#define ENABLE_OVERLOADING (MIN_VERSION_haskell_gi_overloading(1,0,0) \
&& !defined(__HADDOCK_VERSION__))
module GI.Gtk.Enums
Align(..) ,
ArrowPlacement(..) ,
ArrowType(..) ,
AssistantPageType(..) ,
BaselinePosition(..) ,
BorderStyle(..) ,
BuilderError(..) ,
catchBuilderError ,
handleBuilderError ,
ButtonBoxStyle(..) ,
ButtonRole(..) ,
ButtonsType(..) ,
CellRendererAccelMode(..) ,
CellRendererMode(..) ,
CornerType(..) ,
CssProviderError(..) ,
catchCssProviderError ,
handleCssProviderError ,
CssSectionType(..) ,
DeleteType(..) ,
DirectionType(..) ,
DragResult(..) ,
EntryIconPosition(..) ,
EventSequenceState(..) ,
ExpanderStyle(..) ,
FileChooserAction(..) ,
FileChooserConfirmation(..) ,
FileChooserError(..) ,
catchFileChooserError ,
handleFileChooserError ,
IMPreeditStyle(..) ,
IMStatusStyle(..) ,
IconSize(..) ,
IconThemeError(..) ,
catchIconThemeError ,
handleIconThemeError ,
IconViewDropPosition(..) ,
ImageType(..) ,
InputPurpose(..) ,
Justification(..) ,
LevelBarMode(..) ,
License(..) ,
MenuDirectionType(..) ,
MessageType(..) ,
MovementStep(..) ,
NotebookTab(..) ,
NumberUpLayout(..) ,
Orientation(..) ,
PackDirection(..) ,
PackType(..) ,
PadActionType(..) ,
PageOrientation(..) ,
PageSet(..) ,
PanDirection(..) ,
PathPriorityType(..) ,
PathType(..) ,
PolicyType(..) ,
PopoverConstraint(..) ,
PositionType(..) ,
PrintDuplex(..) ,
PrintError(..) ,
catchPrintError ,
handlePrintError ,
PrintOperationAction(..) ,
PrintOperationResult(..) ,
PrintPages(..) ,
PrintQuality(..) ,
PrintStatus(..) ,
PropagationPhase(..) ,
RcTokenType(..) ,
RecentChooserError(..) ,
catchRecentChooserError ,
handleRecentChooserError ,
RecentManagerError(..) ,
catchRecentManagerError ,
handleRecentManagerError ,
RecentSortType(..) ,
ReliefStyle(..) ,
ResizeMode(..) ,
ResponseType(..) ,
RevealerTransitionType(..) ,
ScrollStep(..) ,
ScrollType(..) ,
ScrollablePolicy(..) ,
SelectionMode(..) ,
SensitivityType(..) ,
ShadowType(..) ,
ShortcutType(..) ,
SizeGroupMode(..) ,
SizeRequestMode(..) ,
SortType(..) ,
SpinButtonUpdatePolicy(..) ,
SpinType(..) ,
StackTransitionType(..) ,
StateType(..) ,
TextBufferTargetInfo(..) ,
TextDirection(..) ,
TextExtendSelection(..) ,
TextViewLayer(..) ,
TextWindowType(..) ,
ToolbarSpaceStyle(..) ,
ToolbarStyle(..) ,
TreeViewColumnSizing(..) ,
TreeViewDropPosition(..) ,
TreeViewGridLines(..) ,
Unit(..) ,
WidgetHelpType(..) ,
WindowPosition(..) ,
WindowType(..) ,
WrapMode(..) ,
) where
import Data.GI.Base.ShortPrelude
import qualified Data.GI.Base.ShortPrelude as SP
import qualified Data.GI.Base.Overloading as O
import qualified Prelude as P
import qualified Data.GI.Base.Attributes as GI.Attributes
import qualified Data.GI.Base.ManagedPtr as B.ManagedPtr
import qualified Data.GI.Base.GError as B.GError
import qualified Data.GI.Base.GVariant as B.GVariant
import qualified Data.GI.Base.GValue as B.GValue
import qualified Data.GI.Base.GParamSpec as B.GParamSpec
import qualified Data.GI.Base.CallStack as B.CallStack
import qualified Data.Text as T
import qualified Data.ByteString.Char8 as B
import qualified Data.Map as Map
import qualified Foreign.Ptr as FP
data WrapMode =
| WrapModeChar
| WrapModeWord
| WrapModeWordChar
| AnotherWrapMode Int
deriving (Show, Eq)
instance P.Enum WrapMode where
fromEnum WrapModeNone = 0
fromEnum WrapModeChar = 1
fromEnum WrapModeWord = 2
fromEnum WrapModeWordChar = 3
fromEnum (AnotherWrapMode k) = k
toEnum 0 = WrapModeNone
toEnum 1 = WrapModeChar
toEnum 2 = WrapModeWord
toEnum 3 = WrapModeWordChar
toEnum k = AnotherWrapMode k
instance P.Ord WrapMode where
compare a b = P.compare (P.fromEnum a) (P.fromEnum b)
foreign import ccall "gtk_wrap_mode_get_type" c_gtk_wrap_mode_get_type ::
IO GType
instance BoxedEnum WrapMode where
boxedEnumType _ = c_gtk_wrap_mode_get_type
data WindowType =
| WindowTypePopup
| AnotherWindowType Int
deriving (Show, Eq)
instance P.Enum WindowType where
fromEnum WindowTypeToplevel = 0
fromEnum WindowTypePopup = 1
fromEnum (AnotherWindowType k) = k
toEnum 0 = WindowTypeToplevel
toEnum 1 = WindowTypePopup
toEnum k = AnotherWindowType k
instance P.Ord WindowType where
compare a b = P.compare (P.fromEnum a) (P.fromEnum b)
foreign import ccall "gtk_window_type_get_type" c_gtk_window_type_get_type ::
IO GType
instance BoxedEnum WindowType where
boxedEnumType _ = c_gtk_window_type_get_type
data WindowPosition =
| WindowPositionCenter
| WindowPositionMouse
| WindowPositionCenterAlways
| WindowPositionCenterOnParent
| AnotherWindowPosition Int
deriving (Show, Eq)
instance P.Enum WindowPosition where
fromEnum WindowPositionNone = 0
fromEnum WindowPositionCenter = 1
fromEnum WindowPositionMouse = 2
fromEnum WindowPositionCenterAlways = 3
fromEnum WindowPositionCenterOnParent = 4
fromEnum (AnotherWindowPosition k) = k
toEnum 0 = WindowPositionNone
toEnum 1 = WindowPositionCenter
toEnum 2 = WindowPositionMouse
toEnum 3 = WindowPositionCenterAlways
toEnum 4 = WindowPositionCenterOnParent
toEnum k = AnotherWindowPosition k
instance P.Ord WindowPosition where
compare a b = P.compare (P.fromEnum a) (P.fromEnum b)
foreign import ccall "gtk_window_position_get_type" c_gtk_window_position_get_type ::
IO GType
instance BoxedEnum WindowPosition where
boxedEnumType _ = c_gtk_window_position_get_type
data WidgetHelpType =
| WidgetHelpTypeWhatsThis
| AnotherWidgetHelpType Int
deriving (Show, Eq)
instance P.Enum WidgetHelpType where
fromEnum WidgetHelpTypeTooltip = 0
fromEnum WidgetHelpTypeWhatsThis = 1
fromEnum (AnotherWidgetHelpType k) = k
toEnum 0 = WidgetHelpTypeTooltip
toEnum 1 = WidgetHelpTypeWhatsThis
toEnum k = AnotherWidgetHelpType k
instance P.Ord WidgetHelpType where
compare a b = P.compare (P.fromEnum a) (P.fromEnum b)
foreign import ccall "gtk_widget_help_type_get_type" c_gtk_widget_help_type_get_type ::
IO GType
instance BoxedEnum WidgetHelpType where
boxedEnumType _ = c_gtk_widget_help_type_get_type
data Unit =
| UnitPoints
| UnitInch
| UnitMm
| AnotherUnit Int
deriving (Show, Eq)
instance P.Enum Unit where
fromEnum UnitNone = 0
fromEnum UnitPoints = 1
fromEnum UnitInch = 2
fromEnum UnitMm = 3
fromEnum (AnotherUnit k) = k
toEnum 0 = UnitNone
toEnum 1 = UnitPoints
toEnum 2 = UnitInch
toEnum 3 = UnitMm
toEnum k = AnotherUnit k
instance P.Ord Unit where
compare a b = P.compare (P.fromEnum a) (P.fromEnum b)
foreign import ccall "gtk_unit_get_type" c_gtk_unit_get_type ::
IO GType
instance BoxedEnum Unit where
boxedEnumType _ = c_gtk_unit_get_type
data TreeViewGridLines =
| TreeViewGridLinesHorizontal
| TreeViewGridLinesVertical
| TreeViewGridLinesBoth
| AnotherTreeViewGridLines Int
deriving (Show, Eq)
instance P.Enum TreeViewGridLines where
fromEnum TreeViewGridLinesNone = 0
fromEnum TreeViewGridLinesHorizontal = 1
fromEnum TreeViewGridLinesVertical = 2
fromEnum TreeViewGridLinesBoth = 3
fromEnum (AnotherTreeViewGridLines k) = k
toEnum 0 = TreeViewGridLinesNone
toEnum 1 = TreeViewGridLinesHorizontal
toEnum 2 = TreeViewGridLinesVertical
toEnum 3 = TreeViewGridLinesBoth
toEnum k = AnotherTreeViewGridLines k
instance P.Ord TreeViewGridLines where
compare a b = P.compare (P.fromEnum a) (P.fromEnum b)
foreign import ccall "gtk_tree_view_grid_lines_get_type" c_gtk_tree_view_grid_lines_get_type ::
IO GType
instance BoxedEnum TreeViewGridLines where
boxedEnumType _ = c_gtk_tree_view_grid_lines_get_type
data TreeViewDropPosition =
| TreeViewDropPositionAfter
| TreeViewDropPositionIntoOrBefore
| TreeViewDropPositionIntoOrAfter
| AnotherTreeViewDropPosition Int
deriving (Show, Eq)
instance P.Enum TreeViewDropPosition where
fromEnum TreeViewDropPositionBefore = 0
fromEnum TreeViewDropPositionAfter = 1
fromEnum TreeViewDropPositionIntoOrBefore = 2
fromEnum TreeViewDropPositionIntoOrAfter = 3
fromEnum (AnotherTreeViewDropPosition k) = k
toEnum 0 = TreeViewDropPositionBefore
toEnum 1 = TreeViewDropPositionAfter
toEnum 2 = TreeViewDropPositionIntoOrBefore
toEnum 3 = TreeViewDropPositionIntoOrAfter
toEnum k = AnotherTreeViewDropPosition k
instance P.Ord TreeViewDropPosition where
compare a b = P.compare (P.fromEnum a) (P.fromEnum b)
foreign import ccall "gtk_tree_view_drop_position_get_type" c_gtk_tree_view_drop_position_get_type ::
IO GType
instance BoxedEnum TreeViewDropPosition where
boxedEnumType _ = c_gtk_tree_view_drop_position_get_type
data TreeViewColumnSizing =
| TreeViewColumnSizingAutosize
| TreeViewColumnSizingFixed
| AnotherTreeViewColumnSizing Int
deriving (Show, Eq)
instance P.Enum TreeViewColumnSizing where
fromEnum TreeViewColumnSizingGrowOnly = 0
fromEnum TreeViewColumnSizingAutosize = 1
fromEnum TreeViewColumnSizingFixed = 2
fromEnum (AnotherTreeViewColumnSizing k) = k
toEnum 0 = TreeViewColumnSizingGrowOnly
toEnum 1 = TreeViewColumnSizingAutosize
toEnum 2 = TreeViewColumnSizingFixed
toEnum k = AnotherTreeViewColumnSizing k
instance P.Ord TreeViewColumnSizing where
compare a b = P.compare (P.fromEnum a) (P.fromEnum b)
foreign import ccall "gtk_tree_view_column_sizing_get_type" c_gtk_tree_view_column_sizing_get_type ::
IO GType
instance BoxedEnum TreeViewColumnSizing where
boxedEnumType _ = c_gtk_tree_view_column_sizing_get_type
data ToolbarStyle =
| ToolbarStyleText
| ToolbarStyleBoth
| ToolbarStyleBothHoriz
| AnotherToolbarStyle Int
deriving (Show, Eq)
instance P.Enum ToolbarStyle where
fromEnum ToolbarStyleIcons = 0
fromEnum ToolbarStyleText = 1
fromEnum ToolbarStyleBoth = 2
fromEnum ToolbarStyleBothHoriz = 3
fromEnum (AnotherToolbarStyle k) = k
toEnum 0 = ToolbarStyleIcons
toEnum 1 = ToolbarStyleText
toEnum 2 = ToolbarStyleBoth
toEnum 3 = ToolbarStyleBothHoriz
toEnum k = AnotherToolbarStyle k
instance P.Ord ToolbarStyle where
compare a b = P.compare (P.fromEnum a) (P.fromEnum b)
foreign import ccall "gtk_toolbar_style_get_type" c_gtk_toolbar_style_get_type ::
IO GType
instance BoxedEnum ToolbarStyle where
boxedEnumType _ = c_gtk_toolbar_style_get_type
{-# DEPRECATED ToolbarSpaceStyle ["(Since version 3.20)"] #-}
data ToolbarSpaceStyle =
| ToolbarSpaceStyleLine
| AnotherToolbarSpaceStyle Int
deriving (Show, Eq)
instance P.Enum ToolbarSpaceStyle where
fromEnum ToolbarSpaceStyleEmpty = 0
fromEnum ToolbarSpaceStyleLine = 1
fromEnum (AnotherToolbarSpaceStyle k) = k
toEnum 0 = ToolbarSpaceStyleEmpty
toEnum 1 = ToolbarSpaceStyleLine
toEnum k = AnotherToolbarSpaceStyle k
instance P.Ord ToolbarSpaceStyle where
compare a b = P.compare (P.fromEnum a) (P.fromEnum b)
foreign import ccall "gtk_toolbar_space_style_get_type" c_gtk_toolbar_space_style_get_type ::
IO GType
instance BoxedEnum ToolbarSpaceStyle where
boxedEnumType _ = c_gtk_toolbar_space_style_get_type
data TextWindowType =
| TextWindowTypeWidget
| TextWindowTypeText
| TextWindowTypeLeft
| TextWindowTypeRight
| TextWindowTypeTop
| TextWindowTypeBottom
| AnotherTextWindowType Int
deriving (Show, Eq)
