Module      : Client.Commands.WordCompletion
Description : Tab-completion logic
Copyright   : (c) Eric Mertens, 2016
License     : ISC
Maintainer  : emertens@gmail.com

This module provides the tab-completion logic used for nicknames and channels.

module Client.Commands.WordCompletion
  ( Prefix
  , wordComplete
  ) where

import qualified Client.State.EditBox as Edit
import           Control.Applicative
import           Control.Lens
import           Control.Monad
import           Data.Char
import           Data.List
import qualified Data.Set as Set
import           Data.String (IsString(..))
import qualified Data.Text as Text
import           Data.Text (Text)
import           Irc.Identifier

-- | Perform word completion on a text box.
-- The leading update operation is applied to the result of tab-completion
-- when tab completing from the beginning of the text box. This is useful
-- when auto-completing a nick and including a trailing colon.
-- The @reversed@ parameter indicates that tab-completion should return the
-- previous entry. When starting a fresh tab completion the priority completions
-- will be considered in order before resorting to the set of possible
-- completions.
wordComplete ::
  Prefix a =>
  (String -> String) {- ^ leading update operation -} ->
  Bool               {- ^ reversed -} ->
  [a]       {- ^ priority completions -} ->
  [a]       {- ^ possible completions -} ->
  Edit.EditBox -> Maybe Edit.EditBox
wordComplete leadingCase isReversed hint vals box =
  do let current = currentWord box
     guard (not (null current))
     let cur = fromString current
     case view Edit.lastOperation box of
       Edit.TabOperation patternStr
         | isPrefix pat cur ->

         do next <- tabSearch isReversed pat cur vals
            Just $ replaceWith leadingCase (toString next) box
           pat = fromString patternStr

       _ ->
         do next <- find (isPrefix cur) hint <|>
                    tabSearch isReversed cur cur vals
            Just $ set Edit.lastOperation (Edit.TabOperation current)
                 $ replaceWith leadingCase (toString next) box

replaceWith :: (String -> String) -> String -> Edit.EditBox -> Edit.EditBox
replaceWith leadingCase str box =
    let box1 = Edit.killWordBackward False box
        str1 | view Edit.pos box1 == 0 = leadingCase str
             | otherwise               = str
    in over Edit.content (Edit.insertString str1) box1

currentWord :: Edit.EditBox -> String
currentWord box
  = reverse
  $ takeWhile (not . isSpace)
  $ dropWhile (\x -> x==' ' || x==':')
  $ reverse
  $ take n txt
 where Edit.Line n txt = view Edit.line box

class (IsString a, Ord a) => Prefix a where
  isPrefix :: a -> a -> Bool
  toString :: a -> String

instance Prefix Identifier where
  isPrefix = idPrefix
  toString = Text.unpack . idText

instance Prefix Text where
  isPrefix = Text.isPrefixOf
  toString = Text.unpack

tabSearch :: Prefix a => Bool -> a -> a -> [a] -> Maybe a
tabSearch isReversed pat cur vals
  | Just next <- advanceFun cur valSet
  , isPrefix pat next
  = Just next

  | isReversed = find (isPrefix pat) (Set.toDescList valSet)

  | otherwise  = do x <- Set.lookupGE pat valSet
                    guard (isPrefix pat x)
                    Just x
    valSet = Set.fromList vals

    advanceFun | isReversed = Set.lookupLT
               | otherwise  = Set.lookupGT