{-# LANGUAGE RecordWildCards #-}
module GitHub.Data.Options (
IssueState (..),
MergeableState (..),
) where
import GitHub.Data.Definitions
import GitHub.Data.Id (Id, untagId)
import GitHub.Data.Milestone (Milestone)
import GitHub.Data.Name (Name, untagName)
import GitHub.Internal.Prelude
import Prelude ()
import qualified Data.Text as T
import qualified Data.Text.Encoding as TE
data IssueState
= StateOpen
| StateClosed
(Eq, Ord, Show, Enum, Bounded, Generic, Typeable, Data)
instance ToJSON IssueState where
toJSON StateOpen = String "open"
toJSON StateClosed = String "closed"
instance FromJSON IssueState where
parseJSON = withText "IssueState" $ \t -> case T.toLower t of
"open" -> pure StateOpen
"closed" -> pure StateClosed
_ -> fail $ "Unknown IssueState: " <> T.unpack t
instance NFData IssueState where rnf = genericRnf
instance Binary IssueState
data MergeableState
= StateUnknown
| StateClean
| StateDirty
| StateUnstable
| StateBlocked
| StateBehind
| StateDraft
(Eq, Ord, Show, Enum, Bounded, Generic, Typeable, Data)
instance ToJSON MergeableState where
toJSON StateUnknown = String "unknown"
toJSON StateClean = String "clean"
toJSON StateDirty = String "dirty"
toJSON StateUnstable = String "unstable"
toJSON StateBlocked = String "blocked"
toJSON StateBehind = String "behind"
toJSON StateDraft = String "draft"
instance FromJSON MergeableState where
parseJSON = withText "MergeableState" $ \t -> case T.toLower t of
"unknown" -> pure StateUnknown
"clean" -> pure StateClean
"dirty" -> pure StateDirty
"unstable" -> pure StateUnstable
"blocked" -> pure StateBlocked
"behind" -> pure StateBehind
"draft" -> pure StateDraft
_ -> fail $ "Unknown MergeableState: " <> T.unpack t
instance NFData MergeableState where rnf = genericRnf
instance Binary MergeableState
data SortDirection
= SortAscending
| SortDescending
(Eq, Ord, Show, Enum, Bounded, Generic, Typeable, Data)
instance NFData SortDirection where rnf = genericRnf
instance Binary SortDirection
data SortPR
= SortPRCreated
| SortPRUpdated
| SortPRPopularity
| SortPRLongRunning
(Eq, Ord, Show, Enum, Bounded, Generic, Typeable, Data)
instance NFData SortPR where rnf = genericRnf
instance Binary SortPR
data IssueFilter
= IssueFilterAssigned
| IssueFilterCreated
| IssueFilterMentioned
| IssueFilterSubscribed
| IssueFilterAll
(Eq, Ord, Show, Enum, Bounded, Generic, Typeable, Data)
instance NFData IssueFilter where rnf = genericRnf
instance Binary IssueFilter
data SortIssue
= SortIssueCreated
| SortIssueUpdated
| SortIssueComments
(Eq, Ord, Show, Enum, Bounded, Generic, Typeable, Data)
instance NFData SortIssue where rnf = genericRnf
instance Binary SortIssue
data FilterBy a
= FilterAny
| FilterNone
| FilterBy a
| FilterNotSpecified
(Eq, Ord, Show, Generic, Typeable, Data)
class HasState mod where
state :: Maybe IssueState -> mod
stateOpen :: HasState mod => mod
stateOpen = state (Just StateOpen)
stateClosed :: HasState mod => mod
stateClosed = state (Just StateClosed)
stateAll :: HasState mod => mod
stateAll = state Nothing
instance HasState PullRequestMod where
state s = PRMod $ \opts ->
opts { pullRequestOptionsState = s }
instance HasState IssueMod where
state s = IssueMod $ \opts ->
opts { issueOptionsState = s }
instance HasState IssueRepoMod where
state s = IssueRepoMod $ \opts ->
opts { issueRepoOptionsState = s }
class HasDirection mod where
sortDir :: SortDirection -> mod
sortAscending :: HasDirection mod => mod
sortAscending = sortDir SortAscending
sortDescending :: HasDirection mod => mod
sortDescending = sortDir SortDescending