instance P.Enum TextWindowType where
fromEnum TextWindowTypePrivate = 0
fromEnum TextWindowTypeWidget = 1
fromEnum TextWindowTypeText = 2
fromEnum TextWindowTypeLeft = 3
fromEnum TextWindowTypeRight = 4
fromEnum TextWindowTypeTop = 5
fromEnum TextWindowTypeBottom = 6
fromEnum (AnotherTextWindowType k) = k
toEnum 0 = TextWindowTypePrivate
toEnum 1 = TextWindowTypeWidget
toEnum 2 = TextWindowTypeText
toEnum 3 = TextWindowTypeLeft
toEnum 4 = TextWindowTypeRight
toEnum 5 = TextWindowTypeTop
toEnum 6 = TextWindowTypeBottom
toEnum k = AnotherTextWindowType k
instance P.Ord TextWindowType where
compare a b = P.compare (P.fromEnum a) (P.fromEnum b)
foreign import ccall "gtk_text_window_type_get_type" c_gtk_text_window_type_get_type ::
IO GType
instance BoxedEnum TextWindowType where
boxedEnumType _ = c_gtk_text_window_type_get_type
data TextViewLayer =
| TextViewLayerAbove
| TextViewLayerBelowText
| TextViewLayerAboveText
| AnotherTextViewLayer Int
deriving (Show, Eq)
instance P.Enum TextViewLayer where
fromEnum TextViewLayerBelow = 0
fromEnum TextViewLayerAbove = 1
fromEnum TextViewLayerBelowText = 2
fromEnum TextViewLayerAboveText = 3
fromEnum (AnotherTextViewLayer k) = k
toEnum 0 = TextViewLayerBelow
toEnum 1 = TextViewLayerAbove
toEnum 2 = TextViewLayerBelowText
toEnum 3 = TextViewLayerAboveText
toEnum k = AnotherTextViewLayer k
instance P.Ord TextViewLayer where
compare a b = P.compare (P.fromEnum a) (P.fromEnum b)
foreign import ccall "gtk_text_view_layer_get_type" c_gtk_text_view_layer_get_type ::
IO GType
instance BoxedEnum TextViewLayer where
boxedEnumType _ = c_gtk_text_view_layer_get_type
data TextExtendSelection =
| TextExtendSelectionLine
| AnotherTextExtendSelection Int
deriving (Show, Eq)
instance P.Enum TextExtendSelection where
fromEnum TextExtendSelectionWord = 0
fromEnum TextExtendSelectionLine = 1
fromEnum (AnotherTextExtendSelection k) = k
toEnum 0 = TextExtendSelectionWord
toEnum 1 = TextExtendSelectionLine
toEnum k = AnotherTextExtendSelection k
instance P.Ord TextExtendSelection where
compare a b = P.compare (P.fromEnum a) (P.fromEnum b)
foreign import ccall "gtk_text_extend_selection_get_type" c_gtk_text_extend_selection_get_type ::
IO GType
instance BoxedEnum TextExtendSelection where
boxedEnumType _ = c_gtk_text_extend_selection_get_type
data TextDirection =
| TextDirectionLtr
| TextDirectionRtl
| AnotherTextDirection Int
deriving (Show, Eq)
instance P.Enum TextDirection where
fromEnum TextDirectionNone = 0
fromEnum TextDirectionLtr = 1
fromEnum TextDirectionRtl = 2
fromEnum (AnotherTextDirection k) = k
toEnum 0 = TextDirectionNone
toEnum 1 = TextDirectionLtr
toEnum 2 = TextDirectionRtl
toEnum k = AnotherTextDirection k
instance P.Ord TextDirection where
compare a b = P.compare (P.fromEnum a) (P.fromEnum b)
foreign import ccall "gtk_text_direction_get_type" c_gtk_text_direction_get_type ::
IO GType
instance BoxedEnum TextDirection where
boxedEnumType _ = c_gtk_text_direction_get_type
data TextBufferTargetInfo =
| TextBufferTargetInfoRichText
| TextBufferTargetInfoText
| AnotherTextBufferTargetInfo Int
deriving (Show, Eq)
instance P.Enum TextBufferTargetInfo where
fromEnum TextBufferTargetInfoBufferContents = -1
fromEnum TextBufferTargetInfoRichText = -2
fromEnum TextBufferTargetInfoText = -3
fromEnum (AnotherTextBufferTargetInfo k) = k
toEnum -1 = TextBufferTargetInfoBufferContents
toEnum -2 = TextBufferTargetInfoRichText
toEnum -3 = TextBufferTargetInfoText
toEnum k = AnotherTextBufferTargetInfo k
instance P.Ord TextBufferTargetInfo where
compare a b = P.compare (P.fromEnum a) (P.fromEnum b)
foreign import ccall "gtk_text_buffer_target_info_get_type" c_gtk_text_buffer_target_info_get_type ::
IO GType
instance BoxedEnum TextBufferTargetInfo where
boxedEnumType _ = c_gtk_text_buffer_target_info_get_type
{-# DEPRECATED StateType ["(Since version 3.14)","All APIs that are using this enumeration have been deprecated"," in favor of alternatives using 'GI.Gtk.Flags.StateFlags'."] #-}
data StateType =
| StateTypeActive
| StateTypePrelight
| StateTypeSelected
| StateTypeInsensitive
| StateTypeInconsistent
| StateTypeFocused
| AnotherStateType Int
deriving (Show, Eq)
instance P.Enum StateType where
fromEnum StateTypeNormal = 0
fromEnum StateTypeActive = 1
fromEnum StateTypePrelight = 2
fromEnum StateTypeSelected = 3
fromEnum StateTypeInsensitive = 4
fromEnum StateTypeInconsistent = 5
fromEnum StateTypeFocused = 6
fromEnum (AnotherStateType k) = k
toEnum 0 = StateTypeNormal
toEnum 1 = StateTypeActive
toEnum 2 = StateTypePrelight
toEnum 3 = StateTypeSelected
toEnum 4 = StateTypeInsensitive
toEnum 5 = StateTypeInconsistent
toEnum 6 = StateTypeFocused
toEnum k = AnotherStateType k
instance P.Ord StateType where
compare a b = P.compare (P.fromEnum a) (P.fromEnum b)
foreign import ccall "gtk_state_type_get_type" c_gtk_state_type_get_type ::
IO GType
instance BoxedEnum StateType where
boxedEnumType _ = c_gtk_state_type_get_type
data StackTransitionType =
| StackTransitionTypeCrossfade
| StackTransitionTypeSlideRight
| StackTransitionTypeSlideLeft
| StackTransitionTypeSlideUp
| StackTransitionTypeSlideDown
| StackTransitionTypeSlideLeftRight
| StackTransitionTypeSlideUpDown
| StackTransitionTypeOverUp
| StackTransitionTypeOverDown
| StackTransitionTypeOverLeft
| StackTransitionTypeOverRight
| StackTransitionTypeUnderUp
| StackTransitionTypeUnderDown
| StackTransitionTypeUnderLeft
| StackTransitionTypeUnderRight
| StackTransitionTypeOverUpDown
| StackTransitionTypeOverDownUp
| StackTransitionTypeOverLeftRight
| StackTransitionTypeOverRightLeft
| AnotherStackTransitionType Int
deriving (Show, Eq)
instance P.Enum StackTransitionType where
fromEnum StackTransitionTypeNone = 0
fromEnum StackTransitionTypeCrossfade = 1
fromEnum StackTransitionTypeSlideRight = 2
fromEnum StackTransitionTypeSlideLeft = 3
fromEnum StackTransitionTypeSlideUp = 4
fromEnum StackTransitionTypeSlideDown = 5
fromEnum StackTransitionTypeSlideLeftRight = 6
fromEnum StackTransitionTypeSlideUpDown = 7
fromEnum StackTransitionTypeOverUp = 8
fromEnum StackTransitionTypeOverDown = 9
fromEnum StackTransitionTypeOverLeft = 10
fromEnum StackTransitionTypeOverRight = 11
fromEnum StackTransitionTypeUnderUp = 12
fromEnum StackTransitionTypeUnderDown = 13
fromEnum StackTransitionTypeUnderLeft = 14
fromEnum StackTransitionTypeUnderRight = 15
fromEnum StackTransitionTypeOverUpDown = 16
fromEnum StackTransitionTypeOverDownUp = 17
fromEnum StackTransitionTypeOverLeftRight = 18
fromEnum StackTransitionTypeOverRightLeft = 19
fromEnum (AnotherStackTransitionType k) = k
toEnum 0 = StackTransitionTypeNone
toEnum 1 = StackTransitionTypeCrossfade
toEnum 2 = StackTransitionTypeSlideRight
toEnum 3 = StackTransitionTypeSlideLeft
toEnum 4 = StackTransitionTypeSlideUp
toEnum 5 = StackTransitionTypeSlideDown
toEnum 6 = StackTransitionTypeSlideLeftRight
toEnum 7 = StackTransitionTypeSlideUpDown
toEnum 8 = StackTransitionTypeOverUp
toEnum 9 = StackTransitionTypeOverDown
toEnum 10 = StackTransitionTypeOverLeft
toEnum 11 = StackTransitionTypeOverRight
toEnum 12 = StackTransitionTypeUnderUp
toEnum 13 = StackTransitionTypeUnderDown
toEnum 14 = StackTransitionTypeUnderLeft
toEnum 15 = StackTransitionTypeUnderRight
toEnum 16 = StackTransitionTypeOverUpDown
toEnum 17 = StackTransitionTypeOverDownUp
toEnum 18 = StackTransitionTypeOverLeftRight
toEnum 19 = StackTransitionTypeOverRightLeft
toEnum k = AnotherStackTransitionType k
instance P.Ord StackTransitionType where
compare a b = P.compare (P.fromEnum a) (P.fromEnum b)
foreign import ccall "gtk_stack_transition_type_get_type" c_gtk_stack_transition_type_get_type ::
IO GType
instance BoxedEnum StackTransitionType where
boxedEnumType _ = c_gtk_stack_transition_type_get_type
data SpinType =
| SpinTypeStepBackward
| SpinTypePageForward
| SpinTypePageBackward
| SpinTypeHome
| SpinTypeEnd
| SpinTypeUserDefined
| AnotherSpinType Int
deriving (Show, Eq)
instance P.Enum SpinType where
fromEnum SpinTypeStepForward = 0
fromEnum SpinTypeStepBackward = 1
fromEnum SpinTypePageForward = 2
fromEnum SpinTypePageBackward = 3
fromEnum SpinTypeHome = 4
fromEnum SpinTypeEnd = 5
fromEnum SpinTypeUserDefined = 6
fromEnum (AnotherSpinType k) = k
toEnum 0 = SpinTypeStepForward
toEnum 1 = SpinTypeStepBackward
toEnum 2 = SpinTypePageForward
toEnum 3 = SpinTypePageBackward
toEnum 4 = SpinTypeHome
toEnum 5 = SpinTypeEnd
toEnum 6 = SpinTypeUserDefined
toEnum k = AnotherSpinType k
instance P.Ord SpinType where
compare a b = P.compare (P.fromEnum a) (P.fromEnum b)
foreign import ccall "gtk_spin_type_get_type" c_gtk_spin_type_get_type ::
IO GType
instance BoxedEnum SpinType where
boxedEnumType _ = c_gtk_spin_type_get_type
data SpinButtonUpdatePolicy =
| SpinButtonUpdatePolicyIfValid
| AnotherSpinButtonUpdatePolicy Int
deriving (Show, Eq)
instance P.Enum SpinButtonUpdatePolicy where
fromEnum SpinButtonUpdatePolicyAlways = 0
fromEnum SpinButtonUpdatePolicyIfValid = 1
fromEnum (AnotherSpinButtonUpdatePolicy k) = k
toEnum 0 = SpinButtonUpdatePolicyAlways
toEnum 1 = SpinButtonUpdatePolicyIfValid
toEnum k = AnotherSpinButtonUpdatePolicy k
instance P.Ord SpinButtonUpdatePolicy where
compare a b = P.compare (P.fromEnum a) (P.fromEnum b)
foreign import ccall "gtk_spin_button_update_policy_get_type" c_gtk_spin_button_update_policy_get_type ::
IO GType
instance BoxedEnum SpinButtonUpdatePolicy where
boxedEnumType _ = c_gtk_spin_button_update_policy_get_type
data SortType =
| SortTypeDescending
| AnotherSortType Int
deriving (Show, Eq)
instance P.Enum SortType where
fromEnum SortTypeAscending = 0
fromEnum SortTypeDescending = 1
fromEnum (AnotherSortType k) = k
toEnum 0 = SortTypeAscending
toEnum 1 = SortTypeDescending
toEnum k = AnotherSortType k
instance P.Ord SortType where
compare a b = P.compare (P.fromEnum a) (P.fromEnum b)
foreign import ccall "gtk_sort_type_get_type" c_gtk_sort_type_get_type ::
IO GType
instance BoxedEnum SortType where
boxedEnumType _ = c_gtk_sort_type_get_type
data SizeRequestMode =
| SizeRequestModeWidthForHeight
| SizeRequestModeConstantSize
| AnotherSizeRequestMode Int
deriving (Show, Eq)
instance P.Enum SizeRequestMode where
fromEnum SizeRequestModeHeightForWidth = 0
fromEnum SizeRequestModeWidthForHeight = 1
fromEnum SizeRequestModeConstantSize = 2
fromEnum (AnotherSizeRequestMode k) = k
toEnum 0 = SizeRequestModeHeightForWidth
toEnum 1 = SizeRequestModeWidthForHeight
toEnum 2 = SizeRequestModeConstantSize
toEnum k = AnotherSizeRequestMode k
instance P.Ord SizeRequestMode where
compare a b = P.compare (P.fromEnum a) (P.fromEnum b)
foreign import ccall "gtk_size_request_mode_get_type" c_gtk_size_request_mode_get_type ::
IO GType
instance BoxedEnum SizeRequestMode where
boxedEnumType _ = c_gtk_size_request_mode_get_type
