuaFixer/AG/ASTLint.ag" #-}
              {-# LINE 13420 "src/GLuaFixer/AG/ASTLint.hs" #-}
              )) of
       { _lhsOidentifier ->
       (case (({-# LINE 152 "src/GLuaFixer/AG/ASTLint.ag" #-}
               {-# LINE 13425 "src/GLuaFixer/AG/ASTLint.hs" #-}
               )) of
        { _lhsOwarnings ->
        ( _lhsOcopy,_lhsOidentifier,_lhsOwarnings) }) }) }) })
sem_Token_Break :: T_Token
sem_Token_Break :: T_Token
sem_Token_Break =
    (case (({-# LINE 153 "src/GLuaFixer/AG/ASTLint.ag" #-}
            {-# LINE 13433 "src/GLuaFixer/AG/ASTLint.hs" #-}
            )) of
     { _copy ->
     (case (({-# LINE 153 "src/GLuaFixer/AG/ASTLint.ag" #-}
             {-# LINE 13438 "src/GLuaFixer/AG/ASTLint.hs" #-}
             )) of
      { _lhsOcopy ->
      (case (({-# LINE 154 "src/GLuaFixer/AG/ASTLint.ag" #-}
              {-# LINE 13443 "src/GLuaFixer/AG/ASTLint.hs" #-}
              )) of
       { _lhsOidentifier ->
       (case (({-# LINE 152 "src/GLuaFixer/AG/ASTLint.ag" #-}
               {-# LINE 13448 "src/GLuaFixer/AG/ASTLint.hs" #-}
               )) of
        { _lhsOwarnings ->
        ( _lhsOcopy,_lhsOidentifier,_lhsOwarnings) }) }) }) })
sem_Token_Return :: T_Token
sem_Token_Return :: T_Token
sem_Token_Return =
    (case (({-# LINE 153 "src/GLuaFixer/AG/ASTLint.ag" #-}
            {-# LINE 13456 "src/GLuaFixer/AG/ASTLint.hs" #-}
            )) of
     { _copy ->
     (case (({-# LINE 153 "src/GLuaFixer/AG/ASTLint.ag" #-}
             {-# LINE 13461 "src/GLuaFixer/AG/ASTLint.hs" #-}
             )) of
      { _lhsOcopy ->
      (case (({-# LINE 154 "src/GLuaFixer/AG/ASTLint.ag" #-}
              {-# LINE 13466 "src/GLuaFixer/AG/ASTLint.hs" #-}
              )) of
       { _lhsOidentifier ->
       (case (({-# LINE 152 "src/GLuaFixer/AG/ASTLint.ag" #-}
               {-# LINE 13471 "src/GLuaFixer/AG/ASTLint.hs" #-}
               )) of
        { _lhsOwarnings ->
        ( _lhsOcopy,_lhsOidentifier,_lhsOwarnings) }) }) }) })
sem_Token_End :: T_Token
sem_Token_End :: T_Token
sem_Token_End =
    (case (({-# LINE 153 "src/GLuaFixer/AG/ASTLint.ag" #-}
            {-# LINE 13479 "src/GLuaFixer/AG/ASTLint.hs" #-}
            )) of
     { _copy ->
     (case (({-# LINE 153 "src/GLuaFixer/AG/ASTLint.ag" #-}
             {-# LINE 13484 "src/GLuaFixer/AG/ASTLint.hs" #-}
             )) of
      { _lhsOcopy ->
      (case (({-# LINE 154 "src/GLuaFixer/AG/ASTLint.ag" #-}
              {-# LINE 13489 "src/GLuaFixer/AG/ASTLint.hs" #-}
              )) of
       { _lhsOidentifier ->
       (case (({-# LINE 152 "src/GLuaFixer/AG/ASTLint.ag" #-}
               {-# LINE 13494 "src/GLuaFixer/AG/ASTLint.hs" #-}
               )) of
        { _lhsOwarnings ->
        ( _lhsOcopy,_lhsOidentifier,_lhsOwarnings) }) }) }) })
sem_Token_LRound :: T_Token
sem_Token_LRound :: T_Token
sem_Token_LRound =
    (case (({-# LINE 153 "src/GLuaFixer/AG/ASTLint.ag" #-}
            {-# LINE 13502 "src/GLuaFixer/AG/ASTLint.hs" #-}
            )) of
     { _copy ->
     (case (({-# LINE 153 "src/GLuaFixer/AG/ASTLint.ag" #-}
             {-# LINE 13507 "src/GLuaFixer/AG/ASTLint.hs" #-}
             )) of
      { _lhsOcopy ->
      (case (({-# LINE 154 "src/GLuaFixer/AG/ASTLint.ag" #-}
              {-# LINE 13512 "src/GLuaFixer/AG/ASTLint.hs" #-}
              )) of
       { _lhsOidentifier ->
       (case (({-# LINE 152 "src/GLuaFixer/AG/ASTLint.ag" #-}
               {-# LINE 13517 "src/GLuaFixer/AG/ASTLint.hs" #-}
               )) of
        { _lhsOwarnings ->
        ( _lhsOcopy,_lhsOidentifier,_lhsOwarnings) }) }) }) })
sem_Token_RRound :: T_Token
sem_Token_RRound :: T_Token
sem_Token_RRound =
    (case (({-# LINE 153 "src/GLuaFixer/AG/ASTLint.ag" #-}
            {-# LINE 13525 "src/GLuaFixer/AG/ASTLint.hs" #-}
            )) of
     { _copy ->
     (case (({-# LINE 153 "src/GLuaFixer/AG/ASTLint.ag" #-}
             {-# LINE 13530 "src/GLuaFixer/AG/ASTLint.hs" #-}
             )) of
      { _lhsOcopy ->
      (case (({-# LINE 154 "src/GLuaFixer/AG/ASTLint.ag" #-}
              {-# LINE 13535 "src/GLuaFixer/AG/ASTLint.hs" #-}
              )) of
       { _lhsOidentifier ->
       (case (({-# LINE 152 "src/GLuaFixer/AG/ASTLint.ag" #-}
               {-# LINE 13540 "src/GLuaFixer/AG/ASTLint.hs" #-}
               )) of
        { _lhsOwarnings ->
        ( _lhsOcopy,_lhsOidentifier,_lhsOwarnings) }) }) }) })
sem_Token_LCurly :: T_Token
sem_Token_LCurly :: T_Token
sem_Token_LCurly =
    (case (({-# LINE 153 "src/GLuaFixer/AG/ASTLint.ag" #-}
            {-# LINE 13548 "src/GLuaFixer/AG/ASTLint.hs" #-}
            )) of
     { _copy ->
     (case (({-# LINE 153 "src/GLuaFixer/AG/ASTLint.ag" #-}
             {-# LINE 13553 "src/GLuaFixer/AG/ASTLint.hs" #-}
             )) of
      { _lhsOcopy ->
      (case (({-# LINE 154 "src/GLuaFixer/AG/ASTLint.ag" #-}
