module GLL.Combinators.Test.BinaryInterface where
import Control.Monad
import Data.Char (ord)
import Data.List (sort, nub)
import Data.IORef
import GLL.Combinators.BinaryInterface
import GLL.Parseable.Char ()
main = do
count <- newIORef 1
let test mref name p arg_pairs = do
i <- readIORef count
modifyIORef count succ
subcount <- newIORef 'a'
putStrLn (">> testing " ++ show i ++ " (" ++ name ++ ")")
forM_ arg_pairs $ \(str,res) -> do
case mref of
Nothing -> return ()
Just ref -> memClear ref
j <- readIORef subcount
modifyIORef subcount succ
let parse_res = parseWithParseOptions [noSelectTest] [useMemoisation] p str
norm = take 100 . sort . nub
norm_p_res = norm parse_res
b = norm_p_res == norm res
putStrLn (" >> " ++ [j,')',' '] ++ show b)
unless b (putStrLn (" >> " ++ show norm_p_res))
test Nothing "eps1" (satisfy 0) [("", [0])]
test Nothing "eps2" (satisfy 0) [("", [0]), ("111", [])]
test Nothing "single" (char 'a') [("a", ['a'])
,("abc", [])]
test Nothing "semfun1" (1 <$$ char 'a') [("a", [1])]
test Nothing "<**>" ((\b -> ['1',b]) <$$ char 'a' <**> char 'b')
[("ab", ["1b"])
,("b", [])]
test Nothing "<||>" (ord <$$ char 'a' <**> char 'b' <||> ord <$$> char 'c')
[("a", []), ("ab", [98]), ("c", [99]), ("cab", [])]
let pX = "X" <:=> ord <$$> char 'a' <** char 'b'
test Nothing "<:=>" pX [("ab",[97]),("a",[])]
let pX = "X" <::=> ord <$$> char 'a' <** char 'b'
test Nothing "<::=>" pX [("ab",[97]),("a",[])]
let pX = "X" <:=> flip (:) <$$> pY <**> char 'a'
pY = "Y" <:=> (\x y -> [x,y]) <$$> char 'b' <**> char 'c'
test Nothing "<::=> 2" pX [("bca", ["abc"]), ("cba", [])]
let pX = "X" <::=> pY <** char 'c'
pY = "Y" <::=> char 'a' <||> char 'b'
test Nothing "<::=> <||>" pX [("ac", "a"), ("bc", "b")]
let pX = "X" <::=> (+1) <$$ char 'a' <**> pX <||> satisfy 0
test Nothing "rec1" pX [("", [0]), ("aa",[2]), (replicate 42 'a', [42]), ("bbb", [])]
let pX = "X" <::=> id <$$ char 'a' <** char 'b' <**> optional (char 'z')
test Nothing "optional" pX [("abz", [Just 'z']), ("abab", []), ("ab", [Nothing])]
let pX = "X" <::=> (char 'a' <||> char 'b')
test Nothing "<||> optional" (pX <** optional (char 'z'))
[("az", "a"), ("bz", "b"), ("z", []), ("b", "b"), ("a", "a")]
let pX = "X" <::=> (1 <$$ optional (char 'a') <||> 2 <$$ optional (char 'b'))
test Nothing "optional-ambig" (pX <** optional (char 'z'))
[("az", [1]), ("bz", [2]), ("z", [1,2]), ("b", [2]), ("a", [1])]
let pX = "X" <::=> id <$$ char 'a' <**> (char 'b' <||> char 'c')
test Nothing "inline choice (1)" pX
[("ab", "b"), ("ac", "c"), ("a", []), ("b", [])]
let pX = "X" <::=> length <$$> multiple (char '1')
test Nothing "multiple" pX [("", [0]), ("11", [2]), (replicate 12 '1', [12])]
let pX = "X" <::=> length <$$> multiple1 (char '1')
test Nothing "multiple1" pX [("", []), ("11", [2]), (replicate 12 '1', [12])]
let pX = "X" <::=> 1 <$$ multiple (char 'a') <||> 2 <$$ multiple (char 'b')
test Nothing "(multiple <||> multiple) <**> optional" (pX <** optional (char 'z'))
[("az", [1]), ("bz", [2]), ("z", [1,2])
,("", [1,2]), ("b", [2]), ("a", [1])]
let pX = "X" <::=> pY <** optional (char 'z')
where pY = "Y" <::=> length <$$> multiple (char 'a')
<||> length <$$> multiple1 (char 'b') <** char 'e'
test Nothing "multiple & multiple1 & optional"