data SizeGroupMode =
| SizeGroupModeHorizontal
| SizeGroupModeVertical
| SizeGroupModeBoth
| AnotherSizeGroupMode Int
deriving (Show, Eq)
instance P.Enum SizeGroupMode where
fromEnum SizeGroupModeNone = 0
fromEnum SizeGroupModeHorizontal = 1
fromEnum SizeGroupModeVertical = 2
fromEnum SizeGroupModeBoth = 3
fromEnum (AnotherSizeGroupMode k) = k
toEnum 0 = SizeGroupModeNone
toEnum 1 = SizeGroupModeHorizontal
toEnum 2 = SizeGroupModeVertical
toEnum 3 = SizeGroupModeBoth
toEnum k = AnotherSizeGroupMode k
instance P.Ord SizeGroupMode where
compare a b = P.compare (P.fromEnum a) (P.fromEnum b)
foreign import ccall "gtk_size_group_mode_get_type" c_gtk_size_group_mode_get_type ::
IO GType
instance BoxedEnum SizeGroupMode where
boxedEnumType _ = c_gtk_size_group_mode_get_type
data ShortcutType =
| ShortcutTypeGesturePinch
| ShortcutTypeGestureStretch
| ShortcutTypeGestureRotateClockwise
| ShortcutTypeGestureRotateCounterclockwise
| ShortcutTypeGestureTwoFingerSwipeLeft
| ShortcutTypeGestureTwoFingerSwipeRight
| ShortcutTypeGesture
| AnotherShortcutType Int
deriving (Show, Eq)
instance P.Enum ShortcutType where
fromEnum ShortcutTypeAccelerator = 0
fromEnum ShortcutTypeGesturePinch = 1
fromEnum ShortcutTypeGestureStretch = 2
fromEnum ShortcutTypeGestureRotateClockwise = 3
fromEnum ShortcutTypeGestureRotateCounterclockwise = 4
fromEnum ShortcutTypeGestureTwoFingerSwipeLeft = 5
fromEnum ShortcutTypeGestureTwoFingerSwipeRight = 6
fromEnum ShortcutTypeGesture = 7
fromEnum (AnotherShortcutType k) = k
toEnum 0 = ShortcutTypeAccelerator
toEnum 1 = ShortcutTypeGesturePinch
toEnum 2 = ShortcutTypeGestureStretch
toEnum 3 = ShortcutTypeGestureRotateClockwise
toEnum 4 = ShortcutTypeGestureRotateCounterclockwise
toEnum 5 = ShortcutTypeGestureTwoFingerSwipeLeft
toEnum 6 = ShortcutTypeGestureTwoFingerSwipeRight
toEnum 7 = ShortcutTypeGesture
toEnum k = AnotherShortcutType k
instance P.Ord ShortcutType where
compare a b = P.compare (P.fromEnum a) (P.fromEnum b)
foreign import ccall "gtk_shortcut_type_get_type" c_gtk_shortcut_type_get_type ::
IO GType
instance BoxedEnum ShortcutType where
boxedEnumType _ = c_gtk_shortcut_type_get_type
data ShadowType =
| ShadowTypeIn
| ShadowTypeOut
| ShadowTypeEtchedIn
| ShadowTypeEtchedOut
| AnotherShadowType Int
deriving (Show, Eq)
instance P.Enum ShadowType where
fromEnum ShadowTypeNone = 0
fromEnum ShadowTypeIn = 1
fromEnum ShadowTypeOut = 2
fromEnum ShadowTypeEtchedIn = 3
fromEnum ShadowTypeEtchedOut = 4
fromEnum (AnotherShadowType k) = k
toEnum 0 = ShadowTypeNone
toEnum 1 = ShadowTypeIn
toEnum 2 = ShadowTypeOut
toEnum 3 = ShadowTypeEtchedIn
toEnum 4 = ShadowTypeEtchedOut
toEnum k = AnotherShadowType k
instance P.Ord ShadowType where
compare a b = P.compare (P.fromEnum a) (P.fromEnum b)
foreign import ccall "gtk_shadow_type_get_type" c_gtk_shadow_type_get_type ::
IO GType
instance BoxedEnum ShadowType where
boxedEnumType _ = c_gtk_shadow_type_get_type
data SensitivityType =
| SensitivityTypeOn
| SensitivityTypeOff
| AnotherSensitivityType Int
deriving (Show, Eq)
instance P.Enum SensitivityType where
fromEnum SensitivityTypeAuto = 0
fromEnum SensitivityTypeOn = 1
fromEnum SensitivityTypeOff = 2
fromEnum (AnotherSensitivityType k) = k
toEnum 0 = SensitivityTypeAuto
toEnum 1 = SensitivityTypeOn
toEnum 2 = SensitivityTypeOff
toEnum k = AnotherSensitivityType k
instance P.Ord SensitivityType where
compare a b = P.compare (P.fromEnum a) (P.fromEnum b)
foreign import ccall "gtk_sensitivity_type_get_type" c_gtk_sensitivity_type_get_type ::
IO GType
instance BoxedEnum SensitivityType where
boxedEnumType _ = c_gtk_sensitivity_type_get_type
data SelectionMode =
| SelectionModeSingle
| SelectionModeBrowse
| SelectionModeMultiple
| AnotherSelectionMode Int
deriving (Show, Eq)
instance P.Enum SelectionMode where
fromEnum SelectionModeNone = 0
fromEnum SelectionModeSingle = 1
fromEnum SelectionModeBrowse = 2
fromEnum SelectionModeMultiple = 3
fromEnum (AnotherSelectionMode k) = k
toEnum 0 = SelectionModeNone
toEnum 1 = SelectionModeSingle
toEnum 2 = SelectionModeBrowse
toEnum 3 = SelectionModeMultiple
toEnum k = AnotherSelectionMode k
instance P.Ord SelectionMode where
compare a b = P.compare (P.fromEnum a) (P.fromEnum b)
foreign import ccall "gtk_selection_mode_get_type" c_gtk_selection_mode_get_type ::
IO GType
instance BoxedEnum SelectionMode where
boxedEnumType _ = c_gtk_selection_mode_get_type
data ScrollablePolicy =
| ScrollablePolicyNatural
| AnotherScrollablePolicy Int
deriving (Show, Eq)
instance P.Enum ScrollablePolicy where
fromEnum ScrollablePolicyMinimum = 0
fromEnum ScrollablePolicyNatural = 1
fromEnum (AnotherScrollablePolicy k) = k
toEnum 0 = ScrollablePolicyMinimum
toEnum 1 = ScrollablePolicyNatural
toEnum k = AnotherScrollablePolicy k
instance P.Ord ScrollablePolicy where
compare a b = P.compare (P.fromEnum a) (P.fromEnum b)
foreign import ccall "gtk_scrollable_policy_get_type" c_gtk_scrollable_policy_get_type ::
IO GType
instance BoxedEnum ScrollablePolicy where
boxedEnumType _ = c_gtk_scrollable_policy_get_type
data ScrollType =
| ScrollTypeJump
| ScrollTypeStepBackward
| ScrollTypeStepForward
| ScrollTypePageBackward
| ScrollTypePageForward
| ScrollTypeStepUp
| ScrollTypeStepDown
| ScrollTypePageUp
| ScrollTypePageDown
| ScrollTypeStepLeft
| ScrollTypeStepRight
| ScrollTypePageLeft
| ScrollTypePageRight
| ScrollTypeStart
| ScrollTypeEnd
| AnotherScrollType Int
deriving (Show, Eq)
instance P.Enum ScrollType where
fromEnum ScrollTypeNone = 0
fromEnum ScrollTypeJump = 1
fromEnum ScrollTypeStepBackward = 2
fromEnum ScrollTypeStepForward = 3
fromEnum ScrollTypePageBackward = 4
fromEnum ScrollTypePageForward = 5
fromEnum ScrollTypeStepUp = 6
fromEnum ScrollTypeStepDown = 7
fromEnum ScrollTypePageUp = 8
fromEnum ScrollTypePageDown = 9
fromEnum ScrollTypeStepLeft = 10
fromEnum ScrollTypeStepRight = 11
fromEnum ScrollTypePageLeft = 12
fromEnum ScrollTypePageRight = 13
fromEnum ScrollTypeStart = 14
fromEnum ScrollTypeEnd = 15
fromEnum (AnotherScrollType k) = k
toEnum 0 = ScrollTypeNone
toEnum 1 = ScrollTypeJump
toEnum 2 = ScrollTypeStepBackward
toEnum 3 = ScrollTypeStepForward
toEnum 4 = ScrollTypePageBackward
toEnum 5 = ScrollTypePageForward
toEnum 6 = ScrollTypeStepUp
toEnum 7 = ScrollTypeStepDown
toEnum 8 = ScrollTypePageUp
toEnum 9 = ScrollTypePageDown
toEnum 10 = ScrollTypeStepLeft
toEnum 11 = ScrollTypeStepRight
toEnum 12 = ScrollTypePageLeft
toEnum 13 = ScrollTypePageRight
toEnum 14 = ScrollTypeStart
toEnum 15 = ScrollTypeEnd
toEnum k = AnotherScrollType k
instance P.Ord ScrollType where
compare a b = P.compare (P.fromEnum a) (P.fromEnum b)
foreign import ccall "gtk_scroll_type_get_type" c_gtk_scroll_type_get_type ::
IO GType
instance BoxedEnum ScrollType where
boxedEnumType _ = c_gtk_scroll_type_get_type
data ScrollStep =
| ScrollStepPages
| ScrollStepEnds
| ScrollStepHorizontalSteps
| ScrollStepHorizontalPages
| ScrollStepHorizontalEnds
| AnotherScrollStep Int
deriving (Show, Eq)
instance P.Enum ScrollStep where
fromEnum ScrollStepSteps = 0
fromEnum ScrollStepPages = 1
fromEnum ScrollStepEnds = 2
fromEnum ScrollStepHorizontalSteps = 3
fromEnum ScrollStepHorizontalPages = 4
fromEnum ScrollStepHorizontalEnds = 5
fromEnum (AnotherScrollStep k) = k
toEnum 0 = ScrollStepSteps
toEnum 1 = ScrollStepPages
toEnum 2 = ScrollStepEnds
toEnum 3 = ScrollStepHorizontalSteps
toEnum 4 = ScrollStepHorizontalPages
toEnum 5 = ScrollStepHorizontalEnds
toEnum k = AnotherScrollStep k
instance P.Ord ScrollStep where
compare a b = P.compare (P.fromEnum a) (P.fromEnum b)
foreign import ccall "gtk_scroll_step_get_type" c_gtk_scroll_step_get_type ::
IO GType
instance BoxedEnum ScrollStep where
boxedEnumType _ = c_gtk_scroll_step_get_type
data RevealerTransitionType =
| RevealerTransitionTypeCrossfade
| RevealerTransitionTypeSlideRight
| RevealerTransitionTypeSlideLeft
| RevealerTransitionTypeSlideUp
| RevealerTransitionTypeSlideDown
| AnotherRevealerTransitionType Int
deriving (Show, Eq)
instance P.Enum RevealerTransitionType where
fromEnum RevealerTransitionTypeNone = 0
fromEnum RevealerTransitionTypeCrossfade = 1
fromEnum RevealerTransitionTypeSlideRight = 2
fromEnum RevealerTransitionTypeSlideLeft = 3
fromEnum RevealerTransitionTypeSlideUp = 4
fromEnum RevealerTransitionTypeSlideDown = 5
fromEnum (AnotherRevealerTransitionType k) = k
toEnum 0 = RevealerTransitionTypeNone
toEnum 1 = RevealerTransitionTypeCrossfade
toEnum 2 = RevealerTransitionTypeSlideRight
toEnum 3 = RevealerTransitionTypeSlideLeft
toEnum 4 = RevealerTransitionTypeSlideUp
toEnum 5 = RevealerTransitionTypeSlideDown
toEnum k = AnotherRevealerTransitionType k
instance P.Ord RevealerTransitionType where
compare a b = P.compare (P.fromEnum a) (P.fromEnum b)
foreign import ccall "gtk_revealer_transition_type_get_type" c_gtk_revealer_transition_type_get_type ::
IO GType
instance BoxedEnum RevealerTransitionType where
boxedEnumType _ = c_gtk_revealer_transition_type_get_type
data ResponseType =
| ResponseTypeReject
| ResponseTypeAccept
| ResponseTypeDeleteEvent
| ResponseTypeOk
| ResponseTypeCancel
| ResponseTypeClose
| ResponseTypeYes
| ResponseTypeNo
| ResponseTypeApply
| ResponseTypeHelp
| AnotherResponseType Int
deriving (Show, Eq)
instance P.Enum ResponseType where
fromEnum ResponseTypeNone = -1
fromEnum ResponseTypeReject = -2
fromEnum ResponseTypeAccept = -3
fromEnum ResponseTypeDeleteEvent = -4
fromEnum ResponseTypeOk = -5
fromEnum ResponseTypeCancel = -6
fromEnum ResponseTypeClose = -7
fromEnum ResponseTypeYes = -8
fromEnum ResponseTypeNo = -9
fromEnum ResponseTypeApply = -10
fromEnum ResponseTypeHelp = -11
fromEnum (AnotherResponseType k) = k
toEnum -1 = ResponseTypeNone
toEnum -2 = ResponseTypeReject
toEnum -3 = ResponseTypeAccept
toEnum -4 = ResponseTypeDeleteEvent
toEnum -5 = ResponseTypeOk
toEnum -6 = ResponseTypeCancel
toEnum -7 = ResponseTypeClose
toEnum -8 = ResponseTypeYes
toEnum -9 = ResponseTypeNo
toEnum -10 = ResponseTypeApply
toEnum -11 = ResponseTypeHelp
toEnum k = AnotherResponseType k
instance P.Ord ResponseType where
compare a b = P.compare (P.fromEnum a) (P.fromEnum b)
foreign import ccall "gtk_response_type_get_type" c_gtk_response_type_get_type ::
IO GType
instance BoxedEnum ResponseType where
boxedEnumType _ = c_gtk_response_type_get_type
data ResizeMode =
| ResizeModeQueue
| ResizeModeImmediate
| AnotherResizeMode Int
deriving (Show, Eq)
instance P.Enum ResizeMode where
fromEnum ResizeModeParent = 0
fromEnum ResizeModeQueue = 1
fromEnum ResizeModeImmediate = 2
fromEnum (AnotherResizeMode k) = k
toEnum 0 = ResizeModeParent
toEnum 1 = ResizeModeQueue
toEnum 2 = ResizeModeImmediate
toEnum k = AnotherResizeMode k
instance P.Ord ResizeMode where
compare a b = P.compare (P.fromEnum a) (P.fromEnum b)
