{-# Language GADTs #-}

Module      : Client.Image.Arguments
Description : Rendering logic for commanad arguments
Copyright   : (c) Eric Mertens, 2016
License     : ISC
Maintainer  : emertens@gmail.com

This module provides image rendering for the textbox in the
context of command argument processing.


module Client.Image.Arguments
  ( argumentsImage
  ) where

import           Client.Commands.Arguments
import           Client.Image.MircFormatting
import           Client.Image.Palette
import           Control.Lens
import qualified Data.Text as Text
import           Graphics.Vty.Image

-- | Parse command arguments against a given 'ArgumentSpec'.
-- The given text will be rendered and then any missing arguments
-- will be indicated by extra placeholder values appended onto the
-- image. Parameters are rendered with 'plainText' except for
-- the case of 'RemainingArg' which supports WYSIWYG.
argumentsImage :: Palette -> ArgumentSpec a -> String -> Image
argumentsImage pal spec xs
  | all (==' ') xs = placeholders
                 <|> string defAttr (drop (imageWidth placeholders) xs)
  | otherwise =
     case spec of
       NoArg           -> plainText xs
       ReqTokenArg _ a -> plainText token <|> argumentsImage pal a xs'
       OptTokenArg _ a -> plainText token <|> argumentsImage pal a xs'
       RemainingArg _  -> parseIrcTextExplicit (Text.pack xs)

    token = token1 ++ token2
    (token1,(token2,xs')) =
         break (==' ') <$> span (==' ') xs

    placeholders = mkPlaceholders pal spec

-- | Construct an 'Image' containing placeholders for each
-- of the remaining arguments.
mkPlaceholders :: Palette -> ArgumentSpec a -> Image
mkPlaceholders pal arg =
  case arg of
    NoArg           -> emptyImage
    ReqTokenArg n a -> leader
                   <|> string (view palCommandRequired pal) n
                   <|> mkPlaceholders pal a
    OptTokenArg n a -> leader
                   <|> string (view palCommandOptional pal) n
                   <|> mkPlaceholders pal a
    RemainingArg n  -> leader
                   <|> string (view palCommandRemaining pal) n
    leader = char defAttr ' '