git-0.3.0: Git operations in haskell

MaintainerNicolas DI PRIMA <>
Safe HaskellNone




Simplifies the Git operation presents in this package.

You can easily access to the usual Git general informations:

  • access to Head, Branches or Tags
  • direct access to a Commit

This module also defines a convenient Monad to access the whole information from a Commit: see CommitAccessMonad and withCommit.

You can also easily create a new commit: see CommitM and withNewCommit



class (Functor m, Applicative m, Monad m) => GitMonad m where Source #

Basic operations common between the different Monads defined in this package.


getGit :: m (Git SHA1) Source #

the current Monad must allow access to the current Git

liftGit :: IO a -> m a Source #

GitMonad CommitM Source # 
Instance details

Defined in Data.Git.Monad

GitMonad CommitAccessM Source # 
Instance details

Defined in Data.Git.Monad

GitMonad GitM Source # 
Instance details

Defined in Data.Git.Monad


getGit :: GitM (Git SHA1) Source #

liftGit :: IO a -> GitM a Source #

data GitM a Source #

Monad GitM Source # 
Instance details

Defined in Data.Git.Monad


(>>=) :: GitM a -> (a -> GitM b) -> GitM b #

(>>) :: GitM a -> GitM b -> GitM b #

return :: a -> GitM a #

fail :: String -> GitM a #

Functor GitM Source # 
Instance details

Defined in Data.Git.Monad


fmap :: (a -> b) -> GitM a -> GitM b #

(<$) :: a -> GitM b -> GitM a #

Applicative GitM Source # 
Instance details

Defined in Data.Git.Monad


pure :: a -> GitM a #

(<*>) :: GitM (a -> b) -> GitM a -> GitM b #

liftA2 :: (a -> b -> c) -> GitM a -> GitM b -> GitM c #

(*>) :: GitM a -> GitM b -> GitM b #

(<*) :: GitM a -> GitM b -> GitM a #

GitMonad GitM Source # 
Instance details

Defined in Data.Git.Monad


getGit :: GitM (Git SHA1) Source #

liftGit :: IO a -> GitM a Source #

withRepo :: LocalPath -> GitM a -> IO (Either String a) Source #


class Resolvable rev where Source #

this is a convenient class to allow a common interface for what user may need to optain a Ref from a given Resolvable object.

each of this instances is a convenient implementation of what a user would have to do in order to resolve a branch, a tag or a String.

resolve (Ref "2ad98b90...2ca") === Ref "2ad98b90...2ca"
resolve "master"
resolve "HEAD^^^"


resolve :: GitMonad m => rev -> m (Maybe (Ref SHA1)) Source #

Resolvable String Source # 
Instance details

Defined in Data.Git.Monad


resolve :: GitMonad m => String -> m (Maybe (Ref SHA1)) Source #

Resolvable RefName Source # 
Instance details

Defined in Data.Git.Monad


resolve :: GitMonad m => RefName -> m (Maybe (Ref SHA1)) Source #

Resolvable Revision Source # 
Instance details

Defined in Data.Git.Monad


resolve :: GitMonad m => Revision -> m (Maybe (Ref SHA1)) Source #

Resolvable (Ref SHA1) Source # 
Instance details

Defined in Data.Git.Monad


resolve :: GitMonad m => Ref SHA1 -> m (Maybe (Ref SHA1)) Source #

branchWrite :: GitMonad git => RefName -> Ref SHA1 -> git () Source #

tagWrite :: GitMonad git => RefName -> Ref SHA1 -> git () Source #

headSet :: GitMonad git => Either (Ref SHA1) RefName -> git () Source #

getCommit :: (GitMonad git, Resolvable ref) => ref -> git (Maybe (Commit SHA1)) Source #