foreign import ccall "gtk_resize_mode_get_type" c_gtk_resize_mode_get_type ::
IO GType
instance BoxedEnum ResizeMode where
boxedEnumType _ = c_gtk_resize_mode_get_type
data ReliefStyle =
| ReliefStyleHalf
| ReliefStyleNone
| AnotherReliefStyle Int
deriving (Show, Eq)
instance P.Enum ReliefStyle where
fromEnum ReliefStyleNormal = 0
fromEnum ReliefStyleHalf = 1
fromEnum ReliefStyleNone = 2
fromEnum (AnotherReliefStyle k) = k
toEnum 0 = ReliefStyleNormal
toEnum 1 = ReliefStyleHalf
toEnum 2 = ReliefStyleNone
toEnum k = AnotherReliefStyle k
instance P.Ord ReliefStyle where
compare a b = P.compare (P.fromEnum a) (P.fromEnum b)
foreign import ccall "gtk_relief_style_get_type" c_gtk_relief_style_get_type ::
IO GType
instance BoxedEnum ReliefStyle where
boxedEnumType _ = c_gtk_relief_style_get_type
data RecentSortType =
| RecentSortTypeMru
| RecentSortTypeLru
| RecentSortTypeCustom
| AnotherRecentSortType Int
deriving (Show, Eq)
instance P.Enum RecentSortType where
fromEnum RecentSortTypeNone = 0
fromEnum RecentSortTypeMru = 1
fromEnum RecentSortTypeLru = 2
fromEnum RecentSortTypeCustom = 3
fromEnum (AnotherRecentSortType k) = k
toEnum 0 = RecentSortTypeNone
toEnum 1 = RecentSortTypeMru
toEnum 2 = RecentSortTypeLru
toEnum 3 = RecentSortTypeCustom
toEnum k = AnotherRecentSortType k
instance P.Ord RecentSortType where
compare a b = P.compare (P.fromEnum a) (P.fromEnum b)
foreign import ccall "gtk_recent_sort_type_get_type" c_gtk_recent_sort_type_get_type ::
IO GType
instance BoxedEnum RecentSortType where
boxedEnumType _ = c_gtk_recent_sort_type_get_type
data RecentManagerError =
| RecentManagerErrorInvalidUri
| RecentManagerErrorInvalidEncoding
| RecentManagerErrorNotRegistered
| RecentManagerErrorRead
| RecentManagerErrorWrite
| RecentManagerErrorUnknown
| AnotherRecentManagerError Int
deriving (Show, Eq)
instance P.Enum RecentManagerError where
fromEnum RecentManagerErrorNotFound = 0
fromEnum RecentManagerErrorInvalidUri = 1
fromEnum RecentManagerErrorInvalidEncoding = 2
fromEnum RecentManagerErrorNotRegistered = 3
fromEnum RecentManagerErrorRead = 4
fromEnum RecentManagerErrorWrite = 5
fromEnum RecentManagerErrorUnknown = 6
fromEnum (AnotherRecentManagerError k) = k
toEnum 0 = RecentManagerErrorNotFound
toEnum 1 = RecentManagerErrorInvalidUri
toEnum 2 = RecentManagerErrorInvalidEncoding
toEnum 3 = RecentManagerErrorNotRegistered
toEnum 4 = RecentManagerErrorRead
toEnum 5 = RecentManagerErrorWrite
toEnum 6 = RecentManagerErrorUnknown
toEnum k = AnotherRecentManagerError k
instance P.Ord RecentManagerError where
compare a b = P.compare (P.fromEnum a) (P.fromEnum b)
instance GErrorClass RecentManagerError where
gerrorClassDomain _ = "gtk-recent-manager-error-quark"
catchRecentManagerError ::
IO a ->
(RecentManagerError -> GErrorMessage -> IO a) ->
IO a
catchRecentManagerError = catchGErrorJustDomain
handleRecentManagerError ::
(RecentManagerError -> GErrorMessage -> IO a) ->
IO a ->
IO a
handleRecentManagerError = handleGErrorJustDomain
foreign import ccall "gtk_recent_manager_error_get_type" c_gtk_recent_manager_error_get_type ::
IO GType
instance BoxedEnum RecentManagerError where
boxedEnumType _ = c_gtk_recent_manager_error_get_type
data RecentChooserError =
| RecentChooserErrorInvalidUri
| AnotherRecentChooserError Int
deriving (Show, Eq)
instance P.Enum RecentChooserError where
fromEnum RecentChooserErrorNotFound = 0
fromEnum RecentChooserErrorInvalidUri = 1
fromEnum (AnotherRecentChooserError k) = k
toEnum 0 = RecentChooserErrorNotFound
toEnum 1 = RecentChooserErrorInvalidUri
toEnum k = AnotherRecentChooserError k
instance P.Ord RecentChooserError where
compare a b = P.compare (P.fromEnum a) (P.fromEnum b)
instance GErrorClass RecentChooserError where
gerrorClassDomain _ = "gtk-recent-chooser-error-quark"
catchRecentChooserError ::
IO a ->
(RecentChooserError -> GErrorMessage -> IO a) ->
IO a
catchRecentChooserError = catchGErrorJustDomain
handleRecentChooserError ::
(RecentChooserError -> GErrorMessage -> IO a) ->
IO a ->
IO a
handleRecentChooserError = handleGErrorJustDomain
foreign import ccall "gtk_recent_chooser_error_get_type" c_gtk_recent_chooser_error_get_type ::
IO GType
instance BoxedEnum RecentChooserError where
boxedEnumType _ = c_gtk_recent_chooser_error_get_type
{-# DEPRECATED RcTokenType ["(Since version 3.0)","Use 'GI.Gtk.Objects.CssProvider.CssProvider' instead."] #-}
data RcTokenType =
| RcTokenTypeInclude
| RcTokenTypeNormal
| RcTokenTypeActive
| RcTokenTypePrelight
| RcTokenTypeSelected
| RcTokenTypeInsensitive
| RcTokenTypeFg
| RcTokenTypeBg
| RcTokenTypeText
| RcTokenTypeBase
| RcTokenTypeXthickness
| RcTokenTypeYthickness
| RcTokenTypeFont
| RcTokenTypeFontset
| RcTokenTypeFontName
| RcTokenTypeBgPixmap
| RcTokenTypePixmapPath
| RcTokenTypeStyle
| RcTokenTypeBinding
| RcTokenTypeBind
| RcTokenTypeWidget
| RcTokenTypeWidgetClass
| RcTokenTypeClass
| RcTokenTypeLowest
| RcTokenTypeGtk
| RcTokenTypeApplication
| RcTokenTypeTheme
| RcTokenTypeRc
| RcTokenTypeHighest
| RcTokenTypeEngine
| RcTokenTypeModulePath
| RcTokenTypeImModulePath
| RcTokenTypeImModuleFile
| RcTokenTypeStock
| RcTokenTypeLtr
| RcTokenTypeRtl
| RcTokenTypeColor
| RcTokenTypeUnbind
| RcTokenTypeLast
| AnotherRcTokenType Int
deriving (Show, Eq)
instance P.Enum RcTokenType where
fromEnum RcTokenTypeInvalid = 270
fromEnum RcTokenTypeInclude = 271
fromEnum RcTokenTypeNormal = 272
fromEnum RcTokenTypeActive = 273
fromEnum RcTokenTypePrelight = 274
fromEnum RcTokenTypeSelected = 275
fromEnum RcTokenTypeInsensitive = 276
fromEnum RcTokenTypeFg = 277
fromEnum RcTokenTypeBg = 278
fromEnum RcTokenTypeText = 279
fromEnum RcTokenTypeBase = 280
fromEnum RcTokenTypeXthickness = 281
fromEnum RcTokenTypeYthickness = 282
fromEnum RcTokenTypeFont = 283
fromEnum RcTokenTypeFontset = 284
fromEnum RcTokenTypeFontName = 285
fromEnum RcTokenTypeBgPixmap = 286
fromEnum RcTokenTypePixmapPath = 287
fromEnum RcTokenTypeStyle = 288
fromEnum RcTokenTypeBinding = 289
fromEnum RcTokenTypeBind = 290
fromEnum RcTokenTypeWidget = 291
fromEnum RcTokenTypeWidgetClass = 292
fromEnum RcTokenTypeClass = 293
fromEnum RcTokenTypeLowest = 294
fromEnum RcTokenTypeGtk = 295
fromEnum RcTokenTypeApplication = 296
fromEnum RcTokenTypeTheme = 297
fromEnum RcTokenTypeRc = 298
fromEnum RcTokenTypeHighest = 299
fromEnum RcTokenTypeEngine = 300
fromEnum RcTokenTypeModulePath = 301
fromEnum RcTokenTypeImModulePath = 302
fromEnum RcTokenTypeImModuleFile = 303
fromEnum RcTokenTypeStock = 304
fromEnum RcTokenTypeLtr = 305
fromEnum RcTokenTypeRtl = 306
fromEnum RcTokenTypeColor = 307
fromEnum RcTokenTypeUnbind = 308
fromEnum RcTokenTypeLast = 309
fromEnum (AnotherRcTokenType k) = k
toEnum 270 = RcTokenTypeInvalid
toEnum 271 = RcTokenTypeInclude
toEnum 272 = RcTokenTypeNormal
toEnum 273 = RcTokenTypeActive
toEnum 274 = RcTokenTypePrelight
toEnum 275 = RcTokenTypeSelected
toEnum 276 = RcTokenTypeInsensitive
toEnum 277 = RcTokenTypeFg
toEnum 278 = RcTokenTypeBg
toEnum 279 = RcTokenTypeText
toEnum 280 = RcTokenTypeBase
toEnum 281 = RcTokenTypeXthickness
toEnum 282 = RcTokenTypeYthickness
toEnum 283 = RcTokenTypeFont
toEnum 284 = RcTokenTypeFontset
toEnum 285 = RcTokenTypeFontName
toEnum 286 = RcTokenTypeBgPixmap
toEnum 287 = RcTokenTypePixmapPath
toEnum 288 = RcTokenTypeStyle
toEnum 289 = RcTokenTypeBinding
toEnum 290 = RcTokenTypeBind
toEnum 291 = RcTokenTypeWidget
toEnum 292 = RcTokenTypeWidgetClass
toEnum 293 = RcTokenTypeClass
toEnum 294 = RcTokenTypeLowest
toEnum 295 = RcTokenTypeGtk
toEnum 296 = RcTokenTypeApplication
toEnum 297 = RcTokenTypeTheme
toEnum 298 = RcTokenTypeRc
toEnum 299 = RcTokenTypeHighest
toEnum 300 = RcTokenTypeEngine
toEnum 301 = RcTokenTypeModulePath
toEnum 302 = RcTokenTypeImModulePath
toEnum 303 = RcTokenTypeImModuleFile
toEnum 304 = RcTokenTypeStock
toEnum 305 = RcTokenTypeLtr
toEnum 306 = RcTokenTypeRtl
toEnum 307 = RcTokenTypeColor
toEnum 308 = RcTokenTypeUnbind
toEnum 309 = RcTokenTypeLast
toEnum k = AnotherRcTokenType k
instance P.Ord RcTokenType where
compare a b = P.compare (P.fromEnum a) (P.fromEnum b)
foreign import ccall "gtk_rc_token_type_get_type" c_gtk_rc_token_type_get_type ::
IO GType
instance BoxedEnum RcTokenType where
boxedEnumType _ = c_gtk_rc_token_type_get_type
data PropagationPhase =
| PropagationPhaseCapture
| PropagationPhaseBubble
| PropagationPhaseTarget
| AnotherPropagationPhase Int
deriving (Show, Eq)
instance P.Enum PropagationPhase where
fromEnum PropagationPhaseNone = 0
fromEnum PropagationPhaseCapture = 1
fromEnum PropagationPhaseBubble = 2
fromEnum PropagationPhaseTarget = 3
fromEnum (AnotherPropagationPhase k) = k
toEnum 0 = PropagationPhaseNone
toEnum 1 = PropagationPhaseCapture
toEnum 2 = PropagationPhaseBubble
toEnum 3 = PropagationPhaseTarget
toEnum k = AnotherPropagationPhase k
instance P.Ord PropagationPhase where
compare a b = P.compare (P.fromEnum a) (P.fromEnum b)
foreign import ccall "gtk_propagation_phase_get_type" c_gtk_propagation_phase_get_type ::
IO GType
instance BoxedEnum PropagationPhase where
boxedEnumType _ = c_gtk_propagation_phase_get_type
data PrintStatus =
| PrintStatusPreparing
| PrintStatusGeneratingData
| PrintStatusSendingData
| PrintStatusPending
| PrintStatusPendingIssue
| PrintStatusPrinting
| PrintStatusFinished
| PrintStatusFinishedAborted
| AnotherPrintStatus Int
deriving (Show, Eq)
instance P.Enum PrintStatus where
fromEnum PrintStatusInitial = 0
fromEnum PrintStatusPreparing = 1
fromEnum PrintStatusGeneratingData = 2
fromEnum PrintStatusSendingData = 3
fromEnum PrintStatusPending = 4
fromEnum PrintStatusPendingIssue = 5
fromEnum PrintStatusPrinting = 6
fromEnum PrintStatusFinished = 7
fromEnum PrintStatusFinishedAborted = 8
fromEnum (AnotherPrintStatus k) = k
toEnum 0 = PrintStatusInitial
toEnum 1 = PrintStatusPreparing
toEnum 2 = PrintStatusGeneratingData
toEnum 3 = PrintStatusSendingData
toEnum 4 = PrintStatusPending
toEnum 5 = PrintStatusPendingIssue
toEnum 6 = PrintStatusPrinting
toEnum 7 = PrintStatusFinished
toEnum 8 = PrintStatusFinishedAborted
toEnum k = AnotherPrintStatus k
instance P.Ord PrintStatus where
compare a b = P.compare (P.fromEnum a) (P.fromEnum b)
foreign import ccall "gtk_print_status_get_type" c_gtk_print_status_get_type ::
IO GType
instance BoxedEnum PrintStatus where
boxedEnumType _ = c_gtk_print_status_get_type
data PrintQuality =
| PrintQualityNormal
| PrintQualityHigh
| PrintQualityDraft
| AnotherPrintQuality Int
deriving (Show, Eq)
instance P.Enum PrintQuality where
fromEnum PrintQualityLow = 0
fromEnum PrintQualityNormal = 1
fromEnum PrintQualityHigh = 2
fromEnum PrintQualityDraft = 3
fromEnum (AnotherPrintQuality k) = k
toEnum 0 = PrintQualityLow
toEnum 1 = PrintQualityNormal
toEnum 2 = PrintQualityHigh
