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gi-gtk-declarative-0.4.3: Declarative GTK+ programming in Haskell

Safe HaskellNone



Internal helpers for applying attributes and signal handlers to GTK+ widgets.



type CollectedProperties widget = HashMap Text (CollectedProperty widget) Source #

A collected map of key/value pairs, where the type-level property names are represented as ErrorMessage values. This is used to calculate differences in old and new property sets when patching.

data Collected widget event Source #

All the collected properties and classes for a widget. These are based on the Attribute list in the declarative markup, but collected separately into more efficient data structures, optimized for patching.

Semigroup (Collected widget event) Source # 
Instance details

Defined in GI.Gtk.Declarative.Attributes.Collected


(<>) :: Collected widget event -> Collected widget event -> Collected widget event #

sconcat :: NonEmpty (Collected widget event) -> Collected widget event #

stimes :: Integral b => b -> Collected widget event -> Collected widget event #

Monoid (Collected widget event) Source # 
Instance details

Defined in GI.Gtk.Declarative.Attributes.Collected


mempty :: Collected widget event #

mappend :: Collected widget event -> Collected widget event -> Collected widget event #

mconcat :: [Collected widget event] -> Collected widget event #

collectAttributes :: Vector (Attribute widget event) -> Collected widget event Source #

Collect declarative markup attributes to the patching-optimized Collected data structure.

constructProperties :: Collected widget event -> [AttrOp widget AttrConstruct] Source #

Create a list of GTK construct operations based on collected properties, used when creating new widgets.

updateProperties :: widget -> CollectedProperties widget -> CollectedProperties widget -> IO () Source #

Update the changed properties of a widget, based on the old and new collected properties.

updateClasses :: StyleContext -> ClassSet -> ClassSet -> IO () Source #

Update the style context's classes to only include the new set of classes (last argument).