instance HasDirection PullRequestMod where
sortDir x = PRMod $ \opts ->
opts { pullRequestOptionsDirection = x }
instance HasDirection IssueMod where
sortDir x = IssueMod $ \opts ->
opts { issueOptionsDirection = x }
instance HasDirection IssueRepoMod where
sortDir x = IssueRepoMod $ \opts ->
opts { issueRepoOptionsDirection = x }
class HasCreatedUpdated mod where
sortByCreated :: mod
sortByUpdated :: mod
instance HasCreatedUpdated PullRequestMod where
sortByCreated = PRMod $ \opts ->
opts { pullRequestOptionsSort = SortPRCreated }
sortByUpdated = PRMod $ \opts ->
opts { pullRequestOptionsSort = SortPRUpdated }
instance HasCreatedUpdated IssueMod where
sortByCreated = IssueMod $ \opts ->
opts { issueOptionsSort = SortIssueCreated }
sortByUpdated = IssueMod $ \opts ->
opts { issueOptionsSort = SortIssueUpdated }
instance HasCreatedUpdated IssueRepoMod where
sortByCreated = IssueRepoMod $ \opts ->
opts { issueRepoOptionsSort = SortIssueCreated }
sortByUpdated = IssueRepoMod $ \opts ->
opts { issueRepoOptionsSort = SortIssueUpdated }
data PullRequestOptions = PullRequestOptions
{ pullRequestOptionsState :: !(Maybe IssueState)
, pullRequestOptionsHead :: !(Maybe Text)
, pullRequestOptionsBase :: !(Maybe Text)
, pullRequestOptionsSort :: !SortPR
, pullRequestOptionsDirection :: !SortDirection
(Eq, Ord, Show, Generic, Typeable, Data)
defaultPullRequestOptions :: PullRequestOptions
defaultPullRequestOptions = PullRequestOptions
{ pullRequestOptionsState = Just StateOpen
, pullRequestOptionsHead = Nothing
, pullRequestOptionsBase = Nothing
, pullRequestOptionsSort = SortPRCreated
, pullRequestOptionsDirection = SortDescending
newtype PullRequestMod = PRMod (PullRequestOptions -> PullRequestOptions)
instance Semigroup PullRequestMod where
PRMod f <> PRMod g = PRMod (g . f)
instance Monoid PullRequestMod where
mempty = PRMod id
mappend = (<>)
toPullRequestOptions :: PullRequestMod -> PullRequestOptions
toPullRequestOptions (PRMod f) = f defaultPullRequestOptions
prModToQueryString :: PullRequestMod -> QueryString
prModToQueryString = pullRequestOptionsToQueryString . toPullRequestOptions
pullRequestOptionsToQueryString :: PullRequestOptions -> QueryString
pullRequestOptionsToQueryString (PullRequestOptions st head_ base sort dir) =
[ mk "state" state'
, mk "sort" sort'
, mk "direction" direction'
] ++ catMaybes
[ mk "head" <$> head'
, mk "base" <$> base'
mk k v = (k, Just v)
state' = case st of
Nothing -> "all"
Just StateOpen -> "open"
Just StateClosed -> "closed"
sort' = case sort of
SortPRCreated -> "created"
SortPRUpdated -> "updated"
SortPRPopularity -> "popularity"
SortPRLongRunning -> "long-running"
direction' = case dir of
SortDescending -> "desc"
SortAscending -> "asc"
head' = fmap TE.encodeUtf8 head_
base' = fmap TE.encodeUtf8 base
optionsBase :: Text -> PullRequestMod
optionsBase x = PRMod $ \opts ->
opts { pullRequestOptionsBase = Just x }
optionsNoBase :: PullRequestMod
optionsNoBase = PRMod $ \opts ->
opts { pullRequestOptionsBase = Nothing }
optionsHead :: Text -> PullRequestMod
optionsHead x = PRMod $ \opts ->
opts { pullRequestOptionsHead = Just x }
optionsNoHead :: PullRequestMod
optionsNoHead = PRMod $ \opts ->
opts { pullRequestOptionsHead = Nothing }
sortByPopularity :: PullRequestMod
sortByPopularity = PRMod $ \opts ->
opts { pullRequestOptionsSort = SortPRPopularity }
sortByLongRunning :: PullRequestMod
sortByLongRunning = PRMod $ \opts ->
opts { pullRequestOptionsSort = SortPRLongRunning }
data IssueOptions = IssueOptions
{ issueOptionsFilter :: !IssueFilter
, issueOptionsState :: !(Maybe IssueState)