toEnum 3 = PrintQualityDraft
toEnum k = AnotherPrintQuality k
instance P.Ord PrintQuality where
compare a b = P.compare (P.fromEnum a) (P.fromEnum b)
foreign import ccall "gtk_print_quality_get_type" c_gtk_print_quality_get_type ::
IO GType
instance BoxedEnum PrintQuality where
boxedEnumType _ = c_gtk_print_quality_get_type
data PrintPages =
| PrintPagesCurrent
| PrintPagesRanges
| PrintPagesSelection
| AnotherPrintPages Int
deriving (Show, Eq)
instance P.Enum PrintPages where
fromEnum PrintPagesAll = 0
fromEnum PrintPagesCurrent = 1
fromEnum PrintPagesRanges = 2
fromEnum PrintPagesSelection = 3
fromEnum (AnotherPrintPages k) = k
toEnum 0 = PrintPagesAll
toEnum 1 = PrintPagesCurrent
toEnum 2 = PrintPagesRanges
toEnum 3 = PrintPagesSelection
toEnum k = AnotherPrintPages k
instance P.Ord PrintPages where
compare a b = P.compare (P.fromEnum a) (P.fromEnum b)
foreign import ccall "gtk_print_pages_get_type" c_gtk_print_pages_get_type ::
IO GType
instance BoxedEnum PrintPages where
boxedEnumType _ = c_gtk_print_pages_get_type
data PrintOperationResult =
| PrintOperationResultApply
| PrintOperationResultCancel
| PrintOperationResultInProgress
| AnotherPrintOperationResult Int
deriving (Show, Eq)
instance P.Enum PrintOperationResult where
fromEnum PrintOperationResultError = 0
fromEnum PrintOperationResultApply = 1
fromEnum PrintOperationResultCancel = 2
fromEnum PrintOperationResultInProgress = 3
fromEnum (AnotherPrintOperationResult k) = k
toEnum 0 = PrintOperationResultError
toEnum 1 = PrintOperationResultApply
toEnum 2 = PrintOperationResultCancel
toEnum 3 = PrintOperationResultInProgress
toEnum k = AnotherPrintOperationResult k
instance P.Ord PrintOperationResult where
compare a b = P.compare (P.fromEnum a) (P.fromEnum b)
foreign import ccall "gtk_print_operation_result_get_type" c_gtk_print_operation_result_get_type ::
IO GType
instance BoxedEnum PrintOperationResult where
boxedEnumType _ = c_gtk_print_operation_result_get_type
data PrintOperationAction =
| PrintOperationActionPrint
| PrintOperationActionPreview
| PrintOperationActionExport
| AnotherPrintOperationAction Int
deriving (Show, Eq)
instance P.Enum PrintOperationAction where
fromEnum PrintOperationActionPrintDialog = 0
fromEnum PrintOperationActionPrint = 1
fromEnum PrintOperationActionPreview = 2
fromEnum PrintOperationActionExport = 3
fromEnum (AnotherPrintOperationAction k) = k
toEnum 0 = PrintOperationActionPrintDialog
toEnum 1 = PrintOperationActionPrint
toEnum 2 = PrintOperationActionPreview
toEnum 3 = PrintOperationActionExport
toEnum k = AnotherPrintOperationAction k
instance P.Ord PrintOperationAction where
compare a b = P.compare (P.fromEnum a) (P.fromEnum b)
foreign import ccall "gtk_print_operation_action_get_type" c_gtk_print_operation_action_get_type ::
IO GType
instance BoxedEnum PrintOperationAction where
boxedEnumType _ = c_gtk_print_operation_action_get_type
data PrintError =
| PrintErrorInternalError
| PrintErrorNomem
| PrintErrorInvalidFile
| AnotherPrintError Int
deriving (Show, Eq)
instance P.Enum PrintError where
fromEnum PrintErrorGeneral = 0
fromEnum PrintErrorInternalError = 1
fromEnum PrintErrorNomem = 2
fromEnum PrintErrorInvalidFile = 3
fromEnum (AnotherPrintError k) = k
toEnum 0 = PrintErrorGeneral
toEnum 1 = PrintErrorInternalError
toEnum 2 = PrintErrorNomem
toEnum 3 = PrintErrorInvalidFile
toEnum k = AnotherPrintError k
instance P.Ord PrintError where
compare a b = P.compare (P.fromEnum a) (P.fromEnum b)
instance GErrorClass PrintError where
gerrorClassDomain _ = "gtk-print-error-quark"
catchPrintError ::
IO a ->
(PrintError -> GErrorMessage -> IO a) ->
IO a
catchPrintError = catchGErrorJustDomain
handlePrintError ::
(PrintError -> GErrorMessage -> IO a) ->
IO a ->
IO a
handlePrintError = handleGErrorJustDomain
foreign import ccall "gtk_print_error_get_type" c_gtk_print_error_get_type ::
IO GType
instance BoxedEnum PrintError where
boxedEnumType _ = c_gtk_print_error_get_type
data PrintDuplex =
| PrintDuplexHorizontal
| PrintDuplexVertical
| AnotherPrintDuplex Int
deriving (Show, Eq)
instance P.Enum PrintDuplex where
fromEnum PrintDuplexSimplex = 0
fromEnum PrintDuplexHorizontal = 1
fromEnum PrintDuplexVertical = 2
fromEnum (AnotherPrintDuplex k) = k
toEnum 0 = PrintDuplexSimplex
toEnum 1 = PrintDuplexHorizontal
toEnum 2 = PrintDuplexVertical
toEnum k = AnotherPrintDuplex k
instance P.Ord PrintDuplex where
compare a b = P.compare (P.fromEnum a) (P.fromEnum b)
foreign import ccall "gtk_print_duplex_get_type" c_gtk_print_duplex_get_type ::
IO GType
instance BoxedEnum PrintDuplex where
boxedEnumType _ = c_gtk_print_duplex_get_type
data PositionType =
| PositionTypeRight
| PositionTypeTop
| PositionTypeBottom
| AnotherPositionType Int
deriving (Show, Eq)
instance P.Enum PositionType where
fromEnum PositionTypeLeft = 0
fromEnum PositionTypeRight = 1
fromEnum PositionTypeTop = 2
fromEnum PositionTypeBottom = 3
fromEnum (AnotherPositionType k) = k
toEnum 0 = PositionTypeLeft
toEnum 1 = PositionTypeRight
toEnum 2 = PositionTypeTop
toEnum 3 = PositionTypeBottom
toEnum k = AnotherPositionType k
instance P.Ord PositionType where
compare a b = P.compare (P.fromEnum a) (P.fromEnum b)
foreign import ccall "gtk_position_type_get_type" c_gtk_position_type_get_type ::
IO GType
instance BoxedEnum PositionType where
boxedEnumType _ = c_gtk_position_type_get_type
data PopoverConstraint =
| PopoverConstraintWindow
| AnotherPopoverConstraint Int
deriving (Show, Eq)
instance P.Enum PopoverConstraint where
fromEnum PopoverConstraintNone = 0
fromEnum PopoverConstraintWindow = 1
fromEnum (AnotherPopoverConstraint k) = k
toEnum 0 = PopoverConstraintNone
toEnum 1 = PopoverConstraintWindow
toEnum k = AnotherPopoverConstraint k
instance P.Ord PopoverConstraint where
compare a b = P.compare (P.fromEnum a) (P.fromEnum b)
foreign import ccall "gtk_popover_constraint_get_type" c_gtk_popover_constraint_get_type ::
IO GType
instance BoxedEnum PopoverConstraint where
boxedEnumType _ = c_gtk_popover_constraint_get_type
data PolicyType =
| PolicyTypeAutomatic
| PolicyTypeNever
| PolicyTypeExternal
| AnotherPolicyType Int
deriving (Show, Eq)
instance P.Enum PolicyType where
fromEnum PolicyTypeAlways = 0
fromEnum PolicyTypeAutomatic = 1
fromEnum PolicyTypeNever = 2
fromEnum PolicyTypeExternal = 3
fromEnum (AnotherPolicyType k) = k
toEnum 0 = PolicyTypeAlways
toEnum 1 = PolicyTypeAutomatic
toEnum 2 = PolicyTypeNever
toEnum 3 = PolicyTypeExternal
toEnum k = AnotherPolicyType k
instance P.Ord PolicyType where
compare a b = P.compare (P.fromEnum a) (P.fromEnum b)
foreign import ccall "gtk_policy_type_get_type" c_gtk_policy_type_get_type ::
IO GType
instance BoxedEnum PolicyType where
boxedEnumType _ = c_gtk_policy_type_get_type
{-# DEPRECATED PathType ["(Since version 3.0)"] #-}
data PathType =
| PathTypeWidgetClass
| PathTypeClass
| AnotherPathType Int
deriving (Show, Eq)
instance P.Enum PathType where
fromEnum PathTypeWidget = 0
fromEnum PathTypeWidgetClass = 1
fromEnum PathTypeClass = 2
fromEnum (AnotherPathType k) = k
toEnum 0 = PathTypeWidget
toEnum 1 = PathTypeWidgetClass
toEnum 2 = PathTypeClass
toEnum k = AnotherPathType k
instance P.Ord PathType where
compare a b = P.compare (P.fromEnum a) (P.fromEnum b)
foreign import ccall "gtk_path_type_get_type" c_gtk_path_type_get_type ::
IO GType
instance BoxedEnum PathType where
boxedEnumType _ = c_gtk_path_type_get_type
{-# DEPRECATED PathPriorityType ["(Since version 3.0)"] #-}
data PathPriorityType =
| PathPriorityTypeGtk
| PathPriorityTypeApplication
| PathPriorityTypeTheme
| PathPriorityTypeRc
| PathPriorityTypeHighest
| AnotherPathPriorityType Int
deriving (Show, Eq)
instance P.Enum PathPriorityType where
fromEnum PathPriorityTypeLowest = 0
fromEnum PathPriorityTypeGtk = 4
fromEnum PathPriorityTypeApplication = 8
fromEnum PathPriorityTypeTheme = 10
fromEnum PathPriorityTypeRc = 12
fromEnum PathPriorityTypeHighest = 15
fromEnum (AnotherPathPriorityType k) = k
toEnum 0 = PathPriorityTypeLowest
toEnum 4 = PathPriorityTypeGtk
toEnum 8 = PathPriorityTypeApplication
toEnum 10 = PathPriorityTypeTheme
toEnum 12 = PathPriorityTypeRc
toEnum 15 = PathPriorityTypeHighest
toEnum k = AnotherPathPriorityType k
instance P.Ord PathPriorityType where
compare a b = P.compare (P.fromEnum a) (P.fromEnum b)
foreign import ccall "gtk_path_priority_type_get_type" c_gtk_path_priority_type_get_type ::
IO GType
instance BoxedEnum PathPriorityType where
boxedEnumType _ = c_gtk_path_priority_type_get_type
data PanDirection =
| PanDirectionRight
| PanDirectionUp
| PanDirectionDown
| AnotherPanDirection Int
deriving (Show, Eq)
instance P.Enum PanDirection where
fromEnum PanDirectionLeft = 0
fromEnum PanDirectionRight = 1
fromEnum PanDirectionUp = 2
fromEnum PanDirectionDown = 3
fromEnum (AnotherPanDirection k) = k
toEnum 0 = PanDirectionLeft
toEnum 1 = PanDirectionRight
toEnum 2 = PanDirectionUp
toEnum 3 = PanDirectionDown
toEnum k = AnotherPanDirection k
instance P.Ord PanDirection where
compare a b = P.compare (P.fromEnum a) (P.fromEnum b)
foreign import ccall "gtk_pan_direction_get_type" c_gtk_pan_direction_get_type ::
IO GType
instance BoxedEnum PanDirection where
boxedEnumType _ = c_gtk_pan_direction_get_type
data PageSet =
| PageSetEven
| PageSetOdd
| AnotherPageSet Int
deriving (Show, Eq)
instance P.Enum PageSet where
fromEnum PageSetAll = 0
fromEnum PageSetEven = 1
fromEnum PageSetOdd = 2
fromEnum (AnotherPageSet k) = k
toEnum 0 = PageSetAll
toEnum 1 = PageSetEven
toEnum 2 = PageSetOdd
toEnum k = AnotherPageSet k
instance P.Ord PageSet where
compare a b = P.compare (P.fromEnum a) (P.fromEnum b)
foreign import ccall "gtk_page_set_get_type" c_gtk_page_set_get_type ::
IO GType
instance BoxedEnum PageSet where
boxedEnumType _ = c_gtk_page_set_get_type
data PageOrientation =
| PageOrientationLandscape
| PageOrientationReversePortrait
| PageOrientationReverseLandscape
| AnotherPageOrientation Int
deriving (Show, Eq)
instance P.Enum PageOrientation where
fromEnum PageOrientationPortrait = 0
fromEnum PageOrientationLandscape = 1
fromEnum PageOrientationReversePortrait = 2
fromEnum PageOrientationReverseLandscape = 3
fromEnum (AnotherPageOrientation k) = k
toEnum 0 = PageOrientationPortrait
toEnum 1 = PageOrientationLandscape
toEnum 2 = PageOrientationReversePortrait
toEnum 3 = PageOrientationReverseLandscape
toEnum k = AnotherPageOrientation k
instance P.Ord PageOrientation where
compare a b = P.compare (P.fromEnum a) (P.fromEnum b)
foreign import ccall "gtk_page_orientation_get_type" c_gtk_page_orientation_get_type ::
IO GType
instance BoxedEnum PageOrientation where
boxedEnumType _ = c_gtk_page_orientation_get_type
data PadActionType =
| PadActionTypeRing
| PadActionTypeStrip
| AnotherPadActionType Int
