gl-0.8.0: Complete OpenGL raw bindings

Safe HaskellNone




Extension Support

gl_OES_single_precision :: Bool Source #

Checks that the GL_OES_single_precision extension is available.


glClearDepthfOES :: MonadIO m => GLclampf -> m () Source #

Usage: glClearDepthfOES depth

The parameter depth is a ClampedFloat32.

This command is an alias for glClearDepthf.

glClipPlanefOES :: MonadIO m => GLenum -> Ptr GLfloat -> m () Source #

Usage: glClipPlanefOES plane equation

The length of equation should be 4.

glDepthRangefOES :: MonadIO m => GLclampf -> GLclampf -> m () Source #

Usage: glDepthRangefOES n f

The parameter n is a ClampedFloat32.

The parameter f is a ClampedFloat32.

This command is an alias for glDepthRangef.

glFrustumfOES :: MonadIO m => GLfloat -> GLfloat -> GLfloat -> GLfloat -> GLfloat -> GLfloat -> m () Source #

Usage: glFrustumfOES l r b t n f

glGetClipPlanefOES :: MonadIO m => GLenum -> Ptr GLfloat -> m () Source #

Usage: glGetClipPlanefOES plane equation

The length of equation should be 4.

glOrthofOES :: MonadIO m => GLfloat -> GLfloat -> GLfloat -> GLfloat -> GLfloat -> GLfloat -> m () Source #

Usage: glOrthofOES l r b t n f