              {-# LINE 13558 "src/GLuaFixer/AG/ASTLint.hs" #-}
              )) of
       { _lhsOidentifier ->
       (case (({-# LINE 152 "src/GLuaFixer/AG/ASTLint.ag" #-}
               {-# LINE 13563 "src/GLuaFixer/AG/ASTLint.hs" #-}
               )) of
        { _lhsOwarnings ->
        ( _lhsOcopy,_lhsOidentifier,_lhsOwarnings) }) }) }) })
sem_Token_RCurly :: T_Token
sem_Token_RCurly :: T_Token
sem_Token_RCurly =
    (case (({-# LINE 153 "src/GLuaFixer/AG/ASTLint.ag" #-}
            {-# LINE 13571 "src/GLuaFixer/AG/ASTLint.hs" #-}
            )) of
     { _copy ->
     (case (({-# LINE 153 "src/GLuaFixer/AG/ASTLint.ag" #-}
             {-# LINE 13576 "src/GLuaFixer/AG/ASTLint.hs" #-}
             )) of
      { _lhsOcopy ->
      (case (({-# LINE 154 "src/GLuaFixer/AG/ASTLint.ag" #-}
              {-# LINE 13581 "src/GLuaFixer/AG/ASTLint.hs" #-}
              )) of
       { _lhsOidentifier ->
       (case (({-# LINE 152 "src/GLuaFixer/AG/ASTLint.ag" #-}
               {-# LINE 13586 "src/GLuaFixer/AG/ASTLint.hs" #-}
               )) of
        { _lhsOwarnings ->
        ( _lhsOcopy,_lhsOidentifier,_lhsOwarnings) }) }) }) })
sem_Token_LSquare :: T_Token
sem_Token_LSquare :: T_Token
sem_Token_LSquare =
    (case (({-# LINE 153 "src/GLuaFixer/AG/ASTLint.ag" #-}
            {-# LINE 13594 "src/GLuaFixer/AG/ASTLint.hs" #-}
            )) of
     { _copy ->
     (case (({-# LINE 153 "src/GLuaFixer/AG/ASTLint.ag" #-}
             {-# LINE 13599 "src/GLuaFixer/AG/ASTLint.hs" #-}
             )) of
      { _lhsOcopy ->
      (case (({-# LINE 154 "src/GLuaFixer/AG/ASTLint.ag" #-}
              {-# LINE 13604 "src/GLuaFixer/AG/ASTLint.hs" #-}
              )) of
       { _lhsOidentifier ->
       (case (({-# LINE 152 "src/GLuaFixer/AG/ASTLint.ag" #-}
               {-# LINE 13609 "src/GLuaFixer/AG/ASTLint.hs" #-}
               )) of
        { _lhsOwarnings ->
        ( _lhsOcopy,_lhsOidentifier,_lhsOwarnings) }) }) }) })
sem_Token_RSquare :: T_Token
sem_Token_RSquare :: T_Token
sem_Token_RSquare =
    (case (({-# LINE 153 "src/GLuaFixer/AG/ASTLint.ag" #-}
            {-# LINE 13617 "src/GLuaFixer/AG/ASTLint.hs" #-}
            )) of
     { _copy ->
     (case (({-# LINE 153 "src/GLuaFixer/AG/ASTLint.ag" #-}
             {-# LINE 13622 "src/GLuaFixer/AG/ASTLint.hs" #-}
             )) of
      { _lhsOcopy ->
      (case (({-# LINE 154 "src/GLuaFixer/AG/ASTLint.ag" #-}
              {-# LINE 13627 "src/GLuaFixer/AG/ASTLint.hs" #-}
              )) of
       { _lhsOidentifier ->
       (case (({-# LINE 152 "src/GLuaFixer/AG/ASTLint.ag" #-}
               {-# LINE 13632 "src/GLuaFixer/AG/ASTLint.hs" #-}
               )) of
        { _lhsOwarnings ->
        ( _lhsOcopy,_lhsOidentifier,_lhsOwarnings) }) }) }) })
sem_Token_Label :: String ->
                   String ->
                   String ->
sem_Token_Label :: String -> String -> String -> T_Token
sem_Token_Label String
whitespaceBefore_ String
lbl_ String
whitespaceAfter_ =
    (case (({-# LINE 153 "src/GLuaFixer/AG/ASTLint.ag" #-}
            Label whitespaceBefore_ lbl_ whitespaceAfter_
            {-# LINE 13643 "src/GLuaFixer/AG/ASTLint.hs" #-}
            )) of
     { _copy ->
     (case (({-# LINE 153 "src/GLuaFixer/AG/ASTLint.ag" #-}
             {-# LINE 13648 "src/GLuaFixer/AG/ASTLint.hs" #-}
             )) of
      { _lhsOcopy ->
      (case (({-# LINE 220 "src/GLuaFixer/AG/ASTLint.ag" #-}
              {-# LINE 13653 "src/GLuaFixer/AG/ASTLint.hs" #-}
              )) of
       { _lhsOidentifier ->
       (case (({-# LINE 152 "src/GLuaFixer/AG/ASTLint.ag" #-}
               {-# LINE 13658 "src/GLuaFixer/AG/ASTLint.hs" #-}
               )) of
        { _lhsOwarnings ->
        ( _lhsOcopy,_lhsOidentifier,_lhsOwarnings) }) }) }) })
sem_Token_Identifier :: String ->
sem_Token_Identifier :: String -> T_Token
sem_Token_Identifier String
ident_ =
    (case (({-# LINE 153 "src/GLuaFixer/AG/ASTLint.ag" #-}
            Identifier ident_
            {-# LINE 13667 "src/GLuaFixer/AG/ASTLint.hs" #-}
            )) of
     { _copy ->
     (case (({-# LINE 153 "src/GLuaFixer/AG/ASTLint.ag" #-}
             {-# LINE 13672 "src/GLuaFixer/AG/ASTLint.hs" #-}
             )) of
      { _lhsOcopy ->
      (case (({-# LINE 222 "src/GLuaFixer/AG/ASTLint.ag" #-}
              {-# LINE 13677 "src/GLuaFixer/AG/ASTLint.hs" #-}
              )) of
       { _lhsOidentifier ->
       (case (({-# LINE 152 "src/GLuaFixer/AG/ASTLint.ag" #-}
               {-# LINE 13682 "src/GLuaFixer/AG/ASTLint.hs" #-}
               )) of
        { _lhsOwarnings ->
        ( _lhsOcopy,_lhsOidentifier,_lhsOwarnings) }) }) }) })
-- TokenList ---------------------------------------------------
-- cata
sem_TokenList :: TokenList ->
sem_TokenList :: TokenList -> T_TokenList
sem_TokenList TokenList
list =
    (forall (t :: * -> *) a b.