deriving (Show, Eq)
instance P.Enum PadActionType where
fromEnum PadActionTypeButton = 0
fromEnum PadActionTypeRing = 1
fromEnum PadActionTypeStrip = 2
fromEnum (AnotherPadActionType k) = k
toEnum 0 = PadActionTypeButton
toEnum 1 = PadActionTypeRing
toEnum 2 = PadActionTypeStrip
toEnum k = AnotherPadActionType k
instance P.Ord PadActionType where
compare a b = P.compare (P.fromEnum a) (P.fromEnum b)
foreign import ccall "gtk_pad_action_type_get_type" c_gtk_pad_action_type_get_type ::
IO GType
instance BoxedEnum PadActionType where
boxedEnumType _ = c_gtk_pad_action_type_get_type
data PackType =
| PackTypeEnd
| AnotherPackType Int
deriving (Show, Eq)
instance P.Enum PackType where
fromEnum PackTypeStart = 0
fromEnum PackTypeEnd = 1
fromEnum (AnotherPackType k) = k
toEnum 0 = PackTypeStart
toEnum 1 = PackTypeEnd
toEnum k = AnotherPackType k
instance P.Ord PackType where
compare a b = P.compare (P.fromEnum a) (P.fromEnum b)
foreign import ccall "gtk_pack_type_get_type" c_gtk_pack_type_get_type ::
IO GType
instance BoxedEnum PackType where
boxedEnumType _ = c_gtk_pack_type_get_type
data PackDirection =
| PackDirectionRtl
| PackDirectionTtb
| PackDirectionBtt
| AnotherPackDirection Int
deriving (Show, Eq)
instance P.Enum PackDirection where
fromEnum PackDirectionLtr = 0
fromEnum PackDirectionRtl = 1
fromEnum PackDirectionTtb = 2
fromEnum PackDirectionBtt = 3
fromEnum (AnotherPackDirection k) = k
toEnum 0 = PackDirectionLtr
toEnum 1 = PackDirectionRtl
toEnum 2 = PackDirectionTtb
toEnum 3 = PackDirectionBtt
toEnum k = AnotherPackDirection k
instance P.Ord PackDirection where
compare a b = P.compare (P.fromEnum a) (P.fromEnum b)
foreign import ccall "gtk_pack_direction_get_type" c_gtk_pack_direction_get_type ::
IO GType
instance BoxedEnum PackDirection where
boxedEnumType _ = c_gtk_pack_direction_get_type
data Orientation =
| OrientationVertical
| AnotherOrientation Int
deriving (Show, Eq)
instance P.Enum Orientation where
fromEnum OrientationHorizontal = 0
fromEnum OrientationVertical = 1
fromEnum (AnotherOrientation k) = k
toEnum 0 = OrientationHorizontal
toEnum 1 = OrientationVertical
toEnum k = AnotherOrientation k
instance P.Ord Orientation where
compare a b = P.compare (P.fromEnum a) (P.fromEnum b)
foreign import ccall "gtk_orientation_get_type" c_gtk_orientation_get_type ::
IO GType
instance BoxedEnum Orientation where
boxedEnumType _ = c_gtk_orientation_get_type
data NumberUpLayout =
| NumberUpLayoutLrbt
| NumberUpLayoutRltb
| NumberUpLayoutRlbt
| NumberUpLayoutTblr
| NumberUpLayoutTbrl
| NumberUpLayoutBtlr
| NumberUpLayoutBtrl
| AnotherNumberUpLayout Int
deriving (Show, Eq)
instance P.Enum NumberUpLayout where
fromEnum NumberUpLayoutLrtb = 0
fromEnum NumberUpLayoutLrbt = 1
fromEnum NumberUpLayoutRltb = 2
fromEnum NumberUpLayoutRlbt = 3
fromEnum NumberUpLayoutTblr = 4
fromEnum NumberUpLayoutTbrl = 5
fromEnum NumberUpLayoutBtlr = 6
fromEnum NumberUpLayoutBtrl = 7
fromEnum (AnotherNumberUpLayout k) = k
toEnum 0 = NumberUpLayoutLrtb
toEnum 1 = NumberUpLayoutLrbt
toEnum 2 = NumberUpLayoutRltb
toEnum 3 = NumberUpLayoutRlbt
toEnum 4 = NumberUpLayoutTblr
toEnum 5 = NumberUpLayoutTbrl
toEnum 6 = NumberUpLayoutBtlr
toEnum 7 = NumberUpLayoutBtrl
toEnum k = AnotherNumberUpLayout k
instance P.Ord NumberUpLayout where
compare a b = P.compare (P.fromEnum a) (P.fromEnum b)
foreign import ccall "gtk_number_up_layout_get_type" c_gtk_number_up_layout_get_type ::
IO GType
instance BoxedEnum NumberUpLayout where
boxedEnumType _ = c_gtk_number_up_layout_get_type
data NotebookTab =
| NotebookTabLast
| AnotherNotebookTab Int
deriving (Show, Eq)
instance P.Enum NotebookTab where
fromEnum NotebookTabFirst = 0
fromEnum NotebookTabLast = 1
fromEnum (AnotherNotebookTab k) = k
toEnum 0 = NotebookTabFirst
toEnum 1 = NotebookTabLast
toEnum k = AnotherNotebookTab k
instance P.Ord NotebookTab where
compare a b = P.compare (P.fromEnum a) (P.fromEnum b)
foreign import ccall "gtk_notebook_tab_get_type" c_gtk_notebook_tab_get_type ::
IO GType
instance BoxedEnum NotebookTab where
boxedEnumType _ = c_gtk_notebook_tab_get_type
data MovementStep =
| MovementStepVisualPositions
| MovementStepWords
| MovementStepDisplayLines
| MovementStepDisplayLineEnds
| MovementStepParagraphs
| MovementStepParagraphEnds
| MovementStepPages
| MovementStepBufferEnds
| MovementStepHorizontalPages
| AnotherMovementStep Int
deriving (Show, Eq)
instance P.Enum MovementStep where
fromEnum MovementStepLogicalPositions = 0
fromEnum MovementStepVisualPositions = 1
fromEnum MovementStepWords = 2
fromEnum MovementStepDisplayLines = 3
fromEnum MovementStepDisplayLineEnds = 4
fromEnum MovementStepParagraphs = 5
fromEnum MovementStepParagraphEnds = 6
fromEnum MovementStepPages = 7
fromEnum MovementStepBufferEnds = 8
fromEnum MovementStepHorizontalPages = 9
fromEnum (AnotherMovementStep k) = k
toEnum 0 = MovementStepLogicalPositions
toEnum 1 = MovementStepVisualPositions
toEnum 2 = MovementStepWords
toEnum 3 = MovementStepDisplayLines
toEnum 4 = MovementStepDisplayLineEnds
toEnum 5 = MovementStepParagraphs
toEnum 6 = MovementStepParagraphEnds
toEnum 7 = MovementStepPages
toEnum 8 = MovementStepBufferEnds
toEnum 9 = MovementStepHorizontalPages
toEnum k = AnotherMovementStep k
instance P.Ord MovementStep where
compare a b = P.compare (P.fromEnum a) (P.fromEnum b)
foreign import ccall "gtk_movement_step_get_type" c_gtk_movement_step_get_type ::
IO GType
instance BoxedEnum MovementStep where
boxedEnumType _ = c_gtk_movement_step_get_type
data MessageType =
| MessageTypeWarning
| MessageTypeQuestion
| MessageTypeError
| MessageTypeOther
| AnotherMessageType Int
deriving (Show, Eq)
instance P.Enum MessageType where
fromEnum MessageTypeInfo = 0
fromEnum MessageTypeWarning = 1
fromEnum MessageTypeQuestion = 2
fromEnum MessageTypeError = 3
fromEnum MessageTypeOther = 4
fromEnum (AnotherMessageType k) = k
toEnum 0 = MessageTypeInfo
toEnum 1 = MessageTypeWarning
toEnum 2 = MessageTypeQuestion
toEnum 3 = MessageTypeError
toEnum 4 = MessageTypeOther
toEnum k = AnotherMessageType k
instance P.Ord MessageType where
compare a b = P.compare (P.fromEnum a) (P.fromEnum b)
foreign import ccall "gtk_message_type_get_type" c_gtk_message_type_get_type ::
IO GType
instance BoxedEnum MessageType where
boxedEnumType _ = c_gtk_message_type_get_type
data MenuDirectionType =
| MenuDirectionTypeChild
| MenuDirectionTypeNext
| MenuDirectionTypePrev
| AnotherMenuDirectionType Int
deriving (Show, Eq)
instance P.Enum MenuDirectionType where
fromEnum MenuDirectionTypeParent = 0
fromEnum MenuDirectionTypeChild = 1
fromEnum MenuDirectionTypeNext = 2
fromEnum MenuDirectionTypePrev = 3
fromEnum (AnotherMenuDirectionType k) = k
toEnum 0 = MenuDirectionTypeParent
toEnum 1 = MenuDirectionTypeChild
toEnum 2 = MenuDirectionTypeNext
toEnum 3 = MenuDirectionTypePrev
toEnum k = AnotherMenuDirectionType k
instance P.Ord MenuDirectionType where
compare a b = P.compare (P.fromEnum a) (P.fromEnum b)
foreign import ccall "gtk_menu_direction_type_get_type" c_gtk_menu_direction_type_get_type ::
IO GType
instance BoxedEnum MenuDirectionType where
boxedEnumType _ = c_gtk_menu_direction_type_get_type
data License =
| LicenseCustom
| LicenseGpl20
| LicenseGpl30
| LicenseLgpl21
| LicenseLgpl30
| LicenseBsd
| LicenseMitX11
| LicenseArtistic
| LicenseGpl20Only
| LicenseGpl30Only
| LicenseLgpl21Only
| LicenseLgpl30Only
| LicenseAgpl30
| LicenseAgpl30Only
| AnotherLicense Int
deriving (Show, Eq)
instance P.Enum License where
fromEnum LicenseUnknown = 0
fromEnum LicenseCustom = 1
fromEnum LicenseGpl20 = 2
fromEnum LicenseGpl30 = 3
fromEnum LicenseLgpl21 = 4
fromEnum LicenseLgpl30 = 5
fromEnum LicenseBsd = 6
fromEnum LicenseMitX11 = 7
fromEnum LicenseArtistic = 8
fromEnum LicenseGpl20Only = 9
fromEnum LicenseGpl30Only = 10
fromEnum LicenseLgpl21Only = 11
fromEnum LicenseLgpl30Only = 12
fromEnum LicenseAgpl30 = 13
fromEnum LicenseAgpl30Only = 14
fromEnum (AnotherLicense k) = k
toEnum 0 = LicenseUnknown
toEnum 1 = LicenseCustom
toEnum 2 = LicenseGpl20
toEnum 3 = LicenseGpl30
toEnum 4 = LicenseLgpl21
toEnum 5 = LicenseLgpl30
toEnum 6 = LicenseBsd
toEnum 7 = LicenseMitX11
toEnum 8 = LicenseArtistic
toEnum 9 = LicenseGpl20Only
toEnum 10 = LicenseGpl30Only
toEnum 11 = LicenseLgpl21Only
toEnum 12 = LicenseLgpl30Only
toEnum 13 = LicenseAgpl30
toEnum 14 = LicenseAgpl30Only
toEnum k = AnotherLicense k
instance P.Ord License where
compare a b = P.compare (P.fromEnum a) (P.fromEnum b)
foreign import ccall "gtk_license_get_type" c_gtk_license_get_type ::
IO GType
instance BoxedEnum License where
boxedEnumType _ = c_gtk_license_get_type
data LevelBarMode =
| LevelBarModeDiscrete
| AnotherLevelBarMode Int
deriving (Show, Eq)
instance P.Enum LevelBarMode where
fromEnum LevelBarModeContinuous = 0
fromEnum LevelBarModeDiscrete = 1
fromEnum (AnotherLevelBarMode k) = k
toEnum 0 = LevelBarModeContinuous
toEnum 1 = LevelBarModeDiscrete
toEnum k = AnotherLevelBarMode k
instance P.Ord LevelBarMode where
compare a b = P.compare (P.fromEnum a) (P.fromEnum b)
foreign import ccall "gtk_level_bar_mode_get_type" c_gtk_level_bar_mode_get_type ::
IO GType
instance BoxedEnum LevelBarMode where
boxedEnumType _ = c_gtk_level_bar_mode_get_type
data Justification =
| JustificationRight
| JustificationCenter
| JustificationFill
| AnotherJustification Int
deriving (Show, Eq)
instance P.Enum Justification where
fromEnum JustificationLeft = 0
fromEnum JustificationRight = 1
fromEnum JustificationCenter = 2
fromEnum JustificationFill = 3
fromEnum (AnotherJustification k) = k
toEnum 0 = JustificationLeft
toEnum 1 = JustificationRight
toEnum 2 = JustificationCenter
toEnum 3 = JustificationFill
toEnum k = AnotherJustification k
instance P.Ord Justification where
compare a b = P.compare (P.fromEnum a) (P.fromEnum b)
foreign import ccall "gtk_justification_get_type" c_gtk_justification_get_type ::
IO GType
instance BoxedEnum Justification where
boxedEnumType _ = c_gtk_justification_get_type
data InputPurpose =
| InputPurposeAlpha
| InputPurposeDigits
| InputPurposeNumber
| InputPurposePhone
| InputPurposeUrl
| InputPurposeEmail
| InputPurposeName
| InputPurposePassword
| InputPurposePin
| AnotherInputPurpose Int
deriving (Show, Eq)
instance P.Enum InputPurpose where
fromEnum InputPurposeFreeForm = 0
fromEnum InputPurposeAlpha = 1
fromEnum InputPurposeDigits = 2
fromEnum InputPurposeNumber = 3
fromEnum InputPurposePhone = 4
fromEnum InputPurposeUrl = 5
fromEnum InputPurposeEmail = 6
fromEnum InputPurposeName = 7
fromEnum InputPurposePassword = 8
fromEnum InputPurposePin = 9
fromEnum (AnotherInputPurpose k) = k
toEnum 0 = InputPurposeFreeForm
toEnum 1 = InputPurposeAlpha
toEnum 2 = InputPurposeDigits
toEnum 3 = InputPurposeNumber
toEnum 4 = InputPurposePhone
