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gloss- Painless 2D vector graphics, animations and simulations.

Safe HaskellNone



Gloss hides the pain of drawing simple vector graphics behind a nice data type and a few display functions.

Getting something on the screen is as easy as:

 import Graphics.Gloss
 main = display (InWindow "Nice Window" (200, 200) (10, 10)) white (Circle 80)

Once the window is open you can use the following:

* Quit
  - esc-key

* Move Viewport
  - arrow keys
  - left-click drag

* Zoom Viewport
  - page up/down-keys
  - control-left-click drag
  - right-click drag
  - mouse wheel

* Rotate Viewport
  - home/end-keys
  - alt-left-click drag

* Reset Viewport

Animations can be constructed similarly using the animate.

If you want to run a simulation based around finite time steps then try simulate.

If you want to manage your own key/mouse events then use play.

Gloss uses OpenGL under the hood, but you don't have to worry about any of that.

Gloss programs should be compiled with -threaded, otherwise the GHC runtime will limit the frame-rate to around 20Hz.

To build gloss using the GLFW window manager instead of GLUT use cabal install gloss --flags="GLFW -GLUT"

Release Notes:

 For 1.13.1:
  Thanks to Thaler Jonathan
  * Repaired GLFW backend.
  Thanks to Samuel Gfrörer
  * Support for bitmap sections.
  Thanks to Basile Henry
  * Handle resize events in playField driver.

 For 1.12.1:
  Thanks to Trevor McDonell
  * Travis CI integration, general cleanups.

 For 1.11.1:
  Thanks to Lars Wyssard
  * Use default display resolution in full-screen mode.

 For 1.10.1:
  * Gloss no longer consumes CPU time when displaying static pictures.
  * Added displayIO wrapper for mostly static pictures, eg when
    plotting graphs generated from infrequently updated files.
  * Allow viewport to be scaled with control-left-click drag.
  * Rotation of viewport changed to alt-left-click drag.
  * Preserve current colour when rendering bitmpaps.
  * Changed to proper sum-of-squares colour mixing, rather than naive
    addition of components which was causing mixed colours to be too dark.
 Thanks to Thomas DuBuisson
  * Allow bitmaps to be specified in RGBA byte order as well as ABGR.
 Thanks to Gabriel Gonzalez
  * Package definitions for building with Stack.

For more information, check out http://gloss.ouroborus.net.



data Display Source #

Describes how Gloss should display its output.


InWindow String (Int, Int) (Int, Int)

Display in a window with the given name, size and position.


Display full screen.

display Source #


:: Display

Display mode.

-> Color

Background color.

-> Picture

The picture to draw.

-> IO () 

Open a new window and display the given picture.

animate Source #


:: Display

Display mode.

-> Color

Background color.

-> (Float -> Picture)

Function to produce the next frame of animation. It is passed the time in seconds since the program started.

-> IO () 

Open a new window and display the given animation.

Once the window is open you can use the same commands as with display.

simulate Source #


:: Display

Display mode.

-> Color

Background color.

-> Int

Number of simulation steps to take for each second of real time.

-> model

The initial model.

-> (model -> Picture)

A function to convert the model to a picture.

-> (ViewPort -> Float -> model -> model)

A function to step the model one iteration. It is passed the current viewport and the amount of time for this simulation step (in seconds).

-> IO () 

Run a finite-time-step simulation in a window. You decide how the model is represented, how to convert the model to a picture, and how to advance the model for each unit of time. This function does the rest.

Once the window is open you can use the same commands as with display.

play Source #


:: Display

Display mode.

-> Color

Background color.

-> Int

Number of simulation steps to take for each second of real time.

-> world

The initial world.

-> (world -> Picture)

A function to convert the world a picture.

-> (Event -> world -> world)

A function to handle input events.

-> (Float -> world -> world)

A function to step the world one iteration. It is passed the period of time (in seconds) needing to be advanced.

-> IO () 

Play a game in a window. Like simulate, but you manage your own input events.