pX [("aaaz", [3]), ("bbbez", [3]), ("ez", []), ("z", [0])
,("aa", [2]), ("bbe", [2])
let pX = 1 <$$ char '1' <||> satisfy 0
test Nothing "multiple (nullable arg)"
(multiple pX) [("11", [[1,1]]), ("",[[]]), ("e", [])]
let pX = (++) <$$> pA <**> pB
pA = "a" <$$ char 'a' <||> "aa" <$$ char 'a' <** char 'a'
pB = "b" <$$ char 'a' <||> "bb" <$$ char 'a' <** char 'a'
test Nothing "aaa" pX [("aaa", ["aab", "abb"])
,("aa", ["ab"])]
let pX = (\x y -> [x,y]) <$$ char 'a' <**> pL <**> pL <** char 'e'
pL = 1 <$$ char 'b'
<||> 2 <$$ char 'b' <** char 'c'
<||> 3 <$$ char 'c' <** char 'd'
<||> 4 <$$ char 'd'
test Nothing "longambig" pX [("abcde", [[1,3],[2,4]]), ("abcdd", [])]
let pX = "X" <::=> (1 <$$ multiple1 (char 'a') <||> 2 <$$ multiple (char 'b'))
pY = "Y" <::=> (+) <$$> pX <**> pY
<||> satisfy 0
test Nothing "multiple1 & multiple & recursion + ambiguities" pY
[("ab", [3]),("aa", [1,2]), (replicate 10 'a', [1..10])]
let pX = "X" <::=> 1 <$$ char 'a' <||> satisfy 0
pY = "Y" <::=> (+) <$$> pX <**> pY
test Nothing "no parse infinite rec?" pY
[("a", [])]
let pS = "S" <::=> ((\x y -> x+y+1) <$$ char '1' <**> pS <**> pS) <||> satisfy 0
test Nothing "aho_S" pS [("", [0]), ("1", [1]), (replicate 5 '1', [5])]
let pS = "S" <::=> ((\x y -> '1':x++y) <$$ char '1' <**> pS <**> pS) <||> satisfy "0"
test Nothing "aho_S" pS [("", ["0"]), ("1", ["100"]), ("11", ["10100", "11000"])
,(replicate 5 '1', aho_S_5)]
let pE = "E" <::=> (\x y z -> x+y+z) <$$> pE <**> pE <**> pE
<||> 1 <$$ char '1'
<||> satisfy 0
test Nothing "EEE" pE [("", [0]), ("1", [1]), ("11", [2])
,(replicate 5 '1', [5]), ("112", [])]
let pE = "E" <::=> (\x y z -> x++y++z) <$$> pE <**> pE <**> pE
<||> "1" <$$ char '1'
<||> satisfy "0"
test Nothing "EEE ambig" pE [("", ["0"]), ("1", ["1"])
,("11", ["110", "011", "101"]), ("111", _EEE_3)]
let pX = "X" <::=> maybe 0 (const 1) <$$> optional (char 'z')
<||> (+1) <$$> pX <** char '1'
test Nothing "simple left-recursion" pX [("", [0]), ("z11", [3]), ("z", [1])
,(replicate 100 '1', [100])]
let pX = "X" <::=> satisfy 0
<||> (+1) <$$ pB <**> pX <** char '1'
pB = maybe 0 (const 0) <$$> optional (char 'z')
test Nothing "hidden left-recursion" pX
[("", [0]), ("zz11", [2]), ("z11", [2]), ("11", [2])
,(replicate 100 '1', [100])]
let pX = "X" <::=> (+) <$$> pY <**> pA
pA = 1 <$$ char 'a' <** char 'b' <||> satisfy 0
pY = "Y" <::=> satisfy 0 <||> pX
test Nothing "hidden left-recursion + infinite derivations" pX
[("", [0]), ("ab", [1]), ("ababab", [3])]
putStrLn "Tests that use memoisation"
let tab = newMemoTable
pX = "X" <::=> (1 <$$ multiple1 (char 'a') <||> 2 <$$ multiple (char 'b'))
pY = memo tab ("Y" <::=> (+) <$$> pX <**> pY
<||> satisfy 0)
test (Just tab) "multiple1 & multiple & recursion + ambiguities" pY
[("ab", [3]),("aa", [1,2]), (replicate 10 'a', [1..10])]
let tab = newMemoTable
pX = "X" <::=> 1 <$$ char 'a' <||> satisfy 0
pY = memo tab ("Y" <::=> (+) <$$> pX <**> pY)
test (Just tab) "no parse infinite rec?" pY
[("a", [])]
let tab = newMemoTable
pE = memo tab ("E" <::=> (\x y z -> x+y+z) <$$> pE <**> pE <**> pE
<||> 1 <$$ char '1'
<||> satisfy 0)
test (Just tab) "EEE" pE [("", [0]), ("1", [1]), ("11", [2])
,(replicate 5 '1', [5]), ("112", [])]
let tab = newMemoTable