toEnum 5 = InputPurposeUrl
toEnum 6 = InputPurposeEmail
toEnum 7 = InputPurposeName
toEnum 8 = InputPurposePassword
toEnum 9 = InputPurposePin
toEnum k = AnotherInputPurpose k
instance P.Ord InputPurpose where
compare a b = P.compare (P.fromEnum a) (P.fromEnum b)
foreign import ccall "gtk_input_purpose_get_type" c_gtk_input_purpose_get_type ::
IO GType
instance BoxedEnum InputPurpose where
boxedEnumType _ = c_gtk_input_purpose_get_type
data ImageType =
| ImageTypePixbuf
| ImageTypeStock
| ImageTypeIconSet
| ImageTypeAnimation
| ImageTypeIconName
| ImageTypeGicon
| ImageTypeSurface
| AnotherImageType Int
deriving (Show, Eq)
instance P.Enum ImageType where
fromEnum ImageTypeEmpty = 0
fromEnum ImageTypePixbuf = 1
fromEnum ImageTypeStock = 2
fromEnum ImageTypeIconSet = 3
fromEnum ImageTypeAnimation = 4
fromEnum ImageTypeIconName = 5
fromEnum ImageTypeGicon = 6
fromEnum ImageTypeSurface = 7
fromEnum (AnotherImageType k) = k
toEnum 0 = ImageTypeEmpty
toEnum 1 = ImageTypePixbuf
toEnum 2 = ImageTypeStock
toEnum 3 = ImageTypeIconSet
toEnum 4 = ImageTypeAnimation
toEnum 5 = ImageTypeIconName
toEnum 6 = ImageTypeGicon
toEnum 7 = ImageTypeSurface
toEnum k = AnotherImageType k
instance P.Ord ImageType where
compare a b = P.compare (P.fromEnum a) (P.fromEnum b)
foreign import ccall "gtk_image_type_get_type" c_gtk_image_type_get_type ::
IO GType
instance BoxedEnum ImageType where
boxedEnumType _ = c_gtk_image_type_get_type
data IconViewDropPosition =
| IconViewDropPositionDropInto
| IconViewDropPositionDropLeft
| IconViewDropPositionDropRight
| IconViewDropPositionDropAbove
| IconViewDropPositionDropBelow
| AnotherIconViewDropPosition Int
deriving (Show, Eq)
instance P.Enum IconViewDropPosition where
fromEnum IconViewDropPositionNoDrop = 0
fromEnum IconViewDropPositionDropInto = 1
fromEnum IconViewDropPositionDropLeft = 2
fromEnum IconViewDropPositionDropRight = 3
fromEnum IconViewDropPositionDropAbove = 4
fromEnum IconViewDropPositionDropBelow = 5
fromEnum (AnotherIconViewDropPosition k) = k
toEnum 0 = IconViewDropPositionNoDrop
toEnum 1 = IconViewDropPositionDropInto
toEnum 2 = IconViewDropPositionDropLeft
toEnum 3 = IconViewDropPositionDropRight
toEnum 4 = IconViewDropPositionDropAbove
toEnum 5 = IconViewDropPositionDropBelow
toEnum k = AnotherIconViewDropPosition k
instance P.Ord IconViewDropPosition where
compare a b = P.compare (P.fromEnum a) (P.fromEnum b)
foreign import ccall "gtk_icon_view_drop_position_get_type" c_gtk_icon_view_drop_position_get_type ::
IO GType
instance BoxedEnum IconViewDropPosition where
boxedEnumType _ = c_gtk_icon_view_drop_position_get_type
data IconThemeError =
| IconThemeErrorFailed
| AnotherIconThemeError Int
deriving (Show, Eq)
instance P.Enum IconThemeError where
fromEnum IconThemeErrorNotFound = 0
fromEnum IconThemeErrorFailed = 1
fromEnum (AnotherIconThemeError k) = k
toEnum 0 = IconThemeErrorNotFound
toEnum 1 = IconThemeErrorFailed
toEnum k = AnotherIconThemeError k
instance P.Ord IconThemeError where
compare a b = P.compare (P.fromEnum a) (P.fromEnum b)
instance GErrorClass IconThemeError where
gerrorClassDomain _ = "gtk-icon-theme-error-quark"
catchIconThemeError ::
IO a ->
(IconThemeError -> GErrorMessage -> IO a) ->
IO a
catchIconThemeError = catchGErrorJustDomain
handleIconThemeError ::
(IconThemeError -> GErrorMessage -> IO a) ->
IO a ->
IO a
handleIconThemeError = handleGErrorJustDomain
foreign import ccall "gtk_icon_theme_error_get_type" c_gtk_icon_theme_error_get_type ::
IO GType
instance BoxedEnum IconThemeError where
boxedEnumType _ = c_gtk_icon_theme_error_get_type
data IconSize =
| IconSizeMenu
| IconSizeSmallToolbar
| IconSizeLargeToolbar
| IconSizeButton
| IconSizeDnd
| IconSizeDialog
| AnotherIconSize Int
deriving (Show, Eq)
instance P.Enum IconSize where
fromEnum IconSizeInvalid = 0
fromEnum IconSizeMenu = 1
fromEnum IconSizeSmallToolbar = 2
fromEnum IconSizeLargeToolbar = 3
fromEnum IconSizeButton = 4
fromEnum IconSizeDnd = 5
fromEnum IconSizeDialog = 6
fromEnum (AnotherIconSize k) = k
toEnum 0 = IconSizeInvalid
toEnum 1 = IconSizeMenu
toEnum 2 = IconSizeSmallToolbar
toEnum 3 = IconSizeLargeToolbar
toEnum 4 = IconSizeButton
toEnum 5 = IconSizeDnd
toEnum 6 = IconSizeDialog
toEnum k = AnotherIconSize k
instance P.Ord IconSize where
compare a b = P.compare (P.fromEnum a) (P.fromEnum b)
foreign import ccall "gtk_icon_size_get_type" c_gtk_icon_size_get_type ::
IO GType
instance BoxedEnum IconSize where
boxedEnumType _ = c_gtk_icon_size_get_type
{-# DEPRECATED IMStatusStyle ["(Since version 3.10)"] #-}
data IMStatusStyle =
| IMStatusStyleCallback
| IMStatusStyleNone
| AnotherIMStatusStyle Int
deriving (Show, Eq)
instance P.Enum IMStatusStyle where
fromEnum IMStatusStyleNothing = 0
fromEnum IMStatusStyleCallback = 1
fromEnum IMStatusStyleNone = 2
fromEnum (AnotherIMStatusStyle k) = k
toEnum 0 = IMStatusStyleNothing
toEnum 1 = IMStatusStyleCallback
toEnum 2 = IMStatusStyleNone
toEnum k = AnotherIMStatusStyle k
instance P.Ord IMStatusStyle where
compare a b = P.compare (P.fromEnum a) (P.fromEnum b)
foreign import ccall "gtk_im_status_style_get_type" c_gtk_im_status_style_get_type ::
IO GType
instance BoxedEnum IMStatusStyle where
boxedEnumType _ = c_gtk_im_status_style_get_type
{-# DEPRECATED IMPreeditStyle ["(Since version 3.10)"] #-}
data IMPreeditStyle =
| IMPreeditStyleCallback
| IMPreeditStyleNone
| AnotherIMPreeditStyle Int
deriving (Show, Eq)
instance P.Enum IMPreeditStyle where
fromEnum IMPreeditStyleNothing = 0
fromEnum IMPreeditStyleCallback = 1
fromEnum IMPreeditStyleNone = 2
fromEnum (AnotherIMPreeditStyle k) = k
toEnum 0 = IMPreeditStyleNothing
toEnum 1 = IMPreeditStyleCallback
toEnum 2 = IMPreeditStyleNone
toEnum k = AnotherIMPreeditStyle k
instance P.Ord IMPreeditStyle where
compare a b = P.compare (P.fromEnum a) (P.fromEnum b)
foreign import ccall "gtk_im_preedit_style_get_type" c_gtk_im_preedit_style_get_type ::
IO GType
instance BoxedEnum IMPreeditStyle where
boxedEnumType _ = c_gtk_im_preedit_style_get_type
data FileChooserError =
| FileChooserErrorBadFilename
| FileChooserErrorAlreadyExists
| FileChooserErrorIncompleteHostname
| AnotherFileChooserError Int
deriving (Show, Eq)
instance P.Enum FileChooserError where
fromEnum FileChooserErrorNonexistent = 0
fromEnum FileChooserErrorBadFilename = 1
fromEnum FileChooserErrorAlreadyExists = 2
fromEnum FileChooserErrorIncompleteHostname = 3
fromEnum (AnotherFileChooserError k) = k
toEnum 0 = FileChooserErrorNonexistent
toEnum 1 = FileChooserErrorBadFilename
toEnum 2 = FileChooserErrorAlreadyExists
toEnum 3 = FileChooserErrorIncompleteHostname
toEnum k = AnotherFileChooserError k
instance P.Ord FileChooserError where
compare a b = P.compare (P.fromEnum a) (P.fromEnum b)
instance GErrorClass FileChooserError where
gerrorClassDomain _ = "gtk-file-chooser-error-quark"
catchFileChooserError ::
IO a ->
(FileChooserError -> GErrorMessage -> IO a) ->
IO a
catchFileChooserError = catchGErrorJustDomain
handleFileChooserError ::
(FileChooserError -> GErrorMessage -> IO a) ->
IO a ->
IO a
handleFileChooserError = handleGErrorJustDomain
foreign import ccall "gtk_file_chooser_error_get_type" c_gtk_file_chooser_error_get_type ::
IO GType
instance BoxedEnum FileChooserError where
boxedEnumType _ = c_gtk_file_chooser_error_get_type
data FileChooserConfirmation =
| FileChooserConfirmationAcceptFilename
| FileChooserConfirmationSelectAgain
| AnotherFileChooserConfirmation Int
deriving (Show, Eq)
instance P.Enum FileChooserConfirmation where
fromEnum FileChooserConfirmationConfirm = 0
fromEnum FileChooserConfirmationAcceptFilename = 1
fromEnum FileChooserConfirmationSelectAgain = 2
fromEnum (AnotherFileChooserConfirmation k) = k
toEnum 0 = FileChooserConfirmationConfirm
toEnum 1 = FileChooserConfirmationAcceptFilename
toEnum 2 = FileChooserConfirmationSelectAgain
toEnum k = AnotherFileChooserConfirmation k
instance P.Ord FileChooserConfirmation where
compare a b = P.compare (P.fromEnum a) (P.fromEnum b)
foreign import ccall "gtk_file_chooser_confirmation_get_type" c_gtk_file_chooser_confirmation_get_type ::
IO GType
instance BoxedEnum FileChooserConfirmation where
boxedEnumType _ = c_gtk_file_chooser_confirmation_get_type
data FileChooserAction =
| FileChooserActionSave
| FileChooserActionSelectFolder
| FileChooserActionCreateFolder
| AnotherFileChooserAction Int
deriving (Show, Eq)
instance P.Enum FileChooserAction where
fromEnum FileChooserActionOpen = 0
fromEnum FileChooserActionSave = 1
fromEnum FileChooserActionSelectFolder = 2
fromEnum FileChooserActionCreateFolder = 3
fromEnum (AnotherFileChooserAction k) = k
toEnum 0 = FileChooserActionOpen
toEnum 1 = FileChooserActionSave
toEnum 2 = FileChooserActionSelectFolder
toEnum 3 = FileChooserActionCreateFolder
toEnum k = AnotherFileChooserAction k
instance P.Ord FileChooserAction where
compare a b = P.compare (P.fromEnum a) (P.fromEnum b)
foreign import ccall "gtk_file_chooser_action_get_type" c_gtk_file_chooser_action_get_type ::
IO GType
instance BoxedEnum FileChooserAction where
boxedEnumType _ = c_gtk_file_chooser_action_get_type
data ExpanderStyle =
| ExpanderStyleSemiCollapsed
| ExpanderStyleSemiExpanded
| ExpanderStyleExpanded
| AnotherExpanderStyle Int
deriving (Show, Eq)
instance P.Enum ExpanderStyle where
fromEnum ExpanderStyleCollapsed = 0
fromEnum ExpanderStyleSemiCollapsed = 1
fromEnum ExpanderStyleSemiExpanded = 2
fromEnum ExpanderStyleExpanded = 3
fromEnum (AnotherExpanderStyle k) = k
toEnum 0 = ExpanderStyleCollapsed
toEnum 1 = ExpanderStyleSemiCollapsed
toEnum 2 = ExpanderStyleSemiExpanded
toEnum 3 = ExpanderStyleExpanded
toEnum k = AnotherExpanderStyle k
instance P.Ord ExpanderStyle where
compare a b = P.compare (P.fromEnum a) (P.fromEnum b)
foreign import ccall "gtk_expander_style_get_type" c_gtk_expander_style_get_type ::
IO GType
instance BoxedEnum ExpanderStyle where
boxedEnumType _ = c_gtk_expander_style_get_type
data EventSequenceState =
| EventSequenceStateClaimed
| EventSequenceStateDenied
| AnotherEventSequenceState Int
deriving (Show, Eq)
instance P.Enum EventSequenceState where
fromEnum EventSequenceStateNone = 0
fromEnum EventSequenceStateClaimed = 1
fromEnum EventSequenceStateDenied = 2
fromEnum (AnotherEventSequenceState k) = k
toEnum 0 = EventSequenceStateNone
toEnum 1 = EventSequenceStateClaimed
toEnum 2 = EventSequenceStateDenied
toEnum k = AnotherEventSequenceState k
instance P.Ord EventSequenceState where
compare a b = P.compare (P.fromEnum a) (P.fromEnum b)
foreign import ccall "gtk_event_sequence_state_get_type" c_gtk_event_sequence_state_get_type ::
IO GType
instance BoxedEnum EventSequenceState where
boxedEnumType _ = c_gtk_event_sequence_state_get_type
data EntryIconPosition =
| EntryIconPositionSecondary