Foldable t =>
(a -> b -> b) -> b -> t a -> b
Prelude.foldr T_Token -> T_TokenList -> T_TokenList
sem_TokenList_Cons T_TokenList
sem_TokenList_Nil (forall a b. (a -> b) -> [a] -> [b]
Prelude.map Token -> T_Token
sem_Token TokenList
-- semantic domain
type T_TokenList = ( TokenList,String,([String -> LintMessage]))
data Inh_TokenList = Inh_TokenList {}
data Syn_TokenList = Syn_TokenList {Syn_TokenList -> TokenList
copy_Syn_TokenList :: TokenList,Syn_TokenList -> String
identifier_Syn_TokenList :: String,Syn_TokenList -> [String -> LintMessage]
warnings_Syn_TokenList :: ([String -> LintMessage])}
wrap_TokenList :: T_TokenList ->
                  Inh_TokenList ->
wrap_TokenList :: T_TokenList -> Inh_TokenList -> Syn_TokenList
wrap_TokenList T_TokenList
sem (Inh_TokenList
Inh_TokenList) =
    (let ( TokenList
_lhsOidentifier,[String -> LintMessage]
_lhsOwarnings) = T_TokenList
     in  (TokenList -> String -> [String -> LintMessage] -> Syn_TokenList
Syn_TokenList TokenList
_lhsOcopy String
_lhsOidentifier [String -> LintMessage]
sem_TokenList_Cons :: T_Token ->
                      T_TokenList ->
sem_TokenList_Cons :: T_Token -> T_TokenList -> T_TokenList
sem_TokenList_Cons T_Token
hd_ T_TokenList
tl_ =
    (case (T_TokenList
tl_) of
     { ( TokenList
_tlIidentifier,[String -> LintMessage]
_tlIwarnings) ->
         (case (T_Token
hd_) of
          { ( Token
_hdIidentifier,[String -> LintMessage]
_hdIwarnings) ->
              (case (({-# LINE 153 "src/GLuaFixer/AG/ASTLint.ag" #-}
                      (:) _hdIcopy _tlIcopy
                      {-# LINE 13712 "src/GLuaFixer/AG/ASTLint.hs" #-}
                      )) of
               { _copy ->
               (case (({-# LINE 153 "src/GLuaFixer/AG/ASTLint.ag" #-}
                       {-# LINE 13717 "src/GLuaFixer/AG/ASTLint.hs" #-}
                       )) of
                { _lhsOcopy ->
                (case (({-# LINE 154 "src/GLuaFixer/AG/ASTLint.ag" #-}
                        (const _hdIidentifier _tlIidentifier)
                        {-# LINE 13722 "src/GLuaFixer/AG/ASTLint.hs" #-}
                        )) of
                 { _lhsOidentifier ->
                 (case (({-# LINE 152 "src/GLuaFixer/AG/ASTLint.ag" #-}
                         _hdIwarnings ++ _tlIwarnings
                         {-# LINE 13727 "src/GLuaFixer/AG/ASTLint.hs" #-}
                         )) of
                  { _lhsOwarnings ->
                  ( _lhsOcopy,_lhsOidentifier,_lhsOwarnings) }) }) }) }) }) })
sem_TokenList_Nil :: T_TokenList
sem_TokenList_Nil :: T_TokenList
sem_TokenList_Nil =
    (case (({-# LINE 153 "src/GLuaFixer/AG/ASTLint.ag" #-}
            {-# LINE 13735 "src/GLuaFixer/AG/ASTLint.hs" #-}
            )) of
     { _copy ->
     (case (({-# LINE 153 "src/GLuaFixer/AG/ASTLint.ag" #-}
             {-# LINE 13740 "src/GLuaFixer/AG/ASTLint.hs" #-}
             )) of
      { _lhsOcopy ->
      (case (({-# LINE 154 "src/GLuaFixer/AG/ASTLint.ag" #-}
              {-# LINE 13745 "src/GLuaFixer/AG/ASTLint.hs" #-}
              )) of
       { _lhsOidentifier ->
       (case (({-# LINE 152 "src/GLuaFixer/AG/ASTLint.ag" #-}
               {-# LINE 13750 "src/GLuaFixer/AG/ASTLint.hs" #-}
               )) of
        { _lhsOwarnings ->
        ( _lhsOcopy,_lhsOidentifier,_lhsOwarnings) }) }) }) })
-- UnOp --------------------------------------------------------
-- cata
sem_UnOp :: UnOp ->
sem_UnOp :: UnOp -> T_UnOp
sem_UnOp (UnOp
UnMinus) =
sem_UnOp (UnOp
ANot) =
sem_UnOp (UnOp
AHash) =
-- semantic domain
type T_UnOp = ( UnOp,T_UnOp_1)
type T_UnOp_1 = LintSettings ->
                String ->
                (M.Map String [Region]) ->
                Bool ->
                Bool ->
                Int ->
                Region ->
                Int ->
                ([M.Map String (Bool, Region)]) ->
                DeterminedVariableStyle ->
                ( (M.Map String [Region]),String,Bool,Bool,Region,([M.Map String (Bool, Region)]),DeterminedVariableStyle,([String -> LintMessage]))
data Inh_UnOp = Inh_UnOp {Inh_UnOp -> LintSettings
config_Inh_UnOp :: LintSettings,Inh_UnOp -> String
funcName_Inh_UnOp :: String,Inh_UnOp -> Map String [Region]
globalDefinitions_Inh_UnOp :: (M.Map String [Region]),Inh_UnOp -> Bool
isInModule_Inh_UnOp :: Bool,Inh_UnOp -> Bool
isMeta_Inh_UnOp :: Bool,Inh_UnOp -> Int
loopLevel_Inh_UnOp :: Int,Inh_UnOp -> Region
mtokenPos_Inh_UnOp :: Region,Inh_UnOp -> Int
scopeLevel_Inh_UnOp :: Int,Inh_UnOp -> [Map String (Bool, Region)]
scopes_Inh_UnOp :: ([M.Map String (Bool, Region)]),Inh_UnOp -> DeterminedVariableStyle
variableStyle_Inh_UnOp :: DeterminedVariableStyle}
data Syn_UnOp = Syn_UnOp {Syn_UnOp -> UnOp
copy_Syn_UnOp :: UnOp,Syn_UnOp -> Map String [Region]
globalDefinitions_Syn_UnOp :: (M.Map String [Region]),Syn_UnOp -> String
identifier_Syn_UnOp :: String,Syn_UnOp -> Bool
isInModule_Syn_UnOp :: Bool,Syn_UnOp -> Bool
isNegation_Syn_UnOp :: Bool,Syn_UnOp -> Region
mtokenPos_Syn_UnOp :: Region,Syn_UnOp -> [Map String (Bool, Region)]
scopes_Syn_UnOp :: ([M.Map String (Bool, Region)]),Syn_UnOp -> DeterminedVariableStyle
variableStyle_Syn_UnOp :: DeterminedVariableStyle,Syn_UnOp -> [String -> LintMessage]
warnings_Syn_UnOp :: ([String -> LintMessage])}
wrap_UnOp :: T_UnOp ->