, issueOptionsLabels :: ![Name IssueLabel]
, issueOptionsSort :: !SortIssue
, issueOptionsDirection :: !SortDirection
, issueOptionsSince :: !(Maybe UTCTime)
(Eq, Ord, Show, Generic, Typeable, Data)
defaultIssueOptions :: IssueOptions
defaultIssueOptions = IssueOptions
{ issueOptionsFilter = IssueFilterAssigned
, issueOptionsState = Just StateOpen
, issueOptionsLabels = []
, issueOptionsSort = SortIssueCreated
, issueOptionsDirection = SortDescending
, issueOptionsSince = Nothing
newtype IssueMod = IssueMod (IssueOptions -> IssueOptions)
instance Semigroup IssueMod where
IssueMod f <> IssueMod g = IssueMod (g . f)
instance Monoid IssueMod where
mempty = IssueMod id
mappend = (<>)
toIssueOptions :: IssueMod -> IssueOptions
toIssueOptions (IssueMod f) = f defaultIssueOptions
issueModToQueryString :: IssueMod -> QueryString
issueModToQueryString = issueOptionsToQueryString . toIssueOptions
issueOptionsToQueryString :: IssueOptions -> QueryString
issueOptionsToQueryString (IssueOptions filt st labels sort dir since) =
[ mk "state" state'
, mk "sort" sort'
, mk "direction" direction'
, mk "filter" filt'
] ++ catMaybes
[ mk "labels" <$> labels'
, mk "since" <$> since'
mk k v = (k, Just v)
filt' = case filt of
IssueFilterAssigned -> "assigned"
IssueFilterCreated -> "created"
IssueFilterMentioned -> "mentioned"
IssueFilterSubscribed -> "subscribed"
IssueFilterAll -> "all"
state' = case st of
Nothing -> "all"
Just StateOpen -> "open"
Just StateClosed -> "closed"
sort' = case sort of
SortIssueCreated -> "created"
SortIssueUpdated -> "updated"
SortIssueComments -> "comments"
direction' = case dir of
SortDescending -> "desc"
SortAscending -> "asc"
since' = fmap (TE.encodeUtf8 . T.pack . show) since
labels' = TE.encodeUtf8 . T.intercalate "," . fmap untagName <$> nullToNothing labels
nullToNothing :: Foldable f => f a -> Maybe (f a)
nullToNothing xs
| null xs = Nothing
| otherwise = Just xs
class HasComments mod where
sortByComments :: mod
instance HasComments IssueMod where
sortByComments = IssueMod $ \opts ->
opts { issueOptionsSort = SortIssueComments }
instance HasComments IssueRepoMod where
sortByComments = IssueRepoMod $ \opts ->
opts { issueRepoOptionsSort = SortIssueComments }
class HasLabels mod where
optionsLabels :: Foldable f => f (Name IssueLabel) -> mod
instance HasLabels IssueMod where
optionsLabels lbls = IssueMod $ \opts ->
opts { issueOptionsLabels = toList lbls }
instance HasLabels IssueRepoMod where
optionsLabels lbls = IssueRepoMod $ \opts ->
opts { issueRepoOptionsLabels = toList lbls }
class HasSince mod where
optionsSince :: UTCTime -> mod
optionsSinceAll :: mod
instance HasSince IssueMod where
optionsSince since = IssueMod $ \opts ->
opts { issueOptionsSince = Just since }
optionsSinceAll = IssueMod $ \opts ->
opts { issueOptionsSince = Nothing }
instance HasSince IssueRepoMod where
optionsSince since = IssueRepoMod $ \opts ->
opts { issueRepoOptionsSince = Just since }
optionsSinceAll = IssueRepoMod $ \opts ->
opts { issueRepoOptionsSince = Nothing }
optionsAssignedIssues, optionsCreatedIssues, optionsMentionedIssues,
optionsSubscribedIssues, optionsAllIssues :: IssueMod
optionsAssignedIssues = issueFilter IssueFilterAssigned
optionsCreatedIssues = issueFilter IssueFilterCreated
optionsMentionedIssues = issueFilter IssueFilterMentioned
optionsSubscribedIssues = issueFilter IssueFilterSubscribed
optionsAllIssues = issueFilter IssueFilterAll
issueFilter :: IssueFilter -> IssueMod
issueFilter f = IssueMod $ \opts ->
opts { issueOptionsFilter = f }