Read a commit

data CommitAccessM a Source #

ReadOnly operations on a given commit

Monad CommitAccessM Source # 
Instance details

Defined in Data.Git.Monad

Functor CommitAccessM Source # 
Instance details

Defined in Data.Git.Monad


fmap :: (a -> b) -> CommitAccessM a -> CommitAccessM b #

(<$) :: a -> CommitAccessM b -> CommitAccessM a #

Applicative CommitAccessM Source # 
Instance details

Defined in Data.Git.Monad

GitMonad CommitAccessM Source # 
Instance details

Defined in Data.Git.Monad

withCommit Source #


:: (Resolvable ref, GitMonad git) 
=> ref

the commit revision or reference to open

-> CommitAccessM a 
-> git a 

open a commit in the current GitMonad

Read commit's info (Author, Committer, message...) or Commit's Tree.

withCurrentRepo $
   withCommit "master" $ do
       -- print the commit's author information
       author <- getAuthor
       liftGit $ print author

       -- print the list of files|dirs in the root directory
       l <- getDir []
       liftGit $ print l


getFile :: EntPath -> CommitAccessM (Maybe ByteString) Source #

get the content of the file at the given Path

if the given Path is not a file or does not exist, the function returns Nothing.

getDir :: EntPath -> CommitAccessM (Maybe [EntName]) Source #

list the element present in the Given Directory Path

if the given Path is not a directory or does not exist, the function returns Nothing.

Create a new Commit

data CommitM a Source #

Monad CommitM Source # 
Instance details

Defined in Data.Git.Monad


(>>=) :: CommitM a -> (a -> CommitM b) -> CommitM b #

(>>) :: CommitM a -> CommitM b -> CommitM b #

return :: a -> CommitM a #

fail :: String -> CommitM a #

Functor CommitM Source # 
Instance details

Defined in Data.Git.Monad


fmap :: (a -> b) -> CommitM a -> CommitM b #

(<$) :: a -> CommitM b -> CommitM a #

Applicative CommitM Source # 
Instance details

Defined in Data.Git.Monad


pure :: a -> CommitM a #

(<*>) :: CommitM (a -> b) -> CommitM a -> CommitM b #

liftA2 :: (a -> b -> c) -> CommitM a -> CommitM b -> CommitM c #

(*>) :: CommitM a -> CommitM b -> CommitM b #

(<*) :: CommitM a -> CommitM b -> CommitM a #

GitMonad CommitM Source # 
Instance details

Defined in Data.Git.Monad

withNewCommit Source #


:: (GitMonad git, Resolvable rev) 
=> Person

by default a commit must have an Author and a Committer.

The given value will be given to both Author and Committer.

-> Maybe rev

it is possible to prepopulate the Working Tree with a given Ref's Tree.

-> CommitM a

the action to perform in the new commit (set files, Person, encoding or extras)

-> git (Ref SHA1, a) 

create a new commit in the current GitMonad

The commit is pre-filled with the following default values:

  • author and committer are the same
  • the commit's parents is an empty list
  • there is no commit encoding
  • the commit's extras is an empty list
  • the commit message is an empty ByteString
  • the working tree is a new empty Tree or the Tree associated to the given Revision or Ref.

You can update these values with the commit setters (setFile, setAuthor...)


withCurrentRepo $ do
   (r, ()) <- withNewCommit person (Nothing :: Maybe (Ref SHA1)) $ do
       setMessage "inital commit"
       setFile [""] "# My awesome project\n\nthis is a new project\n"
   branchWrite "master" r

you can also continue the work on a same branch. In this case the commit's parent is already set to the Reference associated to the revision. You can, change the parents if you wish to erase, or replace, this value.

withCurrentRepo $ do
   readmeContent <- withCommit (Just "master") $ getFile [""]
   (r, ()) <- withNewCommit person (Just "master") $ do
       setMessage "update the README"
       setFile [""] $ readmeContent <> "just add some more description\n"
   branchWrite "master" r

withBranch Source #


:: GitMonad git 
=> Person

the default Author and Committer (see withNewCommit)

-> RefName

the branch to work on

-> Bool

propopulate the parent's tree (if it exists) in the new created commit.

In any cases, if the branch already exists, the new commit parent will be filled with the result of (resolv "branchName")

-> CommitAccessM a

the action to performs in the parent's new commit if it exists.

-> (Maybe a -> CommitM b)

the action to performs in the new commit

the argument is the result of the action on the parent commit.