             Inh_UnOp ->
wrap_UnOp :: T_UnOp -> Inh_UnOp -> Syn_UnOp
wrap_UnOp T_UnOp
sem (Inh_UnOp LintSettings
_lhsIconfig String
_lhsIfuncName Map String [Region]
_lhsIglobalDefinitions Bool
_lhsIisInModule Bool
_lhsIisMeta Int
_lhsIloopLevel Region
_lhsImtokenPos Int
_lhsIscopeLevel [Map String (Bool, Region)]
_lhsIscopes DeterminedVariableStyle
_lhsIvariableStyle) =
    (let ( UnOp
sem_1) = T_UnOp
         ( Map String [Region]
_lhsOmtokenPos,[Map String (Bool, Region)]
_lhsOvariableStyle,[String -> LintMessage]
_lhsOwarnings) = T_UnOp_1
sem_1 LintSettings
_lhsIconfig String
_lhsIfuncName Map String [Region]
_lhsIglobalDefinitions Bool
_lhsIisInModule Bool
_lhsIisMeta Int
_lhsIloopLevel Region
_lhsImtokenPos Int
_lhsIscopeLevel [Map String (Bool, Region)]
_lhsIscopes DeterminedVariableStyle
     in  (UnOp
-> Map String [Region]
-> String
-> Bool
-> Bool
-> Region
-> [Map String (Bool, Region)]
-> DeterminedVariableStyle
-> [String -> LintMessage]
-> Syn_UnOp
Syn_UnOp UnOp
_lhsOcopy Map String [Region]
_lhsOglobalDefinitions String
_lhsOidentifier Bool
_lhsOisInModule Bool
_lhsOisNegation Region
_lhsOmtokenPos [Map String (Bool, Region)]
_lhsOscopes DeterminedVariableStyle
_lhsOvariableStyle [String -> LintMessage]
sem_UnOp_UnMinus :: T_UnOp
sem_UnOp_UnMinus :: T_UnOp
sem_UnOp_UnMinus =
    (case (({-# LINE 153 "src/GLuaFixer/AG/ASTLint.ag" #-}
            {-# LINE 13790 "src/GLuaFixer/AG/ASTLint.hs" #-}
            )) of
     { _copy ->
     (case (({-# LINE 153 "src/GLuaFixer/AG/ASTLint.ag" #-}
             {-# LINE 13795 "src/GLuaFixer/AG/ASTLint.hs" #-}
             )) of
      { _lhsOcopy ->
      (case ((let sem_UnOp_UnMinus_1 :: T_UnOp_1
                  sem_UnOp_UnMinus_1 =
                      (\ _lhsIconfig
                         _lhsIvariableStyle ->
                           (case (({-# LINE 138 "src/GLuaFixer/AG/ASTLint.ag" #-}
                                   {-# LINE 13812 "src/GLuaFixer/AG/ASTLint.hs" #-}
                                   )) of
                            { _lhsOglobalDefinitions ->
                            (case (({-# LINE 154 "src/GLuaFixer/AG/ASTLint.ag" #-}
                                    {-# LINE 13817 "src/GLuaFixer/AG/ASTLint.hs" #-}
                                    )) of
                             { _lhsOidentifier ->
                             (case (({-# LINE 143 "src/GLuaFixer/AG/ASTLint.ag" #-}
                                     {-# LINE 13822 "src/GLuaFixer/AG/ASTLint.hs" #-}
                                     )) of
                              { _lhsOisInModule ->
                              (case (({-# LINE 639 "src/GLuaFixer/AG/ASTLint.ag" #-}
                                      {-# LINE 13827 "src/GLuaFixer/AG/ASTLint.hs" #-}
                                      )) of
                               { _lhsOisNegation ->
                               (case (({-# LINE 135 "src/GLuaFixer/AG/ASTLint.ag" #-}
                                       {-# LINE 13832 "src/GLuaFixer/AG/ASTLint.hs" #-}
                                       )) of
                                { _lhsOmtokenPos ->
                                (case (({-# LINE 144 "src/GLuaFixer/AG/ASTLint.ag" #-}
                                        {-# LINE 13837 "src/GLuaFixer/AG/ASTLint.hs" #-}
                                        )) of
                                 { _lhsOscopes ->
                                 (case (({-# LINE 131 "src/GLuaFixer/AG/ASTLint.ag" #-}
                                         {-# LINE 13842 "src/GLuaFixer/AG/ASTLint.hs" #-}
                                         )) of
                                  { _lhsOvariableStyle ->
                                  (case (({-# LINE 152 "src/GLuaFixer/AG/ASTLint.ag" #-}
                                          {-# LINE 13847 "src/GLuaFixer/AG/ASTLint.hs" #-}
                                          )) of
                                   { _lhsOwarnings ->
                                   ( _lhsOglobalDefinitions,_lhsOidentifier,_lhsOisInModule,_lhsOisNegation,_lhsOmtokenPos,_lhsOscopes,_lhsOvariableStyle,_lhsOwarnings) }) }) }) }) }) }) }) }))
              in  sem_UnOp_UnMinus_1)) of
       { ( sem_UnOp_1) ->
       ( _lhsOcopy,sem_UnOp_1) }) }) })
sem_UnOp_ANot :: T_UnOp
sem_UnOp_ANot :: T_UnOp
sem_UnOp_ANot =
    (case (({-# LINE 153 "src/GLuaFixer/AG/ASTLint.ag" #-}
            {-# LINE 13858 "src/GLuaFixer/AG/ASTLint.hs" #-}
            )) of
     { _copy ->
     (case (({-# LINE 153 "src/GLuaFixer/AG/ASTLint.ag" #-}
             {-# LINE 13863 "src/GLuaFixer/AG/ASTLint.hs" #-}
             )) of
      { _lhsOcopy ->
      (case ((let sem_UnOp_ANot_1 :: T_UnOp_1
                  sem_UnOp_ANot_1 =
                      (\ _lhsIconfig
                         _lhsIvariableStyle ->
                           (case (({-# LINE 138 "src/GLuaFixer/AG/ASTLint.ag" #-}
                                   {-# LINE 13880 "src/GLuaFixer/AG/ASTLint.hs" #-}
                                   )) of
                            { _lhsOglobalDefinitions ->
                            (case (({-# LINE 154 "src/GLuaFixer/AG/ASTLint.ag" #-}
                                    {-# LINE 13885 "src/GLuaFixer/AG/ASTLint.hs" #-}