data IssueRepoOptions = IssueRepoOptions
{ issueRepoOptionsMilestone :: !(FilterBy (Id Milestone))
, issueRepoOptionsState :: !(Maybe IssueState)
, issueRepoOptionsAssignee :: !(FilterBy (Name User))
, issueRepoOptionsCreator :: !(Maybe (Name User))
, issueRepoOptionsMentioned :: !(Maybe (Name User))
, issueRepoOptionsLabels :: ![Name IssueLabel]
, issueRepoOptionsSort :: !SortIssue
, issueRepoOptionsDirection :: !SortDirection
, issueRepoOptionsSince :: !(Maybe UTCTime)
(Eq, Ord, Show, Generic, Typeable, Data)
defaultIssueRepoOptions :: IssueRepoOptions
defaultIssueRepoOptions = IssueRepoOptions
{ issueRepoOptionsMilestone = FilterNotSpecified
, issueRepoOptionsState = (Just StateOpen)
, issueRepoOptionsAssignee = FilterNotSpecified
, issueRepoOptionsCreator = Nothing
, issueRepoOptionsMentioned = Nothing
, issueRepoOptionsLabels = []
, issueRepoOptionsSort = SortIssueCreated
, issueRepoOptionsDirection = SortDescending
, issueRepoOptionsSince = Nothing
newtype IssueRepoMod = IssueRepoMod (IssueRepoOptions -> IssueRepoOptions)
instance Semigroup IssueRepoMod where
IssueRepoMod f <> IssueRepoMod g = IssueRepoMod (g . f)
instance Monoid IssueRepoMod where
mempty = IssueRepoMod id
mappend = (<>)
toIssueRepoOptions :: IssueRepoMod -> IssueRepoOptions
toIssueRepoOptions (IssueRepoMod f) = f defaultIssueRepoOptions
issueRepoModToQueryString :: IssueRepoMod -> QueryString
issueRepoModToQueryString = issueRepoOptionsToQueryString . toIssueRepoOptions
issueRepoOptionsToQueryString :: IssueRepoOptions -> QueryString
issueRepoOptionsToQueryString IssueRepoOptions {..} =
[ mk "state" state'
, mk "sort" sort'
, mk "direction" direction'
] ++ catMaybes
[ mk "milestone" <$> milestone'
, mk "assignee" <$> assignee'
, mk "labels" <$> labels'
, mk "since" <$> since'
, mk "creator" <$> creator'
, mk "mentioned" <$> mentioned'
mk k v = (k, Just v)
filt f x = case x of
FilterAny -> Just "*"
FilterNone -> Just "none"
FilterBy x' -> Just $ TE.encodeUtf8 $ f x'
FilterNotSpecified -> Nothing
milestone' = filt (T.pack . show . untagId) issueRepoOptionsMilestone
assignee' = filt untagName issueRepoOptionsAssignee
state' = case issueRepoOptionsState of
Nothing -> "all"
Just StateOpen -> "open"
Just StateClosed -> "closed"
sort' = case issueRepoOptionsSort of
SortIssueCreated -> "created"
SortIssueUpdated -> "updated"
SortIssueComments -> "comments"
direction' = case issueRepoOptionsDirection of
SortDescending -> "desc"
SortAscending -> "asc"
since' = TE.encodeUtf8 . T.pack . show <$> issueRepoOptionsSince
labels' = TE.encodeUtf8 . T.intercalate "," . fmap untagName <$> nullToNothing issueRepoOptionsLabels
creator' = TE.encodeUtf8 . untagName <$> issueRepoOptionsCreator
mentioned' = TE.encodeUtf8 . untagName <$> issueRepoOptionsMentioned
optionsIrrelevantMilestone :: IssueRepoMod
optionsIrrelevantMilestone = IssueRepoMod $ \opts ->
opts { issueRepoOptionsMilestone = FilterNotSpecified }
optionsAnyMilestone :: IssueRepoMod
optionsAnyMilestone = IssueRepoMod $ \opts ->
opts { issueRepoOptionsMilestone = FilterAny }
optionsNoMilestone :: IssueRepoMod
optionsNoMilestone = IssueRepoMod $ \opts ->
opts { issueRepoOptionsMilestone = FilterNone }
optionsIrrelevantAssignee :: IssueRepoMod
optionsIrrelevantAssignee = IssueRepoMod $ \opts ->
opts { issueRepoOptionsAssignee = FilterNotSpecified }
optionsAnyAssignee :: IssueRepoMod
optionsAnyAssignee = IssueRepoMod $ \opts ->
opts { issueRepoOptionsAssignee = FilterAny }
optionsNoAssignee :: IssueRepoMod
optionsNoAssignee = IssueRepoMod $ \opts ->
opts { issueRepoOptionsAssignee = FilterNone }