| AnotherEntryIconPosition Int
deriving (Show, Eq)
instance P.Enum EntryIconPosition where
fromEnum EntryIconPositionPrimary = 0
fromEnum EntryIconPositionSecondary = 1
fromEnum (AnotherEntryIconPosition k) = k
toEnum 0 = EntryIconPositionPrimary
toEnum 1 = EntryIconPositionSecondary
toEnum k = AnotherEntryIconPosition k
instance P.Ord EntryIconPosition where
compare a b = P.compare (P.fromEnum a) (P.fromEnum b)
foreign import ccall "gtk_entry_icon_position_get_type" c_gtk_entry_icon_position_get_type ::
IO GType
instance BoxedEnum EntryIconPosition where
boxedEnumType _ = c_gtk_entry_icon_position_get_type
data DragResult =
| DragResultNoTarget
| DragResultUserCancelled
| DragResultTimeoutExpired
| DragResultGrabBroken
| DragResultError
| AnotherDragResult Int
deriving (Show, Eq)
instance P.Enum DragResult where
fromEnum DragResultSuccess = 0
fromEnum DragResultNoTarget = 1
fromEnum DragResultUserCancelled = 2
fromEnum DragResultTimeoutExpired = 3
fromEnum DragResultGrabBroken = 4
fromEnum DragResultError = 5
fromEnum (AnotherDragResult k) = k
toEnum 0 = DragResultSuccess
toEnum 1 = DragResultNoTarget
toEnum 2 = DragResultUserCancelled
toEnum 3 = DragResultTimeoutExpired
toEnum 4 = DragResultGrabBroken
toEnum 5 = DragResultError
toEnum k = AnotherDragResult k
instance P.Ord DragResult where
compare a b = P.compare (P.fromEnum a) (P.fromEnum b)
foreign import ccall "gtk_drag_result_get_type" c_gtk_drag_result_get_type ::
IO GType
instance BoxedEnum DragResult where
boxedEnumType _ = c_gtk_drag_result_get_type
data DirectionType =
| DirectionTypeTabBackward
| DirectionTypeUp
| DirectionTypeDown
| DirectionTypeLeft
| DirectionTypeRight
| AnotherDirectionType Int
deriving (Show, Eq)
instance P.Enum DirectionType where
fromEnum DirectionTypeTabForward = 0
fromEnum DirectionTypeTabBackward = 1
fromEnum DirectionTypeUp = 2
fromEnum DirectionTypeDown = 3
fromEnum DirectionTypeLeft = 4
fromEnum DirectionTypeRight = 5
fromEnum (AnotherDirectionType k) = k
toEnum 0 = DirectionTypeTabForward
toEnum 1 = DirectionTypeTabBackward
toEnum 2 = DirectionTypeUp
toEnum 3 = DirectionTypeDown
toEnum 4 = DirectionTypeLeft
toEnum 5 = DirectionTypeRight
toEnum k = AnotherDirectionType k
instance P.Ord DirectionType where
compare a b = P.compare (P.fromEnum a) (P.fromEnum b)
foreign import ccall "gtk_direction_type_get_type" c_gtk_direction_type_get_type ::
IO GType
instance BoxedEnum DirectionType where
boxedEnumType _ = c_gtk_direction_type_get_type
data DeleteType =
| DeleteTypeWordEnds
| DeleteTypeWords
| DeleteTypeDisplayLines
| DeleteTypeDisplayLineEnds
| DeleteTypeParagraphEnds
| DeleteTypeParagraphs
| DeleteTypeWhitespace
| AnotherDeleteType Int
deriving (Show, Eq)
instance P.Enum DeleteType where
fromEnum DeleteTypeChars = 0
fromEnum DeleteTypeWordEnds = 1
fromEnum DeleteTypeWords = 2
fromEnum DeleteTypeDisplayLines = 3
fromEnum DeleteTypeDisplayLineEnds = 4
fromEnum DeleteTypeParagraphEnds = 5
fromEnum DeleteTypeParagraphs = 6
fromEnum DeleteTypeWhitespace = 7
fromEnum (AnotherDeleteType k) = k
toEnum 0 = DeleteTypeChars
toEnum 1 = DeleteTypeWordEnds
toEnum 2 = DeleteTypeWords
toEnum 3 = DeleteTypeDisplayLines
toEnum 4 = DeleteTypeDisplayLineEnds
toEnum 5 = DeleteTypeParagraphEnds
toEnum 6 = DeleteTypeParagraphs
toEnum 7 = DeleteTypeWhitespace
toEnum k = AnotherDeleteType k
instance P.Ord DeleteType where
compare a b = P.compare (P.fromEnum a) (P.fromEnum b)
foreign import ccall "gtk_delete_type_get_type" c_gtk_delete_type_get_type ::
IO GType
instance BoxedEnum DeleteType where
boxedEnumType _ = c_gtk_delete_type_get_type
data CssSectionType =
| CssSectionTypeImport
| CssSectionTypeColorDefinition
| CssSectionTypeBindingSet
| CssSectionTypeRuleset
| CssSectionTypeSelector
| CssSectionTypeDeclaration
| CssSectionTypeValue
| CssSectionTypeKeyframes
| AnotherCssSectionType Int
deriving (Show, Eq)
instance P.Enum CssSectionType where
fromEnum CssSectionTypeDocument = 0
fromEnum CssSectionTypeImport = 1
fromEnum CssSectionTypeColorDefinition = 2
fromEnum CssSectionTypeBindingSet = 3
fromEnum CssSectionTypeRuleset = 4
fromEnum CssSectionTypeSelector = 5
fromEnum CssSectionTypeDeclaration = 6
fromEnum CssSectionTypeValue = 7
fromEnum CssSectionTypeKeyframes = 8
fromEnum (AnotherCssSectionType k) = k
toEnum 0 = CssSectionTypeDocument
toEnum 1 = CssSectionTypeImport
toEnum 2 = CssSectionTypeColorDefinition
toEnum 3 = CssSectionTypeBindingSet
toEnum 4 = CssSectionTypeRuleset
toEnum 5 = CssSectionTypeSelector
toEnum 6 = CssSectionTypeDeclaration
toEnum 7 = CssSectionTypeValue
toEnum 8 = CssSectionTypeKeyframes
toEnum k = AnotherCssSectionType k
instance P.Ord CssSectionType where
compare a b = P.compare (P.fromEnum a) (P.fromEnum b)
foreign import ccall "gtk_css_section_type_get_type" c_gtk_css_section_type_get_type ::
IO GType
instance BoxedEnum CssSectionType where
boxedEnumType _ = c_gtk_css_section_type_get_type
data CssProviderError =
| CssProviderErrorSyntax
| CssProviderErrorImport
| CssProviderErrorName
| CssProviderErrorDeprecated
| CssProviderErrorUnknownValue
| AnotherCssProviderError Int
deriving (Show, Eq)
instance P.Enum CssProviderError where
fromEnum CssProviderErrorFailed = 0
fromEnum CssProviderErrorSyntax = 1
fromEnum CssProviderErrorImport = 2
fromEnum CssProviderErrorName = 3
fromEnum CssProviderErrorDeprecated = 4
fromEnum CssProviderErrorUnknownValue = 5
fromEnum (AnotherCssProviderError k) = k
toEnum 0 = CssProviderErrorFailed
toEnum 1 = CssProviderErrorSyntax
toEnum 2 = CssProviderErrorImport
toEnum 3 = CssProviderErrorName
toEnum 4 = CssProviderErrorDeprecated
toEnum 5 = CssProviderErrorUnknownValue
toEnum k = AnotherCssProviderError k
instance P.Ord CssProviderError where
compare a b = P.compare (P.fromEnum a) (P.fromEnum b)
instance GErrorClass CssProviderError where
gerrorClassDomain _ = "gtk-css-provider-error-quark"
catchCssProviderError ::
IO a ->
(CssProviderError -> GErrorMessage -> IO a) ->
IO a
catchCssProviderError = catchGErrorJustDomain
handleCssProviderError ::
(CssProviderError -> GErrorMessage -> IO a) ->
IO a ->
IO a
handleCssProviderError = handleGErrorJustDomain
foreign import ccall "gtk_css_provider_error_get_type" c_gtk_css_provider_error_get_type ::
IO GType
instance BoxedEnum CssProviderError where
boxedEnumType _ = c_gtk_css_provider_error_get_type
data CornerType =
| CornerTypeBottomLeft
| CornerTypeTopRight
| CornerTypeBottomRight
| AnotherCornerType Int
deriving (Show, Eq)
instance P.Enum CornerType where
fromEnum CornerTypeTopLeft = 0
fromEnum CornerTypeBottomLeft = 1
fromEnum CornerTypeTopRight = 2
fromEnum CornerTypeBottomRight = 3
fromEnum (AnotherCornerType k) = k
toEnum 0 = CornerTypeTopLeft
toEnum 1 = CornerTypeBottomLeft
toEnum 2 = CornerTypeTopRight
toEnum 3 = CornerTypeBottomRight
toEnum k = AnotherCornerType k
instance P.Ord CornerType where
compare a b = P.compare (P.fromEnum a) (P.fromEnum b)
foreign import ccall "gtk_corner_type_get_type" c_gtk_corner_type_get_type ::
IO GType
instance BoxedEnum CornerType where
boxedEnumType _ = c_gtk_corner_type_get_type
data CellRendererMode =
| CellRendererModeActivatable
| CellRendererModeEditable
| AnotherCellRendererMode Int
deriving (Show, Eq)
instance P.Enum CellRendererMode where
fromEnum CellRendererModeInert = 0
fromEnum CellRendererModeActivatable = 1
fromEnum CellRendererModeEditable = 2
fromEnum (AnotherCellRendererMode k) = k
toEnum 0 = CellRendererModeInert
toEnum 1 = CellRendererModeActivatable
toEnum 2 = CellRendererModeEditable
toEnum k = AnotherCellRendererMode k
instance P.Ord CellRendererMode where
compare a b = P.compare (P.fromEnum a) (P.fromEnum b)
foreign import ccall "gtk_cell_renderer_mode_get_type" c_gtk_cell_renderer_mode_get_type ::
IO GType
instance BoxedEnum CellRendererMode where
boxedEnumType _ = c_gtk_cell_renderer_mode_get_type
data CellRendererAccelMode =
| CellRendererAccelModeOther
| AnotherCellRendererAccelMode Int
deriving (Show, Eq)
instance P.Enum CellRendererAccelMode where
fromEnum CellRendererAccelModeGtk = 0
fromEnum CellRendererAccelModeOther = 1
fromEnum (AnotherCellRendererAccelMode k) = k
toEnum 0 = CellRendererAccelModeGtk
toEnum 1 = CellRendererAccelModeOther
toEnum k = AnotherCellRendererAccelMode k
instance P.Ord CellRendererAccelMode where
compare a b = P.compare (P.fromEnum a) (P.fromEnum b)
foreign import ccall "gtk_cell_renderer_accel_mode_get_type" c_gtk_cell_renderer_accel_mode_get_type ::
IO GType
instance BoxedEnum CellRendererAccelMode where
boxedEnumType _ = c_gtk_cell_renderer_accel_mode_get_type
data ButtonsType =
| ButtonsTypeOk
| ButtonsTypeClose
| ButtonsTypeCancel
| ButtonsTypeYesNo
| ButtonsTypeOkCancel
| AnotherButtonsType Int
deriving (Show, Eq)
instance P.Enum ButtonsType where
fromEnum ButtonsTypeNone = 0
fromEnum ButtonsTypeOk = 1
fromEnum ButtonsTypeClose = 2
fromEnum ButtonsTypeCancel = 3
fromEnum ButtonsTypeYesNo = 4
fromEnum ButtonsTypeOkCancel = 5
fromEnum (AnotherButtonsType k) = k
toEnum 0 = ButtonsTypeNone
toEnum 1 = ButtonsTypeOk
toEnum 2 = ButtonsTypeClose
toEnum 3 = ButtonsTypeCancel
toEnum 4 = ButtonsTypeYesNo
toEnum 5 = ButtonsTypeOkCancel
toEnum k = AnotherButtonsType k
instance P.Ord ButtonsType where
compare a b = P.compare (P.fromEnum a) (P.fromEnum b)
foreign import ccall "gtk_buttons_type_get_type" c_gtk_buttons_type_get_type ::
IO GType
instance BoxedEnum ButtonsType where
boxedEnumType _ = c_gtk_buttons_type_get_type
data ButtonRole =
| ButtonRoleCheck
| ButtonRoleRadio
| AnotherButtonRole Int
deriving (Show, Eq)
instance P.Enum ButtonRole where
fromEnum ButtonRoleNormal = 0
fromEnum ButtonRoleCheck = 1
fromEnum ButtonRoleRadio = 2
fromEnum (AnotherButtonRole k) = k
toEnum 0 = ButtonRoleNormal
toEnum 1 = ButtonRoleCheck
toEnum 2 = ButtonRoleRadio
toEnum k = AnotherButtonRole k
instance P.Ord ButtonRole where
compare a b = P.compare (P.fromEnum a) (P.fromEnum b)
foreign import ccall "gtk_button_role_get_type" c_gtk_button_role_get_type ::
IO GType
instance BoxedEnum ButtonRole where
boxedEnumType _ = c_gtk_button_role_get_type
data ButtonBoxStyle =
| ButtonBoxStyleEdge
| ButtonBoxStyleStart
| ButtonBoxStyleEnd
| ButtonBoxStyleCenter
| ButtonBoxStyleExpand
| AnotherButtonBoxStyle Int
deriving (Show, Eq)
instance P.Enum ButtonBoxStyle where
fromEnum ButtonBoxStyleSpread = 1
fromEnum ButtonBoxStyleEdge = 2
fromEnum ButtonBoxStyleStart = 3
fromEnum ButtonBoxStyleEnd = 4
fromEnum ButtonBoxStyleCenter = 5
fromEnum ButtonBoxStyleExpand = 6
fromEnum (AnotherButtonBoxStyle k) = k
toEnum 1 = ButtonBoxStyleSpread
toEnum 2 = ButtonBoxStyleEdge
toEnum 3 = ButtonBoxStyleStart
toEnum 4 = ButtonBoxStyleEnd
toEnum 5 = ButtonBoxStyleCenter
toEnum 6 = ButtonBoxStyleExpand
toEnum k = AnotherButtonBoxStyle k