pX = "X" <::=> (+) <$$> pY <**> pA
pA = 1 <$$ char 'a' <** char 'b' <||> satisfy 0
pY = memo tab ("Y" <::=> satisfy 0 <||> pX)
test (Just tab) "hidden left-recursion + infinite derivations" pX
[("", [0]), ("ab", [1]), ("ababab", [3])]
putStrLn "Testing ambiguity reduction combinators"
let pX = (++) <$$> pA <**>>> pB
pA = "a" <$$ char 'a' <||> "aa" <$$ char 'a' <** char 'a'
pB = "b" <$$ char 'a' <||> "bb" <$$ char 'a' <** char 'a'
test Nothing "A<A" pX [("aaa", ["aab"]),("aa", ["ab"])]
let pX = (++) <$$> pA <<<**> pB
pA = "a" <$$ char 'a' <||> "aa" <$$ char 'a' <** char 'a'
pB = "b" <$$ char 'a' <||> "bb" <$$ char 'a' <** char 'a'
test Nothing "A>A" pX [("aaa", ["abb"]),("aa", ["ab"])]
let pX = "X" <:=> multiple pY
where pY = 1 <$$ char '1' <||> 2 <$$ char '1' <** char '1'
test Nothing "multiple" pX
[("", [[]]), ("1", [[1]]), ("11", [[1,1],[2]]), ("111", [[1,1,1], [2,1], [1,2]])]
let pX = "X" <:=> some pY
where pY = 1 <$$ char '1' <||> 2 <$$ char '1' <** char '1'
test Nothing "some" pX
[("", [[]]), ("1", [[1]]), ("11", [[2]]), ("111", [[2,1]])]
let pX = "X" <:=> many pY
where pY = 1 <$$ char '1' <||> 2 <$$ char '1' <** char '1'
test Nothing "many" pX
[("", [[]]), ("1", [[1]]), ("11", [[1,1]]), ("111", [[1,1,1]])]
let pX = "X" <:=> "1" <$$ char '1' <||> multipleSepBy (char '1') (char ';')
test Nothing "multipleSepBy" pX
[("", [""]), ("1", ["1", "1"]), ("1;1", ["11"])]
let pX :: BNF Char Int
pX = "X" <::=> 1 <$$ char '1' <||> sum <$$> multipleSepBy pX (char ';')
test Nothing "multipleSepBy2" pX
[("", [0]), ("1", [1,1]), ("1;1", [2]), (";1", [1]), (";1;1", [2])]
let pX = "X" <:=> length <$$> multiple (char '1')
test Nothing "multiple1" pX
[("", [0]), ("11", [2]), (replicate 10 '1', [10])]
let pX = "X" <:=> length <$$> multiple (char '1') <** char 'z'
test Nothing "multiple2" pX
[("", []), ("11z", [2]), (replicate 10 '1' ++ "z", [10])]
let pX = "X" <:=> length <$$> multiple pEps <** char 'z'
where pEps = satisfy () <||> () <$$ char '1'
test Nothing "multiple & epsilon" pX
[("", []), ("z", [0])]
let pX :: BNF Char Int
pX = "X" <::=> 1 <$$ char '1' <||> sum <$$> multipleSepBy pX (char ';')
test Nothing "multipleSepBy and multiple" (multiple pX)
[("", [[]]), ("1", [[1],[1]]), ("1;1", [[1,0,1],[1,1],[2]])
,(";1;1", [[0,1,0,1],[0,1,1], [0,2], [1,0,1], [1,1], [2]])]
let pX :: BNF Char Int -> BNF Char Int
pX p = mkNt p "X" <::=> p <||> (+) <$$> pX (p) <**> p
test Nothing "sequence" (pX ("hash" <:=> 1 <$$ char '1'))
[("1", [1]), ("11",[2]),("111", [3])
,("", []), ("21",[]), ("1(1)1", [])]
aho_S_5 = ["10101010100","10101011000","10101100100","10101101000","10101110000","10110010100","10110011000","10110100100","10110101000","10110110000","10111000100","10111001000","10111010000","10111100000","11001010100","11001011000","11001100100","11001101000","11001110000","11010010100","11010011000","11010100100","11010101000","11010110000","11011000100","11011001000","11011010000","11011100000","11100010100","11100011000","11100100100","11100101000","11100110000","11101000100","11101001000","11101010000","11101100000","11110000100","11110001000","11110010000","11110100000","11111000000"]
_EEE_3 = ["00111","01011","01101","01110","10011","10101","10110","11001","11010","111","11100"]