                                    )) of
                             { _lhsOidentifier ->
                             (case (({-# LINE 143 "src/GLuaFixer/AG/ASTLint.ag" #-}
                                     {-# LINE 13890 "src/GLuaFixer/AG/ASTLint.hs" #-}
                                     )) of
                              { _lhsOisInModule ->
                              (case (({-# LINE 641 "src/GLuaFixer/AG/ASTLint.ag" #-}
                                      {-# LINE 13895 "src/GLuaFixer/AG/ASTLint.hs" #-}
                                      )) of
                               { _lhsOisNegation ->
                               (case (({-# LINE 135 "src/GLuaFixer/AG/ASTLint.ag" #-}
                                       {-# LINE 13900 "src/GLuaFixer/AG/ASTLint.hs" #-}
                                       )) of
                                { _lhsOmtokenPos ->
                                (case (({-# LINE 144 "src/GLuaFixer/AG/ASTLint.ag" #-}
                                        {-# LINE 13905 "src/GLuaFixer/AG/ASTLint.hs" #-}
                                        )) of
                                 { _lhsOscopes ->
                                 (case (({-# LINE 131 "src/GLuaFixer/AG/ASTLint.ag" #-}
                                         {-# LINE 13910 "src/GLuaFixer/AG/ASTLint.hs" #-}
                                         )) of
                                  { _lhsOvariableStyle ->
                                  (case (({-# LINE 152 "src/GLuaFixer/AG/ASTLint.ag" #-}
                                          {-# LINE 13915 "src/GLuaFixer/AG/ASTLint.hs" #-}
                                          )) of
                                   { _lhsOwarnings ->
                                   ( _lhsOglobalDefinitions,_lhsOidentifier,_lhsOisInModule,_lhsOisNegation,_lhsOmtokenPos,_lhsOscopes,_lhsOvariableStyle,_lhsOwarnings) }) }) }) }) }) }) }) }))
              in  sem_UnOp_ANot_1)) of
       { ( sem_UnOp_1) ->
       ( _lhsOcopy,sem_UnOp_1) }) }) })
sem_UnOp_AHash :: T_UnOp
sem_UnOp_AHash :: T_UnOp
sem_UnOp_AHash =
    (case (({-# LINE 153 "src/GLuaFixer/AG/ASTLint.ag" #-}
            {-# LINE 13926 "src/GLuaFixer/AG/ASTLint.hs" #-}
            )) of
     { _copy ->
     (case (({-# LINE 153 "src/GLuaFixer/AG/ASTLint.ag" #-}
             {-# LINE 13931 "src/GLuaFixer/AG/ASTLint.hs" #-}
             )) of
      { _lhsOcopy ->
      (case ((let sem_UnOp_AHash_1 :: T_UnOp_1
                  sem_UnOp_AHash_1 =
                      (\ _lhsIconfig
                         _lhsIvariableStyle ->
                           (case (({-# LINE 138 "src/GLuaFixer/AG/ASTLint.ag" #-}
                                   {-# LINE 13948 "src/GLuaFixer/AG/ASTLint.hs" #-}
                                   )) of
                            { _lhsOglobalDefinitions ->
                            (case (({-# LINE 154 "src/GLuaFixer/AG/ASTLint.ag" #-}
                                    {-# LINE 13953 "src/GLuaFixer/AG/ASTLint.hs" #-}
                                    )) of
                             { _lhsOidentifier ->
                             (case (({-# LINE 143 "src/GLuaFixer/AG/ASTLint.ag" #-}
                                     {-# LINE 13958 "src/GLuaFixer/AG/ASTLint.hs" #-}
                                     )) of
                              { _lhsOisInModule ->
                              (case (({-# LINE 643 "src/GLuaFixer/AG/ASTLint.ag" #-}
                                      {-# LINE 13963 "src/GLuaFixer/AG/ASTLint.hs" #-}
                                      )) of
                               { _lhsOisNegation ->
                               (case (({-# LINE 135 "src/GLuaFixer/AG/ASTLint.ag" #-}
                                       {-# LINE 13968 "src/GLuaFixer/AG/ASTLint.hs" #-}
                                       )) of
                                { _lhsOmtokenPos ->
                                (case (({-# LINE 144 "src/GLuaFixer/AG/ASTLint.ag" #-}
                                        {-# LINE 13973 "src/GLuaFixer/AG/ASTLint.hs" #-}
                                        )) of
                                 { _lhsOscopes ->
                                 (case (({-# LINE 131 "src/GLuaFixer/AG/ASTLint.ag" #-}
                                         {-# LINE 13978 "src/GLuaFixer/AG/ASTLint.hs" #-}
                                         )) of
                                  { _lhsOvariableStyle ->
                                  (case (({-# LINE 152 "src/GLuaFixer/AG/ASTLint.ag" #-}
                                          {-# LINE 13983 "src/GLuaFixer/AG/ASTLint.hs" #-}
                                          )) of
                                   { _lhsOwarnings ->
                                   ( _lhsOglobalDefinitions,_lhsOidentifier,_lhsOisInModule,_lhsOisNegation,_lhsOmtokenPos,_lhsOscopes,_lhsOvariableStyle,_lhsOwarnings) }) }) }) }) }) }) }) }))
              in  sem_UnOp_AHash_1)) of
       { ( sem_UnOp_1) ->
       ( _lhsOcopy,sem_UnOp_1) }) }) })
-- VarsList ----------------------------------------------------
-- cata
sem_VarsList :: VarsList ->
sem_VarsList :: VarsList -> T_VarsList
sem_VarsList VarsList
list =
    (forall (t :: * -> *) a b.