Nothing if the parent does not exist.

-> git (Ref SHA1, b) 

create or continue to work on a branch

This is a convenient function to create or to linearily work on a branch. This function applies a first Collect of information on the parent commit (the actual branch's commit). Then it creates a new commit and update the branch to point to this commit.

for example:

withCurrentRepo $
    withBranch person "master" True
        (maybe (setMessage "initial commit on this branch")
               (author -> setMessage $ "continue the great work of " ++ show (personName author))


setAuthor :: Person -> CommitM () Source #

replace the Commit's Author

setCommitter :: Person -> CommitM () Source #

replace the Commit's Committer

setParents :: [Ref SHA1] -> CommitM () Source #

replace the Commit's Parents

setExtras :: [CommitExtra] -> CommitM () Source #

replace the Commit's Extras

setEncoding :: Maybe ByteString -> CommitM () Source #

replace the Commit's encoding

setMessage :: ByteString -> CommitM () Source #

replace the Commit's message with the new given message.

setFile :: EntPath -> ByteString -> CommitM () Source #

add a new file in in the Commit's Working Tree

deleteFile :: EntPath -> CommitM () Source #

delete a file from the Commit's Working Tree.

convenients re-exports

data Git hash Source #

represent a git repo, with possibly already opened filereaders for indexes and packs

data Ref hash Source #

represent a git reference (SHA1)

Eq (Ref hash) Source # 
Instance details

Defined in Data.Git.Ref


(==) :: Ref hash -> Ref hash -> Bool #

(/=) :: Ref hash -> Ref hash -> Bool #

Ord (Ref hash) Source # 
Instance details

Defined in Data.Git.Ref


compare :: Ref hash -> Ref hash -> Ordering #

(<) :: Ref hash -> Ref hash -> Bool #

(<=) :: Ref hash -> Ref hash -> Bool #

(>) :: Ref hash -> Ref hash -> Bool #

(>=) :: Ref hash -> Ref hash -> Bool #

max :: Ref hash -> Ref hash -> Ref hash #

min :: Ref hash -> Ref hash -> Ref hash #

Show (Ref hash) Source # 
Instance details

Defined in Data.Git.Ref


showsPrec :: Int -> Ref hash -> ShowS #

show :: Ref hash -> String #

showList :: [Ref hash] -> ShowS #

Resolvable (Ref SHA1) Source # 
Instance details

Defined in Data.Git.Monad


resolve :: GitMonad m => Ref SHA1 -> m (Maybe (Ref SHA1)) Source #

newtype RefName Source #




Eq RefName Source # 
Instance details

Defined in Data.Git.Named


(==) :: RefName -> RefName -> Bool #

(/=) :: RefName -> RefName -> Bool #

Ord RefName Source # 
Instance details

Defined in Data.Git.Named

Show RefName Source # 
Instance details

Defined in Data.Git.Named

IsString RefName Source # 
Instance details

Defined in Data.Git.Named


fromString :: String -> RefName #

Resolvable RefName Source # 
Instance details

Defined in Data.Git.Monad


resolve :: GitMonad m => RefName -> m (Maybe (Ref SHA1)) Source #

data Commit hash Source #

Represent a commit object.

Objectable Commit Source # 
Instance details

Defined in Data.Git.Storage.Object

Eq (Commit hash) Source # 
Instance details

Defined in Data.Git.Types


(==) :: Commit hash -> Commit hash -> Bool #

(/=) :: Commit hash -> Commit hash -> Bool #

Show (Commit hash) Source # 
Instance details

Defined in Data.Git.Types


showsPrec :: Int -> Commit hash -> ShowS #

show :: Commit hash -> String #

showList :: [Commit hash] -> ShowS #

data Person Source #

an author or committer line has the format: name email time timezone FIXME: should be a string, but I don't know if the data is stored consistantly in one encoding (UTF8)

Eq Person Source # 
Instance details

Defined in Data.Git.Types


(==) :: Person -> Person -> Bool #

(/=) :: Person -> Person -> Bool #

Show Person Source # 
Instance details

Defined in Data.Git.Types