Foldable t =>
(a -> b -> b) -> b -> t a -> b
Prelude.foldr T_Declaration -> T_VarsList -> T_VarsList
sem_VarsList_Cons T_VarsList
sem_VarsList_Nil (forall a b. (a -> b) -> [a] -> [b]
Prelude.map Declaration -> T_Declaration
sem_Declaration VarsList
-- semantic domain
type T_VarsList = ( VarsList,T_VarsList_1)
type T_VarsList_1 = LintSettings ->
                    String ->
                    (M.Map String [Region]) ->
                    Bool ->
                    Bool ->
                    Bool ->
                    Int ->
                    Region ->
                    Int ->
                    ([M.Map String (Bool, Region)]) ->
                    DeterminedVariableStyle ->
                    ( (M.Map String [Region]),String,Bool,Region,([M.Map String (Bool, Region)]),DeterminedVariableStyle,([String -> LintMessage]))
data Inh_VarsList = Inh_VarsList {Inh_VarsList -> LintSettings
config_Inh_VarsList :: LintSettings,Inh_VarsList -> String
funcName_Inh_VarsList :: String,Inh_VarsList -> Map String [Region]
globalDefinitions_Inh_VarsList :: (M.Map String [Region]),Inh_VarsList -> Bool
isInModule_Inh_VarsList :: Bool,Inh_VarsList -> Bool
isMeta_Inh_VarsList :: Bool,Inh_VarsList -> Bool
localDefinition_Inh_VarsList :: Bool,Inh_VarsList -> Int
loopLevel_Inh_VarsList :: Int,Inh_VarsList -> Region
mtokenPos_Inh_VarsList :: Region,Inh_VarsList -> Int
scopeLevel_Inh_VarsList :: Int,Inh_VarsList -> [Map String (Bool, Region)]
scopes_Inh_VarsList :: ([M.Map String (Bool, Region)]),Inh_VarsList -> DeterminedVariableStyle
variableStyle_Inh_VarsList :: DeterminedVariableStyle}
data Syn_VarsList = Syn_VarsList {Syn_VarsList -> VarsList
copy_Syn_VarsList :: VarsList,Syn_VarsList -> Map String [Region]
globalDefinitions_Syn_VarsList :: (M.Map String [Region]),Syn_VarsList -> String
identifier_Syn_VarsList :: String,Syn_VarsList -> Bool
isInModule_Syn_VarsList :: Bool,Syn_VarsList -> Region
mtokenPos_Syn_VarsList :: Region,Syn_VarsList -> [Map String (Bool, Region)]
scopes_Syn_VarsList :: ([M.Map String (Bool, Region)]),Syn_VarsList -> DeterminedVariableStyle
variableStyle_Syn_VarsList :: DeterminedVariableStyle,Syn_VarsList -> [String -> LintMessage]
warnings_Syn_VarsList :: ([String -> LintMessage])}
wrap_VarsList :: T_VarsList ->
                 Inh_VarsList ->
wrap_VarsList :: T_VarsList -> Inh_VarsList -> Syn_VarsList
wrap_VarsList T_VarsList
sem (Inh_VarsList LintSettings
_lhsIconfig String
_lhsIfuncName Map String [Region]
_lhsIglobalDefinitions Bool
_lhsIisInModule Bool
_lhsIisMeta Bool
_lhsIlocalDefinition Int
_lhsIloopLevel Region
_lhsImtokenPos Int
_lhsIscopeLevel [Map String (Bool, Region)]
_lhsIscopes DeterminedVariableStyle
_lhsIvariableStyle) =
    (let ( VarsList
sem_1) = T_VarsList
         ( Map String [Region]
_lhsOmtokenPos,[Map String (Bool, Region)]
_lhsOvariableStyle,[String -> LintMessage]
_lhsOwarnings) = T_Declaration_1
sem_1 LintSettings
_lhsIconfig String
_lhsIfuncName Map String [Region]
_lhsIglobalDefinitions Bool
_lhsIisInModule Bool
_lhsIisMeta Bool
_lhsIlocalDefinition Int
_lhsIloopLevel Region
_lhsImtokenPos Int
_lhsIscopeLevel [Map String (Bool, Region)]
_lhsIscopes DeterminedVariableStyle
     in  (VarsList
-> Map String [Region]
-> String
-> Bool
-> Region
-> [Map String (Bool, Region)]
-> DeterminedVariableStyle
-> [String -> LintMessage]
-> Syn_VarsList
Syn_VarsList VarsList
_lhsOcopy Map String [Region]
_lhsOglobalDefinitions String
_lhsOidentifier Bool
_lhsOisInModule Region
_lhsOmtokenPos [Map String (Bool, Region)]
_lhsOscopes DeterminedVariableStyle
_lhsOvariableStyle [String -> LintMessage]
sem_VarsList_Cons :: T_Declaration ->
                     T_VarsList ->
sem_VarsList_Cons :: T_Declaration -> T_VarsList -> T_VarsList
sem_VarsList_Cons T_Declaration
hd_ T_VarsList
tl_ =
    (case (T_VarsList
tl_) of
     { ( VarsList
tl_1) ->
         (case (T_Declaration
hd_) of
          { ( Declaration
hd_1) ->
              (case (({-# LINE 153 "src/GLuaFixer/AG/ASTLint.ag" #-}
                      (:) _hdIcopy _tlIcopy
                      {-# LINE 14029 "src/GLuaFixer/AG/ASTLint.hs" #-}
                      )) of
               { _copy ->
               (case (({-# LINE 153 "src/GLuaFixer/AG/ASTLint.ag" #-}
                       {-# LINE 14034 "src/GLuaFixer/AG/ASTLint.hs" #-}
                       )) of
                { _lhsOcopy ->
                (case ((let sem_VarsList_Cons_1 :: T_VarsList_1
                            sem_VarsList_Cons_1 =
                                (\ _lhsIconfig
                                   _lhsIvariableStyle ->
                                     (case (({-# LINE 144 "src/GLuaFixer/AG/ASTLint.ag" #-}
                                             {-# LINE 14052 "src/GLuaFixer/AG/ASTLint.hs" #-}
                                             )) of
                                      { _hdOscopes ->
                                      (case (({-# LINE 189 "src/GLuaFixer/AG/ASTLint.ag" #-}
                                              {-# LINE 14057 "src/GLuaFixer/AG/ASTLint.hs" #-}
                                              )) of
                                       { _hdOlocalDefinition ->
                                       (case (({-# LINE 145 "src/GLuaFixer/AG/ASTLint.ag" #-}
                                               {-# LINE 14062 "src/GLuaFixer/AG/ASTLint.hs" #-}
                                               )) of
                                        { _hdOisMeta ->
                                        (case (({-# LINE 134 "src/GLuaFixer/AG/ASTLint.ag" #-}
                                                {-# LINE 14067 "src/GLuaFixer/AG/ASTLint.hs" #-}
                                                )) of
                                         { _hdOconfig ->
                                         (case (({-# LINE 131 "src/GLuaFixer/AG/ASTLint.ag" #-}
                                                 {-# LINE 14072 "src/GLuaFixer/AG/ASTLint.hs" #-}
                                                 )) of
                                          { _hdOvariableStyle ->
                                          (case (({-# LINE 127 "src/GLuaFixer/AG/ASTLint.ag" #-}
                                                  {-# LINE 14077 "src/GLuaFixer/AG/ASTLint.hs" #-}
                                                  )) of
                                           { _hdOscopeLevel ->
                                           (case (({-# LINE 135 "src/GLuaFixer/AG/ASTLint.ag" #-}
                                                   {-# LINE 14082 "src/GLuaFixer/AG/ASTLint.hs" #-}
                                                   )) of
                                            { _hdOmtokenPos ->
                                            (case (({-# LINE 128 "src/GLuaFixer/AG/ASTLint.ag" #-}
                                                    {-# LINE 14087 "src/GLuaFixer/AG/ASTLint.hs" #-}
                                                    )) of
                                             { _hdOloopLevel ->
                                             (case (({-# LINE 143 "src/GLuaFixer/AG/ASTLint.ag" #-}
                                                     {-# LINE 14092 "src/GLuaFixer/AG/ASTLint.hs" #-}
                                                     )) of
                                              { _hdOisInModule ->
                                              (case (({-# LINE 138 "src/GLuaFixer/AG/ASTLint.ag" #-}
                                                      {-# LINE 14097 "src/GLuaFixer/AG/ASTLint.hs" #-}
                                                      )) of
                                               { _hdOglobalDefinitions ->
                                               (case (({-# LINE 146 "src/GLuaFixer/AG/ASTLint.ag" #-}
                                                       {-# LINE 14102 "src/GLuaFixer/AG/ASTLint.hs" #-}
                                                       )) of
                                                { _hdOfuncName ->
                                                (case (hd_1 _hdOconfig _hdOfuncName _hdOglobalDefinitions _hdOisInModule _hdOisMeta _hdOlocalDefinition _hdOloopLevel _hdOmtokenPos _hdOscopeLevel _hdOscopes _hdOvariableStyle) of
                                                 { ( _hdIglobalDefinitions,_hdIidentifier,_hdIisInModule,_hdImtokenPos,_hdIscopes,_hdIvariableStyle,_hdIwarnings) ->
                                                     (case (({-# LINE 144 "src/GLuaFixer/AG/ASTLint.ag" #-}
                                                             {-# LINE 14109 "src/GLuaFixer/AG/ASTLint.hs" #-}
                                                             )) of
                                                      { _tlOscopes ->
                                                      (case (({-# LINE 189 "src/GLuaFixer/AG/ASTLint.ag" #-}
                                                              {-# LINE 14114 "src/GLuaFixer/AG/ASTLint.hs" #-}
                                                              )) of
                                                       { _tlOlocalDefinition ->
                                                       (case (({-# LINE 145 "src/GLuaFixer/AG/ASTLint.ag" #-}
                                                               {-# LINE 14119 "src/GLuaFixer/AG/ASTLint.hs" #-}
                                                               )) of
                                                        { _tlOisMeta ->
                                                        (case (({-# LINE 143 "src/GLuaFixer/AG/ASTLint.ag" #-}
                                                                {-# LINE 14124 "src/GLuaFixer/AG/ASTLint.hs" #-}
                                                                )) of
                                                         { _tlOisInModule ->
                                                         (case (({-# LINE 138 "src/GLuaFixer/AG/ASTLint.ag" #-}
                                                                 {-# LINE 14129 "src/GLuaFixer/AG/ASTLint.hs" #-}
                                                                 )) of
                                                          { _tlOglobalDefinitions ->
                                                          (case (({-# LINE 134 "src/GLuaFixer/AG/ASTLint.ag" #-}
                                                                  {-# LINE 14134 "src/GLuaFixer/AG/ASTLint.hs" #-}
                                                                  )) of
                                                           { _tlOconfig ->
                                                           (case (({-# LINE 131 "src/GLuaFixer/AG/ASTLint.ag" #-}
                                                                   {-# LINE 14139 "src/GLuaFixer/AG/ASTLint.hs" #-}
                                                                   )) of
                                                            { _tlOvariableStyle ->
                                                            (case (({-# LINE 127 "src/GLuaFixer/AG/ASTLint.ag" #-}
                                                                    {-# LINE 14144 "src/GLuaFixer/AG/ASTLint.hs" #-}
                                                                    )) of
                                                             { _tlOscopeLevel ->
                                                             (case (({-# LINE 135 "src/GLuaFixer/AG/ASTLint.ag" #-}
                                                                     {-# LINE 14149 "src/GLuaFixer/AG/ASTLint.hs" #-}
                                                                     )) of
                                                              { _tlOmtokenPos ->
                                                              (case (({-# LINE 128 "src/GLuaFixer/AG/ASTLint.ag" #-}
                                                                      {-# LINE 14154 "src/GLuaFixer/AG/ASTLint.hs" #-}
                                                                      )) of
                                                               { _tlOloopLevel ->
                                                               (case (({-# LINE 146 "src/GLuaFixer/AG/ASTLint.ag" #-}
                                                                       {-# LINE 14159 "src/GLuaFixer/AG/ASTLint.hs" #-}
                                                                       )) of
                                                                { _tlOfuncName ->
                                                                (case (tl_1 _tlOconfig _tlOfuncName _tlOglobalDefinitions _tlOisInModule _tlOisMeta _tlOlocalDefinition _tlOloopLevel _tlOmtokenPos _tlOscopeLevel _tlOscopes _tlOvariableStyle) of
                                                                 { ( _tlIglobalDefinitions,_tlIidentifier,_tlIisInModule,_tlImtokenPos,_tlIscopes,_tlIvariableStyle,_tlIwarnings) ->
                                                                     (case (({-# LINE 138 "src/GLuaFixer/AG/ASTLint.ag" #-}
                                                                             {-# LINE 14166 "src/GLuaFixer/AG/ASTLint.hs" #-}
                                                                             )) of
                                                                      { _lhsOglobalDefinitions ->
                                                                      (case (({-# LINE 154 "src/GLuaFixer/AG/ASTLint.ag" #-}
                                                                              (const _hdIidentifier _tlIidentifier)
                                                                              {-# LINE 14171 "src/GLuaFixer/AG/ASTLint.hs" #-}
                                                                              )) of
                                                                       { _lhsOidentifier ->
                                                                       (case (({-# LINE 143 "src/GLuaFixer/AG/ASTLint.ag" #-}
                                                                               {-# LINE 14176 "src/GLuaFixer/AG/ASTLint.hs" #-}
                                                                               )) of
                                                                        { _lhsOisInModule ->
                                                                        (case (({-# LINE 234 "src/GLuaFixer/AG/ASTLint.ag" #-}
                                                                                {-# LINE 14181 "src/GLuaFixer/AG/ASTLint.hs" #-}
                                                                                )) of
                                                                         { _lhsOmtokenPos ->
                                                                         (case (({-# LINE 144 "src/GLuaFixer/AG/ASTLint.ag" #-}
                                                                                 {-# LINE 14186 "src/GLuaFixer/AG/ASTLint.hs" #-}
                                                                                 )) of
                                                                          { _lhsOscopes ->
                                                                          (case (({-# LINE 131 "src/GLuaFixer/AG/ASTLint.ag" #-}
                                                                                  {-# LINE 14191 "src/GLuaFixer/AG/ASTLint.hs" #-}
                                                                                  )) of
                                                                           { _lhsOvariableStyle ->
                                                                           (case (({-# LINE 152 "src/GLuaFixer/AG/ASTLint.ag" #-}
                                                                                   _hdIwarnings ++ _tlIwarnings
                                                                                   {-# LINE 14196 "src/GLuaFixer/AG/ASTLint.hs" #-}
                                                                                   )) of
                                                                            { _lhsOwarnings ->
                                                                            ( _lhsOglobalDefinitions,_lhsOidentifier,_lhsOisInModule,_lhsOmtokenPos,_lhsOscopes,_lhsOvariableStyle,_lhsOwarnings) }) }) }) }) }) }) }) }) }) }) }) }) }) }) }) }) }) }) }) }) }) }) }) }) }) }) }) }) }) }) }))
                        in  sem_VarsList_Cons_1)) of
                 { ( sem_VarsList_1) ->
                 ( _lhsOcopy,sem_VarsList_1) }) }) }) }) })
sem_VarsList_Nil :: T_VarsList
sem_VarsList_Nil :: T_VarsList
sem_VarsList_Nil =
    (case (({-# LINE 153 "src/GLuaFixer/AG/ASTLint.ag" #-}
            {-# LINE 14207 "src/GLuaFixer/AG/ASTLint.hs" #-}
            )) of
     { _copy ->
     (case (({-# LINE 153 "src/GLuaFixer/AG/ASTLint.ag" #-}
             {-# LINE 14212 "src/GLuaFixer/AG/ASTLint.hs" #-}
             )) of
      { _lhsOcopy ->
      (case ((let sem_VarsList_Nil_1 :: T_VarsList_1
                  sem_VarsList_Nil_1 =
                      (\ _lhsIconfig
                         _lhsIvariableStyle ->
                           (case (({-# LINE 138 "src/GLuaFixer/AG/ASTLint.ag" #-}
                                   {-# LINE 14230 "src/GLuaFixer/AG/ASTLint.hs" #-}
                                   )) of
                            { _lhsOglobalDefinitions ->
                            (case (({-# LINE 154 "src/GLuaFixer/AG/ASTLint.ag" #-}
                                    {-# LINE 14235 "src/GLuaFixer/AG/ASTLint.hs" #-}
                                    )) of
                             { _lhsOidentifier ->
                             (case (({-# LINE 143 "src/GLuaFixer/AG/ASTLint.ag" #-}
                                     {-# LINE 14240 "src/GLuaFixer/AG/ASTLint.hs" #-}
                                     )) of
                              { _lhsOisInModule ->
                              (case (({-# LINE 135 "src/GLuaFixer/AG/ASTLint.ag" #-}
                                      {-# LINE 14245 "src/GLuaFixer/AG/ASTLint.hs" #-}
                                      )) of
                               { _lhsOmtokenPos ->
                               (case (({-# LINE 144 "src/GLuaFixer/AG/ASTLint.ag" #-}
                                       {-# LINE 14250 "src/GLuaFixer/AG/ASTLint.hs" #-}
                                       )) of
                                { _lhsOscopes ->
                                (case (({-# LINE 131 "src/GLuaFixer/AG/ASTLint.ag" #-}
                                        {-# LINE 14255 "src/GLuaFixer/AG/ASTLint.hs" #-}
                                        )) of
                                 { _lhsOvariableStyle ->
                                 (case (({-# LINE 152 "src/GLuaFixer/AG/ASTLint.ag" #-}
                                         {-# LINE 14260 "src/GLuaFixer/AG/ASTLint.hs" #-}
                                         )) of
                                  { _lhsOwarnings ->
                                  ( _lhsOglobalDefinitions,_lhsOidentifier,_lhsOisInModule,_lhsOmtokenPos,_lhsOscopes,_lhsOvariableStyle,_lhsOwarnings) }) }) }) }) }) }) }))
              in  sem_VarsList_Nil_1)) of
       { ( sem_VarsList_1) ->
       ( _lhsOcopy,sem_VarsList_1) }) }) })